#whut is writing sometimes
fatummortem · 1 year
okay, i’m working on a few things & pushing them into my queue. \o/ tho here have a picture of me trying to write.
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magioffire · 2 years
me thinking about how freud and karl jung had a very strong academic and regular friendship but they got into a huge fight with eachother over academic and philosophical differences and couldnt reconcile their differences because one believed that human identity was inmutable and decided before birth while the other believed that human identity was collective and more fluid. and im like maybe yall could have mixed your ideas to make them either 1. less insane or possibly 2. 10x as insane and hilarious
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onthecourtbugs · 1 year
Hey girl so I was thinking a tall reader with Nash and Jason possibly maybe more of jabberwock I haven’t seen a lot of people write for the rest of them..probably because they barely got any screen time like how Nash n Jason did,but if you can try that would be nice!!
Tall Gyal
Pairing: Jabberwocks x Tall!FemReader
Warning(s): None
A/N: You’re absolutely correct, we don’t see a lot for them! Allen’s is kinda short tho, ngl.
Summary: The Jabberwocks like tall girls too, don’t even lie and say they don’t.
Still pinching and smacking and grabbing you everywhere. You thought being tall was gone save you? Uh-Uh. If anything, this makes it worse.
Or better? Maybe you like that.
Jay certainly does. It’s nice to not have to lean over or bend his knees to get a little action.
He loves it!
What he doesn’t love is the fact he can’t hide nothing from you. He’s used to putting stuff up high where he’s the only one who can reach it. Out of sight out of mind, right?
Wrong, cuz you can pull up a chair and see just fine. That and he’s not very original with his hiding spots so he’s practically inviting you to see all the snacks, surprise gifts and stuff you’re not supposed to know about.
He still hasn’t gotten used to the fact that someone else can and will reach up in his zone and take all his goodies 😫
You got that man frantically opening cupboards and swiping the empty spaces on top multiple times cuz he swore he put his Cheetos up there!
“Whut?” Laid out on the couch with the remote and an orange bag, watching your favorite show without a care in the world. The great thing about Jason’s place? Everything is bigger than you, even the shower.
“You seen my Cheetos?!”
You roll up the half-empty Cheeto bag with loud, telltale crinkles and start on licking your fingertips clean of evidence. “Nope! Check the cupboards!”
“I looked there already!” He sticks his head in the living room and glares at you as you quickly tuck the bag under your body.
You pull your thumb out with a loud pop. “What?”
“Don’t ‘what’ me! I saw that!”
You smile, not even the least bit guilty. “I figured since Nash put you guys on that special diet, you wouldn’t need them anyway?”
“Nash don’t run nothing up in here!” He snatches the remaining Cheetos from underneath you and looks pitifully at them. “Damn, girl! You put a hurting’ on these didn’t you? Always eating my stuff…"
“Didn’t you take my goldfish and never gave em back?!”
“Mannn, why you bringing up old beef?”
“It was last night…”
“Like I said, in the past.”
You just want to snatch his piercings off sometimes.
He prefers tall girls anyway. Not to say he won’t go for average/short girls, but he def has a favorite in tall babes, and an even bigger favorite in you.
When you’re his girl, it’s a wrap, DMs are closed. Ain’t nobody else getting in.
He looks scary to some but trust me, he is totally and irreversibly whipped for you.
Makes grumpy grunts and whines and moans when he doesn’t wanna do something but ultimately does it anyway.
Gives you plenty of attitude when he’s mad but will never put his hands on you. He’ll reach for you and you flinch thinking he’s about to get physical, but he just picks you up and puts you in the bedroom for a time out.
Always tries to butter you up with food and hugs and kisses after he makes you mad.
Always has you on the inner part of the sidewalk.
Makes any excuse to touch you respectfully. -turns to look at Jason over the rim of my shades-
Want to wear heels, but feel insecure about being too tall? Zach is not about to let that slide.
He’s buying you heels and that’s final!
And not only that, he’s sliding them on your feet in the store and buckling/tying them up before taking your hands and helping you stand up in them.
Let somebody say sum to make you feel insecure about it.
“Go head! Say it with your chest! It’s not gone come out a second time so make it count.”
Happens to be a very talented dancer, and loves taking you to parties so he can show you off. Tends to reel back just so he can watch you do your thing in the shoes he got you.
Sometimes gets impatient for the slow songs so he can hold you close.
Sometimes doesn’t even wait and intimidates/bribes the DJ into putting on your favorite slow song to dance to.
Can’t even imagine a feeling better than holding you.
He’s just so happy you like him back.
All the girls usually go for Nash. 🥲
Shows out on the court when he notices you’re in the stands watching one of his games.
Jabberwocks ain’t never seen this man hustle so hard.
Cuz yeah, he did invite you and all, but you actually showed up 🥹
Like, you don’t understand, his heart is doing backflips in his chest. He cannot embarrass himself in front of you right now.
His teammates notice he keeps looking over at you and get nosy.
“Dayummmmm! She kinda bad tho!”
“That your girl, Nicky boy?”
They start setting Nick up for passes while having a whole interrogation in the middle of the game. 💀
Since when did he have a girl?
How come he’s never brought you around?
You were way too fine for him… but did you have a sister?
Nick stopped in his tracks and passed to Zach so he could fix Allen with a stare.
“Quit being stingy! We could do double dates!”
Gets super excited when the game is over and you’re waiting for him to come over to you.
You looked so cool, leaning back on your ride with your shades propped up on your head and one ankle crossed over the other.
It was also easier to notice something about you that wasn’t so obvious when you were sitting… not that it mattered but…
“She kinda tall tho…”
Zach rolls his eyes. “Allen shut up.”
“I see why Nick was scared earlier, she bout as big as he is!”
Allen squints at Jason. “I know you ain’t calling nobody big, Paul Bunyan.”
“Cut it out.” Nash acts bored with the whole thing but he’s definitely watching from the corner of his eye.
You grab fistfuls of his jersey and pull him in for a kiss.
Allen’s not a complicated dude. He likes video games, anime, and basketball.
He doesn’t like getting into arguments with you and is generally chill with you.
Also likes that you’re closer to his height so he can grab you up.
He’s a straight clown and will act a right fool with most girls, but around you, he gets extra shy and acts aloof.
Thinks you’re kinda intimidating at first, but when he gets to know you he lets out his inner goof a bit and makes you laugh.
Nash does not let this man sit next to Jason when traveling, cuz when those two get together it’s over for everyone. Allen’s assigned seat is next to you.
Which is okay with him, if he can’t crack jokes with Jason he’ll just show you the newest Ninja Turtles movie trailer.
Has a million different playlists that he trades with you.
Doesn’t mind if your feet are in his lap when he plays video games.
Gamer lovers~
Tucks you in when you fall asleep before him, carefully removing your shoes and settling blankets over you.
Is extremely private about his relationship.
Has a whole system for buying consoles and games and will get you whatever you want.
Will carry you in any multiplayer game.
Is all for equality so if you’re higher than him he will let you carry.
Obsessed with your legs and loves to run his hands up the length of them when you’re in his lap.
They belong everywhere, on the couch, on the dashboard, heck, put them around his waist, he ain't mad.
Traveling first class is a given and that extra space is heaven.
Zach and Nash are brothers in arms when buying shoes for their baby girls.
He doesn’t care how tall you are, you’re still getting them.
So, remember when Jason couldn’t stand you cuz Nash is always letting you have your way?
He figured out how to take advantage of that 😂
Like you’ll actually have stuff in common and so seven times out of ten, when he wants something and knows Nash ain’t rolling with it, he’ll try to get you to ask for it.
Like when you want that one cousin your mom likes to ask if ya’ll can do something cuz you know if you ask she’s gonna say no?
You, my friend, are that cousin.
“Bro, you trying to go bowling again?”
Nash gives him a thumbs down and makes a buzzer noise. “Pick something else.”
“Mannnn.” He immediately turns to his trump card when you walk in “Yo, Y/n! YOU tryna go bowling again?”
“Are we going for real?!”
“What? No.”
“Aww, but why?” You drop into his lap a little too hard and he grunts but pulls you up against him into a more comfortable position.
“We went bowling yesterday,” he drums his fingers on your hip, “pick something else.”
“Well, we could do whatever you want first and then go!” You look up at him with soft eyes and just… ugh. The begging. He could handle attitude but was weak against the begging. “Please, baby?”
There was no way in hell he could refuse. You did give his interests first priority… His head falls back and he lets out a loud sigh before giving your thigh a light smack.
“Go get your shoes.”
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lunathebee · 2 years
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Pairing: Marc Spector x  florist!fem!reader (with hints of Steven Grant x florist!fem!reader)
Warning: fluff (no I mean, me trying to write fluff for the first time), Steven loves his burrito, Layla doesn't exist just for the sake of this story
A/n: THIS IS PART 1, I repeat PART 1 😭😭😭 Istg I messed up some stuff and I have no choice but to write a bit more and call it a day, I am terribly sorry, part 2 will be post soon!
Summary: For the first time ever, Steven might be better at talking to a girl than Marc, but that doesn't mean Marc just gonna stand and watch him does so.
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Steven is chewing down on a vegan burrito, talking to Gus about how his day at the museum went when suddenly Marc speaks up. "Steven, since when do you like flowers so much?"
It was a totally random and offset question for Steven, but not for Marc though, he is a man who knows what he wants and how to get it in the most subtle way.
"Oh whut? You mean those books? They're not mine, Y/n was kind enough to let me borrow it, nice to learn something besides just alien and Egyptian mythology init?" Steven smiles when mentioning your name, taking another big bite from the burrito while Marc is still starting at the big pile of books about floriography.
"And... who is Y/n?" Marc asked while trying his best to be clueless, of course he knows Y/n; she owns a small flower shop on the road where Steven takes the bus to work every day, always looking so perfect and flawless at 7 a.m.
Sometimes Marc feels a teeny tiny bit guilty about how he takes over the body whenever the bus gets near to Y/n's flower shop, and after a few seconds of staring, hoping to see you, he gave the body back to Steven, leaving the British man confused like a deer in front of a headlight.
"Oh Y/n is this absolutely wonderful florist that I met when I tried to find some flowers for my first date that... didn't go quite as well as you remember..." To be honest, Steven just wants to eat his burrito in peace and finish it quickly, but if the topic is about Y/n and not Khonsu then he would be glad to join in.
"Ah well then, I was wondering if you could introduce --- " Marc's voice starts to fade out because Steven is too into the burrito.
But wait, why is he eating this burrito so fast in the first place? Steven thinks to himself for a moment, and the memory of Donna talking to him floods into his mind, making him yell out. "OH BLOODY HELL, DONNA PUT ME ON INVENTORY TONIGHT, I gotta go now talktoyoulaterMarc!!" Steven bolted out the door, clutching his work bag, leaving Marc *behind* disappointed; perhaps he could continue this conversation with Steven over the weekend?
===☾︎ ☾︎ ☾︎===
"No way... Marc, are you serious? You have a crush on Y/n?!" Steven can't believe what Marc has told him, this is even more shocking than the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun.
"That is a childish way to say how a man is interested in a woman Steven, and I swear if you laugh at me-"
"No no no, why would I? Wow, good for you mate. I thought you would stick to fighting forever! With that silly old birb Khonsu, am I right Gus? " Steven exclaimed while sprinkling some fish food into the tank and missed how annoyed Marc looked.
'Tch, gimme a break' Marc thinks to himself while thinking about what Steven has said. Did he really spend that much time being an avatar? To the point where he gets lovestruck and doesn't even know how to talk to a girl?
"The main point is are you gonna introduce me to her or not?"
Steven feels strange after hearing Marc say that, what now? A guy who is not afraid of fighting and blood is scared of this sweet florist girl? "Why don't you just... introduce YOURSELF to her? Besides, I wouldn't know how to explain to her that you and I are basically the same, but at the same time we are not, bit odd init?"
Steven has a point though, it would be harder and more confusing if he told you about Marc. It seems like the only option left is for Marc to say hi to you himself (even if he wants to or not). God, how Marc wishes Monday would just come soon so he can meet you.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I went down a rabbit hole on penis subincision, which lead to an edu article on sexual behavior in indigenous Hawaiian populations. (By Milton Diamond if you feel an urge to google). The article talked about how it was normal and even encouraged in a lot of these cultures for young people to engage in homosexual acts for the purpose exploring each other and simply having fun. This, in turn, reminded me of an assertion that Mark Thompson made in his book, Gay Spirit: Myth and Meaning...
....I’m not sure if you’ve read Thompson’s work but you posted passages from his book a while back. He compares the rejection a fixed gender identity and the phenomenon of "changing" to the archetypal definition of being a shaman, which is kind of fine. But then he goes on to claim that Diné (Navajo) people had a cross-dressing shamanic priesthood of gay people (the nadle) until white colonialism destroyed the tradition. Which, frankly, was a claim that I initially dismissed as...
…a gay white dude making things up until this whole subincision thing made me go look into it more closely. There are in fact many detailed articles on this. (They’re called Nádleehi, not nadle in these papers). So what I want to ask is if anyone knows exactly how common it was for LGBT+ to be accepted in non-colonial populations. Because I was under the impression that the consistent natural reaction to queerness in almost every human culture is to eradicate it.
Nonnie... WHUT?
YES, oh my god, a ton of cultures were okay with some form of something we would today see as queer.
YES, colonialism routinely wiped this out or at least tried to, and many of the places doing the colonizing also stamped out their own ancient traditions.
I don't recall that particular book or quoting it, but I post a lot.
It's not as clear-cut as total acceptance or acceptance of all forms of queerness. A common format is some kind of third gender role for nonconforming or trans or intersex people, often a combination of what we'd see today in the West as femme gay men and heterosexual trans women. Sometimes, this third gender had a specific social role, like shaman or entertainer. The modern split between gender identity and sexual orientation is not really how people saw it in a lot of past cultures (or, hell, in plenty of modern ones outside of the mainstream Western world).
When I was 14, I was fucking obsessed with this academic book of compiled journal articles called Third Sex, Third Gender: Beyond Sexual Dimorphism in Culture and History.
In terms of binary m/m interactions... uh... Ancient Greece is right there. Did you... miss that?
Historically, Japan was all about it being manly to fuck dudes because they didn't have girl cooties until the Meiji Restoration. Similarly to Ancient Greece, it was unmanly to take it up the ass as a grown man, but that's different from m/m sex in general being a problem. As with many societies outside of the mainstream West post... like... mid 19thC, m/m sex was seen as something you did, not something you were.
Medieval Europe would have kicked your ass for "sodomy", including oral with your spouse, which also falls under that term in that period, but they still wouldn't have thought a man was "gay" for fucking men. They'd have thought he was falling prey to a common sin that any man could potentially be tempted into. Sexual orientation is pretty much not a thing until after we get psychology as a science.
China got more homophobic over the dynasties. There was a time that the emperor's boyfriends were in the fucking history books along with his baby mamas. That's where we get the term "cut sleeve" from.
We don't tend to know what f/f stuff was going on in most times and places because most of the written record is men writing about their dicks.
Modern Thailand has all kinds of interesting things going on, and that whole region of SE Asia has had at points, though the more colonialism, the more local shit got suppressed. I can't speak to the total accuracy, but here's a wikipedia article on gender identities in Thailand.
Tibetan monasteries had abbots openly promoting their boyfriends. As long as you were doing it between the thighs and not touching icky girls, it was fine.
American Indian cultures are well known to have had fucktons of priesthoods/shamans of that type. It wasn't every group. Some were more prone to punishing gender nonconformity. AFAIK, a specific variant role for AMABs is more common than just letting people do whatever. In some, you could become a shaman, but they also tended to scapegoat the shamans in times of crisis. I'm no expert. I'd look up what modern two-spirit people have to say about their cultural traditions along with journal articles. The historical record is fragmentary and full of missionaries' unhelpful opinions.
Humans do often punish difference, but tons of cultures didn't see m/m sex or some specific form of third gender as anomalous. A ton probably didn't care about f/f sex, though it's harder to tell.
Gender conformity is often enforced... but why on earth would you assume most cultures only have 2 and that they map exactly onto our modern ideas of gender?
Seriously, nonnie, where have you been?
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turanga4 · 1 year
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this is me asking for 22 on the ask game pls and thank you 🌹
All The Cool Kids have moved on. It is very possible that this blonde lady is no longer even famous.
And yet...a writer's ask game yo. I think this is the one you meant???
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
Ummm....sometimes? I always know the 'hotspot' of the fic. The problem is, the hotspot of the fic is not always the end. I knew the end for a couple pieces I think you are familiar with: Animals and Brave. Looking at my last ten lil fics, I had no clue how to end seven of them when I started writing, and I'm still pissed off at three of those because I feel like the endings I did suck (🚫).
This...might be why I don't do long fic. The idea of getting like 5,000 words in and going, "no, truly....NOW WHUT"....<shudders.>
Thanks thanks for the ask!
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wonderlandleighleigh · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by the lovely @mrv3000
1. how many works do you have on Ao3? 233
2. what's your total Ao3 word count? 1,247,736, but co-writing means this is a little bit false.
3. what fandoms do you write for? Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Star Wars, Batfam, MCU, Chuck, Gilmore Girls, Doctor Who, and a bunch others.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
Hello, Sunshine
A Scene from the Wedding of Eli and Shira Leibowitz
Fall, 4 Years Later
Bi-Monthly Nights off (And Other Horrors)
Make You Feel My Love
5. do you respond to comments? Sometimes! I used to a lot more, but it's sometimes hard for me to juggle stuff. Like Life.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Likely the Ramona series. I put Dean Winchester's AU daughter through hell. Oops.
But if I ever write more for Fashionable People, that will have a sad end.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hello, Sunshine, probably.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Once in a blue moon somebody will get weird.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Not often.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Fuck I love crossovers. the craziest one was likely The Liaison from Wayne Enterprises. Batfam, MCU, West Wing, Chuck, X-Men.
But I've also written an MCU/Castle/Gilmore Girls/Batfam crossover called Boarding School Buddies that was fun.
And The Shneiders of Stars Hollow is always a point of pride.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? One time I was part of a fic holiday exchange and the person I was partnered with just took my fic I wrote for them and switched the names and sent it back to me.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nah, but it sounds cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Oh yep. @theycallme-thejackal is my bud!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Fuck, I don't know. Midge/Lenny? Luke/Lorelai? Jess/Rory? Ryan/Taylor? Ten/Rose? Dick/Babs? I love so many.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The Liaison followup.
16. What are your writing strengths? I am a dialogue human.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? description. This thing! It looks like a thing!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? lol whut? Does bits of Yiddish count?
19. First fandom you wrote for? X-Men!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Maybe What I Did on My Holiday Vacation? I'm proud of how the mystery unwrapped in that one.
Tagging: @theycallme-thejackal @alixinwwonderland @theresawritesstuff @windowsandfeelings
And whomsoever else.
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blackmonitor · 2 years
It’s time to reconvene The Asker’s Studio™️ because I’ve got questions!
It is my exceedingly good fortune @blackmonitor that you are reading @myevilmouse Conflicting Aesthetics at same time I am, so that I reap the benefits of your artistic talents. In chapter 3, Mouse drops a heavy paragraph relating the frustrations that our artist, Seta, is experiencing whilst sketching Thrawn:
It wouldn’t be perfect. That was the problem with truly fascinating subjects. Capturing his aura was the best she could hope for. Thrawn, even half-naked, exuded command. The sense of power, a demeanor of authority was prevalent, almost but not completely camouflaging a latent vulnerability. Not self-consciousness, something else. Seta could see it, imagined Thrawn would deny it existed, but wouldn’t be content until its flavor was imbued in the lines of her art. It was the sum total, everything wrapped in a charismatic fog of mystery, emphasizing the thing that made him most alien—which also made him intriguing and attractive beyond the physical.
I asked the omniscient Mouse if she was 1. An artist 2. If she was, was this description from experience? The answer was No on both counts. WHUT?! I am not satisfied with this answer. I need to know MORE!
So my dear honest to goodness real artist: Could you please reflect on the paragraph above from an artist’s point of view.
Hint: short answers are not acceptable (jk) 🤣
For those of you who have not seen the portrait that Seta was frustrated over, @blackmonitor has done us the great favour and rendered it for us, exquisitely. (Check out all of her work - it’s pure gold yummy greatness)
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Portrait courtesy of @blackmonitor
As always: you have the floor. Thank you for the generosity of your time and talent!
Welcome! Oh wow… Let me just…
“So my dear honest to goodness real artist...”
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Oh yes, that paragraph! That was chilling! And I had the opportunity to read it as a lost artist who didn't draw anything for YEARS, and now, as someone who brought joy to many people with my silly drawings. In both cases, it touched something in my soul.
First of all, let me talk about the method of my drawings - not the technical details I already described here.
So art, for me, is about communication - communicating something to the viewer, even in a portrait or anything. It should tell a story, an emotion, or just some vibes to the viewer. Otherwise, it has no point (according to my point of view, but this is highly subjective, so forgive me if yours are different).
For example, take my first Thrawn portrait. 
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Before I started to draw it, I wondered what I should draw - how to draw him. Back then, I read the first Ascendancy book, so it was obvious that I wanted to see him in that uniform. So when I found my reference from the comic, I changed it to communicate what I wanted - a man destined for greatness who failed.
But how? Well, my method is this - in mind, I became that person (like writers do it). I imagine how he would act, what he would feel… general things. And when I can see that back from my display, I'm happy. Like Seta, I always put my interpretation of the character into the drawing - the posture, the expression, and emotion. @myevilmouse did a beautiful work of describing all those things and the struggle!
The overall vibes and emotions are always superior to the technique or realism in my art. I want to communicate basic understandings in a pleasant form. Sometimes this works better, and sometimes it's not. But I always worked like this even before I did fanarts. So for me, Seta's struggle is real! But I never tried to reach hyperrealism 🤭 That's not for me. Swift projects, maybe a few days on them, move on to something different.
Similarly, in writing, @myevilmouse wrote down beautifully the struggle of sketching someone sitting in front of you, and you know almost nothing about him. In cases like that, I usually use my imagination. Fill out the gaps. I have a basic knowledge of personalities which I use these times. And while I am drawing someone, I'm always thinking about them - not necessarily them in the picture, but other different situations - filling those gaps in my mind.
The goal for me is to put something into the picture. When that something is "looking back to me," I'm happy. Maybe it's something only I can sense, Idk. But that's my goal, similar to what Seta felt as @myevilmouse described it.
For me, Thrawn is a fascinating individual to draw - because he is a great character! And there is so much potential in him.
Thank you for this opportunity to share my thought about this exciting subject! 
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I am ace spectrum and post thirst on tags
but the thought of actually committing them makes me go *eurk ew brrr*
then there are times i'd be all !!!
haven't figured it out that much actually but sometimes i just think it's all so sweet and intimate, other times it's just outright unsanitary
I post thirst tags too at times, but I realized I do it only for Seb and occasionally for Kimi or I am doing it as if I am writing you/driver fanfiction.
There is really a fine line between my "lol whut 😶" reaction and "hmm 😳" reaction when I read thirst tags and i still haven't figured out what makes the difference.
I must say, I have never paid much thought on if i find the "act" unsanitary/repulsive. My 😲😲 reaction at ppl being horny on main is not at those ppl (ofc they can do whatever they want) but mostly at myself for still feeling "broken" at the reaffirmation after reaffirmation i have whenever I see a post about a hot person that ppl are gushing about, but I feel nothing and I guess I am still coming in terms with it after spending so many years thinking that I am allosexual.
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munchlax-musings · 1 year
finally not that tired; study time!
not as sleepy so now im actually doing things! studying!
too bad the things im doing is adding exercises in my evernote and checking my dictionaries to make sure i'll be able to write them all. the most boring part of stenography imo
if anyone's curious as to what i mean by that, read more below!
So the following is Exercise 2902 from my Phoenix Theory Book Two, page 52.
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[image description: Exercise 2902 from Phoenix Theory Book Two. The icons next to the title represent that the exercise is also available in the following: the exercise key, dictation audio, and lecture audio. The following is the exercise: Charge him interest. (underlined brief: I was) interested. This (underlined brief: is an) interesting note. Vested interest. What are your interests? Interested suspect. Interests and abilities. Interesting facts. Show some interest. Enter the room. Can I enter (underlined brief: at the) east gate? He entered late. We entered the crime lab. (underlined brief: Are you) entering the contest? We are entering later. The race enters its final hour. She enters (underlined brief: in the) wrong door.]
First, I write the exercise the best that I can. If I get stuck on a word, I reference the exercise key and make a note in Notepad about how to write the word.
In this case, I had the suggestions plugin for Plover on and pinned to the top of the window and noticed that I could write the word "abilities" more efficiently as /UBLTS/ than as /U/PWEUL/TAEZ/.
Once I'm done writing the exercise, I check the key and compare to my own Plover paper tape plugin. This also helps me to pick up any briefs or phrases from the key that could be better than whatever I wrote long-form.
Important: read everything aloud. If I can't figure out what something means from the paper tape readout, then I sometimes make a note of that as well.
Reading the paper tape helps ensure I practice this skill regardless, so I don't always write down what I mess up on.
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[image description: Exercise 2902 from the Phoenix Theory Exercise Keys Book Two, page 46. Below the title is the following paper tape readout, read from the furthest left, starting at the top, and ending at the bottom of the furthest right: KHARPBLG HEUPL TR* PH-FP KWR*FZ TR*D PH-FP SA*PB TR*G TPHOET PH-FP SR*ES -D TR* PH-FP WHUT R KWROUR TR*Z STPH TR*D SUS PEBGT PH-FP TR*Z SKW UBLTS PH-FP TR*G TPABGTS PH-FP SHOE SPH TR*R PH-FP SPW-R TH RAOPL PH-FP K KWR SPW-R T*E AO*ES TKPWAET STPH HAOE SPW-RD HRAET PH-FP WAOE SPW-RD TH KRAOEPL HRAB PH-FP RO*U SPW-RG TH KAUPB T*ES STPH WAOE R SPW-RG HRAET -R PH-FP TH RAEUS SPW-RZ EUTS TPAOEUPBL HOUR PH-FP SHAOE SPW-RZ TPH*T WRAUPBG TKAOR PH-FP]
Then I just copy the completed exercise to Evernote.
When I'm finally done writing them all out, I copy and paste them into Stenojig, play the dictation from the Phoenix Theory Book Two audio starting at 60WPM, and then write to it until I get most if not all of it correct. Then I move onto 70WPM, 80WPM...
After that, I set a metronome to 180BPM, then 140BPM, then 120BPM until I'm satisfied with my practice.
I did write this with my machine, and made note (afterwards) that there were words that I, A, did not know how to write; and B, could write more efficiently.
Below are the lists. I colored in blue and bolded every other bullet point to make it easier to read.
Words I did not know how to write:
exercise = /KPUR/S-Z/
suggestions = /SUGZ/-Z/
icon = /AOEUBG/AUPB/
correct = /KREBGT/
efficient = /TPAEGS/
efficiently = /TPAEGS/HRAE/
briefs to remember:
that the = /THA*T/
i also = /SA*ULS/
represent = /REPT/
relates = /RELTS/
satisfied = /SOEUFD/
all of = /HR*F/
and then = /SKP-PB/
regard = /RARD/
regardless = /RARLS/
as well = /SW*EL/
better than = /PWER/-PB/
that would = /THALD/
would be = /W-B/
also = /-LS/
in this case = /TPH*EUBG/
reference = /REFRPBS/
{ = /KPWRA/
} = /KPWRE/
[ = /TPWRA/
] = /TPWRE/
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koostarcandy · 2 years
I saw ppl loving and finding my asks interesting. ALSO you are sososos fkn beautiful .I wanna squish my honelyloopsss... I wanna make love with y'all TT. sorry I better stop my flirty ass here. I LOVE YOU BAE
1- which one of your work is your Fav?
2- Which idol occupies your thoughts when you think of something now kink/story/plot ...
3- Ever went through writers block? how often?
4- when you have writers block, what do you look up for? prompts/songs/or_____?
5- Ever wanted to name your ___ or y/n ? If yes, what would you name?
6 Ever wanted to write on one idol and end up writing another idol fic?
7- On which idol you always want to give a best try ?
8- which work of yours received unexpected love?
9- which is your one story that makes you always feel to write endlessly?
10- What can you write that no one else can?
this is the most detailed ask I've ever gotten in my inbox ㅠㅠ more under the cut !!
my favourite work(s) so far has been the delicate series and gravity. I love love love comfort fics and I always sincerely hope that anyone reading them also gets the same comfort as I do.
since I'm yoonkook biased, it's either one of the two. recently, koo has been on my mind alot for goodness knows whut reason but I'm not complaining ^^ it's not like he doesn't live rent free in my head with 6 other men either way T-T
I've experienced writer's block way too often, more than I can count. it doesn't even need to be for pieces on tumblr, it could even be for articles I used to write for my school magazine !! now that I've passed out, the only thing occupying my mind nowadays is writing, since I have nothing much better to do.
songs, always. with or without writer's block, I'm always looking for inspiration in songs. prompts sometimes do find their way in my pieces but that's just because I found a way to fit them in ^^
my ocs will always remain nameless unless it is very much needed for a story. it is for myself that I write for and then for everyone else who reads it. tho I do try to write gender neutral fics, since I identify as female, I always end up writing from the fem!pov.
when I listen to a song or think of an idea, a few ppl do stand out and I end up choosing one. for instance, for my first fic, when I listened to litn by seori, taehyung immediately popped into my head. when I started writing more, yoonie and koo were more prominent whenever I was struck with inspo. but to answer your question, no ^^ I end up writing with the person I had in mind.
I give my best try to everyone, for whoever I'm writing with ^-^
i.n.v.u fs 🤧 i never expected so many ppl to like it when I had written that in under 45 mins, which was hurriedly proof read and then posted. I'm glad it has reached alot of ppl and receiving alot of love :D
I cannot write a series for the life of me. I either cannot keep up or go ahead and write everything down. the one "series" i've stuck to has to be the delicate!family. it's the cutest story i've written so far and I always hope to write the best pieces for that au.
🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ i write what anyone else can, really. the general fluff and angst ^^
I had fun answering this, thanks for this one luv !!!
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Serious question but why are cdramas so devoid of basic logic. So many times I'm trying to watch a chinese drama and there are so many stupid illogical things that happen in the span of a few episodes, my brain almost explodes. These are well rated well regarded serious dramas so it's not stupid things for the sake of comedy etc. Like the most basic logical reasoning isn't followed it takes me right out of the story, like no one is asking for nirvana in fire and six flying dragons or secret forest level of plotting here. But a story and the characters that inhabit it should act with a minimum of logic ??? for example I'm watching under the power and aksjdjd there is this scene on an a boat where one dude comes to rescue another dude and then they run into the FL on the deck instead of either killing her and knocking her out and running away, they stand there talking to her for a looooong time while she convinces them to let her go and then when one of them pushes her in the way of the ML who's trying to injure one of them, her and her friend get mad at the ML and say he almost killed her whut? The entire sequence is so dumb I wanted to scream. Do these people not read these scripts who writes this dumb sh*t, it's like there was no effort spent in plotting these stories? Like wtf is the process here exactly? Why is it that 8 times out of 10, instead of enjoying a story and its characters you spend time pulling your hair out bc nothing makes sense. I know they can do amazing things bc they made nirvana in fire and story of ming lan and yanxi palace and those shouldn't be the norm but the difference between them and the average cdrama shouldn't be light years?? Like there are exceptional kdramas and there are horrible ones but the average kdrama is generally pretty decent and most of the times doesn't require mental gymnastics or for you to leave your brain on the floor to watch something. Sorry for the rant lmfao I just can't wrap my head around how insane the Chinese drama industry is like it doesn't seem like something that can actually be real bc money is the most important thing no matter the industry and generally when you're trying to make money you at least try to make a decent product, this seems to be the opposite case. Every great chinese drama seems like the very very rare exception. Everytime a production team actually does their job and pays attention to the writing and directing and details which should be the norm for everyone we're like BEST DRAMA EVER because the bar is in hell.
Hi, sorry for the late reply. I agree with you. It's hard to find good cdramas nowdays because I usually don't agree with the high ratings. What I don't understand is that most chinese dramas are adapted from a novel. Is the scene same in the novel too or did they changed it for some reason? Maybe the novel explains it more, but somehow it had to be cut out? I don't know.
I'm more of a characters person, so even if the story is a little stupid I will watch it, but these days they ruin the characters and their relationships with other characters too. I sometimes gif shows just because the actor/clothes/scenery etc. is beautiful.
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powerin · 2 years
yeah i know y’all are about to unfollow because “just Draw, lady”
but i have to do more text rambling. promise this is it for a while.
so i just got into a debate with an anon over xander’s characterization in hollenfeuer, and they basically had an issue with the whole concept of him killing his dad? but then it came out as ”well he really DID apologize to Leo in the drama cd” and ”your interpretation is ooc and inconsistent and basically bad” and im just ????????? why read the story if you have an issue with the premise? like they keot saying they needed to ”justify” his portrayal, like whut? bro. its a fanfic posted on AO3. me writing doesnt take away from the original game. i promise
i have no problem w constructive feedback, but the fact that xander hit his brother without saying sorry is the problem? not the ”i flagrantly violated a armistice and committed a war crime“ or ”i have problems with expressing my taboo love for my adoptive sister in a non-creepy, non-controlling way“ ?
as a writer, i take lots of creative liberties. and im done with writing characters perfectly “in character”: if you want a character perfectly characterized, play the original game/watch the show! im not IS or game freak or sugimori or ed boon! i cant write like them because im not them! i want to have a little fun with my writing, and sometimes perfect characterization isnt in the cards, or doesnt sound natural
and worst of all, they couldnt even come off anon to give me constructive criticism… says how much you want to meaningfully engage, anon 🥲
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I know it may sound like ranting, but why do people immediately label 'Asian's as disabled? What I mean is; Why is chopsticks an immediate pass that the person can't use a freaking spoon or fork?
I just finished reading this story on AO3, and... The character couldn't use a spoon? It may be the American in me, but do Asian's not eat ice cream? I thought that was a worldly thing like yogurt and pudding? And do they not eat salad?
It's infuriating whenever I read a story like this, like, the author was doing so good, and bam! Character can't eat with a freaking spoon because they primarily use chopsticks. It's lazy and pathetic.
Chopstick users (Not just Asian, sorry, the story is a au in Japan and I kinda ranted on purely Asians. My deepest apologies to other countries who uses chopsticks.) basically have another way to eat! It's like the left hand right hand stuff! Just because someone uses there left hand doesn't mean they don't know how to do the same tasks of a right hand. My grandmother was the main advocate that my friend couldn't get far because she was left handed, and sometimes I questioned who gave her permission to reproduce.
Bottom note; Chopstick users can use forks, knives, spoons, etc. Chopsticks is just another creative way to eat. If your writing a character that uses chopsticks, do not use the 'A spoon!? Never heard of that!' stuff. It's dumb, belittling, and plain on lazy. They eat soup, salad, ice cream, yogurt, cake, etc, just like everyone else.
I... whut...
I've never seen that before, and it's nuts. Did some idiot misosmose this from the fact that traditional Japanese soups generally aren't eaten with spoons or...???
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Hey, Disco! Um, what's your thoughts on TW's Sheriff Stilinski? Cuz, I kinda need to escape from the what the fricking frack scape my mind has been in since yesterday an anti sheriff post from PEW kinda landed on my dash and it left me reeling. I'm not a big fan of the sheriff myself, but I still can't grasp the mental gymnastics of that post to conclude the sheriff is corrupt and casually victimizes poor widdle Scott all the time and it's pure racism or sumthing??? I looked a bit at PEW's tumblr, and it's all vicious stuff like that?? With lots of mental gymnastics not just for TW & Scott but whatever their crusade flavor right then? And they say Sterek and Steter fans are viciously never giving credit where it belongs when that's what they do all the time? Like whut? Thoughts on why suddenly the sheriff is persona non grata when that character in canon openly says things like I trust Scott but not you Stiles, or Scott is the son I wish I had? Or was he always disliked by the squad and- I don't even know. So thoughts on the sheriff and what the frick that "corrupt sheriff -> racism!" pew post is about? You seem kinda good at translating pew's nonsense into normal people speak.
DW: All you need to know about Pew is that he’s both an idiot and an asshole. 
Stiles came by his sarcasm honestly. When the sheriff says Scott is the son he wishes he had, he’s kidding, and anyone who thinks he isn’t has, well, never met a human being before in their life. But yes, you’d think that Pew and the Crew would love that kind of stuff! God know they take everything else out of context. 
As for the sheriff’s “corruption”... does he bend the rules because his town is infested by supernatural creatures? Yes. Does he sometimes break them? Hell, yes he does, because the normal rules do not apply. This isn’t just in Teen Wolf, of course--this is a staple of supernatural shows. And, in Teen Wolf, it’s not just the sheriff. We see Natalie breaking the rules. We see Melissa doing it. We see Rafael doing it--and he’s even higher up in law enforcement. And it’s all for the same reason: to protect Scott and Stiles and all those needing protection. But you never see Pew complaining about those other characters. 
Pew loves to overlook the fact that the sheriff isn’t just protecting Stiles--he’s also protecting Scott. But then, he sort of has to overlook that because it doesn’t fit his narrative at all, does it? 
The sheriff isn’t a perfectly written character--don’t get me started on the whole Kira thing--but show me a character in the show who suddenly didn’t start acting against type because the plot required it. Teen Wolf is full of terrible writing like that, where characters are constantly acting in ways they never have before, just because the writers’ couldn’t write their way out of a paper bag when it comes to character development. 
But all you need to remember about Pew is that he once wrote a post about how he hated Stiles because he once had a friend who reminded him of him, and who turned out to be an asshole. And at the same time he claims he’s the only one watching the show without bias. 
It’s hilarious. 
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leejongsuksnostrils · 3 years
ch. 3
words - 1251
warnings - language
Over the past couple months, you and Felix have gotten closer. You think it's safe to say you're...friends? Every time you see each other you guys always talk and are just tryna get to know each other. Nothing too crazy. Although, even though talking to him doesn't seem as scary and more natural, you still can't get over his strong but soft presence. It's pretty demanding in such a...fluffy? way.
You're looking for Luna in a practice room. Of course she didn't say which one so you're wandering out the JYP building just popping into rooms hoping for the best. You open one door, empty. You open another, not sure what's going on in there. And another - "Hey Penelope!" "Ah! Felix! Hey, I'm actually looking for Lu-" "Wanna film a TikTok with me?" Whut. This boy is on coffee. His blonde hair is all over the place. He has the biggest, goofiest grin on his face. You look around the room, Bangchan...Minho just chatting together in the corner. And before you could respond, he rushes over to you, grabs you by the wrist, and gently pulls you in the room. "C'monnnnn~"
"I really wanted to post me dancing to a TikTok song but I wanted someone else to be in the video, but Chan and Minho are busy right now. Luckily, you came to my rescue." He is beaming at you. He completely melts your heart sometimes. "Oh, but hopefully you aren't busy either?" "Uh, uh. No, actually." Sorry Luna. "Awesome! Ok! So this is the audio." He puts the phone close to your ear so you can hear it. "Ok ok." "Right? And this is what I wanted to do." He starts doing this silly dance but yet he makes it look so cool. "What do you think?" He's so hyper today. You haven't seen this side to him. It's...interesting. But super fucking cute and irresistible nonetheless. "Yeah, looks fun!" He clapped his hands excitedly. "Here, I'll show you how to do it." Felix starts doing the dance slowly and you watch his body carefully, to learn the moves of course. "Now you try." You feel your entire body get hot instantly. Is he gonna be looking at you the way you were looking at him? Now you start sweating. Fuck. "Uhh, I'm gonna take my jacket off if that's ok. It's a little warm in here." "Here, I'll put it over here with our stuff." You unzip your jacket and put it in Felix's waiting hands. Welp. Great. You now realize you were wearing a super cropped tee under that oversized jacket and some high waisted leggings. Well, this should be all in good fun anyways. You doubt he'd even be looking at you like that when he can take his pick any day.
You try to repeat the moves that Felix showed you. Your cheeks were burning hot the entire time and you wouldn't dare make eye contact with him. "How was that?" You ask him while scratching your head and kinda looking past him. "It was great! Good thing Venom's main dancer was the one that decided to join us today." Oh yeah, great. Not great! You realized you didn't have a stitch of makeup on and of course your crazy curly hair was not done and was just hanging down and frizzy. Well good, maybe it can distract from your face. "Are you ready?" He asked you, getting ready to hit the REC button. "Yeah!"
"Yay! It turned out so good! You don't mind if I post it right?" The pretty fairy boy asked you. "No, not at all." "Yay! ... done. I posted it." "Cool! Alright, well I'm gonna use the restroom just next door and then I gotta get going." "Oh ok! Thanks again!" You slightly bowed to him and trotted to the restroom only you didn't have to go. You look in the mirror and check yourself out. You pat at your hair and your cheeks. You turn to the side and look at your tummy and your butt. "Hm." You leave the restroom. "Penelope!" You turn around in the hallway and see Felix running over to you. "You left your jacket. Don't want you to get cold later." "Oh my god, thank you so much." "Of course." He smiles at you. You shyly smile back and then walk away.
You reach into your pocket to pull out your phone to text Luna and a piece of paper falls out onto the floor. "Oh?" You bend down to pick it up. "Open me!" It says on top. You unfold the paper and there's a phone number written on it. No name, nothing else. Just the number. "Interesting." You crumble it back up and put it in your pocket and then text Luna.
Hey girl, I'm so sorry. I got lost.
Lost with Felix?
Huh? Oh. Did you see the TikTok?
Did I? Where are you? I'm in room 10A.
Boy were you far as hell from 10A. There was no way you were gonna find her on your own. "Have you read some of these comments?" Luna asked you as soon as you opened the door. She was sitting in a chair by the counters in the practice room. "Well 'hello' to you too." "Come sit." She scoots a nearby chair over to you. You sit down and she shows you the comments underneath the video. "Whore." "Who does she think she is dancing with my man?" "Boycott Venom." "Oh no." A feeling of dread washed over me. "What were you thinking?" "I don't know. I was looking for you and I walked into a practice room and he just so happened to be in that one and he just wanted to film am innocent TikTok with someone." "Well this is what happens when you ditch your friends to hang out with pretty boys." "Luna!" "I'm kidding!" "This isn't funny. I'm none of those things." "I know you aren't, girly. We'll fix it." Luna reached over to hug me. "How? We haven't even had a comeback yet and they're read to boycott us already." Your eyes start to tear up. "We'll figure out something. Maybe we can talk to Park Jinyoung about it and see-" "No! That is the last person we need to talk to. He'll accuse us of something that isn't even going on and I don't want Felix to get in trouble." "Hmm. You're right. Maybe we can try and talk to the boys tomorrow and get this all figured out." You wiped a little tear from your eye and nodded. - You and Luna stayed up pretty late in the practice room. When you guys got back to your room, she immediately crashed in her bed and you just sat scrolling on your phone. After about 10 minutes or so, you peek to see if she's sleeping and you tip toe across the room to rummage through your jacket pockets. "Ugh, which pocket was it?" Found it. You tip toe back to your bed and with the glow of your phone screen, slowly open the paper. You type in the phone number and write, 'hello?' You press the SEND button with your eyes closed. You open one eye. "It sent!" You open the other. You stare at the screen waiting for a response. A minute goes by. Two. Right before you turn off your screen, a response.
I knew you'd respond.
Who is this?
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