#what's the occasion?
maevionart · 2 years
happy in their own ways :)
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iamnotaware · 1 year
hi i love you
uh hii and ilyt :)
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barrysbaby · 10 months
No thoughts, head empty, just Moira spilling her heart to Barry while sobbing.
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valeriapryanikova · 6 months
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This season, on Hermitcraft...
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fearandhatred · 8 months
"you have three reasons for calling me:
you're bored (nothing is happening)
you need to tell someone about something clever you did (something good is happening)
something's wrong (something bad is happening)"
ok so all the time. all the time then. you're telling me he calls crowley All the time. what you're saying and what i am hearing is that they call all the time
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gregorovitch-adler · 21 days
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Translation: Junior, I have told you several times that Lily prefers to be single, remember?
Lily is the new aroace icon. That's all.
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bookshelfdreams · 1 year
fuck this shit
let's make some lace yarn
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200g BFL/Ramie blend that has sat in my stash for *undisclosed number of years*, dyed by me
(id in alt text)
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wentzmp3 · 2 months
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Aheem heem heem
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om0000 · 11 days
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happy pride month guys
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pizzahutchan124 · 2 years
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Awwwe, this is so cute~
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They’re about to go commit tax fraud
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omi-boshi · 3 months
thinking of little omi wanting a dog but his parents tell him he has to earn it because it's a big responsibility for someone as young as he is. so, he sets up a piggy bank to save up for adoption fees. he doesn't tell his parents about it because he wants to show them when he's saved up enough money.
surely if he has the money that means he's responsible enough right?
in the following months, omi sets aside a fraction of his daily allowance to put into his piggy bank.
it's slow-going until his siblings find the piggy bank labeled with "dog savings" in omi's messy scrawl. they're so charmed by their baby brother's antics that they slip in their own spare change behind omi's back.
they never tell him of course because knowing their brother —their sweet and earnest little brother — he would want to do this on his own.
by the time omi's 10th birthday comes, his piggy bank is practically bursting at the seams. he holds it tightly in his little hands as his family sings him a happy birthday.
when it's time to blow out the candles and he has to make a wish, he lifts up the piggy bank and tells his parents how he's been saving up the past few months. that he has enough to pay for the adoption fees. that he's 10, and he's a big boy now, ready for big boy responsibilities.
"i'm responsible enough for a dog now, right?" he would then ask, eyes bright with earnest hope he tries so hard to tamp down just in case they say no. his parents would exchange surprised looks followed immediately by shaking heads and laughter. lots of laughter. omi is rightfully confused. he frowns.
are they laughing at him? the thought makes him flush in embarrassment. his dad leaves the room, still laughing. when he comes back, it's with a box that's almost a little too big for omi. the birthday cake lays forgotten, candles melted, as omi looks curiously at the box in front of him, then to his parents, and then his siblings, and then back to the box.
his older brother nudges him to open it and when he does, omi doesn't know what to do with himself. the akita puppy yipping at him in the box was too much for 10-year-old omi to bear that he starts bawling.
he's hugging the puppy to hide his tears, and in the background he hears cooing and more birthday wishes from his family.
see, his parents had always intended to give omi a dog the moment he asked. omi rarely asked for anything so whenever he did, his parents were always more than ready and excited to give it to him. however, this time, they waited until his birthday because, admittedly, they had a hard time thinking of what to get him.
it seems they made the right decision watching their son pet the akita in quiet awe. they're happy that their little boy loved his birthday present but when they see his dejected little pout a little while later followed by a sad, "i saved for nothing then..." they knew they had to make right with him (not really but what is omi if not their precious youngest).
and that's how omi ends up with not one but two puppies for his 10th birthday.
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wynnibee · 2 months
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i was obsessed with @zus-a-fungi 's man o' war eclipse design and wanted to draw them so beep let's go [id in alt and under the cut]
Edit: added ids since i forgot to first time around! wouldn't usually separate the id from the image but i'm making an exception this time around.
[id: a colored illustration of an AU design of Eclipse from FNAF, drawn as a man-o-war mer.
Eclipse has four arms, "rays" made of many man o war polyps which also extend from his back like wings, a large sail bladder behind him, an open chest that holds a glowing yellow orb, a bell that acts like a skirt, and his tail is made of long, flowing pink, purple and blue tentacles, surrounded by smaller pink tentacles and delicate white strands made of hearts. Fluffy pink growths surround each of his wrists and have small pink and white heart shaped flyaways. He has dark blue bands on his upper arms and forearms, and his palms are a light purple and his fingerpads are an even lighter purple. His belly and half of his face has the same light purple markings. his cheeks are both shades of dark purple. eclipse has white eyes and large tusks on his lower jaw, with a pink mouth and tongue.
His chest is open, displaying a hollow cavity that holds a small orb. Light blue teeth like ribs extend from either side of the cavity, and the inner flesh is a deep mauve color. it splits directly down the middle of his torso, and the skin is folded under the teeth where it opens.
He's posed like he's leaning back, with three of his arms extended like he's presenting something. two of his palms are face up, with one cupped and the last arm and hand facing his face. Eclipse has a large, open mouthed smile and bright eyed expression. His long jellyfish tail extends under and way far behind him, fading into the dark purple background. End id.]
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zishuge · 7 months
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The only thing I remember is killing people. You say I'm someone who saves people. I won't kill you — but I don't believe you either. Do you think I'm a fool? You're not a fool. Mysterious Lotus Casebook (2023) | Ep. 20
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can't wait to see him again tomorrow! Tomorrow!!
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