#will still be open to chats this holiday season.
noramoons · 6 months
i live
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ruggiezz · 6 months
— CHRISTMAS SPIRIT : twisted wonderland
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[synopsis] they couldn’t go back home for the holidays, so how do they spend them with you?
[characters] ace, riddle, kalim, vil, malleus
[content warnings] food is mentioned
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★﹕ACE TRAPPOLA — building a snowman
The streets were decorated with colorful lights, lamp posts had ribbons wrapped around them, and kids were running around playing with the snow. You could tell it was Christmas season from a mile away just by looking at the huge Christmas tree that decorated the park.
Even if it was around 7 pm, the streets were full of people shopping at the last hour. The windows of the stores were all advertising discounts to get more sales, from expensive items to affordable ones. 
Ace had already bought your gift weeks ago. It was something you mentioned you wanted once, you probably had forgotten about it, but he had saved for months just to see the smile on your face when you opened it.
While walking to a cafe Cater recommended, you saw some kids making a snowman together in a nearby park while their parents chatted while sitting on a bench. Grabbing Ace's hand, you rushed to a spot in the park and rolled some snow to make the body. He protested at first but he got to work almost immediately.
Helping you decorate it was the fun part. He collected some pebbles while you continued molding it. As he decorated the face so it would look like it was frowning, he laughed at you for protesting about the facial expression. Ace said it was ‘the best snowman in the park’ and that you both ‘won against those kids’. You grabbed your scarf and wrapped it around the snowman, claiming it was so it wouldn't 'feel cold'.
Sadly, you forgot the weather was below 0°; but before you could even say something or complain, you felt Ace wrapping his red scarf carefully around your neck.
“Sheesh, I’m your boyfriend, and you’re favoring a snowman over me. I'm going to freeze now, you know? …I'm just teasing, let's go or we won't find any tables available.”
★﹕RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS — decorating a gingerbread house
Usually, Sam makes Christmas sales in the Mystery shop around December, but this year it made a huge fuss because of the new items he added. The students that stayed in school grounds were buying almost everything, so you thought you could check it out. 
All the items were eye-catching, but a particular gingerbread house set stood out the most. It was selling fast, and you wanted one, so why wouldn't you buy one to decorate with your boyfriend?
Riddle couldn't say he was surprised when you showed up in his room with a box of frosting sleeves and gingerbread walls. A few Heartslabyul students who stayed too bought some sets and decorated them in the common areas (and that got them collared, which made them have to go to their own rooms or the cafeteria tables). He thought about it and decided to give it a try, since he wanted to spend time with you and he already finished his book of crosswords.
His side of the gingerbread house looks neat, exactly like a model a company would use in an advertisement, following the instructions carefully paid off. Your side looks slightly messy, with the frosting dripping on the sides and some of the candy falling off. The best way to describe it would be like an earthquake happened, and it only affected half the house. But Riddle still liked it; he could see the effort you put into it; you could even say he felt fond of it.
Riddle had a lot of fun decorating and spending time with you. You handed him the colorful chocolate candy package as he gave the final touches on the ceiling.
It wasn't the perfect house, but it was one made by the both of you.
“It isn’t tidy or neat, yet it has a certain charm to it... Don't put frosting on my face!”
★﹕KALIM AL-ASIM — singing christmas carols
He really likes spoiling you, and you could tell that he was planning something big due to how big his grin had been since December started.
Kalim promised to walk you to Ramshackle after the end of your classes, promising to spend the rest of the day with you. He even finished his homework for the end of the break early so Jamil couldn't object!
The second the bell that indicated the start of winter break rings, Kalim rushes out of the classroom, going straight to the stairs so he could go meet you on another floor. Jamil had to yell at him from a distance to not walk too quickly or he would slip and fall off the stairs. Kalim looks like an excited puppy waiting for you in the hallway, wanting to receive that kiss you always give him as s greeting, it's the best part of his day.
He grabs your hand and starts walking to Ramshackle, excitedly telling you about his plans for the both of you for the winter break, talking about the gifts he will send to his siblings, and about the meal you can both have on the 25th. When the both of you run out of conversation topics, Kalim just hums the melody of a carol, swinging the arm, holding your hand back and forth, and walking as quick as he could.
Kalim looks back at you, giving you the brightest smile he can physically make, and asks you to sing along with him. He'll teach you the lyrics. Or maybe, if you want to, you can both sing carols from your world.
He's just a big fan of carols; he even tells you about how Jamil and he sang them together every Christmas when they were kids. He would love the idea of being able to sing with you together; he wants to know more about you and the traditions in your world.
“Come on, let’s sing together! We can be like a duo; it’ll be so much fun!”
★﹕VIL SCHOENHEIT — watching christmas movies
As soon as he found out you were staying at the school grounds during the holidays, he invited you to stay in Pomefiore. Vil can't have you getting sick or getting your skin dry; the coldness of the environment wasn't good for anyone's skin.
Vil arranged a room for you with all the necessary things you could need, even preparing a set of expensive pajamas he bought for you as an early gift, yet you still sneaked at night to sleep in his bed. It's not like he was complaining; it helped him sleep better at night. You are made to go to sleep early anyway, sleeping is important to maintain your natural beauty.
The second day you opened in your laptop the huge catalog of the (expensive) streaming service you bought especially for the holidays. You asked Vil to watch some Christmas movies with you and he agreed. He knew you weren't familiar with this world's iconic movies, so he would act as your guide.
The both of you made it a habit to sit in his bed a few hours before bedtime and watch some Christmas movies. You played a movie he recommended or that caught your eye, got comfortable, laid your head on his shoulder, and he got to speak about his thoughts on the actor's performance. This was the routine you both followed every day. But one particular movie caught your eye—one he starred in months before entering NRC.
It was good; it was a rom-com where he starred as a side character. You found yourself watching it multiple times, even in his absence. It was a movie with a good plot, your boyfriend starred in it, and he got to talk about the behind the scenes. It was a win-win.
“Did you enjoy my performance, hm? My acting is always on point; expect nothing but the best from me.”
★﹕MALLEUS DRACONIA — sharing hot chocolate
Since Malleus stayed behind because he wanted to spend the holidays with you, that meant the rest of the Diasomnia family did too, so they were all invited to a Christmas sleepover at Ramshackle. And he could never decline an invitation, especially from you.
Sebek was delighted to drink something sweet, just like Grim, who was happy to be able to eat whatever he wanted. Lilia was reminiscing over old memories of when they were younger, like a proud father would, and Silver was listening and adding more to what Lilia was saying.
There was something comforting about the heat coming from the mug he was holding and the sweater you bought specially for him. Malleus has never been sensitive to the cold weather, but the warmth he felt in his heart seeing how well you got along with important people in his life was more than welcomed. It was simple—nothing like the fancy celebrations at his castle back home—just the six of you spending time together while chatting about anything.
It wasn't a foreign feeling; he often felt this way around you, but he could never get enough of it. He smiled at you as you refilled Sebek's mug, who was discussing with Silver about their childhood memories, while you listened intently, clearly interested. Lilia noticed Malleus staring at you and teased him about it, but Malleus only smiled proudly at him and kept drinking from his mug; some of the marshmallows you added to his cup sinking to the bottom.
If any other student witnessed it, they would be speechless over how Malleus Draconia, the scary prince nobody wants to anger, was so content drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows in a snowman mug. But they would be even more speechless if they saw the tender way he looked at you.
“This night has been nothing but delightful; you surprise me more and more every day. I want nothing more than to make more memories like this with you.”
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wonusite · 1 year
Glacial Pace
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❝ You’ve been in love with Xu Minghao from the moment he put a bandage on your cut at the age of six. When he asks you to pretend to be his girlfriend to get his prying family off his back, you quickly realize that keeping your feelings hidden from him will be next to impossible. Especially since your meddling friends are determined to have you admit your feelings before the holiday season is over. ❞
pairing: xu minghao x female reader
genre: fake dating au, friends to lovers, fluff, smut
word count: 5.3k
warnings: fake dating, meddling friends (they mean well i swear), mutual pining, moms saved this fic, lots of repressed feelings, unprotected sex, soft sex, creampie, cockwarming
a/n: this is part of the snowventeen collab! so happy to have been part of it! minors dni.
“We’re friends, right?”
You try to pretend the question doesn’t send you into a vague panic. Every time this question that isn’t really a question comes out of Minghao's mouth, you know he’s setting up to ask you for a favor. Judging by his tone you can tell that what he’s going to ask probably isn’t something easy, but because you were just slightly in love with him, it was foreseeable that you were going to agree to do whatever he asked of you.
“Yes, Hao. We’re friends.”
As much as you wished there was something more, that was the extent of your relationship. But that was fine. The heartbreak had dulled with the years.
“And friends help each other, right?”
You give Minghao an exasperated look. It’s not like him to beat around the bush for long, but he seems oddly reluctant this time. Even so, he doesn’t visibly show it. He leans further into the mountain of pillows you have on your bed with a subtle pout on his lips. You shouldn’t find the old hoodie and worn jeans he’s wearing this attractive, but Minghao always has a way of looking amazing in everything he wears.
“Are you gonna tell me what you want, or are you gonna keep asking me questions you already know the answers to?” You finally say, hoping you’re able to successfully hide how attracted you are to him.
“I need your help.” Before you could ask him what he needed from you this time, Minghao is sitting up and shoving his phone into your hands. “Read that.”
His phone is unlocked and opened to a group chat with what appears to be the majority of his extended family. You skim through the messages, trying desperately to hold back the amused smile on the edge of your lips.
Minghao frowns when you don’t immediately freak out. You were the one person he could count on to be on his side, but right now you don’t seem to think what his family is demanding of him is outrageous. He keeps staring at you, still waiting for you to give him the response he was expecting.
You look up from the screen, unable to keep the laughter out of your voice. “How does your aunt know you’ve been abstinent for a year?”
Minghao’s right eye twitches slightly as he snatches his phone back from you. “That’s all you have to say?”
“What else do you want me to say? That you’re the worst liar ever?” You laugh to distract yourself from the stuffy feeling growing in your chest.
At least, you hope what Minghao said to his family is a lie. After all these years, you still hadn’t managed to completely block out the feelings that came with being in love with Xu Minghao. All you can do is hope none of the tormenting feelings consuming you show on your face.
“Unless you are dating someone.”
Somehow, you manage to pretend that the very thought doesn’t sting as much as it does.
“You know I’m not.” Minghao scowls at you. “But that’s not the point. You have to help me because now they think I’m gonna bring someone home for winter break!”
It’s embarrassing how fast the knot in your chest dissolves. You take a mental deep breath and focus on giving Minghao the help he wants. “Just say your girlfriend is gonna visit her own family, or that she’s not ready to meet them yet.”
Minghao looks like he’s two seconds away from bursting a vein, but you aren’t entirely sure why. He was capable of being a master manipulator whenever he wanted to. A lie of this magnitude was something he could easily manage. It’s not like he hadn’t done it before. Still, part of you is sympathetic since your own mother had sent you a series of similar messages.
“My mom is already getting the cabin ready. It’s too late to back out now!”
This wouldn’t seem like a big deal, but you knew Minghao’s mom. She was the sweetest lady ever except when someone made her angry or disobeyed her. That’s why whenever she decided something, no one dared to go against her wishes or question her. Whatever she said was law. At least, in the Xu household it was.
“I don’t know how you expect me to help you. Your mom loves me, but even I can’t save you if she finds out you lied to her—”
“She won’t find out.” Minghao suddenly becomes unsettlingly calm. “Not when I tell her I’m dating you.”
By some sort of divine grace, you manage to not choke on your own spit. Instead you blink slowly, trying to pretend that his words don’t awaken something into you that is definitely not platonic.
“That won’t work!” You sound borderline hysterical. “She’ll definitely know you’re lying if you say I’m the girlfriend told her about!”
Minghao’s plan isn’t actually half bad, but you’re desperate to find an excuse not to help him. There’s no way you can pretend to date the man you’ve been in love with for literal decades without unintentionally revealing your feelings.
“No she won’t! Do you know how long she’s wanted me to ask you out?” Minghao says, the desperation pushing him to accidentally reveal a detail he would’ve otherwise kept to himself.
You try not to be too happy that his mom likes the idea of you two together while also ignoring the faint blush rising to his face. Instead, you focus on trying to weasel your way out of helping him.
“My mom will find out I lied if I bring home some random who barely knows anything about me.” You’re running out of legitimate reasons to say no, and before you can think up some plausible excuse Minghao pouts at you. “Please? I can’t ask anyone else to do help me. It has to be you.”
You know he says these words in a completely platonic you’re my friend so I trust you kind of way, but your stupid idealistic heart can’t help but be moved by them. And so, you say the words you know you’ll regret, but will make your friend very happy.
“Okay. I’ll be your fake girlfriend.”
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“At this point you should just confess."
Seungcheol is usually a pretty sensible guy, but this is hands down the worst advice you had ever gotten from him. And the fact that both Josh and Wonwoo are nodding their heads in agreement makes you think that they’ve all lost their minds.
“Cheol’s not wrong.” Josh says, a teasing lilt in his voice. “It’s been years, and you haven’t even fucked him yet!”
The scowl on your face deepens. “Shut up. You’re the one who said I should move on. How do you expect me to do that if I fuck him?”
“How are you going to move on if you’re spending all your entire winter break pretending to be his girlfriend and lying to both of your families?” Wonwoo wonders with an amused look on his face.
You feel your face get hot, because yeah, it wasn't your best plan, and it did seem like it was a step backward in moving on, but details. “I’m just helping him! After this I’m going to go out and get a real boyfriend.”
Your friends share an unconvinced look. Seungcheol is the first to break the silence, signature deadpan expression in place. “So, acting out your fantasy of dating Minghao is going to help you get over him? Explain to us how that works.”
Now that it’s said out loud, you realize it sounds kind of stupid. Even so, you can’t very well tell Minghao that you don’t want to help him anymore. “Okay, so maybe it’s not the best plan, but since you guys are coming you have to help me so I don’t get too sucked into my role and expose myself.”
Your friends agree, but what you don’t realize is that they have a plan of their own to help you get what you want.
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If your friends thought they were being subtle, they weren’t.
You noticed right away that they were nudging you and Minghao together. This was all under the excuse of helping you two get into your little act before reaching the small town you two grew up in. At first you didn’t say anything because you more than likely would’ve ended up sitting by Minghao anyway, but it was only until they started insisting you two hold on to each other and hold hands that you had enough.
As soon as Seungcheol pulled into the gas station and Minghao went inside with Wonwoo, you smacked the back of his and Josh’s heads. “What the fuck are you guys doing!?” You hiss, digging your nails into your palm.
Seungcheol glares at you, an expression of disbelief on his face. “You asked for our help! Doing all this cringy shit will turn you off from wanting to be in a relationship with Minghao!”
“And once you see how clueless he is at being in a relationship it’ll turn you off even more!” Josh chimes in as he rubs the back of his head.
Their words sound so utterly ridiculous and like a clear form of gaslighting. You don’t get a chance to say anything else because you see Wonwoo and Minghao on their way back.
“You guys aren’t helping so stop.” You hiss before the door is pulled open.
Luckily your friends say nothing as Minghao gets back into the car. You think that’s the end of it, but you’re very very wrong.
It’s not until you’re pulling into the driveway of the large cabin with two nosy families waiting outside that you belatedly realize that you’ve made a huge mistake.
You didn’t fully think out what helping Minghao really meant. Sure, you had known that you were going to be forced to confront Minghao’s nosy family, but you forgot to add your own prying family to the mix. You only hope that they don’t mention how you’ve been in love with your (fake) boyfriend for the two last decades.
You’re met with loud greetings, and soon enough dozens of people start to crowd the car as you all get off. It’s almost like you’re in a daze when you get pulled into ten different hugs in the span of thirty seconds, but it’s oddly comforting. Despite the situation, you had missed home and were happy to be back.
Somehow you manage to get away long enough to grab your things from the trunk. You’re hoping that everything goes smoothly as you start to make your way to the Xu family’s cabin, but as always, luck isn’t on your side.
“I got it, love.” Minghao says as he forcibly takes your bags from you, but not before pressing a chaste kiss on your lips.
Vaguely, you recognize the loud shrieking of the children that saw your kiss and the cooing from the older women who loved young romance. But even through all that, you manage to see your idiot friends colluding with proud smirks on their faces.
Wonwoo is the one they send to approach you, but he expectedly doesn’t repent for what he and the two other fools clearly made happen. “If you plan on deceiving both of your families, you have to stop acting like you’ve never kissed Minghao before.”
With that, he gently pushes you to join everyone else inside. You can’t be fully angry because his words are infuriatingly true. Luckily for you, everyone seemed to be too caught up in the holiday cheer to notice your little slip up.
“Why didn’t you tell me you finally bagged my cousin!?”
You look over to see one of Minghao’s older cousins grinning at you. It’s a relief to see her because in all the madness, she was usually the voice of reason. That and she was the one who kept your hidden love a secret the longest out of everyone who knew.
“Sorry! It all happened so fast, and we didn’t want to say anything in case it didn’t work out—”
“Trust me, I get it. Remember when I had to tell everyone about Jun at my graduation?”
You both laugh as you recall the time she had dropped the atomic bomb that she was living with Minghao’s childhood best friend at her graduation party.
“How long are you going to be here until you finally say hello to your mother?”
Minghao’s cousin gives you a sympathetic wave goodbye as your mom pulls you into a bone-crushing hug. You snuggle into her familiar warmth, hoping her embrace can provide you with the comfort you’re suddenly needing.
“Why was I the last to find out you’re finally dating Minghao?” She demands straight away after you pull back.
You apologize profusely, repeating the same excuse you gave Minghao’s cousin. That seems to placate her—for now—but she does insist on hearing every last detail about how you two got together. It’s both relieving and nerve wracking.
“I’m sure you’re happy. You’ve liked him since he helped you back home when you fell on the sidewalk.” Your mom recalls with a smile. “That race car bandaid he put on the cut meant so much to you, remember? You wouldn’t let me replace it—”
“Mom.” You quietly stress, frantically looking around to see if anyone had heard her. “You better not mention any of that! I promise I’ll tell you everything later, but right now please don’t embarrass me!”
She only looks at you with an amused glint in her eye. “Fine, but you’ll have to have that conversation with him sooner or later.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think she was working with your no-good friends.
Your mom would’ve interrogated you further had it not been for the fact that she saw Joshua talking to Minghao’s mom. She barely told you she’d be back as she went straight for the boy who’d captured her heart back in your freshman year of college.
You slightly jump when a pair of arms gently wrap around you. Minghao’s cologne is engraved in your mind at this point, and you actually hate the fact that it comforts you.
“You have to act more natural.” His voice is teasing. “Otherwise everyone will think my love is one-sided.”
You manage to let out a weak laugh. It was clear that you were too in your head about the entire situation, and it was also clear that you were about to unintentionally reveal the feelings you’d worked so hard to hide.
“Just relax.” His lips brush the shell of your ear. “Moms are happy and busy trying to find out why sweet ol’ Shua still doesn’t have a girlfriend.”
The laugh you let out is louder and more genuine, and Minghao feels an intense warmth spread through his chest at the pretty sound. When you turn around in his arms to look straight at him, he wonders if this is all some lovely dream. If it is, he hopes he never has to wake up.
“Come on. Let’s go check out our room.”
He smiles broadly when he grabs your hand and let yourself be whisked away.
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“You’re enjoying yourself a little too much.”
Minghao’s fond smile slowly slips off his face when he’s confronted by a smirking Seungcheol. He clears his throat and squints his eyes at his friend. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“You hate ice skating.” Cheol points out. “But you’re having the time of your life just watching Y/N do it.”
He can’t deny this because there’s just something about the happy grin on your face as you beat Wonwoo and two of your cousins at a race around the rink for the fifth time that makes him feel an intense amount of affection and joy.
“She makes it look fun.” Minghao says honestly, not willing to reveal the other part why he feels so endeared.
Seungcheol hums, finding it extremely amusing how both you and Minghao were so unwilling to admit what was so obvious to everyone else. “I bet she’d have even more fun if you got out there with her.”
There’s a sinking feeling in his stomach when he hears his friend’s tone. At that moment, it becomes clear that Seungcheol is very much aware of what Minghao thought he’d been so good at hiding.
“Hao!” A comforting voice calls.
You’re gliding towards him with a bright smile on your face, and despite the nerves eating at his gut, he manages to return it.
“Come skate with me.”
It’s almost comedic how quick he is to obey your wish. He ignores the whistles and hollers from his friends as he literally clings on to you the second he’s on the ice. Your honeyed laugh is all that’s calming him at the moment since he’s feels like he might fall flat on his face on the hard ice.
“Don’t be so scared.” You say as you move at a snail's pace. “I won’t let you fall.”
Minghao’s heart starts pounding for an entirely different reason. Instead of staring down at his trembling legs, he’s focused on you and the warmth coming from your hands. Your grip tightens as you slowly increase your pace. It’s like you two are in your own little world as you laugh and glide around the ice.
You both are on a blissful high even when you return to the cabin. Surprisingly enough, it feels completely normal for you two to get into bed together, wrapped up in each other’s arms—just in case someone were to surprise you in the morning, of course.
There’s this natural domesticity between you two, but you’re just convinced that Minghao is just so desperate to get his family off his back that he’s putting his heart and soul into this act. It’s fine, well, it’s mostly fine. Even though everything up to this point has been fake, you’re still happy that you got to live out your deepest fantasy. Now you could move on, painful as it may be.
You try not to think about that as you walk into the holiday party hand in hand with Minghao.
The atmosphere is warm and welcoming like it is every year. You try to pretend that you don’t want to let go of Minghao’s hand when his mother steals you away to help her in the kitchen. This was it. You know she doesn’t really need your help when she asks you to neatly place the cookies she’s baked on a large plate. She’s called you in to question you about your relationship with her son. Honestly, you were surprised she hadn’t done it sooner.
“I’ve never seen my son so happy.” She begins, a gentle smile on her face. “I’m glad he finally made you his girlfriend. I thought he’d never confess his feelings.”
You wonder if Minghao’s mom is being serious, but then you remember who you’re talking to. She’s not the type to spare feelings, not even yours.
“Why’d you think that?”
“Honey, I love you, but you’re really oblivious sometimes.” She laughs fondly. “My son has liked you for a long time. Do you know how heartbroken he was when you started dating that Jihoon boy? I thought he’d never get over it.”
Lee Jihoon? As in the guy you dated two years ago?
“But I’m glad to see that you finally like him in the way he likes you.”
You try to keep a straight face as if your mind isn’t now overcrowded with unfiltered thoughts. The way your heart is pounding against your chest is almost dizzying. “I think I like him more than he likes me.”
“That’s where you’re wrong.” Minghao’s mom says with a sly grin that you recognize all too well. “While we’re on the topic, let me enlighten you—”
Meanwhile, Minghao is busy with your mom. A similar conversation is taking place—so similar that anyone might’ve thought the two women had planned it.
“You don’t know how happy I am that you and Y/N are finally together.” Her warm smile makes him feel a bit guilty.
“Finally?” Minghao laughs curiously.
“Yes, finally. I was starting to think you’d never return my daughter’s feelings.”
Minghao feels his heart pounding and his head swimming almost like he’s suddenly disoriented. Surely there’s no way your mom could be implying that…?
“You didn’t?”
Oblivious to Minghao’s sudden shift in attitude, your mom keeps talking. “Y/N has always loved you. I think it started around the time you moved into the neighborhood all those years ago. She would go around saying how she wanted to marry you.”
Minghao is physically unable to say anything, but that doesn’t matter to your mom. She carries on like he’s not on the verge of imploding.
“I remember how devastated she was when you took Chaeyoung to prom instead of her. She had turned down that nice boy from her math class because she hoped you would ask her. I’ve never seen her cry so much.”
Your mom sounds like she’s fondly recalling the past, but Minghao feels like he suddenly can’t breathe. The memory is vivid in his mind now. You hadn’t gone even when he insisted that you could go with him and Chaeyoung. Back then he had believed you when you told him you didn’t feel like going.
“Anyway, I’m glad you finally returned her feelings.”
“Yeah.” Minghao says feeling completely winded. “Me too.”
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There’s an unspoken tension when you and Minghao get back to the cabin. You’re sure it’s purely because of you and what his mom had said. It’s obvious that you’re too in your head because you can tell your friend feels tense.
“What did my mom tell you?”
The question startles you out of your tormenting thoughts. You awkwardly stutter, wondering if you should lie or not. “I– Well—”
Minghao is staring at you intently, and you know there’s no point in lying to him.
“She told me that she’s happy you finally confessed to me.” Your voice isn’t as strong as you wish so you cover it up with a laugh. “I guess I was worried for nothing. She thinks you actually like me.”
It’s silent for a moment before Minghao speaks, serious as ever. “I do like you.”
You wish you could play his words off like they meant nothing, but you had been waiting literal years to hear him say those three little words, and you can’t pretend to be unaffected by them.
“I’ve liked you for a long time.” Minghao says as he slowly approaches you.
He’s standing directly in front of you now, and you’re not sure how to react. His eyes are shining with unadulterated affection as he waits for your response. Your head is spinning, but you still manage to answer him.
“I’ve liked you longer.”
Your face burns with embarrassment. It’s not like you meant to say that, but your nerves got the best of you. It doesn’t matter though because Hao seems to love it. His grin is full of endearment.
“Long enough to want to marry me?” He teases lightly.
Apparently, neither of your moms had any actual intention of keeping your embarrassing secrets. You soldier on and try to pretend you’re not mortified that your mom exposed you.
“I don’t know. I can’t marry someone who doesn’t know how to please me.”
His eyes darken instantly, and you hold back a smirk at how easily that worked him up. By now, Minghao has gotten so close that you can see every last detail on his face.
You’re not sure who makes the first move, but it hardly matters because Minghao’s lips are so soft, and the way he’s kissing you makes you feel like you’re floating. The way he pulls you closer while shoving his tongue in your mouth is dizzying.
Everything happens so fast. Before you know it clothes are being ripped off in between messy, wet kisses. You two fall on the bed, naked bodies pressing against each other with a passionate need. Minghao pulls back and cups your cheek tenderly. He affectionately bumps his nose against yours before he kisses you again.
Minghao’s hands feel hot as they trail down your body. His long fingers trail over your every curve, hands pressing against your breasts, pulling lightly at your nipples until he has you moaning into his mouth. It’s his favorite sound, he decides. He can’t contain his grin as he continues kneading your tits.
“Hao.” You mewl when his lips start to wander down your neck, affectionately tracing along your jaw and the column of your throat.
His dark hooded eyes are so pretty when they look up at you. Minghao only offers you an impish grin before he wraps his lips around your hard bud and sucks hard. He licks and bites around your nipple until you’re writhing underneath him, an intense heat building between your thighs as you tug at his hair. His dark strands are even messier than usual when he pulls off your nipple, but not before leaning down to press one more kiss to the soft curve of your tit.
Minghao trails his fingers down your sides, his teasing smirk back in place. “Want me to fuck you?”
There are times you hate his teasing nature. He must know how bad you want him since you’re literally dripping all over the sheets. However, since you’re so desperate, you’re not beneath begging.
“I need you to fuck me.” You say, not the slightest bit embarrassed.
There’s a slight pause where something in the atmosphere shifts to something more heavy.
Now Minghao’s gaze is heavy with affection as his thumb caresses your cheek. “I wasn’t completely honest before. What I feel for you... it’s more than that.” Minghao swallows deeply, feeling like his heart jumped into his throat. “I love you.”
His abrupt confession warms you up from the inside out. You can literally feel your entire chest be overcome with deep, unadulterated love as he nudges the fat tip of his cock against your fluttering cunt.
You wrap your arms around his slim waist and gently pull him closer, silently urging him to shove his dick inside you. “I love you too, Hao.”
The words are whispered against his lips before you capture them in an intimate kiss. You both swallow each other’s moans as he finally eases his thick cock into your dripping pussy.
Minghao lets out a gasp as he shoves his face into the crook of your neck. He starts to press hot, open mouthed kisses against your skin, loving the little whimpers and moans you’re letting out. His cock is stretching you out, and it feels like you might fall apart as his fingers trail down your body to rub your clit. Minghao rubs you deliciously as he keeps easing into you.
Pleasure licks up Minghao’s cock when your hot cunt clamps down on him like it never wants to let him go. He hisses at your choked mewl, loving how you seem to melt into his touch.
“So tight, baby.” Minghao’s words are slightly slurred.
You moan wantonly when he finally shoves the remainder of his thick cock inside your welcoming cunt. Already, you’re gushing around him. His entire length and heavy balls are coated with your arousal as he finally settles deep inside you.
The feeling of your velvety walls sucking in his fat cock has Minghao groaning against you. His arms slide underneath you and wrap around your waist to lift your hips and pull you tighter against him. Minghao’s soft lips trail against your skin as he starts to fuck into you, the tip of his cock hitting your sweet spot.
You’re both entranced with each other, and at some point you two look down to watch where Minghao’s cock fucks into you. The pretty moans and whimpers spilling from your lips only spur him on, wanting to hear you as much as possible since this still feels like a beautiful dream to him.
“God,” you moan when he gives a particularly sharp thrust. “Feels so fucking good.”
Minghao’s hand grabs the underside of your knee and lifts your leg over his hip at your words. You both moan loudly because the new angle has his cock going impossibly deeper. Right then he knows that he won’t ever get sick of the feeling of your tight pussy milking him.
“Fuck, baby. I’ll never get enough of you.” Minghao moans as he leans down to kiss you again.
The feeling of his lips pressed against your as his cock drills into you makes you feel drunk. Minghao feels like he’s slowly unraveling with that way you start to fuck your hips up to meet his thrusts. Your creamy cunt clamping down on him has him fucking into you harder.
It’s safe to say Minghao is obsessed with every last bit of you. The way your body feels pressed against his, the pretty sounds you let out, the feeling of your warm wet cunt squeezing him like it wants every last drop of his cum.
You moan louder when you feel your legs being spread apart. Minghao is roughly fucking into you at a savage pace now, his weeping tip slamming against your sweet spot with every thrust. He loves how your eyes are rolling to the back of your head as your thigh tremble and shake. Your sweet cunt is spasming around his dick, and he knows it won’t be long until you’re creaming all over him.
A sense of urgency suddenly overcomes Minghao. To see you falling apart under him would be a dream come true, and he’s just that much more motivated to make it a reality. His next touches are sensual and tender, fingers caressing your clit over and over as his cock fucks into you and works you open.
It doesn’t take much longer for you to gush all over him. The sight of your head thrown back with your mouth dropped open to let out a blissful moan of his name is addicting. Minghao wants your fucked out expression imprinted in his mind. He doesn’t stop his motions because the feeling of you coming on his dick is absolute heaven.
Your mind is still fuzzy from your orgasm, but you’re lucid enough to see the purest form of love in his honeyed eyes. “Fuck. I love you so much.”
Your words have him stilling his hips, head falling to the crook of your neck as he comes hard. Minghao cries out your name, voice thick with affection. You smooth over your hair as you whisper gentle praises in his ear. He ruts inside you in pleasure as his hot cum fills you to the brim, showing you exactly just how much love he has for you.
After a moment, Minghao pulls his face out of your neck to look down at you. Unadulterated joy and ecstasy covers his face as he takes you in as if for the first time all over again. Your expression is no different, all the repressed emotions you held for him on full display now.
Minghao grinds into you one more times, eyes rolling to the back of his head at the feeling of his cum being fucked back inside of you. He leans forward, lips brushing against the soft flesh of your cheek. “I love you more than anything.”
He collapses by your side, cock still nestled inside you. The words make your heart flutter as you tug him impossibly closer and nuzzle against him.
“I love you too, Hao. Forever and always.”
Your sleepy smile makes him press a kiss to your forehead. Minghao watches as your eyes slowly close before tightening his hold on you. He can’t believe this is all real and not just a figment of his deepest desires, but as you unconsciously snuggle deeper into him, he knows that he’ll never be happier than he is now, with you.
It’s his last peaceful thought as he falls asleep with you in his arms.
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“This is your fault.” Josh glares at Seungcheol who is trying but failing to eat his cereal in peace.
“You’re the one who went along with the plan which clearly worked.”
The loud moans filling the cabin are sickening, and they wonder if they’ve played themselves by helping you and Minghao confess to each other.
“Wonwoo isn’t bothered.” Seungcheol says as he nods his head to the catlike guy who’s sitting on the couch, staring at his phone.
“You know he’s wearing noise canceling earphones, right?” Josh scoffs.
Now Seungcheol feels really stupid because it was clear that they really had played themselves. And all because you and Minghao had to take your relationship at a glacial pace.
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taglist: @duolingofanaccount @felix-3002 @junhui-recs @asjkdk @dani41 @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @ohwonwoo @dokwiyomie
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ghulehunknown · 6 months
Mistletoe’d: Papa Emeritus III x F Reader
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“Papa’s going to be coming down your chimney tonight.”
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 (coming soon!)
Summary: After the Ministry Christmas party, you join Terzo in his bedchamber for some festive activities.
CW/Tags: characters drinking alcohol, established relationship, clothed female nude male, blowjob, penetrative sex (P in V), condom use, cunnilingus, face-sitting, face fucking
Word Count: 4381
Available on AO3! Primo | Secondo | Terzo | Copia
Author’s Note: This is the third day of the four-part series XXXmas at the Ministry, a collaboration with @copias-sewer-rat, @molly-ghuleh, and @bupia - please read their works too!
Happy Hornidays! ❄️
xoxo, the Naughty Ghulehs 💋
Primo | Secondo | Copia
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A HUGE thank you to AlexandrMcQueer on Twitter for the accompanying artwork! Check out the full NSFW version on her account.
Tonight was finally the night of the annual Ministry Christmas party, and Christmas Eve. Papa needed your help to pull everything off, so all week you were scheduling with the bakers, the cooks, the cleaning crew, and decorating.
But after this evening, you could relax. Well, aside from tending to Papa’s needs and making sure the ghouls didn’t get too soused that it ruined their unholiday in the morning. But after the party, you could enjoy the festivities.
Everyone began milling about and socializing in the main hall, picking at the large charcuterie spread and ladling punch or eggnog into glasses. It looked like everyone from the Clergy was there. Even Imperator and Nihil showed up, though they did not seem too sociable, seating themselves at a table in the corner. Primo immediately sat himself in one of the few chairs scattered around the hall with a large mug of something warm.
Suddenly the ghouls began whooping and you turned your head to see Terzo enter in a lavish looking Santa suit - it was made of crushed red velour with flecks of red sparkles and appeared to be trimmed with white feathers.
“Nice suit, Terzo,” you quipped, eyeing him up and down as he approached you.
“That’s Papa Claus to you, principessa,” he said with a snarky grin and giving you a smooch on the lips. “And you’re Santa’s little helper.”
That you were. He’d ordered you the shortest green elf dress, although the skirt was more like a tulle tutu. The outfit was a whole ensemble, complete with an elf hat with ears, pointy shoes with bells on the end, and candy cane patterned tights. You felt ridiculous, but ’tis the season.
Everyone was in their best holiday attire - anything from ugly Christmas sweaters to formal wear. The ghouls were all dressed in elf costumes, with the exception of Dew, who was dressed as Rudolph - an antler headband fitted over his mask and a red nose strapped to the front of his mask.
Cardinal Copia was wearing an old Saint Nick red and gold cloak over his red cassock, and a poorly made attachable white beard. Secondo was dressed in an all black 3 piece suit that had a subtle fleur de lis pattern, and was chatting with one of Primo’s ghouls.
The night went on, and you were actually managing to have fun. The ghouls turned one of the snack tables into a flip cup station (much to your dismay as you shuffled the catering staff carrying fresh trays of food back into the kitchen) and several of the Siblings started Christmas karaoke, with a very drunk-looking Copia taking the lead.
Terzo flitted between you and the rest of the guests, chatting with various Clergy members (and skillfully dodging Imperator each time). He snuck up behind you, squeezing your ass.
“Make sure these old fucks are having fun, eh?” he said lowly in your ear, nodding backwards to the senior members of the Clergy.
“And just how am I supposed to do that?” you said, one eyebrow raised, his hand still under your skirt.
He winked at you, handing you a bottle of opened bourbon before cupping your ass cheek in his hand and rubbing it. “We’ll cheers soon, then I can have you all to myself.” He leaned in closer to whisper in your ear. “Papa’s going to be coming down your chimney tonight.”
He clapped you on the ass then darted between people again. “Everybody - eggnog!” he shouted towards the crowd, raising his arms up. He was herding everyone to the center. You thought you might die on the spot from your cheeks burning red, but everyone was paying attention to him - thank Satan.
As everyone poured themselves another glass and gathered, you went around and splashed a bit of bourbon in everyone’s cup.
“Some bourbon for your eggnog, Cardinal?” you asked Copia, approaching him with the bottle.
“Eh, none for me,” he said, hiccuping and covering his glass. “It’s strong enough as it is! I’ve had th-three already.”
“It’s nonalcoholic, Cardinal,” you responded, blinking at him. He looked puzzled and walked away.
You made your way over to Primo who was almost snoozing in his chair. “Papa Primo?” you asked, holding the bottle out, gesturing towards his half empty mug. You weren’t sure if he was dressed like Scrooge on purpose or if those were just his pajamas but he mumbled something that sounded like “Bah,” and shook his head swiftly, the tassel at the end of his nightcap swinging around.
Everyone was standing in a semicircle around Terzo, who for once seemed just slightly lost for words. “Well, uh - shit,” he began, eliciting a few chuckles from the crowd. “I do not know what else to say, other than it’s been a fucking great year. We had two fantastic tours, and we’ll be continuing into next year… I, eh - met someone very dear.” He glanced at you briefly before continuing. “We won a motherfucking Grammy…!”
The ghouls whooped and cheered while the Siblings and other Clergy members clapped. You glanced over in the corner. Even Imperator seemed pleased - maybe.
“Sì, sì it has been phenomenal. You should all be very pleased with yourselves. So pleased in fact I think you should all celebrate, in eh, whatever means you choose to do. And if I do not see you all before the New Year, have an unblessed holiday. Now, we toast! Tomorrow morning we will celebrate our Savior’s birth. But for tonight, we sin.” He held up his glass and the others did the same. “To Lucifer!”
“To Lucifer,” you said, chiming in with a chorus of voices. You swallowed your bourbon-eggnog concoction - mostly bourbon by your heavy hand, you found as you winced slightly, the liquor burning down your throat. You didn’t drink much and this was your first holiday gathering at the Ministry. Next month would mark your first full year here, and the first time you laid eyes upon him - your Terzo.
“Eh, see you next year, Papa!” piped up Copia, still hiccuping as he nodded and ducked out of the crowd. You smiled at the Cardinal’s little joke. Terzo stopped in his tracks for just a moment and acknowledged Copia before walking away.
He rolled his eyes as he walked towards you then his face brightened. “Hello,” he said, standing very close to you.
“Hi, Papa,” you said, smiling at him and holding up the last bit of bourbon, swishing it in the bottle. “Saved the last for you.”
“Mmm,” he said, leaning in to kiss you. “How much? I need to keep my stamina for later.”
You took a swig and shuddered - Satanas, you still couldn’t drink straight liquor. “Not much now.” He chuckled at you and took the bottle from your hand, knocking back the rest. You coughed a couple of times and reached for some party punch, completely forgetting the one you reached for also had alcohol and coughed again.
He patted you soothingly on the back and asked, “Are you okay, tesorina?”
You nodded, finally grabbing the nonalcoholic punch and chugging some.
“Will Papa have to take care of his little elf this evening?” he said, trailing the back of his index finger over your cheek.
“No, Papa,” you said, clearing your throat. “I’ve barely had anything.”
“Good. I have a surprise for you tonight, amore.”
“Hm. Any hint?” you asked coyly.
“Not a fucking clue. Come to my room in five minutes just as you are.” He picked up a handful of hard candies from the snack table and popped a few in his mouth, staring at you while walking backwards a few paces before turning around and heading down the hall.
You continued to mingle with the other Siblings, trying hard to conceal your blushing cheeks but to no avail.
“Someone’s excited about something,” one said.
“It’s nothing,” you murmured.
“Come on - spill!”
“Well, Terzo and I -”
“Terzo?” said another.
“Oooooh!” the others said in a singsong tone almost in unison.
“He said he has a surprise for me, in his room.”
“So you graduated from office visits to home visits now?” asked the first Sibling, looking impressed.
“Well…I’ve seen his bedroom a few times,” you said, not willing to divulge the full truth just yet. You’d been spending most of your nights in his room and sneaking back into the Siblings’ quarters early in the morning. Even though each Sibling had their own room, you knew your Sisters would hear the door to the suite open.
“I think this is the most serious he’s been with anyone,” said the second Sibling. “I’ve been here a few years and usually he’s done with his fling after two months. But you’ve stuck around.” You shook your head, not willing to believe this hype only to be let down. You just wanted to live in the moment and enjoy what you had with Terzo. “You should go - you don’t want to keep him waiting.”
You smiled and bid your fellow Siblings goodbye as they all made lewd gestures to imitate various sex acts and waved you off, wishing you luck.
You walked down the silent and dark corridors, passing ghouls and Siblings alike shrouded in the shadows to have their midnight dalliances, no doubt egged on by the holiday cheer and the alcohol. You smiled, thinking about not having to hide in a hallway like when you first started dating him. Now you had his entire bedroom to have your sultry romps.
You opened his door and walked into his Papal suite, the familiar lush decor and smell of mahogany filling your senses. You passed by the small and elegantly decorated Christmas tree by the fireplace. You wondered just what his surprise might be when you saw him propped up against the wall, a rose in his mouth and —
What was that?
He was dressed in his Santa jacket and hat, with nothing else on - save one thing. Your eyes trailed along his upper body then snapped to what was in between his legs. On the end of his throbbing hard cock was some mistletoe, tied around his shaft by a red ribbon and a little gold bell below it. He waggled his eyebrows and at the same time isolated his pelvic muscles to make his cock bob up and down, tinkling the bell.
“How long have you just been standing there all hard waiting for me?”
His face fell momentarily and he took the rose out of his mouth. “I thought you would like it.”
“I do!” you said, suppressing laughter as best as you could while stepping towards him. You held onto the lapels of his jacket and leaned in. “I do.” He smiled again, a smug look of satisfaction washing over him.
“Good,” he said, handing you the rose. “Because you’re going to get stuffed and glazed just like Secondo’s honey ham.”
You bit your bottom lip, smiling. “But I don’t think it’ll be quite as delicious as you, amore.”
“It should be. I’ve been eating a lot of pineapple for this.”
“Really? Then I’ll have to taste it for myself,” you said, feeling the heat pool at your core.
He cupped your face in his hands, kissing you deeply, slipping his tongue in. You weren’t sure where to place your hands so you held onto the rose with one hand, the other in his hair. He swiftly brought you closer to him, his quivering cock poking at your thigh under your tulle skirt.
“Mm!” you said, surprised at feeling his hardness brush against you.
“Well,” he said, pulling away to look at you. “It’s not going to kiss itself, tesoro.” He twitched his cock again, making it bob up and down and wagged his hips side to side, making it shake the other direction and sounding the bell.
You eyed him slyly as you bent down, gently falling to your knees before him and placing the rose on the floor. You took his cock in your hand and began stroking his length, eyeing the perfect pink tip at the end. Each time you stroked him, the bell would chime.
“Oh cazzo,” he sighed, leaning his head back, his lips parted.
You flicked the tip of your tongue against the head of his cock and watched his abdominal muscles contract. He was like putty in your hands.
“You like that, amore?” you asked teasingly, his shaft in your palm.
He glared at you from the corner of his eye. “Stai zitto,” he said through moans as you continued to swirl your tongue around the head of his cock. But you could swear you saw a smirk pull at the corner of his mouth as he said this.
You closed your eyes as you took his entire length in your mouth, sliding him in and out and clutching onto his hips. The little leaves on the mistletoe tickled your nose each time the bottom of his cock reached your lips.
Clink! Clink! went the bell each time you slid him in and out of your mouth.
He started to whimper and moan quietly, his eyes closed in pleasure. His hand was on the back of your head, gripping your hair tighter the faster you went. At one point he began thrusting into your mouth, probably no longer able to contain himself.
Clink! Clink! ClinkClinkClinkClinkCLINKCLINK
“Mmm!” you mumbled around his cock as the greenery around his member assaulted your face over and over, scratching your nose and cheeks a little bit each time. CLINK.
Your eyes welled with tears as he hit the back of your throat repeatedly. CLINK. At this point you were hardly doing any work, just kneeling there and being used as a vessel. CLINKCLINK
“Satanas you’re going to make me cum like that,” he panted as he continued pushing his hips into your face.
You smiled around him - well as best as you could - and brought him closer by gripping his ass cheeks.
“Ah - cazzo!” he exclaimed, suddenly pulling out of your mouth and panting.
“Terzo?” you asked, trying to look up but you were unable to as his hand remained on your head as he used you to prop himself up and regain composure.
“I can’t cum too soon and ruin the evening, no?” he said, standing up straight and helping you up off the floor. “Not when I haven’t even taken care of you.”
You kissed his laughter lines around his mouth as he spoke, his Papal makeup smudged from your kisses earlier. “You always take such good care of me.”
He turned to face you and held you in an embrace, kissing you passionately again, his hands roaming all over your body. He began to massage your breasts through your costume, building the arousal between your legs even more. Your breathing quickened as you both moaned into each other’s mouths.
“Fuck this fucking blouse,” he said breathlessly, breaking away and tearing at the front of your green cardigan, the buttons flying across his floor - eliciting a ‘Shit!’ from you. “Mmm!” he mumbled, kissing you again, pawing at your chest.
He fumbled around your back at your bra clasp, unhooking it after a couple of tries. You urgently slid the straps off your shoulders and tossed the bra to the floor. He bent down to take your nipple in his mouth, circling his tongue around it and sucking. He alternated, pinching the other one between his fingers.
“Oh Terzo,” you sighed, running your hands through his hair, fiddling with the silver strands peppering his raven hair. He’d never admit to it, but you saw the box dye left on his bathroom counter.
Instinctively you squeezed your legs together, alleviating some of the need to touch yourself. You felt your heart race and a shiver run down your spine.
“Fuck me, please Papa,” you sighed, breath trembling.
“Mm?” he said, glancing up at you between your breasts with a glint in his eyes. He kissed all over your chest, up your neck and finally, your lips. “Is la mia principessa ready for her Papa to fuck her brains out, hm?”
“Yes Papa, please,” you said, still in a breathy whisper. “Fuck me.”
He nodded his head towards the bathroom and glanced over. “Go get a condom and meet me in bed. I’ll get the lube.”
“Why are there none in our nightstand drawer?”
“Shit. You know what I meant.”
He grinned. “Ti stai dimenticando? We used them all last night and I didn’t have time to take some more out.”
Slightly embarrassed at your gaffe, you made your way into the bathroom and started opening drawers. “Where did you put the box?”
“Bottom drawer!” he called out.
Did he think differently of you now? Would he think you were too presumptuous and want to call the whole thing off? Or potentially, were you just overthinking things as usual? “Found it! Oh fuck, shit!”
“Sorella?” He sounded concerned and rushed over to find you on your hands and knees kneeling near the toilet.
“Almost got it!” You had dropped the roll of condom wrappers behind the toilet and had wedged yourself between it and the vanity. “Help me, Terzo!”
“Ah, I see now,” he said slyly. “Call for me in a panic just so you can entrap me.”
“What? Terzo, no, I really do need help, I drop- ”
“Sì, I can help,” he said, kneeling down behind you, his cock right up against your ass.
“It’s just, argh!”
“Argh!” he imitated you, running his hands all along your body.
“It’s right there I can’t - reach - !”
“Has anyone told you how sexy you look with your ass in the air in candy cane tights?”
You rolled your eyes but you knew he couldn’t see. “Er, no - um, thank you. But I dropped the condoms behind the toilet.”
He craned his neck to see. “Ah. This is quite the pickle we are in. You with your hand behind the toilet and your ass against my cock.”
“No, I believe it’s your cock against my ass.”
“What am I to do, tesorina? What should a Papa do when finding his lover in a compromising position, hm?” He leaned down and trailed kisses along your back, momentarily freezing your arm from the continued search of the condoms.
“Fuck…” you whispered, feeling his mouth move further south and his hands finding their way around your waist.
“What’s that, bella? You think Papa should fuck you? You called me in such a panic earlier that I did not bring the lube…mmm, what should we do?” he said, kissing you just above your ass. “Is la mia principessa ready?”
Your body ached with desire. You needed him inside you. He trailed his finger along your tights-covered behind, poking around where your entrance was. “Darling, I think your tights are just a little wet. Let’s see just how wet you are inside.” He gripped the fabric and you heard it ripping apart.
You let out a surprised gasp as the chill air hit your warm, now exposed nether regions. He entered you with a finger and your body shuddered against him as you whimpered quietly.
“Oh yes,” he said in an amused tone. “You are very ready.” He slid out and up to your clit, playing with it gently as you moaned and rocked your body back and forth to feel the friction against his fingers. “So responsive. Una così brava ragazza.”
“Please, Papa,” you said under your accelerated breath. “Please fuck me.”
“Don’t worry amore,” he said, reaching over you and grabbing the sleeve of condoms that you were having trouble getting just moments before. “I will.” He tore off one and ripped it open.
You readjusted yourself on the tile floor so you wouldn’t bang your head against the toilet or the side of the vanity as you heard the crinkle of the wrapper and the clinking of the little bell still attached to his dick.
“Oh FUCK!” you both said in unison as he entered you. He slammed into your dripping cunt with such ease, you felt him bottom out immediately. The tingle of the mistletoe against your clit heightened the sensation.
Clink! Clink! Clink! Clink! In and out, in and out. You both moaned each other’s names in pure, unadulterated passion.
“Ah - merda Sorella, you turn me into a teenager again. Fucking on the floor out of sheer desperation for one another.” Now he was so deep inside you the bell muffled against your body. CLUNK. CLUNK. CLUNK.
“So - mmm! - you’re d-desperate for me?” you said teasingly against the cold tile.
“La mia diavoletta pensa di essere così intelligente, eh? È ora che chiudi la bocca.” With that he fucked into you so hard, so fast, you couldn’t say another word. He pushed your head against the floor roughly, your cheek pressed against the cool marble so hard you could feel the grout indent. He nearly knocked the breath out of you as he hit your g-spot perfectly each time, a relentless grip on the back of your head.
“Ohhh - !” you moaned as he rammed into you over and over. CLUNKCLUNKCLUNKCLUNK. He was thrusting faster, riding out his orgasm, his nails digging deeper into your hips.
“Fuck - I’m going to - cum - Sorella - !” He pounded into you, tapering off his speed as he came, his cock twitching a final time before he slumped over your back, breathing heavily.
“Satanas,” he breathed, his chest heaving wildly as he pulled out, your body shuddering under him at the loss. You heard the snap of latex and the condom hitting the trash can liner.
You turned around and sat down, leaning against the toilet. You watched him untie the mistletoe and take it off, tossing it aside. “So how was it, with that?” you asked, nodding towards the discarded plant.
“Honestly? It was a little itchy. It might just be a novelty.” He tossed himself on his back against the floor. He looked at you, his chest still rising and falling from being out of breath. “How was it for you?”
“Honestly? It was a little itchy,” you repeated. You both smiled and laughed at the absurdity of the situation.
“Come here Sorella, I did not intend to leave you wanting. Hop onto Santa’s lap.”
You crawled over to him and straddled his lap, gazing into his eyes.
“What do you want this year for being such a good little girl?” He asked, caressing your arms and looking at your breasts before flicking his eyes up into yours.
“I want…endless kisses…and a mind-blowing orgasm,” you said, leaning down to kiss him.
He returned the smooch. “Mm, I did not know a present for you would also be a present for me. Come closer and sit on Santa’s face…that’s it, Satanas yes please.”
You moved up his body until you were straddling his face, then delicately lowered your body on him, doing your best to move your skirt out of the way.
He sputtered, spitting out the tulle from his mouth and pulling your hips towards his face again. He batted at the layers of fabric, cursing in Italian, before finding your cunt.
Your eyelids flitted closed as your lips parted in a silent “oh.” He took your clit in his mouth and sucked on it between his lips. He alternated between that and flicking your sensitive bud with the tip of his tongue. You looked down to gaze in his eyes but his face was completely hidden under a green tutu.
You began to buck your hips against his face as he used the flat of his tongue, building up the friction and feeling yourself closing in on orgasm. He switched up and deepened the suction on your clit, flicking his tongue against you simultaneously.
“Oh fuck Terzo - fuck, I’m so close!” You rocked back and forth as you pinched your nipples, heightening the sensation.
His fingernails dug into your hips again as he sped up his ministrations. Grabbing ahold of your waist, he slid you along his mouth faster and faster.
“Oh, Terzo!” you cried out in ecstasy, trembling on your knees above him as you came hard and fast in his mouth. He didn’t let up the motions or the intensity until you pulled away, giggling from the overstimulation. You climbed off of him and sat down next to him, both smiling at one another.
“How are you feeling? Good?” he asked, stroking your thigh.
You nodded your head. “Yes, very. But can I lay down next time? I’ve been on my knees an awful long time.” You both laughed.
“There’s Papa’s little hoe hoe hoe,” he said with a devilish grin. “Of course, amore mio. Anything for you.”
You held onto his hand, playfully caressing all his fingers. “It’s been a very good Christmas so far,” you remarked.
“Mmm. And you haven’t even opened your presents yet.”
“There’s more?”
“What, you thought this was it? No Sorella, go look under the tree.”
You eyed him suspiciously as you stood up, legs still a little shaky. You walked out of the bathroom and into the living room.
You hadn’t noticed the presents under the tree earlier, but there were a few. A lot, actually. Somehow even your gifts for him were under there. One of the ghouls or housekeeping staff must have moved them for you.
One caught your attention - a gold envelope poking out from the middle branches of the tree. You reached inside the tree, accidentally sending the package spilling onto the floor. Two plane tickets splayed out on the floor.
You picked them up in wonder - your name was at the top of one, and his on the other. You walked in a daze over to him.
“You did not truly think I would leave you with just my cock for Christmas, did you?” he said, following you out of the bathroom and now leaning against the wall. “I love you, principessa. I call you princess because to me you are. My sweet little thing. I want to give you the world, my world…would Italy be a good start?”
You flung your arms around him, tears in your eyes. “Yes, Terzo. I think that will be an amazing start.”
[Stay tuned for a continuation of this story!]
Italian to English Translations
(la mia) principessa ((my) princess)
tesorina (little treasure/darling)
amore (mio) ((my) love)
cazzo (fuck)
Stai zitto (Shut up)
Ti stai dimenticando? (Are you forgetting?)
Sorella (Sister/nun)
bella (beautiful)
Una così brava ragazza. (Such a good girl.)
merda (shit)
La mia diavoletta pensa di essere così intelligente, eh? È ora che chiudi la bocca. (My little devil girl thinks she’s so smart, eh? It’s time you shut your mouth.)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in any of my future works!
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chelseachilly · 5 months
i want your midnights
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pairing: reader x ben chilwell summary: sequel to i watched it begin again - a month after your amazing first date with ben, you decide to surprise him by showing up at the same new year's party...only to soon wonder if you made a mistake and misinterpreted his feelings for you? warnings: none word count: 2.9k
author's note: a lot of people asked for a part 2 to begin again so i decided to write this little new year's fic! i planned on getting it done by the new year but life got super busy, so i hope you don't mind it nearly two weeks later haha 💗✨
Just over a month after your first date with Ben, you find yourself standing in front of his best friend’s doorstep with shaking hands and your heart thumping in your chest. 
Harvey is hosting a New Year’s Eve party, and although you were invited, you weren’t planning on going until today. You spent the holidays up at your parent’s house a few hours away and were planning on spending New Year’s there as well, but Mia spent the past few days convincing you to come and eventually wore you down. 
Truthfully, the only reason you were hesitant about coming is that you knew Ben would be there. It’s not that you don’t want to see him - quite the opposite, actually. The past month since you started seeing each other has been wonderful. You’ve been on several amazing dates, including a couple that ended with you spending the night. It’s been fun and passionate and exciting and unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. 
You also haven’t fully defined anything yet, still waiting for the right opportunity to have that conversation. Although you’re certain about your feelings for him, you don’t want to rush into anything after the mess of your last relationship, nor do you want to scary Ben away with asking him to commit too early. 
Which is why you’re now questioning your decision to show up here, and even more so your decision to surprise him. It felt like a good idea when he FaceTimed you on Christmas and seemed disappointed you weren’t coming, so you swore Mia to secrecy, but now that you’re actually here, it’s feeling a bit presumptuous that he would want you to show up unannounced. 
It’s too late to turn back now, though, as the door swings open and Mia and Harvey are pulling you inside.
“I’m so glad you came, babe!” Mia exclaims, hugging you tight. “You look fit as fuck.”
You’re in a little black dress and matching heels, and though you felt good about how you look when you left the house, you’re feeling more and more self-conscious.
“Thanks, you look gorgeous as well,” you smile back at her. “Thanks for having me, Harvey.”
“Of course, Y/N, I reckon Chilly will be thanking me too,” Harvey laughs. “He’s over there somewhere, he’ll be buzzing when he sees you.”
You can feel the blush creeping on your cheeks as your eyes scan the room looking for Ben. You’re not sure if you’re more nervous or excited to see him, but when you finally spot him, you know it’s the latter. He’s standing there in a group of people, smiling and chatting away with a drink in his hand, looking so gorgeous it’s honestly unfair. The same butterflies that have appeared in your stomach from the first time you laid eyes on him and every time since begin to flutter. 
It only takes a few moments for him to spot you over the shoulder of one of his friends, and you watch him do a double take before his eyes widen and a huge grin appears on his face. 
He sets his drink down and jogs over to your group, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Y/N! You came!” he exclaims, and you don’t get a chance to respond before he’s pulling you into a hug.
You hug him back, burying your face in his chest and breathing in his scent. It’s only been a week since you last saw him, but you haven’t stopped thinking about him for a single moment of that time apart. You were trying to enjoy the holiday season and time with your family, but your mind was replaying the sound of Ben’s laughter and the feeling of his kisses all over your body.
“Yeah, my plans changed,” you say with a smile as you pull back to look at him. 
“I’m so happy to see you,” Ben says, his hand lingering on your waist before dropping to his side, and you immediately miss his touch. “Can I get you a drink?”
“Yeah, that’d be great.”
You’re hoping that he’ll whisk you away somewhere for a few minutes, as you’re desperately wanting to kiss him right now but not sure you’re at the stage where you can casually do that in front of loads of people. 
“Vodka soda, right?” Ben asks, and you nod. 
You love that he knows your drink order already, but you can’t help but feel a tinge of disappointment as he walks away, leaving you to chat with your friends.
He returns a minute later with drinks for both of you, passing you the glass and clinking it with his own. 
“Thanks, Ben,” you say with a small smile, taking a sip and hoping the alcohol gives you a bit of courage. 
The four of you chat for a bit, catching up on how all your Christmases were, and you and Ben occasionally meet each other’s gaze and exchange a soft smile. You’ve spent quite a bit of time with Ben by now, but it’s a different dynamic being in a group, even if they are your closest friends. You’re having a nice time, but you’re longing for an opportunity to get him alone - not only to kiss him senseless, but to talk and maybe even define your situation a bit more.
After a while, an upbeat song comes on and you all head to the main living room where most of the partygoers are to dance. It’s fairly crowded and you end up standing close enough to Ben that you can feel his breath on the back of your neck and his chest brushing up against your back. You don’t pull away, enjoying the closeness, but still wishing he would wrap his arms around you properly. 
You turn back to look at him after a minute or two and your heart flutters when you find him looking right back at you. You wonder if he’s also waiting for an opportunity to be alone with you - and then you wonder if anyone would notice if you took him by the hand right now and led him into some quiet corner of the house. 
“Y/N…” Ben begins to say, inching closer toward you, but he’s cut off by a small squeal from behind you. 
You turn to see a rather large wine stain on Mia’s white dress from someone bumping into her. 
“Shit, this was expensive,” she sighs. “And I don’t have anything to change into.”
“You can wear something of mine,” Harvey says quickly, trying to help, but Mia immediately shoots him a glare. 
“Babe, it’s New Year’s, I don’t want to be walking around in your trackies and a baggy t-shirt-“
“Hey, it’s alright,” you interrupt, setting your drink down and grabbing Mia’s hands. “We can get the stain out. C’mon, I’ll help you.”
You abandon the guys to deal with this fashion crisis, gathering the supplies you need in the kitchen before heading upstairs to the bathroom. As you’re blotting Mia’s dress with dish soap and hydrogen peroxide, a trick your mum taught you, she takes the opportunity to interrogate you.
“So, are you finally going to tell Ben you want to make it official?” she asks, raising an eyebrow. 
“Maybe,” you say, a small grin tugging at your lips. “I want to. I’m just still a bit nervous. After everything that happened with Jack, I don’t want to get hurt like that again. And I already like Ben so much, which is terrifying.”
“He obviously likes you a lot too,” Mia assures you. “Harvey says he talks about you all the time, and did you see his face when you turned up earlier? I bet he’s just waiting for you to bring it up.”
“Yeah, I suppose,” you agree, finishing up your removal of the stain until there’s no evidence of the wine spill remaining on Mia’s dress. “There you go, good as new.”
“You’re a lifesaver, babe,” Mia smiles, pulling you into a tight hug. “I’m going to dry this off a bit, but you should go down and spend time with your man.” 
“He’s not my man,” you remind her.
“Not yet!”
You roll your eyes affectionately as you leave Mia to blow dry her dress and head back downstairs to the party, feeling slightly more confident after the chat with your best friend. 
You’re ready to march right up to Ben and finally tell him that you’re ready to make things official, that you haven’t been able to get him out of your head since your first date and that you’re totally, completely falling for him.
As you descend the staircase, your eyes scan the room for Ben until you spot him - talking to an insanely beautiful girl in the corner of the room. 
Your heart drops to your stomach as you see how he’s smiling at her while she squeezes his arm and says something that makes him laugh.
You feel like a complete idiot. 
You shouldn’t have come here tonight expecting him to be waiting around, hoping for you to turn up. You haven’t had any conversations about being exclusive, and he’s a bloody gorgeous footballer who could get any girl at this party. He could’ve invited this girl himself for all you know. 
You just got caught up in the excitement of seeing him and all the feelings that have been swirling around in your chest since you met him, not thinking about the reality of the situation. It’s been a month - an absolutely wonderful, magical month, yes, but only one month. You were a fool for getting so ahead of yourself when, truthfully, you don’t know if Ben even wants a serious relationship. You were under the impression that’s where this was going, but he never explicitly said anything.
With your eyes stinging with tears and a sudden urge to be anywhere but here, you decide to slip out the back door to the small garden behind the house. You know you could just go home, but it’s nearly midnight and you don’t want Mia to see you leaving and spoil her New Year’s too. 
You’ll just have to stand out here, shivering in nothing but your dress, until the clock strikes twelve and you can slip out without raising too much suspicion. Maybe you can get Mia to tell Ben you have food poisoning, or something - it’s less embarrassing than the truth. 
Your mind is racing with thoughts of all the moments you and Ben have shared over the past weeks, all the times you felt in your bones that this was going to be something real. 
As the clock on your phone reminds you it’s creeping closer to midnight, you hear the sound of the back door opening and closing. Assuming it’s someone coming out to smoke, you quickly wipe the tears from your cheeks and plaster on a smile as you try to think of a reason you’re standing out here alone.
Instead, you’re met with the familiar pair of blue eyes that make your heart stop beating for a moment.
“Y/N, I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” he says with a small sigh of relief. “What are you doing out here? It’s almost midnight!”
“Just needed a bit of air,” you respond, trying to keep your voice from trembling. 
“Are you alright?” he asks as he approaches you, his eyes filled with concern. “You must be freezing, love, here-“
Before you can respond, he’s already shrugging off his jacket and draping it over your bare shoulders, just like he did on your first date. This time, he lingers afterward and gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. The sweet gesture, combined with the way he’s looking at you with such tenderness and admiration, makes tears begin to build in your eyes once more. 
You never should’ve let yourself believe that he would want to be with someone like you. If you weren’t good enough for your shitty ex, how could you ever be enough for someone as wonderful as Ben?
“Love, you’re worrying me, did something happen?” Ben asks, his use of the term of endearment only making things worse.
You take a step back from him, shaking your head.
“I shouldn’t have come tonight,” you murmur. “I mean, I shouldn’t have assumed that you would want me to come. I think I just misread things between us and I’m really sorry that I-“
“Y/N, what are you talking about?” Ben interjects, his face full of confusion. “Of course I wanted you to come. I was so happy when you showed up, where is this coming from?”
“I saw you talking to that girl inside and it seemed like there was something going on, which is totally fine, I know we aren’t exclusive or anything-“
“Shit, Y/N, that was just my friend Hannah,” Ben says quickly. “She’s actually the girlfriend of one of my best mates, you remember Anish?”
Slowly processing his words, you recall briefly meeting Anish when he popped by Ben’s once while you were over. You also remember him mentioning his girlfriend. 
“I’m so sorry you thought something was happening there, I wouldn’t do that,” he says sincerely. “And not just because you came tonight, for the record. I don’t think I’ve actually even properly looked at another girl since I met you.”
Your cheeks flush red, both at his words and the embarrassment you’re feeling for overreacting to the situation. You stare down at your shoes, unable to meet his gaze, until he steps closer to you and gently cups your face, forcing you to look at him. 
“Y/N, I like you so much. You’re the only girl I want to ring in the New Year with, the only girl I want to be with period,” Ben says, stroking your cheek with his thumb. “I’m sorry I didn’t make that clear earlier, I just thought after everything that happened with your ex you might not want to rush into something serious.”
Your heart swells with affection and you reach up to hold his forearm, both for stability since your knees have gone weak and because you need to touch him. 
“I only want to be with you, too,” you whisper, afraid your voice will falter if you speak too loudly. “And I’m sorry I made assumptions. I guess my ex did mess with my head a little bit.”
“Well, he’s a dickhead who didn’t deserve you,” Ben says, making you laugh softly. “But don’t apologize to me. We’ll just be more honest with each other from now on, yeah?”
You nod and smile at him until you’re interrupted by a flurry of activity from inside the house. Through the window, you can see people beginning to crowd together in the living room to count down to midnight. Glancing at Ben’s watch, you can see there’s only a minute left. 
“Do you want to go inside with everyone else?” you ask him.
Ben just smiles and shakes his head. “I’d rather stay out here and celebrate with my girlfriend, if that’s okay with you?”
Your heart races and your breath catches in your throat at his casual statement, the word replaying in your mind from the moment it leaves his lips.
He looks at you a bit nervously, perhaps concerned that you’ll be overwhelmed by this new title, but your lips spread into a grin.
“That sounds perfect.” 
Before Ben can respond, the people inside begin to count down from ten. He pulls you closer by the waist, thumbs rubbing circles on your hips, and you place a hand on his stubbly cheek. 
As the countdown draws closer to the end, you marvel at how safe and content you feel right now in Ben’s arms. You think about how this year was one of the hardest of your life, and how you never could’ve predicted that it would end with you being this happy, with the most wonderful man who taught you how to trust again. Who taught you how to fall in love again, even if it’s a bit too soon to say those words to him. 
The chorus of people shouting “happy new year!” is muffled as Ben presses his lips to yours, making you melt into him. You wrap your arms around his neck, and he sighs into the kiss when you sink your fingers into his hair. 
When his tongue slides into your mouth, you respond with equal passion, kissing him with everything you have until you’re both left breathless.
When you break apart, Ben rests his forehead against yours. Your eyes flutter open slowly and you’re met with the most amazing sight you’ve ever seen in your life.
There are fireworks above you in every direction, a spectacle of light and colour, but you’re completely enraptured by the blue eyes and gorgeous smile in front of you.
“Happy New Year, love,” Ben whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
It’s going to be a very Happy New Year indeed - maybe the happiest you’ve ever had. And as you lean in to kiss your new boyfriend again and again, you think about how despite all the pain you went through, you wouldn’t have changed a thing about the last one either. After all, it led you to this moment - it led you to Ben. 
“Happy New Year, Ben.”
i really hope you liked this part 2! 💙🎆 please feel free to send me an ask or leave a comment if you enjoyed, i really appreciate them!
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kangaracha · 5 months
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pairing chan x reader
genre ninth member au, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, coming of age, social media, cancel culture, anxiety, depression, forbidden love,
summary To JYPE, the solution is simple; take the sole trainee that will not debut with your brand new girl group, and use her to replace the missing vocalist in your male group that insisted on starting as nine.
Unfortunately, to the fans and the members themselves, it isn't that simple.
status ongoing
taglist OPEN
a/n apparently it has been 28 days since the last chapter, but the good news is i now have 4 chapters written in advance so january at least will have content. for those who haven't seen the random announcements on my blog, i've been sick and honestly probably will be again in january so your patience is appreciated, and i'm sorry, i'm not usually this sporadic with a project like this! to my editing team, who are feeling betrayed seeing this surprise chapter in their notifications, my chrissy new years gift to you is not asking for edits in the holiday season, roast me in the chat if anything is wrong (keeps, that last part doesn't apply to you)
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Even as you knock on the door to the studio, you're nervous.
Maybe you shouldn't be; it's been nearly a month exactly now, and you're fairly sure at this point that none of the boys hate you, though calling some of them friends has been easier said than done. Maybe that's why you're nervous in the first place, because it's been so long and you're still unsure where you stand within the group, especially with the one you're supposed to meet now...
It's not your fault. Well, maybe it is a little bit - you're aware that you're struggling to relax in their company, the way you had with the girls in Midnight or other trainees. But your schedules are so different too, you only see the others in practise, or in passing in the halls. Some days you practise on your own, while they are off on one schedule or another, living the life of idols that have built up their name, other days only half of them are there. Sometimes there is no dance practise scheduled at all, their own individual lessons or other commitments taking precedence.
It won't be like this forever, you just keep telling yourself. Three weeks more, and then you debut with the rest of them, and you're part of the group for real. Three weeks of hard work, and then, maybe, it gets easier.
Maybe. You've thought that before, only for an opportunity to slip away through your fingers. You wouldn't be surprised if it happened again.
The door opens - Chan, leaning over from his chair to tug on the door handle before he returns to his desk. "Come in," he says warmly, an arm gesturing you towards the couch behind him. It's already occupied by Changbin, who makes you smile when he gives you a hello and a wave. "Sit with me," he says, in Korean and then again in broken English, patting the cushions. "I'll be quiet, I promise."
You're reminded suddenly of how loud he can be, during practises or even when everyone is just sitting around, but you hesitate to mention it, sitting quietly beside him instead. "You can tell him to leave if you want," Chan adds, his back turning to his laptop. "He's not actually here for anything important."
"I'm here for emotional support," Changbin claims, only he puts on such a voice as he says it that it makes both of you laugh. "It's an important job."
"Okay, well." Chan's hands spread, like he doesn't have any say in the situation. "If you don't need support, you can tell him to leave."
"He can stay," you answer readily, and you don't really doubt your answer at all. Out of all the members, Changbin has been one of the friendliest; he'd been so warm and accepting on your first day, and gone out of his way in days since to talk to you or pull you into a joke when you were on the outskirts watching. Even if he was only doing it because you looked pathetically out of place among them, you appreciated it. 
"Cool," Chan says, and then he shifts in his chair like he's uncomfortable, his eyes straying towards his laptop momentarily. "So. I wanted to talk to you about the comeback."
"I figured as much," you reply, aware that your hands are fidgeting nervously in your lap.
Chan's mouth opens, like he's going to say something, and then he hesitates, glancing away again. Apprehension rises in your throat, bitter like the taste of bad coffee as you swallow it back down again. It's one thing if you're nervous - but if he is unsure about what he's about to say too, then it could be-
"I've thought about it, and I've decided that you're not going to debut with us on this album."
Your heart stops and then starts again, your chest tightening around your lungs even though you've heard this story before. It shouldn't even surprise you by now, the let-down; thinking you might have now, finally, done the work and reaped the reward, and yet every time you seem to let the hope creep into your chest just so that you can crumble twice as hard. You hadn't even realised you'd become this married to the idea of joining Stray Kids in the last three weeks, and yet the idea of getting dropped again hurts like a pain in your chest.
This was your last chance. No one else will debut you. The world isn't that kind of kind.
"Okay," you say, through a jaw that feels like it won't move enough to form the words. "It's - I understand. I'm sorry that I couldn't do it."
"Hang on," Chan says, a hand hovering between you like he's ready to catch you if you turn to leave. "Just hear me out - it's not that you're not good enough, okay? I just think it will help you if we wait a little bit longer, and the company were happy to agree."
"You've worked hard," Changbin says beside you, his face earnest. "No one thinks you can't do it."
"No," Chan agrees. "I'm just looking at the timeline, and the schedule they've drawn up for you, and I think you'd do much better if we push debut back to our next comeback in September."
September. Three more months away, rather than three weeks; three more months to push through, nose to the grindstone, that deadline looming over your head. Three more months in which someone might realise they've made a grave mistake and pull you right back out again, when you'd been so close to that finish line. Three more months feeling like an imposter in these boys' lives, waiting for life to even out into some kind of normal.
"Is that okay?" Chan asks, and you bite down the spiral of thoughts that pulls your mind down towards a big, black hole and nod, trying to pretend that it's nothing. The frown on his face doesn't look convinced, nor does the sheet of paper that he reaches behind him to fetch, shoving it into your hands.
"I want you to understand," he says as you look down at the paper, forcing your fingers to only hold it gently before you can rip it. A schedule, the next three weeks of your life laid out in a neat little chart that is detailed down to the minute and overflowing with things to do. "This is the choice they've given us; either we push you through this schedule and extra dance practise and debut in three weeks, or we wait sixteen weeks, and you do all of these things with the rest of us in a reasonable timeframe. I've been looking at it all week, and...I think it's too much. Waiting gives us a song prepared for nine members, takes the pressure off of the managers, gives you time to get to know everyone..."
You're forced to swallow the lump in your throat as you read the schedule and realise that Chan is right; the next week is full of photoshoots and content creation, with no room left for the dance practise you know you need to keep up with. It's rushed, and it's daunting, and at first look you're not really sure at all how you would handle everything. It's the life you've been training for for years now, and yet so many of the things on this list you feel like you haven't trained for at all.
"You're right," you admit, around a tongue that sits too heavy in your mouth. "I don't know why they thought this would work in the first place, when I'm so-"
"Someone high up had a great idea, and wanted it seen through as fast as possible," Chan says before you can finish. "Stray Kids haven't had a really...successful year. Maybe they were thinking of dropping us unless something changed, maybe they just really liked you. They've already agreed to push your debut back to September anyway, so it's not something we need to worry about now."
"As long as they still think it's a good idea in September," you say, and you manage to keep your tone light even though it doesn't sound much like a joke to you at all.
Changbin is the one to speak up, his hand slapping the arm of the couch. "They can't mess with us like that," he declares in the kind of voice that says he has complete confidence in what he says. "You want to be in Stray Kids, you're in Stray Kids, and you're not leaving."
"Exactly," Chan says warmly, and you manage to muster up a smile even though that tension still squeezes tight in your chest at the thought of another three months of limbo, not knowing if you'll stay or if you'll go. "Now," he says, turning back to his laptop, "I have better news; I've got a part for you in God's Menu that I want to hear, and I can play the next title track for you..."
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@kokinu09 @rainfallingfromthesky @lixie-phoria @mysweethannie @chlodavids @hanniemylovelyquokka @tfshouldidohere @lauraliisa @puppysmileseungmin @kalopsian-thoughts @puppy-minnie @readerofallthingss @dvbkie099 @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @acker-night @d-chagi @lynlyndoll @borahae-reads @ihrtlix @yienmarkk @minhwa @i2innie @jinnie-ret @conwunder @amesification @starssongs98
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 6 months
*°:⋆ₓₒ day 19. sexting
.。❅*⋆⍋*∞*。 “miss me on holiday season”
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — ❤︎ aether is away for the festive spirits, that doesn’t stop you from missing him though
pairing: aether ghoul x gn!ghoul!reader
a/n: aether supremacy 🙏🙏
cw: nsfw content. sexting. stripping. masturbation (video sent). kinda friends with benefits thing (?).
“i’m this close to driving all the way back to the ministry for you.” —❤︎
the ministry felt a lot more stale today.
one of your fellow ghouls, aether, was gone for the month of december. why? he had some important business going on with another band, and so he went off with them to celebrate. of course, the papa and ghouls were supportive of this decision, including you.
but things felt a lot more boring without the spunky quintessence ghoul. he was your right hand man, partner in crime even. it was a little weird not being in the same room as him.
sighing heavily to yourself, you wallowed in your own boredom while staring up at your bedroom ceiling. nothing to do today, how fun. normally, this would’ve been one of those moments where you and aether had messed around with your usual ghoulish shenanigans, pulling pranks on your pack mates or even the siblings of sin.
“satanas above, i can’t stand this.” you whined, turning to your side, you went to grab your phone off the nightstand, and began texting your best friend, tail swishing with anticipation.
y/n: heyyyyy i’m bored !!! pick up the phone !!
not even less than a minute later, your phone buzzed with a notification, and you flashed a toothy grin, knowing exactly who had texted you.
aether: awww, missed me that much?? :)))
y/n: maaaayyybeee
aether: good. i missed you too, cutie
you could practically hear aether’s laugh from the other side of your phone, and the very thought made you giggle. it was nice to know that aether really valued your guy’s relationship as friends.
the two of you continued to chat about nothing specific in particular, mostly about what you planned on doing over the winter season, and plans with potential friends and family. aether seemed to be having a lot of fun with his other band, and you were happy for him. hearing him talk so passionately about music made your ghoulish heart swell from sweetness.
it was nice. really nice.
though, it was still rather stale without your friend around. you really wanted to show aether how much you missed him.
and what better way to do that than to… mess with him a bit.
smirking as you typed a response to one of aether’s texts, you used this time to take a picture of yourself. there was a twist however, you took the picture without your shirt on. the position you were in looked comfy, and your expression was relaxed, but there was that infamous glint in your eyes that showed you knew what you were doing. this would surely screw with aether’s head, and you couldn’t wait to see the reaction.
sending the picture, your claws clacked against your screen as you laid on your stomach comfortably, grinning evilly while your tail wagged. oh aether was gonna like that picture alright.
not long later, a ring on your phone, and you opened the message.
aether: are you trying to fuck with me?
you smirked.
y/n: now what are you talking about?
aether rolled his eyes as he looked at your message. you were such a minx, just messing with his mind like that, and you knew full well that he couldn’t get to you at the very moment.
he had to make you pay for that.
aether: oh you’re so paying for that.
soon after, aether sent an image of him without his shirt on. this time, his expression was more flirty than yours, and his pose was more suggestive too. you almost did a spit take, chuckling at aether’s counter to your image.
y/n: oh so we’re really doing this now?
aether: you bet your ass we are.
aether: you started it after all, cutie ;))
you smirked again, your grin showcasing a more naughty side to you.
y/n: game on then.
the back and forth continued between you and your friend for a while, with the picture being sent getting more and more provocative as you continued on. one by one, articles of clothing came off. you guys started with discarding shirts, but then it went to removing jackets, then pants, and soon it would be underwear.
aether was not only good at sending sexy pictures of himself, oh no, he was an artist with his words too. that’s why he was such a good musician too, he just knew what to tell you. he was talking about all of the dirty things he wanted to do to you, attaching equally suggestive pictures to each caption.
aether: oh you look so damn good like that, makes me wanna fuck you up
aether: you mind spreading your legs a bit more in that one? i wanna see the full view ;)
aether: fuck. do that again for me, sweet thing.
aether: i’m this close to driving all the way back to the ministry for you.
what a dreamboat he was. it was rather fun and exciting to be able to do this kind of stuff with your best friend, even if the activities weren’t very best friend-y.
you smirked and responded to another one of aether’s suggestive little quips.
y/n: if you want me so bad then come over here alreadyyy
aether: hmm… you’re gonna have to convince me, cutie.
oh you were going to convince him alright.
you were already stripped bare of all of your clothes, but you haven’t sent a picture of you completely nude. no, you were going to do something even better. using a few pillows to create a makeshift camera stand, you propped your phone up on top of it and gently laid yourself in front of the camera.
damn, you looked hella good.
grinning to yourself, you used your tail to press the record button on your camera. smirking, and laying yourself against the sheets while spreading your legs, your fingers gently stroked over your aching sex, and in the most desperate, dramatic voice possible, you begged.
“oh aether.. aether baby.. please come back. i’ve been so lonely this christmas without you. please.. please i need you… i need you and your cock inside of me already… please.”
you made sure to sound as needy and whiny as possible while you played with yourself. that would have certainly gotten his rocks off on the spot, you just knew how to push aether’s buttons.
sending the video without second thought, it took aether a while to respond. he must’ve taken forever to process what he just saw.
but the response was worth it.
aether: fuck you, you tease.
aether: i’m coming over right now. you’ve created a massive problem in my pants that you need to fix.
you smiled to yourself, knowing damn well you’ve already won this game.
y/n: i’ll be waiting~
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kitthepurplepotato · 6 months
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🎄Love letters and mistletoes!🎄
Purple Potato Christmas Special!
Pairing: Midoriya Izuku x Reader
Genre: One shot - Fluff, strangers to friends to lovers, hint of angst on Izuku’s side (five sentences max)
Summary: With Izuku’s favorite holiday approaching, you decide to give your work partner a present he’ll never forget. Is that a good or a bad thing? - we shall see.
Warnings: Swear words, mention of someone getting hurt, Midoriya is quite depressed at the beginning of the story.
Two more warnings: The story is really fluffy and cute but it’s quite melancholic overall, except the ending!
Also, English isn’t my first language so please be kind! Feel free to send me a message if I messed something up really badly!
If you like the story please check my Master List! 🥦
“Merry Christmas, everyone!” Midoriya Izuku raises his glass of orange juice with a proud smile on his face. “Thank you very much for your hard work, as always. I’m so lucky to have you, guys.”
“Cheers, boss!” Your half-drunk colleague yells, making the whole team and Midoriya giggle with his shenanigans.
There is one thing everyone knows about the “boss”; he’s humble to a fault. Whenever something good happens it’s always his agency who gets the praise; Izuku Midoriya can’t take a compliment to this day and he just makes everything sound like a team effort even though he’s the one doing 95% of the job, saving people back and forth, 7 days a week with no holidays in between but he never even complains once.
Well, not in public. He doesn’t complain to anyone but you and that’s the biggest achievement of your whole life, to be honest.
You started working at Midoriya’s agency when you were twenty; pro hero Deku was already a big name back then. He was just about to open his own agency but he had no idea about the business side of it; you still have no clue how you managed to get this job with your non-existent experience but here you are, five years later, sitting in the massive meeting room now decorated with garlands and string lights, while you look at your favorite companion with nothing but love and respect.
Midoriya Izuku absolutely adores Christmas. He decorates the whole agency every year, usually by himself then brings a ridiculous amount of food for the team to feast on after their working hours which he insists he made by himself, but judging by the seasoning it’s probably Dynamight’s doing who also insists “he has nothing to do with this shit.”
Both of these people are terrible liars, by the way.
This year, you were lucky enough to help Midoriya with the decorations. You couldn’t believe it when he asked you to stay longer with him; he might be the friendliest person in the whole world but when it comes to things like this, he somehow enjoys to do them alone, with no one around, just him and the Christmas music blasting from the speakers as the sun slowly sets in the background.
He was much worse five years ago; he loved to chat around about silly things but he absolutely hated to talk about himself, about his feelings, about his plans, about anything that involved him, really; he always changed the topic to something else (or someone else) as the first personal question left the other person’s mouth. After a while, the team just gave up on Midoriya Izuku and they only talked about themselves with him but you couldn’t ignore the massive bags under the hero’s eyes, nor his self-deprecating words when someone somehow managed to make him talk about something personal; you’ve always found the most ridiculous excuses to stay behind with him, to be next to him, to give him support, even if it’s from far away.
Things have started to change on a gloomy Thursday afternoon; Midoriya’s agency managed to catch a massive villain group but not without a price; one of the sidekicks got gravely injured, barely made it out alive and you knew Midoriya was blaming himself for it.
You were just about to leave for the day when you heard the tiny sniffles coming out of his office; needless to say you threw all your belongings on the floor and ran towards the sound right away.
Midoriya was a mess. His eyes were swollen, tears streaking down his cheeks as he continued typing on the computer, completely ignoring his fickle mental state just so he can do some more work. He didn’t even look up from his screen as you opened the door; he tried to school the scowl on his face, he really did, but it was all in vain - he couldn’t hide his red-rimmed eyes or the bags under it.
“Hey, your shift is over, go home. Enjoy your evening, Y/N, I’ll be out myself in a second.”
“I’ll wait for you then.” You sat down on the sofa right next to his desk, faking obliviousness.
The silence was awkward, but somehow Midoriya could sense that you wouldn’t leave even if he would have insisted for you to do so, so he nodded to no one in particular and continued his paperwork, continued the sniffling and then finally, the tears came and none of you said a single word about it.
Not until Midoriya Izuku finally broke.
“I should have been there. I should have saved him from that blow…” He muttered to the screen in front of him. You’ve never seen him so heartbroken before and it broke your heart, you could hear it shatter on the floor as you looked up to see the young, Number One hero who’s usually so full of energy and positive thoughts crouching by the computer with nothing but pure blankness in his eyes.
“You were on the other side of the battlefield. I checked the footage already. You can’t save everyone, Midoriya. No human being can, not even All Might.” You whispered into the silence. “She’s okay, by the way. It was a close call but she’ll be fine. Your quick response saved her life. You are not the reason for her suffering. You are the reason she’s still alive.”
Midoriya looked at you like this is the first time he’s seen you for real; your voice was raw, much deeper than your usual work-voice but apparently it was the right choice to show your real self to him because after this, something changed; his walls started to crack as he looked up at you, vulnerable and raw.
“Why are you here, Y/N?” Midoriya asked, but there was no malice in his voice; it was quite the opposite actually; it felt like Midoriya has opened up a bit, let you see the broken pieces inside him then he let you choose if you want to stay or leave.
“Because I really want to hug you.”
Midoriya’s walls shattered completely in only a few seconds after that. You wanted to share his pain and your wish was granted; Midoriya couldn’t stop the tears anymore, his cry loud and incoherent as he meandered over and sat down next to you. His head landed on your shoulders with a loud thump and he cried and cried, for a few minutes or hours, you have no idea but eventually, the sobs subdued and there was silence, a really comfortable one at that. Your fingers raked through the messy, unwashed curls as Midoriya finally let himself fall asleep in your arms, probably for the first time in the last 48 hours.
Something shifted around you two after that. You didn’t need to ask what’s wrong anymore; if you stayed longer for no reason Midoriya took it as an invite to went, talked about his life, about his problems, no fake smiles, just words and incoherent mumbles as Izuku let out everything that has been bothering him during the day in one go.
It was quite a surprise to see Midoriya’s “ugly” side; you didn’t think he had so much hatred in him, mostly towards himself, you didn’t think he could get so offended by stupid things like the comment section on his Instagram profile but the most surprising thing was that somehow, during his rants and smile-free conversations you managed to fall in love with his broken soul and it only got worse once he let you in when things were good as well; his smile came back and it became more real when it was only the two of you in the building and it made the butterflies have a break dance battle in your tummy, it made your chest tighten, and finally, it made your heart beat in a new, strange way and it felt so right yet so wrong at the same time you couldn’t decide what to do with it for years.
You two became close friends after that. Midoriya invited you to come with him every time his friends went out drinking then kept you close and safe until the end of the night, he opened your door for you and didn’t leave until you fell asleep. You were his plus one whenever there was an event he had to attend, casual or business, you stayed at his office and listened to him talk almost every day, but that was all, there was never a sign from him that he wants this to be more than a close, work-related friendship so you’ve never made a move. It’s not like there haven’t been a chance to do so; oh no, there have been several; like the time you two ended up cuddling on his sofa while you watched a movie after a ridiculously busy week. Midoriya’s fingers went up and down your naked arms while you nuzzled into his neck, happy and content and you were so close to leave a tiny kiss there, but you stopped yourself because you felt like… this, whatever this was, was too pure to ruin with your “dirty”, unrequited feelings.
You didn’t think you will ever have a chance and to be honest, you still don’t think so… But there was this one moment, just a few days before, that made you think that maybe, telling him about your feelings wouldn’t be the end of the world and knowing how understanding Midoriya is, he would probably fight for this friendship even if you fuck it all up with your confession.
You two laughed so much during the decorating and it really didn’t feel like overtime; Midoriya’s honest, sweet laughs were much better than the loaded paycheck by the end of the month. It took you guys ages to finish the whole thing so you two ended up crashing on Midoriya’s office sofa after a quick shower in the communal bathroom.
There wasn’t enough space for the two of you to be comfortable so soon enough you ended up cuddling, Midoriya’s thighs halfway down the sofa but somehow, both of you felt content like that, like it was normal, like it was meant to be.
“Y/N, can I ask you a silly question?” Midoriya mumbled, halfway asleep.
“Have you ever felt like you have everything you’ve ever wanted but somehow, something is still missing? Is it selfish to want more than what you can get… sometimes?” You couldn’t miss the way Midoriya’s hand clenched by your middle as he said that.
“Midoriya, I respect you but all you’ve got is several mental issues and a good job. There is more to life than that.”
Midoriya’s ugly snort was the cutest thing you’ve ever heard in your life.
“Like what?”
“Uhm…” You giggled into Midoriya’s neck. “Puppies. Seeing the world. Learning something new. And uhm… falling in love, maybe…”
“Have you ever been in love, Y/N?” Midoriya asked, and the conversation turned serious. “Is that something you wish for?”
“Only with the right person.” You admitted. “I don’t want to go on blind dates and stuff. I just want… this. Being content. And happy. With someone I respect and adore.”
“Are you happy now?” Midoriya’s voice was right next to your ears but somehow, it sounded so far away; like he’s talking to someone else, to someone watching you two from above, a deity or a guardian Angel.
“Right now? I am.”
Being Midoriya’s friend was getting harder and harder every day. The urge to touch, to kiss the fresh scars on his nose were almost unbearable sometimes, especially on the days when Midoriya was hard on himself for no reason whatsoever. Thankfully, most days - now that Christmas was approaching - were filled with Midoriya’s laughter instead of the sound of his heartbroken sniffles.
The first day after decorating the office is always fun; everyone cheers as their eyes meet the thousands of colors swirling around the walls, dread of the early morning long forgotten; the Christmas snacks in the cafeteria makes everyone’s lunch a tiny bit more cheerful - there isn’t a single grumpy person in the whole agency on the first day.
After five years, you kinda got used to this but for you and Midoriya, this was a special day for another reason; it was the first day you two woke up in each other’s arms. Something shifted again, but you had no idea what; everything felt the same but somehow different, like the distance between you and Midoriya got halved, like he was in an arm’s length now, waiting for you to finally reach out but you were quite sure it was only the night before that made it feel like that. Until…
“I also brought some things in if that’s okay!” One of your colleagues spoke up with a shit-eating grin on his face. You love this guy but he’s always up to no good and once you’ve seen the mistletoe hanging right above you, you knew what’s his “mischief of the day” was. “Oh no, it seems like we need to kiss...” The guy couldn’t even finish his sentence properly as suddenly, Midoriya appeared out of thin air, right next to you; he spun you around once, making you laugh with his sudden cheekiness, then twice and you two ended up right under the mistletoe. Midoriya’s cheeky smile made your heart do a somersault in your chest and you swear your heart stopped for a second as Midoriya left a comically loud smack on your cheek and left the room, giggling to himself like a mischievous child. “Dang, boss, you are such a cockblock!” He yelled after his cheeky boss while he laughed - there is no way anyone can be mad at Midoriya when he’s in a good mood. He’s just too adorable.
All you could think of for the rest of the day was how soft Midoriya’s lips were and how much you wanted to taste them.
Maybe it’s time for me to tell him. - you thought to yourself as you came up with a Christmas present idea.
“Next Christmas, I want us to thank you for your hard work, not the other way around.” You tell Midoriya as you two take a little break from cleaning out the office after the Christmas celebration. Calling Chargebolt over was a terrible idea - half of the team had to be taken home by a taxi as Chargebolt couldn’t stop refilling their cups while they weren’t looking. Needless to say, you two haven’t drunk at all, knowing that someone will need to make the place habitable again for tomorrow because hero life never ends, not even on Christmas Eve.
“Having you here with me is enough. It’s not fun to clean up alone.” Midoriya gives you that damn smile you can’t get enough of, even though you see it quite often these days. If this feeling inside your chest isn’t love you have no idea what love is. There is no way there’s a stronger feeling than the ache in your heart as you look at the small, barely visible wrinkles by Izuku’s eyes, the beautiful, gorgeous freckles that didn’t fade with age at all - they also make him look 10 years younger than he actually is - this ache in your heart is urging you to touch, to soothe, to please, to make the other happy; it’s painful but it’s also pleasant, a burn that stings but leaves a nice, tingly feeling afterwards.
“Midoriya… actually… Izuku…” You look up at the most important person in your life and he looks back at you with nothing but pure wonder in his eyes.
“Why does it sound like heaven when you say it?” Izuku mutters with a red face but you are too terrified to actually step back and think about his reaction, because this is it - You are just about to confess and ruin everything you’ve worked so hard for.
“I… I have a present for you. You don’t need to accept it. Please, only accept it if you… if you really mean it.” You mumble as you take out a small envelope and give it to him with shaking hands.
It’s so stupid. And so childish. There is no way in hell you can do this in a proper way so you focus on a random scratch on the wooden floor; you can’t look into his eyes while you slowly let your heart out through your mouth just so he can punch it back into your chest and break it into pieces. Not like he would ever would do such a thing, but still.
He looks at the small envelope with a happy smile on his face for a while then finally, he opens it up and starts reading out loud. You really want the ground to open up under you right now.
“Dear Izuku. (I hope you don’t mind me calling you that.) No, I don’t, I like it haha - You won a prize! … what is this, Y/N?” Izuku giggles but the smile slowly disappears from his face. Every second feels like an eternity. It’s like something is choking you but you can’t do anything about it. “It’s a ticket for a one on one Christmas date with Y/N, platonic, or romantic, depending on your… de…cision.” Izuku looks up from the little card with pure confusion written all over his face.
“As I said, you do not need to accept this at all. I have a plan B. But if you do and you decide on the romantic date… I… I must add that the romantic ticket is non-refundable. And it’s not… for one day. Think about it a Christmas puppy. You give it to someone for Christmas but it’s a responsibility for a lifetime. Oh my god, that sounds so stupid, I’m sorry, I can’t do this, please just forget about it and give that back to me…” you try to get the card back but Izuku pulls it away.
“Do you mean it?” Izuku mumbles; you can’t look into his eyes, you can’t, but at the same time you really want to see his face right now, you need to see how he reacts. You look up from the floor for only a second; and that one second turns your whole life upside down.
Izuku’s eyes are full of tears, but somehow, his whole face looks… happy?
“What?” You mumble back, mesmerized by the sparks in Izuku’s eyes. Were they always so beautiful or is it just the magic of Christmas Eve?
“The romantic date… no refunds, for a lifetime… do you mean it?”
“Would I be shaking like a leaf if I wouldn’t? I’m freaking out, Izuku.” Your voice cracks by the end of your sentence, tears prickling your eyes as you try to keep eye contact.
“I also… have a Christmas present for you.” He mutters, not answering your question which is an answer itself. You know Izuku well enough to know what he means by dodging a question; he’s been doing that for a whole year before you two became friends and you hate how much it hurts to be on the receiving side again, especially in this situation. It was so stupid for you to do this on Christmas Eve. You ruined the holiday for you both and Izuku has been so excited about it and now every year, he’ll think about your stupid confession and how you ruined the only holiday he genuinely enjoys…
“Here. Please, read it. I want to see your face when you get to the end of it.” Midoriya gives you that damned smile again; the smile you love so much and it’s so out of place in this situation but somehow, it gives you hope; it makes you believe that maybe you didn’t ruin your friendship nor the holiday completely and this can be salvaged after all. “Please.” He repeats as he gives you a cute letter, steadying your shaky hands with his own; the feeling of Izuku’s rough fingertips on the back of your hands almost makes you yelp out loud but after a few deep breaths you school your face into something neutral and start reading.
“Dear Y/N. Getting a silly little letter from me must not have been on your bucket list but I hope at least it will make you feel happy. We’ve been close friends for four years now and knew each other five. I think about you as one of the most important people in my life and the feeling only got stronger and stronger as the days has passed and at one point, my feelings got out hand and wandered to an unknown path and it took me literal years to realize what they really mean, so I’m sorry if this letter is a little bit too late.” You need to take a deep breath. This letter sounds suspiciously like a love letter but Izuku has always been an emotional person so maybe, this is his way of telling you he thinks about you as family? “The first thing that made me wonder about my feelings was that… I love to touch you. I love to keep you close. I enjoy being with you alone more than I enjoy sharing a drink with you in a pub when my friends are around. The second thing was that somehow, over the years you got prettier in my eyes - you’ve always been pretty, don’t get me wrong but my eyes got caught on certain things a friend’s shouldn’t; your lips, your cheekbones, on the way your hair flies in the wind and small things like that. Then the third and final thing was only a few days ago; on the first day of our Christmas extravaganza when someone was about to kiss you under the mistletoe.
All I could think of was that… I want you to be mine.”
Your heart is having a hard time and so is your mind. This can’t be real. There is no way this happening right now…?!
“Just continue.” Izuku smiles at you, his eyes full of affection. He moves his hands to your middle once he deemed you strong enough to be able to hold a single piece of paper and you can feel the twitch in the movement as he struggles to not pull you close and you can’t believe you’ve missed the sighs until now; Izuku looks at you like you are the prettiest star on the sky, like you are the reason the sun shines above you and it’s so endearing yet so natural… this moment, here, right now, at 10PM on a cold and dark Sunday evening… this moment was written in the starts thousands of years ago, you can feel it in your heart, in your soul, fucking everywhere.
“We cried, we laughed, we cheered, we mourned; we did all of these together but now it’s time for the next adventure - if you are up for it, of course.” You can’t stop sniffling as you get to the end of the letter. “So your Christmas present… is my heart. Because it’s all yours. It always has been. Is it even a present if it was yours for so long already? Great question. I think it’s the thought that counts.
Dear, Y/N. I love you. From the bottom of my heart to the tip of my toes.
Yours Sincerely;
Midoriya Izuku.”
There isn’t a proper word or a proper sentence to describe what you are feeling right now. You want to cry and laugh at the same time, you want to break down but you also want to stand tall and proud because your feelings just got reciprocated.
“We came up with the same silly idea, Y/N. If that’s not a sign then I don’t know what it is.” Izuku laughs as he finally pulls you close. “Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?” Izuku’s voice is so childish and so giddy you can’t help but laugh. He rests his forehead on yours and takes a deep breath; it’s all so new and so strange yet it feels so right, just so-so perfect it makes your heart melt into a puddle on Izuku’s office floor.
“You mean it?” You parrot his own words back to him with a cheeky smile which ends up much bigger than you wanted it to be; Izuku’s hold gets tighter and tighter around your middle, the distance almost non-existent between you two now.
“Can I kiss you now? Because I really really want to kiss you now.” Izuku mumbles, completely ignoring your cheeky retort. You do your best to make an offended face but it’s extremely hard to concentrate while Izuku’s breath tickles your lips.
“You are so impatient, Izuku, I haven’t even answered yet.” You giggle to yourself, your lips already touching Izuku’s, but only a tiny bit, it’s more like a tease than an actual touch. “Where’s the mistletoe, then?” You add cheekily and Izuku doesn’t say a word to that; his hand wanders to your face and caresses your cheek with his thumb then gently moves your chin up to look at the ceiling right above you; you notice that the mistletoe your colleague brought in is clumsily stuck to the ceiling with… tape. You can’t help but roll your eyes while Izuku’s happy laughter fills the office as he slowly moves back into your personal space and finally steals a kiss from you.
First, the kiss is tentative and slow, one peck then two then three; Izuku grins between the small kisses and suddenly something shifts; he barges back with more fervor, the kiss deep and scorching hot but Izuku can’t stop smiling so it’s also a little bit awkward but somehow it’s still the most perfect kiss you’ve ever had.
“I love Christmas.” Izuku kisses you again. “And you.”
“I love you too, you grumpy, adorable fucking nerd.” You finally deepen the kiss properly; you take his bottom lips in yours and suck on it, making Izuku yelp with the sudden action. It doesn’t take him long to take revenge though; he licks over your lip then barges into your mouth, his tongue having a slow dance with your own, his body flush against yours as you slowly kiss away the remaining two hours until the clock hits midnight and you two freak out over the mess you still need to clean up before the new day starts, but not even the lateness of the day nor the grimy work can ruin your mood as you two slowly get the building tidy until every surface sparkles under the shine of the rising sun.
“You should have just asked the cleaning crew to clean this up in the morning.” You mumble into Izuku’s ear as you two try to have at least two hours of sleep on the small sofa before the day starts.
“Well yeah, but then I wouldn’t have had an excuse to ask you to stay for longer.” He admits sheepishly. You can’t believe this man.
“I fucking love you, you silly nerd.”
The end
“Fucking finally!” Katsuki’s voice blasts through the speakers. You are not even surprised that Katsuki is the first person Izuku tells about the news, barely a few hours after you two got together. Also, he’s video-calling, because apparently, calling someone like a normal person is too ‘impersonal’. “You two, my place, tonight. We are having fucking Katsudon, thank the motherfucking gods above I don’t need to listen to you moaning about your unrequited fucking love anymore! Shitty hair! We need booze!” Katsuki yells to his half asleep flatmate. “Deku finally grew some balls! Also, you owe me 10000 yen!”… then he ends the call without even saying bye.
“Will we ever have a good sleep ever again?” You mumble to Izuku and his two massive Gucci bags under his eyes.
“No. Mum’s celebration will last a whole week. I hope you are not on a diet by the way, she loves to force feed people.” He smiles at you and …honestly? You don’t need any sleep if you can keep staring into those beautiful sparkling eyes full of love and affection instead.
“I can’t wait.”
Potato ramble:
- Reader: writes a stupid note about Deku winning a date with her
Deku: Writes a full on essay about his feelings
Also Deku: Wow it’s the same!
Honestly Y/N, that present was so cringe, did you even try? 😂😂😂😂 💜
- There is one thing I realized while I was writing this: I hate one-shots. I don’t think I’ll ever do one ever again. They always feel so empty and rushed even if I try to put as much information as I can into it. I like to take my time with this stuff, show the audience how the two characters ended up in love with each other… so yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever do a holiday special ever again haha
- Sorry for all the folks waiting for the next chapters of my ongoing series, I absolutely hyperfixated on this one and I also knew I won’t be able to be on time with those two thanks to the Christmas rush in retail (bro, I’m dead) so I kinda gave up. They’ll be coming soon I swear!
- I hope you guys have a lovely Christmas or whatever holiday you guys enjoy around this time! I’m not a big Christmas person myself but I do like a good Christmas-themed fanfiction :D
If you liked this story, send me a lovely comment and check out my Master List! 💜
Merry Christmas, everyone! 🎄
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133 notes · View notes
Special Interest 3
Warnings: non/dubcon, age gap, creep behaviour, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: Cole Turner, short!reader
Part of the Bookstore AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You package up another pair of mitts. It’s that season where sales pick up. It’s cold and the holidays are lurking just around the corner. Your hands are achy from working your needles but you can’t complain for the uptick in demand.
Along with your crochet menagerie, you supplement your etsy shop with stickers, while pondering the prospect of cards, especially given the time of year. As overworked as your hands are, your mind feels more so.
Your computer bings. Another sale? You go around to check your open Etsy page. Nope, a message from a customer. Please don’t be a return.
It’s a message. From the vaunted Farmer’s Delight. You might be avoiding them but that doesn’t need to be a whole thing. You’re working on their order! That’s not neglect.
You open the chat, knowing to leave that little dot just hovering there would drive you crazy. 
‘Hey, just checking in. Was hoping to do a pick-up soon. Maybe in the next week?’
Sigh. Great, did they not read your last message? You know you’re a bit hard to take seriously in real life but this is text. There is no height difference or age gap. You’re on even ground. You’re traversing a world of digital equity.
‘Hey. Not sure if you saw my last message but I can’t do a pick up. Please provide your mailing address and I’ll be happy to send this out. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.’
There, firm but still customer service-y. You hit send and go back to smooth labels onto bubble packs. Another chime.
‘Like I said, mailing out here is inconsistent. I need the order as soon as possible. Please let me know a time that works for you. I need to hit the hardware store so I’ll be coming to town. We can meet there for exchange.’
Ugh. You want to punch the computer. You should just refund their order and be done with it. Even with your pick-up in sales, it’s a big chunk. You just can’t stomach giving back that much money and they didn’t even ask for their shipping fee back.
You let the message stew. They are offering a public meet-up. That seems like a good omen, at least. Friday night might work, your mom will be done work at four. That’s a decent amount of time. And it’s close to the post office.
You seal another package and leave the room, treading down the hall as you hear your mother clacking away at her keyboard. You approach cautiously. She closes the door when she’s in a meeting. You tap on the doorframe and peek through the open door.
“Mom, sorry, I don’t wanna bother–”
“All good,” she sits back and pushes up her glasses to rub her eyes, “all these emails are doing my head in.”
“Um, well, you remember that order I got. For pick-up. Could you drive me to the hardware store on Friday?”
“Friday?” She echoes.
“I figure we can stop by the post office on the way. And I’ll buy dinner. You know dad loves the gyros down at Eddie’s. It’s on our way…” You give a smile and sway, “please.”
“Sure. Sounds like a good excuse to get out. Besides, I need to grab some washer thing for the sink. I don’t know, your dad was going on about it. I’ll ask,” he flips her glasses down, “oh, that’s so nice! A big sale–” she claps her hands. “I’m so proud of you, honey.”
You raise your brows, surprised by her excitement. You remember when you quit your craft store job to buy a Cricut machine and go all in. She was less than jazzed.
“Of course,” she beams, standing and grabbing her empty mug, “you know, I was a bit concerned. No school, no job, but you’re a go-getter. Any man would be happy to marry someone with so many hobbies, and hobbies that pay.”
“Hobbies? Mom, this is a business. I have to pay taxes,” you back out of her way as she comes into the hall.
“I know, sweetie, but…” she glances around, “it’s still young. You don’t know if a business is a business for a few years. I’m not knocking you down, I’m trying to be realistic.”
“Mom, please, do we have to worry about five years from now? I want to see how far this goes without worrying about guys or a husband or– I can’t even order a beer yet.”
“Me and your dad married right out of high school. We never worried about all that dating stuff and it was all so simple. Trust me, once you find someone, the world will be so much clearer.”
“If it’s easier, I can get an uber on Friday,” you cross your arms and follow her towards the stairs.
“Don’t be like that. I’m being supportive. But you make sure you’re saving money. Pray the day comes and you’ll have a nice nest egg for your wedding,” she stops at the top of the stairs, “or tuition. There’s lots of cuties in college.”
“Mom,” you roll your eyes, “let’s just take it a day at a time. Friday I’ll get that order out.”
“Oh, remind me to grab some grout cleaner when we’re there too,” she points at you before she turns to descend the stairs, “the bathroom is looking a bit grimy.”
You mutter, “alright, mom,” and slowly turn away.
Everything with her comes back to that one thing. She just assumes that you’re lonely. Worse, she seems to believe you’re wasting your time on all this. 
You shut your door and tramp around to your laptop. You sit on the cushioned stool and type in your reply to Farmer’s Delights; ‘Friday works for me. After four.’
Three dots pop up almost right away. Then disappear. Then appear again.
‘Sounds great. I’ll see you there.’
You send a thumbs up and close out. You have to finish packing then get back to destroying your carpal tunnel. It’s money, your mom’s right about that, but you won’t be saving for a wedding.
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e-dubbc11 · 7 months
The Sweetest Christmas
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Tattoo Artist Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: None, really. Maybe a swear word or two. All of the fluffy bunnies and unicorns.
Word Count: 4.7k-ish
Summary: Little Anna Raven is just starting to understand what happens during this time of year and she’s very excited about the gift she asked Santa for. Billy has a special gift for you also.
A/N: This is for my lovely @jvanilly who probably loves this series more than anyone. She asked for more of The Sweetest Pain series so ask and you shall receive! (I also have more of Out of Left Field coming for you too.) Thank you for loving this series and to everyone else who loves this series. I just love writing for them. ♥️
Oh, one more thing…I realize some on my tag list may have fallen out of like with my Billy or just have fallen out of like with me or maybe you’re just goin through some shit, I understand. So even though I don’t want to, I plan on removing people on my tag list that I haven’t chatted with, haven’t commented or even thrown a ♥️ on my fics in awhile. I’m sorry but I don’t really want to waste your time if you’re not interested in them anymore or haven’t had the time lately, it’s ok. I do try and keep my masterlists up to date so you know where to find them, absolutely no hard feelings! ♥️♥️♥️
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
The brisk December air stung your lungs as you walked along the sidewalk toward the tattoo studio. You pulled your winter hat back down to cover your ears as the wind smacked you directly in the face while reaching for the handles of Anna’s stroller.
The little squeals of excitement as you pushed her faster made you smile. She didn’t care that it was freezing outside or that you were cold, your little miss was having a great time. Her chubby little finger shot out to point in front of her and she turned to face you with her rosy cheeks to tell you something.
“Daddy!!” She yelled excitedly.
Anna recognized the Anvil Tattoo logo anywhere and it made your heart swell to see how excited she would get when she knew she was going to see her father at work.
It’s a good thing she was strapped into the stroller because she started to bounce up and down in the seat; she was so excited. Sometimes you wondered if she was excited to see Billy or excited for all the treats she knew she would get. It was probably a little bit of both.
The holidays seemed to sneak up faster and faster every year but especially now that you had an addition to your little family. This would be Anna’s third Christmas season and she was just starting to understand what it all meant.
It was getting easier for Billy too because this time of year had always been hard for him but now that he had a family of his own, the bad memories of being alone during this time of year were becoming distant ones.
And he loved focusing on you and little Raven. Anna wasn’t the only one learning all about holiday seasons and family traditions…Billy was too and ever since your first Christmas together, he liked it more and more.
“We’re almost there, baby girl. Are you cold?” You asked.
Little Raven shook her head furiously. “Let’s go, Mommy!”
She was really starting to talk more now, her sentences weren’t so broken anymore and she was like a sponge, picking up every little thing you said. She’s even picked up a few colorful words courtesy of her Uncle Frank but you knew it was only a matter of time before she started repeating those words.
You and your husband didn’t always keep your language clean around little Raven either but her Uncle Frank was a heavy influence on her, at times.
As you opened the door, a gust of wind almost took the handle right out of your hands. Strands of your hair were caught in your mouth as you tried to spit them out while still holding onto the handles of the stroller. Anna had started to giggle while watching you struggle to get the hair out of your mouth and eyes.
“Mommy can’t see.” She said with a wide smile.
Billy rushed from behind his desk to help you and to make fun of you at the same time. He pushed your hat away from your eyes to see them better and said, “Is it windy out there or somethin’?”
He bit down on his lower lip to try and keep from laughing.
“Well aren’t you soooooo funny, Mr. Russo. Keep it up and I’ll send your Christmas presents back.” You replied with narrowed eyes.
Billy cupped your cheeks, gazed down at you with his endless brown eyes, and smiled his million-dollar smile at you. That smile always made you feel better.
“My little firecracker.” He said as he gently pressed his lips to yours. “Ok, I’m sorry. You don’t have to use fightin’ words.”
You instantly felt warmer as the heat rushed to your cheeks and warmth spread across your chest. Billy’s slender fingers brushed down the side of your neck as he kissed your cheeks and your forehead.
Anna was turned around in her stroller watching the two of you as you kissed and caught you both off guard when she asked, “Daddy, what does Mommy taste like?”
Nothing like a toddler to ruin the moment but you couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
Billy crouched down to unbuckle Anna from the stroller.
“Mommy tastes sweet like candy, little miss. And you know how much Daddy loves candy.” He said with a smile, staring into her eyes that were just like his then glancing up at you to give you a wink.
You bit down on your thumb as a smile stretched across your lips and you could feel yourself blushing.
“BILLY!!” You playfully scolded him.
He chuckled. “Oh she doesn’t know what it means, sweet girl.”
A deep voice boomed from the back of the room. “She may not know but the rest of us do, Bill.”
It was Frank.
“Now stop poisoning my goddaughter’s ears with your filth…Come here, sweetheart.” He said sarcastically with his arms outstretched.
Little Raven jumped out of her stroller and ran right to Big Raven who scooped her up and started to playfully bite her neck.
Anna let out a loud belly laugh.
“What’s Santa gonna bring you, little Raven?” Frank asked her.
Billy held you close to his chest, kissed the top of your head and said, “Go ahead, baby girl. Tell Uncle Frankie what you told Santa you’d like for Christmas.”
Anna smiled and eagerly said, “A JEEP!!!”
Billy told Frank all about Anna’s first encounter with Santa. She was nearly four and wanted to see how she would react seeing Santa for the first time. She had no fear…didn’t even turn around to look at you or Billy but went right up to him and told him she wanted a Jeep for Christmas.
For the past couple of months, Anna had been fascinated by Jeeps. She had seen a picture of Billy sitting in one from his time in the Marines and since then, she has not stop talking about it.
As Anna made her daily rounds to gather her snacks and stickers, Billy asked Frank if he wanted to help him put her Jeep together after Anna goes to bed on Christmas Eve.
The Castle family was coming over for dinner tomorrow night and you were looking forward to seeing Maria and the kids plus there was always a possibility of a show when Billy and Frank worked on anything together.
“A Jeep?!! Well, have you been a good girl this year?” Frank asked, picking her up again.
Anna nodded. “Yes I have Uncle Frankie.”
Billy loved to joke with Anna all the time, you did too but he did it pretty often and you accepted the fact that you were probably raising a sarcastic asshole but at least she would be a polite one and you didn’t doubt she would be able to take care of herself as she got older.
“You sure about that, little miss? Mommy said you didn’t eat all your vegetables last night.” Billy joked.
You cracked a smile and playfully slapped Billy on the shoulder. “Don’t tease her, Billy.” You turned your attention to Frank. “So, we’ll see you guys tomorrow night, right?”
“We’ll be there.” Said Frank.
“Great, see you tomorrow…” You turned back to Billy, wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close for a kiss. “And I’ll see you later, handsome.”
“Does Mommy still taste like candy, Daddy?” Anna said with a wide smile.
Billy smiled warmly looking down at you and kissed you again. “Every time, baby girl. Every…time.”
Flurries of snow floated down past the window in back of the Christmas tree. You couldn’t remember the last time it actually snowed on Christmas Eve.
Frank and Billy were just about finished with cleaning up dinner, each of them with a dish towel draped over their shoulders, and bickering with each other about where things go while you and Maria finished playing a game of chess.
Frank Jr. and Lisa played with Anna all night, they really did treat her like a little sister, and it was so cute to watch.
Maria wanted to give Anna her bath. It was a big help and she loved doing it because she sometimes missed having little ones around. Anna ran out of her room wearing her new Christmas pajamas and Maria chased after her.
You made sure to remind Anna to put out milk and cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.
“Can I have one of those cookies?” Asked Billy.
Anna giggled. “No Daddy, they’re for Santa!” She exclaimed.
“Ok baby girl, time for bed. Now you gotta go to sleep otherwise Santa won’t come, so say goodnight to Lisa and Junior…” Anna gave them hugs and kisses. “And say goodnight to Auntie Maria and Big Raven.”
“Goodnight little Raven…you get some good sleep, yeah?” Frank said.
“Ok Uncle Frankie.” Said Anna.
You put Anna to bed, put out coffee and desserts and you and Maria waited for the show to start. Billy brought out the Jeep box, his tools, and he and Frank went to work while you and Maria sat back and watched.
Billy has always been very organized, everything has its place, his studio is always neat and clean so it didn’t surprise you when he removed everything from the box and started to group certain pieces together and separate all of the hardware.
But whatever Billy took out of the box, Frank picked up and tried to start fitting pieces together, he just wasn’t AS neat and organized as Billy was…it made you and Maria laugh all the same though. Even Junior and Lisa were laughing at their dad and uncle.
A few days prior, you mentioned to Maria that Billy was going to ask Frank to help him put the Jeep together for Anna. He thought it would be a fun project for the two of them to do together but you decided, behind their backs, to make a little bit of a drinking game out of it.
With the exception of Frank, no one knew Billy better than you did and no one knew Frank better than Maria.
You both knew how they operated, their mannerisms, their sayings, and just how they were when they interacted with each other so you traded sayings back and forth that you knew they would use on each other and every time they said one, the two of you would take a sip of your wine.
“That’s not where that goes, Frankie.” Said Billy.
“What are you talkin’ about?! Of course that’s where it goes.” Frank bellowed.
“Just hand me that piece over there, please! No, not that one…the one next to it!” Billy said, getting frustrated. “Oh we both know that you can’t put a sticker on straight to save your life, I’m doing that.”
“You tightened that, yeah? Show me…” Frank said.
“You two are enjoying this, aren’t ya.” Billy said with a furrowed brow and narrowed eyes.
You turned to Maria and asked with a smile. “More wine?”
Maria giggled with Frank glaring at her and shaking his head back and forth. You just smiled at Billy, only mocking him a little bit, “I love you!”
Billy tapped Frank on the shoulder, “I think you’re gonna hafta carry Maria outta here.” He said, his slight New York accent peeking through.
Lisa and Junior fell asleep on the couch while watching Christmas Vacation, two empty bottles of wine were resting on the coffee table next to small plates of half eaten cookies, and discarded wrapping paper from the kid’s gifts. It had been such a fun night with really good friends.
“Looks like you two are almost done…Anna’s gonna love that.” You said.
You watched as Anna’s father and godfather put the finishing touches on her Jeep, Billy took the stickers away from Frank, and made sure to charge the battery so it would be ready to go tomorrow morning. When you looked at the clock, it was a few minutes before midnight. It will be Christmas soon.
“There’s two celebratory beers waiting for you two in the fridge when you’re all done.” You said with a warm smile.
“Yeah? You sure you didn’t drink those too?” Frank joked.
Maria quipped back, “I make no promises.”
Billy was such a perfectionist. He knew his little girl would be riding around in it and even though it didn’t go really fast, he still made sure it was as safe as possible by double checking everything.
“Looks ready to go.” Said Billy.
Finally, Frank added a large red bow to the hood and an oversized gift tag that said “From Santa” and you handed Billy and Frank their celebratory drinks.
“Cheers, Frankie.”
“We did it, Bill.” Frank said, clinking the bottles together.
The clock said 12:05.
“So close, you ALMOST finished before Christmas morning.” You said.
Billy pulled you into his chest and kissed the top of your head. “Hey as long as we finished before the little miss wakes up, I call that a win.”
“Damn right.” Said Frank.
“Merry Christmas, sweet girl.” Billy said gazing down at you with his beautiful onyx colored eyes…Anna had the same color eyes.
He cupped your cheeks and smiled just before touching his lips to yours, you felt butterflies in your stomach as if it was the first time he was kissing you, and never failed to show you how deep his love was for you in that kiss. His kiss was always meant to be yours.
“Merry Christmas, handsome. I love you. And Merry Christmas, Castle Family! Wake up kids!Your dad and uncle Billy finished the Jeep.” You said, trying to keep your voice low so as to not wake up Anna.
“Looks good, Dad.” Said Lisa.
“Thank you, sweetheart. Your uncle helped too.” Joked Frank.
Billy couldn’t help but let out a little laugh.
After cleaning up all of the cardboard, Maria and Frank gathered their gifts and the gifts you and Billy gave the kids, and after a handful of goodbyes and thank you’s, they headed for home. Maria reminded you to take a video of little Raven’s reaction to her new wheels.
As soon as you closed the door, Billy’s lips collided with yours, his hands migrating from your cheeks down your neck to the buttons on your shirt as he parted your lips with his tongue. The man was still crazy about you after all this time and you were still head over heels in love with him.
“I’ve been wanting to do this all night, baby.” He whispered in your ear.
Your mouth split into a smile against his lips as he continued to kiss you, the scent of green soap still clung to him from working at the studio earlier in the day and you could taste the citrus from the beer on his lips.
His body heat was warm against your chest, the kisses he placed up and down your neck made your core flutter and turned you on. You wanted to have him right now.
As soon as you started to pull his shirt from his jeans, you realized you still had to put out the rest of Anna’s gifts. Breathing heavily, you pulled away from him even though it killed you to do so, it had been a little while since you and Billy had any alone time together. The holiday season had been a busy one.
“Billy…Billy…wait…” You purred into his ear.
You watched your hand rise up and down on his chest as he panted, trying to catch his breath.
“W-what is it, beautiful? I thought we were…uh, ya know.” He smiled and winked at you.
It was so hard to resist him when he looked at you like that, the desire he had in his eyes, and the way he touched you…he knew what he was doing and how hard it was to say no to him but you resisted.
You snaked your arms around his neck and pulled his face toward yours until your foreheads were touching.
“I’m so sorry, my love…we still have to put out the rest of Anna’s presents and fill her stocking.If we continue what we’re doing, you know that’s not happening so we really have to do that first.” You said, disappointingly.
Billy kissed you on the forehead again, he always did that to comfort you or to help you relax.
He knew this month had been draining on you both, trying to get everything done while trying to work and take care of a little one.
“Ok sweet girl, let’s get this done.” He said as he gave you a quick kiss on the lips.
You started to walk toward your bedroom.
“I’ll get the rest of the gifts from the closet…you eat the cookies and write her a note ‘from Santa.’” You said, pointing at the cookies resting on the little end table.
“Why do I have to eat the cookies?” Asked Billy with a sly smile.
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Oh please, you’ve been eyeing those cookies all night, Billy Russo. And I know all about how much you love sweet things.” You said with a wink.
“Well for the record, my love…I’d rather be eating you for dessert.” The corners of his mouth curled up into a wicked smile while he raised his eyebrows at you.
Feeling yourself starting to blush, you scolded him in a lighthearted tone. “Get to work, lieutenant.”
“Yes ma’am.” Billy replied.
Your second wind came at a perfect time, you managed to finish everything you needed to before going to bed and you relieved some of each other’s stress when you were in bed. Instead of rushing, like it had been with the two of you lately, Billy took his time with you.
He probably kissed every inch of your body, exploring it like he had when you first got together, telling you over and over how much he loved you and how you were the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted.
You probably had the most restful sleep you’ve had in the past three weeks that night, the bristles of Billy’s beard brushing against your bare shoulder as you drifted off to sleep, excited to see the look on your little girl’s face when she sees her new Jeep, and excited to give Billy his gifts too.
Little did you know, Billy had a special gift for you also that he could not wait to give you.
Christmas Morning
One thing that Anna Raven did NOT have in common with her father was being light on her feet. You had converted her crib into a daybed so she could climb in and out by herself which also meant she could rush down the hallway and burst into your bedroom whenever she wanted to.
And now that you were a mom, you were tuned in to when she got in and out of bed so when you heard her little feet hit the floor, you made sure you were covered.
You had fallen asleep rather quickly after last night’s after hour’s activities, Billy had also so he was still asleep when you heard the pitter patter of her tiny feet scurrying down the hall.
Although you were used to getting up early since becoming a mom, waking up early on a morning when you didn’t have to was difficult but waking up this morning was exciting. You couldn’t wait to give your husband and your daughter a nice Christmas.
The bedroom door knob turned and little Raven practically fell through the door, she was so excited. “Mommy!! It’s Christmas! Wake up, Daddy!”
Watching her smile almost brought tears to your eyes. “Merry Christmas, baby!”
Billy must have been sleeping hard, which usually doesn’t happen, because he sat bolt upright in bed.
“What?! What happened?!” He exclaimed and his head hit the pillow again as he fell backwards.
Anna grabbed your hand. “Come on, Mommy!” She said, trying to pull you out of bed.
“Ok, ok Anna…we’re up. Can you go wait out in the hallway for one minute, please? Then we’ll go see if Santa came.” You said, in the middle of a yawn.
Anna was jumping up and down, she was so excited. “Hurry, Mommy!”
She ran out into the hallway and closed the door behind her.
“Come on, stud…let’s go.” You leaned over and kissed him on the lips.
Billy’s eyes were still closed but a smile stretched across his lips. “Gimme one more kiss, sweet girl…please?” He pleaded.
Slowly, Billy opened his eyes, brushed a stray hair away from your eyes as you inched your face closer to his and smiled warmly before you gently pressed your lips to his once again.
“I love you so much, Billy…Merry Christmas, my love.” You whispered against his mouth.
“Merry Christmas, my little firecracker. I love you too…more than anything.” He replied.
You could hear muffled sounds coming from the bottom of the door as Anna’s little fingers darted into the room from underneath the door. “Puhleeeeease come out, Mommy!”
After quickly throwing on some lounge clothes, you told Anna to back away from the door so you could open it.
“Let’s go! We have to check your cookies too, little miss.” Billy said.
You and Billy quickly followed Anna to the living room. The Jeep looked even better in the natural light and Anna noticed it right away.
She let out a high pitched squeal and ran over to it. “Is this my Jeep, Daddy?!” She asked full of excitement.
“Well, let’s look at the tag…It says ‘To Anna…From Santa…’ It looks like it is, little Raven.” He said. “That’s what you wanted, right?”
Anna climbed into the driver’s side and put her hands on the steering wheel. She had pure joy all over her face and it made this moment better than you could have ever hoped for.
“YES!! It’s like the one you were sitting in, Daddy!” She said excitedly.
“That’s why she wanted a Jeep? I thought she just saw one while you were out one day, I didn’t know…” Billy said to you with a slight hitch in his voice, his shoulders dropped and he inhaled sharply.
You closed the gap between the two of you, gazing at his wild brown hair, his beautiful obsidian colored eyes and you leaned in to softly press your lips to his.
“Our little girl loves her Daddy.” You whispered against his mouth as he looked over at Anna and then brought his gaze back to you.
Billy wrapped his long slender fingers around the back of your neck and pulled you even closer until his lips crashed onto yours. His kisses always made you feel so loved and cherished, more than anyone ever has and no one else will ever have your heart.
Although it was a little difficult, Anna wanted to drive her Jeep around the apartment and after she did that, you let her take it for a drive outside the apartment in the hallway. She was having such a good time while you took photos and a few videos to send to Maria and Frank which they thoroughly enjoyed.
It was challenging not to go crazy buying gifts for her because she was so much fun to shop for but you didn’t want to spoil her too much. Her Jeep was her big present though and she received a few other new toys, books, and clothes.
Christmas morning had been so relaxing so far. Watching Anna open her gifts, playing with her toys and the three of you having breakfast together pushed the stress you felt all month further away, just as lying in Billy’s arms last night had done wonders for you too.
You loved your little family so much.
Sipping your coffee on the couch, you noticed Billy whispering in Anna’s ear. What was he up to? He gave you your presents already and you gave him his, though he could be sneaky when he wanted to be.
You smiled nervously as little Raven wandered over holding something behind her back and had a smile stretched across her face from ear to ear.
She stopped in front of you as you leaned down so you were eye level with her. From behind her back, she pulled out a small black velvet box.
“Merry Christmas, Mommy. It’s from Daddy.” She said leaning in for a kiss on the lips. You gave her a quick kiss and she said, “She does taste like candy, Daddy!” She was just tasting the peppermint mocha coffee creamer but you weren’t going to say anything.
“What is this?” You asked. “I thought we opened all of our presents?”
Billy's lips curled up into his perfect smile. “Well you have one more, sweet girl. It’s something I’ve been meaning to give you for a long time even though you said you didn’t need one.”
You still didn’t know what it could be so with slightly trembling fingers, you opened the box and inside was a beautiful diamond ring, an engagement ring.
When Billy asked you to marry him, he didn’t have a ring to give you and on your wedding day the two of you exchanged wedding bands but he promised when he had the money, he would buy you the ring of your dreams. You told him that you had a wedding band and didn’t need an engagement ring but that wasn’t good enough for him.
And now the two of you were both making more money, living comfortably, and providing for each other along with providing for little Raven. He could finally keep his promise and buy you the ring you’ve always wanted.
It was an oval solitaire with smaller diamonds all around the band which matched your wedding ring. You were left speechless, it was so unexpected and it brought tears to your eyes. He didn’t have to do this.
“Billy…you…really…” You said, swiping the tear away from your cheek. “It’s so beautiful, you really didn’t have to do this, baby.”
He stood up, his long legs took him right to you and sat down next to you on the couch. The mid-morning sun bounced off the top of the diamond and it sparkled against the ceiling as he took it out of the box and held it between his fingers. Billy doesn’t normally get nervous but his fingers were shaking slightly as his eyes darted from the ring to your eyes.
“Yes I did.” He replied. “What do ya say, baby? Can I still be your husband?”
A tear streaked down your cheek, both Billy and
Anna were smiling the exact same smile at you as you answered him.
“Of course you can, handsome.”
You almost didn’t finish getting the words out when his lips collided with yours, he slid the ring down your finger so it rested against your wedding ring.
They looked beautiful together.
Your thumbs brushed against Billy’s beard as he drew you in close again, he always kept you as close as possible and suddenly you were in his lap, his hands brushing the soft fabric of your t-shirt and migrating under the t-shirt to touch the supple skin of your lower back.
The two of you almost forgot Anna was there when she chimed in.
“Mommy, I already know what I’m gonna ask Santa for next Christmas.” She said with conviction.
Billy kissed your forehead. You looked at each other as if to silently say “Well this should be good. I can’t wait to hear this.”
“Oh really? Ok, so what are you gonna ask Santa for next year, Anna?” You asked her, taking a sip of your coffee.
She bit down on her lower lip, jumped, clapped her hands together and said, “Do you think he could bring me a sister?”
It took a minute before you could recover from the coughing fit after choking a little on your coffee.
“Y-you want a sister for Christmas next year, little miss?” Billy asked.
Anna looked at you and Billy with her beautiful brown eyes and replied, “Uncle Frankie said I should ask Santa for a sister next year.”
She was so innocent and you couldn’t help but crack a smile.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Billy said, also cracking a smile.
You laced your fingers with his, kissed him on the cheek, turned to Anna and said,
“Well baby girl, it can’t hurt to ask.”
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justanamesstuff · 4 months
Chapter 4
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Matty Healy x f!reader
A/N: SURPRISE!! Idk what got into me today but i finally edited this!! I hope you like it...sorry for the delay :)♥
Warnings: ANGST, also fluffy feelings hehe, typos.
Word count: 4,9 K
< Chapter 3
After the chat with Y/n, Matty was even more restless. Something woke up that night, some kind of strange feeling. Anger? Happiness? He wasn’t sure even though it kept him awake for the rest of the nights after. Matty couldn’t put a name to the sensation driving him insane day by day. The knife in the middle of his chest kept him company during Christmas dinner watching Y/n actively enjoy the holidays with the boys and Matty’s parents. 
His mind was constantly thinking about the night he met Y/n and the car ride. Why did he tell her those stupid things? Why? What’s the point? Did he make her uncomfortable? Yes, he noticed. He was so stupid.
The purpose of that night was to talk about the problem –even when he still didn't know if they had. No, he had to go and tell Y/n that a relationship with her would be amazing. Which he was convinced of, but still. First thing first, he had a girlfriend. Why suddenly it was so hard to remember that? Secondly, Y/n was his best friend. Those sayings and feelings belong in the past, when he was so in love with her. He got over those, right?
Matty felt exhausted. He only talked about this with himself. Who could he trust this? George? He loved G, although Matty couldn’t risk his friend telling Y/n about it. G had all of his trust, but his heart was deeply scared driving him to choose to keep the secret to himself only.
Matty couldn’t even think about the possibility of her knowing. The singer believed that Y/n would be so shocked and horrified. Then, who? Ross? Adam? Maybe. How do you bring a topic like this up without making a fool of yourself? Well, he was already one.
Matty returned to LA. Work demanded a lot of him: his strength, attention, and so much more. On top of that, he was in a relationship. Why was it so hard to remember that? Well, no, he didn’t forget. Only his full attention was elsewhere and Nadia wasn’t stupid. She noticed.
At first, she thought work was the cause, but her sixth sense told her something else was happening. Something else was troubling her boyfriend. Why did Matty go from being so thoughtful to be slightly distant and cold? Was she being clingy? They came from a pandemic, a lockdown, from living every single day and –almost– hour of the day together; to being kilometres apart. It was reasonable. Or she wanted to convince herself that it was normal. Especially when she was arriving in LA to visit him that week. That was going to help.
Matty tried his best to pass his free time with Nadia those days. He had to redeem her for his behaviour. He loved Nadia. 
January, Ireland.
For most people, the end of the holiday season was a bummer. Y/n agreed it was kind of sad, because it is a season full of colours and happiness, on the other hand starting a new year comes with a feeling of fresh start.
After the conversation with Matty, Y/n was adamant to keep moving forward and left the clouds full of dark feelings away, in the past year. Or she was really trying to. Sometimes, Matty was a pandora box for her, one she really wanted to understand and crack open. She couldn’t understand the boy, his motivation to say this or that. Maybe Y/n was overthinking and he was only joking. But what if…? She couldn’t stop herself from thinking about the “what if’s”. What if she let him kiss her that night? 
Her belly flopped with the solo thought of it. What if she never accepted his offer to drink with the whole gang? What if…? What if he had feelings for her? No, that couldn’t be right. Apart from that night, Matty never gave her any sign to think otherwise. Or maybe she didn’t notice? No. She had to stop. She couldn’t think about him like that.
The “what if’s” had to stop. The distance will help, although Matty made her promise to not disappear again. And that was another challenge for Y/n because she succeeded when she was away from him without contact, but now would be different. Yeah, she agreed it wasn’t a good solution. It did work for a month but the moment Y/n saw Matty…everything collapsed. Didn’t matter, she must keep the promise to herself.
Not everything in her life was awful. 
Y/n returned to the place that brought so much peace to her life right at the moment. Which was kind of funny because she got stressed from work a lot, but it also made her very happy. Y/n returned to Ireland after that hectic, torrid couple of weeks. As soon as she dropped her bag, Lily updated her about the party and the whole staff shenanigans, also about Tom. She even teased Y/n about him.
Y/n had to talk with Tom about the date, arrange the details. 
A couple of days went by since she arrived and Y/n still didn’t say a word, neither did Tom. He was waiting. He didn’t want Y/n to think he was a creep or something. Y/n had other reasons. 
At the same time, Tom was a wonderful human being, very handsome. Those blue eyes drove her crazy in the best way possible. She had to find a person she fancied, someone who wanted her as well. Well, Tom was definitely the boy. Not because she was that confident, just because he let her know and Lily kept saying that she believed it.
Thing is, she was still heartbroken. Y/n’s heart was broken. She was sure that Tom would never do something to hurt her on purpose, but the heart was never rational and when it got hurt it was difficult to make it trust again. So, yeah, Y/n had a dilemma between her hands. She needed a little time.
“What are you overthinking now?” a sleepy Lily entered the kitchen, where Y/n was making a cup of tea and scrolling through Instagram at the same thing.
“Good afternoon to you too.” Y/n joked.
“Yeah, yeah.” Lily waved her hand around, trying to shut up her friend. “Whatcha doin’?”
“Nothing really, Instagram.” Y/n informed her, refreshing the page.
“What a boring day. I hate Sundays.” Lily stated, sitting at the kitchen table.
“Yeah.” Y/n said without really paying attention.
“Could you make me a cup too? Please.” Lily said in a sweet voice. Y/n looked at her, letting her phone fall on the table.
“Yeah, of course.”
Lily took Y/n’s phone and refreshed the page once more. How boring the internet became with the pandemic, ha? 
While Y/n finished pouring the drink, she heard Lily gasping a little too loud. Which startled Y/n.
“What?” she turned around.
“You don’t want to watch this.” Lily warned her.
“I do now.” Y/n tried to reach for her phone but Lily pushed it further away.
“Y/n! No.”
“Lilly-Rose!” Y/n said, giving her friend an angry look, warning her. “Give me my phone.”
“Fine but, for the record, I warned you.”
Y/n took the phone with her heart beating in her ears.  When the pictures reached her eyes, all the blood on her head fell towards her feet. She took a seat beside Lily.
Matty uploaded a picture of Nadia, with a subtle but loving caption. It was the first picture he posted of her ever. The likes were blowing as well as the comments. She kept scrolling and a picture of Matty in the same place appeared. Yeah, she followed Nadia on Instagram. Y/n left the phone on the table slowly. Then, she looked up at Lily, who had been staring at her waiting for a reaction.
“I- You- “
“No, I don’t care.” Y/n tried to state firmly but her voice broke a little at the end..
“Y/n.” her friend insisted.
“Lily, stop, I don’t care. He is my friend. He has a girlfriend, a so pretty one…fuck me!”
“You’re prettier.” Lily told her, which made Y/n laugh.
“Thanks for cheerleading me, L. I feel fifteen all over again.” she tried to joke.
“Y/n, I mean it.”
“Thanks, but- It doesn’t matter. He wants her, he is with her. And I don’t want him… like that any more.” she started passing around the kitchen.
Silence took a place between them. Y/n was deep in her inner battle, and Lily was pitying her a little. Y/n was more than her PA by now, she was her friend and Lily could tell Y/n was hurt. Yes, she was making such a good job coping with such difficult feelings but in the end, she was wounded.
“I don’t care.” Y/n stated out of the blue, more for herself than for anyone else.
“Keep repeating that… maybe next week you’ll convince your head.”
Y/n huffed. “That doesn’t help.”
“It doesn’t help that you avoid what you’re feeling, Y/n.”
“I’m no- “
“Don’t lie. Y/n, I fucking know it hurts to see them…”
Lily let her hand fall on Y/ns’s back, caressing her with affection. “Yes, it does. Fuck!”
“It’ll pass.”
“I’m trying so fucking hard, I’m exhausted.”
“Then stop trying.”
“What?!” Y/n looked at her dead in the eyes.
“I’m saying, stop trying. Maybe you’re trying too hard, maybe you have to let the universe decide.” Lily stopped, expecting a reaction getting nothing, so she continued. “What I’m trying to say is…don’t cover your feelings, you’re hurt right now, fine, well no, you get it. And then keep living your life, you have a lot of work to do- “
“Thanks for reminding me.” they chuckled.
“You have work and let me also remind you…you have a perfect boy waiting for the tiniest signal to let him know that you want to start something” Lily stated.
“I’m scared.” Y/n admitted.
“I know babe.” Lily’s face softened.
“I don’t want to waste Tom’s time”
“Shut up, he’s a grown-up. If he decides that he doesn’t want to build something with you, then he has the choice to leave. Same as you.”
“And that’s the scariest part.”
“Agh! I fucking know, okay? Just let yourself live a little. He is not going to hurt you like Matty, I’m 100% sure.”
“We don’t know that.” Y/n stared at her phone, replaying the pictures of Nadia and him. 
“We won’t know if you never try.”
“I don’t want to know if he is going to hurt me.”
“Y/n, could you stop worrying that much? You haven't had a single date. Oh god, you’re perfect for the industry…do you know?” Lily said.
“Shut up.”
“No, seriously. Give him the chance.”
“I- “
“Let me ask you a question, okay?”
“Forget about Matty and everything, just listen.” Lily told her, and Y/n obeyed. “Do you Y/n Y/L/N want to start something with Tom Blyth?” she asked. “No! No…don’t rush it!” Lily stopped Y/n when she saw her opening her mouth to speak. “Really think about it, and then give me the answer.”
Y/n took 2 minutes to do so. “This is stupid.” she shook her head.
“You’re stupid.” Lily teased her.
“Well, the answer?”
“You know the answer!”
“Do I?”
“Yes.” Y/n answer barely out loud.
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you.”
“Yes, what?” Lily grinded big.
“Yes, I want to go out with him.”
“Well, the question was to start a beautiful story of love and live forever happily, although… I think your answer is good.”
“You are an idiot.” Y/n laughed, moving closer to her friend, sharing a hug.
Y/n was a morning kind of person. She liked to wake up before everybody. The world is quiet when you wake up early. The world around you, your world. She loved the feeling.
Even though she hated Monday mornings. They were hectic and chaotic. More if you have to get ready quickly to leave for the set, for work. This particular morning was different.
Y/n was excited and nervous too. She was excited to see Tom, and nervous because she was going to ask him about the date. She didn’t let herself worry if he was going to say yes or no or whatever. Y/n had to try. She had to move forward in her life. She owned it to herself.
By midday, Y/n was getting angrier and less nervous or. It was like the universe tried to say: wait a little bit, it’s not the moment. She was frustrated.
Lily and Y/n arrived at the set pretty early, they followed the schedule as planned. The girls bump into Tom at the makeup trailer where she had a moment with him alone, but someone called him. Y/n politely smiled and said nothing. Then, she tried between some breaks, but the rest of the cast were around so popping the question was almost impossible. She wanted to ask him so badly by midday.
After lunch, Y/n had a moment in Lily’s trailer to do some work. She knew moving papers and huffing between every two seconds was a very childish manner but the girl was frustrated. Y/n stood up, leaving all the paperwork aside ready to leave the trailer when the door opened. A worried Tom came inside through the open door. Y/n stopped in her tracks.
“This is the only way we’re going to be able to talk? In Lily’s trailer?” Tom asked nicely, teasing her, showing Y/n a warm smile.
“I was going to search for you right now.”
“Oh.” Tom said. His smile disappeared from his face. “Something happened?” he asked politely.
“Yes- No- I mean…” Y/n started. Tom waited for her to continue. “I’m sorry, I was trying to talk to you for most of the day and…”
“And something keeps getting in the way.”
“Exactly, did you notice, ha?” Y/n inquired, looking at him. Fuck, he is so handsome.
“Yeah, I- I first thought that you were angry at me…”
“What? No, no…it’s- no-”
“I know.”
“Can we start again? As if we just see each other today?” Y/n said laughing.
“Seriously?” Y/n nodded. “Okay, just let me- “ Tom got off the trailer, and seconds after he came back. “Hi, Y/n, how are you?” the actor tried as hard as he could keeping his laugh under control.
“Hi, Tom!” Y/n replied smiling. “I’m good, you?”
“Yeah, good! Now that I’m talking to you.” he said, making Y/n blushed.
“Oh, sweet.” she didn’t know what else to say. She had to ask him. “Tom?”
“Do you want to go on a date with me?” she simply said, and getting off a weight from her shoulders. “I mean, you asked me weeks ago, but- If you don’t it’s okay…”
“Yes!” he interrupted her. “Do you want to go today? I think we’re going to end pretty early so…”
“Yeah, that would be great!”
“Amazing! That’s all you were going to tell me? You’re not angry right? Just checking.” Tom asked.
“Yes, that was all. I’m not- I wasn’t angry at you, I was frustrated that we couldn’t talk.”
“Mm okay, glad we did. See you after the last scene?”
“Are we heading right after? I wanted to change clothes. I’m looking like a mess…”
“You always look beautiful, Y/n.” Tom admitted.
“You’re too kind.” Y/n replied shyly.
“Not really.” they chuckled. “I mean it though.”
“Okay.” Y/n nodded, blushing.
“See you in a couple of hours.”
“See you.”
Tom left the trailer, leaving a very happy Y/n. A very content with herself Y/n. This was one more step in the right direction. She was excited.
Lily was waiting for Y/n’s return from the date. They left at 5 pm and until that moment Y/n had been gone for 5, almost 6 hours. Which indicated the date was going perfectly? Yeah, she was sure of that. Y/n and Tom were meant to be, they would make a cute couple.
Lily almost jumped from the couch when she heard the front door unlocked. A delighted Y/n came into the living room.
“Hi.” Y/n said, breathlessly.
“Spill the tea, queen!”
“What are you doing awake? Don’t you have lines to memorise?”
“I already did. Now talk.” Lily bounced on her seat.
“What?” Y/n sat beside her friend.
“Y/n, drop it!” Lily warned her.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” Y/n apologised. “What do you want to know?”
“Mm everything?!” Lily exclaimed. She laughed about Lily’s reaction.
“We went to a beautiful café downtown. We talked about everything and nothing, we thought that the place was amazing…I mean, they had books everywhere- “
“Please, don’t tell me you only read.” Lily pledged.
“Course not! As I was saying the place was amazing- “
“Yeah, yeah, don’t care about that. Did you kiss?” Lily inquired, Y/n blushed.
“We talked a lot, you know him. He’s so sweet and caring. We chat about everything you could think about…”
“Amazing, I’m so happy. Did you kiss?”
“Omg, Lily, didn’t you want to know about everything?”
“Yes, everything means…did you kiss?”
“We ended up leaving the café because Tom told me about this park really close by, and we went there. The talk continued forever while we stroll by- “ Y/n ignored Lily’s ask once more.
“You’re totally doing this on purpose.” Y/n’s friend folded her arms together in annoyance.
“We strolled by the park and when we realised the hour, Tom offered to walk me here. So, we did.” she made a little pause. “He left after we kissed.” Y/n smiled wide with the last part.
“What?!” Lily screamed, looking astonished at Y/n.
“Didn’t you want to know that?”
“Omg, is he a good kisser? How do you feel? THIS IS AMAZING!” Lily continued, excited, making Y/n smile even more.
“He is. I’m feeling on cloud nine” Y/n admitted. “I don’t remember when was the last time I felt like this.”
“This is so cute. See? I told you!”
“Shut up.”
“No, seriously. I want to be your maid of honour, okay?”
“And I’m the one that exaggerates?” Y/n teased her.
“I’m so happy for you, babe! You deserve someone like Tom.”
“I’m so happy too!”
“So, are you going to see him again?”
“He did ask me on another date, we planned to have a picnic at the park we went today…he said that it’s prettier with daylight.”
“Aww, cute. I love the idea.”
“Me too, I…I can’t believe this.” Y/n pushed herself back on the couch, hiding her face behind her hands.
“Believe it my friend! YOU DESERVE IT Y/N Y/L/N!!” Lily accentuated every word.
“I know.” y/n agreed. Finally feeling happy. .
A month later…
After a couple of days, weeks really, with his friend, Adam could easily tell that Matty was stressed about something. The guitarist attached it to the mental requirement Matty was under with the album.
Adam reached a point where he subtly tried to convince Matty to rest so many times but the frontman was beating himself up working out almost constantly as long as working. When he wasn’t at the studio, he was at the gym the Airbnb had and when he wasn’t there he was writing new songs. 
A bunch of nights, Adam found Matty at the kitchen table balancing his attention between his guitar, a very worn out notebook and a cup of wine or whiskey.
Adam wasn’t stupid, he could figure something was happening really. For the longest he attached it to the long months in lockdown, some kind of post trauma symptom. That hypothesis left his mind after only one week of keeping his attention closer to his friend. 
They fought a bunch of times. George and Ross tried to interfere, but the boys explained that it was something between them, and only them. Adam started to think that maybe it was more about Tom vs Tom himself. Again, he was worried.
Weeks kept passing by and Adam got nothing out of Matty, which got him fed up with the situation. He didn’t want to push the singer too much, but Matty had to stop that behaviour. It wasn’t healthy.
“Fine, I’m going to work out for a little.” Matty said, seconds after they entered the rented house after a very long day at the studio. They were left alone when the guys decided to stay behind for a few more hours working on other projects. 
“Matty.” Adam said in a warning tone.
“Do you have a problem with that?” Matty spat at him.
“Actually, yes, I have.” Adam stared at him with bored eyes.
“Oh, really?” Matty opened his posture, coming closer to where his friend stood closer to the front door. 
“You know what I think. I know- “ Adam tried to maintain the calm, something difficult after weeks of the same shit.
“You know nothing.” Matty Interrupted his bandmate, in a bitter tone.
“Then, explain it to me, talk to me. Fuckin’ tell me what keeps you like this, mate!” Adam shouted, losing his cool a little.
Matty studied his red face after saying, “Fuck off, Adam.”
The singer turned around, heading to the gym. Adam followed him. “No, thank you. Matty- “
“Which part of fuck off, leave me alone… you don’t understand dickhead?”
“Matty, I don’t give a fuck about your swearing. I’m done with this childish behaviour. You can’t beat yourself just for work.” Adam tried to reason with his best friend, who scoffed at the comments. Matty started working out, hoping that Adam leaves him with his thoughts.
“You know nothing- “
“Give me one reason to let you continue with this-” Adam moved his hands in the air, trying to find a word to Matty’s behaviour. He couldn’t. “Well, whatever you’re dealing with.” he ended up placing his hands on both sides of his hips, which reminded him when their mothers scolded them.
“I- I’m- No, there’s nothing. Adam, please.” Matty tried to persuade him.
“Agh!” Adam  covered his face in annoyance. “I know that working after a lot of time off triggers you, more so now with the pandemic which made our routine all different. Still, you can’t continue like this. I’ve been here for two or three weeks and it’s insane, you’re stressing yourself beyond any human toleration.” Adam passed around the gym, meanwhile Matty sat on the floor, watching him rant. “This is insane.”
“Have you finished?” Matty asked cockily.
“Yes, I think- Yeah.” Adam answered, gazing down at Matty.
“Thanks. Now you can leave.” 
“What? Are you serious?” Adam almost screamed.
“You’re a fucking child sometimes. Do I have to call Denise?”
“What? No, why?” Matty avoided his stunned gaze.
“You- Ah- I- Didn’t you listen to me?” Adam asked, almost speechless.
“I thank you. I don’t want to fight any more. Please, please, leave me the fuck alone.”
“Fine! You don’t leave me another option.” Adam turned around, going through the door. A little idea crept into his mind. “I’ll call Y/n- “
“No!” Matty ran quicker than ever before in his short life after his friend. “No, no!” he started to repeat, but Adam was gone. 
Matty reached the living room just seconds after Adam took the phone out from his pocket.
“Oh, yes.” Adam said, unlocking it.
“Hann, no- stop…STOP!” Matty whined. The tone of his voice made the guitarist stop.
“What?” he asked, intrigued now.
“Don’t call Y/n. I- I’ll- “ Adam was surprised to watch Matty so desperately, trying to speak clearly, failing miserably.
“You will…?”
“No, fuck.”
“Fine, I’m calling her.” Adam continued, searching for Y/n’s contact.
“NO! Hann!” Matty started to scream “I’ll talk with you! Okay?! I promise!”
“Really? That's all I had to do? Threaten you to call Y/n?” Adam inquired. 
“Yes- I mean, no- Could you put your phone aside?” the singer asked nicely, a request that Hann obeyed. “Fine, sit.” he obeyed again. “I’m dealing with something, well, not something. I don’t even know how to name it…” Matty started to walk around the couch in circles.
“Then what?” Adam shyly asked. He didn’t want to interrupt too much, in fear of Matty’s reaction.
“It’s not about work.”
“Then what?” 
“Are you going to repeat that over and over again?”
“Well, no, if you say something that makes sense.”
“Fine. Where to start?” Matty set his sight far from Adam, thinking. “Do you know that Y/n was angry with me the last time I went home?”
“Mm no. She seemed pretty happy when I saw her.” Hann admitted.
“Well, she got angry. She didn’t really tell me why, I got angry at her because she started to ignore me. The next day we talk, but we don’t actually talk- “
Adam pushed forward, waiting for the worst scenario. “Wait, you don’t talk? Then what did you do?” 
“No, not that! For God’s sake, mate!” Matty pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to gather his thoughts. 
“Okay, go on.”
“Well, we talked and everything is fine…and not at the same time.” Matty ran his hands through his hair, anxiously.
“What do you mean?” Adam felt very lost.
“That’s what I don’t know…I said a bunch of stupid things, that I still believe and made me feel some- something…” 
“What thing?”
“Feelings I thought were gone.”
“Like which ones?”
“You know which- “
“No, I don’t.”
“I had a crush on Y/n when we met her.”
“Only that night?” Hann’s voice was full of sarcasm.
“That’s it.” Matty exclaimed, turning around ready to leave.
Adam stood in the middle of Matty’s way. “No, no.” Adam tried to stop him. “I’m not, I just- Please, keep going, mate.”
Matty took a step back, “Okay, yes, I had a crush on her that night and after that…for a while. But- “
Adam waited patiently.
“But she is my best friend”
“She is amazing”
“She is. And?”
“And what is the problem with that?”
“She’s not the problem. She never was. I’m the problem. Fuck.” Matty expressed passing again. “The thing is- I have- I had those feelings, which I got over them. Although, now after that talk- “
“What did you say that night?”
“I told her I think that if something happened between us it would be…I think that it would be amazing.” Matty watched as Hann's face changed completely.. 
“Wait a minute, you said what? You have a girlfriend!”
“Do you think I forgot? Fuck this a mess, or am I overreacting?” 
“This is a mess. Let me get this straight. You had feelings for her.” Adam waited for Matty’s nod to continue. “You got over those, or you thought that- “
“I got over those.”
“Aha…” Hann was suspicious that it was true. 
Matty noticed the doubt in his friend’s voice. “Not helping!” he warned him.
“Fine. You got over those. You hooked up with every woman possible…” the guitarist remembered, making Matty scoff. “I’m not judging you, I’m just saying.” They laughed. “After that, you started something with Nadia. Everything seems fine till Y/n gets angry?”
“This sounds so stupid. Did I mature?” 
“I mean…” Adam teased him.
“Okay, but no- Y/n’s my best friend. This is stupid, I’m stressed…”
“Mate, you are in love with Y/n since the first moment you watched her at the pub” Adam didn’t hesitate to say.
“What? No, I was- “
“You- “
“No, see? That’s why I didn’t want to talk to anyone. You don’t understand- “
“Do you understand what’s happening?” Hann crooked an eyebrow.
“Yes- No- But, I’m not.”
“You have to face it.”
“Fuck you, mate. I’m with Nadia.”
“That’s what made it a little more difficult.” 
“You’re such a great advisor…” It was Matty’s time to be sarcastic. He knew it was wrong, he was taking his anger with Adam. He knew he had to talk and let the truth out, but it also meant risking his relationship with Y/n and Nadia as well. The solo thought made him feel sick.
“I am.”
“You’re not.”
“I get why you’re so troubled…you have to- “
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do!” Matty got defensive again.
“You can shout and swear all you want, but…the reality is one. Your feelings are for one only.”
“I don’t have feelings for Y/n, she is my best friend. I’m- I’m only scared that our relationship breaks or something, she sometimes distanced from me and I don’t want to lose what we have. And I neither want to lose Nadia, I love her- “
“Not in the way you love Y/n.” Adam remarked. 
“No, she’s my girlfriend.”
“Your heart is elsewhere.”
“Why do you think you are right? You’re not by the way.” Matty started to walk away.
“Because I know I am…you just-“
“I know what I’m feeling!” he shouted without looking back.
“You said you don’t!”
“Well, I do now. Thank you, are you happy?” Matty dryly said.
“Not entirely, just a little.”
“I’m going to work out…as I wanted to do so.” 
“Yes, go in peace, mate!” Adam chuckled, watching his friend behave worse than his own child. The frontman left without saying anything more. 
Taglist: @hollybrislen @sinarainbows @eaglestar31 @sugarkane1001 @brittluvs1975
Chapter 5 >
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maximotts · 1 year
𝙻𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎: 𝙾𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 & 𝙵𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑
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a/n: yes this is a day late, I've had a week from hell and I'm not having a holly jolly holiday season. Hopefully this really long chapter makes up for it! Reminder that we've got a scheduled break for this series for two weeks ask I do holiday things (derogatory) and finish up my Christmas fic
✎— priest’s daughter!Wanda x college student!reader ✎— confessions AU; after Wanda gets some much needed help from a few friends, she prepares for her first date.. at Carol's house party. Ups and downs ensue, but you try your best not to ruin the rare night out ✎— warnings: this is an 18+ series, minors DNI; light sexual content with some?? angsty scenarios? more like tense situations; drinking; talks of sex toys; intimidation, but R comes to the rescue; more shameless groping; first kisses; brief make outs; hard conversations and Soft Tummy Wanda Time
✎— words: 7.5k
series masterlist. || main masterlist.
“I can’t embarrass her, I don’t know what I was thinking… see you Saturday! What an idiot!” Wanda had been laid out on Natasha and Agatha’s couch between the two women for the past half hour, angsting over the earlier exchange through tears she thought she’d finished shedding back in high school. “I’ll stay home, there’s no way I should go.”
Natasha spoke up first, having been the one to open the door to find her best friend’s twin sister fidgeting in the hallway. As soon as Nat opened her mouth, Wanda was crying, falling into the slightly shorter woman with all her weight. She brought her inside quickly, hauled her to the couch while Agatha made her tea; she hadn’t seen Wanda this distraught in years so whatever happened, Nat knew it had to have been bad. 
Her first instinct was to ask who did what and give them a piece of her mind, but Wanda never let her, always insisting that reactions just made everything worse. “There’s no way you aren’t going. You have to after all of that, or you’ll look cowardly.” 
“But Tasha!” Wanda shot up to her knees, all watery eyes and red-tipped nose, nearly hitting the redhead in the face, “No one wants me there! And Carol was right.. I can’t dress like this.”
She’d never given much thought to what she wore; her dad didn’t let her wear anything too revealing growing up and when none of her mall trips were with friends instead of him, Wanda’s closet wasn’t exactly filled with each year’s trendy clothes. In college, she stayed with the familiar and dressed comfortably— now she feared you’d just been polite every time you paid her a compliment. 
“There’s one person that wants you there!” Agatha chimed in, righting Wanda’s skirt where it’d twisted around in her distress. She’d been assigned Natasha’s roommate in their first year of college; in their second, they’d moved into an apartment together off campus and when Wanda took up residence down the hall for their third, Natasha warned her that Wanda had been heavily sheltered and sometimes needed that extra bit of attention and care. 
Honestly, Agatha thought her friend was exaggerating, having met Pietro once or twice and not sensing anything off, but Wanda was a special case. Still, the younger girl was one of the kindest people she’d ever met and she enjoyed whenever she popped over for a chat. “And anyways, I think you look adorable.”
She was trying to help, but instead she only proved Carol’s point. Wanda groaned and fell back once more, head buried in the cushions, “I’m twenty years old, adorable isn’t going to cut it.”
The two older girls shared a look, Natasha’s worried while Agatha’s turned mischievous. Nat knew that look from the beginning of Agatha’s schemes and protectiveness kicked in anew. “Agatha.. I don’t think I like that look.” 
She brushed her friend off with a scoff, prodding at Wanda’s ragdoll state until she could wrench her upright once more. Unlike Natasha, she hadn’t grown up with them all, but from the day she met Wanda, Agatha saw a project. Now that she finally had an in, she wouldn’t pass it up. Especially not when it was for a good cause, “You wanna be hot, is that it? You want your new crush to see you and not be able to keep her hands off you?”
That shook Wanda to attention, cheeks beet red. Sure she didn’t want to be mocked or subject you to any torment just being seen with her, but she couldn’t imagine you wanting all of.. that from her of all people. She’d be lying if she said she hadn’t thought of it, but whenever she did, she tried her hardest to shake that seemingly impossible reality away, “No, I-”
“So when you show up to that party dressed like you belong there, it’s because you want to hold her hand?” Natasha laughed, pinching Wanda on the cheek because she knew how much she hated it. Maybe Agatha was right; a little push might be good for Wanda, at least to give her a chance to try. “Have her push you on the swings?”
This was not the conversation Wanda wanted to have today, not when she couldn’t even take the first step to kiss you. Needing to keep her mind from that spiraling train of thought, she spun around to face Natasha now, pouting hard, “I’m not a baby, be real!” 
Agatha tugged at Wanda’s dress gently, pulling at the material and letting the skirt fall back to her thighs. “Admit you want to stop looking like the poster child for an abstinence pamphlet and start dressing for a strip club and we’ll help you.”
“That is not what I want.” Reminders of some of the outfits she’d seen her peers wear flashed in her head with red alarm sirens; they’d be sure to catch your eye, seen you on Instagram with similar girls dancing and laughing without a care in the world. Beautiful as they were, that just wasn’t her. Wanda couldn’t turn into a new person overnight, nor did she want to. If she got new clothes, they had to be things she actually wanted to wear. Things you’d like on her. “I want her not to be embarrassed to be seen with me. I want her to kiss me, to flirt with me even though I wouldn’t have the faintest idea what I’m doing! I want her to like me.”
Agatha backed off, sighing and taking one of Wanda’s shaking hands in her own. “I’d bet money she already likes you; you’re lovely and it sounds like you two already spend so much time together.” Neither her nor Natasha wanted Wanda to be so down on herself; there was no need to be, considering how, from the picture Wanda painted, you were plenty into her. Telling her outright might scare her though; it was always baby steps with the poor dear. “All you need to do is show her you’re interested and a little wardrobe change never hurt anyone. If you hate it, you still have your old clothes, no harm done.”
Wanda nodded, staring down at her lap until Natasha grabbed her chin and forced her to look up. “Come on, cheer up, you won’t have that much work to do. You’re beautiful already,” Nat cupped Wanda’s cheek, booped her nose before pushing her dress down to reveal bare shoulders. “And I’ve seen you in a bathing suit, you’ve got legs for days and gorgeous tits-”
“Hey!” Wanda jumped as Natasha gave them a squeeze, instantly self-conscious. There was a night a few days ago, one of your lazy nights when you laid your head in her lap while she read an article off her tablet for extra credit, where you did the same thing. Softer than her friend just now, a singular slow touch. 
She looked down, naively thinking a stray hair on her shirt was the cause, but when she asked you only grinned and reasoned they looked too soft not to touch and went back to watching your show. Wanda decided to keep how tingly the action made her feel away from her two friends for now; they’d never let her live it down. “Just help me pick what to wear on Saturday.”  
As soon as Wanda conceded, Agatha was up and searching for her laptop, “Oh, we can do so much more than one night’s something!”
♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡
The days leading up to the party were filled with Wanda reassuring not only herself, but also you that she was perfectly fine to go. It was sweet how you worried about her, checking in at least once a day to make sure she knew there was no obligation to show up or prove anything to anyone. 
Wanda appreciated the sentiment, but she wanted to like parties, to go and have fun with you somewhere other than your living rooms for once. Only on Friday, opening the package of clothes she’d bought under Nat and Agatha’s guidance, that she nearly wavered, but when Maria Hill wandered up to where you were eating lunch and whispered something in your ear scandalous enough to make you blush, Wanda’s jealousy wouldn’t let her back out. 
You didn’t mention that you’d caught her pouting, kept that tidbit to yourself for fun. Instead you smiled and flirted right back, ignoring Wanda’s clearly grumpy demeanor. It wasn’t nice, you shouldn’t have done it when the only girl you cared about was the one who’d made the lovely wrap you’d been eating before you got interrupted. 
Once she was gone, you tried smoothing it over with a hug and an apology, but Wanda was smart enough to see right through it, shoving you hard back into your chair and calling your behavior gross. She was still huffy when you left her that afternoon, half expecting her to call off your plans, but she only mumbled out a warning not to be late and shut the door in your face. You only parted for a short while, but in that time, Wanda had a lot to do; she’d been nervous enough without having seen Maria’s little display.
As she sat at her desk, willing a steady hand to apply the eyeliner she so rarely wore, her brain fell back on what it did best: overthink. Visions of the two of you arriving as a pair, just for you to leave her as soon as you found someone better to dance with or talk to, or worse, the whole party being a front for some long game joke, poked at her fragile determination. You’re being annoyingly irrational, she scolded herself, recalling instead the times you stood up for her or held her hand when you crossed the street. Sure, Wanda might have issues with the easy way you lead some of the girls in your classes on, but she refused to let her mind turn you into something you’d never hinted at being. 
The brunette checked the time on her phone before sliding her outfit over her head and as she popped her head and shoulders through the top, her eye caught the device screen light up on its own, a message from you appearing. Wanda read over your cutely apologetic words with a smile, laughing at the I’m sorry sticker attached and quickly typed a response promising forgiveness if you bought her coffee next week. To which you readily agreed and gave her one last minute reminder that you wouldn’t be mad if she decided in the past hour she wasn’t keen on seeing anyone she didn’t want to. No, you weren’t like Carol or Brock, nowhere close to Vision; Wanda didn’t think you could be if you tried.
You were right on time, wanting to tread lightly in case Wanda’s text was more her being polite than actually over your lunch shenanigans, knocking briskly even though you’d texted her you were coming as you locked your apartment door. You expected she’d maybe do her hair and makeup differently, something to fit the night; what you didn’t expect was a whole new Wanda opening the door. “Woah…”
The black dress hugged Wanda’s curves perfectly, accentuating places you’d only felt briefly before. She’d worn sleeveless dresses around you, but this strapless design wrapped around her arms paired with the long hair she’d tied back into a ponytail revealed her neck and shoulders completely… you realized you’d been staring too long when Wanda waved a shy hand in front of your stunned face. “Do I look okay? I think I have enough time to change-”
“Don’t you dare.” You tugged Wanda out the door before she could continue second guessing. And then, being the reassurance you didn’t know Wanda needed so terribly, you slung your arm around her, mostly in an excuse to touch newly exposed skin, speaking loud enough she was sure the whole floor could hear you, “You look hot and if anyone tells you different, they’re lying through their teeth.” 
Hearing that, Wanda already felt like she’d call tonight a win.
♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡
From the moment you stepped through the door, Wanda garnered attention. Not that everyone flew to her side immediately; most didn’t recognize her and if they did, they didn’t know where to even start talking. Most people she went to school with left her alone, a select few people having crafted and weaved stories about the brunette that meant everyone tended to keep their distance. Wanda didn’t mind, really she preferred it; amongst her peers she was completely out of her depths. Small high school gatherings were intimidating enough, and college only added more to the attendance list.
 If you minded her clinging to your side you didn’t say it, relaxed and talking to whoever you pleased all while checking in on Wanda every few minutes. To her credit, Wanda did engage in conversation occasionally, commenting or laughing when something was funny enough. Sitting down, Wanda thought she’d get more time to talk to you, not about anything specific but just to keep your attention. You weren’t brushing her off, no, you were actively listening, nodding your head, everything… but she wanted you sitting closer, asking her to dance, anything.
Wanda wondered if maybe she was going about it the wrong way, working up confidence to ask you herself when mid-sentence, Maria plopped herself down in your open lap and wrapped her arms around your neck. “Hey you…”
For the first time tonight, Wanda felt ignored, her presence non-existent to the grinning girl who so easily disrupted the conversation. You didn’t play into her like you did at lunch, having learned your lesson that an angry Wanda wasn’t a Wanda you wanted to focus your way, but you didn’t want to be rude or cause a scene so you let her stay put for now and hoped Wanda didn’t hold it against you later. “A few of us are gonna play a little game upstairs if you want to join in?”
Wanda watched your face light up, seemingly ignorant to how much the other girl already reeked of alcohol. You loved a good party game, nodding your agreement without a second thought. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, we’ll be right up.”
“Oh yeah...” Maria finally glanced over, a pitying pout on her lips that Wanda felt the strangely aggressive urge to slap off. “Wanda, have you played Never Have I Ever?” The answer was a big resounding no and all three of you were well aware, a game she’d seen countless times on television and never sat down to play. You followed Maria’s lead, sizing up Wanda, but out of compassion rather than anything else. 
In that split minute of silence, Wanda had two choices: be honest and back out or rely on her limited knowledge, go with you, and hope for the best. Maybe she’d have chosen the former if she could read your thoughts, know for sure you wouldn’t leave Wanda alone down here amidst strangers and wisps of smoke— but she didn’t.
“Of course I know how to play, don’t be silly!” The answer was enough for Maria who stood with a wobble and pulled your hand to follow, but your eyes stayed firmly stuck on Wanda. Her words might’ve been confident, but lacquer-polished fingers played with her new array of metal rings and you instantly knew she was lying. You wouldn’t call her bluff in the present company, but your furrowed brow gave away your worries. Wanda tried smoothing them away with a smile, polite as ever, beaming up at Maria who stood in front of you, annoyed that you hadn’t yet budged. “Like she said, we’ll be right up.” 
Maria shrugged, not caring enough to disinvite Wanda upstairs. If she wanted to make a fool of herself, she wouldn’t stop her. “Five minutes or we’re starting without you.” 
Left on your own for the time being, Wanda sprung to her feet  and fixed her dress, letting out a deep breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. It was your turn to take her hand, stopping her in case Wanda decided to sprint up the stairs without you. You did want to play with her, but not if she felt it was an obligation instead of a fun way to pass the time. “Do you really want to? I won’t be mad down here if that’s better.”
“It’s fine!” Heartwarming, really, and Wanda appreciated your sincerity, but you’d never see her as anything other than a friend to be babysat if she didn’t attempt to participate. At least, that’s what Agatha said. Besides, if it was anything like the movies, you could learn things about each other that Wanda was too shy to ask outright. “I want to play! It’ll be fun, please?”
“Wands…” You couldn’t say no to her, not when she looked so excited, swinging your arm back and forth in her hands and adding a pretty please to sway you further. There was a promise you made right then, silently to yourself, to be right next to her and not let things get too out of hand; it couldn’t be that bad under careful supervision.
Supervision you failed to remember would falter as soon as alcohol hit your system.
The game was enjoyable… until Wanda caught on to the point of the game, everyone taking shots and sharing scandalous stories while she was left with nearly all her fingers up. She’d taken exactly one finger down when Carol tried to put her on the spot with “never have I ever bought a vibrator offline” and she prayed the shot she was finally allowed to take dulled her embarrassment quickly. No luck.
“Can I see it some time?” Wanda nearly jumped to her feet when you leaned over, chin resting on her shoulder like you had so many times before. You’d had no problem with the game, only one finger left; a fact Wanda had to keep reminding you of after the double shots you’d taken. 
She pushed you off and you frowned, but let her have her space, your dejected expression nearly pitiful enough Wanda almost felt bad for doing so. Then she remembered the question lingering in the air, the small group going quiet and watching your exchange play out, and suddenly the gentle rejection didn’t feel like nearly enough admonishment. “Why would you want to?”
You shrugged lazily, straightening up as you realized you were the only two left in the game. It was rare you lasted this long, to your recollection at least; Wanda’s nine remaining fingers meant she was unbeatable though. Such an innocent thing… you wished she’d be your innocent thing. Alcohol loosened your tongue, spiraling thoughts of Wanda carefully unboxing the toy as she did with all of her packages bubbling to the surface, running it over in her hands with that adorable scrunched up face she made whenever she focused, experimenting with the various settings. “Just to see how you use it.” 
If you weren’t so inebriated maybe you’d have the presence of mind to keep your words a whisper, but if everyone’s laughs were anything to go by, the entire room heard. Wanda begged to blink and open them to exist anywhere but here, “You’re disgusting.” Basic flirting was hard enough; the last thing she wanted to do was have your first discussion about sex toys while there were people judging her every move.
“What’s the matter, Wanda? Bought it and couldn’t figure out how to use it?” Carol sneered, taking a swig of the vodka she’d brought up for the game straight from the bottle. Wanda wanted to fight her on it, but she couldn’t without exposing some of her most private times and well, they’re called private for a reason. 
The blonde turned to you then, “I thought you wanted to fuck her… shame she hasn’t let you yet.” Wanda whipped around, her worst fears threateningly close to being the truth, but you looked just as shocked.
Maria joined in before you could tell Carol to take it back, leaning across you to really make sure Wanda heard, “You know there’s tons of videos that’ll show you how. All that studying you do, wouldn’t kill you to research something sexy once for a change.” Sober enough to deem that over the line, you pushed Maria away before she could continue her taunts, but words weren’t so easily taken back. Wanda was already mortified beyond belief and you were ashamed it was mostly your fault. 
If clinging to you to hide the stinging tears budding at the corners of her eyes wouldn’t cause more attention, Wanda would’ve fallen into your shoulder in an instant. Not that she was particularly happy with you right now, but what other comfort did she have? Your expression screamed an apology Wanda wasn’t ready to immediately accept and she flicked your forehead in warning, “Don’t say a thing.”
You relented with a sigh, still disappointed with yourself, but resolving to do everything in your power to make up for it. But all Wanda wanted was this terrible game over with, anything to get her out of this cramped room full of people who regarded her like a party trick. Her one advantage was being the last to put a finger down, her turn to announce an action and choose one of the many things you’d done that she’d never gotten close to. Whatever she said would scream innocence, but at this point she couldn’t bring herself to care; Wanda needed you out so she could “win” and get far away from here. “Never have I ever kissed a girl.”
You weren’t fully drunk, buzzed enough to be careless, but not to ignore what everyone was saying. Stupidly, you’d taken Wanda’s earlier insistence to play as an excuse to do so just as hard, personal promise forgotten little by little with each shot you threw back, but one look at her clear distress was sobering. Wise decision making wasn’t your strong suit though, drunk or not. 
She wasn’t that far away, close enough to kiss— so you did, leaning forward until your hands rested on either side of her folded legs. The moment your lips met, the little audience went wild, but you kept it short, only wanting to help, not embarrass her. “Silly girl, you can’t pick something you’ve done. Still won though, not bad for your first time.” 
Wanda was stunned, frozen in place even as everyone broke their circle formation to clean up. Instincts screamed to pull you in for another one, but she knew she shouldn’t. You’d done it to make up for the earlier mess you’d started; you wanted to be nice, not spend your night sharing kisses she couldn’t reciprocate. It was only for the sake of everyone else, to temporarily shut them up… a first kiss to placate and entertain.
When you looked at her again, Wanda saw the beginnings of pity and she couldn’t stand it, not from you. Especially not after that. “I’m going to grab a soda, I’ll be downstairs.” 
“Did you want me to go with-” She was up and out before you could get a word in and you sighed, standing slowly to save your head some pain. “Great, see you down there…”
Going off by herself was near the very bottom of Wanda’s smart ideas, but she didn’t have it in her to explain, to pretend to be okay when she wanted to shake you and ask why’d you be so stupid at the worst possible time. 
♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡
Everything happened in a series of threes, good or bad; her father lived by that philosophy. The second Brock wandered into the otherwise empty kitchen, having been seeking her out, Wanda started believing him. First the never have I ever experience from hell, second, you playing said game, and now this way too drunk man stumbling closer; Wanda was more than ready for a good streak any time now.
“Wanda! There you are!” His words were slurred, strung together so messily Wanda wondered if he’d remember in the morning that he’d actually smiled at her. She tried to ignore him, looking at any variety of kitchen accessories she spotted around the room, but Brock was never one to be quiet when given space to speak. “Praying away your first kiss all alone in here?”
“You know that’s not how that works.” Wanda rolled her eyes, taking a step back only to meet the cold kitchen counter. And again, Brock came closer. 
In a perfect world he wouldn’t intimidate her, not even a foot away, his obnoxiously loud laughter pushing his alcohol soaked breath her way, but she couldn’t help it, instinct inching her farther even as his big steps closed the distance. “What I do know is how rude it is to leave someone in the dust right after they kiss you. You ran off so quickly!”
Wanda’s hands tightened around her soda can, denting the aluminum as she counted down however long she had left to endure this. “I didn’t kiss you, it’s none of your business.”
“I could have once, remember?” Unnerved as she was, Wanda still hit Brock’s hand away as quickly as his calloused fingertips grazed her cheek, a hard slap that faded his smug grin into a glower. “You’re just too good at running away.”
“Hands off, Rumlow.” Where you’d come from Wanda didn’t know, but she was never more relieved to see you. It took you longer than you wanted to admit navigating the house, asking first if anyone had seen your date and then, where the kitchen was. Finding her just in time is what mattered most, speeding across the kitchen to put space between Wanda and your classmate slowly, but surely crowding her in. 
You hadn’t heard their conversation, but it didn’t matter. There were exactly zero scenarios you could imagine Wanda willingly talking to Brock, much less with him as close as he was. Boorishly, he raised his hands in the air, backing away without nearly enough shame as he should’ve. “What, is she your girlfriend now? Like, for real?”
Wanda didn’t speak up to correct him, but neither did you, still unsure what you called someone you’d fantasized about more than acted on those with. This was Brock you were talking about though, and he out of anyone didn’t need to know another bit of information about Wanda than he already did.
Ignoring an answer, you held Wanda similarly to how you had a few days ago, arms about her waist, but this was more possessive, more urgent—  another spectacle Wanda longed to hate, but the security your embrace offered left her swooning. She would die happy if she could stay in your arms like this forever; just preferably not in Carol’s kitchen. “Why, jealous?” 
Your hand on her ass should’ve made her cringe; if it was anyone else, maybe she would, but this left her knees weak. To your shock, Wanda didn’t move and Brock’s hazy eyes bounced between the two of you, not willing to fight for someone he didn’t deem worth the effort. “Of your newfound celibacy? No thanks.”
“Well fuck off then, find someone else to piss off.” When you kissed her cheek, it was equal parts to drive him away as it was to calm Wanda’s nerves and by some miracle, it worked for both. Once he disappeared from view, you offered her another, two in succession when she didn’t twist away. “Sorry for taking forever, couldn’t find you… you’re really fast, you know.”
“The game was over so I left.” Wanda tossed her empty and squashed can into the pile atop the overfilled trash can nearby, needing her hands free to affectionately pat your arms. She expected you to let her go again, but you only held tighter. “What-”
Turning Wanda around, you leant against the counter, bringing her with you until she had no choice but to settle between your legs. “You have a cute ass,” Two hands cupped her backside now, squeezing covered flesh as if there weren't dozens of people that could walk in at a moment’s notice. “Why didn’t I know that?”
“Because you hardly look at me,” the brunette mumbled, willing herself to relax as you touched her. You only acknowledged her with a low hum, burying your nose in the crook of her neck, sighing as you caught the familiar light floral scent of her perfume. Curious fingers skirted over her hip, following the tight hem of Wanda’s dress along her upper thigh. She shuddered against you, fingers tugging at your shirt, grounding herself as she wiggled against your front. Wanda hadn’t expected to enjoy such shameless groping, but tonight was just full of surprises. 
You’d be more than happy to spend the rest of your time here, exploring her at your leisure, all else forgotten, but your dream was over way too soon. The tired girl wormed her way out of your grasp, instantly missing your warmth, but needing to stop before you were discovered. She wanted to be the type not to care who caught you, wanted to let you hold her tight and kiss her hard right here in the kitchen, but her nerves got the better of her. “You’re drunk, don’t do that here.”
You could insist you weren’t that drunk, completely sober enough to know exactly what you’re up to, but you’d already pushed your luck being so bold after embarrassing her earlier. “Here? Sooo.. you’d let me do it somewhere else?” 
Wanda ignored her hopes soaring at the prospect of you wanting to try again. Not for show or to shut anyone up, but because you wanted her. You saw it on her face, pupils blown wide and fidgeting hands; the girl wore her emotions on her sleeve, and damn if you didn’t want to convince her to let you drag her upstairs to some unoccupied room and have your way with her, but you tried to make peace with just knowing Wanda didn’t completely shut the idea down.
 “I don’t know! Maybe…” This wasn’t the place to discuss how much she craved your touch, much less her feelings on the matter; for Wanda, parties weren’t right for anything she needed right now. Suddenly Wanda felt overwhelmed all over again, brain scrambled and wanting too many unrelated things at once, and the loud bass and equally loud house was too much. 
She’d given it a real effort for you and it wasn’t all bad, but trying to fit in with a group of people who thrived on being high school mean girls even into adulthood? Wanda didn’t want to play that game and as much as she wanted to trust you, she couldn’t take anything you did around them seriously, uncertain if this was all just to show off or genuine interest. “I think I’m going to go…”
You couldn’t say it caught you off guard, not with how the night had gone. Hours ago when you’d first seen her, Wanda stood tall, happy and excited for her first real party; taking in her slumped shoulders and turned down gaze broke your heart. You hoped your disappointment didn’t show because none was for her, all towards you instead, feeling like you’d failed at every turn to keep her safe and relaxed. “There’s no way I’m letting you walk across campus alone in the middle of the night.”
“Well I can’t be here anymore, I’m done.” Staying in this house a minute longer made Wanda want to throw up; she wanted the cozy familiarity of her apartment and her bed, to sleep until tonight was a far off memory. She hadn’t come with much thankfully, only her keys you’d kept tucked safe in your jacket, but you tucked the pocket behind you as she went to reach for it.
“I never said you couldn’t leave,” Stepping forward, you took Wanda by the hand, but didn’t tug her closer, trying to let her have her space even when you wanted to give her the hug she looked like she so badly needed. If Wanda was leaving then you would too, having lost your interest in the party as soon as you saw hers vanish upstairs. “I’m walking you home.”
Guilt crept in quickly and Wanda instantly tried reassuring you, but you wouldn’t hear it, determined not to let her walk off this time. She was upset, you’d seen it on her before, a dark cloud dampening her naturally cheery demeanor; you wouldn’t leave her like that again. “You’re the hottest girl here, I’d rather spend time with you anyways.”
“Alright, but I’m going to bed.” Wanda hit your shoulder, turning her back to you before her smile gave her away. ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡
It was cold outside with autumn rolling in, but Wanda was grateful for the quiet. The walk back to your building was short in theory, but grew longer with the brunette doing most of the navigation. You were just a bit too distracted to focus on where you were going, but you’d always remember to follow Wanda anywhere. While dragging along behind her, your eyes remained firmly stuck on her bare shoulders, illuminated whenever you passed under a streetlight, and when you caught her shivering, you were quick to rush in. 
“Are you cold?” She wasn’t for long between your engulfing hug and the heat bursting through her body as your lips kissed along the expanse of exposed skin. It was impossible to walk like this, your hands splayed over her stomach as you clung to her from behind, preoccupied with the new opportunity to touch her rather than getting inside. 
Wanda tried anyways, steps heavy on the sidewalk as she took your weight with her. “I won’t be cold if you let us go home.” She was right of course, often was, but it didn’t stop you from staying attached to her the rest of the way. 
You’d run to the bathroom as soon as she unlocked the door and Wanda made a beeline for her bedroom— where she’d forgotten all about the short white nightgown she’d laid out right before she left. An outfit change planned for the version of her that returned from the party confident, a lot more drunk, and ready to fall in bed with you for a whole different reason than she was now. 
Frazzled, Wanda grabbed the satin garment and shoved it to the back of her closet until it was hidden from view. Her typical safe pajama set was the new choice, shedding her party dress to pull loose shorts over her hips, buttoning the last button on her top just as you emerged from the bathroom. 
Letting you do whatever you needed to do to be ready for bed, Wanda went to the kitchen, pouring glasses of water and picking up her bottle of ibuprofen she knew you’d need in the morning. When she returned, you were already under the covers, head against the headboard and absentmindedly scrolling your phone. “Glad to see you made yourself comfortable.”
You expected her to say more, either talking about the night or give you some random fact as she sometimes did, but after Wanda was firmly in bed, lights off, not even the television on, the typically comfortable silence between you two felt suffocating. “You’re being quiet.” 
“I’m quiet a lot.” She said it plainly, not even a hint of emotion behind her words and when that was all, you had to do something about it. Sitting up once more, you scooted over until you were sat in front of her, sizing up the worry rolling off of Wanda in waves. 
That nightgown was a painful reminder of how badly she felt she’d failed this whole party thing; there was no lingering high from buzzing events, no giggles or wandering hands like Natasha hinted might happen if she’d done any number of certain things. No, Wanda had run from you, pushed those wandering hands away, played off shoulder kisses as nothing short of an annoyance and now… now you weren’t touching her at all. If you went back to your place, she wouldn’t be surprised, but she dreaded being alone right now, left not only to wallow in self-pity, but properly unkissed. It was all too miserable to say aloud. 
You waited until she conquered her visible hesitation, but when Wanda sighed, more interested in fidgeting with her blankets than speaking up, you decided it was time to step in with reassurance. “You did really well tonight. I hope you know you really didn’t have to come with me, but I’m happy you did and you looked beautiful.”
Wanda gave a bitter chuckle, shaking her head in disbelief, “You’re not upset you had to watch me all night and make sure I wasn’t completely falling apart?”
“What? No! I had a good time!” A different time than what you were used to, but not bad. Really you didn’t mind looking out for her, felt honored she even trusted you to do so. You’d gone home with the best person in that place; you’d love to be doing something different with her right about now to round out your night as usual, especially when you could easily remember how soft and warm Wanda felt against you, but you didn’t want to push her. Except… “Hey Wanda?”
She picked at the stray lint she could barely make out amongst her sheets, trying not to dread whatever else came out of your mouth next, “Yeah?”
“I liked kissing you earlier.” It was the truth, simply put between your exhaustion and intoxication, but honest nonetheless. “Was that really your first time?”
“Well…” She thought about it, wondering long and hard if she could count the years old close call that stuck in her head in her worst thoughts. No, Wanda wouldn’t pay that any mind. “Yes, it was.”
“Oh..” Before you could second guess anymore, you inched closer, leaning in until your faces were inches apart. Wanda was tired, that much was clear, but her eyes still stayed wide, gaze locked on your lips as she licked her own. If the desperation was mutual, one of you might as well do something about it. “Would you like a second?”
Wanda paused, not because she didn’t want it, she did so terribly badly, but it scared her. All of this, you, scared her. What if you changed your mind? If you only kissed her before to be nice, what did this count as? Back there, you’d been so quick about it, a peck to end the game in your own mischievous way; this time you were free to carry on and she had no idea how to handle that. Were you about to find out she’s a terrible kisser? 
While her thoughts raced, you sat back, giving her space to decide properly. You wanted to kiss her, sure, and with any other girl maybe you would’ve just taken it, but with the careless way you’d taken her first, you couldn’t let Wanda’s second be something she woke up regretting. “You can say no, I won’t be mad-”
In a split second, your world went black, Wanda crashing into you with a strength you didn’t know she had. Her lips were clumsy against yours until you took over, shock dissipating as everything that was Wanda clouded your senses. She’d had enough pushing you away for one night. Here in the privacy of her bedroom, if you really wanted to kiss her, she’d freely admit she needed you to do so. 
Wanda’s arms wound loosely around your neck, acclimating herself to the feel of your kiss. You were slow and inviting, skirting the tip of your tongue along her bottom lip so gently Wanda didn’t say a thing about your hands drawing up her bare legs. Eventually, you eased her back until she laid reclined, deft fingers undoing the bottom few delicate buttons of her pajama set. 
“It’s not fair how sweet your lips are…” You chased her as she broke for air, shifting your weight to kneel between her legs; Wanda was about to ask you what you meant when you slipped. Still lacking all of your coordination, you leaned too close to the edge of the mattress, falling to the floor with a loud thud. When you regained your senses, Wanda’s laughter hit you before anything, loud and uninhibited, and as much as your head ached, you found yourself laughing right along with her.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry but…!” Wanda could barely breathe she was laughing so hard, your dramatic pout way too exaggerated to be real. You looked so pitiful curled up on the floor, rubbing the side of your head; she wanted to kiss you all better. “Come on, come up here. You need to go to sleep.”
You might’ve protested harder if the brunette wasn’t holding out her arms, covers pulled back to let you climb right in. It was an uncoordinated scramble from the carpet into her bed, but Wanda pressed a little kiss into your hair, smoothing it over before guiding you down. “At least I don’t have to sleep down there…”
Head laid heavy on her midsection, snuggled into what felt like the warmest blankets of your life in your drunken state, exhaustion hit you like a freight train. At some point Wanda’s hand snuck into your hair, brushing strays away from your face, nails lightly scratching at your scalp until your eyes fluttered closed. “You’re good at this for someone who’s never gone on nights out.”
“Pietro’s to thank for that,” Wanda laughed again and you heard it against your ear, the smooth, happy rumbling you’d missed all night. “Someone had to pull him back together before morning and it certainly wasn’t going to be dad. He always likes to remind me I’m twelve minutes younger, but I feel years older most of the time.”
She was a natural caretaker, always had been, especially after her mother died, but besides her family she’d never heard that type of compliment from anyone and it helped her relax in this otherwise unfamiliar territory. If nothing else, Wanda knew she could show her affection through some tried and true TLC, but looking after her loud and drunk brother was miles different from the clingy drunken behavior of the crush she’d just been making out with. If you weren’t so cute when you got sleepy, Wanda might’ve exiled you to the couch. 
After a while of nothing, Wanda unintentionally lulling you to sleep with the gentle stroke of her fingers on your head, her thoughts drifted again. “Was Carol right?”
“Hm?” It was too late to have any discussion past something silly, but from Wanda’s tone, you knew it was anything but and you prayed you could keep it together long enough not to look like a complete asshole.
“Did you only ask to hang out to see if you could have sex with me?” Wanda nearly bit her lip to bleeding in the long silence that followed, wavering between thinking you’d finally fallen asleep and convincing herself you were pretending just to avoid giving an answer. She thought about waiting but if that stupid game taught her one thing it was the way alcohol stripped you of all filters; she needed to know for sure, but she couldn’t look you in the eye to ask. Her dark bedroom was the perfect cover for questions she’d never be able to ask after tonight.
“No, of course not.” Truthfully, you hadn’t drunk enough to be anything past buzzed; you’d been stupid earlier for sure, but nothing extreme. If you wanted to lie, you could easily, but you’d never think of it. Not when you’d already let her down repeatedly. “You’re hot though, I would if you wanted me to.” 
“Oh… thank you?” Wanda stiffened and mentally you were kicking yourself, hoping she didn’t kick you out of her bed when you were so warm and cozy right where you were— but then you felt her thighs squirming against your midsection. You wanted to test your hunch so badly, but you knew better. Soon maybe, but not when you were both so painfully tired. Instead you hunkered down, pushed against her until she let you roll onto your stomach between her legs. 
Wanda’s sleep shirt made the perfect cover for her soft tummy, a pillow you were scared you’d miss next time you fell asleep on your own. You dotted it with kisses, mostly the area under the buttons you’d undone, a gentle show of gratitude  before laying your head back. “Mostly I wanted to see if you’re as cute up close. You are: mission accomplished.”
She wanted to shake you for calling her cute again, but it was too late to revert the conversation and she couldn’t exactly jump for her phone and text Natasha without looking obvious. Wanda sighed and settled for running her hands over your shoulders, hoping desperately her breathing stayed even enough to hide her personal panic. Soft snores finally made their way to her ears and her head fell back against actual pillows, waiting for anything to tell her how to make some kind of move. Talking wasn’t it, parties certainly weren’t it… Agatha’s advice was next up. Plan C, she’d called it— Wanda feared Plan C.
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
I’m not sure if this is still open and obviously completely ignore this if it isn’t or use it as an example to let people know it’s closed BUT If there’s a slight chance it is could I request kissing prompt 70??? Again no pressure though! Anyways hope your day is going or will be great!!
PROMPT: 70. an accidental kiss that confuses you both, but only a moment pass before you crash your lips back against each other's
i hope you enjoy, nonny. had fun writing this one but it’s not the best, apologies x
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NYE, 2022. You'd be very glad to kiss the year goodbye even if you'd committed to the ridiculous 2022 gold glittery glasses Javy had perched on your nose when you wandered into his house party around 11pm.
“Here she is, in her own time, ladies and gentlemen,” Javy hollered to get everyone's attention as friends and colleagues cheered, jeered and welcomed you as you followed him into the noisy living room.
“It’s not New Year, I made it in plenty of time,” you protested.
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Using your callsign, Jake asked, “Does that watch on your wrist work?”
“Only when I'm on the clock, Bagman. You miss me?” you asked as Bob handed you a glass of champagne and you patted his soft cheek in greeting, a gentle blush creeping to his fair features.
“Party doesn't start 'til you get here, hellcat,” he taunted as you laughed, and took Rooster's extended hand without a thought to sit yourself in between him and Phoenix.
“All good?” he asked as you shuffled in. You rubbed away some lipstick on his cheek and ask you looked to Natasha and Callie, to match Natasha's shade to Rooster's cheek and grinned. He thanked you.
“All the better for seeing you, Rooster. How's your night been?”
“I see these dorks day in and day out,” he reminded you biting back a gentle smirk as Phoenix punched his shoulder. “Hey,” he tutted her. “Don’t make my point so easily,” he muttered as you laughed. He frowned at you, squaring you up as you grew a little self-conscious under his gaze.��“You have a little glitter,” he said softly, pressing his index finger into your cheek but it wouldn’t budge.
Relieved, you told him, “I’ll have a little glitter everywhere for the next month,” you grinned.
“Those glasses are ridiculous.”
“They are,” you wholeheartedly agreed. 
He chuckled quietly. “What kept you tonight?”
“She had a date,” Natasha supplied. Rooster raised an eyebrow.
“On New Year's. That seems pretty serious,” Rooster joked, his knee nudging yours.
You motioned him closer, cupping his ear and whispered, “How well do you think it went if I'm here with you guys now?”
He pointed at you and nodded. “Gotcha. Well, I'm glad - we're glad you're here.”
You grinned and pet his cheek, this sweet manchild. You put the celebratory glasses over his eyes to share the magic of never-ending glitter as well. 
“Gee thanks,” he sighed, already seeing speckles in his eye line.
“You’re welcome,” you grinned. “They look better on you but they’re no Caravans.” 
The usual suspects were there, Dagger Squad members who'd chosen to stay in town for the holidays. A while later were gossiping unabashed with Natasha and Callie on the couch, happily crammed up against Rooster to chat with the ladies, making wild accusations about Christmas Eve shenanigans at Penny's, and Callie getting a bit of action with a visiting Lieutenant. You had seen her flirting with them and gave a congratulatory high-five. The babe was hot.
“We had a few drinks and one thing led to another. It was just a kiss in the spirit of the season,” she tried to explain herself.
“'In the spirit of the season',” you said in unison with Natasha and it only made you cackle further, collapsing back against Rooster, who adjusted his posture to let you have more space.
“The professional levels have been crossed,” you giggled raucously. 
“Was just a bit of fun,” Callie shrugged, blushing.
“What about your date tonight?” Natasha turned her attention to you. “You didn’t seem keen on the guy. Surprised you didn’t cancel. Sounds like you’re MO,” she teased.
You shrugged. “I dunno what I was thinking. He was cute, funny, smart.”
“Sounds awful,” Callie snickered as Rooster hopped up behind you and let you fall back into his spot. You watched him leave the room, missing his body heat. 
“It just didn’t feel right, you know?”
“So no second date?”
“No second date,” you confirmed. “Is it next year yet?”
“Six minutes,” Natasha confirmed as she popped up with Rueben to start refilling cups and preparing for the ball to drop. Goodbye, 2022. No one will miss you. 
“Time for a bathroom break,” you told Callie as she nodded and you pulled yourself off the couch and went to the kitchen to refill your own cup with whiskey where you quietly toasted with Javy and Mickey. “Where’s the bathroom, Javy?” 
He nudged your side, pointing down the hallway. “Just through there.”
“Thanks,” leaving your cup, you wandered down the hallway and knocked. 
“Just a sec,” Rooster responded. 
“Sorry, no rush,” you reassured him.
“10, 9, 8,” you heard as you rolled your eyes. New Year’s Eve was such bullshit, you were confused why you had even bothered coming - there was only one real reason why. 
The door suddenly burst open and you sprung back, frightening you momentarily. Rooster grinned. “Sorry, you need to get in there?”
Hello reason.
“5, 4, 3...”
“Please,” you admitted as you traded places, each of you guiding the other with gentle caresses on the side. He looked towards the sound of the '2, 1', and in the spirit of the season, you laughed with each other, planting a tender kiss on the other's cheek. “Happy New Year, Rooster,” you smiled up at him, cupping his flushed cheek as he nodded and caught your eyes with his.
“Happy New Year,” he smiled fondly and as if it was the most natural thing, you both went in to kiss again. This time gently on the lips. You both laughed bashfully pulling a respectful distance away from each other. Rooster checked over his shoulder, the commotion in the living room undisturbing you both. 
Both grins faded when it seemed impossible to distract yourselves from the other's gaze and before you knew it, Rooster was pushing you into the bathroom and kicking the door closed behind him, hitching you onto the sink and kissing you manically. 
Rooster's hands bunched into your hips, dragging your body to his as you lost your fingers under his hideous Hawaiian shirt, pressing into the dimples on his lower back, moaning gently into the kiss. This wasn't something you had planned, and of course, you had two eyes, you could see how good-looking Rooster was, but he was your teammate, there was no way this was right to be doing in Javy’s bathroom. 
But kissing him was amazing. You relinquished his back and your hands travelled to his strong chest, resting your warm palms against his racing heart as he lightly bit your lip and pleaded for you to continue. Opening your mouth to him, this tongue glided against yours and you were completely lost to the kiss. You were at his will and though it scared you, it excited you more.
“Rooster,” you said against his mouth as he breathed and rested his forehead against yours.
“I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me,” he said.
“It's okay,” you told him, holding his chin in your hands, your finger tracing a side of his upper lip, his moustache soft. He was sinfully good looking, it wasn’t the worst thing that had happened tonight. 
“I shouldn't have done that here.”
“It's just a New Year's kiss,” you lied for both of you as he nodded, his eyes searching yours, looking for a hint that the kiss meant a damn sight more than fucking New Year.
“Do you believe that?” he dared ask and let his hands drift to your rib, his thumbs rubbing against the side of your tee, dangerously close to your bra.
You shook your head. “Not at all,” you admitted, an easy smile gracing your features and you tenderly traced his strong nose, both of you relaxing a little. 
“This is the first time we've done something like this in front of everyone,” he said to you quietly. “Well, around others.”
“No one saw us,” you reassured him. “It’s okay.”
“You think?”
“The professional levels have definitely been crossed,” you parroted what you'd teased Callie of earlier.
“They crossed months ago, sweetheart. The first time we slept together,” he gently reminded you, a wet smirk crossing his face. “Why were you on a date tonight?”
“Because you were on a date before Christmas,” you threw back at him. If you were only sleeping together, what did it matter?
“I don't want us dating anyone else except each other anymore,” he confided lowly. “I know the rules were only sex, but you know. I know. It's a lot more than that now.”
“You got feels,” you teased him as he chuckled quietly and shrugged.
“Something like that. I don’t want to date anyone else. I want to take you on dates and not leave your bed after we cum.”
“You’ve been sleeping over for weeks,” you reminded him and the feeling of waking up in Rooster’s strong arms enveloped you with warmth. 
“I don’t want to go sleep in a cold bed when I can stay with you,” he said softly, his hands lacing around your breasts, his thumb combing against your bra he wanted to rip off you, 
You nodded solemnly. For you, it was months ago when you realised how truly wonderful Rooster Bradshaw was and though sleeping together muddied the waters, you couldn't stay away from him.
He smoothed your hair behind your ear and sighed. “I really want this.”
“Me too. No more dates with others, no more fucking around.”
He nodded. “I’m all in,” he told you, kissing you again. “Can we get out of here?”
“Yeah, let’s go find where else the glitter has lodged itself,” you said as he laughed and kissed you deeply.
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"A/N: the tag list no longer exists. To keep up to date, give @notroosterbradshaw-library a follow x
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mountsmase · 1 year
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- Missed You -
Imagine having a beach picnic with Mason.
It’s the summer break, only a week after the last match of the season, and you and Mason are on the much anticipated Mount family holiday, with all of his closest family and a couple of friends
The last couple of weeks have been very chaotic for the two of you. With a busy end to the season for Mason, and you working, you have found it hard to spend some quality time together. You miss him, more than anything, even though you live together and technically do spend a-lot of time with him. It just doesn’t feel the same when it’s only a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye in the morning or a passing hello when you leave the house for work and he’s just returning home from training.
Physical touch and quality time are huge love languages for you and Mason, and your relationship has been lacking both recently. So it’s fair to say that you’ve not stopped thinking about this holiday and you’ve both been looking forward to it from the moment you booked the villa a couple of months ago.
The first couple days of the holiday you establish a little routine, spending the day by the pool before getting all dressed up to go to dinner in the local town. You’ve been having the time of your life, Masons family are some of your favourite people in the world and you’ve enjoyed every second either playing with Summer in the pool or relaxing on the sun loungers with Mason. 
As much as Mason is enjoying getting to spend time with you again, sometimes he just wishes you could be alone, just the two of you, without having to worry about his family being in the next room. So he takes it upon himself to surprise you with a little date night. 
It’s the forth night of the holiday when he meets you in the bedroom after your shower, letting you know that you won’t be joining his family for dinner, and instead he has a little surprise for you.
You notice he’s dressed in some swim shorts and a t-shirt and he tells you to dress for the beach, which definitely confuses you, but you go along with it, not wanting to question his plans this early on.
You pick out a simple black bikini and begin to change in silence as he sits on the bed, back resting against the headboard as he keeps himself busy scrolling through his phone, replying to a few messages.
However, the silence is eventually broken by your giggling when you catch him in the reflection of the mirror, looking you up and down, bottom lip pulled between his teeth as he watches you tie up your bikini. 
“Like what you see?” You say, snapping him out of his thoughts, his eyes shoot up to meet yours and a red flush spreads over his cheeks. 
He gets off the bed and walks over to stand in front of you, “Always, you know that”, now its your turn to blush as he places his hands on your waist to turn you around. You watch in the mirror as he stands behind you, helping you finish typing up your bikini top, making sure it’s not too tight. 
“I’ll meet you downstairs” he brushes his lips over your cheek and down your neck, sucking lightly but not enough to leave any marks. He winks at you in the reflection before he leaves the room, closing the door gently behind him. 
You stand still for a couple of moments, slightly flustered by his teasing antics but you shake it off and finish getting dressed, finding your favourite pair of white shorts and matching flowy shirt to wear over your bikini.
You spritz on some of your perfume (which happens to be one of Mason’s favourite scents ever) and brush through your still slightly damp hair, using a claw clip to hold it in a cute half up, half down style and before leaving the room, you grab your small hand bag which holds all of your essentials. 
You head down stairs and meet Mason in the open living space, where he’s chatting with his mum in the kitchen area, putting a few items, that you can’t quite make out, into a bag. The rest of his family are scattered around in the outside area, Summer still playing in the pool as they make the most of the remaining sunshine. 
He approaches you when he notices you enter the room. “Ready to leave?” He asks and you confirm with a smile and a nod, “okay, let me just sort a few things out and we can get going, yeah?” 
“Okay, I’ll be outside with the others for a few minuets”
He heads off back to his Mum and you slip on your flip flops, wandering through the open patio doors, going to sit with Lewis and Woody whilst Mason finishes whatever it is he needs to do inside. 
In the kitchen, Mason places the final few things he needs into the bag, grabbing a few things from the fridge before filling another bag with a couple of towels and a blanket. He takes both bags and thanks his Mum for helping him set this evening up and then they come to meet the rest if you outside. 
You bid your goodbyes to his family, Mason letting Summer know that you will be back before she goes to bed when he notices she’s a little saddened by you leaving. Then you follow him through the little side gate, coming around to the front of the villa. 
“Are you going to tell me what we’re doing yet?” You question him, linking your fingers with his when he holds his hand out for you to take. 
“Nope” he says, making a little pop sound on the p to emphasise his point, “We’re going to the beach, but that’s all you can know” 
You roll your eyes jokingly, “Well yeah, I already knew that much” referring to earlier when he told you what sort of clothes to wear.
“If I told you it would ruin the surprise would it not?”
“Yeah, I suppose so”
The walk to the coast is only ten minuets from the villa and you hold conversation with him, just talking about the last couple of days and some activities you want to do over the next week before you go home. 
When you reach the beach, you both slip your flip flops off and step down onto the soft white sand, you make your way towards the water and he stops you when you get about half way. He takes the blanket from the bag and attempts to lay it on the sand, not enjoying your laughter when he struggles, the warm breeze moving the blanket almost immediately after he places it down. 
“Are you going to help? Or just stand there mocking me?” He asks, a serious expression on his face but he knows you mean no harm by laughing, and you know he’s not actually annoyed by you not helping him. 
You grab the opposite corners of the blanket and help him lower it to the sand. Eventually you get it into the right position and you place your flip flops on one corner and his on the other to hold it down before sitting down. 
You grab the suncream out of your hand bag and apply some to your arms and legs, the sun is only just starting to set meaning you’ve probably still got an hour or so of sun left, and you do not want to risk getting sunburn this early in the trip. 
When you look back up to offer him some of the cream he’s rummaging through the bag, the contents of which still unknown to you. 
“I need you to close your eyes for a minuet please” you do as he asks and bring your hands up to cover your eyes, “No peaking”
You hear him start to pull things out of the bag and only a few moments later he’s wrapping his hands softly around your wrists, prying your hands away from your face and your eyes go wide.
Sat in front of you on the blanket is a variety of foods, different sandwiches along with crisps and a few other snacks, followed by some fruit and your favourite - chocolate covered strawberries. There’s also a bottle of your favourite white wine sat along side two wine glasses. 
“Mase… how did you-” You’re lost for words as you take in what’s in front of you, confused how he managed to get all of the ingredients, “the food, the wine? How did you get the wine?”
The specific wine is hard enough to find in the UK, let alone in a small Greek town like the one you’re visiting. 
“Me and Mum snuck out and went to the local supermarket this afternoon, whilst you were playing with Summer. Found the wine in the little store next to the supermarket, was just really lucky that they had some in stock when we asked for it.” 
You remember playing in the pool with Summer for a good hour or so earlier that afternoon, when Mason and Debbie disappeared from the pool area, you thought nothing of it, just assuming they’d gone inside for a while to enjoy the air-conditioning after being in the sun all day. Little did you know they’d left the villa entirely. 
“Well thank you, I love it, its perfect” you lean in and give him a quick kiss, pulling back far too quickly for his liking, “And don’t let me forget to thank your mum later, this is incredible, can’t believe she thought of all of this” you joke, 
“Hey! Don’t give her all the credit” he pouts, “It was my idea, she just helped me with the food” 
You can’t help but chuckle at his whiny voice, “I know bubs, I’m only messing with you” 
You kiss away his pout and shuffle closer to him, craving the physical contact that you’ve missed so much over the last few weeks. You sit with your thigh brushing against his as you tuck into the food. 
You enjoy the glass of wine he had pored you and take your time eating, making your way through the sandwiches and snacks before starting on the fruit and sweet items. 
You laugh together as you try and be a little more romantic but just end up making a mess. You attempt to feed each other the chocolate strawberries but you fail as soon as the first strawberry meets your lips, some strawberry juice and a few chunks of the chocolate falling down your chin.
You swipe your thumb over your chin before sucking it into your mouth to lick off the remaining strawberry juice. Mason watches your every move as you unknowingly tease him and the act that you just committed, that seamed so innocent to you, has very non innocent thoughts running through his mind. 
He tries to rid his mind of any dirty thoughts, knowing that although this might be the right time, it’s definitely not the right place to make any sort of move on you right now, as much as he wants to, he’ll have to wait until later. 
You finish eating until all the food is gone and then help Mason pack away the boxes back into the bag. 
“The one thing my mum can get credit for tonight is that food, she never fails to make stuff taste amazing” he praises his Mum’s cooking whilst pulling your legs over his, wanting to feel you even closer (if that’s possible). 
“Agreed” you mumble, leaning into him.
You rest your head against his shoulder and wrap your arms around him, one of his finding its way around your waist. His other arms rests over your thighs that are crossed over his, his hand finding your tanned skin as he begins to trace soft patterns with his finger tips.
Despite the warmth of the air around you, his natural body heat gives you the comfort you didn’t known you needed and you melt fully into his embrace. 
You relax like that for a while, losing track of time as you enjoy each others company, but eventually you sit up straight again and cup his jaw with your hand, taking in his features.
You notice that spending the last few days in the sun has caused the freckles on the bridge of his nose to become more accentuated, and you can’t help but lean in and leave a little kiss there before trailing your lips down to his cheeks.
Your heart warms when he lets out a little laugh at the feeling of your lips on his skin. 
You missed him so much. You missed being with him like this and you missed the feeling of forgetting about everything else for a while and just focussing solely on him. He missed it too. You’ve felt so close yet so far away over the last month or so and the feeling of having you close to him again has settled his heart more than he thought anything ever could. 
He gives you another kiss, one that is so gentle and soft yet it holds so much love and passion. He reluctantly pulls away before standing up, much to your dismay and confusion. 
“Coming for a swim?” He holds out his hand and you of course accept his offer, pulling off your shorts and shirt before you take his hand and follow him down to the water. 
The sun has started setting which creates the perfect atmosphere. Shades of red and orange float across the sky, painting the prettiest backdrop as you follow him deeper into the water.
You let out a surprised yelp when his hands suddenly find your hips under the water and he pulls you into him, your legs automatically finding their place wrapped tightly around his waist. 
It’s not long until his lips find yours again and when one of his hands finds your boob you are no longer confused about why he broke the kiss off earlier. 
If you were to continue kissing like you were before (and are now) he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of you, and he’d rather not be too touchy with you where any bystander can see his hands all over you. So, he thought the sea would be the perfect option, the water providing the right amount of coverage. 
Your hands brush up his arms and over his shoulders, one cupping his jaw and the other tangling into his hair.
He moans into your mouth at the feeling of you tugging his locks and it sends heat straight to your core, hips grinding into his when you feel him beginning to poke against your thigh through the material of his swim shorts. 
“God, baby I missed you so much” he pulls back and trails his lips down your neck, kissing much like he did earlier in the bedroom, not even phased by the saltiness the sea water has left on your skin. 
“Mase,” You try and grab his attention, but cut yourself off as a whimper leaves your lips, “Mason,” He pulls back and looks up at you. “I missed you too and I need you so bad but not here please” 
You know that he knows how you feel about things like this. Up until only recently you were never even a fan of PDA, it took you a while to feel comfortable even kissing him in public let alone doing things as extreme as touching each other up on a public beech. 
“I know baby, I’m sorry,” he apologises, instantly feeling bad for taking it too far and putting you in a situation where you’ve had to ask him to stop.
“There’s absolutely no need to apologise baby,” You reassure him, giving him one last peck before separating from him and swimming back towards the shore. He is close behind you. “How about we dry off and finish watching the sun set, then we can head back to the villa. The others should still be gone for at least an hour or two by the time we get home” You watch his eyes light up at the thought of returning to an empty house. 
“Sounds good,” you both head back up the beach, wrapping the towels he brought around your shoulders as you sit back down onto the blanket. “Oh and hey y/n?”
“I love you”
“I love you more”
You resume the position you were in before your swim and watch the sun set, taking your phone out occasionally to snap a few photos and a few selfies with Mase.
It’s around another 20 minutes until you’re packing up your belongings and heading back up the road to the villa, your arm linked with his and head resting against his bicep as you walk. 
When you get back he quickly sorts the stuff out, putting the towels away and putting the food boxes and wine glasses back in the kitchen before he’s chasing you upstairs into the bedroom. Locking the door behind the two of you just incase anyone returns home earlier than expected.  
He follows you into the ensuite and watches you strip out of your clothes before stepping into the shower. He pulls off his t-shirt and swim shorts, throwing them aimlessly in the direction of his suitcase before joining you under the stream of hot water.
His lips are back on your instantly and he’s finally getting to love on you the way he’s been craving for the last few weeks. 
a/n: this was a concept sent in by an anon which said “beach picnic with Mase 🥹 like chill wine and pizza vibes and this is the first time in a while you’re both able to spend some time” and I loved it so much I had i write this, I hope this is everything you wanted it to be anon :) I also don’t really like the end of this, I’m not fully confident writing smut yet but maybe once I am I’ll do a part 2 to this?
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tizzyizzy · 8 months
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Ed's Song vs Izzy's Song
Both scenes involve troubled leather-wearing pirates putting themselves out there to the crew of the Revenge through the medium of song. But what are the differences?
Captain Instigated vs. Crew Instigated
It is Ed who is the first to sing, much to the bafflement of the crew. He has feelings and he wants to express them to a supportive group. This leads into Buttons's experimental tone based singing and Ed's idea for a talent show. The crew are totally on board, but this is still Ed, as captain, setting the agenda.
Calypso's Birthday is an event the crew come up with, separately from the captains. In fact, the holiday itself is a kind of defiance of authority. It's a "pretend holiday" that a captain can "fall for", and Stede agrees to play along. Izzy even isn't even there for the initial planning. Izzy's role comes later; his singing is a contribution to and complement to a tone already set by the rest of the crew.
Emotional Low vs. Emotional High
Ed is at his lowest point in the narrative so far. Stede, a man he opened his heart to for the first time in his life, abadoned him. His hopes for a gentler life have been shattered. His conversation with Lucius and singing to the crew are desperate attempts to elicit the emotional support that Stede was the first to give him. And the crew are supportive, even asking him to sing again.
Izzy sings at the peak of his emotional health in the series. He is no longer obsessing over Edward. He's developed trust and friendships with the crew. The fact that Izzy is putting himself out there, wearing makeup and singing in front of these people, is proof of how far he's come.
This is reflected in their clothing choices, or lack thereof. Ed has dragged himself out of his depression pit and looks like it. Izzy is wearing makeup and a flower, and has never appeared so gussied up.
New Relationship vs. Tested Relationship
While Ed did pal around on the Revenge, and Lucius in particular offered him relationship advice, he spent most of his time and emotional energy on Stede. For everyone on the crew, except perhaps Lucius, seeing Ed suddenly being so vulnerable and open with them was something of a shock. They rallied, but from their expressions it's clear they aren't initially sure how to react. They're up for forming a closer relationship with Ed, but this is just the start.
Izzy's relationship with the crew had been developing in every season 2 episode before his solo. It started with Izzy reluctantly allowing himself to be hugged by Fang, and has included him saving the crew from a suicidal Blackbeard, a gift of a peg leg, and chats about trauma with Lucius. Izzy's song can be seen as a gift to the crew, or even a love song to them. It is his relationship with them that has allowed him to feel safe enough to come out of his shell.
While both characters are trying to connect to the crew, when we compare Ed's experience to Izzy's, it's easier to see how Ed's actions and emotional situation were not ideal. All it takes is one conversation with Izzy for Ed to start regarding the crew with suspicious or resentment again, more of an emotional threat like Stede than a source of comfort. He swings in the other direction and attempts to kill all but two, whom he kidnaps.
While Izzy does not have an Izzy figure in his life to express disgust for his soft, unpirate-like behavior, it's doubtful that he'd pay them any mind at this point in his emotional development. If, for example, Ed had insulted him after this song, Izzy would have told him to fuck off.
It's also worth pointing out that Ed's song was followed with him suggesting a talent show and toying with the idea of giving up piracy. These actions are both out of character and that latter is a pretty extreme, impractical suggestion. Ed seems to be flailing around, uncertain about his identity and desires.
While on the surface, Izzy's makeup and singing might seem like an even more extreme change, both a appropriate for the event he is participating in: a party. While he is trying something new, he is doing so within the confines of a space and time designated for such activities. He isn't even the most garishly dressed: he was specifically emulating Wee John, who appears in even more elaborate drag. His core personality hasn't really changed much. He still says fuck and can be abrasive. He smiles when he watched Stede kill Ned Lowe, unbothered by the violence as usual. He's still a pirate.
Of course this is not me saying "Izzy good, Ed bad". It just shows the difference between two characters at different points in their story. It was good Ed was reaching out for help, but he was emotionally fragile, and overcorrected at the first challenge. Izzy had to go through hell and be forcibly adopted to get where he is.
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mazeinthemiroh · 7 months
for skz or think decorating for Halloween would be the highlight of there year tbh. Like carving the pumpkins, putting up spider webs and buying masses amounts of candy would make them feel so giddy. Especially watching u hand out candy to the little kids dressed as ballerinas or pirates 🥹
stray kids on halloween
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genre: headcanons; fluff, crack, general
warnings: cursing probably, not proofread
a/n: sorry, this should've come out in halloween night but DIDN'T. because tumblr decided not to post it when i queued it. anywaysss sincerest apologies. hope you can still enjoy this guys 😭
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wants a pretty chill halloween tbh
see cosy autumn traditions hcs to get some idea
he is open-minded when it comes to this holiday. he's fine jsut sitting back, staying at home and doing a movie marathon
but if you are a major halloween fanatic he can't help but indulge your obsession
because he freaking loves you, duh
once he finds out you're obsessed he wants to do everything. decorations, pumpkins, fancy-dress, the whole sha-bang
just to see that smile in your face <3333
his fave holiday
other holidays, he really can't be bothered. but when halloween turns it's head around the corner, he's suddenly very alert
wants to dress up as a cat
would defo rock a chat noir outfit just saying
wants to look sexy for you 😘
let's you do his make-up
will not say know to couples costumes either, although he might protest at first
highkey wants to dress up his cats for halloween :(
defo loves halloween parties
would even ask you if you wanted to host one with him because he's down for that, and he's a good host!!
buys LOTS of candy and makes sure everyone has their share
feeds you lots :] all the time!
very good with the kids who knock on the door for trick or treating
he just loves seeing them and compliments them in their outfits etc
overall, such a good vibe
locks the doors, closes the curtains, wraps himself in a blanket
he gets scared around this time of year ngl
people walking around at night banging on people's doors for sweets and shit MIND YOUR BUSINESS
likes the whole aesthetic of halloween and the creativity in some people's outfits but that's about it-
would much prefer stay indoors with you
but will do something artsy :)
likes carving pumpkins, it's quite satisfying for him, and he spends time putting intricate patterns in them
he's a scared-cat
but thinks halloween is fun so he's kind of a mixed bag
if you make him watch horror movies he's clinging to you the whole time
the type to jumo with his whole body and throw popcorn everywhere in the process
refers to stay in than go out on halloween
but if you both end up at a party, he wants to be the hottest person there and he's not settling for any less
not that he has any competition
he thrives in the season
it's baking season for him!!
he spends the majority of his time in that kitchen
wants to make his own candies for the kids :D
candy apples!!!
cookies with spooky decorations on them!!!
i think his fave cookie design is a spiders web and he managed to perfect it over time so it looks really good
can't way to share his treats with the world and give everyone cavities 🥰
wants to eat all the candy for himself
would rather just go trick or treating with you instead of give candy to some random kids
because... more candy
so your adult-asses rock up to people's houses asking for sweets with your half-hearted costumes
i fully see seungmin wearing a white sheet and calling himself a ghost
you guys laugh most of the night - so it's more fun than he thought it would be
halloween is like a 2nd april fools with him
he think he can get away with trickster shit just because it's 'the day'
the calender has allowed him to be this way and he's living for it
can and will prank them members and yourself
but let's you join in on all the fun
once the novelty wears off though, he gets kind of bored
if halloween is not about doing evil shit in a cape then what is it?
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