#where were you when ichi was kill
denei-shoujo · 8 months
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ichi ga kill
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mikobeautifulheart · 1 month
How about JJK Men touching your weak spot, like on ur back or something in public and it makes you jump and them laugh.
IDK what ever you want to write but something like that.
Not edited btw :(
Weak spot
Including: Yuji and Yuta
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You were standing at the door to Yuji's dorm. He told you earlier that he would be 5 minutes late and that you could just head inside.
Was he sure, could you really just freely walk in? I mean what if he left stuff out that your not meant to see...or if he left his things out and forgot about it.
You reached out to turn the door knob before pushing the door open slowly. Everything was...normal. Clean, neat, nothing out of the ordinary actually. You walked in quietly, this place was to quiet to clean...there's got to be something he's hiding.
Well he is Yuji, he wouldn't hid anything...would he?
First you looked under the couch.
Then his desk draws.
And then in the book shelfs.
Nothing. Maybe you were just to caught up in trying to find anything interesting, in reality you knew there probably wasn't even anything there.
Finally you opened his bed room door and were about to peek under the bed when you felt something gently run down your spine making you jump slightly.
You heard Yuji's laugh "Your spine really is your weak spot"
You stood up and grabbed the pillow off of his bed and whacked him with it.
"HEY! CALM DOWN" He said wrapping his arms around you, pushing you on his bed, his body on top.
"What were you looking for?" He asked
"Mmm nothing Yuji, I was just looking around. I guess I was right, you don't seem like a guy who hides things"
"I don't need to hide anything from you babe, I have nothing to hide" He said smiling while kicking his old Jenifer Lawrence poster under his bed.
(He forgot to throw it out before you got there)
You were sent on a mission with your boyfriend, last one of the day. You were practically on edge after the past few nights with little to no sleep. Worked to the bone and tiered.
You and Yuta had pretty much finished the mission, but there were still traces of cursed energy so you both spilt up.
Man this sucks.
You swore as soon as this was over you were going to collapse into Yuta's arms and sleep all the way back home. But in the mean time you just had to hurry and finish this mission.
Walking down the hall way you heard something inside of a room, that was it, it was the last curse. It would be an easy kill, if only you could find the damn thing first.
You swung open the door and was hit with a wave of exhaustion hit you making your eye lids get heavier. Your vision blurred and your limbs became heavier.
"Not now" You mumbled to yourself seeing the curse move away in the corner of your sight.
You stumbled into the middle of the room and swung your arm aimlessly, managing to punch right through the curses body.
A sigh escaped your lips. Finally. Or so you thought until you felt overwhelming cursed energy behind you. Before you could turn around and react you felt a small poke on the small of your back making you jump and your knees go weak, body falling slowly backwards into something...you close your eyes to just accept your fate at this point only to be met with the sound of a light hearted chuckle.
"Y-Yuta, you rat. You know that's my weak spot" You mumbled looking up at him, seeing his smile.
"Sorry, sorry I couldn't help it." He lifted your body up bridal style and carried you out the building.
"Where's Ichi when you need him" Yuta said looking down to see you peacefully sleeping.
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AUTHOURS NOTE: So random but i'm dying with out requests, I only have two more to write and I've nearly finished them. PLEASE.
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russenoire · 12 days
on first watch as an anime-only, i remember feeling like ritsu kageyama's descent into evil in episode seven needed a little more air, more space to breathe. i... no longer do. if that slide down the slippery slope feels a bit sudden, there is a reason; and if you know what to look for, it's not actually all that sudden. bear with me here.
from the first episode, the anime sets ritsu up as shigeo's kind, solicitous younger brother. we don't see much of him for the first three episodes, but when we do, he's making bids for shigeo’s attention: helpfully straightening his spoon when it bends and deposits a bite of his dinner on the dining table; noting that he seems out of it and offering himself up as a confidant at least twice; checking in on him in the morning so they can both leave on time. (i actually love the anime for doing this. ritsu doesn't even show up as a character until maybe the middle of the manga's second volume?) except for the spoon, shigeo gently turns him down every time.
and yet. the interview ichi mezato snags with ritsu in episode four confirms a distance between the kageyama boys. you are not seeing things here. he initially refuses her desire for detailed information about shigeo’s powers, only indulging her to find out what shigeo’s been up to. ritsu holds those powers in such awe that he uses a rather hyperbolic phrase to describe shigeo for her: '世界の基本', or sekai no kihon, literally the standard for [his] world.
after he coldly walks out on her, she reviews what little she’s gleaned from their chilly meeting: he's hawt, at the top of his class, athletic, very popular... all things his older brother decidedly is not. the story establishes a duality here between ritsu’s image—indirectly revealed through mezato’s notes—and the reality of ritsu, sat hunched across from her, sullen, barely tolerating her until she coughed up the information she promised him. later on that evening, we see just how deep ritsu's awe goes... or rather, how snared up it is in resentment and envy as he attempts in vain to bend a spoon, just like shigeo did when they were younger. all the trophies of others’ esteem already gathering dust on his shelves don’t mean shit if he can’t have this.
ritsu intercepts shigeo as he leaves for class the next morning: no student council meeting, so an opportunity to actually talk to him. this is rare, his brother notes. and of course dimple is haunting shigeo. when the specter comments on their apparent closeness, the boy side-eyes him hard. this can easily be read two ways: ‘why the hell are you talking to me when no one else can see you?’ and ‘man, fuck you for sticking the knife in deeper.’ ritsu doesn’t ask about the cult meeting here or ever in the entire series. was he really all that interested in mezato’s news? no, he only wants to know why his brother doesn’t use his powers anymore. and this is the first time they’ve talked about this.
it’s such a neat little mystery, these breadcrumbs the story leaves for us until ritsu’s formal introduction in episode six. even though they share the same home and appear to be on friendly terms, the kageyama brothers may as well live on opposite sides of the planet. we don’t even get a sense of why this state of affairs exists until episode five, where teru chokes the breath out of shigeo and his pissed-off soul levels teru’s school before catapulting him into the stratosphere to reflect on his sins: several years prior, shigeo nearly killed ritsu (and possibly ended three much older boys) in an accident neither boy understands; fragments of memory flash before his eyes as his consciousness shorts out.
‘brother, you’re home late, sopping wet. here’s a towel. are you hungry? you seem down; is everything OK? if you need to talk, i’m here for you.’
instead of turning down this bid for connection like all the rest and turning inward again, shigeo actually opens up. he apologizes for the accident—for the first time—then asks for some clarity, since his memories of it are broken. and ritsu clenches the knob to his brother’s bedroom door tighter. he lies to his face, tells him to ‘get over it already.’ this after asking shigeo to confide in him again, no less: too terrified to be honest with him, too used to being shot down. this boy is soaking in fear he has no context for, and he heads downstairs to soak in it alone. shigeo at least has reigen to process his own fears with, though he never trusts the man enough to take full advantage.
ritsu has no one.
he’s already keeping up appearances at home and has been for years; over the course of the spring cleaning big cleanup arc, we learn the extent to which he’s been doing so at school.
(all those expectations of him weighing him down for so long… he can’t hold out forever.)
student council vice president tokugawa calls him out on trying to melt into the scenery like his brother; his considerable gifts make that impossible. said gifts, however, are so ego-dystonic for him that they’re yet another part of Ritsu Kageyama’s Big Lie. the academically-gifted, popular sprinter so many of his fellow students swoon over isn’t real: why does everyone praise him for things anyone could do? he doesn’t actually have friends, just associates. who cares about charisma? why does everyone think he’s perfect when the only thing he truly wants will never be his? and why does his locker leak chocolate every valentine’s day?
gentle reader. are you still wondering why he snaps when he finally gets his wish? and why it looks the way it does?
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lexsssu · 5 months
Family (Matsuno Ichimatsu)
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TAGS: Ichimatsu/F!reader, yandere, possessive behavior, breeding, impregnation, smut, drabble Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
Sweat dripped down in rivulets from Ichimatsu’s temple down to his chin as he fucked into you with speed and ferocity so unlike him, but this wasn’t unexpected considering what you were both aiming for.
“ Thank you for giving my boy a chance, dearie. You’ve made one of this old lady’s greatest wishes come true. Now, if I could only have a precious grandchild to hold before these brittle bones wither away… ” said Matsuyo as she embraced you during the wedding reception, just before you and Ichimatsu left for your honeymoon .
“Mom’s counting on us, you know? She’s been dreaming about this for ages now and the fact that it’s now within her reach...I don’t think we can afford to disappoint her, right kitten?” His sharper than average teeth glint against the soft lighting as he smiles predatorily, emphasizing his words with a rough thrust that smacks noisily and wetly against your soft ass, ramming his cock straight inside which has you keening.
You could only clutch the silky sheets of the bed as your darling mounted you from behind, face down ass up like he preferred. Now that you both had a mission to fulfill, it is only imperative that you take the proper mating position like the filthy animals that you were.
“Did you see how envious my brothers were when you were walking down the aisle? How they were basically eye-fucking you every second their disgusting gazes roamed across your body?”
Rough hands clutch at the soft meat of your hips, loving the way the plush flesh felt against his own thin and bony digits. The tall length of dick parted your pussy lips so cutely, the sweet cunt secreting out lewd fluid with every move he made and even every word he said as if to say that you found everything he did to you is arousing.
That you found him as irresistible as he found you.
“I’d sooner kill all of them than let them have you. Hell, if it wasn’t our wedding I’d have gouged their eyes out right then and there…” He mutters darkly, scowling as dark feelings fester within him at the thought of not just his brothers but so many other men assaulting your beautiful body with their unworthy eyes.
“Ichi…! D-Don’t think about them anymore…’kay? Think about m-me and...our f-family…!” Despite the constant assault on your senses, you somehow manage to look back at him with a smile as if to remind what was more important.
That seemed to snap him out of his dark thoughts.
“You’re right, kitten. None of them will ever see this beautiful body like I do. They’ll never get to taste the sweetness of your skin. They’ll never hear the beauty of your voice. They’ll never feel how heavenly this cunt is…” A lazy, cat-like smile replaces his earlier scowl as he proceeds to fold his upper body over yours in order to nibble at the junction between your shoulder and your neck as he continues to drive his cock inside your lower lips.
One of his hands snake downwards to press onto the area of your skin where your womb ought to be, rubbing and stroking it in soft circles. “...And they’ll never get to knock you up too…”
Reassured for now, the gloomy Matsuno sextuplet doubles his efforts.
Thanks to your combined efforts, Matsuyo happily holds her first grandchild nine months later.
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baahsu · 16 days
Thinking about a what-if scenario where the poison Sora took gets passed on to the 1234ji. Ichi, Niji, and Yonji are fine thanks to their mods, but poor Sanji gets the worst of it.
Imagine he just passes out one day, with blood dripping from his nose and mouth and 124ji start freaking out. They were prepared to fight for their brother against any enemy, but how were you supposed to fight an illness?
Just the angst of it all, Sanji getting weaker and weaker each day, barely able to talk or open his eyes, his brothers remembering their mother in him and slowly regaining their emotions. All three of them are moving heaven and earth to find a way to cure Sanji, and somewhere in between they learn how to love each other again.
(Now I'm thinking what if Ichiji, the calmest of them all, is the one who panics the most. He's always been the most reliable and competent one, but now he's rendered helpless as he watches Sanji struggle.)
🦋 anon
Imagine ichiji going into germa's labs, demanding the scientists do something to help sanji and when they say they're trying their best but there isn't much they can do ichiji practically destroys everything in a fit of rage
It's only yonji coming in right at that moment that keeps him from killing everyone. Yonji decides he needs to overlook the whole thing, work with the scientists so they can get results faster
Niji contacts multiple countries to demand supplies, he can mimic judge's voice to be more intimidating and his actions grant them constant shipments of different medicines and medical equipments
Ichiji is exhausted, but seeing the other two working so hard gives him hope. He figures he should avoid getting in their way and dedicates his days to keeping sanji company
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A Promo stained in blood.
*You were going on about your business until you came across a Television giving a gruesome news report. The scene is at a PizzaHut Restaurant.*
News Reporter: “We are here at PizzaHut where a horrific scene has occurred. The murder of all the restaurant’s staff along with many of it’s customers in a horrific massacre. Only three survivors were found at the scene. A young man with two little kids by his side. We are about to question him on the scene now.” *The camera moves over to a boy with red and blonde hair. He had an eye patch, a facial scar, and a purple eye. He was wrapped in some bandages as two kids was seen hugging him while whimpering.* “Tell us, young man. What is your name?”
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“B-Bastion. I’m telling you man, i-It was horrible, man. W-We just came in to enjoy some pizza when suddenly some deranged maniac came in and started killing everyone! All because the employee had the wrong toppings on their pizza! It’s madness! Scared the hell out of my siblings and I. I did my best to stop the killer, but-” *The young man grown in pain as he grips his stomach. A red stain appears on the bandages.*
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“BIG BRO!” *The two kids were on the verge of tears as Bastion fell over, with the doctors coming over to tend to his wounds.*
News Reporter: “Such a brave young man. We’ll have more to tell as the story unfolds. Back to you, Ken.”
Ken: “Thanks Barbie. As of this moment, no clues have arrived pointing to the identity of the murderer in question nor their whereabouts. So for now, stay vigilant and be careful. If you find any clues regarding any potential suspects, please inform the police immediately. We’ll have more after his commercial break.” *The report ends there as it goes to a random commercial. Someone stands next to you, looking at the screen.*
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“Bloody Lance.” *Hm? Does he know something about the crime scene? Do you question him about it?*
@the-vampire-den @mikado-sannoji @ask-ultimate-personas @ask-ultimate-fashionista @ask-the-ultimate-entomologist @ask-pregame-v3 @silently-lying @dranother-memory @fallen-liar @the-purple-hero @hoshi-neko-hikari @hopeless-protagonist @seven-crimes-and-punishments @the-robot-family @the-real-natsumi-kuzuryuu @kittensofhokkaido @ultimate-skier @ultimate-waifu-bait @ultimate-name-not-found @ask-theshadowcyborg @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer @the-plushie-togami-sisters @perfect-bloodcovered-family @pick-and-shovel-laborer @expired-sugar @monsters-of-all-your-fears-blog @ichi-peachy @ashes-of-desire @hopeful-symbols @sinless-slaughter @sinning-harmony @sinistcr-kxrma @oddblogfullofoddmuses @thehypnoticsnakedomain @thepersonaking56 @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter @tobys-multiverse-official @hinokamiikaguraa @sshoukinokamii @wwindblumee  @fragmented-liar @just-another-harem @motherkuma-and-monokubs @demons-for-darling @demon-queen-lilith @ask-shslpianist @alonelymechanic @bloodstains-and-bloodsuckers @the-wonder-sisters @yui-samidare-returns @your-pink-party-pony @y0u-f4il3d-m3 @little-miss-succubus @class-105 @the-real-kokichi-ouma​ @ultimate-little-liars​ @mercy-of-the-ashes​ @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer​ @japanese-ultimateautism​
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iron-embers · 11 months
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The Iron Hashira
Name: Isane KuraTetsu
Age: 20
Height: 5’7
Sword style Hyoho niten Ichi- Ryu, a form of kenjutsu associated with battle techniques used by samurai during combat in feudal Japan. It focuses on the use of two blades
Translated as the school of strategy of two heavens as one
Mother: Suzume Kuratetsu (Igarashi)
Age: 42
Father: Ryujin Kuratetsu
Age: 46
Twin brothers: Jin and Raiho Kuratetsu
Age: 14
Second Cousin: Saigo Mazashi
Gyomei- Mentor/Friend/Looks up to him
Sanemi- Tentative acquaintances
Obanai- Respectful acquaintances
Giyuu- Distant acquaintances
Tengen- Friendly
Mitsuri- Friend
Muichiro- Cloud watching buddies
Shinobu- Friend
Kyojuro- Close friend(Romantic)
Kagaya- Respects him like the others. He was the first to fully have faith in her besides her parents about her voluntary choice to become a demon slayer
Main Weapon
Hybrid Ko Katana
Personality traits
. Stubborn/Hard headed
. Determined
. Quick witted
. Honest
. Observant
. Attentive
. Decisive
. Adaptive
. Strong willed
. Compassionate
Fun facts
. While not freakishly overpowered in the sheer strength department, she has a strong pair of legs. Meaning any defensive stance she takes doesn’t falter as she trained with Gyomei to build up her core foundation. Also to be on the receiving end of one of her kicks can prove fatal, as she has trained them to the point of shattering bones and an opponents defense.
. Loves spicy or rich food. Has been related to having an iron stomach, and she doesn’t get queasy easily
. Her style is made to defend and combat multiple attacks at once.
. Has a hard time wearing traditional kimonos, her thighs and wider hips feel restricted and hates the lack of motion. Long baggy sleeves make her uncomfortable as it gets in the way.
. Will find creative ways to solve disputes or situations. Some would say unconventional
. Is down to meet any challenge as she has a desire to better herself
. Creeped out by snakes more than demons
. She became a hashira by killing 50+ demons as a kinoe. She has been one for a full 2 years now
. Despite being the iron hashira, she is very open to hearing new ideas and perspectives, in a way to challenge hers so it can temper her mind and comprehension of the world.
. Her Father Ryu was the one to teach her the dual sword style
. Before her current nichirin blade set, she had another pair gifted by her father, but it broke after a great deal of wear and tear. She had one more simpler pair that broke when she was rank Kinoe, but Her mother made her the new one right before she became a Hashira.
75-79 or 80
Below Giyuu, she is not freakishly strong where she can lift extremely heavy things, but you give her something to carry, she will carry it for a long time. Her stamina and durability outlast many of her peers when it comes to taking hits and holding her stance for freakishly long periods of time.
Below Kyojuro when it comes to running, but her reflexes are quick considering she wields two swords.
Breathing style and forms
Iron breathing style
Subsect of mainly stone breath, She mainly learned under Gyomei as his tsuguko, but when she realizes that defense for her frame cannot be kept forever despite her above average strength. And so she finds another style to help compensate with more dexterity. Flame breathing showed promise, and she learned the techniques and building stamina since she and Kyojuro were close friends/frequent sparring partners. Later she realized while flame breathing techniques compensate for the immovable defense of stone breathing, with her dual style it did not feel complete. Now that defense and dexterity was covered, she felt like it could be improved upon with more fluid movements. Isane trained to have the strength to take the hit, but if something stronger hit her, she could not only defend herself, but use their power against them. She didn’t want to constantly use up her stamina and energy, she studied water breathing with Urokodaki so she would have the ability to transfer energy back to the opponent without expense to her physical capability. Basically kind of made up her own subsect using some aspects of two style while based mainly on the defensive stone breathing. In all essence a three way hybrid
Iron breathing has 8 forms she developed
First form(Stone)-Full defense (Unyielding Will)
Second form(Flame)-Dexterous offensive (Piercing Temperance)
Third form(Stone+flame)- Defense and offense dexterity counter (Honed Double edge)
Fourth form(Water)- Full dodge with swirling dual blades to deflect and gain better ground (Steel Maelstrom)
Fifth form(Stone+water)- Mix of powerful grounded attacks with upward and downward slashes (Corrosive force)
Sixth form(Water+flame)- Agile offense with fluid redirection, bunch of flips and avoiding while flowing to find an opening, simultaneously redirecting their attacks to use up their stamina (Metallic Blitz)
Seventh form(True Iron)- A move set where she swings both blades in synch with another for devastating offensive attacks, like a large singular blade (Behemoth blades)
Eighth form- (True iron)- (Valiant Iron Guardian)
Overall Outlook
Because she did not experience an inordinate amount of trauma like many of her other hashira, similar to Mitsuri she brings a new perspective to them as to what it means to not let their actions be dictated by this extreme of loss and weakness. If things get heated and words exchanged, she brings up advice and perspectives to challenge their somewhat jaded views. They often say. “It is easy for you to say.” But Isane is more than willing to help them see how they can achieve it in their own way so to help them heal and be more understanding. In all essence, she knows the toll of demon slaying, that it is training your body and mental state to exceed human boundaries so to better protect others from demons, but what good will that be if it self sacrificing and you can’t be human when it matters most. She reminds them of the importance of their humanity and compassion. Though in some aspects, she is a little naive.
Do the best you can to help the people affected is her mentality
She can make an impact in the world by helping people come out of their ignorance. Change is inevitable, iron used to be for swords, and now it is for Trains and cars. Isane is the embodiment experiencing and embracing change, and so her journey is basically learning to become more malleable while also tempering her understanding and acceptance of cahnge
Finally finished the reference sheet for my first Demon slayer Oc, Isane KuraTetsu. I have a lot more info that will be posted later, but if you guys have any questions or interactions you wanna see feel free to ask! Hope ya like and stay tuned
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thewarmestplacetohide · 10 months
<3 your blog! trying to watch more international films and i know there's some classics from Asia. do you have any recs for Asian horror
thank you!!
here are my favorite Asian horror films (note: a lot of these contain triggering content, so please do research beforehand if that's an issue):
ゴジラ/Godzilla (1954; creature feature, science fiction): US nuclear testing off the coast of Japan creates a giant lizard creature that rampages through Tokyo
藪の中の黒猫/Kuroneko (1968; ghosts): a woman and her daughter-in-law come back as vengeful spirits after they're murdered by samurai
ハウス/House (1977; horror comedy, ghosts): a group of schoolgirls visit a haunted mansion
天使のたまご/Angel's Egg (1985; dark fantasy, surrealist, animated): in a ruined world, a young girl cares for a giant egg
吸血鬼(バンパイア)ハンターD/Vampire Hunter D (1985; vampires, animated): when a woman is betrothed to a vampire, she hires a vampire hunter in an attempt to escape
アキラ/Akira (1988; science fiction, animated): 31 years after a nuke was dropped on Tokyo, a young man tries to save his friend from government experiments
鉄男/Testuo: The Iron Man (1989; techno horror, body horror): a man finds his flesh is cursed to turn to iron
パーフェクトブルー/Perfect Blue (1997; psychological horror, animated): a pop star is driven mad by a stalker
リング/Ring (1998; techno horror, ghosts): a videotape curses anyone who watches it to die in seven days
オーディション/Audition (1999; psychological thriller): a widower auditioning women to be his new wife makes a deadly choice
バトル・ロワイアル/Battle Royale (2000; science fiction, psychological thriller): a group of students are put on an island and told to slaughter each other
回路/Pulse (2001; techno horror, ghosts): a group of young people in Tokyo discover a website that claims to show you ghosts
殺し屋1/Ichi the Killer (2001; psychological thriller, slasher): a sadomasochistic Yakuza enforcer goes on a rampage
仄暗い水の底から/Dark Water (2002; ghosts): a divorced mother and her young daughter move into a haunted apartment building
ノロイ/Noroi: The Curse (2005; occult, found footage): a paranormal investigator tries to tie together a series of supernatural events
シン・ゴジラ/Shin Godzilla (2016; creature feature, science fiction): a giant lizard kaiju attacks Tokyo
カメラを止めるな!/One Cut of the Dead (2017; horror comedy, zombies): people making a cheap zombie flick find themselves in the middle of a real zombie outbreak
South Korea
올드보이/Oldboy (2003; psychological thriller): after being imprisoned in a room for fifteen years, a man hunts down the ones responsible
괴물/The Host (2006; creature feature, science fiction): a monster made when American chemicals were spilled into the Han River emerges to attack a community
박쥐/Thirst (2009; vampires): a Catholic priest is turned into a vampire by a blood transfusion
악마를 보았다/I Saw the Devil (2010; psychological thriller): a man goes on a brutal revenge mission after the murder of his wife
늑대소년/A Werewolf Boy (2012; werewolves, dark fantasy): a girl moves to a country home, where she befriends a strange, feral boy
부산행/Train to Busan (2016; zombies): a zombie plague breaks out on a train
서울역/Seoul Station (2016; zombies, animated): a zombie plague breaks out at a train station; companion film to Train to Busan
아가씨/The Handmaiden (2016; psychological thriller): a woman hired to be a handmaiden to a Japanese heiress plans to defraud her
곤지암/Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum (2018; ghosts, found footage): a group of influencers livestream themselves exploring a supposedly haunted institution
#살아있다/#Alive (2020; zombies): a young man is trapped in his apartment during a zombie outbreak
Hong Kong
殭屍先生/Mr. Vampire (1985; horror comedy, vampires): a Taoist priest must fight jiangshi that descend upon a village
餃子/Dumplings (2004; psychological thriller): a woman obsessed with staying young eats dumplings stuffed with strange meat
維多利亞壹號/Dream Home (2010; slasher): a woman goes on a killing spree to get her dream apartment
Bhoot/Ghost (2003; ghosts): a Mumbai businessman and his wife move into a haunted flat
Ek Thi Daayan/Once There was a Witch (2013; supernatural horror): a magician seeks protection from a witch who has haunted him since childhood
Tumbbad (2018; dark fantasy, occult): a father and son seek treasure in a castle inhabited by an evil god
Bulbbul (2020; dark fantasy): the village of a child bride, now grown, is attacked by a chudail
Pengabdi Setan/Satan's Slaves (2017; occult): a woman returns from the dead to haunt her children (this is a remake of a film from the 80s, which i have not yet seen)
Sebelum Iblis Menjemput/May the Devil Take You (2018; occult): a woman and her step-family visit her sick father's old home in search of what ails him
دختری در شب تنها به خانه می‌رود/A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014; vampires): a vampire targets a small Iranian town, attacking men who mistreat women (technically an American production)
زیر سایه/Under the Shadow (2016; occult): during the War of the Cities, a woman and her young daughter are haunted by djinns
ชัตเตอร์ กดติดวิญญาณ/Shutter (2004; ghosts): a man begins capturing strange figures in his camera
Baskin (2015; occult, dark fantasy, surrealist): a group of police officers discover a gateway to hell
哭悲/The Sadness (2021; bio horror): a virus spreads through Taipei, compelling all who are infected to commit the worst crimes they can imagine
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featherxs · 1 year
been thinking about asuka ren a normal healthy amount ever since she debuted in webtoon and now i realize tumblr is better for compiling all my thoughts on her. so here… are some thoughts, for sure!
first of all… we know so little about her :( the main things are basically: japanese mangaka, creator of peace land, and was present in the group regression in epilogue. mostly she serves as hsy’s foil throughout the peace land arc, and she briefly shows up during the enemy of the story scenario to support kimcom.
but there are a lot of small details that add up to her character, in my opinion… for example, her constellation sponsor is “master of the niten ichi-ryu,” who cannot be anyone but miyamoto musashi himself. this is kind of funny considering how she is unfortunately a wet sock for most of peace land arc except for that scene (…where she doesn’t even use a sword!). what’s even funnier, though, is that miyamoto apparently did ink paintings as well. sometimes i think singshong just gave asuka some random big-name japanese sponsor to cement her status as a leader among them, and sometimes i think about this coincidence. because… is it?! (incidentally, she is mentioned to have/use a katana, but it isn’t specified if she has two. tsk… what’s your dual blades stigma for if you’re not gonna use it, girl?) in addition, her physique and strength were both level 55 during peace land arc, which were pretty high when you compare it to michio’s mid-20 stats. a twitter user got the idea of her being from a family that runs a kendo or judo gym and was going to inherit the dojo someday before she declared she’d become a mangaka, and i haven’t stopped thinking about it ever since.
as for her personality… well, we’re told she’s a leader among the japanese incarnations, but… honestly, does she act like a leader to you…? from what we see of her in peace land, she can be cowardly, easily shaken or attacked, and she put the small people’s lives over her companions’… in short, she’s a little bit pathetic (fond). but then again, that was in peace land, so i guess you can’t blame a girl for being a little shaken up after being confronted with choosing between killing her friends or killing her creations. but we also see her argue with hsy a little over clichés and tropes, and we also see how she spoke out against yamamoto when he declared he’d kill the small people, so that adds up to her being decisive and true to her morals. (also, tangentially related, she calls michio by his first name without honorifics, which is as intimate as you can get. this is cute, personally, because in the ebook he mentions he was a college student before the scenarios, so he could be anywhere from 18-22+ years old, while asuka… is 31. that’s, like, her little brother.)
definitely the most interesting part about her is peace land and her relationship with it, though. because, of course, a creator must have a relationship with their creations! she must have resented her work at some point because of all the critique it got and how it ended up getting canceled so early in its serialization… i wonder how long ago was that before the events of orv, if peace land was her debut manga or her most recent work. if it was somewhere in the middle, then i want to know if she went back to making mainstream content after peace land’s failure just to earn money and if she resented that, too, or if she was prideful enough to try and make more unorthodox manga like it but kept getting shot down anyway. did she lose confidence in her craft… could she no longer find the same joy in creating no matter what she made…
then when tls123 apparently contacted her about it — how cruel must it have been to unknowingly have let someone borrow your setting, thinking your words may have finally reached someone, only to later find out the characters and setting you had put your heart into were turned into cannon fodder for your colleagues. to destroy your own work in order to move forward… what if she considered it for just a moment… after all, if anyone had the right to decide what happened to these people’s lives, it should be her, the one who made them in the first place. but after seeing them with her own eyes, in that panel where the small people are looking up at her, it must have really cemented her decision then. to them, she’s just another disaster here to kill them, but they don’t know she’s technically their god… (maybe that’s also partly why she seemed so agitated when questioning how hsy won over the people’s loyalty so quickly, because who is she to them?)… they don’t know she must have really loved them as she wrote their story. and even if they knew, maybe they would only resent her for bringing this torture upon them anyway… the guilt and resentment and frustration of a failed work but still, still that creator’s love and pride throughout it all. because after all, a writer truly can’t help but love what she has created…
i never really thought about asuka beyond a really stupid fic idea i had for her and hsy, but seeing her in webtoon following the ebook’s revisions really made me appreciate her character more. her feelings towards her work are so complex, even if we don’t see a lot of it, and even worse is that she forgets all about making peace land in the end. she doesn’t just become a character in a bigger story: her narrative has also completely escaped her hands now. but in a way, maybe she’d be happy to know they’re separate from her as she is separate from them, because that means they’re moving forward in their own world line… and not bound by such mortal restraints as the manga serialization being canceled.
man this got long, and this doesn’t even include all the delusions i have for asuka/michio and asuka/izumi. well then, my final message:
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aranea-princeps · 3 months
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The Single Shot Snake
ㅤFujihara Ayame is the great granddaughter of Yukiko; her father, Asahi, son of Fuyu, took up the passion that her great grandmother had for the sea. Unlike her older brothers, she held a wild passion for the sea. While Daisuke took control of the Sapphire Serpent and Kotetsu took the throne of Janoshima, Ayame was relatively left to her own devices. Thus, she began to teach herself how to survive- how to shoot a flintlock, how to create her own bullets, and how to create gunpowder. By the age of sixteen, Ayame had become a gifted sharpshooter, and left Janoshima to explore.
ㅤShe ran into Gol D. Roger at Loguetown, where- after mentioning that she was looking for a crew to join and offer her skills to- he offered her the position to be his Gunner, despite Rayleigh’s initial disapproval. She gained the moniker of the Single Shot Snake due to her odd ability to only need one shot to take out her enemy almost every time.
ㅤHere, she met her future husband, Yusuke, who was acting as a carpenter for the crew. It took a little over two years for the two to fall for one another, but once they fell- they both fell hard. Within the year, Ayame not only marries Yusuke ( officiated by Roger himself ), but became pregnant with her first child. She refused to back down, however; she remained active on the ship and within fights.
The First Born
ㅤTheir first child was a girl, Mai, born seven months after Kiyomi and Kiyoko. She was born shortly after midnight; the labor was easy, surprisingly so for a first child. The next morning, Mai is brought out on deck by Yusuke and Ayame. Shanks loudly declares himself her older brother. Rayleigh asks if this makes him a grandfather, to which Ayame replies that yes- he and Roger are both grandparents now, purely joking- though Roger seems positively delighted with the concept. Buggy asks why Mai looks all squished.
The Son
ㅤAyame and Yusuke have their second son, much to the enjoyment of the crew. Jun’Ichi was born, weighing 8 lbs, and came into the world yelling. He was born while they were in the Grand Line, shortly after Roger discovered his illness. Mai is four years old when he is born.
ㅤTwo years after his birth, the Roger Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates enter into a battle that lasts three days before it ends with a peace treaty between the two crews. During the battle, Mai and Jun;Ichi were held below deck, where they would have been safe.
The Twins
ㅤAyame and Yusuke then have a pair of twins a year after the battle ended, a girl named Itsuki and a boy named Izumi, the final children born while they were actively part of the Roger Pirates. Together, the Roger Pirates continue their travels, until Roger makes the difficult decision to request that they port in Janoshima. For the first time in fourteen years, the Fujihara siblings are together. At this time, Mai is eight years old, Jun’Ichi is four, and the twins are two.
ㅤShortly before they ported, Daisuke and Daiyu had also made port. They celebrated with the Roger pirates for two days before the Roger pirates left- leaving Ayame, Yusuke, and their two children behind. It was a bitter parting; Ayame cried openly while Roger held her close, promising to see her again. Rayleigh teased her about being too soft, now.
“Is that any way for the Single Shot Snake to be acting? We’ll see each other once more. You aren’t done sailing. You’re just taking a break. You’ll both be back on these waters, soon- maybe even with your own ship and crew. Wouldn’t that be something? I think I could be proud if I got to see that, one day.” -Silvers Rayleigh’s parting words to Ayame and Yusuke.
“You listen to me, Yus. Take care of her, alright? She’s the mother of your kids, now, and she’ll kill you if you ever try to act up. I’ve known her longer than you. She’s like my kid. And you- stay out of trouble. I’ll see you soon, out on the Blue again.” -Gol D. Roger’s parting words to Ayame and Yusuke.
ㅤFor the next eleven months, the family is whole once more- giving Daiyū time to rest, to gather herself. Ayame acted as the mother figure for the children during this time- with Yusuke acting as a father figure. She didn’t mind; she could see that the stress of motherhood was affecting Daiyu in a clearly negative manner. There were several conversations during this time period, including whether or not the children should simply remain in Janoshima for their own safety. Daisuke would hear nothing of it.
ㅤAnd then, one evening, a conversation occurs between Ayame and Daiyu. Their husbands had both been on the porch while the women remained inside; Ayame watched as Mizuki attempted to play with Itsuki and Izumi. The conversation went as follows:
ㅤ“I’m almost jealous of you, you know.” Ayame murmured in a purely playful tone, sipping her tea as Daiyu froze.
ㅤ“Of course you would be,” Daiyu sniffed, turning her nose up. “Look at you- wasting away on this island. Tell me,” the woman turned, watching as Itsuki and Izumi colored. “Are they truly his children?”
ㅤ“I beg your pardon?”
ㅤ“Oh, come off it. I saw the way you looked at Roger,” she sneered, setting her cup down. “And Rayleigh, at that. How many times did you whore yourself out to them?”
ㅤIt happened quickly; one moment, Ayame was sitting in stunned silence at the way her sister in law had spoken, and the next, her gun was drawn, the muzzle of her flintlock pressed between her brows. “Get off of my island.”
ㅤDaisuke and Yusuke both entered to find the women. Daisuke, Daiyu, and his children left the very next morning before dawn.
ㅤAfter a month, Kotetsu passed away due to complications from his illness. Ayame ascended to the throne and promptly became the Empress of Janoshima. She did not hear from her other brother, nor did he send any reparations for their brother’s passing.
ㅤShe didn't know that, in four and a half years, she would be witnessing the execution of her Captain.
Child, not of Mine Own
ㅤFujihara Mizuki was kidnapped by three men who mutinied against Daisuke. When word had come to them across the Denden, Ayame hadn’t believed it at first. Five years with no word from her brother, only to be alerted that his daughter had been kidnapped.
ㅤThey returned to Janoshima once more a month after Suma was born, after being invited back by Ayame and Yusuke. It was a tense initial meeting; Daisuke attempted to insinuate that he should be the one on the throne before Ayame reminded him that the throne was in Janoshima, not upon his ship.
ㅤShe was a frail baby, underweight and shrieking at all hours. Daiyū, at her wits end, attempted to kill her own daughter before Yusuke and Ayame intervened, stopping her. Ayame took Suma in as her own, afterwards. Daisuke argued at first before Ayame threatened to simply keep all of his children if he could not care for them and his crazed wife.
ㅤHe relented.
The Birth of the Golden Age
ㅤTwo months later, the family traveled to Loguetown to witness the execution of Gol D. Roger and the birth of the Golden Age of Piracy. As the reigning Empress, Ayame had been invited to witness this death. She watched from afar without her children; she refused to bring them out of fear for their safety- and that her two eldest didn’t need to see the man they’d come to fondly speak of be killed. She watched with her brother’s family, and left immediately after to avoid being caught in the chaos his words caused.
ㅤUpon returning, Ayame settled easily into her role as Empress; Kotetsu had taught her everything she would need to know to take over. Yusuke would take over teaching Mai and Jun’Ichi skills they would need to survive.
ㅤAt age twelve, Mai would begin joining Yusuke on excursions to the islands that curved around the main island of Janoshima. Due to how large the island chain was, it would take two hours to sail from the port at the head of the island to one of the outer islands. During these excursions, Yusuke would teach Mai how to navigate by using the position of the sun, how to handle a small vessel when it was only one person aboard, and how to dock offshore. Jun’Ichi, age eight, begins to join them.
Additional Child
ㅤThe next year, Suma would celebrate her first birthday. There would be no word sent from Daiyu or Daisuke; Suma was treated as a princess, and seen as the daughter of Ayame and Yusuke. The celebration lasted for two days and two nights. She had survived her first year.
ㅤMai, thirteen, has become adept at being a marskwoman. She speaks about wanting to go out on her own, one day. She has her tongue surgically split. The process is much more pleasant than what Kiyomi and Kiyoko go through, and is celebrated. The healing process, while difficult, was well worth it in her opinion.
ㅤJun’Ichi celebrates his eighth birthday by concussing himself via falling face first into the steps leading down from the main house. The alarm is loud, and while he enjoys the forehead scar he gets from this, Ayame is certain she had a heart attack. Suma takes her first running steps at the same time, running out onto the porch and trying to run down the stairs before Mai caught her. Suma begins calling Mai “Mi-mi”.
ㅤShe refers to Ayame and Yusuke as Mama and Baba. She does not know Daisuke or Daiyu, something that Ayame will always be grateful for. Suma is simply another one of her children.
ㅤThe next year, Janoshima is rocked by a powerful hurricane typhoon that rips through the island chain, stripping the outlying islands of their trees. The reconstruction will take over a year to fix the cities and smaller villages. Ayame would leave the throne to help the citizens to the best of her ability, helping to repair the docks and houses. She is heralded as the saving grace of Janoshima due to her aid.
ㅤLuckily, they lost no lives. Unluckily, the typhoon struck on the twins’ seventh birthdays.
The Final Child
ㅤAyame and Yusuke announce their pregnancy with their last child, who would come to be named Kai.
ㅤIn March of that year, Mai has her first accidental run-in with the Whitebeard Pirates. She meets the man himself, who had come to Janoshima to speak with Ayame. He offered to protect the island. The conversation goes as follows:
ㅤ“You know how large my fleet is, now, and how it continues to grow.”
ㅤ“I’m aware. But you are aware you’re speaking to an Empress, no?”
ㅤ“I am.”
ㅤ“Then get off my island. I can protect it well enough by myself- something you are well aware of. How’s that old scar treating you?”
ㅤ“Feels just like a snake’s biting my arm right now!”
ㅤMai confides in her father that she wants to join Whitebeard, who overhears. He tells her that he doesn’t normally allow women on his crew- but for her? If she can prove to him in three years that she’s anything like her mother was, she’ll get a spot. But not before then. Mai, delighted, yells from the edge of the dock as he departs that she’ll train to join him, she promises!
ㅤIn November, Kai is born. Healthy, and happy. The island celebrates for five days straight with festivals, fireworks, and feasts. Ayame is happy, content. She and Yusuke have a big, happy family. What more could they ask for?
Tearful Departing
ㅤDaisuke and Daiyu would return when Suma was seven. This would be the first time she met her parents, whom she did not like, as well as her older siblings. She took to Junpei and Mizuki quickly, but confided in Mai that Kiyomi and Kiyoko scared her. They were mean, and they stared.
ㅤThis resulted in Mai punching Kiyomi when she asked why Kai was so ugly. Kiyomi, in retaliation, drew her blade, but had a warning shot fired by Mai that nearly clipped her foot. Mai reminded Kiyomi that this is not her island, this is not her home, and she would be respectful to the prince- and to Suma.
ㅤSuma had spent her life with her family, the ones she was truly close to, but Daisuke and Daiyu refused to allow her to remain. She is brought onto the Sapphire Serpent by her parents. She learns she is leaving with them, which causes her to completely melt down, crying and asking why she can’t stay with Ayame and Yusuke. Daisuke replies that she cannot stay because she is not their child. Suma attempts to jump off the ship; Milorad catches her, though Daisuke and Daiyu made no move to help. It is a tearful goodbye on all parts, with Mai and Jun’Ichi promising to see her again soon. Ayame spends five minutes holding Suma, telling her how much she loves her, and that she will always be her daughter.
ㅤThe next year, Mai, aged eighteen, leaves the island with the blessing of her mother and father to pursue her own life with a tearful goodbye. She promises to be safe, before taking a personal ship and sailing to the island where Whitebeard had last been seen. There, she undergoes a challenge; three days later, Fujihara Mai is accepted into the First Division of the Whitebeard Pirates as their sharpshooter. Her bounty rises from four thousand to five hundred thousand due to her new alliance. She is given the name “Serpent Shooter”.
ㅤJun’Ichi leaves the year following Mai. He vanishes after six months. No one knows where he lands.
ㅤIt happens on a quiet Monday morning. Ayame had Kai, age seven, sitting on her lap while he tried to braid grass. Itsuki and Izumi were further down in the courtyard when the sounds of distant canonfire caught her attention. She handed Kai off to Itsuki before running to the docks, where she spots her husband’s ship being destroyed by a Marine vessel. Ayame watches, helplessly, as Yusuke abandons ship and begins to swim to shore. He makes it to the beach as she continues to scream for him, only for Akainu to follow him-
ㅤAnd plunge his fist through the center of Yusuke’s abdomen.
ㅤThe silence that settles is loud; Akainu claims that Yusuke had attacked first ( he had not ), and that he had no choice. Ayame pushed her children behind herself as Akainu approached, only for Kai to run down the dock screaming “PLEASE DON’T KILL MY MOMMY! PLEASE DON’T KILL MY MOMMY!” It’s unknown why Akainu stopped- if it was due to seeing a seven year old sobbing and begging for the life of his mother, to see how Ayame was willing to sacrifice herself for her family, or some other reason-
ㅤBut Ayame was spared, with a warning: To never set sail upon the seas again.
ㅤThe next day, she, along with her children, begin to repair her vessel: the Vermilion Viper.
Death of a Snake
ㅤOn October 16th, the following year, Ayame receives word via denden from one of her brother’s men that Mizuki had slaughtered Daisuke and Daiyu in their sleep. She does not cry.
ㅤAt the end of the year, Ayame makes the decision to leave Janoshima, taking Itsuki and Izumi, as well as a crew twenty strong. Kiyomi docks the Sapphire Serpent in Janoshima, where Ayame and Kiyoko meet.
ㅤThere, Kiyoko reveals her fears of Mizuki. She can no longer trust her, or Kiyomi; they were the two that plotted the death of Daisuke. ( A lie, though Ayame didn’t know this at the time ). Ayame agrees to allowed Kiyoko to take the throne in her absence.
ㅤAyame sees Suma for the first time in years; it’s a tearful reunion, where Suma reveals to Ayame what had been done. Ayame informs Suma of Yusuke’s death; they visit his grave together, where Suma promises to one day leave Kiyomi’s crew- when she’s able to, when it’s safe. Ayame agrees.
ㅤThe Vermilion Viper and Sapphire Serpent departed from the Royal Port of Janoshima on January 1st, though they split ways three hours into the voyage: Ayame ventured North, Kiyomi ventured South. In the three years leading up to the events of canon, Ayame traveled with her children through the Grand Line and into the North Sea, where they made contact not once, but twice with the Heart Pirates- the first time, coming to the unintentional aid of the submarine, and the second- with that being paid in kind.
ㅤAt some point, Ayame was offered the position of a Warlord. She declined.
ㅤAs of the beginning of canon, Itsuki and Izumi have departed the Vermilion Viper and began to sail with Kiyomi to watch her. Kai begins to work on an unknown mission. Ayame begins to make decisions that will later affect everyone.
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sesskagarchive · 2 years
Recs for Underrated Fics
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Last year to celebrate our anniversary, we asked you to share with us fics that you didn't see recommended often (enough).
Here is finally a list of your underrated favs!
-- Admin Chie
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A Silent Night by idreamofinuyokai
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: For Dokugas holiday carol challenge. Sesshomaru wandered, he was dazed and hollow from madness when he heard her song through the forest, and it soothed his savage spirit. He took her, setting things in motion that would take him far from the life hie had lived and fought for.
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Avenoir by Tsuki no Tennyo
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: Life in the blink of an eye.
Status: One Shot
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Binded by Lucymorningstar257
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: Kagome, now a modern-day miko, discovers Sesshoumaru's spirit during an exorcism. Desperate for answers to her inconclusive past, she resurrects and binds herself to him—a reckless decision that inevitably leads to catastrophic consequences. Domestic fluff that slips into the dark.
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Deep end of the ocean! by Moonlight Silk
Posted on: Dokuga
Rating: MA
Summary: Kagome's world came crashing down after the death of her first love. With no one else to turn to she decided to seek out her brother in law Sesshomaru. However, what she failed to foresee was the desire and confusion he would awakened in her blood, and the destined path they must now make their own.
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Dirt by NiftyPaint24
Posted on: FFnet
Rating: M
Summary: Sesshomaru is a famous freestyle moto-x rider known for his insane style. What happens when he opens up an academy to teach some of other top riders of FMX how to do his trade mark back flips? Insanity, that's what!
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Ever the Lotus by Kanna37
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: "What are you?" Sesshoumaru asked that question the moment Kagome pulled Tessaiga from its pedestal... and it was never answered. When Kagome disappears back home after the fall of Naraku, Sesshoumaru finds himself searching for that very answer. 1st Best Sesshoumaru Portrayal Dokuga 4th Quarter 2011.
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Ghosts by RosieB
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Summary: After Naraku's death, Kagome returned to her time forever, where she mourns her losses. An older Sesshoumaru offers a deal - a comfortable and secure marriage in return for a child. They'll never love anyone - including each other - again, right?
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His & Hers by Tsuki no Tennyo
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: T
Summary: A demon lord trying to navigate through rapidly changing time. An out of time girl trying to readapt to normalcy. They meet in the middle.
Status: One Shot
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Ichi-go Ichi-e by NovemberDoll
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: She seemed to be transitory, and dare he say, weird. Her unusual attachment to him was to the point that it was a nuisance. But was it really? Her hands were growing bruised from hanging on too tight. And he had never expected, was not prepared at all, for the moment she would let go. (AU)
Status: On Hiatus
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Kagome's Trial by FireVixen73
Posted on: FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: Kagome has a problem, a very big problem. Inuyasha would kill her if he knew, hell, Sesshomaru would help. Really what could she say to them? 'Your fathers ghost is stalking me, trying to make me save Sesshomaru's life'...that's not going to go over well
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Misery Loves Company by Yanaristocrat
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: Unfortunate event have brought Sesshomaru and Kagome to team up and get back at their philandering ex lovers. However, their unexpected friendship forms into something else and they try to fight their perplexed feelings and urges.
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Primero by JeniNeji
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: T
Summary: [COMPLETE] Kagome needs a favor from no other than Sesshomaru. Yes, he, the serious, arrogant, cold and scary Western Lord. But things won't be easy since no one can make Sesshomaru XxxX in fifteen days {Still PRIMERO} Kagome, in a desperate moment, asked Sesshomaru to mate her so Inu-Yasha could mate afterwards. However, she wasn’t expecting the Taiyoukai to agree, much less for them to suffer some unexpected side-effects.
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Red Lotus by Madison/Maddie-san
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: Five hundred years later, an obligation brought him to her when the end was near. He could watch her die, or he could vow to look after her until death do them apart.
Status: Abandoned
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Severed Bonds by Rlmpcc110511
Posted on: FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: In a world where your soulbond's name is written on the inside of your wrist, all anyone could do was hope that they meet the one made specially for them. When Kagome and Sesshomaru meet, things do not go according to plan. Soon, Sesshomaru learns from his mistakes, and he will have to fight to earn his redemption, all while war follows them only a few paces behind.
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There's Something About Her by NovemberDoll
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: When her entire life is shattered by a scandal involving her and the school's most notorious playboy, she comes back after a year posed as someone else. It was the perfect disguise- until he sees right through her ruse. How far is he willing to go to keep her? Sometimes, things are not always what they seem to be.
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When the Belladonnas Bloom by NovemberDoll
Posted on: Dokuga
Rating: MA
Summary: Cursed upon birth, exalted as the most notorious puppet of the Warlord Onigumo, his first and beloved consort finally turns sixteen. A gift from her generous lover: a harem of her own, to quell her insatiable lust. But many a man that stepped in her bedchambers were never seen alive again. That would change tonight, when a golden-eyed concubine accidentally unravels a most hidden secret. (AU)
Status: On Hiatus
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While You Still Think You Know Everything by KEdakumi
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Summary: Years have passed since her first love had been gone, wondering into her future, she met a boy that would lead her to a new enemy, a new love and a new life. (Written for insomniac_amy's Tou-sama Challenge)
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kimium · 8 months
Earlier this week I made a personal post about how I'd love to talk about my KHR (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) fics. So, here I am, making the post. I have a sizable collection of 10051 fics (24 works plus some snippets) meaning I have plenty to discuss! There isn't a formula behind these rambles, but maybe my ramblings can either stir interest to check out the anime/manga OR my fics.
(Note: 10051 is the ship name to Byakuran/Shouichi. KHR ships are simplified into numbers based on the kanji in the character's names. Example: The "Bya" in Byakuran can mean "100". "Shou" can be read as "5" and "Ichi" can be read as "1". Thus, 10051 is their ship name.)
Let's Start! This is long, so it's under a Read More Cut!
My Ramblings about my 10051 fics (In no particular order)
The Only One I Want
My first 10051 fic! I remember the time I wrote this I was into NBC Hannibal. That influence shines through as I explicitly wrote Byakuran killing someone and displaying the body to Shouichi in a manner that would make Hannibal proud. Truly a horrific sight. Even though this is my first 10051 fic, it holds a special place in my heart.
Would I ever redo the fic? Not directly, but I'd have no issue taking the core idea (Byakuran's jealousy causing him to murder someone for "getting too close to Shouichi") and reworking it.
Flawed Logic (It's True Because You Want It to be True)
I think this fic is where I truly hammered down 1) my interpretation of Byakuran's perspective on Shouichi and 2) Shouichi's perspective on Byakuran. A fixed point is the perfect way to describe Byakuran's perspective!
I also loved writing Shouichi hiding from Byakuran. If someone were to ask my opinion on the "bad" timelines and how Shouichi is living in them I'd point to this fic.
Personal Server
Honestly the entire time I wrote this fic I had a very specific restaurant in mind. Sadly, it doesn't exist anymore, but the vibe and atmosphere of the restaurant remains in my heart and has seeped a little bit into this fic. Though, to be honest, I'd love to redo this fic's idea. While I like the direction it went, it didn't quite hit some of the ideas floating in my brain. Perhaps, in the future I will take the core idea of this story and write another fic.
Monochrome and Lavender
Many times when asked "what is your favourite fic" I dart around the question with "I like all my fics". While that's not a lie (I think all my stories have their own merits or reveal my thought/head space at the time of writing) this fic is by far my favourite KHR fic.
Where do I even start? Magical curses are a trope Right Up my Alley ever since I was twelve and picked up volume 4 of CLAMP's Tsubasa. (I read the first four volumes out of order!) Next, the visual representation of Byakuran's obsession?? Shouichi truly cannot escape reality this time. In other fics he has the luxury of lying to himself. How can he lie here where his vision is black and white except for Byakuran's signature shade of purple? What about the idea of "love is blind" only Byakuran's love is blinding Shouichi? Just... the symbolism is endless.
The Unspoken "K" Word in the Room
My favourite part about this fic is how something horrible has happened (Shouichi being kidnapped by Byakuran) but the entire situation is treated as a "mild" inconvenience. There is humour yet underneath the humour is rotting, festering horror and terror as Shouichi is powerless to stop Byakuran. Easily one of my favourite dynamics between them.
An Unofficial Prize (The Last Extra Hours Spent Together)
At the time of writing this story I think this idea had been swirling in my brain for two full years. I am (still) obsessed over this fic's premise. Byakuran adding Shouichi as a "prize" to Choice? How could that idea not send shivers down my spine? Make my heart thump and beat rapidly? Send me daydreaming about the idea consistently? It's too perfect. There is a high chance I'd rewrite this story or the core idea again.
Though the only snag in this fic was my worrying I was writing "too close to canon" at certain moments. Whenever I diverge from a specific canon point I always bog myself down with "accuracy". I had to rewatch some KHR to get the lines and beats of the scene perfect.
Grounding the Sun
Another story I had circulating in my brain for years! I always wanted to write a story as Spanner! I love him so much and what's a better story than Spanner witnessing Byakuran and Shouichi's relationship as an outsider?? I remember this fic taking so much out of me though! It was a challenge but in the end I think I wrote a fun fic!
Can I help you?
TIME LOOP. TIME LOOP! Need I say more? This was another story I had circulating in my brain for years! Mostly because I wanted to write Byakuran with a more "supernatural" vibe. Also, the tone of this fic is easily my favourite out of all my KHR ones. I am always here for an unsettling tone... and a time loop. Big sucker for those.
You're Welcome, Byakuran
I love this fic because it's the result of an elaborate inside joke with @someobscurereference where it all started with "Okay but what if Kikyo runs a Beauty YouTube Channel in the good timeline?" The humour that comes out of it! Priceless.
The Blue Bottle (Warming Up in Snippets)
Probably one of my lesser known stories, this fic is Ch. 11 of my first Warming Up in Snippets collection. My favourite part of the fic was how I wrote it in present tense rather than past tense. I also adore the idea of Shouichi willingly keeping himself ignorant and Byakuran facilitating the poor decision.
Once more a fic with a story that had been circulating in my brain for years. (I'm not joking when I say I am thinking of KHR fics all the time.) Anyways, there is something so compelling to me about writing Shouichi who just... goes to Byakuran of his own volition. No running or hiding, which as I said earlier, is my default "Shouichi" mode when dealing with Byakuran. This idea was so compelling I wrote it again in my newest story Total Percentage: 4%.
The Envelope
Mark my words: I will one day write a completely unhinged Shouichi who has fully given up on escaping Byakuran. I will write him in a dark head space where he decides "If I cannot escape Byakuran I will use his obsession and have him kill bad people. I will bat my eyelashes at him and tell him someone made me feel awful and without fail Byakuran will kill them. No questions asked."
Anyways, this fic was a slight dip into exploring that angle for a fic. This one softly dips its toes into the water and I love it.
And that's all I have to say! Was there a KHR fic I missed talking about that you want me to comment on? Feel free to send an ask and I'll gladly talk about it! I will be more than delighted to do so!
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milkberryroll · 1 year
pride, prejudice
"How about that upperclassman from the PT department? He liked you, right? He's a sports coach, now!" 
Yuzu close to shoved her phone screen to her twin's face, showing her black haired counterpart a photo of an acquaintance from university. Who apparently harbored feelings for Karin years ago. 
"No thanks. I turned him down before." Karin took a sip of her almost gone pear lemon soda.
also in ao3.
"Besides, I told you, didn't I? Not looking for a boyfriend. Not today, not tomorrow, not anytime soon. I'm way too busy for commitments. " She added, completely shutting her sister down. 
Yuzu pouted in disappointment — Karin really lacked romance in her bones. Maybe a good Pride and Prejudice movie night with Ruki-nee would help convert her, she thinks. 
"Oh, you're no fun, Karin-chan!" 
"I'm not interested." 
"But I'm telling you, once you see That Guy for you, you'll be eating your words!" 
"Yeah, yeah. Forget that, Ruki-nee's waiting for us at the department store, help me choose shoes for Ryouka, she says. And, Ichi-nii will be coming to get us, apparently."
Dismissing her twin with a text from their sister in law, she begins to stand up from their table. Yuzu proceeded to sip up the last of her iced chocolate, and stood up to follow her sister, ready to leave the cafe. 
"Speaking of, Ryouka-chan's going to school this coming semester, huh? Time flies so fast!" Yuzu wondered aloud, thinking about how her niece now is at that age for elementary school. 
"Yeah, it was like yesterday Ruki-nee was curs—" She bumped into a wall of toned muscle, losing her balance, expecting to meet carpet, only to be pulled to the same body she ran into by a firm arm around her waist. 
"Are you okay?" 
Karin looked up — and it was then rocks met ocean waters. Her eyes met with the owner of the voice, and saw turquoise looking back at her. 
An invitable encounter. 
"Ah, yeah. My bad, I wasn't looking where I was going." Karin tried her best to speak straight and not stumble on her words. 
"No, it's fine, I also wasn't paying attention." 
With a slight push, she pried herself off of the man she was now in an almost embrace with and bowed slightly in thanks, before stalking off to finally exit the cafe before any more eyes stare. She wasn't here to make a scene anyway, just to help her sister in law shop. 
Her sister was staring at her from outside the cafe with stars in her eyes, now with their brother, looking ready to tear a stranger's limbs apart.  
"Don't start." 
Meeting her siblings, she warned her twin, although she knows Yuzu will, regardless. Karin sighed in preparation for another tirade about romance and fate and destiny. 
She wanted to think it's not. 
With a sigh, Toshiro slid to his seat, seeing his sister smile at him, readying himself for whatever she's about to spew out. 
"She's pretty!" Momo nonchalantly uttered. 
"Unfortunately for you, I'm not looking for a girlfriend. Besides, I'm here to bring you to your OB appointment, since Izuru had an emergency at work." Toshiro replied without missing a beat. 
"Oh, would it kill you to actually be fun, for once? This is why you have no love life, you're way too serious. You were cuter when we were younger." 
"Shut up." Toshiro called a waiter over to take their orders, after taking a backward glance at his chanced encounter. 
Oh, there's someone with her. The orange haired guy. 
The little peep did not go unnoticed by Momo's observant eyes. 
"Too bad, seems like a guy is with them. A boyfriend, perhaps?" 
He decided to ignore the little twinge of disappointment in his chest.
"My bad Karin! I swear I'll make it up to you next time!" Rukia's voice rang from her phone's loudspeaker. 
"I told you it's fine! It's my off today. Anything else I need to pick her up?" Karin picked up her wallet, preparing to fetch her niece up from her first day of school. 
"Nope, just your ID! Call me if anything comes up! And grab some food for the two of you on the way! I'll send you the money!" 
"No, it's fine, Ruki-nee. Alright, I'm going to get her now. Bye!" With that, Karin ended the call, turned her car ignition off, and alighted the car. 
Going into the school premises, she searched for staff she can talk to. 
"Oh! Hi, good afternoon! What's your business here?" 
A voice rang from behind her, and it was a teacher coming out of the faculty room.  Oddly, the voice sounded pleasantly surprised. 
Bowing to return the greeting, she introduced herself. 
"Hello. I'm here to pick up Kurosaki Ryouka, first grader." She handed her ID to the teacher. 
"Kurosaki Karin... What a pretty name. And sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Momo. I'm the first graders' art teacher, so I actually know Ryouka-chan." Momo grabbed Karin's ID, and proceeded to lead the way. 
"Oh, that's great! I'm not too late picking her up, am I?" 
"No, you're not! She's still with a few of the other kids playing, so she's doing well. I take it she's your daughter?" Momo inquired with Karin, as they walked the halls to finally arrive at the classroom. 
Karin burst out laughing, tears in her eyes, stopping as she tried to catch her breath. Momo, now some steps ahead of her, stopped to look back at her guest. 
"Oh, I'm sorry. No, she's not my daughter, she's my niece! I don't even have a boyfriend!" Karin said in between chuckles. 
"Oh! Apologies!" 
"No, no worries. It was just funny." Wiping tears from her eyes, she continued on walking to catch up with Momo, when she crashed into someone. 
"This makes it the second time, huh." 
A familiar voice. 
It was the guy she bumped into at the cafe. With his arms around her. He's saved her again. 
And for the second time, their eyes met. 
"We meet again. And sorry, for the second time. And, thank you."  She apologized to the white haired guy. 
"Oh! I'll introduce you two! Shiro-chan, that's Miss Karin, here to pick her niece up. And, Miss Karin, that's Toshiro, my brother!" Momo pipes up, sounding elated, and her voice breaks the two out of whatever dangerous territory they have entered to. 
He reluctantly let go, and suddenly she longed for his warmth on her.  
He offered his hand for her to shake, and she took it without question. 
He found her hand, soft and small, fitting with his own well. 
"Nice to meet you. But, I guess, it's more of nice meeting you again?" Toshiro greeted. 
"Yeah, it is. Small world, huh? You're my niece's teacher's brother. And to think, what occurred at the cafe happened the second time around." Karin snickered. 
"Here's to hoping the next time we meet, if ever, we're not smacking and crashing into each other." Toshiro answered in return, with a smile in his voice. 
"Yeah, I hope so too." 
Yuzu would probably laugh at her face and tell her "Told you so! Fate and destiny does exist!" if she knew about this, Karin mused. 
Karin and Ryouka waved goodbye to Momo and Toshiro, with the sibling pair waiting and waving back until they were out of sight. 
"Wasn't that nice? Maybe you guys are really meant for each other." Momo teased her brother after a brief moment of silence. 
"Shut it." 
"Pease, you seemed happy seeing her again." Momo stalked off to proceed to the faculty room, and pick up her things to finally go home, with her brother trailing after her. 
"That's not it." 
Momo stopped just in front of the faculty door. 
"Oh, by the way. The orange haired man? That was her brother. And, she's single." She quipped. 
"You have a chance after all, Shiro-chan!" She hummed as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. 
He's not so against it now, if fate and destiny was always that pretty and amazing. 
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ichisama · 4 months
1155 words | rating: g | high school au, confession
Ichiro didn't have the most typical childhood, or the most typical priorities. He didn't join any clubs at school or go to karaoke with his classmates when he was invited. While other kids his age started cram school to prepare for their college entrance exams, Ichiro started picking up work at any restaurant or warehouse that would hire him.
Typical, to him, had always been overrated. He didn't need to be a typical teenager as long as he could provide for his brothers and make them proud.
But maybe there was one thing he wanted. One typical high school experience that he'd read about countless times in manga and light novels, that he wanted to live out in real life.
A confession.
He'd been confessed to plenty of times before, of course. As early as middle school, and as recently as just a few months ago, in his last semester of high school. He rejected each one as gently as he could, claiming he simply didn't have time for a relationship—which was true. He really didn't think he had time for school, work, and a relationship; it was the sort of thing that would have to wait until graduation.
It was just also true that he'd never met anyone who made him want to make time.
Until Samatoki.
Samatoki had transferred into Ichiro's class near the start of their second year, and for Ichiro it was love at first sight. Samatoki was cool, he was pretty, and most importantly—
"Aohitsugi Samatoki," he'd drawled, when prompted by their teacher to introduce himself. "My little sister just transferred in too. She'll be your kouhai from now on. Treat her well, or you'll be talking to my fists."
—he was a good big brother.
Ichiro and Samatoki became fast friends after that. Their classmates often joked that they were practically made for each other. Ichiro, who put his brothers above all else. And Samatoki, who would readily die and kill for his little sister. Just on that alone, they clearly understood each other in ways no one else could.
Bit by bit, Ichiro started to think people were right. Bit by bit, he started to feel like he had been born to meet Samatoki.
When he started to think about confessing to Samatoki, about asking him out, Ichiro found himself wanting nothing more than typical. He wanted them to have, at the very least, a shot at normal.
So he started with a letter. Nothing too flowery or poetic, just a note asking Samatoki to meet him after class, on a nice day in early March, with graduation right around the corner. He slipped it into Samatoki's desk while Samatoki was in the bathroom, then spent the rest of the day with his stomach so tied up in knots that he was almost tempted to drop by the nurse's office.
But that was normal, wasn't it? Nerves. Anticipation.
Typical, of a lovesick boy who'd made up his mind to confess.
Ichiro arrived first, racing out of class as soon as they were dismissed and hurrying to the music room where he'd asked Samatoki to meet. The choir club wasn't rehearsing that day—Ichiro had checked to make sure—so they would have the room to themselves.
It wasn't long at all before Ichiro heard another pair of footsteps approaching the door. He'd only just had time to open a window, to let in a soft breeze from outside.
"Ichi…?" Samatoki stepped in and slid the door shut behind himself, arching his brows as he lifted the note he'd found in his desk. "This is your handwriting, isn't it?"
Ichiro ducked his head, smiling. He hadn't signed his name, even though he knew Samatoki usually ignored all the confession letters he got. He'd simply trusted that Samatoki would recognize this one was from him.
"Wanted to talk to you," he said, lifting his head again to meet Samatoki's gaze as he took a step forward.
Samatoki met him halfway. The corners of his eyes were ever-so-slightly crinkled, with what Ichiro had learned to recognize as a smile. "Couldn't wait for the walk home?"
Ichiro grinned and gave a little shrug. They almost always walked home together, at least part of the way. It would've been just as easy—easier, in fact—to tell Samatoki then.
But this was… cheesy, probably. Trite. Clichéd.
It was also just what Ichiro wanted, a moment of typical in their atypical lives, and what he hoped Samatoki would want as well.
"Samatoki." Ichiro paused, then shook his head. "Aohitsugi-kun."
Samatoki's brows jumped up again, and it was no wonder—they'd been on a first-name basis since practically the day they met.
But a bit of formality wasn't misplaced, was it? Not for an important moment like this.
Ichiro saw the moment it clicked for Samatoki. The surprise and confusion melted out of his eyes, replaced with a warmth that made Ichiro feel instantly at ease. It emboldened him, enough that his next words came as easy as breathing.
"I like you," Ichiro said. Plain and simple, no frills. Just a smile, earnest and from the heart, and a hope that his feelings would be received and answered in kind. "Go out with me?"
The corners of Samatoki's mouth gave an upwards twitch. If he was at all surprised, he didn't show it. And that, in turn, didn't surprise Ichiro.
For a long while now, this had only felt like a matter of time.
But Samatoki didn't answer right away. Not with his words, at least. He did take one of Ichiro's hands in his own, like he couldn't resist any longer.
"It won't be easy, you know," Samatoki said. "Being with me. It'll be at least a couple more years before I finish paying off my old man's yakuza debt."
Ichiro knew all about that. He squeezed Samatoki's hand, undeterred. "It'll go faster with us both working towards it."
"Saburo already doesn't like me," Samatoki warned.
"Saburo doesn't like anyone," Ichiro pointed out. "I asked them, though. HIm and Jiro. For their blessing. Told Nemu, too. How much I like you. But, well, she's really smart—just laughed, said she knew, and wished me luck."
Samatoki breathed a laugh and drew his thumb in a circle against Ichiro's skin. "Thought of everything, didn't you?"
"I think a lot about you," Ichiro admitted, without shame.
"And you're really okay with me?"
"Do you really need to ask?"
Samatoki huffed one more laugh, and seemed to know that was answer enough. "Well, then. Guess this is the part where I say…"
Ichiro let out a surprised little breath of his own, stumbling a half-step forward when Samatoki suddenly gave his hand a tug. But of course, Samatoki didn't let him fall. His other hand was at Ichiro's hip in an instant, steadying him, pulling him close.
"Yamada-kun," he murmured. "I'll be in your care."
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declaawed · 9 months
My one discord server reminded me that the Hunger Games simulator thing existed, so I threw Yakuza characters into it. If you wanna read the cliff notes of the absolute CHAOS this was, I'll put everything else under the cut. This made me laugh a lot, considering I don't know shit about Hunger Games LOL.
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WELL FUCK, AKIYAMA. they really threw large and/or crazy at you, homie had no fucking chance akljsdklg; this was literally the FIRST FUCKING THING THAT HAPPENED AHAHA
I'm not even gonna talk about the daddy issues on that second one. nope. not gonna go there.
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Joon-gi keeping Ichi alive is oddly wholesome despite the fact that it's the OG Joon-gi KLSADJFKLSDA;
everyone better keep they distance from wagi, he's had enough.
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Nishiki really gets shit on in every circumstance, don't he?
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W E L P. i'm so sorry, tanimura.
also, ichi, saejima, shinada, and kashiwagi are KIND OF A POWER TEAM LIKE??? damn. also majima totally started that fire for funsies.
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y3 alternative ending.
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I already regret putting oda's ass in this akljfdkls; AND I'M SORRY MASA, THAT MADE ME CACKLE.
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... remember when i said they were a power team?
... so do i.
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WELL. that's upsetting.
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the manipulative girlies are fighting while majima's gettin' ready to single-handedly win this whole fucking shit WHO IS GIVING THIS MAN EXPLOSIVES ???
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i don't... i don't think shinada knows what's actually going on here...
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Oh. Ooooooooh.
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sera, where the fUCK did you get a trident???
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ryuji has literally done NOTHING WRONG this whole time, damn man, you can't just cuddle a man and then raid his camp;; the MIXED SIGNALS
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no one cares about sohei dojima i don't even remember how he died.
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SHINADA, MY MAN, I JUST.... don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, don't ---
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well, i'm fucking glad nishitani's having a good time I GUESS
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day 5 was boring but damn we lost some real ones.
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oda out here getting his sillygoofy revenge for his not-boyfriend. that or he knew that if he chose kiryu, majima would have his head on a damn stake next.
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... I forgot he was here.
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M A J I M A. / sprays with water.
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yknow. i can't blame him for this. they had an intimate cuddle sesh and then kiryu went behind his back and raided his camp? i'd be a lil mad too sklajfkdls
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we are truly coming down to the WIRE. day 6 was wildin'.
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Literally nothing happened on day 7.
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running out of images i can have in one post, but sera strangled oda and fucking stabbed mine, he's an absolute UNIT in this.
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ryuji, my guy... his scaredy cat moment really was his kryptonite.
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once we started getting into like the second half of this, i wasn't surprised this absolute MACHINE OF A HUMAN BEING ended up winning this simulation LMFAOOOO.
he took no prisoners. he came for the win. and he didn't care who he had to take out i'm LoSING IT.
so anyways, that was me playing with the Hunger Games simulator, hope this entertained people (':
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
If you had to create a roster for the Einherjar (without using those already on the list) who would you pick from history?
For a more fun one let’s play which Isekai characters would you pick to be an Einherjar?
This was quite fun to do!
1. Alexander the Great, educated, a strong warrior before he was king, responsible for sacking the Persian Empire, but even when the Persian King fled, he left the coward king’s family unharmed, showing that he was also compassionate. He died young and his heirs were assassinated shortly after and the empire promptly fell apart without his guidance.
2. Genghis Khan, one of history’s most infamous leaders, conquered the Mongol Empire plus most of Asia and Europe during his reign. A strong warrior and brilliant tactician who ruled his massive army, and had so many children with various women that his descendants could form their own army today. I love the mystery that nobody knows how he died or where his body is.
3. William Wallace, famous for leading Scotland to its freedom from the English, he may have not been the one to actually do it, but his actions as a warrior and a leader set in motion to the Scots rising up against King Edwards I following his death. His death was tragic, being betrayed and then executed in horrible ways and having his severed body parts displayed around England.
4. Miyamoto Musashi, a ronin samurai who killed his first person at age 13. He traveled alone with no affiliations to train his skills with a sword, which resulted in nito ichi-ryu, better known as kensai, battling with two swords. His most well-known fight was against Sasaki Kojiro, which he won, but then retired to train others with swords and retired with an undefeated record of 61 duels.
5. Spartacus, warrior turned slave turned gladiator turned rebellion leader, courageous but compassionate, a ruthless warrior who offered his enemies both mercy and respect, and led an army of rebels against their oppressors, the Roman Empire.
6. Achilles, who led the Greek army against Troy, killing Hector at the gates, a proud and strong warrior and leader, but he needs to make sure to wear iron boots that are impenetrable as everyone knows his weak spot.
7. Ching Shih, a female pirate who commanded 300 ships and was able to go toe-to-toe with the Chinese Imperial Navy. If you disobeyed you were immediately executed, but the same went for if her men raped captives, she had a no tolerance policy. She ended up getting to retire with all her wealth after the Imperial Government offered both her and her crew amnesty after they were defeated under the agreement that they would stop.
8. ‘Mad Jack’ Churchill, a British solider in WWII that charged into combat with weapons that were not common for the time, such as a sword and long bow. He was disappointed the war ended with the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as he wanted to keep fighting. He once stormed a German held down in Italy with just one other man and captured a mortar position and 42 men with just his sword, long bow and his bagpipes.
9. Amanirenas, one eyed ancient queen of Kush, now modern day Sudan, who fought back against the Roman Empire, after the death of Cleopatra, when they decided to try to expand past Egypt, so viciously that Rome and Augustus were quick declare peace between the two empires after they couldn’t win due to the unbearable heat and the pissed off queen. A fierce tactician who used supposedly used war elephants, fed captors to her pet lion, and defaced Augustus’ statues and kept the head of one statue under the feet of the throne of Kush.
10. Lyudmila Pavlichenko, deadliest female sniper in the world; sniper for the Soviet Union in the Red Army during WWII; nicknamed Lady Death and claimed, during her time as a sniper, to have killed 309 soldiers. Became an advocate for peace and toured the world.
11. Jean-Eugene Robert-Houdin a French watchmaker, illusionist, magician and regarded as the father of the modern style of conjuring, having brought magic from something only seen at circuses or similar places like that for the poor, to something of grand entertainment for the wealthy.
12. Richard I of England, a bad king but a brilliant warrior, having spent most of his time in the Crusades, rather than running his own kingdom, or fighting against France
13. Ragnar Lothbrok, Swedish and Danish king, legendary Viking warrior leader who raid both the British Isles and the Holy Roman Empire in the 9th century
As for Isekai~
1. Ainz Ooal Gown- Overlord
2. Rimuru Tempest- That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
3. Canya- In the Land of Leadale
4. Azusa Aizawa- I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed out my Level
5. Yuna- Kuma-Kuma-Kuma Bear
6. Albedo- Overlord
7. Diablo- That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
8. Shiraori- So I’m a Spider, So What?
9. Seiya Ryuguin- Cautious Hero: The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious
10. Mamako Oosuki- Do You Love your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?
11. Diablo- How Not to Summon a Demon Lord
12. Hajime Nagumo- Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest
13. Teacher and Fran- Reincarnated as a Sword
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