#woodworking hacks
pets12pets · 8 months
Mastering Advanced Woodworking Techniques
Woodworking is an art form that has been practiced for centuries, with its roots dating back to ancient civilizations. From building shelters to creating intricate furniture pieces, woodworking has evolved into a fine craft that requires skill, patience, and precision. While many enthusiasts may have some experience with basic woodworking techniques, mastering advanced techniques is crucial for those looking to take their craftsmanship to the next level. In this article, we will delve into the world of advanced woodworking techniques, exploring the various methods and skills that can elevate one's woodworking skills to a professional level. Whether you are a seasoned woodworker or just starting out, this guide will provide valuable insights and tips on how to master advanced woodworking techniques and create stunning, one-of-a-kind pieces that will stand the test of time. So, let's sharpen our tools, roll up our sleeves, and dive into the world of advanced woodworking techniques.
Precision cuts: achieving flawless edges
Achieving precise, flawless edges is a crucial aspect of mastering advanced woodworking techniques. It requires a combination of skill, patience, and the right tools to achieve the desired results. Whether you are working with wood, metal, or other materials, the ability to make precise cuts is essential for creating high-quality, professional-level pieces. In this article, we will delve into the importance of precision cuts and offer tips and tricks to help you achieve flawless edges in your woodworking projects. By mastering this fundamental aspect of woodworking, you will be able to take your craft to the next level and create truly exceptional pieces.
Joinery mastery: perfecting complex connections
In addition to achieving precise edges, mastering complex connections is another essential skill for advanced woodworkers. These connections, such as dovetail joints and mortise and tenon joints, require a high level of precision and attention to detail. One small mistake can affect the overall stability and strength of the piece. By perfecting these complex connections, woodworkers can elevate their craftsmanship and create truly impressive and durable pieces. In this article, we will discuss techniques and strategies for mastering these advanced woodworking techniques and taking your skills to the next level.
Advanced shaping techniques: sculpting intricately
Another crucial aspect of advanced woodworking is mastering the art of intricate sculpting. This involves using different tools and techniques to create intricate and detailed designs on wood surfaces. It requires a high level of precision and control, as well as a deep understanding of how different types of wood respond to various shaping methods. By mastering intricate sculpting, woodworkers can take their pieces to the next level and add unique, personalized touches that truly showcase their skill and creativity. This skill can also open up new opportunities for creating custom pieces and fulfilling more challenging and rewarding projects. With practice and patience, advanced woodworkers can become experts in sculpting and elevate their woodworking abilities to new heights.
Veneering secrets: creating stunning finishes
One of the key components of advanced woodworking is the art of veneering. Veneering allows woodworkers to create stunning finishes by applying thin layers of wood to a base material. This technique not only adds a beautiful aesthetic to the piece, but it also adds strength and durability. To achieve the best results with veneering, it's important to understand the different types of veneer, the proper techniques for applying and cutting veneer, and how to properly seal and finish the final product. With these veneering secrets in your repertoire, you can take your woodworking to the next level and create truly stunning pieces.
Mastering inlay and marquetry: Elevating craftsmanship
Another advanced woodworking technique that can take your craft to the next level is mastering inlay and marquetry. These techniques involve using small pieces of contrasting wood, metal, or other materials to create intricate designs on the surface of a piece. With precise cutting and fitting skills, as well as an eye for design, woodworkers can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to their pieces through inlay and marquetry. These techniques require patience and attention to detail, but the end result is a stunning piece that showcases advanced craftsmanship. By incorporating inlay and marquetry into your woodworking, you can elevate your skills and create truly unique and beautiful pieces.
Advanced router techniques: Enhancing versatility
Another advanced router technique that can greatly enhance the versatility of your woodworking skills is edge banding. This involves applying a thin strip of material, such as wood veneer or PVC, to the exposed edges of a piece of furniture, giving it a clean and finished look. This technique allows woodworkers to use less expensive materials for the main structure of a piece while still achieving a high-end appearance. It also opens up the possibility of incorporating different materials and textures into a design, giving the finished piece a more dynamic and visually interesting look. By mastering edge banding, woodworkers can take their creations to the next level and truly showcase their skills and creativity.
Fine furniture finishing: achieving showroom-quality
Achieving a showroom-quality finish on your fine furniture is the ultimate goal for any woodworker. It not only enhances the overall appearance of the piece, but it also adds value and longevity. To achieve this level of perfection, it is important to pay attention to every detail of the finishing process. From selecting the right materials to mastering the techniques, every step is crucial to creating a flawless finish. In addition to edge banding, other advanced techniques such as hand-rubbed finishes and French polishing can also elevate the look of your furniture to a professional level. With patience, practice, and attention to detail, you can achieve a showroom-quality finish that will make your furniture stand out as a masterpiece.
Carving mastery: creating intricate designs
Another important aspect of mastering advanced woodworking techniques is the ability to create intricate designs through carving. This skill requires patience, precision, and a steady hand to achieve the desired results. Whether it's adding decorative motifs to furniture pieces or creating stand-alone wood carvings, mastering this technique can elevate the overall aesthetic and value of your work. It takes practice and dedication, but with the right tools and techniques, you can achieve carving mastery and take your woodworking skills to the next level.
Advanced sanding techniques: achieving smoothness
Achieving a smooth finish on wood surfaces is a crucial aspect of advanced woodworking techniques. While sanding may seem like a simple task, there are specific techniques and tools that can help you achieve a flawless finish. The key is to start with a lower-grit sandpaper and gradually work your way up to a higher-grit sandpaper, as this will smooth out imperfections and create a polished surface. Additionally, using a sanding block or a power sander can help provide even pressure and prevent uneven sanding. Remember to always sand with the grain of the wood to avoid creating scratches or marks. With these advanced sanding techniques, you can achieve a professional level of smoothness on your woodworking projects.
Woodturning wizardry: sculpting exquisite forms
Another advanced woodworking technique to master is woodturning. Woodturning is the process of shaping and sculpting wood by rotating it on a lathe while using specialized tools. It requires precision, control, and a deep understanding of the wood's grain and characteristics. With woodturning, woodworkers can create intricate and unique forms, from bowls and vases to decorative objects and furniture components. By honing their woodturning skills, woodworkers can elevate their craft and produce truly exquisite pieces.
In summary, mastering advanced woodworking techniques requires dedication, patience, and a willingness to learn. By continually pushing yourself to try new techniques, you can expand your skills and become a true master in the art of woodworking. With the right tools and knowledge, you can create beautiful and intricate pieces that will stand the test of time. Keep practicing and honing your skills, and soon you will be able to take on any woodworking project with confidence and precision.
What are some advanced woodworking techniques that can be used to create intricate designs and patterns in wood?
Some advanced woodworking techniques that can be used to create intricate designs and patterns in wood include marquetry, inlay, carving, and woodturning. Marquetry involves using thin pieces of wood veneer to create detailed and decorative designs on the surface of a larger piece of wood. An inlay refers to the process of cutting out a recess in the wood and fitting it with contrasting materials, such as metal or another type of wood, to create patterns and designs. Carving involves removing wood to create intricate shapes and designs, while woodturning involves shaping wood on a lathe to create symmetrical and detailed patterns.
How can one achieve a seamless and invisible joint when working with different types of wood?
Achieving a seamless and invisible joint when working with different types of wood requires careful planning and precise execution. One key aspect is to select woods with similar grain patterns and colors to ensure a harmonious blend. Proper measurement and cutting techniques, such as using a sharp blade and making accurate cuts, are essential. Additionally, ensuring a tight fit by using clamps or other joining methods, along with using appropriate adhesives, can help create a strong and invisible joint. Sanding and finishing the joint afterward will help to further conceal any visible seams and create a seamless appearance.
What are some effective methods for creating complex curved or angled shapes in wood?
Some effective methods for creating complex curved or angled shapes in wood include using a bandsaw or jigsaw to cut along the desired curve or angle, using a router with a template or jig to shape the wood, using a scroll saw for intricate cuts, and employing steam bending techniques to bend the wood to the desired shape. Additionally, using a combination of hand tools such as chisels, rasps, and files can help refine and shape the wood further.
What are some advanced finishing techniques that can be used to enhance the natural beauty of wood?
Some advanced finishing techniques that can enhance the natural beauty of wood include sanding to a finer grit, using wood dyes or stains to deepen or alter the color, applying multiple coats of clear finish to create depth and shine, using techniques like glazing or distressing to add visual interest, and applying a final coat of wax or polish to enhance the wood's natural luster. These techniques can bring out the grain patterns, highlight the natural color variations, and give the wood a smooth and polished appearance.
How can one master the art of wood carving and create intricate and detailed sculptures from a single piece of wood?
To master the art of wood carving and create intricate sculptures, one must first acquire the necessary tools and materials. Next, it is essential to practice and develop a good understanding of the different carving techniques, such as relief carving and chip carving. Learning from experienced woodcarvers through workshops or online tutorials can be immensely helpful. Patience, attention to detail, and a steady hand are crucial in achieving intricate and detailed sculptures. Beginning with simpler designs and gradually progressing to more complex ones can also aid in honing skills. Regular practice, experimentation, and a genuine passion for the craft are key to becoming a master woodcarver.
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woodworking-hacks · 2 years
EASY DIY wooden bench tutorial awesome amazing woodworking Idea
for more information crick here
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I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but it’s still sometimes shocking to see just how stupid YouTube is. And how they’ll do anything to protect their cash cow content farm click bait hack channels. They took down one of the only videos on fractal wood burning specifically warning people not to do it because it’s super dangerous, because they said they don’t allow videos that encourage dangerous activities, and yet have not taken down all the how-to videos that actually instruct people how to do this dangerous activity!
Anyway, don’t do this activity. It’s dangerous. And thank you Ann Reardon for having the stones to but the pertinent clip back in this new video.
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gilburt-ellam-1999 · 16 days
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Woodworking Hack Episode 10 - Woodworking Tips and Tricks. #woodworkingtools
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thunderhermits · 4 months
Excellent idea for a work table 👍
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ourwitching · 5 months
Learning to play an instrument takes a certain level of dedication — and you can add another l...
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diy-pallets-ideas · 8 months
How to build a beautiful birdhouse in a simple, creative DIY way We are back with a new video, How to build a beautiful birdhouse the easy way. We hope you find this video useful. Welcome to the channel of incredible woodwork. Prepare to be amazed by the breadth of engineering capabilities in our latest video! "How to build a beautiful birdhouse the easy way" step by step. Join us as we explore the incredible works of the human imagination, revealing the astonishing impact they have on our world. Pallets and waste wood are an excellent solution to save money and make your home a unique place, bathrooms, bedrooms, garden furniture, pool linings built at home with a little manual skill, will make our home a place unique.
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eppujensen · 9 months
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Lovely Ikea hack: the plain Rast dresser into an apothecary-style nightstand by Deborah Bitton at Hip & Humble Style.
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palletwoodcamper · 1 year
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noviceoutdoors · 1 year
DIY Custom Ferro Rod Handles - Fun project and handy to have
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thebigmanifestor · 1 year
Need an upgrade? This site is hosting an iPhone 14 survey for eligible users!
Participate to see if you qualify. ✨👉 Get your IPhone 14👈
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amputeewomen · 3 months
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Hi, I made a new Instagram post:
https://www.instagram.com/p/C3uEd_DIaI7/ Would be great if you could like this post and the one on Instagram. Thanks so much Here is a story for the pic:
Isabel was always the kind of person who found a silver lining in the darkest of clouds. So, when an unfortunate accident at the local wood mill resulted in the loss of both her hands, Isabel didn't let despair take hold. Instead, she embraced her new reality with a spirit that was as unbreakable as the polished, shiny hooks that now replaced her hands.
At 22, Isabel was the epitome of resilience wrapped in a rather pretty package. Her coworkers at the mill, initially unsure how to react to her return, were soon won over by her unwavering positivity and, frankly, her uncanny ability to grab things with her prosthetic hooks. Isabel quickly became not just proficient but impressively dexterous with her new appendages, turning tasks that seemed daunting into feats of skill that left onlookers in awe—and often in stitches.
Isabel's adaptation to her hooks became the stuff of legend around the wood mill. She was known for her "hook hacks," innovative ways to manipulate her prosthetics to perform tasks ranging from the precise (sketching designs for the mill's custom woodwork orders) to the mundane (winning the annual chili cook-off).
Her fame as the mill's most adaptable employee was only surpassed by her sense of humor about her situation. Isabel often joked that she was now the most "metal" worker at the mill, both literally and figuratively. She'd make grand entrances into the workspace, proclaiming, "Make way for the Iron Lady!" Her colleagues couldn't help but laugh, their initial discomfort replaced by admiration and affection for Isabel's indomitable spirit.
The mill became known in the local community not just for its quality wood products but for Isabel's inspiring story. She became a bit of a local celebrity, with people from neighboring towns visiting just to see the "girl with the hooks" in action. Isabel welcomed them all with open arms—or hooks, rather—always ready with a quick joke or a demonstration of her latest hook-enabled skill.
Despite the accident, Isabel's love for the wood mill never waned. She saw her work there not just as a job but as a part of her identity. Her hooks, polished and shiny, were not symbols of loss but of adaptation and resilience. Isabel's story wasn't just about overcoming adversity; it was a testament to living life on one's own terms, finding humor in the face of hardship, and inspiring others to see the beauty in what makes us different.
In the end, Isabel's legacy at the wood mill was not defined by the work she did with wood but by the impact she had on the people around her. She showed them that life, much like wood, could be shaped into something beautiful, no matter what tools you have to work with. And that, perhaps, was the funniest twist of all: the girl who lost her hands but found a way to hold the hearts of everyone she touched.
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wannaeatramyeon · 6 months
Gun Park x Goo Kim: Whittling
More 479ish spoilers but not really. This chapter really did something to me.
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"What are you making?" Goo adjusts his glasses, squinting over Gun's shoulder at whatever the hell it is.
"None of your business."
"Well it's ugly!"
"If it's ugly then it must be you."
Gun hears a burst of laughter and warm breath fanning over his cheek. Can't help the smirk creeping over his own face.
Neither say anything else as Gun continues to work the woodblock, more therapeutic and stress relieving than trying to create anything. He expects the blonde, with the attention span of a gnat, to become bored and wander off.
To his surprise, he stays, and the amicable silence doesn't last.
"Why are you hacking at it like that?" A gasp, "You're such a brute!"
"Have you never held a blade before? How are you butchering it this badly?"
"Give that here!"
Gun prepares for Goo snatching the knife and woodblock away. Tenses, readying to stab him-
Goo doesn't snatch at anything.
Instead, rests his hands atop Gun's own.
Firm and guiding. Slowing down the motions, moving confidently as if the blade and Gun's hands are an extension of his.
Goo shuffles his weight, leans further forward into Gun's space, to see what he's doing.
"Angle it carefully, think about the direction and what you are trying to do."
There's a buzzing in Gun's head.
"Don't make it harder for yourself, turn the woodblock."
It grows-
"Don't twist the knife like that."
And grows-
"Take off too little rather than too much. You can't take it back if you make a mistake."
And grows.
He can barely take in what Goo is saying.
All Gun can focus on is the way Goo has pressed himself up against him.
Skilled, expert fingers holding his.
How this close, Gun can see how long his eyelashes are, a faint freckle below his eye, and the indent mark of his glasses.
"What is that?"
Goo holds up the small wooden piece to the light. Brows knitted together as he examines and scrutinises it.
"A dragon."
"Bit small to be a dragon."
"Looks more like a worm."
"..." Gun takes a deep breath and counts to three.
"Are you sure it's not a worm?"
"It's yours. Do with it what you want."
A fresh insult stills on Goo's tongue. He freezes, cogs whirring away as he takes in what Gun just said. "...Mine?"
A nod.
"This little worm is mine?!" Goo holds it against his chest, fawning over the dragon-worm. "You made it for me?"
Gun had been taught, back when he was a young master and still cared about creating and crafting, that the first thing you make goes to the teacher.
Despite how much Gun loathes to think of Goo as the teacher or superior in any aspect; the whittling, the woodwork, the guidance and direction - it's difficult to deny.
So Gun presents Goo with the most-definitely-not-a-worm dragon. Blames this act on tradition and his upbringing and not just because he wanted to.
Doesn't dwell on how if he keeps seeing this dragon, he will be reminded of how close Goo was, the calloused hand on his, the soothing timbre of his voice.
Better to get rid than allow for whatever that was to fester.
Luck isn't on Gun's side, however, as Goo carries the dragon wherever he goes.
Pulling it out and cooing over it whenever he gets a chance. Fiddling with it absentmindedly in his pocket so much so that it becomes a habit.
Gun notices every time. Sees the tiny dragon over and over again.
It's too late. It does fester, and it does grow.
And Gun, whenever he catches sight of Goo with his handiwork, wonders if this might be the death of him.
Wonders if life had been a little kinder, then perhaps it might not be death and instead the start of something else.
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S/O's Hobbies HCs
This wasn't requested, but I wrote down the first little idea and then it snowballed wildly out of my control. Have some Bay Boys and how they engage with their partner's hobbies.
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Like their namesakes suggest, these are Renaissance men, okay? They do a bit of everything (partially because they've always had a lot of time to fill), and they absolutely want to learn about whatever you do.
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Donnie is naturally curious across the board. He wants to know a bit about everything all the time- and you happen to be his favorite subject to study! Even if your hobbies aren't his thing, he absolutely wants to learn about them.
He also loves to apply his own knowledge to them! If he knows something about it that you might not, he loves to offer it up- exchange of knowledge is this guy's love language. He's careful not to sound condescending, he's just excited!
If you're into woodwork, he's over the moon- he hates doing it himself. He'd much rather weld for three days straight than have to work with wood for any significant period of time. However, he does love dropping tree facts on you ("You know, this tree is actually considered invasive in parts of Europe.").
If you're into anything with a chemistry element, like cooking or baking (or makeup or traditional art), he's all about it. He views it all from a very chemistry-heavy angle, so he adores hearing and seeing your thought process and perspective. He knows how the ingredients you're using (or were used in your supplies) work together to create the end product, but he loves to learn about how you use them.
If you're any kind of performer, he loves seeing you practice! Please show him videos of your performances, he'll love every single second. He is your biggest cheerleader. He'll notice little details in your work ("I love how you said that line! Quick and angry but still speaking so clearly- that's so impressive, love." or "Oh!! That spin! Look at you go!" or "That note was perfect, sweetheart- I could listen to this all day.") and will absolutely study up on your art of choice so that he can better appreciate what you do!
Same with sports! He loves to watch any clips you have, even if they're from your friend's shitty eight year old camera that has about 12 pixels to offer. Don would absolutely do drills with you if you asked- pitch a ball, guard a goal, swing a bat, whatever. He likes trading warm up and cool down routines, too!
You're into mechanics? Machinery? He's so excited to compare notes. You love driving- or even better, being driven? Dates on the road. All the time.
If you write, he would love to read anything you'll give him! If you write nonfiction, he loves to see your thoughts and findings and keeps a little notepad of questions and observations to talk to you about. If you're a fiction person, he loves to find your voice in the descriptions and characters! He gets absorbed in the story- right up until he sees a phrase you use a lot around him, and he has to take a second to be all smiley because he loves you before he keeps reading. Poetry? He somehow admires you even more than he already did. Will absolutely ask you if he can print a copy of one of your poems to keep by his computers- it doesn't take long at all before he could recite your work from memory.
Please tell him all about your creative choices, no matter what your hobby is. Painting? Tell him why you chose those colors, that angle, that medium. Dance? Talk about why you chose that song and did that wave with your arm. Music? Explain why you switched up the notes in that cover you did, or why you chose the chords you did in that song you wrote. Writing? He wants to hear about every single scrapped concept.
If you have a performance or a game or a display of any kind, he's absolutely either sneaking his way to watch- even if it's through a window or skylight- or hacking into whatever camera he can.
If you give him something you've made- be it a painting, something you wrote, a sculpture, a bowl, a stuffed animal, whatever- it's going where he'll see it every single day. It's his prized possession. It makes him smile even when he feels like shit.
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Leo's a big believer in the value of mindful hobbies. He uses his to relax (something that does not come naturally to him, especially these days), but also to keep his mind as sharp as his swords.
He's an even big believer in the value of you. He loves sharing his life with you, and cherishes any time you share yours with him- including your hobbies!
This acts of service bitch will do anything he can to help you out with your hobbies. If you're an artist with traditional mediums or makeup, he's offering to wash your brushes. If you paint on wood or canvas, he's happy to prep them for you. If you work with watercolor, he's emptying and refilling your paint water as often as you want. You're building something and need supplies or equipment held or moved? You mean, an excuse to show off help his partner? He's in heaven.
Any gear or equipment you use that needs to be cleaned, he's there and ready to help. However, he's careful to only help with permission- the boys all have a lot of respect for people's possessions and space. There weren't many ways to separate their things growing up, and even fewer things to separate, so (with some siblings-gonna-sib exceptions) they're all very, very good about not touching your shit. Leo specifically makes the comparison to his katana- if someone cleaned them without his permission, he'd be royally pissed. He's not about to do that to you. Just know that all you have to do is ask, and it's as good as done! (And it's done well, too. He'll pay intense attention to your instructions and follow them to the letter, taking his time and moving very carefully.)
He's a bit intense in general, actually. When you're showing him your work or your process, you have his entire focus. Nothing else matters. It's sweet, but it probably makes you trip over a few words while you're explaining.
He puts the constructive in constructive criticism. Critique is the key to improvement in his opinion, so he's definitely offering his thoughts unless you specifically ask him not to. A big part of Leonardo's life is wanting to be the best he can possibly be, and he does everything he can to help his loved ones do the same, including you! You whip up a meal? "This is delicious, baby. I think a little char would make it legitimately perfect." You're practicing choreography? "Looking good! Swing that leg just a little higher!" Writing? He's the perfect beta reader, if you really want to catch errors. He has a flawless eye for misplaced commas.
He loves anything to do with words, so if you're a writer, songwriter, poet, actor, whatever? He's delighted. He soaks up your work like a tree soaks up sunshine. Words have power, and you have power, and putting the two together means he's in awe. Will read and reread your work as many times as he can if you write. If you're a speaker- actor, spoken poet, whatever- he's front and center for every practice session you let him witness. Will take notes on his favorite moments and shower you in praise after.
He also loves music. Loves it. You play an instrument? The moment you're willing to share, he LIVES to hear you play. You sing? He's pretty sure he's actually falling more in love, and he didn't know that was possible. You're an avid listener? Please, please, please share your favorite tracks and albums and artists with him. Please have him over to your place- away from the noise of Don's work and Raph's weights and Mikey's Mikeying- and put on your favorite record and cuddle up to listen. Listening dates are one of his favorites- one of his favorite activities with one of his favorite people? Bliss. Add in some snacks and he's pretty sure it's what perfection feels like. (If you really, really want to make him happy? Listen to his music with him, too. Talk about it with him after. Tell him which songs you loved and how you noticed the beat in Song A matched the beat in Song B, and they felt like they belonged together.)
If you're an athlete, he's all about learning everything there is to know about your sport and your personal routine. He's a big fan of learning from as many different disciplines as possible, so he loves to hear about all of the little details. What stretches you do, what exercises you rely on, how you practice- all of it! He'll incorporate parts of it into his own routines if he sees benefits for his own body and abilities.
Honor Boy will also sneak his way into whatever events you have, be it a gallery or a performance or a competition. If there's a shadowy spot to hide, he's there! If not, he's finding a secluded window. Failing that, he's not above asking Don for help with cameras. (It will be on the down low, though. He doesn't need Raph and Mikey making fun of him for the next six years for being too impatient to wait for the photos and video you'll share later.)
Give him something you've made? It's getting put in the safest spot he can possibly come up with, and he looks at it every morning. It becomes a part of his routine- brush teeth, stretch, look at wonderful gift from wonderful partner and think about how lucky he is. It's instant stress relief. You cared enough about him to make something, you trusted him enough to give him the result of your time and energy. He loves it and he loves you and he loves having another reminder of you in his space.
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Mikey has the strangest, most eclectic bunch of information tucked away in his mind. He goes on YouTube journeys bouncing from one suggested video to another and has learned a little bit about all sorts of obscure topics, so there's a decent chance he'll surprise you with prior knowledge of your interests! Into history? He saw this crazy video about agriculture in India in the 1500s- he should totally pull it up for you! You're a welder? He's picked up some of the basics by hanging around Donnie, just enough to know how damn impressive your work is, and follow along with what you're saying. He knows an almost unsettling amount about the arts in general, too.
Dance, cooking, baking, music, painting, drawing, sculpting- hell, origami? He's done a little bit of all of it, and would love to learn all about your methods. He wants to see (or hear!) everything you create. He eats that shit up.
He's the loudest, happiest, most extra cheerleader you could ever possibly hope for. He will offer critique if you ask, but it's always always sandwiched by compliments- not because he wants to soften the critique, but because he genuinely thinks you're the shit. You're the next great master, his name be damned. Anything you do has notes of you in it, and he adores you more than he will ever be able to put into words (not for lack of trying), so obviously he adores your work.
You're a performer? He's the best audience ever, baby! He's fully focused on you, cheering as much as you can tolerate, straight up whooping when you do something particularly impressive. "Lookin' good, baby cakes!" and "Go off, cutiepie!" and "You're the next Shakespeare, sweets."
You make something? He's in awe. He's admiring every little aspect of it. Every stitch, stroke, flavor, whatever.
You make him something? He's is literally protecting it with his life. Anyone even looks at it wrong and he's ready to get rude. (Now, nobody's safe from him making them look at it. He shows it off every chance he gets. You're very lucky you make Mikey so happy, because otherwise Raph might start to dislike you a little for how often he has to look at it. Raph does make comments, though. "No more gifts until the holidays. I can't take any more show'n'tell sessions from this nitwit." Subtext? Mikey loves it, you make him happy, good job.)
Please let Mikey join in your hobbies. Out of all four, he's by far the most excited to get hands-on. Teach him to make your favorite recipes, teach him choreography, challenge him to matches in your sport of choice. Have painting dates. Trade mediums with him and teach him what you know- and let him teach you his! Have him help you build a table! Have jam sessions with your respective instruments! Whatever you're into, try and find a way to include him. He's gonna love you forever anyway, but that will really be the cherry on top.
Like Leo, he loves a listening date, so if you're into music please share it with him! His are much noisier, though. It's damn near a karaoke night, and he's probably dancing around like a dumbass and asking you to join him. (Please join him.)
You're performing, competing, showing off your work? He is there. He actually does not give a shit what Leo says about it, either. You'll see him, too. He'll be sure of it. He's sneaky and subtle and will be hidden from your audience, but you'll know he's there to support you, even if he has to text you a selfie from his hiding spot with a fuckton of emojis and words of encouragement.
You say you're "just" anything, and this guy is ready to go off. "Just" a beginner? Bitch, please. That's how everyone starts- and look what you're doing already! "Just" an extra? That's where movies get their depth! That's how plays feel alive! Extras give the story dimension, baby! "Just" backup vocals? First of all, you're upstaging the lead by miles in his book. Secondly, without you, none of that sweet harmonizing would be there! He's relentless and will convince you of your own amazingness or die trying.
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Raph's quality time ass is a SUCKER for learning about your hobbies. He wants to hear you talk about them for hours. He wants you to sit in his lap and show him something you made and explain every little detail. He wants to watch you practice.
He's pretty private about his hobbies beyond martial arts and lifting, so he sees you sharing yours as trusting him with part of you. It means more to him than he's ever going to say unless you express a similar opinion- he feels too corny trying to articulate it himself. He's worried you wouldn't see it as being that deep, and he'd sound cheesy. But if you say it, he's agreeing wholeheartedly.
If you really want to make him feel loved, tell him about what goes into whatever you do. What inspires you? What does it make you feel? Why do you do it? Why that specifically? How'd you start? All the fine print details that make the hobby personal to you- share them with him. He wants to know, and he knows how personal his hobbies are to him, so you sharing that information makes him feel extremely special. He loves to connect with you like that. It's doubly important if you create from emotion- Big Red has big ass emotions and channels a lot of them into things he does, so if you do the same, he feels like you're got that much more in common. Like you get him even more than he thought.
He's the most subtle and relaxed about your hobbies outwardly, but never to the point of looking disinterested. You know him well enough to know exactly what that look in his eyes means- he's invested as hell and is downright studying whatever you're doing. He reads up on your hobbies on his own time, because he doesn't want to make a fool of himself by not knowing something "obvious", and tries to subtly slip that knowledge into his questions and comments. ("Why'd you go for the ladder stitch, babe?"). It's sweet- especially because he soaks up any information you give him like a damn sponge. He remembers more than you remember even telling him.
If you're into something he has some history with- mechanics, woodwork, knitting, athletics- he's constantly absorbing your methods. If you're observant, you'll start to notice little details done the same way you'd do them. Some of it is a conscious recognition of your knowledge and competency, and some of it is his subconscious absorption of you into every possible aspect of his life. Your metaphorical fingerprints are on everything.
If you're an athlete, he wants to work out together. He'll incorporate exercises that you do into his routines just so you can do them together. He loves it- not just because you're hot, or because it's when he feels the most attractive, but because he loves what you can do. He loves seeing your body at work. There's a level of attraction there, obviously, because he finds you exceptionally hot (even if you don't feel that way about yourself!), but a lot of it is very innocent love for what your body allows you to do. He loves movement, loves working out, loves being physical, and getting to share that with you is very special to him.
Your number one supporter. I don't care what you do. He may not get it, but he'll be damned if you doubt that he loves it, loves that you do it, and supports you with every ounce of his being. Anything he can do to help you do what you love, he's doing.
He loves to hang out while you do your thing. He just likes being in your space.
And, yeah, he's gonna be there for any exhibit, competition, performance, whatever. Consequences be damned, he's going. He'll only tell you beforehand if he thinks it would help you to know, though, and he probably doubts it. If you don't tell him straight up that you wish he could be there, he probably assumes it wouldn't help. He'll tell you after, though, pulling you in with his hands on your hips and "You were amazing out there, y'know that? I'm proud of you." and squeezing you gently.
If you make him something, he's going to try and play it cool, but he's like, massively impacted by it. Externally, he's "Thanks, baby," and slipping an arm over your shoulders and pulling you close. The only indication that he's a gooey mess on the inside is the way he holds what you made (like it's made of glass, of diamonds, like it's his actual heart in his hands and one wrong move would have devastating consequences) and the way his eyes don't drift from it for long (studying it, eyes all soft and fond and in awe, a lot like how he looks at you).
He'll rearrange everything he owns to give it a place of honor. It's treated with care and respect, and he stares at it at night and when he's having a rough time and it takes the edge off. It's like micro-dosing on you, on the love and joy you bring to his life, and it makes everything significantly less shitty.
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gemini-sensei · 2 months
I’ve been thinking of a scenario where Anthony gets bullied on his first day at West Valley High. How do you think Eli/Hawk and Demetri would react if they heard about that, and how would they help Anthony (if he needed it)?
Hawk would definitely come out thr woodwork with some of his confidence and tell Anthony to be confident. He was bullied and because of that, he became Hawk. But he doesn't want Anthony to end up like he did: a major asshole. So he encourages him to be confident and don't let the bullies bother him because it's not worth it. Demetri agrees and tells Anthony to just ignore them because the bullies are obviously idiots.
They say all of this to Anthony and turn around and hack the bullies. They end up locking them out of their socials, ruining their online games, and fining some embarrassing secrets. Demetri has no inhibitions now. He's not scared to stand up to some bullies in his own way. It's Hawk's idea to blackmail them with the embarrassing little secrets they found. And it's not like it's anything too serious; one boy still sleeps with a stuffed rabbit toy, one kid wore an embarrassing costume one Halloween, and so on. Demetri is against the blackmail but gets talked into it because this is only something they could have dreamed of doing to Kyler way back when.
When Anthony hears about some embarrassing pictures posted on Instagram, he goes to see for himself and can't help laughing at the guys that have been laughing at him. But he takes the advice Hawk and Demetri gave him and stays the bigger man. He ignores them and doesn't give them much thought. It's great.
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oldguardleatherdog · 20 days
This blog is being stalked by Twitter's cringe-inducing "commentary community"
Along with my other social media accounts! Here's today's Wall O'Text™️ with all the juicy details!
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Did you know that Twitter trolls have a "community" all their own?
Twitter's "Commentary Community" (I prefer the far snappier "CoCo") is a study in sociology gone wrong. They combine bad-faith moral outrage with Puritan self-righteousness and condescending LGBTQ-phobia into a toxic slurry of fecal napalm designed to cause maximal misery for the targets of their daily brigadings and coordinated hatestream attacks.
When they're not targeting outsiders, they turn their fire on each other with radioactive glee. And this is all they do, all day, every day, living off their own bile, a daily diet of ultraprocessed poison. You don't want to imagine what their offline lives must be like.
The Venn diagram of CoCos, Kiwi Farmers, YouTube streamploitation hacks, and self-loathing gay and trans people is close to a perfect circle. Arrogant disdain for anything they deem unclean or that ruffles their fee-fees isn't a bug, it's a feature.
The level of sheer gall with this crowd is off the charts, and the number of CoCos who have the standing, achievement, talent, scholarship, or knowledge that would legitimize their moralistic hectoring is exactly zero.
Many CoCos make significant money on Twitter, YouTube, and other platforms from this fetid cesspool of free-range loathing, mega-stalking, and network of like-minded fans who amplify their obsessive campaigns to the millions of mouth-breathers and MAGA chuds that give Elon a reason to crawl out of the woodwork every morning - too much money to go unexamined for much longer.
There's more than a hint of sus activity and shady people in the CoCo ecosystem. A thorough examination by investigative and oversight authorities who may have an interest in the flow of money, misinformation, and funding sources for this crowd would go a long way towards reducing their daily firehose of sewage.
Of course, I'll continue to post the same way I've been posting online for the past 36 years, with increased safeguards and monitoring. We run a tight ship in this kennel, and people of good will are always welcome here.
I encourage you to send asks and messages with material I can post here that my growing CoCo fan base can put to use as they reach around my hot, wet, throbbing, pulsating blog, desperate for a fix, grasping for another strawman, trying to convince themselves that they're needed and necessary and loved.
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