#xd fictive
spadesmidnightcrew · 1 year
Dream's Dirt House a Dream and Dream Adjacent introject server for Dreams+ and friends! Created after seeing the 9th post on my dash about Dream introjects feeling uncomfortable and excluded from Dsmp introject spaces for being villains. Nothing against those that are uncomfortable with Dream introjects one of our Tommys is afraid to be around any and all Dreams, but Dreams still deserve a space where they don't have to worry about that! So, if you have any Dream+ introjects or are comfortable hanging out with them, feel free to stop by!
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insomniphic · 3 months
So guess what?! :D
I’ll be posting daily One-Shots of Narry in very Valentine scenarios for 7 days!
None of these are canon! They’re just cool “what if’s” since Narry is probably doomed to be forever lonely 😔.
DAY 1: Crowded Places
Narry participated in a party once; in our current timeline he might have already joined more than four, perhaps none, but ONE was enough to realize his hatred towards crowded places, of every kind. “Hatred”? No. Not really. Maybe it’s discomfort. Maybe fear.
The music is the latest hit of this year, so was the next, and the following. The taste was generic — made to entertain most of the crowd because of how trendy it is — so it was no surprise that everyone was still moving their bodies to a rhythm that matched their hearts more than the beat. Narry wished there was more variety so he could test his memory… Perhaps he could just list out the pitch, the notes, maybe the specific riffs to the bass that carried the harmony.
An arm brushes against his. A sandal comes close to stepping on his black loafers. Hair slashes across his back. An empty plastic cup tips and touches against his chest.
He really needs to stop closing his eyes, these sensations were becoming more intense without his vision and it was making him shudder when he isn’t even feeling cold.
While pursing his thin lips, the brunette tilts his head down and cracks both of his eyes open, looking straight at his feet. There’s about a two step radius that he could shuffle around in. (Disregarding the shoulders that nudged past that small border.) He made sure to straighten his body like a rod, taking less space to give himself, and others, more room.
It’s alright, Narry, just listen to the music. The music is loud, this room is big. It’s alright, Narry, just listen to the echo of the music. If the music echoes, then the room is spacious; it’s big.
“Oh my goood, have you heard what Juliet just did to her new boyfrieend?~” A random girl slurred out, her eyes hazy as she pressed herself closer to her other female companion, trying to be more audible in the crowd.
Narry blinks, his brows furrowing. Music, Narry, music. “You know how to dance, huh?” A man with a buzz-cut hair chuckled as he swayed along with a some blonde woman. The duo was too close for his liking; it’s almost as if those words were directed to him.
“Hahaha! Yeaaah!” The other squeaked, her face flushed and hair a mess from all the grooving, “I was in the dance team when I was in high school!” She grinned suddenly throwing her hands up, ultimately hitting against Narry’s arm without her knowledge.
Narry writhed as he began to inch away from them. He steps out of the center of his small safe space, and it led him into bumping against another stranger. And like a game of Pong, he bumped into another as he apologized. Where’s the music? Narry’s eyes whirled around, looking for safety. Why can’t I hear it?! Where is it?!
…Screw the music. Screw the size of the room. It’s too cramped here— WHY is he here?
“Narry!” The man jumped — not out of fear, but more in relief.
Music. He’s hearing the music.
“Narry! Oh god, what are you doing here?!” Narry’s lover pushed through the wall of people, concern driven all over their face. Before Narry could even reply, they were already taking action. “Common, let’s get you out of here!” They yelled over the crowd.
The yellow eyed man kept himself close behind them. He’s usually much more… organized than this. Thankfully enough, he felt all of the tension release as he stumbled slightly on random rubbish that’s been tossed on the hard tiles of the club. He’s usually much more autonomous than this. When finally reached the door — he forgot there was one (he’s usually a lot more aware than this) — he pries his eyes away from the textured ground and then up at the moon, the stars, his lover. Suddenly, his head was clear.
“Gosh…” Narry groaned, lowering his head into his hands, “I’m usually a lot more… normal than this.” He shuddered, his shoulders sinking slightly.
“Narry, you are being normal.” His hands are stuffy. Music. Listen for the music. “You’re just overstimulated, alright?” he looks up from his hands. He hears the echo of their voice. It’s spacious; the world is big. “Don’t bash yourself for that.” They smiled, clearly hazy from the fun he probably just pulled them away from, but they seemed clear in the head enough to mean what they’re saying.
Once he nodded, the other sighed, running a hand through their hair as they looked down the empty sidewalk and streets before glancing back. “Why are you here, Narry? I thought you said you’ll just stay at home for tonight,” they frowned slightly with concern.
Why? Why… Narry was quiet for a moment, the most knowledgeable being in the world seemingly forgotten. “Oh— uh…” his hands naturally ran down to touch his pocket, feeling the contour of his cellular device. Right. “I wanted to pick you up,” he mumbled, “You texted me a while ago, saying that your friends left earlier while you guys were at the pub, and I didn’t want you to go back with an Uber — and by yourself. I came — brought the car — and thought I could find you easily if I go inside myself instead of waiting. And—“ he paused, “I got stuck.”
His lover chuckled, before they reached down and took his gloved hands into theirs. “That’s really thoughtful of you, Narry… thank you.” They gave him a closed eyed smile, and Narry couldn’t help but reciprocate, albeit a bit shy because of the earlier predicament.
“Are you good for a hug?” They widened their arms for him, and Narry paused.
Of course he couldn’t say “no”. And with a small hum of encouragement, he bent himself down and enveloped themselves into each other’s warmth.
The hug was tight; it gave him no space to move, and the entirety of the hug were just sensations he wouldn’t usually agree to. And yet… he didn’t mind it.
Narry has a fear towards crowded places, but his only exception only ever seemed to be their comfort.
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onyx-got-clowned · 5 months
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tulin stimboard, with a snowy aesthetic! For our tulin fictive :)
(I never make stimboards, this was just as a lil test- and for the little birdy)
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scatterpatter · 1 year
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I learned how to make rotating cuffs and immediately made matchy matchies of The Bois
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the-skaia-collective · 2 months
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paradox-sys · 2 months
had a sudden thought "holy shit im in reverse isekai"
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richierambles · 3 months
guys i love my town so much 😍
totally havent called it a shithole in 5 different ways in the same paragraph wdym 🥰
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hetaliakinfessions · 7 months
OMG active hetalia blog hiiii ^_^ - Alfred Jones fictive number 173
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haaaaai ^_^
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youre a system too? may i ask whos fronting rn? /genques
ahshshsh i thought this was common knowledge lolololol XD i think i ahve it listed in our pinned??? /nm
yea!! I'm Kokichi :3
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goopy-nightmares · 10 months
Damn, me and Sunny really are made for each other:
sysmates both in our source memories and now
both cathearted
He’s kin with Palkia and I’m kin with Giratina (we just figured this out XD)
Really, what are the odds that we ended up together again here and now, our cat therian-ness somewhat carrying over too, and both of us are kin with one of the Sinnoh Creation Trio? What are the odds of that??
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spadesmidnightcrew · 1 year
We're making a Dream/XD/Manhunt Introject support group discord server
See them getting a lot of hate just for existing, so we're making a space for them and their friends
We have our own introjects of them, but they aren't at the front right now, so this is also like a gift to them ♡
We'll add the link when it's done just wanna start getting the word out
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queerstampy · 2 years
Okay, so is there a mythical creature you believe is real/what is it? Personally, it might just be an "Irish immigrant family" thing but I am a die hard believer in the Fae.
hmmm, well we have mixed feelings on spiritual beliefs right now, but i do think that mermaids in some form could exist
host loved fairies and stuff, so it would not be shocking if they had some feelings about believing in fairies, but i think mermaids are more likely to exist
since the ocean is so vast and unexplored n stuff. theres lots of things we don't know yet, and either way :3
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Dear DreamXD: I want to kiss you. Please come here so I can kiss you and then maybe throw you at a wall because you've been gone for so long. Love, Karl (fictive)
[Letter Sent!]
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starboy14176 · 2 months
Just a little bit horrifying. 🙃
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pondofducks · 4 months
just used my bot on a new server lol let's see if people are normal about it
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subject-13 · 1 year
I mean, we have three versions of a specific character, and it's because one of them is from different community (animated) and two others are just different timelines (past / future if you say so). Two have same name and it's hilarious. Never would have guessed that I also accidentally made one like cybergoth fashion L;FKLSED;FA
And being median that close to singlet experience, makes the things so much more complicated. Is it kintype / flicker? Is it facet? Is it the secret third thing? Who knows!
Also fun fact, but while this one "whisp" still at front one change we actually felt for sure. It was damn hard for us to maintain balance while we walk xp Oh and also I forgor half of things he saw, so goodbye my comics reading session... /silly
I can definitely see how that gets confusing fast wow
And oh no not your comic reading session/silly
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