#ya amame
mmm821 · 8 months
Nunca nos explicaron que hacer cuando lo que amamos no lucha por nosotros..
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Mi destino es NUNCA ser la primera opción
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idy6 · 1 year
De todo corazón espero que en un futuro encuentres a alguien que logre lo que yo no. Puesto que siempre quiese que fueras feliz, no te condenare en encontrarte en otra vida conmigo, más bien espero que no nos crucemos y de esas forma no volver hacer un recuerdo tan triste para ti.
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dilperisanimmmm · 2 months
Doğru insanı bulmak çok zor. Bu yüzden evlenmeyin.
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caostalgia · 1 year
Me dijiste "quédate" y clave mi ancla en tu isla vacía, así nunca te dejaría. Me dijiste "amame" y fabrique corazones, así nunca te faltaría amor. Me dijiste "desvísteme" y escribí poemas dónde te desnudaba en alma y corazón. Me dijiste "mírame solo a mí" y me arranque los párpados para que nunca más te sintieras infeliz. Pero, también me dijiste "vete, ya no te quiero aquí" y destrozado entendí, que no importa lo que haga por tí, siempre me dejaras ir.
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96percentdone · 4 months
It is deeply frustrating to me that it is a relatively common opinion that Amame murdering Uru was a moral good because it was "justice", and she "stopped Uru." To be clear, they're right that he needed to be stopped. His plan was evil, whether he has the sanity to parse that or not (and he demonstrably does not), but I think that's entirely beyond the point of the claims about the morality of Amame's actions. Whether or not Uru was in the wrong (he was by every possible metric) is not a worthwhile question to ask when it comes to evaluating what justice is.
First, and I cannot emphasize this enough, Amame literally didn't stop him. She just objectively didn't! Yes, he died, but the present day half of the plot plays out fucking anyway because it turns out the genocidal maniac had contingency plans to carry out his scheme! His guys do it for him! He says in his own tapes he planned for this just in case! Is that stopping him? The Nirvana Initiative gets as far as the genocide missile launching before his plan is actually ended. I cannot stress this enough; ya boi straight up almost won at KILLING EVERYONE posthumously. Sorry, but the in universe team "Amame did nothing wrong" is like suffering terminal hindsight bias, which is hilarious, because all of them were literally there when Uru almost killed everyone on the earth from beyond the grave.
Moreover, because Amame (and Gen who is helping her) spend that entire period of time trying to keep the murder a secret, she ends up actively getting in the way of stopping his plan until on the day of the initiative she finally steps forward because she can't take the pressure and the guilt any longer. She keeps critical information about the exact problem they are dealing with--like the fact that the guy they're looking for is fucking dead--a secret on purpose! Whether or not the police would have gotten anywhere faster if he lived is irrelevant; her actions for what actually happened made things worse. And there's a good reason for this! It's the same reason she is utterly ravaged by guilt for her own actions, despite how hard she tries to convince herself and the world she has no regrets: murder is always wrong, and Amame wanted revenge.
Revenge murder really isn't this incredible healing force people can hype it up to be in their heads. Amame says she went because she wanted to hear what he had to say. She wanted closure. Now of course he's severely out of his mind and everything he said in that moment pissed her off, understandable, and she'd have to wait like 100 years for him to maybe parse he was wrong, so okay, but did the revenge work? "I'm going to make you suffer the same pain..." She waits for him to be conscious when she kills him, she is explicitly out to make him hurt, but like...was it actually effective? No, lmao. The funny thing is, that first line we see of that flashback where she kills him is Uru referencing his own torture: "Yes, this world is an imperfect one. I was put through much hardship." At this point, even if he didn't tell her the details, we the players know he was held prisoner in a cell for over two decades and had his organs harvested so frequently anesthetics stopped working on him. We are being deliberately reminded of this fact so that when Amame says her classic one-liner, we'll know it was for nothing.
Revenge isn't justice. You can convince yourself that it will be satisfying, it's what he deserves, it's what you deserve to do, but what's left when it's over? What did you really gain? Amame didn't gain anything. This didn't heal her at all. She still mourns her father the same, only now she has to deal with new, worse problems of her own making. She spends the last of her free days catatonic from fear and guilt, she hates that she betrayed Shouma and Gen and her actions will force her to leave them, because she lost sight of what matters most in the name of punishment. It will never matter that Uru was wrong. Amame killed Uru for the same reasons he killed her father, and Horadori, and Jin; how could she ever be right? The fallout of her actions on her own psyche and on the world at large is the greatest proof of that.
If your definition of justice is just "we destroyed the bad guy most responsible for the problem" your definition of justice is worthless. The world is not meaningfully made better by punishing wrongdoers, but by healing the social and political ills that lead to their creation and that ravage to the victims they left behind.
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Ámame cuando después de ver una película mis lágrimas se desborden en la cama
Ámame cuando la lluvia llegue y me veas bailando bajo ella
Ámame en la cena cuando con mi emoción en mano cuente cómo estuvo mi día
Ámame por las noches antes de dormir cuando te cuente mis pensamientos y luego por la mañana mis sueños
Ámame cuando odie mi cuerpo y no tenga ganas de moverme
Ámame tanto que no te dé vergüenza decirme cuanto me amas
Ámame incluso cuando describa en mis versos tu sonrisa y quiera pintar tu cuerpo de carmín
Amor mío, promete amarme cuando esté llorando por la noche, ese momento en el que ahogo mi llanto con la almohada
Amame tanto que yo, cariño mío, ya lo hago.
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10K2024 1-21-24
1830. Disco Medley Live-Selena 1831. Como La Flor Live-Selena 1832. Amor Prohibido-Selena 1833. No Me Queda Mas-Selena 1834. Cobarde-Selena 1835. Fotos & Recuerdos-Selena 1836. El Chico Del Apartmento 512-Selena 1837. Bidi Bidi Bom Bom-1994 Version-Selena 1838. Techno Cumbia-Selena 1839. Tus Desprecios-Selena 1840. Si Una Vez-Selena 1841. Ya No-Selena 1842. Donde Quiera Que Estas-Selena 1843. I Could Fall in Love-Selena 1844. Captive Heart-Selena 1845. I'm Getting Used to You-Selena 1846. God's Child (Baila Conmigo)-Selena 1847. Dreaming of You-Selena 1848. Wherever You Are-Selena 1849. Techno Cumbia Remix-Selena 1850. El Toro Relajo-Selena 1851. Tu Solo Tu-Selena 1852. Porque Le Gusta Bailar Cumbia-Live-Selena 1853. No Debes Jugar-Selena 1854. Tu Robaste Mi Corazon-Selena 1855. La Llamada-Selena 1856. Munequito De Trapo-Selena 1857. Siempre Hace Frio-Selena 1858. A Million to One-Selena 1859. Buenos Amigos-Selena 1860. Con Tanto Amor Medley-Selena 1861. Always Mine-Selena 1862. Como Te Extrano-Selena 1863. Is It the Beat?-Selena 1864. Only Love-Selena 1865. Oldies Medley-Vidal Brothers 1866. A Boy Like That-Selena 1867. Cumbia Medley Live-Selena 1868. One More TIme-Lil Ray 1869. Vivras Selena-Pete Astudillo, etc. 1870. Tu Eres-Selena 1871. Sukiyaki-Selena 1872. Contigo Quiero Estar-Selena 1873. Besitos-Selena 1874. Amame Quiereme-Selena 1875. Tengo Ganas De Llorar-Selena 1876. My Love-Selena 1877. Quiero Ser-Selena 1878. Mentiras-Selena 1879. No Te Vayas-Selena 1880. La Bamba-Selena
note: the last three songs were attempted to be listened to 3 times but i kept falling asleep, and waking up to the linear notes at the end of the album. however to make up for it, i have relistened to those three songs plus the one before it to make up for falling asleep. and so these while technically are listened to today... i'm counting them for yesterday this day here... but they are officially listened to as of right now posting this.
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aguitacristalina · 1 year
Amame, amame posta,
Palpa mis miedos,
Canta con las melodías de mi dolor,
Amame con todos mis desperfectos,
Que para errores y mal de amores,
Ya tengo mis raspones,
Amame posta,
Que yo te devuelvo todos tus besos,
En esta larga vida corta,
Yo te sueño, viva y muerta,
Porque incluso en mi lecho, de menos te echo,
Te amo viva, porque para vivir, se necesita mas que para morir,
Amame posta que yo no me voy,
Amame posta, y con bronca,
Pa sentirte salvaje, en tus besos,
En mis parajes,
Amame posta, que es dificil,
Te pido que lo intentes, que me dejas demente,
Amame posta que sin vos todo es una bosta
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doriangray1789 · 2 years
iyice terlemişti sıtkı'nın karşısında zeus. koca yunan tanrısı, yalan söyleyecek değildi ya. milattan önce 8.yüzyılda yazılan hesiodos destanı da aynen öyle anlat��yordu olayı.
"ey zeus, insanı yaratmak için çamurdan başka bir şey bulamadın mı?" diye sordu sıtkı. örneğin, demirden veya taştan yaratılsa, belki insanın mayası daha sağlam olurdu. "bizde adet böyledir," dedi zeus. "benden önce, marduk da böyle yaratmıştı insanı."
sümerlerdeki ilk harç 
"peki, dönün bakalım yüce dağınıza," diye emretti sıtkı. bu sefer aklına marduk takılmıştı. sümer tanrısıydı, marduk. mezopotamya'da yaşardı. kitabına baktı. ilk sümer dönemine dayanan ve milattan önce 7. yüzyıla ait olan tabletler, 1914-1929 yılları arasındaki arkeolojik kazılarda bulunmuştu. oluşma tarihi dörtbin yıl öncesine uzanan sümer efsaneleri'nde, "enuma-eliş destanı"nda tanrı marduk'tan söz ediliyordu.
sayfaları karıştırdı sıtkı. karıştırırken, dicle ile fırat'ın birleştiği bereketli topraklarda buldu kendini. "marduuuk" diye bağırdı. marduk hemen gelmişti. "söyle derdini ademoğlu" dedi. 
"olimpos'un tanrısı zeus senden söz etti. anlat bakalım insanı nasıl yarattığını" dedi sıtkı.
"bizim eski tanrılar, yaptığım işlerden dolayı teşekkür etmişlerdi bana. hallerinden çok memnun olduklarını, ancak kendilerine hizmet edecek, tanrı niteliği taşımayan bir yaratığa ihtiyaçları olduğunu söylemişlerdi. bunun üzerine, ben de ea'nın yardımını istedim. toprağı, kingu'nun kanıyla yoğurdum. ilk insanı meydana getirdim."
bu kadar da benzerlik olur mudiye düşündü sıtkı. yoksa marduk palavra mı atıyordu? kitabından "enuma-eliş destanı"nı buldu. okudu. hayret!..sadece enuma-eniş'te değil, ullikumi, sankhuniaton gibi diğer sümer efsanelerinde de yaratılışın ilk harcı olarak çamur kullanılmıştı. marduk'a teşekkür etti. "kafamı iyice açtın sevgili marduk" dedi.
marduk da şaşırmıştı. kimdi bu ademoğlu? nasıl olur da yüce tanrıları sorguya çekerdi? zeus kendisine önceden haber vermişti. "amam, dikkat et," demişti. "bu sıtkı dedikleri 2000 yılının adamı." marduk, "ben de aruru'yu arayayım" diye düşündü. "ne de olsa dayanışmak zorundayız bu devirde. ademoğulları işi azıttı."
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aleinad-a · 1 year
Todo se volvió un caos, se volvió un desastre, mi mente no puede pensar, en este momento quiere sentir tus manos en mi piel, es estúpido, por qué ahora veo que yo te necesito más que tú a mí, y eso es muy egoísta, eso no es justo, por qué yo trate de estar bien, yo sólo quiero sentirte de nuevo. Estoy mal por sentir que se va arreglar todo esto, pero ambos ya estamos dando pasos por separados, no es justo, yo estoy mal por pensar que vas a volver a amarme, pero ya no existe ese amor que te hacía deterte conmigo. Ahora entiendo que amame es difícil, no creo que nadie vuelva amarme y me da miedo eso.
- Aleinad-a ☁️
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Es mejor tener sobras a no tener nada. Por eso aún sigo contigo.
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3amdistress · 1 month
jamas t perdere por rogarte q t quedes conmigo an. si debes irte, vete. no me esperes. no vendre por ti, al menos no hasta q mi autoestima este curada. lo q me duele es lo mucho q me crei ser para ti, cuando no muestras ningun afecto. eres quien me dijo q lo q cuentan son las acciones y me lo reprochaste muchas veces. tenias razon, por eso me esforce y t agradeci cada dia seguir alli conmigo. entonces pq no puedo estar yo alli a tu lado mientras mejoras? pense q mejorarias para mi, si t vas por quien mejoraras? por ti? eso esta bien, pero mejorar en relaciones para quien es? si no es para mi, para quien? en serio debes dejar de tener sentimientos por mi? eso es lo q en vd quieres? si es asi, por favor, dejame y no trates de entender ni arreglar las cosas. podria dejarlo al destino aunq no crea en el y ver si al fin t das cuenta de q soy para ti. pero no quiero perder tiempo. yo no quiero dejar de amarte.
me niego a dejar ir a la persona q mas amo en el mundo por problemas temporales, por cosas q hemos arreglado un monton de veces juntos.
tu me haces daño y yo a ti, pero hasta la familia nos hace daño! ellos quienes hacen todo para protegernos, hasta arriesgan q los detestemos. pero eso es pq no saben hacerlo de otro modo, pq nunca han aprendido y nunca han estudiado sobre el amor como lo hacemos nosotros. q no quieres aprender mas conmigo? si estamos mal podemos disculpamos, pero mejor aun seria q tomaramos la responsabilidad hasta el final. yo ya no puedo rogarte mas. mi orgullo esta herido y me averguenzo de mi misma. decidete solito.
o me dejas ir y acepto conocer otros q no sean tu a pesar de q odio esa idea y quiero imaginar q tu tambien no t gustaria nada, o me amas y t esfuerzas a pesar d q nos hagamos daño uno al otro y aun no sepamos como arreglarlo. yo no se lo q hay en tu corazon, solo tu lo sabes. pero creo haber dejado en claro mi punto. tq joder… decirlo rompe mi ego aun mas, asi q ya no t voy a insistir nunca mas. amame o dejame. decide.
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hayalnamem · 3 months
Yâr Destanı 4 5
Yâr Destanı 4
Hoşgeldin Habib'in gülü Yâr, yanıma hoşgeldin Cansız bir engelliyim , kalp ve akıl makamımdan Benim amam size emanettir şifası kimdendir Benim kalp engelim Rabbi görememektir ya can
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Yâr Destanı 5
Bir milyondan fazla aşığı olanın, Markatçı bey Sanma ki bir milyondan fazla Maşuku olmasın bey Yıldızla yolculuk Peygamber sünneti Markatçı bey Yâr'im hangi yıldızla yolculuk ediyor onu de bana Sen bana de ben o yıldızı belleyeyim Markatçı bey
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quienesoy1120 · 3 months
bueno entonces dps de decirle todo eso a mi mama ella me amenazo hubo una discucion fuerte y ya no me dejba entar al baño mucho entonces empeze a v7m3t7ren frazcos y lo esconida en mi rpero dure haci como unos 3 mese todo era chevre hata que un dia me fui al colegio por cierto este ya es 2022 y
mi mam decidio limpiar mi cuarto y encontro los frazcos y colorin colorado la histroria continua regrese del colegio y mi mama me enseño los frazcos y yo lo le dije que nada no sabia que decir mi mama y mi papa me gritaron golpearon y hicieron de todo buen o eso mucho bla bla y ahora
mi amam al dia siguiente le dijo al psiquitara todo y dps al doctor y me dijieron que habia bajado 2 kilos mas en total desde el 2020 baje 16 kilos y mi mama se estreso mas lloro no sabia que hacer le doctor le dijo por 2 vez que me internaran para este mometo anay mia eran muy fuertes y ya etsab muy aferrada y entones una dia mi maa decido hacerme examenes de sangre y de todo
y salio muchas cosas tenia un problema de corazon y 2 mese de vida
les dijiero
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heartshappedkisses · 5 months
Amame y rompeme el alma que somos efimeros y no me importa si el día de mañana no me queda más que dar, feliz sería de ser destruida por las mismas palabras que un dia me levantaron.
Llevame a lo alto y dejame caer, antes de que mi frío cuerpo impacte contra el suelo y se destruya en mil pedazos te prometo que mi mente ya habrá muerto.
Limitame a un concepto y verás como mi alma seguirá buscándote, añorando esos dias donde sostuviste mi corazón con ambas manos, a punto de destruirlo en un futuro cercano.
Mi alma rota es tuya.
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