#what if punk rock double life?
simple-persica · 2 years
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A sketch dump of Helsinki from my recent toktok
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tiredofthehumanlife · 2 months
A happy home (realizations pt 2)
Title looks like a Midwest emo song name dude 🙏give me strength
Barbie dolls: Jegulus x reader (James, Regulus, Your punk ass).
Words: 2.4k ish
Summary: Reggie is all like muh I don’t deserve love I’m just a poor peasant boy then he’s all like muh i should ignore all my friends bc I’m just a poor boy from the bourgeoisie and then you and James are like no 🥺 pookie and then hilarity ensues
Warnings: it's kinda angsty but it ends happy trust, mentions of panic attacks, mentions of Remus' dick, Harry Potter possibly mentioned, James has a mustache for about three sentences, regulus is all emo, its alright guys first one waa better ngl
Pt 1
After you and James used the classic kiss & run technique on Regulus, his mind was swamped with questions. Baby Black was having yet another crisis. Barty and Pandora had started a tally board marking up all his catastrophes. He was somewhere around the double digits at this point. Regulus wanted love, as any poor emo poetry loving teenager, but he felt he didn’t deserve love. He wanted. He wanted so much. Regulus wanted a house with a screeching screen door. He wanted a wrap around porch. He wanted beautiful tiles in his bathroom. He wanted nick nacks. A cluttered home is a house full of love and life. He wanted color in his home. Regulus’ parents’ house (attention to house not home) was cold. Regulus wanted a home. He thought of it frequently, planning the decor and colors. He would go to his little home in his head for comfort. After panic attacks he found himself pressed into a rocking chair, sitting on his wrap around porch and staring out at the beautiful garden in the backyard. His book open in his lap, his favorite pen between his fingers, tracing over his initials. Next to his chair was a small table with a mug full of his favorite tea.
With the more time he spent with you and James, he felt his fantasy home adapt. Suddenly when he visited he found your sweater flung over the back of his couch, James’ pictures on the wall. Which he could accept. Friends left their things at each others’ homes all the time. Friends made it onto each other’s walls frequently. He could handle your friendship infiltrating his home. Regulus appreciated you both no matter how much he threatened to kill you. It was his love language.
Regulus seemed to pull away. Suddenly you never saw him in the library, he didn't appear next to you, he didn't even hang out with Sirius and the others. He was actively avoiding you both. You tried to pretend you were wrong and just making things up. You knew it was true after you saw him in the Gryffindor commonroom again. 
But after you both kissed him, granted on the cheek, he malfunctioned. Regulus’ home changed rapidly. He was rocking in chair again, following the vines of the tomato plants with his eyes. His train of thought interrupted by the squeals of a small child. Regulus wondered what on earth was a child doing in his fantasy home. A small boy, no older than three or four, ran around the corner of Regulus’ porch. His little bare feet stomping on the wood. Regulus felt himself smile like nature. The boy was decked in jean overalls, a red shirt underneath. A small truck printed on the shirt was peaking out from under the edge of the overalls. He looked like James, Regulus realized. The boy heard louder footsteps following after him and squealed louder. The boy jumped into Regulus’ arms muttering something about ‘papa’. Regulus looked up from the boy to see James. Though now he had grown out his mustache, and wore matching overalls with the boy. James scooped the boy out of Regulus’ arms. James pecked Regulus’ cheek before dropping the three year old back to his feet. He ran off, zooming around the garden patches. James quickly went after him. James raced after the boy. They both laughed. The boy squealed when James caught him and tickled him. Regulus tore his eyes away when he felt someone touch his shoulder. He found you sitting next to him, in a matching rocking chair. You moved your hand up to his hair. You looked older, like James, not by much but enough for Regulus to know you all had left Hogwarts. You kissed Regulus on the lips gently. He felt warm. You leaned closer and leaned into his ear. You whispered to him that you loved him. Regulus felt his eyes prick with tears and his throat dry. You stood up and took his mug off the table. You walked away muttering about him drinking so much tea people will think you’re dehydrating him like a raisin.
It was change. Regulus didn’t like change and he didn’t like identifying his feelings. He couldn’t like you and he couldn’t like James. You were in a relationship. He can’t. He couldn’t. But he wanted. Regulus knew he wasn’t ever good at controlling his wants. So he avoided you and James. Regulus knew if he made eye contact he’d fall all over again. If he fell his heart home would be crushed. Regulus had to protect his home.
Regulus was sitting with Sirius. They were both talking and laughing comfortably. It was one of the few times you've seen Regulus without his journal in front of him. He caught sight of you standing at the steps of the Gryffindor commonroom. Regulus' smile fell and he quickly stood up. Regulus muttered something to Sirius before swinging his bag over his shoulder. As he breezed past you, you whispered a goodbye. He didn't return it, he didn't make eye contact, he ignored you entirely. Sirius had asked you what that was about but you just left the commonroom as silently as Regulus.
You brought it up with James. He was just as upset as you. The one thing you both feared was making Regulus uncomfortable and that's exactly what you had done. You and James had to have burned your trails into the floors with all your pacing but you decided on what to do. You'd confront him. Even though it seemed all Black relatives hated confrontation it was all you could do. You confront and apologize and beg him to come back to the group. You both missed his insults so much you felt sick. You looked for him everywhere. Days went by before you were finally able to find him. He was hunched over in the library. Regulus was sitting as far away from his regular table as possible. He was scribbling away in his journal, as usual. He glanced up when he noticed people approaching. Regulus quickly shut the journal and went to grab his bag.
"Please." James whispered. James sat in front of Regulus. You sat next to James. Regulus stared at the ceiling before gently letting his bag drop to the floor again. He sat back in his chair and rested his hands on top of his journal. You steeled yourself, clutching James’ hand under the table for support.
“We’re sorry. For everything. We didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. We were just being-“ You paused. You wanted to make everything make sense to Regulus. You needed to explain yourself, you couldn’t live with yourself if you left this thread hanging. “Brainless. We were just trying to harmlessly flirt and we would’ve stopped the second we felt you uncomfortable. We misread you, obviously. We miss you. You’re avoiding us and the rest of our friends. We need you to come back. We’ll leave you alone, we won’t even look at you if that works for you, so long as you come back. So.” You stopped and cleanched your jaw. You felt like you might cry if you kept talking. Though you already seemed to do a lot of that. James dropped your hand to rub your shoulder.
“So, we’re so sorry.” James finished for you. Regulus stayed silent. He looked between you and James. You saw it in his eyes, hatred, disgust, repugnance. You felt sick to your stomach, knowing you’d only see his distaste in his eyes. Never seeing all of Regulus in his eyes again, made your throat close and tears collect in your eyes. You pressed your hand against your mouth, looking away from him. You would not cry in front of him. You would not make Regulus feel like this was his fault. James squeezed your shoulder, moving his soothing hand to your back.
“I’m not good.” Regulus whispered. You quickly looked at him. How could he think that? He was staring down at his journal. Regulus squeezed his own hands, you knew his rings must’ve hurt. Regulus sucked in a sharp breath. “At speaking how I feel. I usually avoid it. I’d rather sit in silence than speak up.” He looked up. His eyes had tears like yours. You hadn’t made eye contact with James since before speaking but you assumed he was probably teary eyed as well. Regulus slid his closed journal to the middle of the table. He stood and pulled his bag over his shoulder. Regulus tapped on the table with his pen twice.
“Just return it.” Regulus whispered before leaving the library. You watched him walk away. You looked to James. Your tears had left leaving behind pure confusion.
“Did we just get told to go fuck our selves in poetry nerd?” You asked James. He looked just as confused as you. He glanced at the journal.
“He did say he’s bad at saying his feelings, maybe he wants us to read his feelings.” You stared down the journal. It was bound in black leather. A small string wrapped around it thrice. It was unsuspecting. You didn’t want to read it though. That felt wrong, going into Regulus’ private brain like that. He was constantly writing. His deepest darkest thoughts, you assumed. You once sneaked a peak at Sirius’ diary and you truly never needed to know in that extreme of detail what Remus’ dick looked like. You looked to James. He stared at you. You pressed your lips together, contemplating. You gently picked up the journal, scared it would shatter under your fingertips. You unwound the string. You pulled the front cover up. You found the first page had Regulus’ initials. You smiled and held it toward James for him to see. He laughed and turned the page. You saw the pages were full of Regulus’ flowing handwriting. Overflowing really. The lines of his poems were pressed up against each other. His letters interning with each other like a lovers hold. If you weren’t already absolutely totally in love with him, you would’ve fallen more looking at his pretty messy letters.
The last poem made you melt entirely. Regulus started speaking of a cold home. All the walls stained with blood and screams. He moved. A nice home with a porch, a reading nook, painted walls, a coat rack, a garden in the back, and you. He moved into a home with his two lovers, their presence sweeping over every inch of the house. There was ding in the doorframe to your shared bedroom, James had pulled a dresser up the stairs and tried to squeeze it through the door. You had painted in small forgotten corners of the house. A sunflower on the side of one of the kitchen drawers, a moon added to the coat rack, a heart on the corner of Regulus’ bedside table. The back door was newer than the rest of the house, James had flung a snowball so hard one winter he shattered the glass. Regulus had started talking of the rocking chairs on the back porch. His sentence fell off, unfinished. You set his journal down, leaning back in your chair. James followed your lead. You both sat in silence for a few minutes. Baby Black liked you both back. Say that 5 times fast. You sighed. You stretched your arms over your head.
“McGonagall did say we needed 20 minutes of reading everyday.” You whispered to James. He nodded and pulled the journal closer between you two. You both held onto it with one hand leaning closer to each other to read Regulus’ writing. You read and read and read and read. Regulus wrote so much he had to get new journals fairly regularly. This journal started a few days before meeting Sirius’ friends. The fast few pages were Regulus stressed with his workload. After that there was the first mention of you. Regulus spent a whole page explaining how gorgeous he found you. He spent another page after talking all about how handsome and beautiful James was. All of which you agreed with.
After that all his pages were dedicated to you two. Slowly as you worked through the pages together, and the candles around you melted, Regulus fell in love. His words were frillier. He spoke of a garden, and tea. Regulus told all about laying in field of flowers. He painted images of you three deep in love and extremely domestic. Regulus wrote of pain. The pain of knowing it could never be reciprocated, you were already with James and James was with you. The pain feeling every touch warm his heart before burning his skin with his own insecurities. He wrote how the kiss situation felt for him. All roses and sunshine until his own sick mind turned it against him, making him think it was all some big joke on him.
“We are really bad at reading people.” James muttered. You gasped and sat forward. Glad somebody said it.
“Right?!? Oh god we just can’t catch a break.” You clicked your tongue. James gently closed Regulus’ journal, wrapping the string around three times. You huffed and stood up. You and James left the Library, it was closing soon anyway. You both decided you had enough time before curfew to go to Regulus.
You returned his journal. Regulus stood in front of you staring and waiting. You and James let it all out. Laughing at your stupidity, apologizing for making him feel like he was some joke even if it was only for a few minutes, and confessing that a wrap around porch and back garden sounded perfect. Regulus was happy. He smiled at you both before telling you curfew was sneaking up behind you. James decided you three would get together and make plans on how to move forward with your relationship on Saturday in the courtyard. Regulus agreed. As you and James were heading off towards your own common rooms, Regulus called your names. He ran over to you from his commonroom door. He quickly kissed your cheek before James’. Regulus skittered off back to his commonroom without a second to spare. You smiled brightly at James. He returned the look. He intertwined your hands, swinging them back and forth. James started skipping down the hall, still holding onto your hand. You joined him. You were both carefree
You didn’t have anything to realize. You already knew you loved them both.
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20ans · 2 months
So I just finished writing another chapter. This one takes place during the T2 timeline and aims to explore the characters' motivations and where they are emotionally (spoiler: all over the place).
It's funny how many things make sense when you watch the movie, and then you think about that, and the reasons behind characters' choices can be quite puzzling... And THEN you look at it through a romantic angle and you're like, wow, this makes so much sense now.
*adjust her tinfoil hat*.
There were choices made there. Writing choices, directing choices, acting choices. A whole team worked hard to bring this homoerotic sexual tension to life, so I'm just doing my part at expanding it.
Veronika overhears snippets of Mark and Simon's conversation: "Ye've got Combat Rock on vinyl?" "Wha dae ye tak me fur? Ah hae aw their albums..." "Even the ones efter they sold oot?" "Whit are ye talkin' aboot—"
She then watches Simon mechanically pick off the meat from several slices, piling it onto others. Without hesitation, Mark reaches over, grabs one of the meat-free slices, and stuffs it in his mouth. Simon takes a slice with double pepperoni, and they keep going back and forth about which punk bands sold out and which didn't without missing a beat.
Veronika can't contain her confusion. "What are you doing?" she asks.
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kimbappykidding · 10 months
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Everyone made assumptions about you even idols as if they didn't understand how this industry worked. All the members in your group had roles to play, the cute one, the pretty one, the hot one, the tomboy etc you were the cool one. It was your job to look intimidating, unattainable and a tad scary. All your bits in the music video involved leather or big boots. You naturally did look quite striking so it made sense but you never got used to how it made people react to you. Most idols assumed that was how you really were and they either avoided you or loved it as some sort of challenge. Then a clip came out of you in a rock band as a teenager and all your fans lost it and your punk-ness was exaggerated greatly...and everyone in the industry ate it up.
For some reason the fans really shipped you with Mingyu. Something about how cool you'd look and what a power couple you'd be. You’d figured it was just because you were kind of tall and it would blow over but it had gotten to the stage where, if you were standing next to each other fans would cheer and even his members seemed to encourage it. You had never in your life spoken to the man and while he was gorgeous he simply wasn't your type. But one of his members was and it was the one nobody expected it to be...Dk. Despite your "scary" intimidating look you liked nice guys. You found nothing more attractive than a guy who asked to kiss you before he did and who loved making other people smile. You found kindness sexy and one of the kindest idols was Dk. You'd first noticed this when Seventeen were stood in front of you at an award show. One of the member's hands were shaking really badly and DK noticed. He took them in his own, trying to warm them up by rubbing them. When that didn't work he gave him his own fingerless gloves (which didn't do anything really but it's the thought that counts) and asked the staff for a warm pack. You had one and offered it to him. He seemed so taken back but grateful. He smiled widely at you and thanked you 10 times before proudly giving it to his friend. He seemed so happy that his friend felt better and since then you couldn't help but watch him. Every time you did, you noticed more nice things about him and you fell for him. The only problem was telling him that. Because of your reputation he likely wouldn't approach you and you couldn't really approach him because everyone would assume you were there for Mingyu. So you just hoped fate would help you out and it did. After an award show, everyone always went to the exclusive club where only idols were allowed to enter and tonight was no exception. It was packed and instead of queuing for ages to get a drink you made your way to the bar at the far side which people always seemed to forget about. The bartender motioned she'd be with you soon and you nodded scanning the menu. You felt someone appear beside you and glanced up before going a double-take. It was Dk. Your heart began hammering and you wondered what to do. Dk looked up and noticed you staring, he offered you a small smile and you smiled back. You looked away wondering if you should say something. You'd never gotten a moment like this before and likely wouldn’t again, so rather than walking away you decided to do something.
"I really enjoyed your stage tonight" you called softly and Dk didn't realise you were talking to him. "Me?" he asked looking around you and nodded "yeah, they're always good but you smashed it and your part in particular was so great". Dk seemed surprised at your comment but had a huge smile on his face so it must've been a good surprise. "Thanks, can you believe that was the only time I got all the way through it without messing up?". You smiled "I can but only because that was such a complicated piece of choreography! I'd be the same". Dk shook his head "nah you're an amazing dancer, you can nail anything". You shrugged "maybe but it takes me ages to learn the steps. Seriously well done". Dk grinned but before he could say more the bartender came. You realised you hadn't decided what you wanted and neither had Dk so the bartender said she'd come back. You finally decided on a drink and saw Dk watching you. You put your menu down to show him you were done and Dk turned back to you "your stage was really good tonight too! Well done on the win I've been singing Emerald none stop for weeks". "Really?" you asked pleased he liked your latest comeback song. He nodded "I've tried the raps too but I butcher them every time". "I doubt that!" you chuckled and he shook his head "do you want proof?". You nodded "yes please" and in true extrovert social butterfly fashion he began rapping to you. It was hilarious and he stopped only seconds in after he messed it all up. "See!" he told you and you smiled laughing softly "I liked it". "Huh maybe I'm in the wrong group" Dk commented and you laughed even harder "maybe you are". The bartender came back and finally you were both ready to order. You chatted while she made them and by the time you got your drinks neither one of you went to move. "No idea where my members have gone" Dk sighed and you smirked. You could see Mingyu easily at the other end of the room but didn't want him to go either. "Bummer, how about we stay around here and this way you'll see if any of them come to the bar?". Dk nodded "okay" and you stayed talking. After a few minutes of awkwardly talking in front of the bar Dk suggested you sit down and so you did. You took a small table near the side and ordered some more drinks when you both finished your first ones. You tried to play it cool but inside your heart was hammering and you weren't the only one freaking out.   Your members all spotted you and gaped. You'd never been interested in any other idols before but here you were with Dk of all people! You'd never told them about your crush so they were well and truly blind-sighted but very excited. When DK went to order some more drinks they came over. "Hey what's going on?" they asked. In response you shrugged "nothing, just chatting to Dk". "Wait but I thought you and Mingyu had a thing?" one of your members asked. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes "I've never had a proper conversation with the guy and haven't ever expressed an interest in him". The member got your tone and backed down "okay so you don't like Mingyu...but Dk?". You blushed and the members all made a noise. "Shhhh he'll hear you! Now go before you blow my shot!". "Aww sweetie the way he's looking at you, there's no way you're going to lose tonight" your eldest member commented turning you bright red. Finally, they left you alone and Dk came back. "So where were we?" he asked. You smiled "you were telling me about your sister?". Dk nodded "ahh of course! I could talk about her all day" and began another story. You smiled finding it adorable how much he loved his mother and sister, you were pretty much a goner now. Dk's members were similarly perplexed "wait is that Dk with Y/n?" Joshua asked spotting him at a table. "No it can't be" Woozii replied but Jun shook his head "no it's him! They're sat together!". Everyone pressed forward and gasped as they realised it was true. "Wow Dk stole your girl Mingyu!" Scoups called and Mingyu rolled his eyes "she's not my girl! I've never even spoken to her". "Well it's too late cus Dk has swooped in" Dino joked. The guys all laughed before re-focusing on you. "I had no idea they even knew each other" Jeonghan thought aloud and Seungkwan nodded "me neither". Wonwoo shrugged "maybe they kept it quiet?". "I'm not buying that, it's Dk" Scoups replied and when your members walked by he called out to one of them he knew "hey Autumn, what's going on over there?". "With Dk and Y/n?" she asked smiling "you tell me, it's all news to us". "So this just happened tonight?" Jeonghan asked "out of nowhere". Your members shrugged "apparently so but they're both blushing like crazy so I guess they've liked each other from afar for a while". "Of course Dk's blushing he's chatting to a girl way out of his league!" Hoshi cried and half the members laughed, the other half shushed him. "Cool, let us know if you learn anything else" Scoups told Autumn and she nodded "same for you" and walked away. Scoups turned back to the members "it looks like Dk just has better game than every single one of you!". Meanwhile, you and DK just kept chatting obliviously. You talked about everything and anything and Dk was so shocked for several reasons. Firstly he'd completely got you wrong. Like lots of people, he assumed you were cool and cold but you were so bubbly and friendly! Secondly, he had no idea why he was here. You were being nice to him and flirting with him but didn't you know he was so out of your league? He thought maybe it was a prank or you were trying to make an ex-boyfriend jealous but when nobody yelled surprise and he didn't get punched in the face he figured you must like him or something. Thirdly he was getting on really well with you. Dk was an extrovert so he could talk the ear off anyone but with you it felt like a real connection. You were listening to him and clicking. You had so many shared interests and Dk felt like he was dreaming. This was the sort of thing that happened in his best dreams not in real life. 2 hours later his members came over to tell him they were leaving. You had no idea how fast the time had gone and he said goodbye to them all in high spirits. Some of them were not so subtle in their teasing of DK but the way he just went bright pink made you find him even more endearing. After they left you asked Dk if he wanted to leave with them. He told you it was fine and so you kept talking. When your members were leaving you did have to go with them so the night had to end. Dk totally understood and even walked you to the car. "How are you going to get home though?" you asked and he smiled "I'll be fine! I'll get a taxi or walk". You frowned "how about we just give you a lift?". DK protested but the girls all insisted it was fine so Dk found himself climbing into your car. Dk's place was closer so you drove there first and hopped out with him to say goodbye. "So tonight was really fun" Dk told you and you nodded "I agree I had a really good time, I'm glad I started talking to you at the bar". "Me too" Dk smiled and he paused wondering if he should give you his number or not. As if reading his mind you smiled "here" and handed him a card "it's my number, if you want to do this again some time or something?". Dk beamed "yeah I'd love to! I'll call you tomorrow and we can set something up". "It's a date" you smiled and Dk made a weird noise of agreement before going bright red. You chuckled watching him "well I should go, goodnight Dk". "Goodnight Y/n" he called and waved as you drove away. When you'd gone he cheered out loud and skipped up the garden path. As soon as DK walked through his front door he was mobbed. His member's dove on him and began firing questions at him. "What on earth happened?" Vernon asked and Dk shook his head in disbelief "I honestly don't know! We were at the bar and she just started talking to me". "She started talking to you?" Woozi asked and Dk nodded "yeah she initiated it. I thought I was being pranked but nobody punched me so I guess she wants to be my friend". Joshua smiled "DK she spent all night laughing and smiling at you, I think it might be more than that". Dk blushed "really? Because she did give me her number just now" and everyone erupted. "Let me see it" Jeonghan cried grabbing it and then they all started cheering again when they realised it was true. Dk cheered along with them so happy and caught up in it he forgot to get the card back. He woke up the next morning groggy and made his way downstairs. "Look who it is" Jun called and The8 smiled "Romeo himself". Dk blushed and accepted all their teasing because he was just so happy. It didn't occur to him how he was going to call you, just that he would. He began prepping with the guys what to say and where you should go on your official date. When they'd finally drafted out a message it was time to send it. "Okay you ready?" Joshua asked tossing DK his phone and he nodded "yep! Wish me luck" and went into his room. Then he remembered the card, he came back out "I left her number in the kitchen". The members all groaned but followed him to help him find it. "Where did you leave it?" Wonwoo asked and DK frowned "I'm not sure...but I definitely had it when I showed you all last night". Jeonghan groaned "you lost it?". "No it's got to be here somewhere let's just look" The8 interjected and everyone began to search. 20 minutes later everyone accepted that it just must be gone. Mingyu got the blame for cleaning up this morning and Scoups claimed it was because he was jealous to tease him. "Did you tell her you were going to  call today or that you were going to call?" Joshua asked. DK frowned "what's the difference?". "One is a promise the other is casual" Joshua explained. DK winced "and I'm guessing it's bad to break a promise right?". Everyone groaned when Hoshi got an idea "wait Scoups you know their leader!". Scoups nodded "yeah so?". "So text her and ask for Y/n's number". Scoups nodded "good plan but I don't have Autumn's number, we're acquaintances not text buddies". Jeonghan frowned "well one of us must have one of her member's numbers right? Everyone check". All 13 members searched their phone but none of them had any of your member's numbers. "13 people and none of us have even got one of their numbers!" Jeonghan cried "I'm ashamed of all of you". DK sighed "what am I going to do? Y/n's going to think I'm blowing her off". "You could message her on Instagram" Seungkwan suggested but Mingyu shook his head "she doesn't have Instagram". Everyone looked at him and he sighed "ow come on, if everyone shipped you with another person you'd search them up right?". The members all shrugged and DK sighed "I'm doomed! The girl of my dreams talks to me and Jeonghan ruins it". "What do you mean me?" Jeonghan cried and DK turned to him "you were the one who took it from me! It's lost because of you". "Hey calm down!" Scoups called "we'll sort this out okay, everyone message someone you think might know Y/n, or know someone she knows. Between the 13 of us we've got to know someone who can get a message to her". Everyone nodded and got to work. "I'm sorry okay" Jeonghan said stiffly siding up next to Dk "I thought I gave it you back but I might not have". Dk shrugged "it's okay". "Well find her number" Jeonghan promised. Meanwhile, Yyu were obliviously working, with no idea what chaos was going on in the Seventeen household. You had a really good dance practice and were getting ready for a photo shoot when one of your members found something weird. "Hey Y/n?" your maknae called. You nodded and she frowned "can I let Wheein give your number to Vernon so he can give it to Dk?". You paused "what?". "So Wheein just text me telling me Vernon asked if she had your number because Dk wants to contact you but he lost your number". You chuckled "so what he's just been getting his members to text people asking if they have my number". "I guess" your member laughed "what should I tell her?". You smiled "give her my number to give to Vernon to give to Dk. This is gonna be an interesting conversation". "I've got it!" Vernon cried charging into the living room. Vernon was not usually loud so everyone froze in shock and then got it. They all exploded cheering and Seungwan soon started a chant for him. "How did you do it?" The8 asked. "Okay so I messaged Wheein cus I know they performed together once and she didn't have it but she had her maknae's number so she texted her, who asked Y/n, who then let her send it to Wheein, who sent it to me!". Dk blinked "I don't really get it but thank you!". They all celebrated for a bit longer before getting tired.  "Okay okay now give him the number before anything else happens" Scoups cried. Vernon passed Dk his phone and he saved it He grinned and pressed new message before he paused. "What's wrong?" Joshua asked and Dk frowned "well my message has to change now. I have to say something about losing her number and asking so many people for it...what if she thinks I'm creepy or coming on too strong?". "Ow come on she wouldn't have given Vernon your number is she thought that" Seungkwan pointed out. Jeonghan nodded "yeah I'd anything that'll be a funny ice breaker. Start with a casual message now". "Saying what?". "Hey it's Dk. Can't believe I lost the card with your number on but glad I tracked you down?" Joshua suggested. Scoups nodded "yeah and play up the clumsy mess like "only I could lose your number the night I get it". Dk nodded okay how about "hey this is Dk. I've finally got your number saved and I screenshot it so there no way I'll lose it again. Only I could lose your card the night I got it! Thank your maknae Ae-Cha for giving it to Wheein for me please?". Everyone nodded "that's good!" Joshua grinned "you're a natural". "Yeah send it" The8 smiled and Dk nodded. He pressed the button and then dove onto the sofa burying his head in a cushion. On your break in the photo shoot you saw the light flashing on your phone and clicked it. You smiled to see the message. You grinned and picked up your phone "glad you tracked it down too. Why do I get the feeling this sort of chaos is normal for you?". Dk replied quickly "hah yeah sometimes these things just seem to happen to me. How's your day been?". You smiled "just finished a 3-hour shoot (that's why I took so long to reply). How's your day been?". The two you kept texting all evening and into the night. "I have to get up early tomorrow so I'm going to bed now” you told him. There was a pause and then Dk replied "okay no worries but before you go I wanted to ask if you'd like to meet up with me sometime? To go on that date?". You smiled and quickly typed back your love to go out with him with your availability. 
Dk woke up all the guys in the house to tell them he had a date with you.
This will be a two part series and you can read part two HERE
I love the opposites attract trope so much! Especially when it’s powerful scary girl and ball of sunshine wouldn’t hurt a fly guy. It’s just so wholesome and sweet!
Also I know Dk is “technically” an introvert but I don’t buy that for one second, he’s at least an ambivert!
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nightshade962 · 1 month
I got a few more ideas for possible troll fics and one scene.
1. The scene: ok so a scene I think would be funny is in a fic where JD comes back finds the village and meets a teen grey branch. In where poppy go les through the your not the heartthrob, fun one and so on when she calls John old branch is there obviously recognized him. In true little sibling fashion starts laughing his but off at JD. The snak pack are standing there with their mouths open shocked that's the first time they have seen him truly laugh. Maybe other trolls are there and are shocked as well. Jd see branch's eyes and the the left canine and knows its branch he is both happy and sad. Happy his baby is alive but sad because he's grey. After like 5 minutes branch snaps out of it when Jd goes to hug him but he pulls away just walking away.
2. Story1: kismet has been traveling the world since they where teens. Branch, ablaze, and boom are orphans while trickee and hype have families. Branch grows tired of the bullying he faces every day decide to just leave but he can't go without saying goodbye to the four that care for him. So at one thier hangouts he tells them. Right away boom and ablaze say they are going with him. They have never been adopted. Trickee and hype want to go as well but they have families. Hype mentions it to his mom and dad they decide that hype should go live his life and tell to go with just to come back a visit. Trickee just asked his moms they at first didn't want to let him go and is worried for the other boys they're just 15. But they know their son and that he will just go away so they give him the ok. They come back the village twice a year so trickee and hype can see their family it was on one of those trips the the first movie happened.
They just spend their time traveling and make friends all over the world. Branches colors ce back not as bright as they once were but are still there. They start the band when they are 17. They do pop, rock/punk, and alternative music with a saying that ablaze has been quoted saying 'we sing what ever we want'. Their band surpassed brozone in fame quickly. None of the brothers know that branch is in that band. Kismet is one of flyod's favorite bands but can never get good enough seat to see the faces of the band, he flabbergasted when he finds out who branch is. Floyd still get taken so jd Bruce and Clay have to fine branch. They freak out when they decide to move to pop village ( except Bruce) when branch tells them bye he and rest of kismet is going back traveling. Jealous brozone.
3. Story2: kind like the one above except kismet are bounty hunters/mercenaries. They made a guild that is like a large family. The guild is full of performers that double as bounty hunters, mercenaries, spy, and hakers. This shocks everyone. The bounty hunters are shocked that this big named guild is ran by the little brother of the trolls that hired to find.
4. Story3: ok so I have been reading alot of trolls react lately and i have not seen something like this yet. So everyone are watching the moves and short happens before the first movie. Branch is not happy about it and his brothers are trying to hug touch him such as arm around the shoulders and so on. Brozone and snake pack are just annoying branch. All the other troll are like dudes stop he doesn't like it. Kismet hears branch talk loudly to stop so they come over. Trickee and boom kind of jump on branches back and just start talking.hype grabs his hand just starts talking a mile a minute while playing with branches hand. Poppy try to tell then that he does not like to be touched and brozone is about to kick them off their brother but branch just starts talking and laughing with them. Everyone is shock trolls that the troll that was so angery and didn't want ot be touched is just letting these guys. Once again jealous brozone. After boom and trickee get down from his back ablaze puts his arm around branch and bumps their heads together. Brozone is so mad like why won't their baby brother allow them to do that. The rest of pop trolls are just shocked. Branch's colors brighten up a bit when he's with these guys. Therein two options for how branch responds to who these trolls are you can chose just covering same bases 1. These are my brothers in everything but blood and 2. These are my partner(s) (if you want you can chose one of the other kismet members or all)
That all I have for now I may post more. Once again I suck at writing so feel free to take these prompts and make something grand. I just ask if you do to give me a link to it or the title so I can read it
Until next time live long live large and rock on
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I absolutely love the vibe V-Force captures
I love how V-Force showed that Tyson has other discernible skills apart from blading. Him skateboarding is such a 90s/00s vibe.
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Also this requires REALLY good visualisation skills?? Considering that he had no picture of Ozuma with him that night, he legit sat and drew like a 100 posters and got the picture fairly accurate. And Ozuma STILL hadn’t removed his hood at the point of the story. So this is basically what Tyson visualised.
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Both Ray and Hilary seem to be pretty good at basketball, which goes double for Ray who literally grew up in an isolated society blading pretty much his entire life. It was nice to see him do something else.
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Love how Max’s vibing in the back alleys and I assume Kai Hiwatari listening to some heavy metal or punk rock because he cannot stand his boarding school whilst going through an existential crisis.
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The one who always calls his teammates crazy huh? Also is he wearing a bull’s jersey?
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Lastly I absolutely love how casual Tyson and Max’s outfits are? I know several people hate it but it’s so casual I love it, there are 0 complications. And it’s not weird. It’s just straight to the point. Just them being 90s babies.
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Patti Smith Group / John Cale / Television - The Palladium, New York City, December 31, 1976
I finally got around to Sonic Life, Thurston Moore's recent memoir, this month! You can read a few of my quick thoughts about it (along with some other nice recommendations) in the latest edition of the Aquarium Drunkard Book Club. As I mention, I was a little surprised at how much I enjoyed Thurston's memories of his teenage years, way before Sonic Youth was even a twinkle in his eye — A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Fan? From the suburbs of Connecticut, Moore made countless trips into NYC to soak in the punk/CBGB/Max's worlds, catching shows by The Ramones, Suicide, the Dead Boys, Sid Vicious ... and Patti Smith, of course.
Thurston paints an evocative portrait of this New Year's Eve blowout, which doubled as Patti's raucous 30th birthday party. He was dangerously high on mescaline.
"We zombied our way down the street to the Palladium and found our seats, and I sat in a state of tenuous control as Television arrived onstage. I figured if I just maintained my cool, the mescaline's threat of wiping out my sanity would begin to subside and all would be okay. 'A song by Dylan' — were the only words I remember Tom Verlaine saying to the audience as the band began to play a plaintive cover of 'Knockin' on Heaven's Door.' By the time John Cale and his group came onstage, I felt as though I were sliding slowly down the side of a porcelain sink, managing only the barest of friction, my reality threatening to fall into a drain hole never to return. I was gripped by the fear of losing myself completely, another entry on the list of acid casualties. I concentrated on specific thoughts, pinpricks of salvation that I'd cling to, slip from, then hold on to again. I feared that if I closed my eyes, I would be forever vanquished."
Happy new year?! All these decades later we can enjoy the Palladium gig via dusty audience tapes — your call if you want to drop a tab of mescaline while you listen. Interesting to hear Television at this point, with Marquee Moon more or less in the can, playing a much larger venue than ever before. They'd just finished several nights in a row at CB's — which is maybe that's why they sound a littttttle bit tired. But there's plenty of sweet stuff, of course, including a truly go-for-broke "Kingdom Come." Billy Ficca, baby! Cale, meanwhile, happily provides a bad trip soundtrack for Thurston's bad trip — a short but powerful set highlighted by a maniacal "Guts" and an even more maniacal "Fear Is A Man's Best Friend." That guy sure could scream.
And what about the belle of the ball — Patti herself? Let's hand it back to Thurston, who had recovered a bit by the start of her set. Here, he describes the all-star finale with Fred "Sonic" Smith joining the melee.
"Fred and Patti had become an item. Now here was Fred onstage, unassuming and spectral, as Patti howled and whirled. With 'My Generation' culminating in obligatory destruction, all players would eventually leave the stage except for the two Smiths. Like Fred, Patti had a Fender Duo-Sonic strapped on, and she leaned her head on her sweetheart's shoulder as both their guitars emitted a whistling-bird noise of feedback through the amps. How this translated to everyone around me, I couldn't say. For me, it was an emblematic vision of all I would ever desire from rock 'n' roll — transcendence, devotion, sonic love."
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Gabe I am kissing you on the mouth bc yes!!! Hob would be such a good influence on Dream! He helps him get his shit together during the tour and when it finally ends and they head back home, the offer is made for Hob to become their permanent guitarist. They had already spent most of the tour writing new material and so just two months after it, they already have a double album's worth of songs to record.
The recording process is smooth sailing. They're really meshing well as a band and being home around his son begets a wave of creativity that was unknown to him. He also cuts back significantly on the drugs so his mind could be focused at home with his son and the divorce proceedings with his wife. Calliope doesn't want anything really since she's made her money and prefers to be independent. Orpheus also finally starts to reconcile with his father. He even starts writing love songs again, first to his son and then to Hob. But he never tells Hob that these happier songs are for him. The press would rip them apart if they ever knew so he keeps it under wraps.
But with the record company happy with the new demos, life gets better. The bassist position filled by a long time and much-beloved musician Gault who Lucienne convinced to join when she saw her preform in a little club in Manchester, even Hob is better off when he finally and officially joins the band and gets some money coming in from it. It's his first real label deal since '76 when EMI had come sniffing around. He can now afford to send his son off to a really nice school and make sure he's cared for when he goes off on tour.
The record comes out and becomes their biggest seller. Their sound, while still a bit down, now has this air of optimism and pop sensibility. For the first time, they get offered a worldwide tour. Over two hundred dates in 15 countries. They play everywhere from LA to Capetown. They're giving interviews. It really feels like their moment has come.
But there's trouble on the horizon. First off, Constantine's drinking has worsened. He's a rockstar now and likes to party as such, which is a shame because now Hob has been chiding him for partying so hard. His work performance has been slacking and that's led to some fights. Which he finds hypocritical, as Dream has cut back, he hasn't gotten clean either. This leads Dream to rent a hotel room for a week and lock himself inside to sweat out the worst of the addiction. Which he does without telling anyone.
Hob obviously loses his mind looking for him and finds him on the floor of the bathroom, shivering like a shitting dog and so cold. He helps nurse him back to health, but by then it's too late. The tour starts and what a tumultuous tour it is! The first month or so, Dream barely has the energy to walk let alone give a three-hour performance. Lucienne loses her mind trying to manage his mood swings and Constantine's drinking problem. Gault nearly bails after the first show when he snaps at her for fucking up during rehearsals. Mr. Record Company also isn't happy with how expensive the set is to move and decorate which makes Dream threaten to walk. Hob has to talk him down. Even their relationship falters when they get hounded by paparazzi wherever they go and they start arguing over stupid issues. Like Hob sees a female fan getting harassed during their set and stops the show to have it out with the guy which leads him to jumping off the stage, over the barricade and into the crowd to fight him. Which is not a good look. Hob might be punk rock, but that's not their image. He can't be fighting whoever pisses him off anymore! Which plants it in his head that maybe him and Dream are a little too different for this work out.
I have more ideas like Hob being spotted during a show in LA when he sneaks off to go see Black Flag and gets fucking wrecked by the crowd who call him a sellout and bounce him from their space. He's not a real punk anymore! Or Dream's little catfight with Morrissey when he gets big, but I won't bore you anymore lol
🎸 (is this taken? if it is my apologies)
I'm still relentlessly obsessed with late 70s musicians au!! Here is the first part if anyone missed it! Thank you so much for giving us more 🎸 anon!!
I love the rollercoaster of this whole relationship. On the one hand the band is seeing so much success, and there's money, and the press is in a good mood for once. But fame brings so many issues and Hob finds himself almost missing the days when he was scrounging for gigs. He wants to make music and he wants to be with Dream but he's hyper aware - he's not immune to alcohol and drugs, he's a little scared that he might relapse when the stuff is just laying around in the dressing rooms all the time. He knows that Dream partly got clean for his sake but he hates seeing his lover in such a fragile state. Basically Hob is trying very hard to hold the whole band together: caring for Dream, dragging Constantine out of clubs at 3am so he doesn't get arrested again, trying to persuade Gault that it's really not all that bad, next week will be better... he's tired. He gets into more fights. He listens to a lot of Def Leppard. He's spotted outside strip clubs (mostly hunting down Constantine) and starts to get a reputation in the press as some kind of sleazy guy. Dream gets jealous even though he knows the truth. It's the most stressful period of Hob’s life and he is SO burnt out.
They have a couple of days off from the tour and Hob goes AWOL. Dream can't find him anyway, at the hotel or the bus or at any of the nearby cafes. Dream eventually finds him at a local church, just sitting hunched over in one of the pews. Dream can see that he's been crying, and suddenly he feels so awful for taking advantage of his friend, his lover. He's been so selfish but Hob still smiles at him and takes his hand. Dream ends up holding him in the empty church, rocking him gently and humming one of the songs that they've been writing together.
Dream tells him that they can go home. They can cancel the last 50 or so dates and just go back to Hob’s suburban home and get some fucking sleep. But Hob shakes his head and nudges Dream gently. The show must go on, right? No point in giving up now. It's just that they've all lost sight of the music somewhere along the way.
It doesn't get much easier, but Dream steps up a bit. Constantine is cajoled into toning down his rockstar behavior. Dream and Gault sweet talk the press by giving a few interviews and photo ops where they make sure to emphasise that Hob is NOT sleazy, he's actually a family man and a brilliant friend so everyone can fuck off talking shit about him. They even get a couple of other big name artists to say nice things about Hob. He's worked on so many sessions that everyone knows him. And yeah, there are some shitheads (and probably also johnny rotten) who call him a talentless sellout. But Hob is touched by how much effort Dream has put in to making him feel better.
And eventually they get to go home. Dream is still a shivery wreck but he hasn't relapsed, the record is still selling, the paps have calmed down now the tour is over so Hob doesn't feel terrified every time he meets Dream in public. Their relationship FINALLY gets more physical in private. They make love for the first time!! Dream finally sees the anarchy tattoo and writes a ballad about Hob’s wonderful arse (which will, mortifyingly, go on to be a top 20 hit).
Of course they're a pair of disasters and they have their ups and downs. But I honestly feel like their relationship is a rollercoaster that neither of them really want to get off. They're basically soulmates and however insane their lives get, they're always going to end up together.
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slippery-snake · 3 months
Biker!Logan & Biker!Remus x GN!Reader
AN: This idea has been haunting my mind since October last year akjssjsjdjdj. Ty lovely moot for helping give me ideas for this @darksides-dutchess
Warnings: Mention of possible injuries, mention of guys being pushy, Remus putting you in “danger” (he knows what he’s doing tho, overall wholesome
Keeps it secret
When you go to his place, he will NEVER let you enter his garage.
Staying with him after dark is a no no also
He claims that he just loves his free time
Totally not because he's actually going 100 mph every night on a customized bike
He's actually very good at keeping his secret
Unitl one day, after long night before, he left his helmet on the counter and you asked him about it
“It’s my friends’.”
“Your friend is a biker? That's so cool! Can I meet him!?”
He gets jealous lol
You keep pushing him until he breaks and confesses
At first, you’re surprised, then everything falls into place
You don’t think any differently of him, you actually think its kinda cool, and he appreciates it
not to mention its sexy as hell
He takes you riding sometimes, but double, triple and quadruple checks you have all your gear
NEVER taking you on the highway, fastest you’re going with him is 30 mph
Doesn’t bring you to street races, but doesn’t mind if you show up
He may or may not show off a bit for you
If you complain about some guy from work or school bothering you, he pulls up to the building/campus as loudly as possible to “pick you up”
Very chivalrous
Picks you up and takes you off the bike instead of letting you get off on your own
Doesn’t want you getting hurt
He also will just die if you ever get injured on his bike
You will never face a major injury, hes very careful
But if you sprain your ankle getting off, or have a rock hit your leg while riding, his boyfriend instincts kick in.
Instantly taking care of while feeling guilty
he’s having you take a break from the bike for few days
Extremely open about it
Everyone he knows is gonna know about it
It’s probably the first thing you know about him
He takes you riding everywhere, and may even consider getting you your own bike
Until then, he lets you make come decisions about customizing his bike
Or you’ll come back to his place to see your favorite color painted somewhere on his green and black biker as a surprise
Hes taking you to races all the time
Maybe even letting you ride with him
Occasionally, he makes a bet, saying the winner gets to take you home
At first you were mad at him for doing it
But after watching him race a couple of times, you realized remus was no fool
He was fast, obviously, but took risks that cost the other racer to lose.
He never really put a bid on you, since he always knew he was going to win from the beginning
While you loved going on rides with him, he could be a little punk at times
Sometimes, while riding casually, he just does wheelies with no real warning
Just a “Hey watch this” before you’re tilted towards the sky and holding onto him for dear life.
If theres a motorcycle in the lane next to you, he may rev his engine a bit to get them started, and next thing you know you’re 85 in a 30
He cares about your safety, but if you’re dating him you’re gonna have to be a bit rough at times.
If he sees you got a scratch, he gonna laugh it off
“You got your first mark, baby!”
Actually kinda proud, mostly since he has scars EVERYWHERE from falling off his bike so many time.
However, he makes the point that all of the falls he took were tactical and on purpose
If you do ever actually get hurt or feel scared, he doesn’t realize at first but oh boy when he does
Its like a different person
Instantly into protective bf mode
You’re riding in front of him, swaddling him as he speeds home or to the hospital
He doesn’t rest well until he knows for sure you’re okay, and the doctors or nurses will be getting an earful of insults if you think they aren’t listening to you or treating you right
He doesn’t get jealous often
Mostly because 90% of guys will be aware that you’re together
He is loud, everyone knows when your ride is outside
If you ever do get hit on, he's still not concerned.
He’ll just saunter on over and throw his arm over your shoulder, make you blush a lil, and look at the other guy like “yeah, they’re all mine”
If the guy is too pushy he just fights them, there is no inbetween.
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unholyverse · 8 months
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waterparks // kerrang! magazine issue #1645
(full article text under cut)
The first 30 seconds of Made In America, the sixth track on Waterparks' debut record Double Dare, serves as a mission statement. Opening with a riff that any far heavier band would be proud of, before giving way to a verse backed with scattered synths and leading into a pop chorus that could raise the roof off of any club on the planet, the message is clear: expect the unexpected.
They'll be classified as a pop-punk band based on associations and aesthetic, but there's no-one around Waterparks-neither in genre nor age group- making music like they are. Album opener Hawaii (Stay Awake) contains an almost rapped refrain; Take Her To The Moon would sound just as good on an Ibiza beach as it would at Slam Dunk Festival; and Little Violence takes punk to its most antagonistic lengths. Waterparks aren't confined by genre or convention, picking and choosing the best of whatever the hell they like—like children running amok in a toy shop—and combining it perfectly.
"We've tried to make it a point to not just make a 'pop-punk' or a 'rock' album," says frontman Awsten Knight, settling into conversation with Kerrang!. "We played it safer in the past, but this is going to be people's first real impression of us, so we just needed to push this shit to China. We wanted to make sure that people expect to not know what to expect from us. It's 2016-you can do whatever you want."
Be that as it may, to be this daring on a debut album takes confidence. But if a conversation with Awsten is anything to go by, it's a quality that's far from lacking. The Texan native is, like the state from which he came and still resides, both brash and unashamed of his lofty ambitions. In fact, anything other than determination to be the best is frankly off-putting to him.
"I've heard bands during interviews being like, Y'know, if people like it, that's fine, we just want to play music…" he scoffs. "Dude! No! Why would you dedicate your life to something and not care if it does well? That's insane. I don't wanna be like, 'Let me know what you guys think, I hope you like it!' Fuck that. It's, 'Here are some absolute jams, take it and we're gonna keep giving you music and it's gonna be tight as hell.'" And what of his own ambitions for the band? "I want it to be the biggest thing ever," he asserts. "And if that's an attitude that turns people off, and if people don't want good things for us… They can eat dicks."
I here's far more swirling around in Awsten Knight's head than sheer bravado, however. There's a depth to rock's newest future superstar that's mirrored on Double Dare, which boasts substance to back up its all-consuming style. Singing "You drop your guy and take me on / It's everything I wanted / But then what? / Would you get tired of my, time?" on 21 Questions, Awsten shows self-doubt in what might feel like triumph for others. On Powerless, Awsten laments with brutal honesty how he doesn't hear from his friends anymore. Clearly. Waterparks is so much more to Awsten than a chance to have pop choruses sung back at him.
"I don't like talking to people about personal shit," Awsten reveals. "I'll just put it in the songs. There are lyrics that you could look at and be like, 'Oh, he wants to die,' but then the next song could be like, 'Aww, he's in love. This way I don't have to talk about it in real life."
The time leading up to Double Dare gave him lots to not talk about and even now, speaking to K! about it all, Awsten retreats into himself more than seemed possible from such an outwardly charismatic dude.
"I went through a while where I didn't talk to anyone or want to see any of my friends." He pauses. I got out of a four-and-a-half year relationship in that time, too. A lot of weird and sketchy things caused me to be a recluse for a little bit."
Even the usually cast-iron confidence in his band can falter slightly if Awsten thinks about the wrong thing. He worries that the amount of attention they're getting might jinx them. "It's weird when people say, 'Waterparks are going to blow up.'" he admits. "What if we don't? I don't want people to look back at all those articles and see us as just some band that flopped."
There's a duality at play: Awsten, the fiercely driven, self-assured frontman faces off against Awsten, the self-critical, occasional loner. It's a battle that he's keen to see end in a tie.
"I'm always both," he says of his split personality. "If I was either of those personalities full-time, shit just wouldn't get done. If I was a bummer all the time, then our shows wouldn't be fun. I think the balance is there and that's what makes it work."
Awsten, more than anyone, knows who he has to be and what he has to do for his band to be successful. And where those two sides meet is in his work ethic. When Waterparks needed flyers made, he learned Photoshop. When they needed a way to sift through their many, many different ideas before paying for studio time, Awsten set up a studio at home. Merch designs? Promo filming and editing? All Awsten. "I hate being dependent," he stresses. "Nobody's going to work as hard for your band as you will yourself. If you're stuck relying on people, you're going to be fucked."
But with that hard work about to pay off in the biggest way - Double Dare is set to propel his band into the ranks of pop-punk's elite - are Waterparks and Awsten, self-doubt and all, ready for the level of success headed their way?
"Well, we better be!" Awsten exclaims without a second's thought. "Everything that we have right now as far as the album and all the other cool stuff we have going on and the things we've accomplished, those aren't accidents. I quit school to do this full- time, so if we get to that point and I'm like, 'Oh, I'm not ready,' then fuck me, it's my fault.
"I honestly try not to think about any of it too hard, though," he continues more soberly, "because that would mess me up. But we're pretty ready."" And they'd better be.
AWSTEN KNIGHT (VOCALS/GUITAR) "Completing the prophecy, as my eyes roll back, my skin turns purple and I crawl backwards to the ceiling!"
OTTO WOOD (DRUMS) "If I managed to get trapped in a toy shop, I would monopolise the Lego market and make it a real pain in the ass for anyone who was looking to construct the biggest Lego house ever (laughs)!"
GEOFF WIGINGTON (GUITAR) "Let's see…If I was to get trapped in a toy shop overnight I would most likely find myself building the biggest Lego house ever. Once that's ready, I'd go and find myself a wife and a dog, so we can all grow old together. The end!"
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months
punk older brother toya supervising all of kid shoto’s outings because their mom isn’t allowed to leave often and their dad would never go out to have fun with his kids. Which means toya is there when shoto sees izuku from across the street and falls in love immediately.
Punk older brother Touya is so important to me in all aspects but seeing his baby brother fall head first into a crush before he even has the slightest idea of what that means is so so so important to me.
Touya taking Shouto out to the park whenever they get a chance to just get away from the house making all the moms do a double take when they see this sixteen year old punk smoking on the outskirts of the play area (not too close to the kids or he would get an earful from their mom and Fuyumi) and all of them are convinced he’s up to no good until this eight year old in frog overalls with a bucket hat runs up to him to show him a cool rock he found. They see the lazy smile he give the child, see how he holds the cigarette far enough away that the smoke wouldn’t blow into the kids eyes, see how interested he looks as he nods along and points out other things about it in his own casual and slightly sarcastic way.
See the big brother trying his best.
They all but adopt them both (and Fuyumi and Natsuo when they have a chance to join the other two between school and extracurriculars) into the fold after that.
Then one day Touya, trained from a young age to be alert for signs of danger. Signs of Shouto’s distress. Hears Shouto and another kid arguing followed by what sounds like explosions and ice forming and is running before his brain can catch up to him.
He finds a three kids where he only expected two. Shouto with his arms spread wide to block an incoming attack, half covered in ice and steaming as his quirk reacted to his anger, a blond kid scowling at him as explosions pop in his palms, and a sobbing green kid looking more than a little singed as the try to get around Shouto so if to protect him.
(Touya would never admit it, but he has a soft spot for the underdogs. For the kids with more passion than sense. For the ones that look at the odds and tell them to go fuck themselves.)
He steps between all of them, using his height and scars to his advantage as he scowls back at the kid. Let’s him see the flicker of blue flame as he lights himself another cigarette both in warning and because he’s going to need the nicotine to deal with whatever mutual appreciation party is going on between the two kids behind him.
The blond kid scoffs and leaves. Leaving the one child Touya is supposed to be responsible for and a stranger covered in burns with tears running down their freckled cheeks.
He looks at them, takes a long drag on his cigarette, and does what he always does when one of his little siblings gets hurt. He takes them to the nearest convenience store for the burn cream ice cream sandwich special and let’s the kids talk as he carefully tends to starburst burns all over the green kid’s arms.
By the end of it he is absolutely claiming best man at their eventual wedding because Shouto owes him big time for helping introduce him to the love of his life and also for fielding enough quirk theory questions on both his and Shouto’s quirks to fill a damn textbook.
At least the kids are happy.
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howtotrainyourrei · 3 months
anywho here are maneskins albums ranked according to which ones i like best, if you're also into them i would love to hear your thoughts (this is also LONG AS FUCK)
this was the first one i listened to, i dont even remember why, i vaguely remember thinking of beggin' and being like,, omg i remember that song, i wonder if they have any good albums. so i googled which maneskin album was best and MY LIFE WAS TRANSFORMED. every single song on this album is such a banger there are no skips, like usually on albums i like there are at least a couple songs where i'm like,, ehhh could be better. NOT HERE. idk which song is my favourite i think it's a tie between IWBYS, coraline, zitti e buoni, and vent'anni (literally that is half of the album, that's how good it is).
anyway i love love love the hard rock sound, but it's also not just that, like there is so much variation but it's all very cohesive. maneskin is known for their unique sound so that makes sense but my mind is still sort of boggled. it has like some harder songs but they all feel emotional?? i dont even speak italian but without even looking up the translation i almost cried from coraline because it was so beautiful. and vent'anni is ON ANOTHER LEVEL. IT IS THE PERFECT SONG TO END AN ALBUM WITH. it like combines all the ideas of the album into one song, it has hard rock elements but it still almost feels like a ballad.? GOD I LOVE THIS ALBUM. i think it might be my second fabourite album of all time now,,, it's just actually perfect. i think it's the best album i've heard in 2024. FUCK ITS SO GOOD.
GOD GOD GODDDDD THIS ALBUM. this is a totally different sound to any of their other albums. it's also LITERALLY DOUBLE THE LENGTH OF THEIR PREVIOUS LONGEST ALBUM (il ballo della vita, which is 34 minutes) WHICH MEANS THIS ALBUM HAS ONE HOUR AND EIGHT MINUTES OF MUSIC. TEATRO D'IRA ONLY HAS 30 MINUTES!!!! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THIS IS REVOLUTIONARY. okay so this album was at first released just as RUSH! with five less songs, but apparently as they continued touring and stuff they felt they had more to say so they added more songs (correct me if i'm wrong but i think this is what happened). I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS ALBUM, IT IS ONCE AGAIN VERY GENIUS. the songs are almosr completely english. i really love their italian songs, but they have always wanted to write in english so i understand why they're moving back to english.
SO!! this album is so good, it has a lot of extra depth that none of their previous albums had (musically),, except for maybe il ballo della vita. like in teatro d'ira it's basically just bass, guitar, drums, vocals, and tambourine. there might be a couple other instruments but the reason that album is so strong is because of the foundation and stuff. but with rush! there is not only a strong foundation but they also had so many types of songs!!!! there were ballads, there were harder songs, but there were also weird songs like bla bla bla and kool kids. i really LOVE kool kids, i love the punk sound. i think my favourite songs are HONEY (ARE U COMING), off my face, gossip, timezone, baby said, feel, and mammamia but EVERY SONG IS SO GOOD. just like the prev albums THERE ARE NO SKIPS!! that is so crazy for me because even with my one love (david bowie's ziggy stardust and the whatever lol) there is one skip, and måneskin has THREE ALBUMS WITH NO SONGS I WANT TO SKIP. THIS IS SO RARE FOR ME YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. i got off track there back to rush. this album is, also, SO COHESIVE. despite all the different styles they try it all fits together so well, it's such a magical experience to listen to this album. okay so this album was going to be number three on this list but i'm going to switch it now bc im currently listening to it and writing this is sort of changing my mind lol, ITS SO GODDAMN GOOD. tbh i would say this album is equally aa good as teatro d'ira but i have a sentimental attachment to teatro already lol and it's also more my usual style of music.
3. Chosen (this is an ep but whatever)
so this was their first album thing they ever released, it's mostly covers but there are two originals which are the first two songs. the originals are SO GOOD expecially for being some of the first music they ever released????? im obsessed with chosen (the song), i really REALLY love the line "this is not music, this is my life, this is what i live for." IT FEELS SO TRUE BC THATS HOW I FEEL ABOUT MUSIC (i literally do not make music i just like it lol but its like an important part of my life idfk but this line just hits hard) anyway i think the reason i like this album sm is because it's a lot more lighthearted?? i really like the style of their music, how it all feels connected even though it's mostly covers. also i think i like this album so much too because i found this english translation where they competed on x factor and most of these songs were there (if anyone wants the link lmk).
my favourite song by far tho is SOMEBODY TOLD ME. GOD FUCKING DAMN THEY EXECUTED THAT SONG SO WELL. and their FUCKING PERFORMANCE on x factor that went with it was SO GODDAMN GOOD. i love watching choreography and stuff, its my fucking jam, but i dont usually feel actual emotions about it?? like obviously it was very attractive, damiano is stunning, but also it was just so gorgeous..?? i felt real emotions watching that one performance, it was so good. im going to put the link at the bottom of the post bc GOOD LORD. god that was a brilliant performance. anyway i just love the sound of this ep, it's very raw and i really love that it was when they were first starting out,,
also the goofy little intros on both of the original songs on these albums are SO FUNNY why did he do that
4. Il ballo della vita
we've reached the final album :(((( i honestly feel bad for putting it at the end, but the reason it's all the way down here is because there's actually a couple songs i don't love, so i'll say those first. the first one is immortale. i cant tell if its a bad song or not, but i think its good, i just personally dont love it lol. but the other one is "are you ready?" this song is not even that bad it's just kind of goofy, but once again, it's not my usual style of music and it's not something i think i would listen to if it wasn't maneskin.
okay now we can get into WHAT I LIKE!!!! WHICH IS LITERALLY THE REST OF THE ALBUM. this album's style is very similar actually to the chosen ep, except it's all originals, and it's also VERY EXPERIMENTAL. i love love LOVEEEE that. like you can tell this is their first lp by how many different things they try. they're finding their style BUT IT STILL REMAINS EXTREMELY IDENTIFIABLE. on x factor their little music coach guy kept emphasising that when the other judges commented on how maneskin should try different styles and saying that its more important to be recognisable, but MANESKIN DID BOTH!! they tried so many tyoes of songs with different structures and stuff, but they also remained maneskin. obviously damiano's vocals are a huge part in that, he has a distinct af voice, but it's also the other instruments, i particularly noticed vic's bass, and i love LOVE thomas's riffs OMG. this isn't even just on this album. i dont play guitar so i have no idea if he's technically skilled (i think he is???) but i LOVE HIS STYLE AND THE CLASSIC MANESKIN RIFFS OMGGGGG. anyway tho the reason this album is so good bc it has so much variation, although i would say it's not as cohesive as the other albums, even chosen. my favourite songs tho are definitely torna a casa, fear for nobody, and close to the top. torna a case is a BEAUTIFUL ballad. it's brilliant and amazing,, i LOVE that song.
also, they made a documentary about the making of this album which was so so interesting. it was very real, and you kind of get an insight into their dynamic as a band, which was just so SHAJAISISI. but it definitely made me appreciate this album more when i could actually get a look into its production. anyway listen to torna a casa it's gorgeous.
OKAY!!! this was so fun to write actually, i doubt anyone is going to read it because it's so goddamn long but if you did i am kissing you on the lips. here is the promised link to their performance of somebody told me by the killers covered by måneskin https://youtu.be/ADcTUnUJnGs?si=3Iht9sLZn2ZRbuAW
seriously, this band is so good. i'm obsessed with them yeah but they're honestly revolutionary. not only are they basically the only world famous italian band (that i know of at least?? lmk if there are any), but they do so many INTERESTING THINGS. i have been SEARCHING for a modern band who takes old music, particularly 70s bc that's what i'm into, and takes inspiration from it but still makes something original. they are doing so much for music nowadays, obviously there are lots of amazing modern rock bands, but the fact that maneskin is SO popular is crazy to me, it makes me so so happy. and not only that, it's also so amazing that there are two queer band members (vic and ethan) who (especially victoria) talk about being queer. they also act very modest in interviews and stuff, which i really appreciate, and they're all very well-spoken and good at communicating their thoughts even though it's in a second language, which can be SO FRUSTRATING sometimes bc you know what you want to say but it can be so hard in a second language. they are just very eloquent and they act very wonderful (i say "act" and "seem" bc i understand it's a parasocial relationship lol, they could all be assholes, but they seem very, VERY genuine). they all impress me a lot and i am so excited to see what they do next.
damn this is so long im sorry but i had to say this I AM OBSESSED WITH THESE GUYS, maybe if you're also into maneskin or want to get into them you could dm me to talk about them........??..?🥺🥺
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Material World: Pulp Photograph: Ed Sirrs New Musical Express, 10 October 1992 Transcription: Acrylic Afternoons
Where are you and what are the vibes like? We are in Norwich and the vibes are like shimmering shards of incandescent plywood.
What was the last thing you ate? Nick Banks: Chicken In A Bun Candida Doyle: Branston Pickle Steve Mackey: Cucumber (whole) Russell Senior: Earwax Jarvis Cocker: A Skoal bandit
What was the last video you rented? Girl On A Motorcycle and we still owe six pounds because we took it back late, so because of that we've had nothing since.
What was the last good book you read? Dead Babies - Martin Amis The Cement Garden - Ian McEwan One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey Woman In White - Wilkie Collins Bonfire Of The Vanities - Tom Wolfe Steppenwolf - Herman Hesse
Fave political figures? Arthur Scargill, Harriet Harman, Michael Foot.
What TV shows do you try not to miss? Open University - Particle Physics Module One.
What sports are you good at? Water, pocket billiards, table tennis, cards, arm wrestling, gambling.
Which public figure do you most despise? Sebastian Coe (he gives Sheffield a bad name - he stood for Parliament because he couldn't run for toffee).
Fave TV shows of yesteryear The Spirit Of Dark And Dirty Water Double Deckers Hope And Keen's Crazy Bus Banana Splits Cheggers Plays Pop Any public information films
Most embarrassing records in your collection Ours, because our mothers insist on playing them when relatives and insurance salesmen come round.
Name three great songwriting partnerships Chinnichapp, Bacharach & David, Peters & Lee.
Fave punk rock records Candida: 'Another Girl Another Planet' - The Only Ones Jarvis: '1 2 X U' - Wire Russell: 'Pretty Vacant' - The Sex Pistols Steve: 'Bingo Master's Breakout' - The Fall Nick: 'Roadrunner' - Jonathan Richman
Fave historical figure Vlad The Impaler and the Whore Of Babylon.
Worst lyric you've ever heard "Kick yourself in the head/Pretty soon you will be dead..." ('Get A Life' - Julian Lennon)
Who's overrated? Wim Wenders, Jacques Poos (Foreign Minister of Luxembourg), Bob Dylan, Graeme Hick, John Barnes.
Who's underrated? Fellini, potatoes, Donovan, Momus.
Who's sexy? Jarvis: Jan Francis Steve: Jane Birkin, Charlotte Gainsbourg Candida: Jack Nicholson Russell: Ingrid Pitt Nick: Sue Carpenter
Punchline to fave joke "Elvis Parsley"
Where would you like to retire to? Jarvis: Whitby Russell: Scarborough Candida: Shetland Steve: Galway Nick: Cardigan Bay
Name a record that can make you cry Nick: 'Honey' - Bobby Goldsboro Candida: 'Romeo And Juliet' - Dire Straits Steve: 'Blue Afternoon' - Tim Buckley Jarvis: 'Always Coming Back To You' - Scott Walker Russell: 'She's A Lady' - Pulp
When were you last drunk? When we dressed up as a bottle.
What was the last dream you can remember? Candida: Eating live cockroach sweets Russell: That Rotherham was a major international conference centre Jarvis: Sticking up toads at the top of my gran's cellar steps Steve: Being dressed in women's clothes at a disco
Three records guaranteed to make you dance 'French Kiss' - Lil' Louis 'Groove Is In The Heart' - Deee-Lite 'Disco Inferno' - Trammps
What was the first record you heard? Nick: 'Mr Tambourine Man' - The Byrds Candida: 'Love Is Just Like A Merry-Go-Round' - Sandie Shaw Steve: 'Itchycoo Park' - The Small Faces Russell: 'The Ring' - Wagner Jarvis: 'The Strange World Of Guerney Slade' - Max Harris
Fave fabrics Dacron, Trevira, Courtelle, Lycra, Dralon, Velour, Towelling, Darron, Suedette, Moleskin, Velvet, Sharron.
Motto "That which does not destroy us makes us stronger"
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t4tklonoa · 11 months
you're one of the most based coroika fans ive ever seen . What are your thoughts on (and hcs for maybe?) the best 8
Thank u v much!!! I try my best.......
AND. I absolutely love the best 8 I think they are so silly. the designs are super cool (even if they ar just the promo kids) and their personalities are v distinctive and fun
although I think the group is alitttlle too big ? and I miss the side characters that are part of the teams getting at least a little spotlight like with Avi (I only rll hav this problem with the hierarchy). I am not asking that every side character gets one but at least one or two since the important teams are doubled would be nice. and from the looks of it (slight spoilers for chapter 75) Wire doesn't have a v important connection to any of his teammates.... BUT also it's v early to determine if any side characters will get more attention ! so u can tots just ignore this part (also buzz glasses and polpo may be the lucky ones since they appear alot with their captains)
also headcanons under cut bc I'm supppper normal abt the coroikers and hav one million headcanons ^^ (also haven't been able to read the most recent inkling almanac. some hc's may make no sense considering the new info)
It is so genderqueer ur honor. slaps she/it pronouns on her
she grew up along Kojake they are siblings... Mitsu and Kojake developed their own kind of sign language to communicate, it's v bare bones but they are living their best life out there man
I refuse to believe it collects junk as a hobby only. Poor thang doesn't have a house it lives in junk yards with Kojake
not a headcanon but she's so cool. wow
TRANSFEM ! she has facial hair and rll enjoys showing it off
has a crush on Mitsu maybe? maybe you'll never know (she does she is alesbian)
looooves collecting rocks and sharp things
girl who bites
considers all of his teammates as family :]
ABSOLUTELY. loves Polpo to death he's always talking abt how great his punk rock sis is the best
has a huge scar that goes thru his face. why? he fell off the stairs when he was little and landed on smth sharp
one million neos but orange's fav one is pop/popself
transfem also. she is besties with Hornmet
autism stares at u forever. also chronic :3 face
rll good at anarchy, especially clam blitz (SOMEHOW)
she's the oldest out of the best 8, due to this all her teammates are younger than her, they are all little siblings 2 her
she met her teammates when she randomly matched with them for a clam blitz round. they were rll struggling so she was like 'y'know what. I could help u get better ar this mode!' and then she adopted them
the most nonbinary to ever nonbinary. uses they/it/ika
Also autism stares at u forever. when ika met shellmet for the first time it was like !!!
missing a fang, got in a nasty fight to defend Flannel (they get bullied :( )
8 BIT !!!
exgender !!! goes by it/its and lots of neos (also goes by dynamo/dynamoself like Rider in my headcanons so they both get v confused when ppl refer to them and they are like. in the same room)
Also goes by many names ! Blaze and Flame are it's fav ones besides 8 bit
chronic fatigue, scorch is always drinking energy drinks
has a weird friendship with trisun... they talk nonstop for some months and then for some months they don't talk 2 eachother.
thang who bites
is rll into art and crafts, doesn't get the opportunity to do stuffies often but it rll loves its hobby (also boom encountered Goggles once in an art and crafts club once. boom was so akward abt it lol)
OCHO !!!
Hemigirl ! goes by he/they/bird/sparrow
has a special interests in birds, owns one million pet birds (rich kid) he loves them all tho (I have to get around to deciding their names and species ough).
had a crush on trisun but now he doesn't know how they feel abt xem (it was v one sided, Ocho barely talked to trisun. later on I think they would b qpps tho!)
doesn't have friends. has been like that their entire life... till bird met Wire ! kinda. he rll wants to get closer to them but Wire is a complex individual and Ocho has no idea how to socialize
WIRE !!!! (get ready for my autism)
nonbinary swagger. they/them
they are mute !!
fast learner, really flexible. they play many different weapons but prefer playing as support most of the time
was trained by shellmet for a bit, developed a huge ego due to this. they think they could've made it as far as they did without shellmet, bc why did they surpass her (lie they believ. they are both as strong) if they aren't just. naturally talented amIright ? (they have problems)
owns aloooot of bracelets. including chewy ones bc they rll enjoy chewing on stuff.
constantly chewing or licking their lips and fingers, they hav alot of scars around their mouth, on their lips and fingers due to this
thang who bites (u)
they have a pet Sparrow (that's how they and Ocho met) and a pet sea slug (Yellow edged polycera)
(chapter 75 kinda spoilers for tha next headcanons)
they and their team have known eachother for most of their life (paralleling blue team!) they are not the same age tho. (buzzcut is the oldest, Wire and punk are middle and the youngest is double-bun) ALSO. they all know ASL
punk does a lot of the talking for them if the ppl they are hanging out with don't know ASL or Wire is too tired to sign (punk knows Wire v well so they can tell most of the time basic stuff Wire wants to say)
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busterstrouble · 3 months
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flannel is the color of my energy - playlist
Buster to Ren
FITCOME is a playlist for: that feeling when you want to turn the music volume on max and rage. Hearing the hardcore breakdown of a guitar riff. Yelling at the top of your lungs in an open field. Flannel is the color of my energy is for the angst, the energy, the memories, and the background music you pick as your walk out song.
🎸 Enemy of the World - Four Year Strong
if you drop the bomb then I’ll pick it up. The song opens up with group acapella and a drum solo. Instant goosebumps. The theme tends to be team work but also ones true self worth. The battle with one’s self. You can’t help but air drumming as the song picks up. (Favorite Band of ALL time)
🎸 Came Out Swinging - The Wonder Years
my mind is made up, there’s going to be trouble. Everyone has had an end to a relationship and everyone has had a hard time. This song is the epitome of both. The pop punk double bass picks up and gives some great breakdowns.
🎸 High Regard - A Story So Far
you don’t deserve what you haven’t earned. When you have to cut off ties with someone and you have the one sided argument with yourself in the sjower…that is what this song embodies. Driving with this song on high volume and using the steering wheel as a drum.
🎸 Mind Your Business - Sunami
self important pricks learn your fucking lesson. Hardcore. From start to finish this sound is what fuels a hype up scenario. When you feel wronged or when someone turns on you…this song and the break downs make a scowl appear on your face and you vibe. (Very hardcore but bad ass)
🎸Cries of Pleasure, Heavenly Pain - Gulch
No real lyrics. When you think of a song your mother or grandma would say that is metal it’s this song. A lot of drums. A lot of guitar. A lot of yelling. This song is not the best song in the world but there is something about it that meets some inner angst.
🎸Riot Squad - Cock Sparrer
fighting the law with the rest of us. British punk rock from the 80s. This song is about friends changing and leaving the group. This band is still playing live at the age of 70 in England - sound just like the album. Just very very good.
🎸 For Whom The Bell Tolls - Metallica
take a look to the sky just before you die. This is the song you have playing as you walk out to the baseball mound. Or the song playing as you have an angsty power scene in a movie. The narrative song in a battle scene of a good book. Quality metal and always on repeat.
🎸 The Simple Type - Broadside
we shoot first, ask questions later. A good pop punk song that’s going to make you think about someone you’ve parted with. The light melody with the guitars just brings out the air guitar. Always going to boost the mood even if you’re not thinking about someone you’ve parted from.
🎸 Those Anarco Punks are Mysterious (Acoustic EP) - Against Me!
reaching out for a scary kind of perfection. against me! Has been the most punk rock band going from acoustic to rock and back again. trans front woman Laura Grace has brought the band to the future. The theme hold and it’s impossible to not sing along with all angst and distaste for the man.
🎸My Life For Hire - A Day To Remember
this is a battleground. The middle of the song has one of the most iconic breakdowns of all pop punk music. It is impossible to not close your eyes and let the build up fuel you. Working out to just processing life this song will build with you.
Hardcore, pop punk, metal, punk, and anarchy.
A playlist by Buster Palmerteri
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on English extreme metal band VENOM, during the band's "Welcome to Hell" era, c. early 1980s.
DECIBEL: "I think the positive and even life-affirming message of "Welcome to Hell" was that you can do this. It was a similar message to punk like the Ramones. Learn a few things and run with them. Look at all the bands that took that inspiration from this album and formed bands."
JEFFREY DUNN: "I’ve always said you don’t need to be a virtuoso to write an excellent song. There are bands with unreal, incredible musicianship. I honestly don’t follow much modern metal, but some of the guitarists and drummers are fucking ridiculous. But look at Angus Young. He plays three chords at the beginning of “Highway To Hell,” and 250,000 people go fucking crazy. Paul Stanley is not a virtuoso. He’s a competent rhythm guitarist. But he’s written some of the best rock songs on the planet – whether you like KISS or not. It’s about the song and the connection with the fans. Music should move you physically and emotionally. That’s what "Welcome to Hell" did."
The album also brought a lot of repressed emotions to the surface. There was a big broadsheet in England at the time called Sounds. Our first interview was there. There were letter pages in the back. This was way before the Internet when people wrote letters. The week after the interview, they had to double the letters page. There were so many people complaining and so many people who liked us. In the early days, I don’t think I came across one grey reaction to Venom. You either loved it, or you fucking hated it."
Sources: www.pinterest.com/pin/393009504968562236 & www.decibelmagazine.com/2021/12/06/we-were-the-spark-venom-celebrates-40th-anniversary-of-welcome-to-hell.
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