#we needed these princesses for a golden age in equestria
dapper-lil-arts · 22 days
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One of my many arguments as to why Equestria needed 2 rulers
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ask-de-writer · 3 months
(Part 66 of ?)  
18+ readers only  (sex scenes)
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Making Fiends and Influencing Ponies
An Anthro *Tail* of the Mane Six
Part 66 of ? (Work in Progress)
De Writer
75875 words (story in progress)
© 2022 by Glen Ten-Eyck
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Pinkie Pie couldn't resist aplauding, “You really pulled it off! You guys are gonna be the hit of the show!”
The dropped beak Gryphon Ambassador exclaimed, “Your Royalty really are joining in as part of this extravaganza?”
Twilight nodded emphatically, “We sure are! We aren't going to be hypocrites and just authorize the raising of funds. We are going to be a direct part of getting your Empire the money and supplies that it needs. Besides, instead of simply throne warming, it is a chance for us to actually have some fun!”
“I do see that, Your Highnesses. I am not of your species but your dances were still amazing to watch. We, not only myself, but the whole of the Empire thank you.”
Kin cheerfully agreed, “Their thanks, if they will also accept the money, we will happily accept. They've already given us the Golden Talon and made us Knife Bearers, so courteous words will have to do. And we will be happy with them.”
The Ambassador raised his crest and spread his wings as he bowed. “You are amazingly gracious. Those courteous words will be given to the Throne of Empire. What you have raised already in hard cash is the largest donation that we have received so far. The Throne of Empire is working on plans to best use this vast sum. When the matching grants come in, I make the total to be in excess of a million golden bits, and that is not counting the gate from the performance.”
Pinkie nodded, “Something like that, I expect. In some,” she lifted both hands and flexed her fingers in air quotes, “mysterious way," word of the Royal act got out! It only took about an hour for every available hotel in all of Ponyville to be fully booked! Rooming houses with empty spaces are going fast and so are private room rentals!”
She paused to grin and added, “Those who think Ponyville's a backwater are in for a surprise! We have almost a quarter of the total population of Equestria living here. I do expect a substantial gate!”
Princess Luna looked up from her Magic Net mirror and said in an awestruck voice, “I just had to authorize twenty more cars each for the Canterlot Flier, Baltimare Flier, the Manehatten Flier, and the Trottingham Express for all runs through the day after tomorrow. We have sold that many tickets! We have a request for ten more cars on all runs from County Corbiestep too! I think that we may be having a solid part of the whole kingdom coming to see this show!”
Grinning ear to ear and bouncing, Pinkie exclaimed, “Of course they are coming! This is the biggest Pinkie Pie Party ever!”
Kin expertly corralled Pinkie and gently pressed her down until she stopped bouncing and snickered, “What are you planning to do for housing this incoming multitude?”
Pinkie shot back, “Oh, I don't know! Um, the Dawnguard temple is empty now. Perhaps we could put it to use to further our 'Evil Act of Lewdness' by running in about two or three hundred sleeping cots?”
Princess Twilight snickered thoughtfully, “You know, that is really not a bad idea at all. There is some paperwork to be done but that is why I have bureaucrats. They handle the paperwork. I will set them to it.” She put words to action by calling the Ponyville Bureau of Buildings on her Magic Net mirror.
Looking up, with a diabolical grin, she announced, “It will take several hours to get done but, counting the basement, their loft, and their priestly dorm building, as well as the main floor, dressing rooms, offices and all, the Bureau of Buildings will be clearing the structures for temporary occupancy by three hundred and twenty ponies!”
Pinkie put a hand to her snout as she giggled, “Not enough, but it will be a big help!”
Luna looked up from her Magic Net mirror and told them all, “The Ducal Council arrests have been completed and the casualty train from the Empire is on its way. It should be here in another hour. Getting the injured Gryphons to the hospital and settled in can be done in only another hour. That's when Kin and I are going to be busy for several hours more.”
Fluttershy nodded and flexed her wings. “Got it. I will go and get Bruin and Breakfang over to the station. That will help with the unloading.” She strolled out, drawing most eyes, both male and female, after her.
Pinkie shook her head sadly, “She doesn't want to dance. I already asked.”
Rarity showed up shortly afterwards, carrying Carousel Boxes. She smiled, “Let's get you lovely mares into the dressing rooms. I have what I need to do alterations if we need them.” She gently herded Equestria's Royalty off to try on their nice new stripping outfits.
The full dress rehersal of the Royal strip went even more smoothly and effectively than the first. The cunning design and colors of the stripping outfits improved and enhanced their every move.
When they finished, all the watchers were stiff of wing, had hard raised tails, or both! Pinkie snorted, “When this goes public, nopony is ever going to see Equestria's Princesses the same again!”
The Gryphon Ambassador bobbed his head, crest up in amazement. He held out his Magic Net mirror. “Her Highness, the Empress and her Strong Wings of the Throne paused their flight to watch this rehersal. They are all amazed at the efforts that Equestria is making on behalf of the Empire.”
Celestia nodded graciously as she replied, “This is what being good neighbors is all about. The Empire and its Throne have been by our side in both natural disaster and war before this. Now, it is we who can assist them. This all has sprung from the goodness of the hearts of Ponyville's dancing mares and the clubs that they work in. Now it is the whole of the Principality of Ponyville. The goodness that you planted over many years has grown and is being harvested to aid you in your need.”
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chaoticevilbean · 3 years
Wings of Flame
"What are we doing out here again?" Rainbow Dash flew back and forth across the path ahead of her friends, scanning the ground for possible traps or obstacles. Probably weren't any, but anything can happen in the Everfree Forest.
"I already told ya. We're lookin' fer the Lost Library. Chances are, there's somethin' there that can help us defeat King Sombra." Applejack gave the avian a stern look, which got an eye roll in response.
"Well, where is the Lost Library anyway?" Pinkie Pie asked as she skipped next to Fluttershy.
"Princess Celestia said that it was once the Great Library of Equestria. People came from far and wide to simply gaze at its front door. To enter the library was told to be a magical experience, filled with wonder and beauty."
"Oh my, Rarity." Fluttershy held her hands close to her chest, nervous to be in the dark forest but interested in her friend's story. "That sounds wonderful. What happened to it?"
"Well, the Great Library was said to be a gift from the Spirits of Old, and when people stopped treating the library with respect and started neglecting its books and the building, the Spirits hid it. It became the Lost Library and avians, mages, and the earth-bound have all been searching for it since."
"Don't worry, Fluttershy," Shining Armor called from where he led the group. "The Lost Library has never once been said to have traps. It's just hidden."
"He's right, y'all. Granny never once mentioned no traps or tests. If ya find it, ya find it. If ya don't, ya ain't worthy."
The group kept walking with small chatter after that. No one wanted to be in the Everfree Forest, but it held the last known location of the Lost Library. Rarity and Shining Armor led the group, using a compass spell to find the spot.
Around noon, Rainbow Dash flew in front of the two mages, effectively stopping their movement.
"Rainbow Dash, what on earth ar-"
"Shh." They all fell silent, listening.
"I don't hear anything."
"Exactly. There should be at least a breeze, but there's nothing. We have to keep a close eye out." The others glanced around warily, suspicious of the quiet.
The quiet was broken by something breaking through the trees into the center of the path.
A small dragon sat, staring at them all with golden-green eyes. Purple scales glistened without any direct light and the claws on its feet were shining in a way that made it hard not to notice them. Green spikes and scales accentuated the purple, deep and rich in color.
"Is that a dragon?" Pinkie Pie shouted, shocked. Applejack gave her a sharp look, but the dragon hadn't spooked so it was nullified.
"I thought dragons were all extinct," Fluttershy murmured, eyes fixed on the small creature in wonder. It really was small, only about the size of a ferret.
"They are." Shining Armor slowly moved in front of his companions, but it seemed that while sound didn't set off any alarms, movement signaled danger. The dragon took off into the trees on the right, a violet blur.
"WAIT!" Fluttershy took off after it, her friends rushing after her as fast as they could.
"Fluttershy, wait up!" Rainbow Dash shouted, but even with her speed, she somehow couldn't keep up with the other avian. They ran left, right, over a log, under some hanging vines, all over. The only way the group was going to find their way back now was with scouting and magic.
Finally, the group broke through a treeline to see Fluttershy frozen and staring.
Right in front of an enormous building. The front doors were ornate, made of some strange material that seemed neither wood nor metal. The windows were stained glass, the walls a mottling of greys, browns and greens. Flowering bushes and trees decorated the grounds around the building, and a few park benches sat ready for a person to rest on.
"The Lost Library," Rarity breathed.
"Well, whaddya know," Applejack mimicked her sentiment.
"The dragon went in through a little doggy- er, dragon door," Fluttershy informed her friends, turning to face them timidly.
"Should we see if anyone's home?"
"I don't think anyone would be living in there, Pinkie Pie. I mean, it is a library. Who would want to live in a library?"
"We should check to see if anyone's here anyways," Shining Armor decided. "Look, there's lights on." Sure enough, as they approached the front door, light filtered through the windows in bright colors.
Knock knock knock. A collective breath was held as they all waited. And much to everyone's surprise, footsteps and speaking were heard immediately after. The words got clearer as whoever it was walked closer, their voice loud.
"I told you, Spike! They wouldn't have been able to follow you if they weren't worthy! Now stop fretting and go get some tea! No, not peppermint, we're out! Try green! Out as well? Jasmine will work! Just make sure to not burn it!" The doorknobs rattled a little before the not-wood-not-metal doors swung in, revealing a young teenage girl.
Her hair was black with hot pink and magenta highlights, all of the colors tinged with light purple. Her skin was pale, but more of a that's-just-the-color than never-seen-sunlight. Her eyes were a bright violet, like the scales of the dragon they had seen before. She wore a matching set of loose black pants and shirt, along with sturdy boots that were obviously made with running in mind. Trimming and light embroidery matching her highlights colored her neckline and waist. A black cloak with purple and pink stars hung down her back, clinging to her shoulders like a snug blanket.
"Greetings, Worthy Stallions. My name is Twilight Sparkle. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," the girl, Twilight, said with a small bow and a voice befitting a princess.
"Greetings, Library Keeper," Shining Armor responded, trying to remember what Princess Luna had told him about how to greet anyone who was in the Lost Library when they got there.
"My name is Shining Armor, Head of the Canterlot Guard. These are my companions: Fluttershy, Keeper of the Ponyville Animals; Rarity, Master Tailor of Ponyville; Rainbow Dash, Right-Hand of the Leader of the Wonderbolts; Applejack, Mighty Farmer of Sweet Apple Acres; and Pinkie Pie, Smile Finder of All She Meets." Shining Armor pointed to each of them as he introduced them, eliciting waves and blushes.
"You learned the proper introductions!" Twilight Sparkle squealed, and then suddenly Shining Armor was being dragged into a giant library towards a table in the center that was the only one without any books on it. Instead, the dragon sat next to a setting of tea, looking amused, if dragons could look amused.
"You know, it's been so long since anyone's visited and most people don't know much about here that I haven't heard someone give the proper introductions in ages. I always wanted to know if I qualify as a librarian, because no one here can really tell me. Spike doesn't count, he's not a human, but you're a mage. You must know a lot about magic. What's your specialty? You said you're a guard so probably protection magic. Rarity's a mage, too, if I'm not mistaken. Does her magic help her sew? They call them designers now, I think, not Master Tailors, but that doesn't really matter here. And those avians have such pretty wings. The only wings I get to see aren't on another human."
"Whoa, slow down," the guard said quickly as she took a breath. "I can barely understand you. You talk really fast. Maybe say it again, but slower?" Twilight took this with ease, still smiling brightly.
"Do you know protection magic?"
"Yes, I do. It's my specialty. Especially barriers."
"I knew it! Does Rarity's magic help her sew? And is she called a designer?"
"Uh, sometimes and yes." Twilight let go of him then, moving towards the tea set and pouring out seven cups with practiced ease. The others had followed the two, and when Shining Armor looked back, he found all of them holding in laughter at his situation.
"So is there anything specific you're here to learn? No, I'm not going to hide the books, Spike. I'm a librarian, I have to help. I have plenty of friends already, I'm not like that. No, I'm not. Do I need to recount the Lonely Dragon Syndrome? That's what I thought." Twilight spoke to them first, but her attention was diverted by the dragon moving ever so slightly.
"You can speak to dragons?" Fluttershy asked excitedly, though it didn't really do much volume wise.
"Technically, I can't. I never learned, but I've spent too long around Spike to not know what he's saying. Anyways, what're you here for?"
"We need to defeat King Sombra. He's come back fer revenge an' we have to stop 'im." Twilight set down the teapot, looking at Applejack with worried confusion.
"Defeat King Sombra? Why? That kid is adorable!"
"Adorable? Try evil," Rainbow Dash said, flying up a bit. "He's trying to take over and enslave Equestria."
"That doesn't sound right," the other muttered, moving over to the shelves behind her. A wave of her hand and three books floated into her arms, which she then brought over and gestured for them to all sit.
"These are the books I have on King Sombra. Or, at least, the ones I've read. I can see if there're more later, but I think these are important." She opened the first book to a specific page it seemed she had read often because she had no trouble finding it. Turning the volume around, she showed them all a picture of a young boy, maybe fifteen or sixteen. He was rather cute, in an awkward sort of way.
"King Sombra was adorable as a kid. I guess he wouldn't be a kid now, but you might understand my confusion a little better knowing this. He was also known for being extremely kind, giving everything he had to those around him. I would think the only thing that could lead to him turning villainous is his crush on Princess Celestia going wrong. She is still a princess, right?"
"Yes, she's still a princess. In fact, she's the one that sent us."
"Well, if Princess Celestia is sending you after Sombra, then he's probably-"
"Hold up," Rainbow Dash held up her hand. "Sombra had a crush on Celestia?"
"A requited crush." At Rainbow's obvious confusion, Twilight simplified. "She loved him back." The effect on the table was instantaneous. All of them gasped and drew back, sharing all kinds of confused looks.
"Are ya sure?" Applejack asked, face loose in mild terror.
"Of course I'm sure, it's mentioned in at least five different books on Equestrian history and in all three of these books. Anyways, I don't really know anything that could defeat him power wise, but I'm sure I can find some volumes that might help. Spike, could you grab The Advanced Mage's Guide to Banishment and Keep the Shadows at Bay by Solar Aura? Lumin Shadow's series would be helpful as well, but are you sur- okay, okay! I get it, you've got good balance." The dragon, Spike as they assumed, flew off towards some of the upper shelves while Twilight went to fetch some books herself. It was then that the group took a look around at their surroundings.
The library was huge, with large arches and shelves going all the way to the ceiling. Perches and balconies were situated at regular intervals, meant for avians that might come. Doors were in seemingly random places, each one with simple doorknobs and pictures on the centers. All shelves and balconies and tables and chairs and doors were ornate, carved and crafted with exquisite worksmanship. It was obvious why people used to come just to look at the building.
Twilight dusted off her hands, grinning at the huge stack of books now in front of Shining Armor. Spike came over with his own stack of books balanced on all four of his claws. Another boom shook table as the books were dropped down.
"There you go," Twilight chirped. "All the books in this part of the library that might contain information to help defeat Sombra."
Rainbow Dash picked up one of the books, heaving under the weight. She sighed.
"Looks like we're gonna be here a while."
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thebiscuiteternal · 5 years
Aight, I promised @thewondersomethingorother that I’d post my notes from this gigantic historical revision thing we’re doing, so here we go.
History Stuff:
Beginning Point: Two generations after Unification
Regents’ Council: Sunsparkle (G2), Silver Swirl (G2), Firefly (G2), Golden Light (G2), Sugar Apple (G1), Starshine (G1)
Still some infighting between pockets of separatists in the tribes. Sunsparkle’s mother (G2 Diamond Glow) is a casualty for marrying an Earth Pony.
Silver Swirl, ten years older than Sunsparkle, has just begun mentoring a foal Starswirl when she and Sunsparkle join the Council.
Locket, a blind oracle (G1 Twinkle-Eyed Pony), makes the prophecy about sisters who will be made of all tribes and will rule them in peace (Celestia and Luna).
Starswirl, grown, finds the fillies in question and begins mentoring them in magic. Majesty, an old friend of Sunsparkle and Silver Swirl, is assigned as their protector when Starswirl is unavailable.
The Pony of Shadows incident. The Pillars vanish, Majesty is killed. The traumatized Sisters return to the Council, unable to fully tell what they’ve seen.
The broken return of the Sisters causes panic and more infighting. Fearing all out civil war, the Council breaks up at Sunsparkle’s orders and places the Sisters on the thrones. Sunsparkle and Silver Swirl remain to help them learn politics and the magic Starswirl didn’t finish teaching.
The Sisters are full Princesses.
Sunsparkle and Silver Swirl “retire” and vanish.
Discord happens.
The Crystal Ponies who gained their magic from Sunsparkle leave to form their own home.
Sombra happens. The Crystal Empire vanishes.
Nightmare Moon happens.
In the historical mess occuring after Luna vanishes, Sunsparkle and Silver Swirl are wiped into obscurity and their work is attributed to Majesty and Starswirl. Celestia is deeply unhappy about this and the changes historians make to Luna, but there is too much going on for her to stop it.
Sunset Shimmer and Cadence
Twilight Sparkle
Luna returns
Crystal Empire returns
Twilight ascends
The Pony of Shadows returns, bringing along the Pillars. Stygian remembers very little of his life before he was corrupted. The Pillars disperse. Twilight finds a strange pendant while visiting a market with Rarity. As she studies it, the ghost of Sunsparkle returns.
Other Notes:
Sunsparkle and Silver Swirl - never married, lifelong girlfriends. Share a feedback loop of magic that incidentally slows down their aging, giving them very prolonged lives. Eventually “die” by crystallization when the loop weakens.
Sunsparkle’s crystal coat - Occurs due to an accident involving an artifact Silver Swirl was studying. Eventually “leaks” to other ponies after a unicorn tries to rip out the magic, making her the “ancestor” of all Crystal Ponies. Also vastly amplifies the feedback loop between her and Silver Swirl.
Starswirl - Sweet kid, asshole adult. Fame and being needed went to his head as he got older, causing him to neglect his former teacher. After returning to Equestria, goes right back to being a grouchy hermit until Twilight contacts him for help with a haunted pendant, dragging him right back to his old caretakers who are deeply displeased with his behavior.
Twilight - WAY in over her head. Was only wanting to study a weird necklace, not get dragged into an epic quest to fix history.
Rarity - Super invested in the lost-to-time romance of Sunsparkle and Silver Swirl. Also the only one with enough jewelry knowledge to guess where Silver Swirl’s pendant might have ended up.
Fluttershy - Along for creature control. Also thinks the ages-old romance is adorable but much quieter about it.
Celestia and Luna - Absolutely floored by the reappearance of their beloved adoptive auntie. Desperately wish to join the search for Silver Swirl, but can’t due to political stuff. Immediately give Twilight any and all permissions she could possibly need to complete the quest.
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thedenofravenpuff · 6 years
The Purpose of the Cutie Map
I felt it’s been up in the air for a long time what the cutie map is really about.
Of course we know the surface of it. The map is a magic mcguffin summoning chosen ponies to deal with ‘friendship problems’ on different scales.
But why? And, I suspect the original purpose behind all this, whatever it may be, might gone off track over time.
Let’s take a look at that, while I Ramble.
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So, what do we know of the map?
It appeared with Princess Twilight’s Castle, or Castle Friendship, when created by the Tree of Harmony to replace the lost library and provide a more royal base of operation to the young alicorn.
The map activated the first time when all of the Mane Six was together in their thrones provided along with map and castle.
The map chooses specific ponies, at first solely only the Mane Six, and shows them where to go with no further directions on what to do. But it has a clear end goal in mind, as it also signals to the map when their mission is complete.
The Map’s name, Cutie Map, refers to its choice of communication by the use of ponies’ cutiemarks, and by the episode title it was first introduced in. As well as being a play on the word Cutiemark, and without that context “Cutie Map” isn’t the most dignified name. Although usually just refered to on show as “The Map”.
So, what kind of missions do the map send its ponies to, and for what purpose?
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Missions of Season 5 - Communities
The first mission (The Cutie Map, s5ep1-2) included all of the Mane Six and sent them to Starlight Glimmer’s village. With nothing to let the Mane Six know what it was even about, why they were chosen to go where and what any of it meant.
The mission turning out to stop a cult and its charismatic leader. A small growing society with a spreading ideology, climaxing with the leader FORCING ponies, a princess even, to join her cult without the softer convincing used on her subjects. The cult was ended with the members having their cutiemarks returned and their leader running away.
Next mission (The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone, s5ep8) sent two ponies, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, outside of Equestrian boarders and to the griffon kingdoms. Specifically the falling apart town of Griffonstone which had lost a great artifact in the past. A society crumbling until provided new means to prosper through a new ideology of working together instead of focusing personal greed. It was not all fixed in one go, but a seed planted to hope it would grow and change things.
Rarity and Applejack is sent to Manehattan (Made in Manehattan, s5ep16), to save community from losing touch with each other and remember that a small thing done by each can together make something bigger.
And then Twilight and Fluttershy (The Hoofield and McColts, s5ep23) goes to stop an old family feud between two clans with settlements close by unable to coexist until solving how to work together instead of against one another.
The full 5th season the Map’s focus is on saving communities from falling apart. The scale is bigger. A cult spreading, growing to a point where free will is no longer an option on whether or not one is to join. A foreign town fallen from glory in need of new directions. A city community that used to be the driving example of working together to help one another. Two clans wasting their resources on fighting (with inspiration from a real life clan feud which had a plenty of a death count).
Then Starlight Glimmer returned at the end of season 5 and repurposed the Map to power a time travel spell. The Map no longer summoning certain ponies by their cutiemarks, but stays an anchor in the different timelines for Twilight to keep traveling back and look for a way to fix things.
Then things changed. The Map had to be reactivated by Twilight Sparkle the now reformed Starlight Glimmer in the start of season 6, to once again call ponies in for friendship missions.
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Magic Mishaps and Small Scale Problems
The missions had changed. Instead of sending ponies to save communities, the focus became a much smaller scale. A couple of shop owners with a failing business. A lying business owner manipulating his staff. Wonderbolt cadets in need of tutoring to pass their class. 
Following that Twilight Sparkle in season 7 (Celestial Advice, s7ep1) uses the map for a spell to create images of her worries about sending Starlight Glimmer away.
Shortly after the map gets accidentally teleported by Trixie (All Bottled Up, s7ep2).
After that (A Royal Problem, s7ep10) the Map only sends ONE pony on a friendship mission, Starlight Glimmer, to help the Royal Sisters with their personal problems between the two of them.
Spike, the first ever non-pony summoned by the map, is tasked to fix the friendship problem he was causing himself (Triple Threat, s7ep15), by not trusting his friends to get along and instead cause a war between them.
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From saving communities, the Map had scaled down to smaller problems one wouldn’t think would need outsiders from afar should be needed to fix. Two Wonderbolt students might fail. That’s a teacher’s job to realize and fix. One could argue it’s about helping the Mane Six to develop further as they each learn lessons from their missions.
The Map proves it’s still in for the big scale when providing clues in the season finale Shadow Play (s7ep26-27) on where to find the Pony of Shadow and let the Pillars and Elements work together to save a lost pony while also banishing a dark force. AFTER Starswirl manipulates it to show his own ideas where to look first.
Then the map goes back to smaller scale problems afterwards. A hippogiff kid is unsure whether to live with Mom or Dad (Surf And/Or Turf, s8ep6), the summoned ponies being the Cutiemark Crusaders. Sunbursts get called all the way from the Crystal Kingdom to go with Starlight to fix their relationship with their parents (The Parent Map, s8ep8).
Unseen Future and Technical Issues
Did the Map change from the magic manipulation and breaking over time? Or do these small scale cases still fulfill whatever grand scheme the Map is plotting?
That, of course, alludes to there actually being a grand scheme behind the Map. Why does it send ponies on friendship missions? Why certain ponies for certain places? In the start the focus was on whole communities and the long term effects the actions on the missions will have. It seemed grander.
Then the Map was manipulated by a time spell, to be fixed by magic of a unicorn and an alicorn. Ponies like Twilight who saw small issues to be the same scale as big ones. Did they change the original setting to something they figured was as good? Unintentionally of course.
The Map isn’t invulnerable towards magic manipulation, seems like any pony can effect the Map. Trixie teleported it while still learning magic beyond her usual skills. Or are these smaller cases just more densed down issues which can have a greater effect later on?
After all, in time travel we learned any slightest change in the past can and will change the future greatly. Even if only interrupting a race between foals in different manners. Potentially, the Map is seeing ahead and knows to change little things in the presence to preserve the future.
Two young cadets needed in the Wonderbolts as individual talents instead of relying on one another to succeed. What do they mean to the future of Equestria? After all, they are joining a military force. Spike was actively told by the Map to cut that crap out and stop causing an incident between two powerful nations by not trusting they could get along. Dragons and Changelings are great allies to keep after all.
But then there is saving a failing restaurant, usurping a hotel and casino manager, helping a kid to deal with life in two homes and fix the relationship with parents for two side characters.
Is the Map funked up from its original purpose, or are there still a grand plan behind it all? Was there ever a grand plan to begin with?
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Map of Wonders Friendship
What IS the Map? It grew with the Castle Friendship into existence from where the Tree of Harmony planted its power. The Tree of Harmony and Elements in general still mysterious forces. Even those who originally planted the Tree of Harmony had no clues what it would become.
Is it directly linked to the Elements? Linked to the Tree of Harmony? The Tree was first planted merely to save a seed of the grand magic of the Pillars of Equestria before they sent themselves to Limbo. They had n o other plan beyond hoping this seed could grow to a force that could help protect Equestria.
The Tree was later discovered by the Royal Sisters, who took the Elements it held to defeat Discord with their power and the representation of the values the Pillars used to stand for. 
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Without the Elements, after 1000 years the Tree of Harmony faltered in its duty to protect Equestria. Unable to hold back the vines Discord planted ages ago and thus let havoc loose. Reunited with the Elements the Tree could once again protect Equestria, rendering even the Everfree Forest so little a threat that ponies constantly wander in and out of it freely now. 
In return the Tree created a Chest of Harmony the Mane Six could only unlock with special keys they earned through understanding both sides of their respective Element.
This unlocked the Rainbow Powers that temporarily gave the Mane Six the super powers to defeat the big bad at the time. Leaving a discussion for the fans whether it was the power of the box or just the unlocked potential within the Mane Six themselves.
The Chest itself is brought to Ponyville by the Friendship Rainbow Super Duper Powah of Dah Tree of Harmony And Stuff, where it is planted where the destroyed Golden Oak Library used to be and creates the Castle Friendship along with the Map.
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Is the Chest the Map? Is the Chest the Castle? Or were both things a gift from within the Chest? Might the Chest still be somewhere within the castle or underneath it?
That is hard to tell. 
Is this an ever growing force that will keep creating more McGuffins, or is the faulty map the last twitches of this exhausted magic source of power still struggling to keep Equestria safe?
Hard to say.
Harmony, Friendship, Cutie, Castle, Elements, Chests, Boxes, Trees, Maps and so on. All coming from one seed those who planted it had no idea what it would grow to be.
How does these things know what to do and how. What rules and guidelines do these forces follow? The Elements turned a living spirit into an eternity of stone imprisonment, another was banished to a thousands years on the moon, before purged from the evil within caused by jealousy.
The stationary Tree suppresses danger and negative influences on the land.
The Chest unboxed new wonders and real estate. 
The Map sends ponies out on seemingly random quests with no rhyme or reason on WHY, starting from saving communities to just helping individuals on small scales they could solve themselves or at least not be a catastrophe when lost, least of all to the unrelated ponies who got sent out to fix the problems in the first place.
So, will we ever truly know? Will any of these things ever truly be explained or will ponies just continue to shrug it off and just roll with it until a new mcguffin is revealed? 
Who knows?
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Personally... I still think SOMETHING is the driving force of all of this. And I feel it can all be tracked back to the Tree itself, the driving force starting this chain.
Each thing we got from the Tree, the Element, the Chest, the Castle, the Map, each is planted by the tree for a purpose. Setting its own seeds of power to grow new artifacts. Just like it once was seeded to become a new protective force. It is a new life, made up of magic force, acting like any other life. Spreading its seeds to carry on its purpose.
Each thing that comes from the Tree each given their own purpose.
But as with anything happen seemingly at random without a first planned purpose, these items are created with more intention than actual plan. They are just fruits of different flavours, each happening to help in saving the day in different ways. Shaped by the needs sensed from the ponies around them.
The driving force is not one of thought. It is a pure magic force simply acting like a plant, setting its seeds to grow into more magic force with a physical form. The Castle of Friendship carries Twilight’s cutiemark. Provided with thrones for each of the Element Bearers. Because they all effected the Elements of Harmony, before they were returned to the tree. Before the Mane Six, the Elements were shaped like simple gems, even when used by the Princesses. The Tree holds the mark of the Sun and Moon, the first to find the Tree and use its fruits, the Elements. All these things shape based on who interact and influence them.
Will it stretch too thin or keep growing stronger? We don’t know.
The Map? Ah yes, the original subject of this whole ramble.
The Map may seem faulty, and I believe it very well might be from magic mishaps in the past. But as random as its actions and choices may seem, both before and after the first magic mishap, is driven by a specific force. Time. It foresees the past, presence and future. It provides clues to fix tiny in the timeline before they turn into a problem for a yet unseen future. Was this the original purpose? Or a side effect from Starlight’s time travel?
Was is in the start only meant to fix settled communities? And then moved to fix minor issues to save an unknown future?
I like to think so.
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But this is just me rambling my own thoughts. Thank you if you managed to get through this whole wall of text if you made it this far.
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estro-gem · 4 years
Black and White in Grey: Chapter 11
Author’s note: I’m rolling though this once again - and I bought some fluff with me! This was fun to put together.
I’ve gotten myself into my fair share of situations that were similar to this one and I wonder how many of the people out there can share their story...
Little side-note; I suck with writing accents, so I hope that it is somewhat understandable.
Please enjoy!
The princess of the night walked down the great hall on her way to an exit. Discord was somehow, suddenly present, even though Luna expected it. It was a day he said he’d show up, after all.
The draconiquus looked at the window of the Rise of Nightmare Moon. Luna made a point not to look up. Instead, she said, “I was going for a walk on the county-side before attending to my work… I think I need some time away from the palace.”
Without another word, she teleported to the dirt road near Apple Jack’s farm. Discord looked at you, the reader, then shrugged it off and joined her, floating next to her as she walked.
“If you could go back in the past with the knowledge you have now, what would you do?” he asked in thought.
Luna shook her head dismissively, “The past is for learning. I don’t dwell in it for fun. I’ve done too many things that I regret to get lost down memory lane.”
The draconiquus floated by her with his back to the floor. He simply said, “You do you, then.” earning an eye-roll from the night princess. Discord continued, circling her once, before hovering a few feet from her, “I live for memories!”
“Oh really? So you wouldn’t mind talking about what happened on that night, then?” Luna insisted. Even though they somehow grew a little closer, Discord refused to even mention that night. When she insulted him. When she embarrassed herself and broke in front of him. When she told him what she always wanted to tell her s… No, she couldn’t think of that…
But as always, Luna’s plea fell upon deaf ears, as Discord ignored her and rambled on,
“As you know, I travel to the past quite often, like, back to my golden years of rein over Equestria. Oh, the great chaos I made back then… It never gets old. Too bad the past can’t be changed, not even by me…”
‘It’s hopeless. He still acts as if nothing happened.’
Discord pouted like a grumpy foal. Luna intervened his sulking before it got out of hoof. “Um, now you sound just like an old mule…” she teased, hoping it would distract him. Discord gazed at her, stood up and leaned down with a challenging look.
“Say that again, if you dare.”
Luna raised her eyebrow, before returning his look, taking a small step with every word and ending up inches away from his face, “You. Sound. Just. Like. An. Old. Mule.”
Discord snickered and pointed to something behind Luna. When Luna turned around, she regretted her every word.
An southern, old mule inconveniently stood right behind Luna. Not even the uncontrollable snickering of Discord could make her tare her eyes away from the elder. Why was he even up? Or even there to begin with? The silence made the Lord of Chaos wipe away a tear to watch how this situation would play out. It didn’t take him long to notice.
The mule was pissed.
Before the dark pony could even think of an excuse, all hell broke loose. The old mule stormed right at them and yelled threats as he grew closer.
“I ought’a pull ya youngens over mah lap and teach ya a lesson ‘bout respect!”
Before they knew it, both, Luna and Discord were so startled, they ran the other way, desperate to lose the enraged mule.
“I didn’t mean to offend, sir!” Luna cried out of breath.
“We’re the ones who should be offended! We’re immortal, ancient royalty!” Discord added, trying to figure out how in the world this elder was so fast.
“I don’t care if ya’ll Starswirl himself, no creature messes with the mule!”
The ridiculous chase went on for about a minute. By then, they covered the ground all around Apple Jack’s barn before immortal beings found shelter in a hay stack. With the snap of a claw, Discord’s chaos magic hollowed out it out to make a simple cave-like structure. They huddled close, peeking out of the little holes in hay.
The held their breath in anticipation as the mule passed them. Slowly. He clearly had given up, muttering something about the good old days, when everpony respected their elderly.
As soon as the coast was clear, Discord stood up and sighed in relief.
“Granted, (huff) I am the Great Lord of Chaos, but (huff) even I don’t understand how that old hag could keep up with us… Lulu?”
Luna was quietly jerking with her face planted into the hay beneath her fore hoofs. Discord frowned.
“Luna, are you seriously crying? I know we nearly died out there, but-”
The princess jerked her face upward and revealed her teary eyed, red faced complexion with a hysterical burst of laughter. The draconiquus was so surprised, that he stumble backwards; out of the hay-fort and landed on his rear. Luna crawled out too, still laughing. She coughed out,
“I – I  just realized (wheeze) we could’ve just teleported!”
She broke out in laughter again. Discord went quiet, processing what he just heard. He gave one look at Luna, who was rolling on her back and kicking her legs in the air before face-palming himself. A moment passed, then he started snickering, giggling, laughing with the dark pony.
He took second to ask, “Why is this so funny?!”
“I don’t know!” Luna managed to squeeze out, “I can’t breathe!”
Soon, their laughter died down and the alicorn laid aside the draconiquus, panting for a moment and looking at the night sky.
“Luna.” Discord said, “You’re quite alright, my dear.”
An indescribable happiness bubbled up in Luna’s chest. ‘You still treat me like a friend, despite…’ Luna cast away the thought. She decided to live the moment, instead, “You’re not so bad, either, if I may say so myself.”
“You know, I’ve never seen you actually laugh before.”
“Well, I did wield the element of laughter.”
Discord turned his face to Luna with a mockingly, sceptical expression, but she dismissed it with a chuckle. She sighed, “I used to look at the stars like this… as a filly. It always felt like they were almost close enough to reach.”
Luna stretched out her hoof to demonstrate, never taking her eyes off the stars. She retracted slowly, “Tonight I felt like a little disobedient filly again… running and hiding before I got caught for sneaking out again.”
The princess smiled at the memory.
“What happened to “not one to dwell in the past, it’s for learning…?” the draconiquus teased.
The alicorn turned her head to Discord, earning a look from him. She chuckled, “I guess I can be an old fart too, sometimes.”
“Spirits with soul never grows old.”
Luna almost gasped at how gently he spoke. A complete other side she had never seen in him. So sincere. It made her think of a cult that finally got a filly to sleep.
‘Wait a second…’
Luna bolted up finding her footing due to feeling lightheaded after jumping up so fast. “Sleep! Subjects! Dreamwalking! I need to go!”
The dark pony stumbled as she took off. She needed to get to the castle and fast.
“Oh, Lulu~”
She looked beside her while running only to see Discord flying with her. He smirked as he usually did. His previous, gentle self was long gone and the mischievous Lord of Chaos reclaimed his throne once again.
“As much as I would enjoy seeing you run all the way to Canterlot, you forgot –“
“Age does tamper with memory, my dear princess.”
Luna scoffed and prepared to teleport, “We’ll see about that when we go jogging on your next visit! I still heard your huffing and puffing long after our escaped tonight, Grandpa!”
Before Discord could protest, Luna teleported to her castle and started dreamwalking for her subjects, leaving behind a grumpy draconiquus.
He still managed to smile, though.
“Until then, my dear.”
Next: Chapter 12
Previous: Chapter 10
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marvelandponder · 7 years
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That Honestly Sounds like the Setup to a Bad Joke
Instead, it’s one of the most compelling cases for the Equestria Girls series to keep making new content. The differences and similarities between the EQG cast and the mane cast of Friendship is Magic are what make it as worthwhile as it is. 
There’s a balance between distinguishing these characters enough so that they’re interesting, and keeping them recognizable that can be hard but essential to strike.
On the flip side, that’s also why Equestria Girls is useful to the main series: what it can tell you about the characters via contrast.
And therein lies the reason I wanted to celebrate today, Twilight Day, by talking about both Twilight Sparkles. No other main character currently has a counterpart quite as unique, yet still very familiar, as the Twilights do. And at this point, both have received a significant amount of character development, so I think it’s fair game to put both these book nerds to the test.
Oh, and a quick apology: Equestria Daily changed Twilight day this year to go with international Friendship Day (plus I’m sick), so this post is a little tardy, but it’s not like anyone would mind that, right?
Fun, Superficial Differences
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Okay, okay, none of this is exactly significant, but before we actually go into the real stuff, please indulge in my fun-fact style trivia:
Curly v.s. Straight: Of course, SciTwi has curly sideburns, Twilight has straight sideburns, but if you go back and watch the first two movies, Twilight has a nervous habit of twirling her sideburns around her finger. The implication seems to be that SciTwi also has this habit, and has had it for so long she’s actually kinked the hair
Bow-Tie Symbolism: The Crystal Prep uniform is designed to compliment SciTwi’s design, and one detail in particular (that maybe actually means nothing) that I picked up on is the fact that SciTwi wore a tie, while Twilight wears a bow-tie. After SciTwi develops through Friendship Games and Legend of Everfree, her new outfit includes, what else, a bow-tie. Because of the change, I tend to think it was an intentional choice to signal to the viewer that she’s grown, accepted friendship, and is on her way to becoming more like her Princess counterpart
Blind as a Pony: There’s currently no in-universe explanation for why SciTwi needs glasses, but Twilight doesn’t, and a part of me wonders if Twilight actually does need glasses but has never realized it because she needs them for distance, not reading. Contacts are a thing, and she might just not need them, but it’s a thought.
Parallel Universe, Parallel Eggheads
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It’s quite obvious the real difference between Twilight and Twilight is experience, but as I alluded to at the top of the post, that’s what makes a parallel universe so interesting.
Putting the same person in different situations gives you different results. 
For example, the real turning point between season 1 Twilight and Friendship Games SciTwi is that while Pony Twilight had no real interest in friend-making, SciTwi was placed in a more hostile environment and couldn’t make friends even if she wanted to.
And based on her interactions with the mane 5 throughout the movie, she does want to. In the first episodes of Friendship is Magic, Twilight makes it clear she’d rather be just doing her job than socializing. That’s not the case here. SciTwi might have less interest in socializing overall, but that’s only because she doesn’t have the opportunity to really connect with anyone around her.
We know in hindsight Princess Twi had ponies who actually tried to be and even considered themselves to be her friend. She was just oblivious to it, but she wasn’t quite ostracized (except maybe in magic kindergarten, she seems pretty traumatized over that).
SciTwi, on the other hand, went to Crystal Prep Academy where most of the experiences she had with other students were icy at best, demoralizing at worst. 
So, it’s here where we can see the beginnings of what makes SciTwi unique from Twilight. Both can be rather internal and worry a lot, but while Twilight definitely tends to be neurotic, because of her more discouraging schooling, SciTwi tends to seem a bit more... depressive, I would say.
Because of the shoddy treatment, SciTwi starts out seeming a bit more self-conscious than Twilight. She’s her happiest when she’s alone talking about her research with Spike. 
They build on SciTwi’s slightly different characterization in Legend of Everfree, as SciTwi tackles what could arguably be legitimately called a milder form of P.T.S.D. 
This is one of the best things about EQG that I hope they don’t abandon when they make it a Youtube spinoff (by the way, fans of the relatively new Hasbro Youtube-exclusive show Hanazuki have pointed out that it’s likely the EQG show will have 10 minute episodes with 27 episodes per season because that’s what Hanazuki has; just some hopeful speculation): the excellent continuity. 
I could ramble on and on about how satisfying it is that this genuinely terrifying event actually affected SciTwi in a profound way, but suffice it to say, Twilight isn’t usually as deeply affected (in an on-going way) as SciTwi is by the world-ending events in her life. 
The only things that really seem to stick with Twilight in quite the same way are 1. Being in the Golden Oaks library as it burnt down around her, 2. Her lack of purpose post-graduation.
I think that’s because Twilight had her friends to depend on the first few world-ending disasters, so a sort of optimism built up over time, and even a faith in her own abilities to navigate seemingly no-win situations like the season 5 finale. The things that do grieve her for longer are things her friends can’t really help with as easily: personal loss and a quarter-life crisis.
All of seasons 4 and 5 (and her role in Rainbow Rocks) were dedicated to the latter, with Twilight Time in hindsight perhaps foreshadowing her purpose. The theme of Twilight feeling useless and her search for meaning and fulfillment is a hard one to tackle, even with the support of her friends, because it’s so abstract. Can’t really fire the rainbow laser at it.
These may not necessarily be the biggest challenges Twilight faces --- hell, they’re not even the hardest to deal with in the moment: I’m still shook up that she sobbed over Celestia’s seemingly dead body --- but the fact that she doesn’t have more on-going trauma seems to indicate how deeply valuable her support system is.
And if not that, looking back at Legend of Everfree, where SciTwi tries to deal with something traumatic on her own. Which, spoilers: goes about as well as you’d expect.
I find it neat that Twilight comes to the conclusion that friendship is magic by going on an adventure with the girls and seeing their individual strengths, whereas SciTwi has to feel the support of her friends and realize her own strength to get it.
By the time we get to the EQG shorts, SciTwi has become a part of the group and more confident, for sure, but I think I still see a few remnants of the girl she was before she went through that character arc. Even just the way how her mood seems to drop when Crystal Prep is brought up. She’s certainly trying to be less guarded, but that’s it, isn’t it?
The reason SciTwi is as compelling as she is so far is because she’s a more guarded version of the Princess of Friendship. 
Both of them have the same awkward yet well-spoken charm, but while one of them grew to teach and inspire others by creating her own meaning in life (her own titles, choosing her own students, etc.), the other has dealt with depression, P.T.S.D., and general high school fun.
So, it kinda seems to me that the real difference between Twilight and SciTwi is their age. This is always something that’s up for debate (even if Big Jim would say Spike is around 16-22 in pony years, which would put Twilight in her twenties, you don’t need to take that as the word of law), but just based on the types of struggles they face, it seems Twilight’s a 20-something looking for purpose and meaning in the working world, while SciTwi is a teenager just trying to survive the pressure of social situations and her own mental illnesses.
For one of them the answer to what more is out there has to do with what she can contribute to the world, and the for the other, it’s the personal connections she’s been craving. 
Now that SciTwi actually has learned the value of friendship and made those connections, the key difference will likely still be those formative experiences that made her that much more guarded (then again, I’m rubbish at predicting, so watch them take her in a totally new direction I should’ve seen coming). But, who knows?
If nothing else, it’s been awesome getting to know two different versions of the same adorable dork. And no matter which universe it is, in the battle of head versus heart, Twilight’s heart always wins in the end. Despite the variables between the two, we can always count on that to stay constant.
Pony stuff? I’ve got more editorials like this one, episodes reviews, and you can see the last three things I’ve done right here:
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Comic Con Coverage, Hard to Say Anything Review, and Honest Apple Review
Year of the Pony
Header Image Wouldn’t be Possible Without...
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Twilight Vector by DJDavid98 SciTwi Vector by Uponia
Constants and Variables
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Princess Slaughter Shy 2 (Page 4)
An original My Little Pony Creepypasta by Zaine McCartney 
“Say no more!” She zipped around the room like a bat out of hell, gathering pots and pans and bowls and spoons along with ingredients such as milk, butter, eggs, cupcake mix, frosting, refridgerated green apples, sugar, sprinkles, and an apple slicer. She preheated one of the many ovens and got to work mixing.
     She had already gotten the ingredients mixed fully and placed into the oven before Night even had a chance to sit down. He was absolutely stunned at how fast she was. The only thing she had left to do was chop the apples into eight even pieces and she had that task done in a record time of ten seconds. Cupcakes usually took seven to ten minutes to bake so during this time her and Night played a game of Go Fish with a deck of cards. Pinkie had already collected sex sets while Night had only four.
     “Do you have any nines?” Asked Night.
     “Go Fish.” Pinkie giggled.
     Night drew another card from the deck and sat another set in his pile of matches. The timer then started to go off prompting Pinkie to push pause on the game and trot to the oven. The whole building was filled with their wondrous scent, practically making anypony who walked by salivate and want to come in for a sample.
     Meanwhile on the other end of town Sky Soarer stood at the edge of the porch staring at a white door that stood in his way of seeing his parents and son again. He was shaking, not from nerves but from a flood of fledgling emotions that swept through his heart. He wanted to get his bareings in order before he saw his family. He lifted his right front hoof and knocked on the door four times then backed up a few steps and eagerly waited  for the door to open.
     A middle-aged mare with light grey hair pulled back into a loose bun and a soft blue coat opened the door. Her posture went as stiff as a wooden board and her right front hoof shot up unintentionally. Her eyes were the only part of her that was moving, their golden depths bouncing all around the stallion’s body. “S-Sky Soa-” she couldn’t finish his name thanks to her voice cracking. “Is it really you..?”
     He smiled warmly at her. “Yes, mom. It’s me.”
     “Cloud Shaper! Come quick! And bring Thunder Storm with you!” She called out before wrapping her arms around her son, kissing his cheeks repeatedly.
     Hoof steps got louder and louder along with the pitter-patter of smaller hooves. “What’s all the fuss about, Stormy Sky?” His jaw dropped abruptly when he entered the hallway and saw Sky Soarer in the doorway.
     “Daddy!” Exclaimed the small black colt with silver eyes and an electric blue mane.
     “Thunder Storm!” Sky’s mother let go of him so him and the little colt could collide into a warm and loving embrace.
     Thunder nuzzled into his father’s chest, uncontrollably weeping with joyous tears.
     “I’ve missed you so much.” Sky said softly, a few tears of his own splashing off his chin.
     “Why didn’t you come home?” Asked Thunder with large hurt eyes.
     A knot caught in his throat, struggling with all his might he held back his tears and gave a glum look to his parents. They returned the same look. “I wanted to, believe me. But…” he bit his bottom lip and swallowed hard, losing against his battle with his emotions. “Daddy can’t come home anymore…”
     The small colt’s ears folded backwards, betrayal and confusion mixed in his never blinking eyes that were glued to his father’s. “Why not?” He was on the brink of falling apart.
     “The new Princess…” He couldn’t let his son know of the horrors that now enslaved all of Equestria. But he couldn’t just up and lie to him either. “She needs all the Canterlot guards to live in the castle and protect her all day every day.”
     “Can’t-Can’t I come live with you in the castle?” Thunder sniffled. It was obvious he was trying his best to stay tough like his father.
     He knew Fluttershy would never allow it but he took this into consideration. “I’ll ask her majesty if you can, okay bud?” He wiped away a tear from his small face.
     He took in two heaves of breath then nodded. “Okay, daddy.”
     “Now listen, I don’t have much longer to chat and hangout. But I want you to make me a promise. Can you do that?” Thunder nodded. “I want you to behave and take care of your grandparents. I want you to say goodnight to Mommy in Heaven when you go to bed. And always remember that Daddy loves you more than anything in this world. You promise to do those three things?”
     Thunder wrapped his tiny arms around Sky and closed his eyes tightly. “I promise. I love you!”
     Sky held onto his son tightly, his heart shattering into a million pieces when he knew what he must do next. He let go of Thunder and looked at his parents who instinctively walked closer to him. They both hugged him with tears staining his mother’s face.
     “You don’t need to explain anything to us. We understand exactly what’s happened. And no, Thunder doesn’t know what dark times we are in.” Cloud Shaper explained in a whisper.
     “Thank you.” He whispered back. He took in a deep breath then exhaled slowly, “whelp, I best be on my way back to Canterlot. I love you guys.” They said their final goodbyes and parted ways, Sky Soarer went on his way finally allowing the tears come at their leisure.
     The front door to the shop swung open and in stepped Sky. Pinkie Pie and Night Wind were stationed in a nearby booth still enjoying the sweet treats. Pinkie waved him over eagerly and patted the seat next to her.
     “So, how’d it go?” Asked the curious pink mare.
     “Very… overwhelming with some other emotions here and there.” He replied shortly. He didn’t really want to discuss in full detail how his private meeting with his family panned out.
     Pinkie picked up on this and didn’t pry further. Both their attentions were now on Night Wind after he had cleared his throat in an unusually loud manner. “What is it?” She asked him.
     “If you don’t mind, I’d like to have my turn now at seeing my family. I do not wish to make her highness suspicious at our long task.” He explained flatly.
     “Of course!” Pinkie replied in a chipper voice. “And while you’re at it Sky Soarer and I can go find Amy.”
     “Sounds good to me.” Added Sky.
     Night got off his chair and exited the shop. Pinkie focused all of her attention on Sky and held out one of the extra cupcakes to him. “Cupcake?”
     He smiled at the sweet treat and took it with gratitude. While enjoying it and helping himself to the remaining three, Pinkie was currently making her way back over to the display counter. She moved aside a peppermint-patterned rug that secretly concealed a hidden trapdoor. She opened it up and disappeared inside it only for a moment before reappearing with a ridiculous amount of papers that formed into a stack two ponies high. Little colored tabs poked out of the side a few inches apart from one another. She had to stand on a stool to see the papers at the very top of the pile, reading off names quietly until she came across one that seemed to fit the bill. “Amethyst Marie!” She blurted out in excitement, nearly falling off the stool. She rebalanced herself and read the file quickly. “Goes by the nickname Amy. She is a snow-white earth pony with Amethyst colored eyes, black rectangular seeing glasses, black star cutie mark, skunk striped hair, loves blueberry muffins, and she lives next door to the Ponyville Clinic where she works as a fulltime nurse.” She took in a very long and much needed breath of air after being completely winded from that long read then took a long hard look at the picture of the pony. “Okay, yeah. I have seen her before. Her name just slips my mind all the time.”
     Sky swallowed down the last of the cupcakes before speaking. “Alright. Shall we go find her?”
     Pinkie nodded while she took the stack of papers back down into what was presumed to be the basement of the shop. She resurfaced and replaced the rug over the trapdoor.
     Night walked up to his old front porch and wasted no time knocking on the door. A minute went by without an answer. His heart sank a bit and he tried one last attempt at knocking. Still no answer after another minute, he sighed and turned around to face the small town of Cloudsdale. “There’s still one more place I can check.” He muttered to his self. He trotted on down the road making his way to the town’s park. Butterflies were fluttering inside his stomach and tickled his heart once he saw the two most important mares in his life. They were having a picnic in the center of the park near the kids’ playground.
     The young mare looked up and spotted him, her large pink eyes sparkled with delight. He placed one of his forefeathers against his lips to tell her to stay quiet and then pointed to her light pink mother with a sly smirk. The young filly giggled silently and went on eating like nothing was out of the ordinary. Night crept up on her quietly and placed his hooves over her eyes rendering her temporarily blind, this motion made her jump with a start.
     “Guess who?” He whispered in her ear with a buttery coo.
     His voice alone sent waves of chills down her spine, butterflies of her own taking flight in her stomach. She ripped his hooves off her eyes with great force that even startled him and turned to face him with wide eyes, her body was very pale and her expression made it seem like she had just seen a ghost. “Night?!” She placed her right front hoof on his chest feeling the soft warm fur and steady heartbeat reassured her that he was really real and really there. She pulled him into her arms, locking them behind his neck, and kissed him deeply. It was hard for her to contain her rampant emotions. After two full minutes she broke the kiss and let go of him. “Where have you been?”
     Windy was getting ready to run up and hug her father when another voice shattered the happy reunion.
     “Where he’s supposed to be right now!” Roared a stern and all too familiar voice from behind them. The voice made Night’s blood run colder than dry ice. He slowly turned to face the gruling music. Princess Slaughter Shy was standing only a couple feet away.
     How did nopony notice her coming up on them? Or did she just pop up here out of thin air? No matter, he was still fucked and he knew this wasn’t going to end well. Especially seeing that deadly glare her turquoise eyes were throwing at him. Night gulped and stood up straight, motioning for his family to get behind him.
     Fluttershy snarled at him with pure disgust showing through her facial expression. “Did I give you permission to visit your bastard little family?” Her negative comment made Star Wisher scowl. Fluttershy picked up on that and gave a taunting smile. “Who the fuck gave you permission to visit your pathetic family?”
     “Don’t curse in front of my daughter.” Night grumbled lowly.
     “What was that?” She growled and lit up her horn, its magenta magic swirled around his neck and began to choke the air out of him while pulling his body closer to her.
     “Daddy!” Cried out Windy Whisp. She tried to race toward him but her mother held her back. “NO! Please, don’t’ hurt him!”
     Fluttershy ignored the small blank flank’s pathetic pleads and continued to strangle him with the magic. Night desperately clawed at the transparent magic but obviously no matter how hard he tried he would never be able to latch on to it. His hind hooves scraped against the cloudy ground as he struggled more and more to breathe, sparkling white and black dots speckled his vision. He managed to only briefly look into Fluttershy’s unforgiving eyes as she snuffed the life out of him.
     Star pulled Windy into her body and made her close her eyes and burry her face in her side, she didn’t want her to have to face anymore of the horrors. But Windy reopened her left eye and continued to watch, she couldn’t keep herself from witnessing the horrors. Her small body trembled and her stomach churned sickly, the tears running down her face felt like a bad rainstorm.
     Night’s eyes slowly rolled into the back of his head and his body movements came to a stop. It was dead silent with only the sounds of Windy and Star’s sobs breaking the forboding silence. Fluttershy’s eyes went back to their normal state and the magic surrounding her horn and Night’s throat disappeared. His lifeless body flopped to the ground, Windy’s hopeful eyes stared it down, she felt if she stared hard enough and hoped hard enough then he would get up and come back to her. Unfortunately that never happened. She tore out of her mother’s grip and bound toward him, her heart froze in terror when seeing his partially open eyes and agaped mouth.
     “Daddy?” Whimpered the small Pegasus.      
     “Save your sorrow, pathetic little filly.” Snapped Fluttershy. “He’s dead and he’s not coming back.” Her last words cut off abruptly as something in the distance caught her eye. A familiar cyan coated rainbow mane dawning Pegasus. She was accompanied by a yellow and rainbow patterned stallion and what was presumed to be their children. They were walking further down the sidewalk that ran through the park. Fluttershy shook her head visciously and rubbed her eyes then looking back at the rainbow family that was still there and still walking. ‘There’s no way… I killed you!’ She screamed at the cyan pony in her mind.    
     The yellow Pegasus met her gaze, he appeared to be shook upon seeing her but then his facial expression turned to absolute hatred. He leaned into Rainbow Dash and whispered in her ear, whatever he said to her made he stop. Rainbow Lightning back stepped and hurried his children in front of their mother. He took a small magenta colored Pegasus baby from the stroller the young teen yellow mare was pushing and placed her on his back. The family quickly disappeared out of view when they went behind a cloud mound.
     Fluttershy ran after them, leaving the distraught Windy and Star behind to grieve and scream for help. She raced around the corner nearly slipping and looked back and forth in search for the rainbow family. They were nowhere to be seen. She screamed in frustration, “UGH! How are you still alive!?” Nearby ponies stopped and stared at her anxiously. She glared back at them that made them hurry and vacate the area. She continued to mutter to herself angrily. “I fucking killed you. I watched you die! How the fuck are you alive and walking?!” Being unable to catch them furthered her rage, she kicked at the cloud mounds effortlessely but it caused little to no damage to their structure, her hind legs just slipped right through them. She teleported her self to Ponyville and popped up right in front of Sugar Cube Corner. She just stared at the building seeing none of the lights were on had her come to the conclusion that nopony was home. “Rrrgh..! PINKIE PIE! Show yourself right now!” She demanded at the top of her voice.
     A few blocks down Sky and Pinkie froze to the ground like they’d been stuck in quick-dry cement. The power behind her voice in the distance made the bones in her body rattle. In unison their heads turned in the direction of where her voice came from. It took all their inner strength to get their hooves to pick up and carry them to face the harsh music. It didn’t take long for the three ponies to catch up. Fluttershy was racing down the road like a speeding train and for a moment they feared she might actually collide with them if she didn’t slow down soon. Would she even slow down? Would she go as far a just ramming into them with her body? Fortunately for them she did slow down when getting closer to them but what she did next shocked them both. When she came to a halt she lifted up her left hoof and slammed it against Sky’s jaw. Pinkie and him both feared it may be broken, cautiously he moved his jaw to see if it was in fact broken. Thank Celestia it wasn’t, it was probably just dislocated. Pinkie prepared herself for a similar fate that never came she was just met with a disappointed glare. She gulped feverishly and quietly awaited a verbal insult instead that would no doubt ensue.
     “What in the fuck is taking you so long to come back to the castle?” She hissed demanding an immediate explanation.
     “It-It’s just taking a while to find Amy’s house, that’s all.” Pinkie said exaggerating the truth just a bit. She couldn’t tell Fluttershy about the guards’ trips they’d both be killed. Her blood grew cold when she realized Night still hadn’t returned, she had a really bad feeling all of a sudden.
     A low growl expelled from deep within Fluttershy’s throat. Her angry gaze towards Pinkie Pie became more sinister by the minute. She started walking closer to her that made Pinkie’s ears drop and her hooves carried her backwards slightly. Fear enslaved her racing heart. Her life was beginning to flash before her eyes. The majority of it consists of her baking over a million different sweets.
     “Like hell you are.” Fluttershy spat as she continued to walk closer. “I know it was you who gave the two bafoons the bright idea to see their pathetic families!” She giggled a bit and stopped. “Thanks to your idea and them going along with it they both have and will suffer the maximum punishment.”
     “Have?” Pinkie questioned with a dry voice full of disbelief.
     “Wonder why poor ol’ Night Wind hasn’t shown up yet?” She replied in an eerie singsong way.
     Sky lowered his ears and swallowed hard. “Is he..?”
     Princess Slaughter Shy nodded firmly, “and you’re next!” Her horn lit up and her sword materialized next to her. She lined it up with his neck and prepared to swing.
     “No! Please don’t do this!” Cried Pinkie. “He didn’t go see his family!” She blurted out in an attempt to save him. This comment made both their heads turn to her with looks of astonishment.
     “Sh-She’s right.” He stated with a trembling voice.
     Fluttershy stared deep into his eyes with her signature stare, the one that even made the animals stop and give her their full attention. Her hateful eyes bounced back and forth between his looking for any ounce of a lie. Her eyes narrowed more and she tucked her sword under her right wing. “Fine. Whatever, you win. But you Pinkie Pie, you will be condemned to a whole week of no food, your only source of sustanacnce will be one glass of room temperature water per day.”
     Pinkie’s head dipped and she stared at her light pink hooves scraping the ground. “Yes’m.”
     “Now go on and find Amy before I lose my patience on both of you. But to make sure you don’t slack off again I will be accompanying you.” Fluttershy informed while stomping her hind hoof to get them going.
     Pinkie was the one tasked to knock on the front door to Amy’s home, it didn’t take long for her to answer the door.
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sun-and-breeze · 7 years
Welcome Home
by The Notorious F.I.M.
       The wedding had been a spectacle to behold. Celestia had not only taken on a suitor, but he was now her husband. It was the first time in a few millennia she had chosen to wed. Gentle still had trouble believing it had happened, even three years later, but the golden band on his leg always reminded him that this was indeed real life.        Gentle was relaxing with his Sun in their usual place. The fireplace slowly burning, giving the couple much needed warmth from the Cold palace at night. Gentle had a book out, though he was barely reading it. His attention was almost always on his wife, and her lovely wing draped over him. He always felt relaxed in her presence. He nuzzled into her side, the beautiful alicorn looking to him smiling.
       “Somepony’s affectionate tonight.” she smiled warmly. “I’m next to my beautiful wife… The affection comes easy…” she kissed his head softly, giggling. “Still the flatterer.” he looked down a bit, his mind in contemplation as he spoke. “Celestia… I think I’m ready…”        She raised an eyebrow, but then her eyes widened. “You don’t mean..?” he nodded as she hugged him close. “I’ve been waiting for this for so long now…” he smiled kissing her cheek. “I’m sorry I took so long… I’ve just worried about me being a father… but now I’m ready… and I have the best wife in Equestria by my side…” she kissed him softly, Gentle kissing back.        She smiled happily. “We’ll go to the orphanage in the morning.” he nodded. Celestia had always told him they wouldn’t be able to conceive naturally and adopting would be the only way if they wanted some foals to love and raise as their own. He was always unsure of being able to take care of a foal, even with his lovely and caring wife by his side. His past with his parents coming up and frightening him. He never wanted another foal to have to go through that.        “Okay, love…” he snuggled into her. Her scent and soft coat were always a comfort, and it was something he needed with what they were about to do.
       The next day, with guards in tow, the couple made there way to the Canterlot Orphanage. They entered much to the delight of the gray maned older mare that ran the place.        “Oh welcome, your Highnesses!” Gentle never could get use to the inference that he was Royalty. Celestia smiled. “Don’t worry about us. Go about your business.” she nodded as the Royal couple went further in.        The orphanage was very well kept. Celestia always had funds set aside for the care of these poor unfortunate foals. Gentle smiled at all the fillies and colts as they walked through. Many of them were in awe. It wasn’t everyday a Princess paid them a visit. Gentle was so happy seeing all these foals, but torn by the fact that they couldn’t adopt them all. They both spoke with a number of them, all of them pretty happy, despite the various situations that brought them to this place.        Gentle was looking around when he noticed a sad looking colt, playing all by himself. He slowly moved over to the small earth pony, probably four or five years old. His mane was short and curly, a pale shade of white, his coat a beautiful orange. The colt noticed the stallion approaching and hid his face.
       “You alright little guy…?” he didn’t turn his head, but he spoke. “I’m good…” Gentle sat next to him. “You don’t have to lie to me… How long have you been here…?” he turned his head slowly, his eyes a beautiful sunflower yellow. “Since I was born… so five years now…” his smile dropped a bit. “That’s a long time to be here… um…” “Solar Spark.”        Gentle nodded. “…though I wish my parents had been that kind…” The foal looked shocked. “What do you mean 'kind', they abandoned me?!” Gentle reached a hoof out to pet his mane. “Mine did too… but they didn’t do so until I was your age…” Gentle looked at him sadly. The small colt was shocked. “Why… why would they do that?” he sighed “I’m not really sure why… maybe because of the way I talk… maybe because they thought I was a mistake… I was never given a reason… I woke up one day and they were gone…”        The foal looked down. “That’s really really sad. So you were brought here?” Gentle shook his head. “I was homeless and near starving until I could legally work…” he then smiled. “I’d probably still be homeless… if my wife hadn’t asked me to live with her… She wasn’t happy when she found out I still slept under the stars…”        Soon enough Celestia joined him. “No I wasn’t. You should’ve told me that long before we reached our first year of courting.” she gave her husband a disapproving look. “That’s the only thing you lied to my staff, and me, about.” Gentle sighed. “We weren’t even dating yet... when I lied to them, love… I didn’t want you to worry about it… but maybe I did wait too long…” She sighed as well, always the same words exchanged.        Celestia’s eyes then wandered to the young colt, her disapproving look was gone and she spoke softly. “I’m sorry, Solar Spark was it?" The young colt nodded. Celestia was quick to realize that name was perfect for the handsome colt, and fit perfectly for the potential son of the Sun herself. She wondered if his parents had named him, though if they abandoned him as a foal, he had probably named himself. "Me and Gentle don't usually discuss these things in public.”        His eyes widened as he looked back and forth between the two, his gaze finally falling on Gentle. “You’re married to Princess Celestia?!” The white pegasus blushed and laughed softly. “For three years and counting… I’ll tell you how we met some other time...” the colt tilted his head, confused. “Some other time?”        Gentle smiled. "You don't think I'm not going to come back... do you...? Me and my wife are here for a reason after all..." The colt nodded, seeming to understand quickly.        Gentle looked up to Celestia and she smiled warmly. "We're looking for somepony to adopt... and that somepony may be you..." Solar's jaw dropped. "Really?!" his enthusiasm dropped quite a bit after he said it. "Well, I mean, you're still looking. I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up. Though you two are very nice."        Gentle smiled. "I'll be back tomorrow... my wife has Princess business to attend to... and, thankfully... I'm not required to go..." Celestia smirked. "It's because I gave you a freebie. You'll be coming with me after this for every-single-one." Gentle sighed. "You sure I can't have two freebies...?" Celestia gave him a nasty look. "You know, as my husband, you're required to accompany me whenever I have 'Princess business', as you put it. So be thankful I'm giving you one at all."        Solar started giggling. The two looking back to him. "You two are funny together. I mean not in a bad way, but, like, you two really love each other, and it's cute."        Gentle and Celestia blinked and then looked to each other, smiling and laughing. This colt was a very smart one, and starting to win them over already. Gentle messed up his mane a bit and smiled. "We have to go now... but... like I said... I'll be back tomorrow... alright...?" The colt nodded, but he had heard that before, and it usually wound up with a different colt or filly being adopted.        Gentle did return the next day, and, as Solar expected, he was talking with the others. He sighed as he bounced his small toy off the wall, playing his own little game. Until he felt a hoof on his shoulder. He squeaked in surprise, losing control of his toy as it hit Gentle in the face, knocking him over. Solar panicked. "Oh Celestia! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" The mare who ran the Orphanage ran over. "Solar! You have to be more careful! Especially around royalty! You're always doing things like this! Why can't you behave better?!"        Solar winced at her tone, backed away, and sat down. Though soon Gentle righted himself, shaking his head until he could see straight. "Now now, ma'am... I'm hardly royalty... and to be fair... I did startle him...  Go back to your business please..." He then looked to her with a slight glare. "Also... if I ever... ever... hear you talk to one of these fillies or colts that way again... You might need to consider future endeavors... have I made myself clear...?"        The mare started sweating a bit. "Yes, of course! I'm sorry for my tone. Please continue, I won't raise my voice like that again." Gentle nodded, shooing her away. He then looked back to Solar.        "She always like that...?" He shook his head. "Only to me really." Gentle frowned. "That's not right... I'll see what I can do about it... but for now... I promised you a story yesterday... I don't like breaking promises..." Solar nodded and smiled. "Go ahead, I'm all ears."        A short time later Solar was laughing. On his back and flailing his legs before composing himself. "You really risked your life to get Celestia some flowers?! You're crazy!" He laughed a bit. "Yeah I guess it was a bit... crazy... but it's how we met... and now look at me... Living my dream... Now I wouldn't recommend going about it that way... for everypony... It could've really backfired on me..." Solar nodded. "Yeah, you got lucky."        He nodded. "Yup... luckiest stallion in Equestria... Abandoned by my parents... survived for 13 years with no roof over my head... and now married to the mare of my dreams... I sometimes wonder if it's all a dream... Well, at least it's a good one..." Solar then pinched him, surprising Gentle. "Hmmm, seems like it's not a dream after all." Gentle laughed. "You really are something else." he ruffled his mane again, Solar protesting.        "Geez, would you cut that out? It takes me forever to get this mane to do what I want." Gentle laughed. "Sorry about that..." he then looked at the time. "Guess it's time for me to head out... Guards get antsy if I'm out too late... I sometimes feel like a foal... but it is for my protection after all..."        Solar giggled. "You're just saying that. I'll bet Celestia imposed a curfew on you for not going with her." Gentle was caught off-guard with that one. "I... you..." he sighed. "Okay you got me... call it my penance to go along with my 'freebie'..."        Solar smiled. "Well, get going then." he then fidgeted a little. "Are you gonna come back tomorrow...?" He looked genuinely concerned. Gentle smiled warmly. "If you want me to... then sure..."        "Yeah... I doubt Rarity remembers it... but she really saved my life... My first good meal in years... medicine for my pneumonia... some warm winter clothes..." Gentle sighed. "I really should've stayed... but I was a stupid young colt... and I didn't really trust anypony... even the nicest ones..."        Solar looked sad at Gentle's most recent tale. "I guess I can see that. It's hard for me to trust anypony too. It's why I don't have any friends." Gentle pet his mane softly, careful not to mess it up. "Well... you have one now..." Solar noticed a certain pony sneaking up behind Gentle. She put a hoof to her lips and he quickly looked back to Gentle. "So, how is it living with Celestia? Does she ever scare you?"        Gentle blinked. "Why would she ever-" Then some large wings picked him up, Gentle screaming a bit until he realized what just happened. "Love... are you trying to give me a heart attack...?" ��      Celestia giggled as she set her husband on her back. "Now you're just trying to embarrass me..." Celestia smiled to Solar. "Is it working?" The small stallion finally gave up. "Yes... it is..." The whole orphanage was giggling at this point, Solar on his back, laughing and flailing his limbs. "Love..." Celestia hushed him. "This is what you get for begging for that freebie. Now, is he ready?"        Gentle smiled as he looked to Solar, slowly dismounting his wife. "I dunno... are you ready... son?"        Solar's eyes widened as Celestia pulled out a some papers from her saddle bags. Adoption papers. Signed and approved. Solar's eyes then teared up as he ran over to hug them both. "I'm so ready... Mom... Dad..." Gentle and Celestia hugged him close. Gentle then lifted the colt onto his wife's back. The colt hugged onto her, happily. Joyful tears still running down his face.        As they approached the Palace, Solar was in awe. It was so much more imposing and beautiful up close. They entered the castle, Solar waving at the guards, who couldn't help but smile. Soon they made it all the way to a door. A sign hanging there that read 'Solar Spark's Room'. He slowly slid off his Mom and started crying again. They both hugged him close and smiled, Gentle speaking. "Welcome home, son..."
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
DARING DO and the ADVENTURE of the X'IBIAN VASE! : MLP Fan Fiction : Part 8 of 21
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DARING DO and the
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck) @ask-de-writer​
Carmen Pondiego @askcarmenpondiego​
Cover Art by
Doctor Dimension
52630 words
© 2020 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 08/26/15
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
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Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions, provided that such things are done without charge.  I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for their images.  
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fictions is actively encouraged.
Jeremy was fuming when he was let out of the hold.  He stomped to the rail and pointed to modest sized twin turret iron clad ship, clearly made for river work.  It was fairly broad and shallow of draft.  It was flying the Imperial flag and had a blue pennon below it.
“Look there!  The Imperial Navy is about to take down this cheap collection junks that you call the Pirate Queen!”
Soree tapped his shoulder and pointed to the blue pennon.  “That is the pennon of Qushi Han Le. It is one of her River Monitors.  It has been assigned to escort us to Cantrot.”
Jeremy stopped cold, like he had run headfirst into a solid brick wall.  “How could that happen? That is the Imperial Naval ensign.”
Soree chuckled.  “Qushi Han Le OWNS the entire Imperial Navy.  How could you have missed reading about it in our expedition information on cultures, customs and lands that we will need to deal with along the route?”
“What!  That is insane!  How could some pirate own the navy?”
Soree gave Jeremy a deeply troubled gaze.  “It is in the material that you were given for the expedition.  You did not read it or you could not ask that.
“I must let Doctor Do know at once.  You have nearly got us killed at least twice since we arrived. In the Empire, NEVER assume that because somepony is polite or seems harmless that you can insult them or push them around verbally.  That can get you killed on the spot.  They put a very high premium on courtesy.”
“What?  Was she carrying a gun or something?”
“No, Jeremy.  She had seven snipers with modern rifles aimed at us.  She only needed to signal and we would have been shot down.”
Jeremy shook his head.  “Makes no sense.  We are from EQUESTRIA.  They HAVE to treat us with respect.  Even you, in spite of being from an inferior …”
He was talking to empty air. The sound of her hooves clattering on the companionway steps was all that was left.  He realized that he was not totally alone.  Daring Do was sitting on a line tub next to the Sea Sage’s main mast, watching.
Soree emerged carrying two talwars, swords ornately made and curved, though not as much as most scimitars.  The tips were widened out to nearly twice the width of the rest of the blade and came to a wicked point.  These weapons were, in spite of the rich ornamentation, businesslike blades made for both slashing and point work.
Soree held them out, hilts first.  “Choose the weapon.  I am challenging you to a duel.  I have had enough of your superiority and insults.  
“These swords are practice spelled.  They will not cut or bruise living flesh nor break any bone. They WILL hurt severely if edge or point touches living flesh.
Jeremy sneered, “I don’t have to …”
Daring Do cut across his words with, “Yes, Jeremy.  You do.  When you insult members of the expedition you put the whole enterprise at risk.  I will not allow it.  That is in the expedition profile that you were given.
“Fight Soree now or spend the rest of the time until we return waiting for us in one of Qushi Han Le’s prison cells.”
Jeremy tried to divert the demand by snorting, “I hear that bribes go a long way around here! You bribed that ignorant pirate with a cheap imitation tea set!”
Daring Do’s face froze. “Jeremy.  Retract that at once.
“Qushi Han Le holds TWO advanced degrees from the Royal University of Equestria.  One is in Antiquities which she studied under me.  She was a better student than you!
“Her other degree is in naval architecture, weapons and strategy.
“Both were granted Summa Cum Laude.  She speaks and writes six languages fluently.
“The tea set is genuine and part of the things recovered during the Darkling Expedition.  It was a promised gift in return for her freely given assistance on that expedition.”
“So what?  A bribe is a bribe!”
Daring Do’s backhoofed slap across his face nearly took him from his feet.  “Soree is not the only one you will fight!  I challenge you too!  You have just called me a liar.  I gave my FRIEND AND FORMER STUDENT a gift from PRINCESS LUNA and myself for ASSISTANCE ALREADY GIVEN!”
Turning to Soree, Daring Do offered, “The many insults to you and your culture have precedence. Your duel shall be first.”
Soree grimly held out the swords again, hilt first.  “If you refuse to choose, I have the choice. If you refuse to fight, you go to the jail cell, as Doctor Do has ordered.”
Jeremy reached and made a fast grab and swing, striking at Soree without warning.  Her block was so fast that his weapon did not even get close.
Her words cut to the bone.  “I expected that sort of cowardice from one so low as yourself.  I was not disappointed.”
Instead of striking back, she stepped back, weapon at guard.
Jeremy slowly realized that she was waiting for him to strike again.  He paused and then made an actual pass of arms, striking high to allow the rebound from her block to add speed and power to a low line cut.  It was stopped cold. She had let her weapon drive back some, taking the energy from his attack.
Her riposte slithered up along his blade toward his chest.
A blinding pain dropped him to his knees, sword falling to the deck.
He got up slowly, panting as the pain receded.  Daring Do had recovered the sword.  Soree hoofed over hers.
In a few moments the pain was only a memory.  It was intended to teach, not disable.  He faced a grim Daring Do, holding out the weapons hilt first.
He was far more cautious this time.  Taking the sword, he backed off.  Daring Do nodded to herself as she hefted the blade that she had.  She swept it through several practice cuts and made a trial lunge.
Jeremy made a sweeping cut attack while Daring Do was extended from her lunge.  Her block deflected his sword, letting it swing on past her.  Her own stroke paralleled his now out of control cut.  The blinding pain in his shoulder forced him to drop his sword again!
Daring Do picked it up and suggested, “Go below and READ.  Read the expedition materials that you were given.  Read the the Daring Do and the Adventure of the Darkling’s Tomb.
“It is a popularization, true. It is also totally accurate.  Everything in it happened just as told.  Much of the customs that we will be running into, and the consequences of breaking them are explained in it.”
He stared at her incredulously. “Those things really did happen like that?”
“Yes, Jeremy, they did.”
It was a chastened Jeremy who went below.  As he was descending the companionway, he heard, “These are lovely weapons, Soree!  I never used a talwar before!  Can we work out together?”
That was followed almost immediately by the swift clashing of steel on steel!  
It was completely dark outside of his stateroom when he heard Soree and Daring Do saunter past. “That was a wonderful workout, Doctor Do!  I have not had a real challenge in simply ages!  You scored on me three times already! That is amazing for learning the Talwar!”
“It was great, Soree!  I love that safety spell on the blades!  It is far superior to the one I use at the Adventurer’s Guild!  It really pushes me to learn about how that extra tip weight works!  I would have said blade heavy before I found out how to use it!”
A closing stateroom door cut off the conversation.
It was not long before there was a knock at his door.  Expecting Soree or Daring Do, Jeremy opened it.
Dressed in black from head to hooves was the golden mare, Qushi Han Le.  Trembling, he backed up a step.  She entered so silently that she might as well have been a ghost.
She signed for silence and suggested softly, “Sit.  We need to talk privately.  For her own reasons, Doctor Do values you or you would not be here.  It is out of respect to her that I wish you to live.  That is what this conversation is about.”
Jeremy realized that his door, which always creaked, had shut silently.  He sat.
So did Qushi Han Le.  “We must talk of two things or you will die in this land.  The first is of bribes.  The second is of courtesy.
“So, first.  Bribes.  I know that you have a low opinion of bribes where you come from.  I have lived years in Equestria, studying at your Great Universities.
“Therefore I must ask you, what is a bribe for and what purpose does it serve?”
Jeremy was deeply puzzled by the question.  He shook his head, “As far as I know, a bribe is to make the one who demands it richer for doing something that he or she was supposed to do in the first place.”
Sadly, Qushi Han Le replied, “That way of thought will get you killed here.  In your land, you are totally correct.  Here you could not be more wrong if you tried. Let me give you an example.
“Here, beggars are licensed. The license fee is small and in exigency may be paid later, after the beggar has earned enough copper cash to pay it.  Along with the fee he may pay the tribunal a bribe of some few coppers and receive for his bribe greater consideration from the Justice than a wealthy merchant seeking a license for trade and paying a whole string of silver cash.  Do you know why?”
Jeremy shook his head.  “I don’t understand that at all.  Why would the beggar get more for so much less?”
Qushi Han Le smiled at him. “The admission of ignorance is the first step on the path of wisdom.”
She paused while footfalls passed in the corridor outside.  “The bribe is a recognition of the importance of the person bribed.  It has no thing to do with the amount at all.  Thus, the wealthy merchant may be offering a trivial amount with his large bribe while the beggar may be offering all that he has.
“Our fees and taxes are low and are always paid to the purpose intended by our Magistrates, Justices and others.  They will NEVER demand a bribe nor set the amount.  It is our custom to make them the offer which shows them proper respect.  That bribe is for them and them alone.
“Do you grasp this principle?”
Jeremy thought deeply before nodding.  “I believe so.  This sort of sets my world on edge, if you follow.  I will need to study the idea for a while before I am comfortable with it.”
“You have taken the second step on the path of wisdom.
“Now we must discuss courtesy. You lack it greatly.  That lack can be fatal here.  First, the bow and second, restraint of speech.
“I know that you have seen our people bowing to each other.  I know that you have made fun of it or dismissed it.  Your Soree put her hoof squarely on it.  We place a very high premium upon courtesy.  The bow is the first and very important part of that courtesy.
“There are three grades of bow.  Those who are of higher station may bow by a mere inclination of the head.  Equals bow some from the waist.  Those of low station bow deeply from the waist.
“Your first bow to a stranger whose station you do not know or are unsure of should be the bow of equals.  Their return bow will set their station.  Thereafter you will bow to them accordingly.  Few will falsely bow a higher station than they properly have.  They die quickly.  Do you understand?”
Jeremy thought carefully and Qushi Han Le let him.  
“Um, I think so.  Do you need to keep bowing every time that you have something to say?”
“Once precedence is established, you may, if you are equals use the bob of high station between you FOR THAT CONVERSATION.  Use a slightly deeper one than a head bob if the one you speak to is higher.
“These rules make our society run more smoothly.”
Jeremy sat among his papers and the open book, staring at it with new eyes.
“Now, Jeremy, we come to restraint of your tongue.  I have heard some of what you called me. I had to restrain my sharpshooters three times from killing you on the deck of this ship.  They were deeply offended by your words about me and my culture.”
Jeremy paused and then tried a deep bow, saying, “I thank you for giving this unworthy one the chance to live and learn.  I will likely find this the hardest of the lessons of this land.”
Thinking very deeply, Jeremy offered, “If you will deign to accept it, I have something for you.”
He rummaged in his luggage and removed a small, carefully wrapped object.  He handed it over to the Pirate Queen.  Delicately she unwrapped it.  Her breath drew in admiringly.
Examining it minutely, she finally said, “How did you get so perfect a copy of this figurine from the Darkling Collection?  Ordinary museum and study copies are never this well done.”
Jeremy nodded.  “I know.  This is my talent.  I can take almost any ancient thing and make a copy of it so good that if I do not mark it, it can be taken for an original. I can often, but not always, fill in missing parts.  This is one of five that Doctor Do had me reproduce back at the Royal University.
“She wanted them for surface studies and then returned them to me.”
Bowing to Jeremy the bow of an equal, Qushi Han Le wrapped the figurine and left as silently as she came.
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