#what if we were both younger siblings and archers and you helped me overcome my shyness only to find out im actually quite romantic
meifunk · 1 year
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˗ˏˋ 🌙 ★ ˎˊ˗ When the moon met its star ˗ˏˋ 🌙 ★ ˎˊ˗
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mrneighbourlove · 4 years
The War of Fire: Ch 7. Stink and Filth to the Light
Zelda took a deep breath, her fist shaking at the sight of the empty cell. She was so distracted by the rescue of her daughter and the front lines that she had allowed her castle to be compromised. Again. The Princess couldn’t have escaped on her own. Turning to Impa, she spoke carefully, not wanting her voice to shake. “Impa. I want ever single entrance into the castle covered and observation by the Sheikah tribe. Every sewer entrance, gate, or window. If I can’t feel secure in my own home again than this war is already lost.”
Impa nodded, brushing her hair back to calm her nerves. The war was starting to be drawn out, and with so many failures already under Hyrule’s belt, it didn’t bold well in the Sheikah’s mind. “As you wish my queen.”
The Queen of Hyrule walked with her most trusted advisor and friend back to the war council several floors above them. When the Queen opened the doors open, the environment was somber and heavy. Generals and Commanders of various tribes loyal to Hyrule were relaying casualty reports all around the country. With Zelda having arrived, they turned their attention to her. “Report. How far have the Hasai entrenched themselves?”
“They have as of yet to find a way to reach the peaks of the Rito village your majesty. However, they’ve started a blockade and positioned archers outside. As of now, only our most skilled fliers and breach their line of attack to travel elsewhere.”
“As for us Gorons, the Hasai seem to be more than comfortable with a slow push upwards Death Mountain. We’re an effective wall my Queen, but our chief fears that if we spare too many of our brothers the Hasai could muster the strength to conquer us.”
Zelda held her hands together as she contemplated what to do regarding both tribes. “My heart goes out to the Rito and Goron people, but for now, it sounds to me that the Hasai aren’t actively massacring your people as of yet. Knight Tulilad. Have you located my husband as of yet?”
The man shook his head, fresh ash on his face. “No, my Queen. Our search brought my platoon into contact with a full Hasai army marching eastward.”
“East. That could be in the direction of either Zora’s Domain or Kakariko Village. Impa, has there been any news of fighting drawing near the village?”
“None as of yet. We are still a hidden village.”
“Then my prediction is that the Hasai will march for Zora’s Domain.” The War Council didn’t object, listening closer in on Zelda. “The Zora provide a vast amount of support and economy to the rest of Hyrule. The domain would also make a perfect dug in fortification for the Kikai Empire if they were to conquer it.”
The Zora representatives looked amongst one another. “They would have cross Lanayru wetlands and valley to reach the domain. Following this they’d have to make their way across the great bridges to reach the city. If they have the ability, they might take up a presence in the mountain areas around the Domain.” One of the Zora frowned suddenly. “Oh dear.”
“What is it?”
“There is also the consideration of the dam. If Lanyaru’s Great Spring were to be properly disrupted, then flooding would occur from every lake and river in Hyrule.”
Zelda contemplated her options, before looking to Klinge of all people. “Commander. I want you to take a garrison of Ganondorf’s forces and place them at the valley entrance in the wetlands. “After that, take what beasts, traps, and soldiers you can muster and place them at various staging areas in the Domain. I want our flanks covered.”
Klinge took a map and drew circles around key areas. He’d rather take orders from Ganondorf, but alas, Zelda was still his queen. “I can set up Beamos sentries along the valley to the domain. That will not only alert us if the Hasai choose to attack, but also slow them down.”
“Everyone… war is cruel thing. It tears at our spirits and tries to drag us down with claws of despair. But we must have hope. By standing together, we will overcome this invasion. May the spirits watch over us.” Zelda had never been overly religious in her life, despite possessing the triforce, but for the sake of her people she’d take any support she could take.
As others started to disperse, Klinge approached Impa. Both the warriors stood six feet away from each other, as if a wall of respect or disdain kept them apart. “Impa, I trust that you will keep Zelda’s security a top priority?”
“I always do. Why are you asking me this?”
“I won’t cut down the severity of the situation to you. Ganondorf could very well be dead. I failed him in that regard.” The words hung out of Klinge, making the atmosphere incredibly heavy. “Rinku failed in protecting her younger sibling from our now missing captive. What I’m trying to say is… we can’t have you fail miraculously either. Zelda is the sole face of the kingdom for now. You are her greatest protector.”
With only her eyes visible to the outside world, Impa revealed shock and genuine surprise to the undead warrior. “I didn’t expect you of all people to be so open.”
“Out of all of Ganondorf’s forces that follow him, I’m the one that you should always expect to be the most forward with you. I must ask, with all of us staying far from the castle, who will guard the children?”
“I’m going to have Sheikah agents take the younglings far from the castle and to the domain of the Great Deku Tree. They will stay safe there, hidden from the eyes of the outside world with the Korok, Kokiri and Fairies.”
“After the failure of security at the castle, I feel more at ease with this course of planning. Good luck to you.”
“In my experience, there is no thing as luck Klinge. But may your skills keep you alive.” As Klinge started to walk away, Impa added one more thought. “I do hope that Ganondorf is still alive. Despite certain aspects about the man I cannot stand, he does inspire confidence and hope in the people as king.”
“Coming from you Impa, that means something to me. I’ll see you on the field of battle.”
As Klinge left, Impa made her way to Zelda. The Queen had made her way to the nursery, calmly explaining to her children about them needing to be moved. “Think of it as a little vacation away from all the fighting. The area is very peaceful.”
Covarog took charge of nearly all the questions for his siblings. “Why can’t you stay with us momma?”
“Mother has things people to that depend on her. But I assure you, I will check on you when I can. And when the bad people are all gone, we can go back to normalcy.”
“Where’s papa momma?”
That pulled onto her heart strings, knowing that she didn’t have an answer even she wanted. “We’re still looking for him. But knowing how mighty and powerful your papa is, I’m sure he’s just waiting to make a valiant return.”
Orana held her hand up, waiting her turn. “Will big sisters be joining us?”
Zelda had to process a moment her questions before reality hit her hard. Rinku AND Leere. God knew where her gothic child was out in the chaos of Hyrule right now. The Queen had been so concentrated on the current moment that she hadn’t even considered Leere was in danger. Quickly hiding her feelings on the matter, Zelda smiled to her daughter. “Your older sisters have to help the kingdom, but don’t worry. They’re smart warriors like your papa.”
Zelda gathered her children up and scooped them up in a hug. “Listen to your elders and continue to look out for each other. I love you all very much.”
“We love you too momma.”
Kanisa started to cry, holding her mother close. “Don’t want you to go. I’m scared.”
“Oh my baby girl. It’s ok to be scared, but you have to believe in having hope as well. Hope carries us through the deepest of darkest days.” Zelda gently rubbed her daughter’s hair to sooth her.
As her children calmed down and were escorted by Sheikah, Impa patted Zelda on the back. “How are they?”
“Kanisa is still a mess, but I don’t blame her. She’s the most terrified by the situation. Impa, another thought has occurred to me. Leere is somewhere out in Hyrule. I want you to find her and bring her to safety back to the castle.” Zelda wiped a brow, the days events leaving her already exhausted. “I can’t stand the thought of losing a child on top of potentially losing my husband.”
Carefully, Impa held Zelda closely. “They aren’t lost. Not yet. I will do as you command and bring Leere back to you.”
“Thank you Impa. Thank you.”
Zannah carefully made her way through the sewers of Hyrule. Fisk, her loyal bodyguard, always made sure to cover her flank at all times. The smell of waste traveling from the toilets from castle town above was wrenching to the warrior princess’ nose.
Coming across a length of tunnel that could only be crossed if she were to step in a tide of filth. Taking a breath to relax, she jumped in, the gross and dank water rising up to her knees. Zannah walked through the water step by step, something thicker once in a while bumping against her leg. The waste was terrible, but all that was on her mind was how her partial failure at the castle would have her father view her.  
Behind her, Fisk tapped her shoulder, breaking her out of her intense inner thought process. “My Princess. I could have carried you.”
Zannah turned her head to Fisk, a frightening look of contempt towards her bodyguard. “I will not have anyone carry me. I can stand on my own two feet, even if that means walking through my own failures of filth.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize-”
“No, you didn’t. Think before speaking to me again.”
Wisely, he decided to keep his mouth shut, least he upset the princess once more. As they continued forward through the underground, a sound faintly echoed from down below. “What is that?”
Fisk shook his head, unsure. “I don’t know my princess.”
Getting out of the sewer water and finally onto a stone walkway, Zannah followed her ear to the sound, until, finally, she could make out a tune.
“Don’t laugh as death passes you by, for you might be the next to die. The grim reaper walks beside of thee, she comes for all, for you and me.”
Zannah was taken aback. Did monsters live down in the deepest depths of Hyrule? Truthfully, she did not want to find out. Not too far, she noticed a light source glistening down in the form of three small beams from above. “Fisk. Get us out of here.”
The man nodded, charging a bolt of fire in his hands. Once ready, he fired it off upwards, blasting the grate from its resting position. The princess could feel stares on her from the darkness of the underground. “Fisk, hurry up and make sure the coast above ground is clear. The sooner we are free of this filthy area the better.”
As the man climbed a rusty ladder to the surface, Zannah’s breath hitched. From around a corner in the distance, it was unmistakable now. A tail flicked around the corner, and peering eyes stared at her. With a shriek, she fired a bolt of fire in the direction of the spying monster. As the flame whizzed by, it illuminated the rest of the darkness. Clung to the walls were monstrous spiders and hiding in the sewer water heads of reptiles poked out with gleaming eyes. One of the Lizalfos raised an axe, hissing a warning at the Hasai.
“Princess Zannah! Hurry!”
Listening to her bodyguard and not wanting to pick a fight, she rose a temporary wall of fire with her magic to give herself time to safely keep a distance between herself and the monsters of the sewers. Rushing up the ladder, she didn’t care about the feeling of rust scraping her hands. Zannah just wanted to breath in the open air. Getting out, she threw down an explosive fireball into the sewer to scatter any who thought it would be smart to pursue her. “Fisk! Put the grate back on!”
On her command, her loyal subject picked up the metal cylinder, slamming it closed on the opening. With a quick use of concentrated fire, both the Hasai fused the grate to the earth. The princess took a few deep breaths for her adrenaline to die down, but once it did, she slowly looked around her surroundings.
The drain lead to a small hillside near a tiny fishing community. The sight had seen better days. It appeared abandoned for quite some time, with flowers and weeds growing over the area. The hillside across the river was a beautiful sight to take in, however. Lush green grass with trees marking the land and sprouting beautiful foliage. Across the river, there was even a deer eating the grass.
Fisk was heading to waters edge when he waved Zannah over. “Come your majesty. We should wash our stench away.”
“Now?” Zannah was still looking around, this time for signs of the enemy. No doubt by now the Hylians had discovered her escape. How fast could they begin their search. Did all the monsters of this land serve the king and queen? “We should make haste back to camp. The Grand Admiral will want to know that I am well and free.”
“And do you think anyone will want to see you covered in a thick stench?”
Zannah scowled, scanning the surrounding area as she thought of an excuse in her head. She none as Fisk continued.
“Take this moment to relax and to enjoy the beauty of the land.”
“Yes. Just take a breath, bath in the water, and let your worries go for the moment.” Fisk carefully bathed his full body in, not taking off his clothing. “If you’d like, I can wash your clothes and keep an eye out for potential danger. You’d be alerted at the first sign of trouble.”
Zannah felt her breath hitch as she decided what to do. Finally, her sealed her decision with an iron will that would not be persuaded otherwise. “No. We have no time to enjoy the subtleties of this land. Every corner can carry an enemy. Hyrule has spies, soldiers, and monsters at their command. I will not be captured again and bring even more dishonour. Now get out of the river and move out. Consider it an order.”
Fisk watched Zannah turn her back before he could argue in his own favour. Shaking his head, he picked himself out of the water and followed her lead.
Seras had just returned from a scouting party towards Zora Domain. There were odd fish people in the river, but none of them had the stomach to face him or his forces in combat. Just as Bellum predicted, there was a strong fortification along the rivers path. The rocks all around the forest area and the mountains of the domain were nearly impossible to climb in the rain, and for whatever reason, the prince felt that the strong rain concentrated solely at the domain was not natural.
Returning to the camp, the prince was eager to report his findings. Once he did, that would mean he could take his army and capture the domain for himself. Opening the tent, he nearly stumbled on his words when he saw his sister. “Z-Zannah?”
His sister looked absolutely terrible. When she turned his way, Seras was able to get a waft of her, and he crunched his nose in disgust. “What the hell happened to you?”
Seras didn’t get to listen to her sister explain herself as Bellum spoke on her behalf. “It seems your sister escaped on her own accord. Must say, I am impressed. I would not have thought the forces of Hyrule to be so careless with such a high value prisoner. Perhaps our attacks have stretched them thinner than even I have foreseen. Your skill on the matter of your escape seems to be questioned, seeing how you were captured in the first place. I wonder how much luck you have left, Princess Zannah.”
Zannah flinched. It was one thing to internalize her own failure, but it was another to hear it aloud from the lips of someone else.
“Yes. But why do you smell so bad?”
“I had to escape through the sewer system. It was-”
“Zannah, that’s absolutely disgusting.” Seras sneered with his interruption. “I can’t believe you’d stoop yourself to the level of a rat.”
Zannah couldn’t hide the hurt on her face, opting to turn away. “I thought you’d be just happy to hear I escaped with my life.”
Bellum cleared his throat to bring attention back to him. “Well, it saves us the trouble of tracking you down. Prince Seras. Your report please.”
Seras narrowed his eyes at his sister, looking back to Bellum slowly. “Yes. Well, as you predicted the Zora have the support of the Hylian armies. The rocks make it incredibly difficult to climb beyond the intended boundaries leading to their capital. Along the river path they appear to have defensive towers in place.”
“As I suspected. For now, we lack sufficient aerial support to transport a large number of troops over the mountains. As much as we’ll be forced to power through their armies, there are some other options for us that can divide up their forces and ensure victory.” Bellum took out a map of Hyrule he had acquired and placed it on a war table. Taking out little blue flags, he placed them at various points. “The Hylian forces will protect these bridges with their life. The capital of the Zora appears to be unfortified itself. If they don’t want their civilians massacred, they would be smart to surrender once we cross the final bridge. There are also key hillsides that give the Hylians and Zora a range advantage on us from above. The engage the Hylians here is mandatory if we don’t want to be cut down by artillery fire. Finally, I suspect they wouldn’t be foolish enough to leave their greatest weakness unguarded here.”
Seras pointed to the blue flag at the right, instantly hooked at the word ‘weakness’ when regarding his enemy. “And what pray tell would that be?”
“According to a Hylian we captured, there is an ancient dam that holds a lagoon. This lagoon has caverns that link all the way to Lake Hylia. If this dam were to be destroyed, the water of the lagoon would flood the western border of Hryule, going so far as to even destroy castle town.”
“Then we could end this war!”
“Yes. With the fall of the Zora’s capital and Queen Zelda’s castle, I predict that the rest of Hyrule’s tribes would fall in line in servitude of the Kikai Empire.”
Zannah smelled herself, wincing. Perhaps she should have taken that bath. “And how will we split our forces?”
Taking out red flags to symbolize the Hasai, Bellum carefully divided them up. “Our main forces will march across the valley and through the bridges. At this point here they will split up to engage the encamped enemy positions.” At the far left near the ocean, Bellum placed a flag above a hilltop looking down on capital. “Here, I will fly one of our blimps with a small battalion of troops. There, we will rain down discord upon the forces of Hyrule, scattering them into confusion.”
“And, what will my position be?” There was wonder in the prince’s voice.
In turn, Bellum smiled like a parent about to reward his child. “You, Prince Seras, will have the honour of leading our forces in combat amongst the front lines. You are the face of the one who killed the Great Ganondorf. With you at the front, you will have the most combat, but also the most glory and attention on you. T0-D will destroy the dam while the majority of Hyrule’s forces are distracted with you.”
Zannah was almost afraid to ask, but she spoke up none the less. “And my position?”
“Yes. You will provide a strike force, observing the land from above on your mount. Wherever a Hasai is in need of support, you will provide it.”
“I won’t fail again.”
“I know you won’t. I can’t imagine the wrath that would fall upon you if you did. For now, rest. We shall march for victory in the morning. Dismissed.”
Zannah looked to her brother. He didn’t meet her gaze as he walked out. “Hey, Seras. Wait a minute.”
When they were outside Bellum’s tent and a good ways away, he turned his heel and slapped her across the face. “How could you! How could you dishonour us the way you did?!”
Zannah held her cheek, a red mark burning on her green skin. “I accomplished my mission! We kidnapped the girl!”
“But you were captured! A princess in chains. It’s disgraceful!”
“There are always risks, but I succeeded in my task.”
“Only for the Hylians to reclaim the girl anyways.”
The was just another piece of information to break Zannah’s pride down even more. “They what?”
“You heard me. The Hylians found the girl and rescued her from our clutches. At least when I killed Ganon he stayed dead!”
Zannah didn’t know how to reply at first. “Brother. We’re a team. You don’t need to bring me down further than I let myself down.”
“No. I don’t think so. I thought you were invincible. We are suppose to be invincible. You told me that you’d never leave me. But you showed the world that you are vulnerable. That you can be weak. You dishonour the Empire and our people by having a royal princess show our enemies that we can be defeated.”
Seras sneered, turning his back on her. “You smell revolting. Go clean yourself up and get the sleep you need. I’m going to rest up so I can lead us all to victory tomorrow. I’m going to be the next Emperor that our people need.”
The prince stomped his way to his quarters, leaving Zannah feeling smaller than the ants that crawled across her boots.
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/615242675307905024/the-war-of-fire-ch-6-dead-hands-upon-the-earth
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/621741836915130368/the-war-of-fire-ch-8-the-battle-of-zoras-domain
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sassysweetstories · 6 years
Can’t Forget You//Blurb
Summary: You and Shawn are dating but you’re bitchy and rude until you both get into a car crash that changes everything. 
Ship: Shawn Mendes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, mentions of a car crash, fluff, tears, crying, etc. 
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to owners. 
Tagged: @bailey-hoover @kiralivelove @thalia-prior-of-ravenclaw@anamcg317@bellasett @queentiffanyyy @archer-whovian-violinist @beingmadinwonderland@princessisabelle19@violence-and-velvet@lachicadelamanzana
Your P.O.V
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We’re fighting again. About what, I do not know. I’m sure it was my fault again, always is. I’m his highest anxiety producer, after-all. He’s screaming at me so loudly, the veins on his neck ignite like fire and he’s redder than the tomato’s he oh so loathes. But I’m not helping the situation as I yell just as loud, cursing to the moon and back. This is just another run, chasing circles in a duel that we do beautifully. If I wasn’t so mad, I would think his angered face would be hot but I’m too clouded by rage to think about anything other than what we’re disagreeing on. There is so much sound around it, it’s hard to decipher which goes to what. That is until I turn my head to see a gigantic truck gearing towards us at an unstable speed. I whack Shawn’s arm to pull his attention and then everything goes black. 
When I jolt awake, I’m in a white gown and in a porcelain room. A hospital? But why? There are wires attached to my arms that I’m sure are linked to my erratic heart rate and unusual blood pressure. I don’t know how I’m able to read those things but all I know is that I need to get out of here and fast. There’s a stack of clothes on the chair next to me and I don’t hesitate to unhook my cords, change and slip out into the hallway. I keep my head low to the ground in hopes to just sneak under their noses but I fall short when a group of people on the opposite side of the hospital notice my presence. They seem to know me based on how their faces light up but I don’t show the same love. I don’t know who they are. “HEY! YOU NEED TO GET BACK TO YOUR ROOM!” A series of nurses say from the left of me. 
Automatically, I run from both of the groups in hopes to get outside into the cold, clean air. There are a plethora of voices, all of which I don’t recognize calling out a name that I suppose is mine but feels unfamiliar. I slide under one of the security guards legs, slipping past everyone in hopes to free myself from this white devil chamber. When I see the doors to the escape, I run faster until I’m catching for air. The rain coming down is soft but heavy enough to wet your clothes and just being outside brings me more comfort than anything I would have imagined. Overcome by emotion, I fall to my knees and let the water droplets fall onto my neck and back. The cool wet substance makes time and everything around me stop. But as I finally take it all in, I realize I don’t know who I am. I don’t my name, where I lived, who I was, anything. All of it hits me and I begun to sop uncontrollably before a hand made its way to my shoulder, once of the nurses it seems, who coaxes me back into the building for an examination. 
Luann, the nurse, sat opposite me in a CSI type interrogation room. I knew from basic knowledge that there were a series of examiners that were most likely behind the mirror. “Why do you keep looking at the mirror?” I’m sure she asks because she’s trying to get an analysis or thinks I’m selfish, I can’t figure out which one it is yet. “I just-” I tell her honestly. “I have a huge nose. Like, I could rest a mountain on my shnoz.” I pull myself from my chair, pacing back and forth. “You seem calm.” She tries to examine. But I’m nothing but calm. Yes, I look high due to the fact that I haven’t had much to eat and I’m also a little laggy with the medicine but I’m lowkey freaking internally to the lack of memory and control I have in my body. “Yes, I’m using humor as a self-defense mechanism because I’m afraid. I can remember common everyday things like how to wash my hair or brush my teeth but I’m having trouble remembering important events in my life, ya know?” 
The more I think about it, my more shaky my hands become. I can feel my breathing becoming rigid. As I close my eyes, I literally can’t for the life of me think as to what I was doing before today, before any of this. None of this makes sense and I’m so god damn scared my fingers start to shake so instead I ask her about me. “So what was I like? Before the accident?” Maybe if I can get a better understanding of who I was, maybe I could remember everything, jog something back. “(Y/n), I don’t know if the doctor told you, but there isn’t any chance your memories will come back. I’m sorry. . . The old you and your old life is gone forever. . .” I feel my feet crumble beneath my knees before my brain registrars the action. I lean against the table, feeling dizzy as she hands me an item before explaining, “Here’s a computer where you can see who you were.” My heart drops to my throat and now I don’t want anything to do with this piece of technology. 
All I want to is sit alone and cry until I can’t no more. Luann pats my shoulder gently before leaving me to rot in the CSI investigation room. A god damn car crash did this to me. I sit by the desk for the next few minutes, glancing at the computer before curiosity got the best of me and I open it up, typing in my apparent name. (Y/n) (Y/L/N). Hundreds of articles popped up, all ranging from the car crash to my personality and extremely rude behavior that I’ve displayed over the various years. I was an actress and model apparently. My previous self was a dick, no doubt about it. The longer I watch, the more my skin crawls with disgust. Whomever that was, was no longer me. I wasn’t this monster, not now, not ever. I close the computer with a loud click before rubbing my tired, droopy eyes. I don’t even know who my parents are? Do I even have parents? Am I married? Do I have siblings? 
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The thoughts come in a rapid fire motion and my hands start to shake in fear. “I-I have no one. . .” Instinctively, I curl myself up in a ball and start to sob. “I’m all a-alone. . .” All of a sudden, the room is too much and I can’t breath. I push the table in a spur of the moment and get as far away from my chair as possible, light headed. “I-I don’t even k-know who I a-am. . .” I’m having a panic attack and there’s no way to stop it at this point. All of a sudden, a warm body envelopes me as I crumble to the ground. They feel both familiar and foreign all at once and it’s a terrifying feeling. The pair of arms aren’t much bigger than mind and they bring me a surprising amount of comfort as I sob into the persons shoulders. When I pull away, the woman holding me has some of my features and sports a broken expression. “Honey. . It’s me. . Your mom. .” Since I can barely breath, I opt out to not say anything and instead hold her close to my heart. 
Third P.O.V
Shawn, his team, family and (Y/n)’s family watched her mom cradle her body as she sobbed into her shoulder. None of them really cared for her except her family and Shawn but in this moment, they felt for the young woman. She looked so scared and alone and Shawn felt as though he was the one to blame. I did this to her. . . He thought angrily to himself as he watched the love of his life weep on her mothers blouse. Aaliyah hugged her brother from the side, knowing that he’s taking the guilt, the pain. She never liked (Y/n) but looking at her now, she’s different. All of them know it. Her posture and mannerisms are entirely shifted. She even looks different, almost as if her old life died and a new soul hopped into the that same one. Everyone knew that things would be different from now on. 
(Y/n) looks around her parents home, trying to take everything in. Clutching the journal Luann gave her like it was life support, she tries to calm down after being bombarded by the paparazzi. With shaky hands, she puts her stuff down and is suddenly swarmed with two pairs of arms. They scare (Y/n) but feel both foreign and familiar all at once. And because of that familiarity, she doesn’t pull away, can’t. Her mom and dad explain, “Your brothers, David and Jeremy.” She hugs them back even though (Y/n)’s meeting them for the first time in this new body. When they finally pull away from her, she notices that they've both been crying. Even though they’re both twice her height, they seem to slump down, eyes red and puffy from crying. Of course she doesn’t really know either of these men but something takes over her and pulls them back in to a tightly knit hug, one both of them needed. By the looks of it, they were her younger brothers, not by much but protective enough it seemed. 
The rest of the day, none of the family leave her side and for (Y/n), she really needed the support. But that night, after all the trauma of forgetting everything, she fell right into a deep slumber. Except her sleep was nothing but normal. Her dreams warped and shifting into something she couldn’t grasp, understand or even control. All she can see is the road, faint music playing in the background while the sky gleams above. That is until she turns her head to see whom was driving the vehicle. Of course she doesn’t know who he is but there’s this familiarity that (Y/n) can’t quite place, a feeling that festers in the pit of her stomach. He has the warmest chocolate brown eyes with matching fluffy, curly locks. A jawline that could cut a diamond and a body of a basketball player. But he’s not. She’s not sure how or why she knows that but the more she analyzes him, the more sure she is. He’s knuckles are soft but his palms are calloused. A musician, no doubt. She can’t help but admire his gorgeous white smile as the sun shines down on his rosy cheeks. 
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All of a sudden, the perfect image turns black and cold. (Y/n)’s suddenly back in the hospital, surrounded by hundreds of people she doesn’t know. The man that was there is gone and now, more than ever, she feels completely empty and alone. She wants him back even though she doesn’t really know him. He’s the closest thing to familiarity in her life. (Y/n)’s suffocating again until she jolts out of her slumber, drenched in a panicked sweat. Her mother runs in, scared for her daughter and the banshee like wail she seemed to emit. Holding her child close to her heart, Mrs. (Y/L/N) can’t help but tear up, heartbroken that she is unable to do anything for her. The next few weeks are unbearable for the family. The young model/actress doesn’t sleep or eat much anymore, too afraid that if she does, she’ll slip back into that bittersweet dream. And even though she’s not sleeping, it never breaks her ever-growing and warm personality. 
When the Mendes family would come to visit, Aayliah had gotten very close with the new (Y/n). They would be up late watching movies or gossiping about boys and she loved it. But today was the day Shawn would come over for the family dinner and the poor boy was nervous as hell to say the least. He came out of the crash with little to no damage and felt nothing but guilt towards himself for what happened to his girl. It also didn’t help when Aaliyah wouldn’t stop talking about her. But today was the day he was gonna face it. (Y/n) stood across Aaliyah while she helped their moms with the fajitas, smiling as their dad’s and brothers talked about hockey. This was by far one of (Y/n)’s favorite times, when they all got together as a family. “Hey mom, where do want these-” (Y/n) says as she walks out of the kitchen. But she doesn’t get far before a new body comes into view, a new face that shocks her so much that she drops the plate with a loud crash, catching everyone’s attention. 
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It’s him, the man from her dreams except he’s not a dream. He’s real, standing right there in front of her. “OH MY GOD, HONEY!” Both moms cry in unison. Everyone stands there, eyes shifting between the pair with gaped expressions. Mrs. (Y/L/N) grabs a hold of (Y/n) as if to guide her except she doesn’t need one. “Y-You’re him. . .” She mutters softly. “I-I thought I was going c-crazy. . . T-The doctors told me I-I was gonna remember anything. . Except. . I remember you. . Y-You’re the boy who drove with me. W-We were driving by the b-beach.. With John Mayer playing in the background...” (Y/n) closes her eyes for a minute to think before saying, “Daughters, was song we were humming.. Track number eight off of his album, Heavier Things.. I thought I was dreaming. . . But here you are. . I can’t forget you. . I’ve been having nightmares for weeks, always starting out with seeing you smile.. It’s almost bittersweet..You’re name is Shawn..”
The second his name leaves her lips, he breaks down into tears. It’s not long after that she brings him close to her chest, completely fine that he’s probably ruining it. She runs her hands through his long locks and the action makes him smile. Even her hands felt kinder, softer than before. Everyone watched with hope in their eyes that one day, each of them would be remembered in (Y/n)’s life. From here on, things would be drastically different. But as long as they had one another, it would all be fine.
(I hope you guys liked it! Please comment below) 
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