#witness 5
forensicated · 4 months
Smiffina Episodes: Witness Part 5 - Protection (5/8)
Sun Hill are out to arrest Tito Morientes and Dwayne Fox for Carly's murder. Jack leads the team to arrest Dwayne and search his home whilst Sam leads the team doing the same to Tito. Jack reminds everyone there's a chance they might be armed so to let CO19 go in first. They're doing it at the same time to take them by surprise. (Maybe shouting instructions in the carpark of the building that you're about to raid isn't the best way to 'take people by surprise'? and then John loudly telling Jack that Alesha's agreed to give a statement a meter and half from Dwayne's mum? Seriously?) Unfortunately Dwayne isn't at the Fox's house. Tito is home and Smithy cuffs him. The man mistaken for Dwayne is a lodger. He and Mrs Fox agree to attend the station for questioning. Dwayne's wallet is in the house so it doesn't appear that he's gone far but it does seem as though he's on the run.
Alesha is in a soft interview room with Jo. They promise they'll protect her and won't add her name to a statement but given her evidence includes what she saw and heard in the flat, its obvious who it came from. She asks for her dad and Jo tells her he's on the way.
Grace wants to interview Dwayne as she's a new face to him whereas Tito already knows her and her interview style. Jack refuses and wants her in with Sam to interview Tito with her skills from SO10. Tito's solicitor says they won't be ready to interview until 11am at the earliest as he's entitled to 8 hours sleep, breakfast and then a consultation with her. Considering it's gone midnight it's almost the entire initial 12 hours allowed it's not good news. "You should have thought about that before you dragged him out of bed."
Jo reads Alesha's statement back once Oscar, her dad, arrives. She said the boys came back to change after 10pm and were holding guns. Tito was acting weird and Dwayne kept repeating "someone went down, someone went down." Dwayne was mad at Tito. Tito told Dwayne to get rid of the gun. Dwayne said no but Tito said he'd shoot him too if he didn't. She was crying and upset and Tito said she had to be his alibi if anyone asked and he kept shouting at her. She's assigned a plain closed police officer to take her home with her dad. As she leaves she hears Tito banging on the door and shouting to be released but Jo reassures her he can't hurt her now.
Jack updates Smithy on the nights happenings and tells him he didn't want to tell him before as he didn't want it to affect how he dealt with Leanne. Leanne knows something has happened because Smithy already had 3 messages on his mobile when he turned it on.
Forensics have confirmed Dwayne's shoes are the ones that made the footprint at the side of the canal and they're now checking Tito's mobile records. Tito is claiming he still only handled the gun when it was pointed at him during Carly's funeral as self defence. Neither Tito or Dwayne have previous with firearms and they fired from a moving car so they are still working to the theory that Carly was an accident and they were aiming for Marlon.
Dwayne's mother, Beverley, insists her son is innocent and didn't kill Carly as he was home with Brooke. She tells Max she was at home too. She insists he's a good boy and doesn't lie. Smithy is called to the front office where Leanne is waiting for him. He admits Dwayne hasn't been found yet. Max lets Beverley out of the front interview room and Leanne shouts across at her that Beverley's son took her daughter from her and that she won't get to see Brooke again.
Tito's solicitor appears to be stalling to waste the time they have left after Heaton gives permission to extend the initial holding time by 12 hours. Grace and Sam enter the interview room and do the basics and then ask if anything has changed in his statement. He says he stands by it. Sam asks the same questions that cover the information in the statement and Tito insists it's still all the same so why ask? She asks how well he knows Dwayne Fox. Tito shrugs and says he barely knows him. "And yet he knew you at the funeral? He wasn't pleased to see you" Sam replies. Tito says he was a few years above him at school and they barely know each other. He asks again why they're asking him and Sam explains they need his version to put to the court so they can disprove it. They already know he was with Dwayne the night of the murder. They say they've got a witness but they don't need to divulge everything at that stage. "I want to talk to my client."
Uniform are searching for Dwayne but there's no sign and no willing witnesses or helpers so far. Smithy hears Dwayne has tried to empty his bank account. Jack tells him to get all the CCTV. He's broke and scared and has nowhere left to run. Emma and Nate attend Dwayne's work and speak to the landlord. He hasn't spoken to him since the night before and he's off until Friday. He does say that Dwayne speaks about Carly as though she were still his girlfriend.
Tito returns to interview, he's not so cocky now but no comments all questions. This is at the advice of his solicitor because she hasn't seen the statement and the evidence that has been put forward so far does not prove Tito was there or that he had a gun in the first place. He shuts down and doesn't answer questions. Sam riles him slightly by bringing up the attack on him at the party being in front of his girlfriend and how humiliating that must be. "He might have dissed me then, but I made a fool out of him." "How, by shooting his girlfriend?" "... if you need a break, we can stop." His solicitor says, stopping that line of questions. Sam mocks him then for not being a real gangster who doesn't know how to use guns as he missed his target. It works everytime until his solicitor steps in.
The CPS say the physical evidence won't stand up in court, it'll be a he say/she say at this point if it ever gets that far. Currently they don't have enough to charge Tito with murder and have only 12 hours before they have to apply to the court for an extension.
Smithy receives a panicked call from Leanne to tell him Brooke has been taken from her nursery. Further checks say that Dwayne rang and spoke to the manager and told her he was tied up at work and a friend was going to collect Brooke. He then gave the friend the password to collect her. CCTV shows the man collecting Brooke to be Dwayne's manager, Mark. He says he helped because Dwayne told him the police were helping social services take Brooke away.
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Max attends Beverley's house to talk to her about Dwayne. Although Dwayne is Brooke's dad, it's Leanne who is her guardian and who has custody. "He's my son!" "Carly was Leanne's daughter. Hasn't she suffered enough?" Max's reasoning works and Beverley confesses Dwayne wasn't home that night when she returned. He left Brooke home alone and told his mother he'd been to get Brooke some formula, but he wasn't carrying anything and there was plenty in the house. She can't tell him where they are now though.
Mark - Dwayne's boss - attends the station and tells Nate Dwayne has been in touch asking for a sub. He stalled him whilst he contacted them and Dwayne will call back in 15 minutes. Smithy suggests to meet at Mark's flat and Jo agrees. However, Dwayne suggests another place, the childrens area in Sherbourne Park. They agree to meet with Nate in the park Jo and Smithy in their cars observing. Mark gives the game away with a gesture to Nate. Dwayne realises and tries to run away, leaving Brooke behind but Smithy rugby tackles him (the editing isn't too great at this point and Alex clearly slips and falls and they cut out half way and have him leap again as shown below.) and cuffs him.
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Brooke is returned to Leanne and Dwayne is brought in to the station.He wants to know who he has made the statement against him. He claims he has nothing to do with any gun, wouldn't shoot Carly as she's his daughters mother and that he ran because people he didn't know were chasing him. He insists he was at his mums with Brooke that night Carly died from 8.40pm until the morning. He tells them to ask his mum if they don't believe him. Grace tells him they did and she said he wasn't at home when she got back from work after 10pm. She helpfully adds 'you were at the shops?' and he nods but changes his mind when she asks which shop he went to. "Mum doesn't know I've started smoking... I nipped out for a cigarette.
Tito is tired and his solicitor keeps pushing for more breaks but they're keeping them to the legal minimum.Sam updates Tito that Dwayne has been arrested. They've also traced Tito having made a call to Dwayne that night. His solicitor insists that anyone could have made that call - perhaps Alesha did it.
Dwayne says he doesn't have Tito's number and the last time he saw or spoke to him was the funeral. Grace shows him a picture of the canal area that the gun was found and asks if he knows it. He says he doesn't. She shows him a picture of his shoes and asks if he recognises them. He admits they look like his trainers. Grace tells them they are his - and that they're limited edition. She goes on to confirm that the tread matches the footprint at the canal side where the 9mm gun was dumped. Dwayne looks at the picture again and suggests he could have gone there with Brooke to feed the ducks. As he's returned to the cells he can hear Tito kicking off.
Jo goes to Jack after having checked the whereabouts of Alesha's phone on the night of Carly's murder. She was lying when she said she was at Tito's. Her phone puts her at the scene. Sam and Jo arrest her for perverting the course of justice. Jo stresses she thought she understood the importance of telling the truth to get justice for Carly. Oscar loses his temper, telling her he brought her up to tell the truth. Sam tells her she has to tell them everything from the start.
Alesha now says she was walking home when a dark blue car with tinted windows pulled up alongside her. She couldn't see inside so kept walking until Tito called her name from the back seat. She got in beside him. Dwayne was there too and there was also a white youth approx 20 years old who was driving. Tito asked if she'd seen Carly and if she was still with Marlon by the skateboard park. She said yes and the car turned and drove back towards the park. She kept asking what they were doing and no one would answer her. Then Tito started telling Dwayne he was going to get Marlon. She asked to go home and they ignored her. Soon after they they started shooting out the windows and she was screaming and telling them to stop. She didn't want to see what was happening but she did see both Dwayne and Tito firing out the windows. She had no idea Carly had been hit.
Sun Hill need to protect Alesha and her dad at least until they find the unknown man. Also if they disclose a second statement to the defence they'll know that she lied the first time and lead the jury to not trust her evidence. Sam points out that they'll walk without Alesha's evidence as she is holding the entire case together so they have to go ahead, even with Jo pointing out that she will be torn apart by the defence counsel. Jack tells them to go over the statement again and make sure she clearly stresses why she withheld evidence the first time. They then ask her to look through pictures on the computer to see if she recognises the other boy. They explain that when she's done that they will be allowed to return home, but that there'll be a police officer with them at all times to keep them safe until they make an arrest.
Smithy is at Leanne's when he gets a call to update him about what has happened. Both Dwayne and Tito are being charged with Carly's murder. He then tells her that Alesha was in the car when Carly was shot. Leanne is shocked, not least because she spoke to her after and they cried together. She marches round to confront her with Smithy trying to stop her. However, Alesha approaches Leanne first and tells her how absolutely sorry she is and that she should have told her. Leanne's eyes fill with tears and she nods. Alesha squeezes her a very tiny smile and turns to head back to her dad and Nate as a car appears out of nowhere and knocks her down. Smithy runs after it to try stop it, pulling on the door as it slows to take a corner but it gets away (There's 4 adults and Alesha stood there, not one of them heard or saw it? It wasn't heard onscreen until it hit her and then you could hear normal engine noise as it sped away! They'd definitely have been able to hear it even if not see it approaching until it was too late 🤦🏻‍♀️)
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renaissanceousia · 4 months
one of the most intimate scenes i've ever read i'm so serious
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toxooz · 5 months
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also been thinking abt pooki with his cunty scarf💅
if my next drawing post isnt the comic update take me out back and shoot me like a sick dog
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truly-sincerely · 2 months
Even More Comprehensive BG3 Timeline
(Now with citations!) Years in (paren) are confirmed, all other lines are approximations. For my own sanity this timeline is based on available in-game information and not the Forgotten Realms at large.
Enver Flymm born
Gale Dekarios born (1457)
Enver Flymm sold to Raphael by his parents, renamed Gortash
Gortash learns about Crown of Karsus while a prisoner of Raphael
Karlach Cliffgate born
Gortash escapes the House of Hope
Gale Dekarios summons Tara the Tressym (1467)
Wyll Ravengard born (1468)
Lae’zel of K’liir born (1470)
Gortash in his Heapside Reavers period
Gortash rebrands as a black market arms dealer
Orin the Red born to Helena and Sarevok Anchev
Durge begins their serial killing spree in Baldur’s Gate (1477)
The Emperor dominates Duke Belynne Stelmane (1479)
Elminster resurrects Mystra (1480)
Gortash trades Karlach to Zariel for infernal machines & iron (1482)
Baldur’s Gate’s Beloved Ranger statue goes missing (1482)
Duke Abdel Adrian murdered during Returning Day speech (1482) - Bhaal resurrected - Ulder Ravengard replaces Adrian as Marshall and as Duke
Orin kills her mother Helena in self-defense
Gortash recruits Franc Peartree to distribute infernal iron weapons
Gortash establishes a cult of Bane in Baldur’s Gate
Gortash approaches Durge about an alliance
Gortash moves against the Zhentarim & Knights of the Shield
Ulder Ravengard named Grand Duke
Wyll Ravengard pact with Mizora, leaves Baldur’s Gate (1485)
Dead Three made aware of the Crown of Karsus (most likely informed by Gortash)* - Gortash becomes Bane’s Chosen - Durge becomes Bhaal’s chosen - Gortash & Durge are instructed to recruit Ketheric
Gortash tells Durge about Crown of Karsus (via correspondence)
Hall/House of Wonders test mission* - Durge gets Bhaalist memorabilia - Gortash gets a bunch of Gondian designs - Durge & Gortash get companionship
The Chosen visit Ketheric at Moonrise, learn about Illithid colony
Gortash & Durge visit the House of Hope (for intel on Mephistar?)
Gortash & Durge raid Mephistar - They get the Crown of Karsus - They get the book on the accelerated grand design
Gortash captures the Emperor
Gortash & Durge return to Moonrise - Their identities are kept secret from Ketheric’s people - Durge impresses the Moonrise Gnolls, but not Steelclaw - Ketheric yells at Durge in the throne room for an unknown reason
Durge proposes their plan to the Elder Brain who accepts
Raid on the illithid colony (1491) - Durge puts the Crown on the Elder Brain - Orin gets Durge alone during the raid & stabs them in the head - Orin tadpoles Durge, making them the first True Soul - Orin declares herself the Chosen of Bhaal
Durge is found by Kressa Bonedaughter
Minsc captured by Absolutists at a recruitment rally in the Undercity
Gortash gets weird and intense with unethical experiments - Some futzing to get the tadpoles to consistently remain in stasis - This is when the name ‘True Souls’ gets coined - Extremely questionable fun with brains - Getting the Absolute’s voice sorted out - Tadpoling his parents - Poorly conceived experiments on children & their parents
Gortash has Iron Throne converted to hold hostages
Gortash presents prototype Steel Watcher to the city council
Jaheira tracks cult to shadow-cursed land, meets Isobel
Minthara Baenre is 'recruited' by Orin and Ketheric
The Descent, Elturel fall into Avernus happens
Duke Vanthampur revealed as a diabolist, killed by adventurers
Guild Bursar Uktar launders money for Gortash’s Campaign funds
Isobel is resurrected by the Dead Three
The Elder Brain sends the Chosen dreams about the Astral Prism
Gortash researches the Prism, finds out that Vlaakith has it
Gortash tasks Ketheric with sending a team to get the Astral Prism - They send a nautiloid piloted by the Emperor and other illithid - The Elder Brain lets the Emperor slip its leash - Magthew Budj arranges for Durge to be on the nautiloid as well
Gortash deploys Steel Watch in Lower/Outer City
At this point Elturel is no longer in Avernus
First Druid Halsin captured by goblins
Nautiloid picks up Shadowheart & the Prism from Astral Plane
Nautiloid picks up Lae’zel
Nautiloid goes to Baldur’s Gate, picks up Gale & Astarion
Nautiloid goes to Avernus, picks up Karlach & Wyll
Nautiloid crashes, (20 Eleasis, 1492)
Some helpful links:
A page from Sarevok’s book: Sarevok - (Murder tribunal)
Accelerated Grand Design: Gortash - (Gortash's Office)
An Offer: Gortash - (Peartree basement)
Aquatic Labor: Gortash - (Flymm’s Cargo Basement)
Baldur’s Gate Temple of Bhaal: Yanthus - (Gortash’s Office)
Balthazar’s Notes: Balthazar - (Necrotic laboratory)
Clasped Book: Balthazar - (Balthazar’s chambers)
Devil’s Fee Observer’s Report**: Himberloo - (Nine-Fingers’ office)
Elder Brain Domination: Ketheric/Yanthus - (Ketheric’s Room)
Enhanced Weapons - Sales Ledger: Peartree - (Peartree basement)
Experiment on Cruor: Orin - (Temple of Bhaal)
How To Build a Watcher: deceased Gondian - (Steel Watch foundry) 
Journal of Enver Gortash: Gortash - (Gortash’s Office)
Magical Histories: Volume 2: The Spellplague: unknown - (Sorcerous Sundries)
Memoir Notes with Recent Addenda: Gortash - (Gortash’s office)
Missive from Gortash: Gortash - (Ketheric’s room)
Missive from Ketheric: Ketheric - (Moonrise, 2nd floor)
Mistress of Souls’ Research Log: Kressa - (Mind flayer barracks)
My Gratitude: Gortash - To Peartree (Peartree basement)
Next Steps: Gortash - (Gortash’s office)
Prayer for Forgiveness: Durge - (Necrotic laboratory)
Scrapbook of Letters: Gortash/Durge - (Flymm’s Cobblers)
Special Operations - Infernal Arms: Uktar - 
Studies of the Elder Brains: Gortash/Yanthus - (Gortash’s Office)
Suspended Ceremorphosis: Gortash/Yanthus - (Tadpoling center)
Test Mission with Gortash: Durge - (Temple of Bhaal)
The Astral Prism Heist: Gortash - (Gortash’s office)
The Dukes of Baldur’s Gate: unknown - (Baldur’s Mouth/Peartree’s house)
The Grand Design: Gortash/Yanthus - (Mind flayer colony)
The True Life of ‘Lord’ Gortash: a skeleton - (Wyrm’s Rock Prison)
The Ultimate State: Gortash - (Gortash’s office/Flymm’s Cobblers)
*an in-game contradiction between Gortash and Durge. See: ‘Test Mission with Gortash’ and ‘Memoir Notes with Recent Addenda’. I’ve placed it after, but there’s also a legitimate argument to be made that Gortash and Durge met and became allies much earlier, possibly around the same time as Gortash’s betrayal of Karlach
Additionally, the House of Wonders (church/workshop) and the Hall of Wonders (museum) are two different buildings in the Upper City. Durge writes that the Hall is their target, while Gortash writes that the House is their target. It is my opinion that they hit both locations.
**no link cuz the bg3.wiki doesn’t have it??
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ruporas · 1 year
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a PT’s guide to getting your own coggoro !
(disclaimer: attempt on shido’s coggoro at your own risk. the PT are not responsible for the following injuries: disembowelment, defenestration, maiming, loss of limb, loss of sanity, uncontrollable thoughts of arousal concerning your rival, asphyxia, lacerations, trauma, & loss of life)
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realbeefman · 9 months
if somebody put me through even a quarter of the things gregory house md put his boybestfriend loveofhislife james wilson md through i wouldnt just be on antidepressants i would have a heart attack from stress and die
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"I apologize for my roughness. I noticed you were being watched."
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can-of-slorgs · 2 months
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Completed the Shenkuu Stamp collection some time ago, so it was only fair to draw my girl Mirsha
#neopets#neotag#neoart#vin doods#gnorbu#drawing this was actually really fun in a way that when i was looking for references i didn't know she was such a lesbian icon#not surprised but hey lets cheer for the lesbian alpaca!#I'm not as happy with the colors as I thought#I'm a bit rusty in just really warm colors without it looking burnt for some reason HJSD#but looking at pictures of AC teams have made me really fall into my old virtupets fix#i love everyone so much on that team and not really that many ppl play for it#i still remember winning a long long time ago and was completely blown away as it was basically just 5 ppl in a forum going mad#i just really love the designs of most of the players on all groups??#i don't even like playing in the AC that much i just love the characters LMFAOO#i think i still remember I drew fanart of Sela and the gelert from the darigan team when i was like 8-9 and submitting in onto deviantart#and getting hate comments probably like 8 years later because i missed his wings or i made them too small or sth#that was hilarious thinking about it now but it did made me hate the darigan team for that year SDHFKSD#ok this is too long it always ends up wit me just rambling#I love my boy XL Striker 3.8 and Sela#ok nobodys reading uhhhh#send me an ask with the weirdest emoji out of context if you've read this far tbh nobody cares by this point HJSKSFD#idk if ill draw someone for the AC team everytime i complete a stamp collection but if i'm feeling like it maybe#or if they're requested tecnically#thats it bye
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