#worshipful yandere
You are so holy
I am in awe at your beauty
Your words so divine
I would pray only to your grace
Taste your names on my tongue each night
Mercy, I whisper with clenched hands
Show me mercy for a night
And I will follow you to the end of time
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gunksh1t · 1 year
Holding a pretty boy's legs around my head as I eat him out until his boycunt is sore and he's made a mess on my face and he's breathless. Making him cum until he can barely speak and says my name like a prayer. Making him promise he'll stay all mine and all mine forever while his head is empty. Make him think of nothing but me and the pleasure only i can give him.
Pampering my boy like he deserves, sucking his fat, stubby tcock, feeling how perfect it is in my mouth. sloppily making out with his hole and drinking him up. Peppering kissed on his dick and thighs between orgasms.
Shallowly fucking his hole with my tongue until he's desperate and needy and bucking his hips all over again. Flattening my tongue against his lil dick and letting him ride my face until he cums again and drained himself out.
He's half asleep and still gripping my head between his legs, tiredly grinding into my mouth and he can barely take anything more but he feels so good he can't think of doing anything else and he's so pretty and sweet you don't wanna stop him.
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
— Worshipper of our ruler
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Pairing: Yandere bee’s x GN reader
Warnings: Yandere behavior, gore description, NSFW at the mid-start, manipulation and overbearing aliens, being spiked, and slight NSFW towards the end; aka, cliffhanger.
A/N: These bee characters belong to @yanderemommabean — I decided to write a fic based on the alien bees cause I love them!! I also wanna say I hate the ending, I was unsure how to end it, so sorry!! Enjoy though <33!
Happy Halloween by the way 🎃 🖤
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Once you arrived at the planet with your crewmates, it was… interesting to see the bees work and arrive on a daily basis. They were hard workers, working 12 hours at a time to make sure their palace didn’t break. Though, you seemed to notice how there wasn’t a ‘queen bee’ or, at least someone in top control.
Other than the capital leader ruling, it was hard to keep up the palace rules and work-style. You could see that every poor bee was stressed, so you decided to offer some help, or at least be some help to them, even though you were a small human.
You thought they’d decline you, seeing that trespassers were killed on site, but the moment they saw you, they buzzed at you, staring at you with such adoration and animated-like heart eyes; falling head over heels for you.
Originally, the plan of coming here was to agree to the terms of peace with them and get out of there. But, when you came to meet the military and the capitol leader, they immediately saw something in you: a type of look in their eyes that would give anyone goosebumps. From then one, they and the other bees always wanted to be near you, praising and whispering of how wonderful you were. At first, you thought it was because they’ve never seen a human outside of their globe, so you couldn’t blame them or get upset.
They always grasped at your hands, comparing their huge paws to your… small ones. Seeing that you were way shorter than them, a few feet to be exact. The humanoid insects always insisted on taking care of you and keeping you inside, decorated you with the softest silk whilst using the excuse of ‘we’d never want you to get hurt!’.
They always carried you and always wanted to invade your privacy: begging to bathe you, rub their honey-scented lotion on your skin and hand-feed your favorite meals.
They loved you and always wanted to be near you. Their clingy behavior was exhausting, especially with their roaming hands that always clung to your body.
But, when it came for you to leave and escape from their palace, it was terrifying. The moment your captain patted your back, smiled and congratulated you for the hard work you did: gaining the trust of the bee colony. But to your surprise, you heard growling behind you, then swarming of the bees, rushing you to come with them; an ‘emergency’ taking place.
You left your captain behind, seeing that they desperately needed help. After they picked you up, flew you to your chambers while cooing at you, you realized what they were planning: ‘you’re such a wonderful ruler, please lie down on the bed for us!” and “We’ll please you, you’re so pretty!”.
You remember losing your voice in your throat, getting hit climax after climax whilst your body ached of pure pleasure. You wanted to move, scream, yell at them and tell them to stop. But, you couldn’t, they looked at you with such—
“Your majesty?”
You blinked in surprise, looked at the doorway as you rested on the giant bed; connecting eye contact to a female worker. Of course you had zoned out, I mean… how couldn’t you? You’re taken captive in a huge place that is surrounded with thousands of humanoid bees, who expected much from you.
“Y-yeah?” You answered anxiously, looking at your clothes whilst fiddling with your fingers.
Her buzzing was loud. She smiled happily, coming in to deliver in which… what looked like a good meal but you weren’t hungry per say. You were rethinking your life choices, the ‘what if’s’ spiraling in your head as the event replayed in your mind.
You remember that day so clearly, as if it was yesterday. At this point, you’ve lost count on how long you’ve been on this planet; everyday was and is a ‘new day’.
If you could, you'd escape, get up and frantically look around but each time you did, you were gently pushed back into the soft cloud-like bed. They always praised you, saying ‘you need to rest for the young!’.
Yeah right, you couldn’t! It was almost—
“So!” The female bee started, her antenna’s bouncing: “Today we are scheduled to have you do some bed-work. But of course, we’ll take it easy.” She chirped loudly, clasping her hands together as her wings fluttered.
You nodded hesitantly, smiling anxiously. Hearing multiple footsteps, you glanced at the hallway behind her, seeing more workers welcoming themselves into your chamber, shuffling around hugely.
Your heart raced, seeing that the female worker kept babbling on what you’ll do that day, but you couldn’t concentrate on her. Seeing that the male workers that came in, were huge… a whole lot taller than the woman in front of you talking about the damn schedule.
“Does that sound good, your Majesty?” She asked, leaning down to observe you innocently.
“Uh… what?” You asked, shaking your head at your thoughts. You readjusted yourself on the bed, leaning on your knees at her.
She frowned, making an apologetic face: “If that doesn’t sound good, I’ll make a change!” She stated loudly, grabbing the paperwork from the clipboard she was holding, looking through it: “I understand this whole new schedule may sound stressful, we only want what’s best for you!”
“No..! No, it’s fine,” You assured her, grabbing her hand gently, slightly squeezing it.
She still had a frown on, “Are you sure? I can change it!” She moved to grasp both of your hands together, looking at you with her big doe eyes. Her hands were extremely warm and cozy, it almost wanted to make you hug her, have a massage and possibly fall asleep in the cozy bed of yours.
You smiled to not make her upset, reassuring her again, “Yes—yes it’s fine.”
She smiled again, her wings twitching from the praise you gave to her. “Mhm! I’ll tell the captain while the others get ready for your bath. Please enjoy your meal, your Majesty!” She bowed at you, her antenna’s bouncing within her movements.
She left the room, shutting the door with a slight ‘click’. Then, some male guards come in, representing a ‘protective call’ from the military captain. Normally, they’d come in and ask if you wanted anything or they could do something, but they were terrifyingly quiet.
As you finished your meal, you exited your room to the bathroom, where you met some bee workers in the bathroom, almost waiting for you to arrive.
“Oh, your Majesty! we weren’t expecting you yet!” The male one said, who got up to bow at you; slightly smiling whilst buzzing with excitement. “Please,” He started again, his hand directing at the tub: “Enjoy the warm bath as I get the wash workers!”
You smiled towards him, nodding at his statement as you watched him slide past you. Even with their high intelligence and tall structure, they always were so kind and gentle with you. Watching your every move as if you would shatter like glass, it was comforting to know at some limit.
As you undressed yourself, leaving the dirty silks on the white-covered floors, you welcomed yourself to the right temperature of water. You sighed heavily, leaning back against the tub as you played with the water with such boredom.
“My Ruler?”
You jumped and screamed, slightly pressing yourself against the corner of the bathtub. You made direct eye contact with a few female workers, one of them being the other bee lady that was in your room earlier.
“Uh,” You started, “Hi…?” You said awkwardly, embarrassed with the loud yelp you expressed.
They all giggled, hand pressing against their lips as they welcomed themselves into the bathroom, making sure to place your clean clothes on the sink; including letting them join you in the warm water, which was quite comforting.
As the girls helped wash you, gently rubbing the loofah on your delicate and squishable body; taking extra precaution on and around the purple-hickeys and sore spots. They purred at your pretty skin, commenting that: ‘it always smells and looks so pretty!’. They kissed every inch of your skin, looking at you like a rare piece of ore.
Then, two of them gently lifted you up, making sure to wrap a towel around your body, getting your legs and arms well dried before leading to the well-known bedroom of yours. Of course, they dressed you in the best of silks that were made for their best ruler, they only cared about you and your opinion on things after all.
One of the female workers sits you on the bed, making a ‘nest’ in front and behind you before making sure to comb your luscious locks to take out any knots that had formed. This was probably your best part, slightly humming to the every know and again giggles that came out of them when you groaned in satisfaction.
All of the sudden, the sound of the main lady bees made you come out of your euphoria coma: “Dear Ruler…? May we do something?” She smiled in her tone.
You nodded from behind, expecting something other than the now-roaming hands all over your body: making you gasp yet moan in surprise from the extreme pleasure that had occurred all of the sudden.
You felt hot… extremely hot and wet.
“Oh, G–od,” You murmured under your breath, leaning over and trying to concentrate on your breathing other than the multiple warm… hands that worked around your hips, sliding down your thighs and back. It makes your skin have goosebumps, almost pleasuring you just by touching your skin.
“The medication seems to be working,” A female voice purred loudly, making you feel ashamed from the liquid running down your now-open thighs.
You sighed shakily, “T–the… what?”
They all giggled, their hands massaging your back and bum as they squished every part of your body. It made you whine loudly, pressing your back against what you could describe as a pillow of clouds.
You looked up, seeing the bee lady pleasuring you from behind. Realizing... you were laying on her chest: “Oh–Please… S–top. Let me—”
She ignored your protests by giggling, rubbing her nose against yours and continuing her and the other assaults on your poor body that made you so hot and bothered that it seemed to make you desperate for any contact.
They all gathered around you, pampering your delicate skin with kisses and petting your hair: “continue for us, your Majesty. We want more, nothing to be embarrassed of!” They chriped one after the another, buzzing and fluttering loud and clear.
“Oh… God,” You whined, grabbing the sheets under you as you reopened your eyes to see much more workers than you remember seeing.
You quivered from the goosebumps, slapping their hands away in overstimulation.
They all looked at you, making you speak up: “Please… no more. Wha.. ah… did–you do to me?”
“Your Majesty,” One of the male workers started, “Please don’t fret!” He frowned. “We’ll take good care of you, like how you took care of us when we relied on your aid.”
They all nodded, watching your reactions very closely before grasping at your body again: “Please! Allow us to pleasure you in any way… you deserve it.”
Before you could speak again, your body and mouth betrayed you: body violently shaking from the immense pleasure that jolted through you like lightning and babbling out curses.
“Your Majesty,” A female bee started, pushing you on your back as more surrounded you: “We’ll make this as pleasurable as you want! Please, allow us to touch you in ways!” She begged, joining the continuous assaults on you.
All you could do was moan, whine, and whimper as praises and love comments were thrown at you one after another. It was like a dream, a pure… pleasurable dream.
Reblogs, comments and likes are very much appreciated!! Thank you all for reading <33
My masterlist | Stay well!
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weebsinstash · 4 months
my cat Allister: *sneezes with his perfect little baby mouth*
me: bless you Allister ^^
me: don't think of nun alastor, don't think of priest alastor, don't think of him succumbing to sin and dragging you into the confessional, don't think about some weird religious AU where Vox and Alastor run the creepy cult church down the street and they're always beckoning you as their favorite little nonbeliever to come in and get railed "preach the gospel" with them, don't--
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darlingpwease · 10 months
Oh dear just trying find some more Yandere Xie lian
... words are modest enough to work, but we can work with it /pos
the flower and the butterfly
you're too stunning; how did someone like me get you?
𔓘 unhealthy behaviour (mutual dependency, gaslighting, clinginess, obsessiveness, possessiveness, manipulation), mild religious themes (worshipping, allusions), abandonment issues, touch starvation, domestic routine, forced relationship / kidnapping if you squint [?]
𔓘 heavy petting, rough sex, hypersexuality, role playing, CNC, mild primal kink, body worship (r.), praise (r.), hyperstimulation (g.), fingering (g.), breeding (g.), mild cum inflation (g.)
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Xie Lian was mind-blowing. Not only in his appearance or behavior, which made him look like a timid coquette or a charming maiden, but also in the fact that you definitely do not want to test either his patience or his nerves, especially if you know him from the time when he was His Highness the 'eccentric' Crown Prince, who loves bright clothes and funny conversations, in which his warm hands were always reaching out to you, as if you were a continuation of his own body, — and you must admit that little has changed since that time, at least for you.
Xie Lian was still as charming and full of life, it's just that his temperament and disposition became colder and easier — for anyone but you, however. He still loved physical activities and delicious food, he still loved to emotionally warm and take care of you, he still allowed you to guide him and relied on you to solve logical problems, trusting your advice and words — and did not forget to wrap around you like a vine around another firmly standing plant, and the fact that his figure was just as flexible and slender, while soft palms could rest on your shoulders or chest, only made you feel even more as if you were hugging the first beauty of the Celestial Empire.
... Xie Lian did not like solitude or mundane things, the 'earth' that could pollute, — rather, he was that social aerial butterfly who loved to fly from flower to flower, despite how down-to-earth and firmly standing he was. At least not before.
Previously, he valued his status highly, worried about people's opinions, was afraid of public discussion and was more like the very flower that wanted to attract attention to itself, blooming stronger and stronger than a butterfly. Rather, you were the butterfly — the one who was able to attract the attention of a beautiful and alluring, but unable to move flower, only trying to grab you and lock you in, so that you would not go anywhere else. But for you, he has always been a fragile but luxurious flower, which you took care of as the apple of your eye, taking care that no one plucked and turned him over — after all, you have been with him since childhood, his most faithful companion, so it was natural that you were especially deep and intense related to him; so much so that no one even understood how you manage to be so synchronized and mutually supportive at the same time, as if it is worth separating you, you both will die even at dawn if cannot be sure that will meet again soon, but if you believe, you will never die before see each other again.
You couldn't deny that you spoiled Xie Lian with your determination mixed with almost imperiousness, while Xie Lian gave you too much of this unconditional acceptance and warmth for you to just give it up. He was everything, your everything, but it was nothing strange — nothing more than the relationship of a butterfly and the sun.
You only found out that your 'sun' was a flycatcher when the petals closed over you, leaving you inside forever.
Xie Lian valued social status most of all, always cared highly about people's opinions, was always afraid of 'what people would think', he lived for people. But when he was really bad, only you stayed and didn't go anywhere, even if the scratches from his nails still sometimes hurt like a phantom on your skin, — you will never dare to blame him, seeing with your own eyes how something breaks that you swore to protect your whole life, and that you won't give up no matter what. Because that's your goal. You will never give up, even if it means dying.
Xie Lian also knows that it is he who will protect all the time that he will have, no matter how little or much.
You have always affectionately almost teased him for how driven he is and easily obeys your will, like a duckling following a parent duck, but he also learned a lot during the time you guarded his back from attacks and shielded him from words. You were always in front so that he could follow you, keeping and guarding. You've always told him that as long as you breathe, nothing and no one can hurt him unless you die.
Butterflies are not meant for a harsh life. Butterflies should fly, eat nectar and dance in the air. Xie Lian loved butterflies and he loved you. And he never hid any of this, even if the second fact definitely confused you and made you brush it off when he brought you flowers or peeled fruit with a playful smile, 'as if you couldn't do it yourself' or 'as if you were a person of royal status'. Xie Lian never denied it, even though he knew it wasn't true.
You were his Deity.
His Everything.
And when the petals close, plunging you into eternal darkness, he knows what he's doing. After all, a sun like you is able to hold and shine even in the deepest nights, and it promises that you will not go out.
You are the most precious thing he has left
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𔓘 Xie Lian is very clingy — from the day you first met, bumping into the burning gaze of beautiful eyes, and until the very last day, which is never destined to come, he is always by your side just as you are by his side. Xie Lian hates to separate — never — and is always looking for reasons why you should stay together. Contrary to his gentle introversion, he feels really good only when he holds you in his arms or when your hand rests on his waist — and never in other cases. His pure adoring gaze never leaves your figure, fearing that one day you will leave him or leave him, no matter whether by your own will or someone else's, and he will never allow this — and the fact that there is no one in the world who could be his competitor or rival, given his strength, only makes the situation even worse for any of your attempts to leave his side at least for a moment.
When his slender elegant fingers take you by the shoulders, entwine around your waist, gently take your arm, wrap your fingers, or when his nose burrows into your neck, buries itself in your thigh, finds peace on your lap or hides rosy cheeks in your chest, — you know that you have no chance to get out of his sticky, strong embrace, as if your body was first his and then yours, “just like my heart...”
Xie Lian never allows you to leave him even for a moment — if there is a need for you to be disconnected, then he will rather give up everything than let you go. Not you. So many people have already left him — he won't survive if you leave too. Please. You're the only thing he needs. He feels so good. Isn't he good enough? Why do you want to leave? Isn't your cute little house perfect? Isn't the backyard garden laid out for you delightful? Isn't the way you live an ideal for you too? No, you can't. You have to be there.
You both gave up everything you had to stay together.
You promised that you would follow him in life and in death, for better or for worse. You are his and he is yours. And the fact that his hands never leave you, and his gaze never comes down from you, only confirms this. After all, can you refuse him? You swore — officially and unofficially; you followed him on sunny days and rainy days, through rivers of blood and deadly storms, when he was loved and when he was hated, but your will, mind and heart were adamant, despite fleeting thoughts and desires that could disturb you. And now you want to leave him?
It's your responsibility. It's your duty. You can never leave him.
... This is an order.
𔓘 Even if Xie Lian can sometimes fall into capriciously childish, desperate attempts to keep you, if he sees that you are trying to brush him off or want to leave him, no matter under what pretext, using his authority as the 'crown prince' and having a chance to make childish tantrums if you are too overwhelming and he knows that it will be effective — but otherwise, if Xie Lian is not subordinate, he is, at most, democratic and ready to share responsibility with you. Otherwise, he prefers to follow you in an almost 'sacrificial' manner and go wherever you tell him or wherever you go. If you say go west, he won't even look east; if you say sugar is black, he won't even think about saying it's white.
Despite his emotional playfulness and slight eccentricity associated with the desire to get emotional feedback, Xie Lian never seeks to take away power or responsibility from you, entrusting himself into your hands like a fluffy fragile cat who is sure that you will take care of him exactly as he deserves, and knowing perfectly well that even if your treatment will be 'unfair', then it will mean that he was bad and must improve.
Undoubtedly, he will be offended and will try to get fair treatment, but if you insist, he will only nod and obey. He is not someone who is interested in a power struggle or a change of power dynamics in a relationship — being behind you and with you is much better than against you or ahead of you. Xie Lian has never had any difficulties helping you and presenting things, even if it is clearly morally wrong or aggressive actions, — despite his peacefulness, there are things that are above the norms of morality or understanding of ordinary realities.
And there is nothing special that you are this 'thing'.
The flower never condemns the butterfly for what it does before it gets on the flower, or what it did while it was on the flower.
You are caring and affectionate enough, giving him small gifts (especially things that remind you of the past, like familiar flowers or small hairpins that he would definitely have worn in the past, even if he now mostly keeps them as his most precious things) and taking care of those household chores that he cannot, trying to preserve the memory of his beloved mother through the absence of such 'ordinary' skills, and you accept him as he is — while he accepts you as you are, without objections and questions.
You've been together for more than eight hundred years — doesn't that mean you've already had a diamond wedding eight times, even if you're still not married?
“It doesn't matter,” Xie Lian purrs softly when you point this out, hiding his face in your chest, wrapping his strong thin arms around your waist like a warmed cat. “If you want, we can officially get married. But we're not going anywhere from each other anyway.”
You have nothing to say to him. Having given up everything that was, following your impulse, entrusting everything to him when Xie Lian gave you everything he had in despair, so that you would not abandon him — you could no longer imagine your life without him, you did not know how to live without him. Just like he is without you.
You yourself do not notice when you become as close as a married couple; when it becomes natural for you to stroke his head on your lap, braid his hair and weave flowers and ribbons there, when you let him take care of your hairstyle and clothes, when you absentmindedly adjust the bandages on your hands — the same as at him — or look at him, leaning your shoulder against the door jamb, while he happily hums, doing his thing, although you are sure that out of the corner of your eye he is still watching you. When he hugs you on the back while cooking, takes care of your house and garden, watches you mend clothes or sweep while he fixes doors and windows; when Xie Lian hugs you in a dream, nervously enthusiastically huddles with a shy giggle while he thinks you are asleep, or briefly kisses your cheek before going to bed, and you are sure that he thinks that you are asleep, but you do not have the courage to try to even gently stop him.
In the end, there is no need for this — he has already become like a husband to you for a long time anyway, giving you his body, heart and mind, and you can only accept and give in return, taking care that Xie Lian knows that you love him and take care of him, no matter what.
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𔓘 It doesn't matter to him what your sexual preferences are. Do you like dick? Do you like pussy? Are you top? Are you bottom? It doesn't matter — Xie Lian is always ready to meet you in any position and in any form, as long as he feels that you are as excited as he is, even if at first you can be sure that he is 'innocent' and 'pure', given his external and internal manifestation and attitude. But even if you are the first for him in every sense, he knows what he is doing and what he should do — more as an instinct than as a theory or, moreover, practice, although he is not above eavesdropping or fleetingly asking even when he was Crown Prince.
He is in a strong connection with his body and knows what can excite him or how to please even a lying log — especially if you are less sexually active or need a long warm-up — and even if the violent blush does not leave his cheeks while he nervously touches your body, openly admiring, Xie Lian gives his best until he feels that you seize the initiative and get involved in the process, digging your fingers into his hips while his stomach takes your shape and gives you a view of you inside him, feeling how wet and tight he is even if he can't help but hiding face behind hands, whining and moaning your name, mumbling something like 'deeper' and 'stronger' mixed with 'yes yes like that' and 'please please please' when you press his face into the pillow while fucking him.
His body is more than responsive and sensitive to you, and even if you pull his hair, spit in his mouth, spank and leave bites and hickeys all over his body, Xie Lian looks at you with adoration and worship, constantly thanking and admiring, as if unable to shut up from euphoria and delight, screaming your name and 'how good it feels' for him even while he is drooling and almost crying, trembling all over, but unable to stop squeezing and wrapping strong legs around your hips, locking you inside his supple heat.
No matter what, Xie Lian will never stop worshipping you, and during sex it gets even worse, as if the way his pussy or dick drips and practically makes a puddle even on the sheets is not enough — but when you just push inside once and he immediately comes, writhing on you, gasping for air, digging his fingers into your skin while his body tries to recover, and begs you not to stop, even though you see how sensitive Xie Lian is still, you try to be gentle to him, massaging his body until you drive inside at a confident but gradual pace, letting his wet tight walls get used to you inside and stop squeezing and massaging you so convulsively, as if he worships you, shamelessly begging you to never leave him and stay forever in this position, is not enough.
At first you try not to be too passionate and persistent, but by the end you are more likely someone who needs careful care and rest than he is — it's hard to exhaust someone so enduring and enthusiastic about the fact that he is with you like Xie Lian, even if you try to keep up with him, giving all of yourself, but in the end you are almost always on the more vulnerable side than him if you let him be on you before you spent enough time to prepare and his exhaustion, kissing and licking, stretching his wet squelching walls until you make sure that at least at about the same level after a couple of orgasms, watching as he tries obsessively trying to snuggle up to you and take you in — but can only stay under you, feeling how your fingers fuck him while you try to satisfy him with your tongue, assuring that you are only 'preparing him', although you both know that this is only an attempt to superficially satisfy him even before the beginning.
And the way Xie Lian jumps on you, impulsively kissing mixed with bites and purring about how good it is for him and that you are both perfect for each other, you are exactly one, only further assures you that you can just lean back and enjoy seeing how his juices and sperm flow down your skin until his body can't stop moving, as if his life depends on it — and how sweetly painfully he whines when you abruptly turn him over and take control of the rhythm, driving into his supple soft body, looking for any intimacy and connection with you.
Damn it, you are sure that one day you will become just one with him if he continues to squeeze you just as adoringly and as if trying to suck you inside while you stretch him with squelching wet sounds, hearing only encouragement and delight no matter what.
𔓘 Xie Lian can spend hours biting, kissing, licking and playing with your body.
In general, the prospect of staying in bed with you all day does not bother him at all — perhaps even thousands of years will not be enough for him to show and tell you how perfect and amazing you are, and how enthusiastic and hot he is does not help too much when his soft hands explore your body, rubbing and 'warming' in every sense, he is much less shy and ruddy than before, — which makes you wonder how much sincerity or games were in all his words to excite you, — especially when he almost shamelessly bares his body, as if proud of your love marks, even if just a few hours ago Xie Lian was blushing crimson, hiding face behind by hand, shyly taking your hand while you were rubbing between his thighs, stimulating yourself rather than him, since it is always wet and slippery between his soft thighs, as if even your palm between them is enough to make him aroused and ready, without needing any other simulation at all.
There's nothing awkward (or at least not awkward enough for him to refuse) for him to show you his body; even if Xie Lian doesn't think he's the most attractive, his body is what always turns you on, and he knows it, even if he can't figure it out. If you adored your body, it would make more sense to him than your strange passion for his own, but Xie Lian does not complain at all, secretly enjoying the fact that you find his imperfect body so exciting, even if he still turns to things like beautiful erotic underwear and devices like a collar or role-playing games to to excite you.
Some of these games excite and stimulate even more than sex itself — especially when you senselessly breed him outside your house, giving yourself to confirm your right to his beautiful tender body, biting and pressing into the ground until his knees weaken, becoming nothing more than prey in your hands, even if he is in any moment can get out, it doesn't matter whether using force or a safe word, — the sensations are too pleasant and intense to even think about it, letting you drive in and use it, it doesn't matter if he is a 'prey' or a 'capricious prince'.
When his clothes show a lot more skin, or when you see a blush on his beautiful cheeks after hard work, or when he clings to you trustingly hotly after a hard day, looking with innocent, darkened eyes into yours, you really don't know whether you should admire or be embarrassed, knowing how subtly and frankly he pulls you by the strings — and knowing that you just need to show a little skin or interest so that he immediately responds, more than interested in everything that you are ready to give him.
You don't know of any couple where at least one member was as obsessively adoring and enthusiastic as Xie Lian, who is always on a 'low start' regarding everything that concerns you, but when he squeezes you tightly while you gently press on his stomach, lovingly teasing that he is still 'soft', Xie Lian, blushing shyly and biting his scarlet lip, only complains coquettishly in a weak voice, looking away, that you just don't 'care' enough about him — and you really have nothing left but to take care of him.
Take care of him very carefully.
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wayfayrr · 16 days
You want to be blown up by Self-Aware requests? I can give you that. How about Legend? He will go crazy because Reader was with him EVEN AS HE MET MARIN. And maybe he never fell in love with Marin because Reader was with him as he was a criminal and saw his uncle die, they "travelled" with him through Holodrum and Labrynna, were with him as he saved Hyrule and Lorule and Hytopia.
But what happens if Reader played through all of his journey and just because for nostalgia reasons played one of his older ones, maybe even Link's Awakening. Oh this boy definitely blows the freaking TV and Switch or Game Boy if Reader wants to be punched by nostalgia. Just so he may never return into this wretched world of Hyrule and escape into his beloved arms. He has a new deity after all, a real deity in his eyes.
Have a great morning/ day/ evening/ night.
The Menace will return one day
reader being with him the whole time has him acting up big time, however not all of his memories pass between the games. He's losing more and more of his sanity as he's put back and reset each time (also for hytopia is there not technically 3 players? something fun to play around with legend there)
Links awakening though? hellish, the moment you decide to replay it again he's going to lose it. any calm is lost any patience waiting for the right moment to get out is gone. like it or not he is getting out NOW and deleting that cursed game or destroying the cartridge, anything so that he doesn't have to go through it again. You only get a brief warning before it happens too, static causing your screen to glitch out before his face appears and he's banging on the glass to make it shatter.
I'll be waiting for the day you return ya lil menace
(@h4wari come get cha husband)
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He is a god.
And my religion.
There is something truly magical about him and I just can't explain it.
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You are a god and I am nothing but your loyal subject, I am so so so lucky not only to be in your presence, not only you acknowledge my presence but you actually spend time with me...ME.
♡YOU♡ spend your time with ME!?!!?!
Is this a dream? I must have done something right to deserve such heavenly bliss.
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cruordarling · 10 months
“I can fix him”, “I can make him worse”
I can make him worship me, what’s your point?
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yandere-writer-momo · 8 months
Kinktober: Day 13
Hanayama Kaoru
Minors DNI
Cock worship encompasses many different acts of attention, stimulation and adoration of the penis
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Hanayama leaned back on the couch, his dark eyes studied (your name)’s face while she sat on her knees between his legs. Her eyes never left his as her hands stroked up and down his impressive length.
Hanayama smiled down at her when her lips tenderly kissed his tip. Her tongue soon dragged down his shaft, the wet muscle flicked under his frenulum, which elicited a sigh from him.
“Your cock is so big…” (your name) whispered against the member in her hands. She dragged one of her hands up and down his length. The other fondles his heavy balls. “And your balls seem heavy… I want to please you and your fat cock.”
Hanayama reached forward and tangled his hands in her hair. The yakuza pushed her face towards his member.
“Well you know where to start… open your mouth.” (Your name) eagerly nodded, the young woman opened her mouth wide for him. Hanayama pushed his fat tip into her mouth with a soft groan, their eyes never broke contact. “Remember… two slaps on my thigh and I’ll stop.”
(Your name) choked when Hanayama gave her throat a sharp thrust. Tears fell down her cheeks as he began to fuck her face. His eyes burned with lust at his submissive she was.
If she was going to worship his cock, then she better be prepared to be his personal cock sleeve. But he was a fair dom. He’d understand if he was too much to handle… but (your name) has proven him wrong time and time again.
A steady stream of a mixture of mascara and tears fell down her red cheeks but she bobbed her head to the rhythm of his thrusts. Her eyes still never broke contact from his… which only made Hanayama more lustful for her.
Hanayama lovingly ran his fingers through her hair despite the brutish actions of his thrusts in her throat. He could feel his orgasm impending just from eye contact alone…
“I’m going to cum… promise to not waste a drop or we’ll do this again.” Hanayama smirked when she bobbed her head even faster. What a hungry whore she was… his whore.
Hanayama pushed her head down until he bottomed out, his muscles taut and his face scrunched from the force of his orgasm.
Hanayama’s breathing was heavy but he pulled her head off of him with a loud pop. His eyes filled with satisfaction when she opened her mouth to reveal she swallowed every last bit.
Hanayama put his hands under her arms and pulled her onto his lap. He shoved his tongue into her mouth in a forceful dance, his fingers slid between her legs. A wicked smile on his lips as he pulled away his fingers to reveal a string of liquid on his fingers.
“You’re this turned on from worshipping my cock…” Hanayama smirked at (your name), her head leaned on his chest as she fluttered her lashes up at him.
Hanayama placed his fingers in his mouth and sucked off the essence. He gave a nod of approval. “Delicious.”
Hanayama hoisted her up on his shoulders so he could admire her soaked cunt. His eyes now made contact with hers. “My good girl deserves a reward, don’t you think?”
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A light in the room
It was you who was standing there
Tried it was true
As your glance met my stare.
But your heart drifted off
Like the land split by sea
I tried to go, to follow,
To kneel down at your feet
[Run To You — Pentatonix]
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
— Jealousy
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Pairing: Yandere bee’s x gender-neutral reader x jealous female worker
Warnings: Yandere behavior, violence; knife usage, reader thinks it's their fault that something traumatic happened.
A/N: These bee characters belong to @yanderemommabean — please check out my first one if you wanna read it! Otherwise have fun reading <33
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Jealousy and anger mixed is an ugly emotion. Unbridled rage even more so; the feeling of your chest running throughout your body, hands tightening into a fist where it turned into muscle spasms and the envious thoughts that came with it; she despised you.
She was a fellow worker, a fathomed woman filled with jealousy and rage towards you. All day, she was forced to serve you and have a smile placed on her face, yet when her rightful place was in that king-sized bed, worshiped with all hands filled with lotion to massage her stressed muscles and be given any type of food she ordered.
Oh, how she wished that would be her: be cradled in the lap of the drones, kissed gently as they praised her for doing a good job for the bed work.
Though, she can say that her patience was running thin. If only there was a way to get rid of the obstacle that prevented her living her dream, maybe make you believe she’d rub lotion onto your continuous used joints, suffocate you right there and then. Or, she could just drug you every day, watch you slowly drift away as she gets to the spot she very deserves.
Tonight would be the night she would get her rightful place, and be called a queen.
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You had just gone for a walk; a small, innocent, and harmless walk in the hive. You had been bed-stuck for hours, being worshiped with many hands and mouths; you were tired and needed to stretch your legs from the hours of pure pleasure.
Not that you minded it, it was just sometimes too much and you got overstimulation from the continuous surroundings that were always the same.
Walking around the huge hive, admiring the beautiful windows that showed the planet’s beauty and scenery, you had stopped in the middle of the hall, looking at the beautiful stars in the midnight sky that glimmered now and again.
Then, you heard fast and steady footsteps behind you, before you could even react, you were pushed against the wall harshly; hands wrapped around your throat whilst being crushed against the wall.
“Do you think you’re better than me?” the woman cursed at you, shooting you a venomous look with gritted teeth, sharp canine teeth snarling like a beast; ready to devour you piece by piece.
Trying to scream from the immediate position, she quickly covered your mouth, kicking your knees to dwell in pain and trying to get you to submit – listen to her ‘wise’ words.
You struggled against her tight grip, terrified and shocked by this sudden behavior. After months of being captured and treated like a deity, you were no longer used to abuse and wrong-doing; quite the opposite.
“Now, you listen to me or I’ll hurt you badly.” she stared into your soul, “Understand?”
Quickly nodding at her words, tears gently rolled down your face as your teeth chattered against one another.
“I’ve hated you ever since I’ve met you, you don’t deserve these goodies! No-one like you deserves it.” she threatened, looking at you like a kid in front of a criminal. Pulling her hand from your throat, she pulled out a knife: a thick, silvered one decorated with flowers.
With the leftover energy you had, you kicked your knee into her groin and pushed her away, causing the blade to clatter away from both of your grasps.
“You ass!” She screamed at you.
From fear, you tripped on your own feet yet still had the energy to be crawling away.
You tried grabbing it but were quickly pulled away by your foot, back where you originally were. The high chance of reassurance was now ripped away the moment she crawled atop of you, forcing you down with her whole weight pressured against your chest.
A fist collided with your face, making your vision blurry and disorienting your hearing from the left ear. You tried stopping her continuous assaults, yet nothing worked amongst her hungry wrath and jealousy over you.
Pools of warm metallic fluid made its way to your mouth, the blunt and foul taste of thick blood made you gag. From the corner of your eye, you saw the blade glistening in the moonlight, highlighted like a rare piece of ore had just been found.
Trying to scream once more, thin fingers made their way to your throat, closed around your airway. You tried grabbing her hands that were tightly surrounded on your neck, cutting oxygen but it was no use.
No matter how much you scratched, she never stopped the pressure.
Finally, what felt like an entirety, she let go but with the shift of doing something else; admiring the thin blade that was right beside the two of you.
You couldn’t move, all your energy from being choked was floating away.
“P-lease…” You begged, trying to change her mind from what she was thinking. From your clouded vision, you could only see a bit of guilt was shown in her face.
Only a little bit but it was there: humanely emotions that were still present.
You saw her hesitate, peering down to connect eyes with you; focusing on the blood, thick marks on your throat, and pools of blood from the cuts on your face. Hard, whistling could be heard from your lips, coating in thick blood and spit.
Anger coated her eyes, face scrunching in pure revenge before leaning over to grip the sharp object. Raising the knife above her head, the tip of the blade made its way towards you; highlighting your small yelp.
Why aren’t they here yet? They should be protecting you.
You didn’t want to die, you have so much to live for!
Maybe you deserved this.
Why did it have to be you?
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You were gone. Nowhere to be seen. Nobody was informed that you left your bed-quarters.
All of them were freaking out, all of them were looking for you; flying high and low, yelling ‘majesty!’ throughout the halls while some of them were sobbing thinking something worse happened.
But, when they smelled your blood coming from a certain hallway, they knew something was wrong.
And that it was. They found the woman in front of you, covered in head to toe with your blood and holding the very knife they had given to her a day prior for being a good maiden to you.
“Majesty!” One of the drones screamed, running towards you as the medic team showed; grabbing you gently before attending to your injuries.
Everyone was frozen. The military leader and capital leader were in complete shock.
Then, they all looked at her, teeth snarling and growling throughout the room; buzzing with pure anger.
The military leader’s hand clenched in anger, “Why would you do this!” He growled at the woman, who wasn’t merciful nor looking at your body; rather looking at the ground. He marched up to her, pushing her against the wall while his face showed bloodcurdling anger in that moment.
“Answer the question!” He snapped, making her look at him with a laugh before speaking.
“I hated them, that’s why. They weren’t anyone special! I simply did you guys a job to stop worshiping someone so—”
A punch came to her face. Then another. Then a dozen followed to make sure she felt the same as what she did to you.
“Captain!” A drone yelled, arms pulling him off of her to strop his merciful punches so they can update on your needs.
“They’re moving the majesty to the bed-quarters. They said they’re in critical condition, what do you want us to do?”
He looked at him, giving one look at her before looking back at his men. “Bring the traitor to the champers. After I— we make sure that the majesty is well, we’ll drop her to the feeders.”
Nodding towards the two soldiers that were behind her, who forcefully dragged her down the hall as she screamed ‘no!’ and ‘please!’ before he and a few others followed your way.
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You were awakened by your head throbbing. The room was dimly lit from the lamps in the corner and underside of the doors.
Looking around, you realized you were in your bed-quarters, swallowed by a whole bunch of blankets, pillows, and medical equipment that were glued to you: a type of breathing nasal cannula onto your face, as well as new clothes and bandages decorating your skin.
Trying to move forward to get up, your body quickly rejects you, causing immense pain throughout your body and reel back into the soft bed, head rolling back in frustration.
Within seconds, the doors to your bedroom swung open, revealing a few drones, maidens, and the military leader.
“Thank god! You’re awake!” One of the maidens yelled out, running towards your side to hold your hand; grasping your hand, squeezing it three times to signal a small ‘I love you’.
You smiled at the maiden, before looking at the captain who was walking towards you with a cup of water. “Open your mouth, please.”
Opening your mouth, the glass brushed between your lips; wet and cool water touching the inside, throat slightly burning from the usage after a long time.
His hand gently caressed over the side of your head, above your ear to stable the swallowing. “You’re doing so good, take a couple more sips.”
His touch was comforting to say the least, so was the maiden.
Taking away the cup from your mouth, you were still desperate for water. Looking at him, you spoke: “H-how long have I… been out?” you asked, voice coming out hoarse.
The maiden looked at you worriedly, “You’ve been out for a week. We were all worried. Glad the medics were there in time, you lost a lot of blood!” she weeped, slight buzzing coming from her before tears formed as she sobbed; reviewing the horrific image of you on that floor.
“We’re all just glad you’re well. I’m sorry that I and the others weren’t there to protect you.” He looked at you, getting on his knee beside your bedside to hold your other hand, slightly kissing it with a saddened look.
You smiled gently, “Me too. I’m sorry as well. I was stupid enough—”
You were quickly interrupted by the captain, “No! You are not stupid, you’re majesty. It was our fault that you were bed-stricken, we should’ve taken care of you but we failed; It is our fault, not yours.” He sternly stated.
You smiled again, tears forming in the corner of your eyes.
“I was so scared.” you confessed.
The maiden squeezed your hand, pushing her head against yours, making her antenna’s tickle your face, “We’re so sorry. Please forgive us.”
The captain nodded before looking at the maidens that were now walking in, he gave you one look, before kissing the side of your head, “We’ll always be here for you, Majesty. I’m gonna deal with some issues, but I’ll be right back. Okay? Rest as much as needed.”
As he left, the current maiden holding your hand kissed the other side of your head, looking at you before she spoke, “You’ve done so well, your majesty. Can you please do something for us?”
You nodded, feeling a hand tug at your underarms ever so gently. “We need you to stand up. Do you think you can do that?
“I-I can try,” You replied. She smiled, antennae slightly dancing. “That’s all we ask, you’re Majesty.”
They helped you get into a sitting position, making you hold onto them mostly for support. Taking a deep breath, you pushed yourself to your feet, holding a maiden’s arm to keep up straight. Standing with shaky legs, looking at the ground as they helped guide you to the bathroom; letting you know that they were in no rush and to take baby steps.
“You’re doing so well, few more steps you’re majesty,” A maiden praised you, hand clasped in your hand while you made it to the bathroom, cold tiles touching your feet. In front of you, the tub is already filled with water, soap, and your favorite scents mixed in with honey.
One maiden touched your waist, you could feel her body warm and buzzing, slightly calming your nerves. One of them gently lifted you, letting you sit on the edge of the tub with a whine of soreness as they both undid the bandages, checking your injuries whilst trying to distract you from the pain.
Soon, a loofah gently caressed your body, careful to wash the surrounding areas of the stitching. They praised you, continuously complimented you to make sure you felt safe, comfortable, and okay to continue.
“Majesty?” A voice called you out of your thoughts, looking at the women and dulled water. “You okay?”
You nodded, whispering a couple of words with a sour look: “I’m perfect. Jus’ a bit sore, that’s all.”
One of the maidens frowned, making sure to look at the others before finishing up the bath. After getting out of the warmth tub, a few helped you get dressed, being very careful and praising you on the way.
Leaving the bathroom, one of them lovingly caresses your back, side of your head, and cheek for comfort as they help you make it to your bed. Feeling the soft sheets against your undergarments, you immediately let out a long, heavy, and deserved sigh.
A few of the maidens let out a giggle and spoke: “Take all the time you need. We’ll be here when you wake up.” She said as she came into the bed, nuzzling behind you before buzzing louder.
“We’ll take care of you, your Majesty. We promise you.”
Reblogs, comments and likes are very much appreciated!! Thank you all for reading <33
Here's my masterlist if you wanna read some more of my content (non-yandere bees)
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basementstalker · 4 months
You have no idea how desperate i am. How i crave your affection, would do anything for it. Don't you realize that it's painful, desiring you this much?
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wayfayrr · 2 days
Thank you for the birthday wishes! I had a lot of fun <33 but I see you reblogged something about human Sky and rushed back as quick as I could cause HUMAN SKY HUMAN SKY HUMAN SKY ! <33333
Our favorite skrunkly <3 but also had a thought, I asked about Twilight or Tears being stronger than the other, and suddenly, it hit me that I never even thought of Sky </3
I feel like, out of all of them, Sky would technically be the strongest, but only when he’s filled with adrenaline. And like, there’s different ways to get adrenaline, mainly through fear, which then had me thinking of say, reader with the Chain, and the reader being in danger, and the adrenaline that would fill Sky. Rip whatever caused the danger
~🍀 anon
you're welcome, I'm glad you had a good time <333
I think each of them can be the strongest for their own reason but adrenaline?? the rest cannot hope to compare to what adrenaline can do for sky. yes twi can throw goats and tears has his ultrahand but sky? Lover boy can be down an arm bleeding only to get back up and keep on fighting through sheer fight or flight ALONE.
I like to think that he simply doesn't tell the chain about him being a human, cause of how groose treated him when he was younger. He knows that the chain won't but at the same time there's this voice in the back of his head always making him second guess himself and ruin his hopes for them accepting him. the one he'd be most likely to tell is twi but only after ordon. or after twi figures it out himself.
I think that it would trigger less with the chain in general because ske knows there's less of a threat to them, they're all heroes, they all know how to fight. they can handle themselves. there's no need for it to fully kick in.
when he's fallen for you though? when he's got you to care for? A future to imagine? it's going to go into overdrive.
the others may have assumed the strength of his adrenaline comes from being a godslayer (if they knew) but it's the otherway around. there's no hope for a simple hylian to take down a god. That's why hylia needed her little hero to be a human. she knew that and made him human despite her own distain for them. Despite knowing how hated he would be for it.
or maybe because of it.
she knew her reincarnated self being nice would have a human bond faster than a hylian who'd been treated well from day one after all.
she just didn't know how hard and how dangerously he'd fall for another human.
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blughxreader · 2 years
You said in the description of the Dark Web Yandere that he feeds off of whatever reaction his darling gives him whether it be positive or negative. What happens if she stops reacting?
He’s pretty clever but he also has the ego of an 11 year old boy in a video game chat room. So he’d probably up the severity of his mistreatment/overwhelming love until he gets a reaction. He’d also see no problem with physical violence, as long as he’s the one doing it.
He wouldn’t bring in a third party, like family or friends, because he feels he alone should be able to get the reactions out of Reader. He wouldn’t be able to stand her focusing on another, much less caring for someone else. (Even if it elicited a strong emotional reaction from her.)
If all his attempts fail, I can see him shipping the Reader off to a rehab facility on some lovely beach. The organization and staff are paid for entirely by him, so her pleads for help would go unnoticed. His goal would be for her to get some mental stability back, so he can pop over one day and be like, “ready to go home? :)”
Cue his heart fluttering as she tries to kill him. Lol.
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yandere-daze · 1 year
hey hi! is it okay to request hcs for yandere tatsumi x a reader who loooves drawing him? and how would he react? thank you!
Of course! Tatsumi is a wonderful character ^^ Now, it´s actually been a while since I last wrote something for enstars if I´m not mistaken, so I´m sorry if I´m a bit rusty!
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, worshipping of reader, religious themes ( talks of god, comparing reader to an angel), brief mention of death and implied burial in the end (it´s not actually important to the story or something that actually happens. )
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Yandere! Tatsumi reacting to a darling that loves drawing him
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It´s no secret that Tatsumi greatly admires you and everything you do. He treasures every single smile you send his way, every word you speak to him. You are utterly divine in his eyes, an angel sent by god himself to walk this earth.
Oh how blessed he feels, being alive at the same time as you and being allowed to breathe the same air. There is no doubt in his mind that you are an angelic being deserving of praise and worship and so much more.
Everything you touch is a masterpiece, so Tatsumi is utterly enchanted when he sees you draw something for the very first time.
He hadn´t intended to walk in on you while you were deep within your creative process, he had simply meant to check up on you to make sure that you were feeling alright. And of course he had already started missing you after a short while of being away from you, but he vowed to restrain that part of himself.
Nevertheless, he had found you hard at work, staring at your work-in-progress in full concentration. He didn´t dare say anything, afraid that he might accidentally break your focus if you did.
No, whatever you were drawing deserved to be brought into this world in all its glory, ready to be admired by every person that happens to look upon it.
So Tatsumi took this rare opportunity to simply admire your form. What he adored most about you was certainly your personality, it´s what made him fall in love with you in the first place, but he would be a heathen to ignore how wonderful you looked as well.
To say he was surprised when he managed to catch a glance of the piece you were working on was an understatement.
You were drawing him.
It was unmistakable. At once, Tatsumi felt as if an arrow had shot right through his heart as he felt it wildly thumping in his chest. Oh how lovely you were, to dedicate this drawing to him of all people! What had he done to receive this great blessing? Your kindness truly knew no bounds!
Stuck in blissful reverie, Tatsumi promptly gathers his thought again and then slowly makes his way over to you with a gentle smile on his face, still utterly awestruck and full of love for you.
He had vowed to not interrupt you but seeing that you were drawing him, he felt obligated to properly praise and thank you for your work. It was truly moving!
Tatsumi really couldn´t believe his luck, he would be very flattered and encouraging if you were to ask him for his permission to keep drawing him. You know he could never deny you but especially not when you would do something so kind for him!
If you were to gift him your drawing, he would be beyond grateful and would make sure to cherish it as it deserves. He stores it somewhere in his room, either keeping it in a secret hidden box or proudly displaying it on his wall. He both wants to keep it safe but also display it for the entire work to see. Everyone should learn how truly divine and awe-inspiring you were!
But he´d still prefer to be your greatest worshipper in the end.
You wouldn´t really notice just what big of an effect your drawing had on Tatsumi, he was acting as he normally would, very level-headed and kind. Tatsumi was very low-key when it came to his yandere tendencies and rather abnormal worshipping of you.
All you see is a gentle and comforting man that´s always there to lend a helping hand should you ever need it. Someone you can rely on.
But to him, you were something so much more. The sole light in his life, the embodiment of all that is good in the world. And he would cherish you forevermore until the day his body would be buried within the earth you walk upon.
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5eraphim · 7 months
"we can start with a kiss" for scout? 👀
Link to the Dubcon Prompts
Title: Red Sky at Night (alternative title "Just Like Playing Pretend")
Character: The Scout 🐇 (Team Fortress 2)
Content Warnings: Dubcon, taping/armature, corrosion, delusional yandere (slightly reciprocated obsession), forced intimacy, panty huffing, biting/marking, fingering, very brief passing incest joke, i guess? (just like one line, a part of scout being annoying and a creepy), soft-mindbreak, degradation, TOXIC RELATIONSHIP, lap riding
Word Count:
"What feels like work to you, is playing to others." Lenfantvivant
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"Hey, I'm home."
Entering the house, you instantly noticed no lights were on. As well as the lack of noise you'd never expect when Scout was home alone. It couldn't be much later than 6, but well into the fall season, the sky was black when you pulled in. Once inside, you noticed the sole lights on in the house were those in the bedroom. Though rather than the typical warm-white light you were used to, a bright red escaped the crack between the door and its frame making you equally curious and uneasy.
It wasn't just the silence that made you uncomfortable or the odd darkness. Still, the combination of those things specifically had your nerves on edge—today marked the six-month anniversary of your relationship with Scout. Given his careless, self-obsessed nature, one would think he'd be the type to forget about this kind of thing, but he never did. You half-hoped to luck out today while unable to shake the suspicion Scout had something planned for later.
You crept closer but couldn't hear anything but a bit of movement from the other side. When you were at the doorway, you took a deep breath, stealing your inner resolve before using your fingertips to push the door open to peep inside gently.
It took a moment for your eyes to adjust to the odd lightning inside. To your surprise, there weren't actually any red lights on, but rather some red towels hanging over the bedside table lamps, turning the light from the white bulbs deep red as well as dimming them slightly, emphasizing the long dark shadows in the room, making the entire place feel seedy. Even the window had a red sheet drawn across the curtain rod, rendering the whole night sky invisible to you, save for the light of the half-moon and a few bright stars.
Scout must've missed the sound of you coming home as you caught him fiddling with something on the dresser with his back to you as you entered. But now, in the same room with him, you instantly caught his attention, making him abandon whatever he was doing to greet you with a crushing hug. "Hey, you're back!"
He kissed your cheek as you limply returned the hug, going through the motions of letting him kiss you and forcing a loving smile as he wrapped his arms around your waist. As you let your arms slip away from his shoulders, stepping back to break the hug, you couldn't ignore how odd the room looked, bathed in bright red. "Scout, what is all this?"
He didn't answer your question, just beamed at you with a big smile, "Ya like it?"
You raised an eyebrow, "It looks fine, but why?"
Scout inched a little closer, slinging one arm around your shoulder and pulling you to his chest, "C'mon, don'tcha know what day it is?"
You nodded, "I do…"
"Well, six months is a long time, ain't it? Thought it's 'bout time we did somethin' a lil extra special to celebrate!" He didn't really answer your question, feeling content enough to have his arm around your shoulders, holding you nice and close to his chest while he admired his handiwork, turning the unwanted-ly shared bedroom into something even sleazier.
But you knew better than to tell him you thought the room looked tacky or pornographic. Your brows creased as you tried to follow wherever he was going with this, "Celebrating with red lights?"
"Red lights aaand-" Using his free hand, he gestured with his thumb to where he was standing before you entered.
You followed his thumb with your eyes, realizing it wasn't something on the dresser he was messing with before you showed up. It was a camera on a tripod, about the same level as the dresser, pointed at the bed. "A camera?"
He didn't respond, but he didn't need to. That dumb look on his face, as well as the red light on the camera indicating a recording in progress, the shabby lighting, covering the windows and giving no indications he had anything in mind, waiting until you were home and exactly where he wanted you before showing you all this, were all the clues you needed to piece together what he had in mind for tonight.
"Scout, you cannot be serious!" You sidestepped away from him snappily, making the arm previously around your shoulders slide right off. Scout looked genuinely surprised to see you acting so resistant. You never wanted this relationship, you hated Scout, but he knew how to keep you compliant. Before you agreed to the relationship, he was constantly bugging you, blowing up your phone with calls and texts, which was annoying but not difficult to brush off. For the longest time, you saw him as just another creep and nothing more, more persistent than most you knew, but hardly anything special. You had yet to learn how far he would take things.
Even when he pestered you and acted immature, you never truly thought of Scout as a bad guy. You wanted to believe deep down he was sweet, just a bit misled. But when loved ones began turning up in the hospital, almost died from blunt force trauma, or when personal belongings turned up smashed to pieces, you knew who was behind it all, but even worse, you knew what you had to do to make it stop.
And it was under threat of violence to yourself or the ones you love that kept you quiet and obedient for the longest time. It wasn't a good situation to be in, but it sure as hell was better than the alternative. The past 6 months were essentially a blur when it came to your personal life; you would go home, and there he was. That was all there was to it. Scout wasn't a complete monster, and occasionally, you'd even catch glimpses of that "good boy" you thought he always was deep down. 
This must've been the first time you tried to resist him in ages. "If it took this long for me to stick up for myself, is it bad I can hardly remember what the hell I was agreeing to before now?" You wondered to yourself.
Scout rolled his eyes, grabbing your shoulder with one hand to keep you from slipping away any further, "I don't get why you're acting like it's a big deal- it's just this one time, c'mon!" You'd admire his audacity if it weren't so infuriating. You weren't sure how many more" just this once-s" you had left in you. It was hard to stomach the disgust and guilt for playing along and letting him get what he wanted, but trying to refuse him was even more challenging, and you already knew no matter what you had to say, he'd get his way by the end of the night.
Eyeing up the camera, you crossed your arms over your chest. Scout's grip on you was too tight for you to escape entirely, "You're not gonna make this… weird, are you?"
He chuckled, "How weird are we talking'?"
You frowned, "Like gross weird. Like, you're not going to make me pretend to be your sister or something creepy, right?" Maybe giving him ideas like this was wrong, but you were already so uncomfortable you didn't know how much worse things could get.
You recoiled as he laughed, clearly not bothering to take your concerns seriously. "I wasn't gonna! But I mean, hey- if ya wanted, I don't mind playin' big brother-"
You grit your teeth, fighting back a chill of disgust. "Don't you dare finish that sentence!"
Scout gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, perhaps not entirely oblivious to your discomfort, "Relax, relax, I'm just messin' with ya! Just wanna help loosen up a lil before I start rearranging your guts and all."
You blinked, not entirely sure how to respond to that. "Alright then… So what do you want me to do?"
Scout leaned over to kiss the top of your head, "All ya gotta do is get on the bed and look real pretty. Leave all the rest to me."
You nodded, prepared to get all this over with as soon as possible, about to step past him and make yourself comfortable on the bed when you felt his hand on your shoulder, "Hang on, I wanna make this count. Can we start with a kiss?" 
You turned to respond, but before you could say anything, you felt his palm against your cheek, guiding your face to connect with his. If you were unsure if Scout wanted to go through with all this, you weren't questioning it anymore. Keeping one hand resting against the side of your face, his other hand blindly ushered the rest of your body to draw even closer, finding the small of your back to pull you in nice and close. He wasn't the best kisser and almost always lost himself in the spur-of-the-moment excitement to the detriment of his technique and general lack of experience. But clearly, he was at least trying to hold himself back a bit, trying not to overwhelm you. For only a moment, you pondered his change in demeanor, only to feel a chill running down your spine as you realized you forgot to ask earlier if the camera was already recording or not, or even worse, just how many other cameras he might have set up you'd yet to discover. 
Scout's fingers toyed with the bottom of your shirt's hem for a few seconds before his hand slipped under your top, stroking your lower back with his fingers slowly, wanting to savor the moment, trying so hard to fight off his own impulsive desire to slam you against the bed and make you moan his name like a porn star. You broke the kiss with your eyes remaining focused on his lips, feeling a confusing affectionate stir in your chest from the lopsided toothy grin staring back at you. 
Scout wanted you to play pretend with him and go along with his "directing" for tonight. It made your head spin, trying to remember if you were supposed to act as his adoring lover or a sexy actor for his adult film in a cynical, morbid way. Though you knew you could sell the character easily enough, you already had so much experience pretending to go along with his possessive, often violent whims in and outside the bedroom; how could this be all that different? How could (hopefully) one camera make all that kind of difference?
Trying to put on a soft and needy voice, you whispered, "I don't wanna wait more- can't we get into bed already? We can keep kissing there, can't we?" It never took more than some doe-eyes and a breathy "please" to get Scout to do what you wanted. When it came to the bedroom, he was almost always all talk.
Scout smiled, letting you pull him into bed, but stopped you when you started to undress yourself.
"Lemme do it," he nodded at the camera, "Gotta make sure you're doin' it nice and slow." 
It was hard not to roll your eyes, but somehow you managed. Settling down into bed with your head at the pillows and your side to the camera while Scout crawled on top, peeling off his own shirt in the process.
Honestly, it was a bit more awkward and stiff to lay back and let Scout undress you than actually discomforting. You consciously avoided looking at the camera while he worked, as though it would do anything to salvage your dignity. It saddened you that no matter how much you hated him, there was always that frustrating little part of you that still felt arousal for Scout. That little part of you that would always want him, no matter how you hated him or how he humiliated you, it was never enough to make you stop wanting him. 
With your compliance, Scout could slip off your shirt overhead, followed by your bra, intentionally dropping them to the floor in front of the camera for dramatic effect. But when he popped the button on your pants, his excitement picked up slightly, tugging the fabric down your legs. Lowering his head to your navel, bracing himself on hands and knees around you, Scout gripped the top of your underwear between his teeth, straining the fabric against your body before tugging down.
It wasn't hard to help move your legs as he worked them down your legs with his mouth, but you weren't expecting to see Scout still holding the little bunch of fabric between his teeth as he looked back into place overhead, sitting back on his haunches, almost straddling your hips to keep both his hands free. He waited until he had your attention until your eyes focused on his mouth before pulling them free and keeping his eyes on your face as he pressed the fabric directly under his nose and huffed. 
The subsequent moan of satisfaction made you cringe, keeping your eyes screwed shut and looking to the side as you made a sound of disgust. You hated how you could still hear his heavy breathing and cruel laugh, how he could prolong your discomfort without laying a hand on you, without being seen.
"Wassamatter? You wanna turn?" He pulled the cotton away from his face just enough to taunt you by dangling the garment over your head, tickling your cheek slightly.
"I'll pass." 
Scout pouted, "It's your loss, ya know." He balled them up slightly with his fingers before squishing your cheek with his finger like he was teasing a baby. 
"You sicko…" Eventually, with a sigh of disappointment, he tossed them to the side, lowering back down on all fours, his face much closer to yours. You were shocked to see an almost gentle, loving look on his face, his hands falling over yours at your sides on the bed. Before speaking, he gave them a soft squeeze before guiding your dominant hand into place over your sex, the other resting against the top of your hip, fingers brushing the very tip of your thigh.
"I'm only teasing' ya. C'mon ya know I love ya, an' you drive me freakin' crazy, lemme make ya feel real good. Tonight, we can start slow."
You flushed at the unexpected sweetness. Nodding once, you felt your breath hitch when Scout started to pulse his fingers over yours. Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself to pick up on the buzzy feeling deep inside, feeling extra sensual under the moody, red light. 
True to his word, Scout followed your pace and mirrored your gentle touches. "Don't worry about going all out. Let's just getcha warmed up first, alright baby?" He said, kissing your forehead, grazing his lips against your forehead with every word with such a gentleness you managed to let yourself believe Scout could be trusted, imagining the gross scenario into something romantic. Like the two of you were innocent sweethearts fooling around behind closed doors, this wasn't anything grave, just a bit of naughty fun now that he had you all to himself. Or you were back home safe, and your loved ones were waiting for you just beyond the bedroom door. 
But as the pleasant fantasy unfolded, it began to take a dark turn as though your own brain were acting out, trying to punish you for taking pleasure in such an undignified situation at the hands of such an awful person. A primal, unforeseen, and unmanageable fear flooded your mind, making you too scared to open your eyes, heightening all physical sensations. In your mind, you imagined the scene playing out. Your naked, weak body spread wide for all to see, the warm red lighting turning into hellfire, the man in bed with you into a demon. You weren't in your bedroom. You were in hell! Humiliated and treated like a whore by a demon, leered at by perverse faces who watched hidden from the shadows.
Abruptly, you locked up, your hands flying from between your legs, and you sat up, backing up against the wall to avoid knocking heads with Scout, feeling suddenly cold all over, like someone just poured an icy bucket of water all over you. 
Scout looked at you confused, "Hey, chill out will ya! You're alright- What's wrong?"
Looking around the room self-consciously, you cleared your throat. The primal feeling of "something is wrong" had lifted, making you blank on exactly why you did what you just did. The feeling is much like suddenly snapping yourself out of a nightmare. You weren't in hell; there was no demon in the room with you and no shadowy figures watching you from the corners. You were right back in your unpleasant but expected reality. "Sorry, I uh- Just forgot about the camera for a second…"
He nodded, surprised to hear such a mild reason for the dramatic reaction. "Oh. You want me to cover it with a towel or something?"
You slackened, raising an eyebrow. "Will you cover the lens too?"
Nodding, you sighed, "Never mind, I'm fine, I can keep going."
"Atta girl!" He congratulated you for going on with a pat on the shoulder as he sat up, crawling over to the lip of the bed where he could spread his legs and let them dangle down the side of the bed. Scout looked over his shoulder and gestured with his head, beckoning you to crawl closer as he patted the bed beside him. You realized a beat too late. Scout positioned himself, spread his legs wide, right where the camera lens was pointed, and waited for you to hurry up and get into place to do the same. 
Softly, you padded closer on all fours as he spread his legs a little wider the closer you crawled. You were about to straddle his lap, facing him as Scout so often begged of you, when he put a hand on your shoulder, forcing you to pause.
"Nah, not like that- get on facing the camera. I wanna get a good view when I watch this back!" He didn't even really sound perverse as much as he sounded genuinely excited, but the hard-on between his legs was all the reminder you needed of his true intentions here, not to mention how overheated his body felt so close to yours. Awkwardly, you tried to situate yourself on his lap in this new position. It was too embarrassing to look at the camera and do this, so you kept your eyes down as you crawled out from behind him, letting Scout use his arms to help you stay balanced and guide you into place.
You must've looked as nervous as you felt. Scout leaned his face right next to your ear as he whispered, "Don't be shy, I've gotcha, I'm not gonna letcha fall. You're gonna look so sexy on tape, babe." His fingers drummed over and smoothed against your sensitive skin as he spoke, making it prickle.
With your weight balanced well enough on his lap, Scout's hands slithering up from your sides to cup your chest, groping against your tits with a teasing kind of playfulness. Even if he's wiry, he's so warm it makes you melt. Prompting you to mindlessly press yourself even harder down on his lap, feeling his stiff throb against your ass. His breath ghosts against your neck between kisses, you try to sync your breath to his, feeling the way it quickened every time you squeezed and palmed up his thighs.
The feeling of harsh teeth and a humid, wet tongue on your neck make you wince, mindlessly rolling your heat against Scout's lap, the instant reaction spurring him on all the more, as he took a hard nick to the side of your neck. You can feel Scout's trademark wonky teeth, coated with enough saliva to ooze out of his mouth, leaking all over you, forming thin trails connecting his lips to the wet spot he created, even as he pulled away. You were painfully pinned into place between Scout's mouth and his crushing grip on both your tits, making you groan in frustration as you felt trapped but unable to get any proper relief from either direction. But just as you were about to try and wriggle away, to get just a bit of space away from the man to catch your breath, Scout returned for another bite. 
Intentionally, Scout aimed to target the already irritated skin. The pain intensified, and you felt yourself yelp as you began wriggling even harder to try and stop the pain. But Scout clung to you like a feeding leech, refusing to budge an inch. 
The pain in such a sensitive area turned you on, but when you felt him drawing blood, your fear overtook your arousal. You didn't like how bold he was getting in front of the camera."F-fucking hell! Scout!"
To your disappointment, your attempts at stopping his abuse had the complete inverse effect. He let out a shallow moan, huffing as the breath got caught in his throat, grinding against the slick-with-sweat flesh of your backside, almost laughing with delight, "Beg again, just like that!"
"Sco-out! God! Please, more!"
"Beg harder- I wanna-God, I wanna hear you whine-"
You responded instantly, your brain well-past cock hungry and unaware of how pathetic you sounded, "Scout, Sc-scout! C'mon, please!" Fortunately, your muscles didn't have to strain much longer in that position, as Scout responded to your plea by thrusting fully inside, an action which would've been painful if not for your lustiness.
Feeling that maddening yearning between your legs finally satisfied, you couldn't help but let out a breathy sigh of relief, allowing your body to go limp, bouncing slightly as he continued to pound against your motionless body. 
"Start touchin' yourself again, just like before- Go on and show off how freakin' hot you look when you come." Scout didn't need to tell you twice. One hand latched over one of his hands still covering your tit as you gripped the mound of skin through his hand while your dominant hand found your clit. Rolling the nerves between your fingertips, you felt the pleasure pick up in waves as your body relaxed into Scout, allowing him to keep your body nice and propped up for the camera while you chased your orgasm.
From the inside, Scout could feel how close you were just as well as you could. The end was so near for you, but you wanted it now, wanted to feel Scout fuck you even harder, treat you like an animal, and go as hard as he could. To encourage him, you begged again, "Hard as you can, Scout! Feels- ah! You feel so fucking good!"
In truth, you didn't even know if you gave him enough time to react before you were gripping down on his prick and riding out your high for all it was worth. Scout was so focused on not bursting before you all night that the sight of you at last climaxing over his lap practically made Scout come on the spot. But after watching you come to settle down from your orgasm, Scout was able to regain his thoughts well enough to complete a few more deep thrusts between your thighs before everything went white. All his muscles tensed as he came before slackening, forcing him to wrap both arms around your shoulders to keep from flopping backward. Scout's head felt all light and dizzy. He needed to take a second before he was ready to move. Keeping his eyes closed, he mindlessly buried his head back into the crook of your neck to continue panting heavily, offering a few more sloppy, gentle kisses as he caught his breath.
It was easy to stay like this. Scout wasn't acting pushy or demanding your submission; all you had to do was sit and support him. Usually, Scout could manage a near-instant recovery, but tonight, he sounded more spent than ever. And eventually, you lost track of time the longer you sat there.
After all that, your mind eventually began to wander. While you were responsive, aware of the space around you and what was going on, and even communicative in a small sense, broadly speaking, your mind had checked out. Despite all the invasion of privacy, lack of dignity, and bodily coercion, at some point, that little voice in your head that continued to remind you this was wrong, the self-blame and feeling responsible for letting him do this to you, apathy began to roll in like a stormcloud and block out your distress. 
You were so tired, and on a primal level, you found the presence of another warm body in bed with you soothing enough to relax you, lulling you into an almost tranquil state. Your exhausted mind was no longer worried about Scout's hungry eyes against your naked body or the harsh red LED from the camera locked in on your location. The red towel covering the lamps and the red light illuminating the room stopped looking garish. It wasn't natural, but it felt oddly cozy and warm. You stopped paying attention to Scout altogether and became lost, staring out the window covered by the red blanket. Even behind the heavy fabric, you could make out the outline of the half-moon and a few bright stars in the clear sky. 
By the time Scout finally pulled himself off the bed to clean himself up, you realized you had no idea how long your mind went blank staring at the wall. He offered you a hand out of bed, which you accepted, feeling pins and needles in your stiff joints as you followed him to the bathroom, trying not to look at yourself in the mirror while scrubbing yourself clean. Scout continued to chatter as he returned to bed, trying his hardest to get you nice and comfortable before he settled down.
Wrapped in a soft blanket, curled up at his side, you were at peace. A boundary was crossed tonight, and you knew you'd likely regret all this come morning, but at least it was over, and sleep wasn't far away. You weren't uncomfortable or in pain, but something in your gut didn't feel quite right. This wasn't how relationships were supposed to go, and boundaries like this weren't ever supposed to be broken, but then again, could you even remember the last time Scout had treated you like a boyfriend "should"? 
He held you in his arms, told you he loved you, and called you beautiful, but it wasn't good enough. Nothing about tonight, about the relationship, and to be honest, almost nothing about Scout himself was quite right.
Nestled like a little chick in its nest, you allowed Scout to cradle your compliant body, feeling thankful for the soft fabric separating your body from his. You couldn't try to fight him back at all like this or defend yourself, but after all you'd just been through, what was the point? At least like this, it was all the easier to do what he wanted of you: lay back, keep quiet, and pretend you were hopelessly in love.
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