#woof am i right
willowser · 8 days
you know who would be so good as a monster!bf ?? blade.
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raayllum · 11 months
hit upon an interesting realization regarding re: fandom fatigue in a way that i think is like, 75% internalized and maybe 25% external, which is to say: i’m tired of trying to convince people something is Good, particularly in the more than post 7-8 months since s4 aired. not that those feelings weren’t there before, but i’m tired of, idk. i don’t post to convince anyone of anything on purpose, but i’m definitely more hesitant to post theories now when i know they may attract more attention than i want in general, nevermind in an unsavoury way, or they’ll be cruel/smug when any given theory i’ve had is wrong or whatever. 
i’m not unaware of my high follower count and some of what that means in fandom, even if i do my best to ignore all of it because it’s Weird, but there have been times i’ve wondered about having another, secret side blog or something, just for meta or whatever, to have some distance. i’m tired of fanon / fandom / whatever else is attached to the show and the cast and crew filtering in and getting in the way of my enjoyment, i suppose. i’m here to engage with the story, not people, if that makes any sense?
i’m tired of seeing the same old arguments or points of contention about the same old things. i’m tired of the lack of faith or patience or grace for drawn out storytelling and bad faith reads. i’m tired of people pre-judging something before its released or finished. i’m tired of feeling like i have to convince people that i am a person, that my meta has merit since its based in what i got a degree in / make my livelihood in. tired of feeling like people take will always take my shit in bad faith or detract for whatever shallow reason they have, of people who ‘rebuttal’ but can’t actually analyse because like, i truly am all for different interpretations, but if you don’t ground that in an explanation and examples it’s just... so weak? an opinion, not meta.
and i think some of this overall fatigue has been compounded by pride month and the general somewhat emotional rollercoaster of the past 6ish months of my life all having overlap but
idk it makes me want to unplug and then re-plug myself into only the best of what i want to see and create and engage with. which is probably on me for not curating what i am seeing enough, or as much as i could be. but yeah, definitely time to reaffirm the Sign and start living by it again, because most of the time i do not have the bandwidth to even consider all this, but shit’s been hitting different lately & not in a fun way - so time to reassess, i suppose 
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irishyuri · 9 months
im calling it a night dolls theres only so much excitement i can take
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cheese-water · 5 months
I just wanna say, after the whole Forever debacle, this is another instance of Tubbo having weirdly accurate hunches. Not talking the donowall stuff but about his perception towards the N.I.N.H.O and Forever himself.
There’s a reason why he hasn’t set up Sunny’s N.I.N.H.O room yet. Even after being gifted one by Forever. Just a small joke said in response to Forever explaining how eggs and their parents can double reinforce their rooms so that even he couldn’t access them.
“Alright. Well as long as you don’t go crazy again, I’m not fussed.”
Tubbo then not only places Sunny’s warp plate out in the open but also pulls Sunny aside to reassure her that they will create their own safety precautions outside of the N.I.N.H.O. How that he’s found ways with newer mods to make a better safety system that he will use on his own.
Like at first, I wanted him to make improvements on the already existing N.I.N.H.O to protect more eggs. But now, thank GOD he didn’t.
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wormdebut · 7 months
I have not been writing. And this evening I wrote…so join me in my entrance to the omegaverse with a snippet…
Everything is dull, these days. Wake up, drink coffee, jerk off, drink coffee, go to work exhausted anyway.
It’s all the same. Every damn day. Everything looks the same. Everybody acts the same. Everything smells the same.
Which is saying a lot for Eddie. Uncle Wayne always told him, his sense of smell was greater than any Alpha he’d ever met. Eddie wasn’t entirely sure if he was supposed to take that as a compliment but he did anyway.
So, this was it then. This new low of monotony. Even his sketches were suffering.
Eddie couldn’t help the low growl that escaped his throat, when he fucked up this stupid rose for the third time.
What the hell was wrong with him, lately?
Fuck if he knew.
“Munson!” Hop claps him on the back, wellp. There goes that damn leaf…again.
Eddie flicks his eyes up, scowl on his face.
“Jim.” He counters and Hop glares right back at him.
“Don’t ‘first name’ me, kid.”
Eddie huffs. “Then don’t interrupt me when I’m—“
Hop levels him with a steeled look. “When you’re stuck on your drawing of a grade one flower? You’re beyond that, Munson. I know you know that.”
Eddie runs a hand over his face. “Yeah I do too. I’m just—in a rut, I guess?” He says with a sigh.
“Damn this early? Do I need to send you home or—“
“Har har, Hop. You know what I mean.”
Jim Hopper smirks at him. The bastard. “I do, and—drawing that shit is just gonna keep you there so. I’ve booked out your day.”
Eddie perks up, honestly, a few good walk ins would probably help him break out of whatever this garbage is—
“You’re gonna hang out with the new guy.”
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lovereadandwrite · 1 month
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he cooked ! he served !! HE ATE😮‍💨🥵
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brookheimer · 1 year
the one thing i feel pretty certain about for this episode is that america will not decide the election. a decision will be made, a president will be elected, but america will not be the deciding factor.
succession can’t mimic 2016 or 2020 point blank, that would be boring and have nothing to say. it can’t try to outdo trump because it’ll go too whacky and fall flat like veep’s last season (sorry conheads, no way he’s winning). but what it CAN do is illustrate the immensely corrupt, often arbitrary, and hugely influential nature of news media and conglomerations on political processes. i think probably jimenez will be in the lead, then atn/waystar does something to, i don’t know, discount votes or cast suspicion on jimenez or call the election for mencken early, and the tide will shift, even though the votes are already in. the votes don’t actually matter. the actual result doesn’t actually matter. that’s the power logan (and as an extension, billionaires and CEOs in general) hold. shiv says it herself to logan in s4e2: “just cause you say it’s true doesn’t make it true. everyone just fucking agrees with you and believes you, so it becomes true and then you can turn around and say like, 'oh, you see? see? i was right.'” but it doesn’t matter that logan’s “a human fucking gaslight,” everything he says comes true anyways. not because he was right, but because that’s how it works. he says things and then they happen, regardless of what the truth is or what should actually come to pass. that’s been one of the key throughlines since the very first episode of the entire show when, in response to kendall calling logan out of touch because times are changing and logan isn't changing with them, logan hisses that everyone always says you’re wrong until you do it and prove you were right: “you make your own reality.” you can't miss the bus if you're the one driving it. the election, the votes, the political process? none of that matters. it was always going to come down to the roys and their ilk (allies or enemies, just the top 1%) — that was the whole point of “what it takes” (the mencken episode) last season, after all.
i’ve seen lots of theories about what america will choose and how the candidates will respond and all that and i just don’t think that’s the show’s focus; i think the whole point is to demonstrate the lack of agency, the illusion of democracy. because, i mean, we’ve already seen the fall of democracy via fascist election and fascist election-denial, both in real life and in the countless (usually mid) satires created afterwards. it would be disappointing to see succession use the election to reiterate that same point of 'ohhh alt-right ahhhhh!!!' i don’t think it’ll be about ‘fascism’ at all — at least, not ‘trump-y’ fascism. it’ll be about fascism in the broader sense, the kind that doesn't sport a KKK hood (even when it keeps one tucked away in the attic). it's the fascism that every single roy (very much including shiv and kendall) aid and abet -- the fascism that so many succession fans don't seem to regard as fascism, despite it quite literally being the definition of fascism. trump wasn’t the entrance of fascism into our political process. he wasn’t the lone sign of the failing of american democracy. democracy in america has long been illusory, trump just made it more blatantly evident with his particular brand of hate-speech-ridden masculinist in-your-face fascism.
so i think that’s what this episode will hopefully focus on — america will not decide. corporations, news media, and the roys will. thus, the president will most likely become president not because the country supports his policies the most, but because he’s likely to agree to help block a business deal for a major media empire, and the other candidate is unlikely to. and this will likely come to pass due to said major media empire's interference and influence: they create their own reality. they say it, and everyone agrees with them and believes them, so it becomes true.
#WOOF okay here's my unnecessary ~thematic prediction~ for this episode#i have some more like random thoughts ab what'll happen but those r less thought out and more throwing shit at the wall etc#but i've been thinking a lot ab this ep n idk i just can't see any other way it could be done satisfyingly -- they can't just do 2016/2020#again. the focus has to be elsewhere. i have some specifics thoughts on details but again those r kinda random n will be in another post#after bizarrely getting a lot of things right this szn i know a lot of people are looking to me to see what i'll say for this ep and let me#remind yall that I AM LITERALLY JUST GUESSING BASED ON MY UNDERSTANDING OF THE SHOW AND HOW NARRATIVES#TEND TO WORK PARTICULARLY IN SUCCESSION! if i am wrong which i very well might be please do not crucify me. i know literally#nothing more than anyone else i'm just a random english/gov major who likes speculating about media ! that said if i end up right again#somehow then yes i am a prophet i am jesse armstrong i have never been wrong about anything in my life. etc#watch this age so poorly tho.#LOL#also fwiw i dont think the Shock etc is going to come from the election results - maybe possibly from the way things happen (i could see a#line of miscommunication resulting in fucked up outcomes etc which i can get into in another post) or a roy sibs moment but i just#don't think there's any way the results themselves cld be surprising. it's jimenez or mencken. it's not gonna be connor guys.#succession#succession spoilers#except not really. just succession speculation more than anything else#long post#succession speculation#100
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meowkuras · 6 months
i’d bark like a dog for sachiko juraku. she may be an awful person, but woof woof, am i right??
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wiltking · 3 months
reading The Wolf at Bay now and about to start howling at the relationship progression. the messy conversations. the honestly. the establishing of boundaries and cooper voicing his need to still feel like an individual. seeing the first slip of insight into olliver's issues. the obvious need they still have for each other. the trying. good fucking god this is more intense than the literal dead body in the backyard 💀
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stemmmm · 2 months
when resurrecting falin, marcille makes a point that monster souls aren't fixed to their bodies, so there wouldn't be any chance of the warg skeletons messing up falin's body. however, the dragons soul IS mixed in even though she was just built up out of its dead meat. maybe the argument could be that thistle forced the soul back in there, but i honestly dont see how anyone could recognize her as having any dragon in her if not for some recognition of the soul being apparent. this is all a long winded way of saying
i think there's a lil bit of warg in there
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triopsarecute · 1 year
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eraserheadadult · 6 months
ok for real i genuinely rly like the direction this is going in. i like that joe being worried abt mitsuki making the same mistakes he did when he was younger is not an unfounded fear... idk this feels like a more grounded relatable conflict than what i would normally expect from a series like this
but ogh im so stressed out their marriage is falling apart and they have not dated yet .
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doginthevoid · 9 months
To those new to the therian community (& the otherkin/alterhuman community as a whole, honestly), if you're trying to figure out your kintype and you're struggling I have an insider secret for you.
Just pick one. Just pick a label that feels good enough and run with it. Nobody is gunna challenge you and ask you, well how do you KNOW? and if they do, they're a fuckin weirdo and you can tell em to fuck off. You don't need to be 100% sure. You can actually just do what you want, forever. Maybe you'll realize it isnt for you and move on. Maybe you won't. Fuck it
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nagitosstolenhand · 7 months
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couldnt get this silly stupid idea out of my head. refs/inspo under cut
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mayashesfly · 7 months
Vivia DLC Spoilers
I am so fucking normal about Vivia accepting the umbrella from Yakou I am so fucking normal about Vivia accepting the umbrella from Yakou I am so fucking normal about Vivia accepting the umbrella from Yakou
I am so fucking normal about Vivia holding the umbrella himself to protect himself from the rain I am so fucking normal about Vivia holding the umbrella himself to protect himself from the rain I am so fucking normal about Vivia holding the umbrella himself to protect himself from the rain
Him taking the umbrella from Yakou accepting this attachment to life, finding a sliver of himself inch back his foot on the other side to take care of himself for Yakou.
He has never protected himself from the rain before because of his disregard for his life. But now, there was thaat small something. That small something that reminds him, that maybe it's okay to live again. Even if it means continuously dying like a walking corpse. He'll live again.
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varilien · 2 years
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@lesbian-rook pointed out the silhouette kinda looks like a plague mask if u look at it closer and i like both observations for very different reasons >:)
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