#women’s sufferage
silvermoon424 · 1 year
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This is amazing. Also, how fucking funny would it be to invent a time machine and bring back a staunch anti-suffragette misogynist from like 1910 to 2022 and force him to watch a lesbian couple voting
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braucherei · 2 months
In the wiki of Madame Dupin (mid 18th century salonnière; also George Sand’s great grandmother) she wants to write a proto-feminist book to challenge the sexism in Montesquieu’s work and apparently enlists ROUSSEAU to help write her book on gender equality
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Also this wiki claims that Montesquieu was at least partly made sexist by Rousseau getting more women than him?
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Supressing the urge to queer all of the transformers' genders
Like! Isn't it canon that Cybertronian genders do not work quite like human ones? So what stops me from referring to the rescue bots as "okay girls, let's ... ... ..." nothing stops me from saying tfp Megatron deserves gender noncomforming energy. Nothing stops me from t4t kobd. Nothing stops me from she/he/they Starscream.
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dreamlanddoll · 7 months
crazy how Queen Victoria was anti-feminist and belived that women's suffrage was a danger to society when she herself enjoyed many privllages of a man/would partake in activities reserved for men and when she was criticized for not acting "womanly" enough she got angry with them... hm...
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First day of issue 50th Anniversary Women's Suffrage Stamps: 26 August 1970
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lez-exclude-men · 1 year
Hello 👋
I saw you getting those awful anons and wanted to message you a video of my friends kitten but I couldn't figure out how to do it. Anyway I made a post of it instead so give it a look!
Hope you feel better soon 🐈‍⬛🐾🐱
Hi! I looked through your blog and I couldn't find it, I kinda assume you took it down? I logged off not long after that second anon message and kinda avoided tumblr for the rest of the day, and I did eventually feel better. I'd still love to see the video though so I'll shoot you a message and perhaps we can figure out a way for me to see it still if you're comfortable with that. Thank you so much for caring and reaching out, it means a lot to me 💙💙
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gramarobin · 2 years
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partywithponies · 4 months
Jacqueline Wilson historicals in a nutshell:
Stop romanticising Victorian London, it fuckin sucked, especially if you were poor, disabled, black, a child, or a young unmarried woman. God help you if you were multiple of those at once
Stop romanticising Victorian circuses, they were hotbeds of abuse and exploitation
Even being a wealthy victorian with servants and stuff still sucked massively if you were autistic or gnc. If either of those is you I hope you like being physically abused and forcefed opium lol
British public schools actively groom upper class boys into becoming complete monsters with no empathy for anyone else, and then put them in charge of everyone else. Don't worry I'm sure this was just a victorian thing and isn't still going on lol
The Victorian music hall was kind of lit, but don't forget misogyny and sexual abuse still existed
Women's sufferage is good! But don't forget classism still existed in he suffragette movement, and WW1 was still Bad and Traumatic
The 1920s were kind of lit. But don't forget classism still existed, and art and culture were only popping off because everyone was dealing with being massively traumatised by WW1
The Blitz and evacuation were incredibly traumatic. Lots of kids books have already covered this but I just thought you needed to be reminded
Stop romanticising the 1960s. They were only fun if you were a heterosexual white man
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runnning-outof-time · 9 months
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So that the ladies know.
Rose Solomons enjoys spending her alone time reading and writing. She loves to immerse herself in works that are prevalent to the movement she is part of, and has even taken up writing pamphlets and letters so that the other women working towards sufferage know that they are not alone.
Created for @raincoffeeandfandoms ‘s birthday celebration … I decided to use your lovely OC, Rose Solomons as inspiration for this moodboard for two reasons, Flor…1 because I loved that little chat we had about Rose writing and reading, and 2 because it’s your birthday!!!! I hope you have/are having a day that’s as lovely as you are, darling!! 🥳💕
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silvermoon424 · 2 years
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todaysdocument · 11 months
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Petition from women of Georgia against the women’s suffrage amendment: 
“ . . . the inevitable result of the legislation proposed would be to destroy white supremacy and States' rights.” June 12, 1913.
Record Group 46: Records of the U.S. Senate
Series: Petitions and Related Documents That Were Presented, Read, or Tabled
File Unit: Petitions and Memorials, Resolutions of State Legislatures, and Related Documents which were Presented, Read, or Tabled during the 65th Congress
City of Macon, County of Bibb,
State of Georgia.
To the Congress of the United States:
The petition of the undersigned respectfully shows:
That there is pending before Congress a bill to amend the Constitution of the United States, the purpose of which is to confer the right of sufferage upon the women of our Country.
The women of Georgia whose names are signed hereto, and on the list of the petitioners hereto attached, wish hereby to register their solemn protest against the said proposed amendment to our National Constitution. We believe that the proposed amendmend is dangerous and hurtful to the best interests of our Country and especially to the South, in that the inevitable result of the legislation proposed would be to destroy white supremacy and States' rights.
Believing that the best interests of the homes, of society, of the State, and of the Nation, demand that this proposed legislation should be defeated, we, therefore, hereby earnestly petition the Senators of the United States and the Representatives in Congress to vote against this amendment that is fraught with so much danger to the peace and happiness of our Section.
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thevagueambition · 2 months
It's so vile of JKR and the people she's boosting to paint Magnus Hirschfeld as some sort of race science enthusiast
The gay jew who was almost beat to death by Nazi thugs in 1920 for being loud about decriminalising homosexuality, women's sufferage, abortion rights, socialism, the horrors of war, suicide prevention for queer people, etc
Who only survived the burning of his pioneering Sexuality Institute because he was abroad and who died in France because he could not return to a homeland that did not acknowledge him as a German
You want to say he's the ~real Nazi~ for holding beliefs that were mainstream science at the time he held them?
Yes, Hirschfeld was a eugenicist, insofar as most doctors were prior to the Holocaust
Yes, he argued that gay people having kids would lead to sickly kids -- as an argument for why society should stop forcing gay people into heterosexual marriages
Hirschfeld was by no means perfect, but smearing the legacy of someone who was specifically, by name, targeted by the Nazis for being a jew, for being gay and yes, for pioneering gender affirming care, as if he was fucking Mengele
That is just fucking evil
(but the people who criticise her are antisemitic homophobes, right?)
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mpreg-nouveau · 1 month
Turn of the century omegaverse thoughts
Cause I'm a huge fucking history nerd and I was thinking about, what would omegaverse look like at different points in history/how would it effect history, and given the motif of this blog I thought I'd share some from 1900s-1910s.
Note, this is not me romanticising these concepts, just thinking about potential plotlines or ideas that COULD result from omegaverse being part of this point in the human time line, both good, bad, and just weird:
–omega sufferage movement along side women's sufferage
–the overlap between women’s rights movement and the issues of A/B/O hierarchies creating a lot of fuss and questions during the time, especially with news print and communication getting more and more wide spread.
–ex, it being considered ok for an alpha female to dress in men's clothing and do work as the primary breadwinner when her husband or wife is an omega, but what happens when she is with an alpha male who is socially EXPECTED to be the primary bread winner at the time? Is the woman supposed to quit her job and become a house wife upon marriage? She certainly doesn't think so and neither does her husband.
–i feel like the American hierarchy at the time is alpha male>alpha female=beta male>beta female=omega male=omega female.
–omegas using labor unions to fight for equal treatment and pay in new industrial settings.
--factories are hesitant to hire them because fearing their workers will go on heat regularly and slow down production. People having to hide that they are omegas to get work as a result. This was the time period where you could get fired for a work place injury after all.
–people coming to the States for the first time with different cultural expectations for the a/b/o dynamics and getting some culture shock from American life, whether american standards are stricter, less strict, or entirely flipped from their home perspectives.
–along with with the Gibson girl there's also the Gibson boy representing the dainty stereotype of omegas. 
–the new middle class and upper middle class suddenly being targeted by mass production industrial giants advertising new, useless creature comforts to build extravagant and gorgeous nests and dens
–patent medicines that are utterly worthless but advertise to act as heat suppressants, rut control, and to make your scent more appealing to others
–in order to pander to ideals of modernization and “civility” american upper crusts comparing their a/b/o status to various dog breeds instead of wolves. There's essentially a horoscope of sorts they've come up with to align themselves with specific dog breeds and the stereotypes there off.
– ex: “my father was an alpha bulldog type, and my mother a beta beagle designation, and because I was born on the 3rd Sunday in August as an omega, I am a jack Russell terrier designation.
–people keep harassing Arthur Conan Doyle for Watson and Sherlock’s canonic designation. This is what causes the poor man to lose it and start believing in fairies. 
–omega heat cars on trains for single individuals to hang out in and avoid perverts. Its meant as a kind gesture but instead just ends up playing into puritan culture surrounding omega bodies. 
–as electricity is being installed in more and more homes there's an irrational worry that the electrical circuits in the walls will mess with the cycles of heat and rut among some. 
–its completely unfounded but causes people to resist the switch anyways
–meanwhile there IS evidence that gas based light fixtures DO have negative effects on the body but everyone grew up with them “and I turned out ok so it must be fine”
–advent of widespread vaccines and better standards of sanitation means that entire litters of pups are surviving childhood now
–families that worried to name pups after they were born, as back in their home land it was rare for more than one per litter to survive, suddenly are having miracle litters. Every single pup is ending up getting spoiled by these families who expected the worst.
–new ridiculous electric inventions come out catering to beautification and a/b/o fertility care. One is a body massage device that supposedly increases the chances of having a healthy and fruitful pregnancy….it's essentially a hand held belly rub machine. 
– most of the US was still rural and isolated from the cities at this time. Few had ventured 20 miles from their home town. Rural parents worrying about their omega children marrying people from the city…because of a genuine yet misguided fear of their kids getting so overwhelmed by all the new scents  in the city that they will immediately have a seizure and die. 
–during the turn of the century it was already fairly common for kids to wear gender neutral, play safe clothing like gowns all the way up to 8 years old, so gender neutral clothing being common until a kid presents for the first time.
–classes getting divided into alphas, omegas, and betas in some puritanical schools in order to “protect the children” as the new US mandatory  public school system is getting hammered out
–packs becoming a looser term for more wide social circles rather than relatives or clans due to migration of people both into the nation and throughout. 
–Ex: woman forming packs based on sharing supplies in a new city with each other, or packs surrounding shared interest in activities like sewing or books
–the Boston Red Sox declare themselves a pack one day.
–I feel like a lot of politicians pretend to be alphas for status
–teddy Roosevelt secretly being an omega but nobody realizes this cause he's constantly covered in wood ash and various funk from his game hunting and overtly manly activities. Everyone just assumes he's an alpha between that and his personality.
(Edit: clarification on the last one, this is a joke about how the guy had horrible asthma and other chronic health issues especially while young, which for most people at the time would mean a very short life span, but no one knew because the dude compensated with so much exercise and other extreme health stuff you could do at the time you could not tell. Dude even took a bullet to the chest midway through a speech and then finished said speech. Dude basically made himself a stereotype of an "alpha male")
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gobbochune · 1 month
why are there so many posts complaining about the infighting between transmascs and transfemmes is this like actually a thing
i might be behind on this but i thought that afab just means you were raised as a percieved girl in an inherently misogynistic society and that doesnt mean that being a closeted trans woman raised in a misogynistic society is any better it just means that its a specific experience?
i've yet to see a decent argument as to why afab is wrong to use/not relevant in misogynistic talks. trans men AND trans women are negatively effected by misogyny in different ways. why is there the sufferage olympics???
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teaspoonnebula · 1 year
The Resident Patient - Part 1
For myself, my term of service in India had trained me to stand heat better than cold, and a thermometer of 90 was no hardship
For a second I thought that Watson was saying it was 90 degrees in London in October, in the rain. But I think he's just saying that it was a bit on the muggy side, and he's put up with far far worse. Still. For it to be hot enough to start yearning for "the glades of the New Forest or the shingle of Southsea" feels unusual for October.
Your eyes turned across to the unframed portrait of Henry Ward Beecher which stands upon the top of your books.
General Gordon was a celebrated military leader and he died in action a year before Baring-Gould thinks this story was set. Henry Ward Beecher was a clergyman, social reformer and abolitionist who supported women's sufferage and the theory of evolution. An interesting pair of heroes for Watson to want on his walls! I feel like I might have to think and write more about this later.
Also Holmes being able to mindread like this... is a bit silly :D
I was weary of our little sitting-room and gladly acquiesced. For three hours we strolled about together, watching the ever-changing kaleidoscope of life as it ebbs and flows through Fleet Street and the Strand.
the thin white hand which he laid on the mantelpiece as he rose was that of an artist rather than of a surgeon.
I started to write a comment about how this is interesting because it suggests that his hand delicate and suited to close work, and I was wondering whether this reflects attitudes about surgery as a more visceral lower form of medicine still lingering in the late 19th century...
...But honestly I think Watson just has a thing about hands.
"Are you not the author of a monograph upon obscure nervous lesions?" I asked.
I guarantee some Sherlockian somewhere has made the argument that Watson is looking up papers to do with nerve damage to find out information about his own injury(s?).
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
I plead the 19th
Why do you want to make women sufferage anon, that's just cruel.
Don't just take my word for it, take it from these people who's votes count for the same as yours or mine.
The number of these types of videos they get at colleges is actually kind of spooky.
But we must stop the suffereging of women at all costs!!!!!!
Haven't they already suffereged enough?
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