#yandere the karate kid
berry-loves-yandere · 2 years
The Karate Kid Masterlist:
Daniel LaRusso:
There’s nothing here?
Please check again later or request something!
Johnny Lawrence:
There’s nothing here?
Please check again later or request something!
Chozen Toguchi:
There’s nothing here?
Please check again later or request something!
Mike Barnes:
There’s nothing here?
Please check again later or request something!
Terry Silver:
There’s nothing here?
Please check again later or request something!
John Kreese:
There’s nothing here?
Please check again later or request something!
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reareaotaku · 4 months
Daniel LaRusso Headcanons
Day 4 of this hell of a cold.
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He's very sweet and protective over you
He's always trying to impress you
Big Ol' show off
Always has some stupid joke in the back of his head to try and make you laugh
Carries your books and bag for you
Kind of guy to open the door for you and put his jacket over a puddle so you don't get your shoes dirty [Gets kinda mad when you walk around the puddle]
If you ever need anything, he'll drop everything to help you/ do what you need
Has cute nicknames for you like, Babe, Honey, Sugar, etc
Takes you on cute dates [Ex: Picnics, Movie dates, Dinner]
Would take a beating for you. If anyone ever talks shit about you, he's quick to defend your name. Doesn't care if the guy is 3x his size
Very gentlemanly; Your parents love him, because he's so polite
Will compliment the cooking and partakes in conversation, throwing in multiple compliments
He's very confident in you two being together and he takes every opportunity to tell you how great you would both be together
You finally go out with him when seeing him fight some asshole for you
You help patch him up, while thanking him. Though, you do tell him that he didn't have to and you can defend yourself, but it was nice
He's so smitten and he's not really taking in what you're saying
God, you're touching him and you're being so gentle... It feels so nice. Maybe he should get beat up more?
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thefiery-phoenix · 11 months
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Gif from: Tenor
Daniel as a yandere would be really overprotective of you and rightfully so after everything he's gone through, clingy because he's worried and scared that he might lose you to Johnny Lawrence, his bully aka. the biggest jerk of the Valley
He has a bit of a hero complex as well and he doesn't even realize it's there in him. He just feels this deep urge and need to save his loved ones from danger, especially you of all people. Johnny and his jerk squad the Cobras can pick on him and bully him all they want but he won't be so forgiving if they target you. He won't like it at all if one of them try flirting with you, Daniel is easily gets riled up and he'll start a fight with them
He might notice you if you're new to the Valley or something or if you're in his class and offer to help him out with something. He's always touched by kindness and he'll thank you for it with a cute yet goofy and dorky smile on his face. Though he might look all innocent and unsuspecting as a yandere, he knows how to look all innocent like so people won't suspect him of anything. How can anyone accuse such a cute face like that of doing something wrong?
Will NEVER EVER let you join Cobra Kai, EVER. He's had his personal experiences with them and he doesn't want you going there as well and suffering like how he did so he'll do whatever he can to make sure you don't join Cobra Kai. Whenever he goes over to Miyagi Do, he'll take you with him just so he can be at peace knowing you're at least safe there. Will love it if you try training with him and Miyagi would smile at the both of you doing your karate with each other. Daniel encourages you to do karate and he'll help you get better at it. If you already do karate he'll be really impressed and he won't stop ranting and rambling about how cool you look
When he develops his karate skills he gets the feeling he's being your knight in shining armor and he makes it his responsibility to save you from everything that can ever harm you. Also, he'll grow more clingy to you and he's willing to injure anyone for you. You're the only one who doesn't mind the fact that he's from Reseda and he really admires and appreciates you for not judging him like all those rich Encino brats
When you do catch onto his possessive and abnormal behavior he'll just deny it and have the expression of a kicked puppy, asking you how you could say something like that. Do you not love him anymore? Do you want more love from him? Because if that's the case then say goodbye to your personal space and freedom. He might get angry at you sometimes but he will NEVER hit you, you're the love of his life. He won't be able to forgive himself if he hits you. And now, fast forward to the All Valley Tournament. You'll be there for him when he's competing and giving him encouraging words like 'You'll do well' and 'I know you can do it' and stuff like that, he LIVES for those. He nuzzles into your touch when you help him calm down and he wishes he could just be in your arms forever, unfortunately it's time for a death match
Would love to take you for car rides in one of Mr. Miyagi's cars to a place where the both of you can see the stars and be with each other in peace. He also wants to make you happy, he wants to be the ONLY one to make you happy. Your first kiss with him might be a bit awkward but he'll develop his skills at it and he'll be stealing quick kisses from you every now and then. If one of the Cobras try asking you out or anyone tries to ask you out for that matter, that's when he gets all sneaky and manipulative and will do something that'll get the other person in trouble. They deserve it after all, they were trying to take you away from him! Daniel can't imagine living life now without you
You'll be there to comfort him when Bobby injures his knee and he likes it when you're worried for him and fuss over him. And when he finally crane kicks Johnny in the face he realizes he's gotten the strength from you, tonight was all about proving himself to you, showing you that he can take care of you and you have nothing to worry about in life because Daniel will always be there for you no matter what
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eemcintyre · 11 months
Cruel to be Kind (Terry Silver)
TW- um... about that... *inhales,* noncon touching, mentions of harassment, size/strength kink if you squint, vomit, blood, literal murder, general toxic yandere-esque behavior; no need to worry about me at all btw thx for asking ❤️
Summary- Terry finds out that a coworker has been bothering you and you insist he stays out of it, but he takes matters into his own hands. Literally. And let's just say that it could go better.
Pls I beg you to be kind for this first foray into writing for this character. I was inspired by the phenomenal writings of @karatekels and @terrence-silver, hopefully it's an enjoyable read. It was cathartic for me to write bc I'm dealing with a v creepy guy where I work right now and it makes me feel just the tiniest bit better to imagine Terry destroying him.
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“You’re quiet today. Is everything alright?”
Terry’s curious voice sounded from the leather armchair where he sat. His face was still slightly downturned from when he had been reading the book in his lap, but his eyes were directed up at her quizzically.
It was the end of a long workday for both he and Y/N, and after dinner they had decided to simply sit and enjoy each other’s company- he in the armchair, and she on the couch perpendicular to him. However, his attempts at conversation quickly fizzled out with short, superficial replies from Y/N. While she was usually vibrant, having no shortage of things to say as her dark eyes glittered with excitement, that evening, her distant gaze reflected that her thoughts were elsewhere.
At Terry’s question, Y/N’s gaze snapped out of the distance and onto him, his favorite place for it to be.
“Yes, of course, everything’s fine,” she smiled and nodded, with what looked like substantial effort, sitting with her feet curled up on the couch.
Terry removed his glasses and snapped the cover of his book closed. “Darling, how long until you finally realize that you can’t lie to me?” They’d been together for five years and married for three of them, and she had yet to succeed.
“I…” Y/N opened her mouth to make another hollow proclamation about how fine she was but thought better of it. “It’s nothing; it’s not important. You have better things to worry about.”
She stared down at her hands, twisted together in her lap. Embarrassment washed over her in an intense red flush as she thought about what she was bothered by, praying that she wouldn’t have to tell him.
Terry leaned forward almost imperceptibly in his chair, lowering his voice, his expression softening in the way that it only did for her.
“Should I be worried? Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?”
“It’s just… you have a tendency to… overreact.” Y/N briefly met his eyes, even though she knew without looking at them that they were piercing through her.
Y/N could tell from that single syllable of Terry’s response that what she’d said had been the wrong thing to say. The soft expression returned to its typical severity.
“Give me an example. Give me an example of a time I ‘overreacted’,” he gestured for her to go on, leaning back into the armchair and crossing one long leg over the other.  
“No, I want to know. Tell me so I can learn how to handle myself better.” His voice was laced with sarcasm. Her stomach sank, but there was no turning back from the conversation now. His interest was piqued, and like an animal on the hunt, he wasn’t about to let the matter go.
“Well, like the time that guy hit on me at the charity ball and you roundhouse-kicked him in the garden.” Y/N replied cautiously, cringing, not only remembering the feeling of that creep groping her again, but also the shock of Terry’s dramatic reaction to it.
Rather than hotly debate that past event with her, which was what Y/N expected, he simply cocked his head and asked “Is this like that time?”
“Just… please be calm.”
“I am calm.” His voice took on an unmistakably harder edge as he leaned toward her again, waves of silver hair framing his face, and just like that it softened. His capacity to pivot from one mood to another, moment-by-moment, never failed to amaze her. Terry rose from his chair and took the place next to Y/N on the couch, resting one of his large, warm hands over hers, which were sitting on the tops of her thighs. “You’re just worrying me. What’s going on?”
Y/N sighed, her eyes affixed to the floor, fidgeting nervously with Terry’s hand as she spoke. “There’s this guy who’s a higher-up in my department at work- Brian- who’s been… bothering me. At first, he just made a lot of, like, off-color jokes, but now he’s also touched me a couple of times and- I mean, maybe it was an accident, but…” Her voice had become barely a mumble. “I just feel really uncomfortable… and I don’t want it to escalate anymore…”
She paused briefly and finally turned her head to face him. He remained silent, and unlike how he could so easily with her, she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. The silence intensified her nervousness, so she rambled on.
“I’m trying to figure out how I should handle it without causing a big scene because, other than that, I have a really good thing going there, but… I’m just afraid that one day he’s going to be outside waiting for me in the parking lot or something.” She was shaking by this point and turned away from him again.
With a husband who was known for being so strikingly intelligent and capable of handling himself, Y/N felt utterly stupid for 1) getting into such a situation in the first place, and 2) not yet managing to get it under control. She wondered if a “strike first, strike hard, no mercy” lecture was coming.
Instead, she was surprised when he rose from the couch and strode toward one of the tall living room windows, hands in his pockets.
“Does this prick know that you’re married?” he asked.
She held up her left hand, adorned with a large and intricately detailed ring that was hard, if not impossible, for anyone to miss.  
“Does he know who you’re married to?”
“I doubt there’s anyone in town who doesn’t,” Y/N uttered a half-hearted laugh.
“And do you dislike that?” He stepped back toward her with measured steps, but his blue eyes flashed. “Is there a reason you don’t want to be associated with me?”
“I just don’t like being treated differently,” she said wistfully, thinking back to when she was just another random person and not Terry Silver’s wife. “Sometimes I feel like I get things I didn’t earn. Sometimes people act like they’re afraid of me.”
“They’re not afraid of you, angel. They’re afraid of me,” Terry replied, his matter-of-fact tone contrasted by the tension of his fists and the vein protruding from his forehead. “But apparently, not enough. If someone disrespects you, they disrespect me.”
Y/N’s shoulders sagged in frustration. “Don’t make this out to be an attack on your ego; this has nothing to do with you-”
“It has everything to do with me!”
She flinched and he made a conscious effort to lower his voice, crouching at her feet and taking her hands, tilting her chin up to force her to look at him. “A threat to you is a threat to me because I care about you so deeply. And no one threatens me and gets away with it.”
“Terry, now you’re scaring me…” She tried to shrink away from his touch, but he was slipping too far into his own anger to notice. The idea of some creep feeling entitled to put their filthy, unworthy hands on his wife, reducing her vivacious personality and sweet smile to a quiet, blank stare, had Terry seeing red.
“This jackass put his hands on you? I’ll put my hands around his neck until it snaps,” he growled.
“Terry! Please, let me resolve this. Don’t hurt him-”
“-Don’t hurt him?” he was incredulous. They rose to their feet together, where he towered over her and gripped her by the shoulders. “He hurt you, I’ll hurt him. Cause and effect. Actions have consequences. If he doesn’t have an understanding of that concept, I’ll give him one…”
“‘Consequences’ doesn’t have to mean breaking his legs. I am begging you, please just let me handle this and don’t do anything, not yet- promise me, sweetheart, please. For me.” Y/N’s voice shook as she pleaded with him, hands fisted in his shirt, trying with everything in her power not to cry as she felt tears shimmer at the corners of her eyes.
Terry stared down at her wordlessly, but his face calmed, and he released her from his hold, making a gesture with his shoulders and arms that Y/N read as acceptance.
“Thank you,” she exhaled, wrapping her arms around his torso in an embrace, her body relaxing when she felt his arms curl around her too.
The following day, Y/N pulled her cream-colored vintage Mercedes into the driveway. She was looking forward to an early start to the weekend, having had an extremely productive day and meeting all of the week’s deadlines just after the hour of noon. It was truly shocking how productive Y/N could be when she wasn’t constantly having to worry about avoiding Brian and wondering what he might do next.
When Y/N first clocked in for the morning, she’d been struck with an ice-cold pang in her stomach upon noticing that his desk was empty. She immediately thought of the ominous conversation with Terry yesterday, but before she could fall too far down that spiral, she was relieved to learn that Brian had merely called in sick. She laughed at herself. There was always some kind of cough or cold floating around the office, and to be honest, Y/N was surprised that she hadn’t caught anything herself in a while.
Even though a single day of illness wasn’t going to fix any of her problems, it was definitely a charming coincidence, a welcome surprise. It made the entire day incredibly pleasant- the sun seemed to shine brighter, her morning tea tasted sweeter, and the sound of the Motown music coming from the car radio sounded clearer. Maybe the universe was on her side and, even if she didn’t know how yet, everything would sort itself out after all.
Reaching the garage, she removed the key from the Mercedes’ ignition and took a moment to relish in the silence. The only detectable sound was the distant chirp of birds.
Come to think of it, it was almost too quiet.
Even during times when Terry himself was away doing work, the staff was always clattering around inside and outside the house doing cleaning and maintenance. Maybe they’d also had a productive morning.
Gathering her purse and heading inside, Y/N thought about suggesting to Terry that they go out to dinner, and maybe even take a whirlwind weekend trip. She decided to freshen up her hair and makeup and change into something cute before he returned home. Maybe that delicate champagne-colored slip dress from Paris.
Y/N found the interior of the house to be just as quiet and empty as the exterior, the sound of her lone footsteps bouncing off the marble walls of the foyer. She jumped upon hearing a thud from the floor above but was comforted to finally hear some sort of movement in the house. She was about to call out for some of the staff when Vince, Terry’s head of security, appeared from a side hallway.
Y/N smiled in relief. “What’s going on? Where is everyone?” she asked, realizing that if Vince was at the house, then Terry must be as well. “Where’s Terry?”
Vince did not smile back. “Mr. Silver is working in his office. He asked not to be disturbed until-”
She waved him off, bemused, taking a step forward that he immediately moved to block. “What are you talking about? I’m sure-”
“Mrs. Silver, he ordered me not to let anyone in.”
“I’m his wife,” she insisted, her pulse inexplicably starting to race, eyebrows furrowed as she kept trying to get past Vince and he continued to block her path. It kept repeating over and over in her head that something was wrong. “I’m sure he didn’t mean…”
Their tense dance across the floors escalated as Vince physically tried to hold her in place by the shoulders.
“What the hell? Let me go!” she cried, writhing in his grip, and swatting at his chest.
“Mrs. Silver, please don’t do this-”
Y/N managed to push him away from her for a brief moment, long enough to step out of the perimeter of his reach and sprint up the stairs. She stumbled a few times, shaking and lightheaded, and her thoughts were so muddled from panic that she hardly knew how she eventually reached the door of Terry’s office.
She would have hesitated to dramatically burst in and disturb him under normal circumstances, but these circumstances were decidedly not normal.
She staggered through the doorway.
The rest of the room was slightly sunken-in from the doorway, making it so one was unable to see most of the room without taking a few steps further. She was met again with eerie quiet- apart from the faint sound of someone breathing heavily. Still shaking, Y/N treaded delicately forward until she sighted Terry standing in the middle of the room by the small couch, his back to her.
“I thought I told you not to come in here until I called you,” he snapped, his shoulders rising up and down with the force of his breath. His hair was swept into a ponytail, but it looked askew- loose locks floating at random on both sides of his head.
“Terry?” Y/N approached him timidly, struggling to speak over her knotted-up stomach.
At the sound of her voice, Terry spun around. Y/N froze. Surprise briefly flickered across his face before he brought his expression back to its typical calculated control. “You’re home early, darling,” he murmured, forcing enough of a smile that it would appear he was pleased to see her.
“I… I finished up my projects for the week…” Y/N trailed off, taking in the rest of Terry’s unusual appearance. His face glistened with sweat and one side looked like it was smeared with…
“W-what’s that?” she gasped, eyes widening as she gestured to his face.
Terry lifted a hand to his cheek, and when he lowered it, he studied the dark red that had transferred to the pad of his finger. He would have to think fast.
“You’re bleeding.”
As Y/N neared Terry, he tried to guide her away from where he’d been by the couch, but it was too late. As she grew close enough to just barely see around the front of the couch, her eyes went to an unfamiliar object on the ground.
It was a man’s shoe. With a foot in it.
Terry was silent as Y/N screamed, stumbling back in horror as her gaze traveled further up and recognized Brian, crumpled up on the floor in a heap of blood.
Terry caught her as she fell and attempted to gather her into his arms, but she thrashed against his hold.
“Get the hell away from me- don’t touch me! Don't fucking touch me!” Even though he was far stronger than her, he allowed her to push him away. He spoke in a measured, low tone.
“Listen. I didn’t want you to have to see this…”
“You are so sick,” she choked out, tears spilling down her cheeks, eying him like he was an uncaged wild animal.
“Sick with love for you, yes,” he replied bluntly, slightly tilting his head and giving a small shrug.
“No, you’re a monster; you are evil and vile and perverted…” she sobbed.
“Well, don’t stop there. Go ahead. Tell me more, sweetheart.” Terry’s tone was flat but his gaze was unflinchingly intense. She recoiled. “What did you expect me to do? Did you really think I was going to stand aside and do nothing, knowing that my wife spends every day looking over her shoulder and living in fear, getting preyed on like a piece of meat? Besides, I told you- a threat to you is a threat to me. I protect what’s mine.”
He tried to grab ahold of her again and she tried to wrestle blindly out of his arms, her vision blurred by tears, the anger at being betrayed, and the stomach-turning fear of what he was really capable of, no matter how much of a mellow act he could put on. But, this time, he didn’t allow her to push him away.
“Why the hell are you crying? You didn’t even like this worthless piece of shit- he hurt you and he got exactly what he deserved!”
She was supposed to be relieved- she also wasn’t supposed to see the body or find out Brian had been murdered- but there was no undoing it. Terry roughly gripped her by the chin, confused frustration overtaking his better judgement as he forced her to look at the body seeping blood all over the office carpet.
“Now, look at that. You’ll never hear another filthy word from that mouth,” he whispered gently, the side of his face pressed to hers, gesturing to Brian’s battered facial features. “Those hands will never touch you again.” Terry pointed out the amalgamation of blood and broken bone at the end of each of the man’s arms.
Y/N was able to free her chin, slippery from tears, from Terry’s grip, stomping one of his feet and elbowing him in the ribcage hard. He could have easily kept his hold on her and subdued her but decided it would be best to allow her a couple of minutes to calm down. He would repay her for the blows and the ungratefulness another time.
Terry reminded himself that Y/N, unlike himself, was totally inexperienced when it came to violence, blood, and guts. Doing what had to be done. She took the path of least resistance even at her own expense. But this was a start; something he could work with.
Alarmed by the commotion inside the office, having overheard the conversation but hesitating to interrupt, Vince and a member of the maintenance staff finally crept inside of the room, looking at Terry expectantly.
“Clean this room from top to bottom,” Terry directed, waving his finger offhandedly in the general direction of the couch before stalking past them. As he thought about where Y/N was likely to have gone, he wiped the sticky droplets of blood from his face.  
After escaping Terry, Y/N had run straight to the master bathroom to be sick. Slumped over the toilet, she heaved violently, feeling worse than she ever had in her life, coming down from the pure shock and experiencing a gouging pain in her chest. She hoped with everything in her that Terry would leave her alone, but she knew he was likely only moments behind. And sure enough, she soon heard the door open behind her and felt his body close to her again. Forced to either vomit all over the room or remain clutching the toilet (and choosing the latter) it was impossible to shy away from his suffocating touch.
He knelt next to her on the tile, delicately stroking her back with one hand and holding her hair out of her face with the other.
“Darling, just try to breathe. Try to relax your stomach,” he cooed, wholly unphased by the disgusting sights and sounds before him as she weakly tried and failed to push him off. “That’s it, let it all out. I’ve got you…”
When Y/N appeared to be finished retching for the time being, Terry brought her so that her back was flush with his chest and his own back was propped up against the wall. He snaked an arm over the counter of the bathroom vanity, grabbing a towel to wipe her face with. She burst into tears again, undoing his work, laying helpless as he cradled her.
“N-no…” she groaned faintly.
She was too exhausted and defeated to fight him anymore. Caged by his long arms and legs, she just sobbed into his warm chest, feeling the vibrations of his voice.
“Everything will be alright now. You’re safe with me.”  
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iovesia · 2 years
yandere!johnny lawrence hcs? 🫣
warnings: yandere tendencies, non-graphic violence, gaslighting, toxic relationships.
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extremely possessive & jealous. it's already canon that he has hella jealousy issues, but yandere!johnny is somehow worse. he's practically fuming when he sees you laughing, and hanging out with some other guy who isn't him. when he's feeling nice, he'll only creep up behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist and practically drag you away (all while death-glaring whoever you're talking to).
on a bad day... you can practically count on him picking a physical fight with the poor guy. your pleads for him to stop, as he mercilessly strikes the boy to the floor, fall on deaf ears.
he will 100% follow you around almost everywhere. he loves the idea of protecting you— of you needing him to protect you. even when you begin to try to distance yourself from him, he'll just persist even more.
adding on to that: he's insanely clingy, it's crazy. he loves to always be touching you in someway. whether it's pulling you onto his lap when you're in public, or holding you tight in his arms when you sleep over.
johnny's abandonment issues and paranoia that you'll leave him one day do take an obvious toll on your relationship. he's obsessed with constantly showing to everyone (and himself) that you belong with him, and him alone.
as possessive as he is of you, he'd want you to be equally possessive over him. in his eyes, it's the two of you against everyone else. you're only his, and he's only yours.
johnny will definitely gaslight you whenever you two argue about his jealousy. why are you mad at him? that guy shouldn't have even been looking at you!
he'd be utterly heartbroken and enraged if when you break up with him. why would you leave him? how could you be so cruel after everything he's done for you?
you two are constantly in an off-and-on again relationship. it's okay though, he'll get you back, he always does.
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yopigeonflyerjo · 1 year
Hi can you pls write yandere Daniel from cobra Kai please thank you
Of course love, there it is
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Daniel LaRusso Yandere headcanons
Daniel was always seen as an example of someone good to the bone. He made some mistakes in young years, but his intentions never were bad. That exactly shows what kind of yandere he is.
In contrary to Silver, Daniel is sure that everything he does to you is not obsessive, he is just protective. How couldn’t he be concerned about your safety? You are the most worthy person he ever met.
Again, his intentions were never bad.
You were Tory/s older sister. You and LaRusso fist met after a memorable fight in high school, with Tory “provoked”. Principal call parents of all students who participate in this little quarrel. Because of Nichols household situation, you are head of the family, and you came to protect your little sister.
Daniel was that day completely focused on Sam and punishing anyone who make his daughter harassed. This fight was even bitter because he and Amanda were during a really serious rupture. They were near to divorce. He completely lost his temper, and peace whom usually Daniel beams. 
Both Tory and Sam were exhausted, so only you two and principal sat on the office. You were really calm, and try to draw the situation as Tory saw it, but Daniel interrupted every two words. In the end, principal decided to make this meeting the other day. When emotions cool down.
All of you go home. You weren’t shocked that this rich asshole didn’t event try to listen. After all, Tory hurt Sam, but the reasons behind this were deeper. Daniel calmed down this day after midnight. When he started to think about your meeting, he felt guilty. You tried your best at protecting Tory, same as him with Sam. You were kind and calm at that moment, he was just rude. Daniel decided to talk with you personally tomorrow.
As he thought, he did. Next morning you were surprised to see Mr LaRusso at your door. You Kindly invite him to sit and drink some tea, he felt even worse. You were still kind to him. 
After a long talk about recent events, he asked about your situation. Unfortunately, you lost your job because of a few times when you leave to save Tory's ass. Daniel immediately offers you a job at his salon, and even faster you agree. It was his atone.
You started working the same week, your job was to care about clients. You were fantastic at it. Your Stoic but pleasant presence were just charming to not only clients but also co-workers, and also Mr LaRusso.
After a week of observing you and your interactions, he was completely enchanted. You were such a treasure. That's when he felt like you need to be protected at all costs. He even obligate to pay for all costs relevant with your mother's treatment.
You saw his as a warden, he always tries to help you, give great advises and just simply be for you. Really similar to sensei figure, isn’t it? Daniel loves it.
He isn’t one that tries to separate you from relatives and friends. He just simply triages them. Some people are simply not good for you. Some with clients, there are some that you shouldn’t have any contact with.
After a few months, he realized that he fell for this innocent creature. He didn’t care for Amanda anymore, it was just you. When he told you that he loved you, and you replied with “I love you too, Daniel, you can’t even imagine how much” he was speechless. (Same as Tory and Sam when they find out)
Daniel, I asked you to take care of Tory, Brandon and your mother, but he really insisted on your transfer (to his house, obviously). After that, he decided to insulate you from your job. There is nothing bad about being completely financially dependent on him, right? Your little naive nature didn’t see this red flag.
Daniel LaRusso, the golden boy, how could he be this obsessive?
He can’t, he is just protective.
Sam totally ignored you, just like Anthony. Daniel doesn’t really mind their opinions as long as they don’t disrespect you. Then he gets really dry. When that's someone from outside, the lord has mercy. Daniel depends on mood, can be aggressive or passive… More active way. More common is the first option. He is just mean, and after hours the poor man finds out that he is fired from work. The power of connections.
You barely leave home, and he loves that. 
He is really jealous of Johnny. You met him twice because of this jealousy. Also, you are banned from topics between Daniel and Johnny since your man punched Johnny.
If you think this is extreme, wait until Terry Silver is back in town.
Don’t even try to leave the house. You will be immediately taken back, “This man is a menace”.
If Silver really tries to do something to you, say goodbye to privacy. Daniel will take you everywhere, literally. Your man has really deep-rooted PTSD because of Terry.
Daniel told you about everything before you two even dated, but this part of his life (karate kid III) he simply avoided. 
The day when Terry and showed up in the dojo was really hard for him. Especially that Terry immediately noticed that you are important to Danny boy, and he made just a soft suggestion that something can happen to you. 
Daniel was ready to beat the shit out of this Silver ass, but you stopped him. It was what Silver wanted.
You were perfect wife of his, you never complained.
How could you? He is a lovely man.
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lady-ashfade · 6 months
Karate Kid Masterlist
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Request for this fandom: Open
Angst: Red
Fluff: Pink
Both: Orange
Comfort: Purple
A little bit of everything or nothing: Green
Yandere: Red & Green.
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Daniel Larusso
<Nothing yet>
Johnny Lawrence
<Nothing yet>
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moonchildbaby · 2 years
Masquerade - Terry Silver x Reader
A little possessiveness can just prove my loyalty to you ?
Inspired by “Masquerade” by Beach House
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Mentioning of violence!, murder!; Gender neutral yandere!Reader
All is calm when you remove the cushion from his head. No sound, no movement, nothing that interrupts this perfect moment- a moment of balance.
Your eyes absently trace over the buttons bleeping, shimmering in the background of your vision as you focus on the specks of dust floating through the air, settling, as if recognizing what will become one of them. Settling on the cooling skin and you imagine them devouring the flesh underneath.
A man. A cause of pain.
Entangled in his sheets he lies and you chuckle to yourself at how you managed to wipe him out in the first place. One of the greatest karate masters in the valley. In Japan.
Mute he lies. Peaceful. Just as you wanted it. How it should have been that night.
In the end it was very simple, Not even a struggle.
But how should it been when you have been hiding in the shadows waiting. Watching him close his eyes as your fingers slid towards the morphine trickling into his body one drop at the time, filtered through the tube running into his body....
....His eyes in wild realization upon seeing what you had done, the haze hooding the lids while the orbs pierce yours holding nothing but pure wrath and something akin to determination. Hah how sweet it was. That look. A chuckle akin to a purr pushes forward from the back of your throat, slithering onto your tongue and moistening your lips as it flicks out for just a second. A python after the kill. You had squeezed the life out of that bloodbag, the delicious anger in his face, the disbelief never but a flicker when he heard of your last name finally after so long of play pretend.
And when he had looked at you so sweetly, eyes in turmoil. you couldn’t help yourself to who had really payed Mike Barnes a visit after the brat had dared to open his mouth and speak of someone so holy and pure as him. Had used the sacred letters in the filthy mouth of his. Who would still be punished after his petty ambush by your hand. Yet you promised, knowing of their bond, that you would save the best for last. Yes, yes you would take special care of him after all remainders had been cleaned. Little Larusso. Dannyboy as your silver tongued saint liked to call him.
You kick the cushion from your feet as you slip from the door, unbothered by the uprising commotion. You sense it. the vibration. The uprising storm you feel in the sticky hospital hallways. The voices a deep thunder in the background as you weave through them unnoticed, not even a shadow to trail behind.
There are advantages looking like the counterpart to the master in Silver. Goldilocks Unassuming, mellow and friendly like a Buttercup wrapped in white satin blouses, a hint of Chanel, big eyes, warm colour in skin and cheeks. Toylike and naïve, an easy laugh..... All that makes it easy. Fooled them once more.
Its pouring when you approach the silver Mercedes 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupe, easily sliding into the black leather seat as the winged door closes above your head, the engine roaring louder than the thunder in the palm trees as the two of you speed through Beverly Hills.
“So?” he coos. Demanding yet voice a velvet duvet suffocating any remaining morals of a time before him.
You can’t help but smile up at your silver haired devil. Your good man. The stars and the moon on a blue night. The martyr those lowlife beings had dared to hurt, dared to touch.
Terrys body had healed. His pride had not. So you felt a little gift had been in order to restore your beloved’s temper.
Doe-eyes turn up to his, a smile on your lips as your hand holding your silver band places itself on his bejewelled one holding the gearstick.
“ An offering to your success. “  
When your palm turns he can see it, the war trophy, a hospital bracelet simple white and nothing more on it than
Chozen Toguchi        Born XX/XX/62
The smile you give each other can from the outside only be described as a horrendous bone-chilling sight.
But then nobody would be able to feel what you feel. See what you see in each other, the moon, the stars and the sky reflected in existence. You think of Napoleon and all the ancient emperors . What does a perishing “existence” mean to god, to an empress, to anyone for the sake of their emperor.
“And there will be more.” you promise, eager to see the beautiful curve of Terrys mouth as something flashes in the sky of his eyes, lightning reflected in your own.
“Cobra Kai never dies.”
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quicksilver-babeyy · 1 year
Would anyone be interested in me writing Cobra Kai!Daniel LaRusso?[basically an AU were Daniel joins Cobra Kai from the start]
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slickfordain · 2 months
Ahem...yandere aiden, logan, tyler n ash or whoever u want w WEAK READER N YK THEY R PRETTY OVERPROTECTIVD OF HER WHY? bc she is fragile af-- always manage to get herself injured in the most dunb ways possible n how tf is she gonna manage to survive in this realm? She needs them ‼️‼️
𝕭𝖗𝖚𝖙𝖆𝖑 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞 // School Bus Graveyard
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TW: Yandere themed, NO NSFW, gore/injuries mentioned, fragile!female!reader who is paranoid and anxious, AU explanation-wise writing? It’s kind of short but it’s like an explanation what my SBG x reader AU is;;u ;
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You don’t know how you even ended up here in this situation…. Restless sleep, insomnia, hallucinations,— Ah… Who am I kidding? You knew exactly what was happening and it all started way back when you were ordered to tutor around the new students. Being the one who wasn’t new, it was hard to keep a conversation with them because….. One would keep her distance away, one would be thrilled to nag the girl who distanced away, the twins didn’t give a damn, and… Ben and Logan were probably the only ones who ever offered to listen to you.
However despite those hours you eventually got to bond with them, all because of… Well…. You tripping down the stairs all of the sudden until Ashlyn caught you. And that’s where the spark happened… That’s what clicked in Ashlyn’s mind to suddenly want to protect you, with you in her arms looking hopeless and defenseless. The group claimed you as their pink princess but, you didn’t thought much of it….
And why they even bother to call you that, you still felt loved at least by your friends.
But… Every time you walk home after hanging out with them, especially on that trip, your hands wouldn’t stop shaking. The thought of that hideous creature behind Ashlyn…. You haven’t left your house since then, and gave excuses to your teacher even for him to understand.
You’ve never felt anything weird like this before… The ones you are looking to avoid were mostly creepy men, or just in general a group of people who you think could possibly bully you, or take advantage.
So why? Why did you suddenly have to endure horror?
You’ve impaled yourself on accident by trying to get away from a monster, you’ve tripped and fallen into a dark void where you died by the fall, you even somehow died by trying to save Tyler, but you ended up dying anyways! It was getting so… So much harder…
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You’ve gotten injured. Over, and over, and over again. It’s pissing Ashlyn, Aiden, Tyler— everyone off. It was as if they saw life flash before their eyes…. And while you’re alive in the real world, with no scratches or injuries, they couldn’t afford to lose you again. To make you hopeless, to make you unable to walk.
It was another dream, another dream where suddenly you’re locked in the bird cage Aiden had somehow decided to buy… You stared confused, yearning for an explanation…. But the boys and girls wouldn’t give you any.
❝Guys..? Please… I thought we were a team..❞
❝Princess… We are! We swear…! Please don’t take it badly! We’re doing this for your own good…❞
You couldn’t really argue with them. You’re just tired and you have been unable to get proper sleep… You suppose it’s okay but… It wasn’t getting better as you thought it would. Despite dreams having you only locked up every now and then, in the morning in reality- you are FOLLOWED constantly by either the twins, Ashlyn, Aiden, or Ben… Logan? Probably cameras in your house (not your bedroom or bathroom) to ensure you made it home safely.
It’s getting out of hand. It’s going bizarre, but are you doing something about it? NO! Their parents scares you! You don’t want to break your friendship either… You knew how easily broken they’d be… And… You don’t want to handle or deal with Aiden’s family, nor do you wanna karate with Ashlyn’s mother. You can’t even fight!
So the only thing you could do was just… Accept it as it is. And let it be… Although you probably aren’t aware that the parents adores you, finding you so sweet and matchable for their little children. You don’t pay attention to that, all you could focus on were your eyebags and your injured body…. There wasn’t anything, reality-wise, but God it stung that you could barely make it through school. Even though I kind of said you give excuses…. You still had to do exams for at least collage….
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Don’t take them wrong, they’d love for you to stay safe and to not join the horror attraction… But also, after the reveal when the parents could also see the demonic creatures, it instantly clicks that you weren’t safe. Nor were your parents. (Don’t give a damn about your parents, they don’t like them)
They need you. They constantly need you. They can’t have you out of your cage, but they can’t have you out of the dreams as well…. Which considers leading it to having you as some sort of a motivation. They need you to support them for everything they do.
So when the parents are going into that situation, it’s best to believe they NEED you with them so nobody in reality can kidnap you while they’re asleep…. Fighting off monsters, you know?
And the shady guys? Do not worry a single thing about them at all.
I mean, what more could you possibly do than to be stuck in your own bedroom or classroom? You’re going nowhere near the stores or arcade. Not after that Logan incident, that is….
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Yandere Baki Head Canon: Let’s Play A Game
Yandere Reverse Baki Harem x Afab fighter Reader
Otome Game AU
TW: unhealthy behavior, yandere themes, stalking, obsession, HORROR, etc
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You, a famous fighter, had accidentally died in a horrific car accident by saving the life of a child that was supposed to pass away. Luckily, a deity had taken pity on you and decided to give you a second chance at life. One where you must play a game in order to go back to your world. Romance five of the male leads and you’ll be able to return to your world. Katsumi Orochi, Baki Hanma, Kaioh Retsu, Hanayama Kaoru, and Jack Hanma are the five main males you must romance in order to go home but the deity had thrown in some other mystery men just for shits and giggles. He even gave you a house that’s exactly like your old one! Just don’t invite anyone over… Sounds simple enough right? Wrong. How were you to know these emotionally constipated men have never experienced love before?
Katsumi Orochi
The first man you met when you landed in this strange world. His eyes were wide when you suddenly appeared in the rain before him. What on earth was a woman doing in the rain by herself? He rushes over with his umbrella to place it over your head. He’s surprised by how attractive you are. How soft you look… he doesn’t realize he’s staring until you place your hands over his cheek and smile at him.
There was a bar above his head that rapidly began to grow pink when you touched him. He must be one of the male leads you had to romance… perfect!
“I’m a bit lost… can you help me?” Katsumi was quick to offer you his coat when he saw you shiver. There was something almost magical about you… he was a moth to your flame.
“Of course, here. Let’s head into the dojo.” Katsumi ushered you into Shinshinkai while the rain continued to pour. He was immediately smitten with you.
Katsumi offers you a Karate uniform to wear since your clothes are wet. The two of you share small talk and he’s excited to learn that you’re a practitioner of taekwondo. You were pretty and you could fight? It must have been destiny for the two of you to meet!
He by far was the easiest to romance or so you thought… poor you had gotten a little in over your head about this particular man. He’s so obsessive and delusional. A horrible combination but one he developed due to dedicating his entire life to karate.
Katsumi offered free training at Shinshinkai and he was always eager to spar with you. It wasn’t uncommon for him to wrestle with you or to take you out to eat after training. You didn’t notice the way he’d slowly become more and more touchy. Nor did you notice how weird he was when babies were around.
“Don’t you think that baby is so cute?” Katsumi asked when a baby was sat with its mother in a table near the two of you. The baby was super cute with their chubby cheeks. “(Your name), would you ever want to have kids?”
And you stupidly told this man yes… you shared how you wanted to get married one day and have kids that hopefully wanted to be marital artists. You stupid girl! You didn’t even notice the obsession that lied behind his chocolate eyes or the lingering touches whenever he’d pin you to the floor beneath him when you sparred. Not until it was too late. Not until you’re introduced to his parents as his future wife. And there no way to run from him. He has over a million members at Shinshinkai and they’d hunt you down if you ever tried to escape from your doting fiancé.
Hanayama Kaoru
Once you had settled into your house (and carefully made sure not to invite the overly friendly Katsumi over), you ran into him on the street. It was just a chance meeting, but it was one that caught Hanayama by surprise. You had bumped into him and knocked his cigar onto him.
“I’m sorry, sir. I wasn’t looking where I was going-“ You were shocked to see such a tall man covered in scars. The heart bar above his head was slightly pink by the small encounter with him. Neither one of you looked away from each other’s eyes.
Hanayama nodded his head and went to turn away but he was surprised when he heard your voice again. “You have ashes all over your jacket… please let me at least brush you off.” Hanayama blushed when you quickly brushed the ashes off him without his answer. How brazen of you! He’s never been hit on first like this…
When you walk away, you noticed his romance bar is already at twenty percent. Perhaps you’d be able to go home sooner than you thought if you kept this up?
A shame you didn’t notice the blush on Hanayama’s face. He’s never been so excited in his life… and now it was your problem. How were you to know how possessive he was?
He was a silent presence compared to the chatty Katsumi and Baki. He would randomly sit beside you when you weren’t preoccupied by the other men which wouldn’t have been such a bad thing if he didn’t stare at you. His gaze was unnerving and terrifying. Yet you must accept him in order to go home. So you tolerated his presence with gentle smiles and one sided small talk. You didn’t realize how much Hanayama truly enjoyed your company.
He began to bring you gifts. Roses, jewelry, and clothing. Loud gestures of adoration despite his stoic exterior. You’d always thank him with a smile because his romance bar would rise with each gift… but his pink bar was the first to reach a blood red. Why was his bar so red? And why did you always feel as if someone was watching you?
His gifts began to become inappropriate. Rather than regular clothes, he’d gift you red, black, and violet lingerie. And then it was chocolates and invitations to fancy dinners where oysters were almost always served. You were starting to become really scared when you found out what his occupation was. How were you to know he was a yakuza boss?! And there was no escape from Hanayama, he was too powerful and he was too obsessed with you to share you.
Baki Hanma
You were on a jog when you met the twenty year old. He was sitting on a bench all alone looking so down. The heart bar above his head was a depressing shade of blue. Oh no! Why did he look so sad?
Baki was shocked when you sat beside him with a smile. You offer him your hand to introduce yourself and you offered to listen to him since he looked so sad. He instantly clung to you like a tick. You were so warm and sweet… he adored it. He’s never had affection like this since his ex girlfriend… you’re warm like a mom!
You pat Baki’s head as he cries in your arms. You’re shocked by how his heart bar sky rockets to a sixty percent with this small interaction. Holy smokes! You were crushing this game!
You exchanged numbers with him and offered him solace so kindly. Baki was so thrilled to finally have someone care about him. It was what he has always wanted…
Baki spent almost as much time with you as Katsumi did. The two friendly men running around you like little kids as they excitedly would take you on lots of dates. It was a little overwhelming.
But you didn’t think Baki would be so clingy… please don’t leave him! Don’t leave him, he’d do anything for you! Please only look at him! Love him!
Jack Hanma
The hardest to romance. This man was mean. Mean as hell. He had no interest in you whatsoever, he only had his goal of strength in mind. Jack constantly rebuffed you, but your persistence began to wear down his walls
Why did you insist on being so close to him anyways? He was a mess. He was always sweaty and he would train to the point of incontinence… did you have a piss kink? You were weird as hell and he didn’t like the way the other fighters hovered around you like helicopters. You were nothing special… at least that’s what he told himself until he overheard you defend him when someone bad mouthed him.
“Sure Jack can be a little rough around the edges, but he works harder than any of you!” Jack clenched his jaw when he heard you berate some of the fighters who commented on his methods for strength. “You don’t have half of what it takes to want to be the best.” Your words made something flutter in his heart. It was a weird feeling but it wasn’t something entirely unwelcomed.
Jack’s presence usually sent the other men running away with their tails between their legs but he began to like the way you smiled so warmly at him. For the first time in years, someone didn’t look at him like he was a monster. And he didn’t ever want you to disappear. No. Jack wouldn’t ever let anything happen to you. He’d rather die.
You became as important to him as his journey to strength. You were his one and only friend. His companion. It didn’t matter to him that there were others. Jack was just happy to have you by his side.
Jack enjoyed how you’d sit beside him whenever he sat alone or how you’d occasionally lean on him when it was cold. Jack slowly warmed up to you and his romance bar slowly began to rise. He took the longest to romance out of all the others but he’s the most normal out of all of them. Jack rarely sought you out unless he had a gut feeling you needed him. Jack slowly began to become easier to talk to… and you made the mistake of venting to him. Of showing him your most vulnerable side.
So when he saw you crying for the first time about how weird everyone was to you, something in him snapped. How dare they make you uncomfortable. How dare they make you cry! And now you realized just how over protective Jack was of you…
And from that day forth, Jack began to protect you. He was like a giant, blonde tank that shoved the other men out of the way. You didn’t have to worry anymore. Jack would protect you!
Kaioh Retsu
You met him at the dojo. Retsu was very nice to you. He was a voice of reason and usually would step between you and Katsumi when he noticed Katsumi being particularly weird to you.
You’d spar with Retsu and you were always awestruck by his Kenpo. Retsu enjoyed your compliments and even taught you some Kenpo. He was thrilled that someone was interested in his martial art. To have it be appreciated.
His romance bar was hidden from you, which was strange. Occasionally it would pop up with a high percentage but then it would fade into obscurity. Retsu would always give you a soft smile and reassure you whenever you were particularly overwhelmed. He was a really good friend.
Retsu was easy to talk to and he made the best tea. And Retsu always had a logical response whenever you vented about the other men. You felt safe with Retsu… like you could trust him.
And so you shared with him the truth of you situation. Which made the Chinese man sympathize with you. He’d help you get home!
A shame you didn’t realize how he secretly manipulated you. How he pretended to be reasonable and level headed. He used his maturity and kindness to lower your guard but he didn’t realize just how much you were hiding. You’re from another world? That would explain why you were so unique compared to everyone else in this world of his… Retsu found you fascinating.
Now Retsu was going to help you leave this world… but he was going with you. You entrusted him with such precious information and didn’t he deserve a reward for helping you?
A wild card. You will only meet him if you decide to go hiking on a Thursday.
You were not supposed to meet him but you did. On a complete accident too. You decided to go on a hike in the forest to get away from your… suitors.
He was just hunting in the forest when he noticed you. And he was curious about you. He began to follow you around like a lost dog. It would take a few miles of hiking to notice him but once you did, you were very puzzled. Who was this guy and why was his romance bar red from the get go? And that’s when you finally put together that the red bars that were above all the men you have been around meant danger.
Pickle was quick to snatch you up in his arms but rather than attack you, he sniffed you. He was surprised to smell all those fighters he’s fought on you! It fascinated him.
You were quick to escape him and run but he chased after you. He was so happy to play! If he caught you, could he keep you? Pickle would like a mate.
A shame Baki was waiting for you at the edge of the forest. The redhead glared at Pickle who began to throw a tantrum. No fair! Pickle wanted to play with you too! To keep you and to mate with you! That wasn’t fair.
Now you didn’t leave the city often because Pickle was always watching… always waiting to strike. For you had caught his eye.
Hector Doyle
Another wild card. You weren’t supposed to meet him but you did at the dojo. He was supposedly a reformed convict, one that didn’t have much of an interest in you… at first.
Doyle was kind of mean but in a snarky way. He always had something smart to say whenever you’d talk to Katsumi. You thought he was gay when you first met him since he liked Katsumi so much. But after you got to know him, you realized he was just attached to the Karateka since he defeated him.
Doyle slowly opened up to you since you were a constant presence in Katsumi’s life. You were very nice to him despite his sharp tongue so Doyle respected you. The two of you slowly became friends… but you constantly had to stop him from stealing products from the mall. Doyle had sticky fingers despite being blind. He insisted he knew the quality of what he took by the way it smelled and felt in his fingers. It was kind of silly.
Doyle’s romance bar slowly rises up the more you go out with him. He’s secretly a softie beneath his rough exterior. (If you’re a touchy person, it’ll shoot up faster. Doyle is easily flustered). Doyle is also very jealous of Katsumi
You seemed to make his friend happy so he was happy with you… until he noticed a change in Katsumi. The Karateka was obsessed with you to the point it was concerning. At least in the way Katsumi spoke of you, since Doyle was blind.
“Katsumi told everyone that you’re his fiancée but I never heard you talk about it.” Doyle whispered to you as the two of you stretched in a corner in the dojo. The blind assassin adjusted his blindfold. “I may be blind, but I’m not stupid. Are you okay?”
Doyle was shocked when you answered back in a choked sob. “No, I’ve tried to get away but he’s sent the whole dojo after me… I’m scared, Doyle.”
Doyle was so shocked when you hugged him. His body shook when he felt his first hug since he was a child. He instantly wrapped his arms around you and lost himself within you. He could imagine a life with you. You were so sweet and you were capable… he had money from his old job as an assassin and he had favors he was owed by people. Doyle could help you escape.
You pulled away and you felt your blood run cold at the red bar that was now above Doyle’s head. Oh no…
“I’ll help you escape.” Doyle whispered in your ear. “But we’d constantly be on the run. Would you want to live like that, darling?”
The choice is up to you with him. Doyle will help you but you’d lose your opportunity to go home… forever.
Jun Guevara
Another wild card. This dashing man can be found on Fridays at the docks by his boat. He’s usually shirtless with a jacket draped over his shoulders and a cigarette between his lips. He is also very easy to attract if you ask him about the ocean. This man loves the ocean. He won’t stop talking about it and he may even give you a shell if you’re extra sweet.
Jun is incredibly flirtatious but don’t let that fool you, he’s also extremely possessive. His heart bar will only rise if you’re charismatic. You have to be able to talk the talk too. And once you successfully romance him, you have the opportunity to get onto his ship! Hurray!
Jun will share rum and stories with you if you sneak off to come see him. He’ll even drape his jacket around you and call you, “Meu amor” or “Meu anjo.” You don’t have a clue what that means but it seems like a nickname!
Jun is great to use as an escape option if the other men become overwhelming. Just keep in mind that he won’t let you off that boat, because he’s determined to make you his wife! And eventually the mother of his four children.
Biscuit Oliva
Another wild card but can be encountered if you interact with criminals (Jun or Doyle). Biscuit may ask you about their whereabouts but you should lie to him to save your friends. Compliment this man to distract him! He’s a pretty revered bounty hunter so it won’t take much.
He’s recently a widow and he’s easily flustered since he’s never been flirted with before. Oliva is very easy to romance once you stoke the fires of his ego.
Oliva is a gift giver just like Hanayama except his gifts are more from the heart rather than his pants…
Oliva will buy you very nice clothes and offer to take you abroad. His romance bar will only ever turn red if you share your woes with him.
Just like Jack, Oliva is extremely protective. And he will not lose another love so he’s willing to whisk you away and lock you up forever.
Just be his cute sugar baby and everything will be okay! So long as the other men don’t crash your date… then you may never get home.
Once you successfully romance all the men, the deity will appear to you. But sadly they won’t be able to send you home anyways because you’ve ruined the story here since all their bars all turned red. Sorry toots, but he can’t take you away from these men who are willing to kill each other to have you. The deity just hopes you can make a choice.
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yestrday · 2 months
bro like
imagine if reader and housewife scara had a kid that looks practically exactly like one of them and yet got the personality of the other parent 💀💀💀
🍡 anon back at it again
ghiwefi i can imagine the domestic shenanigans here istg kuni's reactions would be fucking hilarious. also you get called papa once because i couldnt think of any gn parental terms
you might like: yandere! genshin malewife au ft. scara
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"oh my gosh say that one more time for the camera, sweetie."
your eight-year-old flips you off from his seat, glaring at you over a bowl of cereal. his [hair color] is messy from tossing and turning in his sleep and his pouty lips are in the most bitter scowl you have ever seen adorning them. you squeal as you capture your vulgar child on camera and begin fawning over it on camera, whilst kuni karate chops him on the head.
"ow! whaddya do that for?!" he complains, covering his bump with his tiny two hands as kuni locks him with an equally deadly glare.
"you brat, you better treat your parent with more respect!" he scolds. he looks threatening, despite holding a pan with the most delicious looking waffles while donning a frilly lavender apron. "if i see you flipping someone off one more fucking time, you're losing tv privileges!"
"why not?!" the child yells indignantly as he shakes his tiny fists at his father. "you do that to them all the time?!"
"just because i do it doesn't mean you can!"
"then you're not a very good parent, are you?!"
kuni pops a vein, and he feels the most vile sentence forming on the tip of his tongue before he bites it down and sighs. "for that, i'm still cutting down your tv time by one hour." he cries out in outrage, but he ignores him and slides the waffles onto a plate. "go play outside or something.... honestly, you look like this idiot over here—" he shoots a sharp glare at you, still fawning over the picture. "— but you're too goddamn rude to be anything like him."
"maybe it's because i get it from you!" the kid says, mouth full with waffles. kuni glances at him and scoffs, lightly hitting him again on the head.
"... make that two hours."
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"never say that kind of sappy shit with my face ever again."
"but dad~" your daughter whines, tugging on kuni's kimono sleeve. "i love him! can't i just buy him one box of chocolates? please?"
kuni wrinkles his nose at the notion of a mere ten-year-old falling in love, and even more so when his literal carbon copy is pulling a lovesick expression with his face. she has the sharp eyes and all, yet they look so... girlish? dreamy, when on her. something about it grates on his nerves.
"how could you possibly like a guy like him?" he scoffs, scanning the aisle for a specific brand of flour. "you said he hated you. he throws your notebooks, mocks and humiliates you, and is basically anything but a decent human being. if it weren't for [y. name], i would've gone over to that school and ripped him and whatever vile parent he has into shreds."
"but! but!" she whines. "papa says you were exactly like that before!" kuni freezes. "then he could be the one for me!"
kuni snorts and grabs a bag of flour before dropping it into the cart. "your papa was and still is an idiot. but still," a fond smile graces his lips for a second. "we're the exception. doesn't mean it can turn out well for you."
"is that a no, then?" she pouts.
kuni is silent, and she perks up and pulls him down to give him a peck on the cheek. "thanks, dad!"
"whatever," he grumbles as she runs off to the chocolate aisle, holding the kissed cheek with an embarassed blush on his face.
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reareaotaku · 4 months
hi! can i request more daniel larusso headcanons? maybe with some nsfw?
Say it with your full chest babe I'm not very good at NSFW, but here we go- [Did yall know Ralph was 22 in this movie- That's insane]
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He loves when you patch him
Your hands all over him- He might just go crazy
He can get distracted when you cheer for him
Something about hearing your voice saying his name- It's rather exciting
His opponent [Johnny] will sometimes either see you or hear you and realize you're with Daniel and try and embarrass him
It never works because nothing Daniel does could embarrass you, because you're so in love with
He'll wave to you before and after each match
Hell, if he has time, he'll go up and kiss you for good luck
He's very affectionate and that translates into the bedroom
His hands and lips are everywhere
He's more of a giver than a receiver
He loves to please and if you give him compliments while he does it, he goes even harder
Good Boy really gets him going
Only gets off if you get off
He's not super serious during it, but he might try- Although, he can't hold it for very long
You can expect a very long after care with cuddles and him holding you tightly
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
This is an announcement from @thefieryphoenix, my blog got terminated for no reason and the Tumblr services seem to be of no help on what to do, they're barely replying to my emails and I've emailed them about 3 times till now, I'd really appreciate your help on how to get my account back, I feel empty 🥲🥺
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eemcintyre · 10 months
Tainted Love (Terry Silver)
TW- noncon touching, toxic relationship, crying, yandere-esque behavior, references to SA and blood.
Summary- Part 2 of "Cruel to be Kind." You are in extreme physical and emotional turmoil after the... incident... at the house. While doing everything in your power to avoid Terry, you're trying to figure out what you should do and how you feel about the person he's revealed himself to be.
Look alive sunshine!! I actually managed to figure out a sequel for my inaugural Terry Silver fic!! I hope that everyone who enjoyed the first one and requested a sequel feels like this did it justice
P.S., the "you are a murderer, no matter how beloved" is not my original creation; it's an aesthetic quote I found on Pinterest, so I take no credit for it
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Y/N had to get out of that house.
She had tried to go to work the day after everything that happened, but upon seeing Brian’s empty desk, the imagery of yesterday and her revulsion crashed over her and she soon had to go home; being violently ill for the rest of the day. Two more days had passed since then and she had not tried to go back.
Y/N could barely eat or sleep, so it was all she could do to gather the strength to move from one room to the other to avoid Terry throughout the day. Being in his presence, let alone looking at him or speaking to him, was even worse than trying to go to work.
Multiple times each day, he would carefully tread into the room, quietly attempting to sit near her and hold her hand or start a conversation. All she could see was the blood that had been splashed across his face, and she shuddered away from the memory of his grip on her chin when he forced her to look at the carnage on his office floor.
As quickly as possible, without a word to him if she could manage it, Y/N would flee the room for another- luckily, the mansion offered many to choose from, but Terry never failed to find her eventually. Especially since he had the staff keeping a close eye on her, making sure that she was alright if he himself couldn’t. He had ordered them to tend to her as much as she would let them, and then report back to him what she ate and how much, whether she was staying hydrated, and how much sleep she was getting.
She couldn’t even bring herself to sleep in the same bed as Terry anymore, opting instead to make her desperate attempts at rest in one of the guest rooms at the other end of the house. The idea of sleeping all night next to a murderer- especially a murderer whom she had thought she could trust and who had left their violent past behind- made her skin crawl.
Terry, of course, would try to justify his actions in his own twisted way to make himself feel better. But he was a murderer, no matter how beloved. There was no undoing, unseeing or rationalizing it.
She had to get out of this house. Yet, she knew Terry would never willingly let her leave, stubbornly under the illusion that he could control every outcome, including bending this matter to his whims. That he could eventually persuade her to his side, and they would somehow go back to an idyllic life and a healthy, normal marriage. She almost admired his ability to be so unaware of self and others and so apathetic, wishing that she could channel some such abilities of her own.
Every waking moment was a feverish inner conflict. Y/N was so hurt and afraid and confused, but the only person she could throw herself into the arms of, who could typically make all of her problems and pain go away, was the person who had now caused them. And somehow, she still loved Terry and missed him so much it ached and wanted to bury her face into his chest and cry- and at the same time she was half-mad with the instinct to run away as fast as possible in the opposite direction.
Since ten that night, Y/N had been pondering along these wretched lines, huddled in a window seat within some empty, unused extra room of the house. The stars had revealed themselves in the sky and provided enough of a brief distraction that her tearful thinking temporarily faded into a blank headspace and exhausted staring up at the sky. But her heart immediately started pulsing frantically when she caught a tall, dark shape approaching in her peripheral vision.
“Did you sleep at all last night?” Terry’s deep voice rumbled from a few feet behind her. She twisted her head just enough to see that he had propped himself against the wall with his hands in his pockets.
“I was just getting ready to-” she had already swiftly risen from the window seat to head in the direction of the guest room when Terry thrust his arm into her path.
“No. You’re not spending another night sleeping in a guest room,” he declared, as if it were a mutually agreed-upon fact. “You will sleep in our bed. With me. With your husband.” His voice hardened, and he grabbed her shoulder with his outstretched hand, turning her to face him, pulling her closer and closer to him as he spoke. “You will have conversations and eat meals with your husband, look him in the eye, and sit in the same room with him for more than ten seconds.”
She stared intently at the area of the wall next to his head, never directly at him, her lips beginning to tremble. She leaned away from him as far as his hold would allow. He took all of this in and exploded, seizing both of her shoulders harshly.
“Look at me! Talk to me, damn it!” He shook her and she flinched, her gaze snapping to meet his, letting the tears fall freely down her face. Lowering his volume, he continued. “I’ve given you your space, I’ve tried with everything in me to understand why you aren’t happy and relieved that your life is so much easier and safer-” he ghosted his fingers down her cheek, “-And instead, you’re crying over a guy- who was probably going to rape you- like you loved him or something!”
Y/N shook her head violently. “I didn’t like him- I hated him! I hated him… but I-I didn’t… want him to…”
“Why can’t you just admit it?!” Terry was incredulous, blue eyes wide and wild. “Why can’t you stop putting on this holier-than-thou production just so you can feel like you have the moral high ground? You’re glad he’s dead, just admit it! The only thing I’m guilty of- besides a necessary lie of omission to you, which I’m not proud of- is having the balls to do what no one else will. I took action. I effectively eliminated a threat- all with… minimal mess. I always have your best interests at heart, baby.”
Terry paused to take a breath and release his bruising grip on Y/N, who was rooted to where she stood in shock. It was half-due to his outburst, and half to the fact that he was right. But she would never say as much.
His chest heaved as he swiped his hair out of his eyes. “And yet I revolt you, don’t I?” he asked, pacing back and forth in front of her. “You think I live a privileged life, but what a luxury to never have had to fight to the death for your life or for the people that you love.” His expression darkened and his voice was low and velvety, the way it sounded when he was most dangerous.
She hated it when he played the Vietnam card against her. “Is this what you think love is?” she cried, throwing up her hands. “Love is… I don’t know- spending time with someone, helping them with a chore, telling them they look pretty- not killing someone in our own house! A man is dead!”
“An asshole got what he deserved, and no one’s going to come looking for him!” Terry ceased his pacing, pausing in front of her again, and despite her boldness just moments ago, she felt small. “Like anything else, love is just a matter of perspective. To me, wiping that lowlife from the face of the earth was an act of service. A profound act of love. I know better than most, and better than you, that the world is disgusting and evil, and there’s nothing I won’t do to protect you from it.” He shook a finger in her face for emphasis. “It might make you feel better to think that I don’t experience any feelings of my own, but nothing hurts me more than seeing you unhappy and afraid.”
“Then why are you making me feel that way?” she sobbed, backing away from Terry, him following and maintaining the small space between them despite her attempts to widen it.
“You don’t need to be afraid of me! Darling, I would never hurt you. I hurt people who give me a reason to- and that includes anyone who comes near you with bad intentions- but never you.”
Not until she gave him a reason, she thought. She jumped as her back hit the wall. “I don’t believe you anymore!”
At these words, Terry looked almost… wounded, and Y/N was stunned. But with a flicker of his eyes, it was like he’d flipped his internal switch and any tenderness she might have been starting to feel from him was gone. Stepping well into her personal space, Terry trapped her against the wall between his arms.
“Well.” His tone was flat and measured but his eyes were deeply fixated on hers. “What’s done is done. We’re still married, I’m not letting you go, and you’re not leaving. I always told you that this thing between us was going to be ride-or-die. So, whether you can learn to forgive me or not, you have to figure out what we need to do so you can put this behind you.”
Terry took her hand in his, relishing the soft warmth that he’d missed so dearly over the last few bleak days, ignoring the fact that she was frantically trying to pull away. “It’s time to go to bed,” he declared, dragging her down the hallway.
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maleyanderecafe · 9 months
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My Puppy Fiance (Mobile)
Created by: SEEC Inc.
Genre: Otome
My Puppy Fiance is very cute and SEEC makes pretty good short games that just so happen to have yandere endings to them. The yandere in this one is the butler who has one yandere ending (though it is also fairly dark, which caught me off guard.) but the story itself is actually pretty cute all things considered. You can watch most of the scenes here or here, though it is missing some extra endings.
The story starts with Mikoto recounting that as a child, she was obsessed with a book about princess and wanted to be a princess thanks to it. She would show the book to everyone, specifically a boy around her age. Fast foward to right before Mikoto's 18th birthday, her dad wants her to get married as he's worried that she's alone and that when he was their age he and Mikoto's mother got married. He sets up a meeting with this suitor, but Mikoto butts in, lying about a boyfriend that she has. Her dad, amused, plays along, stating that he is happy to meet them in a month. Mikoto talks about her situation with Maki, her butler before seeing a homeless kid hanging outside of her house. The boy begs Mikoto to take him in, promising to be her dog, whatever so as long as he has a place to stay. Mikoto accepts this and decides to train him to being her perfect boyfriend. Pochi agrees to this so as long as he gets food.
Throughout the story Pochi is trained by Mikoto to do various things, from exercising, to going clothing shopping, cooking, ballroom dancing and karate/judo. Pochi is very much like a dog, whining about doing hard work but happy to be with Mikoto in general. Over the course of the story, we learn that Pochi seems to dislike rich people, thinking that they don't really know how to do anything since they have servants to do everything. He becomes in awe of Mikoto because while she does come from a rich family, she's taken it upon herself to learn all she needs to so she can be an independent. Pochi while useless in some endeavors (like cooking or running) but is far better at ballroom dancing and judo. The entire time, Maki is jealous over the attention that Pochi is getting from Mikoto. Mikoto's dad reveals that they were suppose to have a meet up with Mikoto, to which both Mikoto and Maki try to figure out who it could be. In the best ending, Mikoto does actually find out the person that she was suppose to be arranged married was Pochi, or better known as Kei- the guy that she shared the story of the princess when she was younger. Overall, despite all these complications, the two start to date.
In the yandere ending, Maki tries to convince Mikoto to drug Pochi with a love potion. Rejecting this will lead to Maki getting jealous that he cares so much about Pochi despite the fact that he and her know each other longer. We get a flashback afterwards about how Maki came to become Mikoto's butler when she was younger, since she was so shocked that Maki lost his cool. Maki later informs Mikoto that the arrangement has been called off at the last second and that Pochi has been sent back to his family as a result. While Maki serves Mikoto tea, he talks about how hard it was for him before he was adopted into her family. He always worked hard so that he could have Mikoto praise him, which is why he always serves the best tea. Mikoto ends up getting drugged by Maki with the love potion. A few weeks later, we see a conversation with Maki and Mikoto's dad about how they are madly in love with each other. Mikoto's dad mentions that he always seemed to treat Mikoto differently, being more harsh with her as compared with others. Maki mentions that despite his harsh attitude towards her, he loves it when he praises him. Her dad leaves, and Maki returns to see Mikoto again, who he believes after she wakes up, will remember him only as her boyfriend. Maki happily holds Mikoto's hair, knowing that as long as the potion keeps her in love with him, that he will be happy.
SEEC makes some pretty good short games that happen to have a yandere in there time and time again. My puppy fiance is actually very cute and while most of it is built upon misunderstanding, I surprisingly didn't find it particularly annoying. I actually quite like Mikoto as a protagonist since despite the fact that she could just live a life as a rich person, she learns to be self sufficient due to drive to become a princess, which in this case is defined as someone who leads and takes care of others. While she does lie to her dad about having a boyfriend, she does put in the effort to teach Pochi a lot of skills including cooking, exercising and various other things. Personally I think she also comes off as very independent as well, despite having Maki as a butler, she doesn't rely on him to the point of not knowing anything and for the most part her reactions seem pretty understandable (especially when Maki ends up drugging her).
Pochi himself is pretty cute too, despite pretty much just wandering in the front door and living with Mikoto. You kind of get it pretty quickly that he is a rich kid considering he doesn't know how to do a lot of basic skills, but knows how to do things like ballroom dancing and considering how much he complains about how rich people don't know how to do anything, he himself is likely pretty rich. Still, his personality comes off as sort of a cute himbo, with him being very dog like, enjoying being praised and just generally following Mikoto around. While he doesn't always understand what's going on and complains, he still does end up going through with it thanks to his love for Mikoto. In the end, we do find out that Pochi is the one that Mikoto was suppose to end up with in the arranged date, so all's well that ends well, I suppose.
Maki is actually the one that threw me off despite me knowing that he was a yandere. For the most part he comes off as pretty blunt and rude towards Mikoto, but also is generally pretty jealous, like when he exchanges spots with Mikoto when she's trying to teach him karate just so he won't touch her. In the good ending, it seems he lets him go, but in any ending that involves the love potion, Maki will attempt to insert himself in, which includes the threesome ending with Maki and Pochi. In his ending though, he is angry that despite all the time that he and Mikoto have been together, she still prefers Pochi, which does make sense for a butler. I have no idea who or where he got the love potion from, but he does basically seem to continually drug Mikoto with it until she believes that the two are in love forever, and with Mikoto's dad just wanting her to fall in love with someone, it does make sense that he can keep in under wraps since he is basically the closest person to Mikoto. He moves really fast too, so it makes me wonder if he was biding his time and started to panic when he saw that Mikoto and Pochi were getting so close to each other in such a short amount of time, thus why he ended up trying to get Mikoto to drug Pochi with the love potion. Still, his ending is pretty chilling having successfully drugged the person he loves so that she will always love him back.
Overall, this was a fun game to watch. The premise is generally pretty cute with a fairly darkish yandere ending that somehow I was still not expecting. I think I'm just not used to tsundere-yandere hybrids as much since I don't normally see them. If you are interested, please give it a try, or at least give it a watch.
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