#yandere brian
eveofwriting · 2 years
Now im thinking of a darling that just trusts brian so much because they're friends and they just know he would never do anything to hurt them and when the pills wears off and they wake up so very confused and full for some reason, they go to brian for comfort and company because he's their most trusted friend that they can always trust ( ꈍᴗꈍ).
Oh my god, yes-
Brian would totally comfort them as much as he could without slipping out something suspicious. He’d say stuff like “you should go to the doctor’s” or “maybe you’re coming down with something,” but he knew full damn well the only thing wrong with her was that she came to the wrong person for advice on her situation.
If she ends up just shrugging it off, the next night, the same thing will happen. You really should get that checked out, sweeetie <3
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sheawritesstuff · 3 months
Redacted Things I Think About Often
✩ I know Caelum is probably about the size of a short adult person, but I like imagining him tiny enough to carry around in one of those cat dome backpacks so he can go on adventures with Freelancer and Gavin without them worrying about him causing trouble
✩ What if the yandere caller is a stealth and that’s how he got in the house with all the doors still locked??
✩ Huxley during bulking season and Damien’s reaction to said bulk
✩If Asher and David weren’t getting married at the same time, Ash would absolutely come out in a wedding dress to prank David before his and Angel’s wedding
✩ Darlin and Smartass calling their partners “Old Man[affectionate]”
✩ Hush said he’s been reading about humans. Is he just popping into the public library and doing his research there? Is he going online? Does he even know how to use a computer??
✩ Guy staying up late after he gets off work to get some writing done
✩ Several characters have mentioned “Jesus Christ” -more in an expletive way, but it’s still his name- so Christianity is a canon part of the universe. Do you think there’s a version of the bible that explains how empowered people got their powers? Is Jesus a vampire?? Or a shade?? Or a secret third thing??
✩ Brian - he deserved better
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hi! can i have a yandere ej, toby, and hoodie with a shy darling? (separately pls)
Eyeless Jack:
It's interesting, and possibly... Endearing? He's not quite sure, really, what to call the feelings he has over you being so shy. He at the very least finds it amusing that he's kidnapped you, hauled you off somewhere unknown to you, and you can't even look him in the eyes, not out of anger or fear, but out of shyness. How positively cute. He will be moderately respectful at first, but there comes a point where he's going to stop waiting for you to come around. He's far too possessive over you, and he figures the best way for you to get used to his presence is to stop hiding from him and start giving him the attention he wants. He won't get violent with you, but he won't let you hide away from him. He often forces you into his lap, holds you close, and hovers directly next to you. He'll get your attention one way or another, whether you submit willingly or he has to force you into it.
Oh, you'll want to get over that fast. Toby is one of the most outwardly violent yanderes, and he isn't going to put up with your shyness for long. He thinks it's cute at first, sure, that you're so evasive and flustered around him, positively adorable. But then his needs for attention grow past his willingness to let you acclimate. It starts with him yanking on you, trying to jerk you into looking at him, and then it escalates to screaming when you continue to fight against him, and if after that you won't buckle up and just give him what he wants he isn't afraid of getting very physically violent with you either. No matter how shy you are, you'd better open yourself up to Toby fast, or at least show him you're making an attempt to. He's hot-headed and emotionally unstable, and it's hard for him to have patience when in his mind you should just be doing what he wants, no questions asked. 
You'll have it the easiest with these two. Hoodie is usually quite emotionless with you anyway, usually just watching over you for Brian's sake and making sure that you stay in line. He doesn't need you to be crawling all over him trying to please him, so long as he can monitor you and stay in your presence. Brian thinks it's so, so extremely adorable, and he doesn't try to force you out of your shyness all that much. He does tend to hover around you, and he'll ramble on with a bunch of small talks, although he doesn't need you to respond to him at all, he just wants you to get used to his voice and his presence. He tries to warm you up to him with food and treats and presents, but he has the patience within him to wait it out and let you open up to his presence more naturally. He does want some affection every now and then, though, but he doesn't ask for much. At least not right now.
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sleepyboywrites · 9 months
Hey there, do you wanna do yandere headcannons for the creepypasta characters? (Specifically Trans or Cis Male Reader) whichever once you want, I did it with the TF2 characters and it was tons of fun
Hey! I hope it's okay if I just do an in general Male Reader because I don't like to use specifics unless it's necessary, like for trans/cis exclusive experiences ie: dysphoria/euphoria, overly descriptive nsfw if I ever end up doing something like that, and/or things like periods which cis men don't experience to allow more people to relate. In short I just don't want any male readers to feel excluded if it's not an exclusive experience if that makes any sense.
Also I apologize for not posting in a bit and taking so long to respond to this turns out I have too many thoughts about this particular prompt actually so this will probably turn into individual series/posts after this one
Yandere! Creepypasta x Male!Reader.
Tw: yandere behaviors kidnapping, murder, physical or psychological abuse, slightly spicy? for a couple Idk, it's nothing descriptive just mentions of a perverted mind and could possibly be interpreted in that way
Eyeless Jack
• obsession obsession obsession. Beastlike has things he stole from you in a nest. Kills people who interact with you. Almost wolf-like if I had to put a fine point to it.
• At first it's just people who were mean to you, hurt you, or made you feel badly about yourself because surely a boy like yourself would praise him for being so helpful to you, right?
• Then it's anyone who gets too close or appears to like you romantically.
• Then it's anyone you spend too much time with which interferes with time meant for him.
• He's delusional, but in the practical sense.
• Think, "I'm doing this to protect him" , "Those people would hurt him eventually", "He's not safe on his own, he needs me to look over him." "The outside world will tear him apart."
• Stalks you 24/7. You are never without eyes on you but you also don't have a clue he's watching at first.
• After all he only steals things you haven't worn in months or you could chock up to misplacing.
• And he's a hunter so he specializes in stalking whether for food or in personal matters.
• You won't know he's there until it's too late.
• He'll make his move to kidnap you once you've essentially isolated yourself out of fear to those around you dying. He'll treat you gently during his kidnapping.
• Using his medical knowledge he'd give you anesthesia as you sleep and take you home.
• May remove an organ or two as souvenirs, treats if you will to add to his nest.
• Once you are in his possession he will add you to his nest and you'll wake up pressed firmly into his chest as he mumbles incoherently.
•If you ever try to leave he will make you pliant in anyway he can think of. He's not above physically harming you if that makes it so you can't leave him. He worked so hard to retrieve his mate and he won't lose you even if he has to hurt you or you end up hating him but you will stay.
Ben Drowned
• A lot like EJ he's also always watching difference is you are always overly aware of his presence.
• He wants you to know that he's watching. He wants you to interact with him. Even if that interaction is you yelling at him and begging him to leave you alone.
• He is 100% playing some sort of sick game with you that he knows you'll lose. Think you'll develop Stockholm syndrome before he even kidnaps you.
• If he ever leaves you alone for a few days you'd find yourself missing the teasing remarks and add ons normally added as you went about your day.
• All due to his tendency to drive people insane of which you are not immune but the trail of your insanity leading directly to his arms.
• He knows this and is overly cocky about it both to your face and to others. Think, "oh poor you, you love me, what an unfortunate situation." To your face the first time you fall asleep around him with a stupid sick grin or "I'm going to kill you and he's going to come to me for comfort and protection when he finds out." when talking to someone he's deemed bad for you.
• He wouldn't go on a murder spree without a trigger but then like Jack that'll devolve into killing anyone he disapproves of which is everyone else.
• He has a general distaste and distrust of people due to the nature of his creation and will find an excuse to kill anyone around you should his murderous intent be triggered which can happen in three different ways you're constantly distraught by someone, you start ignoring him to be around someone else, or you've failed to keep him entertained so he needed a more entertaining situation.
• Possesive with a capital P, if he does not know your precise location or have you within arms reach at any given moment he will lose it.
• Clingy but veiled with indifference. He'll act as if he doesn't care but insist on keeping some kind of contact at all times. Once he physically has you this would be physical contact and before hand just following you everywhere saying he doesn't have anything better to do.
• Will use psychological and emotionally harmful methods to keep you in line if you ever try to reject him or his advances but claims won't hurt you physically in anyway.
• His vice grip on you reveals otherwise though. Enough so to encourage you to go along with him.
Laughing Jack
• I feel he'd court you in cat-like ways. If you've been in his box more extravagant shows with him as the lead, carrying you around places. (Being weary to let you leave until he eventually stops letting you leave.
•Leaving you gifts that go from sweet to scary really fast. Think your favorite treats and then your loved ones' hearts carved from their chests so you never have to leave him again.
• He's the king of being delulu and reacts poorly to ungratefulness so do try your best not to scream or hit him when instead of cotton candy he has a loved one's head on a stick.
• You can try to gently coerce him to stop killing your loved ones in order to isolate you and making you stay forever/to let you go. But he'll say "you're being silly" and "here is where you belong you goofball of a boy. " covered in your loved ones blood as he ruffles your hair.
•The accidentally kill you for being ungrateful/not accept him and keep your corpse like your still alive type.
•Keep it lighthearted and the Jester is your friend. If you don't and mention troubles he'll fix them violently.
• Is constantly coddling and cuddling you.
• Since he was once a guardian angel and he believes his murdering of ungrateful children is God's work, he sees you as a present for all his good work.
• Like a child being gifted a puppy on Christmas.
• Bone crushing hugs and grips that bruise your skin and make it so it hurts to move but he acts like he didn't mean to and gets moody if you push him away or say he's hurting you.
• It's an act though, he likes seeing you squirm in pain and the expressions you make trying not to cry when he holds you.
• He thinks it's cute. He thinks you're cute when you're in pain.
• On a lighter note, he 100% is the type of clingy to hold your sleeve going places or to poke you (mostly) lightly in order to get your attention.
Homicidal Liu
•The softest in this lineup.
• I believe the term is dormant Yandere? Yeah. It is, because you wouldn't guess something is off until something starts getting between the two of you.
• You remind him of before his traumas, whether that be you look like someone who was kind to him before or upon first meeting you were genuine, honest, and kind. You make him feel safe and calm or as calm as Sully gets and he's never letting you leave him.
• He'd incorporate himself into your life truly getting close to you. Like this is months if not years long in the making. He becomes the closest person to you in your inner circle and you're the same for him. He plays the long game.
• You guys live together and you probably already like him the same way he likes you but both of you are too awkward to talk about it and Sully has been forbidden to say anything or Liu threatened to take his meds. Or you guys are in a long-term committed relationship already.
• Protective, possessive, and obsessive but fairly level headed. He is aware of the reality of the situation. Ie: his possessiveness is giving you his clothes and repetitive thoughts of "mine" during times of physical contact or seeing you in his clothes and needing texts or where you are, why you left, and when you plan on being back as well as if anything changes. He obsesses over your likes, dislikes, mannerisms, emotional cues, and interests so he essentially knows you even better than you do. Protective being watching over you as you sleep in situations where it's acceptable to do so and setting up security systems for the house.
•More likely to grab your arm or hug your knees and sob "please don't leave me" than he is to ever hurt you. The most agressive he gets is when Sully is fronting but even then the likelihood of him hurting you above holding you a bit too tight is 5% and reserved for extremely specific occasions which virtually don't happen. Ie: you find out he's a murderer and react too poorly in a way he didn't expect, you leave him cold turkey, you treat him poorly
• Clingy always needs some kind of contact most of the time this equates to holding hands/pinkies in public and ensuring the two of you are essentially attached at the hip. Though because he's entered your inner circle you just think it's because you two are close and that's the product of your closeness.
• His hunting turns into stalking and killing those who've been bugging you and you've talked poorly about whenever he feels his bloodlust bubbling over.
•'Cause if he kills people you've said that you wished would die or that you hate you'll be able to forgive or even praise him right?
• Unlikely to kidnap you unless he gets caught/found out then he'll probably relocate the two of you but he'd rather talk to you about it beforehand so it'd be a last minute emergency type thing. Or if you spend too much time away from him.
Jeff the Killer
• Doesn't play games of any kind. He'll observe you just long enough to learn about you, your schedule, who all knows you, and how frequently they check in. Then he'll remove obstacles and he'll just just take you.
• Impatient and the shortest fuse known to man.
• He's not afraid to hurt you in fact he enjoys it so the more perverted side of him wants you to push him and his expectations.
• The chain you up in a basement type
•He'll kill anyone involved with your life so when you beg him to let you go with tears in your eyes saying you have people waiting for you he can tell you with certainty that you don't. Not anymore. Laughing as he tells you and stroking/tugging at your hair.
• Degrading and mean to the point where you can't tell if he hates you or not. Uses pet names in a derogatory way as well.
• Pretty distant and cold even after you warm up to him and he lets you wander around a contained and highly surveillanced area, though it's probably just the torture basement he chained you up in to begin with.
•Most affection you'd get is a pat on the head or shoulder.
•Any other form of affection wouldn't really feel like affection.
•Wants to break you into a mindless doll essentially for him to love, use, and abuse. But the breaking you into it is very important to him.
• Will torture you severely for any mishap.
•The only way you can tell he's attracted to you beyond physically, is if he goes too far with the torture, when he's patching you up, or when he brings you something you like/he likes.
•Though he talks to you sweetly sometimes after you pass out and/or are slipping into unconsciousness. "You were made for me, sweet boy." "So good for me." It wigs you out though.
•you will feel like you live on eggshells as try your best to accommodate to him.
• you are most likely to go insane and learn to crave his mistreatment.
• Delusional. He is convinced you and him are in love and have the white picket fence dream. Complete with a German Shepherd and two adopted kids.
• And because of the way his brain is scrambled once he starts thinking about you regularly he can no longer tell what really happened or what was a daydream.
• Hopefully he has a good enough grip on reality to have actually interacted with you before his delusions convince him that you need to be with him at all times and he kidnaps you.
• 'Cause if not he's going to be really confused as to why his boyfriend who told him this is what he wanted is freaking out to the point of needing restrained. You'll hurt his feelings and he'll probably successfully gaslight you into believing his delusions himself.
• Also the lock you up type but more in the paranoid of others stealing you from him way, so if it's not together you aren't going.
• Like Jeff he allows you to roam around a highly surveillanced and locked up area but unlike Jeff it's an actual house and not a basement.
• He will hole up with you for weeks until duty calls or the house runs out of supplies
• Very "I love him I love him I love him I love him" coded and needs you to be just as enthusiastic.
•The hurt you on accident and profusely apologize immediately after but loves how you look when you cry and tremble as he patches you up type.
• Think someone telling him something that insinuated his affections towards you didn't count so he grabs your arm and squeezes it as you try walking away, asking "Toby... you're hurting me." He says wide-eyed struggling for only a moment as his kidnapper/partner tightens his grip with steel cold eyes. "Tell me it counts. It counted right?" (may or may not be my first ex-core as in my experience based)
•He feels really guilty about it too and periodically he will be crying into your lap forcing you to comfort him after an outburst because he feels just like his dad and he hates it.
• Much like Homicidal Liu and Hoodie he is actively incorporating you into his life. Difference is he's trying to manipulate you into thinking he's the only one you can trust.
• Uses the White Knight Method, which in case you're unfamiliar is a highly efficient manipulation technique in which they solve your problems while unbeknownst to you being the source of said problems until you become obsessed with or fall in love with the "knight" protecting you.
• If you feel like someone is watching you, he's toying with you. In fact he'll probably show up shortly after from the opposite direction of where you think watching is coming from and ask you if you're okay. Revelling in the look of fear on your face as you gush to him about what's bothering you and promising to protect you as he walks you home.
•He'll sabotage your relationships by making you think that they're the ones who've been leaving disturbing gifts on your doorstep/trying to hurt you.
• It's very much so a game to him and you're the prize.
• He's the type to want to see every emotion you have to offer.
• He's also the likes when you smile and likes when you cry more type
• But his need for you to need him and seek him out basically nukes the previous headcannon and makes it so he settles for comforting you when as far as you know something/someone else made you cry.
•Essentially by the time he's done with you, you'd beg to never leave his side, for him to keep you close and keep you safe but you don't have to because that's right where he wants you.
• Stalker alert! He's watching you sleep and following you everywhere
•Also uses the White Knight method but he uses what would have been a one time scary occurrence and uses that occurrence as a scapegoat to make more situations/scenarios which isolate you and bring you closer to him.
• In fact, his protection is a gateway to you, his foot in the door.
•It starts with him stepping in when things get scary then you see him somewhere you frequent and you talk to him or he talks to you and numbers are exchanged.
• After of which you are his clearly. Obviously, you just don't know it yet.
• Then he starts staging more scary, making your loved ones hurt you/turn on you/are the culprit in a scary situation until he's all you have. Until you need him.
• Mans has hidden cameras all over your house.
•You know where most of them are after all it was his idea, he said it was for your protection. What you didn't account for is all the hidden cameras in the gifts he's got you.
• He's the quiet, doting, infantilizing type.
• As in he genuinely believes you are too small, weak, and pure to know any of his intentions and he treats you as if you have no clue about anything always. Babies you constantly at a gradually increasing weight until it's suffocating.
• He wants to lock you up and protect you.
• Gaslighting king, if you catch on or try to leave him he will gaslight you into staying.
• Think "Baby boy what are you even talking about everything I've done was for your protection and your protection alone. There's no secret cameras you don't know about you're being silly." Or "Sweet boy, I've never done anything you didn't want or need. I'm very intuned to your needs and you need me. You need to be protected, you aren't safe unless I'm near."
• So genuinely and heartfeltly said that you'd clearly be the bad guy for even thinking like that and with how deep he has you you'd believe him too.
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bloodblanks · 2 years
solace [masky / hoodie x reader] — chapter x.
You meet and are mercilessly taunted by Toby. You break down in front of Masky, causing him to reveal how he truly feels about you.
author's note: this fanfiction will contain explicit content, including rape/non-con, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, and similar themes.
please read at your own discretion.
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You were so tired. You were on the brink of exhaustion, and the sun had just set not too long ago. Trapped in the small room that gradually resembled a prison more and more with each passing day, you felt as if you were losing your mind, your sanity slowly slipping out of reach.
You were curled up in a ball on the bed, hugging your legs to your chest, undressed, but also untied. To your surprise, your body was relatively clean, and you noticed that your ribcage was bandaged up, any traces of blood wiped clean off your body. It almost appeared as if nothing had happened, but you could still see the bruises on your hips, your knees, your torso, along with scabbed over cuts that decorated your once pristine skin.
There was no one else in the room. It was the first time you had been left unwatched for over a minute, save for when Hoodie made breakfast. You wondered if Hoodie was just out to retrieve something, or making food, but it’d already been a few minutes since you had woken up, and it wasn’t really time to eat either, making this situation an unusual one. Hoodie didn’t typically take long to return, if he ever left you at all.
You noticed that next to you was a folded pile of clothes, consisting of a large tank top and smaller sweatpants that could possibly be your size. Next to them was a pack of new panties, likely fresh from the store. You mentally thanked Hoodie for remembering to purchase some for you.
You moved to dress yourself, noting the ache between your thighs and grimacing at the discomfort, as well as your recollection of what had been the cause of the pain. When you stood up from the bed to change, as soon as you placed your second foot on the ground, you felt wetness drip between your legs, eliciting a scowl from you. The liquid was tinted red, and you were able to guess what it was, cursing under your breath as you reached for the box of tissues conveniently placed on the nightstand. You wiped any remaining liquid away from between your legs, before cleaning up what had fallen onto the floor as well.
You put on your panties. As you dressed yourself, you discovered that the sweatpants were indeed your size, however the tank top you were given much too large for you. You could only assume that it was more of Hoodie’s clothing. The tank top was white, made of a thin, flimsy fabric that allowed your nipples to be visible through the shirt, poking at the surface of the fabric. You weren’t exactly happy about that, but you quickly gave up on caring about it, seeing as both of your captors had already seen you fully nude. You had very little dignity left to preserve.
The door then opened with a creak, and you didn’t pay it much mind, fully expecting Hoodie to return, but instead, there stood a figure that you hadn’t seen before. He donned a moss green striped sweater with a blue hood, and half his face was obstructed by a mouthguard that he wore. You could see that he had fluffy, hazelnut coloured hair that barely brushed over his eyes, which were a bright amber. Yellow goggles dangled from his neck, and it was then that you noticed that he wasn’t very tall. In fact, he was surprisingly short, far shorter than Masky and Hoodie, who both stood close to a head above you. This man—or boy, he seemed like he was your age, maybe a bit younger even—was closer to your height. You two stood at eye level of each other.
He cocked his head to the side, but it didn’t feel like the same curious action that Masky often did, because as soon as he did that, he followed it up by shaking his head side to side, his hair flapping around in tune to his movements. He twitched slightly, followed up by cracking his neck.
He quickly scanned the room over before he turned towards you, his eyes creasing in glee at the sight of you. You weren’t sure yet how to feel about that. But then he spoke.
“Hey, you’re all alone—woo!—” he made a strange sound at the end of the sentence, causing you to furrow your eyebrows in confusion. There had to be something up with this boy, was it a condition of sorts? Perhaps Tourette’s? That seemed to be the most probable, although you weren’t sure if it was an important factor in the current situation.
Instead, you had other questions on your mind, which you quickly asked.
“Who are you? And why are you here?” you questioned him, watching as he continued to sway his head back and forth. It almost looked like he was headbanging to some music, which in any other situation would’ve made you giggle a bit. But not now. Especially not with what he said next.
“You can call me Toby.” he answered, before following up with, “But I’d rather hear you scream it.” As soon as he finished his sentence, he burst out in a fit of laughter, followed by another sound—you’d assume it to be a tic for now.
You felt your palms start to get clammy as beads of nervous sweat began to form on your forehead. You stepped back and away from him; he made you extremely uncomfortable. You didn’t know him, and he hadn’t hurt you yet, but you already had an awful gut feeling telling you that he was bad news. You remained silent, not wanting to give him a reaction or let him know that you were indeed unsettled by his creepy behaviour. You simply continued watching him, waiting for him to answer your second question. Which to your surprise, he actually did.
“Why—woo—why am I here? I’m here cause T— Cause Masky and Hoodie still haven’t gotten the information out of you. You’re a tough one, huh?” he snickered as he closed the distance between you, taking a step forward. You instinctively took a step back, before bumping into the edge of the bed, stumbling for a second before resigning to just sitting down on the bed.
He leaned in down and close to your face. If it wasn’t for his mouthguard, you’d probably be able to feel the warmth of his breath fan over your forehead.
“You know, I heard that Masky had some fun with you today. Actually, I heard it live. I was on the floor below.” He pointed a finger downwards, gesturing towards the floor.
“It sounded like it hurt.”
His words made your stomach churn, nausea instantly settling in as you felt goosebumps rise on your skin. This man, this boy, Toby—he had heard everything that had happened, and yet didn’t lift a finger to stop Masky. He had just let it happen. In fact, he was actively taunting you about it. You could hear the callous tone in his voice as he spoke about the situation, displaying an utter lack of sympathy or even pity for you. He appeared apathetic towards the situation at best, finding sadistic amusement in it at worst.
“Hey, be honest—woo—wauh—!” he started, “Do you like it? Is that why you haven’t said anything?” You didn’t comprehend what he meant at first, but seeing the lack of reaction on your face, he decided to elaborate.
“Are you not telling them the information on purpose cause you like it so much?”
You felt your blood boil at his words. He was sickening, and you wanted nothing more than to punch him in the face, make him eat his own words, but you knew you didn’t have the strength to follow that up. Even though he didn’t have a large stature like Masky and Hoodie, he was undoubtedly just as fearsome as them.
Your suspicions were confirmed when you saw the pair of twin axes that he had strapped to a belt around his waist. You had been so focused on his strange appearance and mannerisms that you failed to notice the weapons originally. Now that you had seen them, you were more than glad that you hadn’t acted out on your anger.
Toby continued to taunt you.
“I’ve known T— I’ve known Masky and Hoodie for some time. They’re usually—woo—pretty good at their jobs. So either they’re slacking, or you’re just secretly a masochist. Did I get it right?” he asked, cackling like he had just told the funniest joke ever. You could feel yourself fuming; your hands were clenched into tight fists, the knuckles surely white as you felt your nails dig into the palm of your hand. Your breathing had grown heavy, and you were on the verge of growling at him.
Toby leaned forward a bit more, tilting his head to the side so that his mouth would be pressed right up against your ear. His hair brushed against your cheek—he had stopped shaking his head at some point—as he whispered into your ear.
“Maybe if you like it so much, I can also do that to you.”
“Get away from me.” you hissed, your handle on your temper slipping. Wrath bubbled inside of you like a cauldron that was threatening to boil over, momentarily overpowering your rationality and fear of the sharp tools at his sides.
“Feisty, huh? Masky sure has a type—woo!—”
Before you could respond, the door was violently opened, slamming into the wall with a loud thud.
“We thought we heard something.” Masky sneered. “Get out.”
Toby leaned away from you, standing back up straight, and taking a step back. You watched his amber eyes narrow, glaring at Masky and Hoodie, both standing in the doorway. Masky was visibly irritated, you could just tell from the aura he gave off, and Hoodie had his arms crossed over his chest. He didn’t seem to be too happy, either.
“I need to have a talk with you, Toby.” Hoodie stated. It felt more like an order than a suggestion, and you could tell Toby felt the same way because he huffed in response, before walking out of the door with Hoodie. The door closed behind them, although you were still able to make out the beginning of their conversation.
“Toby, don’t you fucking dare step foot in that room again.” you heard Hoodie’s voice first.
“The Operator sent me to check on the progress, don’t—woh—wauh—act like I’m doing something wrong.” was Toby’s reply. The voices were growing distant, slowly fading away. You could only hear murmuring after that, leaving Hoodie’s response unclear.
Giving up on the conversation, you instead turned your attention to the person standing right across from you, leaning against the once again closed door. Masky.
You felt an overwhelming number of emotions wash over you. You were upset, hurt, scared, angry—betrayed. You didn’t know why you felt that way, only that you did. And almost as if it were on cue, tears started streaming down your face. You looked at Masky, his face still hidden behind his mask, not betraying any emotion to you. You looked at Masky with watery eyes, voice cracking as you spoke to him.
“Why do you hate me so much?”
“Why do you hate me so much?” you asked. You sniffled as the words came out, trying your best to hold back from crying.
It was a Friday after school. Tim, Brian, and you were all together, sat down in the middle of Brian’s living room. You were sprawled over the floor, both arms holding your phone above your head as you browsed through the front page of YouTube, looking for an interesting video to watch. You noticed a video title that had recently been in your recommendations, successfully catching your eye.
‘What pretending to be crazy looks like.’
You were just about to tap on it when you heard the sound of someone fake coughing to get your attention.
“What do you want, Tim?” you dismissively asked, not bothering to look at him. You wanted to watch the video.
“Oh, I’m sorry, is the group project we’re supposed to be working on distracting you from your social media?” he sarcastically responded, and you rolled your eyes, groaning at his comment.
“Tim, school literally ended like, thirty minutes ago. I just want to chill for a bit first.” you whined, before pausing to add, “And I’m not on social media.”
“I asked.” was his reply, cold and curt. You clicked the power button on your phone, turning it off and placing it down to your side, before pushing yourself up so that your weight was held up by your elbow.
“Shut up.” you growled, narrowing your eyes at him in a glare. He merely scoffed at you, before returning his focus to the laptop in front of him, continuing to type something that you presumed to be related to your group project. You looked towards Brian, hoping he’d support your decision to relax for a while before starting on the project, but he too was on his laptop, staying silent and out of this conversation.
You sighed. You probably should get working too, seeing as neither of your friends wanted to take a break before starting work. It did make sense to you however, this project alone would be worth 20% of your final grade, so you knew that it was of fairly big importance.
Retrieving your bag, you unzipped it, taking your laptop out. Quickly typing in your password, you opened your browser and opened Google Docs. You clicked on your shared document with Tim and Brian; you noticed that Brian was typing in it right now. You looked through the document, quickly scanning over the text. It was an English class project, the three of you were to make a poster about a classic literature piece of choice, as well as the author who wrote it.
Brian was the one who was mainly in charge of the research and writing, so the two of you left it up to him to pick his novel of choice. He had decided on The Great Gatsby, which neither you nor Tim had read. Not that it would’ve been any different for other novels, save for the exception of Fahrenheit 451, which you had been forced to suffer through. No chance in hell were you going to do a project on that horrid book. And plus, half the class had picked that book, seeing as it was the only one majority had read.
Since Brian was the one doing the research, Tim was in charge of designing the poster, he’d paint it and decide on the aesthetics. You were left with the task of taking Brian’s notes and forming them into neat sections and paragraphs, before sending them to Tim to format and print out.
Technically your job wasn’t too hard, but it was immensely boring. You groaned, copying a section of Brian’s notes, before pasting it into another document to start proofreading and organizing them.
“Hey, sunshine, I hope I’m not bothering you by asking you to do some work.” Tim spoke up again, interrupting you from the work you were literally being asked to do.
“I am doing work. Stop barking, you dog.” you instantly shot back, irritation beginning to grow within you.
“Uh huh. Where?” he questioned, and you sighed in frustration, not feeling up to banter with him today. Hell, even for banter, he was being especially snarky. More than usual.
“In the other Google Doc.” you answered him, trying to keep your voice level, masking your annoyance. You wouldn’t give in to him that easily. He’d get way too much satisfaction out of knowing that he managed to get on your nerves.
“What other Google Doc?” he asked, and you sighed louder this time, exhaling with a groan.
“The one I sent you.” was your reply, you were still doing a good job at pretending that you didn’t want to get up from the floor and hit him right then and there. Not that it would go too well for you, considering how puberty did work out decently for him.
“You didn’t send me shit, idiot.” Tim snapped, and you double checked your sharing options, confused on what he was saying. You wanted to facepalm yourself when you realized he was right, you hadn’t actually shared the file yet. You just thought that you did.
“Okay, I sent it now.” you grumbled, clicking the right options to share the link with him.
“Thanks, only took you a decade to do it.” What the fuck was his problem? You felt your anger ignite within you, blazing a path of fury up your chest. You didn’t want to give in, but you were so fucking pissed off at how much of an asshole he was being.
“Why the fuck are you being so cringe today?” you snarled, your words catching Brian’s attention. He hadn’t taken part in the conversation so far, but now that you were obviously annoyed, he felt obligated to step in.
“Can you two quit arguing? I’m trying to concentrate.” Brian plainly stated. You were just about to tell him to mind his own business when Tim beat you to it.
“Can you stay the fuck out of this?” demanded Tim, sounding just as angry as you were. You had no idea what could have caused him to be so upset, you hadn’t even done anything. You originally thought he was just taking banter too far, but now you weren’t so sure.
“I can, if you’ll stop acting like a middle schooler with a crush, Timothy.” Brian’s response made your eyes widen in shock. First of all, you had no idea where the crush part came from, which confused you, but then secondly, you were also surprised that Brian would say something like that. He was usually far more passive; in fact, he was usually the mediator when you and Tim argued. He rarely started arguments of his own, which made it rather odd that he would say something so provocative.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Tim hissed. He had stopped working on the project, placing his laptop aside. You could see a warm pink begin to dust over his cheeks.
“I said, you’re acting like a middle schooler with a crush.” Brian doubled down on his statement, instead of retracting it like he usually would. This was going to be interesting, although you weren’t sure if it’d be a good or bad kind of interesting.
“A crush? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?” Tim questioned. You kept your eyes trained on the scene unfolding before you, your mouth shut.
“You know, kids usually tease their crushes.” Brian explained nonchalantly, almost as if he was talking about the weather or something akin to that.
“Are you trying to say that I have a crush on Y/N?” Tim inquired, in total shock and disbelief. You felt the exact same way as he did, astonished by Brian’s words.
“I’m saying that you’re acting like it.” Right as Brian finished his sentence, Tim immediately spoke.
“Fuck no. Why would I ever have a crush on her?” Ouch. You felt something hurt in your chest. You didn’t know why, but his words stung. So much so that you had to grit your teeth, inhale shakily and then exhale to keep your composure.
“You tell me.” Brian shrugged. Tim scoffed, incredulous.
“I don’t fucking have a crush on her. She’s ugly and has shit for brains.” he defensively said, and immediately you felt another throb of pain in your chest. This one was far worse than the first one, and you could already feel tears well up in your eyes. Tim had stopped speaking, and Brian didn’t respond, either. Silence filled up the room, atmosphere unsettlingly thick, until you finally said something.
“Why do you hate me so much?” you asked. You sniffled as the words came out, trying your best to hold back from crying. This was bad, you could feel your eyes get watery, beginning to cloud your vision. Fuck, you were about to cry in front of your two best friends. Or well, you had thought they were your two best friends.
This was too much. Tim’s insults on top of his behaviour and attitude towards you today caused the first tear to dribble down your cheek, and you felt hot with embarrassment, internally cursing yourself for crying in front of them.
Tim picked up his laptop. With his other hand, he grabbed his backpack, hastily sliding the laptop in before zipping it up and throwing it over his shoulder.
The next thing you know, the front door had opened and closed, and Tim was gone.
Masky remained where he stood, inanimate. He twitched, appearing as if he was debating between staying and leaving the room. However, you couldn’t be sure that was what he was actually thinking, seeing as you barely knew anything about your captor’s personality, let alone his mind.
You were still crying, soft sobs escalating into louder wails as he stayed there, watching. You were unable to see his expression due to the mask but watching his body language and feeling the atmosphere around him, you felt he acted like he had suddenly remembered something. Perhaps you were just projecting your own thoughts onto him at this point, though. You weren’t sure.
You watched as he appeared to be struggling, fists clenching into tight balls until his knuckles turned white, before he eventually loosened his grip, running his hands through his hair in what seemed to be agitation. Many times, he turned his attention towards the door, and you figured he was debating on whether to exit, but he never ended up doing so.
After what felt like an eternity of you just sitting there and crying, Masky finally spoke up.
“I don’t hate you.”
You were left stunned, speechless, not knowing what to say or how to feel about it. Your tears didn’t immediately halt, but your cries quieted for a second as you processed this newfound information.
Masky let out a deep sigh. “I— You just piss me off.” He paused to think before continuing. “I don’t even know if it’s anger, or what. You just— I just don’t feel normal around you. I keep feeling this weird pull in my chest, this headache of sorts. It’s dreadful. And it just makes me want to hurt you, punish you for making me feel this way. And there’s some constant reminder in my head, some alarm going off—none of it makes any fucking sense. And I get these urges, I just— you just—”
“Princess.” he growled, his voice raspy, his breathing heavy.
“You bring out the worst in me.”
next chapter ->
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icyblogs · 11 months
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ft. yanderes x fem! reader
cw: obsessive themes, implied murder, implied stalking, uh idk slight NSFW mention a lil bit of self care. wc: 837
author's note: hello this is my first drabble? post? ahem yeah. can realistically be anyone, as no names are specifically mentioned, but i like to think that it's a pair of no good doers from marble hornets + plus a certain lanky man w/ a pair of hatchets.
Thinking about a crybaby reader. One who tries their damnest to be strong- to put up a strong front but once the tears start, they seldom stop.
Thinking about being easily manipulated while you’re like that. A sweet little bunny, staring at them wide eyed as your friends are murdered helplessly in front of you. Thrashing all you want to try and stop it from happening- but in the end, you’re just too weak. Too.. susceptible. It’s truly a shame how easily someone could take advantage of you.
Thinking about them taking advantage of you when you were in a situation you didn’t even realize you were apart of. Of course you didn’t realize that your old friend roped you into a world that you should’ve never been apart of. But alas, your friend had dug too deep into the myths, wandered a little too far into the forests; it was only a matter of time before her and all of her friends, old and new were stalked looked after. Including you of course!
Started off as a simple inquiry into your life- to make sure you didn’t know anything about them. You didn’t, that much was clear but soon they knew all about you. And well, you…you were quite charming. You were a homebody that much was clear- never straying too far from home unless needed. You lived in a cozy apartment- really it was such an adorable place- with all your mugs matching your personality effortlessly- or the books splayed out along your bookshelves that you barely touched. Maybe it was the simplicity of it all- the blankets sprawled out on the couches, clearly in constant use. Or maybe it was your cute little laptop that you always kept on your desk, adorned with characters from media you deemed worthy of blessing the device. It was easy to tell you had a type!
You were so insecure, for lack of a better term, in the way you presented yourself whenever you went outside. Wearing shirts and sweatshirts that were always one or two sizes too big for you- effectively hiding your curves from all who could see you. Tennis shoes on the daily- hair lazily brushed or thrown back into a ponytail. It was .. interesting to see you like this whenever you went out- clearly not dressing to impress anyone rather than yourself and your comfort.
Yet you still caught someone’s eye. Hm. A friend of a friend whom you met at a party. You guys were at a party.. of sorts and hit it off with some mild persuading from your friends. It was easy to tel that it was one of your first relationships and you hung to every word from him- and you guys went on for quite a few months. It was almost humorous watching you follow him around like a lost puppy- and yet a tug in their hearts happened when he broke up with you.
You poor poor thing, all because you didn’t want to warm his bed, so to speak. It’s a shame really- it’s just so sad- you didn’t even realize it wasn’t him that sent a message for you to come over to his place only to find out he was fucking another girl. )= Ah such a shame you had to find out that way.. but it was worth all the videos of your heartbroken expressions!
Thinking about a heartbroken reader. Such a poor thing, resorting to hiding within your shell and barely going outside even more so than usual. Stressing baking and cooking- Your cookies were definitely the best you’ve baked so far! And you even kept them in this cute little cookie jar.. really it was adorable. Resorting to playing little cute video games by yourself or delving into reading to take your mind off of.. him.. and of course not to mention when your hand wanders into your cute little panties to try and get yourself off. Always late at night when you think no one is watching, curtains absentmindedly open- because who would be able to see you on the third floor? Always unsatisfied, even when your fingers find themselves wandering down into your underwear- desperately trying to get yourself off. You never are able to of course, your inexperience shining through, clear as day, the dull pleasure there but never able to peak.
Thinking about a reader who thinks that there is no one out there for her. That she is just not.. right for love. That no one finds her attractive- or worthy for that matter of actually , well, liking her. Alas, time goes on- Time eventually heals as a year passes. Trying to break out of your self imposed shell, you reconnect with old friends- and of course one conveniently going out of her way to make sure you’re going with them for a cute little vacation in the woods for a Halloween get together. Because you guys are such close friends, of course you had to go! And despite every warning bell telling you not to, you accept the offer.
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dearestones · 3 months
In the Middle (Yandere! Brian Thomas x Reader x Yandere! Tim Wright)
Warnings: Yandere character, yandere behavior, creepy behavior/invasion of personal space, etc. 
Anonymous Request: Hiya Devin. Could I request a yandere Tim and Brian from Marble Hornets with a darling that is best friends with Alex please?
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“Hey, you two!” You beamed at Tim and Brian as you walked in through the doorway, a skip in your step and a gleam in your eyes. You had just come in from a statistics exam, and while you did not study as thoroughly as you hoped, the test was easier than you had thought. “Have you seen Alex?”
Nerves still thrumming in excitement, you had decided that you wanted to celebrate despite not knowing what your grade was. If you celebrated now, you wouldn’t have to mourn later when you found that your test was marked in red to hell and back. And if it did turn out that you had passed—and with a high score—then you could go out and party all you liked! That meant twice the happiness and twice the fun!
And you knew who you would have liked to hang out with most. 
Alex and his girlfriend Amy. 
You had met Alex one day while you were walking around the campus without a care in the world. You don’t quite remember why you decided to walk around the hallways, but you glad you did. You happened across a group of students auditioning for a new short film (Marble Hornets, you think it was called) and had ended up watching some of it unfold. 
In the midst of the auditions (well, there were only two auditions), you observed how the student filmmaker handled directing and talking to the somewhat shy student who continuously referred back to the script. It was cute and heartwarming, it made you remember that humanity was not always cruel or cold when it mattered most. As soon as the student auditions were over (again, it didn’t take long because… again… only two people came to audition), that’s when you got to know THE Alex Kralie. 
You had heard of him in passing. He wasn’t one of the more popular students on campus, but those who frequented the filmography classes and were close to film majors all knew about him. He was an aspiring filmmaker, wide eyed and innocent, and wanting to be as great as Tarantino, Spielberg, or even Hitchcock! Normally, you wouldn’t have thought about talking to him, much less becoming friends, but this was different. 
You were intrigued. 
The way Alex handled Tim’s more than apparent shyness and worked with Brian’s inherent charm, it was like watching a master at work. Yes, you knew that Alex’s scripts left a lot to be desired and you bore witness to Seth’s and Jay’s attempts to subtly edit the script and the direction before Alex could catch on, but you could not deny that the film—at its core—had its charms.
It would be pretentious, for sure, but what student filmmaker out there didn’t create a movie that wasn’t a little bit pretentious?
Aside from the filmmaking, you also realized that Alex was such a great softy at heart as well! He had a wonderful golden retriever named Rocky, a big fluffy furball who was always eager to leap and kiss you with his long, slobbery tongue. You were charmed when you met the beast, but you were instantly enchanted when you met Amy. 
She was beautiful and kind: the entire package that any man could have killed for. 
And what better way to realize just how good of a guy Alex was than the quality of his girlfriend? Both of them were great people, creative and mischievous at heart. There were moments when you felt like you were intruding in their personal space, but they always had time for you to hang out and talk about the mundane (school) to the coolest things (Alex’s propensity to make a trainwreck of a film without making too many references to edgy movies) . 
You were also great friends with the rest of the group! Sarah always had a quip ready on her lips—she always tried to clean up the scripts so that her “acting” would look more natural but alas. Alex would have none of that. 
The cameraman, Seth, was quiet, but he also had a cute dog that liked to play with Rocky whenever he would bring his own little pup along to shoots. 
Jay, the script supervisor… was a bit of an oddball. He knew that Alex’s script wasn’t the best thing in the world, but he didn’t try to change it too much even if he technically held more power than most of the other crew members and could have easily convinced Alex to tighten and make things more clear if he so wished. He didn’t look like a pushover, so you could only assume that he saw something worth saving in Alex’s vision… which was weird, to say the least, but nothing too concerning. 
And finally… 
The two main actors who elevated the production from campy to… somewhat emotional and grounded. 
Both Brian and Tim were great friends who must have met a bit before the Marble Hornets’ auditions. While they seemed to look like polar opposites (Tim was reserved and snarky while Brian was all smiles and jokes). The both of them had never really acted before, but you wouldn’t have realized that from the few scenes that you managed to watch over Seth’s shoulder as he edited some of the footage to fit Alex’s picky directions. 
They bounced off each other well and often hung out together. In fact, while you rarely saw Alex, it was more likely that you’ve seen Brian on campus. Maybe it was the fact that he was a psychology major, but he was a social butterfly. Every time you happened to go out to a party or ate in the cafeteria, you always saw him hanging around a group of people. No matter what, he was always surrounded with laughter and smiles. 
Tim, on the other hand, wasn’t as well liked as his peers. That isn’t to say that he was a horrible person, but compared to Brian he was a wallflower who wilted if more than two people looked his way. Up until a few weeks ago, you wondered how Brian convinced Tim to audition before Alex had told you that it was him who gave him the opportunity. 
Again, you were floored by how kind and giving Alex was. 
Amy was a lucky girl. 
“Alex?” Brian looked up at you, an easygoing smile on his handsome features that was somewhat marred by the strange look in his eyes. Honestly, you didn’t pay too much attention to Brian (you were actually really interested in the behind the scenes crew, much to Alex’s and Seth’s delight), but now that you were here… His eyes seemed a little too hard, like an uncut gem that had yet to be polished to gleam. “What do you need him for?”
Beside Brian, Tim paused in the middle of tuning his guitar, his strong, sturdy fingers resting along the strings. Despite him staring at his lap, you could see that his knuckles were a stark white compared to the rest of his skin. He wasn’t tanned, but he was not as pale as Alex or Brian.
Tension lined Tim’s shoulders—had he stopped breathing for a moment?—before he seemingly forced himself to relax. 
“Oh, ummm…” You rocked a little on your heels, not willing to divulge your excitement to them. Yes, you were proud of it, but in front of two up and coming actors like these guys? Telling people you actually trusted like Alex and Amy was something to be expected and encouraged! You loved them dearly and you knew that even if it turned out you failed, they would be the first in line to pick up a tub of your favorite ice cream and make you a filling homemade meal to drown out your sorrows. 
But telling Brian and Tim? 
Yeah, you knew them, but you didn’t know them. 
You felt a little awkward waffling in between your decisions, so you decided not to tell them the full truth. It’s not like you needed to tell them anything. 
You just wanted to know where Alex was. 
“Not important. I figured he’d be here since I think he said that he wanted to go over some lines with the both of you but since I don’t see him—”
You made as if to leave, but before you could—
Brian hopped up from the couch and strode towards you, that easygoing smile on his face causing your stomach to churn and your palms to sweat. There was something… There was something about this situation and you were just now picking up on it. Before you could make an excuse or make a break for it, one of Brian’s arms draped itself over your shoulders before he began guiding—shoving—you towards the couch. 
The thing is, instead of forcing you to sit at a comfortable distance so that you were on one side of the couch, you found yourself squished in between Tim, who was now staring at you with a startled, but satisfied look in his eyes, and Brian, who continued to leave his arms on your shoulders. In between the both of them, you felt yourself grow irritated and antsy—it was much to warm in between them! And it felt like you were suffocating from their presence alone. 
Squished as you were, you were keenly aware of how Tim’s thigh was pressed up against yours, while Brian leaned in closer, almost as if he couldn’t get enough of your presence. 
“Why leave? Who knows, Alex might drop by…”
Perhaps it was the hope evident in your tone, but you found that Brian was gripping you tighter now and even Tim looked a little less…  meek. 
What was going on? Alex had never indicated that either of his actors were people to look out for. In fact, he spoke highly of them. There had been times when he would complain that they were trying to 'sabotage' his work, being too picky and highly critical of the delivery of some of their lines, and so on. For the most part, you tried to stay out of the drama, but even you knew that Alex wasn't a saint either.
Actually, for the past few weeks... He had been acting weird.
A little standoffish. A little cold.
There was something off about him, but you assumed that it was the stress from trying to juggle his passion with a parttime job and school.
The thing was, Alex being weird could be easily explained.
This... Whatever was happening with Tim and Brian could not.
"Stay a little bit."
Tim glanced at you, his southern accent a little thicker than usual. Carefully, he placed his guitar onto the floor, so that all of his attention was focused solely on you. His dark brown eyes bore into yours and you felt your mouth felt dry.
Alex had been acting weird. Erratic.
Whatever Tim and Brian were up to, you wanted no part in it.
"Ha ha ha." You tried wriggling away, even pushing against the couch so that you could gain leverage, but Brian’s arm would not budge and even Tim’s fingers—the same fingers that had been lackadaisical in plucking his guitar strings— were inching closer towards your arm. 
You were trapped. 
“Guys, this isn’t funny anymore.” Actually, it hadn’t been funny in the first place. “Come on. Alex isn’t here, so I’ll just leave, okay?” 
You were facing Brian at that point, foolishly thinking that since he had been the more outspoken of the two would also correlate to him also being the more dangerous one, but you were mistaken. No sooner did you try reasoning with Brian did Tim lean over your shoulder, his warm breath heavy and hot against the sensitive skin of your throat. His scent enveloped, cloying and almost mesmerizing as you tried to lean away from his intrusion. However, that only led to you unconsciously leaning into Brian. 
This situation was confusing. Terrifying. 
You didn’t want to get violent, to hurt someone you barely knew, but at the same time, you didn’t like where this was heading.
Already, Tim was hugging you from behind, his thick, muscled arms holding you in pace as he nuzzled the area in between your shoulder blades. Meanwhile, Brian simply leaned back and gestured for you to follow suit. Did he seriously expect you to follow him, so that he could… What? Hold you close to his chest? So that you would be sandwiched in between them?
“Stop. I said stop!” 
With strength that you either did not know you had or had been reserving for moments of crisis, you ripped yourself away from Tim’s hold and nearly tripped over yourself as you headed towards the door. Behind you, you could hear both of the young men clamber to their feet, their shoes thudding ominously on the floor. 
It didn’t matter to you.
You were going to leave. 
You were going to talk to Alex and then—
“Oh, hey.” Alex tiredly wiped a hand down his face, his hazel eyes taking in your harried appearance in a mixture of concern and bemusement before his eyes trailed behind you, presumably observing Tim and Brian stopping only a few steps away. “Um…”
Choosing not to wait for Alex’s inquiries, you took hold of his wrist and began dragging him out of the apartment, making sure that the door was shut behind you.
“We… we need to talk. About them.” You continued to haul him by the wrist. “Please.”
And Alex, kind and generous Alex, simply nodded at you. “Alright then. Hit me.”
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone yandere behavior outside of fictional settings. Please don’t mistake the actions of fictional characters displayed in works of fiction to be considered harmless in real life.
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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macabrelinguine · 1 year
Hii ! Can i be the 🇫🇷 Anon ? <33 HOW ARE YOU TODAY ?
Love your blog, i just love the atmosphere
Can I have a Yan! Brian/Hoodie with a sleepy s/o who has hypersomnia ? I sleep a lot but i don't have any diagnostic yet, like +15 hours a Day ^^' idk why but hope it'll get better
- 🇫🇷
IM GOOD TODAY!! I WANTED TO ANSWER THIS SOONER BUT MY INBOX WAS FULL. OF COURSE YOU CAN BE 🇫🇷 ANON!! Also I hope you get a diagnoses or it gets better!!
I remember I did an ask kind of like this with Toby, and if you read it you’ll know he got a bit…emotional. Brian is different. He’s not going to hurt you for something you can’t control. In fact, he might just use this to his advantage, as sort of a way to get out more than he would if you didn’t have hypersomnia. He’ll set up a camera to alert him if you get up, but he’ll go out all the same. He’s glad to have time in the woods, even if he’d like to spend it with you. He’ll also likely sit with you while you’re asleep, watching the rise and fall of your chest. He, as a yandere, isn’t much of the violent type. He’s more quiet and observant. And that can be even more dangerous.
Brian can’t talk with you while you’re asleep, obviously. Well, he can talk, but you won’t respond. He doesn’t do much talking even when you’re awake, but knowing you’re there and paying attention to him is enough for him. And if you’re awake and he can’t be there? That’s alright. He has so much surveillance on you he knows you wouldn’t be stupid enough to try and run. And if you do? If you manage to get out? He’ll track you down, bring you home, and lock all the doors. After that, you might just find yourself relaxing more. You’ll be tired more often. Brian isn’t above slipping something into your food to make you stay.
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creepy-friday · 1 year
First of all, hi ^^
Can you make Hoodie x Female Reader but reader is Turkish? And Brian/Hoodie is a yandere :’D
thanks ^^
I should start writing more yandere headcanons to be honest💞
Yandere!Hoodie x Reader
(I tried to keep this as sfw as possible)
I see Hoodie as the type of yandere to first stalk the reader for a while, establishing a lot of mind games in the process
He would only snatch the reader without knowing much about them if he's in a particular devious mood
He would start making himself known by giving you "small gifts" such as leaving photos of you sleeping on your bed,leaving roses and even a few polaroids of your friends and family
He's too good at what he's doing,that's why I can't see the police finding out who he is,also considering Brian's "workfield"
When he abducted you he acted as if your presence is an inconvenience for him,he would even ignore and half respond to all of your questions,just his manipulating tactics
Brian is a patient guy,all he is doing is to keep you in need of human warmth,that's why he would wait for you to break a little and to show him how much you crave his attention
He would bring you a tray food and would look you dead in eye "so..do you eat pork?" excuse his ignorance
Brian would look up traditions or stereotypes so that he can have a somewhat interesting subject to talk to with you,one to make you more engaged
He would also ask about the differences between your culture and his,might get a little political tbh but he doesn't mean any harm
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pls more proxy yonder headcanons,,,,maybe even an imagine/oneshot:))
Sorry! I'm not the mental place to write full length stories. I'm happy to do headcanons though! ^^
Masky/Tim Masky isn't very different as a yandere, actually. He's still very violent and has a short temper. That being said, Masky is super different from Tim, although those differences dimish when they're yanderes. Tim is definitely a lot nicer, softer, and sweeter with you. Masky will fuck you up with barely any provocation, and Tim will be there to clean your wounds and calm you down, to give you some water and dry your tears. But if you fight him? If you refuse his kindness? Well, he'll get mad. And all those nice things will be stripped away, leaving you chained in a dark, cold room, bruised and bloody.
Hoodie/Brian Brian really doesn't want to hurt you. And he won't! He'll leave that to Hoodie. Brian will be the voice of reason, just trying to convice you to give up, to stop fighting. It's not worth it, dear. You'll just get hurt, you'll just make everyone upset, please just listen to him. He fully manipulates and takes advantage of you, and he won't care, because, in the end, you'll love him! And that will make anything worth it. Hoodie, however, prefers beatings to keep you in line. He'll use whatever he can find, be that brick, metal, or just his hands. He just wants your love! Refuse it, and there will be consequences.
Toby Congratulations, I saved the worst for last! Toby has huge mood swings. One minute he’ll be cuddling up to you, and the next his blades are ripping through your flesh. But don't worry! I'm sure he'll do it less if you're obedient. At least a little less. When he's in a good mood, he's the sweetest! Maybe too sweet. No, you need him. After all, no one else will love you. He's the only one. And you love him too, don't you?! But when he's in a bad mood…look out. Every little thing will set him off, prompting him to rip into your skin. Sometimes he just claws chunks of flesh out with his nails, and laughs when you cry.
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astupidweeb69 · 2 years
Unrequited (Yandere! Ticci Toby x Reader) Part 3
Next chapters: Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 & Part 7
Previous chapters: Part 1, Part 2
Author’s Note: So I’m getting more Creepypastas into the mix. It couldn’t be complete without having the OG proxy trio, so Masky and Hoodie have entered the chat. I'm aware they aren't technically proxies, but I'm basing this off their fandom characters I grew up on. I'm also planning on adding more characters in later chapters.
This is my first attempt at writing an action scene in a while. Hopefully this chapter came out okay lol.
Cross-posted on my Ao3 account which I update quicker.
Warnings: Swearing, some brief sexual content in the beginning (nothing explicit), Toby being a horny gremlin, actual murder, canon-typical violence. (3,157 words).
He heard his name being called out. The voice unmistakable.
He stood motionless watching, almost paralyzed.
Afraid that moving even an inch would somehow make everything disappear.
There you lay sprawled out on his bed.
His heart pounded in his throat.
“Toby, please,” You sounded desperate. Your eyes lidded, gripping his bedsheets.
Was this really happening?
“Come here”
It was almost a whisper. Breathy and wanting.
He moved like a man possessed at the command.
He was at the side of the bed now. Gazing down at you, like you were a piece of art, something he wasn’t allowed to touch.
Your body almost trembling. You reached out a hand, lightly tugging down on his shirt.
His mouth went dry.
Eyes connected with each other, neither one daring to look away.
“I want you.”
He was on you in an instant.
Hands exploring every inch of exposed flesh, grabbing onto anything he could, your arms and legs wrapping around his.
His hips bucking into yours, you moaned his name.
He wanted more.
Needed more.
Noses practically touching, looking at each other.
Your breath on his face, lips almost brushing against his own.
Bringing his face forward to close the distance…
“Toby…. WAKE UP!” He stopped, moving away in confusion…
That wasn’t your voice…
“TOBY! Wake the hell up! We’ve got shit to do!”
Fucking Tim.
Of course, it had been a dream. That’s what it always ended up being.
Any fantasy about a normal life, or anything remotely good happening was just something his mind made up to taunt him.
He groaned, lifting his torso off his dingy twin mattress, trying to blink away his early morning fatigue.
He was staying at the proxy’s central hideout that day, the one Tim and Brian typically called home.
Toby would stay there every now and then when there was a job to do and they needed backup. But normally he stayed in his own small cabin that was closer to town.
He wasn’t as close to the other two as they were to each other. And the young proxy would often get into ‘moods’ that made him more volatile, hence why he required his own place. Tim and Brian welcomed the distance, after one too many times of having to deal with the shitshow that ensued whenever Toby had an episode.
So, he’d use his private space to break or smash things, sometimes to torment some poor sole who’d been unfortunate enough to catch Toby’s eye on a bad day.
But on rare occasions, he’d use the solitude to vent in a journal he kept hidden away. Not that he’d ever admit that to anyone. He could practically hear Tim teasing him about ‘having a diary’ or some bullshit like that.
There were a lot of things he kept hidden in that cabin, the most recent being the little trinkets he’d snatched from your house. The objects that reminded him of you, that awkward yet somehow sweet person that was the object of his newly found affections.
The person he had finally made his move on.
He’d been planning it for a while, and it completely paid off.
That interaction with you just the other day at the bookstore was something out of a dream. Almost like the one he just had.
Well, not EXACTLY like that, though he wished things could’ve taken a more carnal turn….
Maybe if he had just grabbed you…
Shoved you up against the bookshelf….
You’d gasp…. Maybe say “Toby, what if someone sees?”
Get all flustered as he slowly dragged his tongue up your neck….
It riled him up just picturing it.
But hey, things couldn’t always go the way he wanted. And he had gotten your number at least.
He’d brought out his flip phone for you to enter it into, noticing how you briefly looked confused at his grossly outdated phone. It was a burner. Wasn’t as if someone like him could get the newest iPhone.
As soon as you finished typing, he made you wait as he quickly sent “Hey, it’s Toby :)” to make sure you hadn’t given him a fake number.
If you could be paranoid, so could he.
You’d practically bolted away from him when he was satisfied with the outcome.
He knew he made you nervous.
But so did that handsome gas station worker (not that Toby wanted to think about that guy, he’d gone missing recently anyways, so he no longer mattered).
Therefore, in Toby’s eyes, it was possible you returned his feelings in some way.
You had shivered when he ran his finger across the palm of your hand. A trick he learned to make a handshake, from what he understood, more intimate.
Hopefully you wanted him to touch you more after that.
“What the hell is takin’ so long in there?! We gotta go soon!”
Tim was getting impatient.
Toby stretched out his arms, letting his joints crack and relieve some of the tension in his shoulders. He grabbed his typical work attire, his green striped hoodie, jeans, and hiking boots. Quickly putting them on without a second thought. It was all routine. No need for mirrors. Who was he trying to impress? His victims?
He exited his room, immediately faced with Tim’s scowl as he waited with Brian by the door.
Brian nodded over to the wall where Toby’s goggles, mouthguard, and hatchets hung.
“Grab your tools and let’s go.”
The walk was silent.
It was still early morning; the sun hadn’t risen yet and being early fall the air was frigid. The woods around them stretched on with seemingly no end. Branches freshly rid of their spring leaves surrounding them like skeletal arms, reaching forward as if trying to grab them with every gust of wind.
It was easy to get lost in the forest, and even easier to lose your nerve at the supernatural aura that permeated the place. It was subtle, yet it creeped up on every normal person who ventured deep enough.
Like a chill slowly sneaking its way through your every bone.
“There’s a group of folks camped out about a mile from us. Nothin’ too complicated, about five people. Thought they would’ve turned ‘round before they came out this far,” Tim looked back at the other two, giving a sly grin. “But I guess luck’s not on their side, they’ve crossed the point of no return.” His inviting southern drawl being betrayed by his words.
Brian gave a curt nod in response. His mask already covering his face, expression unknown.
Toby looked on in amusement. “So, what’s the puh-plan?”
“The standard one. Toby, you throw a hatchet, rush in. I follow close behind, and in the confusion, we try to get rid of as many as we can. And Hoodie stays in the tree lines to pick off anybody who manages to escape.” Tim explained, switching to Brian’s proxy name now that they were officially on the job.
“Sounds guh-good.”
They continued their march towards the unsuspecting campers.
Toby’s hands buried in his pocket, feeling the shape of his phone. He looked down, watching his feet pick up the fall leaves that coated the forest floor.
He wondered if you were doing anything today.
A shrill scream.
The tearing of flesh.
First kill went to Toby.
Feeling pride as the blade whipped through the air and made contact with the man’s skull. Meaty chunks separating from the head at the sudden intrusion of his hatchet. Legs buckling underneath his body, the man fell forward dead.
Toby rushed into the campsite, unclipping his other hatchet from his belt, and started chasing down the next target.
A woman.
Running, but not very fast.
Long hair fluttered behind her.
Toby grabbed it, pulling her back. She cries out in pain.
Losing her balance, she collapses on the ground, twisting her head up to look at her attacker.
Orange goggles glinting back, he raises his weapon over his head.
She puts her arms out in a pitiful attempt to shield herself.
It doesn't make a difference.
Using the full weight of his upper body, Toby brings down his blade with a sickening crunch.
The woman howls in agony.
Her forearms are almost fully separated from the rest of her body. Barely hanging on by some tendons and parts of bone that haven’t been completely shattered through.
He grunts, using his leg as leverage while he attempts to dislodge his hatchet from the flesh.
He raises the weapon again, bringing it down full force.
Her forearms detach.
The ends of what’s left of her limbs spraying blood everywhere.
Toby feels it paint his face.
The woman gurgles, eyes rolling back into her head.
Toby raises his hatchet again, this time for the final blow.
He feels the familiar feeling of ribs crunching as he caves in her chest cavity.
She stills.
Catching his breath, Toby finally lifts his head to see what progress his partners have made.
‘Masky’ as he’s now adorned his porcelain face, is hunched over admiring his handiwork, gripping a large metal pipe. A corpse with its head bashed in. No discernable facial features to be made out. An amalgamation of brain matter smushed and scattered around the ground. Another one of Masky’s kills lay close behind in a similar state.
That’s four down, Toby noted. Scanning his surroundings, letting his heightened senses try to locate the direction of the remaining camper.
A good distance down a hill, he spotted the outline of the last person trying to make a break for it.
The final girl.
He smirked remembering the cliché.
Masky approached Toby, standing next to him as they watched the person stumble their way through different tree roots, frantically smacking away branches that hit their face.
Masky lifted his hand, showing Toby three of his fingers. His eyes wide with manic glee.
“Three… “ He put a finger down.
“Two…” Another.
A gunshot echoed in the air.
The figure was violently knocked sideways.
The job was done.
A metallic stench invaded his nose. Toby turned around, getting a better view of their destruction and cruelty on full display.
It was just as intoxicating as it was suffocating.
The aftermath of a proxy’s bloodlust.
It was like a drug.
His hearing was enhanced, eyesight improved, stamina and speed increased. He could even feel his body’s physical strength surpass what he’d been capable of before his change, a strength that was now required of him to finish his 'work'.
He chewed on the left side of his cheek, warm liquid from reopening the horrifying gash flooding his mouth. A habit he picked up whenever his brain started to buzz with thoughts. Not that it mattered, it would heal again. Quicker than it would for a normal person too.
Adding yet another reminder of his lack of humanity.
It was difficult to discern what his true feelings were towards killing. The Operator had a permanent influence on his mind after all.
Toby knew he always had a penchant for violence. An aspect about his personality he bet was the reason his ‘boss’ took an interest in him in the first place.
Still, he wondered if he would do something like this on his own. He could remember his sister, and his mother. They were kind, and in the few memories he had of them he knew he once held the ability to be happy. Calm, even.
It was mostly his dad that had brought about his aggressive behavior, and the few people who bullied him during his short time attending regular schools. He didn’t think that made him a bad person though.
When someone hurts somebody, they typically want to hurt them back, right?
But things were different now. What he’s done to people couldn’t be excused anymore. At least in most eyes.
Although Toby understood how that woman had looked at him, just minutes ago, the downright terror twisting her face, all he could feel was satisfaction and power when he swung down.
And now, he and the rest of the proxies had to deal with the result.
“Toby, you and I will start going through their belongings.” Hoodie called out, emerging from the trees, and joining the other two in the small clearing that was littered with tents, bags, and other miscellaneous items.
“Since when did you start givin’ out orders?” Masky asked, pretending to be offended by his friends’ actions.
Hoodie huffed out a short laugh, “When I decided to.” He walked forward with purpose, adjusting the strap of his gun to his back, and bent down to pick up a satchel.
Toby mimicked his movements, looking for anything that might come in handy.
Masky, however, watched on. He took a seat on a folded-out chair, digging through his pockets for a cigarette, “Well then… anybody wanna give me something to do? Since rank means nothin’ nowadays? Hoodie? Toby? That corpse over there?” He teased.
But there was an underlying danger to his question.
“Yuh-yeah, go fuck yourself.”
Toby always had to take the bait.
“The hell you just say to me?”
Toby continued rummaging through a backpack, as if he couldn’t care less about the conflict about to start. Not even bothering to give eye contact.
“Speak up, kid. I think I misheard you.” Masky rose from his seat, “You better hope I did, otherwise you’re a fuckin’ dead man.”
Toby finally glanced over to him, “Dead man? I thought I wuh-was a kid? You sure your memory’s still all there, you old fuck?”
They were at each other’s throats now. Both over six feet tall, but Masky still managed to look down on him. Toby didn’t know why he felt the need to challenge him so much. It was like second nature.
If he had to guess, it was because he couldn’t stand when any guy older than him tried to intimidate or make him feel less than. He just had to fight back.
“Are you guys really going to make me get rid of two more dead bodies?” Hoodie interrupted.
The voice of reason. At least, most of the time. Hoodie could get away with a lot more when it came to Masky. And Toby knew he felt bad for the younger proxy, knowing that Masky liked to take things out on him whenever he wasn’t in control.
Masky grunted, his shoulders relaxing, “Yeah, you’re right. He’s not worth it.”
He took off his mask, looking over at Hoodie with mock sympathy.  “We can just send him back to his cabin for twitchy little idiots.”
Toby clenched his fists.
He felt a gloved hand on his shoulder.
Hoodie, no, Brian stared back at him, not wearing his face covering. Something he rarely did while they were still outside.
“Don’t take it personally. We all get a little on edge after a mission.”
“Yeah… exactly.” Tim agreed sarcastically.
God, Toby wished he could just kick the shit out of him.
But it dawned on him that the faster they finished tying their loose ends, the faster he could plan out the rest of his day.
More specifically, his day with you.
‘Would you like to do something today?’
No, that sounded weird.
‘you free today?’
That’s too relaxed. Too familiar.
‘what’s up’
Okay that could literally mean anything.
‘Hey, do you wanna hang out today? :)'
That would work. Made him sound chill. And the smiley face made it seem less suspicious.
Not that he was planning to do anything bad.
Toby pressed send, immediately closing his phone to wait for your response to his text.
Lying down on his bed and filled with anxiety, he stared at the ceiling, counting the grooves and holes in the wooden rafters.
Even though it meant he was alone again, he was glad to be back at his house. Maybe it wasn’t as big as Tim and Brian’s, but he was at least a little closer to civilization. Closer to you.
His phone vibrated.
Toby’s arm shot out, clumsily knocking it off his nightstand. He scrambled to pick it up off the floor.
Damn, he could hardly contain himself.
‘Sure, what did you have in mind?’
Fuck yeah.
Here he was making plans to ‘hang out’. As if he was just some average everyday person.
And it was you of all people he was getting to spend time with.
He felt like he was going to throw up. But in a good way?
Sometimes he had a hard time describing how he was feeling when it came to you.
But what did he have in mind? What did he want to do with you?
Obviously, he had to figure out a way to impress you. Make you see just how perfect you two could be together. Get you to be comfortable around him… speak to him like you do with that ‘Anne’ friend of yours. Learn about each other, inside and out. None of your secrets kept from him.
And once you lower your guard…
Now that was when things could get interesting. He figured he might end up having to take you. Whisk you away to his private sanctuary. He found it calming here, and you were the only one he wanted to share it with. Surely you would come to appreciate it too.
After all, you always seemed on edge. Toby could help with that.
He should pick an activity he knows you’ll like. You liked movies. He’d start there.
Plus, wasn’t that a common thing people did on dates?
‘How about a movie?’
Should he ask to watch something at your place? Or would that be too forward?
He’d prefer to be with you alone. Just in case.
‘Maybe you could show me some of your favorites?’ He added.
Yeah, that way you’d have to invite him over. Perfect.
You immediately responded to Toby’s delight.
‘Okay, maybe you could come over to my place around 6?’
He frantically typed back.
‘Sounds good, see you then ;)’
Toby paced around his room thinking through his strategy for today.
First, he had to make himself presentable. It’d been a while since he showered, and after the activities of this morning he couldn’t show up to your place with the stench of blood and death still clinging to his clothes. He had a fancy bottle of cologne he stole off a victim last week. Normally things like that wouldn’t interest him, but if he wanted to be ‘boyfriend material’ he figured smelling like a “classy” guy would help him fit the part.
His phone vibrated. You sent him your address.
Not that he needed it.
Thoughts racing through his head, he scratched at the wound on his mouth, flakes of tissue falling to the ground.
A devilish smile stretched across his face.
A new idea.
He’d try to seduce you.
And if all went well…
You wouldn’t even know what hit you.
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flacko-so-hawt · 1 year
“Every Picture I took was a love confession I could never make.”
-Kyle, (Love, Sam:REWRITE UPDATE).
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pyr0manias · 1 year
(Badly written edition)
"..What do you mean?"
Brian's tone nearly broke Tim, the shakiness of it practically tearing out his heart. He couldn't even look at his face. If he tried he knew he'd be weak, he'd change his mind.. he can't even handle the thought of Brian's pretty face, a shaking lip and teary eyes at Tim's request.
"I just.. I think we need a break. It's not exactly working out." Tim choked out, staring directly at the floor.
"You wanna break up..?"
"No, no, not break up just-.. a break.. give eachother some space."
"But.. did I.. did I do something wrong?" Brian whimpered, tears threatening to spill as Tim avoided his eyes. Tim knew he didn't understand, knew what he was thinking. 'Was he not enough? Did Tim want someone else?' Of course he didn't, Brian was perfect. But as Tim's symptoms got worse, he knew distance was for the best until it got better again.
"You did nothing wrong, Bri..." Tim sighed, wincing at the sound of Brian's sniffles. No doubt he was crying now. "I just.. need some time."
After a long moment, Brian slowly nodded, holding in a hiccup as he stood.
"I understand." He whispered, wrapping his arms around himself. Where was he gonna go? He didn't have anyone to stay with, he lives with Tim right now.. he's a poor college kid, he can't afford an entire new house.
"..I'm gonna go for a walk."
Tim didn't get to answer before Brian left, now wandering the sidewalks as he let himself cry. Tim left him. All this time spent together, sharing, loving.. and he left. Brian told him about everything, about his fears, about his past, and Tim promised. He promised they'd be together, he promised he loved Brian, but he lied. He is a liar. He made a promise he never intended to keep, and now Brian has to deal with the consequences of his own foolish trust.
Tim wasn't doing much better, his head in his hands as he barely kept himself together. He was pacing now, unsure of how to progress. He doesn't want to kick Brian out, but what if that demon starts targeting him, too? Maybe someone else will let Brian stay with them, keep him away until things are better.
Tim eyed his phone and took a deep breath. He picked it up and slowly dialed a number, biting his lip nervously. The only person he could really ask this of.
"I swear to god if you're gonna tell me you're not coming in next week I'll kill you." Alex's gruff voice answered immediately once he picked up. "Jay already might not make it, I can't have you dipping out too-"
"I need you to do me a favor."
". . .What."
Tim took a deep breath before continuing.
"Brian and I are taking a break. Do you mind letting him stay with you until it's over?"
There was silence from Alex for a minute before he answered, even angrier than before.
"What did you do?"
Tim couldn't help the chuckle that left him at the accusation. Of course, everyone expected that Brian would be the one to leave Tim. He's way out of his league, it's a miracle he agreed to date Tim in the first place.
"Nothing. I was the one who asked for it."
"...What... what did -he- do?"
That didn't even sound right to either of them.
"Nothing.. I just.. need space. He'll come over with his stuff soon, if you can have him over."
"Yeah, yeah I can.. I can have him over." Alex's voice was far quieter now.
When Brian returned home, there was a box waiting for him. All packed. Brian broke down immediately at the sight of it- where is he supposed to go? Tim really is kicking him out.
"..You're back."
Speaking of who...
Brian didn't turn to face him, just kept crying.
"Look, um.. I asked Alex if you could stay with him for a bit.. he said yes.. I just don't think we should live together while we.. sort stuff out. It's not that I don't want you here, it's just--"
Tim didn't get to finish before Brian left, bringing the box with him. He sighed, staring longingly out the open door for a minute before slowly reaching out to shut it, closing his eyes. His head was aching.
"..Sorry, baby." He whispered, opening his eyes after a minute. Slowly, Tim retreated upstairs and shut the door behind him as he began to cough, curling up in bed and holding tight onto the sweater he'd taken from Brian's side of the closet, which was now half-empty.
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bloodblanks · 1 year
solace [masky / hoodie x reader] — chapter xi.
After the incident with Masky, you’re left alone with Hoodie.
author's note: this fanfiction will contain explicit content, including rape/non-con, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, and similar themes.
please read at your own discretion.
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<- previous chapter
“Why did you leave me?”
Hoodie turned his head towards you. You were laying down on the bed as per usual, after having taken a shower not too long ago.
Hoodie had returned almost right after you finished your conversation with Masky, and from there on, he had taken over the caretaking.
The first thing he did was offer you a shower, which you gladly took up. He had brought you some shampoo and even conditioner, which you were grateful for. While you didn’t want to push your luck, you did take longer in the shower compared to usual, taking the time to wash your hair as well as scrubbing yourself clean, wanting to rid yourself of what had happened earlier. It was all in your head at this point, but you couldn’t help but want to cleanse yourself of Masky and the feel of his touch on you.
After you finished with your shower, Hoodie took you back to your room, before handing you a clean, satin dress for sleepwear. Your eyebrows knit together as you looked at him, confused.
“Took it from one of my victims.” he bluntly declared, and you frowned at the statement. You didn’t particularly want to take clothing from someone who was possibly now dead. It felt disrespectful and uncomfortable. Hoodie must’ve noticed your hesitance because he then continued to speak.
“Ah, I was joking…” he mumbled, and he sounded embarrassed. And you felt guilty for a second for judging so fast, so you quickly took the dress from him, thanking him. He turned away from you, and you took that as a cue to dress yourself.
“I’m done changing, by the way.” you let him know, and he turned back around, watching as you flopped down onto the bed, causing it to creak.
It felt good. It felt good being untied, being clean, being human again, and not just some toy for someone—Masky—to play with. It was then that you asked the question.
Hoodie walked over to the bed, sitting down on it as you moved to make room.
“I didn’t leave you.” he said softly, almost like a whisper.
“Yes, you did!” you yelled, raising your voice louder than you intended on. Hoodie put his head in his hands.
“I was running errands. I had to get you your things from somewhere.” he replied, and you sighed, still upset, despite him having a valid point. You wanted to continue shouting at him and blame him for what happened this morning—but it wasn’t really his fault.
At the thought of the event alone, you felt tears threatening to rise to the surface. It was painful just thinking about it. You found it difficult to believe that it hadn’t even been twenty-four hours since it happened. Instead, you were still on the same day, the day seeming to last forever, the passing of time slowed by some unseeable force. You didn’t say anything, just simply laid inanimate on the bed, watching the ceiling in silence.
“I’m sorry.” he apologized. You weren’t sure what to reply to him. Your reflex would have been to say ‘it’s okay’, but it just wasn’t, as much as you would’ve liked it to be. Nothing felt okay, and so you remained mute. The quiet seemed to stretch on forever, just like the day had. Seconds, and then minutes passed by, until Hoodie decided to speak again.
“Do you want to read?” he asked, gesturing towards a book that was sitting on top of his desk, unopened. You glanced towards it. Wuthering Heights, still. You could see that there was a yellow bookmark nestled in the later sections of the book, indicating that he was close to finishing it.
“Don’t you want to finish it first?” you inquired. “You don’t have to do all of this for me, you know.” Hoodie chuckled softly in response, shaking his head. His laugh was actually quite pleasant, you thought.
“It’s the least I can do.” he responded, and he sounded guilty. “It’s my second time reading it, anyway. I figured that you’d be bored.”
“Being bored is the least of my concerns here.” you snapped, instantly feeling ashamed of yourself, unease blossoming in your chest. You regretted saying that; you had no good reason to be angry with him, especially when he was just being kind to you. You were being awfully ungrateful right now and you felt bad for it.
“Sorry.” you muttered.
“It’s alright,” he said, “I understand why you’re upset right now.” Hoodie’s tone of voice was full of sympathy, and it made you feel better, knowing that at least someone here wasn’t out to hurt you. The support was appreciated, now more than ever, whether it be from your captor or not.
But was he really? You thought about it. He didn’t appear to be the one behind all of this, if anything, he felt more like an unwilling assistant. You knew that the person, or creature behind this all was the tall, faceless man—the Operator, as your captors called him. And while Masky seemed more than happy to carry out his task, you didn’t feel like the same applied for Hoodie. You didn’t think he was as cruel as Masky.
No, he definitely wasn’t as cruel as him. And so, despite the bleakness of the situation, you felt as if you could possibly grow to enjoy Hoodie’s company.
You got up and out of bed, picking up the book on the desk. You were glad that you’d finally have something to do. You had spent the past few days either bored and left alone to your own devices with nothing to entertain yourself, or bloody and beaten. This was a more than welcome break.
Walking back to the bed with the book in hand, you sat on the bed and began reading. After the start of high school, you found yourself reading less than you did when you were younger, and then at some point Tim and Brian had disappeared and you spent two years too depressed to do anything. You tried not to think about your real life—or past life, whichever it was now—and instead focused on the book. It turned out to be surprisingly easy to sink yourself into the book, plunging yourself into another world; one solely in your head, a beautiful fantasy that nobody else could taint.
Turning the pages of the book every so often, you found yourself thinking about how Brian too had enjoyed reading a lot. He was an avid reader, often having his nose buried in some obscure fantasy novel that nobody else read, and if it wasn’t that it would be science fiction. However, he did indulge in a classic romance novel on occasion as well. If you recalled correctly, the last book he was reading before he vanished was Jane Eyre. You remembered playfully teasing him for being a hopeless romantic back then, but then here you were, reading Wuthering Heights. Brian would have been happy to see you read it, though. He was always flattered when you accepted one of his book suggestions, and even more so when you returned to tell him how much you’d like it. If you thought about it, he actually wasn’t too different from Hoodie, save for the fact that he hadn’t kidnapped you. That was a rather drastic distinction between the two of them, but if you chose to nonetheless ignore it, then you would be able to find quite a few similarities. The easiest one would be their choice in books, or even the fact that they read books at all. Not many people did anymore these days, not even Tim. There was also the fact that Hoodie was relatively polite and almost even shy, occasionally stuttering when caught off guard, just the way Brian did when sometimes you’d tease him a bit too much. That would often result in him burying his face in his hands, something you’d noticed Hoodie do as well.
“What is it?” Hoodie asked, snapping you out of your trance. You realized then that you had been inadvertently staring at him, having spaced out into your own thoughts. You took a second to wonder whether or not you should be honest with him, making the decision to tell him the truth, seeing as you didn’t see any downsides to doing so.
“I was just spaced out,” you admitted, “I was thinking about something.”
“What were you thinking about?” he questioned. You considered the possibility that he was just asking this in hopes of finding out more about the damned ‘forest seal’ or whatever, but you enjoyed conversation with him more than you cared about that. It wasn’t like you had any information to give him, anyway.
“My friends. I miss them a lot.” you confessed.
“I know.” he stated. “It’s only natural that you do. What are they like?”
You thought about it a bit before answering. “Well, to be honest, I’m thinking more about my former friends, not my current ones. Not that I don’t miss my current friends or anything, I just…” you let your words trail off, not sure how to finish your sentence.
“Former friends?” he inquired, causing you to wonder if it was a genuine intrigue or not. You couldn’t tell.
“Yeah, I used to have two very close friends.” you started explaining. “They were called Tim and Brian.”
Hoodie nodded, displaying his attentiveness to what you were saying. You continued—it was so easy for you to talk about them. In fact, it was actually difficult for you not to talk about them in every conversation you had; you had to actively refrain from it when you spoke with your friends, not wanting to turn every conversation into a pity party. But it was hard, it was hard when they were all you used to talk to. It was when they were always on your mind, the memories stuck in your brain, clinging onto every thought as if they were cobwebs.
“I’ve always been friends with them. Ever since we were kids. Brian was smart and nice and everyone liked him. Tim was more sarcastic and blunt, but he was funny.”
“What about you?” Hoodie queried. The seconds went by as you tried to think of an answer.
“I’m not really sure.” you admitted sheepishly. “I don’t think I was really anything.”
“Elaborate.” he insisted, and you shut your book in order to focus more on the conversation, but not before plucking the bookmark out and placing it where you left off. You laid back down, hands behind your head as you gazed towards the ceiling. You had been doing that an awful lot as of late.
“I mean, I don’t feel like I stood out much. There’s nothing special about me.” Hoodie nodded, urging you to keep talking. You complied with his unspoken request.
“I was just kind of their friend, you know?” As you spoke those words, you realized that could’ve come off as negative, so you quickly attempted to correct yourself. “Not that it was a bad thing, or anything. I was really happy just being their friend. They were the best friends I could have ever asked for. Sometimes I still wonder why they chose me.” Indeed, Tim and Brian had chosen you. Not anyone else, but you to play with them, and you never understood why. Not that you had given it much thought previously, but thinking about it now, they really could have befriended anyone else. There was no reason to ask you specifically. You were just the quiet kid, by yourself in class, doodling on a sheet of paper, lost in your own imagination.
“I was just the quiet kid,” you kept talking, “and for some reason, they wanted to play with me. I agreed, and the rest is well, history, as people would say it. Both of them lived really close to each other, which just so happened to be really close to me, so we hung out a lot. We’d spend everyday after school just playing video games in Tim’s basement, walking Brian’s dog around the neighbourhood, or eating dinner with my parents.”
You paused as you thought about those events more.
“Brian’s dog was named Sheepie.” you rambled on; you really could talk about them forever. “I think the story is that he originally confused it for a sheep when his parents brought it home. I mean, it kind of did look like one. She passed away a year or so ago.” The atmosphere turned somber as you continued about the two people that you missed so dearly.
“It’s funny how much things can change. One minute I’m playing Cards Against Humanity with Tim and his family and the next I’m alone. Not even Sheepie’s around anymore.” As you finished your sentence, you rolled onto your side, elbow cushioning your head. You were facing Hoodie, who was getting cozy himself, lying down in bed and pulling the sheets over himself. The two of you were face to face, your eyes boring directly into the stitched red lines of his mask.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Hoodie said, and the sorrow in his voice sounded so sincere. You could almost believe that he cared about you with how kind he was to you, but you doubted that it actually meant anything. He likely just wanted the information. And if you knew, you would have told him by now, but you really didn’t.
“You know I really don’t know the information you want from me, right?” you whispered.
“I believe you.” he tried to assure you. “But Masky doesn’t, and neither does the man we’re working for.” His voice held a depressive tone to it, and you wondered if maybe he wasn’t as much in control as you had originally imagined him to be.
“Why do you still keep questioning me, then?” you asked.
“What do you mean? I haven’t asked you anything about the forest seal for a while.” was his reply, which you instantly disagreed with.
“No, you were just asking about my friends and everything.” you responded. Hoodie sighed in apparent disbelief.
“You think I asked that because of the forest seal?” he questioned, a bewildered tone in his voice, confirming your assumptions about the sigh. You nodded your head yes.
“No, I-I… these were genuine questions. I just— just wanted to know.” he stuttered, tripping over his own words. It was kind of cute, you thought, before instantly what the fuck you were thinking. It surely was getting late, and your brain starting to fry.
It must have been, as you were extremely tired. You weren’t sure if you were just exhausted from the long, insufferable day you’ve had, or if it had just been too long since you got sleep, but nonetheless you were very much fatigued. You snuggled closer into your elbow. Curling your knees into yourself a bit, you allowed your eyes to shut. You could feel Hoodie’s careful watch over you as you drifted off to sleep, but oddly enough, it didn’t bother you.
“Is lasagna for dinner okay?” Hoodie inquired.
“Of course!” you replied. Lasagna for dinner was more than okay. You thoroughly enjoyed Hoodie’s cooking, as strange as it possibly was to admit. According to him, when you weren’t around, he’d cook for himself anyway, so since you were here all he had to do was make larger portions. You were thankful for that, because you weren’t ever hungry around him, and the food you had lasted you enough to survive the days with Masky, in which you literally only received bread and butter to feed yourself. At least he gave you butter, you thought.
When Hoodie would presumably go to the kitchen to make food, he would always leave you in the room by yourself. The room was always left locked, of course, but you would be left untied. And to your own astonishment, you hadn’t made any attempts to escape yet, although it had been tempting.
You wanted to leave. You wanted to oh so badly go home, you wanted to hug your parents, get pizza with Ewa, play video games with Lily and the others, or even just play Smash Bros by yourself. It was somewhat depressing, you would play against the CPUs, even though they had been getting easier and easier to defeat up until the point where you were no longer improving. Despite that, you didn’t want to play the game with anyone else. It was special, with it being the first ever game you played with Tim and Brian. It wasn’t just any game to you. You had played by yourself since their disappearance, with only one thought in mind—one day, when they’re back, I’ll be able to show them how much I’ve improved.
But it was wishful thinking, because they weren’t back, and you had stopped improving at some point. Still, you pressed on, hoping to keep your skills fresh, just in case you’d ever see them again. Although now you weren’t so sure if you’d even see anyone ever again. Maybe you were to spend the rest of your short-lived days with Masky and Hoodie. Maybe this was the end for you. You’d die here, bloody and alone, with no one by your side, no one to know what happened to you. You’d just fall into the gaping jaws of oblivion, swallowed whole inside this small room, invisible to the rest of the world.
Hoodie noticed your downcast expression upon his return, walking into the room with two plates of lasagna. One for you, the other for himself.
“Is something wrong?” he questioned. You wanted to cry just from hearing his words alone. It was an odd, inexplicable feeling, but something about his voice just made you so goddamn sad.
“Am I going to die here?” you blurted out. “Is this it for me?”
You had visibly caught Hoodie off guard. He was placing the plate down in front of you—you had been sitting at the desk—and you could tell by the way he stuttered as he tried to respond to you.
“N-No, what? You— You aren’t going to die.” he stumbled over his words, astounded by your sudden question and frantically trying to dispute what you had just said. “What are you talking about?”
“How do you know that?” you inquired. You meant to catch yourself and not sound snappy when you said it, but you couldn’t hide the bitterness that your voice carried. He didn’t have a chance to reply yet because you pressed on.
“You literally threatened to kill me.” you hissed, remembering the time he drew his gun on you. It was likely still sitting there, in the pocket of his hoodie. You shivered just at the thought.
“I wasn’t— I wasn’t actually going to.” he muttered. He almost seemed guilty with the way his head hung from his shoulders, drooping and slouching forward as he took his seat on the sofa chair.
“You’re just saying that now.” you were pouting like a child, sniffling as you said it. As if you weren’t already acting like a whiny toddler, you began tearing up, to your own embarrassment. If only I could just stop crying all the time, you thought.
“Look at me.” Hoodie commanded. Brushing away your tears with the back of your hand, you turned to look at him, eyes slightly narrowed in a distrustful glare. “Do you genuinely think that I want to kill you?”
Hoodie most definitely had plenty of opportunities to have ended your life, there wasn’t a doubt about that. Every second you were around him was a second in which he could have taken that pistol out of his pocket, undone the safety, raised it to your head, and pulled the trigger. Thankfully, he hadn’t done so, yet. But there was more to it than just that.
Not only had he chosen not to end your life, he had done the opposite. Taking care of your wounds on multiple occasions—he said it was because it would be counterintuitive if you died, but none of your injuries were fatal, or even close. Hell, majority weren’t even severe enough to require a hospital trip, not that you couldn’t have used some stitches here and there. Additionally, he had gone out of his way to make sure you were comfortable, bringing you basic necessities: a toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo and even conditioner. He had lent you his shirts and bought you sleepwear on top of that. He cooked for you, kept you well fed, and even tried in multiple situations to keep you out of harm’s way. You sighed.
“No.” you admitted.
Hoodie sighed in return. You kept talking.
“I don’t get why you bother, though. It doesn’t do anything for you. Especially now that you know I don’t have the information.” Hoodie consequently put his head in his hands, letting out an even bigger, even longer, even deeper sigh.
“Eat your pasta.”
next chapter soon...
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royalty-fics · 2 years
pairing/s: brian may x reader
summary: you meet brian who's already in love with you
warning/s: YANDERE BRIAN, dark fic, mentions of masturbation, threats of violence, abrupt ending
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You walked into the local library, wanting to do your homework for university. You often went to that library due to its peacefulness, and they had great source material for thesis papers.
Walking in the big building, you carried your heavy bag to the nearest empty table and started working on the essays. At first, it didn't seem that hard, but as the clock ticked by, the more tedious the workload becomes.
Your hand propped your head up as you tried to keep your eyes open long enough to read one sentence after the other. When your head slipped off, you felt a soft cushion underneath you and not the hardwood table you were expecting.
Lifting your head up, you opened your eyes to see a cup of coffee and the sweater that shielded your head. A yellow post-it note was on the cup and it read,
'You can do it! I'll always be there when you need it :)'
The note wasn't signed with a name, but it still made you smile. You didn't know how they knew your name, though, it warmed your heart that somebody would pay attention to your needs, even if you didn't know them. You drank the coffee, instantly helping you slowly wake up, and wore the sweater. You thought it was weird to wear it at first, but it was getting cold, so why not?
What you didn't notice was the tall, lean man behind the counter of the library, staring at you intently with his hazel eyes. His lips parted at the sight of you in his sweater, an animalistic feeling deep inside him pleased that you wore it. He was finally one step closer to having you all to himself.
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You had a free period at your university, and since you were hungry, you decide to go to a nearby cafe. It was a cute place that attracted a lot of the local hipsters, including you. The cafe was your favourite place to do your work besides the library.
Walking in, you head straight to the counter to order a tuna sandwich and a cup of coffee. You suddenly remember the time at the library when someone gave you one. Now that think about it, you wonder how they knew how you liked your coffee. You brush it off, assuming they just guessed.
When your order arrives, you take the tray and look for somewhere to sit. Unfortunately for you, all of the seats were taken. Although there was one man sitting by himself next to the window, typing away at his laptop. Throwing all pride over your shoulder, you head up to him.
The curly-haired man glances up at you as you stood by his side. His hazel eyes shine underneath the artificial lights of the cafe. He raises an eyebrow, expecting you to do something.
"Hi, uhm, can I sit with you?" You blush, trying to look at anywhere but his handsome face. "There isn't anywhere else to sit, but if you don't want me to—"
"It's alright," The man smiles at you, and you smile back, sliding onto the seat across him. He closes his laptop before observing you. You squirm under his gaze and take a gulp out of your coffee. He rests his head on his hand, his curls falling softly on his cheeks. "I'm Brian, by the way."
You introduced yourself and say, "Thank you for letting me sit with you." You start unwrapping the sandwich to eat. Brian picks up his out cup of coffee, sipping on it for a moment. You weren't a particular fan of silence when you're with somebody, so you ask, "Are you a student at the nearby uni?"
"Yes, I am," He says as he leans back on his chair. His eyes were sparkling with something you couldn't quite place on. "I study Astrophysics."
"Ooh, so you're a space nerd," You joke around, making him chuckle and nod. "I study Education, which is kind of weird when you say it out loud." You purse your lips and stroke your chin.
Brian actually laughs, smiling widely at you. You wonder why your heart skipped a beat. "Not as weird as saying you study space dust." He quips, and you nod in mock understanding, then stop to raise a finger.
"But at least it sounds cooler." You both laugh together. You keep on talking to Brian, even after you've both finished your coffee. You finish eating your sandwich as well, wiping your lips clean and crumpling it. You fail to notice that it was gone as soon as it was there. Looking at the clock, your eyes widen in horror when you realize that the next class starts in five minutes. You frown at Brian apologetically as you start to gather your things. "I'm sorry Brian, but I have to go, class is gonna start."
He smiles at you in understanding, even if there was disappointment in his eyes. You didn't want to not see him again, so you grab a pen and write your number on one of the unused napkins. You hand it to him and say goodbye, rushing out the door.
Brian sits there, not believing that he actually had a conversation with you. He looks down at your number, folding it carefully and putting it in his shirt pocket. Bringing out a tissue that you used, he presses it against his lips, letting himself imagine it was you he was kissing. He was going to make sure it would happen in real life, even if he had to kill everybody to have your lips on his.
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The next time you see Brian was when you bump into him at the university. It was odd because you were pretty sure the science department was on the other side of the school. But, he just said that he had to do some things at your building, so you let it go.
"How's your space dust so far, Bri?" The nickname falls smoothly out of your mouth, even if it was the first time you've said it out loud. You've been talking to Brian on the phone over the past few days, and you started calling him that since then.
"Well, my professor gave me a good grade for my recent thesis paper, so that's great," He looks at you, fixing the strap of his bag on his shoulder. You smile widely and hug him tightly. You feel him wrap his arms around you and rest his head on top of yours.
You pull away to gaze up at him, staring deeply into his hazel eyes. "I'm so proud of you! A thesis is a bitch to deal with, and you passed with flying colours!" You let of him and continue to walk beside him. You miss the disappointment flashing across his face.
"Thank you, love," He says, patting your hair affectionately. You blush and look away from him to focus on a weird statue on the school grounds. "And you? Is studying education fun so far?"
You nod, about to answer him when a classmate of yours came up to you. "Mate! Could you help me with this real quick? I don't understand it." You glance apologetically at Brian, who just smiles reassuringly at you. You look at your classmate to explain your recent lecture.
You fail to realize a sinister aura surrounding you in the midst of talking. When your friend tenses up beside you, you look up to see their face twisted in fear as they stare at something behind you. You turn around only to see Brian smiling sweetly at you. You smile back and focus back on your friend who was stuttering out a weak thank you and goodbye.
Brian taps your shoulder to get your attention. "It's getting a bit late. If you don't have any classes left, can I walk you home?" You forget the strange behavior of your classmate and hook your arm around the taller man. Walking away from the school, the both of you fall into a comfortable silence. You weren't the type to like the quiet, but being with him made it feel safe.
Passing by an ice cream stall, you stare at it longingly. You'd buy some, but you were out of money. Brian stops next to you, making you look up at him. "Do you want some ice cream?" He asks you.
"No, I don't have enough to get one," You answer, expecting him to nod and move along. But, Brian walks to the stall with his wallet already out. "Wait, Bri! It's okay, you don't have to!"
"But I want to, love," He says sincerely, making you blush all over. He pays the vendor for a mint chocolate scoop and hands it to you. A small part of you wonders how he knew your favourite flavour of ice cream, but you just brush it off. You must've told him before.
Soon after you thank him, the two of you start walking to your house again. You lick happily on your ice cream, enjoying the cold treat. Somehow, your hand ends up in his, so you sway it between you two. When you arrive at your place, you turn to Brian to hug him again. "Thank you, for walking me home, Brian."
He cuddles close to you once more. "It's no problem, I couldn't just let you go this late at night." You detach yourself from Brian and lean up to kiss his cheek. You smile at him once more before walking into the house.
Brian stands still for a moment. He can't believe that just happened. He grins widely as he starts running off happily to his own house, just down the block. Entering his home, he leans against the door. His smile is still on his face as he pats his chest, trying to calm his heart. He raises the hand he held yours with and kisses it. After watching you lick away at your dessert, he ends up jerking off with the said hand and calling out your name as he reaches his high.
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Brian had asked you to come to one of his shows at a pub. Of course, you said yes, so on the night of the show, you were stressing over what to wear. You could go for something casual or you could go all out and be sexy. You go with the latter, repeating to yourself that you are not dressing up for your friend. Absolutely not.
When you arrive at the pub, there were a lot of girls talking among themselves about the upcoming band. You didn't see Brian anywhere, so you head on over to the bar to get a beer. Once you've had two or three sips of the beverage, a band called Queen comes up on stage. Most of the girls are screaming and some were fanning themselves. You see Brian with his guitar, standing tall and confident. You wave at him, and he smiles brightly when he spots you.
The band starts playing and they hit off so hard, that the whole pub was shaking. Girls were screaming, guys were shouting; It was a big loud mess. If this was the reaction they get on a daily basis, they'll hit the charts in no time. As you bop along to one of the catchy songs, a man slides up next to you, smiling sweetly. You smile back, looking away as you sip on your drink.
"What's a beautiful person like yourself doing here?" He asks you smoothly, slightly making you cringe. That was a cheesy way to start off a conversation, but you go along with it.
"I'm here for the music," You reply, not really into talking to the man. You didn't want to reveal too much information about yourself either. He places his hand behind you, leaning on the bar as he looks at you with dark eyes. You shift away uncomfortably, but he follows your movements anyway.
When the music stops and the band say their goodbyes, you excuse yourself to go greet Brian, but the man pulls you back in by the arm. You try to pry your arm off his hands, but his grip on you was too tight, enough to probably bruise your skin. "What's the rush, darling? We haven't even been properly introduced yet."
"Excuse me, sir, but would you be so kind to take your hands off of my lover?" An arm wraps around your waist as a familiar scent surrounds you. You look up to see Brian glowering at the man, and feel a shiver run up your spine. It was the first time you've ever seen your friend angry, and mix it up with his deep calling you, his lover; Well, consider yourself aching.
The hand clasping your arm lets go, as the man puts up his hands in surrender. "Sorry, man, didn't know they were taken." And just like that, he leaves the two of you alone. Brian turns you around to hug you, and you barely recover from the quick whiplash before you hug back.
"God, I saw everything, are you okay? Did he do something I didn't see?" He asks you, checking your face and your body for marks. You shake your head, shoving your face in his neck, his musky cologne calming your senses. As he strokes your back, Brian stares blankly at the man who was once again trying to flirt with one of the women in the room. "I'm sorry I called you mine, I was just trying to help."
"It's fine. Thanks for stepping in, Bri," You pull away from him to lean up and kiss his cheek affectionately. Ever since the first time you did it, it's been a common thing between the both of you. You chat for a moment together, with you enthusing about how good the songs were and how they would go big one day as Brian chuckles fondly. Unfortunately, you couldn't meet the rest of the band due to having an early lecture the next day. You made sure to give Brian one last cheek kiss and wave at him as you leave the pub.
Brian continues to smile at you, only letting his face fall down when you walk out the door. His gaze locks on the man who was bothering you earlier, and orders two more beer bottles before approaching him. The man looks at him, raising his eyebrow in confusion. Brian smiles at him sweetly as he hands him one of the bottles and gestures for them to go outside.
When they stand in a dark alleyway, the man was shifting his weight between his legs nervously. "Look, man, if this is about your lover, I swear I didn't know-" He stops talking when Brian smashes his empty bottle against the brick walls, creating sharp edges on the glass.
Pointing the now-weapon towards the man, Brian grabs him by the collar and shoves him against the wall. "Yes, you didn't know, but you still forced yourself on them even if it was clear they were obviously uncomfortable, and that's not nice, is it?" His voice mocks an innocent tone, the deep rumble in his throat was enough for the man to gulp in fear and he shakes his head frantically. "No, it's not. Now, you have to deal with the consequences of your actions tonight."
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urfaveisayandere · 2 years
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Brian Yu from Monster Prom is a yandere!
Requested by anonymous!
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