#yeah that's - actually not even like. detailed.
AITA for saying I'm not rich?
Wait stop hear me out
So the thing is, my father is wealthy. Or at least he made enough money to have two Ferraris and a boat, which to me are the most useless things because why would u spend that money on this when u could spend it on food or commodities but details
When I was young, any time I asked for money or something, he'd make a huge deal about it. He'd make me feel awful, so awful that I just stopped asking for anything at all, starting from my teenage years to my college years, and I survived entire months, living alone during college, with 50 dollars to get by. For groceries and bills. And yes, he was nice enough to pay for my rent (170 dollars back then) but every time I'd be the worst piece of garbage for asking him. Worst thing was, I wanted a job, but he had this delusion that any sort of job that would take me, basically customer service, i wanted was "underneath my daughter" so he legit didn't let me and he'd go to big, big hoops to not allow me to do so
I'd never buy clothes or other necessities: I spent my teenage years just putting together what I got from relatives to make some savings, and I'd survive on that. He'd go splendid on my birthday and christmas, I guess, he'd buy me things, but I came to dread those days because the thought of him spending money -and how he reacted to it- always sent me into a blind panic so yes even though I got nice gifts I was never happy about it and I really really don't like my birthday
So I was always the girl who had two Ferraris to my friends, and they'd always get mad at me when I honestly told them "actually Im not rich" or "I'm sorry I'd rather go to the cheaper place" - because I legit thought i wasn't - and called me an asshole. But This was my father's money and I lived with him, but I rarely saw an actual dollar, everything I bought was with my savings and I spent years and years accumulating it, hoarding it. So I lived in this fancy house, but I'd wear 3 dollar pants and worn shoes because that's what I could afford with my money.
Note that even paying my school fees was a nightmare to me, because my father openly said I was a parasite and screamed at me but whATEVER
So um, my friends always said i was an ass for saying I didn't have any money, when my father was swimming in it. But when u survive on the allowance ur aunt gave u for an entire month, u really don't feel like it? and I always always felt so bad about it, because it felt like they were right and I was an asshole for pretending I don't have money. Except I didn't. I really didn't. That was all his, not mine, and while he did pay school and college flat rent, he was always making sure I knew what a burden I was for it. So yes, I'd still say I was actually not rich - even though I was lucky enough to have someone pay for me.
Anyway yeah AITA for saying I'm not rich? Tbh I really don't know if I can consider myself that, when it's not mine and I've never actually used it, it doesn't feel like it, but some tell me that's my privilege and I guess that could be right
Note: I am a grown adult now, I live on my own, pay my own things and have my job. And he's happy that he doesn't have to pay for me anymore, is baffled by my relationship with money (I don't like spending it ahah), not so much about me not living with him though. (The weird thing is he wants me with him, but not to take care of me which, honestly, valid) I do have a better relationship with him, but we never talk money because I live on minimum wage - ironically enough in costumer service - and he doesn't, so to me spending 60 on groceries is a lot (150 bills destroy me honestly, so winter is a joy) and he always, always mocks me for it. It's weird how he goes around with a Rolex and snuffs me for wearing Primark pants and then people constantly just... Think I have money at all and get mad at me when I say I don't
Anyway yeah AITA for saying I'm not rich? Tbh I really don't know if I can consider myself that if it's not mine, if I've never actually used it, it doesn't feel like it, but some tell me that's my privilege and I guess that could be right
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saphronethaleph · 1 day
“There are… rumours, in the Senate, about Master Kenobi,” Palpatine confided. “Many believe he is not fit for this assignment.”
“Not fit?” Anakin repeated. “Why would anyone think that?”
Palpatine spread his hands slightly. “They say his mind has become fogged by the influence of a certain female Senator.”
Anakin blinked.
“That’s ridiculous,” he said. “Who?”
“No one knows who she is,” Palpatine said, slyly. “Only that she is a Senator.”
“Oh, okay then,” Anakin replied. “It’s complete nonsense.”
Palpatine frowned.
“You seem very certain about that, Anakin,” he noted.
“Yeah, but rumours are usually pretty specific about details like that,” Anakin shrugged. “It’s a rumour in the Senate, right? So it’s a rumour about a Senator, too.”
Palpatine began to object, then paused.
“Well, yes, but not specifically-” he began.
“Are there rumours about a Senator whose judgement has been impaired because she’s sleeping with a Jedi?” Anakin went on. “Because if there is then we just line them up and that explains who it is. Or who it’s supposed to be.”
He frowned, minutely. “My money’s on Mon Mothma, honestly. Or Bail Organa. Are we sure the rumour said female?”
Palpatine raised a hand.
“Well-” he began, but Anakin was already standing up.
“Actually, I’m going to ask someone else about this,” he said. “See you later, Chancellor!”
“Anakin, I’m trying to-” Palpatine said, but he was talking to an empty office.
“Really?” Padme asked, then shook her head. “No, that’s not one I’ve heard.”
“You’re sure it’s not one that’s passed you by?” Anakin asked. “I don’t know how much Senators talk to one another.”
“We do it a lot,” Padme told him dryly. “It’s the main thing we have time to do. Are you sure the rumour said female? Because I’m getting a lot of my information from Bail Organa, and he’d be my first guess.”
“He was my second,” Anakin told his wife. “But, no, Palpatine was sure it was a female senator.”
“Then I’m out of ideas,” Padme said. “I’d have thought Mon Mothma, but she’s happily married to Perrin Fertha and he looks more like Qui-Gon Jinn than Obi-Wan.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” Anakin said. “And, honestly, I don’t really believe it myself… he didn’t shack up with Satine even when it would have been a net benefit to the Order and the Galaxy and stuff.”
He frowned. “Unless…”
“Unless?” Padme asked. “That sounds like you’ve had an idea, Ani.”
“What about if the rumour was trying to throw me off?” Anakin asked. “I heard it from the Chancellor, but maybe he has another reason to say it. He is a politician… maybe Obi-Wan is seeing Palpatine, and the female senator bit was to throw me off?”
Padme blinked.
“I’m fairly sure they don’t like one another very much?” she tried.
“That’s just what they want us to think, right?” Anakin asked. “Think about it! That’s actually a way better way to disguise a relationship than what we’ve been doing.”
He glanced at Padme. “What have we been doing to disguise our relationship, actually? I’m sure there’s something.”
“We don’t tell anyone that we’re married?” Padme said. “It’s worked so far.”
“True,” Anakin agreed, relieved. “I’m glad we’re doing something.”
Padme smiled, then her smile turned into a frown. “Now I think about it, I can’t remember a time when Palpatine was interested in women – as a Senator or as a Chancellor. So it’s not immediately wrong… I just can’t think of a time he was interested in men either.”
Anakin looked thoughtful. “I think… I’m trying to think of a time he’s looked at Obi-Wan that way, but the only person I can think of he looked at that way is me…”
Obi-Wan’s commlink rang, and he nearly crashed his starfighter into the raw matter of hyperspace itself.
“What is it?” he asked, picking up the commlink in one hand.
“Master!” Anakin said. “I think Palpatine is just using you to get to me!”
Obi-Wan, who had no context whatsoever, just sort of stared for several seconds.
“What?” he said, then noticed that the nav computer was giving him urgent warnings and yanked back on the hyperdrive lever. His Actis fighter dropped out of hyperspace, and he disengaged from the hyperspace ring with the practised motion of someone who had become very, very good at a thing they fundamentally didn’t like doing very much.
“I thought about how he’s been looking at me,” Anakin explained. “Whatever he’s told you, I don’t think it’s real.”
“Anakin, what are you-” Obi-Wan began, then paused. “Actually… wait.”
“What?” Anakin asked. “You don’t believe me?”
“I am trying to think,” Obi-Wan answered. “And fly a ship, as well. I have a job to do before Cody gets here.”
“All right, Master, I’ll wait,” Anakin said. “But this is important. I don’t want your heart to be broken.”
“My – no, this is important, Anakin,” Obi-Wan replied. “You killed Dooku, correct?”
“This seems completely irrelevant, but yes,” Anakin answered. “Why?”
“I was thinking about something Dooku told me once,” Obi-Wan told Anakin. “He said that Darth Sidious had control of a lot of Senators.”
“Still not seeing the connection, unless you think those Senators have been seducing you,” Anakin replied.
“I think the Chancellor is Sidious,” Obi-Wan declared. “And, Anakin, you’re going to have to tell the Council and get help sorting it out, I am landing in less than two minutes.”
Anakin was silent for several seconds of those less than two minutes.
“If you want to break up with him, Master, you don’t need the whole Jedi Council to do it for you,” he said. “And if you think he’s hideous, why did you start sleeping with him in the first place?”
“Put Padme on the line,” Obi-Wan suggested. “No, wait.”
“Waiting, Master,” Anakin replied.
Obi-Wan took a deep, calming breath.
“Put your wife on the line,” he resumed. “Or, if she’s not there, tell her that I’m fairly sure Chancellor Palpatine is the other Sith we’ve been looking for. And get her to call a vote of no confidence, she’s good at those.”
Satisfied that that would buy him the time he needed, he began making his final landing approach.
It was only a shame he wouldn’t get to see their faces, really. But desperate times called for desperate measures.
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shewolf-sinclair · 3 days
I HATE when people dumb down Jason Todd “he’s impulsive/irrational/erratic/brash/dumb/the angry robin!”
let me break it down for you fools because he’s actually like one of the most nuanced and complex characters to ever bless my presence (and he’s the best ((my fav)) robin argue with the wall) (tldr at the end but please read the post)
Starting out as robin they are ALL orphans. because that’s like bruce’s thing. BUT dick and tim had families before bruce adopted them. Jason did not. HE GREW UP ON THE STREETS. (+10 points for truama✨) which led him to grow up to be independent and resourceful. Bruce literally met him because he was trying to steal the bat mobiles tires with the intent of reverse engineering them to sell to the people of gotham because bullet proof tires in that kinda city would save lives source
As for being brash. Yeah. he is. he lacks people skills because HE GREW UP ON THE STREETS. yet he still knows how to sympathize with people and not be an ass ALL the time. he’s cocky sure but it’s a defensive mechanism after years of being treated like he doesn’t have value/having to prove himself. and damien is worse lets bsffr.
He’s impulsive. (likely adhd) Teenager. next question.
He’s the angriest robin! he only ever wants vengeance! WRONG. dick is angrier! he was so petty he left gotham and got a new identity just as a fuck you to bruce. any anger Jason has is not unmatched or outdone by other robins and he is rightfully angry he’s been dealt a crappy hand in life. he’s jealous of dick because bruce was ALWAYS comparing him and telling heroic stories of dicks feats. it’s hard not to push yourself to be as good as or better than the og and not to crack under said pressure.
He’s dumb! NOPE. he is as smart if not smarter than tim. He is BRILLIANT when he wants to be. (see above: resourceful) if you take titans (cw) as canon (why wouldn’t u its as canon as any other tv show??) he is a GENIUS. he taught himself chemistry so he could invent and mass produce drugs. he had a genius strategy to fuck with the titans; the puzzle of clues for which dick needed scarecrow, kory, gar, and conner to solve. Not to mention him finding doctor light earlier in the season. He leads the outlaws bc he is a natural leader and good at handling the details!!
He’s a villain! OKAY AND? SO WAS HARLEY BUT WE LUV HER !! DAMIEN WAS A TRAINED ASSASAIN! he puts so much effort into helping people (see above: resourceful) HE RISKED/LOST HIS LIFE FOR IT. HE IS FIERCELY LOYAL. even as red hood he obtains a strict moral code; no drugs to kids or by schools, don’t kill innocent uninvolved people(depends on which media you’re looking at). serve karma on a gold platter. unlawful but USUALLY NOT unethical. he also becomes a vigilante (and the JL for a bit) and does so much good! none of them are perfect ALL of the time. and considering the other DC villains, he’s not that evil.
strength?? no problem! he almost beat dick and bruce several times in the comics!! source
not to mention his proficiency for new things (see above: chemistry) his whole time as robin he uses bat tech. but redhood uses guns and knives. he just picked that up and was a skilled marksman immediately. (also truama response after nearly dying to death stroke)
so what hes kinda fucked in the head. aren’t they all? isn’t that… the point? it’s justified after everything he’s been through AND it makes hims a better character, more 3D more realistic and relatable.
also for the sake of this thesis partially disregard the wonderful work of art that is WFA it’s a fixit. for a reason. because the it was broken and needed fixing.
TLDR; you don’t have to like Jason Todd, or think he’s the best Robin, but you have to admit, he is a complex, layered, well written character. And stop mischaracterizing him and dumbing him down to this impulsive, angry, weak kid.
bonus: my Jason playlist
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employee052 · 3 days
ok this might be a bit too big for my britches and not at all fitting to tsp, but ive got a small idea for a tsp trend that ended up shifting into a big week thing that im considering, but idk if anyone would be interested in
ill be putting the details under the cut just so i can put this down, but if you are interested in participating or seeing this happen then lmk in reblogs or smth so i can at least try to get smth like this set up
[ill be honest, idk how these trends work, nor do i know how to set one up, so this is just an idea i just got aksjhd]
update: the trend has started!
so, with june coming around the corner, and by extension summer i was thinking of trying to start some trend relating to summer, but not like last year with the beach trend (which i sadly missed, but it was awesome to see happen!)
that being said tho, i was tryna come up with something else other than a beach when i thought maybe a road trip?
like, maybe someone has a road trip/vacation planned for anyone in the tsp fandom to take part in (we get a shuttle bus, and everyone is invited, money mysteriously appears so we can cover the expenses for everyone)
but then i got the idea of having it so its the start of the road trip first as a trend, but then doing something like paratober but condensed down into a week or a few days or so, where its your tsp characters actually at some locations visiting it (like, theres a prompt where were at some mountains and going on a hike, or a forest, maybe one where everyone is under some aurora borealises, to even just everyone at a bar for the night)
TLDR on the potential plan:
For a few weeks or so, there will be a vacation thread where you can draw your narrators, stanleys, mariellas, curators, buckets, lines, 432s, TKs, jims, etc etc, either preparing or already ready for a road trip
this can be an outfit, bags packed, maybe everyone rushing around, your characters inside the bus or outside, yknow, pre road trip/vacation vibes
After a few weeks, theres a schedule of some sort of places everyone might go to for this trip. this is the prompt list much like for things like mermay and paratober, which are essentially for things your characters to do, like a real vacation
this would be prompts like visiting a waterfall, going to a forest, going to a resturaunt, hotels, being on the road, visiting an iceberg, going to the beach, road trip games, etc
but yeah! thats the idea skdjhff
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re: the transmisogyny post you self reblogged earlier. without giving too many personally identifiable details: I'm tme, butch
i think the thing that really made me confront this head on was when my girlfriend's ex found out she's trans, and then immediately started telling all of her friends, AND ME??? that she sexually assaulted her several years ago, while leaving out the fact that what actually happened was a bdsm mishap due to their mutual ignorance of proper safety procedure for something she (ex) was the one to ask for. i understand that must have been traumatic, but also, i hope she fucking chokes on it.
it was horrific and eye opening to even have someone just accuse her of that unprompted. for a bit of a happy ending, though, most of them came around after asking to hear her side. they're good people.
For real i have heard SO many "my tme ex told my whole friend group i raped her and everyone believed them and started harassing and blocking me" stories from transfems, it's honestly a relief to hear one where people gave her the benefit of the doubt. But also yeah this is a horrifyingly common thing to happen to transfems in queer/lesbian, I can think of like a half dozen friends this happened to off the top of my head.
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bigfatbimbo · 3 hours
this sounds kinda fucked but like how would vox be toxic in a relationship?? who do you think would be like the worst character to be with in hazbin?
this sounds like a bummer of a request but i ask because you talk about how much you like character analysis posts, and you have a clear love for terrible people (same!)
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So let me just say that I feel like, of late, I haven’t given that much attention to how terrible of a person Vox is… But the thing is, no one wants to hear about how they would be mistreated in a relationship. I mean, I fear a lot of my posts seem delusion-ally out of character for this, but also it’s tumblr and as long as I continue have a firm grasp on what that character is actually like, mischaracterization can be excused for the sake of joy and whimsy. (However I can justify ANYTHING that I was written and tell you why they would **to an extent** do that. Actually that sounds really fun someone test me on that—)
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Vox definitely gets the worst of ‘mischaracterization for the sake of joy and whimsy’ so here’s a small reality check! Don’t enjoy <3 **NOT PROOFREAD**
Constant surveillance of your every move. This meaning every question you google, all the television you watch, every stranger you smile at, he would keep track of it all.
Anything you do wrong, under his creepy surveillance, would be used against you during arguments.
No, even if you two are official, he does not stop fucking Val, and no, if asked, he will not stop.
He will lie to you if he feels he needs to, and will absolutely never feel bad about it no matter how big of a lie it is.
The worst of this definitely comes when you two are fighting and you call him out for something he 100% did.
He’s great at painting himself out in a good light, and when you’re fighting he does this by lying, and if that doesn’t work, hypnosis.
Yeah, he does that a lot too. If you’re not in the mood to fuck, now you are. If you’re hanging out with your friends tonight instead of him, no you’re not. I hope you all have blue light glasses!
Also, if all of his manipulation tactics fail to work on you, he just gets mad and really personal in all of his insults. It’s easy for him to do so when he’s studied you on his screen for so long.
Hope you’re not overly insecure too, he’ll take advantage of that to get what he wants from you.
Speaking of taking advantage of, if you’re famous or special or interesting in any particular way, he will 100% use you for press.
Also, he’s from the 1950s, no matter how modern he tries to be, a part of this mindset will always stay with him.
Meaning that he will obnoxiously try to be the manly one in the relationship, no matter your gender.
You will be feminized in his mind, at least for a good start of the relationship.
This also stems from his fragile ego, and seeing as he is the personification of toxic masculinity!
This is a dom reader blog, obviously, but even after fucking this kind of mindset out of him, these tendencies would stop, BUT be replaced by equally as terrible ones.
For example, especially if he’s the sub, he would just expect you to do things for him, to stick your neck out, to take care and dote on him.
If you’re not giving him enough attention as well, your internet will go out, your lights will flicker, and no electronics in your house will work.
This will stay the case until you are forced to ask him for help.
But you wanted to be in charge anyways, so why should this behavior be reciprocated?
I’ve talked about this in past posts, I can’t find it at this very moment but I go into detail more, but what does love look like for Vox?
He would probably either be shockingly indifferent towards you, until he falls in ‘love.’
Then, he will be terribly obsessed with you. Because the closest thing he can feel to actually love is devoted obsession.
Yes, it can last as long as love, but it isn’t.
Because, and let me say this loudly, a healthy relationship with Vox, or any of the Vees, is not possible. You can be close, but it is not and never will be possible!
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Okay, so your second question, “who do you think would be like the worst character to be with in hazbin?”
Top three and in this order:
Any of the Vees
2. Alastor
3. Adam or Lute
I’m probably forgetting someone, but it’s alright. Top three remains the same.
And you know, you will never catch me defending any of those people. Because I feel like in this fandom there is some crazy internalized theme of being ‘morally correct’ when liking a character.
You can find a character entertaining or interesting, no matter how awful they are. It’s television, characters are supposed to be interesting. Liking their screen time, or finding them attractive, has virtually NOTHING to do with your moral compass.
SORRY FOR THE RANT AT THE END— This is going to flop so hard. ☝️😁
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Lucifer content and Adam content coming out soon, BY THE WAY!! Just trying to answer the more question-y asks before putting out actual content. Also i’m bored with no real motivation so
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inkyvendingmachine · 3 days
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Avedone With All of This Season 4, Episode 4
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀 Call of Cthulhu Season Four Masterpost (Coming Soon)
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of  a Call of Cthulhu scenario from the Tales of the Crescent City book. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
GUESS WHO FINALLY SHOWED UP!!! and also a lot of other stuff happened. I'm sorry, this one is very long because I didn't take notes, and struggle to leave out details when I'm writing from the records instead of the notes.
Art Credit: @inkdemonapologist : sketching + inking @inkyvendingmachine : concept + colouring
Somehow Jack’s car, with all its original passengers and no extras, manage to make it back to the studio. Joey immediately rushes into the studio, to go rant at Bendy about everything that happened… and possibly to go fuse with Bendy because he feels utterly helpless now after completely draining himself with panicked magic. 
But it’s probably just the first one.
Sammy and Henry arrive as well to find Jack and Peter quietly picking glass out of his broken car in something like shock. Upon getting no responses from Jack about what happened, Sammy storms off to find Joey.
Joey is all too happy to start his entire rant over again for Sammy as he works on fusing with Bendy. They were just following Peter’s leads and driving from location to location and then all of the sudden this ASSHOLE shows up out of nowhere and just stands in front of the car. Busts the car, terrifies poor Jack, and then on top of that tries to break INTO the car and abduct Peter?? It’s a good thing Joey managed to blast him out, but they weren’t even DOING ANYTHING that would have possibly summoned him NOTHING AT ALL... And on top of all that, being an absolute PRICK as he’s doing it! 
… Anyways, how was the moooob?
Sammy updates Joey on everything that happened with Johnny Nero, which is pretty much just that he had seen the Yellow sign, that Henry removed it, and that Nero was pretty intent on getting his hands on whatever the Phantom wants first. Which like… yeah, if you wanna solve all our problems and fix this mess, go ahead! But Joey’s pretty sure that’s not going to happen, so he goes back to working on his ritual.
Sammy leaves to go back to Jack, and right as Joey feels ready to start the ritual his phone rings. The special one. And it’s… Avedon??
Avedon immediately starts info dumping on Joey about everything that’s been going on already… like, all the information Joey already knows. A lot of flat “yeah?”s in reply as Avedon rambles on, until he mentions that it’s already gotten to Norman. Wait, what?? But Avedon doesn’t stop, telling Joey to meet him at his hotel room in NYC so they can go over more information. Before Joey manages to get any clarification, he hangs up. 
That’s Joey’s thing!!!
Joey is the one who hangs up on others!!!!!!!
Frustrated, Joey does try to call Norman, and… Yeah, Norman is talking in weird riddles and speech that doesn’t fit with the Normal Norman Vibes. That call is also ended with little information gained… but at least it DOES seem like Avedon knows what he’s talking about this time, so Joey’s willing to meet with him, even though he’s also feeling done with him already.
Joey finishes the ritual and merges with Bendy.
On his way downstairs, Sammy is still turning over the car event he just heard about… and the increasing evidence that Peter might actually be the Phantom’s target?? Why else would he be trying to drag him out of the car?
Sammy approaches Peter, who has since started exchanging information with Henry as they all get the last of the glass shards out of the car, and says that he wants to see if Prophet can tell anything about what happened. Sammy looks distracted for a moment, and [lack of surprise because it was actually somewhat communicated beforehand,] Prophet is here!
Prophet concentrates, and with no hesitation, mushes his hands all over Peter's face. 
The good news is that, while Prophet can tell that Peter’s been grabbed by the Phantom recently, that’s actually all that he can detect. No additional eldritch stuff, he’s not possessed, he’s not weirdly marked or damaged in a way that can’t normally be seen. Great!
But Prophet can’t tell if Peter is the target or not. For his part, Peter has been muttering that it seemed like the phantom was trying to pull information from Peter on someone else he was looking for, someone who “followed us out”, but there’s nothing Prophet can sense to confirm that… but he realizes he can sense the distortions to reality increasing throughout NYC. They’re in the air, moving about… getting stronger.
Henry can feel it too.
But that’s all the energy Prophet has, and he unfortunately misses Joey showing up and dumping his new plan of action on everyone. He, Henry and Peter are going to go find Avedon’s dumb hotel room and figure out what’s going on with him, while Sammy and Jack are going to go check up on Susie and Norman because Norman is definitely acting weird now and he’s not quite sure if Susie is in over her head or not…
Nobody objects to the plan. And with NYC losing more and more of its reality to the yellow mist rolling in, it seems important that they do something.
Henry, Joey and Peter do make a detour to Henry’s house though to make sure all is well there. The car is gone, the lights are out, things seem as they should if Linda managed to follow through and get the kids out of the city. Peter is concerned when he notices some of Henry’s wards, but don’t worry, those are supposed to be there. Henry checks them over, and they all seem good. Bendy finds a bucket of clay he and Henry's kids had played with before, and brings it along to entertain himself on any following sleepovers, since that is a thing that will probably keep happening. For once, it seems like everything is actually left alone? 
Until they look out back and find the treehouse Henry built for his kids is gone. Actually, it’s almost like all the landscaping and such in the area was just… cleared away? Or never happened. Joey meanwhile is tabbing through Henry's photo albums and makes sure everyone is still there, which they are. But the treehouse isn’t. And, perhaps even worse, there’s also an extra guy in the JDS staff photo now? Joey pockets it, since this guy seems to be in the music department according to the photo, but Joey is sure he’s never seen him before. And it’s not Alan. So. Hopefully the music boys can shed some light on this.
Henry grabs some supplies and his gun, and Joey turns him around to fix his outfit and make sure the gun is properly hidden. Avedon is 2 trigger happy, we don’t want to say our hellos by instantly showing off the weapons we brought.
Meanwhile Jack and Sammy’s drive to Norman’s is more fraught than the previous ones. Not only has he moved house again, (though at least this time they have evidence of his new address from the junk mail they took last time) but… many other roads are starting to move too. Also Sammy is driving, so, speed has been cut in the engine department too… don’t need to hit two things in a single day with all this mist building up, and any sort of navigation trouble puts even more delays in.
At least they do manage to find the place and head on in, with hope that also maybe now that Avedon has arrived Norman will stop being so “sticking it out in a house that keeps wandering off apparently.” Things seem kinda fine at first at least, like they’re not immediately shooed out or attacked or have any weird monsters hanging over the house waiting for them to try the door… But upon Sammy questioning Susie while Jack goes to find Norman in the back, the music boys find out that things are very much not fine.
Susie is… very confident with a knife all of a sudden, and very confident that she will be able to just stab the Phantom when given the word to go out and hunt him down. Y’know just… stab the guy who couldn’t be damaged by a 2 ton vehicle slamming square on into him. And when Sammy tries to argue this logic, it just becomes more and more obvious that Susie and Norman are both… in character. Susie’s speech cadence is even reminiscent of when she’s performing rather than talking normally. But they don't seem aware that their actions seem more scripted than decided.
Jack finds Norman in the back, with a hatchet and a very similar plan to Susie’s. But whatever is happening isn’t strong enough to make them completely forget themselves, and with some facts being pointed out and reminders of who they are, the boys manage to get these two actors back to themselves... kind of. There's still some weirdness going on, and this also doesn't answer the question of what could be done to prevent this happening again?
Neither Susie nor Norman really realized when it started to happen, and it took some serious outside convincing to snap them out of it at all… Do they need Henry to expel something to truly get back to themselves again??
Meanwhile, Henry parks near the hotel they were directed to by Avedon, and the trio look upon it in… concern. First of all, it doesn’t even look like a hotel, or look like it belongs in NYC. And the entire place is surrounded by a yellow mist… and while they could wait it out or try to somehow call Avedon and tell him to come out, it just feels like the longer they wait the worse it will get. 
Really, it’s starting to feel that way for a lot of things.
But even though everything about this feels bad, they press on and enter the “hotel”. What should be the hotel lobby is abnormally empty, and when they start up the stairs… well, that’s not normal either, the stairs just keep going. Joey is flipping any rugs he finds though to make sure they don’t have stupid destabilization spells underneath them.
After a few rounds of strange rooms, weird hallways, some alien screeching outside the windows, and Henry noticing that NYC is not the city outside said windows, he stops everyone out of worry that they’re walking into a trap… and Joey agrees. But not that this hotel is specifically a trap.
All of New York is a trap.
It doesn’t matter where they go next, the longer they don’t solve this issue, the more of a trap everything will be.
They just gotta press on.
Aaaaand start yelling for Avedon because clearly they aren’t gonna be just walking up to his hotel room at this point.
Good news! Avedon replies! Bad news!! Only Henry can hear it for some reason!! And… Avedon can hear Joey but not Henry?? 
It’s all very confusing. They find Henry’s reading glasses on a table. Those were in his pocket how did they get there excuse me. All of this isn't fine actually.
But after a few rounds of Avedon Polo, they finally stumble across each other in a… garden. In the middle of a hotel. And of course, the first thing Avedon says is that they need to leave immediately. He didn’t know it was going to be like THIS, he just stepped out to get a coffee and suddenly the whole place is weird??? Well, now that they’re here, time to immediately leave because YEAH THAT WAS THE PLAN FROM THE START. 
Going through another door leads out into a familiar courtyard, at least familiar to Joey. He had been here a few nights ago, while invading Y’s dream, and indeed, right where he’d expect, he finds the Y twins chatting amongst themselves. Marching up to them, Joey demands to know what they’re doing and what’s going on.
They respond by addressing him as royalty.
✧・゚: *Joey Drew, as Your Highness・゚: *✧
Normally, this would probably inflate Joey’s ego! Currently, it sinks like a stone into his stomach!! He does not want to be part of the play!!!
Joey suddenly wonders, because it’s the same courtyard, if they are in a dreamscape of some sort… Does he appear different than himself… and that's why they're addressing him this way?
But no, he looks like Joey, and Henry looks like Henry, and Peter looks like Peter, and Avedon is still here… except Joey also notices some of their hands are starting to turn transparent…………. That's probably fine.
He still doesn’t want to be part of their play.
The Y twins try to get Joey to go somewhere with them, and he makes up a story why they need to not do that rn, so that the group of normal fading humans can attempt once again to leave this place. 
Since it's all weird here, Joey tries his little will-what-he-wants-into-reality trick and… well it doesn't work. Instead, he finds a throne room?? and realizes that they aren’t just in Carcosa, they’re in the castle where the Yellow King’s play takes place. And Joey manages to follow his intuition from here to find some kind of portrait hallway, covered with familiar faces… all labeled as characters from the play. Not recognizing all of them, Henry starts drawing them so we have a record of it later.
But there's a few he doesn't have to draw.
One is Alan Leroy, the guy that they're becoming sure is the target of the Pallid Mask. Part of the royal family, apparently. He's a slender man, black hair slicked back, young looking, quite pretty … kinda looks like Joey…
Which makes more sense perhaps when the portrait of the eldest son in the royal family is none other than Joey himself. Guess this is why he was being addressed as royalty… but that means the Y twins are not quite in their right minds, and anything he finds them doing here is probably just play nonsense.
Also Denis is the youngest prince but who cares about that guy.
What they DO care about is the fact they’re getting more and more transparent, so the boys go to find Avedon, who is oh so helpfully knocking shit over and muttering in french, and Joey manages to get his door trick to actually work this time; he opens the door and there’s…
Everyone starts running down them, managing not to get turned around when they start making twisty turns, and get to the front door of this stupid castle in a hotel lobby.
They peek outside.
Sure enough, on the side of the building, there’s a shadow shaped suspiciously like nothing they can really identify, so it must be some sort of angel monster or something.
At this point, there’s really only one option they have: try sneaking to the car and hope it’s looking the other way, and if not, run!
Everyone agrees that this is a great plan.
And then they do that.
There’s a bit of fumbling in the middle, but the car was parked outside of the yellow mist for once, so the creature just fades out as soon as it leaves the mist to chase them. 
Well! Okay then!! That problem is solved!! Let’s go deliver Avedon to Norman so that he can take responsibility for his mad man and then maybe stop hiding at home or something!
Henry drives off, and things seem fine for now…
Until Joey swivels around in the front seat to question Avedon, and out the back window, sees something flying after them, only visible whenever it passes through the mists…
Problem… not solved.
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Have you talked about How Did It End?
If the goal was to make us uncomfortable, then the goal is was achieved with me.
I haven’t, other than saying it’s one of my favorites.
Oh boy this turned out to be long. Sorry.
I think this song is primarily about having to deal with the gossip surrounding your relationship, specifically with the perceptions of the end of a relationship that everyone thinks they know a lot about, but actually don’t. And as a celebrity like Taylor, having everyone talking about how it ended and thinking they know the various reasons, based on Taylor’s own storytelling she’s done about it (which is never going to be 100% reality) and also based on gossip that’s just “out there” based on what people think they know about Taylor, whether it’s what she has pushed people to “know” or some of the more salacious stuff she’d rather people didn’t think.
Now, most of us have had to deal a bit with this. Having to tell people something ended. Some have even had to tell about calling off an engagement or letting everyone know you’re divorcing. It’s gonna be hard, having to first tell intimate friends/family who may know a lot of details already, but then also people less close to you over and over again: coworkers, your hairdresser, your 2nd cousin you only see at Thanksgiving who may have heard tidbits from your Aunt who heard tidbits from your mom. This second group in particular don’t know all the drama and non-dramatic stuff that happened that led to the end. They might be shocked because you seemed so perfect for each other. Or they may say when you’re not around, “yeah that’s not surprising, you know how she is.”
But when you’re Taylor Swift, you meet A LOT of people. And when your life is splashed across the news front page, and you’ve made a career out of singing about your life and letting people in on the intimate moments (songs about sex, songs about depression, songs about joy) and you’ve built a parasocial army of people who think they really know you, the response to the ending of a relationship is going to be an overwhelming cacophony of opinions and expressions of sympathy from people who really don’t know anything, but think they do.
And I think this is part of what my interpretation of this song differs from what others have said (though admittedly I haven’t read any long winded analyses of this song. Maybe this is obvious.) I feel like most people read through the list of reasons it ended in the verses:
Hot house flower to my outdoorsman (him introverted, her extroverted)
Incurable maladies (both have depression)
Birthright became foreign (soulmates to distance between)
Blind to unforeseen circumstances (unexpected bad stuff popped up -stuff like the masters heist or whatever paper thin best laid plans they had)
Different dances (not on the same page)
Interlopers glances (cheating, emotional or otherwise)
Lost game of chance (bad luck)
as Taylor telling us and the gossipers how it ended.
But if you look at it a different way, you can interpret it as this is a list of speculation by the gossipers of how it may have ended. It’s not Taylor saying why it ended. You can recognize everything on this list as things people speculated about what caused it to end.
Look at the first line of the song :
We nearby conduct this post mortem
Who’s we here? If it were Taylor telling all, it would be “I hearby conduct”. Also “We must know.” So to me, the We here is us, the GP, her acquaintances. In other places in the song though, we is them as a couple. “This is what happens to us.” But imo, there are clear points where it’s the audience giving their opinions or asking why. Whenever I think of these people in relation to Taylor, I picture her hairdressers (same as the person at the beginning of Paris.) This is just my own personal visualization of people who gossip. But you can also just as easily picture a few swifties you follow who always pretend to know her and what’s going on, often people who met her once or twice, or you can picture some podcasters who make money off pretending to understand her best, or DeuxMoi who claims to have sources who know her, or the people at the office water cooler saying “oh did you hear about Taylor and her boyfriend, what was his name? Joe something?” Or teenagers texting each other the news on April 8th. It’s all of us, some who think we know a lot (stand) and some who only know the bare minimum (average GP person who reads People magazine at the hairdressers.) But I like to imagine it being someone who does actually know Taylor a bit, which is why I choose the hairdresser. Notoriously gossipy, notoriously able to get people to tell them some personal things, but Taylor certainly won’t tell them the whole truth. Imagine the question “oh honey I heard the news about you and Joe. How did it end?” And she’s gone through this so many times. Since she was 18 years old. People being nosy, thinking they know more than they do. And then those people tell all of their friends (even if there was a bit of a promise to not) and gossip spreads within the industry and people think they know. Same with gossip spreading through the fandom or gossip spreading through the GP.
And since I believe many of her public relationships have been fake and she has had private relationships that began and ended generally without these people knowing about them, but also in some cases these people did know about the secret things but they only knew a tiny bit, it brings a whole other layer to this. *Hairdresser whispers* “Oh I heard that secret thing I know about ended, gosh I’m so sorry. How, you two seemed so perfect for each other?” And all the while they are thinking: Did she really betray you? Did you really turn down a marriage proposal from her? Did she really cheat on you? Did you really fall in love with the beard? Did you hear about your ex friend’s sister hooking up with that wanna be Z-lister?” They may not directly ask these questions or say these things but want to. They know not to cross that line but they certainly are curious and they certainly gossip about it later. “I did Taylor’s hair last week after the news came out and let me tell you she looked sad/manic/fine/robotic and I think this must be what happened…” And some of them probably do ask these questions straight to her, and she has to answer in ways that protect her and the other person’s privacy. It must be really hard. And the thing is most of these people are decent people. They aren’t trying to hurt her. They are the empathetic people she mentions in a couple of songs. At least they think they are. But Taylor knows the real motivation here is curiosity and gossip. They might also care about her but not in a real way, because she is mostly a fictional character to them. The gossip is just as, if not more important. And part of her does want to be understood. She wants to be seen. But she also wants desperately to protect herself. It’s such a double edged sword that she grapples with constantly.
Finally, we get to the bridge, a place where sometimes in her songs she changes perspective, goes outside the story told in the rest of the song, changes it up, adds a twist, and I believe this is her herself silently screaming into the void how it really felt, what really happened. Her and her ghostly lover, metaphorically dying together, mourning their loss together. This bridge is some of the best writing on the album.
And it’s like her herself ending the song with this mysterious:
I still don’t know, how did it end?
Why wouldn’t she know how it ended?
All around a great song full of the folklore of Taylor Swift.
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majaloveschris · 1 day
I’m not a conspiracy theorists about most of the things in this saga and while I have my own thoughts about the CE relationship I try to be very very rational about everything whether generated by the fandom or public knowledge. But after reading the snippet that mentions the wedding in the Hemsworth article I’m starting to put on my little tin foil hat.
There is something super odd about the way the details were inserted. The way it reads doesn’t make any sense and there are details that just simply didn’t need to be included because they add absolutely nothing to the context of the situation. Adding context/world building is writing 101 but the main point was about Jeremy Renner’s accident and it barely went into any detail about their actual feelings about it.
I can understand why a gathering including the original avengers and their continued friendship would garner interest and that they are asked about one another all the time so that I don’t find weird. But it’s the insertions of certain details that I personally think is very weird.
Coming from a person who doesn’t unusually go down the rabbit hole with these things I can understand why people would be suspicious about this one.
Yeah, it was very weird, as if Renner was only mentioned so they could bring up the wedding. As I said before, Renner and his accident have nothing to do with Hemsworth; the same goes with the wedding. They were there to talk about Hemsworth and his projects. Yeah, maybe if they were talking about him a bit more, then it wouldn't have felt so out of place, but they quickly mentioned him and the wedding, adding "Portugal-American" (just in case, you know), and that was it. The randomness and shortness of it make it seem so forced.
We don't even know if that was the first time they saw him. As you said, Jeremy had been doing more than okay, even way before the wedding. We know Scarlett and Chris visited him; they could've too. All of them could've done it at the same time.
I see what you mean when you say that maybe mentioning the Avengers could be good for clicks and views, but again, they didn't even talk about any other people. They didn't exchange things like a good memory of shooting those movies or something fun that happened behind the scenes. They could've talked about simply the group chat they have; I don't think bringing up the "Portugal-American" wedding was so important, especially when it was supposedly a private one.
If they'd talked about Renner and the Avengers for a longer period of time, maybe mentioning the wedding wouldn't have been so weird, but this way it was, especially mentioning it as a Portuguese-American one.
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tenebraevesper · 2 days
Sonic Prime's Inconsistent Lore (News)
So, I had been saying this several times, but here's a comprehensive video from SonicHub about why Sonic Prime was written that way, including an answer on BumbleKast from Ian Flynn about the inconsistency of the show in regards to the lore.
To sum it up, Ian Flynn, long-time Sonic Comics writer and contributing writer for Sonic Frontiers, had been brought in as a consultant for Sonic Prime. He had actually flagged the inconsistencies he could find in the script, but the writers for Sonic Prime either didn't get the memo to actually listen to him or just flat out ignored Ian Flynn's warnings. There was a lot of cogs moving, so something can get lost in translation, but yeah, there was also a sense of ignorance from the writing staff.
Still, despite the fact that Ian Flynn was brought in just as a consultant and not as a writer, people were mad at him as if he was responsible for the errors and inconsistencies in the show's writing. Hell, even the mandate about Sonic Prime being canon to the games came down later from SEGA. In other words, people got mad at a guy who had nothing to do with this mess in the first place and did his best to fix it, knowing well the wrath of the Sonic community.
''[...] A consultant's position really is 'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink'.'' - Ian Flynn, BumbleKast
In the end, Sonic Prime isn't a bad show per se and I definitely enjoyed watching it. It actually gave us a lot of good stuff, like Shadow's character (which you can read about HERE), but it fumbled the bag when it came to lore details like Sonic actually having met a robot doppelgänger before Chaos Sonic (that being Metal Sonic) or fighting robots without being powered by Flickies (which happens in Sonic Heroes).
Honestly, I genuinely hope people will first do their research on the matter instead of blaming Ian Flynn for stuff that happens that is outside of his control.
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b4kuch1n · 9 months
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polymer broadcast signal hijack
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theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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Uploading all my Tomgreg art at once from the past few week before season 4 hits, who knows in what kind of mental state i'm gonna be once it does :')
#tomgreg#succession#dont even talk to me i started watching this show when i had nothing to do at work and now i watch it with averiel my good friend averiel#and we are going to watch s4 together and i feel physically ill from bein so excited#so ya thats what ive been up to... anyway. i love these idiots they desever nothing but the worst (affectionate)#im also a tomshiv lover btw. im the one who yells 'THIS IS HOW TOMSHIV CAN STILL WIN' while they are actively losing on screen#thats the kind of person i am#dont look at me (lying on the floor)#okay i was not going to say stuff in the tags and let the art speak for itself but i NEED to point out details in the wine Painting..#i put a lot of work into that one. thinly veiled metaphors and symbolism yknow..#greg is gripping the stem of the wine glass with his full fist. tom and greg are dressed in the same outfit (sock garters included)#greg look appalled but he is not doing anything about the spill. tom is fondly pouring greg more and more wine. he is doing him a favor#i colored the red wine the same way i would color blood :) oh and tom is not really touching greg#only holding the chair in place. greg is making himself look smaller than he is like usual#oh and @ the person who said that it's the inverse of the tom and nate scene i love the way you think. i did not think of that before#but god. yeah. i actually thought about the scene change from when roman uhh.. christens his office in s1. the one with the coffee machine#i always go insane at that cut. this is not exactly the same since it's more.. about emotions but yknow.. it can be.. the same...
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deeva-arud · 5 months
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Deeva Årud - Club Wear Voice Lines
When Summoned: Lights dimmed, tension building up… Are you ready to feel our rhythm? Summon Line: Playing music with friends is fun, I’m glad to be here even though I’m starting to feel a bit nervous.
Groooovy!!: We’d be delighted to see you at our next show. Spotting a familiar face among the crowd is always nice. Home: “Let’s rock and roll”, as some would say. Home Idle 1: I joined the Pop Music Club on my second year. Perhaps it’s quite a drastic change from my previous club but… it’d be a lie to say I’m not enjoying my time here. Home Idle 2: Most of the time I’m the one suggesting we should practice, but somehow Lilia, Cater and Kalim always distract me with all these unknown snacks and gadgets. Sometimes I have the feeling they do it on purpose… Home Idle 3: I need to warm my hands, it’s hard playing an instrument when they’re cold. Home Idle – Login: *humming Piece of My World* Ah- sorry, I didn’t see you there. Can I help you with something? Home Idle – Groovy: I’ve been playing violin and other instruments since I was a kid. My family has always had a connection with music and I’ll gladly continue this legacy. Conveying your thoughts and feelings through sounds is quite satisfactory. Home Tap 1: My first concert with them? Since it was the first time I’d be playing in front of many people, I knew I’d have a hard time trying to look at the audience. Cater noticed and told me to look at him so I could feel less overwhelmed… Let’s say I didn’t expect him to be so literal. His clones substituted the audience because no one came to see us. Home Tap 2: Hm, my violin? Indeed, it’s not the same one I use at Mostro Lounge. An electric violin is more suitable for the club’s activities. I’m surprised you noticed it. That means someone’s been paying too much attention to the musician playing ambience music… That was a joke. Home Tap 3: Kalim and I joined the club in the same year so I got to see how much he’s improved his drumming technique. It’s impressive. Certainly, Lilia’s been an excellent teacher to him. Home Tap 4: I like the idea of having customized masks for our performances. Maybe I should mention it once we have enough funds. Home Tap 5: I recently accepted to do some vocals just for our club sessions. You can come see us, but please refrain from telling everyone else. At the moment, I only feel comfortable singing for a few people. Home Tap – Groovy: When it comes to a band like this many wouldn’t think of a violinist, but that actually gives songs an interesting feeling, don’t you think? Duo: [DEEVA]: Ready for a shocking performance, Cater? [CATER]: Ready as ever, Dee-chan!
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epickiya722 · 30 days
Hot take (probably), but I actually don't believe Izuku is the type to actually be in everyone's business. Let alone Katsuki's.
Like, I know there's that bit in one of the light novels, I don't know which one and I don't exactly know how it went, where Izuku mentions how Katsuki didn't get Valentines from girls or whatever but here's the thing...
Katsuki is fucking loud.
I believe Izuku actually didn't care that Katsuki got any gifts from girls or not. Just more shocked that he didn't.
But how he found out was that Katsuki was talking with some other kids and brought up gifts or whatever and Katsuki, being Katsuki, loudly proclaimed that he didn't get gifts and doesn't want any and Izuku just so happen to have heard that walking pass.
They went to a school where their fucking teacher thought it was necessary to bring up Izuku's business to the entire class and he got laughed at.
Maybe it's just me, but the whole "Izuku knows everything about Katsuki because he follows him everywhere like a shadow" just... ugh...
They were close at one point (and got better), yeah. Izuku is observant and he's more curious, mostly about quirks and heroes. And sometimes, he does speak before he thinks and gets into business he doesn't have to, but that's more for being a good person and hero.
But I do not think he's that nosy.
If anyone is the damn nosy one it's Katsuki.
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5qui99l3draws · 4 months
*does the 3D equivalent of doodling a big sparkly eye in the margins of your class notes*
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stairset · 11 months
I think the portrayal of Spider-Man 2099 in Across the Spider-Verse is in-character in that aside from like Shattered Dimensions he's always been portrayed as a bit of an asshole who slips into anti-hero territory at times and generally has a "needs of the many over the needs of the few" mindset and given his specific circumstances in the movie it's not unreasonable to think he could take the actions he does. However it does kinda suck that since like 99% of moviegoers had no idea who he was before the movie came out their first impression of him is when he's in an antagonistic role and people think "antagonist" and "villain" are synonyms so now I'm gonna have to listen to people who've never read a comic saying he's a villain or isn't a real Spider-Man for the rest of time or at least until he inevitably changes his mind in the third one.
#hell you don't even need to read a comic just look up a let's play of spider-man edge of time you'll get what i mean#but yeah i saw a post that was like#''the first movie had a joke about how spider-man doesn't wear a cape and miguel has a cape they did that to show he's not spider-man''#as if he hasn't had that cape since his creation 30 fucking years ago#he's not even the only spider-man to have one. spider-man unlimited is also a thing that exists.#even the first movie had that call-back joke where they see the peter from miles's universe had a suit with a cape#these movies have a lot of little details with deeper meanings but the cape thing just isn't one of them sorry#but yeah. play edge of time or find it on youtube it's good.#shattered dimensions is also good but miguel's personality in that game is closer to peter's for some reason#so edge of time is better for getting a feel of what he's usually like#but yeah i do think spider-verse miguel was probably more straightforwardly heroic like other versions before the whole dead family thing#and i think he and the rest of the spider society are just genuinely misguided about how the whole canon event thing works#cause like george and gwen don't die in every universe peter doesn't get the symbiote in every universe#even uncle ben doesn't die in every universe#but miguel THINKS those things always happen. that's why he got the others to believe it cause he genuinely believes it himself#and i think they all take comfort in the idea that these bad things that happen to them happen for a reason#i know that's josh keaton's interpretation for why spectacular peter joined and i don't disagree with it#that's also why i disagree with people saying that miles is The Only True Spider-Man There just cause he was the first to outright reject it#look me in the fucking eye and tell me spectacular peter and insomniac peter don't understand what it means to be spider-man#or actually don't cause i'll bitch slap you into next week if you do#miguel o'hara#marvel#shut up tristan
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