#while trying to not. see that. also on the merch site
6-2-aestheticsofhate · 2 months
is anyone else uncomfortable w the fact that the ceo of new blood's twitter icon is... that
edit: nvm that is the creator of DUSK himself. still kind of mad that the... yknow is plastered all over the new blood store
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damazcuz · 2 years
One more question(for now) why do people on tumblr use tags to talk #like this #about whatever they think of the post, instead of just commenting on the reblog😭 Is there an etiquette I'm missing?
short answer: yes.
long answer, there is an etiquette to it, and I think it's a longstanding thing that just ended up ingrained in a lot of users, which comes off as cold/shy/outlandish or maybe even standoffish to people from other sites and apps. there's no be-all end-all of how to act online or on here but i think in terms of most* people (*speaking broadly, making this up) who've used tumblr for a while it feels like this:
tumblr is a theater, the dashboard is a stage, each post is a performance. (a joke, a dramatic act, a story, a movie, a picture, etc.) you have a variety of ways to interact with the performance, but some of them are going to be more frowned upon--based purely on how the long standing visitors of the theater are used to acting, honestly.
likes are a polite applause, but they don't show anyone outside of the theater that you enjoyed yourself, or what you enjoyed. the performer appreciates the applause but does not garner any new viewers when you only like a post, btw.
silent reblogs mean you exit the theater with merch or a leaflet and go show it to other people. look what i saw on the stage, don't you want to see it too. this shows the performance to a new variety of viewers, who might then also show it to others.
replies and reblogs with content are often seen as """"rude"""" because they're like standing up at the end of the performance and loudly saying "that was okay but I think MY take on things makes it just a BIT better." people are more forgiving of this when it's something universally true or acceptable, or when it's very funny. if it's not (and even if it is, sometimes,) there'll potentially be a reblog down the line making fun of it (and this is another person in the theater standing up and making a fart noise, regardless of how tasteless or rude.) it's never actually "wrong" to add comments on a reblog unless you're being intentionally hurtful, and it's normal to add commentary to a friend's post, but even then, people seeing this from the outside may see that as obnoxious and impolite and try to call you on it anyway. (people are very weird about enforcing what they see as a universal rule of etiquette, when this is admittedly the only site where you'll be punished for adding to the discussion.)
and again, this is an absolutely arbitrary rule because what one person finds universally true and hilarious, another will find trite and stupid and too niche. the polite thing to do in the case of the latter is just reblog from further up the chain than the commenter, but people aren't always nice when they're annoyed.
getting to your actual question now, comments in the tags are a way to leave remarks that you DON'T want to shout to the whole theater. these are you whispering to yourself or your friend, or writing in a guestbook on the way out. people can see/hear it if they go looking for it, but you're not shouting over the performance to get your piece out. it's polite because it's unobstructive and doesn't take up space, and if your tags don't make sense to someone else or seem too niche, they don't have to share the post with your commentary attached.
adjacent to this, "peer review" or screenshotting someone's tags to insert them in the post is like if you did whisper to your friend, then your friend wrote your comments on a whiteboard and held it up for others to see. as this is a form of commentary within the reblog, it's again subject to an arbitrary universal/niche rule. just because a tag gets peer reviewed doesn't mean it's beyond reproach by strangers.
also in line with this general line of thought experiment, blazing a post means that between acts, you run up on the stage and start shouting your piece. it is, once again, going to be more acceptable to strangers to see you do this if it's something universally funny, true, or cute. this is why niche fandom posts, vent posts, and self promotions get ignored or booed down, while pet birthday photos and silly jokes get blazed and get a lot of notes regardless.
lastly, a kungpowpenis is when twelve+ individuals from the audience get up and beat the shit out of the person performing on stage and leave their corpse on display in the town square.
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bloodsbane · 3 months
im seeing more folks migrate over to cohost in light of the Most Recent Tumbler Bullshittery and have already been asked for mine, so here it is!
i've had an account for a while so I also thought i'd offer some very quick bits of advice for the site:
cohost lets you make MULTIPLE PAGES under ONE ACCOUNT. it's a marriage of how tumblr lets you have sideblogs easily accessed via your main blog, but each page has its very own followers, bookmarked tags, etc., like when you have multiple twitter accounts. makes it super easy to make multiple pages for different things without needing to log out to switch, while also letting you totally customize what you see for each page you own
there's no algorithm at work on cohost at all so if you want people to follow you'll have to find them! i suggest dipping into tags for things you like as a starting point, or checking out the pages of people who make funny posts you see shared by friends you DO already follow
wrt tags, there are some Global Tags on cohost that are used by a majority of the site (ex. ArtistsOnCohost, The Cohost Global Feed, Adult Artists On Cohost) that might be useful as a starting point if you'd like to see a very broad range, but they're just big umbrellas. if you want something specific, check more specific tags!
the cohost tag and page search bar is your friend, it will show you all established tags including the word you search, as well as relevant pages for suggested following
i HIGHLY recommend bookmarking tags you have an interest in, there's an easy toggle at the top of your dashboard that lets you switch what you see from your Followed Accounts to Bookmarked Tags. your bookmarked tags are also listed on the side so you can check them individually
oh, also, click+Shift is how you quick reblog posts on there!
cohost has a nice system for placing content warnings on posts, and customizing what you do/don't see, so make sure you look into your settings and fiddle with it
i think that's really everything! i feel like most other stuff is easily intuited or explained by the site itself
last thing though: cohost is currently run by a very small handful of people. so if you'd really like to invest on an alternative to tumblr, if you try cohost out and like the feel of it, i'd highly suggest you consider buying cohost plus ($5 a month/$50 a year) and/or buy some of their merch. basically whatever you'd like to do to offer some financial support. i really enjoy cohost and bought a year's premium already.
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emporium · 1 year
Spreading the word
Howdy Empossums (still trying to figure out what to call people who buy merch from the emporium).
What's the best way to get the word out? I've been using tumblr ads for a while and there is definitely a portion of the viewers that are annoyed to see the ads, I know because they tell me :) . As you know tumblr has no algorithm or targeting of any kind. That's great for users but not so great for getting the word out.
I would love for this to be a collaborative relationship, where we work together to find a way for the site to exist but also not lose it's soul. How can I build up the Emporium blog as a place where pro-merch (or merch neutral) folks can gather and suggest ideas for products or ways to build up our group?
Any ideas? I've been called coward for keeping replies closed and I'll admit there is a portion of the userbase I'm afraid of but I really want this to work so I'm opening up replies again (to followers of the emporium) to make it easier.
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Hellooo, I was wondering if you could do MCYT with an S/O who has ADHD? (Mostly hyperfixates on horror games, etc.) I personally have a bad habit of walking around till my legs are sore (my leg has been sore for the past three days please help I can't get rid of this energy ahh-) and how MCYT would react to that/stop Y/N from. Doing that lol
HELP THIS IS SO REAL BAHAHHAHABA ; thank you for the request 🫶🫶 ; sorry if anything seems a little wrong, I'm kinda looking into if I have adhd but obv idk and I'm not diagnosing myself, but I obviously am not diagnosed so I don't know the full ins and outs and I know it's a spectrum, so uh yeah 👍 hopefully I did good lol
MCYT ; ADHD shenanigans
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu & quackity
warnings ; language
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he'll walk into your stream, sit down, look at your screen, then blankly stare at you when he realizes what you're playing
"Dude. are you streaming FNAF again?"
you nod with a smile "yupppp"
he spends the rest of your stream talking to chat and trying to scare you more
you're just talking about the lore and shit and he's loosely hanging onto it LMAO
if you're just like pacing around the house he'll look up at you like "bro you okay?"
will genuinely join in as well, he's always got the energy
he doesn't mean to enable like hurting yourself to a point, but once he realizes he is kind of enabling it he'll immediately stop
"sit down, here, skip leg day for once, focus on those noodle arms of yours"
"says you! the fuck?"
he'll walk into your bedroom for the first time in like a month and just see posters and little trinkets and merch of your new fixation and be like "christ, man"
"I'm a little hyperfixated"
"I see that. also considering the 150 hours worth of streams you've put into FNAF, yeah..."
he gets you a vr headset and buys you the fnaf vr games.
he doesn't understand how you have so much energy but it's whatever
"dude, sit down, your legs are gonna fall off, you've been pacing for like three hours! drink some water at least"
"tubbo, I can't! I have too much energy and I can't get rid of it"
that commences three hours of wrestling in the living room 💀🙏
let's you rant about your fixations and the lore and whatnot
I mean they won't deny that the Blair Witch Project video game is really good
they even buy you posters of the Blair Witch Project movie and video game (we don't talk about the movies after the first...)
even gets you merch off the official game site too (if that exists? I'm not sure istg there was merch tho)
they start to get a little fixated on it too considering they love hearing about the lore and theories from you and stuff
they even play it on stream and dedicate it to you
"thanks for the content y/n"
when you're running through the house, he'll race with you for a while before finding some other ways for you to release energy without making yourself sore
at one point he just gives you coffee that way you'll crash and burn after a few hours
I mean at least you don't feel like your legs are about to pop off your body
invested in the resident evil lore because of you
"I saw this and thought of you" AND ITS A LEON KENNEDY EDIT LMFAOOO
I mean yeah
loves hearing you rant about the games and everything, he could listen to you talk for hours
when you're all strung up on energy he also enables it without realizing at first
when he can tell it's more than just being energetic he'll help you find ways to calm down
if need be, he'll read to you, instant sleep I swear
or when he starts talking you'll be fully invested in his words
"yknow, Google listed among us as a horror game and I really cannot-"
the amount of dead by daylight merch and the amount of money that you've spent on it is kinda concerning
but she loves listening to you rant about how the kill animations are so awesome and about new maps and characters and dlcs
I mean it's your current fixation, of course she'd listen to every single word you'd have to say
she even plays with you on stream a lot as well
when you're strung up on energy, she'll take you out for a run, you're like a dog on a leash though because she's not trying to lose you
"niki, come on! I wanna see the water snakes!"
"I'm coming, I can't sprint like you do, darling!"
"of all the games, why is five nights at freddy's the one you're fixated on?"
he loves hearing you rant and explain lore and theories to him tho
genuine love language
he'll even play it on stream with you
"and the purple guy basically killed all the kids, and the kids basically scared him into the springlock suit and it literally killed him so he possesses that suit now-"
he'll just joke about the amount of energy you have
like Ranboo, will serve you coffee so you can crash and burn considering you end up begging him to help you
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ultrainfinitepit · 28 days
When you first started making pins, how did you advertise them? And vs now? I really want to get into making some of my own :]
That's a great question! There's lots of ways to advertise and I'll share what worked for me. But your mileage may vary or you might find ways that work better for you than they did for me.
Here are my first angel pins, by the way, it's been four years since I first started if you can believe it.
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Here's what I did at the beginning that I still do now:
Build your following on social media and post about your pins. This is probably the most important thing to do, but also the hardest. Focus on a small number of social media profiles that you can manage comfortably, don't stretch yourself too thin as it is important to engage with your audience to build it. Each site has their own quirks as well. I can go into detail on my favorites and what I've observed for each if anyone is curious, just send a follow-up ask.
Run crowdfunding campaigns to fund your pins and then advertise to backers. Specifically start on Kickstarter if you are a beginner. While I am loving Backerkit it is a lesser-known site and it's harder to get discovered on it. I have gotten comments from artists who worry that they need to be popular before doing crowdfunding. However in my case it was my first campaign that built my audience the most. And in my opinion, it is never a waste of time to try out a campaign. If it fails you still have the artwork ready, you can gauge interest and see which designs are popular, and you will have a starter pool of people interested in your art that you can build off of.
Create a merch newsletter and share monthly updates. Since it is independent of social media it is a lower barrier to entry for customers interested in your art; and doesn't require them to check social media and happen to catch your posts. It takes some time to build a list but you can be assured everyone who signs up is invested in your merch.
There's quite a few things I did at the beginning to get started pin making and then advertise, that I don't do now. Mainly it is an issue of time. I used to spend hours and hours running around on all these sites, as well as reading over posts for research. Nowadays, social media and shop following are enough for me. But I would recommend the following for anyone looking to start out in pin making.
Things I used to do that I would recommend, but don't do much of now:
Join PMR on Facebook and post in their weekly share thread. "Pin Maker Resource" is the best place for beginner pin makers. It is a huge group of dedicated pin makers, all eager to answer questions and provide valuable insights into pin making. Most of all, it has those manufacturer reviews and names that everyone is always asking for! I have personally posted many reviews to this group. It is open for applications once a month. You have to apply because they specifically prohibit pin manufacturers from joining so people can post their reviews freely.
Post in Facebook groups. These communities can be large so your post may get lost in the crowd, but it will be seen by people specifically looking for pins. I like "Pin & Art Collector Marketplace" and "Pin Nation." "Enamel Pin Collectors, Artists, Trades and Kickstarters!" is decent but smaller.
Join a pin Discord server and share your designs in promotion channels. Many pin collectors such as myself join these servers to look for pins to buy. We are also in multiple servers and will crosspost if we like something. I have found these servers mainly by joining pin creators' Patreon clubs.
Post on Reddit. The communities are small but a guaranteed place to find people interested in pins. I like r/EnamelPins and r/pinprojects. If your pins are for a specific audience, you can post to relevant subreddits. For example, I have shared my work on angel art subreddits.
That's just about everything I can recall. I hope this is helpful, good luck on your pin journey!
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re-bee-key · 10 months
Just watched the Tumblr Live QnA Panel, and here's some of my thoughts:
* Had to toggle on Tumblr Live to watch and agree to the terms.
The stream itself was a little low quality visually, not terrible, but either they used a low quality camera or streaming isn't up to the same quality as other sites like Tiktok
* the gifting feature that mimics Tiktok was obnoxious. Users that seem to use Tumblr Live a lot where using gifts very often. The gift icons would take up most of the screen covering chat.
Some people in chat suggested that the gifters were Staff plants to make the site seem more popular than it is. There is no way to verify if they are or are not. But these individuals talked in the chat about how they use Tumblr Live all the time, and some dont even have blogs they only use Live. Which is????
I don't like the gifting emojis. But i dont like them on Twitch or tiktok either, so shrug emoji, i guess
Questions Answered (that i remember)
* The Chronological Dashboard will stay. They mentioned this several times that tumblr, while they are going to improve the For You algorithm, the main Chronological Dashboard will not change.
* Tumblr Live apparently isn't blocked in Europe and is just waiting for approval, which is soon. They said it being blocked was misinformation. (Which i have no way to verify.)
* LGBTQA+ and specifically Trans content getting flagged or censored is a bug, apparently. They said it happens from time to time, but reporting should fix it. Users in the chat were unhappy with this answer since the issue has lasted for such a long time and doesn't seem or feel random. But they did not comment further.
* Tumblr posts being collapsable was not super addressed. They sort of skimmed over this question and just said that they try lots of new features to see what works and what doesn't. Apparently, there will be a toggle to turn this feature on or off.
* Tumblr Groups was addressed. It was shut down because not enough users used the feature.
Apparently, not many users use Tumblr Live either, but they want to keep working on it to make it appealing.
* Another bit about Tumblr Live. CEO essentially said they will not give the option to permanently toggle off the feature.
One user had asked if Tumblr had investors. CEO said, "Of course."
CEO did mention they "might" add a way to permanently turn off tumblr live. But it if they did, it would be a paid option over $20.
* One user commented that they are epileptic and that certain ads trigger their seizures because of the flashing colors and wanted to know what they would do for this issue. Tumblr CEO said "Well you could pay for No Ads."
CEO talked about paying to go ad free a lot. Saying only 25 thousand users pay for it at the moment.
Personally, it seems really irresponsible to suggest that the only way to fix an accessibility issue is for a user to pay money. As if disabled people dont have to pay enough as it is.
* I had asked if they were willing to work with more artists for Merch and Badges. They said they are working on it and there is a feature called Creatr that is set up to uplift creators and work with them on merch ideas.
I've never heard of Creatr. He seemed like we should have known what it was? Maybe they should promote that more. I know we all want more ways to support artists.
* More Badges and Achievements are coming. Apparently, a Legacy Badge that shows how long you've been on tumblr is in the works. (Im personally very excited about Badges.)
* Tumblr is thinking bout doing more QnA and even meet ups at different conventions and some even at the headquarters themselves. (They did not acknowledge questions that asked for a Headquarters video tour.)
Anyways, that was about all I can remember. Staff didn't record the panel, so hopefully, one of the other users did.
They talked about other random stuff. Calling out gifters specifically and rambling about donuts and books.
Oh, also, they brought a ball pit. Which is, yeah. Lol
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miru667 · 5 months
Hiii Miru!!! ♥︎
How is your day going?
Sorry if I’m bothering you, but I just wanted to ask you something that was in my mind for a while, what’s your opinion about the today’s Once-ler Fandom?
I mean, the new oncelings (like me) and all the new stuff that is here, you probably think that all of this is so different in comparison with how the fandom was back in 2012!
And also… do you miss something from the fandom? :p
Something that you don’t see here anymore or not as much as it used to be?
Hiii suemooon! Today was yet another tiring work day =w= but my coworker gave me hot chocolate mix and marshmallows today as a christmas present so that was nice! I hope you're doing well too.
To compare today's onceler fandom vs 2012's onceler fandom...man I could talk forever about this haha! This is all just from my own point of view of course but I would say, yes a lot of things are different, but a lot of things are the same, too.
UHHMMM extremely long post so it's under a readmore LOL
For the differences, a lot of them are simply due to the way the internet has changed in 12 years. In 2012, most oncelings were in their early 20s, and if you were younger than 16 you were extremely rare and we would be like "WOAH?? THEY'RE 15?? I HAVE NEVER SEEN A 15 YEAR OLD ON SOCIAL MEDIA BEFORE". But today's oncelings are like, mostly teens now, I feel? I think it's because of tiktok, which didn't exist internationally until 2018, and also because of parents giving ipads to their kids at the age of 2. But yeah, to compare today to 2012 is like comparing gen z to millennials, the content and jokes were different and, due to 2012 being in the past, what was socially acceptable was different, too.
Another thing that's different is the way young people act towards characters nowadays, but let me specify some more. I really dislike the term "content" when referring to someone's personal creations because it just sounds so corporate. And I don't know how to feel when I see some new oncelings treat an old popular askblog character as if they're public property produced by some big company, instead of as an OC that someone worked really hard on. For example, Truffula Flu Camp Entre and Thneedville High AU are like "established media" to a lot of people out there now, as if they're well-known series recognizable to the masses (no, they're not). And as a result, I've seen people headcanon whatever they want on other people's OCs and ship them however they want without even knowing if the mods are okay with those ships anymore (it's better to be real careful, if you want my advice..). I've also seen new oncelings give other people's OCs to public merch-selling sites without the mods' permission, and I've even seen new oncelings try to take inactive askblog OCs as their own. Why? :( Just make your own OCs. You can do it! Hold my hand.
New oncelings don't understand what they're stepping into when they look at our old content from over a decade ago. Our personal feelings and our private friendships from those times, whether good or bad, are precious to us and I guess it's just a new phenomenon that we have to deal with now, so I don't have the answers for this yet. But I would encourage everyone to also look at new and current OCs in the fandom - which many people do, and I love to see that!! I also love seeing people making friends with each other and having fun with each other, that's what reminds me of the better days of 2012.
Another difference is the...landscape? We have tumblr DMs now and we have discord communities so a lot of things are hidden now from public view. RPs used to be public on tumblr but now we rp on discord and only people in the server can read them, and there are pros and cons to that. Also the fandom isn't dominated by only a handful of askblogs anymore. Things are WAY more balanced and evenly distributed now compared to 2012, where Swag Once-ler was the king of the fandom with 200 asks sent to him every hour and 4000 followers accumulated in just 5 months. (And I'm not dissing on Swag, I loved Swag too. I'm just stating my observations. In fact I miss him a lot ;-;)
As for what's the same...xD The excitement and passion that a lot of new oncelings have! I find that so cute. People being creative is the same, people gushing over the onceler and fandom ocs is the same, even if internet slang has changed. People being ambitious with projects is the same, even if those projects are never finished (but this is just general human nature). And PEOPLE BEING SWEET TO EACH OTHER is the same! I was nervous during 2020 since a lot of "ironic" fans joined that year but I'm happy to have seen some genuinely sweet people around in more recent years, just like there were in 2012. 😊
I also see a lot of the same movie analysis discussions each year, which makes sense since new people keep entering the fandom, haha! "The lorax movie could've been better", "the 1972 film is better", "I wish they kept biggering", "they should've expanded the factory scenes and taken out the car chase scene", "i hate the onceler's mom", "the movie's point gets muddled because too many people think his mom's to blame", "i can't believe zac efron and taylor swift didn't sing in the movie", and on and on, those never change, and I've seen these same discussions so often that I support the antithesis of each topic now, just to be a rebel. 😇 But usually I don't engage in those anymore, I just think "haha aww! they're having fun :]" and leave them be! But like, it truly reminds me of the earlier days. It's me who has changed, in this case.
And finally, "do you miss something from the fandom? Something that you don’t see here anymore or not as much as it used to be?" I mentioned Swag already, I also miss a lot of other askblogs that belonged to my friends, and most of all I miss a lot of my friends who've drifted away, and I hope they're all doing well. I had a lot of good times with friends over the years. Some of them were rp partners and I miss our rps and I miss their characters dearly, I can't think about it too hard or else I might cry. What else...I want to say that I miss the crazy nightblogging events we used to have but I don't know if I could keep up with those anymore if they happened again haha. Same with askblogs answering asks live, almost no one does that now because people want so much to make every ask pretty with a new pretty artwork. But like, even if that comes back, again I don't know if I could keep up. So I suppose everything had its place!
Things will continue to shift and change, and you never know what the future holds so it's best to just keep going. I'm still making new friends and new good memories in the fandom each year, and I'm grateful for that.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for this ask and thanks (and sorry) to anyone who read through all of this!!
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Kaiju Week in Review (March 3-9, 2024)
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Shin Ultraman took an eternity to reach home video, but Godzilla Minus One will proceed as a more reasonable pace (by Japanese standards). Toho will release roughly one billion different editions on May 1, with Amazon- and Godzilla Store-exclusive physical bonuses both on offer. Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color is included with some of the pricier versions, or you can buy it as a standalone Blu-ray or DVD.
The black-and-white version of Shin Godzilla, SHIN GODZILLA:ORTHOchromatic, also hits Japanese home video on May 1. Like Minus Color, no 4K edition, just Blu-ray and DVD. A handful of new bonus features about ORTHOchromatic are included.
As is standard for Toho, none of these releases will be English-friendly. But given the films' popularity (and the lack of any legal way to watch Minus One since it left theaters), expect bootlegs to circulate at light speed.
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Unsurprisingly, Godzilla Minus One cleaned up at the Japanese Academy Awards, with eight victories out of eleven nominations: Picture of the Year, Best Supporting Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Screenplay, Best Editing, Best Sound, Best Art Direction, and Best Lighting. That's one more than Shin Godzilla, and pretty much guarantees that the Toho Godzilla series will keep the prestige pictures coming. Strange times!
We'll see if Minus One can also capture Best Visual Effects at the American Academy Awards tonight. The Creator remains its biggest competition. The Gareth Edwards film is better-positioned by the usual metrics, with a second nomination for Best Sound and five wins at the Visual Effects Society Awards, but the enthusiasm gap for the films themselves may prove decisive. I'll be doing a much lengthier analysis during Wikizilla's Oscar stream tonight, which will start at about 6:00 PM ET, an hour before the ceremony begins.
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Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire tickets may not be on sale yet, but Cinemark theaters have rolled out the above merch (much more efficiently than Target and Walmart have rolled out the toyline, if my local theater's any indication). I have a suspicion those plushies will be worth a mint a few years from now, small as they are; don't know about the other stuff. I bought the larger popcorn tin when I saw Dune: Part Two on Thursday. The promo image is deceptive, as the green area is transparent plastic and the Titan image is on the opposite wall of the tin, so that popcorn's either defying gravity or being held up by a hidden insert. There are Kong and Skar King variants as well, the latter revealing his height (318 feet). Poor Shimo; being the "secret" villain really narrows the amount of merch you get.
The other interesting GxK news this week (apart from the endless TV spot variants, which I'm not even trying to keep track of) is a collaboration with the American Red Cross, of all institutions. Donate blood, platelets, or AB Elite plasma from March 25 to April 7, get a free T-shirt. And for completion's sake, I'll mention the Roblox and Call of Duty cross-promos too.
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Chibi Godzilla Raids Again, an unexpected delight last year, is getting a second season starting April 3. The official site revealed that Minilla is joining the cast, while those silhouettes to his right look like Titanosaurus (unjustly neglected in recent years), Gigan, and Gabara. Expect to follow the first season in being uploaded to the GODZILLA OFFICIAL by TOHO YouTube channel with English subtitles.
Here's another chance to watch Tsuburaya and Toei Animation's Kaiju Decode short, originally released in 2021. (It goes away at the end of the month, because every Japanese studio is apparently hellbent on making short films ephemeral, so download it now.) It's the basis for a recent mixed reality game for the Meta Quest 3 and Meta Quest Pro, hence its return to the spotlight.
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UniVersus, a collectable card game predicated on pitting characters from various franchises against each other, is going all in on Godzilla after offering a couple of Minus One cards through highly convoluted means last year. They're releasing a couple of Godzilla Challenger Series (preconstructed decks) on June 21, one based around Godzilla and Mothra, the other around King Ghidorah and Rodan, with Mechagodzilla thrown into the mix for both. I've never played this game in my life, but the prospect of a shiny Godzilla card with James Stokoe art is sort of tempting.
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mrsshabana · 2 months
Hey hello howdy! I hope this message finds you well. I've been poking around your blog and merch collection, because I've been seeking Daki and Gyutaro keychains. Do you have any recommendations?
Do you mean official Gyutaro merch?
If so, this question makes me so happy but also so sad. I love collecting Gyutaro merch and over the past two years I have almost everything. There was a lot of merch made for him!
But the sad thing is, they don't seem to be making much more merch for him and it is becoming much more difficult to get Gyutaro merch now. So as far as recommendations for keychains there are only a few that I still see on the market.
Really this one is the only one that is relatively easy to get right now. You can buy it directly from Amiami. (I'm not sure why it says pre-order when I literally got mine from them 2 years ago) Here is a link: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=GOODS-04236648
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You can sometimes find some of the more common ones on Buyee. But these are some of my favorites in my collection:
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I really love these ones but they went for sale over a year ago and are no longer being sold, unfortunately. I haven't even seen them come up on the resale sites in a long while, but sometimes they may occasionally come up. If I can find them I will provide a link though.
I was able to find a few though, so here are a few links. Gyutaro & Daki Keychain ✧ Gyutaro Keychain ✧ Gyutaro Keychain ✧ Gyutaro & Tengen Keychain ✧ Plush Daki Keychain
I have a lot of merch I forgot to share with everyone so maybe I could do that again soon! I always try to include links as well if items are still available. But yeah, there is a new figure coming out later this year so we at least have that to look forward to! 。゚.(♡´◡` 人´◡` ♡)゚
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doggone-devil · 2 months
By the Cover: Chapter 1
Behold! A secondary novel for me to write while I work on my other one XD No, but this idea has a chokehold on me so of course I had to write it. Pairing: Alastor x afab!Reader Warnings: none for this chapter~ Word Count: 2,517
"I waited for you my entire life and you were worth every minute." - Mark Anthony
Two lovers, hand in hand, facing the odds of the world around them. A poetic tale of how love triumphs over everything, not even the Universe itself able to keep them together. A romance little girls dream of as they watch their idols on screen, fantasizing about the day they'll be swept off their feet into a happily ever after. Such a beautiful hope, a goal they could one day accomplish, unlike you.
Wrapped in a well-worn blanket, you sit on your couch with your nose buried in the latest episode of your favorite show. The second you received the notification of its release, your were scrambling to go to the streaming site, the show queued in your favorites, ready to play. Giddy with excitement, you began to watch, engrossed in the plot as it furthered, the various characters building the hype of the upcoming climax. As much as  you loved seeing them, your eyes waited patiently to recognize one character in particular.
An audible gasp escapes you before a high pitch shriek, your toes wiggling to try and exert some of the built up energy you felt just from seeing them appear. Red hair dipped in black, fluffy ears, and captivating red eyes. You swoon when they speak, voice filtered to sound like those old 1920s radio broadcast. Some fans find the voice annoying but you swore it was an angel speaking, your body shivering in response to their words. They were the love of your life, your hyperfixation, your absolute obsession.
Alastor was the their name, a very powerful Overlord and one of the main characters of your favorite animated show, Hazbin Hotel. It had appeared and swept many into it's fandom, becoming favored next to the other show released by the same creator, Helluva Boss. Granted, you still loved that show and watched it when the episodes came out, but this one - you squeal - this one had you in an iron grip and all because of the radio demon so graciously displayed on screen.
Granted, you realized your quick fascination with the character was a bit problematic. Firstly, he was manipulative, scheming, and in it for only for him. He didn't care, really, about the other characters, even having a near breakdown when almost dying for them. You were certain if he existed in real life, he wouldn't be as lovely as you dreamt him to be, but that didn't stop your heart from skipping when you saw him. It also didn't stop  you from spending your hard earn money on countless fan merch, his face decorating every pillow, blanket, and object you owned. Even the phone in your hand had his face on it, smiling at you with hooded lids. Yes, you had a problem but you weren't stopping any time soon.
"Another perfect episode," you sigh, letting your hands drop to your lap as you lean back into your couch. The credits roll and you happily stare up at your ceiling, thoughts already plagued by him. He was so cool this time, not that he wasn't all the time, but this time he had been so sassy. You were already thinking of ways to write about it, ready to tell others in the fandom how baby girl coded he was. You giggle, tossing your blanket off your legs. You stretch with a groan, looking back at your phone to note the time. Your stomach grumbles.
You hum as you walk to your kitchen, looking in the fridge for something to eat. You weigh your options of a ketchup sandwich or mayo sandwich. Tough decisions, both sounding very appeasing, but you opt for the third option. You grab your keys and hoodie, tugging it over your head as you slip on your flip flops. You may only have sixteen dollars left after purchasing that one Alastor keychain, but it was totally worth it. Besides, you only needed eight of it to buy an everything bagel and coffee.
Basking in the sunlight for a second once you step outside, you head down the sidewalk from your duplex home, steering clear of other pedestrians as they mosey about. It's clear out, the cold air leftover from winter barely noticeable with no wind, the sun warm as it hangs high in the sky. A very nice day to enjoy as you walk, wondering what it'd be like to take Alastor to a small café. You tilt your head down to keep others from seeing your goofy smile, unable to hide the joy you feel of imagining Alastor critique the food.
He would probably comment on the way it's processed, stating how homecooked meals were the way to go. Oh, how you'd give anything to taste a meal cooked by Alastor. From what you knew of his backstory, he loved to cook and enjoyed a good jambalaya. You weren't raised southern, nowhere close as you recall your hometown in Michigan. You grew up with cabbages and kolackies, a drastic difference from shrimp and gumbo. Granted, you have tasted the Cajun dishes, curious to know what they tasted like when you discovered Alastor's birthplace, but you wanted them cooked by a real southern man. No, you wanted them cooked by Alastor, otherwise they just couldn't be as good. Shame.
You're greeted by a barista as you walk into your favorite café, breathing in the air deeply, enjoying the favorable scents that assault you. It's just a small business a block away from your house, easy and fast to get to. It had the best bagels you've ever tasted and the coffee wasn't half bad, either. You step in line, eagerly waiting behind three other customers while you roam the menu above. You already know what you'll order but it doesn't hurt to see what's new, checking their daily specials. Today seems to be an in house blueberry muffin, complimented with a drink of the customer's choice. It's appealing, but you're not that big a fan of blueberries. Or muffins.
"Excuse me." You hear the voice before feeling the shove, a person squeezing in the line to get through. You step back to avoid them, yet your foot gets caught on the other. You begin to fall backwards until a firm body stops you. You turn to apologize as you regain your footing, but your words get caught in your throat. You see a man standing behind you, his hands fixing his bowtie, but that's not what makes you speechless. He's tall, very tall, with bright red hair and tan skin. As he looks down at you, your breath hitches. His eyes are almost as red as his hair and you wonder if they're contacts. They have to be, you think to yourself, no one's eyes are red. It's not a natural color but they look natural. You must be staring too long cause he clears his throat.
"Sorry!" you blurt out, quickly turning to face forward, realizing a gap between you and the customer ahead of you. You scamper to move up, nearly tripping over your feet, your cheeks burning in embarrassment. You try not to think about the man behind you or his stupidly good looks. Seriously, how chiseled does one jaw have to be? You could cut marble with it. You focus on anything but him, staring at your feet until the barista is asking for your order.
Bagel and coffee secured, you walk to your usual spot in the corner of the café, a window table with two seats. It's comfortable and spaced far enough away from the other tables to let you enjoy your food in peace. You shrug out of your hoodie as you sit, hanging it on the back of the chair. You take a bite of your bagel, moaning softly at the seasonings popping off on your tongue. It's simple and yet, to you, so delicious. Pulling out your phone, you go to scroll through some apps, but your attention is caught by a red coat passing by. You glance up and nearly choke on the bite you swallow. The man from before settles at a table close to yours, only a coffee in hand when he sets it down. He also pulls out his phone, paying no mind to anything around him. Unlike you, your eyes glued to him. You swear he seems familiar despite never seeing him before.
He's wearing nearly all red, minus his black pants. His coat is a deep red, matching his hair. The undershirt is white, however, and you notice black gloves on his hands. Huh, you chuckle to yourself. He almost looks like Alastor, the clothes very similar and even his build - You blink. 
Oh my god. Oh my fucking god, you think, eyes wider than the plate your bagel sits on. You quickly look away, your hand slapped over your mouth at the realization. You just compared a real person to a fictional character. 
You take another glance, trying to study him more. He's tall like Alastor, slender for sure, but you can't really tell with the coat on. He's style is like that out of the 1920s, just like Alastor. A tailcoat, collared undershirt, bowtie, and even dress pants completed with dress shoes. Just slap a monocle on him and he could be Alastor what with the slanted, bob haircut had had. God, if you had your cosplay Alastor ears and antlers, you'd ask him to wear them and call you darling.
No, wait, what's wrong with you? Ugh, you're so creepy and you need to stop staring so much and - oh my god, now he's staring back. Idiot!
You take interest in your bagel again, taking a rather large bite as you struggle to chew. You begin to cough as the pieces roughly slide down your throat, eyes watering as you reach for your coffee. You're gulping it down to help the food along, gasping for air. You hear a snorted chuckle and look up, seeing the man cover his mouth with the back of his hand, avoiding your look. You can see the smile and blush, realizing he watched all of that. Could this get any worse?
You sigh, wanting to bang your head on the table. Instead, you reach for your phone, knowing tumblr will distract you. Only, the Universe decided today was the day to pick on you and as you reach for said phone, your arm bumps your coffee. It spills. All over your table. All over you. You want to cry.
"Here." You see the man walk over to you, extending his hand to offer a handkerchief. You take it, sniffling with a pout.
"Thank you," you mumble, wiping at your now ruined top. It was white ten seconds ago, now stained brown. As you wipe, the liquid spreads. You sigh in defeat, knowing you'll have to throw it away when you get home. Thank god you have your hoodie.
"Here, let me," the man says, taking the handkerchief gently from your hands. You let him, too embarrassed and sad about your shirt. He smiles as he dabs at your shirt. "Wiping only helps the coffee to set. You have to dab for the best results." You watch him, slightly annoyed at the way he fusses over it like a dad would, but you're not angry. In fact, you feel kind of in awe as he moves, your eyes glued to his face. His nose is pointed and sharp, eyes angled like a cat. His lashes are long, complimenting those strange red eyes. You try to see if they are, in fact, contacts, but as you lean to get a closer look, they snap up to meet you. You jump back, knocking into the table. Your coffee cup sways but before it can spill again, he reaches out to steady it. You sigh in relief.
"Sorry," you apologize.
"You have a clumsy habit, don't you?" he hums, chuckling when you pout again.
"Not usually," you state, turning to grab your hoodie when he steps back. You can't help but feel so small when he straightens up to full height again.
"Really? I couldn't tell." It's a banter, but you're failing to think of how to respond. You're not use to actively conversing with people in the real world, most of your conversations being with friends online or AI chatbots. Ok, maybe you didn't need to think about the last one, but the fact still stands that you don't know how to talk to people. Especially people as attractive as he is.
"Well," you grab your bagel and what's left of your coffee, "as fun as was to bother you and embarrass myself, I have to go." You need to escape, more like it. Your social battery is already beeping in alarm, drained from the back to back events that was your attempted outing for lunch. You throw your trash away as you leave, not taking the chance to look back at the man.
As you walk back home, you can't help but think of how the scenario could've played out different. If you were a normal person, you could've held a conversation with the man, maybe even inviting him for coffee tomorrow. You could flirt and date until, one day, he would ask your hand in marriage. Then you would have kids, grow old together, and live a life well filled. At least, that's the person your mother wanted to be. A normal woman with a normal love life, finding a man to support you and give her grandkids. Sadly, that was never going to happen, you think as you step into your house. If the seven foot cardboard cutout of Alastor greeting you at your front door wasn't enough to deter potential mates away, then surely the numerous framed Alastor posters scattered across your walls would.
Maybe you should cancel that order for the Alastor cursed cat plushie…
You toss your keys down and kick off flip fops, pulling your hoodie off to grimace at the disaster that is your white-turned-brown tee. Yeah, there's no getting this stain out and you weren't about to buy some fifteen dollar produce that claims to erase the stain. You shrug it off, opening your kitchen bin and tossing it away. It doesn't bother you too much, thankful it's not one of your Alastor shirts. Speaking of, you walk to your bedroom, going straight to your dresser. You rummage through your shirts before picking one and putting it on. This was one is black, Alastor's face printed on the front with the words 'Smile Like You Mean It' placed around him. It's one of your favorites.
Shuffling back to your living room, you decide to ease your stress with the one thing you know will put a smile on your face. Sitting on your couch, tucking your legs as you bring your blanket back over your body, you quickly open your phone to its browser. Archive of Our Own loads up and you quickly begin filtering through the latest additions to Alastor fanfictions.
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Masterlist ... Ao3
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theshadowedqueen82 · 6 months
So I've been seeing the seasonal "abandon ship tumblr's going down" panic, and I've also seen some truly dumb takes about the staff running this website. For people not in the know, there's been talk about tumblr basically going into maintenance mode on account of not making any money (I first heard about this here, and there's a good post talking about what comes next here). And I'd just like to take this time to say to @staff, both current and former: thank you.
Thank you for trying. Thank you for putting so much love into this website. Thank you for the crabs and the polls and the Goncharov mugs and @brickwhartley, and a thousand other things you do behind the scenes to keep this hellsite (affectionate) running.
I've been here for a while, and there's been a noticeable difference in how the website is being run since Automattic acquired it in 2019. Is it perfect? Absolutely not! But there is a genuine effort to work with the current userbase. Its a stark contrast to the many incredibly scummy ways other social media websites make their money, from data mining and selling personal information, to turning the site over to algorithms that moderate for outrage and maximum engagement for the sake of advertisers. Tumblr is special to me because it feels like one of the only places left on the internet where I'm not met with a constant demand to buy buy buy. Which unfortunately is also probably why Tumblr has not been doing so well financially. It's a sacrifice to not cross that line, to try and make badges and merch and hope that users will sign up for ad free, all in the hopes of funding this website with cooperation rather than deception.
I don't know how things will shake out, but I hope that Tumblr will be around for a good while. I see the love and the effort put into the merch shop, and the artist collabs, and the april fools events, and the q&as. Things are not perfect, and things can be improved! But there's so much I love about this site, and a lot of it is because we've had staff who genuinely care about this weird little corner of the internet. So thank you, and I hope that this is far from the end of the road for us.
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ryuucha · 10 months
Ah, hello?
Um, I don’t usually post something like this but I feel I need to.
I’m curently mostly on twitter, and if you’re there you know how rollercoaster that site is hahaha. Not sure why I’ve been hesitant to open either tumblr or insta..….. and truthfully, I’ve been having some anxiety with my own drawing ability even though I keep drawing things for a long while…
But just now I open this site and sees people still liking and reblogging my very old arts with very kind, funny, excited tags and comments? Specifically the drawings I made just because I want to draw it??
You don’t know how much that suddenly makes me smile, how it oddly makes me feel lighter today and think that It’s ok to just draw what I want, things I like, without doubting and comparing myself to other people constantly even to my own friends.… Makes me miss the time when I don’t think much of what people will think, or fearing that I miss out on the trend when I post my drawings.. even if the feeling only last for a day, I think it’s a good progress.. I’ll remind myself to remember this. This is also the main reason why I write this.
I’m trying to rebuild things, crossposting some of the arts I made, and hopefully I can open an international store for my merch and comic soon.
Lastly, I’m not that good at writing words that exactly best fit with what I feel, and sometimes I don’t know what to say at all. For those still around and cheering on me even though I now rarely post here, thank you so much. I wish you all the good things in life!
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imbadatwrighting · 1 year
Hey, are your orders open? if so could you do headcanons of the yugioh characters reacting to s/o who has an obsession with the mystical elf card?
Nah cuz I had to search up the card cuz I forgot what it was 💀💀 also I was using a different fanfic site and just saw it so I kinda rushed to get dis done lmao 😭
Yu-gi-oh boys reacting to their S/o having an obsession w/ the mystical elf card
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Yugi Muto
He honestly didn’t notice-
I mean he picked up on how constant you used it and talked about it but at the same time he does that to a lot of cards in his deck so didn’t think anything of it
He’ll listen to what you’re saying always though
Doesn’t matter how many times you have been talking about this card, he’s gonna act like it’s his first time hearing about it from you
He got you a keychain that had the mystical elf on it because he knew you would like it but he didn’t know you would like it that much
You were basically jumping with joy on this
He was too-
As long as your happy he’s happy
He listens to you repeat the same story over and over and over again about using the Mystical elf card and doesn’t get tired of it ever
“Ok so like I was battling this one dude who was all about offense and guess what?!?”
“You have to guess Yugi!”
“Uhh, let’s see here… you used a spell card?”
“No! I got the mystical elf; she protected me and she helped me not lose…”
“Oh wow.”
“She really is my guardian angel. She must have sent you down as a gift for me.”
“She really is spectacular… and you know who else is?”
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Yami Yugi
He’s always listening
He loves to hear you go on and on about her; it doesn’t matter if it’s 1am or 4pm, he’s always interested in what your saying
He got you a rare mystical elf card for your birthday and you burst out in tears
He’s definitely in love with you and while he doesn’t tell you he shows it in multiple ways
Lots of people get upset when you repeat a story but he’s the exact opposite
He gets happy knowing you’re so happy that you forgot that you already told him this
Yami always says that you only hot headed when it comes to the mystical elf
The amount of times he cleaned you up after getting in literal fights all because of that card
So when he gets hated on you just say their ‘insecure’ but when it’s about the mystical elf you’ll get in a fight?!
Starting to sound like you love the card over him
“Ok! So the other day I was heading to the grocery story and these imbeciles where talking about how ‘ThE mYsTiCaL eLf Is StUpId’ blah blah blah and I walked over to them and started a fight!”
“Well maybe next time don’t go up to them.”
“It’s their fault! They threw the first punch!”
“I know but I don’t want you to get hurt… sometimes you have to let things go.”
“No I just want you to be safe and not die from some weak kids that have nothing better to do then fight random people.”
“Tell me, how did you first ‘fall in love’ with the mystical elf card?”
“You should know better than anyone how you can fall in love with your cards pharaoh.”
“I know but I love hearing your stories.”
“Is it because you love me, Yami?”
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Joey Wheeler
He understand completely because he’s the same way towards his Red-Eyes Black Dragon
If you are hot headed and get into lots of fights about it then you’re even more alike
You and him are constantly venting about the amount of people that don’t appreciate these cards
Neither one of you are talking about anything else except this stuff
That’s all of your conversations every single day
What’s his favorite color? Don’t know you never asked him that. You’re always talking to him yet you never asked him what his favorite color is? Correct.
My bro is poor af and so are you so both of you have little to no merch
Unless it’s Christmas or your birthday you ain’t getting shit
Sorry not sorry
He’ll try to draw you the mystical elf but it turns out looking like a blob with leaves on it
You guys are always talking about which one is better
Neither one of you win the argument though
If you are a little violent and use that as a way to make people like your favorite card then expect him to be cheering you on… from a safe distance
You might be able to fight but he sure as hell can’t
“Go baby! You can do this!”
“Why don’t you come over here and help me why don’t ya!?”
“Didn’t you say you were independent!? Why do you be needin’ me!”
“2 is better than 1!”
“So?? Since when did you care!”
“Since now! Your over there tryin’ to act slick by leaning against that wall like you’re the one that is beating up these people meanwhile I’m over here working my ass off!”
“I’m not just ‘lEaNiNg AgAiNsT tHe WaLl’ I’m cheering you on too!”
“Yeah from 30ft away! Joey get your ass over here and help!”
“They’ll win!”
“You know they said that they found the Red-eyes Black Dragon useless.”
“Count me in!”
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Seto Kaiba
Bro definitely acts like he doesn’t care
And it’s true-
Bro could not give a single f whether or no you like a card or not
I mean he definitely doesn’t constantly buy you things related to the Mystical elf
It doesn’t matter how expensive it is
If it looks nice then it’s yours
In Kaiba corp he has a whole room dedicated to the merch that he bought you and you couldn’t fit it in your house
He be buying so much it’s as if he’s the one in love with her
He’s not obsessed with her though, he’s obsessed with you
Not that he would ever tell you that
Not to mention the stuff that Mokuba gets for you
Dating Seto is like a two in one package
You get a boyfriend and a loving younger brother
Seto will subtly tell Mokuba what you would like and Mokuba will make/draw it for you
Sweetest boy alive oh my Lordy
Seto acts like he’s annoyed by your rants but honestly he doesn’t really care
He actually loves them
You usually sit in a spiny chair while he sits in his office chair, working, and you just talk about your day
And the mystical elf card of course
He will always tell you when you repeated a story
“Ok so the other day I was out, just walking around you know? Then all of a sudden I saw this guy in the alleyway and- ”
“You told me this already.”
“Oh right! Well there was also this time where I was at the mall and-”
“I was with you.”
“Oh. Well how about this one time where these two guys were trying to gang up on me because I ‘insulted their favorite cards’ by saying that mine was better-”
“You pressed the alert button on your watch that day and my guards took care of that.”
“Oh haha! I forgot!”
“I can tell. Why don’t you tell Mokuba about your day? He was asking how you were today. I’m sure he would enjoy seeing you.”
“Ok I will! I have a couple things to give him anyways! Bye Seto!”
“Be a little more quiet will you, please.”
“Oh sorry.”
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ensemble-news · 11 months
This week on Ensemble News
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With the announcement of the Ra*bits climax event, fans decide to theorize about the possible meanings behind the MV that we'll discuss today.
A fandom project that has gained popularity, the "Ensemble Stars!! Cookbook" is currently in it's interest check, more information about this project ahead.
Want to know more? Stay with us
▶ Fandom Section
Ra*bits Climax Event
The MV for the newest Ra*bits event has been previewed, the song, "Parallel Mazes" happens to contain not only a detailed scenario but also references and winks to the past of the unit, the same way we saw Crazy:B's "Crazy Anthem" go through a similar process.
In a determined part of the video, we're able to see Ra*bits crossing a bridge while looking at their old selves, but the interesting part of it is the poses they make.
A couple of fans decided to discuss these poses trying to find their meaning, to what the conclusions so far have reached two different possibilities.
A user on Twitter ¹ deduced that their poses have to do with them imitating people that have had an important influence for Ra*bits individually, or, people that they look up to.
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However, there's also another possibility that people have pointed out, and that is their similarities with Undead and fine.
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The argument behind this has to do with the analogy of Heaven and Hell that these two units form.
In any case, both theories have interesting funds, so let us know your opinion about them!
1. Yun (@.sunspotgaze) via Twitter. 14/06/2023. Link
The Ensemble Stars Cookbook
The Ensemble Stars Cookbook is a zine leaded by Posebean, which consists in the recollection of food recipes with an Ensemble Stars theme, the information in their site states:
"Niki's cookbook is an upcoming unofficial cookbook fanzine centered all around cooking!
It will contain art, writing, merch all based off food, and self-made recipes that are specifically themed around various units/idols/groups of Ensemble StarsThe specs of the zine are still up in the air and will be finalized after the interest check has concluded, as well as whether the zine will be for profit, for charity, or both.More detailed information can be found in our Primary Info Doc, as well as application guidelines and contributor expectations.
The goal is to have at least one recipe per unit and one recipe per member of Niki’s kitchen (except for Niki, who should have 2 recipes). There may also be other recipes themed after shuffle units, circles, dorms, other characters in general, specific events, and etc… if all of the goal recipes have been filled.
There will be art pieces to match some of the recipes, as well as stand-alone art pieces with the theme of cooking and food. Small anecdotes written in the character’s perspectives will be scattered throughout, and writing will be short scenes also centered around cooking and food." (Niki's Cookbook via Google Docs) ¹
As mentioned before, the project is currently in its interest check phase, so we encourage everyone interested to fill it out and contribute. The form can be found in the project's social media.
Some links on where to find the project
Official Document
Tumblr: @escookbook
Twitter: @EScookbook
Make sure to give this project your support.
1. Niki's Cookbook (@.escookbook) via Google Docs. 15/06/2023. Link
▶ Game Section
Ra*bits climax event has been announced. "Infinite * Parallel World of Our Potential" will be Tomoya's center.
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"Tomoya is worrying over whether he is properly contributing to Ra*bits as its leader. One day, Ra*bits is summoned by Bishoujo-senpai, a major person in their agency..." ¹
Feature Scout
Feature Scout 2: Aira, has been announced. It features 5* Aira, 4* Subaru and 3* Rei.
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"Aira has already prepared his own candid shots for the pamphlet, but the producer feels like there's something off about those photos." ²
Event Scout
Event Scout: Raindrop-covered Show Window has been announced. It features 5* Souma, 4* HiMERU and 3* Ibara and Kanata.
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"Souma and some others have ended up competing by designing a display. Souma decides to use individuality as his theme, but he finds himself having a harder time than expected." ³
1. Iridescent (@.iridesenescence) via Twitter. 13/06/2023. Link
2. Iridescent (@.iridesenescence) via Twitter. 09/06/2023. Link
3. Iridescent (@.iridesenescence) via Twitter. 13/06/2023. Link
June Tsukisuta Notes
Happyele will post hiring campaings every month during Tsukisuta. Green Missions of the Rainbow Season start. Enstars 15 Million Downloads campaign. Album releases per unit after their respective events. SS Satellite outfits available in the MV store. New collab job featuring 2wink and Crazy:B, Ra*bits event and MV announcement.
Thank you for using Ensemble News.
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saveraedae · 6 months
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Since it's indie animation day, check out this post to get ya introduced to TMS! If you're a fan of complex characters and stories, gay angst, and comedy, KEEP READING BELOW THE CUT! THIS SHOW HAS GOT YOU COVERED! (TV-14 DLSV)
Help boost by reblogging to support the show. :)
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Drama? Compelling storyline? Check. ✅ If you want a show that maintains a fine balance between tackling not-so-fun and dark issues while still retaining a comedic value through its expressive and cartoony characters, THE MARK SIDE will present!
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If you let him try, maybe he can get it right this time! IT'S MARK REED! Voiced by Collin Weiler!
More info on the site!
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One things for sure, Mark and Ben will never be the same! It's BENJAMIN WASHINGTON! Voiced by Andre Grandpierre!
More info on the site!
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JONATHON WASHINGTON has hope that things can go back to normal… Even though they don't look like they will. Voiced by Kruyo!
More info on the site!
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Seeming normal in comparison to his friends is KENNY PETERSON! Voiced by XephThePanda!
More info on the site!
And that's a wrap for the friend group—
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More info on the site!
To see the other characters that will be apart of the story, go here!
Go here if you wanna be a part of the production!
The merch store and support tiers will launch in 2024, but to support in the meantime, check out the Ko-Fi!
Thanks for reading, and follow this account for news and updates relating to THE MARK SIDE's production! We've got some great things in the works, and we can't wait to show you! —Follow me, the show's creator and showrunner, here on Tumblr for additional content and QnA stuff! Also see @ask-tms for ask blog type shenanigans!
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