#we finally got this scene in hd
nerdside · 2 years
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pichongames · 3 months
It's time for a new DEV UPDATE! [February 2024]
Let's talk about the upcoming Nintendo Switch port, localization, plushies, and new content coming soon?
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It's time for a new development update, we've been working on a lot of stuff behind the scenes so let's talk about some of it, shall we?
The Bunny Graveyard is coming to Nintendo Switch!
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If you didn't know already, The Bunny Graveyard is on its way to Nintendo Switch. But this port will not just be any normal port, the game will receive some enhancements and changes both visually and gameplay-wise. Including motion-controls, HD vibration and more!
But do not worry PC users, even though some gameplay features will be exclusive to Switch, any content updates, improvements and future chapters will be released at the same time on all platforms.
More languages!
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The Bunny Graveyard: Chapter 1 is currently being translated to more languages, some of these are:
Brazilian Portuguese
Simplified Chinese
...and more!
Boxers Plushie!
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You probably heard of this already, but yes! Boxers got himself his very own plushie, which is still available at the time of this writing, however, this is a limited edition plushie so make sure to grab one before they're gone. As of right now, there's still 8 days left, so think about it! You guys absolutely CRUSHED that funding goal by the way, 450 sold so far!
We're definitely making another one... hehe.
This is also our first piece of merchandise and we're open to do more merch stuff in the future! But for now we'll only be choosing things that don't slow us down during development. So, if you got any requests for merch, let us know and we'll look into it!
NEW free content is coming this year...
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We are working on a new secret project for the game, it will be released as a free content update at the same time as the Nintendo Switch release. It's a small thing that we wanted to make for a while now, but never got the chance to do due to time constraints. Think of it as the next "4-1-1992" for now.
We'll be releasing a separate trailer for this soon, so stay tuned!
So... how's Chapter 2?
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Finally, let's have a quick talk about Chapter 2.
We are still not ready to fully reveal Chapter 2, buuuut we can tell you a little bit about it. It is the most ambitious project we have ever done, we expect it to be about the same length as Chapter 1, but despite the length, this chapter has proven to be quite a challenge to develop... but you know us, we love ourselves a challenge!
The story has been fully written, the gameplay has been finalized, but there's still quite a lot of programming to go, and don't get me started on all the music and animations left. Oh, did I also mention that this chapter will be releasing at the same time on Nintendo Switch and PC? And that it will also release in multiple languages? And that I'm still working on this game mostly by myself?
Yeah, things are not the same as they were back when I was making Chapter 1, The Bunny Graveyard is no longer just a silly lil' indie game, but that's exactly what makes it fun. I seriously can't wait to show you guys what we've been working on, this chapter is going to blow you away. Expect a trailer sometime this year.
You can add Chapter 2 to your Steam wishlist now!
Final Thoughts!
2024 is looking like an awesome year for this game, I'm hoping that this year we can get more people to know about this game. I'm extremely thankful for all of the support that we've been getting lately, it's crazy that I can now FINALLY focus on this game full-time, something that I've been trying to do for a long time now. I'm still processing the fact that this game is coming to the Switch, but it really is! Truly a dream come true. If you got any questions, ask in the comments and I'll try to answer as many as I can! And as always, thank you all!
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avaantares · 6 months
Wait, Zhao Yunlan's gun is actually a...?!
(I've never claimed production meta for @guardianbingo before, but after the amount of time and research I put in on this, I feel like I've earned the "Zhao Yunlan's Gun or Whip" square, haha)
Maybe this is something fandom as a whole figured out back in 2018, but I, who didn't hear of Guardian until 2020, did not realize until now and I need to share the knowledge because when I finally noticed, I made an unholy sound.
I've tracked down where Zhao Yunlan's gun came from -- or at least, what it most likely started as. Not the in-universe dark-energy-maybe-uses-bullets-maybe-doesn't-device-that's-best-not-thought-about-too-long, but rather the actual fake-steampunk-revolver-that-is-best-not-looked-at-too-long-because-it's-awful prop.
Y'know, this disaster:
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I was actually working on a different Guardian Bingo fill and needed to look something up for continuity, so I'd flipped through a couple of episodes at super high speed trying to find a scene. As luck would have it, one of my skips forward happened to land on the scene I screencapped above, when ZYL confronts Zhang Shi.
Normally we don't get this clear (or this stationary) a shot of the godawful gun prop. I'd assumed all along they had just taken a plastic gun, glued some extra bits and bobs on it to make it look fancy, and hit it with some dry brushing (fun fact: you can watch the paint flake throughout the series; check out the top of the barrel and the side of the cylinder in the above screenshot!) to make it look #steampunk like the abandoned aesthetic of 25% of the show (as I've said before, I have theories about what happened in preproduction, but that's another post). This sort of thing is exactly what I've done for cheap cosplay weapons or background props for film work that aren't going to be seen at HD detail range.
Anyway, since the detail showed up better here than in other shots, I paused the video to look at the random screws and hex bolts (why??) they'd glued on it, since I recalled that I had the aforementioned gun/whip bingo square to fill.
That's when I noticed a detail that had eluded me before: An inverted V shape at the bottom of the grip.
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Only looking more closely, that's not an inverted V. It's a symbol that I've seen a whole series of variations of over the past 15+ years... every time there's a new installment of the Assassin's Creed video game series:
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So I started hunting. The principal weapons in each game turned up no matches, but eventually I found a gun that looks almost exactly like ZYL's:
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It's not a perfect replica, but the details are certainly all there: The stylized logo; the leaves and swirls on the grip; the feathers up the back; even the Victorian scrollwork beneath the barrel.
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Now, what's really interesting is that this gun isn't actually from the AC game series. It's part of an elaborate fan project by artist David Paget that started as a class assignment back in 2014. Even though it gathered a bit of steam in the AC fandom and generated a couple of forum role-play groups, OCs and the like, nothing about this artwork was ever connected to a real Assassin's Creed title. So why would there be a physical version of a gun that was only someone's fanart?
This is where the smoking gun (*rimshot*) goes missing, because I can't prove any of this, and it's been long enough that digging through the archives of the internet to find answers is going to take way more time than I can afford to spend on a project I'm not getting paid for. But there are two likely possibilities:
Scenario A: Some employee in a toy factory somewhere in China got told, "This Assassin's Creed franchise is really big, so we need to be producing replicas from those games to sell. Work up some designs." So the employee Googles "assassin's creed gun," finds David Paget's very professional-looking art, and whips up a replica to mass-injection-mold without realizing it's not actually from a game. Later, someone on the cash-strapped Guardian production team needs a gun to mod, and finds a cheap toy revolver on clearance after several years of sitting in storage because there was little demand for a replica of a gun that was never in a game. They buy several, glue hex bolts on the cylinder for reasons unknown, and poof! Instant pseudo-steampunk!
Scenario B: Other fans were involved in the design. Someone did build a 3D model of David Paget's design that's still available on Sketchfab (screenshot below), and it's not unreasonable to assume that other fans could have thought it looked cool and built 3D printable models. Later, someone on the cash-strapped Guardian production team needs a gun to mod, and acquires the 3D print file of one of those models from the interwebs. They mod the file a bit, print some, glue hex bolts on the cylinder for reasons unknown, and poof! Instant pseudo-steampunk!
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Personally, I find Scenario A far more likely than Scenario B, for two reasons: First, the hero prop looks more injection molded than 3D printed, especially given the technical state of 3D printing back in 2017-8. And second... Budget-challenged dramas do have a history of picking up bulk video game replicas and using them as cheap props. I made a post back in 2019 about the WoW Horde shields we spotted in a different drama...
Anyway, no firm answers about the source of the hero prop -- the world may never know! -- but we have now confirmed that in some alternate universe (possibly one of the first eighty?), Zhao Yunlan and/or Zhao Xinci is an Assassin.
Wait, wait, wait... *recalls mechanics of how the whole Assassin's Creed frame story is supposed to work* Uh... so... who wants to write a genetic memory explanation for the whole Kunlun -> [lots of lifetimes] -> Zhao Yunlan thing?
(I did actually check the catalogue of a friend of mine who makes replicas of props from various media franchises to see if he'd done a commission of the David Paget design, since a surprising number of his custom pieces actually do end up on film and television, but while he has a gorgeous replica of a revolver that actually appears in an AC game, it appears he has not done the Zhao Yunlan gun. I didn't really think it likely, since he's in the U.S., but you never know.)
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journalsouppe · 1 year
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Here's one of my favorite spreads-- Professor Layton and the Curious Village!! I absolutely love this game and cannot wait to play the sequels!
Writing typed below!
Rating: 8.5/10 Played: Spring 2023 Port: HD mobile (iPad) Favorite? Y Replayable? Y Recommend? Y Series: Professor Layton
That tower is insane
Omg I love the memopad, I feel like I'm on Blues Clues
I love the mystery surrounding the tower
omg are we building a robot dog?? -> yes <3 Hot Dog
Omg crash box match puzzle!! ... WHAT THE FUCK
Layton: ew this bottle is so gross. Luke stick your hand in there
What if we were germs in a glass jar and we held hands
Layton you better have Luke on a leash or smth he better not get kidnapped oh my god I am so stressed
Luke is softie for animals T^T <3
STACHENSCARFEN omfg not the ace attorney name
veil of night my beloved <3
that old man is BOOKING IT
matthew is the only real one
love the chess puzzles
gorgeous grave statue
these inn items??? T-T
sewer time
Luke: don't worry professor! No one would ever dream of stealing the Layton mobile
Layton: .... Just what do you mean by that Luke
Omg layton in a crown
I like how all the tower puzzles are difficult
don't like the creepy lady
is everyone a robot??
the flying spike ball is insane
He just built the sail??
The ending was SO SWEET T^T
Game Dev Notes:
Beautiful animated scenes
iconic and calming music
stunning 2d art (character and environment)
great range of puzzle difficulty
interactive background and collectibles
different rewards for finishing puzzles
recap questions to see if you were paying attention to the details
great interweaving of puzzles into the story
interesting overall mystery
ability to explore both before the end and after (& gold layton if you solve everything)
I absolutely love this game. It's so charming and sweet with a fun story surrounding puzzles. I love the characters and I love their little quips. I love the range of puzzles and how some of them have historical context. It's such a simple concept that was executed very well. Although the story isn't ground breaking, it was still really fun and shocking. It reminds me a lot of an ACD Sherlock story as it's just another one of Layton and Luke's wacky adventures. It is also set up in the perfect way to allow both sequels and prequels (which is what did happen lol). There's a ton of added replayability such as bonus puzzles, finding every furniture piece and arrangements, finding the charms, etc. It's so interactive and doesn't punish the player at all. This is an amazing puzzle game and there's no shame to not knowing the puzzle answers. You don't get full points if you mess up but that's fine as the picarats don't affect main story gameplay. I am so exccited to see how the sequels expand on the characters, especially Flora! She seems like a very unique character and I am so excited to see more of her. I am also just so happy to finally experience the beautiful music I have been listening to for years in the game. The music is so incredible and charming, it makes me want to find a nice, small European town to explore. What a great game and I am excited for what's next! Hopefully in time for the New World of Steam!
All of the stickers I got from Daiso. If you are interested in the materials I use you can check out my pinned post in my blog!
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teriri-sayes · 10 months
Reactions to Miracle Creator's Chapter 151
TL;DR - Cale and LSH convo. Hunter info dump. CJG's status. Cale calls Alberu. Cale's group arrives at Evil Alliance.
Soos? LSH = talking to Cale CJS = awkwardly talking with CH
Character Status
CH & CJS = awkwardly talking with each other
HD = with Brain Demon and Demon Laws Brigade Captain
Fist King, Mok Hee = went with Embroidered Uniform Guard to get more elixirs from the emperor
Jegal Mi Ryeo and Splitter Saint = headed to Murim Alliance to take care of the purified Living Jiangshis
Raon = teaching his disciple Sima Pyeong
Hunter Info Dump Well, this came out of nowhere. LSH explained why he was missing in the past chapters. Basically, it's talk about hunters. To summarize:
Purple Blood hunter family are dragons.
Name of their world is Aitopu (It's the reverse spelling of "utopia")
GoD sent CJG there to investigate.
CJG became MIA after he headed there.
Jungwon allied with the worlds that had the Transparent Blood and Five Colored Blood.
I was really surprised to suddenly have this info dump... 😂But that's not all. We even have Alberu today!
Alberu, the Sullen Korean Melon Cale finally remembers that Alberu exists and calls him 🤣 It got strange afterwards because Alberu had a tired expression, but was smiling very brightly. Raon even said that he was not the sun but a sullen Korean melon...
Why was Alberu happy? Because the mining agreements were over, so Cale and the Roan Kingdom were very rich now.
Evil Alliance Finally And we are now at the Evil Alliance! We get introduced to 2 characters that were mentioned in the past: Halberd Demon (one of the Five Demons) and the head of the Iron Family Manor. I guess we'll find out more about them in the next chapters.
Ending Remarks Today's chapter was full of surprises. I never thought we'll see all the Soos, the Chois, and even Alberu today! It feels like the author gave me the best birthday gift ever! 😊Anyway, with Durst appearing in the scene, it looks like we'll be introduced to new Living Jiangshis again.
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ladiesonfilm · 4 months
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Lita Phoenix
She’s as cute as a little button but also incredibly filthy 🤩. Starting when she was 18 she very rapidly got into the swing of things & decided at some point to take the LegalPorno 💶 - and we know where that ends . . . 😳🫢!!
Physically she’s tiny and has a really lovely slim figure with perfect tits & is super pretty and innocent looking BUT of course is willing to pretty much do anything to anything so, yeah, happy days!
Big question then: why isn’t she up there with the Porn Royalty? Simple answer : Not enough content. I mean sure - there is plenty of HD scenes of her, but the extent, variety & quality just isn’t there. Very sad 😬.
She didn’t do anything in 2022 and hardly anything in 2023, so let’s hope for a resurgence for 2024! 🤞
Pro tip: check out her LP with Karolina Star & Nina Heaven. Pretty standard fare but about 3/4 of the way through it’s finally Lita’s turn to take 2 for the team on the DAP merry-go-round. She looks super nervous beforehand - I guess it’s her 1st time & both the guys are huge! Anyway after a little bit of a struggle they’re both crammed in & just look at her face . . . 🥴😣😧!! I guess only the fact that the other whores were watching & judging kept her going 😍 !!
FR : 5
Status : Active-ish
PSR : 15
🏵️ : |••| , [ 😝 ],[ 🚿 ],(18),(\/),[ ❤️‍🔥 ],[ 😵‍💫 ]
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khepiari · 11 months
Thoughts on One Piece Live Action Trailer from a biased fangirl
First of all let me be clear, I am deaf, dumb and blind to One Piece Live Action complains; that are mean and hateful for the sake of hating. I grew up with censored One Piece episodes and terrible dubs.
I am immune.
My instant reaction after watching the trailer
A) I like it.
B) I am drooling after that 3 seconds of Taz, and brooding Mackneyu. But I am excited for Inaki, he is Luffy; the energy, goofiness and the voice!
C) Emily is like the bestest!
D) Not enough Jacob!
I am hyped none the less!
Was it a perfect trailer?
Absolutely not.
Was it a good trailer?
It is fun, goofy and it captured the spirit of One Piece— promise of an epic ADVENTURE.
Yes, Some things in trailer bothered me, like a lot, but if I can read 1086 chapters of a manga for last ten years and watch 1066 episodes for last eighteen years, I can patiently wait to judge all 8 episodes.
Things we the diehard fans need to remember!
Anime and Manga scenes and actions can’t be replicated entirely! And we fans will only complain if its frame by frame copy-adaptation; because that’s not how it works.
Please remember it is the same story told on a different medium! People will take liberties with it.
And the CGI work is still not over; so even before you crib about it: STOP!
We really need to control our innate distrust for adaptation. Yes Hollywood has terrible track record.
Trust in Goda!
But I am choosing to trust Odachii! He green lit the adaptation in 2017! It is 2023, if he didn’t approve we wouldn’t have witnessed a single poster of the Live-in adaptation! No one is more protective of One Piece than Odachii!
Luffy has his scar!
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Yes, some changes can bother us, like initially I thought Luffy didn’t have his scar, but after zooming on Inaki’s face on HD screen; I found the scar!
But Sanji’s Eyebrows: sssssh!
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Sanji’s missing eyebrows is a point of contention for many, but again things that don’t serve narrative with an active purpose can go; you have to understand things get changed; Sanji’s perv gag is getting dropped too. I can’t wait to meet the Sanji of my dreams!
Merry Go looks terrifying!
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I agree, I love it. But I think Merry needs exorcism too! Merry Looks scared as hell! This is Merry’s true face that has been terrorised by Luffy’s recklessness!
Wrong shoes UmU
Similarly Luffy’s flip-flops, as long as that wild child is wearing something on his feet, its fine. I mean look at the shoes he is wearing; it’s ridiculous!
Usopp’s Nose
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Don’t drag Usopp’s nose into this. All of us would’ve hated a prosthetic nose on Jacob! You know it! You don’t want him to look like a copy of a copy of Pinocchio!
Nami’s Hair!
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It looks okay, you all are nitpicking now! I swear, it looks alright.
Buggy-sama looks scary, duh he is a clown!
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People complaining that Buggy-sama looks scary, in East Blue! Buggy-sama after his debut Was Scary! Have you ever seen a funny looking Clown ever? All clowns look scary!
I literally lured and convinced my horror addict sister to watch One Piece, because of this horrific looking Buggy-sama! I lied through my teeth that Buggy-Sama is the final boss of One Piece! Now she will watch the live action!
Yellow filter! Do you want DCU dark screen?
And the complaint about yellow filter! Look, I would take a Yellow screen over a DC black screen any day! Many wanted the GOT and LOTR cinematic treatment, I understand, but it’s not the same story elements, our protagonist is a rubber-man; our universe is colourful, set on the sea, what we can hope and aspire for is Pirates of the Caribbean treatment for the Fishmen CGI.
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And remember, Luffy yelling Gum-Gum Pistol is the English translation of Gomu-Gomu no pistol! You can’t expect Inaki to yell Gomu-Gomu no pistol, while his entire angry fight speech is in English. That would be weird. And many didn’t like the pistol reveal because of how it looked. In every version of realism— stretched human skin will look weird!
Some things look great in manga art and anime frames but translate poorly in realism; I think we had already learned it the hard way! The cosplayish cinematography worked for Gintama Live Action but didn’t go well with Fullmetal Alchemist. Again the grim-gray thematic elements worked for Bleach Live In!
I think this version of One Piece is working well so far. And it was just teaser! We have 6 arcs to see!
Yes, be skeptical, but of Netflix, not cast and crew and creators!
I have told this before, I have faith in the cast and the crew and the creators. My trust issues lies with Netflix. I would’ve been happier if it was Prime who was producing it or even HBO, as they seem more committed to a project.
Netflix has terrible track record of cancellation.
And One Piece is a long time commitment, I don’t think Netflix has the bandwidth or the brains or the money to produce 31+ Arcs! We know none of the canon arcs can be dropped. So their only way out is to build up the hype of the finale arc from second season itself. And do enough bread crumbing and introduce certain supernovas, warlords, yonkos, gorosei, races and other important figures early into the story instead of keeping them for surprise element, which can help them plan for long time. Not only that they have to give us glimpses into the various crimes and atrocities and political happenings across the Grandline parallel to Strawhats journey so that the emotional build up happens gradually— expecting viewers to care about an island and its characters all of a sudden when the Crew arrives to a new island will be tricky. It is much better to constantly tell the viewers of things happening simultaneously so that when Luffy arrives to beat Croc’s or later Doffy’s ass— audience already hates them. They don’t even have to reveal the face of the villains, but build up the lore well.
Will stupid Netflix do it?
I don’t think so!
Stop the bloody hateful comments
Stop hating on the cast! I don’t think we have any right to bully or be mean or outright hateful to the actors! Time and again they have proved how much they love One Piece. Being mean doesn’t make you the cool or smarter person you think you are.
After watching/reading a series that always emphasized on doing the right thing and fighting against bullies, you all haven’t learned anything.
Don’t like it? Don’t watch it!
Is the Live Action stealing away from your years of rich One Piece experience?
The manga is here, the anime is here, the games are here, the musicals are here, so are the ice-skating shows!
No adaptation is hurting the other!
This is just another medium to tell the story, now to non-manga readers/non-anime watching people!
I don’t play One Piece games, nor do I like how some game designs are, do I go an shit talk about it?
I love the Sandman comic books, I was not happy with changes made in the live action adaptation, did I go demand receipts for changes made to the story?
Because I know it’s impossible to please everyone, how hard it is to ignore something that bothers you?
If you bully the cast! I will curse you!
If you bully Inaki, Emily, Mackenyu, Taz and Jacob; I hope your toe cuticles itch all the time and your ear buzzes whenever you try to sleep!
And look how the cast cares about the story! Look at them! How dare you try to bully them!
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If you follow Artur - The Library Of Ohara’s page on Twitter you will see how much effort has gone into detailing. From Luffy’s attire to Baratie’s lighting.
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The series is made of love and respect for the source material. If they are diverting or changing something— remember Odachii agreed to it!
I mean look at them! They are precious!
Starving man never looked so fine. 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠. One Piece Live Action serving Zoro to us in all his glory. And before Dudebros even start Sanji vs Zoro.
They were never cast for you, they were cast for women and queer fans. They are not representative of your imagined cis-het male idea of hyper masculinity!
They are for us!
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Woman tired of her dumbass captain! This girl is going to kick ass and steal your money! She ate her role! And she will rule the screen!
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We must protect Usopp! Look at this baby! Look at him! He is the bravest person in the entire world!
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This the Sanji I am shamelessly looking forward to! Never will he beat babygirl allegations! And he is such a walking disaster bi energy already! And he is not limited by his perv gag!
The perfect man is here!
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Look at him! How he shines like the sun! Look at his silly shoes in the trailer! This silly silly silly boy!
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Hey that’s my favourite idiot. Look at him, heading to some dumbassery with the confidence exhibited by the baby from Baby’s Day Out film.
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Damnnnn it! Why can’t I upload more than 10 pictures from the app? Finally, from the web version I could uploaad it all!
Anyway, practice love not hate! Peace out!
Image source: from twitter by Artur- Library of Ohara
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andithiel · 3 months
End of year wrap up
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I am so super late to this, but I’ve done this in the last few years and I think it’s a nice tradition to look back at the accomplishments I’ve achieved. 2022 was a very bleak year writing wise, and I’m happy to say that I’ve slowly started to get my mojo back a bit. My AO3 wordcount for 2023 was 36,936 words, but I’ve also posted some shorter things on tumblr, and I actually made a spreadsheet to track my progress and tally all my written words, including those that get deleted and also those not yet posted, and according to the spreadsheet I wrote 10k more. I still have a lot of WIPs hanging around in my drive, but I’ve managed to finish some of them, and I feel like I have more energy and excitement to finish some more, so, here’s hoping that 2024 will be the year that I actually end up with fewer WIPs at the end than at the beginning (something I tried back in 2020, before the world went up in flames).
Under the cut is what I published in 2023:
Fading in Love (locked to logged in users) (Drarry, Explicit, 5k) I wrote this as a belated birthday present for @sassy-sassy3, it’s an 8th year secret relationship with a lil’ sprinkle of magical theory regarding the Dark Mark. 
I decided to try a few prompts for HD Candyhearts and ended up having a lot of fun with them: 
Second Date AO3 tumblr (Drarry, Teen, 1,3k) with an insecure Draco after having spent the night with Harry.
The microfic Taste the love (for the prompt Sweet treats)
How deep is our love? AO3 tumblr (Drarry, Teen, 762 words) featuring established Drarry bickering and absolutely ridiculous Valentine’s cards.
The secret language of flowers AO3 tumblr (Drarry, Teen, 2k) featuring the classic tumblr post the fuck you bouquet.
Pillow microfic with Draco being a little shit
Charm me 8th year drabble FWB/secret relationship sort of vibes.
Take that ride (Drarry, Teen, 1,6k) I finally managed to write a fic idea that’s been scrambling around in my brain for ages. I wanted to create a mood and a feeling with this and I’m so happy with how it turned out.
I also wrote a short fuck or die drabble that I’m super proud of: Let me show you  
Hold back the tide (Drarry, Teen, 2k) Another idea that’s been with me for years that I finally got out (despite not having written the fic that preludes this).
Thunderstruck (locked to logged in users) (Drarry, Explicit, 8k) My god, my beast, this fic resisted me and to top it all off I got covid right when I was about to finish it. I struggled with this so damn much, also wanting to create a vividness that doesn’t really come natural to me, but I’m so happy with how it came out in the end. Plus I got to collab with the amazing @fictional who, as usual, knocked it out of the park with her glorious art.
The Potter Malfoy bathroom war of 2007 (locked to logged in users) (Drarry, Explicit, 8k) Another fic that’s been with me for some time, although “only” a year. I saw the prompt for last year’s Suds when claims had closed, so I tried to forget about it but it wouldn’t leave me. I had so much fun writing this, I love writing Harry and Draco bickering and fighting with each other when we as readers know it’s basically their form of foreplay. 
When it’s exactly twelve o’clock that night (Drarry, Teen, 6k) This was also a fic one year in the making. I started writing it to post on last New Year’s Eve, but I couldn’t finish it in five days (to my own astonishment), but I’m happy it got to marinate for a while because I added a scene with Scorpius that I’m very fond of.
I wasn't tagged by anyone and I'm sure people have already done this, but if this means you get another tag, consider pointing me to your own year wrap up so I can see it! @sassy-sassy3 @fictional @mystickitten42 @uncannycerulean @goblinmatriarch @phdmama @crazybutgood @dragonbornphoenix @wo2ash @rei382 @nv-md
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muddyorbsblr · 7 months
thots & theories :: loki season 2 episode 1
This post will contain spoilers for the first episode of Loki Season 2 under the cut so please if you haven't watched yet, then press Keep Reading at your own risk.
What you will find under the cut: Whoring out and the return of a side of me that I never actually thought would ever come out again…"Theorist Ally" 🥴🫡
Please tell me I wasn't the only one at risk of heading to the ER from choking after seeing that first shot of TVA agents chasing Loki down the hallway like besties & fellow whores I did not have "Marvel mercifully decides to leave the mango untouched" in my 2023 bingo card. But we actually got that shot in HD now and it's blowing my tiny whoring mind 🥵😮‍💨
And all the hair flips we got once he lands from a time slip with the tense jaw and neck muscles like Sir we're trying to feel for you and feel the urge to wrap you in a blanket and give you cuddles, but you're making it really hard not to think about [redacted]
Lemme just give y'all some shots that had me feeling all kinds of ways throughout this episode:
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Something I really appreciated in this was that while Loki was concerned about how the time slipping looked to people witnessing it, Mobius was more concerned about how Loki felt experiencing it. Precious beb deserves to have someone that actually cares to that level and that bit just warmed my cold dead heart 🥹
In the same vein as above, Mobius' refusal to give up on Loki coming back until the last possible second and even begging OB to hold off a little longer really struck a chord with me because again, he now has someone that isn't just concerned about his well-being but also will believe in him even if everyone's going to tell them to give up 💖
The scene where OB was remembering new memories from his past in realtime during his conversation with Mobius in the present was something that I found insanely clever like let me tell you I was geeking out about it on my couch at 9am on a Friday morning
The sequences where Loki begins to realize in seconds where he's been yoinked off to in the timeline was a really good showcase of how smart our stabby boi is because he was using elements in his surroundings to form a timeline in his head to estimate where he was and he's doing all this under the pressure of not knowing when he's going to disappear again and under visibly excruciating pain 🥺💖
I'm living for the fact that B-15's part of the main group of characters and she really served that look of "are you fucking kidding me and right in front of my salad" when General Dox and X-5 were having their little moment.
Speaking of Dox and X-5…something's going on with those two and if y'all are thinking "mother/son" then lemme just nudge you in the direction of Oedipus Complex because…something about those two don't sit right with me 😖😖
The whole profound emotional moment with Sylvie finally feeling like she can breathe and not have to worry about running anymore and actually eat something that isn't something she hunted would have had the teeniest bit more impact if it didn't take place in a McDonald's but I gotta admit I too have once considered trying the entire menu 😂
Let's start off with my theories surrounding the scene where they fix the Temporal Loom because I have a feeling that we're going to be returning to that sequence and that setting quite a few times towards the end of the season. And with that sequence alone I have so many questions.
Like how did Sylvie get stuck in the elevator? Who pruned Loki that allowed him to return to his present timeline and also save Mobius in the process? Who's on the other end of the line on that ringing phone in the future? Why is General Dox sending troops upon troops of Minutemen to Sylvie's location and how is she even certain that where they're all headed off to is the location they're after?
So here's a few of my theories/predictions for what we're about to see as Season 2 plays out:
Loki prunes himself – I think we're going to revisit that scene where Loki gets pruned only from a more future Loki's point of view where we see that he's the one that prunes Episode 1 Loki so that he could be extracted and returned to his present timeline. He's the one holding the time stick.
General Dox is a tertiary antagonist – in the grand scheme of the season I think she and X-5 will probably at most be a nuisance with some firepower, but they're not the biggest threat after Kang, which leads me to…
OB is a secondary antagonist – I know I know we love him right now because he's fun and quite matter of fact, but hear me out. I think that his priority will be fixing the Temporal Loom which goes against what at least B-15 stands for because each branched timeline has countless lives living in them. He knows how the loom works and he knows how to repair it, so he puts that above all else to the extent where he could try and reconcile them all once again into a Sacred Timeline. Point is, he won't want the Loom to break.
Rennslayer and Kang are the primary antagonists…and maybe also Minutes? – that casual hard launch in the beginning scenes where Loki's in the past TVA hasn't left my mind and I think this is where we're headed
And now here's where I go tin foil hat and give my most out there theory that I hope won't happen but something tells me that it will.
So…y'all know how in Doctor Who, Clara Oswald sacrifices herself into the Doctor's timeline and splits herself into thousands (maybe even millions) of iterations of herself with the singular goal of saving the Doctor? She becomes a being that is destined to make that decision again and again because the Clara that jumped into the timeline was a life that's probably already been created as a result of that very sacrifice?
That type of circular infinite path of life is like the snake that's forever doomed to eat its own tail in a circle until the end of time. That concept and that symbol is called an Ouroboros.
And now that I've given that long winded intro here's the part where some of you are about to click off and call me delulu and you know what valid but if you're still here and you wanna see the clown show here we go:
Loki will become an Ouroboros
I don't think this episode was just titled "Ouroboros" because we're being introduced to OB. I think there was a more profound meaning to the episode title, that meaning being that this is the path that Loki's headed down. I think he sacrifices himself in the scene where he faces the Temporal Loom without a protective suit on and this will cause him to split into infinite versions of himself throughout the timelines. And one of these infinite versions will find himself in the Future TVA where he sees the Loki from Episode 1 running in search of a time stick.
Now I can already hear some of you going "But Ally why would he do that?" And I'm going to pull from Loki's words directly to explain what his motive could be to do such a thing:
"I want to save my friends"
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Now with all that being said, I'm totally open to other theories and I genuinely hope that my big theory is not correct because I really don't like that that's the route my brain went when trying to connect the pieces.
Gonna go and tag some usual suspect besties in this (and not gonna put this into the series tag because self preservation): @gigglingtiggerv2 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @coldnique @peachyjinx @gruftiela @lokisgoodgirl @loopsisloops @give-me-a-moose @lokischambermaid @tallseaweed @mischief2sarawr @maple-seed @joyful-enchantress @november-rayne @ladyofthestayingpower @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @liminalpebble @simplyholl +++
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cobalt-knave · 8 months
Fanvid Rec List #1
Ah, fanvids, my most beloved and underappreciated medium. Fanvids are video edits often done to music (though not all fanvids are music videos). They take an absurdly long time to make. If you check out any of the vids on this list, be sure to comment to give some appreciation to these great vidders!
General warning that fanvids often include flashing lights in their transitions, so take caution if that is an issue for you.
Fresh Blood: Vamp Willow & Tara by brunerousse 
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Song or concept: Constructed reality in which vampire Willow sires vampire Tara.
Rec: This is THE constructed reality to me. It really opened my eyes to that as an option. It’s got evil gay vampires and some great visual parallels using footage from a couple shows other than Buffy to create the AU!
Sibling Rivalry by brihana25 ( @brihana25 )
Fandom:Stargate SG1 
Song or concept: “Oh No!” from Veggie Tales, humor
Rec: This is a seminal work to me. It’s one of if not the first fanvid I ever saw. I loved it when I first saw it, was one of the things I always thought of regarding fanvids, and now I make my own vids and hold this one partially responsible for that. It’s hilarious and delightful. I was just rewatching it with a big goofy grin on my face. I finally started watching SG-1 recently (I saw this vid like a decade ago the first time), and I’ve consistently referred to the sarcophagi as “scrabble tables”. I also get absurdly excited when I spot a clip in the show that was used in this vid.
Will Scarlet | F*cking Awesome ♛ by Maria M.
Fandom: Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
Song or concept: “Fucking Awesome/Thrift Shop”, humor 
Rec: This is a fun vid and the thing that got me to watch Once in Wonderland, which is now one of my favorite shows. 
[AVATAR] Katara // River by Force Captain Tilly
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Song or concept: “Like A River”
Rec: A brilliant character study of Katara, her ferocity and kindness and passion. The transitions in the vid are excellent as one scene’s bending flows into the next fluidly.
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell || I'm Dark Matter by KnittinGirl
Fandom: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Song or concept: “I’m Dark Matter”
Rec: This vid is grand, magnificent, and cascading. The use of short cuts and beautiful visuals creates a sweeping sense of grandness and magic in an uncontrolled storm. Beautiful video.
Buffy and Faith (BTVS) - We Must Be Killers - HD Version  by JESS9191
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Song or concept: “We Must Be Killers”
Rec: This video is a brilliant study of Buffy and Faith’s relationship and parallels. “You kill me? You become me.” A stunning video in its visuals with a smattering of dialogue from the show punctuating its every point. The clips are well cut to perfect move from one to the other.
Angel the Series | Rescue Me by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
Fandom: Angel The Series
Song or concept: “Rescue Me”
Rec: Now there’s a vid that will make me want to laugh and cry. A focus on the relationship between the early Angel Investigations crew; Angel, Cordelia, Wesley, and Gunn. It so perfectly demonstrates how much this team loved and cared for each other and how their relationship still fell apart as time went on and circumstances and hurt came between them. This covers the whole team, but I associate the song/vid most strongly with Wesley and Gunn. It’s a song I think of when I think of them.
Buffyverse but it's a heist movie by SlayerVid
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel The Series
Song or concept: “A Good Song Never Dies”, humor, heist, constructed reality
Rec:This is exactly what it says on the tin, and it’s GLORIOUS. Grab your balaclava and your climbing gear and get ready to crawl through the vents because it’s heist time, baby! Absolutely excellent and perfect and hilarious.
Rockstar - a Buffy video by Jasmin
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Song or concept: “Rockstar”, humor
Rec: An absolutely hilarious video; I couldn’t stop giggling the whole time I was rewatching this. It lines up video to lyrics in the most literal way possible. We all just wanna be big rock stars!
Addicted To You by AurumCalendula
Fandom: Synetic Theater’s Phantom of the Opera
Song or concept: “Toxic” by Anthony Willis
Rec: I was delighted to find a vid for Synetic’s Phantom. It uses the visuals well as they flow eerily together with the slow instrumental version of “Toxic”.
Way Down We Go || A Zuko tribute  by The Stranger Artist
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Song or concept: “Way Down We Go”
Rec: An excellent character study for Zuko. The clips sync up beautifully with the beats of the song. The video is full of movement, and the transitions are quite good.
Whedonverse Women - So What  by Stefanie (valamd)
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel The Series, Dollhouse, Firefly
Song or concept: “So What”
Rec: A vid full of movement and quick transitions and ladies (+Clyde) being badasses. What is not to love? 
Believer - Sense8 by absolute_maximus
Fandom: Sense8
Song or concept: “Believer”
Rec: Man, rewatching this made me want to rewatch Sense8. An epic video with every clip fitting perfectly with the beat. I think of this vid every time I hear this song. This perfectly captures the show.
Come Together by Rosemarycat5
Fandom: Good Omens (season 1)
Song or concept: “Come Together” by Gary Clark Jr.
Rec: Fuck it, this is one of my own fanvids. Sue me. This is the fanvid I made that I am currently most proud of. It was so fun to make.
If you have any fanvid recs or want to share your own, reblog this and add or make a new post and tag me so I can watch them!
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oknowkiss · 1 year
fic claim: historians
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for @shiftylinguini and @hd-erised 2022!
PAIRING: DRARRY RATING: E (masturbation, anal sex, brief autoerotic asphyxiation, degradation kink, Dom/sub dynamics) WORDCOUNT: 30K
Read on AO3 here!
TAGS: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Master of Death Harry Potter, Voice of The Historian Draco Malfoy, Level 9 workplace dynamics, Skiing, Switzerland, A Big Fucking Chalet, Harry Potter Has a Temper, Draco Malfoy Just Wants Coffee, Hairless Cats and the Loving Thereof, Cat Dad Draco Malfoy, Size Queen Harry Potter, It’s Fun to Lie to All of Your Friends Zero Moral Crises Will Ensue
SUMMARY:  It’s the Dumbledore’s Army Reunion Holiday, and Harry’s found himself in hot water with his friends once again, after telling them he has a boyfriend he definitely does not have. In an attempt to fix things, he’s made it his colleague on Level Nine, Draco Malfoy’s problem too. Featuring a ski chalet in Switzerland, a pair of bunk beds, and an agreement that should’ve been simple, were it not for all the bloody feelings getting in the way.
wow!! WOW. thank you so so much to all of the @hd-erised​ mods for hosting such an enormous (and enormously fun!) fest. this was my maiden erised voyage, after watching and reading all of the incredible fics that have come from this fest for years. i can’t believe i got to throw my hat in the ring! AHH.  and to get to write for @shiftylinguini​, who is an unbelievable powerhouse of a writer???? reader, we were BUZZIN. shifty, i meant it in my A/N when i said it was an honor to write for you. a gift!! you said in your claim form you like “unique jobs” and i really glommed on tight to that, so much so that there may have to be a second appearance of The Historian at some point in 2023. 
and none -- NONE -- of this could have happened without @wolfpants​ who read this fic and smashed it up in the absolute best way. this story would not be half of what it is without you wolfie, so thank you for your eagle eye, and your ruthless pen, and for bearing with me as i wrote and edited and cried at you across multiple timezones and countries and weddings. 
to everyone who has read so far, please know i will be crying at you directly soon. i am overwhelmed by the love this fic has received. as a final behind the scenes note: the title and plot are loosely inspired by the song historians by lucy dacus. thanks lucy! 
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transitranger327 · 12 days
So I actually have a Star Wars story to tell (it’s a core memory): Echo has always been my favorite clone trooper. My family, especially my brother and I, started watching The Clone Wars during season 1 and we became mega-fans (I was 9, he was 6, literally the target demo). Every Friday we’d watch the new episodes, then Saturday we’d go to star wars dot com and watch all the behind-the-scenes content. We missed the first time “Rookies” aired, but we saw the behind the scenes content for it, and caught it on reruns. We immediately knew Fives and Echo were our favorite clones, he picked Fives so I picked Echo. But we were so disappointed when they weren’t in the rest of Season 1 or 2. But we were absolutely stoked for the series 3 premiere when we heard Fives and Echo were in it. And then they were gonna be ARC troopers? We were losing our minds. Our favorite boys, ARC troopers‽ Unfortunately for me, the Citadel arc happened next. Don’t get me wrong, we loved seeing the Dominos in the phase 1.5 armor. But for some reason we missed the end of episode 2 of the arc (where Echo dies), and when the bts content said Echo died I was inconsolable. I refused to ever watch the ending of that episode for YEARS. When Fives kept showing up in seasons 4 and 5 (Umbara arc is like my favorite SW movie), I was always jealous that my brother’s fave was still around and mine wasn’t. Then TCW was cancelled and I thought that was the end of it.
About a year later, I heard they made half of a Season 6 but it was only on Netflix. It took me a while to figure out how to watch it (on the high seas, as my family didn’t have Netflix), but I was in high school now. The first arc having Fives discover order 66 and coming this close to exposing it? I’d been thinking about that kind of story for forever (my favorite Star Wars AUs are where order 66 didn’t happen or was disobeyed). I was so excited to tell my brother…until I saw s7e4 and Fives died. My brother was just as sad/mad as I was when Echo died. But I finished Season 6 and thought that was the end…until I went onto star wars dot com and saw that there were unfinished animations for some episodes called “the Bad Batch”. And then…my world became whole. ECHO WAS ALIVE!!!!! Sure it was janky af, felt dubiously canon, he had been thru hell and was now a cyborg, but MY BABY BOY! My brother was, of course, just as jealous that my clone was alive and his wasn’t.
Then 4 years later. TCW Season 7 was announced. The Bad Batch arc would be in glorious HD. Echo was firmly alive and hanging out with the Bad Batch. And he got me thru lockdown, as TCW was one of my comfort shows I’d watch and s7 was airing in April/May 2020. And the Bad Batch were gonna get their own show? Hell fucking yeah.
Here we are, 16 years after Echo first graced my small TV screen, and he’s still my fave. I see a lot of myself in him. How by-the-book he used to be and isn’t anymore, how his life fundamentally changed and now’s not exactly a man (I figured out my sexuality, gender, and disabilities in 2019 right before TCW s7 remastered Echo’s return). I would almost certainly die inside again if he dies in the TBB finale. Anyway I’ve never shared anything this personal about Star Wars with anyone and TBB tumblr definitely seems like the kind of people who want to hear this.
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astoundingbeyondbelief · 10 months
Kaiju Week in Review (June 25-July 8, 2023)
I picked a bad time to skip a week lol
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Ultraman Blazar, the 35th entry in the Ultra Series, has made the scene. Episode 1 throws us right into a battle between humanity and a space monster. Blazar's the pushy type, all but forcing Gento to transform, but he doesn't speak Japanese—just yowls. For now, that makes him the show's central mystery. The show's defense team, SKaRD, won't actually form until the next episode, at which point we should have a better sense of it. But I'm intrigued so far.
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Free streaming TV service Pluto TV has added a Godzilla channel. It boasts, or should soon boast, all of the Japanese Godzilla films minus King Kong vs. Godzilla and Shin Godzilla, plus Rodan, all the Mothra movies, The War of the Gargantuas, Godzilla (1998), and Godzilla: The Series. A Blu-ray.com user has composed a detailed rundown of the versions of the films used—short version, nothing we haven't seen before apart from a few small changes.
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I got to see Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken before its official June 30 release date thanks to Regal's Monday Mystery Movie series. I guess I didn't retain much memory of the trailer, because it surprised me how early in the film the title character first grew into a kaiju. I can't give it an especially enthusiastic recommendation—comparisons to Luca and Turning Red are inevitable and don't flatter Ruby at all. But I get a kick out of seeing kaiju in such alien territory as a hyperactive animated kids' movie, and they continue to show off their flexibility as metaphors (Ruby is plainly neurodivergent). 7 outta 10.
Nimona dropped on Netflix the same day, and that's one anyone reading this column should sprint to watch. It saves its kaiju for the third act, and I've held off on posting much about that part of the story yet, but trust me, Ishiro Honda would be proud.
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After years of lackluster Gorgo home video releases, Vinegar Syndrome seems poised to finally do it right in 4K Ultra HD. (If you're like me and don't have a way to watch such discs yet, don't worry, it comes with a Blu-ray.) New scan, new audio commentary, special features both new and old, and a killer cover. For those unfamiliar with the company, note that this release is "only available on [the Vinegar Syndrome] website and at select indie retailers. Absolutely no major retailers will be stocking them."
Every episode of Chibi Godzilla Raids Again is now subtitled, a fine excuse to get acquainted with one of the Reiwa era's biggest surprises. No stakes, no budget, just a bunch of Toho's biggest stars acting like a bunch of fools.
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There's always more Godzilla toy news than this column can hope to cover, but a few highlights:
Bandai's ever-expanding Movie Monster Series will release Gamera 1965, Gyaos 1967, and Battra larva later this month. The defunct Daiei Kaiju Series last offered a Showa Gamera in 2006, and never covered any of his foes from that era; here's hoping Gyaos is the first of many.
Hiya Toys now has the license to produce figures from the Toho Godzilla films, not just the Monsterverse.
Super7 will be selling ReAction figures of Godzilla chomping some helpless people on a subway train at San Diego Comic Con. They just get it (and hopefully the many of us who aren't going will have some way of getting it that doesn't involve scalpers).
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The new unit in Godzilla Battle Line is Monster X/Keizer Ghidorah. The former evolves into the latter after his first death. Keizer is a heavy hitter with a twist: he regains 20% of his health with every defeated foe. Great against swarms, but you don't see too many of those these days.
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Believe it or not (many are still in denial), but Pacific Rim turns 10 on Wednesday. Thankfully, per this Tweet from director Guillermo del Toro, the effective start of the Kaiju Renaissance (and one of my all-time favorite films) won't go unrecognized on its first big anniversary. I'm guessing a cast reunion?
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More translations from Noah Oskow await on Toho Kingdom, these a collection of synopses of early versions of Godzilla vs. Mothra, Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II, and Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla from the Toho DVDs. Much of this has been translated in greater detail already, but the later drafts are interesting.
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hd-wireless · 1 year
HD Wireless Fest - Claiming Time!
🎤 Hi hi, we're your wireless mods, and have we got news for you! You better listen. Get ready, all you excited creators, and leave those ‘should I?'s at home. Alright! 🎤
🎵 Giddiness is rising, patience is getting low According to all sources, this fest's the place to go 'Cause it's finally claim time You're going to be glad you came For the 7th time in history It's gonna start raining claims.
It's raining claims, hallelujah, it's raining claims, amen Check out all our juicy prompts, and let yourself get Absolutely soaking wet! It's raining prompts, hallelujah It's raining prompts, Drarry prompts, One tall and blond, one dark and lean So claim your prompt and write your scene. 🎵
Yes, you heard correctly. It's the 7th annual HD Wireless fest, can you believe it? And we have so many amazing prompts to shower you with. Put that umbrella away and soak up whichever prompt you want to write, draw or record using our super-absorbent CLAIMING FORM. Juicy self prompts are very welcome too!
Check out our fic and art prompt list HERE and our podfic prompt list HERE
N.B.  We have a cap of 80 fic claims. There is no limit on art or podfic claims.
Don’t forget to check out our Rules which will explain how to claim and how to self-prompt.
Gushing gnarf Icarus-in-flood Moister-chill
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cyb3rscoups · 11 months
Your Majesty: If I Ain't Got You
"You should get out there."
Attuma could always say such words but putting them into action was ten times harder. This reigned true while they lay bare against her satin sheets again.
The church bells had rung and the announcements and invitations for the queen's birthday ball had reached the entire nation. Now that everything was in place, it was time to get out of bed.
Okoye couldn't think about her birthday ball or all the people that would be bustling through her palace like mad men to get ready for it. Her senses were all crowded with him. His heart beat thumping against her ear as she laid her head to his chest.
The tickle of his fingers around her arms, tracing down her spine. His lips soft against her head as he mumbled sweet nothings.
The birds had chirps and the roosters had crowed, but nothing could draw her away from this man. Her man. In private, anyway.
"It pains me to leave this bed." She groans into his chest, her hands running down his abdomen.
"Finally, you see how I feel."
"Yes..If only things were a bit different."
They thought of it often. A different life where they could live happy and free to love each other. Where Okoye's crown was nothing but a piece of jewelry.
"Mmm." She hummed, lifting her head to look at him. "It is my birthday."
"Happy birthday, my love." His finger hooked under her chin, lifting it to meet his lips in a tender kiss.
Her lips parted naturally as she started to melt in his touch and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. The gently finger turned into a firm grasp on her cheeks to keep her in place.
The kiss grew hot and messy as Okoye struggled to keep up with his dominance over her. She pulled away with a gasp as her eyelids fluttered with dizziness.
"I will return later to decorate your foyer." He sealed the promise with a peck to her cheek and a sly smirk as he left her quite bothered on the bed sheets. "Would you like purple or blue?"
"I would like you to get back into this bed and finish what you started!"
"I don't have time, your majesty." He pulled up his pants and buckled them as slowly as he could, turning to face her as she watched the scene.
"You dare leave me unsatisfied?" The question came out whinier than she wanted it to but as she ached for the relief only he could give her, her tone of voice was the last thing she worried about. "Do not play games with me, Attuma. Be nice."
"Where is the fun in that?" He buttoned his shirt and shrugged on his jacket, shooting her a wink.
Within a mere hour after Attuma had made his departure, the palace became bumbling with workers of all different trades, all putting i. their greatest efforts to please their queen.
Okoye had insisted on over seeing things in the palace, promptly giving Nakia a night off.
“Could we make it a little higher?” She shouted to the men installing her crystal chandelier, dead center of the ballroom.
They lifted the structure slightly and upon seeing the smile on her face, they secured it.
“Oh this is all so beautiful.” She ogled around the area, doing a bit of a spin and making the workers giggle. “Where are the tables?”
“Down the hall, your majesty.”
Okoye turned on her heels, making her way down the hallway and into the dining parlor. Tables had covered the room and there was surely a seat for every guest.
“Good..Is Attuma around?” She asked the ladies maid following her as she made her inspections.
“I’m not sure, your majesty.”
“Well, he did show up. Yes?” She peered over her shoulder at the woman.
“Yes, he was accounted for.” She confirmed, fidgeting with nervousness
Okoye huffed, placing a hand to her hip in irritation. “So where is he? Never mind, I’ll find him myself. Do not follow me!”
The queen tuned the rest of her words out as her feet started to carry her through the palace, down to the kitchen and up into the foyer.
She even checked the garden and pool for him but she hd no luck. Surely, he hadn’t left. He wouldn’t of without seeing her first at least.
Her irritation grew with every second that she did not find him and her palace was much too big to search for him forever.
“Where is Attuma!?” Her foot met the ground in a frustrated stomp.
“No reason to shout, your majesty. I am here and I would like to introduce you to my assistant, Vanessa.”
The woman linked to his arm bowed with a beaming smile on her features. “Pleased to make your acquaintance, your majesty.”
Oh he knew what he was doing. Her arm secured around his and his smug smirk as Okoye’s face twisted into a form of distaste.
“I didn’t authorize her.” She spat, unable to address the girl without losing her mind.
“Your majesty, I could truly use the help.”
“Attuma, a private word.” She didn’t check to make sure he was following before she made a beeline for the stairs and they disappeared down one of the many hallways.
Once they were clear, Okoye let him have it.
“If you wanted to have a mistress-“ She slapped his arm.
“Wow. That’s low, Okoye. I am not screwing her.”
“Oh please! I am not in the mood for games!”
“Do you really think me a fool? To step out on you would be absurd.”
“You are right because I would have your fucking head!”
“Okoye.” He stepped forward only for her to step further back. “Come here.”
“Do not touch me!”
“She is only a ploy to rile you up. I had a stupid idea that if you saw me with someone else, you would claim me publicly.”
“You know that is impossible.” Okoye scoffed, finding his trick childish and turning to go back to the foyer.
Attuma rolled his eyes, finding her claim ridiculous.
“Is it? Really? Because it doesn’t seem that far fetched. Stop walking away from me, woman!”
He caught the fabric of her gown just as she was ready to turn the corner, using the material to yank her back flush against his chest.
Carefully, and against her protests, her lifted her up by her waist and carried her to her bedroom, softly plopping her down on the bed.
“You will listen to me.”
“I am in no mood for you!” She stood with a huff as he blocked the door off. “Move!”
“Say you love me and I will let you leave.”
“There is no point! We will never have a life together!”
“Say you love me, Okoye! I don’t care what we have together! As long as you can tell me honestly that you love me, I could die a happy man.”
“Attuma..” Her eyes brimmed with burning tears.
“Okoye, I love you. I have always loved you and I always will. Whether you are queen or not, I love you. There are no conditions to my love and I need to know honestly if you love me because I can not stand it anymore.”
“I love you.”
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tutuandscoot · 11 months
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📍Worlds 2017 Post FD
I don’t think I’ve ever seen this moment.. discussed, and as I was watching this comp to make another post recently I got stuck on this moment I’d seen several times, but it hit me in the feels more significantly this time round.
First let me set the scene (which you can go watch for yourselves on the full video here starts at 3:30:40).
Once the competition has finished, VM make their way from backstage under the stands to the k+c/ marshalling area for the medal ceremony. But before that they are to give an interview. A camera person has followed them out to this area and there are a few different people wanting their attention. First, someone from the US fed/team who shakes their hands (says congrats) then one of the competition officials asks them something, then the lady who congratulations them and tells them she will do their interview. They can’t go straight to the k+c yet however because the team who competed last (right after VM), HD are still there (and after a disappointing skate are still being consoled by their coaches). So VM patiently wait off to the side. Then it’s here when this gif starts.
TS only had Marie with them in the K+C, however both Marie and Patch watched their skate and knew they had won- despite not being the last team to skate, they had a large enough lead after the short to essentially render them unbeatable (even with his misstep). When they left the K+C after their skate, they unlikely watched the final team or knew the final result as it pertained to HD, so as they came out for their interview they were probably not fully aware of what was happening in the K+C- obviously they saw they were sad but maybe didn’t know their final placement. Both Patch (and that other coach I don’t like) were with HD in the K+C, so Patch comes from there over to VM.
Now, let’s not kid ourselves, we all would like to admit that there is nothing ‘wrong’ with two men embracing like this- and we’d be right- there absolutely is not. But inevitably just bc of.. society (more so social norms of the past- it’s hopefully changing now) this is not the most common thing to see, and therefore, at least for me and I would assume many others, illicits more of an emotional reaction just bc we don’t see it all the time. It shouldn’t be weird- it’s not weird, but it’s still not something you see everyday.
So with that out of the way… what a truly beautiful moment this is.
I’m not gonna go all on again about Scott and what he was dealing with personally that season (iykyk if not hmu and I’ll tell you/look at some previous posts), he’s said even by earlier 4CC that season he was emotionally wiped, so by now, with the relief of the season finally being done, they had won, there was no needing to hold it all together for the sake of competition anymore. You could tell in the K+C after their skate how drained he was, at least to me it seemed it wasn’t just exhausted from the skate or the misstep, it was a culmination of things.
We’ve looked at previous posts the wonderful way T took care of him in those moments in her own quiet way and just being herself- being there with him was everything he needed (being with her (holding her hand/looking in her eyes) was the only time he felt ok 🥺).
But of course they were not alone in this comeback- and they made sure everyone knew that. The support they had from their team was as important as the support they gave each other, and it’s interesting the different ways that support is displayed- the similar yet different ways between T&S and either of them with a coach.
As I said-in the k+c, he was so obviously drained of energy, emotion, I felt so bad for him but also so proud of him and them for achieving what they did that year, and bad that it wasn’t as excellent as they wanted that final skate to be. Here waiting off to the side, it may be the lighting on his face but he almost looks like he’s about to cry, just so depleted of energy. It may have been that he saw Patch walking over and that was the look of near tears.. The way P seemingly doesn’t even say ‘congrats’ to him/ them. Obviously all skaters/athletes in general have special relationships which their coaches so it’s not like this is whole exchange is unique, but just the way there is communication without words- same thing S has with T but in a different way that is unique to them. The way S almost falls into P, like he just needs someone to hold him up bc he’s so exhausted. P goes to him like ‘here, let me hold you’- that’s what S needed to ‘hear’ in that moment rather than ‘congrats’. Also to see two men embrace like that (& esp when you know the relationship in this case is very special). It’s not a hug of ‘congratulations’ because he doesn’t really need to congratulate them, they don’t need that from their coaches, or more they don’t need it verbalised in that way. They have a deeper connection with them and for P+S, P knows what S needs in that moment is to just be cared for as a human.
I’m so freakin attracted to S for this reason- that he’s so open with his emotions and accepting and giving of affection. Describing him/them often as ‘soft’ isn’t a joke- it’s what they are and it’s an umbrella term to describe their affection and sensitivity.
Then if all that wasn’t beautiful enough, the way T just gently steps back a little to give them space. She is not being excluded, P is of course going to hug her as well, she does not find this awkward. She knows S needs a hug from P and so she gives them that space. I’m really not explaining it very well but I know what it says when I watch it and I’m just hoping y’all reading are getting what I’m trying to put into words.
This all goes back to TS’s just unbelievable level of knowing of one another and now having coaches who they trust enough and want them to be on some sort of level of knowing with them. The way she can be part of that hug without being part of that hug. How they can support each other with out being the one hugged/doing the hugging. The way they are so gentle with their emotions towards each other and create a safe space for each other to feel what they need to feel.
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