#what can i sayyy hes a romantic?
socialbunny · 1 year
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daydreamingyuta · 5 months
you write the best fluff fics of mark that i instantly thought of you the moment i saw this tweet!! could you pleaseeee write about friends to lovers mark inspired by this?🥹🫶🏻
First Snow | Mark Lee
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summary: fluff, having a secret crush on your best friend, mark always made things a little complicated but when you spend the first snow of the season together, it leads to your feelings for each other to become a little more clearer. wc: 1,800 a/n: omg first off thank youu! you saw that tweet and thought of mee?? 🥹 that's literally so sweet you don't understand! I hope you like this fic <3
Your friendship with Mark had been filled with white lies, from both parties, for quite some time now. As you both steadily fell harder and harder for each other, the truth was smudged more and more. 
Every time Haechan jokingly asked if you were secretly in love with Mark you would be untruthful and say no, laughing it off as if the idea was unseemly to you. Every time you asked Mark if you looked nice enough to go out, he would nod his head yes trying to seem as indifferent as possible, as if his heartbeat didn't grow faster every time you got too close.
Your white lies worked a little too well, causing the both of you to be absolutely sure you both had no romantic interest in the other. At least, that was the case until tonight.
Mark was always down for anything, so when you got a sudden craving for some ice cream, he was adamant that you both get some, nevermind that it was the middle of winter. The weather had actually been a few degrees warmer than yesterday, so you figured your sweatshirt would be enough to keep you warm. 
“Y/n, are you sure you don’t want to bring your jacket?” Mark asks, putting his on.
You shake your head no at him. “I’ll be fine. The store isn’t too far away.” But as soon as you leave his apartment, you’re hit with the coldness of the night and it makes you instantly want to go back inside which makes Mark look over at you with an ‘I told you so look’. You’ve always hated being proved wrong, so you fake a smile and start walking ahead of Mark. 
You hear Mark laugh to himself at your stubbornness and then does a little run to catch up to you. “What flavor are you gonna get?” 
“Hmm, guess.” You say, challenging him to see if he really knows you. “I wanna sayyy, Mint Chocolate Chip?”
Although that does sound good, you shake your head no at him. “It’s too cold for Mint Chocolate Chip.” 
“What?” He asks in his high pitched voice. “All Ice creams are the same level of cold.” Again, you shake your head at him. “No, the mint in it makes it extra cold, Mark.” 
Your statement makes him laugh which in turn makes your heart flutter. You always loved Mark's laugh, and being the reason why he’s laughing holds such a special place in your heart, you almost forgot for a second that you’re freezing. “Then, I think you’ll get… Cookies n’ Cream.” 
“Hmm, If they have it, sometimes they're out.” 
As the store comes into sight, you race Mark to see who can get inside faster. Mark is most definitely a faster runner than you, but you always seem to win every time you race each other. This time is the exception though as Mark reaches the door first and holds it open for you. As you start to go into the store, he puts his hand on the small of your back, leading you inside. It’s such a small gesture and you try not to put any meaning to it, but part of you can’t help but get butterflies from his touch. 
However, his touch left you as quickly as it came as he walks towards the ice cream section and opens the door, grabbing your Cookies N Cream ice cream for you. “They didn’t run out!” He says happily, waving the ice cream at you. 
You share his excitement and go to grab it out of his hand but he doesn’t let you. “If your hands aren’t already frozen from the walk here, holding this will definitely freeze them.”
“No, really I’m fine!” 
He tilts his head at you and challenges you to lie to him again. You two have a mini staring contest before you finally just let him hold your ice cream for you. “Thank you.” He says, even though you should be the one thanking him. 
You practically hide behind Mark as he picks out his ice cream, trying your best to avoid the icy blast from the freezers. There was a moment when he looked back at you and you swore you heard him mummer the word ‘cute’ to himself but you couldn’t be sure. You were about to ask him about it, but then he picked out his flavor of ice cream and headed towards the register to pay. 
Right as you head out the store, a snow flurry falls onto your sweater. You grab Mark's arm to make sure he sees the change in weather as well. “Mark, it’s snowing. They said it wasn’t going to snow this winter.” You say in a whisper, almost like if you spoke louder the snow would be scared away. He looks up at the sky and sees for himself that it is starting to snow. 
It hits you instantly that it’s the first snow of the season, and you're spending it with Mark. You try not to think about the silly cliché too much but a part of you can’t help but hope it will be true, that the person you spend the first snow with is the person you’ll fall in love with. 
A smile forms on both of your lips, snow has such a nostalgic feel to it, always bringing you back to childhood. Memories of past snow days fill your mind and you’re only brought back to reality when you feel a jacket being draped across your shoulders. You turn to a jacket-less Mark and give him a surprised look. 
“What? I obviously can’t have my girl getting cold.” He says, almost like the words left his mouth before he could stop himself. 
“Your girl?” You ask, gripping onto his jacket. 
“No I like… didn’t mean it like thatt. I just meant like you’re my girl. My best friend.” He says, trying to save face. You can both feel the awkwardness of the conversation, so you start walking back to his place, trying to hide the disappointment on your face. You thought you were doing a good job, but Mark can always sense when somethings wrong.
 “...wait. Why do you look kinda sad?” You brush off his question by offering him a smile, confusing Mark even more. You can all but see the gears working inside his head as he tries to figure you out. “Did you want me to mean it in a different way?” He says, without making eye contact.  
You stop walking and turn to him, shrugging your shoulders at him, not wanting to say your feelings out loud, but wanting so badly for him to know your feelings towards him. Mark stops walking as well and finally makes eye contact with you again, even though he doesn't say anything for a good minute, the snow around him falling harder. 
Mark goes back and forth in his mind whether or not he should ask you the question he really wants to ask. Apparently, he’s feeling brave today because he works up the courage. “Like…hypothetically speaking would you want to be… or like could you potentially see yourself being my girl?” 
Your mind races at his unexpected question. “Hypothetically?” 
“Yeah. Like if I asked you, would you say yes?”
“I don’t know Mark. I guess you would have to ask me for real, not hypothetically to know the answer.” You say, and you two walk in silence the rest of the way back to his place. Usually the silence would kill you, but the two of you had so much to think about from your conversation that neither of you even noticed the silence. 
You came up with an excuse to leave Mark’s place early which left you both feeling confused about the conversation you just had. You thought about it for the rest of the day and into the night, unsure of where you stood with Mark. You wanted to text him, but each time you built up the courage to do it, you decided it was best not to. 
Even though you were left confused, you couldn’t help but feel giddy as well. The idea of Mark liking you back was enough to make your heart burst. You even wrote it down in your journal, feeling like a little kid again with a huge crush. 
What you didn’t know was how Mark was feeling. As you were trying to sleep your mind came up with a million scenarios of what was going through Mark’s head. Your heart sank as you thought of the possibility of him feeling regretful of his words, but then your spirits rose again at the thought of the possibility of Mark being relieved that he finally let his feelings out. 
These “what if’s” filled your head until you fell asleep. What your mind hadn’t come up with though, was what Mark was going to do when you woke up. 
Since your thoughts kept you up later than normal, you found yourself sleeping in past your alarm. In fact, you don’t even wake up until you hear a knock on your door. 
You begrudgingly get out of bed and go to answer the door, still in your pajamas. You open the door and there stands Mark. It takes a minute to process that he’s here, slightly dressed up and with your favorite flowers in his hand. “Hi.” He says. 
You can’t help but notice that Mark is looking at you as if you're the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, not unlike all the other times he’s looked at you, but this time you allow yourself to actually see it. 
Your eyes go from looking at Mark to looking at the flowers and back to Mark. “Those are my favorite.” You say, so softly. “Yeah. I dunno… I just.” He motions the flowers towards you and you take them, but all of a sudden you find that your eyes can’t be pulled away from him. 
“You got me flowers, Mark.” You really couldn’t stop your heart from melting at the thought of him going out of his way to get you this beautiful bouquet early in the morning. 
“I couldn’t stop thinking about our conversation and I just- Would you be my girl?” 
You feel your cheeks flush at his words, the words you’ve been wanting to hear for so long. You don’t want to speak, you want to savor this moment so you nod your head and smile up at him. You take a moment to look at him and gosh, you’ve never seen Mark’s eyes light up like this before. 
He engulfs you in a sweet hug and you close your eyes, feeling like you are finally where you’re supposed to be.
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axel-skz · 1 year
You’re not funny…
Part 1, Part 2
Can be read as a oneshot
A/N: ok so I’m keeping it nice and sweet rn lol ive been taking forever to write but I finally managed to push myself into doing it. Right, lets do the song roulette and see what we get… I got an ad 😭 ok wait, we got… TMT 🥳👯‍♀️🥳
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Minho came over in the morning and he sighed when you opened the door.
‘If I could freeze time and spend 50 years worth of time with you, I would.’
You laughed, ‘life got you down, huh?’
‘Understatement of the entire century,’ he said while walking in.
When he put his stuff down, he yawned dramatically then walked over and gave you a hug.
‘Damn, someone needs to sleep,’ you tried to mask your worry with humour. It really was worrying how it became a normal thing for him to come over and go straight to sleep. ‘In need of a nap?’
He nodded into your shoulder, ‘I sleep best when I’m here… I don’t get why I can’t sleep as restfully at home. I’m also sorry I spend whatever time we have sleeping so much.’
‘Min, I’m here to care for you. If you need to sleep and this is where you sleep best, I’m nothing but happy to see you rest.’
He groaned, ‘don’t sayyy thattt!!! I’ll never want to leave. I’ll retire and hide here for the rest of my life like a hobo.’
You laughed, ‘I mean, atleast then no one cuts your hair. I would have to agree with stay, it looks too good long. Oh, stay would kill me too for harbouring you.’
‘I’ll protect you. So will my stans,’ he pulled away and winked.
‘Ok, now you need to stop because I might actually end up keeping you here,’ you gave him a kiss then lead him to your room. ‘Nap time!’
He laughed as he followed behind you. You guys got into comfortable clothes and bundled up in blankets. He was laying with his face in your neck and you had one of your hands in his hair, massaging his scalp. It was the epitome of comfort.
‘Min, you feeling any better?’
He sleepily replied, ‘shh, I’ll kill you if you wake me’
You gasped dramatically as you pulled your hand away from his hair, ‘you said you loved me!’
‘I can love you and want to kill you,’ he pulled your arm back to his hair.
‘Ever the romantic, aren’t you?’
He shushed you even louder and covered your mouth. You laughed but the quietened down to let him sleep. You kept running your fingers through his hair soothingly and slowly, you drifted off to sleep too.
You laughed half asleep when you heard him snore. You really wished you could be here with him forever, it would be so nice never having to worry about him leaving.
When you woke up, it was dark now, he was still asleep so you carefully got up. You left to go get some food from a shop a few minutes from your house. While you were waiting for the food, you got some texts.
‘My crazy cat lady ♥️,’ the name made you laugh everytime you saw it.
My crazy cat lady: why have you abandoned me? I feel so cold…so alone…so isolated…and you have no chocolate anywhere…
Y/N: I’m getting food, you drama queen. I already binged all the chocolate two days ago so its on you for thinking I’d have any 😘
My crazy cat lady: I feel less abandoned now, but bring it faster. You’ve been gone for like a million years.
Y/N: how long have you been awake?
My crazy cat lady: 5 minutes.
Y/N: 💀 you get on my nerves more then anyone else
My crazy cat lady: Crying. Thank you so much.
Y/N: I’m gonna take longer on purpose now.
My crazy cat lady: why must you play with my heart?!
Y/N: because I love you so much :)
My crazy cat lady: you’re lucky I love you too.
Y/N: <33 I’m still gonna take extra time
My crazy cat lady: the question is, why do I love you?
Y/N: my irresistible charm?
My crazy cat lady: no… thats me…
Y/N: I’ll eat the food myself here… don’t test me…
My crazy cat lady: oh yeah, you’re like the most beautiful, irresistible person I’ve ever met!
Y/N: ikr ;)
My crazy cat lady: my food :’) please
Y/N: yeah yeah, I’m on my way.
You got home and you guys spent the rest of the night watching movies and eating. You were very conscious of the fact you had 24 hours till he would be leaving. It was always in the back of your mind.
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A/N: it feels rn like the universe hates me but here we are lmao. I hope this was nice, I needed the jokey fluffy moment. I’ll try to upload sooner this time. Hope you like this, remember to like, repost and leave feedback. If you have any requests, lemme know. I’m listening to chill rn so if you hate me… chill :)
DISCLAIMER: Pictures don’t belong to me, credit to the respective owners.
Part 4
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months
weee grabbing from joelle cause do love question time
a) three ships
shrugs good naturedly of its tf mode time
meg.ops. please see preemptiment texts on the matter rip each other apart gay styles and hold that man who is a gun
sound.rod (still a bad name sorry) that shit was crazy. like its funny ppl can say like ohh chaotic one serious one ship but im pointing at the guy with no face and serious affect and im pointing and saying. dramatic hater. little bitch (aff). pointing at the one who blasts fire at his friends and gets blasted with like x10 more fire. and im saying. preemiment diplomatic leader of his generation. and then they fist bump and play 80s jams and save the world its the most romantic shit ive every seen in my life
hmm. hmm. yeah okay im gotta say meg.star just to SAYYY. i dont think ppl get how funny this one is. no shut up with ur wah wah angst. this is fun for them. otherwise theyd leave. maybe probably. its like loony toons tom and jerry shit ship. bd.sm isnt fixing them cause what their doing is so much funnier.
HONOURABLE menchy to arm hot shot and his 50 war time homosocial bonds boyfriends. everyone who sees that guy is like. Oh i GOTTA have some weird thing with him. but his dipshit can do attutitude cockiness and true unbreakable friendship. hes irresitiable. guy is probably the highest ranking any tf every got to be (combined army commander) and they still wont make him shotimus prime. stupid.
b) first ever ship
this is one of those memory tricks id need to ask an older brother but they dont fucking know that. uhhhhh?? gigolas? or smth? probably some shit like that watching a movie and being like. damn. cool. first fics read was probably some clamp shit.
c) last song
[blasts the dsnine theme] NAHH uhhh what was the last song in knights tale. some queen shit prob? prob some queen shit?
d) last movie
e) currently reading
justtttt finished light in gaza soooo? i have another book downloaded what is it. essays for free palestine. both from haymarket books.
f) currently watching
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[ID: TF whirl, same as my icon, flat expression]. END
guess. (actuallly its. whatever comes after this one. NOT THE final one yet. soon.)
g) currently consuming
bo'uh'le uh wah-er (bottle of water. 1L metal bottle babyyyy)
h) currently craving
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. dinner and then bed?
tagging: whoever didnt get GOT yet. idk. doooo question time i love reading words.
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toonqueen · 2 years
Day 26: Shy Duck
I was gonna do my head canon for 87 Poe x Fethry shipping for this prompt. Poe isn’t really a SHY person though he is more quiet than his sister in social situations. In my plotline, when Poe and Fethry in each other some time after Magica and Gladstone are already married and have a daughter. Wheee. I have both Poe and Fethry be the type that value friendships over romantic relationships so neither of them want to pull the trigger and say to the other like HEYYY wanna like DATE. Though, they are already hanging out a lot, and causing trouble together. Like some of the things they have already done other people would consider to be DATES.
Anyways Poe being a NERD if he finally decided to say something first like inviting Fethry to a De Spell family/other magic peeps dinner/dance function that is clearly a date and like saying like ‘THIS IS A DATE’ nervously and see  Fethry’s reaction to see if that goes well. Fethry, being Fethry, would reply with something like, “what date? If this thing you want me to go to is two days from now it would be on the 27th, right?”
And Poe wouldn’t clarify he would be like “yeah buddy the 27th, I’d love to have you there. HA ha ha Hecatejusthitmewithboltoflightningrightnow.”
Anyways, they have a good time at the function. Grandma De Spell (the blonde loud version in more newer comics) being her loud self, pressures Poe and Fethry to talk more to everyone else there. Putting Poe in a position to introduce Fethry to everyone.  And to get on the dance floor. Obviously, doing more couples things.  Towards the end of the night when they’re leaving Fethry is like, “So uh, I had a great time and I kinda wanna ask if you want to do more things like this. Together. Like in a more than just friends way.”
“Like best friends? I thought we were already best friends…,” Poe would reply confused. He spent the whole night focused on it not being a date since Fethry didn’t pick up on it being a date earlier, that he didn’t realize that was Fethry was asking for now. Would Fethry give up the same way Poe gave up earlier and not clarify either or will he take Poe’s hand and give it a squeeze and be like “no like going out like boyfriends”  and then they can start dating officialllllly. 
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murderkittyz · 29 days
The Party - Chapter 3
Content Warnings: Nothing really except how Gramps isn’t feeling great and a spooky moment. This one is a little shorter!
Important notes! In this fic Stardew is set in 1996, the Scream movies exist, at this point in time the main characters are in Highschool. ALL CHARACTERS OF ROMANTIC INTEREST ARE 18+! MINORS DNI
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The sun beamed down through the leaves, dappling onto the pathway. Smudge trailed after you, tail held high. The chirping of birds, pattering of paws, rustling of the wind… it was so serene.. You could say a lot of things about your parents’ decision to send you here, but one thing for sure is that it’s a soul healing thing, returning to nature.
The two local kids (how come there were only two?) ran up, the strawberry haired boy squealing about the kitty while the girl quietly trailed behind. “Hey, hey be careful!” You warned, seeing Smudge’s tail puff up.
“Sorry, we, we weally wanted to pet da kitty!” Vincent babbled, blue eyes wide. With the reassurance that, yes, he can pet the kitty as long as he’s careful, he gave Smudge a little pat on the head. You decided to take this opportunity to run into the convenience store without the cat running in. You’d rather die than shop at that sterile lifeless Joja Mart.
You looked through the basic list and your budget, humming. While you browsed and stood in contemplation, a pale hand grabbed your shoulder. With a yelp, you turned.
“Woah there! Hah, you look like you saw a ghost! Sorry about that.” Abigail laughed a bit, rubbing the back of her neck. “It’s fine Abs, but don’t scare me like that!” You huffed, to which she gave a light hearted eye roll. “Okay, okay… Say, how come ya ditched last night?” The girl inquired, tilting her head. “Ah well umh, needed to check on gramps. I’ve got a schedule, you know.” You chuckled.
“Well, ‘pose I can’t argue with that.” She shrugged. “Sayyy, wanna come over tonight? Like a sleepover?” Abigail chirped up, seeming suddenly very excited. “Well I’d.. I’d have to check with grandpa, but if he’s fine with it-“ “Cool! See ya tonight!” She smiled, running out the door. Strange. She was acting kinda weird —well, more than she normally is—
You returned to the farm, putting up the groceries. Hearing a creak, you called out “Hey gramps! Do ya mind if I have a sleepover at Abby’s tonight?”
No response.
“Uh, grandpa? You okay? Didn’t fall down the stairs or something, did you?”
No response.
“Grandpa?” You asked, voice a little more nervous.
The front door opened, the elderly man stretching and flopping down into his chair. “Oh! There you are grandpa! Say could I-“ “Now now kiddo! Give ya old man a moment to rest…” A few moments pass. “Now, what’s up?” “I’d like to sleep over at Abby’s tonight, is that okay?”
He took a minute to think before sighing and shaking his head. “I’m sorry kiddo, my back is acting up a lot. I would let ya if I was feeling better.”
You sighed, nodding solemnly. “I understand, grandpa.”
You should probably tell her..
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Credits: <3 on Pinterest for the header, @beamer-boy for the footer, beta read by @phebbsl
Tags: @warpedbands @sashiavi
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sho-minamimoto · 2 years
character for that meme: neku :) my friend neku
do I like them
YES i love my neku im so proud of my son boy and his growth
5 good qualities
he's resilient! Even with a bunch of stressors on him (like josh being in his general vicinity) he won't buckle easily and will keep pushing through. He's also really smart (how the hell did he randomly know the square root of 3 down to all its decimals??) super passionate about his interests (i like how he canonically gives his hair stylist pics of comic characters to model his hairstyle after) cares about others, and has like the best character development ever from any other cringe Emo kid
3 bad qualities
obviously week 1 neku is such a little bitch. it has good narrative purpose but hes still so grating and bitchy. Very quick to anger even after he gets over his people problems (im upset that this trait is kind of nonexistent in NEO) and he thinks that hanekoma is cool.
favourite episode/etc
neku in all of another day is hilarious but within the main story i'd sayyy the part in week 1 day 6 where shiki is putting herself down and comparing herself to eri and neku goes "shut up" and uplifts her and gives her confidence but like. kind of angrily/intensely LOL
i am not immune to nekubeat -_- truthfully though i feel more strongly about it in NEO than i did playing through the first game but i did really like their friendship there too and how it developed over the three weeks... i still call it an otp very loosely though because i like the Idea of them being boyfriends but im not super invested in that reading either if that makes sense, but im more invested in it than i am say, romantic nekushiki or joshneku
nekubeat again LOL but also i think neku+coco counts for this. the fact he befriended his Second murderer and chilled out with her for 3 years is so insanely funny to me i wish we saw more of what they actually did in shinjuku
neku + beat + shiki bff group ;___; josh can join if he wants but he's too busy sulking and watching them from afar on top of a tall building.
ummmm barring any Obviously Bad shit like neku/hanekoma or things that don't make any logical sense idk i dont really think i have one. i think a romantic reading on any of neku's 3 partners work pretty well. I don't prefer nekushiki or joshneku as a romantic pairing but i don't really hate them either and i can see the appeal in both.
best quote
again neku's best lines are in another day big fan of "Oh no... I can feel my inner-emo stirring... Must... fight... emo... urges..." and "Aah! Bad man! Mustn’t make eye contact… Ohh, please don’t hurt me!" when he sees Sho LOL
head canon
i think neku likes to draw and tries to copy some of CAT's art style while scribbling in notebooks in class and whatnot but eventually develops his own style of graffiti-style art. he doesn't do any actual spraypainting or street art but loves drawing designs on paper
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chiscribbs · 4 years
Hi Chi! How are you? This is Adi from CK! So, I had this stupid idea - Rogue Varian AU confessing his love for Cass? How would that be like? (*hope you like it XD*)
Hey Adi!! xDD Sorry this took me like a week to answer asdfgh
Oooooooooo, okay, so this would be interesting. 🤔 Spoiler alert: there is no outright confession of feelings scene in Rogue AU, for a number of reasons:
For most of the Rogue AU, Varian’s biggest challenge is getting to a point where he’s able to form meaningful relationships again - not just romantic ones, but being able to trust and depend on the others in his group. Trust is a big determiner for Varian (as well as for Cass) - and given their past records, it’s also the thing that needs the most work. Remember - Cass was there the night of the storm, and from Varian’s perspective, she just stood by and watched and then was complacent in the events that followed. And from Cass’s perspective, the last interaction she had with Varian involved him launching an attack on the castle (in which her dad was injured) and then attempting to crush her in the fist of his automaton. So they’re both a little bitter towards each other at first and, needless to say, it’s going to take a lot to remedy that damage. Which, has to happen before romance can even become a possibility. -
Varian’s schoolboy crush on Cass is all but gone by the time they meet again, and what remains of it probably serves more as a painful reminder than a happy one (at least, at first.) So they essentially have to start over from scratch once they finally do start to trust each other again. Meaning this time, if/when Varian does develop feelings for her, it won’t be based on the same flimsy reasons that it was previously. This time he’ll be doing so having already seen the best and worst of her first-hand (and vice versa.) -
By the time Cass and Var have reached that level of trust in their relationship, things are starting to heat up plot-wise. I won’t spoil, but the window of time Var would have to confess to Cass would be extreeeeemely brief, and he has a much more pressing issue on his mind that needs to be dealt with before he can even consider telling her how he feels. If he was to try and confess to her after that window of time, let’s just say it would...not go well. Like, at all. So pretty much the only chance either of them would really have to make their feelings known would be at the end, but it’s still a little too early in their relationship for that.
That being said - just because Var doesn’t confess his feelings to Cass in so many words, doesn’t mean there is no significant romantic development between them at all (you know me better than that.)
And it definitely doesn’t rule out the possibility of, sayyy... a date. ;D
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