#when u want to come on & write on your main multi
apocaelypse · 2 years
is anyone up for interacting with my fort salem witches ? i have big muse for them & nowhere to put it.
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alphabetboyluvr · 6 months
hiii holly! i hope november's treating you kindly so far!
i wanted to ask whether you have any advice for writers that are just starting to publish. literally any modicum would be greatly appreciated.
it's really hard to assess whether one's writing is any good when literally no one ever reads it :( at the same time, I know I should write for myself first and foremost. can't help but want to be held accountable by the possibility of an audience, tho (maybe that's just my brain chemistry??) I fall into the pit of thinking "if no one's reading it, why am I even writing? I can daydream indefinitely and be satisfied. Why write?" Yet I always come back to writing; it's something magnetic.
it's not the same to ask close friends to read ur stuff bc they are ur friends, and may not give you the sincerity ur looking for so as to not discomfort u. conversely, they might not be interested enough so as to pick up on the fine details.
f/u question: how do you deal with publishing your work on the internet for free? does it ever scare you that strangers could copy and republish ur work without your knowing?
I guess that's one of my main apprehensions about posting loyally on writing platforms. I'm scared I'll write something I'm very proud of and have it plagiarized and not be able to track it back as my original property??
anyways, enough of my self-exposing on your q and a's feeling v vulnerable sharing my doubts so openly lol
thank youuuu :) ly <3
hiyaaa!! it's getting chilly, i won't lie, but other than that November has been pretty typical. likewise, i hope it's treating you well too!
honestly the fact you casually drop words like modicum probably suggests you're a paygrade above me in terms of writing hahaha
my answer is a long (srsly i just kept on going lmao) ramble, so I'll put a read more here haha
i've many lovely friends who i absolutely adore that I've met through writing that are now irls, but none of my friends that i know independently outside of writing have ever read my stuff - I've even got irl friends who are deep in the ao3 trenches, who are paying for other tannie writers' patreons, but we have an unspoken rule that my work is not to be read by them. i just don't let my friends read my work, full stop, so i get that sentiment.
the thing is, humans are naturally inclined to be storytellers - it's been that way for thousands of years. our tales are meant to be told. sharing is just a very human thing for us to do.
I've been publishing on wattpad (within the tannie space) for 4 years, now. readers didn't appear overnight - i actually recently found a screenshot of you up? from march 2021. it had 28 parts, 2.03k reads and 313 votes.
it now sits at 62 parts, 1.45million reads and 55k votes.
that's a little bit perspective for you, i guess - i'd written half of an entire novel that was averaging around 70 reads per chapter, but i loved that world, and i had story to tell, so i told it. some people viscerally hated it, some loved it. i was writing for me, and the numbers prove that. if you worry about the numbers, you'll never satisfied.
similarly, comparison is the thief of joy, or so they say.
comparing yourself to other writers is never healthy. there are far more 'successful' authors on wp in terms of reads, but i genuinely mean it when i say i think i have the most fulfilling and rewarding space on tannie wp because my readers are so unbelievably lovely. i wouldn't trade my current readership for bigger numbers, not a chance.
in terms of plagarism, there are 170,000 words in current use within the english language, and 36 plot types. we've exhausted a lot of them, already. overlap and similarities are bound to occur, so i try not get fixated on it.
take cv for example - i was so gassed up with myself when coining the terms mono and multi, only to find out after i'd finished writing the story that there was a drama with a similar concept that also used the term mono for a similar condition that aired after i'd already started writing cv. overlap happens.
similarly, we're a product of the media we consume. endeavour is my favourite word, because it was in a song i liked when i was a teenager and it stuck with me. i use it all the time, and we can trace it back to the pen of alex gaskarth lmao.
I've seen readers of mine publish work that's been heavily inspired by my work - with and without 'permission' - and i just sort of shrug my shoulders whenever i notice it.
the way i see it, we'll never tell the exact same story. likewise, no two readers will ever read identical texts the same way. i encourage creativity, and know how important it is for me to empty my brain, so I'll never go for someone's throat for doing the same. that's how myths were born, right? people telling and retelling the same stories over and over again? how am i gonna write a romeo & juliet x greek mythology inspired fic and then get annoyed for someone taking inspo from me?
just like the way hair will always grow back after a terrible cut, new words can always be written after a disappointing discovery. idk, i just don't take it very seriously, i guess.
as for whether or not your writing is any good - it's totally subjective. there are people who have explicitly, publicly stated their disdain for my writing. I've had cruel opinions about my writing projected and amplified to large followings. and it sucks.
but there are people who have been exceptionally kind about my writing, too. i get some of the loveliest messages in the world. there are tiktoks with hundreds of comments of just unadulterated loveliness directed towards my work. I'm afforded so much grace and love that it can be overwhelming at times.
not everything is for everyone, and that's okay. you can't let yourself get hung up on pleasing everyone.
the one thing i will say, is that if you're seriously concerned about your IP, write original characters, and use wattpad as your platform. i know they have a reputation, but they give a shit about copyright infringement and the second someone gets reported for plagiarism, they'll investigate it, and take down the story.
no reward without risk - you gotta decide if the risk of plagiarism is worth the reward of sharing your work.
and plus, ai is taking over anyways. may aswell write while we still can lol.
so i guess tl;dr - don't let outside influence impact your internal need to create. the right readers will find your work eventually, but it's not an overnight miracle kinda thing. if i stopped writing just because i didn't see results in my stats, then i would have stopped after kumiho, and we'd have never gotten throttle, or bd, or anything else of mine you might have read.
do it because you love it, and it fulfils you. i love the communities built around my stories, and that's why i share them. writing without sharing doesn't fulfil me in the same way.
okay i've really rambled too much so i'll leave it here, but i hope that helps a little!!! or at least has given you insight into my brain!!!!!!
luv u byeeeeeee
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malka-lisitsa · 1 year
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My blog may be only like 5 months old, but I managed to hit a pretty big milestone for followers anyway! Wanted to say thank you to all of you who follow me and subscribe to the cult of Katherine. Even if we don't interact or write I really do appreciate your follow and support. I adore all the random anons I get, you guys make being here so much fun and Im so glad that you chose to follow me.
While I love all of you there are a few people I would like to escpecially thank for my rpc family wouldn't be the same without them!
@baby-royalty - You were my first follow on this site, we were DRAWN to each other. It has been a pleasure and a privilege helping Lizzy develop more into her own person. As far as OC Dathrine children are concerned you will always be my one and only, I love you endlessly. Obiche tem Zvezdichke.
@multi-royalty - Dat my bes fran, she a rl bad bitch. The Caroline to my Elena. Seeing you grow and improve as a writer while you explore your wide range of characters has been so heart warming to see. You have a knack for being able to pick up just about any character youre asked to and do them proficiently, which is a skill not everyone posesses! But no matter who youre writing, you will always be my favourite Caroline. xoxo
@hybrid-royalty-main - U R A SCRUB. But despite that I have to admit I am impressed with how fully you have dedicated yourself to the RPC and become such a large part of my affilliates circle. You play all of my boys and then also my tormenter and you do them all so well. Red string Stefrine is what the world DESERVED in tvd, and I am so pleased to give you the chance to write it with me <3 muwah muwah.
@sonofmikael/@bunnyblooded - I WAITED THREE WHOLE MONTHS from the moment I joined and found your blog I waited with baited breath to see if you would EVER come back. Then I was alerted and worked my way into your notifications and then BOOM. Follow back. I was so excited, and then YOU HAD A STEFAN BLOG TOO??? I mean, mostly built for a klefan AU which i mean i guess I forgive you Stefrien supremacy but really where its AT?? Our Stelena is something special. Idk how or why, but I write my favourite Stelena stuff with you, it just flows so beautifully. NOW IF ONLY YOU WOULD DO YOUR DRAFTS- jk. I love you. But really.
@faiththesinfulslayer - GIRL????? GIRL???? When we first started interacting I did NOT expect their relationship to evolve into what it has. Faith and Katherine are just one of my fave pairings because they GET each other in a way not many other's can. Its so important to them and FOR THEM you know? I adore seeing you on my dash and even tho she will deny it to the end of time Katherine and I DO notice when youre gone and we DO miss you both. We are always waiting to see our girls active and killin it on the dash <3 know that you are very loved.
A few other mentions that make my dash amazing. I love seeing all of you pop up in my notifications and my feed. All of you are amazing writers with wonderful grasps on your characters and you all have made my experience here on this blog more amazing than I could have asked for. From banter to deep dive angst and character development, writing with you guys has made my experience amazing. I am very happy to be mutuals and write with all of you.
@tobeblamed @touchedbydestiny @ladamedemartel @lordofthestrix @deceptivemorals @witch3d @townwxtch @siiinfultemptation @jeremydied @wonkrugona @tricursed @viikingwitch @seesgood @langdhon @tormentias @demone-volpe @sindicate @hcpemikaelscn @roshale @ofwaywardsunshine @salvatoraes @klaeus
And just a quick shout out to a few more special people-
The OC hall of fame, the love and devotion you have for your characters is inspiring and I am heavily invested in them on my dash.
@unbearablyindifferent @ravenskeeper @demonstigma
Katherine ESPECIALLY adores bothering Sarah and Alice. &lt;3
Thank you all again for your love and support! If you weren't mentioned don't worry! It's nothing personal, these are just the blogs that have been my faves for a large part of my 5 or so months in this RPC. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me as a writer and on this blog, but I hope you all are a part of it <;3
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an-theduckin · 6 months
Hey since you made a few fics on A03 can I ask you how does the tag system works ? I don't get it- @w@
Ohh sure!! I'm happy to help u!! :3
So this is how it looks like alr
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The first one, ratings is for choosing an age group. Like if u write smut u might choose "explicit" rating or if its just fluffy stuff n it'll be okay if kids read it, u can tag it as "general audiences". There's also "teens and up" and "mature" , which are pretty much self explanatory.
Second box, archive warnings, exist for like the main stuff that ppl might wanna avoid. Like some ppl might not wanna read graphic descriptions of violence, so if ur story has that u can choose that option so ppl who doesn't like that can avoid it. U can choose more than one warning obviously. If your story doesn't need any of these warnings, choose "No archive warnings apply" , NOT "Choose not to use warnings". Ik they sound similar but they're different. No archive warnings apply is when ur story doesn't have any of those listed warnings. Choose not to use warnings is when ur story MIGHT contain those warnings, but u don't wanna tell the readers what those warnings are cuz they might be a spoiler of the story (like for example, major character death) so you can choose that n the readers will be warned that it could be any of them but they won't know what exactly.
Then u choose the fandom, and if you're writing about romance choose if they're F/F (female X female), F/M (female X male), M/M (male X male), multi (more than two ppl in the relationship). If your story doesn't have romance in it, u can choose "Gen" which basically means that.
Then u choose relationships. If it's a romantic relationship, like for example Argos and Mr plant, write it as Argos/Mr plant. If it's a platonic relationship n its like a friendship or family or smth, like Mark n Argos, u write it as Argos&Mark. So basically use / sign if it's romantic, use & if it's platonic.
Then write which characters are in ur story.
Now comes the hardest part, "Additional tags". These tags are for tropes that aren't mentioned in the boxes before this one. Like Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Trans Argos etc etc these are just some examples. Oh n also that tagging system works like a tumblr tagging system, where u can just write whatever u want. Like "author was sleep deprived which writing this" or some jokes or smth u can do whatever u want. U can tag it with tropes u used in the story, as well as some warnings for triggering stuff that might not have been there in the main warnings section of the tagging system yk
If you're still confused, here's a really good YouTube video explaining how it works. I actually watched this b4 uploading my first ever ao3 fanfic, and it was SO helpful n the explanations r easy to understand and not confusing. I hope this helps, and happy writing! :3
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bit-odd-innit · 1 year
r No One Could Love You More & Some Forever written in the same universe? i just happened to read em back to back & realized how well they slot together, haha. either way – LOVE your writing, i’m completely enamored, thank u for it !!!!! steve & eddie truly are the guys ever <3
Oh wow what a fun ask! So funny enough, those two fics are not actually in the same universe. BUT my second ST fic, Literally and Figuratively, was meant to be the first in a series of fics all set in the same universe, the main one being a multi-chapter "fake dating" Steddie fic that took place between August and December 1986. (I say fake dating in quotes because one of them thinks they're dating and the other doesn't, lol.) There was also going to be another one-shot focusing on Robin and Nancy's friendship but uhhhhhh obviously I haven't. Written those, yet. I'm gonna get there!!! If you'll indulge me anon, I do have some thoughts about how Steve and Eddie got together in No One Could Love You More:
It takes a few days after being taken off the ventilator for Eddie to come back into himself and become lucid again. To him, everything during that time felt watery and dreamy and half-fake, and he couldn't differentiate between what was real and what wasn't. (He was also hopped up on, like, so many drugs.) So he has no memory of calling Steve baby. And he doesn't find out about it until way later, like after he's released from the hospital. (Sidebar I have a couple rotating ideas about where Eddie and Wayne live post-Vecna. The government always sets them up somewhere but depending on what I'm working on it changes. Sometimes it's a new trailer, like in Some Forever. Sometimes it's a cute little ranch house like in the linked fic series I mentioned above. I think in this universe they're temporarily put up in a shitty motel and Eddie gets so claustrophobic he spends every waking moment at Steve's.) So they're hanging out at Steve's, talking about whatever, and Eddie says something kind of teasing and unthinkingly tacks "baby" onto the end of it out of habit. And it kinda, well, comes out. That this is not the first time Eddie called him that. And Eddie is mortified. Putting aside his growing and unwieldy crush on Steve he's pretty sure he just tanked any chance of a friendship with this guy. So he tries to gather his stuff and get the hell out of dodge except he can't leave because he hasn't been cleared to drive yet and Steve picked him up so he's just going to have to walk the nine miles back to the shitty motel on the edge of town and wow his physical therapist is not going to like that— But Steve stops him. "I liked it," he says, so softly Eddie almost doesn't hear him. "When you called me that." "Yeah?" "Yeah. I want you to do it again." He takes both of Eddie's hands in his own, his eyes soft and honey-warm and sincere. "I want you to do it forever."
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lostcauses-noregrets · 8 months
I really want to contribute in the eruri writing fandom but I'm very reluctant about my writing, I write very well in first person and I'm able to describe scenes vividly but idk when I write in third person it's like I'm in front of a brick wall and can't write! I'm not native English so that's why but I really want to know how can one write so well in 3rd perspective without being repetitive with words? Can you give me some advice? I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, u can ignore it <3
Hello Anon, not a stupid question at all! Pretty much every writer I know has struggled with anxiety about their writing, so you are very much not alone. My advice would be start out with what you're comfortable writing. If you know you're good at writing in the first person go with that. There's no law that says that fanfic has to be written in the third person. I've written second person fic from time to time! I haven't come across much first person Eruri fic, but that's no bad thing, there's a niche there that you could fill.
If you do want to branch out into third person you could start out by writing little ficlets, character sketches, or snippets of dialogue. Writing is 90% practice and writing short pieces is a great way to experiment, try out different writings, and build your confidence as a writer. Don't feel pressured to post longer multi-chapter fics, lots of writers post much shorter ficlets. I have a fic called Skin on Skin which is really just a collection of random snippets of writing.
In terms of how to avoid repetition, I'm guessing you mean things like "Erwin said...", "Levi said". If that's the case, don't be afraid of repeating the word "said". As a reader you tend to just parse out dialogue tags like this. Also you can often leave out dialogue tags altogether and just let the dialogue flow.
The main thing to remember is that every writer had to start somewhere, and that every writer is unique. It's far more rewarding to focus on developing your own unique style rather than trying to conform to hypothetical writing conventions that fanfic should adhere to.
I don't know if this helps Anon. If you're interested, I've got some other asks about fic writing on my blog tagged Writing.
Good luck with your writing!
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seelestia · 2 years
I sent my last ask about me moving literally a few hours before you answered it :''D
But uhhh since you probs already know who I am just based on me constantly liking your posts and answers to my asks- might as well do a reveal before I go offline for a while :P
So--the blog that keeps liking your posts and asks is my main blog with the name "sarcasticqueerblob" which is a more personal/multi-fandom account that i have not posted a lot on as of recently
The blog that I do use for interacting with genshin posts (reblogging and posting genshin related posts) is called......(are you ready for this?)
It's called medeaheartly.
yes that's the same blog that I recommended you on a previous ask.
yes i did recommend you my own fic (pls im so shameless istg)
i swear I'm not as self-centered as I seem :'''D
forgive me (つд⊂)
and also- if u do check the sideblog, there's an announcement i just posted about the fic having to be paused cuz I am moving :''D
but if u look at the tags u might see something meant for u hehehe
BUT ANYWAYS- apart from my shamelessness and idiotic self-
yes I do acknowledge that I have the dearest privilege of that reserved spot, and yes I'm going to take advantage of it >:D (just this one time tho)
and as for my final final say as this might be my last ask, I will genuinely miss you my dear author, your answers to my asks and your posts are the things I look forward to and wait for everytime I open up Tumblr and I do actually kinda sad whenever I refresh my dashboard and not see you at the top :''D
(lil side note- I'd love to be moots but because my main isn't genshin centered, i'm not quite sure whether or not you'd like the content there :''D tho it's all just random reblogs and rambles atm) - Ever so forever yours, 👹✨ anon <3 (or you can just call me jae)
as soon as i saw your last ask, i just made it my top priority to respond asap because i wanted you to see my answer before you go offline 😭 aaaaa, i'm super glad i could catch you — somewhat? hehe!
yes, yes, i already know~ the funny thing is that i've actually interacted with your acc, @/sarcasticqueerblob before! like do you remember when i asked if i should write fluff or angst first sometime ago??? when i post rambles (non-asks or posts), i tend to respond/reblog if someone comments on them and you were there! i don't think you became my anon yet at that time, but i definitely remembered you <3
awww, dw, dw! i know some people feel vv strongly about self-promo — but i think everyone deserves to give themselves some spotlight once in a while (as long as they don't cross the line), you know? and you're not wrong, there aren't many c!imposter SAGAU fics out there, so i can understand where you're coming from! >:)
the angst in your request is astronomical per usual 🤌✨ AND THE TAGS. i feel honored that i got a special mention in your tags jfjejkfksek and no worries about your main blog~ to me, being moots isn't always about the content because even if our interests don't perfectly align, i'd still wanna follow you and know more about what you like! see it as a token of friendship of some sort, hehe.
and i'll miss you a lot too, jae! :( hopefully, you can come back in the future because i'll still be here 🫂 but in case you don't, just know that you're always in the back of my mind at all times! you have your own little corner in my brain, after all >:)
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wynterrolls · 4 months
HSR FAQ 𖡻 How much CRIT RATE is enough for your DPS?
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High Investment:
Single-hit DPS or low-hit count DPS = at least 80% to 85% crit rate (achievable if you have lightcone that has crit passive or you have good crit rolls in your relic substats); [more than 85% would be on whale territory or hardcore minmax territory already]
Multi-hit count DPS = 70% crit rate
Good enough Investment:
Single-hit DPS or low-hit DPS = 70% crit rate
Multi-hit count DPS = 60% crit rate
Low Investment:
Single-hit DPS or low-hit DPS = 60% crit rate
Multi-hit count DPS = 50% crit rate
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To start off, I've always wondered why are the results of my damage calculations tend to be low values when compared to the damage calcs done by other people. As you can see from my previous attempts on rubbing my 2 braincells together and dealing with numbers in my Yukong and Pela TLDR builds, the values are pretty low.
I know I've followed the process done in the sample damage calculations provided in the sources, but I simply can't replicate the same big dmg numbers you see in other calcs.
Then one day, while I'm scrolling around in Dr. Ratio Mains subreddit, I've come across a post asking about the ideal crit% for E0S1 Dr. Ratio, and one of the answers there caught my eye. The answer of u/Bajuu mentioned that Dr. Ratio is a low hit count DPS like Seele so that he should be built with at least 80% crit rate.
However, I don't know what "low hit count DPS" means, so I went ahead and searched around in Google and the official HSR subreddit what it means but to no avail, it didn't gave me any answer nor clue, so as a last resort, I asked in a help channel in official HSR Discord server, in which two people (viasvias and skylow1112) have answered my question at last.
They mentioned that low hit means low attack tick per attack. An example for this is that when it comes to Seele ultimate, it only has 1 attack tick, while Jing Yuan's Lightning Lord deals multiple attack ticks.
(Sample images below showing Seele ult showcase from u/solidus_snake256 and Jing Yuan's LL showcase from Nerf1352.)
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I asked as well if the number of attack ticks are specified in the trace multipliers or kit of the character, however, they answered that it wasn't mentioned and that it could only be seen in actual gameplay.
This means there's no way for me to know how many attack ticks each unit have by just reading their kit in the game. I have to use them in trial battle first to know how many attack ticks does their kit have when they deal damage.
On the day of writing this post, I saw a similar post asking what is the minimum crit rate for Dr. Ratio, and upon checking the comments, the answer made by u/Minute_Fig_3979 also has similar answer above.
They mentioned that there are two types of damage dealers - single hit or low hit count DPS and multi-hit count DPS. However, their answer mentioned more about the recommended crit rate for each type. Low hit count DPS needs higher crit rate in order to make up for their lack of multi-hit, while multi-hit count DPS could settle with lesser crit rate and further invest more into other stats due to their multi-hit nature.
Think of this scenario.
When dealing damage against a single enemy, if your DPS only deals 1 hit count like Seele, you'd want them to at least deal crit hit on this one chance so that all the efforts of setting up the buffs on them and debuffs applied to enemies won't go to waste. By building higher crit rate, this gives you higher chance so that your low hit count DPS could at least crit.
However, when it comes to multi-hit count DPS like Jing Yuan, even if you have lesser crit rate than the low hit count DPS, his Lightning Lord would have more chances of dealing crit hits at the enemy. So instead of hyper-investing crit rate on your Jing Yuan, that you'd need to do with your Seele, you could allocate the relic substat rolls into getting more ATK% and crit dmg for him.
Example of low-hit count:
Seele's Ultimate (1 tick)
Dr. Ratio's Skill, Follow-up Attack (FuA), and Ultimate (1 tick each)
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4* Danheng Ultimate (1 tick)
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Blade's Ultimate (1 tick)
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Jingliu's Ultimate (1 tick)
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Blade's Talent (3 ticks)
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Example of multi-hit count:
Jing Yuan's Lightning Lord
Dan Heng - Imbibitor Lunae's 3EBA and Ultimate
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Topaz's Skill and FuA Talent
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Jingliu's Enhanced Basic Attack
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The recommended crit rate varies a lot according to who is answering the question. So I'll just create some kind of simplified categorization for the variety of recommendations.
High Investment:
Single-hit DPS or low-hit count DPS = at least 80% to 85% crit rate, achievable if you have lightcone that has crit passive or you have good crit rolls in your relic substats (more than 85% would be on whale territory or hardcore minmax territory already)
Multi-hit count DPS = 70% crit rate
Good enough Investment:
Single-hit DPS or low-hit DPS = 70% crit rate
Multi-hit count DPS = 60% crit rate
Low Investment:
Single-hit DPS or low-hit DPS = 60% crit rate
Multi-hit count DPS = 50% crit rate
With the two sources of answer above, I think I now have an idea as to why my earlier dilemma has those small value results.
Calcs made by other people have considered multiple factors affecting their calculations.
having team mates in the calc
calculating the team dmg output in rotation-based setup
having considered the speed and action value of teammates that would affect the SPD and AV of the character you are calculating
(probably, not sure) considering the number of attack ticks of units in actual gameplay in the calculations.
These are just some of the reasons as to why my calcs from before are on the lower side, but it doesn't mean that my calcs are wrong. I just happened to consider only the most basic dmg conditions compared to them using complex dmg conditions in their theorycrafting, hence the results I got are low values only.
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Minimum Crit Rate Question by u/EthansFin
Seele 100k Damage - Simulated Universe by u/solidus_snake256
Jing Yuan Everyday Damage Showcase by Nerf1352
Ideal Crit% for E0S1 Question by u/HaakMilk
2.6m Blade Ultimate DMG Showcase by Kan~
Jingliu Build 4 Set Quantum vs 4 Set Ice Damage Comparison by Areha
Topaz 4pc Grand Duke vs 2P Fire 2P ATK Damage Comparison by Areha
Dan Heng DMG Progress by ☆rui☆
DHIL + 1870% Crit Damage | Swam Disaster by fatty flip
Blade Wind DMG% vs HP% Planar Sphere Damage Comparison by Areha
Dr. Ratio Trial Gameplay by Mr.Nothing Gaming
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Uploaded on Patch 1.6
➥ Back to my HSR masterlist.
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Update Log
01/15/2024 - Uploaded this post
01/16/2024 - Added a scenario that describes the difference between low-hit count DPS and multi-hit count DPS
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littlewalken · 9 months
Aug 12
And we never ever have to hear about how wonderful it would be to live in the apartment complex by the grocery store again. I didn't even go on the tour. Here's why-
It's a U shaped complex, the back patios/porches face outwards. One side faces a small parking pocket behind a discount store. It has dirt patches, a space between a small retaining wall and a fence big enough to sleep in, and at least two resident crackheads. I'm also certain the square thing on a pole between two buildings of that shopping center at the bottom of a ramp that zigzags a dozen times is the apartment complex's mail boxes because it wasn't there before.
The middle part backs up to a drive thru with a cinder block wall. Said drive thru also has parking in that section. We'll just say it's the type of local place that has large noisy family gatherings all the time. Good for them, enjoy yourselves, I already have that over my back fence and want to get away from it.
The other arm backs up to a sidewalk at a shopping center anchored by a grocery store. And prey tell, what keeps everyone from looking thru your sliding glass door, helping themselves to anything in your back patio, or being in it themselves? A short partition that can be easily climbed with enough space underneath for a pet to get out or lose child to get in.
Then there's it being a multi story unit with no elevators, outside stairs, and wet winters that have included some snow or hail in the past. The view of a branch of the San Andreas fault is blocked by another complex.
I didn't even take the tour, I just watched Good Omens on my phone so the smothering unit would no longer have to be curious about what they look like inside. The square footage also seems to include the back patio or deck and the walkway in front or something.
Ah but Little Walken you said you liked the complex at the other shopping center. Because that one has the entire property fenced in. It's still too expensive, not a 55+ community, and I got to tell the bitch there something akin to 'so, you don't want "poor" people living here' because our disabled asses are on rental assistance.
The goal is to get us in like a 1 bedroom, or a complex with 1 bedroom places, so I won't have to move when the inevitable comes. Then again most one bedrooms are bigger than what we're in.
Didn't do any retail therapy yesterday, I feel so proud of myself. Got away from the place, got something to eat, looked forward to my next whatever.
Looked thru the writing and found I had started some actual sentences on a story I'd like to work on anyway. I just want to make the main character's inner monolog more neurotic.
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timmymyluv · 2 years
the feels
fc: sana minatozaki from twice
wanted to be creative with this one! a creative, artistic multi-hyphenate who owns a small crystal/spiritual new age etsy shop who also writes music, sings with her gg twice and is an established actress haha
my fc for this is Japanese but also a Kpop idol so take what resonates with this and have fun!
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liked by taylorswift, romeestrijd, noahschnapp, and 22.3m others
new collection just dropped on my website. y/brand name is proud to present the ethereal line.
more info on bio
username omg i just saw timmy cop one of her bracelets from this collection
user3 omg does he get exclusive first dibs on her stuff that’s so cool 
zendaya just ordered a bunch theyre so CUTEE wasn’t expecting to splurge today but for u anything 😄
yourusername omg tysm z ilyy going to include freebies in there when it ships 😘
dojacat obsessed!! wearing these all over tour next summer! 
randomuser yn really does it all and shes a small business owner come on it girl! 
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liked by saoirse_, florencepugh, kidcudi and 29.5m others
kidcudi she’s an amazing girl 
   liked by tchalamet
user5 yn give me a chance please
ynfans i love herrr timmy u better treat her right 
saoirse_ yn we need to hang soon (sans timmy if possible)
tchalamet HEY now you know we come as a package deal 
florencepugh when its bake night with flo i want seersh and yn only no timmy allowed
saoirse_ that’s right 
tchalamet come on guys :/ @/gretagerwig come on back me up here 
gretagerwig sorry tim you’re on your own 
        liked by yourusername 
username this comment section is so cute they’re such a family
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liked by tchalamet, candiceswanepoel, taylorhill and 30.4m others
my newest fashion editorial this month with vogue. so honoured to work with such creative, humble, hard working and kind people in this industry.
     tagged vogueuk
tchalamet so proud of my covergirl 
 yourusername love youuu
giselebundchen amazing work!
yourusername means a lot coming from the ubermodel herself! im so honoured tysm ❤️❤️
naomicampbell gorgeous gorgeous girl
yourusername learned from the best 💗
username53 I love this aesthetic it suits her so well
user6 right? i love how creative vogue are being now they used to be so bland under anna ugh 
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liked by
usernamehere oh he's going glitch mode
liked by onyour_mark
username wait pause him hiking with JAEHYUN!?
nctfan nct always on the scene of the crime but this time for making friends outside of nct challenge
jae.pop the last time he went outside was itaewongate so this def is much better than that
johnnyjsuh loved hanging out with u tonight bro!
tchalamet so did I man lemme know when ur in town again so we can grab some lunch
johnnyjsuh will do!
yourusername be careful next time! told u not to get too close to the railings
tchalamet yes and I'm alright hon it's all good
usernamehere his hair looks so soft
yourusername it is
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liked by oliviarodrigo, thomasdoherty, conangray and 29.1m others
shy shy shy
user7 fave twice song
tchalamet rn its cry for me 
username valid ur taste>>>should’ve been a main single if u asked me
randomuser cheer up by twice turn that shit UP!
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liked by jeongjaehyun, johnnyjsuh, onyour_mark and 35.5m others
tagged yourusername
and just like that.
comments are turned off for this post.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
Hello there! I just wanted to say I'm a big fan of your work. Thank you for delivering such great stories to your readers! I saw you might be taking prompts?
Would you be open to writing some fluff for Law, Crocodile, or Mihawk (your choice) with female reader? Maybe a first date type scenario where reader didn't realize it was considered a [romantic] date until halfway through?
Ahh thank u so much for your kind words omg! I’m really happy you like my stories!! ♥ Of course I had to choose Law, I mean, this is so perfect for him haha ♥ I think he is so naïve about “romantic stuff” so this has fluff adjusted to his personality. Even if it’s a little short, I hope you enjoy darling!! Thank u for requesting! ♥ ~
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SFW ~ Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader ~ A First Date? ~ Short Scenario
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TW: Fluff. Embarrassed Law. Best friends to lovers.
AU: Modern AU. University AU (Law and y/n study together)
A/N: if you like this topic pls tell me. I usually like to write long fics, like multi chapter one when it comes to romantic fluffy stories. So if you would like something longer you tell me ♥ ~
WC: 1.2K
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You’ve been studying with Law afternoon after afternoon at the library. It's cute how serious he could get while reading those cardiology notes, how he focuses on the text like no one else, frowning as he tries to understand what he is reading. You, on the other hand, even if your main goal was literally studying, well… who wouldn’t get distracted by Trafalgar Law’s presence… You worship his profile, his handsome features. Yet, you are just like siblings, best friends, always together.
The afternoon soon turns into night, and your eyelids are becoming heavier and heavier…
“(name), would you like, uhm… some coffee?” the future doctor asks you. You shake your head trying to wake yourself up and look at him unable to remember what the hell he has just said. He is looking at you as if he was waiting for an answer, fixing those intense grey eyes on yours. You yawn and smile lazily at him. He gasps.
“Name-ya, do you want some coffee?” he repeats and you realize he was indeed waiting for an answer. “Oh, yeah” you say. “Cool”, he says and checks the time on his phone, 23:30. “Well, convenience store it is” he tells you, a little disappointed, showing his phone screen to you. “Oh god, how come we’ve been here for more than ten hours, Law? We are gonna die!!” you say loudly enough for the librarian to shush you. You look at Law rolling your eyes, and he giggles a little.
After you pick up everything, you head out. The cold breeze hits you, making you shiver a little. Law notices it and quickly puts his long black coat over your shoulders. “Oh, uhm… thanks” you tell him, confused, but a little flattered. He has never taken care of you before, you have always been good friends, but Law is a little bit cold -he is like a block of ice, damn-. The scent of the manly perfume on his coat invades your nose, and you close your eyes as you walk next to him.
Some snowflakes fall over the tip of your noses, the streets are full of joyful -and drunk- students. Little lights garnish the roads, and the already closed coffee shops.
You feel Law’s eyes staring at you from the side, so naturally you turn your head towards him. He is indeed looking at you, and when he realizes you have caught him staring, he quickly directs his gaze down to the frozen street. You can even notice a little blush over his tanned cheeks. “What is it with him today?” you think and giggle.
Both of you shake the snow from your boots before entering the convenience store. Law holds the door for you, and you enter wondering why he is showing such chivalry tonight. “Thanks” you whisper. He nods with a shy smile, still not looking at you.
“What about something to eat, too?” you propose. “Yes, we should eat. What do you want? Ramen? Onigiri?” he asks. “Oh… uhm, I think I’ll go with that spicy ramen” you tell him, surprised because he is almost acting as if it was a date or something similar. “Sure, (Name)-ya” he tells you a little nervously and prepares the instant noodles by himself. Then, he walks faster towards the counter with the little pot in his hands. But as he does, he trips and almost falls to the ground. “Law!” you scream and run to help him. You notice some of the soup has fallen over his hand, so you took the pot and let it over a little table. You snatch his arm, because he is acting as if nothing happened, and discover a red patch over his slender, inked hand. “Law, you burned your skin!” you tell him, worried. He looks at you with puppy eyes, and then again down to the floor, hiding under his white fluffy hat. He is acting ashamed; he never acts like this… what is going on?
“Y/n-ya… I’m sorry” he whispers. “For what, Law?” you ask him, approaching your face to his. “Uhm… I have ruined it” he says. “What did you ruin??” you ask really confused. “The… date” ...
“Date? What date?... oh, wait” you say suddenly concluding he considers this a date. “Do you mean this is a date?” you ask him, still holding his hand. “Uhum” he nods. You wished for this so many times before, but you simply accept it was impossible for your best friend to see you as more than that. You have pushed the idea down and never ever talked or thought about it.
“Like a romantic date?” you ask again. “Yes… uhm… I don’t know how these things are done, so I thought this was a good way to tell you…” he mumbles. You smile, your heart melts, but also beats faster. “To tell me what?” you whisper.
He remains silent, he looks at your hand grabbing his, and then to your eyes. Crystalline grey eyes that contrast with his tanned skin fixed on yours, they scream something, but his mouth doesn’t move. “To… tell me what?” you repeat without taking your gaze off his. Law takes air, and suddenly he says “I think I… I like you... I mean, I’m in love with you…”. In that moment the world simply stopped spinning from both of you. Inside you, pure joy as if you were waiting for these words to be said forever. “L- Law…” you whisper. “I’m sorry y/n-ya. I’m gonna go” he says and starts walking away. And you stay there, looking at him as he quickly abandons the convenience store.
You tell the store lady you will be back in just a second and run outside. “Law!!!” you shout. He freezes in place but doesn’t turn around. He flinches and puts his hand inside the jean’s pockets. “Law, I LOVE YOU TOO!! I love you; I’ve always loved you!” you scream even louder. He turns around, the cold breeze blows his hat, but he grabs and puts it in place. You see him smile, a big smile he usually never has. A smile no one ever has seen on his lips.
He walks towards you, around you nothing exists. Just Law and his smile approaching you, until he is finally so close your noses almost touch. “Do you…?” he asks. “Yes” you whisper. He suddenly puts his hands over your cheek and kisses your forehead. “Let’s eat that ramen before it gets cold” he says and holds your hand.
There was no need for further words, you two were relieved. This was the start of something new… ♥ ~
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grippingbeskar · 2 years
thanks for the tag!!! i luv talking about myself HAHAH @sturkillerbase
1) How many complete fics/one shots do you have that you have not published (yet)?
I have like 5 fics I could post if i edited them i just havent had time fml but I would call them finished
2) How many WIPS do you have right now?
Seven fml HAHAHAH
3) Do you take writing requests or write original ideas, or both?
Both! I have a lot of ideas but theres a couple of fics that have been inspired by requests, they usually take a little longer for me to write though bc i have no idea where to take them hahahah
4) If you do take requests, how many do you currently have?
I think I have two?? 
5) How many fandoms do you write for?
Marvel and Star wars r what I know best so 2? tons of charatcers in those worlds i feel like its enough
6) Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you no longer write for?
I was a massive one direction fan, but I wouldnt call what I posted actual writing HAHHA thank fuck its all deleted now
7) Do you write for ships, reader inserts or other?
reader inserts mostly, maybe i should expand idk
8) Niche fandoms/characters you write for?
I do have a draft for Javi from Narcos is that counts?
9) Do you read fics as well as write them?
omg of course
10) What is your favorite genre to write for?
i want them to fuck. but with proper build up HAHHAH
11) What is your favorite trope (to read/write)?
hurt/comfort always omfg.
12) What do you do to get motivated to write?
I have no idea, it literally will come to me at random times when im day dreaming and ill just be like holy shit write this down 
13) Is there a trope/genre you like to read, but not write?
i cant think of any rn, anything i dont write is usually also things i dont read
14) Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested?
hmmm maybe more mcu characters??? 
15) How long have you been writing fanfiction?
nothing serious before a few months ago
16) Did you read fanfiction before you started writing?
omg i literally did nothing else HAHAHA
17) Do you only post on Tumblr, or any other sites as well?
yep just here! i might post on ao3 at some point but so far just here
18) What do you personally consider the word counts of “Drabble”, “One shots” and “fics”?
i feel like my standard for myself is different, but for a drabble anything like 500-700 words, one shot would be over 1k and then fic like anything over 5k??? mine are always longer tho idk i cant shut up 
19) Which do you prefer to write more? HC, drabbles, oneshots/fics, multi chapter stories, other?
one shots i think
20) Are there any stories you have discontinued? If so, why?
nope! my only series is on a lil hiatus but only bc i have no idea what to do next hahah
21) What is one of your main “pet-peeves” as a writer on Tumblr?
hmmmm i feel like the whole reblog/like ratio maybe?? i dont write anything for the likes or reblogs, but fics can reach a ton more people who might like it/give feedback if you reblog instead!!! support ur fave writers!!!
22) Do you write at a particular time of day?
usually at night/late afternoon
23) Do you listen to music, ambiance/noise, etc. to write or do you need silence?
i legit have tv shows on in the background. my mind can never concentrate unless i have like a thousand things happening at once hhaha
24) Do you outline your fics at all before writing?
nope we wing it out here
25) Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time/day?
usually i post right before i go to sleep because thats when i finish, but i dont really keep to a schedule or anything
tagging anyone who wants to do it!!!! tag me in urs i wanna read about all u beautiful ppl <3
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areyougonnabe · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions!
tagged by @palamedessextus !!! thank u i love to procrastinate on writing by writing about writing
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
110 on my main account (+ 4 on my sneaky sock for Crimes™ lol)
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
614,551 on my main account which is. hm. a lot
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
obvi the main ones are the terror (50 fics) and good omens (35 fics). beyond that: TMA, the OA, doctor who, LOST, red dwarf, what we do in the shadows, the aubreyad, legends of tomorrow, banished, MCU, bbc ghosts, jeeves & wooster, russian doll, true detective, twin peaks, fleabag, & it's always sunny.
so technically 19, but wow a LOT of those are because i am a fiend for crossovers. (true detective x red dwarf... twin peaks x hannibal... the OA x lost.... russian doll x doctor who...) and many of the others were one-offs for yuletide. i'm pretty monofannish when it comes to writing!
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
lol they're all going to be for good omens... let's see
1. "it's a new craze" - the podcast fic. imho this fic is the definition of "The Claw," a.k.a. the phenomenon that sees some fics plucked out from the fray to become super popular. i'm not denying that it's good! i still think it's pretty clever! but its popularity was probably as much a function of timing as of quality
2. "what a way to make a living" - the uber driver fic. honestly still pretty proud of this one, it flows well and is structurally interesting and genuinely very funny and the perfect length. i had a blast in good omens fandom writing comedic fic, this one
3. "dearly departed" - another one i'm still very happy with. my first ever finished multi-chapter fic & the story that proved to me i could sustain a plot and original characters and also that people would actually enjoy it. so a pretty big deal!
4. "blame it on my juice, baby!" - the fake love potion one. i wrote this fic while delirious with horrible fever cooped up in a tiny council flat airbnb bedroom in london. i think it's still pretty strong although since writing it i've developed a severe aversion to the "meddling friend engineers a get-together" trope in fic & so cringe a bit when i read it back, lmao
5. "greatest hits" - the one with the original songs! the songs are still good.... the fic is ehhhhhhh i guess.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i don't respond to comments on most of my gomens fic anymore because 🤷‍♀️ but i do try to reply to everything i get on my terror fic/smaller fandom stories! my replies are usually very lame but i do like to take the time to thank people for reading.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i usually don't write angsty endings because i'm a weenie BUT the one exception is probably my terror/TMA crossover which cannot be said to end well by any means lol
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
dearly departed has a very lovely ending... i will also plug my OA fic heat rises which is GREAT and has a GREAT ending and nobody read it because nobody watched the OA. i'm fine it's fine
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
as mentioned above, yes, compulsively... award for craziest simply has to go to It's Always Sunny In Another Dimension which is, yes, an IASIP x OA crossover. i apologize for nothing
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not that i can recall, [bubbe voice] tenks gad!!!
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
i do i do.... when i first picked up fic writing again after college i thought smut would forever totally beyond me but after some very kind encouragement from friends i tried my hand at it & was off to the races.
i would not say i am an expert at it by any means but i have a lot of fun with it, & people seem to generally appreciate it, so i will keep going!
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
also no, phew
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, a bunch of my gomens fics have been translated into chinese and russian, which is so so super cool!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yuh, i had a few legendary cowrites in GO! the slow show metafic with cherry @fremulon and the shitscript crossover extravaganza with hallie @kalelraejepsen !!! both tremendously fun experiences
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
that is a very tough one. if you go by my ao3 bookmarks it's aziraphale/crowley, which might be true still tbh... but i dunno. maybe ten/rose because that shit never leaves you.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
in terms of fic i already started posting, there's my one terror WIP with amnesiac tozer that i swear i WILL finish one day... and same goes for my good omens music & lyrics AU, which i fully expect to pick back up and finish off when i inevitably return to the fandom for series 2.
as far as stuff that never made it out of drafts, i started a hodgson-centric fic a few weeks ago that i got like 4k into before realizing i need to seriously refine my approach. so hopefully after exe fest i will get around to that!
16) What are your writing strengths?
well i am funny. so i've got that going for me. other than that ummmm i don't know. i don't think of myself as a particularly good or strong writer bc i really am just here for a laff. i think i can turn a phrase well and get the most out of imagery; i'm good at coming up with compelling story concepts and weird gimmicks, i guess?
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
i fundamentally don't know or understand how People Actually Act And Feel so i have a hard time getting realistic or interesting reactions and conflicts out of characters. my plots (when my stories have them at all) are very powered by external events, i wouldn't call myself a character-driven writer by any means. for the same reasons i struggle with voice and dialogue beyond superficial signposting via vocabulary/syntax. also, sustaining a long story/finding enough Stuff To Happen to fill it up/having the patience to keep writing... is something i need to work on for sure.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i'm a lame american who only speaks english so honestly i don't really have thoughts!
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
i distinctly remember hand-writing in my notebook two or three pages worth of a story about what happened to the main precog in "minority report" after watching the movie when i was like seven. the first fandom i actually wrote fic for and posted it online was probably doctor who circa 2010 ish? but my warrior cats RP career predates that by a few years and i did a LOT of writing there. oh warriorsforest39 dot proboards dot com you are missed....
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
tagging folks :))) @laissezferre @titleleaf @theburialofstrawberries @girdedheraround @flanneryoconnorfanfiction @wreathedwith if u want!!
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obeysme · 4 years
diavolo, simeon, solomon, and barbatos + dirty talk.
anonymous asked: ok first off i just wanted to say that ur writing is genuinely a blessing in the obey me fandom?? like oh my god?? ur mind???? secondly, u wrote some headcanons about the main 7 and what their dirty talk would be like a while ago and it literally left me deceased, so do u think u could share some dirty talk HCs for simeon, solomon, and diavolo please?? thank u and keep up the good work!! ❤💖❤
anonymous asked: Dirty talk for Baratos, please?
ah shit, here we go again.... i’m still figuring out my interpretations for most of them, so keep that in mind. i’m hoping this isn’t too ooc or out of left field for the characters ;;
warning for sexual content under the read more. if you’re a minor, do not interact with this post or you’ll be blocked.
it is wild how versatile diavolo is when is comes to dirty talk
one moment he’s showering you with compliments, telling you how enchanting you look right now, and the next he’s admitting that he’s been thinking about fucking you and seeing you fall apart under his ministrations for months
he can be so casual during sex, too; he’ll chat lightly about the day he’s had, even while you’re going down on him
talented at figuring out just what you want to hear from him when, and he’ll say it with that same handsome grin playing on his lips
simeon and dirty talk? that does not compute
most of what he says during sex is just praise, and not at all filthy; he tells you how beautiful you are, how honored he is that you trust him with all of you, how much he adores you
he’s so sweet and sincere with his words that a tear or two might slip down your cheeks, which he will immediately, lovingly kiss away
checks in with you the entire time; he asks how you’re doing, does anything hurt at all, if you want to continue
definitely a teasing bastard in bed, just like how he is outside of it
solomon engages you in conversation even as you’re going down on him or he’s slipping inside you, delighting at how you struggle to multi-task and respond
loves it when you turn the tables on him by making him forget what he was saying, he wants you to push back and give as good as you get
his sly remarks are interspersed with genuine compliments; he may seem unaffected by what the two of you are doing at times, but he’s certainly not
i hope you’re expecting dry humour and wit from him, because that’s what you’ll get; there’s no sweeping declarations of love or flowery poetry here
with barbatos, dirty talk edges close to degradation, but he’s not vulgar or crass about it, just more condescending
he won’t insult you, but comment on how it only took him using his fingers for you to orgasm, or express surprise over how easily satiated you are, surely you aren’t done yet?
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infini-tree · 3 years
FANFIC: in post
Summary: A unexpected reunion takes place. Captain may be the one who starts it, but its Benjamin who ends it.
A/N: (alternate title - i don’t know what possessed me to write this post in fic form, but its here now and you all have to deal with it)
in post stuff isn’t going to be an ongoing multi-chapter thing, let alone in order, but just a place to put all the little drabbles I have. Unlike what the name suggests not all of them happen after the main story of the AU, though this one definitely does. The only way I can imagine this is after years after the main story has wrapped up.
though lbr i mostly because I got tired of trying to figure out titles for WIPs.
And just in case: slight content warning for verbal abuse from a parent. Its nothing explicit and is just a flashback, but it does take up the entire paragraph chunk its in and starts with “Suddenly he was back at his living room”.
Captain comes back to a gymnasium full of people and music, which wasn’t the weirdest part. Nor was the fact that the people were grown-ups. 
No, the weirdest part was that the gym wasn’t the one he had come to associate with Jerome Horwitz. Though, it was difficult to appreciate the novelty; between the sudden noise and people, he feels out of his depth.
His body moved automatically. Every accidental bump into someone was a shock, each trumpet blare was like a blow to his skull, and he dimly recalled thinking ah, that’s it when hearing the sound of snapping in the music. The clothes, while leagues comfier than his counterpart’s go-to, it was still there.
After what felt like ages of wading through a sea of people, he stumbled into a hallway just as unfamiliar as the gym. He really, really wanted to get out of this place quickly-- or at least, bring Benjamin back to deal with whatever this place is himself.
(Which bears the question: why did Benjamin come here? Parties aren’t exactly his Thing.)
The music faded as he moved away from the gymnasium, which helped a little.  Captain forced himself to look around. The walls looked the same as Jerome Horwitz was, but if the details were reshuffled. The lockers were in different places, the corridors weren’t exactly where he expected them to be and neither were the bulletin boards with posters on it-- wait, posters!
There were a lot of random stuff about clubs and other announcements, but one stood out. Its top edges curled in on itself, so he couldn’t read the top part, but the rest read: REUNION.
“Welcome back, class of--” Captain repeated, until--
Someone cleared their throat. He leapt up in the air with a short yell, nearly stumbling over his shoe-covered feet.
The newcomer winced, but nonetheless stayed silent. If the Waistband Warrior could describe her, then it would be... sharp. Sharp look, sharp flat top, sharp gaze. Not mean, though it could be. It reminded her of his sidekicks’ freshly sharpened pencils, ready and full of potential.
“...Are you lost?”
“Beg pardon?”
“You’ve been wandering the same hallway intersection and--” she pointed a thumb towards a distant hallway. “The gymnasium is over there.”
Captain blinked for a moment, letting her words sink in. “Oh-- ohhh. Oh no, I meant to get out of the gymnasium,” he said matter-of-factly. “Though yes, I am lost. Do you, ah, could you show me where the nearest washroom or... water fountain is around here, er--”
“Moxie.” It looked like she was expecting something, but when nothing did, her shoulders untensed.
“Captain!” he beamed.
The sharp look turned severe. “Is that a joke?”
He flinched, unsure of what set her off. “U-- uh, no?”
Sensing his nervous energy, the severe look shifted to apprehension. Her brow furrowed. Did she not know either?
“...Do I know you from somewhere?” she asked, crossing her arms. “I’m no good with faces.”
Captain paled. Either she knew Benjamin-- which was not a conversation he was equipped for-- or she recognized him as Captain Underpants-- which was a whole other, potentially dangerous can of worms.
“Uh, nope!” he chirped. “About that washroom--”
“Uh, yeah, sure,” she said after a moment, pointing a thumb down a nearby corridor. “There should be one down the hall.”
"Alrighty, thank you! Have a lovely night, Moxie.” And with that, Captain rushed to the washroom to wash his face and get out of whatever that was.
And only when he looked in the mirror of the dingy washroom, to the clothes that made it hard to think did he slap a hand to his forehead. He really did just introduce himself as himself while dressed up as Benjamin. 
He was definitely going to read an essay’s worth of complaining after this whole thing.
“Hey, Captain.”
Benjamin gripped at his chest at the sudden voice. He just stepped outside and into the parking lot only to find Moxie Swaggerman, straight A student, the envy of literally half the school, now astronaut just...
“Uh, what are you doing out here?” his lip curls up wryly out of old habit-- he’ll address the whole Captain thing later-- what did that idiot do while he was out?! “Got tired of people asking for your autograph?”
She tilted her head, adjusting her aviator glasses. “Oh, so you do know me.” She almost seemed... disappointed by that. “Why, you want one?”
“Urgh, no.” He crinkled his nose. Opinions about her aside, that just sounded... weird to ask from someone he knew, even if said knowledge was periphery at best and non-existent at worst.
Moxie let out an amused huff. “Good, because I can only take so much people trying to kiss up to me.”
Despite himself, Benjamin couldn’t help but let out a laugh, short and loud and practically a cackle. The woman’s brow quirked up as she regarded him.
“What?” he snapped back.
“The lack of hair threw me off, since I remember you with that weird swoop back, but I finally figured it out--” And he couldn’t help but adjust his toupee as she swept back her hands on both sides as a pale imitation of how his hair was all those decades ago. “You were the one who competed against me for Prom Queen.”
Benjamin wanted to say something, but all that came out was half-noises. His entire body grew hot and his hands became clammy as she just... continued to stare. The worst part about all this was that, with the low light of outside, he couldn’t tell why. 
Suddenly he was back at his living room-- but not his, not anymore, he refused to consider that place his own-- staring down at the floor and clutching at the hems. Seeing his brother just peering in in his periphery vision as his mother continued her tirade, each word bullwhip-precise at hitting him in his core. But this was different; he was older and under no one’s thumb.
“A-- and what about it,” he managed to pry out of his throat.
Moxie’s posture shifted, and he could see her surprised expression now. If the circumstances were a bit different, then he would be reveling in the fact. Right now, though, he felt exposed, which was saying something considering who his counterpart was.
“Whoa-- hey, I didn’t mean it like that,” she clarified, and was that a hint of awkwardness? Remorse in her voice? “Honestly, it’s... nice to see you again.”
It was his turn to gawk. “...Really?”
“I mean, yeah. It’s uh-- like, its nice to see, ah... people like me still kicking.”
And it was then that Benjamin remembered the old rumors about Swaggerman-- about why she couldn’t get a nice guy to fall for her, and the girl from the rival school that clung by her side like a second shadow during summer vacation.
“I’ve always wondered for the longest time if you did that whole thing as a...” she paused, pursing her lips. “A joke, or something.”
“Oh,” he managed. “No, it wasn’t.”
“OK.” She nodded. “OK. Good to know.”
“Why, was that eating away at you?”
A passing car lit up her features in relief. When had her annoyingly cool façade been just that? It looked guarded now. A little more awkward. Funny how a few decades of separation can do.
Moxie shrugged. “Would have been nice to know back then.”
Benjamin wasn’t sure what to say to that, so he shrugged sympathetically and began to fiddle with the keys in his hand-- he had almost forgotten why he was out here in the first place.
She gaze followed the source of the glint. “Leaving early? Figure I should head out too.” She sighed. “Thanks.”
“...For what?”
“For making my last night before I get put to my paces a little more bearable.” She stretched her arms in front of her.
“Really, last night before you go to space and you choose to come here,” Benjamin deadpanned.
“First of all, no that’s not--” she shook her head. “Never mind. Basically, I wanted a normal night, and at least I got a bit of that. So, thanks, Captain.”
Benjamin had half a mind to correct her, but the moment had long passed and frankly he didn’t want to break the moment he was in now.
“Uh, yeah.” He waved her off awkwardly. “See you later.” 
She's going to space, idiot, not a weekend road trip, his own mind admonished.
Moxie only nodded in reply before she went off as well-- presumably to her own car.
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nct-jihee · 3 years
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Jihee (NCT) Profile: Jihee Facts and Ideal Type
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Name: Jihee (지희)
Birth Name: Um Jihee (엄지희)
Position: Main Dancer, Main Vocalist
Birthday: May 28, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea
Height: 165 cm (5’4″)
Weight: 45 kg (99 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Jihee Facts:
—She was born in Incheon, South Korea.
—Education: Hanlim Multi Art School.
—Jihee has an older brother.
—Her nicknames are: JiJi (by the fandom) and her members call her different things.
—Jihee lived in Manchester, England for about 3 years (from when she was 4 till 7 years old).
—Fluent in English.
—Her father gave her "June" as her English name because her teachers and some friends couldn't pronounce "Jihee".
—Currently she has three tattoos.
—She loves sports: football soccer, swimming, volleyball, and archery.
—Jihee has a little nephew and she claims to be the best aunt.
—Jihee admits that she didn't like school at all, but is good at Chemistry and Maths.
—Since she was young she was a bit hyperactive and was easily distracted. She is still like that sometimes, but in a lesser amount.
—She plays guitar and bass.
—Can be really sensitive.
—When Jihee is stressed, she cries.
—She's really messy.
—Jihee doesn't like sasaengs and antis — absolutely hates them.
—Loves to use sarcasm but please never use it on her.
—Wanted to study Criminology.
—She was scouted by JYP Entertainment and Cube Entertainment.
—Jihee has been learning Japanese for years now because she wants to talk with Yuta all the time (Weekly Idol Ep. 347).
—Jihee ranked 12th in the "Top 100 Beautiful Faces Of 2018"
—Jihee ranked 4th in the "Top 100 Beautiful Faces Of 2019"
—She's been in love with singing and acting since she was young.
—Jihee participated in musicals a lot when she was in school.
—She's a good liar and always wins mafia game.
—Her sleeping habit: hugging a pillow.
—Lives in the 5th floor and her roommate is Taeyong.
—She didn't lived with her members at the beginning, she shared apartment with one of her managers: Yeonsoo unnie.
—Jihee loves all her members equally, but there's something about Taeil, Taeyong and Yuta that makes her heart feel warm.
—Her favorite animals are dogs and butterflies.
—Her role model is her mother.
—She's not sure what her hobbies are, she likes a lot of things: writing poetry, reading books, painting, swimming, etc.
—Likes cooking but won't like it if the guys force her to cook.
—Enjoys spicy food.
—Hates seafood.
—Favorite food: Meat and Pasta.
—Favorite fruit: Watermelon.
—Favorite season is Winter.
—Favorite color: Yellow and Blue.
—Favorite artist: Alicia Keys and Adele.
—She auditioned with the song: "Talking To The Moon" by Bruno Mars.
—She wasn't a good dancer when she first joined SM, but with effort and dedication she became one of the best dancers in the entertainment and industry.
—On December 9, 2013 she was revealed as a member of SMRookies.
—The same day, SM released a video of Jihee showing her dancing skills with "Upgrade U" by Beyoncé and Jay Z.
—Jihee appeared in Red Velvet’s MV Happiness (2014) at the very beginning.
—She debuted with NCT U first in 2016 and debuted again with NCT 127 in 2017.
—Although Jihee was loved as a member of SMRookies, when she debuted with NCT U she got a lot of hate.
—She says: "I think that helped me, somehow. Cause that made me work harder and, well, here I am." (Vlive, 2019).
—After her debut with NCT U in 2016, for the rest of that year she prepared for her acting debut.
—According to Red Velvet's Wendy: Jihee was the best actress among all the trainees and teachers would always complimented her.
—In 2017 she made her debut as an actress in the drama While You Were Sleeping.
—It was a small rol, but she was well received.
—Red Velvet members said that they all thought that Jihee was going to debut with them, so when they found out that she was actually going to debut in a coed group they were really sad.
—Oldest members of SMRookies, and future members of NCT, were aware of their concept: a coed group. So they knew that a girl would join them, they just didn't know who.
—Jihee likes rapping and she's quite good, so in 2019 SM Entertainment decided to make her a sub rapper.
—Taeyong says she's a totally different person when she is on-stage.
—Haechan genuinely thinks she's the mom of the group, even if she hates to be called that.
—Jihee takes care of the younger members, but it's clear who her favorite is: Renjun.
—Since her debut she has only dyed her hair four times: blonde, pink, red and blue.
—Her natural hair color is dark brown.
—She tries to not have skinship with her members in front of cameras because she wants to avoid any kind of bad comments, although they sometimes hug her or give her kisses on the cheek.
—However, with her best friends and coworkers (cast mates) she doesn't care and hugs them all the time because fans can't and don't have to say anything about it.
—She doesn't like drinking.
—Johnny thinks Jihee is the definition of Social Butterfly.
—Jihee wrote and participated in Hotel del Luna OST - Can You See My Heart.
—She did a duet with SHINee's Key for his album FACE with the song 'Forever Yours'
—Jihee was also featured in EXO-SC '1 Billion Views'
—On November 1st, 2019, SM gave her permission to create her instagram account because she was starting to get recognized as an actress from the drama Extraordinary You, however at that time she was only posting things related to the drama.
—She's really close with TWICE's Sana and Red Velvet's Joy.
—She's in a group chat with female idols from 97 line.
—F(x)'s Krystal, SNSD's Jessica and Tifanny, and Super Junior's Henry used to take care of her when she was a trainee.
—Like Haechan, she is good at Variety Shows.
—Jihee was an MC for Inkigayo with SEVENTEEN's Mingyu.
—In 2019, she was in Law Of The Jungle Ep. 368–372 with Red Velvet's Yeri and iKON's B. I.
—NCT U Line-ups she was apart of: The 7th Sense, Timeless, Boss, Coming Home, and Make a Wish.
—Sub-Unit: NCT U, NCT 127
—Jihee's Ideal Type: Someone who can communicate well with her. Someone kind, funny, and respectful. A family guy. A few years older than her, she wouldn't date someone younger. Jihee wants to be friends first.
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