#witchy weather report
bewitchingbooktours · 7 months
Natural Disaster by Alena Orrison #Fantasy #WitchyFantasy
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Natural Disaster
Witches of Willowbrook 
Book One
Alena Orrison
Genre: Low Fantasy / Witchy Fantasy
Publisher: Spirited Ink Press
Date of Publication: 10/19/2023
ISBN: 979-8-9880131-0-5
Number of pages: 313
Word Count: 86,692
Cover Artist: Aspire Book Covers
Tagline: Will her grief and his betrayal make her Willowbrook's worst natural disaster?
Book Description: 
When Jessica loses both parents in a car accident, she seeks to honor their legacy of service in Willowbrook. Her parents loved the town and its people, and despite her desire for solitude, Jessica becomes interested in the lives of those around her. 
Grief-struck and juggling the garden along with her own business has Jessica stressed. She soon discovers the unpredictable weather reflects her internal turmoil.
Fearful of her powers and worried about the town's reaction, Jessica takes her brother's advice to attend a grief counseling group and begin meditating. She thinks she can restrain her magic if she can control her emotions. A witch from Willowbrook's coven contacts her and offers to teach Jessica how to use her magic. But learning does not come easy. Jessica's power spirals. The more she tries to rein it in, the wilder it becomes.
Then Zane, an attractive reporter from the city, arrives to do an investigative story on Willowbrook's odd weather patterns. Jessica realizes if her secret gets out, everyone she loves could be in danger of a witch hunt. Wanting a change of pace, Zane moves to Willowbrook. Jessica worries he'll be caught in the devastation of her powers. 
Can she learn to control her magic before she creates a Natural Disaster? And can she keep Zane from revealing everything?
I clenched my jaw in frustration. The front door suddenly flew open as a gust of wind whipped down the street. “See? I lose control even when I try to keep it.”
“That’s because you’re trying too hard,” Donna responded.
I shook my head. “No, I am following Sofia’s directions, but I can’t keep it in if I feel an intense emotion. Which is apparently all the time lately. Wait. What are your powers?”
Donna gave a slight smile. “I was wondering when you’d ask. I’m not a witch.”
“What? But Sofia—”
Donna interrupted me. “I know all about the witches and the Circle. My mom was a witch. I do not have any powers, however. None manifested when I turned thirteen or sixteen, and nothing happened when I was in that boating accident. I am mundane. So not only did your parents love you unconditionally until they died, but you’re also a successful business owner and a powerful witch. What am I? I’m just a tax accountant. My parents thought nothing I did was good enough, not even when I was named valedictorian. And I do not have magic.”
“But, Donna, we used to be friends. Best friends. What happened?”
Donna shook her head. “It doesn’t matter now. The bottom line is you’re amazing and everything this town wants, while I’m never good enough for anything. I’m not good enough to have magic, own a business, or even have a long-term relationship, let alone get married. Why are you even talking to me about this? Pity? Is that it?” Donna stood, snatching her jacket from the chair. “I don’t need your pity. I need you to quit acting like you don’t realize how special you are and to… to leave me alone!” Donna yelled the last phrase, then stomped out of the coffee shop.
I stared after her, sitting perfectly still and ignoring the curious glances of the patrons as they quietly murmured to each other. The light from the windows dimmed and black clouds started covering the sky. Hard rain pelted the roof, drowning out the sound of conversations.
The lights flickered, eliciting a few gasps from the customers. I tried to reign in the anger, but deep yoga breaths weren’t helping. The longer I thought about what Donna said, the angrier I became. Thunder exploded directly over the building, and the electricity finally gave in to a mightier power. Several customers went to look out the window, apparently gauging their chances at making it home in the deluge.
About the Author: 
Alena Orrison is an award-winning author and a freelance writer and editor. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English, with an emphasis in Creative Writing. She started writing stories when she was three years old by telling them to her mom, who wrote them down. She has been editing professionally since 2015. Alena has several articles and stories published online and in anthologies. 
She currently lives in North Idaho with her husband, four children, two grandchildren, mom, three dogs, five cats, and a varying number of chickens. When she is not spending time with family and friends, gardening, boating, hiking, or at the gym, she is reading and writing. Alena also likes to crochet and spin yarn for some downtime. Some of her favorite authors include Ann McCaffrey, Elizabeth Cunningham, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Erin Morgenstern. You can visit her at alenaorrison.net
Website: https://alenaorrison.net
Amazon: https://amazon.com/author/alenaorrison
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAlena
IG: https://www.instagram.com/authentic_alena/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/Authentic_Alena
LinkTr.ee: https://linktr.ee/alenaorrison
Newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/q1n6f2
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/22518092.Alena_Orrison
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thefatfeministwitch · 6 years
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Everyday, as you’re getting ready to leave for work or hit the town with your friends or look for that perfect new job, you take stock of the general vibe of the day so you know how to approach it. You stick your head out the window to check the weather, notice how quick the second hand on your clock is moving, and try to read the dispositions of those you meet on the street. Every day has it’s own energy and when you walk out the door in the morning (or the afternoon, no judgements!) as a good little witch, it’s best to have your magickal arsenal backing you up!
Monday’s Witch is tranquil and white Tuesday’s Witch wields fire and might Wednesday’s Witch is wacky but wise Thursday’s Witch keeps their eye on the prize Friday’s Witch mixes coconut and lime Saturday’s Witch can bend space and time but the Witch who works on Sunna’s day will always bring bright blessings their way
The word “correspondences” doesn’t sound hella interesting or witchy, so don’t think of this as a post about magickal daily correspondences, think of this as your witchy weather report for the days of the week! Much like a daily horoscope (like the ones from Broadly, which I LOVE and check religiously), these daily bits of astrological magick will tell you the kind of spells to focus on, colours to wear and use, witchy tools to wield, or just in general how to be the best witch you can be that day. When you combine this daily witchery with things like moon phases, current astrolgoical phases, and the season you’re in with your own witchy intuition you have a fully fledged magical almanac.
One of my favourite things about daily magick is that it helps break up ruts and monotonous magical slumps. It gets you thinking magickally every day and gives you small things to focus on. Over time this builds into a great daily practice. You don’t have to be an expert, you don’t have to write your own horoscope or even be fully versed in astrology. I’m not! Every day and once a month I read a hororscope from Broadly, I get weekly and monthly astrology reports from Georgia Nicols in my inbox, and I love the Hoodwitch’s weekly witch tips. When we move into astrological seasons I trust other astrologers to give me the highlights, and the same with the astrological signs of the moon. I use that info from those brilliant people, with my own witchy knowledge of daily magick to give myself daily witchy forecasts so I have a head start on the day. I use a magickal day planner to keep it all in and make it look pretty and colourful so I can start the day off right. (OK SO YEAH I’M AN OFFICE SUPPLY NERD, OK??) This week I’ll be posting about the energy of the day every morning so you can start your day off right and maybe do a little magick.
Planet: Saturn
Planetary Symbol: ♄Saturn’s sickle or scythe
Element: Earth, Spirit
Colours: Dark purple, dark blue, black, grey, dark green, wine red
Stones & Metals: Lead; obsidian, jet, black tourmaline, hematite, lapis lazuli, galaxyite, amethyst
Incenses, Herbs & Oils: Myrrh, Patchouli, Morning Glory, Mullein, Pomegranate, Mugwort, Rosemary
Tarot Cards: Knight of Swords, Two of Swords, The Hermit
Saturday was named after the roman god Saturn, who was a god agriculture, limitations and the passage of time. Saturday is a day to wrap up loose ends, to take it easy, to magical clean and cleanse your space and to look inward.
In addition to our infinitely patient god of earth and space, Saturday is Hekate’s day. Hekate was the all-powerful goddess of magick and witches. She is the patron deity of witches everywhere and is associated with the stages of life, the magick of all of the elements and even darker elements such as death and crossroads. Hekate is a goddess is gets stuff done, and Saturdays reflect this as a day to clear up everything that needs clearing up and even physical cleaning and getting your home in order.
Many of the plants and incenses associated Saturday are almost cliché witch herbs. Morning Glory, which is hallucinogenic and all consuming, Mugwort which aids in divination and magick (and just SOUNDS witchy!), Mullein which is used to talk with the dead and pomegranate, the food of the underworld. Myrrh is sweet and brings in a witch’s connection to the moon; patchouli creates a deep connection to the earth, and rosemary and hearty and stable.
The stones to use on Saturdays all seem to have very spacey and also somehow earthy energies. Black stones repel negativity, offer protection, are used in scrying and divination, are earthy and stabilizing, and are very cleansing. Jet, as an amber, is also a status symbol for witches and is worn by many high priestesses to denote rank. Lapis lazuli, galaxyite, and amethyst all work with your third eye and connect you to higher realms.
Types of Saturday Magick: spirit communication, star scrying, spiritual cleansing and clearing, all magic, spiritual and astral travel, warding, banishing, cursing and hexing, deity worship, grounding, shadow work, past life regression
  Book of Shadows Tarot Vol. 2
The Halloween Tarot
The Housewives Tarot
Tarot: The Hermit shows an image of Saturn himself, father time. If it shows up in a Saturday reading, it’s time to look inward, slow down, and accesses your growth or progress. You can also use this as a representation or link to the god. The two of swords frightens people, but it’s about balance and about creating a choice. It signifies that now is the time to make a choice, any choice. Even the wrong choice pushes you forward. It’s a good card for those pushing themselves to get things done on Saturday. The Knight of Swords is a card of no fear! This is a card to give you strength when dealing with some of the darker magic that is done on Saturdays. You’ve made a choice and now is the time to dive in!
Dress for magickal success: Saturday is the day to break out all of the gothic items from the 80s you know you’re holding on to. Classically witchy looks like all black, dark purples, stars and galaxy prints and powerful feeling clothing items are for Saturdays. If you’re staying home and tending the garden of your life, earthy comfortable fabrics like cotton in subdued colours let people know you don’t need anything flashy to be powerful.
Planet: The Sun
Planetary Symbol: ☉The sun at the centre of our galaxy
Element: Fire
Colours: Yellow, orange, gold, hot pink
Stones & Metals: Gold; carnelian, citrine, amber, tiger’s eye, fire opal, sunstone
Incenses, Herbs & Oils: Frankincense, orange, cinnamon, bergamot, cedar, rosemary, sunflower, st john’s wort
Tarot Cards: The Sun, Ace of Wands, The Chariot
It’s no mystery where Sunday got its name, and indeed it’s a day of bright, warm, illuminating and endlessly happy energy. Today’s a day to focus on everything you’ve accomplished in your life and spend it basking in the warmth of that feeling.
Sunna was the Norse goddess of the sun and drove the solar chariot across the sky that brought us the daylight. In ancient Rome and Greece, this exact action was accomplished by Helios and Apollo, respectively. Indeed, many people equate sun energy with more “masculine” energy. The Celtic’s revered the goddess Brighid as the keeper of fire – internal fire of emotion, the healing and cleansing fire, and fire of the hearth and home. (Sorry, gods!) All of these deities are described in similar ways, brightly shining, golden, infinitely happy and compassionate about their people. This is why Sunday is such a great day to spend with families.
Smells and plants associated with Sunday are warm and spicy like cinnamon, but combined with a more clearing scent like orange and frankincense. Cedar and Rosemary bring the outside in, and call in the smells and feelings of warm weather and plants that thrive in the sun. In its mundane life, St John’s Wort is used as an anti-depressant and calms anxiety, which makes it a great herb to accompany Sunday’s cheerful energy.
Though your fiery, red Mars stones and crystals from tuesday will help you get some things done today, consider some more gentle yellows instead. Reach for citrine and amber to bring sunshine, joy, and relaxation on a nice warm sunday. If you’re spending the day with your love, put a piece of sunstone in your bra or near your heart to add sexy and funny sun energy to your date.
Types of Sunday Magick: spells for happiness and love, spells for success for the following week, spells regarding family and familial relation, spells for illumination or clarification, rituals marking growth and abundance, candle magick
Maori Tarot
Witches Tarot
Tarot of Sexual Magic
Tarot: The Sun card is the obvious choice for Sunday tarot. The nice thing about the sun card is that it’s so happy and bright that no matter where it falls in a reading it lightens up every other card just a little bit. This is exactly the energy of Sunday. The Ace of Wands is the beginning of a fiery new journey. Everything is ahead of you now! Sunday is a time to start fresh, with new passion and creativity. The Chariot card could be travel or transportation – taking a Sunday drive with someone you love, maybe – but this is another card about balance and compromise. We all wish we could be the Sunday versions of ourselves forever, but eventually Monday will come and we’ll pull back into the calm, cool night. Don’t feel like you’re being pulled in two directions, recognize this time for what it is and make the most of it, and be ready to work with the energy of the other days of the week.
Dress for magickal success: Sunday’s energy is happy, but calm. Wear bright colours and simple patterns, or include suns, stars, and sparkles for a more brilliant sunny shine. Don’t bog yourself down with too much jewellery and wear comfortable shoes – this is a day to get out and celebrate your life. Wear something that makes you feel warm and comfortable inside and out, but that lets you move around and change direction spontaneously.
Some of my favourite sources of daily magick:
  Magical Fashionista by Tess Whitehurst
The Book of Witchery by Ellen Dugan
Coloring Book of Shadows Planners by Amy Cesari
The Witch’s Almanac by Weiser Books
Llewellyn’s Witches Companion and Datebooks
Plus the online sources listed above! Where do you get your daily magical advice?
  Witchy Weather Report: The Weekend’s Witch Everyday, as you're getting ready to leave for work or hit the town with your friends or look for that perfect new job, you take stock of the general vibe of the day so you know how to approach it.
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raven-blog-life · 2 years
A Whopping List of 160 Grimoire Prompts and Ideas
Alrighty, everybody, I’ve been working all day trying to compile this list together and it came out to be a staggering 160 prompts and ideas for your grimoire! Some of these are pretty vague and others are quite specific, but this is only to help you guys more with filling up your grimoires! So buckle up and get ready to go! 
What is the Wheel of the Year and the Eight Sabbats? Do these play a role in your craft? What is the history behind them?
How can you celebrate the 8 Sabbats?
What is meditation? What are some different types of meditation? How can meditation affect your practice?
What are the tools of your craft? Name and explain. 
Create a witchy book library. Which of these do you own? Which of these have you read?
What are Familiars? Do you have one? How do they help with your craft?
How do you cast a circle? Close one? What does the energy look like? Draw what’s seen and unseen. 
Create a glossary of witchcraft terminology.
Write down the correspondences of time. → Hours of the day → Days of the Week → Months of the Year
What is intent and how do you work with it?
What is visualization? How can it be used? What are the alternatives if you cannot visualize?
Answer these for the following ideas: What is it? How can you do it? → Charging → Enchanting → Cleansing → Grounding → Blessing → Consecrating → Binding → Banishing → Warding → Centering
What are some substitutes in main tools of witchcraft? (like crystals and herbs)
How do you set up an altar or magical workplace?
BONUS: What themes can you incorporate into these spaces?
What goes on an altar?
Research the history of witchcraft.
Research the history of Paganism and Wicca.
Research the varieties of magic. Some ideas: → Energy Work → Fae Magic → Draconic Magic → Death Magic → Sex Magic → Knot Magic → Satchet and Jar Magic → Spirit Work → Crystal Magic
What is a ritual and what does it mean?
Research the Different Types of Witches and their historical background → Kitchen → Green → Hedge → Eclectic → Solitary → Tech → Earth → Spirit Worker → Chaos → Art → Secular → Theistic → Hereditary → Traditional → Garden → Fire → Draconic → Animal → Lunar → Christian → Hellenic → Celtic → Kemetic → Science → Elemental → Urban → Seasonal → Sanguine → Cosmic → Dream → Sea → Storm/Weather → Hearth → Tea → Water → Fae → Music → Sigil → Crystal
What are the corners and how to call them?
What is the sacred geometry?
Write down your Witchy To-Do lists (like these prompts or things to research or things to cleanse.)
Devote some pages to your deities if you worship any.
Print out your natal chart and its report and stick it in your grimoire.
BONUS: Write a reflection after reading your report.
Do you collect anything? Why?
Dedicate pages to learning about your past lives. 
How can you be contacted in the afterlife? What would be needed to summon you to learn your epic wisdom?
Create vision boards for your craft in your grimoire. 
Write about yourself as a witch. What do you want out of witchcraft?
Write down information on religions you’re interested in or that you work with if any.
What do you believe?
How did you come upon your path?
Do you believe in the afterlife? If so, what do you think it’s like?
Create a beginner’s guide or field guide to something you’re experienced with.
What are your core values? Name and explain.
How would you describe yourself? Include a picture or even draw yourself.
If someone down the line wanted to honor you as their ancestor, how would they do so?
Do you have a craft name? Why did you choose it?
Write down your magical goals. Be sure to revisit these and reflect upon your progress.
Why did you become a witch?
What is your birth tarot card?
Write down your daily rituals.
Do you have any rules for your path? What are they?
Come up with a collection of spell themes. 
→ This can be stuff like love, luck, healing, curses, etc.
Based on your collection of spell themes, what items would be best used for each theme?
Create a collection of spell ideas you will make spells for later. 
Create a list of gardening tips. 
How do you harvest certain plants?
How can you dry herbs and other plants?
How can you garden by the moon?
★Herbs and Plants/Herbalism and Aromatherapy★
Create a list of 5-10 local plants you can incorporate into your craft. What are their correspondences? How can you use these plants?
Create a list of 5-10 go-to plants (herbs especially) you can grow and use in your craft. What are their correspondences and how can you use them?
Create a guide to essential oils and safe use. 
Incense correspondences and uses. 
How to make Herbal Decoctions
How to make Tinctures
How to make Medicinal Wines
How to make Gargles and Mouthwashes
How to make Eyewashes
How to make Herbal Baths
How to make Inhalations
How to make Infused Oils and Ointments
How to make Herbal Creams
How to make Syrups
How to make Herbal Vinegars
How to make Poultices and Compresses
★Crystal Magic★
How do crystals work?
Create a list of 5-15 go-to crystals you can use in your craft. What are their correspondences?
Crystal Grids. What are they? What are their uses? Do you have any grid layouts?
How do you cleanse crystals?
How do you charge crystals?
How do you program crystals?
★Elemental Magic ★
What are the five elements? How do they affect your craft?  
What are the correspondences for different types of water? (i.e. river water, ocean, rain, moon, sun, etc.)
What are the correspondences for different types of water? (i.e. river water, ocean, rain, moon, sun, etc.)
★Cosmic Magic/Astrology★
What are the 12 Zodiacs? How do they affect your craft?
Research some constellations and how you can incorporate them into your craft. 
What are the planetary correspondences? How can you use the planets in your craft?
Recipe Book
Herbal Medicines
Essential Oils
★lunar magick★
What are the phases of the moon and their correspondences?
★Sigil Work★
What are the many ways you can create sigils?
Create a sigil logbook.
What mythology are you interested in?
Include some stories in your grimoire → Written stories → Storyboards/comics → Drawings of scenes
What are the folktales from where you live?
Gather a list of traditional divination methods you’re interested in.
Create a tarot cheatsheet.
Create a rune cheatsheet
Create a numerology cheatsheet.
What is numerology? How can you use it in your craft?
Create a collection of tarot spreads. Include:→ 2 card spreads→ 3 card→ 4 card→ 5 card→ more complex spreads.
How can you read Runes? (i.e. drawing them out of a container, using spreads, or throwing them)
Compile a list of good questions to ask for divination.
Create a pendulum board.  
★spirit work★
Draw or write about the spirits you work with. 
What are some offerings ideas?
Keep a dream diary.
From your dreams and some research, make your own dream dictionary.
★Candle Magic★
How and why is it used?
What are the benefits of candle magic?
Candle shape correspondences
Color and smell correspondences.
Flame meanings.
★Color Magic★
Research Color Magic and how you can incorporate it into your craft.
Research the correspondences of different colors. 
Research color theory and how you may incorporate it into your craft. 
★Shadow Work★
Make a portrait of your shadow self.
What is shadow work? How can you incorporate it into your craft?
★Magical Housekeeping★
Recipes for Beauty Products
Recipes for Cleansing Products
Bath Magic
Sleep Rituals and Sleep Magic
Glamour Magic
Recipes to Pamper yourself
Stress Management Methods
Mental Health Hoping Methods
Cleansing Your Spaces
Journaling and Creative
What are the Seven Planes of Existence? Do they mean anything to you?
Create an entry that must be read in a mirror.
Create an entry that can be viewed right-side up and upside down. 
Stick coloring book pages into your grimoire. 
. BONUS: Only tape 1 side down so you can use the back to write a spell, tell a story, create a ritual, etc. 
Create a list of words you can seriously reflect upon and do so. Some ideas: → Love → Strength → Courage → Intelligence
Write down quotes/poems/etc. that have meaning to you and reflect upon those meanings. 
Write down letters to your past and future selves. 
Write love letters to your grimoire.
Write letters to your ancestors, spirits, or deities. 
What are the _____ of witchcraft you love?  → Sights → Smells → Taste → Sounds → Feelings
What is Magic? How is it used?
What are the consequences of using magic?
★Miscellaneous ★
What are Chakras and what do they mean to you?
Leave some pages to write down things to research.
Write down tea/coffee correspondences. 
Leave a space to put all those witchy life hacks/tips you find. 
What are auras? How can you use them in your craft?
Research the Fae
By--- Sammantha Valentine @tumblr  
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7serendipities · 3 years
A Lunar Eclipse, The Midnight Culmination of The Pleiades, And Otherworldly Tides
It’s been a while (and a whole change of blogging platform) since I last made a “Faery Weather” post,¹ but it seems to be That Time again. For those who haven’t seen the old posts, this basically started when the Morrigan and some of my Fair Folk contacts started giving me messages to pass along about how activity in the Otherworlds was going to spill over into my local environment (which was defined somewhat broadly by Them as the Chesapeake Bay watershed region, though it is probably less applicable the farther one gets from the Bay itself). The first few blogs turned into a semi-regular series, but when Na Morrigna had me start writing out Their messages on the Dark Moon, some of the information was getting passed along that way instead. I haven't really been sharing much of my personal involvements in various Otherworldly shenanigans recently for a couple of reasons: some of it is sort difficult to describe, some of it I can't really talk about, and it's all very deep in the UPG well of woo.²
But this “weather report”, though still UPG, is more general in application, and the gist of it is this: over the next few days we've got the waning of the Leonid meteor shower, a full moon, a lunar eclipse, and the midnight culmination of the Pleiades cluster.³ Any of those by themselves might mean a “high tide” of Otherworldly activity spilling over into our realm, but with all of them together and taking onto consideration just how much activity there's been on “quiet” days lately,⁴ I think we need to be prepared for a higher-than-normal high tide.
The usual warnings apply: ground, center and shield. Ward your spaces. Check in with your spirit allies. Be prepared for extra wackiness even in your mundane life!
However, if you know how to ride a wave, this is an excellent time to go witchy-surfing (if you'll excuse the mixed metaphor, haha). There's extra liminality going on — the sun is transitioning from Scorpio to Sagittarius as well — and there’s a profusion of swirling energies, perfect to harness if you have a working well-suited to these conditions. I'm supposed to recommend caution, but I understand that sometimes experimentation is the best way to learn, so use your own best judgement.
If you are planning to make overtures to Otherworldly beings, just remember that even the Fair Folk most friendly to humanity are not always kind, and though the Fair Folk do not lie, they often mislead. I usually recommend starting with those closest to you if you intend to work with the Fair Folk — your own Good Neighbors — but others will be riding the winds and traveling the fairy roads as well: some neutral, some baleful, some hostile or even predatory. You don’t want to grab the attention of the Slua Sí! Being able to discern between neighbors and interlopers is very important in spiritwork in general but it’s especially important right now.
There have been conflicts these past couple of years that took place mostly in the Otherworlds but have spilled over into our realm,⁵ and I've been experiencing more conflicts taking place unseen in parts of our world as well, lately. It's tense out there — though like with mundane wars, some places have been hit more heavily than others. There isn't really a major physical dividing line that I'm aware of, but the idea of “front lines” (as humans experienced them in the trenches of the World Wars) makes a pretty good analogy to distinguish between harder hit areas and places that have been more sheltered from the conflicts. If you live in an area that’s been more like the front lines, it will be even more important to shield and ward these next few days.
Hopefully this message finds its way to those who need to hear it, but if it isn’t relevant to your path please scroll on by. I’m happy to discuss things over email if anyone has more specific concerns, and I’ll respond to any comments posted here as best I can, but I think it’s important to stress again that this is UPG, and not everyone experiences Otherworldly flows in the same manner. This message will be most helpful to those whose UPG best aligns with my own!
Those are available here on wordpress, if you’re interested.
UPG, for those unfamiliar with the term, stands for “Unverified Personal Gnosis”, which is knowledge I have gained from my own personal experiences interacting with the Otherworlds and Otherworldly beings.
For that last one, I recommend reading Morgan Daimler’s recent book “Living Fairy”, on their experiences with Otherworldly celebrations following the cycle of the Pleiades cluster.
A lot of pagan writers have commented on this phenomenon, but John Beckett had a pretty good introductory pair of blogs in 2016 and has some more recent thoughts about it, too. Those can be found here on Patheos.
And these have been even worse, in my experience, than what Beckett mentions in the blogs linked above, and I’ve heard similar from a few of my fellow “fairy-involved” witches.
The thumbnail image on this post is a stock photo of the Pleiades cluster provided by SquareSpace.
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rhetoricalrogue · 4 years
31 Days of Wayhaven, Day 26
Prompt: Past Rating: G, mentions of long ago off-screen death Words: 3,018 Characters: Bjorn EcklundCameron Buchanan, Marle Starling, Agent Fiona Note: This is the most self-indulgent little fic I’ve written this month, purely because Cam’s faceclaim is the same as a character that I killed off, then later decided to resurrect as a bigger role, then ultimately set aside on a shelf and I had a mighty need to bring him back as a cameo here.  This, of course, meant that I needed to bring my small witchy Marle in as a cameo, seeing as she is the Thelma to Fiona’s (courtesy of @asaucyginger ) Louise (or is that the other way around?)
For the @31daysofwayhaven event.
Wayhaven, Cam discovered, was a quaint little seaside town that had charmed him the moment he stepped out of the car and looked over the docks.  Closing his eyes, he felt the pull of the sea, the feeling still gentle and welcoming yet with an industrious air to it as if the waves had many things to do and very little time to do them in.
He and Penny walked hand in hand to the nearby historical home turned Bed & Breakfast where they were planning on staying the weekend, Penny pointing out a few shops she wanted to check out while they were there from her phone.  Apparently the Mayor of the town was trying to make this a tourist destination and had revamped the single webpage from what looked to be self-taught HTML into a more appealing site since the last time Cam had curiously checked it out.  
He paused on the front porch, Penny already entering to check them in.  As much as he enjoyed an opportunity to be alone with Penny, Wayhaven was Unit Bravo’s home turf now, and it felt like stepping on their toes to be in town for Agency work.  As part of their demotion to Unit Delta, Cam’s team had been given administrative fieldwork detail that was usually done by new recruits or lower level clearance units.  Nicky had been insulted, muttering all manner of foul things under his breath as he took over the more clerical type jobs, and Penny had been irked at being given menial tasks that wouldn’t even challenge green field agents, but Cam had accepted their fate with more grace.
For example, this job that had brought them into Bravo’s new backyard.  There was a green witch who had newly decided to not only make her home in town, but to open up shop.  This wasn’t unusual for her, if her file was anything to go by.  She followed Agency protocols for business owners to the letter and had a superior rating in every inspection her shop underwent.  By all means, Marle Starling was a model supernatural citizen and this initial inspection of her new shop would be a formality.  The only negative mark on her record was the fact that she was close friends with Agent Fiona, which only proved to Cam that even the straightest laced and professional people had need of a little chaos every now and again.
Turning to the front door, Cam joined Penny in getting their things situated into their room before heading out.  The town was small and the weather pleasant enough that they both decided to walk to the shop.
Penny had gotten distracted at the sight of a cute little flower shop, so Cam opened the door to Tea and Tarot by himself, the gentle chime of bells above the door welcoming him in.  The shop was small, but decorated in a way that made it seem cozy instead of cramped.  There was enough room for several tables for patrons to enjoy their tea and Cam’s eyes flicked over to the till where there were advertisements for various teas ranging from High Tea to Afternoon Tea and even a birthday party tea.  The counter featured a display case with a few baked items, signs advertising that many had come from Haley’s Bakery downtown, but there were a few scones and other treats that were made in-house.  The lemon bars in particular proudly displayed a House Specialty! sign next to them.  Even the large chalkboard with the various teas available written on them was pleasant to the eye, said teas charmingly organized in large glass canisters both behind the counter and on top of it for easy viewing.
Greenery from plants hanging at the ceiling crept along the white painted brick walls, and there was a back alcove with a Tarot Readings Here sign hanging over heavy green velvet drapes that when closed, would give both the reader and the person asking for a reading privacy.  All in all, it was a peaceful, charming little shop.
“Hello!  I’ll be with you in a moment!”  Cam waited as a petite woman with dark brown hair done up in a Dutch braid emerged from a back storeroom, wiping her hands on a towel.  She wore a cheery looking mustard colored dress with bees and flowers printed on it and looked exactly the way he imagined an owner of such an establishment would look.  “Good afternoon, sorry for the wait.  How may I…”  Cam watched as she looked up at him, all the blood draining from her face and the towel falling from limp fingers.
“Are you alright?” he asked in concern, stepping forward and holding out a hand when he saw her sway forward, her own hand shooting out to catch herself on the countertop next to her.  “You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.”
She blinked and cleared her throat.  “Sorry,” she said, putting a shaking hand to her throat.  “For a moment there, you reminded me of someone I knew.”
“Do you need to sit down?”  Cam pulled out a chair and offered it to her.  
She laughed.  “No, I’m fine.  Thank you for your concern though.”  She tilted her head.  “Well, seeing as you’re not the person I thought you were, I haven’t seen you in these parts.  Marle Starling, proprietor.”
Seeing that the shop was empty, Cam decided to forgo the usual pretend to be a normal human niceties.  “Commanding Agent Cameron Buchanan.”
Her brow arched.  “Ah.  I was wondering when the Agency was going to send an inspector.  Yet I wasn’t expecting them to send one of their unit leaders to do a clerk’s job.”
He shrugged.  “Long story.  May I have a look around?”  He held up his phone, showing her the inspection document he had pulled up.
“Please, be my guest.  Would you like a cup of tea while you work?”  Marle moved behind the counter and flicked on an electric tea kettle.
“No thank you.”  Cam began his report, watching out of the corner of his eye as Marle pulled a small French press out from behind the counter and filled it with one of the blends she had in stock.  “So, green witch?  Have you done any work in town?”
“Not directly.”  She added a large dollop of honey into a ceramic mug shaped like a honeycomb, complete with a cheerful looking bee sitting on top of the handle.  “I carry teas to soothe colds, unstuff sinuses, and help people fall asleep, but selling such remedies isn’t outlawed.  My beeswax balms for chapped hands and lips are made from the same formulas that you would find anywhere else, even if the herbs and flowers used in the making are of better quality.”  The kettle gave a beep as it reached temperature and she poured the contents into the French press, Cameron watching as the tea swirled to life inside the glass, tinting the water with a faint yellowish red color.
“You stock your own honey?” He pitched his voice to be heard as he wandered into the back stockroom Marle had come out of, making note of the local Health Department approved sink and kitchen area.  Something had just finished baking in the industrial oven and the smell made Cam’s stomach rumble.
“Harvested fresh from my bees in my backyard.”
He came out in time to see Marle sitting at one of the tables, her face in her hands as she tried to catch her breath.  He hung back long enough until she was composed before making enough noise to let her know that he was back in the front.  “And your readings?”
“Standard tarot readings, nothing magical about them.  I also do rune readings, though I haven’t gotten much interest in them.  People tend to stick with ways of divination that they’re familiar with.”
“Well,” Cam finished the incredibly brief inspection report.  “I can confidently say that your establishment passes all Agency requirements.  Unless you have any questions, I think I’m done here.”
Marle’s eyes grew large.  “Wait!  Are you sure you can’t stay for a cup of tea?  Perhaps something to eat?”
He smiled as he shook his head.  “I’m afraid not.  I’m meeting up with my fiancée and I don’t want to keep her waiting.”  He winked.  “Besides, I wouldn’t think that you’d want to spend more time with a person that looks like someone that clearly upset you.”
Marle opened her mouth, color rising to her cheeks.  “No, I wasn’t upset.”  She clasped her hands together, her thumb rubbing against her fingers.  “You caught me by surprise is all.  I haven’t seen the man you look like in a long time.” Her eyes went down to the table’s surface.  “A very long time.”
Both of them turned towards the front door when the chimes signaled another patron.  “Pour us a cup, Mar,” the woman said, unwrapping a scarf from her hair, the bright red curls bouncing around her shoulders once they were free.  “And add some extra sugar in.  Du Pain in My Ass Mortain fucked up my ribs something awful just now and it irks me that we ended in a draw this round.”
Marle rose from her seat and went behind the counter again.  “Fiona, we have a guest.”
The woman, who was slightly shorter than Marle, smirked.  “No you don’t.  Agent Buchanan.”
He nodded.  “Agent Fiona.” 
Fiona, uncharacteristically narrowed her eyes at him.  “Are you done with Agency business, selkie man?”
The hard tone of her voice was one he’d never heard before, especially since the handful of times they’d interacted had been light and flirty.  “I am.”
“Then get out.”  She flashed him a smile that was too full of pointed teeth.  “Please.” 
The protective way that Fiona rounded the table until she put herself between Marle and himself made him wonder what was going on.  “Have a good evening.  It was nice meeting you, Marle.”
Cam left the shop feeling oddly out of sorts from the strange encounter, but his spirits lifted when he saw Penny sitting at a nearby bench.  He was about to make his way towards her when he heard Marle call out to him.  “I’m sorry about Fiona,” she said in a rush, holding a white waxed paper bag out.  “She’s a little prickly when she comes back from a -”
“An unofficial brawl with Agent Adam du Mortain?”  He held up a hand.  “Trust me, those fights aren’t as secret as the two of them would like to think.  And don’t worry, I don’t take offence.”
She let out a breath.  “Good.  Here, for you and your fiancée.”  She pressed the bag into his hands.  “Lemon bars.  They’re my signature treat.”
There was a strange prickle of magic as their fingers brushed together.  Cam frowned as the hopeful look in her eye faded and her mouth turned sadly downward.  “I thought you said you didn’t practice on people,” he murmured.
“Sorry, I sensed you had a headache and I didn’t say a word about practicing on Agents,” she countered.  Her eyes flicked to a point behind his shoulder.  “I take it that she’s your wife to-be?”
Cam didn’t need to look behind him to know that Penny was making her way towards them.  After so long together, he could easily sense her presence.  “She is.”
Marle looked up at him.  “And you’re happy?”
There was zero hesitation.  “I am.  Happier than I’ve been in a long time.”
She closed her eyes and smiled, her lips trembling the faintest bit.  “Good.”  She opened her eyes and Cam was surprised to see a sheen of tears when she looked up at him next.  “I wish the two of you many more years of happiness to come.”  Just as Penny walked up to them, Marle backed away, slowly turning and entering her shop again.
“That was...odd,” Cam said, watching as the Open sign on the door slowly turned to Closed.
“Did you get the inspection done?” Penny asked.
“I did.”  Shaking his head, which he only then realized that the faint ache that had lingered for most of the afternoon was magically gone, he held up the bag in his hand.  “Hungry?  I heard these lemon bars are a house special.”
Marle stood at the door to her shop and watched the couple walk away, the blonde woman threading her arm through Cam’s and resting her head on his shoulder as they went.  She couldn’t help the shuddering breath that escaped her as she locked the door and turned off the lights, leaving the main area dark save for the soft glow of white fairy lights strung around the perimeter of the room.
“Here,” Fiona said, handing Marle her mug. 
“There’s bourbon in this,” Marle told her, taking a sniff.  “Way more than a shot too.”
“I figured you needed it.”  Fiona gently put her hand on her friend’s shoulder.  “That wasn’t him.”
“I know it wasn’t.”  Marle made her way back to one of the tables and sat down.  “Though, gods, at first I thought it was.”
“He does bear a striking resemblance.”  Fiona puttered behind the counter and made herself a cup of tea, adding a liberal amount of booze from the flask in her pocket.  Before joining Marle at the table, she slid open the bakery display and grabbed the plate of triple chocolate brownies that were still warm from the oven.  “But he isn’t Bjorn.”
Marle twisted her fingers together.  “I thought, maybe, that there may have been a chance…”
“Oh, honey, you didn’t.”
“I was smart enough to whisk his headache away so he didn’t know I was reading him for any other enchantment, maybe something that had caused memory loss.”
The plate of brownies and mug went down on the table with a clatter before Fiona pulled her chair close to Marle’s and took her hands in her own.  “Your husband has been dead for over eighty years.  His ship capsized in a storm and there were no survivors.”
“They never recovered a body.”
Fiona’s fingers squeezed.  “And the two of us never recovered one either.  I thought that you’d…”
Marle pulled her hands away.  “What?  Accepted my husband’s death?”  She closed her eyes and took a breath.  “I had.  It’s just...when I saw Cameron walk into my shop, wearing the same types of sweater that my husband liked to wear and looking just like him…”  She stopped to wipe at her cheek. “I had this hope that maybe, just maybe the impossible had happened.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m not.”  She sniffled and scrubbed at her eyes.  “He’s been gone for eighty years, but I miss him.  I miss him every day.  Today was exceptionally hard, but to have even the briefest of moments where my Bjorn was brought back to me…”
She didn’t fight it when Fiona’s arms wrapped around her.  “I’d hoped that you never had a reason to meet him,” she said, smoothing her friend’s hair as she cried.  “He’s a good man, clever and polite when it comes to dealing with the fey, but I wanted to spare you the heartache when I realized he was the spitting image.”  She pressed a brief kiss against the crown of Marle’s head.  “I’m sorry, m’dear.  Even if you’re not.”
“Thanks, Fee.”  Marle moved away and used the towel Fiona had thought to bring with her to wipe at her eyes.  Looking up at the ceiling, she let out a heavy sigh.  “The only thing I’m sorry is that you decided to be friends with a woman prone to weeping.”
Fiona looked at her for a moment.  People processed grief differently, and for someone who was for all intents immortal unless burned at the stake for being a witch - a practice that Fiona was glad to see fall out of favor, by the way - Marle had a great deal of time to carry the weight of her grief until she decided it was time to let it and her departed husband rest.  She herself was no stranger to grief, she’d gained and lost a number of loves in her long lifetime and wagered that she would gain and lose a handful more before she was done having fun in this world.
“Please.  You’re the one who thought it would be wise to befriend me.”  Reaching over, she pulled the plate of brownies closer to them.  “But I know what will lift your spirits?”
Marle looked at her friend.  “Does it involve eating that entire platter of brownies and getting wasted on whatever you have in that flask of yours?”
“You know me too well.”  She picked one of the brownies up and took a bite, closing her eyes at the flavor.  If it was ever determined that she had one, Fiona would gladly sell her soul for a lifetime supply of these brownies.  They were better than anything else she had ever eaten.  They were better than anything else she had ever attempted to make herself.  They were better than sex. 
Okay, so that was up for review.  It depended on the partner.  The fact of the matter was that Marle’s brownies were damn good and she sold them at a shockingly cheap price to people who had better appreciate what they were eating.
“So what do you say?  Let’s get shitfaced and sugar buzzed?”  She hoped that it would be distraction enough to keep Marle from being upset all evening.
Marle picked up her mug and lifted it towards Fiona, who picked up her own mug and carefully touched it with a clink of ceramic.  “Best idea of the day.”
“Hey now, you haven’t even heard my idea to use the fairy door I’ve got stashed somewhere to head to the all-male sauna in Finland.  The locals know me by name.”
That made Marle snort into her tea.  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”
“Hey, a girl knows how to have a good time.”
“That you do.”  She reached out and squeezed Fiona’s hand.  “Thanks, Fee.”
She squeezed back.  “Any time.”
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charlottemadison42 · 4 years
WIP Wednesday
A short preview from an upcoming chapter of Shotgun Wedding, in which Aziraphale & friends are high school faculty in the Boston area and Crowley is a single parent. "Fell! Yah scahf fell on the flooah an' it's gittin' soaked."
No one was sure where Shadwell was from exactly, but he always sounded like an angry double reed instrument and his accent was a nonsensical scavenger hunt of endangered Northeastern phonemes: Long Island, Pittsburgh, Vermont, Yonkers, the Shore, and Newfoundland all took turns with who knew what else. He was a phoneticist's dissertation in waiting. Students had lunchroom contests trying to imitate him. Nobody ever came close.
"Oh! Thank you, Robert," said Aziraphale. He fished for it under the table, and sure enough it was soaking up the muddy puddle their boots made under the booth. He sighed and Anathema shot him a teasing expression of pity. The travails of dry cleaning awaited.
"Why you walways weah white 'n public is beyon' me. Brave mayn, Fell. Brave or foolhahdy." Shadwell dug into his dinner. He was the kind of man to order an American cheeseburger "without any rabbit food on it" at a Mexican restaurant, which was exactly what he'd done tonight.
"He looks good in white, it's his color," insisted Tracy.
"It's ayskin' fah trouble. Like wearin' suede ta Seawoirld."
Tracy had proposed they all dine together before pub quiz this week. Aziraphale had a sinking feeling she'd reinforced the idea with everyone else behind his back, like they'd been summoned to rally around him or some such nonsense after the museum incident. It was downright patronizing. He felt intensely uncomfortable.
But that was no reason to make everyone else uncomfortable. So he tried to keep things light, even as he felt his friends side-eyeing him."Any plans for the long weekend?" he asked the table.
"Newt and I are heading south for a protest," Anathema reported.
"And we got a haunted B&B on the way back," Newt added from behind a staggering mound of nachos.
"Wheya hawunted?" asked Shadwell.
"It's in the woods in Connecticut."
"Nuttin's hawunted in Connittikit! You want hawunted, you go out Western Mass. Or Maine. I know some guys, they know all the witchy spots. Viry ghosty."
"And what does one do at a haunted bed and breakfast that one doesn't do at a mundane bed and breakfast?" asked Aziraphale.
Newt and Anathema shared a look. "Scry," said Anathema.
"Hunt for ghosts," said Newt.
They did not seem to think these answers unusual so Aziraphale swallowed any further questions.
"And whatta you doin' with your extra day off?" Tracy asked Shadwell.
"Reffin’ a college basketball tourney," said Shadwell, but he pronounced it kaarhlidge beyskitbowll towahnie, and all three of his Eastgate colleagues bowed heads in unison to stifle giggles.
"An' you Zira?" Tracy turned to him and tried her best to look innocent. But he knew this was a diagnostic.
"Well, I'll have a lie in -- take a long walk -- there's some essays to finish grading -- and I'm partway through a very good book. You'd enjoy it actually, Robert, Yukon gold rush history and true crime. It’s called The Floor of Heaven."
Shadwell was the senior history teacher at Eastgate. It had actually been called social studies for a long while, or American Studies or World Studies or Civic Systems. Nobody called it history anymore. Nobody but Shadwell.
He and Aziraphale were different as could be, and they argued often, but they tended to agree about pedagogy. They spent their first two years butting heads fiercely, but came to a cease fire when they realized they shared a powerful distaste for standardized testing and administrative meddling.
For over a decade now they'd designed their coursework to overlap whenever they shared students -- sometimes in open defiance of the district, but always with the approval of their academic boards. Aziraphale only had one class of seniors this year but their readings would interleave elegantly with Shadwell's gruff shouty lectures.
"Sounds like a peaceful weekend," Anathema said to Aziraphale, a little too gently. "You're not getting out at all?" A little too pointed.
"I might head over to Cambridge if the weather's decent," Aziraphale mused, although he didn't think he would. "Visit some libraries or the Fogg. But you know me, I'm happiest with a book and a chair. Always have been."
Always will be, he added resignedly. There was a ceiling on that happiness. It was lovely but it was tame. Never too bright or dangerous, never risky. It would never let him down. But it could only lift him so high.
"Waitch out for those Hahvad snaabs," Shadwell ribbed, knowing full well Aziraphale was a dropout. "Our own students crwoss a crick 'n staht thinkin' they poop rubies."
"You should pan the rivah. Maybe they do," said Tracy.
This is from chapter 10 which will post on Saturday, get caught up or subscribe here!
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littlemessyjessi · 5 years
Hounds At Play: Faustus Blackwood/Father Blackwood : Chapter One
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Faustus Blackwood/Father Blackwood Imagine Faustus Blackwood/Father Blackwood x Reader Reader: PS Reader, Plus Size Reader
For longer than he would ever like to admit....Faustus has been prey.
Father Blackwood?  Prey?  
How odd.
Not when it came to her.
Her name was Jezebel.
That Jezebel.
Though the story isn't quite what the False God and his prophets led it to be.
Jezebel, daughter to Ithobaal the first and wife of Ahab.
Yes, that was true.
Ithobaal was a rather peculiar man.  
At times, he adored her fiery nature and cunning ways.
Other times- he couldn't be bothered and only gave her attention when she proved useful to him.
However, her father's greedy tendencies served her eventually when she met and married Ahab.
Ahab, King of Israel- followed a task set upon him from the Dark Lord and was blessed abundantly.
For he had never seen any creature like Jezebel before.
Jezebel was ever bit a picture of grace with her sumptious body and glorious curves.
Rolls so soft that he could have died on the spot in her arms and been happy.
Wise and clever - always learning.
He soon became known as the Wicked King as he encouraged her thirst for knowledge and outlandish appearance at times.
He never dared to hold her back and let her travel as she wished- often returning with cosmetics, perfumes and silks from far away lands....amongst many tomes of knowledge.
Jezebel grew tired of the Yahweh, or the False God, quickly and even more so of being told what to do and how to do it.
She thirsted for others and what they believed.
It was when she encountered a young servant girl who told her of Ba'al.
A god of fertility, weather, rain, wind, lightning, seasons, travelling and spirits.
Jezebel was entranced for those things intrigued and it seemed as though this god would not only allow her to do it but encourage it.
The young girl told her of Asherah- a mother goddess of fertility, motherhood.  A lady of the sea.
Jezebel was rivited and came back to her home with Ahab with boundless texts.
She spread the stories amongst her many handmaidens...and it spread throughout the kingdom.
However, instead of freedom...it brought something much worse to Jezebel.
A group of men, who hated women of power, waited and attacked Jezebel.
They did unspeakable things to her and left her for dead.
They were foolish and did not finish the job though and Jezebel survived.
She made her way back home to heal of her wounds.
Many weeks passed and Ahab stayed by her side until her health returned.
And when it did, they persecuted her attackers.
It's not quite what's written in the book of the False God but his prophets are very good and twisting words to their convenience.
However, the moment of victory didn't last and when Ahab was away on business.... she met a horribly, gruesome death.
Her own handmaiden, a rat who made her way in threw her from the window.
Jezebel fell to her death and the flesh of her corpse was eaten by stray dogs.
The story does not end here.
Her flesh fell away but her spirit arose...only to be met with the Dark Lord.
He spoke to her of his own ways and that she would be allowed to do as she wished.
How he'd sent Ahab to her.
How his hellhounds freed her from her earthly form and that not only could she choose her own form at will now....but the hounds would forever be hers.
He asked only that she continue her studies and report back to him.
"Travel the world, my child.  I will not bind you.   Wear and do as you wish.  Write many books and your Dark Father will read them with delight." he said to her.
"Find me a book that speaks to you.  A blank one and take the hounds with you.  Find a soul who has hurt you and grind their bones.   Take the hounds.  They'll appreciate the treat but save one for me.  I have delicious things planned for you, child."
"What of Ahab?" she asked.
The Dark Lord chuckled, "You may have him if you wish. He will return to you but I've sent him along on a task.   But know that you and Ahab are different now.   To you, I will gift you.  You shall be able to do many things...if only you will always return home to your Dark Father eventually."
Jezebel thought for a moment before she met his gaze.
"I agree.  But let Ahab and I be free of each other.   I need to roam, Father and he wants his throne.   I love him...but we can not be.  Not now.  He seeks power, land and allegiance.  I just want to know what there is.   Let us be free of each other."
"And so it shall be done, my child." he said and reached out to place his hand on her chest. "You may choose your form as you wish, my child.  Take your hounds and roam free."
Jezebel's form changed and materialized as the Dark Lord vanished before her.
The woman looked around at her pack of hounds- all patiently awaiting the command of their Mistress.
"Let's go hunting, darlings." she said wickedly.
Hello, darlings!  Thanks for reading my little story!  I am super excited about this!  I've long since been a fan of Sabrina and I just recently watched The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.  Living for all this religious content even if it it's a bit mashed at times.  I love a dark biblical moment!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the backstory of Jezebel and next chapter we'll be seeing the delicious and dark Father Blackwood! Eeeep!
If you wanna see more of my content just check out my blogs! @littlemessyjessi is the main blog full of fandom fictions, imagines, headcanons and sickeningly sweet fluff! Yeah, I know, lol. Barf.  But hey, I like it. @witchyweirdness is the magical blog full of witchy content And last but not least !   @monsterbaesbymamakennysaurus is my monster blog full of all kinds of monster related content! So I hope to see you there! Love, Kenny
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou –beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666
@jimmys-afterlife-love-deactivat @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
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coffeebooksorme · 5 years
Mooncakes eARC review
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A huge thank you to Lion Forge via NetGalley for providing me this eARC in exchange for an honest review!
GOODREAD’S SYNOPSIS:  A story of love and demons, family and witchcraft. Nova Huang knows more about magic than your average teen witch. She works at her grandmothers' bookshop, where she helps them loan out spell books and investigate any supernatural occurrences in their New England town. One fateful night, she follows reports of a white wolf into the woods, and she comes across the unexpected: her childhood crush, Tam Lang, battling a horse demon in the woods. As a werewolf, Tam has been wandering from place to place for years, unable to call any town home. Pursued by dark forces eager to claim the magic of wolves and out of options, Tam turns to Nova for help. Their latent feelings are rekindled against the backdrop of witchcraft, untested magic, occult rituals, and family ties both new and old in this enchanting tale of self-discovery.
This was so dang cute! I had heard so many people rave about this in the book community, and after my friend read the ARC and loved it, I knew I had to give it a shot!
I definitely got Hocus Pocus and Halloweentown vibes from it because of the atmosphere. This is a quintessential  fall read and really is sure to get you in the fall mood! I almost wish I had saved it for when the weather finally cooled down and I could curl up on the couch with a blanket and a hot cup of coffee to read. Instead I read it in the blistering hot weather of Florida pre-hurricane but even then I still felt the atmosphere of the story.
Nova was a badass witch in training and she did not let her hearing disability stop her from being such a kickass witch. In fact, she actually uses it to give herself a leg up in a fight later on and I really loved that that was thrown in there. Tam is Nova's childhood best friend who show's back up in town with a mysterious secret and seeds help. Tam also identifies as gender fluid so they use they/them pronouns which I hadn't seen in a graphic novel before so I really loved that. Tatyanna is Nova's best friend, magic skeptic, and science nerd; she's not in it a whole lot but she provided a lot of comedy relief, support, and helped keep the story from becoming kitschy in it's witchiness. There's also the lesbian Nana's where it's not explicitly said on page but hinted at.
Storyline wise, Mooncakes wasn't anything really original but it was enjoyable all the same. The 'villain' is obvious from the moment you see them on the page. There's really no big explanation behind the villain's plot either, which was a little irritating but not so much that it made me dislike the story. It could've been better, yes, but I enjoyed it all the same anyways. Drawing wise, Wendy Xu draws the best illustrations in such a cute, whimsical way. I loved her little easter eggs that were thrown in of YA book covers. I kept finding myself squinting and trying to figure out what the less clear ones were but there's a few that you'd find it hard to miss if you're at all a part of the YA book community.
All in all, a fantastic graphic novel! Lovely characters, fun atmosphere, and beautiful illustrations! 10/10 would recommend!
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Expected Publication: October 15th, 2019
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stormbornwitch · 5 years
Witchy Questions
Hello everyone ~ I'm currently in the middle of marking my student's assignments and writing semester reports so in the spirit of productive procrastination I will be answering all witchy questions that are sent as messages. Please do not send them into my ask box though - I never check it... 😅
If you have any questions about witchcraft, weather working, runes, sigils, herblore, death work etc I will happily answer them.
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honeyalchemist · 6 years
A Whopping List of 160 Grimoire Prompts and Ideas
Alrighty, everybody, I’ve been working all day trying to compile this list together and it came out to be a staggering 160 prompts and ideas for your grimoire! Some of these are pretty vague and others are quite specific, but this is only to help you guys more with filling up your grimoires! So buckle up and get ready to go! 
(Btw since this post is SOOOO long it’ll be hidden :’) )
What is the Wheel of the Year and the Eight Sabbats? Do these play a role in your craft? What is the history behind them?
How can you celebrate the 8 Sabbats?
What is meditation? What are some different types of meditation? How can meditation affect your practice?
What are the tools of your craft? Name and explain. 
Create a witchy book library. Which of these do you own? Which of these have you read?
What are Familiars? Do you have one? How do they help with your craft?
How do you cast a circle? Close one? What does the energy look like? Draw what’s seen and unseen. 
Create a glossary of witchcraft terminology.
Write down the correspondences of time. → Hours of the day → Days of the Week → Months of the Year
What is intent and how do you work with it?
What is visualization? How can it be used? What are the alternatives if you cannot visualize?
Answer these for the following ideas: What is it? How can you do it? → Charging → Enchanting → Cleansing → Grounding → Blessing → Consecrating → Binding → Banishing → Warding → Centering
What are some substitutes in main tools of witchcraft? (like crystals and herbs)
How do you set up an altar or magical workplace? BONUS: What themes can you incorporate into these spaces?
What goes on an altar?
Research the history of witchcraft.
Research the history of Paganism and Wicca.
Research the varieties of magic. Some ideas: → Energy Work → Fae Magic → Draconic Magic → Death Magic → Sex Magic → Knot Magic → Satchet and Jar Magic → Spirit Work → Crystal Magic
What is a ritual and what does it mean?
Research the Different Types of Witches and their historical background → Kitchen → Green → Hedge → Eclectic → Solitary → Tech → Earth → Spirit Worker → Chaos → Art → Secular → Theistic → Hereditary → Traditional → Garden → Fire → Draconic → Animal → Lunar → Christian → Hellenic → Celtic → Kemetic → Science → Elemental → Urban → Seasonal → Sanguine → Cosmic → Dream → Sea → Storm/Weather → Hearth → Tea → Water → Fae → Music → Sigil → Crystal
What are the corners and how to call them?
What is the sacred geometry?
Write down your Witchy To-Do lists (like these prompts or things to research or things to cleanse.)
Devote some pages to your deities if you worship any.
What are some offerings ideas for these deities?
Print out your natal chart and its report and stick it in your grimoire. BONUS: Write a reflection after reading your report.
Do you collect anything? Why?
Dedicate pages to learning about your past lives. 
How can you be contacted in the afterlife? What would be needed to summon you to learn your epic wisdom?
Create vision boards for your craft in your grimoire. 
Write about yourself as a witch. What do you want out of witchcraft?
Write down information on religions you’re interested in or that you work with if any.
What do you believe?
How did you come upon your path?
Do you believe in the afterlife? If so, what do you think it’s like?
Create a beginner’s guide or field guide to something you’re experienced with.
What are your core values? Name and explain.
How would you describe yourself? Include a picture or even draw yourself.
If someone down the line wanted to honor you as their ancestor, how would they do so?
Do you have a craft name? Why did you choose it?
Write down your magical goals. Be sure to revisit these and reflect upon your progress.
Why did you become a witch?
What is your birth tarot card?
Write down your daily rituals.
Do you have any rules for your path? What are they?
Come up with a collection of spell themes.  → This can be stuff like love, luck, healing, curses, etc.
Based on your collection of spell themes, what items would be best used for each theme?
Create a collection of spell ideas you will make spells for later. 
Create a list of gardening tips. 
How do you harvest certain plants?
What is your garden plan for the year?
How can you dry herbs and other plants?
How can you garden by the moon?
Herbs and Plants/Herbalism and Aromatherapy
Create a list of 5-10 local plants you can incorporate into your craft. What are their correspondences? How can you use these plants?
Create a list of 5-10 go-to plants (herbs especially) you can grow and use in your craft. What are their correspondences and how can you use them?
Create a guide to essential oils and safe use. 
Incense correspondences and uses. 
How to make Herbal Infusions
How to make Herbal Decoctions
How to make Tinctures
How to make Medicinal Wines
How to make Gargles and Mouthwashes
How to make Eyewashes
How to make Herbal Baths
How to make Inhalations
How to make Infused Oils and Ointments
How to make Herbal Creams
How to make Syrups
How to make Herbal Vinegars
How to make Poultices and Compresses
Crystal Magic
How do crystals work?
Create a list of 5-15 go-to crystals you can use in your craft. What are their correspondences?
Crystal Grids. What are they? What are their uses? Do you have any grid layouts?
How do you cleanse crystals?
How do you charge crystals?
How do you program crystals?
Elemental Magic 
What are the five elements? How do they affect your craft?
What are the correspondences for different types of water? (i.e. river water, ocean, rain, moon, sun, etc.)
Cosmic Magic/Astrology
What are the 12 Zodiacs? How do they affect your craft?
Research some constellations and how you can incorporate them into your craft. 
What are the planetary correspondences? How can you use the planets in your craft?
Recipe Book
Herbal Medicines
Essential Oils
Lunar Magic
What are the phases of the moon and their correspondences?
What are the special full moons and their correspondences?
Sigil Work
What are the many ways you can create sigils?
What are the many ways you can activate sigils?
Create a sigil logbook.
What mythology are you interested in?
Include some stories in your grimoire → Written stories → Storyboards/comics → Drawings of scenes
What are the folktales from where you live?
Gather a list of traditional divination methods you’re interested in.
Gather a list of obscure divination methods you’re interested in. 
Create a tarot cheatsheet.
Create a rune cheatsheet.
Create a numerology cheatsheet.
What is numerology? How can you use it in your craft?
Create a collection of tarot spreads. Include: → 2 card spreads → 3 card → 4 card → 5 card → more complex spreads.
How can you read Runes? (i.e. drawing them out of a container, using spreads, or throwing them)
Create a collection of rune spreads. 
Compile a list of good questions to ask for divination.
Create a pendulum board.
Spirit Work
Draw or write about the spirits you work with. 
What are some offerings ideas?
Keep a dream diary.
From your dreams and some research, make your own dream dictionary.
Candle Magic
How and why is it used?
What are the benefits of candle magic?
Candle shape correspondences
Color and smell correspondences.
Flame meanings.
Color Magic
Research Color Magic and how you can incorporate it into your craft.
Research the correspondences of different colors. 
Research color theory and how you may incorporate it into your craft. 
Shadow Work
Make a portrait of your shadow self.
What is shadow work? How can you incorporate it into your craft?
Magical Housekeeping
Recipes for Beauty Products
Recipes for Cleansing Products
Bath Magic
Sleep Rituals and Sleep Magic
Glamour Magic
Recipes to Pamper yourself
Stress Management Methods
Mental Health Hoping Methods
Cleansing Your Spaces
Journaling and Creative
What are the Seven Planes of Existence? Do they mean anything to you?
Create an entry that must be read in a mirror.
Create an entry that can be viewed right-side up and upside down. 
Stick coloring book pages into your grimoire.  BONUS: Only tape 1 side down so you can use the back to write a spell, tell a story, create a ritual, etc. 
Create a list of words you can seriously reflect upon and do so. Some ideas: → Love → Strength → Courage → Intelligence
Write down quotes/poems/etc. that have meaning to you and reflect upon those meanings. 
Write down letters to your past and future selves. 
Write love letters to your grimoire.
Write letters to your ancestors, spirits, or deities. 
What are the _____ of witchcraft you love?  → Sights → Smells → Taste → Sounds → Feelings
What is Magic? How is it used?
What are the consequences of using magic?
What are Chakras and what do they mean to you?
Leave some pages to write down things to research.
Write down tea/coffee correspondences. 
Leave a space to put all those witchy life hacks/tips you find. 
What are auras? How can you use them in your craft?
Research the Fae
♥ Tip Your Witch ♥
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theblondegoesabroad · 4 years
Day 92
Friday 1st May 2020
Today is Labour day, or international workers day, or if you are a bitch witchy - it is also the festival of Beltane (which is the festival of the onset of summer, approximately between the spring equinox and the summer solstice). But most importantly, in Belgium, is is a day off work and Joelle and Paul made the most of it. Even Benoit gave himself the day off between finishing his report and starting studying. It was a lovely day, I woke up, had a lovely skype with Mum, Dad and Jamie (and Buddy(, made my bread as usual, and then Joelle and I headed out for a run. It was only the second run I have done on my broken toe and surprisingly after all this time it is still pretty sore and swollen but I think the main thing that affected my running was my fitness! We did a bigger loop than usual, probably around 9kms whereas usually we do 6kms so it was a bit longer and had a lot more hills, but it was nice to get outside and make the most of the sunshine. The weather is a bit on and off at the moment so it is hard to plan things! We had a big lunch of leftovers from the last few nights and then Joelle and Paul went out to work in the garden. It is looking really good, spring is in full bloom and the garden has a really magical feel about it at the moment! Very lucky to have this garden right outside! I wasn’t feeling too flash and ended up having a nap! All this time I have been in Belgium and doing not ‘a lot’, I haven’t had one day-time nap, which is rather surprising considering my days a pretty relaxed, but with all my hobbies I am usually quite busy! And napping is not something I usually do, but today it was exactly what I needed. And honestly, it felt glorious, the siesta is something sacred in the Henry household and I understand why. Afterwards, I got onto dinner, I made two lots of sourdough pizza dough today, using two different recipes to see which dough we like best. The sourdough pizza dough is quite yummy as it gives a yummy taste to the dough, but it needs to be precooked and takes a while to rise, and uses quite a lot of the starter so I don’t think it is going to be a weekly thing, but it has been fun to try out a few recipes! Bilbo was used three times today! (twice for dough and a third for bread, so I think I might give him a break tomorrow, or at least a double feeding as I am not sure if I should be using him that frequently, although he seemed to be happy and bubbling so maybe no harm done!). Benoit and I made pizzas while Joelle ran a few errands (including picking up some ice cream for our movie night tonight!). After dinner, we started watching a movie called ‘Roma’ a film set in Mexico in the 1970′s, it is in black and white, in Spanish and quite an artsy film. It won a few awards at the Venice film festival including the Golden Lion, and Best Foreign language film at the Academy awards, so highly nominated. But it wasn’t my favorite. But the ice cream was delicious, Joelle got us little individual pots of two flavours, I got coconut and lemon and wow, so delicious, reminded me of Italy as those were the flavours I always chose when it came to gelato. It was a real treat! Love Kate xxxxxx
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thefatfeministwitch · 6 years
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Everyday, as you’re getting ready to leave for work or hit the town with your friends or look for that perfect new job, you take stock of the general vibe of the day so you know how to approach it. You stick your head out the window to check the weather, notice how quick the second hand on your clock is moving, and try to read the dispositions of those you meet on the street. Every day has it’s own energy and when you walk out the door in the morning (or the afternoon, no judgements!) as a good little witch, it’s best to have your magickal arsenal backing you up!
Monday’s Witch is tranquil and white Tuesday’s Witch wields fire and might Wednesday’s Witch is wacky but wise Thursday’s Witch keeps their eye on the prize Friday’s Witch mixes coconut and lime Saturday’s Witch can bend space and time but the Witch who works on Sunna’s day will always bring bright blessings their way
The word “correspondences” doesn’t sound hella interesting or witchy, so don’t think of this as a post about magickal daily correspondences, think of this as your witchy weather report for the days of the week! Much like a daily horoscope (like the ones from Broadly, which I LOVE and check religiously), these daily bits of astrological magick will tell you the kind of spells to focus on, colours to wear and use, witchy tools to wield, or just in general how to be the best witch you can be that day. When you combine this daily witchery with things like moon phases, current astrolgoical phases, and the season you’re in with your own witchy intuition you have a fully fledged magical almanac.
One of my favourite things about daily magick is that it helps break up ruts and monotonous magical slumps. It gets you thinking magickally every day and gives you small things to focus on. Over time this builds into a great daily practice. You don’t have to be an expert, you don’t have to write your own horoscope or even be fully versed in astrology. I’m not! Every day and once a month I read a hororscope from Broadly, I get weekly and monthly astrology reports from Georgia Nicols in my inbox, and I love the Hoodwitch’s weekly witch tips. When we move into astrological seasons I trust other astrologers to give me the highlights, and the same with the astrological signs of the moon. I use that info from those brilliant people, with my own witchy knowledge of daily magick to give myself daily witchy forecasts so I have a head start on the day. I use a magickal day planner to keep it all in and make it look pretty and colourful so I can start the day off right. (OK SO YEAH I’M AN OFFICE SUPPLY NERD, OK??) This week I’ll be posting about the energy of the day every morning so you can start your day off right and maybe do a little magick.
Planet: Venus
Planetary Symbol: Š Venus’ hand mirror
Element: Water
Colours: Pink, red, aqua green, mother of pearl, coral, sea blue
Stones & Metals: Copper and Gold; Rose quartz, amber, coral, lepidolite, rhodocrosite, pink tourmaline, pearl, emerald, aquamarine
Incenses, Herbs & Oils: Vanilla, rose, apple, ylang ylang, violet
Tarot Cards: The Lovers, Two of Cups, The Empress
Friday was named after the goddess Freya and is a day of love, friendship, beauty and fertility. It’s a flowy, happy energy day.
Friday is a day of cool, luxurious water and fresh flowers. Floral and feminine smells and incenses like roses and ylang ylang call these love goddesses into your space. Apple is the sacred food of love, femininity and fertility and is great to eat, wear and use on Fridays. Vanilla is for the more sensual and sexual side love’s energy.
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The Birth of Oshun by Harmonia Rosales
Almost all stones in shades of pink and that are associated with love work with Friday’s energy. Things found in the water like pearl, coral and shell or mother of pearl are extra appropriate because goddesses of love are almost always connected with the sea, like Aphrodite, Venus, and Oshun. Pink tourmaline is a powerful stone to clear out and open the heart. This is excellent for those who’ve dealt with serious pain and trauma in the realms of love and sex in the past. Amber is a warm healing stone sacred to Freya. This fossilized resin heals emotional and physical wounds – many people give amber necklaces to teething babies as it works to ease pain. You might also like stones that call attention to you like anything magnetized, or something flashy like goldstone (blue is my favourite!)
Types of Thursday Magick: beauty magick, attracting love, fertility and sexuality magick, apple divination, water scrying, magickal baths and bathing, work with cat familiars, female empowerment and sensuality, getting noticed, self-esteem work, charms and potions
Le Tarot Des Femmes Erotique
from The Cosmic Tarot
from The Illest Tarot
Tarot: The Lovers card seems to be a very obvious message, and indeed it is the merging of two forces. This could be a romantic or sexual relationship, a friendship or even a business partnership. More importantly, it’s about choice. If you perform love magick on a Friday, include the lovers card to make it clear you’re not trying to bend anyone’s will. You want to be someone’s first choice. The Two of Cups is the card to use when you’re looking for an emotional connection. Some decks even use Eros as the figure on this card, and show his happy, though misunderstood, marriage to psyche. The Empress is a card of motherhood and fertility, but it’s also a card of a woman in charge of her own realm. Use this card to focus on to get in touch with your strong female energy, which can include sensuality and sexuality or motherhood, but can also symbolize independence.
Dress for magickal success: Though you can go with all pink all over, you can also include symbols of what you find sensual or romantic. Frills and flowers? Great. Black leather and lots of skin? Great too! Dress like the sensual hero or heroine in your own story and feel sexy and loved.
There’s a reason fridays are date night! It’s a perfect day for fun and romance, and has an exciting and flirty quality. Everyone gets excited for the weekend, even if they work the whole time. There’s just something special about coming to the end of a cycle! It’s a good time to celebrate. I love to take baths on friday nights, wear my grandmother’s pearls, and make plans to share my time with someone I love. ❤
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Some of my favourite sources of daily magick:
Magical Fashionista by Tess Whitehurst
The Book of Witchery by Ellen Dugan
Coloring Book of Shadows Planners by Amy Cesari
The Witch’s Almanac by Weiser Books
Llewellyn’s Witches Companion and Datebooks
Plus the online sources listed above! Where do you get your daily magical advice?
  Witchy Weather Report: Friday’s Witch Everyday, as you're getting ready to leave for work or hit the town with your friends or look for that perfect new job, you take stock of the general vibe of the day so you know how to approach it.
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dragongguardian · 5 years
Dragon Website
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Book of Dragon Magick
“Perhaps the Dreams are of Soulmates” by Cameron Gray parablevisions.com
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The Dragon Dreaming website/blog is my ever-expanding eclectic collection of general information, history, illustrations and artworks, dreams, meditations, magic, rituals and anything else I can add about dragons. The focus of my website and interest in Dragons is Draconic Paganism, not role playing games. . . . . . #paganism #witchcraft #southernhemispherepagan #southernhemispherewitch #southernhemispherewitches #aussiewitch #aussiewitches #aussiepagan #australianpagan #witchesofinstagram #witches #witchesofinstagram #witchy #witchythings #magick #dragonmagick #draconic #draconicwicca #draconicwitch #draconicwitches #draconicmagick #dragonwitch #dragonwitches #dragon #dragons #dragonspell #dragonspells #dragondreamingblog #topazdrachen
Sweet little Apricot arrived at my home on the 6th July 2017. At the time I thought my clan of crystal Dragon skulls had reached capacity, but no, another Dragon asked to join, and I’m so glad she did. Apricot came to me from the #AlasenmatHealingCentre in the Blue Mountains area of NSW Australia (I saw her on their Facebook profile). However, Apricot’s journey started 7 years earlier when her carved Crystal Dragon form was birthed by Ravenia & Raven Youngman in November 2010 at Sandpoint, Idaho in the USA (and prior to that her raw crystal form was unearthed from Minas Gerais, Brazil). So, she has travelled a long distance over time and space to become a member of my Dragon family! . . . . . #paganism #southernhemispherepagan #aussiewitch #australianpagans #paganaltar #witchesofinstagram #witchythings #draconicwicca #dragonwitch #crystalmagick #orangecalcite #orangecalciteskull #dragondreamingblog #topazdrachen
“By the power of the Dragons, may this circle be blessed, cleansed and sanctified.” To heal a much-loved doggo, the circle was cast, my personal Dragons (and others who were willing) were asked to participate, meditation/trance happened, energy was raised and sent to where it was needed, thanks and farewells to the Dragons were attended to and the portal was closed. . . . . . #witches #southernhemispherepagans #australianpagan #australianpaganism #paganaltars #witchy #draconic #draconicmagick #crystaldragonskull #crystalhealing #crystalgrid #crystalhealinggrid #dragonenergyhealing #dragonhealing #spellwork #spellworking #topazdrachen
A few more of my Crystal Dragon Clan. L to R - Arcadia (red jasper), Flicker (flame chalcedony), Cerise (rose quartz), Apricot (orange calcite) & Jandalaya (gold pyrite). . . . . . #pagans #southernhemispherewitches #australianwitchesofinstagram #aussiepagan #paganaltarsofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #dragonmagick #draconicwitches #crystaldragon #redjasper #flamechalcedony #chalcedony #rosequartz #orangecalcite #goldpyrite #pyrite #topazdrachen #dragondreamingblog
Happy Winter Solstice to all my southern hemisphere friends, and Happy Summer Solstice to all my northern hemisphere friends.  . . . . . #witchcraft #southerhemispherewitch #aussiewitches #australianwitches #paganaltarsofig #witches #magick #draconicwitch #dragonwitches #yule #litha #solstice #wintersolstice #summersolstice #topazdrachen
Meet Arandorn, my labradorite crystal dragon skull. The being which resides in this crystal carving has a very gentle energy, yet there is great strength there as well. With some of my other crystal dragon skulls I get a very definite impression of gender but with Arandorn the closest description I can come up with is an effeminate male or a masculine female – either both or neither – all genders rolled into one. Some people seem to think that dragons must be either male or female but I believe that, like Arandorn, they can be non-binary. And who’s to argue with a dragon? They are what they are. Arandorn is a very intriguing individual!  . . . . . #paganism #southernhemispherepagan #aussiewitch #australianpagans #paganaltar #witchesofinstagram #witchythings #draconicwicca #dragonwitch #crystalmagick #crystaldragon #crystaldragonskull #crystaldragonmagick #dragonenergy #dragondreamingblog #topazdrachen
My altar, with bowls representing Sea (blue Water), Land (Earth - Himalayan rock salt) and Sky (Air - incense stick supported in a bowl of sand) arranged around a central candle representing the Sacred Flame (Fire). A small part of my Crystal Dragon Skull Clan can also be seen here. . . . . . #paganism #witchcraft #southernhemispherepagan #southernhemispherewitch #southernhemispherewitches #aussiewitch #aussiewitches #aussiepagan #australianpagan #paganaltar #paganaltarsofig #paganaltarsofinstagram #paganaltars #witchesofinstagram #witches #witchesofinstagram #witchy #witchythings #magick #dragonmagick #draconic #draconicwicca #draconicwitch #draconicwitches #draconicmagick #dragonwitch #dragonwitches #crystaldragon #crystaldragonskull #topazdrachen
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christowitch · 6 years
Spooky Asks: Witches, Mystery, Candy Corn
Witches: are you going to dress up this year? if yes, as what? 
Sadly I have to work later tonight and we aren't allowed to “dress up” at work. But that isn't going to stop me from going full witchy makeup lol.
Mystery: what’s the strangest unsolved mystery that you’ve heard of?
My Hometown has some lore involving a swamp witch. She was run from her home (her house was filled with dead cats apparently and maybe a dead person) and fell into the swamps and as all the men surrounded her and watched her sink into the bog she cursed them all saying “In 20 years, I will return and burn this town to the ground!”  No one thought much of it at the time. They fished up her body and buried her in the cemetery. They put chains over her grave. Years past and her curse was all but forgotten. Then came May 25, 1904… a woman was said to have walked into the parlor of her house and in the middle of the floor was a floating fire that had no reason to be there. Then the town went up in the flames. The weather report at the time said there were no high winds to help the flames. The fire destroyed over 324 buildings. Pretty much every business and most residential homes. 
After the fire had died down the townspeople remembered the curse. They ran to the witches grave in the cemetery only to find that all the chains over her grave had been broken. 
To this day you can visit her grave in the cemetery. New chains keep being put on the grave but seem to fall apart and break far more often than they should. They put a monument stone there as well only to have it fall over and split completely down the middle. 
Candy Corn: what’s the best Halloween candy? the worst?
Best: Anything chocolate. 
Worst: grandma candy. you know..like all those hard candies that are in the glass dish as your grandma's house.
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unluckyhatter · 4 years
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When your sister be counting on your witchy ways for an accurate weather report for beach day 🤦💀😂🖤🕷🕸 #ohmytwitchywitchygirl #witchythings #witchlife https://www.instagram.com/p/CBpKN2bh9y4/?igshid=1rbnu98mnle03
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roachfurby · 6 years
Soft Asks
I was tagged by @i-nq! Thank you for tagging me!
1. what’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum?
Right now its tied between Loreley by Blackmore’s Night, and Dear Dictator by Saint Motel. But honestly it changes day-to-day
2. what’s your favourite flower/tree/plant?
I really love Skeleton Flowers. They’re white normally, but they turn clear if they get wet. Also Lamb’s Ear! those little soft fuzzy plants.
3. favourite colours?
Any of the primaries
4. what do you always doodle?
Eyes. There are eyes on every one of my papers from high school. I was approached by my counselor once, bc a teacher reported my doodles to her as “worrying” and “unsettling”
5. how do you take your coffee/tea?
Step One: put coffee in cup
Step Two: set it down
Step Three: forget about it until its cold and then sadly pour it down the sink
6. favourite candle scent?
Right now I’ve got a candle that smells like cedarwood and spice. it smells like a lumberjack giving me a nice warm hug.
7. sunrise or sunset?
Sunrise, though I’m never awake to see it lmao
8. what perfume do you wear?
I don’t know if it has a different name but it’s from Hugo Boss. My brother gave it to me (read as: he never used it so I stole it from him)
9. what’s your go-to dance move when you’re alone?
I don’t. I can’t dance to save my life
10. favourite quote?
I don’t know that I have a favorite quote. Tbh though pretty much anything the McElroy’s say is my favorite quote. 
11. favourite self care routine(s)?
Shower, take a nap with my heated blanket. Then get up, order a pizza, and play Dragon Age or Skyrim, take a few breaks to read some fics. My self-care mostly revolves around distracting myself from an issue or sensory overload. Otherwise I’ll stew over it, hyper-focus on it, and have rolling panic attacks.
12. fuzzy socks or house slippers?
Why not both?
13. what colour are your eyes?
14. what’s your favourite eye colour on others?
doesn’t really matter? All eyes are pretty.
15. favourite season?
16. cheek, neck, or nose kisses?
HHhhh neck kisses are a weakness for my little gay heart
17. what does your happy place look like?
A little cottage in the woods, filled with all sorts of herbs, plants, crystals, and various interesting witchy stuff. Lots of really old, tattered, hardcover books. It’s not a real place yet. One day.
18. favourite breed of dog?
Caucasian Shepard/Russian Bear Dog! Massive, fluffy, great for hugs.
19. do you ever want to be married? if so, what colours would you pick for your wedding?
Maybe one day? Navy blue and black. I know white is traditional for “purity” but navy and black are traditional for “cool as shit”
20. cursive or print?
Print, usually. My cursive is awful.
21. favourite weather?
Overcast, rainy.
I’d tag people but I’m having an Anxiety Day so i’m gonna raincheck on that. If you want to do this and say that I tagged you, go ahead. I love these things tbh!!
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