#a fictive or if they are POSSIBLY a parame??
subject-13 · 1 year
I mean, we have three versions of a specific character, and it's because one of them is from different community (animated) and two others are just different timelines (past / future if you say so). Two have same name and it's hilarious. Never would have guessed that I also accidentally made one like cybergoth fashion L;FKLSED;FA
And being median that close to singlet experience, makes the things so much more complicated. Is it kintype / flicker? Is it facet? Is it the secret third thing? Who knows!
Also fun fact, but while this one "whisp" still at front one change we actually felt for sure. It was damn hard for us to maintain balance while we walk xp Oh and also I forgor half of things he saw, so goodbye my comics reading session... /silly
I can definitely see how that gets confusing fast wow
And oh no not your comic reading session/silly
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