#yes i am part of the problem teehee *smiles cutely*
godshitgirl · 7 months
"Why don't you speak your native language" BECAUSE THIS MOUTH IS FOR DICK AND PUSSY ONLY !!!!
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attemptinghaikyuu · 3 years
Fake Dating: Yachi
A/n: I didn’t realize how much I liked Yachi till I remembered how fun she is, like she’s all over the place and I am here for it
G/n reader
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Yachi Hitoka
You and Yachi became buds when you got paired up for an art project
Working in the library with her led to staying the night at each other’s places, finishing other assignments last minute
It was a chill friendship till one of you forgot about something due the next day and we’re then panic calling the other to help 😔✌️
Of course, the friendship wasn’t all work, whenever Yachi was too stuck in a studying frenzy, you would pull her out and get her to do something else like going to a cat cafe
Or if it was the other way around, she would think up a whole list of reasons to have you go out and get ice cream with her, all so she could make sure you were taking a break :,)
Already out there looking like a couple huh
Hinata and Kageyama met you through one of these hangouts
Yachi and you were just minding your own business, eating your ice cream (y’all we’re actually sharing, switching between the cones <3) when you heard a loud “Bwah!” and suddenly you had a tangerine all over you
Within moments you have gained a new best friend
And you’re new friend is asking if you and Yachi are dating
Yachi squeaks and answers no for you
“Ah, but you’re really cute together!”
Y’all are blushing, Hinata doesn’t know what he’s doing to you two
Again, Yachi assures Hinata you’re just good friends
Just pals teehee✨
“Sorry, I just figured since you’d been complaining about your mom wanting you to be dating someone, and ya know, you seem really close and all!” He laughed. “But my bad! See you at practice later Yachi!!”
It took you a second to process your friends mom problem through your embarrassment
Clearing your throat you asked a bit hesitantly, “Is something going on with your mom?”
She sighs “I’m visiting her for a week and.. well it’s not really new..” fiddling with her fingers she looks up at you. “She’s always asking me about bringing someone home and trying to find a date.”
Yachi looks super uncomfortable and all you want to do is make her feel better
And it just so happens you have a brilliant idea to help your friend out
“We can just date then!!”
“W-w-what?!” Yachi stutters
“I MEAN FAKE DATE!” You rush out, bright red
Two heart attacks later~
And you’re figuring out all the details on how to pretend date
It’s surprisingly easy :D
Gee I wonder why??
I mean, both of you are by each other’s sides so much, it’s concerning to see one of you without the other
So figuring out how to make things convincing is a breeze
However, meeting her mom was one of the most stressful moments of your life
She was looking you up and down, face blank, all while on her phone for business
The worst part was when she frowned at you
Time to cry? Why yes, I’d say it is
But then Yachi grabbed your hand and gave it a little sQUEEZEANDASKF
You answer any questions her mom has with ease after, the only other stress inducer was when you realized you should call Yachi by her first name since you’re dating
Her mom only gave Yachi a questioning stare when you called her Hitoka
She was so surprised that she nearly side jumped into a cabinet😭
It was cute tho
The week is full of hand holding, cheek kisses, reassuring glances, and talking about Hitoka’s family
During the few moments Yachi would talk with her mom in a full on conversation, she’d get upset at the expectations being put on her
Dealing with her mom wanting everything done perfectly made her want to curl up and cry
But with you there, making her feel better with cuddling and staying up late to watch movies, she felt like it was actually home here🥺🥺
Telling Hitoka she doesn’t need to be her moms perfect version of herself, that she just needs to be her, leads you to a realization you should have made a long time ago
You like her
All of her overthinking, her cute, awkward moment stammering, and the way she could smile at you and suddenly everything wasn’t bad anymore, had you over the moon for her
But this is fake to her, right?
You’re not sure how to respond to your own feelings
Telling her and asking if she’d like to be your girlfriend is an option
It’s probably what you should do
You can’t help overthinking that it might ruin your friendship if you did though (Yachi’s really rubbed off on you in the worrying department)
Waiting for your feelings to die was the best choice you concluded
Yachi had come to a similar conclusion unfortunately
What a couple of dumbass soulmates😒
But of course it’s barely a day later, the last day of the trip before you’re back to being just friends, as another realization slaps you in the face
Hitoka’s doodling little stars on your arm, while you sit on her bed and you feel yourself melt at the sight
It’s such a warm encompassing feeling being with Yachi, a feeling you can’t help wanting more of
You decide that Yachi Hitoka is worth a little risk
Grabbing a purple marker, you lift her hand away, ignoring the questioning look in her eyes as you position yourself so that Yachi can’t see what you’re writing down on her arm
You feel like you’re hearts going to explode, as you move to let her see what you wrote down
The gasp has you turning back, just in time to catch Yachi, before she falls off the bed in shock
Her face is crimson and she’s looking at you with a wide smile that has you smiling right back at her
You’re pretty sure you know her answer already and your smile only grows when she responds
“Y- YES!”
In your excitement you both end up falling from the bed
You and Yachi, too happy hugging to care about any bruises that might be found later
You tug her up to wash the ink off so that her mom can’t find it
Half an hour of giggling and a mini water fight later, the words are finally gone
Now the only evidence of the question ever being asked, is the look you both share exiting the bathroom
That and the picture Hitoka snapped of the words
“Would you go on a real date with me?” Saved on her phone with a giggle of joy
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numba99 · 5 years
The Intern
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Summary: You are an intern at MSG, strictly forbidden to become involved in with any of the Rangers players. However, this becomes difficult when you catch the eye of a certain player. (y’all should know vague summaries are my brand at this point) Word Count:1.8k
Warnings: none for this part. But also I just want to toss out I know nothing about like sports broadcasting which is what im using as the internship here please don’t drag me if something is inaccurate or something I am trying my best okay ty also didn't proof read teehee <3
You walked up the block, nervously fidgeting with the end of your shirt. To tuck or not to tuck? That question had been nagging you then entire subway ride. You were most certainly over thinking it, but you didn’t wanna mess anything up. You had somehow managed to nail your dream internship at Madison Square Garden doing sports broadcasting for the Rangers. It felt like at any second the other shoe was gonna drop and they were going to tell you they accidentally confused you for the real intern they wanted.
That fear was pushing you to want every last delight to be perfect, hence the intense internal debate about tucking or not tucking in your shirt. You wanted to look professional, but not stuffy or uptight. The more you thought about it, the more silly it seemed and you finally decided to just play it safe and tuck it in.
As you finished adjusting your shirt, MSG came into view. The building towered over you, making you feel so small. You’d been there countless times for concerts and hockey games of course, but it felt foreign to you now. You couldn’t wait to get the first day over with so you could stop being so nervous about everything
You finally reach the door staff people were let in, flashing your badge to get through. Now that was cool. You weaved through the hallways, reaching your supervisor’s office without having to ask for help. Considering you had the sense of direction of broken compass, you were impressed with yourself.
“Hi Beth, I’m here,” you greeted, knocking lightly on the door. Your supervisor was pretty young; you guessed she was in her late 30s. You appreciated that, having been afraid you were gonna be stuck with some old dude you couldn’t relate to at all.
“Y/n, welcome! And right on time too, I like you already,” Beth smiled, waving you towards the seat across from her desk. You noted she had her shirt tucked in. Good call. You only met Beth once at the interview, but form you gathered she seemed nice. Tough, but nice. The type that wants to push you to succeed and as long as you don’t cause any problems, you won’t have any issues with you. Which was fine with you, you were good at taking direction. Nothing was going to ruin this for you.
“We’re not going to be here too long, I wanna show you around before things get too busy,” Beth began, “I just wanted to touch base with you and go over some ground rules.”
“Of course,” you nodded.
“So there’s a lot you're just going to lean on the fly or by watching. Don’t ever be afraid to ask questions, I’d rather explain to you how to do something than tell you what you did wrong,” Beth told you, “Be careful with your phone, no taking pictures or videos in the locker room unless it’s for work purposes. Be on time - but you’ve already got that covered. Um hmm... I know there's more, but so much is just learning while you do it.”
“That makes sense, I’ve got lots of observing to do I’m sure,” you replied. It’s what you expected.
Beth nodded, “Definitely. You’ll mostly be doing observations for the first few weeks, but I’ll definitely give you more to do as you get more comfortable.”
“That sounds great, I look forward to learning from you,” you smiled. It sounded kiss up-y, but you really meant it.
“I look forward to working with you,” Beth replied, “Oh one more thing, and it’s pretty important. No fraternizing with the players, that’s a pretty strict rule I have. Team events are okay, making friends is okay, but romantic relationships are strictly prohibited. It’s just not professional, you know?”
“I completely understand,” you nodded. You didn’t think that would be a problem. Sure, there were plenty of players you thought were cute, but you doubted they would think you were. Besides, you were not about to risk this placement,
“Perfect. Now it’s tour time,” Beth replied. Beth showed you where your office would be first, since it was right next to hers. it was less of an office and more of a glorified closet with a computer, but hey a place to call your own was pretty cool. It was awesome to see this side of the Garden. Sure, it was just a bunch of offices, but everything was decked out in Rangers colors and pictures so it felt so much more exiting. 
The coolest thing by far was seeing the locker room. It felt a lot bigger than it looked on TV, then again it was devoid of a team full of giant hockey boys at the moment. Beth explained most the time spent here would be observing her interviews with players and taking the notes for her. You knew you were going to see players in person, but standing there it was all starting to feel real. You were practically giddy, though you were hiding it under a layer of professionalism.
Beth showed you around a little more, before returning you to your office. She told you to just get yourself comfortable and watch some past interviews to prep for later. Your stomach did a flip when you realized you’d get see all the players tonight.
Luckily the day moved quickly. You got to watch the game in the viewing room with some other press outlets. Beth told you to take notes as you watched, which would be used to ask questions and write up articles or social media post later. Even though it was work, it was fun. You couldn’t believe this was your internship.
You tried to hide your nerves as you followed Beth in the flow of reporters to the locker room. It was surreal, seeing all the players there. You tried not to stare to hard, especially since some of them were changing. Beth warned you some of the guys are pretty shameless about it. They had won that night, so everyone was in a good mood, joking with their locker mate.
The first player to make eye contact with you was Lias Andersson. He gave you a small smile and you returned it, though you could feel yourself blushing. You quickly turned away, telling yourself to get it together. You turned your attention to what really mattered - jotting down players answers to the questions they were being asked. First it was Kreider, than Buchy, and lastly Andersson. If you weren’t so focused on getting all the details, you would have been completely starstruck.
“Are you new?” a voice asked as you were finishing up your last thought. You looked up, finding Lias smiling down at you. You were always somewhat partial to him, and he was even cuter in person. 
“Um yeah, I’m an intern,” you replied, “Is it that obvious it’s my first day?”
Lias chuckled lightly, “No, I’d just remember seeing a pretty face.”
“Oh,” you replied, at a loss for words. Was he joking? Was this some sort of intern initiation. “Thanks. Great game, I’ve gotta go.” You cringed at yourself as you walked away. What the hell was that? And why were you so awkward about it?
“Ready to head out?” Beth pulled you from your thoughts. You nodded, happy to get out of the room. You watch Beth go through the notes - which she said were very well done - picking out the best quotes and putting together some little statements to release. After that she let you go, congratulating you on a successful first day.
The next day you woke up feeling on top of the world. Sure it was just one day and you didn’t really do much, but it went well and you were super excited about it.
“There’s my little intern superstar,” you best friend and roommate Jess greeted you. You laughed and rolled your eyes as you poured yourself a cup of coffee. It was a rare day you two had off together; Jess was a nurse who often worked nights, so your schedules didn’t match up a lot. “Come on tell me more about it, I was half asleep last night when you told me.”
You plopped down next to her on the couch, giving her a non sports fan friendly report about how it went. As much as you tried to get Jess into hockey, it just wasn't her thing. However, she did appreciate the good looking guys, so her next question didn’t surprise you much.
“So which one are you hooking up with first?”
“None of them. My supervisor said there’s a super strict rule against hooking up with any of the players,” you replied, “Besides lots of them are a bit older than me anyway, Or taken.”
“Just because there’s a goalie doesn’t mean you can’t score. Isn’t that the whole point of the game?” Jess teased.
You couldn’t help but laugh at that one. “Yes, but not for me, I can’t risk it.”
“Well there’s nothing against you setting up friends right? Let’s take a look at these guys,” Jess took out her phone, pulling up the roster and going through the list with you. “Zi.. Zibanejad? Don’t know if I said it right but he’s cute.”
“You did, And he is, but hes taken,” you told her. She sighed, but moved on.
“Ooh, Kreider is painfully my type,” she nearly swooned.
“Not sure about him actually, I think hes taken,” you said.
“You say that like it’s going to stop me,” Jess joked before proceeding, “Oh what about this guy Andersson?” Your heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name.
“Funny story with that actually,” you replied, before launching into the weird run in you had with him yesterday.
“Holy shit he wants to fuck you y/n,” Jess replied.
You blushed, “I wouldn't go that far. It may have been a joke, him being nice or something I don’t know.
Jess shook her head, “Men are not nice. At least not for no reason. He's totally into you. You gotta hop on that.”
“I can’t,” you repeated, “I could get fired.”
“How would she even know? Is she going to follow you into the bedroom,” Jess replied.
“I don't know, but she seemed really serious about it,” you told her.
Jess rolled her eyes. “The way I see it is you’ll be hooking up with the guy by the end of the year. And then you can get me in with this Kreider guy. We’ll be the cutest hockey wives the NHL has ever seen.”
“Yeah right,” you mumbled, playfully tossed pillow at her. As much as you knew it was ridiculous, couldn’t get Lias’ face out of your head for the rest of your day.
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softhaos · 5 years
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fellas, as of today – jan 14th 2019 – softhaos has turned one year old!! honestly, i never expected to last this long?? over the past year, i’ve gone through many ups and downs, made close mutuals, received so much emotional support from all kinds of people on this site and overall, i’m so thankful that i pulled my shit together and joined the community on tumblr! 
i still remember clearly when i first started out with this blog and posted the neighbor aus and got SO much support for it?? like?? i never thought it’d come this far where i could touch readers’ hearts with my word vomits?? that’s just insane. and even if you don’t read my works yet still follow me: wow, i’m so grateful that you managed to cope with my bullshit – be it from my undying hatred towards pcy and kmg, me abusing the uwuwuwu or my personal thoughts.
in other words, this is my message directed to everyone: thank you for keeping up with my bullshit uwu
now on to the part where i thank specific people for making my existence on this site more bearable,, i’ve left a message for everyone i tagged (i would’ve tagged literally everyone but i’m a stressed student i am so sorry if i forgot you kjldl and i would feel bad if i didn’t leave a note to everyone i tagged) and the list is in alphabetical order! @ anons i also left notes from you at the very bottom.
@baekberrie 💌 even though we just talked once literally two days ago thanks to my clumsy ass sending you an accidental ask, i’m so glad i actually did. pola (okay i got this from your about page im sorry kljsdl) you’re an amazing, kind and talented soul with whom i could’ve talked hours about soft bbh if it weren’t for my tiredness. i’ve only read your junmyeon oneshot so far but trust me, i’ll get to that cuddling fic with baek real soon once i’ve got more time uwu you’re honestly a talented writer and i hope we get to talk more in the future!
@baekbuns 💌 i’ve known you for how many days already you anon thot and i really can’t believe that i was vv intimidated by you at first (not gonna lie, you still scream bde but that’s another story-) hope, despite you trying to steal pretty much everyone from anyone, it’s still very fun to fight talk with you and you’re also an excellent writer uwuwuwu i am still very attacked by the thought of bartender yixing one day I WILL SUE YOU ALONG WITH PCY
@baekwell--tart 💌 bella!!!! ngl i’m still very pissed at myself for not realizing you from your old url but i’m glad i found you again!! (did i find you again? idk anymore i suffer from short term memory but i hope i got my point across sdjlkj) you’re such a warmhearted person and i’m really grateful that i got to know you. however, you’re also a funny person and that also shows in your writing - istg one day i will probably have “perpetual boredom” tattooed on my forehead don’t ask why that description of sehun will NEVER fail to make me chuckle!! you deserve all the love and happiness in the world and so much more uwu
@boosoonhao 💌 i know i keep repeating myself when it comes to you aj, but i really have no idea what else to say. i wrote it in the letter, i expressed myself way too often in the tags whenever i reblog your works, yet here i am doing it again (and maybe even more exaggerated than usual, we’ll see): aj, you are one of the most talented writers i’ve ever known and one of the greatest blessings in the community. there, i said it and i mean it! you are one of the very few i know that doesn’t shy away from fantasy-ish aus and executes them brilliantly. the way you have with your words is just fascinating and i find myself sometimes jotting down what you wrote for future references? but writing skills aside, you are a beautiful and kind person and up to this day the key chain you sent me is still intact. aj, thank you for blessing me, blessing everyone with your talent and general existence. 
@byuncaa 💌 bianca you smol soft bean you have my heart right there and though we don’t know each other for so long, i hope we get to talk more in the future uwu you’re such a cute soul gaaah it really makes me wanna send you all the soft memes i possibly own anywaY i hope you just stay as bubbly and bright and adorable as you are uwu
@cafechenle 💌 hani, kaito kid, i don’t know whether you’re still alive on tumblr or not but idc i’m still writing this to you anyway. you’re one of the first people i’ve met on this site and gOD i remember it as clear as day where i was so close to blocking you within the first few minutes of knowing you. yes, i’m talking about the entire mansae chan era discourse. anyway, we don’t talk as much but i hope you’re doing fine my wee lil silver boys supremacist!!
@changbeanbag 💌 landon, we literally just met yesterday but as you can see, i don’t care and i’m writing you a wee lil note anyway. you, my dude, radiate uwu energy and ngl i may have squealed when i saw your tags in the ask i sent you teehee - i hope we get to talk more in the future (that is, if school hasn’t killed me until then-)
@changbiinn 💌 kirra, you beautiful, blue haired visual goddess who has everyone else (including jisung yES I WENT THAT FAR) looking like a mere smurf and found dead in a ditch! i didn’t think i’d get an instant dm from that one inkigayo shitpost but you went ahead and proved me wrong sjljlks timezones fuck me up all the time but nonetheless i hope we get to interact a lil more and gET ENOUGH SLEEP OR ELSE
@cheolsjigyu 💌 MISS VAN NO I DID NOT FORGET YOU HEAR ME OUT. first of all, how could i forget you when you provided me all the great twt aus and the wild chats we had back in?? sometime early last year i guess. it’s been a very long time since we talked and i’m sorry i couldn’t reach out to you any time sooner due to school and the usual stuff (also, uh, i’m not the biggest friend of tumblr dms and barely check any messages there so there’s that too) believe it or not i still wheeze whenever i think of your fic swing baby because goddamnit that jyp song was one repeat for a good week. anyway, i hope you’ve been doing well and are not at the brink of near death like me uwu
@cherryxiu 💌 gran, frank, satan incarnate, whatever else i call you. you may fuck me up with the pcy i’ve never asked for but i hope you know you have a soft spot in my heart (i’ll never say that out loud again tho so see it as a one of a time thing). you’re my fav minseok stan and while i wouldn't necessarily jump off a cliff for you, i’d jump with you uwu anyway, aggressively refrain from sending me more pcy content i’m just trying to live an easy life here. but knowing you, you’ll definitely pretend as if that last part was never written so why do i even bother-
@chillihansol 💌 hanni my child!!! i hope you’re doing fine, aren’t as stressed anymore and have received the love you deserve and more!!! i still remember when i was highkey intimidated by you so i went on anon but then somehow you were startled by my lil threat and then i became your mom anon? funny that has changed over the time skldj hanni, i don’t regret ever going on anon for you and you’re an amazingly talented writer. i already said it once but i’ll say it again: guns n roses was the first svt fic i read on tumblr and just thank you for creating that piece uwu
@choco-seventeen 💌 miss choco, i almost tumbled down the nonexistent stairs in my apartment when i saw you ??? sliding into my dms ??? and then reading my word vomits ??? and then you followed me ??? and everything that followed after ??? i don’t know what in the world i did to have you notice me and up to today it remains a mystery to me ngl. we love a talented, kindhearted, fantastic, stunning, visual writing queen who is ofc the right person to love thanks to the avatar discourse she started!!! choco, keep on enlightening everyone’s life with your mere existence, the tags you put in your reblogs that make me smile and of course, wonderful stories <33
@custardheart 💌 taylor, i don’t think we have ever talked (unless you approached me on anon maybe then maybe yes??) but i just wanted to thank you for blessing my notifications. you’ve been supporting me / on my notifs for quite a long time - may i say you’re like one of the first followers i had when i first started out? THAT’S how long you’ve been here already and i can’t thank you enough <333 (please don’t ask me why i know that but goddamn every time i see that jeonghan profile picture i already know it’s you djklj)
@dinoshaur 💌 sha! lee! i know we barely talk to each other but i just wanted to use this opportunity to thank you for making some of my days with your astounding fics!! one of my favorite works from you will always be “flower crown prince” because you have NO idea how much i struggle with finding seungkwan fics dkkjljlk i’m sorry i didn’t submit anything for the lfw challenge i really tried to make it but you know, life problems happened whoops. i wish you all the happiness and inspiration and love from chan himself you gifted angel uwu
@forevershua 💌 dear fossil mother ryan, i can’t believe i internally pronounced your name wrongly for pretty much half a year knowing you. please forgive me. okay, but all seriousness aside, you’re one of the closest people from this site!! i really love you so so much though i can’t guarantee that i love you as much as you love jeonghan more than shua; i still shed tears whenever i pull out your two postcards - especially the minghao one; i think i suffered from mild heart palpitations when i got it in the mail (and still do). i hope we get to meet this year and possibly clown rat together and just stay the somewhat sane person left in the gc <33 p.s HOW DO YOU FUNCTION WITHOUT A FRIDGE I STILL CANT BELIEVE THAT
@gamerwoo 💌 rocket, you’re always active when it’s the ungodly hour where i live and it has happened more often that i stay awake because of you. not only do i have loads of stuff i can queue from you (teehee) you recently started posting stories again and the ones you hammered out lately just??? do things to me??? for real though do you have sadistic tendencies or somethin because you posted TWO (2) nsfw stories that I indulged at 2 AM IN THE MORNING. aside from that minghao and junmyeon stuff, uuuh, i finally got around to finish your ghoul au which i completely adore!! i’m looking forward to your upcoming works uwu and hope you get all the positivity and good vibes only uwu (p.s i have to confess: my dumb ass seriously thought the “woo” in your url referred to jungwoo and for some good weeks i thought you ult jungwoo rIP ME)
@hearttoshu 💌 jess, i don’t know what in the world i did to have you notice me because i’m gonna be honest here, i was scared of you skaljdlkjslkj please i don’t even know why, you seemed very intimidating but i was proven wrong in an instant!! you are one super soft bean with hq gifs and a love for jun and shua that reaches up to infinity and beyond!! your tags always get the best out of me and i’m really grateful for having you in my life uwuwuwuwu 
 @jejublr 💌 ew rat, you’re finally adulting. jokes aside, you were the first victim to fall under my disastrous typo errors and may i say that i’m just simply ICONIC for forever slapping that legendary nickname on you uwu nat who?? we only know RAT. you’re the one person i can always run to when more serious issues are bugging me since i guess you can relate the most to my personal dilemmas and i just wanted to thank you for being there for me <33 that, and for keeping gran somewhat at bay. i hope we get to meet up this summer where i’ll feed you with lots of chocolate while teasing ryan about her biasing jeonghan LMAO and just like most people from the gc, you’re one of the first close mutuals i’ve made. in a way, you could say you’ve been with me here since day 1 (almost) xx
@jin-hua 💌 mayo / mango / mayo that tastes like mangoes / idk i bet i have misspelled your names approximately 993828 times in 937987 different variations but guess what? i still love u to death uwu i love me a fitness queen, a visual goddess not even god himself could ever and i’m so so glad that you exist in my life <333 i know i promised you a crackhead message but when i think about it there’s not really a lot to say that’s out of place when it comes to you?? you’re an angel uwuwu the light of my life frank could NEVER
@justsomekpopstuff 💌 jj it is i, your #1 supporter!! since you’re also part of the nug club gc from the beginning on, you have an extra special place in my heart <3 jj, i love how supportive you are and i don’t think you realize that i cherish you to the moon and back and that times 903809. i love how you get so fired up about your hockey team and like to gush and suffer from the wrath of Joshua hong and i hope you’ll stay eternally happy uwu that, and dRINK LESS COFFEE ISTG
@lxveille 💌 veille we’ve never interacted a lot but i just wanted to let you know that i admire you a LOT. i haven’t got around to read more of your works lately, but i do have a favorite fic that i still clearly remember. okay, that’s a lie, i have several that left a strong memory. but let’s say, if i had to reduce it to one fic, it’d be the 100wtsily dystopian au with jihoon and 66 & 70! you’re one of the very few writers who hit the dystopian genre spot on and you truly are an inspiration. seriously, thank you a lot veile xx
@middle-of-a-wonshua-sandwich 💌 LOOK, i didn’t even know you changed blogs or something and i’m so eternally sorry that it took me ages to figure that out! (RIP me) you’re one of the first followers i had if i recall correctly (i’m pretty positive of that) and i just wanted to thank you for sticking with me so long uwuwuuwwu i wish you all the happiness bb <3
@multi-yeol 💌 haaaa we’ve only known each other since a day or something but i’m really glad we did!!!! honestly, that Loona song sorter is harder than any of the german exams i had and though we don’t know each other for so long, i hope we’ll talk more in the future bub!!!
@oatmealupdates 💌 lynna, you too are one of the first followers on my blog i’m wheEZING you’ve been here for so long sdlkjlkj thank you for your support and your comments under the fics always make my day i swear!! i’ve also noticed that you haven’t been that active as you used to be (maybe it’s just me idk sometimes my dash is kinda wacky) but all in all i hope you’re doing good!! if you ever need to talk to someone, you can always hmu <33
@queerjunhui 💌 vane, ngl, you really scared me at first. i was really intimidated by your for reasons i can’t even explain and i always thought you were out of my league sdkljlk i think we started talking since the cyzj thing and you’re one of the funniest and nicest people i’ve met so far on tumblr, seriously! your content - be it from your shitposts to mindless thoughts like the entire indirects to j*** * yES I STILL RECALL THEM - you always manage to make my day brighter whenever i see you on my dash. i wish you all the happiness and hope you’re doing good uwu
@seungcheolsbodyharness 💌 katey, sis i still think about that criminal seokmin and the entire au we made up - from FBI agent cheol to incompetent intern vernon and all that jazz. besides the fact that your url is a pure 10/10 as well as your other URLs, you’re such a nice person and i really enjoy your presence - be it in the form of reblogs of any kind of thing to the comments you occasionally leave and don’t get me started on the aSKS; katey, i’m so glad to have met you on this site!!! uwu
@softwonwoo 💌 jian darling!! honestly, i have no idea how you even know of my existence. just like pretty much everyone else i’ve tagged here you kinda had that intimidating aura?? but then the more i talked to you somehow, the more i was proven wrong and you’re such a sweet pea i can’t- also, i’m glad that i found someone who can agree with me when it comes to chungha dsakjlskj pls stay healthy, stay happy jian!!
@swyllh 💌 sara, i don’t think we have ever had a proper conversation, but i just wanted to give you my appreciation. you are one of the most underrated writers within the community yet you always give your best when it comes to your writing and honestly, i really admire you. i haven’t found the time to read your interactive fic yet (i keep pushing that back i am so sorry but i’ll get to that one day) and one of the fics that i absolutely adore is that one end of the world fic with chan, as well as the vernon collab with sha!! i really hope you’ll get the recognition and love you deserve you gifted writer !!
@tonicandjins 💌 faye my snowflake, i haven’t seen you around lately but if you read this, i hope everything’s alright from your side! i’m quite sure i’ve already mentioned this to you but i’ll say it again. i will NEVER shut up about one and two small petals and will NEVER recover from it. another banger is that wonwoo fic with the printer- ugh, you’re such a talented, beautiful person and i truly wish you all the best. remember, don’t stress yourself and relax once in a while uwu
@yeolsmiling 💌 angie hi!! i legit only sent you one (1) ask so i really don’t have much to say so far unless i wanna repeat myself lMAO one day, i aspire to purely emit soft energy for yeol but i doubt that day will ever come. i hope we get to talk more in the future you soft bear <33
honeybunch anon 💌 honeybunch, i hope you’re doing well! i still remember that i called you that when you slipped into my asks and gushed about that one mingyu fic up to this day i’m still flattered and eternally grateful that you’re still here uwu thank you for your support and making my day <33
fromis anon 💌 idk if you’ll ever read this but i miss you uwu i hope you’re doing fine and just a quick update from my side: i still haven’t found a bias yet uGH 
sugarpie / tulip anon 💌 you seem like such a cool person i’m really glad you stopped by in my inbox thank you for hitting me up uwu since i have no clue who you are and since i’m a dumbass, i’m can only rely on you messaging me jslkdj
none of the letters are proofread i am so sorry
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namjoonchronicles · 7 years
Cats - [Day6] Jaehyung!Au
[A/N] Teehee.
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Having a cat is both a blessing and a curse. They tend to bring weird things home like sticks, dried leaves, and dead mouses. You searched online and it was because they treasure you so much, they bring home things they would consider as ‘gifts’. It’s cute, it really is, but it gets tiring because you would have to suffer cleaning up afterwards, and being a successful catmom, you nagged on and on, even though you knew that Linda wouldn’t understand any of it. But after every cleaning up session, you would feel so relieved. Although, you didn’t like coming home from work having to clean. No one in this world would like that.
But Linda, your gray British short-hair, isn’t like any other cats sometimes. He steals. Yes, he is a he and his name is Linda. Linda, brought home slippers once and you starting to wonder if he knows that other cats in this world doesn’t do that. You feel conflicted to tell him, fearing he might feel self-conscious. One day, you might. Just not now. But today...
You woke up to Linda walking in with a neon bright pink bra between his teeth. He knows he can’t get on the bed with you so he placed the bra on the floor and sat like he is proud of his work. Your phone buzzed an incoming call from your best friend. “Dude, I’ll call you back. Linda brought something home…” You sat up, pressing the phone to your ear between your shoulder. “Is it a body?” She asked. And you scowled, “...A bra. I think my cat is broken.” You slid off the bed and grabbed a sweatshirt. “Put me on speaker, I need to praise him. Way to go, Linda. She needed a new bra.” Your best friend just roast you and it’s not even noon. “Bye bitch.” You pressed a thin smile and hung up before she could even say a word.
Throwing your phone face down on the bed, you heard in beeped a message in. “Just calling to remind you that the wedding is today and you have to bring someone. Doesn’t matter who.” Your best friend texted. “Can I not go?” You replied. And then shortly, when you slide your head through the neck hole of your sweater, you heard another beeping. That must be her replying, but you wanted to settle the problem Linda brought first. Resting your hands on your hip, you scolded calmly, “Where did you get this, Linda. I didn’t raise you like this. Last time you brought other people’s mail for me, now tell me. From where did you get this.” You were darting lasers from your eyes at Linda.
Linda purred. “Don’t you use that on me, it will not work this time. I don’t care how cute you are, what’s not yours is not yours, period!” You scolded. Linda walked to the entrance and waited for you to follow. You’re the only owner on this floor that has a cat door. None of the other owners has cats. Linda guided you out the cat door and then peeked his head back as if to ask you why you’re following. “I can’t fit in there.” You sighed and opened the door. Linda guided you down the stairs. “Oh wow, you’ve really done it this time. Did you cross the country, with a really bright neon bra in between your teeth, you really have no shame.” You nagged, shoving both hands in your pocket, not forgetting to bring the bra with you, dugged in your kangaroo pocket.
“Another floor down?” You whined. But you spoke too soon. Because Linda brought you down to the ground floor, only to bring you upstairs again. “You demon.” You cursed. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you. To me suffering like this. Look at you go.” You started to breath heavily. “I am your mother, you asshole.” Linda meowed back at you. “Don’t talk back to me.” You hissed and he meowed again. “Oh you.” You huffed and finally at the top floor, he stopped. “You just want me to work out. I will send you out for an adoption after I find the owner of this gawd damn bra.” It was Saturday morning and you were sweating. “I mean it.” You growled, clinging to the handles. Linda then proceeds to the door at the end. “Wow, I fed you too much, look at the energy you have. Climbing to the top floor, stealing. Linda, I will do something to you. I will never let you watch your favourite cartoons anymore.”
Linda sat at the doorstep and like a good kitty, he waited. He then placed his paw to the door, and tap it lightly. “No one is going to hear that.” You rolled your eyes, hiding behind a wall, laughing at your cat like a maniac. But then, the inevitable happened. You heard the knob being turned and the door beeped open. “Oh hey… Got a bowl of food for you, hold on a sec.” A husky voice greeted Linda at the door. Even though the door was left open, Linda didn’t walk in. “I’m running out of cat food, but I’m going to the shop downstairs to get one for you later.” He set one knee on the floor and placed the bowl next to his door, watching Linda eat it. You sneered at Linda’s back view, “...That traitor.”
This guy, blonde, boring a pair of round glasses, snapped his head in your direction but you repelled as quickly as you could. Taking a deep breath, you decided to be brave and stepped out of your hiding. “I am an adult now, I have to talk to people.” You chanted to yourself. “I have to, I have to.” This oddly attractive man was stroking Linda’s head as he eats. He himself was holding a Granola bar. He was dressed in odd PJs with pizza prints on them. And you already liked the fact that he’s weird. “Hi.” You stammered. He looks at you, confused and stood up. You didn’t expect him to be tall, but damn, is he tall. “Hello.” His voice sounded as if it’s coated with honey. He looks adorable.
What’s this now. This cat usually brings no one. It’s been months since I moved here and I had never seen this girl. This is awkward. What could it be?
Could it really be his or is Linda trolling on me? Can a guy wear a bra? Why did Linda brought me here? What do I say? Hi, I think I have something that belongs to you? A bra? Would he admit it? Is it really his?
You started of with where you were staying and your name, and that the cat is yours. Everything is going smoothly, now...to the main objective of why you’re here. You literally want to take out the bra and take Linda to run off as quickly as you can. “Park Jaehyung. I live here on this floor. May I know why you’re here? Are you here to sell insurance.” He accused, already half way inside his door. “Are you here to scold me because I fed your cat?”
Starting off with an awkward giggle, you scratched your eyebrow.
“Well, Linda brought me a…” “--who’s Linda?” “Oh, him. The cat.” “You named a he-cat, Linda.”
You looked restless, wanting to end the conversation as quickly as you can. Best friend probably calling you endlessly by now since you didn’t reply her message. “Yes, I did.” You said, sounding half-embarrassed, half-proud. “I like it.” He beamed a smile. You got so enticed by it, you almost forgot why you came. So you mindlessly took out the neon bra from your pocket and held the cushioned part with your hand. “Umm.” Jaehyung trailed and cleared his throat. “Linda brought this home and I think it’s yours because Linda never lies even though he steals.” You blurted. Jaehyung averted his eyes to the ground. Is that embarrassment? Am I wrong? Linda, you.
An awkward silence followed and you slightly wanted to dig a hole in the ground straight to your apartment and just cry. Oh gawd please say something. It’s not mine and I don’t want to take it home with me except Linda. He probably had a one night stand and the girl left without her bra. Well of course he did, look at him.
You felt your heart just growing increasingly sour and reminisce on how lonely you feel. People your age are getting on with their life and your only success is becoming a notorious cat mom. But Linda grew up to be a stealer and begs neighbors for food like you hadn’t fed him enough, you’re starting to reconsider life choices. Maybe you should have just raised a dog. But you liked large dogs and mom never liked fur. The only way to keep her from coming to your apartment was raising Linda and the apartment’s management doesn’t allow Malamute. How did the train of thoughts got here. Back to the situation.
He opens his mouth. “Keep it.” Was the only thing he said. “But, it’s yours.” You corrected. He smiled and let out a small giggle, looking to his feet. You realised he wore a Pikachu indoor slippers and it’s adorable. “No. I don’t wear a bra. It’s my girlfriends’ I mean. Ex. Girlfriend.” He nodded, bitterly.
Oh. Now this is a whole new level of awkward.
“I left the door open and I think that’s how Linda got in.” He looks fondly at Linda as if he has done him a favor. You squeezed the bra in your hand. “Caught her in my bed with one of my friends.” He eyed the bra and looked grey. You felt sorry. Instantly, your face fall upset and you took a deep breath in. “...Well.” You marched to the bin next to the staircase and threw the bra in. Jaehyung looked at you, blank. “...Back to it’s owners now.” You added and squatted next to your cat, eating appetizingly. “You should have throw it away Linda, a bra sized D’s are always fake.” You stroke Linda’s head. Jaehyung mirrored you and hugged his knees. “How old is she, no. He.” He fidgets. “Six months.” You answered.
“Young.” He commented. “He is. Quite a handful actually.” You chuckled lightly.
The awkwardness passed and you had a sudden realization that you have a message to reply. At first you wanted to say you’re not going, but then you looked at Jaehyun and had an idea.
“I...have a wedding today.” You blurted. Jaehyung’s smile fade away, “Oh.” “Not mine. It’s a friends’. And I…” Fuck it, I’m going to say it, “...Are you free today? Will you come to the wedding as my date? You can use me to get even with your ex-girlfriend. We can take a selfie there and post it on your Instagram.” You were suddenly excited. Jaehyung gave you a stricken smile. “I know I look like a potato right now, but I’m actually not bad, once I have a shower and blow dry my hair…” You scratched your head. “It sounds like…” Jaehyung trailed.
“A bad idea? I knew it.” You concluded but Jaehyung held his hand outward to stop you from going on. “...It sounds like a good idea. And I love potato.” He grins.
“Potato it is.” You mindlessly say as  you stared deep into his eyes. Wincing the reality in you, you giggled and noticed that Linda is already standing by the stairs. “Okay, can I have your number?” He asked, digging out his phone from his chest pocket. After the exchanges of number, you took Linda in your arms, “Oh no you don’t. We’re going to take the lift.” Jaehyung looks at you fondly from behind.
“It’s going to be great from now on, I can feel it.” Jaehyung thought to himself. Who’d knew Linda would literally bring you an actual gift. He made you exercise to it, but, a gift is a gift. And Jaehyung was the best thing that ever happened to you. A literal blessing.
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The Boy Gives Life &... (episode 1 part 1)
The Boy Gives Life &...
 Episode 1: The Lacinho Doll
           Charlie’s parentes, along with him, entered by a gate in a big house; the house’s door, itself is opened by Julia’s mother; the parents greet each other, and everyone enters the house.
              Charlie is amazed by the house.
- Your friend is in her room, Charlie – says Juliana; (Julia’s mother) – Wanna enter?
- Yes... yes...
         Juliana takes him to the house’s corridor, while they walked, he was amazed and astonished by the corridor’s frameworks. Charlie, along with his friend’s mother arrives to a door that had written in a little sign:
“Beware, this room belongs to Julia”.
- Honey, your friend is here – says her mother, knocking on the door.
- Ah, tell him to enter, ma.
- Oh, you’re really not keeping the door closed, little lady.
- [sigh] Alright, fine – Julia opens the door, greets her friend, and let him enters the room – Don’t you touch a thing, got it?
         The mother goes back to the living room where the guests were.
         The little girl’s room was filled with huge plushies and dolls.
- Wow... – Charlie was astonished.
- Very cool, uh? – says his friend, picking up a rag doll that was on her double bed – This is Lacinho... it means Little Bow in english; my first doll ever; I’ve had her since I was one year old.
         The rag doll looked old; and its face was drawn. Its hair was red, its “skin” was slightly bit “parda”; (look it up); but with “freckles”. This toy wore a blue dress with two pink hearts in diferente sizes; brown shoes with White socks. Her name was probably because of the little purple bow on her hair.
- A... aa... wantmetogivelife...? – asks the room’s owner friend and guest.
- Uhum – “says”/agrees his friend – I Always wanted to know what she has to say to me.
         Julia sits the doll on the ground; and then, Charlie’s hand starts to glow as he’s touching and giving life to the toy...
         For some seconds nothing happened... but then, Lacinho opens her eyes, slaps the boy’s hands and says while doing fight poses:
- Your hand is too close, little guy! Get away because I ain’t afraid of men, ya know?
         Her voice was weirdly of an adult woman. She keeps going:
- So, where the heck is the one who made me alive in this place?
- An...? – says Charlie, confused while rubbing his slapped hand.
- It was him that gave you life, Lacinho, yeah, this tired faced boy there – says Julia.
- Huh, eh? Didn’t notice you there, girl, who are ya? Are you the one who Always cleaned and brushed me?
- Exactly me, so you do have memories of that?
- Yeah, I do and I’m glad you’re a female and not a male. I can’t even imagine how many atrocities a boy would do to a rag doll like me, dude.
- Ah, so you don’t need to worry, he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed... hey, introduce yourself to Lacinho.
- ...Hi... I’m Charli... – he says while waving at the doll...
         Who says:
- Ain’t he cute... are ya two pals?
- Yeah, exactly... – Julia clearly begin talking in a sarcastic manner to him – “Gimme a hug, ma friend”
         She starts to laugh, and the doll, with a smile, comments:
- Didn’t expect u knowing sarcasm at such Young age, lady.
         Charlie then actually hugs Julia for both the girl’s surprise.
- No no no, Charlie, it was a j-joke – says Julia while blushed and getting him away – It was a joke, you silly.
         Lacinho giggles and comments:
- I ship you two so-very-much, hihihi.
- No no no no he is just a friend of mine, that’s it, he-is-a-friend!
- Yeah right... just joking, girl, I already know you’ve been friendzoned, little guy.
- But it’s the truth, Little Bow, he is just a friend, I’m serious.
- I know that, bestie, it’s just a silly joke – the rag doll walks to the door, and points with her hand to the corridor, saying – Can I meet better your parentes now that I can speak?
- ...Well, sure, of course, let’s g...
- But please ya two come with me, since a moving and talking doll might be scary, ya know... – she puts her hand in her chin, and finishes with a smile and other intents – On the other side.......
 - Did you see what the Octla did now? – Leonardo; (Julia’s father) says in the middle of a conversation between the adults.
- Those are just a bunch of thieves – says Sarah.
- Exactly, these should totally hey hey, - the boy’s parentes stops after seeing the children approaching with Little Bow.
- Hi, Darling – says Juliana – Have you come to introduce Lacinho to us?
         The daughter held the still doll on her arms. She says:
- Ma, uhh... it seems there’s something  on her face...
         Julia approached the doll to her mother, just so she could pick the toy.
- Hm? Really? – Juliana picks the rag doll, and starts to analyze it – Hmm... I don’t see anything wr...
- BLABULABLABULABLABULABLABULA!! – Lacinho “shouts” in the mother’s face.
- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! – Juliana throws the rag doll, almost hitting the ceiling.
         The rag doll recompose herself in the air, flipping and “falling with style” on the living room’s table close to the adults.
- Hahaha, it’s just a joke, woman, this Charlie guy here gave me life, I’m good, seriouslly – says her.
- Uhm?! What?! Oh yeah... oh yeah, I had forgotten about that... – says Juliana.
         The boy’s parents looked up. Julia’s father wasn’t in the sofa anymore.
- You can go down already, Leonardo – says his wife...
         And then he falls harshly on the sofá while Charlie’s mom get slightly bit awnkward by this fall and her husband spooked.
- Relax, this wasn’t the idea of your kids, it was mine, woman, hehe – says the rag doll while she jumped in the center of the table, stretching her hand then to her owner’s mother – Name’s Lacinho; or Little Bow if you like, nice to meet you, gal.
- Uhh... my pleasure uhm... – Juliana then thinks of something, and stretches her hand to the doll with a short smile – My name is Juliana, my pleasure.
         The mother then “shakes” the rag doll’s hand, with a loto f strenght; squeezing the doll’s hand.
- Damn gal, you’re Strong, but I feel no pain in this body – says “Little Bow” with a smile.
- Pff, really now – says Julia with a cocky smile – Mama, show us what you got.
- Exactly, little doll, take a look – Juliana raises a little her shirt, to show her ripped belly – A lot of gym and effort gives me that result.
         The rag doll gives a shy and short whistle as to show she was impressed, and asks:
- How many you can?
- At the moment, 155.
         Another short whistle by the rag doll, and then she says to the others:
- Ah, hello for you guys as well.
         While the doll greeted the other adults, the kids observed.
- Teehee, awesome, I have the coolest doll ever – says Julia to herself, and the says to her friend – Alright, Charlie... since you gave me the most awesome doll ever, you desserve a prize, you can have my hu...
         He was distracted by a framework of blue roses.
- Hey, I’m talking to you, silly – says her, while giving two soft slaps behind the boy’s head, gaining his attention – Since you gave me the coolest doll ever, you desserve a prize; my sincere hug, but don’t get used to it.
         She actually hugs him, he doesn’t know how to react, but then she lets him go.
- Ah, I knew there was something going on between you two – comments Lacinho, sarcastically smiling while looking at them both.
- No no, I was just giving him my sincere hug as a prize for giving life to you... speaking of that... Father! Mama! Can I change to his school?
- What?
- I wanna go to his school, meet new people and show my doll to every boy and girl, can I?
- But why don’t you show it to your friends from the school you’re already on? – asks Leonardo.
- Ah dad, this is because I won’t be able to show the cool things that Charlie can do; and because...
- We have to talk this better, sweetie, we can’t decide a thing like this so fast. – says the mother.
- Ah common I wanna go there already why don’t... you... why uhh... – Julia stops her tantrum after seeing her mother’s venomous eyes – Alright alright, I’ll play, uhh... Charlie, let’s see some cellphone games, yes? Yes, let’s go.
         Both of them go back to her room.
- Ok, uhh... Sarah, now that they’re not here anymore, how is Charlie’s school? – asks Juliana.
         The boy’s father feels a little awkward, but the mother answers for him:
- It’s a public school, but don’t you worry... uhh... but before, how is the cardo f Julia’s school?
         Juliana picks a card; (like playing cards). Sarah do the same thing.
- Alright, Infrastructure 10; Technology 10; Price 10 Danger 2... and Teachers... 3 – the little girl’s mother read Julia’s school card.
- Wow, it’s a prestigious school... – says the mother of the little boy, who starts to read his school’s card – Alright, Infrastructure 4; Technology 4; Price 0... Danger... 6 and well, the Teachers are 8 at least...
- 8?? That high??
- Actually it’s almost 9; this school uses mosto f its governamental budget with teachers.
- And if the problem is Danger, I can protect her! – says Lacinhp, who was still in the room.
- What? You’re still here? – asks the daughter’s father.
- Yeah, I’m here yet – says the rag doll confidently, while punching the air – And I’ll be ready to protect your daughter!
         The four adults stay in awkward silence, while looking at each other.
- Uhh... you do know that you’re a rag doll... do you...? – asks Juliana.
- Hmm... hey! I can give some good ol’ scares in whoever decides to mess yer daughter, I mean, no one will be prepared for a doll who moves by itself; and even less for a doll who actually attacks the others; I may not have strengh but sure I’ll scare them a lot.
- But doesn’t that mean you can’t move until someone... hmm... – Marcos thinks aloud.
- Even then, just me moving if someone decides to mess with her will be enough, ya know... – she starts to look around and changes subject – You guys seem to be a little... rich...
- Oh, my husband is an tailor and Works in a doll factory – says Juliana.
- Oh come on, honey, did you really need to say it out loud? – answers this husband, obviously being a little ashamed of his job for some reason – Wasn’t enough you’ve saying that I am a tailor?
- Don’t worry, man, we’re not gonna judge you, I’ve been working in the Le Mauie toy factory for 15 years for now – says Marcos – And there I am na administrative assist...
- Wait a second, Le Mauie? It’s the rival company of where I... work...
- Ah, but I’m sure this won’t affect our relationship...
         Both of them look away for a little, trying to disguise the awkwardness.
- So, I’m sorry to interrupt the chit chat, but... you said you were a tailor, isn’t that correct? – Lacinho asked to Leonardo.
- Uhh... yes... why do you ask...? – he questions.
- It’s just an idea that I had... – the doll looked at both of her hands...
(it will continue in part 2)
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