#worthit satisfying
seijorhi · 2 years
rhi ilysm. like wholeheartedly from the bottom to the top of my little grinch heart i love you. your passion for writing really reflects in all of your stories and it hooks me so much, and normally i hate stories where endings are left to interpretation but you do it so well that i have a clear idea and it lets me run to the hills in the most satisfying way i swear. never ever ever change that about you, it’s so unique and beautiful and everything i look for in a writer, even if i didn’t normally read for things like this previously. #worthit💖💗💞💘💓💝💘💞💗💞💓
Nonnie. My love. Sweetheart. Bby.
ily too <33
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the-church-boy · 3 years
The reason why we are never satisfied with anything as humans should tell us something, we are not of this world it's simple as that, we were made for more than this but we refuse acknowledge this so we limit ourselves to the systems of this world so instead of living as the children of the King of kings we conform to the systems of this world but don't worry at all you can turn away from your sins and follow Jesus today. Let me remind you, the journey will not be an easy one but it's worthit because our destination is far beyond our imagination.
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rickyvhoy17-blog · 5 years
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The Best Photo in Mount Puraw⛰️💕
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On the Web Music Theory Lessons - You Can Learn in a Much More Fun and Interactive Way
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Let us not beat around the bush in regards to taking best tabla player in india, it isn't always easy to find the correct teacher for your requirements, nor can it be easy to get a teacher whose program can accommodate yours, or viceversa. Often, students will miss too many courses, the majority of times for valid reasons. If you reside in a small town, the degree of expertise of private teachers might not satisfy your demands, or suit your learning style. Teacher - student relationships are based on a beneficial learning experience. Many people have wasted time attempting to study on books independently. This"experience" most usually ends up being very bothersome as the learners hardly ever really reach the level they wish to achieve.
Attempting to study musical theory from your self is like trying to invent a new math; you simply require the assistance of a teacher to describe theories. Certainly, the hunt is bothersome and also you can easily give up in your goal to learn music theory. Don't give up! In the event that you recognized yourself at one of the above mentioned scenarios, (which you probably did in the event that you're taking to this time to read this article), there is a remedy. (Yes, now's the time when you can begin feeling relief about not having to give your goal). That remedy is on the web lessons. A hunt on the internet using simple key terms in Google will immediately reveal the vast amount of advice and courses available. Quite impressively, the key words"online music lessons" provide 1 140 000 search results in 0.30 seconds!
Is it really that good? Some popular subjects found in online lessons include how to learn the guitar, guitar moves for beginners and how to play the keyboard. You can also find on the web instructions on a variety of different instruments, like woodwinds and brass. However, on the web lessons are far from offering tutorials on tool playing with only. Theory lessons teach crucial theoretical concepts in depth which every great artist should understand and know.
You can literally find lessons on any part of music theory. Newer learners can study basic concepts like note pruning, easy rhythms, ear training, scales, chords and intervals. If you're at a higher level, you'll find courses on more advanced concepts such as complex and syncopated rhythms, 1-2 tone and modal scales, as an instance, the traditional pentatonic scale often within Claude Debussy's music. Other notions include different caliber of chords, transposition and chemical time signatures to list a couple different advantages.
In addition to this vast availability of concepts made accessible through online theory courses, many different advantages think about: the simple fact that you can study anywhere, anytime and at your own pace isn't a small one. It's not necessary to take a weekly lesson, especially for adults who have an active career, or even for younger people that participate in extracurricular activities or sports teams. Maybe not being forced to travel to and from courses is especially crucial for the adult who needs to commute to work everyday, or to get the parent who's come to be a private cab service for their children's numerous activities.
For a lot of youngsters, the fact of accomplishing interactive theory on the web will likely soon be sufficient to motivate them to help expand their own musical interest. Moreover, it instructs the young learner to be independent and participate in their or her own education, hence understanding how to be considered a self-taught student, an art that is likely to be most useful in every area of life. In addition to that, he or she will be learning and improving on computer and Internet skills.
Most sites provide premium quality lessons at an extremely reasonable price. You may even get video lessons, and take quizzes and tests. You get the outcome at the click of a mouse. The accessibility to a teacher can be available nearly 24 hours each day on a number of the websites. In case you compare price versus quality and availability of the instructor, you can certainly figure out that it may be well worth it. In actuality, having a teacher available for you anywhere and at anytime... is priceless! The importance of the theory itself Exactly why is music theory so essential? It is imperative to your general musicianship and of one's understanding of music irrespective of the instrument you are playing with. Consider your self playing street hockey and being the ideal goalscorer on your team.
So, you try the local team at the arena... simply you can't skate. See where this is going? The same is true for your own musician. You can learn to play an instrument quite well, but provided that you don't understand and appreciate the theory behind it, your music-playing will probably never really get any sense. You could be tempted to think differently, however you'll even realise how wrong you're for thinking so once you"see the light" supporting the theory of this music. Quite a few things can be accomplished by analyzing and understanding music theory. As an example, understanding recurrent chord progressions where you will get familiar will help you in memorizing a song, or in understanding"at which in fact the music is going". You will acquire a better understanding of their interpretation, as well as a thorough understanding of scales and key specifications.
This facet is crucial for every aspect of music and cannot be stressed enough! It's the foundation of western music. Recognizing time signatures in order to help you determine where in fact the powerful overcome ought to be executed is also essential. Mentioned above are a few essential concepts, however the more you study, the more you will detect and be more cautious! Yes, but... Things are just not the same in a traditional setting, with the one hour per week, where you want to follow along with everyone else's pace (frustrating if they are slower OR faster). In either scenario, you are not getting the money's worthit.
The teacher is available for your requirements (also to most of the additional students) just 1 hour each week. Perhaps you'll feel shy to ask the teacher for clarification infront of dozens of youthful minds... However, using an online setting, there would be no need to feel misplaced about requesting a"dumb" question. (even though, we all understand such questions do not exist, right?) 1 obstacle Don't panic! The single requirement to online lessons would be also, well, to gain use of the Internet. But I am presuming that if you are reading through this at the moment, chances are this aspect is already looked after. Therefore, this internet site you're on today maybe the clear answer. Best of luck with your internet studies! Oh, something else, will love learning the pentatonic scale.
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dangermousie · 4 years
hi mousie, can you recommend any kdramas that are like, a hot mess and have a lot wrong with them but also really addictive and hashtag worthit?
Ooooh, Boys Over Flowers has your name on it. It’s horrible as an adaptation (which is extra amazing since they had other adaptations to look at for guidance), the script goes insane at some point and never recovers, the writer decides she is obsessed with Kim Hyun Joong and starts distorting the narrative to make his character the focal point perfect character. Half the actors don’t bother to act. The characters do the 180s that make no sense. Jun Pyo becomes a spineless wonder (the one truly positive characteristic of the manga original was his inability to ever give up on his OTP) and Jandi, whose original was the ultimate tough girl, somehow goes from a champion swimmer to someone who needs to be rescued from three feet of water by a man with water phobia (that about sums up everything you need to know about the drama.) And yet it was addictive and terribly fun. There is no earthly explanation for it.
The King Loves - Yoona doesn’t bother acting. Turning the psycho king of the novel into fluffy bunny suitable for fangirls makes the whole narrative creak. The love triangle drags on past all endurance and the politics are infantile. The fact that it’s written by the amazing Song Jina adds insult to injury. But it’s so very petty and Hong Jung Hyun as a reserved kingly bodyguard of sorts who also has a claim on the throne and falls for Yoona is lady catnip, the OTP I root for is the endgame, and it’s all so addictive like that fun trashy shoujo manga you hide under a pillow.
East of Eden aka Giant’s less coherent but more entertaining older brother. 60+ eps of family revenge going through the early days of Korean republic involve some bizarre writing. Some characters make you wonder why they are there - Lee Da Hae’s character was supposed to be the heroine and center of love triangle between two brothers; instead they dithered so long with her introduction, both brothers never went for her at all; why they don’t just kill the bad guy and save themselves years of misery nobody knows. At some point they decide that a torturing rapist should be redeemed and get the object of his fixation because he’s really really sorry and is hot. There are random gangsters. IT IS HELLA AWESOME AND FUN AND ADDICTIVE AND MAD. The main OTP (that was not supposed to be canon) is amazing - she is a mob princess and he’s a low-level gangster who is out to avenge his family. The plot is complicated and satisfying. Yeon Jung Hoon is righteous hotness as tormented prosecutor. The cast is basically A-list who is who. The outfits! I love this insane drama!
Moon Lovers - what do you do when you remake Bu Bu Jing Xin, remove all nuance and complexity and understated elegance and make it a crazy shoujo manga instead? The soundtrack is awful. Half the cast wouldn’t know how to act if you put a gun to their heads and in any event their roles would be hard for a master thespian to pull off. The heroine is the most inconsistent, vacillating heroine you will see in forever. BUT! It’s gorgeous, it’s set in Goryeo, and Lee Jun Ki owns the whole drama, playing a tortured bloody hero straight out of my romantic fantasy (OK, I have issues, we all know that.) The love story is awesome despite the heroine (yes, truly) and it brought me back out of an epic drama slump. They mixed crack into the reels, I swear.
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Book Title: Crazy for You by Jennifer Crusie                                       February 22, 2017
Part 1:
A. Reflect- Quinn McKenzie has always lived what she calls a “beige” life. She’s dating the world’s nicest guy, she has a good job as a high school art teacher and she’s surrounded by family and friends who loves her. I was amazed by how she got her life so nice and how she managed to hold everything precisely in order. But everything changed as she decided to change her life. What upsets me most was because it all started by adopting a stray dog. Everything begins to spiral out of control. I guess it’s such a nasty thing to do—changed everything and she did neglect a two-year relationship just for a dog and I pity Bill so much for that. But as I started to figure out why Quinn did such thing, I think it’s the best thing she’d done. At least it freed her mind and herself from being unable to do what she wants to do and have—unlike when she’s still with Bill where her actions were limited and she couldn’t just get the things that she want because Bill is acting too superior on everything, including Quinn’s personal decisions.
B. Connect- Crazy for you is a book about obsession and freedom, which happens in reality. As soon as I’ve read the quote above, it reminds me of all the things and dreams I have with me and the reason why I’m here—reading books, complying such requirements and gathering my ideas.
Few years ago, like Bill, I began believing and soaring high to fulfill my dreams and I achieved some of it already. A lot of difficulties came along my way, I met few people who were meant to test my patience and determination. Few of them also helped me realize everything and even encourage me to dream big and that nothing is impossible.
Reading this book amazes me a lot. At first, I find it real-boring and such a waste of time and my mind is pinned to the thought and idea that the story is nonsense at all. Imagine yourself writing a story where the world of the female character goes round for the life of a stray dog. It make sense to me that Quinn is such a loving and a kind-hearted person, of course. I know that I’ll do the same thing that she’d done—keeping the dog and giving him/her a shelter but I couldn’t imagine myself neglecting the person I love just for a stray dog—and that was my mistake. I misjudged Quinn then.
One scene that leaves a mark in my mind and awakens my senses was when Bill maltreated the dog—whose name is Katie. Bill and Quinn argued ‘coz of the fact that it’s only Bill’s wants and needs that she’s always after to and it hit me right there and then.
In my 18 years of existence, I’ve met a lot of people who were really hard to deal with. I always end up following them, not because I’m afraid to lose them (well, partly yes) but because I’m not that kind of person who loves to argue and I always end up being aggravated. That became my habit—not until I finished this novel. I realized that sometimes, it’s much better to follow what your heart is really beating for and that saying NO is not a bad thing—in fact, it’s the best that you can do for yourself to be happy because at first, happiness starts within yourself and you should not depend your happiness to others.
C. Question- At the beginning of the story, I find it so dull and it really puzzled and confused me a lot on the fact that how could a stray dog be the reason why a two-year relationship is ruined? I mean, I don’t get it why it has to be complicated and if it’s me on the position and situation of Quinn, I wouldn’t change and end everything just for a dog—people will find it funny. Why would she prefer their relationship to be ruined and end than to send the dog to a pound? Does it has something to do with their “couple issues”? What kind of a boyfriend is Bill? What kind of a person is Quinn?
D. Predict- I think the reason why Quinn made a choice of letting their relationship to end is that because the dog gives her happiness that she never experience and less than Bill can do. I think it has something to do with their issues as a couple such as Quinn isn’t contented anymore on the way Bill have made her feel important and on how they view things individually and as a couple for example on giving importance to the thing called “life” – of the dog. I presume that Bill is a kind of boyfriend who only wants the best for his girl and always want her to feel that she’s safe and loved without thinking that he’s already doing too much that causes pain to Quinn without him knowing it while on the other hand, Quinn is a kind-hearted person who loves to help her loved ones no matter what and love to take risks to help the ones in need not thinking of what will be the consequences that she’ll face after helping them—and I think that’s what make Bill and Quinn totally different and unique.
 Part 2 (no.13 and 18) 
           Dear Ms. Crusie,
                       Hi Madame! This is to let you know that I admire your work a lot but sorry ‘coz I also need to be honest that I find it boring at first. I love the way how your story flows. It’s very timely up to now and I presume that the millennial’s could relate themselves to the character of Bill. Partly obsessed to music and entertainment, so as to the different social media accounts, to the different trends in fashion and of course, when it comes to love to the point that they’re willing to kill their rival just to win the love of their life back, just like what Bill did when Quinn broke up with him.
                        I wonder how and who’s or what’s your inspiration when writing this story. Your story just come together with the right touches of humor and some pretty-sexy-funny dialogue. It’s a little wild too. I’m now rooting around for more of you. Though it takes me three-long weeks to finish reading it, I can prove and humbly say that it’s definitely worth the read and I hope you wouldn’t mind if I find it boring at first.
                       Ma’am, thank you for making me hold my sides with laughter. I also want to thank you for making me cry my heart out and for making me too fascinated. May you continue to write more inspiring and breath-taking yet very fulfilling and timely story that everyone can relate themselves to it. God bless you and long-live in the industry of writing.
             Yours Truly,
           Kae Shane Namion
Sometimes you need something new to feel alive again..
Sometimes what used to be good isn’t enough no more..
Old Quinn McKenzie’s changed—totally..
Is it because of a stray dog? Well, partly MAYBE.
Obsession, superiority, love, and hatred..
Wits combined and the outcome’s a little bit funny..
McKenzie’s known for being really independent
Who could’ve thought she’d be needing someone to insure her security?
It’s been declared that things between Bill and her is totally over,
Bill’s anger is ruling him over and poor little Katie’s in danger.,
His obsession has gone too far,
Hurting his Quinn—neglecting his promise not to make her cry or even a frown..
Maybe ‘twas just right for them to part ways,
Quinn finally realized that sometimes..
Someone needs to be mature enough to understand and protect her.,
Right there and then, the handsome-devilish Nick Ziegler,
Her best friend—came as her rescuer..
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what r ur top 5 hcs for a supercat canon-divergence sugar-baby au (bc i can see it happening and even i might just write a cracky drabble at some point)
ok just to be clear this is VERY different than karalovesallthegirls’s sugar-baby au that is great but this is not a copycat but @kara if you didnt want to be a sugar baby you should stop attracting all these powerful rich women to you 
1) it would start maybe a few months into being cat’s assistant–cat used to go through them like tissue paper, she went through them literally like clockwork because HR was able to schedule kara to come in at the precise moment that cat fired the last one–that’s not gonna be a coincidence. also like…. we even see actual canon implications of kara being one tbh–in the ep with red kryptonite and siobhan cat offers tickets to a club as a reward to whoever has completed the task she wanted to her satisfaction and Kara didnt seem surprise at the reward but she was so damn satisfied  with herself–but not surprised
and cat said it herself she values loyalty and integrity and maybe the first time cat gives her something is involving carter–maybe someone got pictures of him they shouldnt (like from his birthday party, or at his school) or got his report card or something in that vein and kara handles it flawlessly and Cat isn’t easily impressed, but this is her son and cat slowly just giving kara things for going beyond even her expectations (which are already pretty damn high, but this is kara–she can fly over them) 
2) half the time kara doesnt even know how expensive this shit is. she’s not oblivious–but she just doesnt always understands what humans value, and it seems like Cat’s cast off and she didnt have to buy it herself, so it’s fine is what she thinks. except, kara is so damn kind and competent and great with Carter and Cat tells herself this is just how she’s taking control of the situation again and this would all just go to waste anyway, it doesnt mean anything. except, she slowly starts actively buying things for kara in particular but nonchalantly in her Cat Grant way because she thinks it’ll suit her, or bring a smile to her face.
3) Kara probably gets a clue when she gets some really expensive art supplies–Cat is an artist with a camera, but not so much the drawing and painting thing. And she was specifically talking about these around Winn. Cat claims that someone gave them to her but no, Kara has access to all Cat’s accounts and saw the charge (and it is thousands of dollars worth of art supplies). that’s when kara slowly gets a clue that Cat is often times actually buying things for her. 
4) Cat buying Kara a new wardrobe. She declares it a favor to her own eyes not to see those pastel monstrosities any more. Every single person stares when kara comes in with the first outfit Cat got her because oh my god muscles. Cat gets several anonymous thank you messages. She refuses to show kara the receipt (it definitely cost more than it would to buy a car, but #worthit. Especially that one cocktail dress she got her with the strategic cut outs. Cat did not know what kara was hiding under there but my god she does now and those are some thoughts that are going to keep her up at night). 
5) Honestly it takes them so long to even sleep together. Like. the entire office thinks they’re sleeping together months before they ever do but Kara is both ruthlessly competent, and as winn says “tames the beast” and probably saves all of their jobs on a weekly, if not monthly basis. It’s why it’s never reported or talked about in the building–think that whole “why do you want to save the universe?” “because i’m one of the idiots living in it” exchange in guardians of the galaxy. if you are working in media, even if you do go to a different company you do not want cat grant on your bad side. that’s just No. They like to have their life intact and not be blacklisted by every media company in the country thanks they will just chip in to send kara the monthly fruit basket of thanks for saving their job this month 
send me an AU and i’ll tell you 5 of my headcanons for it
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Part of Your World
A little gift for @kleeklutch, who also inadvertently gave me a quote prompt to work from.
Note that this fic is directly connected to, and is an elaboration on, this AU concept for Dex.
And if you want to see what Nursey’s wearing... check out this awesome piece by @gouachemole.
Also it’s now on AO3.
Being out on the water in the Gulf of Maine can present you with quite a spectacle.  
The rising sun just beginning to cast its light. Clouds in the horizon concentrating that dawning light into golden shafts that slash across the sky and reflect upon the calm water. A light fog giving an aura of stillness over gently rolling waves. And little white terns flitting around and calling to one another in sharp tones.
It’s a beautiful sight.
Or it would be if I didn’t feel like upchucking over the side of the lobster boat… and in front of a judgmental William Poindexter, who stares at me with that now-predictable mixture of crankiness and concern. Refusing to buckle before Dex is probably the only thing that’s keeping me upright.
“I thought you told me that you've already been at sea.”
“Yachts,” I correct him. “I was on yachts.” Ones that were a bit bigger than this vessel and didn’t rock uncontrollably whenever a damn cruise ship would pass by.
“Well that explains everything…” Dex emphasizes that by doing an obvious once-over of me with his eyes.
“Take it all in, Poindexter.” I emphasize my own statement with a weak gin and by gesticulating over my pink lobster-embroidered shirt, pastel lobster-print chino shorts, and… regular boat shoes. “You know you like it.”
Dex found the whole get-up horrifying. To Dex’s increased horror, the uncle — I call him “Boatdexter” — running this boat and cousins helping along found it hilarious, and they encouraged me to wear it out to sea. Besides, at least for this first trip, they fully forbade me to haul traps — though that may change if I go out with them again — so I might as well be comfortable.  
Well… as comfortable as I can get. Because right now, chirps are the only thing keeping me from wigging out, and I’m not sure how long that can last.  
And of course Dex just has to make things harder by hovering around me — when he isn’t hauling traps — to make sure I’m inventorying correctly.
Before long… after Dex asks for an obscure tool… then asks if I know what I’m doing and want to take a break… that last fraying thread snaps.  
“Dude like I don’t even know bc this whole mermy Dexy thing kinda came out of nowhere and I don’t know why you’re down there or what you need and you think I know these things but I don’t Nemo!”
Fuck that feels good!
It really does, even if I have to take a deep breath to make up for the lack of pause in that rant. As my breathing slows back down, I plop down on a pile of ropes to stare at Dex, who just scowls back at me with the usual reddening of his ears.
A couple minutes of silent staredown passes before a cousin takes pity on us, grabs the requested tool, and hands it to Dex… who mutters curt thanks, puts the tool in one of his utility pouches, and dives back into the depths. Though not before soaking me with a flick of his tail.
Oh, did I mention that Dex is a merman? Well Dex is a fucking merman.
Now did he warn me in advance about that little tidbit? Did he warn me in advance that he was a figure of myth and fantasy? Of course not.
Though to be fair, I think he was trying to tell me but, in true Dexy fashion, was shit at communication. It certainly explained why he kept second-guessing my decision to come along in the trip… or looked like he was about to say something but kept stopping himself. But I didn’t want to assume or pressure him.
Still, I should have been suspicious when I first saw that Dex wasn’t dressed in the rubber overalls like his relatives but rather his regular clothes.
Then we reached the first trap. Then he proceeded to strip down to his swimsuit before gearing up with something that looked like a utility-belt-and-small-backpack combo. Then he dove out into the water… and didn’t surface.
I was already caught off-guard by him getting into the water. When a minute passed without him surfacing, I didn’t pay attention to how unbothered the rest of my companions were. Instead I frantically rushed over to the side of the boat to peer into the aquamarine depths.
“Dex? DEX? DE—”
Dex’s irate exclamation from the other side of the boat made me turn around… right in time to have his speedos — his claim is that they’re easier than trunks or jammers to carry in a pouch and wear clothes over; which… whatever…  — slap me in the face.
As I peeled that… garment off, I heard Dex berating me for running around the deck recklessly. Then I saw him, and anything else he was jabbering about faded into a muted drone. Nothing else mattered more than the sight before me.
Overall, if you look at him from the waist up, Dex looks like he normally does at first glance. That is until you notice his eyes and how those gold irises have not only gotten more reflective but twice the size, with the sclerae that’s visible having gone from white to pitch black. Or how his canines are noticeably larger and sharper than you’d expect from a human. Or how his coppery hair really does look like fire in how it pulses with light bright enough to be noticeable even with the morning sun.
Then you notice the tail. Not a legs-replacing fishy tail like popular culture sells. Nope. This is a segmented exoskeleton-clad structure around ten times the length of his torso, patterned in an aquamarine hue similar to its surroundings, and terminating in a fan-like articulated fin. His actual legs are transformed into large fins, a multitude of mini fins are undulate along the underside and flank of the tail, and the top of each segment has a set of spiny siphons to shoot water out in a jet-like stream.
I must have been gaping at Dex long enough for him to finally remember that this was the first time I saw him like that; because he suddenly clammed up, got really red with that blush accompanied by a heightened intensity of his hair’s glow, and dove back into the water.
While Dex was down in the depths, Boatdexter took the time to explain things to me.
They don’t know how or when the ability first arose; just that it’s magic in the fullest sense — including the transformation, which happens at will and not just in the presence of water — and probably involves something akin to a Land of the Fae. It’s not guaranteed that someone in the family will have the ability, but everyone who has the ability has been born in the family. Some have used that ability in joining the Special Forces or working in underwater construction; others are just satisfied hauling traps.
In any case, by the time Dex brought that first trap up, I recovered from the revelation and was able to do my assigned job of recording the number of lobsters taken in or thrown back. I’d probably do better if not for the concerned glances he kept sending me.
Leading to this poi—
That word, uttered right by my ear, does not cause me to jump up and yelp in an undignified high-pitched manner that would be a non-ending source of chirps if it ever reaches the team. Nope. Not at all.  
Dex ignores my not-reaction as he gingerlly drops a basketful of a sea cucumbers into the boat; the Chinese pay top dollar for those creatures, so he harvests a few on the side when he dives down. “Did you just use ‘beecee’ in place of ‘because’? Why… why am I not surprised?”
Despite everything… Despite my sluggish acclimatization to being at sea in a boat smaller than I’m used to… Despite this frustrating sense of uselessness… Despite my fellow D-man turning out to be a creature out of a fantasy book… I offer Dex a lazy grin.
Dex’s scowl deepens enough to allow one of those oversized canines to peek out, the glow of his hair increases in pulse and brightens to the point of casting mild flickering shadows, and a part of me ponders the veracity of those stories where pissed-off mermaids drag mariners to the depths.
I widen my grin and peck him on the nose before giving my answer:
“Hashtag linguistics.”
Memo to self: being beaned in the face with what's essentially a living dildo of the sea is not a pleasant experience. Boatdexter tells me that the white, sticky, rapidly-solidifying goop that had been squirted all over my face and hair — yes, I'm aware how this sounds, fuck you very much — are the innards the creature releases for self-defense; which… the fuck…
Still, as I peel away the nylon-like filaments, one thought crosses my mind:
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arttimegrease · 2 years
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eurieinwonderland · 2 years
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✨258 PESOS
The place is so warm and aesthetically pleasing to the eyes, and the food are exceptionally delicious! You will definitely regret not having the taste of their high quality foods in a budget friendly samgyupsal!! It will surely fulfill your cravings and satisfaction 💯!! The place is clean, sanitized, cozy and most of all peaceful. What I love about the place is that I can enjoy eating and interacting with my family in a very comfortable environment. So call your besties and barkadas to have a wonderful experience with the one and only Samgyup Road shot 🍻.
Me and my family visited this place a few weeks ago, and I am so impressed on their quality service and fast preparation of orders, all of it smells fantastic. That’s why if all of you came hungry, the samgyupsal will be served at a blink of an eye. We are all happy to enjoy food and harmonious music, the staff’s are very accommodating and easy to approach. The time of their open hours is 8am Morning until 12pm Midnight. We are overall satisfied with the samgyupsal! The lettuce is fresh too, you just know it if you hold it in your hands to touch it. And again it’s only 198 pesos to 258 you will get unlimited varieties of dishes😉. This Business is actually owned by my uncle, and we are all happy that finally he started a new journey! Soon it will be available to surtain places in Arayat, so that everyone can taste their Budget friendly but Surprisingly High Quality Dishes. Of course don’t forget the Drinks that’s why they called it RoadShot🍻. I would really recommend it for my friends and besties because it will be worth it! I promise!! This is a place where you can meet new friends and have fun. Also if you guys want to visit Kofeya after you finished, you can go there in a walking distance to relax and feel the cold breeze of December! “Kahit na wala kang jowa” 🤣Char haha me too! I would recommend going there during Night time because you can also enjoy the ambiance of lights and feel the spirit of Christmas. “Kesa naman sa taong kahit kailan wala naman feelings para sayo” Haha Kidding aside, “You can only Live once but if you do it right then once is enough” as they say! So let’s go and create memories together with our family and friends at SamgyupRoadshot! Cheers!! 🍻
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thequeenissue · 3 years
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Se non amiamo ciò che facciamo, il lavoro diventa una tortura. Allora non accontentiamoci, cerchiamo di capire che tipo di lavoro vorremmo davvero fare, che tipo di contributo vogliamo dare. Una volta scoperto, guardiamo il nostro lavoro attuale come temporaneo e come mezzo di sostentamento in attesa di creare la posizione che intendiamo ricoprire. L’insoddisfazione è un sentimento assolutamente positivo, perché ci spinge verso altri orizzonti, verso la meta che tanto desideriamo. Ma questa meta va scoperta, facciamo chiarezza dentro di noi, facciamoci le domande giuste per trovare il nostro scopo di vita. If we don't love what we do, work becomes torture. So let's not be satisfied, let's try to understand what kind of work we really want to do, what kind of contribution we want to give. Once discovered, we look at our current job as temporary and as a means of livelihood pending the creation of the position we intend to fill. Dissatisfaction is an absolutely positive feeling, because it pushes us towards other horizons, towards the goal we so desire. But this goal must be discovered, let's make it clear within ourselves, let's ask ourselves the right questions to find our life purpose. #thequeenissue #work #lavoro #divertimento #fun #dowhatyoulove #faiciochetirendefelice #dissatisfaction #dissatisfied #insoddisfazione #questionyourself #fattiledomandegiuste #settinggoals #goalsetting #fulfillment #goals #purpose #lifepurpose #worthit #success #successo #limitingbeliefs #credenzelimitanti #beliefs #credenze #paradigmshift #paradigm #paradigma #lifecoaching #successcoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CWi1_EOtfW6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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misshpcraft · 3 years
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Yesterday was a Stamping Day for me as I have to try my new stamp from @britishstampmaker I’m so satisfied with the outcome: it’s looks beautiful on my boxes and my cards as well ( picture later on) Well, I’ve spent few hours to stamp everything but it worth it. Have a great weekend! Susanna xx . . #nationalstampday #stamping #partofmyjob #newstamp #newdesign #supportsmallbusinessuk #sscuk #girlsupport #worthit #handmadestamp #shippingtoamerica #businesslogo #preparingtime #gettingreadyforchristmas (at Wembley, Brent, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSQ2jWbMgo-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kellyanastasopoulos · 6 years
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It’s national Sushi day & Splurge day!! So go spoil yourself and eat some sushi 💁🏻‍♀️😃🍱🍣🥟!!! . Got caught in some rain today during my dog walk and loved how refreshing it was! Stay cool & hydrated, friends!! . #sushi #splurge #rainyday #sunnyday #thunderstorm #progress #mondaymotivation #dedicated #worthit #girlswithtattoos #girlswithmuscles #girlswithabs #strongisthenewskinny #strongnotskinny #poledancersofig #poledancersofinsta #poledancersofinstagram #yogi #fitfreaks #fitfrenchie #healthy #happygirl #satisfied #quadsquad #results #fitjourney #fitnessmotivation #workoutmotivation
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jenamaen · 4 years
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Just got this fabric from Moodfabrics and Im so excited to work with it! Love how luxurious the fabric look and feel. .. Only thing is, Im not sure what dress I want to turn it into. .. Any suggestions would help!? .. Meanwhile, I also have a line up for masks and scrub caps that I feel are more urgent to make. .. Sometimes, though, it makes me think if doing these things are worth making for free. Ive done a lot of stuff for free which I could have accomplished with a certain fee but some circumstances urges me to just do it freewill. .. Now that Im realizing Ill have a family to feed too, is it really worth it? Most of the time, just seeing their satisfied faces and reading their happy comments are enough for me. But is it now? In situations like this, when we all are in dire need of money to fill up our necessities. ... At the end of the day, the smiles I see on the peoples face for things Ive done for them for free, are enough for me to keep going. Ive never been one for public applause anyway. Im just happy to help. .. Am I alone with these kinds of thoughts? .. And oh, Moodfabrics are kind enough to give away 10% off if you purchase with these code: MSNJM22 .. . . . . #worthit #itsworthit #thankyoumood #madewithmood #moodfabrics #attitudeofgratitude #moodfabricsnyc #thoughtsoftheday #fabric #fabrichoarder #fabricstash #quarantinestory #thankyouhealthcareworkers #thankyouhealthcareworkers🙏❤️ #thankfulandblessed (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_qHCwaFuKE/?igshid=1eznvwwwfqmnd
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winealready-blog · 4 years
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Do you want to be the bag lady or the one that earns his world? You attract what you're ready for so level up if you're not satisfied with the results you're getting, you've got to be worth it. #lifequotes #relationshipquotes #chrisbrewquotes #quotes #capturehisheart #earnit #worthit #baglady #lovequotes #grownwomen #foodforthought #thinking #realtalk #wisdom #wordsfromthewise #purses https://www.instagram.com/p/B6mJAXznRrZ/?igshid=1jg9jth3rvbq8
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tagsfrance · 5 years
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Repost cause it’s #worthit 😬 creme brûlée.. soooo satisfying. One of my favourite jobs in the kitchen #nodoubt . . . . ... https://ift.tt/2NrYCF0 , https://fr.tags.world
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