#y'all don't have context so i don't blame you if you think i was just a sucky lover for that
sandyspaghettibag · 4 months
The best thing about all of this frankly nerve-wracking gay stuff is that it's all online and I'm, in the most confusing sense, essentially completely anonymous. It's so reassuring that, no matter what happens, if things get out of control, I can end it all by simply turning off my phone. Nobody knows where I live, where I am, how to find me… I can just head to bed without a worry in my head that anything will happen to me for the rest of the night and until I wake up.
This feeling of relief that comes with "I can really sleep for hours and hours and nobody will need me" might be why I'm naturally averse to friends, but I really can't describe how good of a feeling it is at the right time to have nobody need you. In my first (technically second) online psuedo-relationship, which lasted a whole half year unfortunately…, the most relieving and gleeful part of the entire break-up was being able to go to bed without ANYONE needing me, with literally nobody whose attention I was obligated to host. Like all those online friends I amassed throughout that year didn't care if I took a whole day to get back to them, but I draw the line at waiting to message back when it comes to boyfriends.
Let me just say, I have never experienced such relief until I realized before sleeping one night after the break-up that I no longer NEEDED to log into that account, for any reason at all. I didn't need to worry about a person calling the police in my state or doing rapid and frantic searches online to find my address if I was 0.4 minutes late to responding to a message. I was free and I'm still free.
So should I stay free, try a different approach, or climb right back into the shackles by repeating what I already discovered was bad for me?
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antiloreolympus · 1 month
What is LO Cooking?!
I heard Lore Olympus was ending soon, so I caught up, and wow, it somehow got worse. The main thing I'm stuck on is Hera being the fertility goddess.
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I don't know about y'all, but this is NOT the same person. But I assume this is for the reveal to be a 'surprise'.
((If you have to switch up a character's whole look and remove their only "unique" trait (mole) for a surprise, maybe don't do it.))
To continue, while this recent episode (273) depicts Zeus as awful for using Hera's powers. It also doesn't explain why Metis couldn't fight Kronos herself.
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I haven't read the fast pass, but I'm going to make an educated guess that Hera is going to solo Kronos easily like Persephone did.
If this is the case, wouldn't that mean Metis was powerful enough to stop Kronos on her own, and she simply chose not to? Not only that, but she and Hera could've teamed up him if they were this powerful on their own.
It's very odd how this story wants me to believe Zeus did this only out of greed and not necessity if even Metis can't handle Kronos.
Also, Metis not only didn't take Kronos out but kept the truth from Hera? The blame is instead shifted to Zeus as if Metis didn't have the responsibility of telling her daughter.
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If the story is willing to critique Demeter for lying to Persephone, why isn't Metis getting the same heat story wise?
This isn't me saying Zeus is justified using Hera's powers post-titanomachy as that is unacceptable (RIP Zeus Stans). Only in the context of defeating Kronos.
It just feels like another way for Metis to be seen as a "caring mom" as if she didn't sleep with Young Zeus, knowing two of her kids had a crush on him.
- - -
The potential reasons I have are between:
"RS didn't think this through and made Metis such a terrible mother that most of the aftermath could've been prevented if she had either fought Kronos on her own or taught Hera how to use her powers."
"Hera (and Metis to an extent) wouldn't have been able to use the full extent of their abilities without a man using them as a battery first."
Both of these are terrible, and I hate it here.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 5 months
Top 10 Things I Love About the QL Tumblr Community 2023
I'm loving everyone's end of year lists, and decided to make up one of my own.
I haven't been on Tumblr for very long and was originally just lurking. 2023 marks the year where I finally started posting, after I read a take that made me feel compelled to come to a fictional character's defense. (Saengtai, my poor little blorbo).
So in commemoration of my first proper year of active tumblring, I present what I love about this community (in no particular order).
(Side note - Technically I know this is still primarily a BL community, but I like to say QL because I am trying to manifest more lesbians for us.)
1) The Gifmakers
Y'all are a good 70% of the reason I joined Tumblr in the first place. There are so many show moments that I want to relive, but without having to search through videos. Sometimes I want to appreciate the aesthetics. Sometimes I want to remember adorable or goofy moments. Sometimes I just want to see cute boys eating each other's faces. Our gifmakers give all of that to us, with the addition of so much creativity and style.
There's too many amazing ones to mention everyone, but I have to shout out @sparklyeyedhimbo, because the way your brain works makes me so happy.
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2) The expertise
The other part of why I joined Tumblr was to learn more about what BLs were out there and what I might be missing. And holy hell. Y'all are putting in the work. Not only lists and resources for finding all kinds of QLs, like these fabulous monthly breakdowns by @gunsatthaphan, but also amazing posts that add additional context, like @absolutebl's incredibly helpful breakdown of Asian honorifics. There is so much research people do, for fun! And then they share it!
3) The meta analysis
I frickin love reading people's takes and analyses on series. I love learning, I love seeing perspectives from people with different cultural backgrounds to my own, it's all so fascinating! There's so much context we can miss due to our own privileges, or lack of knowing about various cultures, or due to whatever bubbles we've been living in. People here are just so smart, and nuanced, and willing to reflect and think about things, and also push back at each other, but generally with respect (except when you call out the dumb shit you see, usually on Twitter or TikTok, where people are being reductive and dumb about gender and sexuality).
And I've seen a few takes where people complain about analyses, and say that the director/production doesn't do everything deliberately, and we're all reading too much into it. To which I say, eh, lighten up. How people connect to and relate to media has relevance beyond what was intended. The point is we get to think and discuss and learn and grow. That doesn't happen if we don't analyze.
Special shout out here to @respectthepetty because colors mean things!
4) The wild theories
The other side of the analysis coin, the clown cars y'all drive around in with the wildest of theories. I have happily climbed into an occasional clown car, and usually I am utterly wrong (*cough* Saifah *cough*). But it's a super fun ride. I love seeing how people's brains work. I love it when y'all are wrong. I love it when y'all are right. It's beautiful.
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5) Immediate acceptance
I am one of those people who knows that I have a lot of good qualities, and also, always kind of expect rejection. Blame the childhood bullies, I guess. Anyway, whenever I delve into a new space, I still feel like a total dork that no one will want to talk to. It's kind of a fraught way to move through the world, but I manage.
Anyway, I started posting my thoughts as they came up, and people are just totally cool with it. People even follow me sometimes. Even my silliest thoughts and dumbest jokes get at least a couple likes. It's so validating.
And my very silly joke about gay mafia in Kiseki has over 800 likes. I feel very seen.
6) Mutuals
I still kind of can't believe I have any. This ties in to the dork feeling above, but seriously - they are soooo cooooool. They're smart and awesome and funny, and they somehow find me worth following back, which is baffling yet wonderful. I want to squish their faces and give them many kisses (if they're into that kind of thing).
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7) The self-exploration
I really appreciate how it's become more talked about how a lot of people are discovering queerness through BL, because that is so the case for me. I think it's both that I was in a bit of a hetero bubble before, and also that I'm evolving a bit as I age. I had figured out I was demi, and maybe a little bit gay, before getting in to BL, but being in this community, and seeing so many of you share so openly and freely, has made me realize it might be more than a little bit.
Either it was a new realization, or being around y'all has made me more gay. Win win, either way.
8) The weirdness
I'm weird. Y'all are weird. I love it.
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9) The thirst
So many in this community are thirsty as fuck, and as someone who is in that same condition, I love that it's not just me. There are not many places where I can freely admit how horny I am as a part of my general existence.
Here? I could post about wanting to lick some random BL actor's face, and it would get a bunch of likes and some tags like #lickable, and it's just not remotely a big deal.
Also the gifmakers understand this, and give us beautiful cuts of our spicy scenes. They are genuinely too good for us.
10) The communal watching experience
There is absolutely nothing like watching along with people in the community. It is so worth the torture of having to wait week to week for new episodes. Seeing the show trend, watching the theories fly fast and furious, or the way everyone collectively loses their minds over particular moments. In a world that can feel very isolating, it's a very warm experience.
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So there you go. Thank you all for being you. Here's to another year of QL shenanigans and losing our collective minds!
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n3ptoonz · 6 months
Could you do some mk Headcanons (anyone you feel motivated to write about) where their meet the dark version of reader from Dark!Shang Tsung’s timeline, maybe their conflicted because their version of the reader died
randomly selected mk1 character hcs: how kitana, kenshi, mileena, scorpion, li mei, and shang tsung react to the version of their s/o's dark clone post death
this is creative asf ty anon 🫢
warnings: canon typical violence and angst that's about it (gonna hit y'all with the punk tactics)
the dialogue portions are meant to be read in the context of before you and character fight
When you appeared in her line of vision, she was immediately heartbroken. She couldn't believe her late partner came back like this after so many years
You died sacrificing yourself for her to live in this timeline. you worked for the royal family for all these years, just to have to take an arrow to the chest due to an assassination attempt
Your skin now had cracks all over it and your eyes glowed red, standing by dark shang tsung's side with a mocking smirk behind your mask. Kitana could barely recognize you and you were only intrigued that she wasn't dead in this timeline
Kitana looked at you with tears in her eyes. The same person who took an arrow so she could live on. She had already taken out clones that looked like her, hell even ones that looked like her own sister and mother. Second pain to that was seeing you approach her with mischievous and evil intent.
"You...gave your life for me...and now you live on as an evil pawn for a man like Shang Tsung?"
"I did? What an idiot. In my timeline, I'm the one who assassinated you, and I still have no remorse."
Kenshi Takahashi
Post losing his eyesight, he could only ever think about how he lost you. How he wasn't quick enough in getting you out of being involved with the Yakuza. How he was one step behind
You died a brutal death simply because you were his partner, and they couldn't risk leaving you alive to tell the story of them torturing you for information, so they took care of it themselves to send a message. And boy, did it send a message
So now, in dark Shang Tsung's timeline, you are resentful of him and want your revenge. However, it was very conflicting for Kenshi: Did he take this version of you out now because he knows you don't actually feel like this? Or...die by your clone's hands to be reunited with the love of his life?
Kenshi stood before you with Sento in hand, but frozen in place. The sound of your voice, the complete change in your demeanor, and even down to how you used to walk (he always knew when you were coming because of the way your footsteps sounded), he was utterly devastated. He only had himself to blame for this moment in time.
"I'm...I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. It's all my fault."
"No need to apologize, past love, I took you out in my timeline, now I've come to finish the job in yours."
You died in Mileena's arms. How? Well, you were a little too late in grabbing the serum that calms her down and she went crazy on the closest person to her, literally
Upon barely clinging onto dear life you were able to inject her, but you had lost too much blood. So by the time she came to you were gone. She hadn't cried and wailed this much since her father
Now, as she pointed her Sai at your neck, she didn't know what to do. Even if she turned right now, she couldn't handle killing you in the same exact way two times in a row. Even if evil you was trying to kill her
Mileena breathed heavily as she could feel herself turning, desperately trying to stop herself from mauling you to death. But the way you taunted her made half of her want to turn even quicker, knowing full well this is the dark version of you spewing nonsense to piss her off.
"Come on, Empress, turn. Rip my face off like you did before."
"I don't want to...but if my hand is forced, so be it!"
You guessed it. The classic partner and son loss. You fought tirelessly to defend your home and the Shirai Ryu, but it just wasn't enough. Kuai was also just one step too late
Once he got to you, there lied your lifeless body clutching your son in your arms with a sword through your back. If he just hadn't gone on that mission that day when you said you were worried of being attacked...
Now, the dark version of you relished in the pain and sorrow in his eyes. In your timeline, he was the one that died and you trained your son to be a killing machine
Scorpion's head hung low upon hearing what you've done in your timeline. All this time he promised if he could just see you again, he would apologize profusely and even give his own life for you to come back. But looking at you now, seeing you again with an evil smile and empty eyes you've never worn before made him want to take it all back.
"Want to know something funny? You were the one that died in front of me, and I got our son to do it."
"Training Satoshi to be a killing machine is a sin that not even hellfire can take care of."
Li Mei
You died while on a mission in Li Mei's place to find and gather information that would be of use to the royal house and their next moves on taking down a clan that was after it
Li Mei hasn't properly recovered since. Even to the point where she'll go on solo missions just to avoid anybody else getting hurt. She took extra shifts and extended her personal training time just to keep her mind, but at the end of the day she still crumbled
Now the evil version of you isn't even in the Sun Do. In fact, you actively try to take them down every chance you get just to get to the Li Mei in your timeline--which worked
Li Mei took a fighting stance as soon as you showed up. A piece of her heart broke at the thought of intentionally having to hurt you, but she knew you were long gone now with no shot of saving grace. You dangled your weapon in front of her and showed not one sign of fear.
"You were an esteemed member of the Sun Do, and now you are proudly a disgrace."
"I'll do it again one thousand times over and you can't stop me."
Shang Tsung
Surprisingly, he didn't betray you or kill you himself. You captured the sorcerer's heart, and that was the problem. His followers didn't like how much attention you got, so they formed an organization and took you out when they followed you on a mission
Since then he was on a rampage. He wreaked as much havoc as he could, convinced it was some outside source that held something against him. He only got stronger with anger and deep rooted sadness he couldn't process
Now you blamed him for letting you die when he could've prevented it. Hell, sometimes you felt like it was his idea and his way of getting rid of you as if you were a hindrance to his plans
Shang Tsung couldn't believe his eyes. You, who started walking towards him after you linked arms with his own dark clone. Every emotion he had ever felt bubbled to the surface the second he saw your face. Hurt, anger, sorrow, but mostly confusion. However, knowing the kind of man Shang Tsung was, he wouldn't think twice to rid of your evil clone for good.
"Whoever took you from me will pay, but I will kill you myself before I die by your tainted hands."
"Aw, how the evil sorcerer calls the dark soul 'tainted'"
thank you for reading! man this was SOMETHING but it was fun i don't typically write angst
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i think i've said this before but i want to elaborate on it. i genuinely feel like the spop crew wrote c//a as some sort of torture p*rn. they know that people usually find an enemies to lovers arc sexy and intriguing. but the problem with c//a was that their fights were never equal. i don't know about y'all but when i think of enemies to lovers, i think of a dynamic where both individuals are at least somewhat on equal footing. i don't think about a relationship with a huge power dynamic where one of the characters is helpless and weak while the other takes every opportunity to torture them.
adora never tried to harm catra apart from self-defense, she always held back when she was fighting catra. she tried to reason with catra or just hold her off. meanwhile catra never held back on hurting adora. not once.
and all of this is framed as “hot”. it's framed as “sexual tension”. it's framed as “gay pining”, even though it's not. not to mention, most of the “homoerotic” fight scenes are where adora is either weak or helpless in some way. she's either restrained or too scared to fight back or actively stopping herself from injuring catra. and catra takes advantage of her kindness.
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so what's the torture p*rn part of this? well. torture p*rn is basically a trope where a person (or multiple people being tortured) is the main attraction of the plot. c//a is supposed to be enemies to lovers, meaning they should be fighting equally, right? especially since adora is stronger and the “chosen one”, you'd think she'd definitely be defeating catra a lot more.
but no, most of their conflict is catra taking joy in harming adora. these scenes are framed in a more “intimate” way, with catra often touching adora without consent, saying vaguely flirtatious yet threatening one-liners and overall fueling the whole “sexual tension” part.
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just take a look at these scenes. i can't completely blame the fandom for thinking these are sexy or erotic because they are framed that way. the crew themselves have admitted that c//a were supposed to have some sexual tension (despite being teenagers for at least two seasons, mind you) and it shows. adora may look scared or uncomfortable but it doesn't matter because the writers wants us to think that this is hot.
villains being creepy and borderline perverted is not a new thing, it's something that mainly came with queer-coding villains. but people often only do this to villains who are supposed to stay villains. and especially with the context that catra supposedly “loved” adora during all this, it just adds another layer of discomfort. it just feels like catra is taking the opportunity to not only hurt adora but also make her deeply uncomfortable by touching and interacting with her in a way that she did not consent to.
keep in mind that whenever adora has the upper hand, the show never frames their fights as homoerotic or weirdly intimate.
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most of the time, she uses long range attack or she just goes on defense. the one time she attacked catra head on, she just decks catra in the face and is done with it. she doesn't cross catra's boundaries, she doesn't act flirtatious or touch catra inappropriately. the only scene where she can be described as “flirtatious” (though i would say she was just being smug) was when she wasn't attacking catra, but instead destroying one of entrapta's robots.
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(and of course with no remorse, catra orders entrapta to activate the self-destruct on the robot so that adora could be blown to bits.)
so yeah. just because catra is a villain doesn't mean she has to be a creep. if the goal was to make her sexy (which is still weird since she was a teenager but regardless), there are other ways. there have been plenty of villains who are attractive and have a charming personality without being a total creep to the protagonists. for example, azula from ATLA is widely known as a queer awakening for many young girls because of how attractive she was (i know she was also a teenager. these are not my words, i'm just quoting the general public). and yet, you never see azula being creepily intimate with any of the protagonists. she often used long-range attack and she only goes as far as using some condescending language. it's just weird to write a villain who we should sympathize with, but then also make them a total creep.
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spencer reid x famous!reader
warnings: miscarriage (will put a warning before and after), im basing most of the mention/emotions of miscarriages with my experience with my sister who has gone through a couple while she was trying for a baby as well as research i did, mention of weed
note: this has taken a while to write cause i wanted to interpret the songs on my own time before applying then to the au, so i hope it was worth the wait!
this quickly became my analysis of the songs (in the context of the au) rather than the bau's reactions
feel free to send a message to my inbox about what you think their reactions would be/fav songs i love hearing about that stuff from y'all 🩷
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Fortnight (ft. Post Malone)
I don't picture this song to be about Spencer. I see it as more fictional in the way folklore and evermore were more fictional inspired by different things that have happened in her life. Also I feel like Emily likes Post Malone so she was excited for this song, and Penny love the ai fortnight but love the real fortnight better.
Spencer is always worried when a sadder song comes out that it's about him, but reader always reassures him that it's not and that she loves him.
The Tortured Poets Department
THIS SONG IS SO SPENCER REID CODED. "you're in self-sabotage mode" !!!!
I feel like this is Rossi's fav off the album 🤷‍♀️
I said this in an ask a while ago but sometime in 2020, maybe 2021, they had a sort of break and this song was written during that time for sure.
"but you told Penny you'd kill if I ever leave, and I said that to Jack about you so I felt seen, everyone we know why it's meant to be, cause we're... crazy" I feel like this line really explains the break they were on. Like they were so co-dependant and loved each other so much that it was the problem. Everyone knows they're meant for each other but they still get in their own way, Spencer with not wanting to get married when reader did, and reader not wanting Spencer to spend so much time with work. And they just weren't thinking of the same things at that time.
My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys
"He saw forever so he smashed it up" reminds me of "i wouldn't marry me either" but in 'you're losing me' she's blaming herself for the break whereas in this song she realized that it was Spencer and his commitment issues. Which always makes me think of the line "I'll tell you that he runs because he loves me" which can be seen as a really sad line but I think in this instance it's that she wants to accept him for all his faults, he's going to run sometimes when he gets scared but he always comes back, and they're working on that.
"Once i fix me, he's gonna mix me" reminds me very much like 'you're losing me'
"Stole my tortured heart, felt all these broken parts, told me I'm better off... but I'm not" do I have to say commitment issues and self-sabotage again?
Down Bad
Emily loves this song. She loves the vibes, she loves the lyrics, just everything.
In my eyes, it's about Spencer. Reminds me of "told me I'm better off... but I'm not."
So Long, London
Penelope's favourite part of the album is the opening of this song, first time hearing it she said it sounded like wedding bells.
In Virginia there's a town called New London thats 2hrs from Quantico... It's meant to be.
"Pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away" you guys gonna make me say commitment issues every time?
She's clearly talking about her side of when they both weren't communicating and how he hurt her when he couldn't commit.
She really thought it was over when she wrote this.
But Daddy I Love Him
The shock in that room when she said "I'm having his babies!"... Derek found it hilarious, the girls were having a heart attack.
I think she's not not writing about Spencer in this song. Idk how else to explain, like it's kinda about backlash from every time she gets in a relationship no matter with who, which happened with Spencer so she's talking about that but not that exclusively. Does that make sense?
Fresh Out The Slammer
I think this song is about getting out of a relationship and now you're free to be with someone else who you've had your eye on. This song was written so long ago it's basically a rep vault track. In this au when reader and Spencer met reader was with Tom (i think??) but still gave Spencer her number and called him after she broke up with Tom, and that was the birth of this song.
Florida!!! (ft. Florence + The Machine)
Written about the idea of getting away, taking a break from life, while her and Spencer were on their break. She needed a break, all her friends were either single and smell like weed or they had kids and she wanted kids, but Spencer wasn't ready, so she had to get away from what reminded her of him.
Guilty as Sin?
"What if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh only in my mind" she's imagining what it would be like if they got back together.
Is the second half of this song when she says "they're gonna crucify me anyway,,, i choose you and me, religiously.." And the song sounds like it ended but they she comes back in with the chorus, cause she thought it was over but now they're back better than ever.
"One slip falling into a hedge maze" a labyrinth is a hedge maze, because she fell back in love.
The last "Am I allowed to cry" is almost like can I cry from relieve? Relieve that it worked.
Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me?
This song is Spencer Reid coded.
Derek and Emily love badass-ery of this song. Pen loves the production "I love the production of this song!" "I'll pass that along to Jack."
Spencer just can't help but tell her he loves and is proud of her after hearing it.
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
This is about a past relationship, no way can I see this to be about Spencer.
I feel like JJ really likes this song.
This song was written, probably not too long after 'you're losing me' when they had that break and she was in the depression stage. She wrote this when she thought she lost him, she thought she did all she could and still lost him.
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
I had written down the idea of them having miscarriage in my notes app a couple weeks or maybe even a month before the album, cause of the song 'bigger than the whole sky' and when I heard this song with this in mind it broke my heart, that I knew I had to do it.
I'm thinking they were trying for a while and having lots of trouble, then stopped when the tour idea was falling in place, but she ended up miscarrying during the practice for the tour while not knowing she was pregnant. Likely she didn't know because she was on birth control and because she was working so hard and so busy with Midnights and the tour.
So with all the trouble they were having trying to get pregnant, Spencer was grieving in his own way, sadly it hurt reader a lot. He was angry, he probably said things he didn't mean, they were both feeling so much sadness and anger and they couldn't handle it. I think at this time, they were still going to bed every night together, but it was off and they no longer spent time together. Spencer needed the time to himself, when all reader needed was time with him (want to be clear no one is in the wrong in this situation, it's just a fucking bad situation)
"He said he'd love me all his life, but that life was too short" has two meaning (they were having a boy)
"I can hold my breath, I've been doing it since he left. I keep finding his things in drawers, crucial evidence I didn't imagine the whole time, I'm sure I can pass this test." 😭 Like referring to her baby, and since they'd been trying before they had a couple baby things like clothes that she couldn't stop herself from getting in hopes 😭😭😭
end of warning
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Every verse I see as being about a different relationship. Working on re-records it's bring up old feelings and I think she just collectively put all the feelings into this song.
Spencer was beyond scared it was about him, he was already apologizing for making her feel that way before she could tell him it's not about him.
The Alchemy
This idea I have is so silly, that I think it works???
Spencer once said off-handedly that his job was kinda like football, it was strategy, and you failed a lot but sometimes things just fell into place like a puzzle. And reader ran with that idea, like she couldn't sleep that bight and just had the silly thought of Spencer, her Spencer, playing football and wrote this. Little off topic but I also think this about 'Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince' lol
Clara Bow
The self-name drop. The team's jaws were on the floor, their eyes were wide. When Pen realizes she's like "DID YOU JUST DAY YOUR OWN NAME??!?"
The Black Dog
Maybe like the team was seeing how Spencer was down recently and brought him out to a bar after work.
And Spencer didn't 'forget' to turn off his location he never did because he still had the hope that the relationship wasn't over, that this was just a rough patch.
Spoiler alert: she got him back.
Because no matter how much they hurt each other they're in love. And it reminds me of a boygenius lyric "You could absolutely break my heart, that's how I know that we're in love." that lyric in bodies them.
The Albatross
This is like a sister song to 'peace'
This song to me is obviously about the narrative that she's the problem. She's the one destroying all her relationships.
And she's telling Spencer in this song "I've been through this before, it doesn't matter."
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
This song is her thinking about them seeing other people. Her imagining him with other people, how much that hurts.
And around 2020-2021 maybe there were rumours about her seeing some athlete or something cause of 'And you saw my bones out with somebody new, who seemed like he would've bullied you in school'
And maybe not the entire song is about him (that's me trying to make him sound better) I see it as mostly her thinking off some what-ifs.
I think they both caused each other a lot of pain, but their love out-ways that completely.
How Did It End?
Written the same night as the Black Dog and she's thinking about what Spencer tells the team.
I see the fact she says 'it's happening again' instead of 'it's happened again' tells us that this is not a sure thing, she's thinking about what people will think if it does end.
So High School
What if it's just a lover vault track lol.
I Hate It Here
I think Penny really likes this song.
It's definitely written in the state of mind of the prophecy, that she's just not meant to be loved but she wants to so badly. So she escapes into her mind which I picture is folklore/evermore.
thanK you aIMee
They love the petty vibes, probably was Penny that first showed or sent a TikTok of North listening to reader's music and was like "girl, you see this yet?"
I Look in People's Windows
In this au I see this as a folklore or evermore vault track.
The Prophecy
Very similar to 'how did it end' and 'i hate it here'
Again it's very similar to 'mad women' so maybe she chose which one to put on folklore and put the other on this album.
I think she wrote this as a break up song, with a lot of metaphors but what sticks out to me is in the bridge.
"Cause loves never lost when perspective is earned, and you said you'd come and get me but you were 25,,,forgive me peter please know that i tried to hold on to the days that you were mine."
Spencer was 25 in this au when they met and it's so perfect and sad and I love it.
The Bolter
In this au the 'She' in this song is reader.
I feel boring by saying I think it's another track written in the fictional world of folklore and evermore, but for the au that's what I think!
The Manuscript
In the directors on directors interview she called the All too well short film script 'the manuscript' that's all the evidence I need.
Spencer encouraged her to write this song, because he saw all the emotions she was dealing with while writing/directing the short film.
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sevensoulmates · 2 months
Buddie Meta 7x04 Part 3 (of 4)
Click here for part 1, part 2 or part 4.
Onto gay scene number four.
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This is ONCE AGAIN a direct parallel to 2x01. Ya know, the gym scene where everyone was like "why is Buck puffing his chest and trying to look hotter and stronger than Eddie"? Tim Minear would have us believe it's because he was threatened by Eddie, but those of us with our third eye open all know the man was attracted to Eddie, and Eddie was attracted right back.
Even down to putting the extra weights on the lift machine, it's almost beat for beat the same Buck trying to get Eddie's attention, only this time they have six years of love and devotion under their belt. This peacocking isn't about trying to prove Buck is better than Eddie, and it's most definitely not about Tommy. Tommy isn't here, neither is he mentioned. The object of Buck's attention is purely Eddie. Buck wants Eddie to look over and notice him without a spotter and come running over to be his partner, and maybe he also wants Eddie to notice that Buck is also strong and capable and sexy. Y'all ever seen those mating rituals where the male tries to prove he's big and strong and interesting so that the female will choose him? Buck is trying to make himself appear sexier than Tommy, and in my opinion, there's no other way to read this scene than that.
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He keeps looking to see if Eddie is noticing him, and when Ravi offers to be Buck's spot he shoos him away. What's also interesting is the framing of the camera. Eddie is positioned in the background between Buck's spread legs and his open arms. I'm not a filmmaker so I don't really know 100% what that means, but I just think it's an interesting choice to have Buck purposefully putting his crotch forward for Eddie to see, and keeping Eddie constantly in view only through Buck's spread arms and legs. Idk, it's givingggmmmgaysex. But what do I know?
Also keep in mind we (and probably Buck too) don't actually know who Eddie is talking to on the phone. We're meant to assume it's Tommy, but it could be Marisol, right? The last time Eddie had this kind of giggly little phone interaction it was in 6x18 with Marisol. But the show wants us to believe it's Tommy and to connect all of Eddie's actions with Tommy to being potentially romantic.
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Buck specifically has a basketball delivered to the station instead of, you know, his home, in order for Eddie to notice that Buck is suddenly interested in basketball and invite him again to play with them on Thursday. And again, I don't blame Eddie for missing the signs here. Buck has made it clear multiple times in the past that he does not want to play basketball with the other firefighters. So why would Eddie suddenly assume he's interested now? Plus he's distracted on the phone, so he might not have even really fully processed what Buck said or the insinuation of wanting to play basketball on Thursday. Buck sits down completely rejected because his latest attempt to gain EDDIE'S ATTENTION (not Tommy's) has been foiled. But thankfully Chimney comes along and provides Buck another access point.
Even Chimney is confused as to why Buck suddenly wants to play basketball. His excuses are weak, and Chimney instantly clocks that Buck isn't really there to play basketball with him but because he's trying to get in with Eddie and Tommy. Whether or not Chimney knows that Buck's trying to do it for Eddie's attention is unknown. We know that he was partially around when Buck was blabbing to Maddie, but he may not have caught the full context.
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Again, Buck is witness to how easily Tommy and Eddie touch, even though this in particular is much more "bro-y" than anything Buck and Eddie have ever done before. It's interesting that even though the episode is trying to show that the Tommy/Eddie relationship is similar to the Buck/Eddie relationship, there are still pointed times like this where the show still frames Tommy/Eddie as very very different, platonic-only, much more "bro-like" friendship.
This time however EDDIE is the one who calls Tommy "his boy!". Now we're finally getting the reversal of Tommy in Eddie's possessive. BUT this doesn't shift Eddie out of Tommy's possessive just yet. Instead, it is a mutual claim in conjunction with the rest of the scene that follows. So now it's not just a fear that Buck has that Eddie would choose Tommy over him, it's metaphorically come true. Now Tommy is Eddie's boy, and if that's the case, where does that leave Buck?
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Eddie, as lovingly oblivious as always, is shocked to see Buck here and subtly showcases his own jealousy. It's not anywhere near on the same level, but it does show Eddie noticing that Buck never says yes to him to play basketball, but somehow Chim got him to come? It does show that Eddie is still thinking about Buck here and thinking about what Eddie wasn't able to do to convince him.
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This little exchange shows yet another little way in which Tommy is encroaching on Buck's place with Eddie. The trope of "battlefield boyfriends" aka the two of them against the world. Tommy is extremely confident that he and Eddie will be able to beat Buck and Chim, and that rubs Buck the wrong way. Because up until now it's been BuckAndEddie against everyone else, and now it's TommyAndEddie. They're each other's "men". They're the team against Buck. Now it's become something hostile.
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This is a poke at Buck because he figures out he's bisexual at the end of the episode. But it's also funny because back in the day there used to be a lot of talk around Eddie in particular having beards. Beards can be both a conscious or unconscious choice on the part of a queer person. For some people, they don't know they're using someone as a beard because they're still deep in compulsive heterosexuality. In my opinion, this description fits Eddie and Marisol best at this point in time. I'm not saying that this Chim line is about Eddie, but it does bring up the question of beards in canon and who/what might be considered a beard in the current storyline.
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Buck, honey, Eddie was paying you so much attention here. He was trying to have a fun game of basketball game here, but Buck couldn't even let himself enjoy it because he couldn't get it out of his mind that Eddie wasn't on his team, that Eddie's playing against him, with Tommy.
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Eddie says an interesting line here to Buck: "You ain't getting past me" and it's so true, Eddie. Buck is probably not ever gonna be able to move past his feelings for you, regardless of who he dates in the middle.
And then we have yet another directorial camera shot that mimics the same dynamic at the end of 7x03. Eddie is running forward, Buck is desperately following behind him, and Tommy's running behind both of them. This could be foreshadowing again how no matter how much Tommy might try, Buck will always be chasing after Eddie.
Something else interesting to me is how the Buck/Eddie body slam is similar to the Eddie/Tommy body slam. These "intricate rituals" queer men will have in order to find socially acceptable ways to touch each other. It also takes me back to earlier in the meta where I talked about men using fighting/physical violence as an excuse to touch each other, hence why wrestling is a homoerotic sport. I don't know what was going through Buck's head, but I do think he was trying in some way, to force back that physical touch with Eddie, and take it away from Tommy. And in a way, it does also feel like a punishment. Like Buck's trying to make Eddie feel bad for being this physical with Tommy. And yes, Buck was in the wrong here. He let his hurt and jealousy get the best of him here and hurt Eddie in the process.
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I've seen people wonder why Buck wasn't freaking out about Eddie the way he has in the past. Well, one, this isn't a life or death scenario, and two, this is the first time it's ever been Buck's fault that Eddie's hurt. I think Buck's in shock. He's probably stunned and disgusted with himself and his desire to help Eddie is being hindered by extreme guilt, hurt, shame, and a whirlwind of other emotions he probably can't process in the moment. And that leads him to just stand still and watch instead of trying to help. He likely also thinks that Eddie wouldn't accept his help at this moment either. Buck does try to be the one who takes Eddie to the hospital, and likely would've apologized along the way. It could've been a good time for them to talk, to confront and work out the issue, but Tommy (once again) swoops in to be the one to help Tommy, effectively cutting off Buck's last chance to prove himself to Eddie.
Now, Buck's lost the last thing he can provide to Eddie over Tommy: safety, having his back, and being the one person he can always trust above all else. Buck probably thinks he's broken Eddie's trust and will lose him to Tommy for sure now. That's the kind of catastrophizing I can see him leaping to at this point in time.
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Buck then does what he does best, and pulls away. Not because he doesn't care about Eddie, but because he's already accepted that he's lost Eddie.
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Buck admits that this was a backward way of punishing Eddie, and Maddie rightfully puts him in his place for that. But then again, Maddie is speaking from a place of knowing what it's like to be physically abused (not saying this is abuse but it does still inform Maddie's perspective). Buck however is acting not from a place of an abuser or actually wanting to hurt someone, but from a place of living his whole life only knowing one way of getting people's attention. And for the longest time, that method involved hurting himself. And this time when hurting himself wasn't an option, it ended up coming out as hurting Eddie. Again, I am not trying to condone or excuse Buck's actions, but I am trying to provide a reason so we're not out here writing a million think pieces and fics about how Buck is suddenly a horrible physically abusive person (we're NOT having a repeat of the way y'all treated Eddie after the streetfighting arc). He made a mistake and obviously, he's going to apologize to Eddie and sincerely understand his actions were absolutely not it in the next episode. So, just like we're giving Eddie some grace here, let's give Buck some grace too. Moving on.
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Maddie does have a point, and she's right in a lot of ways, however, she, as a (as far as we know) straight woman, is coming at this from the perspective of being "friend-jealous" which we all know is disproven for Buck less than 10 minutes later. This talk with Maddie does give Buck good advice, but at the same time, I do believe it's likely confused him further. Because now he believes that the way he was feeling was normal best friend jealousy feelings when they really were not. Her advice is solid but doesn't really push Buck to think deeper about why all of a sudden he felt like Eddie making a new friend was the end of the goddamn world. And she can't really know to push him in that direction because she's operating under the assumption that Buck is straight. But he's not. They're both missing fundamental information here and without that, Buck still cannot truly process the depth of his feelings. I think this is a large part of why when Tommy comes over and kisses him in the next scene, Buck finds it very easy to glom onto the "out of nowhere" notion that the reason he was acting this way the entire episode is because he wants Tommy. It's very well true that Buck could've been experiencing physical attraction and an infatuation/crush on Tommy, but now, with Maddie's misinformed permission, switches targets and projects all of his big bi feelings onto Tommy.
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Buck is surprised Tommy came over, the audience and Buck both expect Eddie to be standing on the other side of the door. Tommy seems like a very observant character. He picks up on Buck's queerness (and likely Eddie's) and picks up on why Buck has been acting out of character the whole episode. Buck owns up to his actions and admits that yes, Tommy and Eddie can be friends and Eddie can have more than one friend.
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We then get an acknowledgment from Tommy that actually when he spends time with Eddie and Chris, the two of them talk about Buck a lot. Eddie isn't specifically mentioned, but it's implied that Eddie has told Tommy a lot about Buck if Tommy already knows that Buck is an irreplaceable part of both their lives. It's also funny because the last time someone said this, it was Buck trying to reassure Christopher that none of his dad's girlfriends would ever replace his mom. This once again firmly places Buck in the category of an irreplaceable parent for Christopher.
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This is another callback to season 3, the last time Buck and Eddie fought over the lawsuit, and Buck "making it about himself". This is a consistent character flaw in Buck, and at least now all of the characters can recognize it for what it is. It's also a callback to the 3x09 scene "You're gonna make it about you? again?" But see the thing is, I don't really think Buck was making Tommy and Eddie's friendship about him. I think he was hit with a rush of fear of missing out on what he and Eddie could be, and because he still didn't have the words to explain what exactly that meant, it came out in the only way he could think to communicate it: through trying to get Eddie's attention like a little kid pulling a girl's pigtails. It's unhealthy, yes, but it's all Buck really knows at this point.
Tommy admits that he was also jealous, not exactly of Buck and Eddie, but of the 118 and how they've built an unbreakable family bond that only came to be right after he left. Tommy wanted to be a part of that, and oh boy, if that's something Buck can relate to. The specific black hole craving to find a family that accepts you.
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And I absolutely believe that Buck is curious about Tommy, does want to be his friend, and does think he's super cool and probably thinks he's super hot and attractive as well. But the vibe I'm getting here is that Buck is seeking out in Tommy what he craves from Eddie.
Go to part 4 for the last part I swear!!
Part 4. Part 1, Part 2.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
BPP what is your honest view on Jimin biases?
A lot of y'all are down bad for that man. Down something horrendous my goodness.
Not that I blame you though.
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Btw, I was watching fancams with friends again last night and we played this one:
How does he move the way he does? /gen. You can see the strength he infuses into every move, down to his fingertips when he dances.
Do you see that form?
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There are many dancers in k-pop who impress me, some I'd place in the best dancers globally, but Jimin is easily the top ranked in nearly every category IMO, no matter the context. He's a real artist. It's not in him to half-ass a performance, no matter his condition. He gives his all and that's something that both inspires and troubles me about him.
I don't even bias him and Jimin induces some insanity in me from time to time. It's just what he is. Nobody who pays attention to him can react normally to him, everyone gets drawn disproportionately to him. Imagine how tiring that must be for him to know sometimes. And no offense to Jimin biases but I genuinely believe you have to be a little bit off kilter to be able to commit to being chosen by him.
Because Jimin is the sort of person you need... space to love.
Jimin is..
Jimin uses whatever misalignment is in you, eases his way into you to fix that offset, remove that imbalance. The way he is... when you fall under his effect it's like he takes up space inside you. As though he deserves and will take nothing less. In my honest opinion that's one way I perceive him. But then you open your eyes and realize the man is the softest marshmallow, a kind and truly measured person with exceptional emotional and practical intelligence. A Slytherin to the bone, a living shape-shifter, so attuned and sensitive to everything.
And he doesn't really demand anything. He's just so loved people want to commit to supporting him. His charismatic idol persona is just as attractive as his naturally shy but mischievous personality off the clock. It really doesn't get much more perfect than this for any celebrity ever.
Like, sometimes I wonder if Jimin goes to bed at night fearing he might one day destroy k-pop. In real practical terms. I wonder if Jimin agonizes over the fact that he's the most dangerous person in the industry. Knowing him, he probably doesn't but it's still something that as I've said before, needs to be said.
(Between you and me, I think he's yet to come to terms with it. Poor lad.)
Anyway, Jimin biases are actually in love with the man and I'd like to present some evidence both as a self-confession, and in support.
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(Do you remember where you were the first time you noticed he has a dimple?)
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(His look for this shoot is criminally underrated. He had easily the best chic styling for any idol in 2021.)
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(Orange, yellow, and bright mustard are all good colours on him.)
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(Yeah.... he's something else.)
Alright, now that I've answered this one, that's enough of the Jimin bias asks for now. I'll be ignoring all the rest for the next while.
Remember to keep streaming. :)
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rabbitsrants · 5 months
if you haven't already read the posts i've linked down below, please make sure to do so before you proceed, cause they're important for context. thank you so much in advance!
as i've already explained in my disclaimer, my ultimate goal with this masterlist is to prove how well written shinran is - it's to demonstrate that they're unquestionably each other's half and the heart of the dcmk universe.
people often minimize the importance that shinichi and ran have in each other's lives by labeling them as boring, predictable "childhood sweethearts" which couldn't be further from the truth.
so far we've established that
1) shinichi doesn't fall for ran gradually, which is what usually happens with dcmk childhood friends, he knows right away that ran's something special.
2) even though they share the same core values, their personalities are very different, which has a positive effect on them individually: ran gets shinichi to come out of his shell and contributes to his emotional growth, while shinichi grounds ran and helps her articulate her feelings.
now it's time to analyze the part i teased in part two already:
they share a soul
god, where do i even begin? this post is probably going to be ridiculously long but it's by far the most crucial part of my analysis, so please bear with me. cause as far as i'm concerned? this is the main reason why shinichi and ran belong together.
don't get me wrong, love at first sight is a beautiful concept and i deeply appreciate the fact that shinichi and ran complement each other, however, they aren't the only dcmk duo that brings out the best in each other.
what sets them apart from other dcmk dynamics in the most meaningful way is the undeniable fact that their hearts are one and the same. but what is that even supposed to mean? let's break it down, shall we?
their intuition
this segment of the break-down deserves its own post, because there are countless instances of shinichi and ran showcasing incredible instincts, but i'll try to keep it concise for now. both shin and ran arguably have a sixth sense. that's already fascinating on its own, but what i'm really trying to home in on is that their intuition offers them great insight into other people's souls. sometimes i get the impression they carry a compass that points at people and tells them who's trustworthy and who's not.
chapter 22
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chapter 892
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ran has so many reasons to doubt takeshi and shinichi has so many reasons to doubt amuro, but they instinctively know they can trust them. shinichi even feels safe enough to confront amuro, which is incredible, cause my boy takes a huge risk by directly questioning his allegiance.
idk about y'all but i think that's beautiful. it reminds me of an amazing quote from a famous philosopher:
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their souls are pure. which is why they're able to recognize that quality in other people and each other.
their optimism
despite all the darkness that shinichi and ran face every single day, they have a really optimistic outlook on life. ngl, their unwavering positivity makes me extremely emotional.
chapter 252
shinichi gets shot by criminals and he's slowly bleeding to death. the detective boys feel like it's their fault that shin got hurt, they blame themselves and feel hopeless. my boy is in pain, he's fighting for his life, he's probably even scared, it'd be more than understandable if he saw their point and regretted the unfortunate situation they found themselves in. but he doesn't:
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he chooses to look on the bright side. even in death.
which, fortunately, gets the detective boys out of their dark way of thinking. shin helps them understand that, yes, they're on a bumpy road, but at least it's leading somewhere.
chapter 780
shinichi gets a culprit to reveal he's from the kansai region by successfully provoking him with a fake accent, but shin doesn't just piss off the culprit, he also pisses off kazuha and heiji, so kazuha begins to wonder whether people from the kansai region are narrow-minded and ran's perspective is something i did NOT see coming:
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just like shinichi ran's able to offer kazuha a surprisingly positive outlook on her concerns, which genuinely makes her feel better.
there are many instances of their unshakable optimism and the effect it has on others, it's really beautiful to examine.
i recommend y'all look into it on your own, cause in this part of my masterlist i merely have the space to touch on shared traits like their great intuition and firm optimism, but now it's time to get into the biggest and most important portion of this analysis!
their idealism
i hope y'all read the disclaimer i've linked at the beginning! if you haven't, i urge you to read it before you continue with this post!
shinrans shared idealism is something i've already mentioned in part two of my masterlist, but there's so much more to say about it:
i'd argue that it's the main thing that connects them. not to shade my own children, but they value justice and human life so much, for most people, including me, it sometimes borders on stupidity.
but that's the thing, shinichi kudo and ran mouri aren't most people.
cause most dcmk characters 1) don't initially share their virtues and 2) question their admittedly heroic but also terribly reckless actions, whereas shinichi and ran support and admire each other because of it. because they're the same.
i'm about to give a few examples of shinichi and ran being the most idealistic characters in the manga and for the purpose of full context, i have to showcase the contrast between shinran's morals and the values of other characters. i appreciate and care about every single character who's brought up in the next part of my essay, so don't take this post as an invitation for hostility towards them, that's not my goal, okay? okay. let's proceed.
a) sense of justice and heroism
chapter 239-240
shinichi impulsively investigates the black organization. haibara repeatedly reminds him that he's being reckless and putting himself in danger, she even mocks his strong sense of justice and initially refuses to join his investigation because she's smart and values self preservation. haibara ends up joining him after all, but keeps urging him to drop his investigation and leave with her.
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i don't blame her one bit for her approach to the situation... truth be told, her reaction makes a lot more sense to me than shinichi's 😂 but that's because i share her pragmatism.
at this point in the manga shinichi and haibara have zero support. neither the fbi, nor the cia is helping them. it's incredibly dangerous for them to go after the black organization completely alone and it's not just unsafe for them individually either, it's risky for everyone they care about. their exposure would endanger a lot of people, including agasa, ran, kogoro, the detective boys, etc...
and safety concerns aside, why would she care about justice in that situation anyway? how could she, a teen who's trapped in a child's body, possibly hold the black organization accountable without any help?
so yeah, i strongly believe that if you look at the situation logically, haibara's point of view makes a lot more sense than shinichi's and it's fair of her to choose safety over justice, especially when the latter seems so impossible achieve.
too bad that shinichi doesn't give a flying fuck about things like common sense or self preservation. he's completely driven by idealism, it's what defines him as a person, in more ways than one. the only person in the dcmk universe who accurately mirrors his righteousness is ran mouri and it expresses itself through countless parallels that completely contrast haibara's position in chapter 239-240
chapter 44
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shinichi pretty much lashes out at the murderer for personal reasons which i dive into here. on top of that, he's passionately opposed to the culprit's idea of using justice as a reason for murder and guess what? ran unsurprisingly feels the same way:
chapter 313
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the obvious observation here is that their speeches are remarkably alike, but what i find even more fascinating is the fact that the killers react so similarly. shinran's sense of justice is so powerful, it doesn't just guide their own actions, it even moves morally corrupt people and holds them accountable.
furthermore, the concept of personal safety is completely lost on both shinichi and ran lol.
they constantly risk their lives for other people, including haibara, who, as we already established, initially disregards heroism.
chapter 289
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chapter 434
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anyway, i'm not trying to undermine the beauty and complexity of haibara's character, she's incredibly well written and i think it's important to emphasize that she's actually attempting to sacrifice herself in both of these chapters.
i actually really appreciate the fact that haibara is this complicated person with a rough background who slowly figures out her values with the help of her friends, imo it gives her layers.
i'm simply pointing out that upon her initial introduction her virtues instinctively differ from shinran's, it takes her some time to grow into the same kind of heroism that shinichi and ran display from the get-go. because they inspire her. but i'll go over that in a minute.
b) they value human life
one of shinichi's main attributes has always been his profound interest in human life. it's a quality that i never questioned until recently because i always figured it was due to his work as a detective.
but the more i think about it, the less it works as an explanation because we know a lot of detectives in the dcmk universe who don't share his interest in protecting people at all costs.
interestingly enough, there is a character who shares his passion but it's not someone who professionally deals with human life - it's just a compassionate, tenderhearted girl who instinctively wants to keep others safe no matter what.
chapter 1026
ran saves a murderer from suicide
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which reminds me of shinichi attempting to do the same in another chapter:
chapter 67
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he tries so hard... but unlike ran he ultimately fails.
and who's there to comfort him? who's the only person in the whole world who naturally understands his sorrow, who truly knows how valuable human life is and wants to protect it just as much as he does? ran. of course it's ran.
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and it will always be ran.
having said that, analyzing shinran's idealism is beyond fascinating to me because i rarely share their virtues or courage. my values are more aligned with the rest of the dcmk universe:
chapter 153
shinichi notices that a culprit is about to kill herself and gets in the way of her plans. heiji's response resonates with me a lot.
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CAUSE YEAH, what's the point of keeping someone alive against their will? isn't that infinitely crueler than just letting them die? maybe.
but shinichi and ran don't give a fuck lol. they don't stop the murderers suicide attempts because they're heartless though. it's the opposite, really.
as we already established, both shinichi and ran are optimists at heart, so they believe or least hope that people can always better themselves. i think that's the main reason why the interfere.
besides, shinichi and ran simply care too much about justice - they need culprits to be held accountable and they respect human life too much to allow suicide.
again, do i share their passionate interest in human life? LOL, hell no. i think very few people are capable of being that idealistic. most people, including me, value innocent life but shinichi and ran? they value life regardless of innocence and on top of that, they even value the lives of people who ARE ACTIVELY TRYING TO KILL THEM
chapter 773
a man is threatening to bomb the detective agency, he could kill ran, kogoro and sera within SECONDS and what does my girl ran do? yeah, she saves his life, LOL!
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she's already in immense danger and she's seconds away from being saved, but she goes out of her way and puts herself even more at risk, just to save a guy who's threatening her life. WHY?!
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because that's just who she is.
understandably, sera is baffled. she doesn't get it.
which makes sense, cause, again, there's only one character in the entire manga who truly understands ran and passionately agrees with her principles and that's shinichi kudo:
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their idealism never wavers. it's perplexing for characters like haibra, heiji, sera and even for me as a reader. it's also extremely inspiring though. which brings me to my next point!
c) they inspire others
chapter 239
remember how haibara initially refuses to join shinichi during his investigation? guess what changes her mind...
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even though haibara mocks shinichi's idealism and admittedly doesn't understand it in the beginning, it does get her thinking.
she grows up under terrible circumstances which force her to prioritize her safety over human life, but after watching shinichi for a while, she comes to the realization that she no longer has to live that way.
his unshakable idealism fascinates and encourages her, she's reminded that she has choices now and suddenly she finds herself wanting to do better.
but shinichi isn't the only person who helps her evolve in a pretty significant way:
chapter 313
ran's speech about justice and courage deeply moves haibara in the same way it affects the culprit.
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her speech doesn't just give haibra the courage to finally introduce herself to ran after months of avoiding her (for reasons i'll get into in part four of my masterlist) i'd argue it also contributes to her finally facing the black organization in chapter 434
while shinichi helps haibara understand that she has choices now and urges her not to run from her fate, ran motivates haibara to be courageous and face her fate. it's actually incredible how much they help haibara, just by being themselves.
chapter 398-400
check out the blog of my wonderful friend aracaeli who recently brought attention to an extremely underrated chapter which emphasizes that ran doesn't just affect characters like haibara, she even inspires her other half shinichi, which is a remarkable accomplishment, considering their morals are generally completely aligned.
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ran's idealism knows no bounds. how could it not move people? especially someone like haibara who's just starting to get familiar with the concept of friendship.
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in this chapter ran's idealism inspires countless people (shinichi, haibara, the detective boys, the murderer) it says so much about her character and it's such a touching reading experience.
chapter 153
remember how heiji understandably regrets saving the murderer from suicide after seeing her devastating reaction? shinichi knows exactly what to say:
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AGAIN, personally, i don't even blame heiji for his initial views. frankly, i agree with them! but it's really hard not to be affected by shinichi's powerful words. i can see how they could completely change the mindset of a passionate detective like heiji. and they do.
chapter 188
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to the point that heiji's willing to risk his life because of them...
chapter 774
even sera, who can be a bit morally corrupt at times, is impressed with ran's strong virtues:
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but that's to be expected, considering that shinichi and ran even had an impact on vermouth who's an established, ruthless serial killer.
i know, i already extensively talked about the new york case in part two, but it's such an important chapter for shinran that i feel the need to bring it up again, especially if it's going to continue the wonderful discourse i've been having about it with amazing bloggers like sakublogs who i urge you to check out!
chapter 353
this case is so, so special to me because it fundamentally captures the essence of shinran.
vermouth is about to take ran's life but the railing she is leaning on breaks and she's about fall to her impending doom... until ran intuitively grabs her arm and tries to save her:
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you'd think that shinichi would urge ran to let go, cause that's what any rational person would do, right? but he doesn't. instead he assists ran. again, WHY?
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because... they can't fucking help themselves. because THAT'S JUST WHO THEY ARE.
shinichi and ran are completely led by their intuition, optimism and idealism. nobody values justice, courage and human life the way do, it's in their bones and hearts, it's not something they grow into, it's in their nature.
their spiritual connection is their most defining quality as a couple and it's the reason why i'm convinced that shinran is gosho's best written ship and beyond that, one of the most brilliantly written romances of all time.
it's difficult to do shinran justice in condensed essays like this, but i hope i was able to illustrate their amazing personalities and offer some insight into their captivating bond.
it's why i've been closely following their story since my early childhood. they have the same effect on me they have on other dcmk characters. shinichi and ran inspire me, they touch my soul and restore my faith in people. they're not just a cute couple - they're a symbol of hope.
vermouth puts it best:
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visit the shinran library for more
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greentrickster · 8 months
I see a lot of people commenting on how a lot of other people, especially cishet women, are really fond of slash ships where the two characters, for all intents and purposes, hate or dislike each other in canon. A lot of clips or screenshots of the characters being nasty to or hurting each other along with comments of "Oh yeah, it's obviously true love."
The thing is, I don't think this is some romanticizing of cruel behaviour or even just being desperate for some mlm action... I think it's just the result of a lot of RomCom tropes commonly used in mainstream media. And I don't say this in a good way, just as someone who used to watch a lot of heterosexual romcoms because I like romance stories, and then, for irl reasons, ended up watching a lot of Hallmark Original Movies, which are romcom tropes boiled down to their most basic forms.
And, y'all.
It's so freaking common, in this genre marketed to and written for women, for the male and female leads to start out absolutely hating each other, and especially for the male lead to be quite mean to the female lead only for it to turn out that they just needed to get to know each other a little better and it turns out they have the greatest love story you've ever seen (in-universe at least)! This sort of romance is really common in media marketed at young girls and teens as well, especially older stuff.
And in that context... yeah. If that's a big theme/trope in a lot of the media you see that was written for your demographic, suddenly a pair of people, of any gender, who show that same starting animosity start to look a lot more ship-able, if only because you've seen so many canon ships start this way.
TL;DR: I think this whole thing is more indicative of some very real issues in the way mainstream media treats romance as a whole than something to place fully on the shoulders of shippers. Yes, a bit more media-literacy would be helpful to help people explain why they're drawn to certain ships, but I think even moreso we need to take a more critical eye to the studios and productions that are framing these tropes and influencing these thought patterns as they are.
(Also, this isn't meant to shame or blame shippers for enjoying these ships, this is fandom, have fun, I've just seen a lot of posts complaining about cishet women liking or creating these ships for creepy reasons and slamming them for romanticizing toxic relationships when I think generally that it's more likely they're either enjoying some enemies-to-lovers fun or applying tropes they're used to seeing with het couples in media to same-sex couples.)
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jewishbarbies · 3 months
So I debated for a long time whether to send this or not bc I explicitly do not want to equate what's happening in I/P to fiction or in any way trivialize the very real people who have died
But I find it incredibly ironic (in a bad way) how the leftist circles screaming about Zionism are the same circles that are STILL openly proudly fans of tv shows/books/movies that depict war in genuinely nuanced ways. Ways that EXPLICITLY contradict the black and white narratives exploding in leftist spaces.
So like. Did y'all miss the point or do you think nuance is for fiction only? There are innocent civilians on every side in war and civilians shouldn't be blamed for the actions of their governments --but only in fiction? In the real world it's fine to celebrate civilian casualties as long as they're Israeli? Guilt by association in fiction is bad but every Jewish person should be held accountable for the Israeli military???
Like I'm intentionally not naming any fandoms bc this SHOULDN'T be about fandoms, but the hypocrisy is killing me. They claim to be fans of the "killing civilians is bad even when they're from the Bad Culture™" shows but they're out in the real world denying (or worse celebrating) Oct 7th? They love the fictional characters who say "killing civilians is bad" but can't stand Jewish people mourning the civilians in israel? What???
(again, I'm really not trying to make this extremely real problem about fiction. I just mean the complete lack of self awareness I see every day has me ready to explode. )
no, i get what you mean. i definitely think there's a link between the massive drop in critical thinking and media literacy and the fandomization of real world issues. there's some statistic that gen z is the most politically active of most previous generations and while that's inherently a good thing, they're not engaging with politics and conflicts in responsible ways. they'll do a lot of organizing for a cause here in america and get something done, and then think they can do the same thing for international plights and just end up stepping on everyone's toes, inadvertently perpetuating that america-centric attitude they claim to be against, bc they don't listen.
a lot of people these days refuse to engage with media in the way it's intended and therefore ignore or flat out miss its entire message. you'll have a movie/show/book/whatever about the nuances of war, like the hunger games (which gen z is so completely misinterpreting), and how easy it is to become the person you're fighting against if you let yourself do the things they do eye for an eye style, and they'll come away from that comparing hamas to katniss. it makes no sense within the context of the book's narrative, yet that's the conclusion they draw because they refuse to properly engage. it contradicts their second-hand anger. they're mad about their own shitty life in the states and the powerlessness we all feel here as our rights are being threatened every single day, and they'll look for somewhere else to put it all. so they butt in to situations they don't belong in and make it worse like bulls in a china closet.
bottom line is that they see what they want to see because of their lack of self reflection and self awareness, thus allowing their lack of media literacy, critical thinking, and confirmation bias run the way they think and believe. they've taken "it's fiction" to the point where none of them would pass a basic english class and now palestinians and hamas are all blorbos in The Real World Show.
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salmalin · 8 months
I Wanna Talk About "Comments"
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IMG ID: Yknow go figure you’d abandon this for a popular fandom… goes to show you just write for attention and instant gratification. May as well just delete this. It’s clogging up space. To do all this and walk away for mainstream games is so typical for people like you who claim to be in it for the art. You’re in it for the ratio, you’re in it for your massive ego, so just delete it.
I've been getting a few comments like this lately, and this one is honestly the least biting, but I've been seeing enough of them that I've decided to post this.
I've already deleted this "Named" Anon Comment off the fic, and I'm not going to reply to them, but I wanted to take a moment to talk about this mentality, and why comments like this make no sense.
Basically: They're angry that I'm taking a break from this fic from a small fandom—a fic they've never interacted with—while I'm also writing another story for another fandom that happens to be bigger. This bigger fandom fic has (despite being in first-person with a non-linear storytelling style, famously hated formats) gained a bit of attention. Which is fine. That happens.
So let's talk about why this comment sucks, and why it fails at every level to be any form of criticism, constructive or otherwise.
"abandon this for a popular fandom" Everyone can see that this fic is marked as incomplete. Whoever this is, they chose to click on an incomplete fic that hasn't been updated in eight months—only eight months. A drop in the bucket, really, and the time I went between chapter 5 and chapter 6 was over a year. This is on them. They do not get to put this on the writer. At any point they could have stopped. At any point, they could have closed the fic. They knew this from the get-go. They did not. This was their decision, and they're trying to blame me for their despair. They made it through 245k before they reached this point, and I know because they commented on the last chapter specifically.
"you just write for attention and instant gratification" "Instant"? I don't think this person knows how writing works. Like, on a fundamental level. This story started getting posted in 2020, with my most recent update this year (2023), and they think writing and posting something is looking for "instant gratification". Bold to assume this is "instant". (Bold to assume we have any control over it at all.)
"May as well delete this. It's clogging up space." AO3 is only limited by its server size, and my fic is a drop in the bucket. It is not taking up much in the way of space. Besides, just because something is unfinished does not mean it doesn't belong on AO3. That's why you're allowed to upload chapter by chapter. That is a critical function of the website. It's also an archive, which means it's designed to hold information, finished or unfinished. Again, shame on the reader.
"You're in it for the ratio; you're in it for your massive ego." These are not only assumptions, but if this person is really so opposed to the idea of people doing things for attention, they should ignore children when they need food, only read published novels that are obviously written in a desperate grab for money, and never go on AO3 ever again. If writers didn't want attention, they wouldn't post online for free because they'd just keep it to themselves. And if commenters didn't want attention, they wouldn't comment. (But then would we even have a fandom, if no one's talking to anyone else?) Is this the attention they wanted? Probably. I've found that people like this seem to thrive on the misery they inflict on others.
If y'all care to know why this person was so abysmally wrong in this specific context: (if not, just skip to the end of the list.)
This fic that they're complaining I left for a bigger fandom? I actually left that bigger fandom for this fic. That "bigger fandom" was the first video game I was ever obsessed with. It was 1997, and I wasn't even allowed to touch the console. My brother destroyed the final disc in a fit of rage. I've never even beaten the final boss. It has been 26 years, and for a solid 15 of them I was desperately trying to figure out what I wanted to write for the pairing that changed my life. This fic that they're complaining about me "abandoning" Fires of War for has been rolling around in my brain for longer than the media for Fires of War has even existed. In fact, when you search my username here on tumblr, an ask I sent another user laying this out is essentially the first thing you see. (At least, right now.) In fact, my current user pic is from Fires of War. I did not change it because there's no need to.
Fires of War is actually still in progress, and they would have known this if they read the other comments on the same chapter they complained on. I originally took a break from FoW due to stress, and because no matter what I tried, the next chapter just wasn't working. After a break, I realized why—the outline was broken and needed to be adjusted. Meanwhile, the other fic I'm working on to relieve that stress is much, much easier to write. In my eyes, it's much lower quality, as well. It requires fewer stages of editing. The words flow easily because they're much closer to my speaking voice. I'm not constantly researching cultures I know little about for fact checking and world building and (I shit you not) intercontinental politics. (I once researched the GDP, climate, and economy of Spain in 1986 for several hours and proceeded to have a three hour debate with my editor about a plot point. Yes. Three hours.) Oh, and I don't have to write anything in Iambic Fucking Pentameter. (Yes, that's a thing in Fires of War. They are complaining that I "abandoned" a story that has bits of dialog in god-forsaken Iambic Pentameter. Even at my peak, I wrote 8k in two weeks. But with my current "popular" fic, I can whip out 14k in one. That's how much easier it is.)
I want to turn those "ratio" stats off. I've mentioned this to people a few times, actually—I wish there was a way to turn all stats off on the Archive. They actually give me anxiety. I don't want to know how many comments are on my fic, or kudos are on a little obscure piece. I think that information should only be accessible to the writer, like Tumblr follow counts.
Literally talk to me for three seconds and you will be sick of how into the art of it I am. Holy shit, I cannot shut up. I will include required reading. I will rant about the details I put in for plotlines ten chapters out. I will give you a crash course in tone, word choice, and counting verbs. And yes, I count verbs! Holy fuck I am autistic as hell and this is my special interest. I love writing so much. It's my favorite thing in the world. Please stop my I CAN'T STOP I LOVE WRITING SO MUCH GOD IT'S THE ONLY THING THAT KEEPS ME FUCKING SANE. So you can imagine how misguided I think someone is when they say I'm not into the art of it. It just exposes them as someone who doesn't know what art is.
I'm a hermit who doesn't really go online much aside from using Discord as a free texting app because for some reason every texting app I've gotten has been broken. I legit do not like attention. I talk to like four people a day outside of work. I don't even like it when people complement me too much. Even if I went above and beyond, just one sentence is more than enough and move on, please. It's good to know my actions have had positive consequences, because that's crucial for my brain processing said consequences so I can continue said action in the future because I know I didn't do something wrong, but repeated praise makes me uncomfortable. It took me a long time to understand this about myself. This seems antithetical at first, but I do like the comments that break down the themes, execution, etc. in my fics. If they're breaking things down, moving to point to point about parts they enjoyed, there are giving me critical feedback. They tell me what thy enjoyed, and what was picked up. It's extremely useful feedback to know what they enjoyed, and what stood out to them. It helps me write better stories on the future, and hones how I get my point across. Besides, what is art that doesn't spark innovation and thought? It is forgotten.
The strongest hate is born of love—misguided though it may be—and this person has made that clear. Obviously they care about this fandom or they never would have commented like this. But if they knew more about people and less about what they want everyone to give them, maybe the spaces around them would be safer for the people in their lives—or the people they brush against online.
Comments like this often make people not want to write their fic.
Thankfully, I'm actually am in it for the art, so they might be going out of their way to make the lives of everyone around them miserable, but they haven't achieved their goal here.
However, there are a lot of writers who critically need feedback; who need this positive reinforcement. It's also why it's so important to tell writers why you enjoy their work. Even if it's something small like "I like your word choice" or "I really liked this line" or "I can't wait to find out how they resolve this"—that's feedback more valuable than we can really quantify.
"I like your word choice."—The way you pay attention to the words you use is working with the tone.
"I really like this line."—The way this line is formatted is very memorable and hits better than the others. It may be good to pay attention to it to find out why.
"I can't wait to find out how they resolve this."—You have gotten a good grade in suspense, a thing that is possible and reasonable to achieve (or however that meme goes).
I am constantly learning. I am constantly growing and changing as a person and a writer, and other people are critical to this. Sitting in a room and shouting will not make you better at making jokes, and shoving your writing in a corner never to see the light of day will never give you the tools to communicate with other people.
Sometimes I feel like people like this *points to the top of the page* don't want to learn that lesson, because of the painful reckoning with their actions it will entail.
If this is you, or you have done something similar, I recommend going through, finding your old comments, and deleting them yourself, or even apologizing if you can. Clean up your own mess, so people like me don't have to do it for you. This is a public space. Act like it.
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ashes-writing · 1 year
outer banks ● one girl two guys pt 5 ● j. maybank + t. thornton
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(( changing up the photos a little bit. bear with me. these came from pinterest, btw. and they're part of my little image hoard.))
complicated relationships... all around., jealousy, angst. pining, friends to lovers, looots of PDA ( you've been warned, if you're not fond of touching/kissing/affection) , fluff. Kiara -and her audacity, Sarah -and her jealousy, eventual filth, confrontations of the verbal and possibly physical kind. rivalry. mentions of alcohol + 🍃, sex / pda and varying states of undress and other potential adultier themes to come. sarcasm and dark humor, ig.
word count
3407 exactly. welcome to part 5. for the context, here's part 4.
-- y'all are gonna be so fucking siiiick of me and my bullshit,oops rip.
One girl. Two guys. You're feeling torn. This can't possibly go wrong or be messy at all.. Right?
-- my summaries are traash and I own this.
taglist + shoutouts
-- taglist for outer banks -as well as every other fandom I write for can be found ( here ). If you'd like to be on it, please add yourself or let me know, i'll happily add you.
@tbmunson - i love you sm bestie. you knew i was going to tag you for this bc you're my inspiration, always!!
@valentineshiftz - your comments omg you don't know how much they mean to me. i can't even begin to thank you and I'm so glad you're enjoying this.
@writingreadinglurkingandsmirking - your comments make my day, like.. i'm living for your reactions!
other links
masterlist ● jj's masterlist ● topper's masterlist ● about+ rules
“Burger and fries for table 2. All dressed.” you tell the cook in back the order from table 2 and you’re heading back out with a pitcher of beer and the appetizer they ordered and Kiara stops you halfway out of the kitchen. 
“What? I’m kind of busy, Kiara.”
“You’ve been talking to Topper Thornton a lot lately.” Kiara’s staring at you with a solemn look and her arms folded. You blow a bubble with your gum, raise your brow at her. “Yeah? And?”
“I just don’t think that’s a good idea, ___. And it’s really upsetting JJ.” Kiara tacks on that last part and you laugh quietly. “It’s not upsetting him. It shouldn’t be. I mean… correct me if I’m wrong here, you’re the girlfriend.”
“Right. And as the girlfriend, I just thought.. Nevermind. Look, you hate me and I get that. But JJ hasn’t done anything.”
You blow out a breath. “Now kind of isn’t the time to talk about this, Kie. The place is packed. Look.. I’m just trying to finish out my shift here, okay? I’ve got stuff to do later.”
“We used to be friends, ___.”
“Yeah? Blame your mom. Maybe if she’d keep her fucking nose out of places it doesn’t belong.. Maybe if you didn’t go home telling her everything.. A friend would have kept their mouth shut, especially if they knew opening it might come with the risk of their friend being sent to live with some asshole who never wanted their friend born to begin with.” you’re blowing up but you can’t help it. Kiara rubs her forehead. “I’m sorry, okay? Maybe I just thought..”
You cut her off. “Did I ask you to think? Did I ask for help, Kie? No. No, I didn’t.”
She takes a deep breath. “Fair enough. So that’s why you hate me? It’s not because I’m with JJ?”
,, oooh… go ahead, ___. Tell her the truth.” the thought comes and for a second, you seriously play with the idea. But in the end, you decide against it. Because you’re trying so hard to keep from pushing JJ away completely. Because when this thing with Kie comes to a bitter end -and it will, you know Kiara too well, she gets bored too easy- you don’t want to have alienated him. You don’t want him to feel like he can’t come to you.
“I don’t care who you date. The fact that you even think I do is kind of stupid. Possibly even a little self-centered.” you laugh as you look at her, smirking. Watching your comment settle over her because you’re that special kind of petty to a point where you have to hurt someone exactly as much as they hurt you.
You weren’t always like this.
But then everybody in your life disappointed you. Kept hurting you, kept breaking promises. Now you live in a constant state of defense mechanisms active.
“You need to apologize to JJ. Because it bothers me to see him like this.”
When she says this, you’re half out of the kitchen. You pause in the doorway and you look back, mouth agape at her audacity, -and maybe the fact that she’s apparently so clueless that she doesn’t know why things are strained between you and JJ Maybank right now.
The fact that he hasn’t bothered to tell his poor and clueless pretty little girlfriend anything only cuts just a little more. Because it basically confirms what you’re already figuring out. He doesn’t feel the same way about you and when you tried to show him how you felt back at the beginning of summer, it was probably the stupidest thing you could’ve done.
You’re tempted to tell her exactly what went down that night but you don’t for reasons that have everything to do with not making things worse or causing problems between the boy you’re in love with and his flavor of the month. The thought, as it comes, leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. ,, you’re pitiful. A real mess,  y’know? Just tell her. See how quick she is to demand you be the one to apologize then.” 
“You need to keep your nose out of my life.” you finally manage to respond, walking out into the front of the restaurant. You let the door slam behind you. Kiara stands there, a hand caught in her hair. Staring at the door because she’s now got the strong feeling that she’s missing a lot of context.
The rest of the short shift passes by in a blink. Around the end of it, just as you’re clocking out, you’re surprised to see Topper and his friends standing outside one of the big windows in the front. Topper sees you and he starts to make faces at you, making it hard to focus, making you snicker quietly as Anna is telling you about some stupid party the restaurant is hired to cater at the end of the week. 
Kiara’s barely listening, she’s paying closer attention to the way you and Topper act with each other. Because you’ll glance over and pull a crazy face right back at him and at one point, you’re pretending like you’re going to fall asleep on your feet as if you’re bored out of your skull.
Anna finally finishes talking to you and Kie, releasing you both from work for the afternoon. You rush out and Topper is leaned against the front wall of the building, sipping a snow cone through a straw as he holds one out to you. You take it and suck it down greedily.
Kelce is looking from you to Topper wordlessly. Rubbing his chin in thought, especially when you and Topper seem to migrate closer together as a crowd of tourists overtakes the sidewalk and forces this to happen. Topper’s got a hand at your waist and you’re staring up at him.
“C’mon, man. We’re losing peak waves.” Kelce points out, barely hiding laughter as he glances from you to Topper. He’s just seen Sarah and John B walk past but his best friend has been so caught up in staring at you for a few seconds now that Topper didn’t even notice they walked past.
And Kelce is thinking to himself that’s definitely a good sign. Maybe the idiot will leave Sarah Cameron alone and stop running back the second she comes around batting her lashes, even hinting that she might want him back.
Topper finally breaks out of his daze, responding to Kelce. “Yeah. We should get going.”
Your brain’s finally done a full reset and you manage to nod, muttering a quiet “Yep.” in agreement. Topper turns his attention to you again. “You have sunblock.. Right? Because you got burnt really bad the last time we went out.”
You hold up your backpack. “In here somewhere.”
When he slips an arm around you as the three of you make your way down the dock to Topper’s waiting boat, you’re pulled into his side, the scent of his designer cologne enveloping you as you breathe it in before you can stop yourself from doing it. And it’s becoming  habit by this point, it’s getting so that if you’re out somewhere and you even think you catch a whiff of it -or similar scents- you’re looking for Topper’s face in the crowd.
This thought, as it hits, is more than a little scary.
He steps onto his boat, reaching out. Grabbing you by the hips to pull you on board. You’re laughing about it and the sound carries. The sound of your laughter manages to get the attention of JJ as he pulls the Pogue to a stop on the opposite side at the end of the dock. When he looks up just in time to see Topper Thornton pick you up by the hips and pull you onto his stupid little boat, he glares at Topper.
Topper gives him this little shrug, it’s mild. He smirks too. Holds JJ’s gaze as JJ looks from Topper to you, your back is to him so you don’t see. You’re staring up at Topper and the pang of jealousy that hits JJ takes him by surprise.
It shouldn’t bother him to see his best friend happy and he knows this. But then he’s thinking back to that night about two months ago. When you were in his lap, your arms around his neck. All cozy with him. When you told him he was pretty. When you told him you wanted to kiss him and he panicked and shut down because it was everything he wanted and he didn’t know how to handle it beyond the fear that overtook after you said it. He’s aware that he got in his own way. And for a while, he thought maybe that wasn’t a bad thing.
Seeing you with Topper all the time lately has him starting to wonder if he was wrong about that theory. Feeling like his reaction that night to the way you were being so affectionate was a complete mistake.
The boat takes off and he watches as you and Topper disappear from view.
John B and Sarah wander over and John’s jaw flutters. As soon as he sees the anger blaze in his best friends eyes, he nods. Because he’s just seen the way his girlfriend was looking at her ex boyfriend as if he was betraying her. And he hasn’t said anything to Sarah yet but it’s really bothering him.
“You saw ‘em too, huh?”
“Mhm.” JJ answers, glancing from John B to Sarah. He shares a look with his best friend and then he shrugs. “We need to get a move on. Pope’s waiting.”
Kiara rushes over, throwing her arms around JJ. She’s upset again and when she starts telling JJ why, he nods quietly. And a sliver of hope lingers even though it shouldn’t, taking hold. You didn’t tell Kiara about what happened between you and him earlier this summer. ,, or what didn’t happen but could’ve happened.” he reminds himself, bitter at the thought.
If you were really all in with Thornton, it stands to reason you would’ve just told her.
,, or maybe she’s a good person and she didn’t want to do something to mess you and Kiara up. Kiara’s your girl, man. You can’t have them both.”
But selfishly, in an ideal world, this is what he’d want. Because he feels very strong feelings for you both and it’s got him torn two different ways.
“When did that even happen? How?” Sarah speaks up. Kiara shrugs. “It’s probably a rebound thing. That or he’s up to something.”
“He’s not like that.” Sarah says it and she can feel John B staring at her. She looks up at him and sighs. “He’s not, okay? Maybe it’s a good thing, maybe he’s moving on.”
But deep down, the fact that he might just be moving on.. This bothers Sarah just a little more than it should.
You gulp as soon as you see the waves today. You melt into Topper’s side just a little and for a few seconds, you wonder exactly what you let yourself be talked into. Topper chuckles. “You’ll be fine, okay? I won’t let anything happen.”
You nod. Swallowing hard. Gazing up at him and then glancing back out at the water. “That wave was big.”
“It’s not as scary as it looks. But first..” Topper nods to his board, “You need to learn how to stand. C’mere.” he steps away, standing by his board. You’re pouting a little before you even realize it, you didn’t want him to let go yet and this thought as it settles in, has your mind reeling.
,, okay but you did say it yourself when you were arguing with JJ not so long ago. You’re definitely attracted to Topper Thornton physically. That’s it. That has to be all this is…Right?”
Deep down, you’re starting to suspect it’s not. But you’re not about to let yourself acknowledge it. Because you’ve started to get close to Topper and you like being friends with him. God knows that falling for him might possibly have the same end result as you, finally making a desperate attempt to clue JJ in to how you felt about him at the beginning of summer. 
You wander over and you step onto the board. You swallow hard when Topper steps on behind you, hands at your waist as he pushes down on your body just a little to get you to bend down like you need to be. “Keep your feet apart.”
“Like this?” you question. Topper nods, chuckles quietly. “Like that. You’re going to feel like your balance is off when you’re out there. If you have to, put your arms out.” his hands leave your hips to settle on your arms and he guides them into place. He’s pressed against you from behind.
From nearby on the sand, Kelce chuckles. “She needs to turn her foot a little, dude.”
Topper looks down and nods. “Yeah. He’s right. You need to turn your foot towards the front of the board.”
“This is complicated. How the fuck do you remember all this?” you’re exasperated with yourself because you’re just feeling like you have to look awkward. And you’re a little scared because you know they go out where the water will be over your head. You can swim exactly enough to save your life and that’s it.
Topper chuckles at your outburst, the sound sending just the teeniest jolt racing through you. “Relax.” he mutters quietly, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. “You can swim right?”
“Uhm..” you give him a sheepish look. He bites his lip. “Okay, change of plans. Because you kind of need to learn to swim first. You’re going to wipe out.”
You nod. And then he’s scooped you up, making you laugh and have to throw your arms around his neck to hang on. He’s carrying you out into the water and Kelce, just to be a little shit, he hollers out, “Jesus. Get a room, guys.”
You can feel a slow heat work it’s way from the pit of your stomach when you lock eyes with Topper as he laughs. That heat spreads through you til it’s settled in the tips of your ears. He’s teasing you a little when he asks, “Are you blushing right now?”
You pout up at Topper a little. “I don’t blush.”
“I think you do. I think you are.”
“Am not!” you smack at his chest lightly and you laugh. And it’s a real one. You haven’t really laughed in a while. It feels good to laugh again.
When he starts to wade out to where the water is starting to creep up your body higher, you cling to Topper. “Hey, whoa..” he coaxes. “It’s okay. I’ve got you. Relax.”
You nod and you’re staring up at him, lost in the varying shades that make up his eyes. You’re staring really hard. It’s hard enough that he’s staring right back. “I’m gonna lower you down a little.. Okay? But my hands are gonna stay on you, I swear. I’m not going to let you drown. Relax.”
“Easy for you to say, you were swimming and surfing at birth.” you mutter, the softness in your voice has him biting back a quiet groan.. Especially now that it’s combined by the way he feels holding you right now. He chuckles quietly. “I wasn’t.”
“You were! You won your first surfing thing when you were like what.. Ten?”
“How’d you know that?” he laughs. You laugh softly. “JJ entered too. I had to listen to him have an angry meltdown when you won and he didn’t.” you admit quietly. Topper chuckles. 
But then he stops to think about it. Realizes that he’s seen you at a few of his competitions when they’re local. JJ hasn’t entered one in years.
He doesn’t say anything though because he’s not trying to give himself any reason to get his hopes up. So when you admit to going to a few shows he’s been in because it’ll pass time, he’s a little shocked.
,, Kildare is boring. She was just looking for something to do.” is countered by ,, But she was there. Sarah couldn’t even be bothered.” and it’s not much but it’s somehow more than even his own girlfriend at the time could be bothered to do.
“Something just nipped my foot!” you’re squealing, clinging to him even more and he realizes in this moment that if his goal was not to fall for you, yeah.. He’s beyond fucked.
He laughs. “Are you gonna be okay, ___?”
“Haven’t you seen Jaws? I know what’s in deep water, dude.” you’re pouting up at him as you say it and he laughs again. “Jaws is a movie.”
“And what makes it scary is that it fucking happens on occasion. Sharks get snackish.”
“I’m not gonna let you become shark bait.”
“You’re not gonna be able to stop it!” you’re being dramatic and you know it. But you’re both laughing. For once you’re having fun. You don’t have so many negative things in your mind threatening to take over. You want to enjoy the moment.
Topper lowers you to the water and he keeps his arms beneath you. You suck in a breath. Stare up at him. “Okay. Relax. Try to float.”
“I’m telling you, I will sink.”
“No you won’t.” Topper’s voice has a calming effect. You try to relax and you’re even floating a little. Until the second you feel him slowly slipping his arms out from beneath you, then your eyes are popping open and you sink down just a little. When you come back up, you splash him. He splashes back. Picks you up by your hips. Your legs slip around his waist. “Better? Now will you stop freaking out on me? People are gonna think I’m drowning you, woman.” he’s barely hiding laughter.
You pout at him again. But you slip your arms around his neck and nod, biting your lip as you stare at him and the laughter dies away. “Yeah. Much.” you respond quietly. 
Then he dunks you both and you surface from beneath the water, splashing at each other. Kelce paddles out on his board. “Since you two are gonna goof off, I’m napping.”
You share a look with Topper and as Kelce’s board floats past, he reaches out, tipping Kelce off. Kelce comes up from beneath the water, sending up rowdy splashes. Soaking both of you because the second you realize the water is up to your mouth now and you can’t touch bottom with your toes, you fling yourself at Topper all over again dramatically, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist as you cling to his body.
“Hey! Easy, man.” Topper gives Kelce a dirty look but Kelce chuckles, mimics the sound of a cracking whip as he looks from his best friend to the way you’re clinging to him and have your face buried in his neck. You look up at Topper, eyes catching on the way a drop of water drips down from blond tips.. Rolls down the slope of his nose and settles on his lips. 
Your legs squeeze his hips just a little tighter and everything just kind of falls away. He’s staring at you and he can’t stop himself. He notices the exact second you melt into him a lot more and he mumbles quietly, “You okay?”
“Just realizing you’re really not going to try and drown me, that’s all.” you give him a sheepish smile and he grins. “I told you, didn’t I? You can actually trust me.��
“Yeah.” you answer, managing to tear your eyes off of him for just a second.
“Lemme see your board, Kelce.”
“Board, Kelce. Now.”
Kelce pushes the board to Topper. Topper sits you on it and moves to stand between your legs. “Not so bad, huh?”
“It’s kinda cool. I’m not crazy about trying to stand up on it yet though.”
“It’s okay.” Topper laughs quietly. 
“Yeah.” you answer. Leaning down into him a little.
“For the last time. Just get a room.”
Topper flips Kelce off and you’re laughing. Burning up all over, but laughing again.
This is definitely one of the better days of your summer.
“I’m having fun.” you admit quietly and Topper grins at you. “Me too.”
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Okay y'all have been warned
(also, I partially blame @skoulsons for this bc we cried over the Hands™ last night and today my brain couldn't shut up)
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Okay first a little bit of a reminder/spoilery trivia bc I know besties who didn't see the show/haven't watched that far might read it:
Rachel is physically linked to her evil half brother, meaning whatever injury he gets, she gets it too. He bleeds, she bleeds, etc. Dick contacts a friend from London who specializes in all things magic to find a way to break that connection and he learns of The Clavis Noctem ritual. Quote:
In English, "The Key of Night." It finds inner evil, gives it a physical form. A form that can be destroyed.
So the ritual is supposed to give her inner evil a physical form, and requires the person who loves her to kill it. And in the episode, said "evil" takes this form:
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And I guess, yeah, it makes sense in the context that it's supposed to take that connection and give it a form so it can be destroyed. But the thing is, I don't remember there being a scene where Sebastian puts a spell on her or creates this connection in any other way, he just randomly reveals it to Rachel in 4x08 when he cuts his wrist with a knife and her own wrist opens. As if this connection was always there???
And here I am thinking: the details aside, why turn it into some zombie version of Sebastian (bc in case you didn't know, this is Joseph Morgan under all that makeup and prosthetics), a guy who, yeah technically is her brother but has no meaningful connection to her in the long term, when she exists.
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Rachel's demonic reflection from season 1. Literal physical manifestation of Rachel's darkness, who looks like her, talks like her, has always been a part of her. Wouldn't that make more sense? Wouldn't it be a bigger emotional gut punch?
To get rid of the inner evil, someone who loves her has to kill it. Put Dick in front of a random zombie? No biggie. He'll do it in his sleep. Present him with a carbon copy of the girl he loves like a daughter? Put a blade in his hand and tell him to kill her? Now that's angst.
I won't go into further details because I think I'm gonna turn this into a fic. But one thing for sure: he wouldn't be able to fight it, not like he fought the monster in the episode. There would be no chasing it around the building, no big fight sequence.
It would be a heartbreaker.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Hello! Just a little heads up from me about my Welcome Home content!
So, if you notice that I am starting to produce less Welcome Home content, I just want to let you know why. I am still going to be producing it, I just might not make as much. The reasons are posted underneath the read more!
I am pretty sure I have been respectful to Clown's wishes so far. I do not believe I have been making NSFW content, though, I have seen some definitions of it that include disturbing or dark topics, which I believe have been writing (hence the warnings at the top of my posts. I have been desensitized to those types of topics, so I am not completely sure, but I put them there anyways). I usually hear NSFW in the context of just sexual content, but I want to be sure I am not breaking those boundaries. I believe I have heard Clown say that horror is allowed, as long as you put warnings for it, so I really don't know if I have broken it. This is just to be extra careful, because they are under a lot of stress. So, while I will still be writing for it, I might be doing so a bit less or slower.
Just in case anybody is worried that someone said something to make me make this decision, don't worry! This was completely my own doing, and nobody influenced me to make it. I just like to be careful when it comes to the topic of stress, anxiety, trauma, and the likes. I have experienced it myself, to a very high degree, so I am always striving to make others feel as comfortable as possible with my actions. I enjoy writing for Welcome Home, but I don't want to overwhelm anyone, especially Clown, with the topics discussed in my writings if that is a part of what they meant by NSFW. I will probably update the Illustrator Wally AU the most, due to it being the most tame with its subject matter.
There is also the topic of my passion project (I know, I feel like I am being a bit pushy with how much I discuss it. Sorry if you feel that way), which I really adore working on! A part of why I have already been a bit slow with updating the Welcome Home writing. That world has currently been what is floating around in my mind a lot these days, so it has been easier to write for that than Welcome Home. Tales from the Iolite Hospital has also been something I have been working on for about two years, now, so I am very excited to share it! If you like the sorts of topics I try to discuss in the Illustrator Wally AU (accepting others, regardless of disability/mental health status, as well as the struggles one can face with those disabilities/mental health status) and want to see a more in-depth (and a little dark) version of it, I think you might like it. Idk tho, because I am not you!
When it comes to fandom writing, I plan to maybe start writing down the ideas for my Five Nights at Freddy's AU, as well as my What Remains of Edith Finch AU, too! So, if you enjoy either of those series and want to see my takes on it, stay tuned! They might come out eventually! I just don't want to make any promises, due to how much Tales from the Iolite Hospital is taking over my brain. I hate breaking promises, because I then feel unreliable.
If you made it this far, again, please note that nobody has made me make this decision other than myself! I would hate for people to blame others for my own decisions. I also hope you can understand why I am making it, as well as stick around. I am aware a lot of you joined and followed for my Welcome Home content (I won't blame you, that was why I even got a Tumblr account in the first place lol), so I hope you aren't too disappointed. Y'all have been so nice to me, so far, and I am more than glad to have met such kind people through this fandom! I was honestly pretty scared when I first posted, lol.
Here's a little cheers! To good health, love, and good fortune for Clown! 🥂 CHEERS! ❤️
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hunter-sylvester · 9 months
Is it bad that I kinda wanna get you started 👀😂 for real, though I always enjoy hearing your opinions 😊
Ohh, alright, alright /lh For any onlookers, the context: ⬇ (also link)
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Just to make it extra clear like...I was thinking of Hunter Sylvester when I wrote the tag. Although I suspect nobody thought otherwise lol Usual disclaimer that this is all just my opinion/interpretation. Y'all know the drill.
I will additionally state that it's actually more common for people to ascribe Hunter random positive traits/attributes that I just don't think he has. Or have him do 'nice' things that I just cannot see him doing. But this was about flaws. Sorry if this reads a little messy, my head is pretty messy lately.
Firstly, I’ve seen people act like he’s just a bitch for the sake of it. Like he’s just an asshole for no reason. And I just cannot agree that that is accurate to the source material. We literally get lines of dialogue that go against that. And from Kevin who is a more reliable source on Hunter than Hunter is most of the time.
“Sometimes he’s not so nice to people when he’s uncomfortable.” “You are afraid of everybody. And instead of showing it, like I do, you treat everybody like shit and you make them hate you.”
He’s uncomfortable, he’s scared. He wants to keep people away because he’s afraid of them. Does this excuse his bullshit? No. But it does explain it. And more importantly (because he is, after all, a fictional character) it makes him interesting. It makes him a more complex character.
Next one is a little less concrete but I still stand by it. I think people overemphasize the importance of Emily being a girl on its own when it comes to him not wanting her in the band. Please hear me out. It absolutely plays a part (and he is a dick for it) but it's always connected to another, deeper reason imo. - He doesn't want a girl in the band because it conflicts with the perfect mental image he has in his head of his band. The mental image of 3-4 leather-clad metal guys (cough gay cough). This is one of the areas where I see autistic perfectionism in him. He can't deal with the ideal image of what he wanted turning out different. - He doesn't want a cello playing girl in the band for the same reason. It doesn't fit what he had in mind. Autism says no. - He doesn't want a girl Kevin brought in the band because he's in love with Kevin. Which he doesn't realize. So all he knows is that Kevin is suddenly hanging out with a girl and wanting her to be involved in their thing and he does not fucking want that. And like, yes, he blames it on "muuh don't wanna have a girl in the band >:c" Because he has the self awareness of a wet rag. He doesn't have the words for the real reasons. He doesn't know he's in love with Kevin. He doesn't even know he's gay & he doesn't know he's autistic/AuDHD. He just knows he feels very strong negative emotions towards Emily.
Once again, none of this excuses his actions. But it makes them more interesting than a surface level asshole character would be. And I simply cannot agree that he is that surface level asshole character. He's just not as flat of a character as people sometimes make him out to be in my opinion.
I guess those are a bit less "free my man he did none of that" and more "yes keep the cuffs on, he did those things, but you must understand the why, please have a seat"
But like I said, head is messy and this already took me a while to answer so this is what I'm going with ^-^
I hope this satiated your curiosity 🖤🤘
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