#what do you mean. what do you mean no one reviewed the terms and conditions on the PO of this several hundred thousand dollar project.
junonreactor · 4 months
I've been working for 1.5 hours and already the overwhelming emotion of "holy fuck i gotta get out of here"
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daloy-politsey · 2 years
“They’re trying to discharge her constructively. Do you know what Constructive Discharge means?” She asked.
As soon as I heard the term ‘Constructive Discharge,’ I knew I’d never seen it on a vocabulary quiz.
“No. What does it mean?” I asked.
She explained.
“Constructive discharge is a fancy way of saying “being forced out.” It’s not good. And if you’re not a lawyer or in human resources, you’ll probably learn what it means when it’s happening to you.”
“Oh my God. I’ve seen this my entire career and never knew it even had a name.” I thought.
You’ve seen constructive Discharge too. You may have experienced it. We’ve all made choices to avoid it.
Constructive discharge defined
“We can’t fire you, but we’ll make you so miserable you’ll quit, and then we won’t have to pay your unemployment.”
Then there’s the textbook definition:
“A constructive discharge occurs when your employer has made working conditions unbearable, forcing you to resign.”
Or as one person put it.
“I didn’t get handed a pink slip, but when you’re not wanted, people have a way of letting you know.”
HR isn’t always the secret police.
Employees aren’t always victims of evil-doers.
However, employers push employees out all the time to maintain and protect the, “We didn’t do anything wrong, YOU did,” power structure.
Constructive Discharge looks like this:
— Meeting invitations slow to a trickle, and you’re excluded from emails and generally looped out of what’s going on.
— People stop talking to you or stop talking when you walk in.
— Your emails don’t get answers, or they arrive too late to be of value.
— Suddenly, your work is not good enough, though nothing about your work has changed.
— Reviews, once good or even glowing, are now mediocre or bad.
— Instead of a bonus, you get a Performance Improvement Plan.
— Warnings and write-ups start so they can justify your eventual termination with documentation of your “poor performance”
— Your work, clients, assignments go away, or they overwhelm you with work.
— The words “Set up to fail” were practically invented to describe this scenario.
Constructive Discharge is illegal
It isn’t easy to prove you’re a target, and it’s even more challenging if you don’t even know constructive discharge is a real thing.
If you’ve ever experienced this and don’t fully understand what’s happening to you beyond knowing you’re in the process of being excommunicated, it can be hell. It’s not uncommon for the experience to leave long-lasting scars.
Talk to anyone who’s ever been through it. They’ll tell you.
Knowing constructive discharge exists and how it’s used gives you power to predict what’s coming and to protect yourself.
Seeing the endgame helps you in two ways.
You know what to expect. Having a sense of what’s coming next is enormously empowering. You can go on the offensive and protect yourself. Constructive discharge works to crush your ego, making you feel you did something wrong and deserve this treatment.
Without strategy, you end up being a miserable pawn in your employer’s endgame.
Remember, they’re almost certainly building a case to fire you in the event the hellscape they create for you doesn’t persuade you to quit.
If you’re getting pushed out, and you know what to look for you can prove constructive discharge and you can get unemployment benefits, be released from payback obligations on a signing bonus, and protect your mental health.
You’re not crazy, incompetent, or a failure. This is real and it’s carefully executed to leave you holding the bag and feeling like you did something wrong.
If they force you out, in addition to feeling horrible, you lose your paycheck, benefits health insurance, and possibly owe them money.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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aphrodieties · 9 months
Personification—a challenge
My understanding of the Law of Assumption has significantly evolved since I started this blog about five months ago, I’ve decided to review and revise the contents of my account, and I thought about the many different ways that I could convey my new understanding of the Law of Assumption and decided that the best way would be through a fun challenge! I took inspiration from @divinegrapes’ "Operation Revive the Law of Assumption community"
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Hello, I am Amphitrite—better known as Aphrodieties and I will be your host for this one-week challenge! I will introduce to you some fundamental topics for understanding this challenge and completing it successfully;
Understanding consciousness
Creation is finished
Consciousness is the only reality
The Relationship between Greek Gods and the Law of Assumption
The Challenge
Understanding consciousness
The definition of consciousness is difficult to explain as the term has been recycled and reused by a variety of different manifestation communities and each variation of the word, means something completely different. Consciousness can refer to the subconscious mind, universe, god, imagination, or reality depending on who you ask, but I propose a simpler definition—consciousness is awareness, that's all. Consciousness implies being awake or awakened to an inner realization of a fact, a truth, or a condition. Here's a little example for you, If I am sick, I must be conscious of the fact that I am unwell and I am conscious of this because I FEEL IT. I feel sick, and I am conscious of the fact that I am sick, and thus I am sick. When I refer to consciousness, I am referring to awareness, and that is what it means to be.
Creation is finished
Creation is finished is the idea that all things exist simultaneously; creation is finished is fundamental to the Law of Assumption and the success of an individual in their journey—wish fulfilled, Sabbath state, and living in the end, all entertain the idea that creation is finished. If everything already exists, then what is there to manifest? Creation is finished and all things exist within consciousness, If you can conceptualize it then it must exist, and therefore all you must do is become aware of such.
Consciousness is the only reality
We can only experience that which we are conscious of being; “Man is incapable of seeing other than the contents of his own consciousness. If I now become detached in consciousness from this room by turning my attention away from it, then, I am no longer conscious of it. There is something in me that devours it within me. It can only live within my objective world if I keep it alive within my consciousness." — Neville Goddard, Consciousness is the only reality
This doesn't mean that we aren't real and everything is an illusion—it means that if something exists within our objective world, then we must be conscious of it. Not as the outer man, no, it doesn't matter what the outer man sees, hears, smells, touches, or tastes because the outer man is helpless, the outer man cannot create or be anything other than what the inner man is conscious of being. Consciousness is the only reality and I mean the only reality! You are helpless as the outer man and you cannot control the world, and that's where most of you go wrong. You have no power as the outer man and you have no power in this world because consciousness is the only reality and that's why there is nothing and no one to change but self. Let go of control and control within. — I’m sure that you can tell that this passage is heavily inspired by @/sexyandhedonistic and @/Edwardart
The relationship between Greek Gods and the Law of Assumption
I'm sure some of you may recognize this from an older post of mine, which I've archived but—One might wonder about the relationship between Greek mythology and The Law of Assumption, these two topics seem to drastically contradict one another. However, that's not exactly true; Greek Gods are the personification of the natural world and the experience within, and personification is the representation of a thing, abstraction, or inanimate object as a person. This is very similar to what we talk about in the Law of Assumption community regarding; States, imagination, conceptualization, experiencing, and being. For example; A common misconception about Greek Mythology is that Apollo is the god of the sun and Artemis is the goddess of the moon, but that's not true exactly—Helios is the sun and Selene is the moon, Artemis and Apollo merely utilizes those domains. Apollo is sunlight and enlightenment but not the sun itself and Artemis was heavily associated with the moon because she used its light to guide hunters through the night. Another example would be Persephone, she's not the Goddess OF Spring—she IS spring. The personification of it.
This is what it means to occupy a state, what it means to conceptualize, experience, and, or be. If you wish to be something then you must be conscious of being that which you desire, similar to Persephone—she is not the Goddess of spring but spring itself, it is her and she is it. To imagine is to experience, similar to Apollo and Artemis who experience the sun and the moon.
The challenge
This challenge lasts for about a week and you can start whenever you wish. We talk a lot about not conditioning our desires and removing rules but this is an exception, There are some things you must do that are necessary to participate in this challenge.
The first rule would be to be indifferent toward the 3D, let's not place any weight on our actions in the physical world because this isn't about the physical, and there is no one and nothing to change but self. I don't mean to ignore your responsibilities or obligations, I mean to not view them as confirmation of anything. If you are manifesting Blue hair and you look in the mirror and your hair is black, continue throughout your day as if nothing happened. You don't need to affirm the opposite or try to logicize why your hair is still Black when you're manifesting it to be blue, You don't need to tell yourself, "My inner man has blue hair" or "My hair is blue in imagination" continue to live as you’ve always done and just remain faithful to the imagination.
The second rule would be to personify consciousness, decide what you want, and personify it. Yes, this applies even if you have multiple desires as mythological Gods often presided over multiple domains—you can create your own personification or become aware of being one that already exists, For example; I want to manifest Talent and health—I might become conscious of being Apollo, as he’s the personification of such things. I might create my own personification; (y/n), personification of talent and health. Either way, I am conscious of being that which I formerly desired, and it doesn't have to be a Greek God either! I want to manifest beauty—I become conscious of being Narcissus, I conceptualize and experience; I fall in love with a reflection of myself in a lake and I am simply enamored with my own beauty, I feel it, and therefore I am.
Third, trust in self, always. Do not question if you're doing something right or continuously start over and try to perfect the technique, You don't need to meticulously plan anything either. The goal is feeling and if you feel anything then you're doing it right.
And finally—have fun and update me! I want to know who you’ve all chosen as the personification of your desires and who you’ve decided to be conscious of being!
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inkskinned · 2 years
i both firmly believe that self-diagnosing saved my life and i think that the way tiktok and instagram have recently been spreading misinformation about mental illness/neurodivergence is incredibly harmful.
people who are looking for answers are already people who are in a vulnerable situation.
much of the misinformation appears logically sound; and is presented as definitive fact (prefaced with claims such as "research shows"). it's imperative we remember correlation does not prove causation. it is incredibly dangerous to make definitive statements like "if X happened in your childhood, you now Z as an adult." real scientists will almost always use may or other less-definitive terms. similarly, equating one behavior/experience with any single condition is also unsafe. many conditions have overlapping symptoms; and many people "mask" their key symptoms, even to themselves.
we cannot discern from a singular data point any conclusion. in official diagnosis, for a behavior/experience to be considered a symptom, it must significantly influence your life. many people enjoy an organized space. that is a preference. disrupting your daily life even at personal cost in order to prioritize organization is more likely a symptom.
again, a single data point is not an effective diagnostic tool. it is necessary and important work to catalogue and consider all unwanted/distressing behaviors in order to understand a complete picture of the person.
i will see creators in paid partnerships make generalized behavioral/emotional claims that apply to a large portion of a community, and then they will suggest that the "solution" to that behavior is through their paid partner/through their personal support. "follow for more psych tips/facts" is an incredibly evil marketing tactic. i very rarely see unpartnered/unbranded content on how to aid/comfort those behaviors and feelings.
much of the misinformation employs a subtle technique (called confirmation bias) of setting up a conclusion before "proving" the conclusion. "you know you have X when you experience A,B, and C." no person's experience of their conditions/behaviors will look exactly the same as another's. while knowing certain things might be a sign/symptom of a condition, it is irresponsible to consider it definitive.
confirmation bias is unfortunately extremely effective on tiktok specifically. the algorithm will notice that you interacted longer with the video that "proves" (through a singular video) that you "have" a condition. it will continue to feed you related videos that further confirm what you believe.
this is dangerous because we are, unfortunately, not good at knowing ourselves. i did not know it was unusual to vividly nightmare every night; i didn't consider it a symptom. i was similarly dismissive also of any other signs of my PTSD - i incorrectly assigned them to anxiety/adhd. on the small scale, this can mean a longer journey to healing. on the larger scale, it can mean people with extremely difficult situations are unable to get the help they need.
please, if you can, and you're looking to self-diagnose: be careful about what you assume about yourself. try to keep an honest journal of what you're thinking/feeling/doing for a few days.
do not go in with an assumption. try to keep an open mind. i think we all "suspect" we have something - but like i said, i completely missed my own PTSD symptoms, because i suspected the ADHD the most, and only "saw" those symptoms.
do your own research. if the tiktok says "research shows", google that research. figure out who paid for that research. do further research related to that study - has it ever been repeated? is it peer reviewed? do other researchers seem to accept it as conclusive?
if you feel you really resonate with the materials of one person's experience with a condition, find other examples. see if you relate to other creators who identify similarly.
and please - please do not stop once you come to a conclusion. i fully believe that the diagnostic process should be seen as a first step, not a destination. by knowing what you might be struggling with, you gain an incredibly powerful tool on how to gain peace with that condition.
if you feel yourself emotionally respond to a tiktok/etc that suggests something that might be true about yourself, i'm glad you had that experience. but it's also important to not relax into the "easy" answer. interrogate it. start googling what else that could mean; what ways you could work on healing that wound.
healing does not "belong" to any one condition. i want you to begin to look into healing no matter if you have "proven" you have a condition or not. it is never selfish to practice responsible self-care. even if you don't relate to having adhd, you are not harming me by using adhd-inspired study tips. it is not making my condition worse for you to seek peace by asking for more time on tests. even if it was - the fault would be with the system, not in your need of something the system makes inaccessible.
remind yourself that everything you experience is real. and because it is real, it is complicated. while things might be related - even sometimes clearly related - a stranger on the internet cannot make that discernment for you. you as a person deserve the work, attention, and care that goes into the process of unravelling the harm that has been done to you.
it makes me very, very upset to see how popular these videos have become, because they're so irresponsible. and they clearly are targeting a vulnerable group. for example, making generalized claims about children of unloving caretakers is targeting those who have experienced neglect. there is no way to use 30 second videos to correctly analyze what that neglect might have caused in your adult life. i'm sorry, but it's snake oil.
i know it is so powerful soothing to recognize that you aren't broken. that others exist like you out there. i want every person looking for answers to find their answer. i want you to feel seen and heard and understood. i want you to find your community.
i just want it to happen safely.
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dani-sdiary · 2 months
Anyone Else?
I am 18 years old and I just found out I am intersex.
I started puberty at an earlier age than average. I had severe acne, oily skin, and hirsutism in second grade. I remember my dad telling me to wash my face because I was getting "a type of pimple called a blackhead" (he had to explain to me what it was, I had never heard of them) when he dropped me off at before-school daycare at 7 years old. When I told my mom I had hair under my arms that same year, she flat-out refused to believe me. She simply said I did not, that it was impossible.
I started shaving my legs in third grade, after begging my parents to let me for a year. My mom said I should only have to shave every other day, and again denied the truth when I told her that wasn't enough. Once I started shaving my legs, I noticed the hair everywhere else: my back, my chest, my face, all over.
I googled my symptoms over and over, scouring the internet for a documented experience of any other woman who was like me. I questioned my gender identity over the years. I had wondered if it was possible for me to be intersex, but I had a very limited view of what that could mean, and I assumed if I was, it would be very physically, externally, obvious. At that time, I didn't think it was possible for my doctors, my parents, and everyone else in my life to miss something so important.
For about a year, I identified as non-binary and used they/them pronouns. I think that part of this came from a place of being young and exploring my identity, but it also came from deep insecurity. I didn't feel like being a girl was an option for me because of the way I looked, so I thought it would ease my pain to pretend I wasn't a girl. I want to make it abundantly clear that I am in no way saying questioning one's gender identity is only about being insecure. That was my personal experience, and I am in the minority. I am the exception to the vast majority of experiences.
I bought plain, solid-color, clothes 3 sizes too big and wore pants and long sleeves all summer to swallow me up. I always wore my hair down and I always had bangs to cover as much of my face as possible. I wanted to make it impossible to see my face at all, and, between bangs, glasses, makeup, and a mask, I was fairly close.
By the time I was 12, I had developed a four-hour daily routine for removing all my hair. After a year of seeing my therapist, I finally broke down and told her about my hirsutism via pen and paper and through tears. I was so, so ashamed that I couldn't even say the word "hair" out loud. She immediately told me I might have PCOS, something I had never heard of, and it turns out she was right.
It was only recently, six years after my PCOS diagnosis, that I found out there was any discussion at all about PCOS being considered an intersex condition. I am ashamed to say my first reaction was one of more fear and insecurity. I have been chasing womanhood all my life, and this felt like yet another barrier to it. Even if I didn't identify as intersex after reading about this, it's taught me I have quite a bit of unlearning to work on.
I am in no way qualified to declare PCOS to be an intersex condition, and I am not telling other people with PCOS that they have to be intersex, but I now identify as intersex. I love that PCOS awareness is a trending hastag on tiktok, but there is still so much more research that needs to be done, especially into this particular area. I read peer-reviewed journals from scientists and blog posts about individuals' real experiences and I found a term that feels like home for me, that fell in line with the way I had always felt about myself. I will still use she/her pronouns, because they also feel right for me.
When I experience things like this, I don't know what else to do but write about them. I hope we learn more about this, and I hope I can talk to someone who has also had this experience. Thank you.
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felinefractious · 10 months
Index Page
Click to Help Palestine
Vetted Palestinian Fundraiser Masterpost
You can also find me @catsindoors where I discuss feline behavior, health, welfare and other related topics and at @declaweddisabledpurebred where I promote adoptable cats.
Mittens McFluffy of Tumblr = Cat’s Name
🐱 = Breed
📸 = Photographer or Source
🎨 = Color/Pattern
If the breed featured has a debilitating health issues as their defining feature I will include a [link] to information of the condition beside the breed name.
This is not comprehensive, the abscence of a [link] doesn’t mean the breed is without issue. It may just mean there isn’t one, concise artle to link. Always do your research.
Here is some recommended reading.
AAFP Position Statement Hybrid Cats
Histologic Description of Lykoi Cat
Concerns over Maine Coons on the GCCF
Lykoi Sebaceous Cysts
Manx Syndrome
Munchkin Limb Deformity
Over-typification in Maine Coon Cats
Persian Brachycephaly
Scottish Fold Osteochondrodysplasia [Examples]
If the color/pattern is relatively new, particularly rare, or affiliated with some sort of health condition I will include a [link] to information on the subject beside the color/pattern description.
The letter/number combination in the tags is determined using the Fédération Internationale Féline EMS system. I may also reference the EMS codes from GCCF, LCWW, WCF or WOF.
Here is a glossary of colloquial and breed-specific terms for colors and patterns. You can browse the different breeds, colors and patterns featured here through the breed tags or the color tags pages. These pages are not updated regularly.
You can send in pictures of your cat if you like and I will tell you what they appear to be. It is helpful to include some history on the acquisition of your cat. It is helpful to include multiple angles, varied lighting, close-up of parted fur and especially nose and paw pads. Remember that this is an educated guess only.
I will answer genetics oriented questions to the best of my ability, I have a working understanding of cat genetics but for more complicated or in-depth questions regarding genotype I recommend asking @amber-tortoiseshell. I’m most confident with my expertise on phenotype (appearance) and cat breeds.
Disclaimer: This blog is to show cat colors and patterns, I share rare or unique colors and good examples wherever I find them. Inclusion on this blog is not endorsement of the breed or breeder.
List of Cat Registries
List of Breed Clubs (TBA)
Here are some good resources to start you off:
Beware Don’t Get Scammed
Finding the Purrfect Pedigreed Kitten
Identifying a Scammer: Red Flags
How to Spot a Scam
Thinking of Buying a Pedigree Kitten? Advice for Purchasers
There are also Facebook groups which can be a useful, additional resource such as Bad Catteries Around the World, BLACKLIST Breeders Cats/Cattery Cats, Exposing Bad Catteries & Educating for Change and GOOD Catteries Around the World Reference and Reviews!
If you’re in the UK you can check Felis Brittanica’s Suspension List.
Breed Specific Groups
Abyssinian Kitten Scams and Breeder Search Guidelines
Bad Sphynx Catteries/Breeders!!!
Black List Bengal Breeder!
Maine Coon Breeders Blacklist,
Posts to Read
r/cats Bruce the Minuet
American Shorthair vs. Domestic Shorthair
Brachycephaly in Cats
The Different Bobtail Genes
Gen. Ticked British Shorthair
Highlander/Highland Lynx Health
Is It A Nebelung?
Maine Coon Phenotype
New Style vs. Old Style Maine Coons
Peterbald vs. Sphynx
Siamese vs. Oriental
Sphynx Health & Hygiene
What Is Rufousing?
Yeast in Devon and Cornish Rex breeds
Don’t fucking put Harry Potter references on my posts or in the tags. You will be blocked.
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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Book Review 22 - The Employees: A Workplace Novel of the 22nd Century
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This was a fascinating book. Another one I probably appreciate as an art object more than as a story, per se, but in this case that’s not really a knock on it. Or at least, I believe the whole project began as the written accompaniment to an actual visual art display. Which I really rather wish I could have seen, it seems like the right sort of setting and accompaniment would have made this a lot more affecting.
Anyway, the basic synopsis of the book is that, sometime in the future, a massive space vessel called the Six Thousand Ship is launched from Earth and ends up in orbit over an alien world, where strange and vaguely eldritch objects are retrieved and brought on board. The story is told through a series of anonymous employee testimonials to some silent and anonymous survey/study/HR board. Crucially, some large fraction of the crew is not human but humanoid, synthetic workers created and programmed by the organization who own the ship.
The entire thing is perfectly designed to convey a very particular sense of corporate alienation, right down to the polite euphemisms used for murder. Especially at the beginning, everything from obsession to grief and nostalgia over never seeing Earth again is always framed as how it might effect ones productiveness as an employee, and to figure out everything that really happened in any given statement you usually have to first decipher the thick layer of corporate HR-ese its buried under. The packaging provides a sort of antiseptic distance that kind of clashes interestingly with what is actually happening at any given point.
Which is, I’m sue, all making a point of the alienation and inhumanity of the modern workplace and the absolute horror of a life that is nothing but work – I think I first heard this book mentioned in the context of people discussing Severance, and I can absolutely see the relation between the two. I’m sure it’s incredibly uncultured of me, but the whole framing device (especially as things moved towards the climax) also just seemed incredibly reminiscent of the audio logs and scraps of text you would find in a video game, providing the backstory of how whatever environment you’re exploring collapsed into the ruined state you found it in. Which is, certainly, an interesting effect to go for in a book.
The objects themselves are almost certainly weighted with deep symbolic meaning that flew entirely over my head, but the effect they had on the various employees is definitely interesting. Things definitely do happen, but in terms of page count the inner musings and angst over the human(oid) condition and how interaction with the objects effects different individual psychologies is what the book is actually really interested is. Being allowed to care for the objects in the way they seem to like becomes an intense preoccupation for some of the crew involved, even moreso than the allocated time with holographic recreations of children the organization starts providing as an incentive at a certain point.
I’m not entirely sure it really does anything with it, but all the ways the book gestures at transhumanism is at least interesting. The humanoids themselves, with their probably immortality and regular mental reuploads and lack of anything outside the Work to contextualize or complicate their life (at least until the objects show up), as well as plenty of mentions of add-ons that the Organization provides its human workers as needed. And just very oblique mentions of ‘transfers’ to positions with very different mental architecture or sense of self or physical/mental autonomy. It’s all a great/creepy vibe, at least.
On the whole book left me slightly cold, but that’s really a me problem more than the book problem. Short enough to be worth a read if it seems interesting, at least.
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hvnnibvni · 1 year
Together Again | JJK *Spoiler*
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Pairings: Jungkook/Reader
Genre: Mature themes. Romance. Angst. Arranged marriage AU. Childhood best friends to lovers AU.
Warnings: cheating, reader is a rope bunny (ALLEGEDLY), hard!dom JK, switch!reader, reader likes to be slutted out, drunken sex, unplanned pregnancy(this is in the end dw😅), cunnilingus, oral (both receiving), fighting (talk shit get hit) daddy!kink, praise!kink, dirty talk, spanking, hair pulling. Just all around nasty y’all.
Summary: After reader finds her long-term boyfriend in bed with their mutual friend. She moves back into her family home, but under one condition. She has to marry her childhood friend that has been arranged since their childhood. For a wedding gift they go to a mountainous getaway with a group of friends, reader is told that ex and mutual friend get invited, so reader and jk decide to pretend not to know each other to avoid any confusion or miscommunication.
Authors note: This, if not obvious, is my first time writing. Like call me the virgin marry of writing cuz idk what I’m doing. But we gone figure it out though. Anyways some things might change throughout the story just bear with me. This is actually a piece of the end not the whole thing. More of a drabble if you will darling, cuz idk if it’s good or not and Ian trynna EMBARRASS myself. But in all honesty I want honest reviews just don’t hurt my feelings I will cry 😐 I would like respectful constructive criticism, not no “yOu WrItInG DumB HAr hAr🤓” type bs y’all can take that childish shit somewhere else, and other writers feel the same way when people do stuff like that kind of stuff isn’t cute or funny when you’re the only one laughing babes. Sorry I just went on a whole tangent. Anyways enjoy my piece of a piece 😂 (Edit: ex doesn’t have a name neither does the ex bff)
Everyone is having their own separate conversations when ex bff brings up the fact that y/n doesn’t look like she’s feeling well. Y/n bushes it off but ex bff pushes a little harder and say “I’m just trying to make sure you and your baby are okay” the table goes dead silent, everyone too stunned to speak. Jungkook watching quietly.
“ what is she talking about?” Asks ex bf. Y/n calm as ever replies “ I’m pregnant.” Looking right at (name). “Well I don’t know what to say,” ex bf goes on to say while acting flattered. “I mean you know I’ve always wanted to be a dad-“
“it’s mine.”
Everyone turned shocked to look at Jungkook who’d been sitting quietly the whole time. “How long?” He proceeds to ask, ignoring everyone around them. “Around 8 weeks” y/n responds. “When did you find out?“ His questioning continues “Yesterday morning.” Y/n answered, not missing a beat “why didn’t you tell me?” He interrogates further. “It was going to be a surprise, but it seems plans have changed.” She answers calmly, although she is agitated that her plans were ruined all for a petty jab that gave the latter 5 seconds of satisfaction.
“Wait… what’s going on?” Ex question confusingly. “you know him?” He asks y/n. “Y’a she does, rather well actually. We grew up together” Jungkook answers. “Y/n and I are married.” “WHAT!!” Ex exclaims “Since when?!” Ex continues “because we broke up about 2 months ago. The time checks out. So that would mean you cheated on me.” He reach’s.
“Well not exactly.” Jungkook goes on to explain. “Y/n and I were arranged by our parents when we were little. But then she chose to be with you and was disowned by her family. So when you guys broke up, she went back to her family under the condition that she marries me. How it was always supposed to be.” He finishes looking at ex.
“So wait.” Everyone turns to look at ex bff. “Y/n isn’t some poor gold digger “ex” found off the street? I don’t believe that.” She says spitefully. “I’ve know y/n for years and not once has she ever showed she is the heiress like you all say. I mean how come i’ve never seen or heard about her? Huh? Riddle me that?”
“Do you not know what disowned means you mamahuevo? Eh? Does anything flicker between the last two brain cells you have AI COÑAZO CULO! EL BURRO SABE MAS QUE TU!!” Gabriella screams at ex bff fed up with her bs this weekend, bout ready to jump her if she wasn’t worried for y/n’s stress levels.
“This is some Penelope Douglas ass shit bitch.” Meimi whispers to Jimin next to her waiting to see what happens next.
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
fuck me so the migration bill passed in Commons yesterday.
still gotta go through Lords so it MIGHT get slightly defanged but let's look at how well that worked for the Police, Crime and Sentencing Bill last year which passed into law despite native public outrcy with most of its anti-protest and all of its anti-Traveller clauses intact. and there's not been nearly the same degree of concerted protest against this one yet.
in a bid to """""""stop the small boats"""""", the bill will:
Override the rights enshrined in international law to seek asylum, instead prioritising the Home Office's new legal duty to deport any undocumented migrant to concentration camps in Rwanda. yes I said concentration camps they are mass internment camps for a specific group of people to be incarcerated indefinitely without trial. that is what a concentration camp is. here's home secretary Suella Braverman laughing in front of the "estate" built in Rwanda to house deported asylum seekers
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allow for indefinite detention of children suspected of being undocumented until they can be removed to the Rwanda camps. Tory rebels said 'could we not have to review that after 3 days to justify their detention?' and the Tory government said 'no but if we pass the bill we pinky promise that we'll think about maybe adding in an indefinite review period at some point' so it passed.
remove temporary protections allowing people claiming they've been trafficked as slaves to stay in the UK while their case is reviewed, and to recieve some support and leniency if it's found that they are Literally Here As Slaves. that's off the table in this bill, if you get trafficked to Britain as a slave who give a shit it's off to Rwanda with you buddy. even former PM Theresa "We Have To Create A Really Hostile Environment For Immigrants" May was like hey steady on there lads. that is incredibly specifically going to make preventing modern slavery way harder because who the fuck is going to come forward and say "help I'm being enslaved and trapped against my will in bad conditions in an unfamiliar country" when the thing that the government will do with that information is trap you against your will in bad conditions in a different unfamiliar country? NOBODY IS GOING TO DO THAT meaning that victims will be penalised in law for being victimised and traffickers will face even fewer consequences. which to be fair is the Tory playbook.
it's fucked. it's fucked and I feel so sick about it and so afraid of how overtly fascistic and genocidal this government continues to get.
meanwhile their new voter ID laws are in place and they've already been caught lying to voters in high-opposition areas by sending out flyers from party HQ claiming you don't need ID to vote. which you now do.
it's very bad lads. it's very very very very bad.
in the past 24 months we've seen a constant flow of legislation targeting Gypsy/Roma/Traveler communities, migrants, LGBTQ+ people (particularly trans people), disabled and chronically ill people, and protesters and dissidents. meanwhile we're in our biggest cost of living crisis in 45+ years, protections for the poor are being stripped and national services are being privatised.
the best case interpretation as far as I can see is that they expect to be ousted in the next General Election (but that isn't until 2025) and are getting everything they want to do in terms of attacking human rights and wellbeing as far as possible so that the next government will struggle to roll them all the way back
the thing is though that Labour are just nodding along with all these policies and are in the process of aggressively removing the remainder of open leftists from the party's core power structure, having already removed the ordinary membership's ability to guide party leadership or policy, and the SNP, which has often lately been the only meaningful opposition party in Westminster, is in freefall and on fire over an embezzlement and corruption scandal. that plus the voter suppression laws and control over media that the government are wielding FEELS A LOT LIKE even if we make it to the 2025 election we might still get another Tory term.
Winter of Discontent...2!!!! has been something of a damp squib - there have been widespread strikes but little obvious impact. this winter felt like the time things were gonna snap but I'm just not sure we're ever gonna snap hard enough.
Idk I feel sick as a fucking dog. I don't know what to do. If anyone knows of any ways to help (in Edinburgh, I can't travel easily out of the city) with the Migration Bill situation or with stuff more broadly, hmu. I'm pretty well tuned in on trans rights and abortion rights protests but I don't have connects for most other stuff.
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lgcmanager · 1 month
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: Cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
all of the actors are called to a meeting with their managers, BYUN MIDO, HAN YOOHWA, KIM DONGSUN, and SEO HEEJUNG. not wanting to waste any time, the managers begin going through everything that will be happening in the new term.
HEEJUNG begins to tells them the rules and information regarding housing, “in the past terms, we’ve allowed everyone who has joined legacy agency the option to stay in dorms or find their own place. however, due to the incident that happened a few months ago and how our bosses have been telling us to be ever so more watchful towards all of you, we’ve changed our rules. similar to last term, every person who joins the subsidiary will stay in the dorms for one term. if you have been under probation before, then that will last two terms — one for the term where you were under probation and another to follow every new person that joins us.”
“for the ones that have gone through one term in this path without any warnings, punishments, or scandals during that time, they will be given the option to live offsite. those of you confirmed to stay will be able to move into your new dorms starting from today. otherwise, for those of you who have chosen to stay in your own place, you will need to pack up and leave your current dorms starting from today as well. and just like AECHA has said in the past, just because you aren’t under our watch 24/7 anymore does not mean that you can go crazy. if we hear of any inappropriate behavior, you will be immediately brought back to the dorms.” DONGSUN looks at each one of the actors, making sure that they know and are aware of the new dorm changes.
HEEJUNG stated, “sns is important for exposure for our actors. however, it’s not absolutely imperative, so the rules haven’t changed. you’ll be permitted a PUBLIC INDIVIDUAL INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT after meeting certain conditions. first, you must have completed a full trimester in this path and second, you must have at least 6 posts on the legacy entertainment account already. this just gives us comfort that you know what is or isn’t appropriate. for those of you who are eligible for an account, the information will be provided to you shortly. again, as with the dorms, this privilege can be taken away if you decide to do some funny business.”
“now we’re almost done with the basics, but there’s one legal matter that we have to cover right now.” HEEJUNG turns to look at YOOHWA and MIDO, who is giving the contracts to some of the actors. “please read and review through the new terms and conditions. once you are done, sign and return the contract to me or DONGSUN as soon as possible. it doesn’t have to be done right now, but the sooner the better because your modeling career will be starting soon and we want to make sure this is done in a seamless manner.”
( this is just an ic note, there is no need to submit this ooc )
for the ones that have joined the path, they will be eligible to participate in OPEN EVENT 6, where they can post content for the fansites! more information about this can be found over HERE.
“a few years ago, JTBC used to air a variety show called ‘NEW FACES’ which included some of our past actors who have been on the show. this time around they want all of you to be a part of the show. filming for this will begin next week and will air every MONDAY starting LATE MAY. for some of our new actors who aren’t a part of BLACK BANQUET or THE HIDDEN ENEMY, this may be your first and wonderful chance to get your name out there and learn about your fellow peers. and as for everyone else, consider this as an opportunity to show some of your variety skills.”
WEEK 1 ( EPISODES 1-2; AIRING MAY 6 & 7 ): each actor will first fill a questionnaire about their personalities, then, they will be asked to act a character they will come up with on the spot. the two mcs ( JO SEHO and UHM HYUNKYUNG ) will try to figure out which questionnaire belongs to whom.
WEEK 2 ( EPISODES 3-4; AIRING MAY 13 & 20 ): actors will be split up into two teams based on when they joined lgc agency; the VETERAN team ( AHN YEIN, BAEK SEONA, LEE HYUNSOO, SHIN JIEUN, YANG AERI, YOON MINJAE, ZHENG LEO ) and ROOKIE team ( BAE SOJIN, CHO MINKYU, KIM CHERRY, KO YEJUN, MOON JINO, NAM GYURI, PARK SUJIN, YOO HAEMIN ) and must guess the right movie based on a random timestamps selected by the actors ( eg. 1 hour, 30 minutes, and 33 seconds ). the mcs will play the audio sample from the movie and last about 3 seconds. the actors must guess what movie it is based on the snippet shown to them. movies will be primarily korean movies, but international ones will be included as well. if the actor who suggested the timestamp gets it incorrect, the other team has a chance to make a guess. if both teams are wrong, the other team gets a chance to suggest a different timestamp of the same movie to get a better idea of what movie it’s from.
WEEK 3 ( EPISODE 5-6; AIRING MAY 27 & JUNE 3 ): actors will be paired up in two or three and be given a random genre and scenario to act out on the spot. ( please refer to the week 3 pairings for which genre and scene was given to them. ) the groups must try to give the most entertaining scene possible in front of a small audience of random people of all ages. the winning team gets to eat steak.
WEEK 4 ( EPISODES 7-8; AIRING JUNE 10 & 17 ): all of the actors will play a confessions game, where one actor ( per round ) will be separate from the other teams with a partition and have their headphones on. the other actors will answer questions related to the actor ( eg. ‘recent moment you’ve had with so and so’, ‘what is one unique thing you’ve noticed or know about the other person?’, ‘when did you first meet the person?’ etc ). if the actor wants to eavesdrop in the conversation, they would need to take one shot of bitter tea. ( for visualization, you can watch this video over HERE ).
WEEK 5 ( EPISODES 9-10; AIRING JUNE 24 & JULY 1 ): actors will be separated into two teams; TEAM NEW ( AHN YEIN, CHO MINKYU, KIM CHERRY, KO YEJUN, LEE HYUNSOO, MOON JINO, YANG AERI, YOO HAEMIN ) TEAM FACE ( BAE SOJIN, BAEK SEONA, NAM GYURI, PARK SUJIN, SHIN JIEUN, YOON MINJAE, ZHENG LEO ) to play dodge ball. the person who gets hit by the ball has to go out in the JTCB public area and act as a random character from a movie or drama ( not produced by lgc ) for 3 minutes.
WEEK 6 ( EPISODES 11-12; AIRING JULY 8 & 15 ): the actors will each be given trophies for their achievements during the show, naturally categories are often nonsensical ( example: best water drinker ). filming will begin with a red carpet where the actors will need to be dressed up like they’re attending a prestigious award ceremony. each actor will win a prize and be asked to make a speech.
BAE SOJIN & KO YEJUN & NAM GYURI: horror ( genre ), saying goodbye to a loved one at the airport ( scenario ).
LEE HYUNSOO & YANG AERI: comedy ( genre ), a broken teleporter transports a pair to random locations ( scenario ).
AHN YEIN & KIM CHERRY: science fiction ( genre ), two realtors trying to sell famous fairytale character homes ( scenario ).
BAEK SEONA & MOON JINO: romance ( genre ), an exercise class for action movie stars ( scenario ).
CHO MINKYU & PARK SUJIN: detective ( genre ), a writing team trying to think up new fortunes for fortune cookies ( scenario ).
SHIN JIEUN & YOO HAEMIN: historical ( genre ), a pair of older folks share the lessons they wished they had learned sooner ( scenario )
YOON MINJAE & ZHENG LEO: thriller ( genre ), support group for evil henchmen ( scenario )
a submit will be sent to LEO in the upcoming days whenever the admins have a chance, so please look out for that.
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:actingmission for everything related to this event. you have until JULY 6, 2024 11:59PM EDT to complete the following requirements:
NEW FACES: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies ( 2 posts per mun; minimum 8 lines ) thread with another actor about any episode for +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +3 NOTORIETY ! ** for black banquet/the hidden enemy musical muses, you may do this up to 2 times while everyone else can do it up to 3 times **
NEW FACES AWARDS: write a 250+ word solo about the award that was given to them for the finale. the post must include the award given to them ( which you can make it up, but as mentioned previously it would have to be a nonsensical award ) and a speech, which must be at least 100+ WORDS in DIALOGUE. completing this will earn you +5 VARIETY and +2 NOTORIETY !
once you are done, please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ ACTING MISSION 018 - NEW FACES: +5 ( skill points distribution ), +3 notoriety [ LINK ] ** for black banquet/the hidden enemy musical actors, you can do this up to 2 times while everyone else can do it up to 3 times ** - NEW FACES AWARDS: +5 variety, +2 notoriety [ LINK ]
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thepiedsniper · 7 months
A huge review for A Curse For True Love (spoilers, obviously - all below the cut).
DISCLAIMER: I have read the B&N and Waterstones epilogues but not the OwlCrate one yet (I don’t think anyone has, to be honest). So possibly some of my questions will be addressed in that ending.
On the Kiss: there was a compelling theory that Jacks would turn human due to his love for Eva (per the rules established in Caraval) and that’s how they could kiss and be together without killing Eva. I thought this made a lot of sense (because if your universe has established that becoming human is the canonical consequence of an Immortal falling in love, this kind of definitely needs to happen for the prequel series readers to believe that he really loves Eva, right?). Except Jacks clearly never really became human - his tears were tears of blood and the story curse refers to him as a not-quite-human in the epilogue. This also means he's still ageless and will ultimately outlive Eva by A Lot. So, oof.
To that end - I know Jacks is a fatalist and Eva is an optimist, but did it never even OCCUR to either of them to be like "what if we just did everything together EXCEPT kiss for the rest of our lives?" I know Jacks is compelled to kiss (and it’s obliquely confirmed that the apples are his way to fighting that urge) so you'd have him struggling with that arrangement in the long term. But also, Eva seems convinced she's never been in danger of Jacks kissing her before, so why wouldn’t she at least float that idea and see if he goes for it? Why go for the kiss other than Extreme Belief in The Power of Love; i.e. the exact thing Eva found out was actually the one condition that would ensure the curse killed her, according to Aurora like five minutes beforehand. Which Eva Does Not Mention to Jacks, by the way. "Hey, you know that blonde from Valenda you thought was the one exception to your curse and caused you a tonne of angst and confusion ever since? Turns out you had your whole curse backwards these last several hundred years lol."
Eva still owes Jacks a kiss. If you even care.
No but forreal, at least address it. Do a cutesy "OK, then spend that kiss on me, right now, mwah!" bit in the epilogue, or even a juicy "I’m never cashing it in, because not only is it practical that we can still speak telepathically, but I like that you're still tied to me magically foreverrrr". But like, these three magic kisses were the main conceit of this series. Until they weren’t.
The book seemed to shy away from many interesting plot hooks and tropes. Not even subverting them, just...moving on and away instead of fleshing them out. The main one off the top of my head is The Hunt. This seemed like a really specific and interesting event, with a lot of potential tension and parallels to Jacks’ former life as a hunter, if things went wrong in interesting ways. Except we never see any of it, and instead Someone Tries to Kill Eva (turns out Petra had a lover? This plotline is Not Important and everyone quickly moves on despite the fact that I’m pretty sure Belleflower was never found or dealt with) and we get a slightly less satisfactory Hollow II with the Ye Olde Brick Inn. And even the Inn introduces the Only One Bed trope only to sort of fumble it. Jacks has some mystery gold sleep dust (providence unknown) which just kind of doesn't do anything until it knocks them both out at differently convenient times. Idk man, it felt kinda meh to me.
I love Lala. She should have been in this more because she’s honestly one of the more interesting things outside of the romantic tension (which is great, but a novel cannot live on romantic tension alone, lest it become one-note). But also, when she does appear and we finally get to find out what her reunion with her great love was like, it's just kind of glossed over and hinted that her love with Dane has gone sour. Where’s the actual development/exposition!! Who actually dumped who, and why? What did she actually see in him in the first place? The small amount he’s in this book he is a) not turning into a giant dragon (Chekov would be disappointed), and b) kind of a tool. Lala became The Unwed Bride for this guy!!! At least let her have a proper “I realised I was sabotaging all my engagements not because I still loved my unreachable First Love, but because I enjoy the idea of love more than love itself” moment and make her canonically aromantic or something.
Chaos likes/loves Lala? I guess? He also murdered a bunch of people from great houses, for Reasons. He’s around, more than many characters were, but I dunno. What’s his deal these days? Does he still hang out with his vamp friends? Was he killing all those people because his parents asked him to, or was it pure hunger, or personal vendetta? Is he like, Tight with his folks now?
Another wasted (in my opinion) trope is Aurora stealing Jacks' heart away from Eva. I thought we'd get a little juicy angst from Eva seeing the man she loves be manipulated into fake-loving another (which would have also been a little poetic justice for Tella, but that's neither here nor there I guess because the Caraval characters Do Not Matter and are in fact not mentioned At All). But instead, we don't even find out what Aurora wanted to do with the heart, because it's immediately stolen back by Jacks (which like, why didn't Aurora make him swear in blood not to immediately knock her out and steal it back if that was an option? Is she just super delusional?). Also, it was meant to seem really romantic and self-sacrificing that Jacks gave up his heart and possibly autonomy to Aurora to save Eva... except he never intended to let Aurora keep it, so it was just another selfish scheme and not a sign of actual growth/love.
The Valor children in general (aside from Castor and Aurora) were pretty much non-existent when I honestly thought they'd be more of a Thing. One of them has memory magic, but that's not important for some reason. Nah, the thing Apollo did to Eva was just a potion from Aurora or something (providence unknown). Yeah.
It’s unclear why Honora Valor couldn't have reversed Jack's original Archer curse if that's something she easily did with a bit of hair at the end of TBONA. like I guess that says more about that book than this one, but it seems kind of lame that this mythical healer is never even ASKED about Jacks' kissing curse (or anything related to healing ever again).
Cycling back to Aurora for a moment: what was her magical ability in the end? Just non-specific spellwork that seemingly anyone can do (based on the first two books)? They made a point of lamp-shading it and then never actually addressed it.
And speaking of witches/witchcraft, Marisol is one of the many characters that never reappear or get much (if any) mention at all. Eva wouldn't have remembered her stepsister while her memories were gone, which I would have assumed would make for some interesting retconning opportunities for the conniving Marisol. But no, she's just not important anymore, I guess.
Also Gone: Luc. Did he and Marisol run away together after hashing out their twisted histories? Did Luc eat Marisol and then fall of a cliff? Who cares!!!! Not Important Anymore!!!
Tiberius is also Gone (possibly because his existence would have reminded the audience that Apollo has people he Actually Cares About in his life that might have helped him back from The Dark Path). The whole Protectorate just stopped being a thing as soon as the Valory opened. Do they know, or care? Surely they monitor that sort of thing? Was someone from the Protectorate able to piece together the sudden arrival of the “Vale” family at least?
Phaedra of the Damned from the very first book (the girl who first discovered Apollo wasn’t dead after trying to steal his secrets, and also Havelock is there) never gets explained. I assume she’s one of the twins from the Vanished Market mentioned in the Caraval trilogy, but she really was just there for half a scene in the first book and then never mentioned again. OK.
Havelock, Apollo’s most loyal guard, is not mentioned after Chapter 13 (when Apollo really starts ramping up the Atrocities). Again, possibly his existence would have complicated Apollo’s evil villain speedrun, but it would have been interesting to see what he might have done (and if he decided to leave Apollo’s service out of condemnation for the monster Apollo had become, a sentence or two establishing that might have been nice).
Which leads me to Apollo. He went very evil very quickly. I actually really liked the self-delusion in his focalisation, and his whole backstory with the pressures put on him by his father made sense. But damn, dude went from No Murder to Child Murder pretty dang quickly!!! Also, his death was fairly predictable. Which I wouldn't have minded, because not everything needs to be a Surprise Twist, but it really felt like that scene was the climax/final conflict in a sea of other loose ends that got ignored, so I guess I wanted it to be More so that it could make up for all the plotlines whose resolutions got sacrificed for it.
The original fox from the ballad doesn’t matter. She doesn't ever get a name. It's Fine. She could turn into a freaking FOX, which seems like a very cool and rare ability, but sure, she was just Some Chick Jacks was forced to hunt (and then kind of fell in love with and got traumatised by killing). Why do you want to know about her?? Why do you want Jacks to address the ways his feelings for her (and Tella) are inherently interwoven with trauma, in ways that don’t specifically relate to Eva?
I’m not sure I’m explaining this properly (because on the surface, of course the original fox is an important part of Jacks’ backstory and the overall plot; but only in a “Jacks is scared to love because he killed this one girl one time, and that also makes Eva sad” kind of way. The same story could arguably have been told without the Archer ballad, and just keeping the original concept of Jacks from Caraval – he’s the prince of hearts, doomed to kill all but his one true love. He kills many ladies that he hopes he’s actually in love with, but they always tragically die instead.
Cool twist with Aurora’s involvement in the curse, even if it was somewhat predictable (again, not a crime for a plot twist by any means), but I don’t know. It just felt like one of many things that got “resolved” with a quick aside (Eva found an expository journal entry) and then everything quickly moved on because hey, the reader knows what happened now that Eva found that journal entry, so who cares if Jacks knows too? Telling him everything important that Eva learned since seeing him would just detract from the love confession!
It's never officially confirmed whether Jacks of the Hollow's family owned the Hollow? Or what happened to his family, or the original owners if it wasn’t his family. The Hollow doesn't seem particularly attached to Jacks, nor he to it (according to the epilogues).
Eva should have gnarly back scars from her secondhand flaying and it's pretty clear they're either not there or just forgotten in ACFTL. My understanding was that The Hollow allowed Eva to become "fully healed" due to the effects of several weeks passing in the space of a day or two. So Eva's body essentially got the chance to heal naturally over time, in a sped-up way (which still would have left hella scars). Apollo, on the other hand, was healed with vampire venom (which canonically removes scars; see: Luc) but he's still got his back scars for some reason. Both of them healed in different ways during the period when the mirror curse wouldn't have mattered. I personally think it would have been interesting to give Eva horrible back scars she can't explain due to her amnesia. But alas.
All in all, it felt like the kind of book that wanted to be third of four instead of third and final. It wanted to introduce new and interesting concepts, but still had to rush to put a conclusion (satisfying or otherwise) to everything that had come before. I had fun reading it, and all the usual romance/drama/angst with Eva and Jacks was still super fun, but pretty much every other element felt lacking (and even a lot of the EvaJacks stuff kind of just Happened and then Kept Happening without a strong plotline to run along). I look forward to reading a lot of fanfiction addressing all the missing bits. Or a new trilogy series from this rich universe, maybe (even though I doubt it would follow Eva and Jacks directly).
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cryptid-cuties · 4 months
Planing, Shaping, & Slotting theory
So the Duffers released some bts images of the filming of ST S5. In one of the shots we see this book laying on a table underneath a poster of Pink Floyd The Wall.
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After doing some light digging I found something out:
This book does not exist. Meaning, it was made specifically for ST S5. I went down a bit of a rabbit hole trying to break down everything about this book that we can see to potentially find out its importance. The Photo: - Doing a reverse image search of the factory worker didn’t garner any results, which means this is either a photo that someone had of some random factory worker that has never been published previously or, they took this photo specifically for this book cover. A lot of work for something that is meant to be a throw away background prop.
Also when doing a quick reverse image search, it brought up similar photos (not this exact one though) of factory workers. Specifically factory workers working on manufacturing tanks and turrets. 
“Planing, Shaping & Slotting”
A quick google search of those terms reveals that these are all different mechanical operating processes. Most specifically used in woodworking and metal working. The major difference seems to be a difference in how the machine cuts the wood/metal.
Fred H Calvin
Looking up this name as an author yields no results. HOWEVER, something I do find interesting is if you just Google “Fred H Calvin”, this is the first result:
Calvin’s doctrine of predestination is a book by Fred H Klooster, who is a former professor of systematic theology at Calvin Seminary, specializing in the study of John Calvin. - John Calvin is a well known French theologist who is known for his doctrine of predestination and the birth of Calvinism.
Calvinism, also called Reformed Christianity, is a major branch of Protestantism that follows the theological tradition and forms of Christian practice set down by John Calvin and various other Reformation-era theologians. It emphasizes the sovereignty of God and the authority of the Bible
Predestination by definition, at least in theology, is the doctrine that all events are willed by God, usually with reference to the eventual fate of the individual soul.
- If you look at the reviews on the book, there is really only one that kind of breaks down the main points of the book, which I find to be very interesting: 
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Now, I am by no means an expert in theology so I had to go and breakdown what some of the key terms used here mean in reference to theology and Calvinism specifically:
**important note** all of these definitions are pulled directly from Google, so I don’t know if these are all 100% accurate or if anything is being misrepresented.
Election: In Christianity, particularly within the theological framework of Calvinism, election involves God choosing a particular person or group of people to a particular task or relationship, especially eternal life. Election to eternal life is viewed by some as conditional on a person's faith, and by others as unconditional. Unconditional election (also called sovereign election[1] or unconditional grace) is a Calvinist doctrine relating to predestination that describes the actions and motives of God prior to his creation of the world, when he predestined some people to receive salvation, the elect, and the rest he left to continue in their sins and receive the just punishment, eternal damnation, for their transgressions of God's law as outlined in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
Reprobation: Reprobation is God's eternal decree whereby he foreordained that (1) certain persons would be excluded from the number of those saved by grace, and that (2) those same persons would instead experience his just wrath. - Something of note that I also found about reprobation, at least in Calvinism, is that God is not viewed as the author or creator of sin, but rather it’s “fearful, irreproachable, just judge and avenger.”
Double predestination: Double predestination is the idea that not only does God choose some to be saved, he also creates some people who will be damned. Some modern Calvinists respond to the ethical dilemma of double predestination by explaining that God's active predestination is only for the elect.
Foreordination: Definitions of foreordination. (theology) being determined in advance; especially the doctrine (usually associated with Calvin) that God has foreordained every event throughout eternity (including the final salvation of mankind)
Unlike predestination, foreordination allows for individual agency (the ability to choose whether to fulfill one's callings).
Proximate: So looking up proximate in relation to theology I found what is called the proximate cause doctrine. The proximate cause, also called legal cause,  refers to a primary cause or an incident that set everything in motion.
So from my rudimentary understanding Calvin believed, in relation to the end of the world, that God has predetermined who will be saved and who will be damned since the creation of the universe. That he has chosen, or elected, certain people to have a specific role in the salvation of mankind and that they, as well as the damned, have the ability, or foreordination, to choose whether they want to fulfill that calling. And that all of this will be set into motion, or proximated, by a specific incident or event. 
Lindsay Publications Inc.
Doing some digging, I did find out that this is a real publication company. If you look at a list of their published works, you see that they are mostly specialized in manufacturing and machine building books. A lot of their works were published in the mid-to-late 80s and early 90s. 
Now taking everything we’ve learned, I’m sure we are all wondering: How does this relate to Stranger Things?
So based on a couple of theories that are already floating around about S5, especially because of the inspo board the writers posted, I believe this book could be alluding to the party working on building some form of machine, potentially in one dealing with time travel. Let me explain:
So we are all already under the idea that s5 is going to deal with time in some form or another, whether that has to do with time loops, time travel, or something similar. We also know that the Upside Down is stuck on the day that Will was taken into the Upside Down and that s5 potentially opens with a flashback to Will in the Upside Down.
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Also based on those weird AI generated clips the writers shared during the strikes about specific scenes in s5 we can tell that Jonathan and Steve are building something as well as Dustin, Nancy, and Jonathan in some kind of machine(car?) traveling through some kind of hellscape. 
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Based on things they have already referenced in Stranger Things, I wouldn’t be surprised if they took inspiration from Back to The Future and tried to make their own version of the DeLorean. The book, just as a manual on machinery, could be used as a guide on how to build said machine. Especially since none of the party, except for maybe Dustin,has any understanding on building something of that magnitude. 
That part seems obvious based on things we already know. All we are left with is the question of why they are building this machine in the first place. I think the answer could potentially be explained in the other clues of the book. Stranger Things has dealt in religious imagery before, especially in s4. I found this reddit post specifically talking about all the religious symbolism we see in s4. 
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Since they have dabbled in religious imagery before, it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume that they will continue that theme in s5. In regards to Calvinism specifically, we can take a look again at my rudimentary explanation of Calvinism: So from my rudimentary understanding Calvin believed, in relation to the end of the world, that God (Henry/One) has predetermined who will be saved and who will be damned(Vecna’s victims) since the creation of the universe (The Upside Down). That he has chosen, or elected, certain people (Eleven/Will(?)) to have a specific role in the salvation of mankind and that they, as well as the damned(The People of Hawkins), have the ability, or foreordination, to choose whether they want to fulfill that calling. And that all of this will be set into motion, or proximated, by a specific incident or event(The events of the finale of s4). 
Them time traveling back in time to prevent the events of s4, or even Will being taken in the first place, could be them refusing the call of their roles in Henry’s version of the end of the world/Hawkins. 
Something else interesting is that this book appears underneath the poster of Pink Floyd The Wall. There is a really good post (here) about what The Wall is about. It could be easy to assume that another thing that sets the events in motion could be that the party is not dealing well with coping with the trauma of s4. Eleven’s failure to save Max/Hawkins; Dustin’s failure to save Eddie; Mike dealing with his failed confession and crumbling relationship with El; Will dealing with his, supposed, unrequited feelings for Mike/the return of his connection to the UD; Lucas dealing with the loss of Max. We could see any individual member of the party building a wall around themselves after that. There could potentially be something that happens in early s5 that will cause one or more of those walls to crumble, and the way they see to rectify it is by building a time machine to save those they’ve lost. It also doesn’t hurt that the person in the poster easily looks like one of Henry’s victims. 
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I could be way off base here, but I just think all these little details are interesting to pay attention to. Especially since the Duffers have referenced that they hide things in the background purposefully to foreshadow things in the main story.
Tldr; Planing, Shaping & Slotting is foreshadowing the party building a time machine to save Max/prevent the end of the world.
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tojiscumdumpster · 4 months
𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗼𝗳 2023
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𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲. 𝗙𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴.
𝗚𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗽𝘆 𝘅 𝗦𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲. 𝗔𝗴𝗲 𝗚𝗮𝗽 (𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗹𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀)
I devoured this book in a day. BookTok has been raving about Terms and Conditions for ages, and I never gave in until now. I've been reading nothing but billionaire romances lately, so I wanted to try this one out. This was my first time reading from Lauren Asher, and honestly, I think I'm going to check out her other work. I really like how she writes.
The author isn't black, but I do appreciate her for writing a Black FMC. She did it well. No stereotypes. No microaggression. You know, things I worry about when a nonblack author writes black characters. She added important things like Iris getting braids, making it know that she's a black woman by making her skin color known, wearing a bonnet, etc.
Speaking of Iris...
I absolutely love her. I think she's super fun and adorable. Like her personality is addicting. No one Declan fell for her hard. I do feel she was a little too hard on herself at times due to her learning differences, which is normal since so many talked bad about her because of it--including her own father. But she didn't allow that to hinder her career. I love how she's her own person outside of Declan. That's important to me in a romance story. It's like yeah the MMC and FMC are supposed to fall in love, but I wanna see who they without each other around. Iris's friendship with Cal was sweet, too. Very enjoyable and clearly they are two peas in pod if they get a kick out of getting on Declan's nerves, LOL. I giggled at times.
Now for Declan Kane...
Yeah, he's added to my book boyfriend list. I see of the bad reviews saying they didn't love Declan, and that's he's insufferable. See, me? I LOVE Declan. He's such a grump. A billionaire asshole who softens up for his girl. I really like how Lauren wrote Declan. He has daddy issues, struggled at times, but overall, he didn't allow that to cost him the future he desperately wanted with Iris. Great development from his character. When he's an ass. He's an ass. But when he softens up for Iris? Gosh, he was so damn sweet to her. I was definitely swinging my feet while reading. His family is... complicating, to say the least. Declan's father is horrible. My bad. Seth is horrible. Declan's relationship with his problems are oddly heartwarming, despite how much they argue. I mean, that's inevitable for siblings. But I still love seeing them interact.
I really love Iris and Declan's chemistry. It didn't feel forced or robotic regardless of their arrangement. It was built very well. The spice scenes were written nicely, too. I didn't really care for the lack of obscenity because it was replaced with intimacy, which I loved. Especially from Declan's POV. You knew from the beginning he always had a soft spot for Iris. Third act break up was good too. Thank goodness it didn't stem from miscommunication. I would've cursed myself if that happened. But Declan I wanted to hit you with car for what you did. Still love you tho. And honestly, I think he didn’t grovel more is because the author probably didn’t want to make the book longer than what it was. Lauren was probably trying to wrap it up, LOL. Still, maybe she couldn’t written in a time frame within those three chapters. The two epilogues were very sweet, too. I love how they blossomed, and enjoy seeing Declan that way and Iris so happy. They deserved that happily ever after.
I highly recommend this book and I would definitely reread this book. I honestly can't find one thing I dislike about this book. Maybe the only I thing I can say I wished happened was flashback chapters for both Declan and Iris's past. I think that would've made the story a bit more angsty. Other than that, an easy five star.
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babyspacebatclone · 7 months
I’ve been meaning to get something like this done for a bit, and this post from @my-autism-adhd-blog gave me the nudge to type it out.
I’m keeping it here in my own post, though, to not clog their notes too much. 😅
I’m sure anyone with an invisible illness or neurodivergence has had to come up against the idea of “Well, back in my day, no one ever had [very real problem you are suffering from], we just bucked up and deal with life!”
Oh, really?
Do you [theoretical irritating naysayer] know when the term anaphylaxis was coined?
You know, “hypersensitivity (as to foreign proteins or drugs) resulting from sensitization following prior contact with the causative agent”?
The potentially fatal reaction where people can lose the ability to breathe? A very real, repeatedly proven reality for a large segment of the population?
It was created in 1905.
(I’d go into more about the individual who named it, but he also subscribed to a lot of the worst fields of thought in the early 20th century and therefore we shall move on.)
On the other hand, we have writings explicitly referencing horse allergies from the turn of BCE to CE (one of the sons of Roman Emperor Claudius), among others.
What we now recognize as Seasonal Allergies have been identified around the 16th century, under names like “rose catarrh” (as in, a believed reaction to roses, most likely a reaction to the pollen of other plants during their blooming season) and “summer asthma” (asthma being used as a general term for an ability to breathe).
What fascinates me is the end of the 18th century, where
Seasonal allergic rhinitis was now often observed and recognized. The term “hay fever” replaced “rose cold.” Physicians believed seasonal allergies were an aristocratic disease because it was most commonly diagnosed among the upper class. (emphasis mine, taken from document described below)
Huh, I wonder why upper class people would be the ones most diagnosed with seasonal allergies? I wonder what myriad of reasons could lead the financially secure to seek out personal aide for non-debilitating but extremely uncomfortable symptoms?
Not the least of which being a lifestyle which allows it to be merely non-debilitating.
At some point I want to fully read this summary of the book Ancestors of Allergy edited by F. Estelle R. Simons (as getting my hands on the text itself would be more effort than it’s worth for me personally). What I’ve skimmed thus far is fascinating.
Here’s a timeline from those 16th century misclassifications of seasonal allergies to the present understanding of allergic reactions (as the source from that one quote from above):
It’s humbling to see the development of understanding and acceptance towards a medical condition we take existing for granted nowadays.
On the other hand, the length of time it took to clarify these experiences when they have indisputable physical symptoms (if sometimes difficult to identify triggers) can be disheartening when we thing about where the scientific community currently is regarding mental health, neurodivergence, and invisible illnesses.
But my main take away in this review of the history of allergies:
It was never new. It had always been there, people had always suffered from it. The only things that changed were the public perception of the condition and the treatments afforded to people struggling under things other people dismiss.
@my-autism-adhd-blog ‘s post about dismissive attitudes towards neurodivergence, specifically Autism and ADHD, which reminded me I wanted to share this all with my pocket friends and anyone it breaks containment for.
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myragewillendworlds · 2 years
Hey! I see you don't belive in non-binary as a a valid identity due to a lack of research so I thought i would find some sources for you! I hope this helps.
Also, while the term "non-binary" may not have exsistsed until more recent years, there is a great history of people in history who chose to aline with both or neither binary genders.
I hope this is educational!
Best regards
Non-binary ideologists are like religious fanatics. Don't "believe in science" until they think they've found something that works in their favor.
TL;DR: none of these links provide any biological evidence for the existence of non-binary gender, while the first source covers the evidence for brain sex theory; research that founded the basis for transmedicalism.
The way you paraphrase me already reveals how you don't really understand my stance. You cannot prove or disprove something as a "valid identity" when you have defined an identity as something you personally choose. Because, what are you gonna do? Pull up reports that "prove" there are people that simply call themselves these words– ah, that is exactly what you did. A random mixture of suicide statistics, a list of cultural 'third gender' labels that classify gay men as non-men and transgender women as non-women and somehow considers this homophobia/transphobia a progressive thing, and a random entrepeneur's personal take on things (?).
What you can prove is whether, biologically, there is such a thing as a gender/sex category outside of male and female in human beings, and there simply isn't. No, intersex conditions do not disprove the sex binary; they are variations and mutations within it. No, 'third gender' labels in various cultures across the world do not prove a third sex category; they are merely the many ways that cultures have always discriminated against gay, transsexual and gender non-conforming people. Plus, twisting their meanings around to fit to your own, and slapping your modern, westernized "non-binary" take onto them, seems to me like an actual case of cultural appropriation.
Of the two papers you've provided, one simply discusses literature that mentions non-binary gender; they're not providing any biological evidence. A real colorful read, by the way, mentioning progressive self-chosen labels such as "shemale" and "queer trannie boy", the stupidly hilarious "gender terrorist" and the not-so-funny, actually intersex-phobic labels "nonbiological intersexed", "intersex by design" and, I can't believe a paper would include this, "hermaphrodyke". Truly non-binary people are a progressive crowd.
The very first link you've provided is the only source that actually covers neuro/biological research. It reviews the many neurological findings in transsexual and homosexual subjects and discusses their relation to existing theories around the formation of sexual orientation and sexual (gender) identity; such as brain sex theory. It is this research, helpfully validating and supporting further understanding of transsexualism (and sometimes sexual orientation), why transmedicalism as a movement exists: to use this biological basis to improve diagnosis and treatment options for transgender people. I'm not sure if you read the paper yourself, as there is zero mention of anything regarding non-binary gender, and the only binary that is questioned for its strictness is that of sexual orientation.
I hope you do read this, indeed, very educational source of information, as it may help you better understand the sex binary in human beings and the lack of evidence for anything to the contrary, as well as how this formed the basis for the transmedicalist support for transgender research and improved transgender health care.
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golmac · 10 months
Inform Basics: ACTIONS and RULES
Note: this is a longer post than usual, but some of it is debug content that isn't required reading.
I've been promising to talk about debugging for a long time. And, in truth, figuring out disambiguation problems with the TRACE command is debugging. But since you may not have known the term disambiguation a couple of weeks ago, that's probably not what you had in mind.
No, you were probably thinking about some hardcore, silly weirdness in your game, some very hard to pinpoint problem. Today's post is about that kind of thing. We've talked about action processing. The events of a player's turn happen in a set order. We deal with that in the actions we define. The order is, first to last:
Carry Out
Of course, there are things that happen outside of these phases. For instance, if we create an EVERY TURN rule, those fire at the very end of the turn, after report rules have been processed. In the course of play, players don't have a lot of insight into the various machineries of an Inform 7 turn. A lot of it is there just to keep Inform 7 being a thing at runtime, and that doesn't interest us. There's a very complicated mapping of the turn's processes, but I think it would just discourage beginners from trying to write IF at all. So let's not. Most Inform 7 stuff just works, and that's why I like it.
Still, at times there will be a head scratcher. When that happens, we have two tools that can help us figure out what's going on. The first is ACTIONS. Let's say we have a nice, juicy 50,000-word game, and one of our testers gives us a transcript in which "jump" isn't working properly. Instead, the jump command is printing a description of the room. With ACTIONS on (just type "actions" at the command prompt in a test environment), Inform 7 will print the specific actions being attempted and let us know if they succeed or fail.
Under default conditions, with JUMP working as expected, that would look like this:
>actions Actions listing on. >jump [jumping] You jump on the spot. [jumping - succeeded]
The text in brackets is the debug content toggled by ACTIONS. If we've set actions that interfere with jumping.... well, let's look at this code as an example.
Before jumping in the lab: say "Look before you leap!". Instead of jumping: try looking.
OK, so the BEFORE is specific to the lab, but the INSTEAD applies to the entire game world. So we must have forgotten something somewhere. We can use the ACTIONS command to have a look:
>actions Actions listing on. >jump [jumping] Look before you leap!
[(1) looking] lab nice lab.
[(1) looking - succeeded]
[jumping - failed]
This gives us something to chase after! This is a pretty simple example, but ACTIONS is most useful for helping us find problems once we get to a certain level of complexity in our game world. In this example, we can see that jumping "failed" and that looking "succeeded." By "failed," we know the jumping action never completed. Most commonly, that will be caused by an "instead" rule--they stop actions from continuing, right? A control-f on "instead of jumping" is probably in order.
But what if something more devious is at work? What about a case where the ACTIONS command doesn't report anything unusual? The next step is the RULES command, which is a verbose listing of every rule that fires in the course of executing a command. Now, as I said at the start of today's post, a lot of those rules are really none of our business. Their strangeness can be intimidating when reviewing the output in RULES mode. My advice is just not to worry about it. Just like the TRACE command, only a handful is likely relevant to us, so don't pressure yourself to figure it all out.
Though by all means do, if you're curious. Just don't be bothered by it.
So brace yourself, I'm going to print the output. I'm only going to talk about the pink text, so don't worry too much about the rest. I just want you to know what you're looking for.
>rules Rules tracing now switched on. Type "rules off" to switch it off again, or "rules all" to include even rules which do not apply.
[Rule "parse command rule" applies.]
>jump [Rule "declare everything initially unmentioned rule" applies.] [Rule "generate action rule" applies.] [Rule "announce items from multiple object lists rule" applies.] [Rule "set pronouns from items from multiple object lists rule" applies.] [Rule "before stage rule" applies.] [Rule "basic visibility rule" applies.] [Rule "basic accessibility rule" applies.] [Rule "carrying requirements rule" applies.] [Rule "instead stage rule" applies.] [Rule "requested actions require persuasion rule" applies.] [Rule "carry out requested actions rule" applies.] [Rule "descend to specific action-processing rule" applies.] [Rule "work out details of specific action rule" applies.] [Rule "investigate player's awareness before action rule" applies.] [Rule "player aware of his own actions rule" applies.] [Rule "check stage rule" applies.] [Rule "carry out stage rule" applies.] [Rule "carry out jumping" applies.] nice lab.
[Rule "after stage rule" applies.] [Rule "investigate player's awareness after action rule" applies.] [Rule "report stage rule" applies.] [Rule "report jumping rule" applies.] You jump on the spot. [Rule "last specific action-processing rule" applies.]
[Rule "A first turn sequence rule" applies.] [Rule "scene change machinery rule" applies.] [Rule "every turn stage rule" applies.] [Rule "timed events rule" applies.] [Rule "advance time rule" applies.] [Rule "update chronological records rule" applies.] [Rule "A last turn sequence rule" applies.] [Rule "scene change machinery rule" applies.] [Rule "adjust light rule" applies.] [Rule "note object acquisitions rule" applies.] [Rule "notify score changes rule" applies.] [Rule "parse command rule" applies.]
So you'll see in there the text that's been troubling us. That's "nice lab," which is the room description of the lab. We can usually start by looking at the rule immediately above the output. In this case, that's the "carry out jumping" rule. Hm, ok, so let's do a ctrl-f on "carry out jumping." We'll find this:
carry out jumping: print the location's description.
What a strange bit of code! Who knows why we did it. This is why I recommend giving names to particularly experimental or impactful rules. They are printed by names during a RULES debug session. So this code:
carry out jumping (this is the dubious jumping rule): print the location's description.
Will look like this in debug:
[Rule "dubious jumping rule" applies.]
The main thing to take from all of this is this: these tools can help you understand what Inform 7 is doing with a command. Like most debug content, you don't need to understand all of it, you just need to know what you're looking for. Usually, that's going to be some or all of the output that the player is seeing. Hopefully, that information will lead to a productive search of your code. I personally found the output from RULES intimidating; I gave myself permission to only understand what I needed to understand.
OK, next time, some lighter fare. We'll look at other useful commands and features for developers and testers.
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