#we're so gay it's disgusting
tryyda · 6 months
i lied I don't actually like sex. put your clothes back on, I'm going to read my favorite tma episodes to you in my native language. (this actually happens bc my partner doesn't know english that well)
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hadesoftheladies · 1 month
actually american liberals can fuck all the way off with their "slur reclamation" bs. go to hell all of you.
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It's not revolutionary or deep to have a gay/lesbian couple not kiss lmao. A relationship is not deeper just because they never touch each other. That's like saying it's more filling to stare at a nicely cooked meal and sing its praises than to ever actually eat it.
"They don't need to kiss to prove that they're in love" is such a wack sentiment because it's actually an extremely cold thing to never kiss your partner? Like, irl if you never touched your partner then that would be a red flag for the relationship. Relationships have literally ended from lack sex because most people cannot exist in relationships where their partner doesn't touch them.
Also, it's wild how it seems like gay people only ever get this sentiment? Right now I'm thinking about the show Good Omens and how the two main men never kiss despite their relationship obviously being played as romantic, but the haphazardly thrown together straight couple that exists in the show has sex despite not even getting a quarter of the development.
Of all the shows that give their gay characters this treatment, I want you to see if ANY of them apply the same logic to their straight couples? Or do their straight couple somehow get to kiss and make love and clearly define their relationship without it taking away from the depth of said relationship? Isn't it so homophobic funny how that works
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cuntvonkrolock · 1 year
i wish tumblr and the internet at large would stop pretending nothing bad happens to gay men anymore. just because drag race is a thing and just because there are famous gay men doesn't mean homophobia stopped happening to us.
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echo-s-land · 22 days
The way my father and aunt are both religious but in a total opposite way is insane
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bunnakit · 1 month
Gu gu gaga my beloved
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I send you soooo many love letters on Instagram and this is how you thank me?? With my least favorite aegyo?
it's fine because I love you ehehe
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v-arbellanaris · 10 months
so fuckin late i just found out abt the matt healy nonsense and im fuckin disassociating bro x
#decades of work by grassroots organisers just to get the extremists to look away and pay no mind to queer people#so they can just fucking live. when public canings and beatings and jail time STILL HAPPENS for being queer bc it's listed as a crime#imagine doing that shit in a country where the rec 'treatment' for being gay is conversion therapy#imagine doing that. putting that spotlight on the thousands of people who are just barely surviving by relying on living in the shadows#while they chip away at the social constraints impeding progress bit by bit. imagine doing that. saying that. and then fucking off home#and ignoring all the homophobia and transphobia in YOUR country because it doesn't matter presumably bc its Worse when its nasty brown ppl#going BACK to your own homophobic transphobic country. leaving the thousands of people left exposed by that limelight.#im not even going to touch on ''im taking your money'' and the inherently disgusting colonialist bullshit in that#expecting him to donate to local queer charities is too much when he's a piece of shit#but jfc. and all his fucking insane fans going queer malaysians who have to live w the consequences of matt's actions who complain abt that#are suffering from internalised homophobia & i have no sympathy for you#firstly. queer malaysians saying 'stop - this is not advocacy it's actively threatening us' is not internalised homophobia#secondly. explain why you have no sympathy for queer people with internalised homophobia.#like. explain. as if we weren't all questioning and struggling. as if we come out of the womb just lucky enough to Know without a doubt.#as if we dont exist in societies and families that shape us into something we're not until we can't recognise ourselves#like explain why you have no sympathy for your fellow queers and act like they're the enemy. explain why you're siding with some cishet#trash white man actively endangering brown qpoc in the THOUSANDS in a drunken fit on stage. over the qpoc actually affected by this.#explain it. go on.#fucking sickeningggg it's SICKENING#tbd
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bylertruther · 2 years
me saying will does not hate himself for being gay =/= me saying will is somehow magically not affected by homophobia or the abuse that he's endured his entire life because of it. nor is it me saying that he has never once had doubts or negative feelings/thoughts about his sexuality and what it's made of (and will make of) his life.
intrusive thoughts are normal. no marginalized person can go through life without ever experiencing them or any of the other things that come with being discriminated against. it's impossible, unless you live in a bubble in the middle of nowhere untouched by society.
will isn't a super confident character. we've seen that multiple times and it is literally a plot point more than once lol. i'd be shocked if there are people who have been in similar positions that haven't ever felt weird, different, or down in the dumps for how they're treated for things they can't control. we've watched will suffer with being different on-screen. i know that he's felt bad for being a freak that gets babied by everyone.
i still don't think that that is indicative of internalized homophobia.
internalized homophobia, as in self-hatred over being gay, as in actively believing the negative stereotypes about yourself and thinking that there is something wrong with you because of your sexuality.
not internalized homophobia, as in "wow, being gay is hard" or "wow, this aspect of myself means i have to be careful around other people" or "wow, being this way is making my upside down-related alienation even worse". those are normal things to experience and go through. he's some poor nerd in the middle of nowhere, midwest, usa, in the eighties. nowhere did i ever say he wouldn't feel those things.
but hating himself for being gay? actively hating himself? as is suggested by my post, where i state that multiple times? i just don't think so. i explain myself multiple times, but i don't think his actions suggest hatred. he wouldn't lean into it if he hated it.
i never said will was the happiest, most confident guy in the entire world and that he's 100% self-assured in his sexuality and never experiences anything negative because of it. i just said that i find the canonical evidence for self-hatred over his sexuality, aka internalized homophobia, to be lacking.
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lemonlurkrr · 2 years
tell us about your classmates!! let us live vicariously through you
me and another classmate made a baby together today.
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miss--river · 6 months
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sincerity--extreme · 1 year
The girl I used to have a crush on on middle school is a lawyer now... We're the same age and she's a lawyer and I can't even order my own food at restaurants/fastfood place, answer phone calls, go too far from my house by myself... She's a lawyer and I'm a failure... Wtf went wrong in my life?
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tiktaalic · 5 months
gay! taylor swift just released a new song, and she's COMING. OUT. as a lesbian? yes as a lesbian! okay. which she's always been! okay alright jesus. it's called rainbow dress. hot summer june. sleepless afternoons. june. wearing my rainbow dress. is this taylor? she sounds bad. so full of pride. listen! what's hidden inside. like the vocals sound bad. jonathan van ness. jonathan van ness! okay. yeah he's gay. her best friend. i wanna have straight sex. she wants to have straight sex? at the gay pride parade. that's not so gay is it? this doesn't sound that gay. just normal sex. she's at the gay pride parade. nothing too weird. it's very confusing this song. yeah. a regular hunk with a beard. i wish there was straight pride. come on. at the gay pride parade. it's like a right wing talking point. if you guys aren't gonna listen? no no no. i'm gonna stop playing it. alright we'll listen we'll listen. we're gonna listen. she's talking about being at the gay pride parade. if this is supposed to be her song where she's coming out like why does she talk so much about straight pride? you have such a limited view of gender. oh yeah. you sniveling fuck. listen to the next verse. the second verse is gayer. i - you guys are gonna like it. who produced this? i think it was jack antonoff. i dream about your sweat. it sounds really bad. dripping down your balls. a sparkling chandelier. does she like this? she's really good at allegory. inside your shorts. julia are you okay? it's an ALLEGORY for QUEER LOVE. the balls line? i'm lost without a compass when i can't smell your balls. jesus ew that's like digusting. your balls are like a compass to my nose. what is this? pause - pause this. julia. what the fuck is this. are you guys gonna talk the whole time? i dont get it! i dont get what you're trying to do with this! where is she jt in the song. ... she's at the gay pride parade. alright yeah let's listen to it. it's fucking gay this next part? okay you're gonna love this part. i hate all vaginas. aaaaalright. it's an allegory! it's not gay at all! this was written by a maniac! no it's gay. even the one i got. dudes go down on me then they wanna kiss. this seems really like gender essentialist and hateful. that's disgusting gay shit. she has internalized homophobia. i am heterosexual. how are we supposed to interpret that? you guys are fucking assholes. yeah you know what we are being a little bit negative. i agree. she's gay. uhhh. you know. maybe she just wasn't like that outward about it with this one song.julia? julia? julia? she's gay! i'm sorry! i'm sorry! i'll kill you!
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genderkoolaid · 5 months
Words like "cervix" and "uterus" are absolutely inaccessible for ESL people though, and "cervix-haver" and "uterus-haver" even more so, both of which I've seen. These are uniquely English word structures and I would think that they are diseases if I didn't know those words already. Saying this as someone who went to a bilingual gymnasium, I only learned the word cervix thanks to being on r/badwomensanatomy or whatever that subreddit is called. I still don't see the problem behind "biologically female" tbh. If that makes you dysphoric you'll obviously be way too dysphoric to get pap smears or mammograms anyways😐 but the first gen immigrants would probably appreciate knowing that they're offered
I think if people don't know what a uterus (or womb) is there are deeper problems at play than trans people.
"___-haver" is not the only way to phrase that in English; "person with ___" is right there. Which is how its also phrased in other languages. From @anomalousmancunt:
#Not to mention that assuming non-english speaking women are too dumb to understand new terms is fucking disgusting#guess what anon. If you're USAmerican then your feminism is at least partially built on the work of latinoamerican feminists#feminists outside of the anglo bubble can understand new language just fine. we build new language always#like literally. it was hispanic feminists promoting an entire new pronoun IN SPANISH (one of THE gendered languages)#you think we're going to struggle latching onto the term PEOPLE?#as IF latam feminists didn't already use terms like 'gente que menstrua' and 'personas gestantes'#argentina had a gender identity law before the USA legalized gay marriage ffs#we don't need you to defend us against the evils of gender neutral language anon
Also, trans people die when they can't get proper gynecological care, so fuck you for acting like that's a cute thing to snark about.
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cuntvonkrolock · 1 year
funny how so many "criticisms" of media about gay men essentially boil down to "i hate gay men and gay sex grosses me out but i can't just say that outright so i'll make up some bullshit reason to claim this piece of media is Irredeemable And Offensive And Evil And Nobody Should Consume It"
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starrystevie · 1 year
eddie's just trying to be a good wingman, okay? he sees robin and steve and how they're attached at the hip, sees how they smile all soft and gooey at each other, sees how they pass light touches just to show that they're there without even subconsciously putting a hand on a shoulder.
so he meddles. he pushes them closer to one another when they sit on couches, shoving them bodily until they're on top of each other despite their groans of complaint. he goes overboard with the theatrics and declares from a table top that robin looks pretty, goading steve into doing the same and not noticing how her nose crinkles up in disgust. he purposefully gets out of the way when steve sidles up close next his side as they walk down the sidewalk so that steve can brush his hand against robin's instead of the back of his.
"i just don't get it," he exhales after steve gets up to use the bathroom as they sit around the pool one sticky july night. "this is the perfect time for steve to make his move on you and he just won't do it."
robin stares at him like he has three heads before bursting out into an uncontainable laughter.
"steve? make a move?" she breaks off, gasps for air, takes a sip of her now too warm beer and grimaces. "on me? but he's... i'm... we're-"
and now eddie's panicking because steve is coming back and the backyard house lights are illuminating him like a greek god, so he slaps robin's arm to get her to just look because, god, does steve look gorgeous. it's like he's the most perfect package that could ever be offered and robin is laughing instead of reveling in it.
"what'd i miss?" steve says as he sits back down, passing fresh ice cold beers around as robin catches her breath.
"hit on me," she says. eddie blanches and slaps her harder.
steve's face pinches, a frown overtaking his lips, eyebrows pulling together. "ew, no. why would i hit on you?"
eddie doesn't get it and his face must show it because steve is looking at him with confusion and robin is still cackling away like the witch that she is. he sighs, pushes his hair back as a way to ground himself back in the moment instead of letting his brain wander off into not so nice territory of telling him how stupid he is until steve's face softens and he hits robin's knee to get her to shut up.
they look at each other. and it's not a look that eddie gives to anyone, it's not a look he gets from anyone. they talk with their eyes and slight head nods and quirks of eyebrows and eddie doesn't get it. but then they turn back to him, robin's face set in determination, steve's set in.... something else.
"we're gay."
they say it at the same time, like fucking robots or clones or something else that eddie should probably know the name of but he's shocked to the core and can't think of anything more fitting. he feels his jaw drop, feels his heart squeeze in his chest until-
"i mean technically i'm bi-"
"-and technically i'm a lesbian."
and then they stare at eddie and wait. he gapes like a fish, or at least he feels like he does, his brain going a million miles a minute trying to catch up to the fact that he isn't alone and that he isn't wrong and that he actually has a chance with steve harrington, as far fetched as that might be.
but then he looks closer. catches the glimmer in steve's eye. sees the way his fingers are dancing over his exposed thighs where his swim shorts have ridden up to show the tan line underneath. sees the way he's biting almost nervously at his bottom lip and eddie's heart thumps painfully once more.
"me too," is all he can breath out, eyes locked on steve's, hoping his heart is beating out of his chest, too.
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
saw raccacoonie 😭
#* everyhting everywhere aII at once#and if you follow my main you know this i'm sorry for the spam XD#i choked on my spit in the middle of it lmfaoooooo and i was like trying not to cough too much#but i can still kinda feel the feeling in my throat rn sdjghkldfj#saw it with my parents and brother and just so many thoughts about the film and also about myself and about them jhadljkgdjfkg#my parents both like didn't rly like it :] and my brother didn't say shit#UGH it's so annoying bc it's still always just like i want to tlak to someone who gets obsessed with shit lmfao#my parents are just annoyingly lowkey conservative idek whatever lmfao#my dad said it was disgusting and they both said they didn't like the way it went about showing the message#bc of the fucking inappropriate jokes i guess and nonsense and violence#idk and then my dad mentioned the gays as part of it too and i was honestly kinda waiting for that since the second i saw them#and then they were all like we're not homophobic it's just not normal and we don't like that allllll the movies and tv shows are showing#it like it's popular or whatever idek ffs it's been a while since the last time this came up#glad to know nothing's changed 🤩#anyway i have too many thoughts to put here lmao i keep arguing w my mom about things like . future things#mainly she's so set in like gender roles every time we talk about future stuff she starts saying im gonna have a family to take care of etc#and it's rly annoying and i've been thinking about it too much lmfao so the mother daughter shit in the movie?? cried#oh absolutely loved harry s/hum's part in this movie pls king#also joy is soooooo <3 i love her#i need to see it again either by myself or with friends#i am still choking on this drop of spit i inhaled at some point during the movie helppp XDDD#anyway idk what this post is anymore lmfao#jeanne talks
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