#we don't condemn him tho
himlis · 3 months
I had to
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totally agree with Donnie
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heartburstings · 1 year
like i don't disagree that jason can be an unlikeable little guy (i'd even argue that it is, in some parts, a feature and part of the larger point), but what i don't understand is that the "solution" to this is that the show should not be about him and peter and should instead be about 2 other characters. because it's like. so dismissive to me. like forget jason for a minute and think about the themes of the show as a whole and tell me it would work if jason was not one of the main characters. like how would you build those themes and explore them without just changing the story and characters entirely
#wynn speaks#not gonna tag it bc if that person sees this post i'll scream out of fear bc i am a coward first person second#but it's like#if the show revolved around nadia and ivy... how would we explore the same themes. they hate each other (until all grown up)#i guess i could see it working in a kind of rosencratz and guildenstern are dead kind of way tho but w/o the fourth wall breakage#but idk. to condemn the whole show just bc it centers around peter and jason bc it uses peter and jason as the main tools of how#it examines homophobia and how it interacts w society and expectations and the harm we can do to each other#i don't think the show would have the same impact if everybody in it was Flawless. they should be messy!#and the reasons WHY they are messy are on full display! and they struggle with it! with themselves and each other!#like sorry jason is an asshole and u don't relate to him. he was kind of written like that on purpose tho#where even someof the writers/actors were unsympathetic w him (iirc)#and sorry that you saw a musical about trying to understand each other in spite of how we expect others to be#and assume them to be as according to what society tells us#and then proceeded to ignore it bc the 2 gayboys in the late 90s/early 2000s were not relatable or appealing enough for u. sorry.#love is love tho live ur truth and whatever#^jason icon haver pretending he is not biased in jason's favor#like i don't disagree with disliking jason. like i like him but i get it if you don't like him. but come on#idk i might be going crazy. i'm studying for exams so that's part of it. but like. AM i going crazy tho
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frociaggine · 2 days
Good morning,
my sister and I as queerish catholicish people* have been fascinated with the the new pope drama.
Anyways we were wondering about context.
When the pope was asking the vatican to "tone down the faggotry" was he
Deliberatly condemning homosexuls in the vatican?
Asking vatican employees to stop gay sex while at work.
Asking vatican employees to stop behaving in a stereotypically gay way at work?
Asking vatican employees to stop being so extra? This is pope Francis after all. He's not really a big luxury guy.....and maybe he finds the drag race aesthetic to be at odds with votes of poverty. (The documentary "Paris is burning" might correct that misunderstanding...but I can see how a general apeal to tone down extragance combined with a new slang phrase in his second language could cause this.
I do understand that whatever the context for the quote was, pope Francis used the wrong term.
But Im really curious what he was trying to accomplish.
Also how do I pronounce your new Url as I relay this information to my family?
*I am a practicing queer raised catholic and she a practicing catholic at a queer independent catholic** church
**yes its existence shocked me to, but they have like 18 members and a local epicable let's them met in thier space in off hours. And they take nor give any money to the vactican and sing the old mass.
Ok your sister's queer independent catholic church sounds honestly cool af. Hope they're having fun in there.
Context: the Pope was telling (Italian) bishops that the Church should discourage gay men from joining, and "there's too much homosexuality (faggotry) in seminaries already." We don't know the context as this was leaked, but if I HAD to make a guess I would say_ 1) This is undoubtedly a homophobic statement 2) this is coming from a guy who feels strongly that clergy should respect their votes of chastity, which a lot of priests straight-up ignore.
So, like. Francis HAS gone on record saying that gay men are likely to falter in their vocations or whatever. But if I had to speculate, and I don't believe I'm being overly charitable here, I think the point of his speech was, "By the way, priests should not fuck, remember that? And maybe men who are into men are more likely to fuck their colleagues and keep quiet about it, we all know it happens way too much."
But yeah tldr: he WAS "deliberately condemning homosexuals" in a "gay people are more likely than straight people to give in to the temptations of the flesh" kinda way. Which IS homophobic but not outrageously so, and I think very much in line with his overall line re: queer people in the Church, kind of when he said "Blessings to same-sex couples are fine! It's not the same thing as a real marriage tho."
I think it was a remark that wouldn't have raised any eyebrows among its intended audience if he hadn't used that word, which gave people who don't like him a lot of ammo to discredit him and motivation to leak the story. That's also why I think there's no way he was aware of the full implications of the word — would this pope say slurs in private? idk. maybe. I don't know him. Would he say slurs in front of an audience of bishops when half the Vatican can't stand him because they think he's a dangerous third-world outsider and a hardass? No fucking way.
At least that's my take. I'm gonna @monstrousgourmandizingcats who may have better insight.
this is how you pronounce it!
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waitmyturtles · 8 months
Preamble! I had a HELL of a day yesterday, woof. So if this comes out garbled, y'all will know why. I'll try to keep this short, but... I'm likely lying to myself, let's see.
TW: FORCEBOOK -- I'm going to say a few words about ForceBook below, so if words about ForceBook are not your thing, please move along!
I'm gonna start this post with thoughts on the three main pairs, and then get some last little thoughts out at the end.
a) I have a feeling that I don't need to write THAT much, because the lovelies @lurkingshan (here), @neuroticbookworm (here), and @chicademartinica (here) all covered the top points of this episode nicely: this episode was a BostonNick WIN. On Nick, dear Chica nailed it so hard that I will have to link AND screenshot her m'fucker:
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(Nick says the first line below, with Boston saying the second:)
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Fuckin' a. There are two reasons why I STANNED BostonNick in this episode.
1) First of all, as you see above, Nick still had to be a tiny bit of a shit. Nick was in Atom's shoes once. Nick remembers the feeling of having feelings for someone who didn't have feelings back for him. So Nick took a little passive aggressive dig at Boston by calling Boston's sex and predilections "terrible."
And Boston shot back at Atom -- and maybe indirectly at Nick -- with his perspective on sex: "[h]ow can you love me after sleeping together just once?"
I've written before (and forgive the foggy mom brain, but I believe @emotionallychargedtowel has also written on this), that the hormonal experience of sex can impact people in incredibly different ways. Some people, like Boston, feel no connection with the person he's slept with after sex; other people, like Nick and Atom, catch feelings. All of it is normal.
What happened in the dialogues that we were privy to earlier in the series vis à vis Nick and Atom was that WE, the audience, heard THEIR perspectives, and the narratives allowed US to contemplate sympathizing for them -- by playing off of a general assumption that an audience would JUDGE people like Boston for having casual sex. Boston's positions on sex (heh) pissed off people like Nick and Atom! So Boston got fuckin' wiretapped and smeared by these dudes.
However: BOSTON REMAINED CONSISTENT, CONSTANT, AND ACCOUNTABLE to his position, AT ALL TIMES, that he wasn't someone who caught feelings after casual sex. I am sure for many sectors of the Only Friends audience, that this may not have been easy to parse, especially considering the very early and popular judgements levied against Boston. (For the record, I never took Boston as a predator, and I established my thoughts early in the series run on this as rhetoric about Boston's "badness" around sex was flying around. I'm a Khai girlie. Boys, girls, and non-binary friends can be playas, too, and deserve to enjoy their sex lives without judgement.)
What I UTTERLY admire about the pace of this series vis à vis BostonNick is that it took its TIME in establishing Boston's AGENCY to be able to LEVY his position on sex SO STRONGLY and CLEARLY, with Nick's support. While much of the series allowed the popular and condemning rhetoric to swirl around Boston, this scene put a fuckin' NAIL in that coffin. I believe this scene said: you can't only listen to one side, the crying, sobbing side of a person who wants another person after a one-night stand. You HAVE to listen to both sides. The hormonal aspect of wanting to be close to your sex partner is valid, but also -- if the other side is talking, you MUST listen to what the other side is SAYING.
Boston was always clear about his position -- and Nick and Atom HAD to take responsibility for their unreasonable demands from Boston after their one-night stands with him; unreasonable, because Boston CLEARLY stated to the both of them that he wasn't a relationship guy, and would not be forced into it. And both of them ignored those statements, and all hell broke loose, TWICE.
2) HOWEVER! Boston realized, after spending more time with Nick than with any other sex partner, and after he lost his friends, that he HAD caught feelings for his fave, his Nick! Remember last week, when I got all mewdy that MONOGAMY might be the dramatic device that the show would use to "redeem" Boston? BLECH.
Paraphrasing! "I want to spend the next few months loving on you," or whatever Boston says?! FUCK, YES! Nick, all OVER this, setting boundaries, allowing himself TIME and SPACE to figure out what's best for him, with both Dan and Boston! SHIT, MARK PAKIN SHOWED UP! Omg, BostonNick for the win.
My head's spinning, because that was seriously one of the BEST conversations I've seen written in a drama about the consideration of a relationship and a status check. That impressed me as much as Pharm asking Dean for a break in UWMA -- and then Pharm straight up LIVING HIS LIFE, BBQ pork grills and all, without Dean for a few months.
And. Boston was cool with Nick's boundaries and thoughtfulness. Boston knows what he wants, but he's not gonna push Nick into anything. Boston knows time is ticking, but will wait for Nick's answer.
It was so cool to see. My heart was full.
So that pairing, the NeoMark/BostonNick pairing -- SOLID.
b) Moving on! Thanks to @lurkingshan, I got clarity on what the fuq was happening with Sand and Boeing. At first, I thought Boeing was a little SHIT for showing up to Sand and stirring unnecessary drama in his ex's life after getting rejected by Mew. (Mond, though. 🤤)
But, as Shan pointed out to me in my insane day yesterday: Sand has a problem saying no to dudes. (Homey, RELATE.) So like, then they all go back to Ray's place, and Ray KNOWS that Sand has trouble setting boundaries and saying no, because that's what Sand's mom said to Ray, but also, that's the way Sand's been engaging with Ray himself, and Ray will DEF know what will be up if Sand gets closer to Boeing again, and Ray's like, uh, come into my pool so we can nip this in the bud?, but no, we know what Jojo's thinking, so.
I mean, have sex already, you three, chop chop. I see the FirstKhao gworls on my dash not happy about not having a complete episode of SandRay peace, which I get, but also, this continues to reiterate my bleh on Sand, which like -- get a backbone, Sand. You have a literal boyfriend now, and you're still not saying no to dudes? What if Mild strolled in for a foursome? (NO, DON'T TURN THAT DOWN, SAND, DON'T.) But I'm just saying -- maybe listen to a person in your life, like your mom, to set some boundaries, like your roommate. I'm throwing my hands up in the air on this one, but at least we may get our threesome, and, Mond.
c) Okay, last pair! TopMew. For a hot second, I was impressed with Top.
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I liked this, ::waves index finger in a circle::, this worked.
But I have decided. I'm done with ForceBook. I just -- please remember the TW, FB girls. I'll get back to TopMew in a second as characters, but this was my first ForceBook show, and it might be my last. Watching them is as exciting to me as breaking down Amazon boxes.
We have seen Mew waffle this whole dang series. (WELCOME BACK, THE ONLY FRIENDS VENGEFUL WAFFLE! HEART YOU, @starryalpacasstuff!)
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And there was more Mew waffling, more talking to moms, and Top is just like, I'm gonna peace out, DEUCES, and then, OF COURSE, HE COMES BACK INTO THE KITCHEN, LIKE HE NEVER LEFT THE HOUSE AFTER SAYING HE WOULD (I cackled), and then they're together in bed. And now they'll move in together.
This was a BIT of a storyline ride. But -- and I HAVE TO ADMIT, part of this is my tiredness talking -- I'm just kinda bored of ForceBook at this point. Do I actually get the sense that Top is *excited* about Mew moving in? Do I get the sense that Top and Mew *love* each other? I.... don't! Is it the chemistry between ForceBook? I.... I think so? I think so!
And, so... Mew will try to convince Ray to accept Top in the next episode? I dunno. (Episode 12 previews, we've learned to distrust them.) As much as I want to try to sit here to analyze TopMew at this point, I kinda just wanna throw my hands up in the air and be like, I'll leave these characters to fiction. And I think it's because I was unfortunately spoiled by the FANTASTIC chemistry emanating out of Neo, Papang, Mark, First, and Mond in this episode (MARK! MONNND. PAPANGGGG.).
I have to admit it, and I'm sorry to admit it. ForceBook do nothing for me, acting-wise and chemistry-wise, and I am done struggling with analyzing TopMew. I'll let 'em be.
d) Last thoughts! Bye, Cheum. We haven't had enough of Nonnie in this series, and I wanna see Nonnie as April dump Cheum's ass and break shit in episode 12, the way Nonnie's real-life brother goes and breaks shit on social media. Way to hold no one, including yourself, truthfully accountable, Cheum.
(What in the. I would love a Soonvijarn episode on Jojo's thoughts on Cheum one day.)
Anyway, bye, B.
THAT'S ALMOST IT! Ephemerality? I hope Boston makes a whole bunch of righteous new homies in NYC. This whole series has made me sick and tired of proximate friends, lol. We'd better see Mond suck face with Khao and First. Andddd, bleep, bloop, that's all I got!
[EPHEMERALITY SQUAD, second-to-last weekend meta for ya! @slayerkitty (SK... I am so tired, lol), @ranchthoughts, @chickenstrangers, @twig-tea, @neuroticbookworm, @lurkingshan, @distant-screaming, @clara-maybe-ontheroad, @thatgirl4815]
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zeephyre · 4 months
Where do I even ??? start ???
I haven't been posting c3 as the episodes dropped in...a while actually, like right before they went to the feywild. i have many thoughts and many feelings about so many things that have happened since then and I'll summarise them so I can get to THIS episode.
fearne and ashton - love their shard powers, they're literally royalty and terrifying, and i want them to make-out. i can't wait to see them go full primordial again in a real combat situation.
imogen - save her. literally save her. free her, even. i love everything about the call of ruidus when it comes to imogen on a narrative standpoint, but...God I get so worried that we're gonna lose her. I don't mean she's gonna betray the hells, but...ruidus could take her and then i would simply perish.
laudna - before i really get into wtf went down this episode with her and she who must not be named, i gotta say... im worried. very very worried. however, that fireball was objectively the best shit ever.
fcg - i can't even really remember anything stand out abt fcg except what Sam pulled last night so.
chetney - still the heart of the team, still my baby girl, still my favourite. love him to bits.
orym - i think laudna is going to beat his ass one of these days and im... even more concerned about that after this episode. his nana morri powers are cool as fuck tho... does that make him a warlock now? i know he isn't multi-classing but wouldn't that be cool
the moment imogen reached out to ruidus and matt mentioned that she could sense where other ruidusborn were i fucking knew that otohan was high tailing it in their direction, and i thought they instinctively knew that too but they probably got so distracted.
we were travelling for hours and had a huge fight that almost got them captured (not to be confused with the OTHER two fights that almost got them captured) and I was begging and screaming and crying for them to get a long rest safely hidden away AND THEN THEY SPLIT THE PARTY WITH BARELY ANY SPELL SLOTS OR HIT POINTS AFTER BEING DRAINED FROM ANOTHER BATTLE WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM
(Sidenote, the willmaster really opened up the door to the further increase in moral pondering in a certain number of hellians. i do think using the harness is disgusting and hypocritical, but i don't condemn them for it, it just...makes me wanna vomit thinking abt what ludinus did with it. not to mention the HUNGER parallels between laudna and ludinus...its just not good yall. also??? objectively funny that fcg seemed weirded out by the idea of killing the willmaster, not just with the harness but in general, considering how many people they've killed up to this point)
idk if its just the inherent terror that an evil old hot lady can inspire that makes otohan so much more terrifying to me than ludinus. like, objectively, ludinus is a worse threat and could wipe them out EASILY but jesus otohan is like the damn reaper to me. it's the trauma from the laudna, fearne, orym massacre mixed with the underlying little drop from their uthodurn romp that let us know that resurrection spells are NOT working and idk if that got fixed bc of time passing or distance from the leylines but i really did not want to test that shit out in real time
thank...god that sam riegel is a damn genius player, that banishment of fcg and fearne was the ONLY reason fcg survived. and thank GOD FOR KEYLETH BECAUSE WITHOUT THAT CLOUD SPELL BELLS HELLS WOULD BE VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY DEAD RN.
God, "otohan has us. run." is going to haunt me just as much, if not more than the almost tpk. it just...shot me straight back to bassuras and the plan to run that just...immediately fell apart.
god fcg truly could have died there. and fearne would be captured. i know the hells would be too stupid and too brave and too loyal to leave fearne with otohan in their cloud form but can you imagine a world where fcg was gone, fearne was captured and the hells had to switch from recon to rescue... itd be stressful but pretty fun.
thankfully it didn't come to that and some good came from the shit.
ruidus is so beautiful. i was worried they'd end being trapped under ruidus while they explored (not that I wasn't on board with the detours, I wish this wasn't a time sensitive mission), but matt's imagery of the fossilized elven structure and garden made me sad but also happy that we got to see it.
God...we could go back to keyleth and the others and actually invade ruidus without encountering the ruby vanguard. (that's if they're alright because otohan did go out onto the battlefield and we don't know what fhe fuck she did when the illusion fell through)
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blitz0hno · 7 months
Why I'm Voting Inno Mikoto even tho He Definitely Did It
or should I say DID i-*🏏smacked*
TL;DR like many I do not believe a word John says, but I also don't think he has the entire truth. Meanwhile Mikoto's amnesia is near undoubtable. With two unreliable narrators and solid evidence of self-defense, I think we need more before declaring him guilty.
I'm here to be Mikoto's lawyer cuz John ily but you suck at it 😭
Now onto why I'm voting Inno:
Mikoto isn't lying when he says he doesn't remember murdering those people, at least not entirely. The memory is in his subconscious, but he can't even remember the faces of his victims because they were both so out of it.
I believe what we see in MeMe is safe to assume to be his first. The first mannequin smashed onscreen is this one:
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That looks like a damn FNAF jumpscare lmao this tells me that his baseball hobby probably saved him from getting jumped at that train station, but it came at a heavy price.
That's where John comes in. To handle the feelings that undoubtedly came with taking a life and having to hide the evidence.
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Generally in DID alter's memories fall into one of 3 categories (my observations of myself and other systems):
That event happened. These are all the details. I feel nothing about it.
That event happened and I remember everything I felt like it was seconds ago, but I couldn't tell you specifics
That event happened??
The latter two can safely be assigned to John and Bokukoto. The first one is what we're missing.
I saw someone point out how the train could symbolize that he can never go back (credit urself in the tags if u see this it was a good one) to before he killed.
That brings me to our final scene.
Remember how John split to handle the feelings of that stressor? The feeling of unsafety, pure adrenaline, and righteous anger at the attacker is a horrific thing, but once you experience it you change. In order for an alter to handle the reality of something, it must be accepted somehow. John's way of accepting it is not remembering their faces, only his expressions and actions. That's probably why he's so aggressive; constant fight-or-flight mode.
Mikoto (Bokukoto), like with whatever happened to him in early childhood to cause DID, is unable to accept these realities because doing so would shatter his world (it turns out constant fight-or-flight isn't great for your social life).
So about John's statement that he didn't know any of the victims even though he totally did, at least a little;
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John is reading the room and there it is: unsafety, pure adrenaline, and righteous anger at the attacker. That's all he needs to feel to know that it's time to protect Mikoto.
That's not the face and mannerisms of a man who bashes skulls in for kicks. This shit was personal.
I can't tell if it's one or two victims in the second clip here, but I strongly believe they had something to do with his work. His subconscious is really harping on how much his boss got on him and how stressed it made him. Something happened that pushed them over the edge. You don't call your mom after you kill for fun (or maybe you do idk). You call your mom when you know you're fucked.
John initiated the second killing but I don't think he was the only one making a conscious decision. That said, I don't have enough details to condemn Mikoto to another unforgiven verdict.
So, where will we find that info? Well remember RGB Mikoto/Trikoto theory (kudos to whoever coined those too)? Well when I broke down the compartmentalization earlier I hinted that there's a strong chance that SOMEONE remembers every detail, but feels nothing and lays dormant.
Good old green Mikoto, the only one we haven't seen speak yet the one who's given us the most detail so far (via MeMe).
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Even if not and Bokukoto remembers more than he's letting on/gets in contact with John, the crime itself isn't unforgivable beyond a shadow of a doubt yet even with multiple victims. His reasons are still cloudy.
Also I like him
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I've been thinking about the way bioware and dai specifically seems to view mages as a collective in a really weird way (particularly when contrasted to how they view templars as individuals).
My main example is Fiona and how you can deal with her after In Hushed Whispers. In CotJ the judgement quest it unlocks is against a Templar superior who allowed these awful things to happen. However in IHW because they want you to judge Alexis and also have Fiona stick about, you can never judge Fiona for selling out the mages. Your moral judgement on the mages joining forces with tevinter has nothing to do with the person in charge who made the mages do go through that. Instead you must judge the mages collectively: either they are all bad for this decision and deserve to be put back on a leash OR it wasn't their fault and they should ally with the inquisition.
Mages also do this with Anders. The game seems to be deeply anxious you'll believe all mages are like Anders and so, in inquisition, all mages will condemn him apart from super duper evil ones who we find burnt corpses of (like the ones carrying his manifesto on the Storm Coast who appear to have been involved in some kind of demon summoning). There isn't a lot of nuance in their approach to Anders (bar Hawke depending on choices made in previous games) - instead all mages hate the war and all mages hate Anders for starting it. Having a small faction who feel this way would be wonderful! But it's the mages. They all must feel the same (and if they don't they're evil and worth killing or possessed by demons).
And then all of this is sorta compounded by the fact that like. The templars are never treated this way? As a collective? Cullen's narrative basically forces you to see them as individuals ("in another life I could have been them") and there are multiple times the red templars are referred to as good men and women just following orders of a mad man (Samson) and really it's all his fault (this is particularly the narrative enforced at Samson's trial) - even tho the red templars have LITERALLY been rounding people up to make lyrium out of their bodies but no the only evil one is Samson all the others were good like Cullen (which I'm ALSO side eyeing despite his character development he was a bad boi as a Templar) and became bad because of Samson and a few superiors alone.
And it's so weird because actually these two groups should have SUCH diversity. Having factions be conservative in both is very interesting (Viv remains one of my favourite characters in all of dragon age for her complexities and nuance when it comes to this) but having all mages be either: super duper apostates who are later demonised or conservatives who are angry at the super duper apostates it's just like. Stop. Trying. To. Make. This. Issue. Static. Uggggggh. It really gets my goat.
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is it just me or has aeon and ada become even more popular because of the remakes (despite what haters say)
i think that a lot of people who were ada antis that switched were typically (not always tho) hating on her because they were jealous or they misunderstood her character. i think that a lot of the new fans are strictly leon stans and lack the critical thinking to go beyond their simping
it takes a certain amount of time and effort to look into a character that you vehemently dislike because you've already mentally written her off, or she's "in the way." and i don't necessarily blame them but i do think it's kinda stupid to hate on characters without knowing much about them (at least the people who hate on characters and make that their personality. I hate tons of characters- i just don't talk about it much cause i care about my time lol)
i think that SW was always made in a way to make the audience sympathize with ada. she's always been this morally grey character that (with most people who lack critical thinking skills) has always been painted as a villain- when arguably every single re character has does something morally wrong or has just straight up worked under actual villains in the stories
there's no morally good re character imo.
if we were to take this into account, it would be hypocritical to call all the other re characters morally just while condemning ada for her actions in the same breath.
i've already mentioned that i think the way they wrote luis's "redemption" arc was made in such a way that it was written to necesitate the story and was made into just a plot device. and i do think that if luis was written to be a woman, he would not have been given just a pass in what he had done.
ada's point of contention was always that she did what she needed to survive, and on the basis of what she deemed morally correct. people who paid attention to her story always knew she would kill if she needed to, BUT she would also do what she was think was the better option. she weighs two evils and chooses the lesser one.
i hear a lot of complaints from antis that her "saving" leon doesn't erase what she's done. and no one is saying that it does. but we have to remember that she doesn't owe leon ANYTHING. she could easily have left him to die. from the very start, if we were to assume the role as ada as our own pov, LEON is the one that wouldn't leave her alone.
i think that it's difficult to read characters that have their own sense of morality. when people do bad, you assume they're bad. but people aren't like that as a whole. when main characters like leon or chris do morally reprehensible things, it's because of the narrative, it's written as such so that the ending is still good.
the changes within SW was definitely to make the audience sympathize with ada. with her infection, with how the other characters treat her, with the way she carries herself. she knows what's she's done, she's "made peace with it," it's literally in her opening monologue.
tl;dr yes
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ca-suffit · 13 days
I have a question for you concerning the show and racial education. Like, it's wrong to call Armand manipulative? Bc I found him very manipulative, but I don't want to sound racist telling it. How should I point his faults? Or I shouldn't?
It's not wrong to call Armand manipulative or Louis a liar or any of those things. Every character is complex and u can say that out loud! It's great to have black and brown characters have these layers instead of be one dimensional stereotypes. It's also good there's so many of them around too, not just one or two. U don't have to worry about sounding racist for commenting on what the writers and actors are saying is there for u to see in the characters.
What makes this stuff racist is if u were to talk about it in a way that reveals ur own bias. This is what a lot of the white fandom ppl do. A rly obvious way would be like "u can't trust Louis to tell the truth, he's black," or "show Armand feels less innocent than book Armand." Most ppl aren't doing that tho. Usually u'll see it in ways like how Lestat's behavior is talked about in a way that's easily forgiven, misunderstood, or going to be revealed to be a lie, but *everything* shitty about Armand is true, no question. Then there's usually a doubling down of "it's not about race, it's in the books!" The show has so far not given any indication that Lestat is innocent of anything, so to want everyone to lighten up on the white guy but say the brown one is "clearly" evil is gonna make u sound racist af.
Ur meant to feel uneasy about Armand rn, about Armand and Louis, about the theatre, all of this stuff. All of these characters are doing things that are fucked up and meant to have u questioning everything. If u look at how ppl write, u'll see how often Daniel and Lestat are seen in positive lights for doing fucked up shit that black and brown characters can't do without being instantly condemned. How many ppl said Louis is the worst for anything he does to Daniel but overlook *all* Daniel's behavior towards Louis (AND Armand AND the staff)? If Lestat were the one doing those things to Daniel, ppl prbly wouldn't even notice. Did u see ppl complain about Lestat making that man slap himself in the theatre in S1? Even when Lestat is doing some antiblack, outright abusive shit to his own family, the fandom is calling it "cunty." No other character has done anything close to that but we're supposed to forgive him already because that was all "Louis' lies" and "we'll see the truth soon" (that it was all Armand, wtf). Louis does a fraction of a fraction of that to a white character, who is consistently being disrespectful towards everyone, and he's "gone too far." Do u see the difference? We're going to be seeing more of Armand so u can watch how the fandom is gonna be racist af about this in real time. Ppl will not be as affectionate to him as they were to Lestat. He's going to instantly be said to be "bad" and "evil" and Loumand is fucked up, Louis needs to go back to Lestat etc. These are things u can rly think too, it's not racist to not like Armand or Loumand because it *is* fucked up. But u'll see the difference still tho. Ppl who overly imply "it's not a race thing" when hating on Armand, Louis or Loumand are probably racist because there's no reason to have to clarify that if it's not. Nobody rly thinks ur racist for saying stuff ur supposed to notice. Nobody needs the black and brown characters to be perfect, we know they're all fucked up too. It's the *way* u talk about it.
damn this was long lol. I hope that made sense? anyone can add on too if u wanna elaborate on this. I know white fandom has ppl fucked up on this bcuz they're telling everyone "the others" all think u can only talk positively about black and brown characters and everyone hates Lestat cuz he's white but that's not true. They're lying to make u hate specific ppl on purpose and victimize themselves. It's typical white supremacist "logic," like politicians do when they say CRT promotes racism, or stealing the word "woke" and turning it into a negative association in ppl's minds. get educated about their bs so u can avoid getting manipulated by it.
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solarwynd · 2 months
The PR strategies all weird cause whoever leaked a video of jk with woman in his house but few days later the guy came and told everyone bes got no gf? I mean he could leave it at that yet he cleared cause he was getting comments but heyy he didn't talk about video and we all know there's too many coincidences happening in that video to say he's not jk, that is him with his dog nd a woman in his apartment Period.
The RM one was Funny for me cause it was Clearly intentional there was no "accident" there. He posted because he wanted to, he deleted because people saw it and the job was done. I remember he also posted a pic where you can visibly see a cigarette 🚬 burn mark on his pant and armys caught it right away at that time so no one was surprised he smoked. Jk's cigarette scene wasn't surprising for me but armys are stupid to think it was invasion of privacy i mean to a point it was but he also knew what he was doing. They could have done more with dating rumours like click a pic of him where it's only him and the woman in the frame if they actually wanted to make a pr stunt with that rather than whatever they did. That is only if it was pr stunt otherwise we don't condemn any privacy breach. Always hoping it's the members that reveal their partners on their own than all this drama.
About the jk doing lives after live and singing all of jimin's new releases that was something else.....i wasn't surprised that he used to sing jm's songs but it was unexpected given "jikook" were no where to be seen, but the first live that he did and watched all of jimin's content was actually surprising for me. Idk what anyone else belives tho but from whatever i have seen over the years one thing i belive is jungkook loves jimin as an artist. He admires jm alot. You ask him about other members' songs he might not know it but if you ask him about jimin's songs he'll know all of it with lyrics and choreo at good level. He always watch jm when jm is rehearsing like he's always there sitting infront of jm watching him when he's performing. I mean who wouldn't that's jimin who's performing. But of course this mfkr will never admit that like he'll do for RM. I was actually expecting him to be more vocal for taehyung's album too but he was inactive a whole month when tae's album Dropped and i even saw tkkrs throwing tantrums that he never supported tae the way he did for jm etc. I mean technically tkkrs would help him for so you'd expect more for jk also given they were together the whole yr. But even when Taennie paris video came he went live few days later and was simply enjoying his lives it was when Angel pt1 was released and he was singing it, doing tiktok choreo for his betsies' songs and all. Tkkrs were disappointed then too but they always find a reason to cope so they did. He Infact that way actually showed more support towards jm than other members During his drunk live era lol. As you said it could be that he wanted fruits from both ships but then Shippers are either way going to support him, infact tkkrs needed more as tae's paris video was circulating. But we don't like it when others say jk was promoting jm cause we all know it's armys watching his lives so I'm hesitating to belive he did that for support from Shippers.
At the end i would say if jm ever does such dating rumours pr he can simply drop the hd pics and we'll be happy. He either way doens't have too many crazy y/n like the other two, and we'll get rid of shippers too. Imma throw those pics on Shippers' faces.
Them Dora bangs he had were real bad. And even with as grainy as the vid was you could still see the shape of them clear as anything so it was him lol.
Joon doing what he did honestly felt like he wanted to join in on the other member’s revealing they smoked cause he felt left out, but atp it was no longer a novelty. (for BTS)
Jk’s relationship with Jimin is difficult to decipher because it’s no doubt they’re on good terms with each other and I do agree with him holding some type of admiration for him but it’s not really akin to how he is with hobi or joon. I’d always dread when he’d go live because I knew there was always a chance he’d mention jimin in someway and that would be all it took for jimin’s report page to start posting R&Bs like rapid fire. And it’s crazy because he would be the one initiating it but jimin would still get hated on.
TH doing all that cheerleading for JK, going to his live show just for him to ghost him for his debut was 🥴 but nowadays I’ve felt like their relationship is symbiotic on that end. Like they know when to dial it up with each other to get what they want for themselves so probably didn’t mean anything to him that he didn’t.
If Jimin wants to reveal his S/O down the line he will. He’s very private so I doubt he’d make it a spectacle. Unless he gets married then there’s no way that’s not getting publicized in some way.
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moregraceful · 5 months
Im sorry you're experiencing bay area traffic (hell), but also you DO probably know what I want to know about. It's the other classic bay area experience.. it's the boba fic 👀 (tbh I want to know all of them ofc but I feel like boba fic has won my loyalty. Obsessed with it)
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THANK YOU to both of you for asking sorry I am replying to this a billion years late I am fortifying myself with a milkshake and answering some asks starting with this one. I don't actually remember what the meme said so I am just going to give you the outline of the plot
Mario Brent boba au...BASICALLY what if Brent broke up with Mario when he got traded to Carolina and he was a total dick about it bc he was like...the love of my life, my child bride, Mario Ferraro my one and only, he deserves a better life than taking care of some old ass broken down guy (Brent has at this point seen how Joe and Patty's bodies have just...internally combusted even tho externally they got hotter when they retired) and he's like I'm at the end of my career I CANNOT condemn a life of caretaking to the light of my life who is so young and so full of life. BUT HE'S A DUMMY BC MARIO WOULD CHOOSE HIM!! MARIO WOULD CHOOSE HIM EVERY TIME!! but he doesn't KNOW that so he breaks up with Mario in the worst timing (after sex) and leaves for North Carolina.
Mario obvi having the worst senior year of his life misses his boyf doesnt want to stay in the Bay doesn't want to move back to Toronto John is applying to Americorps in Arizona his life SUCKS....graduates and for several years he is so miserable having fucked up Grindr hook ups that are psychologically destabilizing, tries to have relationship or two with various SF boba baristas but he's just like i WANT my BOYFRIEND back. And Brent calls him at the worst possible times (drunk, after winning games, in the hammock in Sebastian Aho's backyard) and Mario never picks up and Brent never leaves a message which is even MORE destabilizing. Mario gets a job at Facebook and wants to die.
Then obviously the Canes win the cup and Mario is glued to the entire cup run obvi like it's BRENT he wouldn't miss this and when Brent raises the cup he like has to turn off the TV and go for a long walk in his dumb SF neighborhood that he doesn't even enjoy living in and ends up at the beach (ig he lives in Outer Sunset) and just stands in the water feeling miserable until he can't feel parts of his body and then goes home. Tries to sleep. Can't. Brent calls. He doesn't want to answer but he does.
This may be the one boba fic my dumbass GM can't nerf...I had another one abt Nick Cicek having a toxically bad hook up with Mario and then he must decide between Mario and Montana Onyebuchi. Then my dumb idiot GM traded Cheech and Montana refused to sign. This has happened to [checks notes] three different boba fics bc we simply cannot trust an NHL gm in this day and age...but Mario and Brent are already tragically separated so at least I have that going for me.
Maybe Mario's neighbors in his apartment in Outer Sunset are Mackenzie and Kaapo. And they own a purse dog named Magnus.....who's to say, really.
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the-bird-and-the-flute · 11 months
Ikegen - Yoritomo - Night attendant event
warning: NSFW, don't interact minors
the event name is this one -> 夜伽契約~過激に寵愛されて~
Bruh I was expecting sth completely different ahahah
I thought yoritomo's story was going to be fucking savage and they were going to fuck nonstop, but that was not the case 🙃
Actually, yoritomo was really sweet to MC (although obviously he did make her suffer from anticipation in some moments)
The plot was interesting. MC is an apothecary and she works for a lord who requested her to make a poison to kill someone. But MC refused.
Then the lord locked her up. While he was nagging that she fucked up his plans, he decided to offer her to yoritomo as a 'gift'. If she does her job as a night attendant well, he will free her.
Later, we see her already in Yoritomo's room. He was kind to her since the beginning. He was amused to see her reactions each time he kissed her lips or earlobes. MC didn't know what was going to happen to her, but she had sth to say to Yoritomo. She didn't know if he'd believe in a night attendant, but she tried anyway.
She told him her lord was maybe doing something illegal. Yoritomo told her he invited her to this room because he knew she was hiding something. He let her tell her story, but at the same time, while she was trying to explain the situation, he kept touching her boobs and neck. He was having such a good time hahahahahaha
MC managed to concentrate to finish her story. She told him that her lord was maybe committing fraud. Probably that was affecting the shogunate. But it was never clear to me what was the real connection between the shogunate and MC's lord. Yoritomo told her he couldn't do much yet cuz he needed more pieces of evidence to confirm what she just told him.
Shogun told her he'll keep her as his night attendant for the time being because if he gives her back to her lord, he might punish her or something. MC was happy to see that she was safe for now and that he believed in her story. I don't think they had sex that night tho.
On the next day, Yoritomo told her the good news. He talked to her lord and lied that she did a terrific job last night so he wanted to keep her a little longer hahahahha. I wonder if he actually said that or if he was just teasing her to see her reaction lmaoo
According to him, the lord has some servants in the palace right now, so they need to pretend they are having a good time as the servants supposedly are hearing their convo right now (he whispered that to her).
Then he tells her to fake some moans ahhahahahaha. His face asking this was so funny. Why he is like that? My taste for men is questionable
MC moaned last night when he was touching her but it seemed very realistic hhahahah
But she is not in the mood, you know? lol So he stimulates her by touching her body. Then she proceeds to do her 'fake moans' to his delight. He made sure to tell her that her 'acting' was really good
I deadass think he was lying here when he said there were servants listening to them, but who cares? I loved it. Want more of that.
A few days passed. MC's lord invited her for a chat. He wants to know if she said something she was not supposed to. When she asked what exactly he was talking about, he pinned her down saying that he can't understand how someone like her could caught shogun's attention.
Yoritomo slammed the door once he heard her screams asking for help. He said he was not an idiot to allow his woman to visit her lord alone. Also, while they were in the lord's place, he gathered enough evidence to condemn him for fraud.
I love that in this part she questions herself if Yoritomo was acting or not. I can't blame her cuz in several occasions in this event I was not sure either if he was just playing games or if he was being honest. But in this moment I can guarantee he was worried about her a lot.
MC is once again in Yoritomo's room. She asks him if this is going to be their last night together as Yoritomo said before she would be free once this was over.
He tells her once again that he likes her a lot. She has a good heart and he is not bored when she is around. I thought Yoritomo got a liking to her so fast in this event XD
The shogun asks her if she wants to be his mistress. She accepts it.
I didn't read the sweet/normal yet. Need more points :D
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broodwolf221 · 6 months
this isn't so much my theory abt DA4 as it is my delicate little hope for DA4 but
I'm p confident Solas will manage to tear down the veil, and I'm p confident that the voice at the end of the new trailer was Elgar'nan
I'm also p confident that Mythal is still alive - she's in Solas to some degree, and may or may not be exerting a level of control. idk if he genuinely thinks he killed her or if he knows that he took her in instead, but possibly the latter with her implication that this kind of transference can't be done without consent
I think there's a good but not absolute chance that Solas will end up back on the protag's side partway thru the game - my hope here is that we're not actually allowed to kill him bc he's a necessary character, but we shall see!
now for the less certain stuff, with some headcanons to contextualize it:
1. I think Mythal and Solas were very close in Arlathan and very possibly were lovers - the description of the lyrium idol and their interaction at the end of the base game both imply a certain intimacy
2. I believe that Mythal was a good person in Arlathan, that Solas' description of her being the best of them was based in reality
3. It feels likely that Mythal was a victim of domestic abuse from Elgar'nan, given descriptions of his character and her being said to be the only one who could calm his fury
4. Very possibly Flemeth's story parallels Mythal's story, in that both had a meaningful lover outside of their marriage and both were condemned for it - this similarity may be what drew Mythal to Flemeth
5. Considering that the Evanuris, the strongest mages in the world, tried and failed to kill her - then the HOF couldn't kill her - then Solas either didn't or couldn't kill her... she may not be indestructible but the Evanuris are damn near impossible to kill. She may be uniquely survivable, and her having aspects stored in other people and possibly the lyrium idol may be part of that, but either way, I don't think she's any kind of dead. She might have been weakened by the attempted murder, but that's all, weakened
6. See also: Solas was implied to be one of the Evanuris (and one of the Forgotten Ones), which also implies that his strength in Arlathan was comparable enough to be considered among their number - and he couldn't kill them. The best he could do at the time was imprison them. Given this, I don't see Mythal dying in DA4 being inevitable or appropriate.
so with all that said: my aforementioned delicate hope is that Mythal ends up joining the protag, maybe directly, maybe indirectly, idk, but I want to see her in her own skin as a standalone entity. and I want her to be a big part of how Elgar'nan is defeated. and then I want her to live - I really don't want her destroying herself to save the world or anything, bc even tho that'd be powerful in its way, I don't want to see someone who's written as a very plausible domestic abuse victim having to die to stop her abuser. no matter how carefully and well done it is, I'd find that cheap and belittling
I think she and Solas need to work some shit out, and I think both of them should be part of the final battle, and I think both of them should live afterwards. I want Solas going off with a romanced Lavellan if that's imported and keeping in touch with the friends he's made - Mythal could either go off mysteriously as is her way, or possibly lead the released Evanuris towards a different kind of society and culture, one that's more in line with how she was trying to shape them back in Arlathan
I just really don't want either of them to die
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Hi Daisie, sorry if this is hard to understand as English isn't my first language. This is just theorizing and I'm not saying it will happen. If Harry ever decided he wanted to stop having beards and doing the stunts and to just live his life as a gay man but without making an announcement about it, like a glass closet basically... and I know some say he is in one but I disagree because he still has beards. If he wanted that for himself... to be 'out' but without announcing it, whether that is being seen in public with Louis or with another man if they're not together anymore, possibly referring to a boyfriend in interviews or music, or even just being publicly single and keeping his private life private but wanting people to know he is part of the lgbtq+ community.... how would any of that be possible when fans, tabloids, gossip pages like deuxmoi are constantly making up lies about him? Sorry if that's confusing. A glass closet basically. But that seems impossible for him because if he is publicly single then the tabloids and deuxmoi constantly make up lies about him hooking up with every single woman, even if he's never seen with them. Is it possible for any change now?
Hi dear,
Regarding your question about whether it would be possible for Harry to live as a gay man without making a public announcement, it is technically possible. He is already sort of doing that. We've seen him express his queerness more and more over the years. And he's said he wants to keep his private life private and that he has shared his sexual orientation and relationship status with his close friends and family. He's also said he doesn't feel the need to share that publicly at this time. And that's what he's comfortable and happy with right now.
As for the gossip and rumors, that just comes with being a celebrity. It will never stop because it is a caveat of being in the public eye. But also, the rumors ultimately don't matter. They may be annoying, but Harry himself has said he's chosen to ignore those types of things so that they don't impact him or his mental health negatively.
All he can control is himself, not the stuff that happens around him, and from what he's said over the years I think he's made peace with that aspect of fame. So if he gets papped laughing with someone and the gossip circle spreads the rumor that the person is his newest girlfriend, then so be it. He knows who the person is, and the tabloids ultimately don't matter to his every day life and his true self.
But in regards to him mentioning a boyfriend or being seen with a boyfriend in a manner that makes it clear they're dating - that in and of itself would be him coming out, even without a statement, and the media would go absolutely nuts regardless of him speaking on it or not. Again, that's the nature of being a celebrity, and specifically Harry Styles. The biggest aspects of his image are his dating life and sexuality speculations, so there is no way to keep something as monumental as that quiet. It would turn into a huge media news cycle, everywhere. With the general public and in all levels of fandom.
So really, there's a fine line between his queer expression right now and a more outwardly expression of it like you described. Right now his actions can still be straight-washed. Hets can still ignore the gay pride, gay sex innuendo and queerness. But even then, it's becoming harder to. Now there's 2 sides to it: one in which his gay pride gets erased, and one in which he's condemned for the gay agenda he's spreading with his rainbows. It's an amazing exercise in willful ignorance.
Of course, him being a queer man has been slowly more accepted tho. Even 2-3 years ago we would get laughed at for thinking he's queer. Or before that, called homophobic names for suggesting THE Harry Styles would *ever* touch a pride flag. So things have changed. The conversation regarding Harry has become more open to his queer expression, even in the gp. So that is progress. Even if the tabloids continue to run with made up hookup stories.
In terms of beards, I don't think he'll be able to entirely stop that unless he's getting ready to make a public statement about his personal life. But, in my opinion, it doesn't sound like it's something he wants right now. It's obvious he enjoys his privacy, and wants parts of his life to remain private. And that includes his sexuality and his partner. This is what's safest and best for him at the moment. For *many* reasons.
We can't forget the current world we are living in. While it may seem accepting of the queer community compared to 5, 10, 20 years ago, we are seeing our rights stripped away every day. No joke, every day. Rights that we fought years to have. Just taken. In 2023. Homophobia and transphobia are being normalized again. Homophobic and transphobic legislations being accepted in all levels of government. In the US, gay marriage is at risk, just 8 years after it was legalized in all states. And while the entertainment industry may look like they celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, it is still a cruelly homophobic institution that will crush a queer person, even if they are at the top right now.
This post is highly relevant.
Ok, this turned out to be super rambly. Hopefully I addressed what you were thinking about.
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
what brought on the robb post? not saying i don't get your frustration tho.
a part of me actually wants sansa to refuse to forgive him for it, and a part of me wants her to forgive. idk, I'm very conflicted. but ultimately i want sansa to do what's best for her emotionally
also i assume the other people is jeyne westerling? I would love for sansa to meet jeyne, because I think they would get along so well and sansa would understand jeynes pain. but there also much potential for resentment and spite and conflict and guilt.
theres also a parallel between jeyne not feeling enough for robb (as you said there's an desperation about her to please) and sansa realising that she and arya were not enough for robb as trades.
all of this paints such a painful picture but I feel like jeyne and sansa meeting could give them the comfort they need - sansa could tell jeyne that she does not blame her for the red wedding, and jeyne could tell sansa that her brother- things that would be a balm. because whatever robb decisions, i also think it would be really unfair to claim that he didn't love his sisters. he did- just that their welfare wasn't always number one- and that's kinda the point of his character. the fact that they live beyond him is significant.
(post referenced)
Hi anon!
Nothing in particular prompted it at the time. Just a random burst of indignition at the hypocrisy in this fandom.
Honestly, I don't think that Robb's decision to essentially abandon his sisters will be brought up again in a significant manner. It may be touched on briefly if/when his will makes an appearance, but I don't think there's a lot of room to examine this particular emotional wound or, say, Ned's damaging neglect of Sansa. Both characters already saw themselves axed by the narrative, and this would not be changed by Sansa either condemning or forgiving them. It's for the reader to judge. I suspect that GRRM is more likely to invite comparison by showcasing contrasting behavior by other characters. Like "Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa", or by continuing to highlight Brienne's determination to keep her vows to Catelyn and find the Stark girls.
What I definitely don't see is Jeyne Westerling and Sansa meeting. No one actually blames Jeyne Westerling - which is a little suprising given the misogyny within the setting and her mother's betrayal - but she was literally his own age and demonstrably in love with him. For once, everyone recognizes that the power in the situation (to honor his betrothal or break his word) lay entirely with Robb. Jeyne is witnessed by multiple people being furious over what happened to him, she publicly tears her clothes to show her defiance and her grief.
She doesn't need Sansa's reassurance, nor would Sansa ever be tempted to withhold it. Of all of Robb's choices, I don't think she would disapprove of this one. There's no conflict there, and I don't think GRRM would take precious page space away from more pressing plotlines to address a non-conflict.
Also I'm actually too critical of the Robb/Jeyne relationship to want to see Jeyne subsumed by more interaction with his family, save pershaps Catelyn. Certainly not to post-humously absolve Robb of any wrongdoing, which definitely did exist and which doesn't need to be neatly shrugged off. I want Jeyne to emancipate herself from the role of Robb's odd wife, from the role of his widow. She's a strong-willed, compassionate character, and we only really realize that after Robb is out of the picture and she stops trying to cater to his needs. I prefer it that way.
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Hey! After seeing all That with the birdname terf going down and what you said, I, the person who submitted Cyrille (from 5 Minuten Harry Podcast) wanna clarify some stuff:
First off, I'm trans. Maybe not be that relevant but let's establish that. And yes, I do condemn JKR, don't think anyone should give her money and frankly even frown upon most fanworks that weren't started before it became widely known.
Secondly, the podcast does in fact criticise JKR (tho unfortunately not for the stuff that matters) very frequently and the creator has gotten in legal trouble with her and Warner Bros before (over copyright, she made an extremely popular abridged HP series when I and most of the german tumblr population were teens and some pre-teens) so even though she sometimes pays lip service to them, we can probably take that with a grain of salt.
Thirdly, outside the podcast itself, coldmirror (the pod's creator) has criticised JKR more than on it, including calling her an idiot or something to that effect for "everything she's doing right now" back when her being a terf became widely known tho she didn't get more specific than that. Also, the podcast started wayyy before then, it started so long ago, Alan Rickman was still alive. There's even a mention of his then recent death a few episodes in since coldmirror had a major crush on him for decades and he's how she got into HP. The format doesn't really allow for changing the subject matter after the fact and it was massively popular from the get go, coldmirror's most successful project in years, possibly even outshining that abridged series by now and so I get she was incentivised to continue it.
Fourthly, coldmirror herself is very much a problematic fave and we all know it. Due to the massive influence that abridged series and all of her later works had on my generation, we do still love her, but we know she's far from flawless. Even so, all the times after JKR's terfness became known that coldmirror mentioned spending money on HP stuff for research (eg different versions of the movie that show different parts of the screen since the whole podcast is about overanalyzing every frame and background details) she has always bought it second hand. She did go to Wizarding World pretty early on and took pics of props etc there but that was before. Still tho, we know she's not that great a person, even tho we all love her. And that's not just me talking, I dare you to find me three germans above the age of 20 on this site who dislike coldmirror. It'll be very difficult.
So, was it a great submission? No. Is the podcast problematic? Yes. However,
Lastly, Cyrille was never intended as a serious submission. Iirc it was very late, I had submitted like five in a row and I got a little silly with it. I did not intend for her to end up in the tournament, I 100% counted on her being disqualified and simply you mentioning her as a little shout out to my fellow germans. I think I mentioned something to that effect in the submission but it appears I was not unambiguous enough about her not being a serious submission. Sorry about that.
(Oh, and the playing with gender part wasn't intentional btw, coldmirror read the name Cyrille, assumed it to be feminine and from that sprang the fictionalised Cyrille, even tho the real Cyrille is a man. She did acknowledge this way, way later in the podcast.)
None of this ofc is all that relevant to the discussion regarding the bird terf, but I figured you, personally, might appreciate the extra context.
(In response to this post for those seeking context.)
Don't worry, you were perfectly clear about it being a joke, but including it I only had 62 characters for the bracket (and I wanted 64) so I seeded it in last place behind my own choices.
And yeah, pretty much every podcast (and book and television show and-) I have at least some issues with, and some of those issues are large enough that I no longer derive enjoyment from the show despite liking other aspects. I think recognizing the "problematic" aspects of art is necessary to have any useful or fun conversations about it, and acting like everything must have both ideological and executed purity only results in people ignoring, denying, or trying to hide the issues that are there. Which personally I find boring, frustrating, and can often ruin my enjoyment much faster than the problematic aspects themselves.
Thank you for submitting the characters, and for your insight into 5 Minuten Harry Podcast!
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