#when i do cornrows he always looks a little weird
yeehawknight · 6 months
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✉️ The Courier ❤️
(I couldn't come up with anything lol)
I drew my other babe as well because, like Jeremias, time passed, his face features changed and I still didn't have an official ref for it. I rather have one good profile drawing than opening tens of files to find a good one, you know?
Of course, I had to put them together.
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Personal thoughts under the cut.
I can happily say they don't look alike! Same face syndrome is something that always bugged me so it's something I work on, despite my hatred of drawing faces (more related to a lack of skill than anything else). Thing is, I drew August on top of Jeremias, so basically all the parts of his face are at the same height. It's not something that I despise personally, but I would have liked noticing this sooner. It would have made them even more unique.
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lowkeyremi · 4 months
remi's note: i just wanted to do something like this cuz i thought about how most of the black readers seem to have braids all the time. so this is when they see your natural hair!! this applies to any black girl hair type but mostly 4c bc that's my hair type. hope you like it :)
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He's been staring at you for at least thirty-five minutes and it's finally starting to work your nerves.
"What are you looking at?" You ask him with slight irritation in your tone.
"I just.. I don't think I've ever seen your hair out like that before." He says quietly. It settles your nerves to know he's not looking at you like you're weird, he's looking at you out of curiosity. You've been braiding your hair into cornrows so your natural hair can breathe. It's not healthy for your hair to always be in braids.
He watches as you part your hair with ease, it wasn't always like this though. It took time and patience to be able to do what you do to your hair now. There were several times where you came close to giving up, because your hair is just so thick and there's so much of it.
"Well, this is what it looks like when it's not styled. Get used to it cuz I'm not paying for braids all the time." You quickly oil one section of your scalp before you start the braiding process.
"I mean.. I'll pay for them if you want, baby, but your natural hair is so cute." The idea of being accepted by your partner for who you are, unconditionally makes your heart beat wildly.
"Is it soft? It looks really soft." Child-like curiosity and pure excitement takes over his features. You usually don't let people touch your hair but for your boyfriend you'll make an exception.
"Are your hands clean? I just washed and deep conditioned it." You've never seen him hop off the couch that fast. You hear the kitchen sink running. When his hands are clean and dry he makes his way over to the couch you're sitting on.
His eyes ask 'can I?' and you give him a small nod. He softly taps the top of your unbraided hair as if it would break if he touched it too hard.
"Wowwwwwwwww. Can you teach me how to braid it so I can do it for you?" The way he's acting like a little kid seeing a cute puppy makes you giggle.
"I doubt you'll get it on the first time but I'll teach you if you want." His smile about doubles when you agree. Everything about you is pretty, your skin, your eyes, and of course your pretty curls.
GOJO, yuji, YUTA, choso, inumaki, TODO, NANAMI
He's never watched you take out your braids before, but now that he's doing it, he's invested. You've noticed it but decided not to say anything, if he has any questions he has absolutely no problem asking you.
"What are you gonna do when you take all the braids out?"
"Wash it and braid it up myself. Or maybe I'll twist it up." Instead of saying something he just nods.
He tries to fake uninterested but you see the quick little glances he thinks that he's sneaking in.
"Do you ever straighten it?"
"Sometimes yeah, but it's not great for my hair, heat in general I mean." You quickly cut a braid slightly longer than your natural hair so the unbraiding process goes by much faster.
"I think I like when it's out. I've never seen your hair all poofy before." He's confused when you giggle at his terminology for your hair.
"You mean my afro?" He nods again. "I think you should wear it out more often let your scalp breathe you know?"
The fact that he knows a little bit about your hair makes you proud and content. "Yeah but that means extra work because I have to twist it up before going to bed. So I don't wake up in the morning with my hair all scrunched up."
He sets his phone down and sits closer to you than he was before, "I'll help you twist it. I want to see that pretty hair of yours."
"Well, I have to wash and condition it first, but since you're over here you can help me take my braids out. Don't cut too close though."
"Girl, I know what I'm doing, your hair is not that long." He gets a playful slap to the chest for that comment.
TOJI, megumi, GETO, sukuna, naoya
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simplytrina · 11 months
Chapter 2... Wheels Up
Mia got out of her Uber and headed to the Southwest check in terminal. She passed Spirit and Frontier airlines and shuttered at the long lines and lack of airline workers to address them.
She hated those airlines and vowed to choose comfort over convenience always.
Mia zoomed through TSA thanks to her investing in TSA pre check. She headed for her gate and stopped to get some gum on the way.
After a somewhat quick flight, Mia arrived in Houston Texas and was ready to relax and decide which activity on her list of "things to do" she felt up to.
She didn't have an itinerary so to speak, just a list of restaurants, bars, and places to go IF she decided to. Mia would also be content in her hotel room, reading a book at the pool or the bar.
As Mia was waiting at carousel 6 for her bag to show up on the belt, she heard a voice that she couldn't tell if it were familiar or not.
Mia turned around to face where the voice was coming from. She scanned a few people and saw someone weaving through the crowd towards her. It was Xavier. Mia's stomach flipped and her throat felt tight.
'Xavier?" Mia question, before she was enveloped in a friendly half hug.
Xavier was Mia's ex ex boyfriend.
Mia and Xavier grew up together and fell in love after college. They were best friends before their relationship, but when it ended Mia lost a boyfriend and her best friend... and it crushed her. She powered through the breakup and graduated law school, while Xavier moved to New York City to go after his dream of working in the music business.
Now years later, Xavier was married and Mia had just ended a relationship she tried desperately to save.
Mia just looked at Xavier hoping that she could form something intelligible to say. Sometimes she had a problem with responding to people in her head and not actually saying anything at all.
Xavier looked great. He was wearing his ear length dreads in two cornrows. He had on all black and some Nike Panda dunks. He only carried a LV carry on, and had Bose earphones around his neck.
Xavier: Small world! *said with a bright smile* are you here for SXSW?
Mia: ...it is a small world! uhm no, I'm here just to get away...a little solo trip
Mia was very nervous but was pretending not to be. She hoped her voice didn't crack and she prayed her smile looked genuine. She wanted to get away from him. What sort of sick trick were her guardian angels playing? Really Xavier in the airport?? Of all places... of all people!?
Xavier: dope! Birthday trip?
Mia: Yup!
Xavier: you deserve it! where are you staying? Maybe we could get up?
Xavier adjusted his LV carry on on his shoulder and his yellow gold wedding band caught Mia's eye. Xavier didn't seem to notice that she looked at his hand for longer than a beat.
Mia: uhmm... I am staying at the Bloom Hotel...
Xavier cut her off with an eyebrow raised impressed expression
Xavier: oh wow! that's how you are doing it? My hotel isn't far away from there I think!
Mia: Oh cool
Xavier: Can I text you?
Mia: sure sure...
Mia began to say her cell phone number but Xavier cut her off.
Xavier: its still the same right?
Mia: Right.
Mia had the same exact number since college. She never changed it -and never planned on changing it. The fact that he knew she had the same number struck Mia in a weird way.
First, it was confirmation that he was able to reach her, but for whatever reason just did not. Mia always wondered what would happened when she stopped reaching out to Xavier- so in her first year of law school she did an experiment. Whenever she would call Xavier, he would call back-but he never initiated communication.
So she stopped...and communication stopped altogether. Whenever she felt the desire to contact him, she would just tell herself that if he wanted to talk to her he would...he never contacted her so Mia resolved to her self that Xavier could reach out to her- he just did not want to.
Xavier: Cool! I'll hit you later! Are you good with getting to your hotel?
Xavier asked, and it was with genuine concern.
Mia assured him that she was alright. They both said quick goodbyes and just like that Xavier was running out of the terminal. Mia was frozen. Her bag had been sitting on the carousel. Alone.
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mamabearcat · 3 years
Proposal fic + hair (braiding/brushing) InuKag
Ooh thanks Nonny 😘
Okay, I'm gonna revive an AU I've never actually written but it's been loitering around in the back of my head forever. I may even write it one day if I feel like doing a longer AU full of comedy fluff. The first bit was posted on Tumblr forever ago, but now it gets to be continued!
Inuyasha wasn’t quite sure how he fell into it; who would have thought you could make a career out of being a model for romance covers for fuck’s sake?! Apparently his half-demon heritage that had blessed him with his father's long thick white hair, amber eyes that glowed in the darkness and pointed dog ears gave him an edgy look, whatever that meant. His ability to retain a lean muscular build no matter what he ate didn't hurt either.
But, the money was very good, even if he had to fight off the occasional stalker, and hide from screaming female fans trying to stuff underwear in his pockets when he went out to buy milk.
His manager Miroku was a total letch, and Sango had been slacking on security - waking up to find a strange woman in his kitchen making coffee in nothing but an apron was more than a little surprising. He actually had more than a sneaking suspicion that something was going on between those two.
But the best part of being a model was Kagome. His photographer, his best friend. He'd known her for years now, and there was no one he trusted more.
Their first photo shoot three years ago had been memorable. He’d accidentally called her Kikyo, and she'd exploded at him. How was he to know? They looked kinda the same, and they were both photographers. It did kinda suck that her cousin Kikyo had possibly ruined her chances of having a serious career in photo journalism, but this gig she was doin’ paid the bills right?
Why did she have to be so serious anyway? He’d abandoned any thoughts of self respect long ago. When you knew what it was like at the very bottom, didn’t know where your next meal was coming from, you understood that self respect was a luxury.
Ah, but Kagome. He couldn't help but love her. Even though this wasn't what she wanted to be doing, she put her whole heart and soul into her work, wanting it to be the best. He knew all her little mannerisms by heart - the way she blew upwards into her fringe when she was feeling frustrated, the way she jiggled her legs under the table when she was feeling fidgety, the way her eyes lit up when she got a good idea for a shot.
He'd always said he'd do anything for her, would gladly take a bullet for her. He'd already blocked a knife attack for her, that had to count for something, right? He'd never been more terrified when she'd been threatened, and the thought of what might had happened if he'd left just a little earlier still broke him out in a cold sweat sometimes.
They'd been closer after her life was threatened, so much closer. He'd been hopeful, but pretty sure she still only saw him as a friend. I mean, how cliche was it for a model to fall for a photographer? He was pretty sure she'd think he was joking, and laugh right in his face. And then on the steps after the trial against that stalker she'd kissed him. And it had been like the heavens had opened and angels had sung.
Kagome had always wanted to be a photo journalist. She'd dreamed of it since high school, starting her career with the local paper, gaining notice when she won a world renowned travel photography competition. That was the chance that should have got her a job with a top magazine, the chance that should have made her career. But it had been stolen by her cousin Kikyo.
Kikyo, who had been her flatmate when they finished high school, so they could share their passion for photography and help support each other in their move to New York as they tried to achieve their dreams. Kikyo, who had taken the message about the year long internship she had been offered after they saw her winning photo. Kikyo, whose features were similar enough to her own that they were often mistaken for each other, if you didn't know both of them that well. Kikyo, who had turned up for that internship and somehow convinced them that she'd used a different name for the competition.
Her cousin had milked that experience for everything it was worth. And now she was the one working for a world renowned magazine, and Kagome was paying rent doing cover photos for romance novels. She may be the best one in her field, but it wasn't quite what she'd dreamed of. It's not like she'd wished upon a star when she was five and asked if she could be the one to discover the next Fabio.
The best thing about her work was spending time with Inuyasha. She'd been so angry at him the first day they'd met all those years ago. Fresh from a weekend at a family event where she'd had to hear once again that Kikyo couldn't make it because she was overseas, doing some big story, and they were all so proud of her. And he'd called her Kikyo, because he'd seen some article recently and mistakenly thought she was her cousin. After she'd calmed down, she couldn't really fault him. They had the same last name, same initial, even looked similar enough.
But he'd grown on her. And it wasn't just his good looks - he had those in abundance, but he didn't really seem to care about that. He was rough around the edges, a little rude, definitely obnoxious, but very funny, charming, brave, and also... kind of sweet?
That day she'd had that terrible cold but had still come to work because they'd had a deadline, he'd given her his jacket and then rushed out to the supermarket at lunch time so he could make her a sure fire cold remedy his mother had taught him. It had tasted absolutely feral, but surprisingly, she'd felt a lot better the next day.
Just a few weeks ago, they had finalised the court case with Inuyasha's stalker. For some reason, Jakotsu, one of Inuyasha's most ardent fans, had bizarrely seen Kagome as a threat, even though it was obvious they were only friends.
At first it was just strange letters delivered to her workplace, which she'd ignored totally. She'd only begun to be worried when weird notes appeared in her own letter box at her apartment. And then the late night phone calls had started.
She'd managed to keep it from Inuyasha until Jakotsu had slashed her tyres, and then he'd been furious. Angry at her for not telling him what was happening, and incandescent with rage at the stalker.
After that he'd been there for her whenever she'd been afraid, so protective and caring. When Jakotsu had snuck up on her late one night in the parking lot, he'd blocked the attack, stepping in front of her in the nick of time, taking a slash to his arm that was originally aimed at her face, then knocking out Jakotsu and holding him until the police arrived.
He'd been the one injured, with nearly 20 stitches in his forearm, but he'd been worried about her. Thank goodness for swift youkai healing. She'd been devastated that he'd been injured, but he'd just shrugged it off, telling her he was glad it was him and not her.
After that, she'd finally admitted to herself that her feelings for him were more than just friendly. Had been for such a long time now. He was gorgeous, but she wasn't the kind of girl that slept around. She needed to be friends first, be comfortable, and there was no one she was more comfortable around than Inuyasha. He was her first thought in the morning and her last at night. But wasn't that a little cliche, a photographer falling for a model? She'd thought he'd probably think she was joking and laugh in her face.
But that moment after the trial and they'd been standing out in the sunlight, she hadn't been able to help herself. She was just so happy, so grateful that he hadn't been injured worse. So she'd practically crash tackled him and kissed him. No tentative pecks. No warning. She couldn't bear to let another day pass without him knowing how she felt. And when he'd kissed her back, with Miroku and Sango cat calling in the background, yelling at them to get a room, it had felt like heaven.
"Where's Yura this morning?" asked Inuyasha, glancing around the make up room, as if she would suddenly appear out of nowhere with her ever present combs and scissors.
"She's called in sick, so you've got me on double duty today. Aren't you lucky?" Kagome teased, poking her tongue out at him.
"So, you gonna model with me too?" he grinned, wrapping his arm around her waist and holding her close to rub his nose softly againt hers. "Who's gonna take the happy snaps?"
"You wish. It's a new model today, Tuva, we haven't met her before. This is for the viking one, so we needed someone with fair hair and pale skin. The photos in her online portfolio are gorgeous. And the agency recommended her, so she should be fine."
Kagome gave him a quick peck on the cheek, laughing at his pouting face, then patted the chair in front of the mirror. "Sit down already will you? I called her earlier to let her know what was going on and she offered to get her own hair and makeup done at the studio there, so now I've just got to do you."
Inuyasha couldn't help the flutter down low in his stomach at her statement, even though he knew she'd meant it innocently enough. She began by brushing his long hair and he closed his eyes, feeling the regular pull of the brush on his scalp, her fingers gently protecting his ears from the rough bristles.
Damn that felt good. If he were a cat he'd be purring, and it took every inch of self control to not let out a deep rumbling growl of pleasure when she ran her hands through his hair, pulling the top back and securing it in a rough pompadour with a ponytail behind his head.
Then her nimble fingers were making small cornrow braids near his temples, adding little leather thongs and silver charms. The gentle tugging of his scalp felt so good. He squirmed in his seat a little, keeping his eyes closed.
"Sorry, am I pulling too hard?"
"Nah, feels so damn good. You're a natural at this. Wanna change careers and become my hairdresser?"
She pretended to think a moment, then giggled.
"Maybe. You're hair is fun to play with. It's much prettier than mine."
He opened his eyes, watching her as her deft fingers twisted his hair together.
"Nope. Untrue. Have you ever seen your hair in the sunlight Kagome? The way it shimmers almost blue? It's beautiful."
Her cheeks pinked, and she glanced at the mirror, her eyes fluttering downwards again when he caught her eyes.
"Stop. You're the one that's the freaking model, Inuyasha. Let me concentrate on this or we'll be behind schedule."
"So Ms. Higurashi can take a compliment about her photography skills but not her person? That's kinda weird don't you think? Especially when you're so pretty."
"C'mere", he said, tugging on her arm to move her into his lap, ignoring her squawk of protest. "Why can't my pretty girl take a compliment from me, huh?"
"I can! But we're at work right now Inuyasha!"
"Alright, prove it. Look in the mirror and say what I say, and then I'll let you go." She squirmed but he tightened his arm around her waist, pinning him close to her. "Gotta do what I say Higurashi. Gotta keep the talent happy!" She smacked his arm, still trying to wriggle out of his hold, doing her best to hold in her smile, but failing miserably.
"So, how should I keep the talent happy Inuyasha?" she smirked. "You were pretty happy when I left your apartment last night."
He moved his head to rest on her shoulder, looking at her reflection in the mirror.
"Ah, but that's where you're very wrong pretty girl." Kagome's face fell.
"You didn't enjoy last night?"
"Oh I did. Very much", he grinned, bucking his hips underneath her, then kissing a path down the arch of her neck onto her shoulder. "But then you left. And I was in that big empty bed all alone, with no one to keep me company."
"Oh, poor you. You know why I left Inuyasha. You needed to have a good night's sleep before the shoot today, and you know what would have happened if I'd stayed longer. There wouldn't have been much sleeping going on."
He nuzzled into her neck. "Maybe not, but this talent would have been much much happier. I don't want you to leave anymore." Kagome froze.
"You... you want me to move in with you?"
"I want you to move in", he said, his teasing face now serious. "I want you to be with me always. I know we've only been going out for a month Kagome, but I love you. I've loved you for years. And that's not going to change."
She turned on his lap so they were now facing each other, cradling his cheeks in her palms. "I love you too", she whispered. "So much."
"Would it be crazy if... if I said I wanted even more than that?" he asked softly, his eyes searching hers. "Would it be crazy if I said I want to be more than just your boyfriend, that I want more than you moving in. That I want us to belong to each other? And tell the whole world about it?"
Kagome's eyes widened, and her heart began beating wildly in her chest.
"That sounds an awful lot like a marriage proposal Inuyasha."
"That's because, maybe it is. We wasted so much time Kagome. I don't wanna waste another second. Please say yes."
"How could I say no to those puppy dog eyes of yours?" she giggled wetly, her eyes filling with happy tears.
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apollostears · 3 years
movie: star wars [TFA-TROS]
pairing: finn x black!reader
warning(s): swearing
plot: hcs on some fluffy moments with finn as your boyfriend.
also, be sure to checkout the name masterpost here and lmk how you like it!! xxx
*photo not mine*
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finn was so happy to be with a black sister. like, soooooo happy.
mans had no idea what he was missing out on until he met you.
i don’t think racism against black people was much of a thing in the star wars universe [given that there were literally millions of different species that had their own differences] but i do think there were some social differences in certain areas of the galaxy.
finn felt like he could connect with you on a spiritual level than he could with anyone else.
you were the first person to know about his force ability. you totes geeked out about it with him, but were also there to help him decide what to do about it.
he left rey in the dust for you. any feelings he thought he had for her, ✨gone✨ a shout into the void. rey who? honestly, he didn’t mean to but he definitely spent less time with the trio once he got with you.
you reminded him that he had other people who wanted to spend time with him but he literally did not care.
finn knows you’re capable of handling yourself, but he loves to be your strong man. i think it’s because he’s around a lot of abled bodied people that sometimes he feels inadequate so when you notice this, you’ll just conveniently struggle with opening a lid. or coincidentally forget how to work the controls on the landing deck.
stares at you at any given moment. poe could be talking to him about an upcoming mission and you’re across the room conversing, you’ll feel his eyes on you just burning into your skin. poe deliberately makes sure that you are not in the vicinity anytime he needs to talk to finn.
this man will do everything in his power to find you some good shit for your hair. finn adores the styles you manage to do and how you upkeep them, especially being rebels with barely any personal funds. he loves when you cornrow his hair and he gets to sit in between your legs 🥺
has signals for the both of you for any type of situation you may be in. you feeling antsy and just want to lay down? there’s a signal for that. finn starts feeling overwhelmed? signalsssssss. y’all are that couple.
you guys train together really well and it’s mainly because finn does not want to jeopardize your chances of survival because of his own love sickness. the both of you make a dangerous duo on the field.
bb8 loves you more than him 🤷🏾‍♀️
poe and chewy always try to get you to monitor their games because poe claims finn cheats and chewy claims poe cheats. they all cheat.
as social as he is, finn really just enjoys the time he spends alone with you.
cuddling is a huge part of finn’s love language that you guys do a lot of it at any given moment. he’ll back hug you, side hug you, front hug etc. in bed, he prefers being able to hold you like a stuffed animal or a comfort item, closes and under him.
he gets nightmares frequently. they’ll be about a lot of things; you, his friends, his time as a stormtrooper, anything. what you do to help him is to give him butterfly kisses. it’s a little weird, but it works for you guys and one of the main way you show love.
finn really does adore you wholeheartedly. there’s no other person in the galaxy he would rather be with than you. he looks at you and sees his entire world laid out before him. mans is whipped.
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❧ join the taglist: @marvellifeforever @knjkitten @olamidey @simplyskz-maya @pimpnameyannie @sunrayyellowhalo @namjoonswifeyy @cliffordasparagus
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martialstories · 4 years
Tape to tape - chap. 1
Coops - High School AU
All credits for the world & the characters for @lumosinlove. (I’d also like to thank the list of 100 most popular baby names in Canada in 2019 and Most Common Last Names In Canada for helping me figure out names for side characters.)
I did some more research and found out that hich school in Montreal actually lasts only 3 years instead of 4. For the sake of my sanity, we are just going to ignore it since I have no idea how to work with that time frame.
With this chapter we jump backwards in time to see what the beginning of high school was like for Sirius.
PSA. The texts in cursive are inner dialogue. ;)
(ps. Hazel, absolutely loved the new chapter but hated the cliffhanger. Please post the next one.)
Sirius admitted that he was nervous. It was the first day of high school. He didn’t really stress about school since hockey was the only thing that mattered in his family. But he didn’t like things changing. And this was a big change.
You’d think that school wasn’t important for a hockey player. Partly you’d be right. But school was the only thing that made Sirius feel normal. There he wasn’t the hockey prodigy with a name widely recognised already at the age of 15. He wasn’t the family disappointment who had gotten beaten behind closed doors for years. There he was just a regular teen who isn’t the best of the class but passes every exam.
“Have a nice day Sirius!” Linda wished from the driver’s seat. “Try to relax a little. You’re gonna be fine!”
Sirius glanced at her with his face emotionless. “I’ll try. Bye.” He said before getting out of the car.
This was the part he hated. He hated the mask he had to put on every single day. He hated that he wasn’t sure if his little brother would remember who he really was or if he’d only remember this stonefaced teen who could only try to smile when sneaking into each other’s rooms. He wasn’t even sure if he remembered how to smile properly.
He hated this and wanted to get out of here but he knew he was still too young. If he wanted to pursue a career in the NHL he’d have to stay in school for a couple more years and get drafted after he graduated.
”Black! I didn’t know you’d come to our school! Listen up ladies and gents, this man will be the biggest name in the league one day.” Sirius turned towards the side of the main stairs. There he could see sitting around 10 boys and girls all wearing the same school uniform. A dark eyed boy with cornrows was smiling brightly towards him.
”Nice to see you Felix. And don’t jinx it.” Sirius said walking over. Felix raised his hand to ruffle Sirius’s hair but he was fast enough to duck.
”Alright, alright. It’s nice to see you too Little one.” Felix grinned at him cheekily.
Sirius groaned a little. ”Oh don’t start that again. This year there will actually be people my age in the team.”
”Oh I know. But you can’t blame me. You were actually tiny when you started last year. That name was earned.” Felix started explaining to his confused friends. ”Black here was way too good for his own age group so they decided to transfer him to play with us older ones last year. The thing was that this boy hadn’t really hit his puberty like the rest of us so he was about a head or two shorter than the rest of us.” That caused Felix’s friends to laugh. Sirius was shaking his head.
”Where’s your other half Felix? I thought you couldn’t do anything without him.” Felix’s twin brother, Levi, suddenly appeared at their side. The rest of the gang jumped a little but Sirius just ducked instinctively to avoid the hand trying to ruffle his hair.
Levi didn’t even try to act surprised. ”Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Hello, Little one. I still think it’s slightly creepy that no one can surprise you. What do you think Felix?” ”Definitely creepy.” ”As I said.”
Sirius just chuckled lightly and tried to move on as fast as he could. There definitely were reasons to his constant awareness of the things happening around him but he’d never say those reasons out loud. ”Alright boys. I have to head to class. You don’t mind telling me where the French classes are?”
”Yep, you just walk in, take the first stairs you see up to the third floor, turn right and you are in the language corridor. Then just look at the classroom numbers.” Levi guided him.
”Thanks Levi. I’ll see you at practice!” Sirius shouted over his shoulder while walking towards the doors.
Sirius had asked Linda to drop him off a little earlier than usual so he’d have time to find his first class. Bumping into the Wright brothers had cut that extra time down to a couple of minutes. As he walked along the corridor Sirius kept his eyes open in case he’d see any of his relatives that would need to be avoided. He knew that he’d have to face them at some point but the first day wasn’t the right time to do that. The longer he could avoid them the better.
Once Sirius finally reached his French class he could see it was almost full already. The teacher greeted him with a nod and told him to go sit at the back of the class where there were two free seats next to each other.
’Hopefully I am the last one. That way I wouldn’t have to sit next to anyone.’ Sirius thought as he lowered his bag to sit next to the desk. Sirius sat down and glanced around the room to see if he recognized anyone. There were a couple persons he knew from his old school but he didn’t know them enough for them to try to start a conversation with him.
Before he could let out a sigh of relief one last person walked through the door. Sirius watched as he walked towards the teacher who directed him to go sit at the back next to Sirius. As the boy started to walk across the class Sirius got a better look at him. Slightly taller than himself, kinda lanky but his stance was strong. Curly light brown hair, couple of freckles on his cheecks and hazel eyes. A small scar on his nose and he was one of the few people who could make the school uniform look actually good.
’Cute.’ Sirius thought. ’Wait, what? Since when have I thought boys were cute?’ ’Since him. And the cute ice cream vendor that we met during the summer with Reg. But mostly since this one. This one is also hot.’ ’What? No. Shut up.’
The boy had already sat down next to him as he was having that fun little piece of inner dialogue. (’More like the beginning of an existential cris-’ ’Shut up!’) The boy looked at him and offered him a small smile. Sirius just nodded and turned towards the front.
The teacher introduced herself and went over what to expect from this class. After 15 minutes she told the class to get to know the person sitting next to you as you’d be doing a lot of exersices with them.
Sirius eyes widened a little. ’Shit.’ ’YES! Now we get to know their name!’ ‘I still don’t get what you are talking about.’ Sirius turned towards the boy sitting next to him.
”I guess we are going to be a pair.” The boy said. (’Ah, his voice is like the prettiest dream.’ ’What does that even mean?’)
”Yeah, I guess so.” Sirius answered. (Stop being a jerk, idiot! Go on, introduce yourself.’ ’Shut it.’)
”I’m Remus.” (’Mon dieu! His name is Remus! Merde, I’m going to faint!’ ’Please, I beg you. Do that!’)
”I’m Sirius.”
”Nice to meet you.”
”Nice to meet you as well.”
After that they sat in silence for a few moments until Remus opened his mouth. ”Is French you first language?”
Sirius turned towards him. ”It is.”
”Oh, well in that case I think I should warn you.” Remus chuckled quietly and raised his hand to rub his neck. ”I’m really not that good in French. I just moved here like a week or two ago so I haven’t had the chance to learn. I actually am a year older than you but they put me with the younger class in French since I need to catch up on this subject.”
Sirius raised his eyebrow. ”I see. Where did you move from?”
”From Wisconsin. This city is quite the change from the small town I used to live in.” Remus told him.
”I can believe that. Did you learn any French before moving here?” Sirius asked, starting to get genuinely interested.
”Yes, I decided to take it as an elective subject two years ago but you can’t really learn a language in two years.”
”Well, it’s good that you don’t have to start from nothing.”
”D’accord! That’s enough. Now let’s go through the first chapter.” The teacher interrupted the chatter. Everyone started to focus on the teacher but Sirius was too busy gazing out the window and trying to figure out what he was feeling.
After French Sirius had a math class before lunch. There he found Felix and Levi again and sat with them. He knew it might have looked weird, a first year sitting in a group of third years, but he had no intentions to find new acquaintances. He had met the brothers last year and they were the few people he actually was friends with in the team. While Sirius played center, Felix and Levi were a pair of defencemen. They were also loyal and kind and Sirius liked them. After lunch he had two more classes before it was time for hockey practice.
The rink wasn’t far but Levi offered him a ride since they had to carry their equipment with them. Sirius accepted the offer so after school he climbed into Levi’s car. Once they arrived they got their gear on and headed to the ice.
”Okay, boys! Settle down and gather around! I know it must have been an exciting day but you can spare the talk for home. Today we are going to do warm-ups and then some drills. After those we should play some easy games to figure out the best positions for you.” Coach called from the bench.
Sirius didn’t really like this part of the season. They had started training a few weeks ago already but it was still confusing with the new players. The team dynamic always changed with older players leaving and younger ones coming in. It always took a little while for everyone to find their places.
”Let’s start with sprints, so skate around the rink and every time you reach a blue line sprint to the other one. Questions? Ok. Go!” Coach said and glanced at his watch. The team started to skate around the rink. Some players wanted to focus on the drill like Sirius but others were chatting casually.
Levi and Felix skated up to him. ”Look at the boy coach is talking with. Do you think he is gonna join our team?”
Sirius looked over to the bench but the boy there had already started to walk away from the rink. ”I don’t know. Didn’t see him.”
”Well he had skates on and looked to be around our age.” Levi reasoned.
Just as Sirius was going to answer Coach called them over. ”Good work! Next we are going to move onto the next drill but before that I want to welcome a new player to the team. This is Remus Lupin. He just moved here from Wisconsin, so be nice.”
Sirius froze a little. He watched as Remus came from the tunnel wearing a team jersey. He nodded at Coach and said hi to the team before kicking himself onto the ice. ’Oh this is wonderful.’ ’Stop. Focus!’ Sirius shook himself out of his frozen state as Remus skated over to stand next to him. They exchanged nods with each other and turned towards coach to hear him explain the next drill they were going to do.
For the first half of practice Coach made them do drills. While waiting for his turn Sirius could try and figure Remus out. He could see that Remus definitely knew what he was doing. His movement with the puck looked natural and easy.
At the beginning of the second half Coach gathered them around himself. Then he instructed the ones that played last year to find their old lines. Sirius stayed where he was as two guys skated towards him. Grayson Lee and Fenrir Greyback. Grayson was a smart guy and player and Sirius was glad to have him on his left wing. Greyback on the other hand was completely another story. In Sirius opinion he could have easily been a part of the Black family, with how racist and homophobic he was. Sirius really hoped he wouldn’t have to play another year with him but it seemed like he’d have to. None of the new players seemed good enough to compete with Greyback yet.
After they had gathered there was still about 10 guys left. ”Alright, now let’s see what we have left. Roy, you play left wing right? Go over there. Is here any defencemen? Ok, you can be a pair. Any centers? You can go…” Coach started distributing them into lines. At the end there was one new line created and the rest had been spread around the team. ”Let’s try with this. I’ll change your lines if needed. Black and Ricard, you first.”
Sirius won the first puck and immediately realized how much he had missed playing. During the summer they had had hockey camps and a few practices but it had been mostly other forms of training. He had missed how he could just play and forget about himself for a while.
Coach shouted directions and shift changes from the bench. These matches really didn’t have any winners. It was just to see who played well with who. When Sirius wasn’t playing he was following other players. Really he was just waiting for Remus to get on ice since he was the only one who he hadn’t seen play.
Finally coach shouted for Sirius’s line to get on. At the same time the opposing line was changed with the line Remus was in. ’Well, no we’ll see how he plays.’
The puck was dropped and Sirius won it. He passed it to Felix in defence who passed it back to him. Sirius started to circle opponents when suddenly someone came next to him and stole the puck from him. He turned quickly to see the other player already skating over the centerline. ’Is that Remus?!’
”Black! What are you doing?” Greyback shouted at him from across the ice.
Sirius just ignored him as he raced to get to Remus before he got the goal. Sirius could see Remus looking around him in search for his teammates to pass the puck to and realizing that they were still in their defensive zone.
’He’ll have to try to score by himself.’ Sirius thought. Remus seemed to have come to the same realization as he skirted around the goal. Remus managed to avoid Greyback trying to slam him against the boards and flipped the puck over Plante’s right shoulder. Coach blew his whistle in a mark for a goal and Remus’s teammates, who finally got to him, slammed into him. The bench was standing and thrumming the boards approvingly.
Coach shouted over the noise. ”Alright Lupin! We gotta change this up a bit, it’s clearly not working as it should. It sure is a pity there’s no tape on you as it would make my job a lot easier. Let’s put you with the older ones.” Coach decided to try Remus in Ricard’s line. Sirius’s line jumped over the boards for a break as another one settled to face Ricard’s.
Remus could clearly play better with Ricard’s line but the dynamic still wasn’t the best match. Ricard’s shift consisted of big guys who used their sizes in advantage. Remus on the other hand wasn’t as big but was one of the fastest players Sirius had ever seen. ’I wonder if we’d play well together.’
Ricard’s team scored a goal and it was Sirius’s turn. After they had played for a few minutes Coach whistled. ”Greyback! Switch with Lupin.”
Everyone stopped. It was rather rare that the top line would be altered. Especially with a newcomer.
”But Coach! Lupin hasn-” Greyback tried before Coach cut him off. ”Stop complaining. I want to try this out.” Coach nodded at Remus who was looking between him and Greyback. He jumped onto the ice as Greyback shot him a dirty look.
Remus took his place on the right side of Sirius and the puck dropped.
At the end of practice Sirius had already gotten used to the new dynamic of his line. He actually wondered how he had coped without it. Without Greyback Sirius’s line could simply use their speed and skill in advantage. Greyback was moved to Ricard’s line, where he in Sirius’s opinion fit well. He, after all, was on the bigger side and usually liked to use his size over his skill.
Remus on the other hand had been a complete surprise to Sirius. He didn’t often encounter players who could match his level but Remus was one of them. When Sirius may have been the best in handling the puck and one of the fastest, Remus was definitely the fastest and didn’t leave far behind in puck handling either. He also played well with Lee and Sirius was sure they would be a fatal trio this season.
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dialoguelostloop · 4 years
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remember when my hand slipped and i accidentally a bunch of hollow knight gijinkas? the hand... did not stop from keep slipping, suffice to say lol. i think i’m done now though.
part one (ghost, hornet, the dreamers, and quirrel) can be found here. notes on these folks will be under a readmore!
please read my faq page! (tl;dr version: dont use my art for icons/graphics/whatever without getting my permission beforehand, please use neutral pronouns for hollow and any other vessels in any tags/commentary, dont tag as kin/me/whatever pls)
HOLLOW - as i mentioned under ghost’s gijinka description, i think proximity to void & pale being energy is what causes vessel growth. when tpk figured this out he, like, supercharged hollow with both so that they’d be fully grown as quickly as possible. this is how they wound up 6′7″ at all of 12, which just gave them fragile joints and height dysphoria as severe as ghost’s. they went into the black egg with the same bob haircut and it grew out badly while they were in there. they’re not totally blind in their right eye, but their vision in it’s pretty bad and they’ve lost some red/green definition too. their prosthetic arm works through soul so they can take it off whenever they want, which is good, because it’s not very comfortable.
GRIMM (and grimmchild) - from what i’ve seen most grimm gijinkas lean into the circus master/dracula side, so i went for the clown/catboy angle instead lol. yes that’s greasepaint. i was going for “almost sexy, but unfortunately still a weird clown” but am informed by friends that i overshot and he wound up hot anyway. as for grimmchild, i really just wanted them to be a kid in a kigurumi for each in-game charm level lol. they start out looking 3 but grow a year with each ritual stage completed, so lv4 grimmchild is 6. whether grimm is cis or trans/perisex or intersex depends on what the previous grimmchild was, so he’s used to his anatomy changing with each reincarnation. he never dresses any differently either.
WHITE LADY - your weird alien mom who’s the face of Horny On Main... this is her precanon outfit, her midcanon one is gray and more covering lol. aside from the crown there’s just a lot of white palace foliage in her hair in general. her hair should always be drawn trailing off the edges of the canvas, like ultimate madoka.
RADIANCE - before anyone asks, tpk is obviously what happened to her legs. her prostheses are even more Cool But Uncomfortable than hollow’s (she literally has to float, you cannot walk on those toothpick feet) so her chair is very necessary for when she gets tired. yes the dreamshields on the big wheels actually function magically; its cushions are the same sort of cushion in seer’s room. her clothing patterns come from dream realm spirographs, from the normal and absolute versions of her canon halo, and the architecture found at the crater’s crown. also her hair just Does That naturally. her tears being the same color as her eyes/the infection is a little on the nose but it bears emphasis, so lmao
LACE - i wasn’t gonna do any silksong characters but... She... i poured as much Adorable Bastard Energy into her design as i could!!! i was really torn whether to adapt her canon design’s hat into a pink diamond hair type white afro or just a hat over cornrows or s/t. i went with Fluffy, but if we ever see lace without her hat in canon i guess i’ll retroactively make her fro into a wig so i can have both worlds
SEER - everyone knows i cannot turn down the option to give a character sky-patterned clothing, so seer’s cloak is the sky of the moths’ dream. the gold spirographs on her arms and face are religious body paint that only dream masters/dream nail teachers are allowed to wear; the wisteria pattern on her face (obv taken from the charms in her room/in the dream realm) is scarification.
MARMU - did you know that on real puss moth caterpillars the brown thing in the middle of their faces is their actual face, and what looks like a face and mouth around it is just camouflage to scare predators away? so obviously i had to put marmu in a big cloak that looks like her canon design as a recursive joke. she’s a lighter brown than the other moth characters because i have way more marmu sadstuck headcanons than anyone ever wanted, including me.
UNN - just wants to go back to sleep. she’s the tallest of the higher beings, probably pushing 8 feet. aside from her size her canon design is pretty unassuming so i just gave her Clothes Comfortable To Sleep In. the clasp on her cardigan is the shape of unn charm ofc.
BRETTA - i have found the new home of 90s antenna ahoge. it is a design choice made for bug gijinkas.
CLOTH - i could only picture her as a more subdued, brown-eyed/slightly lighter-skinned gideon nav. my apologies to taz.
MYLA - lost that front tooth in her line of work. mining is very dangerous. her hairstyle and freckles are just because i think both are cute lol
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daisiesforlacey · 4 years
clouds - chapter 1 : cumulus
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Pair: Julie x alive!Luke
Summary: After her mother’s death, Julie Molina moved away from LA, across the country, to Ithaca, New York. She’s left behind her two loves in life: her best friend, Luke, and her music. There, she finds new friends and enemies, new experiences and joys, she might even find herself. Every night, Luke calls Julie to talk about the clouds. But what if Luke is hiding something?
Word Count: 1,301
Warnings: N/A
Note: I am super stoked to be writing this series! I’m planning on it being around 6 chapters long. There will be angst and fluff and all around wonderfulness. I’ve been meaning to write something like this for a while! Note that the rest of the characters will show up later on. I really hope y’all like it! Please please comment, like, reblog; I would love some feedback!
Julie had been gazing at the sky for hours now. The warmth of midday had long drawn away and it was now starting to get dark. She had noted all of the shapes she had seen in the clouds in her notebook: a butterfly, a chair, a house, an ice cream cone, and many more. She had sworn she had seen a rainbow somewhere in the distance, but it hadn’t rained in some time. 
The clock at the center of town chimed and Julie jumped with a start, she hadn’t realized it was 6 o’clock already. She grabbed her phone, bag, and notebook before unlocking the combination lock on her bike and taking it off the rack. 
Riding back to her house, she kept noting clouds, scissors, a guitar, and a light bulb, before seeing an airplane soar overhead. She passed many shops along the way, waving to her classmates as they studied outside of a cafe. Already, she knew the way back to her house: left, right, left, left, stop sign, past Carries gated house, and down two hills. Julie pulled into the driveway, tossed her bike on the ground, unlocked the red front door, and ran up the stairs. Her bedroom door whipped open and she dropped all over her stuff on her desk unceremoniously before sitting down at her computer.
It was 6:23. 
She sighed and threw her head back, realizing she had missed the premiere of her favorite show, hopefully it would be uploaded to YouTube soon. She got up and watered the plants on her windowsill before she heard a loud bang from below.
Julie opened her curtains and looked down to see her neighbor and friend fixing their fence. The divider had long been in disrepair, but no one really cared enough to fix it. Yanking open the window she yelled down, “Flynn! Why are you, of all people, doing housework?” She had known Flynn long enough to know that the other girl wouldn’t do anything requiring physical work if her life depended on it.
Flynn looked up and waved, her cornrows whipping around her face, “Hey! You’re back!” She dropped the hammer, narrowly avoiding her sneaker clad food, seeming to forget about her work, “I’ll be right up.” 
After moving a few months ago, Julie had become quick friends with Flynn when she realized that their bedroom windows faced each other. At first, it had been a little weird; Julie could see almost all of Flynn’s blue room if her curtains were open, and she was sure the same went for her. But after they got over the initial awkwardness, the two were like super glue.  They would spend all day chatting about nothing and everything. Flynn had turned out to be one of Julie’s saving graces; she was caring and was always supportive of whatever she wanted to pursue. Julie pulled her silver desk chair to her window and waited until Flynn had done the same.
“You were out all day and you didn’t bring me back a slice of cake from Tia’s Bakery? I missed my brother's baseball game for that!” Flynn laughed, propping her feet on the windowsill. 
Julie rolled her eyes, “That wasn’t the first thing on my mind as I rushed out the door this morning. Anyways, the frosting would have melted, it’s not as if I carry around a refrigerator.” 
Her phone rang loudly, her ringtone “Grenade” by Bruno Mars filling the space. She silenced it, already knowing that she didn’t want to talk to the caller at the moment. Her face dropped; every day she dreaded the conversation, not because of the caller, but because of the situation.
She shook her head, wishing the thoughts away before racing to get her twine tied notebook and pencil that she brought with her to the park. She tossed them over the gap between the houses to Flynn, who opened it and started reading today’s findings aloud.
“Football, dog, lion,” Her brows furrowed, “Superman? Are you sure? Or did you just really wish it was?” A smirk pulled at her lips. 
“Maybe it could have been a bird or a plane, but you never know.” Julie shrugged. 
Suddenly, Flynn’s eyebrows shot to the sky. She jumped up and rushed to grab a sheet of paper from her book bag, “Oh! Oh! Look! Look at this!” She waved it around wildly and jumped around, almost too fast for Julie to see, but she did make out the big red 97 on it.
Julie shot up from her chair, almost tripping, “Your math test! Oh my god! You aced it! I knew you would!”
“Only because you,” Flynn pointed at her, “Helped me with polynomials after I talked your ears off!” 
Julie rolled her eyes, but had an ear splitting grin “Yeah, yeah, you would have gotten it eventually, you just needed a little push.”
After calming down, the two then launched into conversations about their days until it was too dark to see each other. They would bounce off each other with flying force, her father had said it was impossible to keep up.
Flynn’s family had arrived home and she had to leave, promising to talk tomorrow morning as she gave Julie back her notebook. Julie picked up her phone, calling her silenced call back. He picked up after the first ring.
“I was wondering how long it’d be before you got back to me.” The other person said. 
Julie smiled sadly as she started tidying up her room, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Luke.” 
Ever since she moved, her and her best friend had promised to call each other everyday and report on the shapes of the clouds they saw. Some of her favorite memories were of her and Luke spending hours laying in the grass, just wasting time. Maybe it was an attempt to hold on to each other, even when she was half way around the country. Clouds were something that stayed the same, yet always changed. 
“What shapes did you see today?”
She heard a rustling of paper over the speaker, “I saw a couple ghosts, a pair of pants, a school building, and a car. I didn’t really get a chance to look too much today.” He replied. She could imagine him dragging his finger across the page; a habit he never broke after elementary school
Julie laughed, “A school building, not just any other building? Not a factory? Not an office?”
“No, no, no, it was specifically a school. It was dark and gloomy and somehow square. You would have said the same thing.”
“I somehow doubt that.” Julie moved to flop down on her bed, she sat for a second, thinking about what she would have seen in the so-called school cloud. She suddenly became more homesick than ever; she wished she could have been there, with Luke.
She wished she could be anywhere with Luke, she thought. Her face flushed as she pushed the thought away. They sat in a comfortable silence for some time.
Luke cleared his throat, “How’d Flynn’s test go?”
Julie grinned as she shot up, sitting straight up on her bed, “She killed it! Stabbed-it-in-the-heart killed it, set-fire-to-it killed it, absolutely bulldozed it!” She grabbed a pillow and hugged it. Julie appreciated that Luke listened to her about her new friends, but he rarely talked about his friends. 
“Of course she did, with a math wiz like you to help, how could she not!” He snorted, “Although should we start worrying about all of those violent metaphors?”
“I think we should be more worried that I have metaphors.” Julie’s smile turned into a wince. Sometimes she didn’t think before she spoke; probably a trait she picked up from Luke. 
Luke groaned, “What does that even mean? At least it’s nice to know that your bad comebacks haven’t changed.” He paused, hesitant, almost as if he knew what he was about to ask already had an answer. 
“Have you played any music yet?”
He was right, they both already knew the answer to the question.
Julie hugged the pillow tighter to her.
There was no explanation, none was needed.
There was a pause as Julie changed the subject and picked at the loose strings on her pillow. “I went to the park for most of the day, like we used to do. The weather was nice enough, kinda chilly, and I probably saw more shapes than I could count. You probably would have seen so much more. You were always more imaginative.” 
Luke chuckled, she knew he was rolling his eyes, “We both know that’s not true. We work best as a team, even if we are 2,789 miles apart.”
Julie had wanted to tell him that she wished she could go back home, even for a day, but she knew it would have only made things worse. She would end up crying again and he, ever wonderful, would comfort her, saying that they’d see each other soon. They both knew that was a lie. She didn’t know if she’d ever see Luke again. 
She heard the door open downstairs as her father came back from work. “I gotta go, you’ll call tomorrow?” She rushed out and hopped off of her bed, throwing her pillow down.
“Yeah, always.” He replied, she could hear his soft smile. Keeping with their routine, he said, “I’ll see you soon.” 
“I’ll see you soon.” She sighed.
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nereol · 3 years
I’ll Be Your Animal (1/8)
Okay, here it is: my Val / Emmerick fan fiction!
This is the first time I write in English. English is my second language so sorry for bad typo, gonk grammar and weird punctuation.
You can read this on AO3 or on WorldAnvil (with pics, quotes, music...).
„So... your bouncer...“ Val's voice is calm and thoughtful. Claire looks at her with raised eyebrows. „Em?“ „Yeah... he's...“ Val thinks about what to say. „He hates all people or just me in particular?“ Claire chuckles. „Why do you think he hates you?“ V shrugs. Claire stops laughing, frowns and looks sharply at Val. „You like him?“
It's been a while since V was at the Afterlife the last time, the only time. That was before the... before everything went wrong. She walks down the stairs, puts her aviators in her pocket. Entering the first door her eyes are on the bouncer. Emmerick. She doesn't know his name, cause he told her. No, she just scanned him last time, first time she was here. And he's called her and Jackie 'Clowns'...
Hands sliding down from the zipper of her jacket, which she just opened. She hooks her thumbs in her hot pants pockets and stops infront of him. He stands there, like the typical bouncer. Upright, arms in front of his torso, legs slightly apart. „Hey, how's things?“ Val smirks, head slightly tilted.
Emmerick has scanned her the moment she came through the door. V, only survivor of Dex's gig. But not quite well, not in one piece, if what he had heard is the truth. Wasn't at the Afterlife since then, but works for other fixers - quite successfully. She's on his 'positive' list, so he nods, holds a straight face and with one step aside he says „You go in.“
Val stills and slightly shakes her head. „Well... good talk, thanks for nothin'“ She turns her head to look at him. Still a straight face Emmerick says „I've got work to do.“ „Yeah, me too.“ Val shrugs, then looks around. Now he turns his head to look at her. First time really look at her and in her eyes. Green. Bit too green, but still 'ganic looking. But he knows they're not. Not on a merc like her.
„But it's not like there's a queue, so I thought...“ she eyes him, „you might be bored.“ His eyebrows furrows, just slightly, almost not notable for Val. She just shakes her head, waves dismissively with one hand. „Whatever, suit yourself!“ And without waiting for an answer she passes the next door, enters the Afterlife. He blinks. 'What was that just about? ' Then back to normal, back to zero facial expressions.
Val makes her way straight to the bar. „Hey, V!“ Claire greets her cheerfully. She is one of the persons who called Val without her giving them her number. But that's what it's like as a merc. Last week they drove the first of four street races. And won. Val orders a beer and they're talking about the race.
„You here for work or just 'cause of me?“ Claire smirks at her. Val takes a sip and grins back. „'cause of biz, but I've got some time.“ Claire serves a few other customers, comes back to Val. „So... your bouncer...“ Val's voice is calm and thoughtful. Claire looks at her with raised eyebrows. „Em?“ „Yeah... he's...“ Val thinks about what to say. „He hates all people or just me in particular?“ Claire chuckles. „Why do you think he hates you?“ V shrugs. Claire stops laughing, frowns and looks sharply at Val. „You like him?“
„What?“ Val shakes her head defensively. „No... I mean, yes. Sure he's hot, but...“ „uh-huh...“ Claire smirks, cleaning a glass. Val sighs. „That's not the point. I just tried bein' friendly, greeted - and he was just like 'you go in'“ Val lowers her voice and sits up straight to imitate Emmerick. Claire chuckles and shrugs. „That's not about you, he doesn't like small talk.“ Val sighs again and takes a sip of her beer. She leans against the bar and crosses her legs.
„Sooo“ Claire just came back after serving some other people and smirks at Val, who raises her eyebrows. „But you think he's hot?“ Val shrugs, takes a sip. „Yeah, but that doesn't make 'im special.“ She takes a look around. „I consider a lot of people attractive and havin' no trouble saying it.“ She turn back on her stool. „Could point out like ten people, tell ya they’re hot.“ She points at Claire with her beer bottle. „You're one of 'em.“ „Oh stop it!“ Claire laughs and blushes just a little. Val empties her bottle, puts it back on the bar. „Enough chatter. I've some work to do.“ She nods at Claire with a smile. „I'll call you.“ „mh-hm.
When Val leaves the Afterlife later this night she pays no attention to the bouncer. And that's the same all the next times she's at the Afterlife. She greets him with a nod, sometimes even a smile when she enters. But a simple „Hey“ from time to time is all Emmerick gets from her.
He doesn't scan her anymore. She comes regularly, like most of the mercs. And she's quite noticeable, enough to remember her. Her purple hair is in thick cornrows all the time. When she enters the first door and comes down the last few steps, she take off her aviators. And she always opens her jacket in between the two doors, so he can catch a glimpse on her ink and what she's wearing under her thick bomber jackets - mostly crop tops
When she leaves, he finds himself looking down at her bottom. She's wearing hot pants most of the time, often under-butt. And if she wears long pants, then extra slim fit ones. And she sways her hips in a way it's impossible to look away
But like her, Emmerick say's nothing at all. Not when she arrives and not when she leaves.
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calypsoff · 4 years
One. Part 2
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Robyn pushed back her snapback; she is still frantically searching my eyes. I think she is taken aback by this, she didn’t expect this moment at all “I am sorry I am still in shock, you look so different” putting my head down letting out a low chuckle “more skinny huh” bringing my head back up “you was never fat, I told you that. We both had those chubby cheeks” we both said the same word and laughed “I did come back to Essex High, after I released my first song I came there. Ask Mel, I came to visit, I asked about you. Nobody had the answers, I tried to ask TJ and Barry at the time, but they just shook their head and said no. I did come back there, it was a year later but I did, I thought you would be there still” licking my bottom lip, the room is awfully silent and it’s a little awkward. Looking around me, I think that is her boyfriend and he just stared at me “can you all leave the room, I need to answer his question in private. Rich it’s ok, I know him. Just leave the room, everyone” stepping back a little from Robyn, Barry and TJ never said she asked about me, I didn’t know she came back to Essex High, it’s nothing big but I just would like to know why, she left at the most important time for what we could have been, was it me. I just need to know; I feel bad to think it was me that pushed her to go “you’re going to be long? We have the after party, this little reunion gonna take time?” her boyfriend said “Rakim, just do what I said. I won’t be long” watching people filter out of the door, I know Seiko going to be thinking what the fuck is happening because they are leaving the room “I won’t be long Rorrey, just tell Rakim to relax” her brother walking slowly behind the group, I mean she didn’t need to do this at all. Maybe she doesn’t feel comfortable with saying it in front of others, but she didn’t need too.
The door closed and that actually left us alone in this room, which didn’t bother me but I felt a slight nervousness about it “I can’t believe, like you’re really here” turning to Robyn with my hands behind my back “I am shocked you remember me” I mumbled “remember you!? Pinkie promise twin, I would never forget you. A face like yours, with your forty freckles. I mean you probably got more now” touching my face laughing “you was that bored in class you counted them, you repeated that shit so many times too” Robyn giggled “to be fair you kept moving your face and then the next day you blamed me for getting a spot on your cheek” nodding my head laughing remembering it all, she walked over to me with her arm up, another hug I didn’t think she would give but she did. She hooked her arm around my neck, this time I did hug her back “you gone taller too” she really has “same to you, so good to see you. I know it was months, but we saw each other every day Chris. It felt like years with us, I couldn’t forget that. The memories never fade Chris, they never do” I let out a deep sigh as did Robyn “so good to see you, really is” she moved back from the hug “where was you? I came there to see you again, that was the only reason. It felt like shit, you were suspended when I went and then you weren’t there when I came back. I didn’t even have a phone, I barely made it to Virginia in the first place Chris so I didn’t have a phone” I understand what she means “I told you I could get you a phone, you just went. I wasn’t there because I was busy with my cousins, making pointless money” putting my head down “you didn’t?” she said, disappointment coming from her voice “I did, and I’ve just come back out of Lawrenceville Correctional Center. I been out six months now” Robyn’ mouth fell open “I been locked up five years, possession. That was the least sentence I could do, I had to snitch on the people dealing to get that. They found out I snitched and beat me and then they put me in Lawrenceville for safety where I just did the rest of my sentence and I come out, six months ago” no words left her lips, just shock.
The look in Robyn’ eyes, so much care and hurt by what I have just told her “what did I tell you Chris? I said stay away from your cousins, family or not you had to cut them off. So you weren’t there when I came, you was busy being dumb with them, oh god. Why? You had so much going for you, you helped me with my work! You were the brains behind our group projects” chewing on my bottom lip listening to Robyn, she is right “maybe I wanted to impress you, maybe I acted clever for you” I said laughing “be quiet, I am annoyed at you. Why did you fuck yourself over your cousins. So you were locked up all this time, you told me to live my dream. I am talented, you hyped me up, but you didn’t do it for yourself did you? I am just sad for you; I feel like that place has changed you. You’re quiet and within yourself, but you’re still the same guy I remember. I can’t believe it, but you came here, and I am so happy to see you, I swear you have literally made my night, I did think to check up on you. It was weird because you came to mind just last night, when I arrived here I was like I am close but it’s too late now. We lost that contact, come let’s sit” Robyn pointed at the seating area, Robyn is not wrong. I have changed within myself; I am just trying to keep myself good and not get in trouble like I did, I was fearless when I was young. Following behind Robyn “make yourself comfortable, I uhm never forgot you. I don’t know if you were paying attention, but I have a song called photographs, it is about you” furrowing my eyebrows “me!?” I spat; I didn’t expect that at all “uh yeah, but anyways. When you get the chance listen to it, but I know you asked the question on why?” sitting down on the couch.
I did not expect that, she made a song about me, now I am shook “yeah, why did you go? I remember the weekend I did initiate sex with you, and then I felt like it was me that pushed you to go? You didn’t want it, I was cool with it, I really was. But things were weird between us but then you just disappeared, not even anything. Shit was hurtful” I just need to know this, I have always thought this all these years “shit, if you waited a little longer I was going to ask you out. You just went, it was just me and you and that was it. We were young and we had so much fun, you went and that was it. I was suspended but you could have tried. I thought I meant more to you then just that, I ain’t never forget you because you a good woman” Robyn giggled, I missed hearing that giggle “you mean you and Barry using me for my cornrow services, I had the best time in Virginia and that was down to you Chris, I don’t regret coming here. I don’t think I would have had a good time if it weren’t for you. And every second we spent time, it meant something. We were some broke ass kids, and I will never forget what you did for me. You helped me in some sticky situations too” I swallowed hard “I left you at the party, I didn’t think they would try and play you like that. Foreign girl that put out, I don’t play that. It was my bad but look at you now. You are shining, I am happy for you. Like I was butt hurt, I never told anyone. Crazy how we’ve ended up how we did, I just think if you stayed longer then you did” I drifted off “probably save you from your cousins that I kept on saying leave them” she finished off “I got called back, my gran gran was very ill. And the family I lived with offered to pay my flight back but it was for that day, I was in a bad place. But I did think of you, I went back for that reason. I love her to death, and it broke me at that time, and I went back. I had to go but I promised myself to come back, and I did come back Chris. You can ask Barry and TJ; I am surprised they never said it” I think I am more relived it was me she ran away from me “I am sorry to hear about your Gran is she ok now?” Robyn smiled a little, teary eyed “she is with the angels, but all is well, I am not going to cry. She wanted me to pursue this, she was happy for me” I feel bad, I would hug her but maybe I am doing too much “I understand why now, I am sorry about your Gran, she sounds so sweet” hearing the door open behind me “we need to leave the venue” the lady said, rubbing my face as I got up from the couch “give us a minute” Robyn said.
Rubbing my hands together “don’t want to get in trouble by your boyfriend now” I laughed it off “we still have things to discuss though” she stepped in front of me “you’re a busy lady now, I appreciate that you answered what I have been feeling all that time. I just didn’t want it to be the cause of you going, you know” she answered what I wanted “busy for my twin? Don’t be stupid, we have so much to speak on. I am still here tonight; I leave to go Oklahoma in the morning. I have an after party tonight, well just a party. Come to it” I smiled at Robyn “I have work at seven, I work at Amazon. But we can exchange numbers” Robyn nodded her head smiling “I would like that, once tour is over. My last date is in New York, I can come back without the entourage, I somehow feel bad that you ended up locked up” shaking my head laughing “aye, it’s cool. It’s life aight?” holding my pinkie out “I just can’t believe you’re here in front of me, I just was left with that image of your chubby cheeks and bright smile, it’s like life has taken it out of you. I still have that picture of us with the science project we did and I just see that” she grabbed my pinkie “don’t ever think that twin” wrapping my arm around her with our pinkie still connected “it’s been good to see you, I always thought of you and it’s good to see you in high spirits, what you deserve princess” moving back from the hug “two up, two down” I snorted laughing, she remembers “ok, we really need to go now” the lady came into the room again “also your girlfriend is worried” moving my hand away from Robyn’ as Seiko walked in all wide eyed “don’t want you to get in trouble by your girlfriend now” Robyn repeated the very words I said, looking over at her, nodding my head smiling “yeah, coming” walking around the couch “wait” turning around to Robyn “we didn’t take a picture?” she asked, placing my hand over my heart “no need” Robyn breathed out smiling as I turned back around.
Seiko been pretty quiet with me as we got escorted out of backstage and out the building “enjoy your night” the venue security said “thanks dude, damn. Everyone gone home” stuffing my hands in my pockets “where is your picture with her then?” she asked straight away “there isn’t any, I just wanted a question answered and she did. That is it” Seiko’ face is unimpressed “you were near enough half hour in there, the fuck!? What question was this? Did you just come here to make me look stupid, I mean I got to meet ASAP but still, what was the question?” she is being nosey now, I laughed walking by her “Chris! Seriously” she is straight tripping “Christopher, hey!” some guy shouted, looking behind me. That is the big nigga that was escorting us to the room “you forgot your poster” he jogged over to us, seeing the rolled up poster ���I did?” he held it out “yeah, it’s yours” taking the poster from him “thank you” smiling at him as I turned back around to walk off, I am content now. I think I got my answer, and she remembers me, but Barry or TJ never told me she came, she asked for me too. Why didn’t they just mention it, that alone would have closed the page on me ever going to see her like this. It was kind of risky to even go. If she didn’t know me then that would have hit me, but she knows me.
Seiko been quiet the whole car ride home, well to her home because I need to see my dumb friends after this “why you quiet? Ok, I asked her if she remembers me and we had some jokes about school, no foul play. Happy now? Old friend, it was jokes” placing my hand on her thigh “you wouldn’t lie to me right?” shaking my head “never, I got you. I am with you ain’t I? But did you have a good night yeah?” Seiko smiled “I did, thank you. I know this was expensive, don’t be out too late with those friends, work in AM. You want me to call you, check if you’re awake?” nodding my head “for sure, I should be awake. Goodnight” leaning over the panel and pressing a kiss to Seiko’ lips “I love you boo, thank you so much for this” I grinned sitting back in my seat “it’s cool, I better get going now though. You know how TJ is” watching Seiko get out of the car with all her things, I did think she was going to kick off but she didn’t, she could have easily been worse about it all. Side eyeing her slamming my car door though, like was that even necessary. Letting out a deep sigh, that reminds me, she said she made a song about me. Grabbing my phone from the panel, I want to hear this actually and I have been thinking on it since riding back. Opening Apple Music app, searching Rihanna photographs, better not be some diss track, imagine if it’s her saying I am a wack ass nigga, that would be awkward. The song started playing, I turned it down a little, can’t be riding with that loud. The guitar started playing “Here's a little story I've got to tell, about this boy I know so well” Robyn started to sing and I started to drive off.
Replaying the same part again “And look what happened to our love, I'm like how could it be” pausing the song again, I have done this like five times now, love. I mean she playing like this, did I hurt her or was it because I wasn’t there when she came back but did she love me, is this what it is “wow” I really need to go, my friends will be waiting outside my apartment but that is interesting, I can’t believe it. And she added the kissing on the couch, and we did do that, oh my god. That is just wow, getting out of my car with the biggest smile on my face, this is just crazy to me. Closing my car door and then seeing the rolled up poster, I didn’t ask for anything, but I won’t leave it in this car. I will give it TJ, he seems to be obsessed with Rihanna, opening the back seat and grabbing the rolled up poster. Kicking the door, locking the door as I made my way to my apartment complex, let’s see what picture it is actually, taking off the elastic band from the poster and opening it up “oh” seeing the writing on the corner of the poster “you didn’t take my number! It was so good to see you so I hope you do message” I read out, she left a smiley face too “wow” she really gave me her number, dragging my eyes away from the writing and staring at those very hazel eyes “what the fuck nigga!” I moved the poster down seeing TJ “you are one creepy nigga stood there with his concert poster, hurry up!” he had to catch me.
I needed that drink, it’s been eventful “long night?” Barry said breaking the silence, I heaved out “man, she remembered” rubbing my chin “oh shit, really!? Was Psycho angry?” TJ asked “she wasn’t there, she went in before me, apparently we was in there for half hour but it was cool, she said something interesting, she said that she came back to Essex High and she asked you both about me” I pointed at them “lies!” TJ spat “man, shut up. She is right but like you didn’t need to hear that, you were barely seeing us at the time. It was a mess, then just adding that. You would have dragged her down, she is on a high and you weren’t. She asked, she hugged us and then the first thing she asked was where is twin? Is his cheeks still cute how I like it, I just said you ain’t here anymore and we don’t know, she was pretty butt hurt but we didn’t say because, I guess what is the point? You weren’t interested, what difference would it make telling you?” Barry is right “but I deserved to know she asked and cared somewhat, but it was good to see her. There was heavy connection there still, she was touching me a lot, I felt like the teenager, the tables have turned. It was wild, she invited me to the after party, but she got a man, she is dating that rapper nigga ASAP so I said I got work in AM so no, which I do” TJ gasped “don’t he paint his nails?” Barry laughed out “he do but that is not the point, but you said she was heavy on the connection, fuck dude. So what if he is a rapper” I shook my head “she started telling me when her tour is over, make time and shit. But it’s done” they know I am right, I don’t get why they are looking at me crazy “I don’t know what those nigga did to you in jail but they knocked sense out of your head, can we bring back the cocky nigga that would have snatched her up, so Rihanna is wanting to reconnect and you sat there like a flat tire” TJ snorted laughing “flat tire but has her titties grown since” rolling my eyes “I don’t know, and be quiet. I just want a easy life, I have Seiko and she has him, she is at a different point in her life too” Barry got up from the couch “you just drink more of this alcohol” they want me drunk knowing full well I will act out.
Jumping off of the stool “I am going to bed, so peace out” walking over to them, dapping them “listen to us! We are right!” Barry shouted in my face “yes boss” I said saluting them as I walked off to my bedroom, I have been drinking a little, had a blunt and I feel more relaxed now. Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I have put her number in my phone now under Twin, but I will message her. See how it goes, you never know, it’s been so good seeing her, I enjoyed it.
When you walk by ……🙇‍♂️
Pressing send on the message, I mean she will work it out but if she doesn’t then my bad her man must have got her phone but she may be happy with him and I am just there, maybe I am taking it the wrong way, we are friends. That song does state otherwise, she mentioned love. Does she love me or did she love me, my phone pinged in my hand.
Every night talking sweet and looking fine …. 🤣🤣
She knows, this is why she is twin and will always be twin. She is like me because she remembers everything we did and even sang about.
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ssixa · 4 years
Feel Special //Narachan x OC (BW)
Description: Nala realizes that nice guys can make more than just great friends.
Genre: fluff, SMUT!!!
Pairing: Narachan (from M.O.N.T) x OC (BW)
Word count: 5.4k
Content warning: switch, mommy kink, daddy kink, profanity, language
A/N: shit I wish I did this art, but I found this black girl pic on the internet and I just had to use it! it’s absolutely beautiful. So full on S/O to the Pinterest profile Jess Create. Idk this person, but the artwork is just absolutely too beautiful not to share<3. This was technically my first time writing smut and I suck at it, so...sorry.
*All pic collages are made by me unless I state otherwise. Individual pictures in the collage are not mine and I give credit to where credit is due.
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Nala found herself in one of those unique circumstances where she ended up living with 2 other men. The only difference was that she knew one of them by the name of Bitsaeon since childhood. While growing up she made another friend by the name of Roda and it didn’t take long for all of them to get close and be each others closest friend. At some time during high school, Roda ended up moving away and it wasn’t until later in their 20s that Roda decided to move back, but instead it would be better and financially easier if all three of them lived together. That’s how Nala came to live with these two men who conveniently were her already good friends. 
Nothing honestly became awkward between them. They survived each others hook up moments they had in the apartment (both the warned and not warned moments). Others around them knew that they were close and wondered if Nala ever had any feelings for either at any point in time and her answer was always no. She knew majority of the females, whereever they were, always tried flirting with the boys, but she always helped them out when they had no interest in doing anything with those girls by pretending to be in a relationship with them. That’s how close she was to these boys. 
A new friend by the name of Narachan popped up around the time they all moved in together. He knew Roda and Bit from their work at the record label where the staff at the company gathered them to work on a project for the debut group under the company. During the project, they became close so when it eventually came to an end they kept in contact with each other. Eventually, Roda and Bit invited Narachan over to the apartment to be able to finally meet Nala in person and to hangout altogether. Nala was only ever acquainted with him through pictures and few brief exchanges over the phone. She was curious as to what kind of person he was.
The day Narachan finally came over, the two hit it off instantly. He was honestly just like Bit and Roda so it wasn’t hard trying to figure him out. They spent a whole evening together playing games, drinking, and just vibing. Nara spent the night on the couch since he had a little too much to drink and wouldn’t be able to drive back to his place. She gathered blankets and a pillow for him and wished him a goodnight. The next morning she woke up early (since for some reason she wakes up earlier after a night of drinking) and decided to grab hangover food for everyone. The smell of food eventually woke everyone up and they all enjoyed a nice breakfast. Nara evetually left after she convinced him to not worry about paying her back for the food. 
“So~” Bit speaks up while they (they as in Roda, Bit, and Nala) were having a lazy Saturday evening.
“So what?” Nala replied as she was taking down her hair that was long overdue. She always had a love hate relationship with her hair since it tended to be the 4c type. Her hair looked beautifully filled out when the cornrows are taken out, but once water touched it the shrinkage is real. 
“Narachan, y’all seem to have hit it off a lot better than Roda and I predicted” he replied.
“Honestly he’s adorable. He seriously reminds me of you two idiots so it’s probably why we got along so well” She answers focused a section of a row that refused to come out.
“oooohhhh does our Nala have a crush on our new friend?” Roda speaks up mockingly
“Oh shut up and no, he’s just chill and there for the vibe so I appreciate it” She replies smacking him on the shoulder. The room filled with laughter and the evening continued on as everyone did absolutely nothing worthwhile. 
Months passed by and eveyone were just as close as ever. One particular day, Nala had a date with a guy she had been talking to online and was beyond excited. Roda and Bit knew about her date and in order for them not to die of boredom without her, they planned a boys night out with Narachan. While getting ready in her room, she could hear Narachan walk in the front door, he really just wasn’t a very quiet human being. She felt proud of her outfit for the night. It was a cute, body shaping, off the shoulder black dress and black heels with a little silver jewelry to match. Her makeup was simple as well since she wasn’t one to wear a lot in the first place. Her date and her were going to an art gallery event since they both shared a love for those types of artistic events.  
After giving herself a look over, Nala grabs her purse and leaves her room. She walks into the kitchen to grab a glass of water before heading out. 
“WOOOWWWW” Nala hears Roda exclaim followed by a whistle
“Oh shut up” she rolls her eyes in response
“But honestly, does it look like too much? I mean we are going to an art show at a gallery” she start giving herself a once over having second thoughts.
“You look amazing” she hears Nara speak up. She looks up and sees him quickly avoid eye contact with her. Odd.
“Thanks boo” she replies back like she always does. Nala was one of those nickname girls who calls everyone boo, dude, or bruh so this didn’t phase anyone...well that’s what she assumed at least. She gave herself a once over when she gets a message from her date saying that he was outside. She tells the boys to have a fun night and not be too reckless without her around. They wished her a good night and she left the house ready for an amazing night.
That date was absolutely terrible. The whole night was a mess and it was because of him messing up left to right. They got to the event and turns out he bought faulty tickets for the event on some sketchy website so he pretty much got scammed. Nala let that pass since the night was still young so she decided they should go in anyways. She ended up paying for her own ticket which she found quite irritating because she really was only planning to spend very little if nothing at all tonight. They get into the event which was absolutely amazing. The ambiance of the whole place was set nicely and matched very well with the different art pieces posted around the small building. They had little snacks and drinks to offer guests since they came with the ticket purchase so she ate only a little expecting them to go to dinner like he had planned. 
During the whole event though, he drank and ate to his hearts content and when she reminded me him about dinner after he said this was it. That had her fuming because the last thing he can do to piss her off is mess with the relationship between food and her. He walked around flirting with other women at the event and fully neglected the art that they came here for. Even when they walked around, he stayed on his phone and only looked up to say “that’s cool” or “I don’t get it”. At least she could understand now that he lied about being an arts lover. They left the event and at that point she was ready to go home. He tried making a move on her which is what she realized was his whole motive for the night. He wasn’t too pleased at her rejecting him and called her a bitch and a dumb slut. So she called herself an uber and blocked his number. 
Honestly, they had talked for a few weeks so Nala thought it would work out, but she guessed it wasn’t in the stars. This always happened though. She could never find herself a decent guy because they either become a friend or end up being an asshole. You may ask “why not date the friend that’s decent then?” well it’s because once they hit it off, she finds it hard to see them any other way. Nala can acknowledge that they’re attractive, but that’s it. Another failed date for the books, hopefully the boys bought some alcohol so she could drown her sorrows.
Nala unlocks the front door to the apartment and kicks off her shoes once inside. She throws her stuff on the kitchen table and heads for the fridge. She opens it grateful there’s a new case of ales stocked and ready to be consumed. She cracks open the bottle and chugs half of it down.
“Um, Nala, you good?” She heard Narachan speak up from the darkness of the living room. This nearly causes her to choke not having realized he was there. She spends a few minutes coughing her lungs out before trying to say anything.
“Oh my god I’m sorry, did I scare you?!” he exclaims standing up from the sofa
“I’m fine, and yes you literally just scared the shit out of me” she laughs after finally coming down. 
“Oh sorry” he says scratching the back of his neck
“You’re fine and to answer the first question before I just almost died, no I’m not good. Tonight was terrible” she sighs grabbing herself another drink from the fridge and heading to the sofa. 
“You wanna talk about it” he asks sitting down beside her. She agreed and began telling him all that happened. Thoughtlessly laying her head on his shoulder and linking her arms around his. This tended to be her comfort mechanism whenever she vented her feelings. Bit and Roda were used to it by now, but very comforting to her as she poured out her feelings to them. So it didn’t seem weird to her to do it with Nara since she now considered him one of her good friends. They sat there in the darkness staring at the blank tv at the front of the room.
“I swear is it that guys think I’m ugly or take me as a joke? I seriously don’t know what’s wrong with me” 
“Nala you’re an absolutely amazing person. I do admit that your taste in men is pretty bad though” he replies with a laugh.
“Yeah I guess it is” she replies back with a sad laugh.
“If you don’t mind me asking, but Roda and Bit are actually amazing guys. Why is it you’ve never thought of a relationship with one of them” he comments
“Lol you wouldn’t be the first to ask that. I do admit that they’re amazing and not actually ugly. It just happens that guys that are amazing I end up becoming friends with them. There ends up being no feelings to them and I don’t know why that is, but it is” she states with an acknowledging sigh.
“So you can’t date decent guys because you end up becoming good friends with them?” he repeats back
“Pretty much” she sighs for the nth time tonight.
“So I guess there’s no hope for me huh?” he adds with a slight laugh. It took a moment for his words to register in her brain. 
“Wait...Nara, what d-did you just say” she stutters out
“Honestly, I’ve liked you ever since I first came to your place” he replies
“Nara that was months ago. Why didn’t you tell me?” she replies back still in shock
“I know and it would’ve been weird since we had just met. You are an absolutely amazing person and I didn’t want to ruin our friendship that had barely just started” 
“I- Nara” 
“It’s ok that you don’t feel the same way, I just thought you should know. I hope this doesn’t affect our friendship” he says finally looking down at her. She finally turns her head to look up from his shoulder. He just has a soft smile on his face. Nala doesn’t know what came over her, but she leaned in and kissed him. She could feel him freeze for a second, but finally lean into it. It was a soft and innocent kiss. They separated after what felt like forever.
“Nala, y-you don’t have to force yourself to like me back I promise I’ll be fine” he says still in shock
“You idiot, I’ve liked you for a little while now” she comments back laughing
“W-what did you...”
“I haven’t like you as long as you’ve liked me, but I think I realized my feelings not that long ago. I think you have been one of my first friends I’ve actually fell for” she replies back shyly looking away. They sat in silence over the confessions that have just been admitted. Next thing she realizes is a hand grabbing her chin up and lips back on hers. The kiss was intense and saw no end. Nara slowly laid her down on the sofa without the kiss having any sort of break. She wrapped her arms around his neck trying to bring him closer to her. The kiss, which really turned out to be a make out session finally reached it’s breaking point and they both needed to catch their breaths.
They starred into each others eyes catching their breath,
“Nala, please let me show you how amazing and worth it you really are” he says with almost pleading eyes
“O-okay” she reply back. He leaned back down connecting their lips once again in another heated kiss. Shs could feel his hands roaming her frame which only sent shivers down her spine and having her get butterflies in her stomach. His lips made his way to her chin then down to her neck and shoulder. The feeling of his lips were light and yet deadly like an addictive poison. Sbs felt him nip at her shoulder which caused slight pain to turn into immense pleasure. 
Nala felt his hands that were still left roaming go towards the back of her thighs. Before she knew it, he had picked her up to straddle him. He proceeded to stand up and she instinctively wrapped her legs around him. She paid no mind to what was happening because she could tell they were walking towards her room. He opened the door and once inside kicked it closed with his foot. He carried her to her bed where he laid her down and hovered not ceasing to leave leave alone for even a second. After what felt like another eternity, she felt him fully disappear. She let out a moan from the sudden lack of him and opened her eyes to see what was happening.
“Now sweetheart, can you take off that pretty little black dress for me” he said with a dark lusd filled voice. She starred at him completely amazed by the man who looks like Nara, but doesn’t sound like the one she know.
“Don’t make me ask you twice” he said slightly threateningly. She pulled her dress off over her head as fast as she could. She realized that apart from her lace underwear the only other thing she had on was the pasties covering her nipples so they wouldn’t poke out through the dress. At this realization, she covered herself up, but also realized that his dark gaze added an extra shiver up her spine.
“Nala, you’re beautiful. Don’t hide yourself from me” he says as he reaches out to put her arms by her side.
“C-can you at least take your shirt off...” she asks softly.
“Not yet. First I’m going to make you feel good” Nara utters with a smirk. He kneels and centers himself between her legs making himself at eye level to her. He goes in for another intense kiss to her lips. He pushes her down slowly onto the bed while he leads the trail of kisses down her neck then to the center of her chest. He reaches up and carefully removes the pasties from her right nipple. He then reaches towards her left nipple and removes the other pasty from there.
He start rolling the right nipple with his fingers and attacks the left one with his mouth. The sucking, tugging, and small licks he delivered out her in a state of near ecstasy. She felt the heat between her legs growing the more it was left neglected. She wanted him, needed him.
“P-please Nara, I need you” she begged. He released his right hand and glided it down her stomach to her inner thigh. She was going crazy, she craved the touch that was so close yet time made it seem so far away. Nara, slowly glided his fingers up to her heat and on to her sensitive nub. He didn’t do anything, but place his finger on her nub but that little gesture had her floating.
“F-fuck please, do something Nara” she begged
“Baby you’re so needy. Trust me this will all be worth it” he says softly. As she was about to respond he shoved one finger into her heat with no chance of warning
“F-FUCK FUCK OH MY G—OHHHH” she blurted out. He started moving his fingers in and out as he continued sucking on her now very sensitive nipple.
“A-another p-please” she begged. The one wasn’t giving her the feeling she wanted only the bare build up. He adds in a second finger and pumps faster. He curves his fingers which ended up hitting the spot that would send sparks flying.
“Found it” he whispers seducingly when he heard her let out a big moan. His pumps were constant, but fast and he could tell she was close to her release with her heat being like a vacuum to his fingers and removing them became increasingly difficult. To really push her over the edge, he placed his thumb on her clit and started circling motions causing more arousal than she even knew she could get.
“F-fuck N-Nara I’m so fucking close fuck” she squeaks out. He went faster and faster and her climax hit,
“F-FUCK DADDY” she exclaims as she pushes her orgasm with the help of his fingers. She started seeing sparks and felt like this could have only been a dream.
“So...daddy. I love the sound of that coming from your lips” he leans down to whisper in her ear once he finishes her
“I-I...” she had no words to say. She always knew this was one of her kinks, but never had she imagined calling this sweet “innocent” man daddy.
“So what do you want daddy to do for you princess?” He says in a deeper tone
“I need you Nara” she says softly with eyes looking in all directions but his
“That isn’t my name now is it” he glares
“Please d-daddy, I need you” she begged once again
“Now that’s my good girl” he replies. He stands up ripping off his shirt in a way that was a lot more sexy than needed. She never realized how fit Nara actually was and she could’ve honestly never guessed either. He continues on removing his pants leg by leg as their eye contact never broke from his. He tossed his pants to the side and grabbed the rim to his maroon boxer-briefs. All she could do was swallow at what would be occurring in just a few moments.
Nara agonizingly slow removed the clothing finally letting his hard member spring free. He wasn’t big, but he definitely wasn’t small either; he was just right. She could feel drool pool up and risk escaping her mouth. She just wanted to wrap her mouth around his member and suck him dry, but as soon as she sat up making her way towards himl, he stops her. 
“Baby girl, what do you think you’re doing” he asks with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.
“I-I just want to make daddy feel good” she replied without breaking eye contact with his hard member.
“As much as I appreciate the thought, I already told you I would make you realize how amazing you are” he says softly pushing her back on the bed.
“B-but I-” 
“No. Now answer me. Are you on birth control?” he asks in a demanding tone 
“Y-yes” she replies softly. She still wasn’t used to this side of Narachan.
“Good” is all he replies. He bends and spreads her legs and then pulls her bent legs forward to shift her whole body to the edge of the bed.
“You ready?” He asks almost as to make sure this is what she actually wants.
“Na- daddy, please” she looks at him with pleading eyes. At the very end of her statement he leans forward slowing filling up her hungry and deprived core. He pauses for a minute giving her time to adjust and once she said she was fine and he could move, he pulled out part way and pushed back in slowly.
His few slow strokes had her feeling like you were on cloud nine, but after a little while she hated to say it but she needed more.
“D-daddy please faster” she pleaded. On command, he started moving faster snapping his hips like he had been waiting for those words his whole life. He just as quickly got over this one position. He pulled out and she let out a sigh at the sudden emptiness.
“Hands and knees, now” he commands. Nala flips quick needing to be filled once more. She was expecting him to be gentle in the beginning until she told him it was ok to go faster, but she was wrong. Nara thrusted his hard member without warning cause her to let out a moan that she knew her poor neighbors would be able to hear. He was in pulling and pushing in and out at a constant yet fast speed.
Nala could feel her stomach tension build up and she knew she wouldn’t be able to last very much longer.
“I’m so close” she whaled out not caring who could hear her. Her moans became increasingly louder which encouraged Nara to go faster and deeper and one particular thrust hit her spot at just the right angle. She let out the biggest moan she had ever heard herself let out. He knew what he had done and made it a point to hit the exact spot back to back. He added the circling of her clit giving her an extra push to her splendid end.
She never realized sex could feel this amazing. Her past hookups were good for the moment but easily forgettable. With Nara, she doesn’t think she’ll ever be able to forget this. She always said that “having a big dick doesn’t always mean men always know how to use it” (a/n: I’ve heard this so many times so I can’t really give credit to a specific person...so credit to social media lol). As her moans persisted, he never let up until the very end. The tension finally peaked and she was hit with her climax.
Nara kept thrusting and circling her clit helping her ride out her high for a little while longer. Nala’s limbs gave out and she couldn’t bare her own weight anymore. She fell on her side trying to catch her breath and stopping the convulsions running through her body almost like they were trying to milk out as much of her climax as possible. Nara makes his way to the side of the bed, picking her up and moving her up the the head of the bed and covering her with the bed sheets.
“W-wait Nara...you didn’t cum did you?” She asks as she sits up slowly.
“It’s ok, this was for you...all for you” he finishes with a soft shy voice. He for the nth time threw her off tonight. Maybe this guy is bipolar because this wasn’t the same boy that was just ramming his cock into her only a moment ago.
“No. It’s not ok.” Nala deadpans
“Sit.” She commands. Out of nowhere, Nara found himself obeying and sitting on the bed. She climbs out of the bed with whatever new found strength she got out of nowhere and made her way between his legs. Her lips became at level with his still painfully erected member that was slightly oozing with precum.
“So you’re saying that you were going to deal with this yourself? Nara, you made me feel special, more than a lot of people who have been in my life so let me do the same for you” she says without hesitation, but a lot of confidence.
“But, Nala” he tried to interject
“That wasn’t a statement open for an opinion” she cuts him off before he could finish his statement.
“Now, tell me what I can do for you baby” she cooed lightly kissing his tip. He let out a small moan to only try and repress the others that would follow. She slapped her hands on his thighs using them as a way to propel herself towards him. Her lips slightly grazing his ear,
“No holding back. I want to hear you” she says with an evil whisper while placing her hand on his member and stroking it dreadfully slow. She pulls back to make eye contact with the now frazzled man who tries his best to keep as much composure as possible. That failed. He let out a small string of grunts and moans that he gave up trying to suppress. So with a smile, Nala commands,
“So tell me what you want mommy to do”
“P-please suck me off...m-mommy” he says with a breathless tone.
“Anything for my baby” she replies with a smirk. She gets back on her knees and licks a strip from base to tip. She then wraps her lips around his member and begins to bob her head, hallowing her cheeks out. Nara continues on with his moans and grunts.
“Mommy please faster...deeper” he says barely able to get his words out. Nala did as requested making him moan out “yeses” and “fucks”. Just like Nala, Nara felt the tension of his climax building up.
“Fuck I’m so close...mommy....please...inside you” was all he was able to muster out. She releases his member with a pop that echoed through the room. She stands a little ways in front of him,
“So what position baby do you want me” she says with a lustful gaze. His boldness takes over as he grabs her arm and bends her over the edge of the bed. He pushes his member in and starts thrusting a a decently quick pace. The room is filled with slaps of skin to skin and strings of moans and profanity.
Nara brought Nala’s body up to a standing position with his member still deep in her, but the skin on her back molding with his chest. He continued with his last few thrusts before meeting his ultimate bliss. He thrusted a few more times to let out whatever seed he felt like he left in him. He pulled out causing Nala to feel emptiness once again while she laid back in the bed and he goes to the bathroom to grab a towel.
He comes back and cleans both of them up and tosses the used towel into the laundry basket. He gets back into bed and pulls her in so they’re chest to chest.
“Hey Nala” he speaks up
“Mhmm” was all she was able to get out.
“You know I like you right?” He asks
“Dumbass...I really like you too” she replies back with a light hit to his chest. He laughs as he pulls her in for a closer hug. Not too long later, they both were fast asleep in each other’s arms.
The next morning, the sun beamed through the window of Nala’s bedroom. Nara was the first to open his eyes and he couldn’t be more at peace looking at Nala’s sleeping form. He couldn’t believe that the girl he’s pretty much been in love with for the past months is finally in his arms. He must’ve not realized he zoned out because when he finally snapped back to reality, Nala was staring back at him with her beautiful brown eyes.
“G-good morning” he stutters out
“Good morning” Nala replies in a sleepy voice
“So...breakfast?” He quirks up
“Pancakes sound amazing right now ” Nala laughs
“Definitely, let me go make some” Nara snaps up as he begins to get out of bed. Nala suddenly reaches out for his arm,
“What’s wrong?” Nara looks back kind of concerned
“Nara, let’s make them together...for a commemoration...” she shyly speaks up.
“Commemoration for what?” He laughs
“Our first day” she says with a warm smile. This reply startles Nara because he realized that he never actually asked Nala out.
“I’m a dumbass, I don’t normally hook up with someone I like before hooking up with them” he hangs his head in embarrassment.
“It’s ok, honestly. Last night was really great” Nala replies lovingly
“It was, wasn’t it” Nara smiles to himself
“But you know what’s even better?”
“What?” Nara questions with a laugh of confusion
“PANCAKES!” Nala replies as she jumps out of the bed and runs to the door. Nara catches her as soon as they reach the kitchen and holds her in his embrace. Nala turns around and reaches up on her tippy toes to give him a quick peck.
“EEEHHHEEEMMMM” a voice comes out of nowhere. Nara and Nala both snap their heads to the mysterious voice and grow a look of embarrassment when they see Bit and Roda sitting in the living room watching tv
“How are you guys like this this early in the morning?” Roda speaks up with a grossed out face
“Ummmm” Nala speaks up
“Ah nevermind, I don’t wanna know. I’m just glad y’all are finally together, Roda you owe me 20 bucks” Bit laughs sticking out his hand. Roda reaches for his wallet and retrieves the 20 to give to Bit.
“What the hell kind of bet did you guys even place?” Nala aks getting increasingly angry.
“Oh just that lover boy over there would confess to you before the end of the month. I was getting nervous that I would lose, but thanks Nara” Bit laughs waving the 20 in the air. Nara’s face got red not realizing that his feelings for you were that obvious to eveyone but you.
“Y’all are assholes” Nala tried to rush them, but stops herself to turn around.
“Wait...Nara...were you in on this?!” She says looking a little heart broken. Nara starts to realize what she means,
“Nala I promise I knew nothing about this. If I did...that wouldn’t make much sense now would it” he replied hastily with his hands up and back.
“Don’t worry Nala, Nara knows nothing of this” Roda replies back with a nonchalant smile.
“Fine, I would’ve ended all of you if it was true” she say with clenched teeth. Nara comes behind her giving her another back hug and she visibly melts into his touch.
“Wait...where were y’all last night. I got home from the freak show of a date and Nara was chilling on the couch by himself”
“Oh we had a last minute edit to make for one of the album tracks we’re making for that new debut group. We were trying to finish up quickly, but when we did...let’s just say we heard and saw more than we wanted to” Roda replies with a shiver.
“Oh my g- wait, don’t tell me y’all stayed in the house the whole night” Nala says in a panic.
“Why the fuck would we want to stay and listen to all of that. As soon as y’all went to the bedroom we dipped and went to the bar with Beomhan” Roda spoke up.
“Wait isn’t he the kid in the debut group you’re working with? Isn’t it risky for him to be out like that?” Nala speaks up and Nara nods in agreement behind her,
“He was bored so what the company doesn’t know won’t kill them” Bit laughs.
“Oh whatever, y’alls career funerals” Nara speaks up laughingly.
“Oh shut up lover boy. On a different note I hear we’re having pancakes” Roda smiles.
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kob131 · 4 years
Hey remember when Soku said he was gonna stop talking about RWBY?
Guess who got caught lying?
I don’t know what tag you’re looking through about the homophobia thing considering the majority of the people seem to be gay and would probably call you out if they saw this.
I don’t remember you guys ever calling anyone out for calling Illa a ‘psycho lesbian’ because villain + gay = psycho lesbian apparently.
Oh wait, which tag is it that says that? hm...
Look people doing rewrites on the series is a non problem, and the dumbest gripe.
so is 99% of what you fuckers pull. Like bitching that a catgirl was put into a catsuit.
But rwby isn’t well written some is allowed to watch it to fix it to reconstruct or deconstruct it there is no harm to this and the series could benefit from a rewrite.
Too bad you assholes break the show EVEN FURTHER when you do rewrite shit *cough* RE:RWBY *cough*.
If you don’t like it don’t go through the constructive criticism tag just to cry cause someone doesn’t wanna kiss rwby’s butt like you do.
Last time constructive criticism existed in the RWDE tag: 900 BC.
Yeah sure.
I don't know how to tell some of ya'll that just because you constantly argue against criticism and the other person gets tried to talking to a brick wall doesn't mean you win.
This ain't your preschool, this requires critical thinking skills which some of ya'll clearly lack.
And just because you reject facts and demand that your delusions are true doesn’t make the other person a brick wall. You just don’t understand how to debate.
Your idea of nit picking is not the correct use of the term. Nor do whoever you are know what is and isn’t criticism on a subject. 
Nit picking. Noun. “looking for small or unimportant errors or faults, especially in order to criticize unnecessarily.“
Literally all you do.
Also I’m only an asshole to people who are assholes back. So don’t pretend like you know me and mind your own? Deal? Deal.
Sorry Soku, that makes you a sexist, racist, transphobic Nazi. You know, since that’s MY Modius Operandi.
Also your blog is FILLED with bad political takes so you’re  the LAST person I wanna hear tall about “not picking”
“Can white people approiate basic human decency?”
Remember that take on your old blog?
Now what were you saying about politics...
I didn’t watch vol 7 thank god,-
So you have no idea what you’re about to say? Got it.
but a friend of mine on my discord mentioned flynt and neon returning (with Ik finally) and boy they really gave the catgirl a hoodie with cat ears on it? And Blake has a catsuit? Miles, Kerry, Shane and Monty always talked about how “subtle” they are with things like scenes and designs and they put both the catgirls in outfits that are so on the nose it might as well be a part of your skin.
Where was that said again?
Also that;s not were the term catsuits come from.  It comes from cat burglars using them.
Isn’t that like going “Hey black guy put these big lips on over your other lips? Or the black guy having a fucking basketball printed on their jacket?” Good lord, in a world where people can be born with cat ears, and tails don’t you think it’s kinda freaking disgusting that these exist where humans can wear them? 
And before you say that’s the point, in a world where none of the faunus get to say how they feel about these things and don’t have real life minority reactions to things like white dudes walking around with grills and fros and crap it kinda isn’t when the faunus girl wears a hoodie depicting one of the features of her own race that they were hunted down and slaughtered for.
Considering that it’d be no different than a white person getting cornrows-
Also it kind of is since black people walk around emphasizing their DARK SKIN, which is the basis of their discrimination.
You’re just race obsessed.
Hmm funny that the rich white girl who was racist gets an overpowered semblance that shares alot of feats like her team like being able to make runes that increase speed, Platforms, Remove gravity, shoot projectiles, Make people stick to them etc etc. Oh and she has the ability to summon monsters that show feats of strength that rivals one of her partners.
Meanwhile the minority character is shown to fuck up alot, gets treated like shit and never gets an apology from said racist, get nerfed constantly, have her weapon poorly sautared back together while the rest of her team gets upgrades and has the weakest semblance of the three.
Seems alittle off white writers.
And who has the better fight record than the other?
... The minority?
Hm, seems off black complainer.
Oh did that sound racist? Hm, dunno why it sound considering you said the SAME THING
So Let me get this straight, vol 7 has ended and apparently they lost the one relic they had, still haven’t found the newer one or did but still have to deal with Ironwood and several others. Cinder is still alive, Neo is siding with her out of fear? When she wanted vengeance and could team up with rwby.
this is volume 7 of supposedly 10 so three more seasons and they still haven’t sat down and talked about what they’re supposed to to against the immortal grimm lady, they don’t know where the relic at beacon is and ozpin’s still ghosting them, and they’re foolishly gathering them all in one spot instead of taking the maiden and the relic and putting both of them on the farest corners of the planet? I thought they were going to atlas to meet with someone Weiss knew as the Anton Sokolov Play dishonored! of their world to build a rocket and send at least one rocket into a black hole and never have an issue with Salem again.
three more seasons and a plan hasn’t even been formed to deal with her or the relics, Emerald and Mercury are doing nothing, Cinder has no goal except to be the new adam and chase the heros and get her ass kicked, Hazel’s doing nothing, The comms are down and we haven’t heard a peep from whoever runs Vacuo, Blake and Ruby have still had barely any interaction, Weiss hasn’t apologized for her racism, We never addressed how and why did Raven appear in Yang’s dreams, Why did ren from shields over his hands and show off feats of strength that rival yangs or his weird ability to sense tyrian? Neo’s eyes changed color when she saw Raven and her teleport ability. Lore Like how semblance, Lien (the money that looks like credit cards but has zero numbers on it work) The examples of agriculture, Flora and Fauna, dust and so on.
A. Haven’t they said it’s more like twelve?
B. Nope, Ozpin’s back. But hey, who needs to actually KNOW what you’re talking about?
C. Can’t do that, don’t know where the Spring Maiden is. Would have known this if you watched Volume 6.
D. They never said that and expressly said they were meeting with Ironwood to get the relic somewhere secure. Gee, that’s the THIRD thing you’ve gotten wrong. Hm...
E.So Soku, how does Quirks affect agiculture? What were the original Quirks like? Who had the first Quirk? What was life like for people when Quirks were uncommon? Hm? Nothing is said?
MHA is shit, SOku said so.
But sure, three more seasons to cram that all in AND a plan and character interaction/Growth and so on, this is a lovely mess of a show.
And as you have shown, you paid attention to 0% of it so how would you know?
So how’s that tar and feather treatment treating you Soku? Because I have so many more ways of humiliating you, happy showcase them as long as you open that bitchy little mouth of yours.
So go ahead and keep posting. It just lets me indulge my sadism without remorse.
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gleefail · 4 years
Glee Memories: 1x6 Vitamin D
A long, long time ago, as Glee was approaching graduation in Season 3, I found myself nostalgic with some rare free time on my hands. So I decided to rewatch the series from the beginning and jot down some memories, discrepancies that have arisen since, fave quotes, tally solos - all that good stuff, strictly for shits and giggles.
8 years later (eek!) and once more I find myself with an unexpected abundance of free time. With so many revisiting or being newly introduced to the show between binge watching during Quarantine and all the tragedy that has surrounded the show since it went off the air, I figured I’d finish what I started. And by finish, I mean go through the end of S3. Cause I truly cannot acknowledge what happened after that. Except for 5B.
Kicking this off by reposting the first 15 episodes I already went through. Enjoy!
1x6 Vitamin D Mr. Schue is worried cause the Glee club is being lazy and complacent. First time and still true until Sue came along to help the club.
Mmmmkay. And now Mercedes starts dressing kinda funky. Oh goody. :/
Ugh. Listen, I have adored Matthew Morrison since I saw him in Hairspray 10 years ago, but it’s still not at all appealing when he tries to lick that mustard off his own chin.
“I will hold my tongue no further.”
”You have to remember something: we’re dealing with children. They need to be terrified. It’s like mother’s milk to them. Without it, their bones won’t grow properly.”
“Ellen, that blouse is just insane.”
”I don’t understand how lightening is in competition with an above ground swimming pool”
“Okay, split up: guys on the right side, girls on the left side…Kurt” *gestures for him to join the boys, not the girls* Kurt looks soooo pissed. And is such a baby-faced nugget!
A Mash-Up was just defined and used for the first time.
”We’re planning on smacking them down like the hand of God” yaaaaay, Sue’s Journal entries! I miss those. Hey, did she ever get that hovercraft she was working towards?
”Let me be frank: your husband is hiding his kielbasa in a Hickory Farms gift basket that doesn’t belong to you.”
”I’ve always thought the desire to procreate showed deep personal weakness. Me? Never wanted kids. Don’t have the time, don’t have the uterus.” #oops
“I think you should both pack up and move out of the district. Unless you wanna lose your man to a mentally ill ginger pygmy with eyes like a bush baby”
the Matthew Morrison mustard licking is even less appealing in slow motion. Ew.
Terri just wiped Emma’s mug off with her own spit. Even if you didn’t have OCD, that is not right.
“But you’re not a nurse. You don’t have any training…” “Oh please, Will – it’s a public school.”
Wait…Mr. Schue seems to be teaching music theory? WTF? Has this happened before? Since?
“She freaks me out in a Swim Fan kinda way”
“But her body’s smokin’…if you’re not into boobs” Finn re: Rachel
I don’t think I ever caught this before – Finn is rubbing BioFreeze on his legs and accidentally scratches near his eye…and you can see the effect set in and then he spazzes out. Ha! #BlessFinnsHeart
“My mom says I’m stretched too thin so I gave up homework but that didn’t help” #BlessFinnsHeart
“Puck, with respect, you’re more helpful when you don’t contribute”
“Where’s Quinn?” “Probably down at the mall looking for elastic waistbands”
“Let’s do the number and then build a house for Habitat for Humanity” oh, Finn on ‘vitamin d’. He has the mind of a child. Especially during this performance. Holy crap!
“No one at Glee is gonna judge you.” Oh, that will change Rachel.
Hahahaha, Quinn drew pornographic pictures of Rachel on the bathroom walls. I miss when Quinn hated Rachel. Just a little bit. Cause she did it so well and right now it would please my soul to see some of that.
Poor Howard Bamboo is so terrified of Terri and just pitiful. I just want to hug him and tell him to stand up to her! :(
“I see em’ together all the time – laughing, talking…all the stuff she never does with me”
Terri’s office looks like it’s the same as Emma’s…
“I am not built to work 5 days a week”
“I’ve been thinkin’ maybe that if you and I started seein’ each other on the side it might kinda cancel their thing out”
“She doesn’t like to be touched…by me.”
“Look at the two of us. You pregnant and me with psoriasus and one testicle that won’t descend.”
“Though I’ve been grouped with the boys, my allegiance still remains with you ladies. They declined my offer to do their hair in cornrows and all my artistic decisions have been derioted as ‘too costly’ because they involve several varieties of exotic bird feathers.”
Rachel’s goal is a Grammy, not a Tony. #oops
smack-talking Finn is a giant douche. Ugh.
“You being here is not good for our marriage.” “Spending time together is not good for our marriage?” She has a point…
“A lot of ants on the sidewalk today.” *long uncomfortable silence* “Pretty late in the season for that.”
oh, Ken proposing. I hated you from the first moment I laid eyes on you.
“Look, Emma, I know our relationship hasn’t been perfect. You won’t ride in my car. I can’t touch you above the wrist. Remember you cried for an hour that one time my elbow accidentally brushed by your breast? But I think about you all day long. I kiss that picture of us at the State Fair every night before I go to sleep. Emma Pillsbury, this is not an engagement ring – no, I mean it is, but it’s more than that. It’s a promise. Look, Emma, I know you have this thing about being clean. Now I can’t promise to pick up my underwear or squeegee the shower door, but I can promise to keep your life clean of sadness and loneliness and any other dark clouds that might float into it. It’s cubic zirconia. I know how effected you were by Blood Diamond.”
“Thankyousomuch,itreallyisapleasure.Whiletheboyschoseaselectionofsongsthatcastaneyeinwardontheirresponsiblelifechoicesandsexualhungeroftoday’smodernteens,wehavechosenaselectionofsongsthatspeakstothenationasawholeduringthesetroublingtimesfilledwitheconomicuncertaintyandunbridledsocialwoebecauseifthere’stwothingsAmericaneedsrightnow,thatissunshineandoptimism.” *awkward pause and Rachel finally breathes* “Also angels.” OMG. Maybe my favorite Rachel Berry moment ever.
Also, this was one of my fave musical moments (songs, singers, choreography) of all of Season One. Heather Morris is gangsta on this, dancing like she’s on crack. OMG. I love it. Every one of these girls is such a great dancer.
“Can you um…can you think of any other options I might have?” “Is that a reason to marry someone?” “That’s not what I’m asking.” See, Glee still does this – these weird conversations that are clearly about something else, but never really get finished and things are left in limbo but as if the akward moment didn’t happen, so I think I’m losing my mind when I look for the continuity….ugh. Headache. What just happened?
“You have no chance with my husband. Do I make myself clear? You might think there’s some kind of competition going on with you and I, but that’s like saying that a nail is competing with a hammer.”
“Do yourself a favor, honey. Marry Ken Tanaka. Oh sure, he’s dumb like sand, and his fondue pot of nationalities is gonna open your kids up to a host of genetic diseases…but he’s kind, and he’s generous. And he’s available.” I don’t like Terri but….truth.com right there.
“I need to talk to you, about the baby” “Is everything ok? You’re not having it right now, are you?” What?! No! Aren’t you supposed to be a nurse?”
“You want money from me?” “It’s gonna be your baby.” “Which means I’m gonna be paying the bills for 18 years – I think you can handle 9 months” Oh Terri.
Aw. My heart still breaks for Emma during this scene where she basically accepts Ken’s proposal and asks for a secret marriage. And says she doesn’t wanna spend the rest of her life alone. Gah – so sad! :(
“I don’t even remember performing.”
“I’m sorry for what I said the other day. For calling you contemptable and deplorable” “Ah, that’s ok. I didn’t even know what those words meant.” #BlessFinnsHeart
“My goals are too selfish.” Rachel. Why did you forget that lesson?
Howard Bamboo got arrested on suspicion of running a meth lab. Ha!
“You are oblivious to consequences” A running theme of this show.
oh Glee. Again with the weird situations…neither Will nor Emma even preTENded to be happy about her marrying Ken when she told him. How does neither of them address it? What just happened?
I remember the first time I saw this episode and I loved that Rachel Berry had changed to being a team player and making her goal about winning sectionals with the team. That didn’t last long. SOLOS: Finn (1), Artie (1), Rachel (1) MERCEDES TAKES THE GLORY NOTE: 2nd time
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alphabees-writes · 4 years
Glee - S1 E6 (Vitamin D)
They call it vitamin D for the whole thing but wasn’t it just a component for some really hard drug??? We love the bullshit
The millionth step ball change... And we’re only 6 episodes in
Mr Schue just said “Maybe so” and now all I can think of is the gif meme thing
heheheheheheh.......Sorry. Funny youtube. 
Sign #27 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: He’s eating that sandwich in the GROSSEST WAY POSSIBLE. He’s chewing with his mouth open, breathing really loud, talking with his mouthful, and he’s clearly being messy about it because there’s mustard all over his chin!!! How is Emma crushing on this dweeb
Sign #28 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: When Emma says he’s got a “cute Kirk Douglas chin dimple” (barf) he doesn’t say, hey! Maybe don’t flirt with me, I’m married!
I’m genuinely starting to feel ill whenever I have to just look at Mr Schue...
Everybody trying to learn their choreo and they’re just.... Spinning. Kurt’s about to fall over, Matt and Mike are bumping into each other, and Brittany’s just Tasmanian Devil-ing her way across the room. Love em
Brittany completely ignoring Artie’s high-five and him being like “oh-- okay...” is underrated
Matt Morrison just delivered “simply stopped trying” really weirdly. I don’t know what’s throwing me off about it, but it is
You’re right, Sue. Bones won’t grow properly without fear. AND EMMA’S BLOUSE IS INSANE
“I don’t understand how lightning is in competition with an above-ground swimming pool” You’re RIGHT KURT and you SHOULD SAY IT! Bears and sharks aren’t in competition either! Call out post for Mr Schue: The man knows NOTHING of the most basic ecology!
The look Quinn gives Finn when he yawns... Let my mans nap!!!
Kurt did his best to get to the girl’s side. Can you fucking blame him? Puck’s still an asshole to him as far as we all know!
Santana and Brittany just casually linking arms... Be still my beating heart
Kurt just walking along with Finn to football practice... Look at those brothers go!!! I am ignoring Puck
Ohh Sue’s journal... A wonderful character
You’re right, Sue, Will Schuester IS to blame for the world’s problems. Please do destroy the man
“I’ve always thought the desire to procreate showed deep personal weakness” Got ‘em
And thus begins the saga of Sue pushing problem people down the stairs. I’m not saying she should do that to Mr Schue... I’m just saying, why doesn’t she?
If Will wasn’t flirting with Emma, he wouldn’t get all nervous and upset when his wife turns up. Them’s the facts.
Does Terri know about Emma’s germophobia...? Because if so, it’s probably not cool for Will to have told her that. Unless Sue did, but I wouldn’t put it past him
As if they could get away with hiring a random unqualified woman as a school nurse?
Is “route” really pronounced like that......? Huh
Finn getting Biofreeze in his eye will forever be hilarious.
LEVEL 2!!!
I hate hats. I don’t know why, but I do. And I want Kurt to live his best life, but man, I hate that hat
Cory Monteith really got paid to drool. Goals
“Puck, with respect, you’re more helpful when you don’t contribute” Tell him, Artie!!!
Everybody making fun of Quinn :C Britt, you’re better than this!!
People (I’m people) can hate on Rachel all they want but this scenario is one example of her actually working harder than anybody else in the group. Yes, the solos should be shared more equally, but it’s hard to be mad at her when the others are claiming her ideas as their own and sitting around when they should be rehearsing. Except Brittany! She’s stretching, at least, love her
Terri let him NAP. WITHOUT DRUGS.
Finn’s having some serious mental health concerns but he’s not getting what he needs and I hate it. Help him!!!
Why does Terri care if Finn’s not faithful? Like, yeah, he should be, but it’s not going to affect the baby!
Surely if she took those pills for ALL of high school, they would’ve lost their effect after a while?
God I love high Finn. He just CHUCKED Matt outta that chair. 
Puck knows what’s up. Kurt thinks it’s vitamin C, because Vogue said so, and Iove him. He also looks SO weirded out
Terri gave him a whole BOX huh?
Time for season 1′s best mash-up. I love this so much. They’re all going so HARD and Finn looks like his eyes are about to pop right out. The way he’s rubbing the mic... How could they not tell he was off his face???
I feel like I shouldn’t find this performance cute because they’re all meant to be high as shit BUT THEY’RE JUST SO EXCITED???
Kevin McHale bumps every song features in up by at least 2 letter grades and that’s just a fact
I would say the same for Matt but then I’ll get sad about him being dumped into the void in like 16 episodes time
Oh Rachel worrying about Quinn... Be still my gay heart
Rachel just cuts right through her bullshit without hesitating for a second. She knows what it’s like to feel like the odd one out and she’s doing the absolute most to make sure Quinn doesn’t feel that way and I love her for it
The way Quinn slowly turns to face her... And Rachel says they don’t have to be enemies and Quinn can’t understand why Rachel would offer her a second chance... 
Quinn legit draws porn of Rachel it’s canon. I mean it’s fucked up but there are only so many reasons a person would do that
“I would’ve tortured you if the roles were reversed you know” “I know” And then the way she watches Rachel walk away... My HEART
Ken and Terri, the power duo of awful
“Laughing... Talking... All the stuff she never does with me” I hate it. They suck. Emma is a dumbass for agreeing to date a guy who she just genuinely doesn’t like and Ken’s just an ASSHOLE for bullying her into it
And now Ken’s about to propose because he’s being bullied into it. Why the fuck does this happen?
I don’t buy that Rachel took this long to berate all the girls for not prepping their mash-up harder after the boys killed theirs. She’d be right on that
Kurt I love the waistcoat and the bowtie but WHAT is happening on your ELBOWS.
You really wanted those guys in cornrows, Kurt? None of them have the length for it. ALSO I love that the exotic bird feathers thing comes back next season 10/10
F-ROD!!! GO OFF RACHEL!!! Even if Finn doesn’t know what half these words mean!
Rachel really wakes up with flawless hair, huh! And then she just... Does all that. She never stops being extra...
Did they just start walking in the opposite direction?
I feel like it’s dumb that Rachel doesn’t just tell Mr Schue that they all took pills, but it’s more in character for her to not waste an opportunity to perform anyway
Howard Bamboo,totally unqualified man who absolutely isn’t staff, is just allowed on campus to deliver DRUGS? HELLO???
Quinn only gets folic acid... And yet I’m pretty sure she manages to keep up with everybody else. HOW?
“What’s up with Ken?” [FRANTIC PAPER SHREDDING] 
I don’t care how married you are, no person should lick another person’s face
I can physically feel the awkwardness between Will and Terri. JUST DIVORCE ALREADY
Don’t like ya Will but you’re right, shit’s not healthy if there’s no space!
Imagine proposing in the staff room at work just because a random woman told you to
“Emma Pilsbury, this is not an engagement ring” “Oh thank god--” “No, I mean, it is” Just take the L, Ken
Quinn’s so fucking concerned. I love this
I usually don’t like yellow clothes but these girls make it look so dang CUTE. More pastels plz
Again, I have no idea how pregnant Quinn is keeping up at all...
Kurt’s wearing those blocky shades so the boys can’t see his betrayal
Where the hell did this mock-stage set up come from
“We came up with the idea together!” No... Will, that was Sue. Sue gave you the idea
Emma’s pretty much explicitly told Will she’s only marrying Ken because Will won’t be with her. EVERYBODY SUCKS
This argument between Terri and Emma is a nightmare. The most confrontational person VS the least... I’d fucking evaporate if Terri came at me like that
The way Emma’s voice shakes when she tells Terri that Will deserves better... Ouchie
Quinn is just adorable. Diana made this character, and she did such an amazing job... She’s more empathetic than she lets anybody realise
The fact that Terri won’t even help this TEENAGE GIRL pay for the baby that she’ll eventually adopt is a nightmare. Where do you expect her to get the cash from?
Wanting to get married without being married is kind of a mood... Secret marriage
Finn and Rachel both realising they screwed up is perfect. 
Finn continuing to not know what any words mean is also perfect
This is a cute Rachel moment actually... Yes girl compete WITH your friends!!! You’re a team!!!!
Ahh, methamphetamines! That’s what it was. Yeah, fuck Terri
I’m still looking at Matt Morrison’s lips and trying to figure out if he’s had fillers. They just curl too far!!!
Mr Schue being called out for making things too competitive - fine, I guess. Bringing in SUE to rectify that...??? Hello? Figgins?
Those white jeans are a LOOK Kurt. He’s like a twink Steve Jobs rn
Britt and Santana’s little smiles at each other when Sue’s announced as co-captain... Hell yeah future wives
I’d like to think Will’s upset about Emma marrying Ken for the right reasons (i.e. Ken’s an asshole) but we been knew he’s not. He’s looking at her like he’s just been shot
I really just love how stupid this show is! It makes no god damn sense and I fall for it every time!
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #178
Mon Aug 19 2019 [11:39 PM] Wack'd: Welcome to 1977! [11:42 PM] Wack'd: When last we saw our intrepid heroes, the Frightful Four had shot Ben into the Negative Zone, entrapped Reed, Sue, Johnny, Thundra, and Tigra, and teamed up with a big purple monster named "Brute", who is actually the shape-shifting Reed Richards of Counter-Earth! [11:42 PM] Wack'd: Exciting! [11:43 PM] Bocaj: Good ol' Tigra [11:44 PM] Bocaj: I can only imagine that her stint with the FF has more dignity to it than her first stint with the Avengers [11:44 PM] Wack'd: So Thomas apparently decided the Negative Zone thing was a little much, and teases a fight between Ben and a buncha weirdies before Counter-Reed fishes him out and puts him in shackles [11:45 PM] Wack'd: ...debatable
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[11:46 PM] Bocaj: DIGNITy [11:46 PM] maxwellelvis: "Is it really such a stretch?" [11:47 PM] Wack'd: So backstory time! Counter-Reed was shot into space during the Galactus / High Evolutionary fight to get reinforcements, and, well [11:47 PM] Wack'd: 🎵 He was struck by cos~mic rays! 🎶 [11:48 PM] Bocaj: sure [11:49 PM] Wack'd: Anyway I guess being martyred made him jaded or evil or whatever [11:49 PM] Wack'd: They don't really get into it, and it's not like any member of the Frightful Four has airtight motivations, so [11:49 PM] Wack'd: Anyway he stowed away on the Four's ship to get to Earth and here we are [11:50 PM] Wack'd: Counter-Reed demand Reed dies because this planet ain't big enough for the two of them [11:51 PM] Wack'd: And Flint is like "what? No, we have other plans," even though the last time this team showed up he was the murderery one, but whatever [11:52 PM] maxwellelvis: Last time must have remembered Sandman's half-Osborne [11:52 PM] maxwellelvis: and this time they forgot that. [11:52 PM] Wack'd: Which is weird, because the reverse cornrows are back [11:53 PM] maxwellelvis: Yeah [11:53 PM] Wack'd: Anyway, turns out they're holding the Four for ransom, so Counter-Reed takes a chill pill, but if the ransom doesn't get paid he's gonna murder the fuck out of Reed [11:53 PM] Bocaj: we don't have to believe that Sandman is related to Norman [11:53 PM] Bocaj: We don't have to give John Byrne that [11:54 PM] Wack'd: Here we are--his last two appearances were under Conway's pen [11:54 PM] Wack'd: So we can chalk that character trait up to just more of Conway being an edgelord [11:55 PM] maxwellelvis: Either that or Gerry was just writing him like he was in a Spider-Man comic. [11:56 PM] maxwellelvis: But also, in that appearance, Sandman was in that horrid outfit Jack Kirby put him in, right? [11:56 PM] Wack'd: Ben wonders where Impossible Man is, and
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[11:56 PM] Wack'd: Remember, kids! TV is bad! Read comics instead! [11:56 PM] maxwellelvis: Oh no, we're going there. [11:57 PM] maxwellelvis: Let's just be thankful he didn't turn on one of the eps with Mork in it. [11:57 PM] Bocaj: God his eyebrows are intense [11:57 PM] Wack'd: @maxwellelvis : Under Conway, or I guess under Buscema and Buckler? The costume went away. George Pérez has brought it back [11:58 PM] maxwellelvis: But he has his hair visible this time? [11:58 PM] maxwellelvis: So I guess he ditched the helmet? [11:58 PM] Wack'd: I'm pretty sure it's always been more of a...head-jockstrap [11:59 PM] Wack'd: Roy Thomas' fixation on how 60s the Four are continues--get it? No one reads them anymore!
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[11:59 PM] maxwellelvis: Clearly, Justin Credible should have played Sandman in a Fantastic Four movie [12:00 AM] Bocaj: I wonder what the sales do look like [12:00 AM] Wack'd: More topical references
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[12:01 AM] Wack'd: Hi NYC Mayor Abe Beame, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, and a pre-election Ronald Reagan [12:01 AM] maxwellelvis: Ha ha, it's funny because Gerry fell over [12:01 AM] Wack'd: Gerry? [12:02 AM] maxwellelvis: Gerry Ford [12:02 AM] Wack'd: Ahhh [12:02 AM] Wack'd: hahahahahahahahaha
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[12:03 AM] Wack'd: I guess Pete is the murdery one now?
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[12:05 AM] Wack'd: Kinda got a one-track mind, don'tcha, Wizard
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[12:05 AM] maxwellelvis: It's like he uses that statement as punctuation. [12:06 AM] Wack'd: Anyway, here's a plot point that's dated oddly--Impossible Man's TV-watching is cut short by the end of the broadcast day [12:06 AM] Wack'd: Assuming the TV is out of juice, he goes to fidget with the Baxter's generator [12:07 AM] Wack'd: And thus ends up turning off all power to the building, including the mechanical traps our heroes were stuck in [12:07 AM] maxwellelvis: Oh. [12:07 AM] maxwellelvis: We're not going where I thought we were. [12:07 AM] Wack'd: You thought he was going to save the day with pop culture references [12:07 AM] maxwellelvis: And I was so looking forward to seeing Impossible Man go around on a bike and leather jacket [12:08 AM] Wack'd: Yeah, we were on the same page [12:08 AM] maxwellelvis: I thought he was going to get into wacky hijinks imitating Fonzie. [12:08 AM] Wack'd: Anyway, fight fight fight~ [12:09 AM] Bocaj: Impossible Man was the 'villain' of an episode of Avengers Assemble. [12:09 AM] Bocaj: His shtick there was that he was the Biggest Fan of Falcon and decided to use his powers to force Falcon more into a starring role [12:09 AM] Wack'd: Impossible Mite [12:09 AM] maxwellelvis: They turned him- yeah [12:09 AM] Bocaj: Like most episodes of Avengers Assemble I was mostly just embarrassed for having watched it and second hand embarrassed that it even got made [12:09 AM] maxwellelvis: they turned him into Bat-Mite [12:10 AM] Wack'd: It's Sue against Counter-Reed, who can't bring himself to kill her because APPARENTLY ANOTHER BOOK REVEALED COUNTER-SUE IS IN A COMA AND HE'S REAL SAD ABOUT IT [12:10 AM] Wack'd: SURE [12:11 AM] maxwellelvis: I think if I ever got to be the showrunner of a series of Marvel cartoons, I'd try to have Irving Forbush fill the role they tried to fit Impossible Man into, @Bocaj [12:11 AM] Bocaj: From what I know of him, that makes more sense [12:11 AM] Wack'd: I dunno if this is the point at which shared universes officially become a mistake [12:11 AM] Wack'd: But we're getting there [12:12 AM] Wack'd: Anyway, Reed's stretchiness is now completely gone, so he asks Ben to save Sue for him [12:13 AM] Wack'd: And Ben's like, "uh, actually I'm saving her for me, because I also have a relationship with this person you married and it's weird that that didn't occur to you" [12:13 AM] Wack'd: And then he Buscema-punches Counter-Reed across the room [12:13 AM] Bocaj: Nice [12:13 AM] maxwellelvis: So, Counter-Reed has to be the seeds for the Council of Reeds, right? [12:14 AM] Wack'd: Tigra is still glued up so she steals a anti-grav disc with her teeth and just fucking kamikazes into Wizard [12:14 AM] Wack'd: I'm pretty sure that's not how those discs work but it's cool so whatever [12:15 AM] Wack'd: And then Sue force-fields him and he grumbles about getting his ass kicked by women [12:15 AM] Wack'd: Meanwhile Johnny melts Pete's gun and Tigra punches Flint over and over and over so he can't reform. [12:16 AM] maxwellelvis: Sure [12:17 AM] Wack'd: Off-panel, the Reed-on-Reed fight has concluded, with one Reed flung into the Negative Zone and another bemoaning his lack of stretching [12:17 AM] Wack'd: The rest of the team rejects Reed's resignation on the basis that his real superpower is being super smart and also they're a family [12:18 AM] Wack'd: Anyone want to guess what the twist is? [12:18 AM] maxwellelvis: It's the wrong Reed [12:18 AM] Wack'd: Yeeeeeeep [12:18 AM] Bocaj: gdi [12:19 AM] Bocaj: Once alternate universe duplicates come up its just common sense to have a security phrase [12:19 AM] Wack'd: They've traded their beloved leader for a man who keeps secrets, pouts when he doesn't get his way, and generally makes bad decisions [12:19 AM] Wack'd: So, you know [12:19 AM] Wack'd: Kind of a lateral move
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purplesurveys · 5 years
When was the last time you complained about something? We weren’t mean about it but earlier at lunch we informed our server that she had included an item in our bill that we had already cancelled. (I know canceling orders is frowned upon, but in our defense it was a salad and it was taking more than 30 minutes lmao, plus at that time we were already finished with our main courses.) 
If we were ignorant about the bill we would have paid an extra ₱250 (~$5). What is your favorite color combination? In terms of outfits, black and white or gray and light pink. Is there a certain routine you have to | like to follow? I have driven on the same exact highway lanes everyday for the last three years going to school. I don’t like the idea of changing it up because it makes me feel weird. Other habits I’ve developed are locking my car doors ABSOLUTELY three times and, once I’ve already locked the house’s front door, rushing back inside to check if I’ve closed the fridge doors properly. Probably subtle OCD tendencies I got from my mom. When was the last time you spoke in front of a group? Last Friday. I had a report for class. Do you like group projects, or do you prefer to work alone? I don’t mind either but it depends on what has to be done. If some graphic design or video editing has to be made then I definitely would prefer being in a group.
What is one thing you hate about society today? So many people champion against bullying and/or harassment but once they find an easy target they’re all over it because it’s the cool thing to do. It’s what happened to Nacho, when so many of his friends turned their backs on him. What is something not many people know about you? The punk rock bands I listen to. What word describes your basic style? Girly. How long did it take you to develop this particular style? I’m not sure how to answer this but I started developing it when I was around 15, when I got into Audrey Hepburn. Are you tolerant of beliefs that differ from your own? Yes, unless those beliefs start stepping on basic human rights. We’d have a problem if you aren’t pro-choice, for one.  Have you ever been told you were going to Hell? Sure. How did you respond? It came from my mom, so it definitely hurt. But if other people told me that I would have winked and said, “I know right?” HAHAH Is there a religion you are curious about? I’m always curious about the much-smaller religions that don’t have any more than a few thousand followers. Who is the most argumentative person you know? Callo, maybe. She holds a lot of unpopular and/or controversial opinions and isn’t shy to expose them. Do you know anyone who is crazy about proper grammar? Me, but that’s my tendency as a copyeditor. Or are you one of those people? If so, why? I’m only crazy about grammar when the context is that I’m reading stuff that’s supposed to be written properly to begin with, like articles or journals. But if I see someone mess up on social media, I don’t mind it.   Do you assume things about other people? Give an example? I only assume when I’ve already heard someone share stories about them. My friend Andrew hates this girl from our school newspaper because she is a horrible editor and leader, and he’s given me more than enough evidence to prove it. She’s currently my groupmate for a project and I always project myself as the alpha so that she can’t treat me the same way she does her writers lmao. Describe a crazy hairstyle you have seen? I’ve forgotten who but one of my friends on social media posted a recent photo of them having cornrows, which I found a little distasteful considering she is ASIAN Do you mind waiting in waiting rooms? No, unless I’m in a hurry. When was the last time you were late for something? I was late to my history class last Friday because I got stuck in traffic going to school and couldn’t find parking. The class starts at 10 AM, but I got there by around 10:18. When was the last time it was cold in your area? Last night :) I love Christmas weather soooooooo much Do you know a word in another language? What is it? Sapatos is shoe/shoes in Filipino. It came from the Spanish zapatos. But I guess that doesn’t count, so let me think of a more native word...
Upuan means chair! Hahaha I’m always willing to teach some basic Filipino on this blog.
Who was the last person to make you feel special? My mom got me a pink tote bag todaaaaay. Have you ever wanted to kill yourself? Of course. I just felt that yesterday. If yes, what convinced you not to go through with it? The fact that my dog was going to be looking for me. And that he’s probably going to feel sad and be neglected if I left. Do you get used to answering personal questions on surveys? Of course. I’ve answered more than a thousand of these. Do you think that being gay is a choice? No. Do you eat meat? Why or why not? Yes. Because they taste good :c Do you think you look attractive in your profile default picture? You can barely see me in my profile photo for this account. My dog looks absolutely handsome though. Do you fish for compliments? Do you fish for anything else? Not really.
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