#writer emoji meme
meyerlansky · 7 days
💖, 🥘, and 🎥 for "there's a whole in my soul" as a series!
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
objectively it should probably be vvf since it’s my Only completed longfic and it’s a good one! it’s got a good throughline with the theme and the development etc etc. but i literally have not stopped rereading dctc(tc) since i posted it. at least four times a week i reread that fucking fic. i have never done this with any other fic i’ve written.
🥘What wip are you most excited about?
all the mota ones. right now the dctc(tc) sequel and collarfic are jockeying for first place, but i have between two and five more wips in progress [depending on how you count installations in a series] and i am trying SO HARD not to wring every shred of enjoyment out of this fandom prematurely because i REALLY want to see them all through
🎥 Pick a fic and I'll tell you the song I imagine playing during its movie trailer.
I MEAN OBVIOUSLY A BASTILLE SONG! flaws is maybe a little too soft and nice for them though, and i fully picked the line because of the soul part, though it could work in a soundtrack dissonance way. icarus would also be really good! [em and i are just sitting here listening to bastille’s discography now what have you DONE]
questions/emojis from here!
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lire-casander · 8 months
thank you so much for playing along, my dear!
🎢 which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
oh man i wrote some wild fics back in the day. i started writing fic when i was about 13, so i have my fair share of wild rides.
if we're talking about plot and/or pairing, i'll have to go with anything i wrote for the hanson fandom, when i used to write hancest. yeah, you read that right.
however, my wildest ride story plot-wise would be a drabble that's no longer published (it no longer exists) that i wrote around 15 years ago. in 100 words, i showed a character witnessing a very disturbing scene and enjoying it. it wasn't me saying that that scene was good, or me condoning the fact (i'll tell you about it if you're really interested but it's very disturbing). it was me writing a drabble. that story cost me some friendships, and one of my friends from back then even tried to send me to the psychiatric ward for that fic which was, dare i say, very well tagged thank you very much.
now, if we're talking about a wild ride related to how it made me feel while i was writing it, i have two examples:
#1 - oscuridad y silencio. written in spanish, it's a sttory about domestic abuse that hits way too close home
#2 - from wedding bells to private hells (to fresh new starts and wish you wells). written in english, it's also one of the most personal things i've ever written. like, in forever. you can feel my feelings while i was writing it, i swear.
🍦 what's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
me, writing something sweet? horrified gasp. the nerve! i'm not sure about the sweetest, but one of my fluffiest fics is mousetrap, for the harry potter fandom. it's short, it's sweet, and i think it serves right for this category!
i do have other sweet fics, or better phrased, other sweet scenes in other fandoms. one of my favorites comes from a fic you know well. the raining scene from arashi (malex) is by far one my faves. i love writing rain scenes because they make me feel cozy, even if that doesn't make sense.
there's also a scene in por si acaso no recuerdas mis abrazos (yo te dejo mi canción) (david cook/kyle peek) that's way too sweet even for me. there's a moment inspired by mcfly's "all about you" when david is dancing with kyle's son on the kitchen floor that just melts my heart. btw, if you squint you might find versions of that scene, inspired by that very same song, scattered across all my fandoms. i love that image so much!
👀 tell me about an up and coming wip please!
i've been trying to write a story in a new fandom (which is already dead since the tv show was cancelled like 5 years ago), but it's proving to be very difficult because, somehow, i've managed to convince myself that what i have to say isn't worth saying. hence, i'm suffering from a major writer's block.
it's a m/f story where the main plot is angsty, as one may expect from me. the main pairing broke up in canon seven years ago. nowadays, she is a renowned oncologist coming back to los angeles from boston to attend her mentor's retirement party. he is a renowned neurosurgeon coming back to los angeles from london to attend the very same retirement party. they take the same flight from boston to la, and we can't say that they're excited to share the same space for hours after how they parted ways seven years ago. but apart from having to deal with seeing their ex after so long during a celebratory time, they also have to work together when the venue where the party is being thrown collapses and threatens the lives of everyone they love... including their own.
(i warned you it'd be angsty)
i'm also planning a tarlos christmas fic but that i'm not sure about yet.
ask me anything from this writer emoji meme!
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gloriousmonsters · 1 year
Can you answer the last 5 questions in ask meme ?
that's a fair few! but sure, lightning round
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer?
A fair few. Anything more plotty/adventure-y can be tough, I struggle with straight-up romance, action scenes are hard...
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
not as of yet
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
keep it to yourself. i welcome editing suggestions and criticism on my original work (and I'm usually my own harshest editor) when I've asked for it, but I never need it on fic. This is fun writing I do for free, if people don't like something they should backbutton. Random strangers don't get to have opinions on my skill level or writing choices lol
Did the favorite tag one already!
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
LOVE reader interaction. People who have specific comments on my fic/want to discuss it or ask questions are great, I never don't want to talk about my own work lol
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saturatedsinset · 1 year
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
💎why is writing important to you?
diamond already answered!!
💝: honestly someone commented on the evening splits in half that they didn't watch wrestling but saw the winner's room tag and loved it? didn't expect a non-wrestling person to. read my royal rumble 22 fic
🤍: I think people can misunderstand my nick character study, hanging on the edge of nothing. but they still really like it so I don't mind :)
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film-in-my-soul · 4 months
Thank you for asking!
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Christ Alive. This is hard XD It's so subjective! I'll narrow it down to two! (because god this is hard T^T)
Got a Promise to Keep
Steve/Eddie - Stranger Things | Rated G | 1,030 words | Future Fic
Friends of Dorothy
Iceman/Maverick & Iceman & Young Bradley - Top Gun | Rated G | 3,263 words | Post 1986 Film, Halloween Fluff
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
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kiwiana-writes · 8 months
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
What an excellent fucking question that I feel a LOT of pressure to answer well!
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Write what you want to write. This is probably something that sounds obvious, but I think it's easy to fall into the trap of writing what you think people want to read. And it's a very understandable impulse (god knows I do it lol) but when you're starting out I think there's a lot of value in writing the tropes/characters/pairings/whatever that YOU vibe with the most.
Tropes are tropes for a reason. Do not fall into the trap of "oh, I shouldn't write a soulmate fic/there was only one bed/a coffee shop AU because lots of those already exist in this fandom". They exist because people LOVE THEM and are always keen for more cake.
Make friends! Join a discord server, drag your irl friends into fandom, whatever works for you. Fandom is a wonderful, collaborative space and I can't imagine doing it on my own.
Everything's made up and the points don't matter. And by 'the points' I mean kudos/hits/etc. And I'll be the first to admit that this is not advice I'm good at taking for myself 🤣 but I know for a FACT that some of the fics I've worked the hardest on and poured the most of myself into are the ones that have gotten less attention. There are some incredible hidden gems I've found when joining a new fandom with fuckall kudos that are absolutely amazing. Please, please don't get demoralised. Keep writing. ❤️
[Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask]
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discordantwords · 2 months
For the emoji asks game:
💖 What made you start writing?
💖 What made you start writing?
It was never really a conscious decision. I've written for as long as I can remember. As a kid it was little adventure stories about girls and horses. When I fell desperately in love with The X-Files in my early teens, I wrote about Mulder and Scully, although I found fandom so smart and intimidating that it was years before I dared to share anything I'd done.
Then Sherlock came along, and I couldn't have stopped myself if I tried. I imagine I'll keep going for as long as it seems like there are still stories to tell. <3
writer emoji ask meme
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luckystarchild · 4 months
Hi! For the emoji question thing, im curious about ❌️ 🍷 and ✨️ if you're still doing them! <3
I hope you have a great weekend! :)
🍷 Do you drink and write?
I don't drink at all!
IDK if I'd call it being "sober" because I drink a glass of mead while in costume at Ren Fair once a year, but otherwise I don't drink at all.
In addition to wine giving me migraines, I associate alcohol with some dark periods of my life. People like to take advantage of impaired judgment, and I decided I didn't want that ever happening to me again, so I cut alcohol completely.
Before anyone goes "Gee Star, that was a lot of personal info for a Tumblr ask," please know I look at my alcohol-free choice as a super positive thing, and I'm very happy I no longer drink! :D
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Not much comes to mind? M-preg is the only thing I can think of off the type of my head. I'm sure someone will suggest something they think I'd hate and I'll agree, though. 😂
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
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vergina-spva · 1 year
Send me a 🖋 and I'll reply with the last sentence I've written of a random WIP
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dsudis · 1 year
✅💞🧠(Bucky Barnes) for the writing meme!
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Ahahaha oh man, is it Tell On Myself time?? The one I suppose I am particularly aware of right now, although it is a perennial favorite, is Person Who Needs Something Weird And Can't Find A Way To Ask For It In Words Gets That Thing Without Having To Find The Words For It. Please draw absolutely zero conclusions about the author from this information, thank you.
💞 Who's your comfort character?
I think I started out having Hob as my comfort character, when getting into Dreamling--he's the natural entry-point character, he's literally the Everyman, he deserves Nice Things and is fairly likely to actually accept and enjoy them when he gets them--but I have, inevitably, fallen to the sad wet cat vibes of Dream, who absolutely does not know how to cope with getting Nice Things and therefore needs to be absolutely flooded with them, as... absolutely nothing I'm writing will demonstrate. Oops. I like to think about nice things happening for him, though! Someday I will probably write some!
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (Bucky Barnes)
...You know I posted over a million words of fanfic in MCU, and the vast majority of it was centrally concerned with Bucky Barnes, and I cannot for the life of me think of a headcanon I have about him that didn't get dumped into a fic somewhere along the way.
Ummmm. Okay, uh, so he definitely can and will do the thing where he grabs something hot out of the oven with his left/metal hand just to make other people wince--Steve, especially, if Steve proves to be susceptible to it--but he never does it when it's not a performance, and if he does do something that seems like it should hurt with his left hand, if he's out of sight of anyone else, he will like, shake it off and blow on his fingers and stuff, because even though it doesn't feel heat or pain or anything, he still... feels it, just a little.
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kitkatt0430 · 3 months
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
So I'm not really a playlist maker type person. Or a playlist-seeker-outer. (Seeker of playlists?) When I play music I just kind of stick whatever I'm in the mood for on shuffle. I've got a Plex server set up for my personal media - tv shows, movies, music - so I've got the music categorized by somewhat broad genres. That way I can just click a category and hit play + shuffle on it.
That said, I've contributed a little to the Heck Yeah Harrisco Playlist, so I do recommend that one. It's fun to listen to and does have a Harry/Cisco vibe to all the songs on it. I don't listen to it often, but I do check back in every so often to see what's new.
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Depends on when the editing happens. And we'll call 5 a neutral point between hating this process and happily typing away.
Pre-posting a fic/chapter? - 8 or 9. The spelling grammar aspect is nit-picky, but I like that I can go back and fix a scene that isn't working, add stuff I forgot, or move things that work better at a different point in the story. I can change the tone of a scene if necessary or fix mistakes where a character did something twice when they should have only done it once, or they left but are still there.
But post editing? - 2 or 3. There's always another spelling/grammar issue to find, some which screw up the meaning of a sentence. Who approved this to post??? (Me, that's who, it's me, I'm at fault, whoopsie-daisy) And if I want to add something to the chapter that wasn't there or remove something that is there or... then it's difficult to let people who have already read it know there's been a fix. *sigh*
I never completely hate editing because the editing process always makes the fic better in the end. But my enjoyment (or lack thereof) of the process is definitely variable.
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
I don't have any recent/new story notes as such, but I do have a fic I've been working on today. I've been reviewing my Armageddon notes, trying to make progress on an Iris-centered fic there. And I've decided to skip over Iris' ill-fated adventure with Ryan (Wilder, not Choi) for now (I'm gonna write it, it's gonna be pretty awesome for Iris despite Eobard hitting the reset button on her) and move to the scene I've been really wanting to write for a while. Iris and Barry meeting at Jitters, Iris struggling to accept that her fiance - Eobard - is actually the bad guy here.
She knows it, but she hasn't accepted it quite yet.
For a moment she'd felt the timeline shifting around her like a choppy, angry river... and known the truth for herself.  And in the wake of that certainty, she'd agreed to meet Barry.  To hear what he had to say for himself and to learn what Eobard Thawne had stolen from her in his obsession with harming Barry. Now she was less certain.  Iris was engaged to Eobard.  She loved him.  She wanted to be married to him and spend her life with him.  But... there were things she was giving up to be Eobard's wife.  Including the possibility of children, something he adamantly didn't want.  Iris thought she was okay with that.
Seeing the vision of her children in the real timeline is hitting iris pretty hard. And thus also breaking through what amounts to Eobard brainwashing Iris.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
One of the reasons we like Leonard Snart so much - aside from Wentowrth Miller's stellar performance - is because we didn't really have much of him on the Flash. He was used sparingly and then snatched away by Legends before he could get utilized to his full extent. Which is something we all lament because his potential as a character was so vast...
But because the Flash writer's didn't really use him much, particularly after he died, they didn't get to screw him up and that was a good thing. We saw what they did with Savitar/The Future Flash arc. We saw how Eobard got flandarized all to hell by the end of the show. We saw Season 5 couldn't make up it's mind about who the main villain was. We saw how season 6 started off tightly plotted in the front half only to get lost in the weeds and do Iris a major disservice in the back half. We saw how poorly handled Cisco's send off was. We saw the three conflicting plots in a trenchcoat that was Armageddon... We saw the continual retconning of Hartley because they couldn't let go of The Sound and Fury.
As much as I wish we had more of Leonard Snart on the show... I think maybe having less meant his characterization dodged a major bullet. And I'm thus also extremely glad we have exactly what we got and no more too.
... I don't know if this is exactly an unpopular opinion, but it's definitely not something brought up a lot with all the musing on how awesome a Rogue's season would have been if the plot lead in for it hadn't been mishandled and dropped. Which is definitely a popular topic for Snart fans.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
I've definitely made so many Miette style jokes, substituting in my dog for Miette.
Estelle pouting because I won't feed her half-an-hour early? Jail for human, jail for a thousand years for starving poor puppy.
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meyerlansky · 8 days
🔮, 💪, and 🌷 for the fanfic emoji ask game?
🔮What's your favorite plot twist you've ever written?
pfft probably the final chapter of vvf not having any smut in it. not on purpose, i swear! they probably bang with the coat on at some point, but Emotional Intimacy Comes First 😇
💪What motivates you to write?
demons. eating my brain. no uh it varies, but it is most often Love Of The Character and/or Ship. sometimes it is spite. more often than it probably should be it is spite.
🌷What's one of your fics that isn't as popular, but you hold dear?
i already mentioned junkyard dogs in the writer meme so this time i’ll say with my ash-stained palms. there’s a lot of shit going on with ryuzo under the surface in that one, and he’s not aware of/acknowledging all of it to himself, but i think it came through pretty well. and writing the ronin at the end was fun too
questions/emojis from here!
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alamogirl80 · 1 year
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Cliffhangers. I’m really good at cutting off a chapter right in the middle of suspense or action.
I’m not remorseful about that at all.
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gloriousmonsters · 1 year
I'm sending 3! 🛒🤡🤭
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Mm... For feelings/emotions, I love to play around with repressed or semi-repressed feelings--people thinking a lot more than they say. Often the feelings are either obsessive devotion or pain the person doesn't want to share, and it sort of leads into one of my favorite themes, which is something awkwardly and painfully brought to light, whether it's as 'simple' as a kink or as complicated as suicidal ideation prompted by guilt mixed with a weird crush on the guy who wants to kill you. I have a lot of scenes where people talk to each other slowly and haltingly, or talk around something before suddenly cutting to the heart of the matter, because of that. Other misc. loves are trust issues, navel gazing, people making up narratives about themselves as weapons or romanticized characters or both, and melancholy healing--people progressing forward with their lives having lost something, or been harmed in some irreparable way, but moving forward regardless and finding hope.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
For context, this is Kaiba/Jounouchi (Yu-Gi-Oh) taken from a classic 'transactional sex relationship is formed and then people slowly catch feelings along the way', something i absolutely did not predict myself writing. In the chapter before, Kaiba demands Jounouchi get a phone to stay in contact about their Weird Thing, and Jounouchi had the sleep-deprived idea to send him a dick pic first thing. and, well
He dreams that he's surrounded by a bunch of wasps, and wakes to Yugi nudging him in the side with his foot. Jounouchi blinks up at him, disoriented. "Wha?" "I was gonna let you sleep in more," Yugi says, "since it's not a school day, but your new phone is buzzing a lot..." He looks at it apprehensively. "Did you give Anzu your number already?" Jounouchi scrubs his eyes, snapping into sudden alertness when he remembers his hilarious idea from last night. Way less hilarious in the morning light. ...Okay, it was still kind of funny, but he hopes it hasn't backfired too hard. No, look on the bright side. The messages didn't have to be bad. Maybe Kaiba was wowed. Maybe the messages were all like 'yes!' 'great!' 'awesome dick!'
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
My most commonly used tag is Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, lol. And not most used, but shout out to me discovering that 'top space' (as a counterpart to bottom space) and 'toxic masculinity' were apparently not common tags already when I wanted to use them for things.
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saturatedsinset · 1 year
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
oh my god I thought it might be one I don't like as much but it's good girl faith and a tight little skirt, a fic I ADORE and I think deserves more kudos than it has. not to be self centered. I love how I wrote page, I love baby trans witchgirl page, I'm in love with her, and I love her cute little domesticity. I am very very happy with the execution of that concept I think it's absolutely lovely
💎why is writing important to you?
when I was younger I wrote in my notebook that writing was something I Had to do, physically, because it was like there was something eating me from the inside and it would only stop when I got it down on paper. I don't think that anymore, at least not in the same frantic, almost violent way, but I think the core of it is correct. I write because there's something inside me that I need to get out. it's important to me because it's one of the biggest parts of me. I feel more whole and more fulfilled when I'm actively writing.
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
It has been referred to as "the one where the Doctor's penis eats Jack" and it was written in the style of/as an homage to Garth Marenghi.
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