#was gonna color it and then realized I had no idea what color ruin's eyes are
(loosely based of the time my friends stole my phone and took 50 pictures)
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pov your roommate is working but you found a funny cat video
just a quick lil doodle comic for @sunnyys-jarss's roommate au; it's really cool and if you haven't checked it out already do so, they're awesome and their ideas are amazing!
individual frames under the cut:
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teamatsumu · 4 months
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exclusive. (gojo satoru x reader)
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summary: A series of moments with Gojo Satoru, leading to the moment you realize you’re in love with him.
word count: 2,223
warnings: swearing, fem!reader, friends to lovers (?), jujutsu high shenanigans, this is pretty harmless fluff
tags: @keiva1000 @kindnessspreads @msbyomimi
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Anyone who met Gojo Satoru for the first time had a visceral reaction to him.
Either they found him loud, obnoxious and annoying (both Shoko and Suguru described that as their first impressions of him), or they were starstruck by him. After all, he was Gojo Satoru. The wielder of the most powerful cursed technique in the Jujutsu world at present. The brilliant Six Eyes. And even at such a young age he showed potential that made the higher ups nervous.
And he was easy on the eyes too. Tall, lean, porcelain pale skin, hair like snow and eyes brighter than the blue skies. It was in the way he carried himself, shoulders set back, chin held high, imposing and demanding that all eyes met him. Girls were endlessly obsessed with him, with the idea of him. And he ate that shit up.
You however, would argue that you didn’t have any impression of him at all. He was just there. Okay, that was Gojo Satoru. Cool. Time to just shrug and walk away. He wasn’t exactly someone you had to interact with daily. He was a year older, in a different class. He had friends of his own. And he was quite literally famous. Why would he bother with you?
What you didn’t know about Gojo Satoru was that he didn’t need any reason to be obnoxious. He just was. Seeing someone indifferent to his existence lit a fire in him, and he was adamant on making sure you noticed him. One way or the other.
“So it doesn’t matter to you if I’m cursing you out? As long as I’m paying attention to you?”
You eyed him, watching as he leaned back on the two back legs of the chair he was sitting in until it teetered dangerously. The action kind of put you on edge but you would be damned if you let him know that it bothered you. Mostly because if he knew then he would never stop doing it.
He snapped his fingers and grinned in the affirmative.
“All press is good press.”
You gave him an incredulous look. “What does that even mean?”
“I don’t know, it sounds cool.”
You rolled your eyes and turned back to your textbook. A bout of silence fell on you for a few brief moments, before Satoru felt the urge to ruin it again.
“You’re not gonna fail.”
You didn’t look up. “Thanks?”
“So stop studying.”
You sighed, still not looking at him. You flipped a page. A hand grabbed at your open book, shutting it with a soft thud. You finally turned to glare at the boy. Over the curve of his shades, his eyes were as blue as ever. He grinned wide.
“There she is. Hey, pretty girl.”
Another thing about him, he flirted endlessly.
Your scowl deepened, trying to will away the heat that rushed to your ears. It was annoying, almost frustrating, how easy he thought it was to get under your skin. Saying shit like this as if it didn’t mean anything. Casual. Unserious.
Your train of thought broke when he reached forward and pinched your cheek hard. You yelped and pushed him hand away, wrestling against his strength when he tried to twist closer to you. By the time Suguru and Kento walked into the classroom, he had you pinned on the desk and was messing your hair up the best he could while you called him every colorful name you could think of.
Suguru didn’t bat an eye. Kento just sighed. This was, unfortunately, normal.
You, of course, didn’t fail your exam. Surprisingly, neither did Satoru, even though you had not seen him open a book once. Practical application was one thing (Satoru excelled in that of course), but how did he manage to get the theory right? He had spent every minute of his prep days either bothering you in person, sending you endless text messages, or lounging around in your room and watching TV. The fact that he passed and was now a third year was more surprising to you than the fact that you passed. At least you studied for it.
“You just wanted me to fail so I would be held back for the year and we could be classmates.” Satoru grinned, peeling open a packet of those overly sweet jellies he loved eating. You snorted, turning over in your bed and pulling your sheets up higher. It was nearly 10 in the morning, and Satoru had woken you up with the news that results were out and both of you had passed. Your body was still sluggish, eyelids heavy with exhaustion and residual sleep.
“Is that your breakfast?” You watched him lean back and shake the entire bag of jellies straight into his mouth from above. Your face twisted in disgust.
“Yup. Gotta start the day right.”
You didn’t bother to argue, shoving your face into the pillow and hoping it would suffocate you to death. You heard shuffling and then felt the mattress dip, grunting when you felt something heavy fall over your back.
“So what do you wanna do today?”
You let out a pained sigh, not bothering to turn and look at him, or his legs that were likely draped over you.
“I was planning to sleep in but I guess I can’t do that anymore.” Your tone was dry.
“Damn right. Let's go to the city.”
“Can’t you go bother Getou-san?”
“He isn’t as fun.”
You turned your head to look at him, just in time to see him pull apart a chocolate bar. Your eyes widened in horror.
“No!” You shoved him hard and he toppled off the bed with a loud ‘oof’, until all you could see was his legs hanging in the air.
“What the fuck?” His tone was more baffled than it was pained. You saw his messy head of hair pop up over the edge of the bed, his eyes wide, glasses nowhere to be seen.
“You’ll get chocolate on my sheets!”
“So you pushed me off?” Before he could pull himself back up, you rushed forward, trying to keep him down, slipping off the edge and falling right on top of him. You grabbed the hand with the chocolate, prying it from his fingers. You placed it carefully on your side table, finally sighing and leaning back, looking down at the boy before you. Or more accurately, under you.
Satoru was wearing a huge, toothy grin on his face, wiggling his eyebrows. He seemed to have completely forgotten his chocolate. His hands rested on your bare thighs, fingers just shy of the hem of your shorts.
“You know what, you can keep the chocolate. I’m fine right here.”
You glared at him, standing up to walk away, but not before you dug a foot into his stomach. Satoru groaned, but still grinned, grabbing your ankle.
“You should just let things happen, baby. We’d be great together, you know?”
You didn’t let his words get to you, nor did you let your mind dwell on how soft his fingers felt around your ankle, or how his hands had felt on the bare skin of your thighs. You couldn’t think about it, because nothing Satoru did was real. He was just playing. He was a good friend who tried annoying you as much as possible. That’s it.
It didn’t matter that he whined your name whenever you ignored him, or how he would wrap his arms around you until you were curled under him, or how he would pin your arms down so you wouldn’t struggle when he laid sloppy, obnoxious kisses on your cheeks and forehead. Your couch was his permanent bed, and he claimed he was there because your TV was bigger than his. You couldn’t understand why he couldn’t just buy a TV for his room. He was loaded.
You don’t know at what point everyone started assuming you were dating, but when Shoko vocalized this perception, you felt like a bucket of ice cold water had been dumped on you.
“We are not dating. What the fuck? I can barely stand him.”
You ignored the petulant ‘hey’ that left his lips, focused on your upperclassman across the table from you. Shoko was blank-faced, giving you a look that said ‘really?’. You didn’t back down.
“We aren’t! We’re good friends, yes, but-”
A snort from beside you, and finally you turned your head to glare at him. Satoru’s lips were twisted into an amused smirk, and the sight of it annoyed you. You felt like everyone at the table- Shoko, Suguru, Kento, Haibara- were laughing at you. Your face burned in embarrassment, so you lashed out at the one man who always bore the brunt of it.
“Why are you smirking? Wipe that off your face.”
He shrugged, ignoring what you said. “I just think it’s funny that you think we aren’t dating.”
“We’re not.”
You let out an exasperated sigh. “We’re not! What the fuck are you on? We’ve never even kissed!”
Just talking about this was making you squirm uncomfortably, let alone in front of all your friends.
“You were practically in my lap in the car on our way here.”
You smacked his bicep hard. “There were six of us! And it was a tight fit! And- you offered!”
He was grinning by now, leaning closer to you. “Of course I did. We’re dating.”
You blinked, shocked into silence. A few moments passed. “This is gaslighting. You’re gaslighting me.”
You heard a snort and turned your head towards Haibara, who tried to disguise it as a cough.
“Okay, if we’re not dating, explain this to me,” Satoru began, pulling your attention back to him. You tried to will your heart into beating slower.
“Would you have put your legs in Suguru’s lap?”
You sputtered, feeling your face burn as you glanced at the man in question, he looked unbothered.
“No! That’s- no.”
“Nanami? Haibara?”
You didn’t answer.
“She’s my senpai.”
“I’m your senpai too.”
You rolled your eyes. “You sure don’t act like it.”
“So what you’re saying is,” Satoru continued, ignoring your quip. His voice was jovial, slightly teasing, and you dreaded where he was going with this. “There’s some stuff you would do only with me?”
You glared at him.
“Almost like…… being exclusive?”
“We are not dating.” Your argument was beginning to sound weaker and weaker. Everyone around you was staring at you with amusement as the gears turned at your head.
“Okay.” Satoru smiled, and you almost reeled back at how soft it was.
“We’re not.”
Oh my god.
It took three or four days later to finally get your thoughts straight enough to talk to Satoru about the….. dating incident.
You had been over analyzing everything, trying to look at every interaction between you and him from a third person’s perspective, and you realized how abnormal it really was. No normal friends interacted the way you and Satoru did. Relentless teasing, touching, hugging. The unending push and tug. Caught in the whirlwind that was Gojo Satoru, you had not noticed how close you were to him, and how dependent you were on his presence.
Maybe he was right. In some strange way, you two were a couple.
You sat with this newfound information, feeling it burn and chip away at your skin, leaving you raw and vulnerable. How were you supposed to bring this up with him? You watched the figures on the TV before you bound around, not absorbing anything that was being said, your attention only on the slowly simmering pot of water that was your brain and your thoughts. When your door swung open with a loud squeak, you finally looked up.
Satoru was humming something to himself as he lumbered in, spotting you on the couch and grinning.
“Hey, what are your dinner plans? I'm craving Korean barbecue.”
You stared at him for a bit, as he toed his shoes off and tried to struggle out of his uniform jacket. It settled in you like a soft cloud, the knowledge that there was nothing to talk about. Your heart skipped a beat, and you stood up.
“I’m going to change.” Your voice was low.
Satoru looked up, lips pursed into a confused pout that you almost thought was cute. “Why? You look great.”
You muscled past the compliment, not letting it get to you. “I’m going to put on a nice outfit. And do my hair. And you’re going to go change too. Dress fancy. It’s a date.”
Satoru watched you, mouth open like a goldfish, as you puttered through the room and to your closet. He was frozen, dumbfounded. It was a new look on him. And you discovered that you liked it very much. You feigned innocence as you turned to look back at him.
“What’s wrong? I thought we were dating?”
That seemed to break his trance, and a cheshire grin took over his face. He didn’t even bother putting his shoes back on, gathering them in his hands and bounding out the door, making you laugh at how eager he was.
Talking was overrated anyway. This way was more fun.
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roosterforme · 10 months
The Younger Kind Part 24 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: When you and Bradley put some pieces of the puzzle together, you realize it was a blessing in disguise that you ran into Meredith. But in the early hours of Wednesday morning, Bradley is hanging on by a thread. How could anyone try to take Noah away from him?
Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4000 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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Bradley strolled out of work with Nat hot on his heels. "She's picking you up?" she asked, clearly surprised by the turn of events over the past few days. When Bradley saw you leaning against the Bronco in the parking lot, Nat gasped. "You let her drive your Bronco?"
"Yeah, I trust her," he replied, taking off at a faster pace to get to you. The expression on your face had him a little worried, and you looked tired, but he was so happy to see you. Because he'd been anxious all day.
"Hi, Natasha," you called out, waving past Bradley as he scooped you up in a hug. "And hi, Daddy," you whispered, next to his ear as he held you.
"Hi, Baby," he sighed, kissing your glossy lips. "I missed you. Did you have a good day?"
You sucked in a deep breath, but then Nat was there, and the two of you were chatting. But your face was pinched and agitated instead of smooth and perfect, and you were playing with your hands nervously. Bradley let you talk to Nat for a few more minutes, and then he softly kissed the top of your head. 
"Don't want to be late to pick Noah up," he told you, and then he gave Nat a hug and took the keys when you held them up for him. "You gonna tell me what's wrong?" he asked as he put the Bronco in gear.
"Why do you think something's wrong?" you asked casually, reaching for his hand. 
"I can tell something's bothering you, Princess. But I'm assuming since you just grabbed my hand that you're not upset with me.
There was a brief pause before you said, "I saw Meredith when I went grocery shopping this morning."
Bradley nearly swerved off the road. "This morning? You saw her this morning, and you're just telling me about it now?" he glanced your way briefly. What happened? Did you get hurt?"
"I'm fine, Bradley." You squeezed his hand and pulled it to your lips, pressing a soft kiss to his thumb. "I'm perfectly fine."
"I swear, she's trying to ruin my life," he growled. "Won't leave me alone. Thinks it's okay to go after you. I'm afraid I'm going to fucking lose it in the courtroom when I see her tomorrow."
"Bradley, let's just go home and have a nice dinner, and then we can talk about it in a few hours after Noah is in bed, okay? You need to stay calm."
But that proved impossible. Bradley watched you with his son, just as patient as ever. You alternated between making dinner and coloring with him while Bradley silently panicked. He had no idea how he could give this up. Even looking at Noah right now was painful for him. And when Noah asked him to get all three of the paper crowns, Bradley actually started crying.
"Sure, bub. Come help me find yours." Noah took Bradley by the hand and led him down the hallway to his bedroom. 
"It's in here, Daddy," he said, reaching for the yellow crown on his dresser and putting it on his own head before giving the bigger green one to Bradley. "Let's get the purple one for Princess." 
Noah climbed up on Bradley's bed, but he still couldn't reach it. Bradley pulled it down and handed it to his son. "Why don't you give it to her, but only if she's not trying to cook dinner, okay?" It was hard to speak with the lump in his throat as Bradley carried his son back into the kitchen. He had his nose buried in Noah's soft hair, inhaling his scent and holding back tears. "I love you," he whispered as Noah handed you the purple crown.
"Oh, are we all matching tonight?" you asked with a soft laugh. But your smile didn't quite reach your eyes as you looked at Bradley. 
"Yep!" Noah said as you slipped your crown onto your head. 
And then dinner was mostly silent. And if you thought it was strange that Bradley held Noah on his lap the entire time, you didn't say anything. The night was going too quickly. Bradley had spent weeks trying not to think about this day, but now here it was, and it was worse than he could have ever imagined. He could barely stomach the food you made even though it was perfect. 
"It's going to be okay," you whispered across the table. 
"How do you know that?" he asked in response. "How do you know this isn't the last night I get to do this?" Bradley kissed Noah's cheek and took a deep breath to calm his nerves.
You stayed silent after that, only whispering something sweet to Noah before you said goodnight to him. Then you let Bradley have some privacy to give Noah a bath and get him dressed for bed. He read seven books to Noah, and he was already asleep by the end of the last one. But he stayed on his knees next to the bed, brushing Noah's curls softly back from his forehead and kissing him a million times.
"I love you," he said, tears filling his eyes as he wandered back out into the hallway. You were cleaning up the kitchen, but when he found himself in the doorway, you gathered him into your arms.
"It's hitting you hard, I can tell," you told him, and Bradley didn't care if you saw him crying.
"I just feel like... all of this shit is beyond my control. I can only do my best. But that's still not good enough to ensure I get to raise my son, which is completely fucked up."
You guided him to one of the chairs and then climbed onto his lap. Your voice was so soft, Bradley could barely hear you. "I just don't see how anyone could take him away from you."
"Do you have any idea how often judges side with mothers over fathers? It's so unsettling, I don't even want to think about it right now."
You tightened your grip on him. "Then let's think about something else."
"I still can't believe Meredith was at the grocery store this morning," he groaned, rubbing his face.
You were quiet for a few minutes, and then you looked at him with your pretty face scrunched in frustration. "She said the strangest things to me."
Bradley was on high alert now. "What? What did she say?"
"Well, she made a comment about how your car is worth a lot of money."
"It's a Bronco, Princess. Not a car." He realized this was the first time he'd really smiled in hours, and it felt good. 
"Yes, I'm so sorry. She mentioned that your Bronco was worth a lot, and she said she was surprised you let me drive it."
He rolled his eyes. "Just because I never let her touch it doesn't mean you can't. She used to wreck up her little sports cars annually and then buy a new one. Doesn't appreciate the classics like you do." Bradley kissed your shoulder and listened to you sigh. "But I guess it's kind of odd that she said that to you. And honestly, I have no idea how much the Bronco is worth. Maybe like sixty thousand? I try to keep her running nice."
You scoffed at him, and then Bradley could practically see the wheels turning in your head. "I looked it up against your VIN number. In pristine condition, your Bronco is worth almost one hundred and fifty thousand dollars."
"It is?" he asked, completely shocked.
"It is," you confirmed. "You didn't know that?"
"No," he said, shaking his head.
"Meredith also mentioned some life insurance money?" you said a little reluctantly. "In an account for Noah?" He watched your eyes go wide as you quickly added, "I'm not trying to pry, and we don't need to talk about it-"
"From my mom," he replied, kissing you softly to let you know it was okay to talk about it. "I have my mom's huge life insurance payout. I never touched a cent, because it was too depressing. After Noah was born, I decided to save it for him. He can use it for college or for a house or.... I don't know, he can sail a fucking yacht around the world with it or something. But it's for him."
You gasped and said, "Bradley, I think Meredith just wants your money."
You watched him slowly shake his head as you scrambled off his lap and went to go get his computer from where you left it charging in the living room. When you brought it back to the kitchen, Bradley said, "Princess, she makes more money than I do. I just don't see how that could be the case. You should see where she lives in Oceanside. It looks like a mansion."
"No," she replied, opening up the tabs she had saved. "She doesn't live in Oceanside any longer."
"How do you know that?" he asked, wrapping his arms around you as you sat perched on his thigh.
You pulled up some property records you had found when you searched Meredith's name earlier. "She went into foreclosure last year and had to sell. She lives in an apartment in San Diego now."
You looked at Bradley over your shoulder, but he was completely silent now.
"What was the name of her company?" you asked, turning back to the computer.
"Coastal Business Development," he said quietly. And a shiver ran through your body. You had been correct in what you found. But now you kept opening tab after tab as he sat there with you. More new information was popping up left and right. She had tried to hide her name by using an LLC, but Bradley knew enough of the missing pieces to help you put it all together.
"She's bankrupt," you whispered, and he gently pushed your hand out of the way to open one last tab himself. You skimmed the court documents and said, "It sounds like she married her business partner, and he left her high and dry."
"Damn," Bradley gasped, going back through each tab about Meredith's real estate foreclosure, business bankruptcies, and personal interviews. You tried to push the computer away, but Bradley kept going back to the same tab, and now he wouldn't even let you minimize it.
"Don't read it," you whispered, pulling his hand away and turning to look at him.
His eyes were void of emotion now as he looked at you. "She was quoted saying she doesn't have any children."
"She doesn't," you insisted, taking his face in your hands. "Not really. But you do. Noah is your son, Bradley."
He let his forehead come to rest on your shoulder, but a minute later, his phone was ringing in his pocket.
"It's probably Nat," he said, shaking his head. "I can't talk to anyone else right now."
He handed you his phone, but you looked at the name and said, "I think you should answer. It's your lawyer."
"Tracy," he grunted, holding the phone up to his face and closing his eyes. You tried to slip off of his lap after a moment, but he held you in place. And then his tone sounded sharp and angry as he scrambled to put the call on speakerphone. "Can you please repeat that last part?"
You heard Tracy's voice clearly say, "You remember how I told you Meredith was in breach of contract with her lawyer? Well, she never paid the law firm. Not a cent. The firm dropped her at the last minute when her funds never materialized. I just found out today. Do you know if she has any sort of history of financial mishaps?"
"Yes!" you said before you could consider if Bradley wanted Tracy to know you were there with him.
Tracy was quiet for a beat. "Are you at home? I'll come to you."
When Tracy arrived after ten o'clock on Tuesday night, Bradley was practically having a nervous breakdown. The hearing was tomorrow. He and Noah were supposed to be at the courthouse in twelve hours. He felt like he was going to throw up.
But at least you were there, touching his hands and his shoulders and trying to make him feel better. You actually were helping him feel better. And then Tracy was in his kitchen with a huge bag, wearing gym clothes and eyeing you a little suspiciously.
Then she looked at Bradley and said, "Ignoring my legal advice, I see."
He sighed deeply. "Tracy, this is my babysitter turned girlfriend."
"Do not call her that tomorrow in the courtroom under any circumstances!" she said hastily. "Promise me, Bradley! I don't want us to end up looking like a pack of idiots when you point her out as your girlfriend."
"Wait..." you said, eyes wide. "You want me there tomorrow?"
"Yes," Tracy said, unloading folders onto the kitchen table along with her computer and a protein shake. "I already have a call in with the judge to have you added as a character witness. So be prepared to answer questions and give a statement if called upon."
"That's too much to ask," Bradley mumbled looking from Tracy to you. "I can't ask you to do that."
You looked at him like he was very slow and maybe a little naive. "You didn't ask me to. Tracy just told me I was. And I want to. If there's a chance I can do anything that might help, I'm doing it."
Bradley pinched the bridge of his nose and tried not to panic too much as you and he showed Tracy what'd you had found online. "Fucking hell," Tracy muttered, scribbling down notes. "I didn't know this was going to turn into a criminal hearing, but here we are." She scrolled through the property records and matched up tax identification numbers, taking everything a step beyond what you and Bradley had been able to do.
"A criminal hearing?" Bradley asked cautiously, but Tracy seemed to be in her own world now.
"Oh... she's slick," Tracy murmured. "Or she believes she is. You would think she'd have known her lawyer wouldn't fall for this. I wonder if she'll even have a lawyer tomorrow..."
Bradley reached for your hand on the table. "Can we just backtrack a moment? What kind of statement will she need to make?" he asked Tracy as he nodded at you. "And what will Meredith's lawyer be allowed to ask her?"
Tracy looked at his fingers intertwined with yours. "You'll just have to answer my questions honestly, without using the word girlfriend! And then Meredith's legal team is going to think it's open season on you as soon as they see your name was added to the docket. If we can even manage to have you added. So if you can't manage to answer their questions calmly and without crying as they try to shred you to pieces, then I suggest you learn how to overnight."
Bradley wanted to put an end to this entire thing, but you cut him off before he could start talking. "Do you honestly think I'll be helpful?"
"Absolutely. Could be the nail in Meredith's coffin, given all this new information."
"Then I'm in. Seriously Bradley, do not argue with us again," you told him, kissing his cheek while Tracy typed away. 
"Okay, I need some coffee. And then let's go over everything from the top," Tracy said, clapping her hands.
It was well after midnight by the time you coaxed Bradley into bed. These last minute revelations were something Tracy insisted were good for Bradley's case, but he was looking extremely apprehensive now. He was raking his fingers through his hair nonstop and pacing around. 
"You need to try to sleep," you whispered, pulling him down the hallway. "Let Tracy do what she needs to do, okay? She's going to be in charge tomorrow. She's good at this."
But he stopped short in front of Noah's door and let go of your hand. "You go get ready for bed. I'll be there in a minute." His voice was flat and his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed before ducking inside the dark bedroom. You were worried, mostly about him. And about how Noah would do when being questioned by the judge tomorrow. You didn't have time to worry about yourself, so that was at least one good thing you thought of while you brushed your teeth. 
You were dressed in one of Bradley's oversized shirts and waiting in bed for a while before he came in. You helped him change out of his clothes, and he climbed into bed next to you. He didn't say anything except, "I love you, Princess," after he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. But he let you pull him into your arms, and pretty soon you were dozing off to the feel of his soft breaths on your forehead and his heart beating beneath your palm. 
When you woke to a pitch black room, you could tell he was no longer in bed with you. You found him sitting on the floor in Noah's room, watching his son sleep, and when you walked in, your bare feet silent on the floor, he looked up at you. Even in the dim glow from the nightlight, you could tell he had been crying again. But he didn't ask you to leave. He reached for you. 
"You're a good dad," you told him with a soft sob as you climbed onto his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Noah is lucky. And I don't believe they could take him away from you. Away from all this love."
He kissed your cheek, and then he smiled softly as you brushed Noah's curls from his forehead with one hand and Bradley's with the other. "I feel like I can't breathe right," he whispered, and you could feel his pulse racing as you pressed your lips to his neck. "I don't know what I'll do if they take him from me."
"Stop it. They won't."
He was silent again after that, and the two of you ended up sleeping right there on the floor. When you woke up as Noah climbed out of bed just after sunrise, your hip was a little sore, and Bradley was still sleeping. 
"Morning, Noah," you whispered, standing and scooping him into your arms. You took him to the kitchen, kissing his chubby cheeks on the way.
"Do you live here now?" he asked, yawning as you turned on the coffee maker. 
"No. I don't," you said, hoping he wouldn't say anything like that when he was questioned by the judge in a few hours. "I'm just your babysitter." He just blinked at you before asking for breakfast.
About twenty minutes later, when Bradley walked in rubbing his back, he made a beeline for Noah while you scrambled some eggs and made coffee. Even the mug that said My Other Car Is a Super Hornet didn't make you smile today. You burned your mouth on the coffee, and you nearly knocked the pan onto the floor. Because every time you looked at Bradley, you were on the verge of tears. Maybe you weren't capable of being as strong as you needed to be today. Now the idea of standing up in the courtroom was laughable. You were going to ruin everything.
Bradley was calling your name, and when you snapped out of your daze, he said, "You need to eat, too."
"I can't," you whispered, shaking your head. "I can't." You left them alone and went to take a quick shower, happy you'd packed a variety of clothing when you stopped home the other day. You were supposed to have a mock interview with one of your peers over a FaceTime call today, so you'd packed a blazer and some nice pants. You'd just have to skip the interview. Honestly, school and searching for a job had been the last things on your mind recently anyway.
You let Bradley get Noah ready to go, and when it was time to leave, you looked at him, so handsome in his navy blue suit. "Will you drive? Please?" he asked, holding out the Bronco key for you to take. You simply nodded, but a moment later, you felt tears in your eyes again. He was sitting in the backseat next to Noah. You backed carefully out of his driveway and headed to the center of the city and the courthouse and Meredith and everything else that you wished Bradley and Noah didn't have to see today. 
The fact that Tracy was chugging a Red Bull and looked like she hadn't slept at all was only making Bradley feel worse as he carried Noah up the stairs in front of the courthouse. 
She rushed toward them and pointed at you. "You're on the docket. Get ready. Meredith supposedly has a lawyer, and I'm sure they've seen the docket update by now."
"Okay," you replied. You were nodding, but you looked as nervous as Bradley felt.
Then Tracy was patting Noah on the head. "Remember me?  I'm Tracy. We're going to do something a little different today, okay Noah? It might seem a little silly at first, because you'll be the only kid here! But you'll be allowed to color when we get inside."
You gasped. "I didn't pack him any coloring books!"
"I have some," Tracy said, patting her briefcase. You immediately looked a little calmer, and Tracy added, "But that's the sign of a good babysitter if you usually pack them."
"She brings me coloring books when she babysits me," Noah told Tracy. 
Bradley held Noah a little tighter. "Made sure I got you the best babysitter around, bub."
Just as Tracy cracked open another can of Red Bull that she procured from somewhere, she said, "Time to go in." Bradley didn't stand too close to you, and he didn't touch you. He followed you inside the front doors at a respectable distance, and you seemed to understand what needed to be done today. 
When Bradley's eyes settled on Meredith, she was already looking at him. And she was standing next to a tall man in a suit. "Well, would you look at that? She does have a lawyer today," Tracy whispered, crushing the now empty can in her fist and throwing it away before walking over to introduce herself to him. 
Bradley had to turn his gaze away from his ex, and he walked a little further away from you. The desire to touch you was strong, but he instinctively wanted to get Noah as far away from Meredith as he possibly could. Bradley's heart was pounding, and a wave of nausea passed through him. 
"Daddy, can we go home?" Noah whispered, wrapping his arms around Bradley's neck. "I don't like it here."
Neither did Bradley. He held his son and thought about Carole, and how she never let anything scary happen to him when he was a kid. He thought about losing everything by the time he was a teenager and about the fact that Noah had given him a fresh start. A reason to be happy. And it was because of Noah that he met you. When he glanced over his shoulder, you were watching the two of them with a soft gaze. 
"Pretty soon, bub," he replied, squeezing his son and pressing his lips to his forehead. "I'll take you home soon. I hope."
Next up is the showdown! Get in my asks with questions and concerns, but we may be nearing the end. Hope you enjoy your fic, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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i9messi · 1 year
Lipstick — Pedri González
Pedri stares at you while you're doing your makeup and he can’t take his eyes off you.
Word count — 675
pedri's masterlist
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"I could look at you for hours. You’re beautiful, you know that right?"
You were doing your hair, while your boyfriend, Pedri, had been watching you with attention. You loved when he gave you attention. There was something different about the way his face concentrated, his eyes narrowed and he looked at everything you did. Pedri could admire you while you do basically anything. You could be watering the plants, and your boyfriend would be watching with a drunk-in-love gaze, a small smile on his lips.
Your heart was so full at the moment and you caught his gaze through the mirror.
You replied to him, "I just... I love you so much, handsome."
You continued to grab different products, once you finished with your hair, you started with your makeup. Pedri didn't move from his place. He was standing behind you and seemed amused by what you were doing.
"What’s that for?"
"It’s concealer, it helps me to hide certain imperfections."
"But you have no imperfections, bonita."
You smiled, "You know how to make me feel better, Pepi."
"Well, that’s my job as your boyfriend, to let you know how attractive you are."
You turned to him and couldn’t help but leave a kiss on his lips. Pedri took advantage of the fact that you hadn’t put on lipstick yet to kiss you as you wanted to. Once you split up, you looked up and down. He’d put on a white shirt and was really elegant. You loved when he dressed like that, although you also had a weakness for seeing him wear sports clothes.
"You look so sexy." you said to him, grabbing your boyfriend by the shirt and giving him a quick kiss, but he had other ideas in mind.
"You’re so sexy."
"Okay, we should stop. We'll be late and you’re going to ruin all my hard work."
Pedri complained that he still wanted to kiss you and you laughed at his silly anger. You continued with your makeup in silence, thinking that at any moment you were going to ask him to do a video recounting and explaining your makeup routine. He seemed interested in what you were doing and he probably learned some stuff while watching.
"What are you doing now?"
"I'm putting blush on my cheeks."
"I always loved that shade on you."
"Really?" You smiled and he smiled too.
"Yes, I prefer you blushed and messy, doing other things, but I like this too."
"Pedri, stop- you’re doing this on purpose."
He had the wonderful idea to act innocent. "Me? I'm just looking at you. What are you doing now?
"I'm putting lipstick on."
"Baby, stop— kiss me again before you put lipstick on."
You turned around and met his brown eyes that you loved so much. Before you could take the next step, he grabbed you by the cheeks and brought your lips together in a desperate kiss. If Pedri kept this up, you were gonna have to tweak your makeup several times. It wasn’t like you cared, your boyfriend’s kisses made you forget anything.
"Wow, you look... just wow. Today I’m going to be a little jealous of everyone who has the honor to look at you. You're stunning."
Pedri left a kiss on your lips, another on each cheek and one on your neck. It was obvious that you were having a hard time getting away from each other.
"Pepi, if you keep this up I’ll never want to leave here."
"Well, I don’t mind. I don’t really want to get out of here either. Right now, all I want is you."
You gave him one last kiss and put on your favorite lipstick color. It was getting late, and between pushing and laughing, you left a kiss on his neck. Pedri saw himself in the mirror for the last time, realizing something.
"Beautiful, did you really leave a lipstick mark on purpose? on my neck?"
"Well, I can’t go out with lipstick marks all over me. We should stay at home."
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courtingchaos · 7 months
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Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
I didn’t edit this, barely read it over, and it has no title. Just trying something new with spitting some stuff out to get the ideas moving again. These cogs are frozen.
Professor Munson Masterlist
“You’re home early!” You shout from upstairs.
Ed shrugs out of his coat and throws his bag on the bench by the door. “Yeah. I was trying to beat the traffic before it started snowing.” He’d gotten out of the parking garage and directly into said traffic, cursing and yelling the whole time. Two hours later he’s finally home albeit in a sour mood.
“It’s snowing?” You’re moving between rooms, he can hear your voice shifting and he has to stop himself from telling you to look out a window. Instead he just nods into the empty foyer while he empties his pockets onto the table there and he wonders when he got so much furniture that he has dedicated entryway pieces.
“Are you in a good mood or should I leave you alone for a bit?” Your head pops over the railing with a smile.
“I have a surprise but I don’t want a bad mood to ruin it.”
“I’m not gonna-”
“I didn’t say you I said your mood.”
Ed sighs and rubs his eyes till his vision color bursts. “Give me a minute.”
“Okay.” Gracious as always to his old man moods you move into his office and he can hear you futzing with his set up in there. The static of speakers coming to life and the shuffling of his records follows him into the kitchen where he stares into an open fridge with no purpose.
It’s November and that means it’s time for his brain to betray him and remind him of his mother. He always does better on the anniversary of her death but something about her birthday gets him. 51 missed celebrations and if he lets his thoughts linger he’ll have another breakdown in the kitchen. This morning had been an accident, his shuffle throwing on ‘Stand By Me’ and Ed had the pleasure of crying into his English muffin before he realized he was running late. He’d deftly avoided music for the rest of the day and driven the whole two hours in silence out of fear of getting stuck in gridlock and getting sucked into another crying jag.
You’ve given him space the past few days with his distant behavior. Noncommittal grunts answering your questions and quiet stares that follow you around the house. He knows he’s being difficult but he can’t seem to pull himself out of it. However you seem to be his saving grace, taking his silence and doing what you can with it. Gentle touches to let him know you’re there, fingers combing through his hair in the middle of the night when he should be asleep. Instead of him bringing you coffee on Sunday you’d gotten up a full hour before him to complete the ritual. Crouched beside the bed to wake him up quietly, a light finger along the shell of his ear.
“Good morning.”
“It’s cold out today.”
“Then get back in bed.” He grapples at your hand lazily to try and pull you over him and you let him. Flopped over his chest awkwardly he wraps warm arms around you and for a moment you think he’s already drifting off again.
A beat before he takes a deep breath and you feel the catch under you. “I miss my mom.”
“Oh hun.” It’s the last thing you say for a while. Fingers card through soft curls and hold his head to your chest and he gets to be vulnerable for a while. Head buried in you, he lets his coffee go cold.
He thumps up the stairs slowly and you come out to greet him on the top step.
“You feeling better?” You’re hiding something behind you, hands tucked tight behind your back to keep his prying eyes away.
“Moderately. What’s the surprise?”
“I’m not telling you out here, come on.” You hold an empty hand out to him to guide him into his office and into his chair.
“So. I spent some money today.”
“Is that the surprise?”
“Kind of. There was an estate sale down the block, you remember Mr. Donaghue?”
“Yeah, the old man who yelled at me for having pumpkins on my stoop after Halloween?”
“Exactly.” You giggle at his outburst. “Well as you know, he passed away.”
“Don’t be like that.” You circle around the desk to his record player and point a finger at him. “He wasn’t all bad, he just didn’t like pumpkins.”
Ed hums again but you continue, grabbing a square package wrapped in newspaper to drop in his lap. It’s heavy when it hits and he gives you a confused look.
“It turns out he was quite the music collector. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many 8-tracks in my life.”
“Did you buy me a stack of 8-tracks?”
You swat at his knee and lean on the corner of his desk. “Just open it.”
The top record sleeve in the stack is red and blue and worn around the edges. Otis Redding smiles up at him and he can feel his throat get tight.
“I heard you listening to it this morning. Sorry.” Your smile is a little sad. “I know these aren’t her’s, but these are all original pressings.”
Under Otis is a sleeve in plastic, Muddy Waters’ face turned to the ceiling. He can hear the the mournful picking of ‘Louisiana Blues’ coming from a distant memory that he’s been pushing back for a few days.
“They cut me a nice deal, his kids. I told them about you loosing your collection and his son was moved.” You laugh and run your foot up his leg, a soothing motion without smothering him in a hug. Eddie is speechless. A stack of records that rivaled his moms collection. Etta and Eartha, John Lee and T-Bone. There’s a few early Bill Withers and Marvin Gaye.
“This is, uh.” His voice catches and he can’t look up from his new stack of treasures.
“I know you’ve got a lot of these already. Records and digital, but I saw the dates on them and couldn’t help myself.”
“No I’m…this is very-” Eddie clears his throat. He brings a record up to his face to sniff inside the sleeve and a tear escapes finally. “Oh fuck me, they smell the same.”
You’re behind his chair to wrap your arms around his shoulders, cheek resting on his head while he quietly disintegrates. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to make you upset.”
“I’m not upset.” He pats your hands resting on his chest before he stands to put the Muddy Waters record on. It skips and statics for a moment before catching on piano keys. He stares down at the record spinning and listens to a pressing just a few years older than him.
“This might be the most old man thing I’ve ever done.” He tries to crack a joke and thankfully it lands with you. A soft giggle behind him before you slide your arms around again to hook in front of him. You’re warm against his back, grounding. Solid and present while he gets lost in his memories.
“Did I ever tell you about the blues bar my mom worked at?”
“No, that sounds amazing.”
“Yeah,” He wraps his arms around his middle to hold over your own arms. “That’s where my dad met her.”
You make a sound of approval between his shoulder blades and nuzzle into him. “So he had good taste in music at least.”
Eddie’s turn to laugh. “Eh, sometimes.”
“So what was she doing?”
He knows you’re goading him into a better mood, something you’re very good at. You have a remarkable gift to plant new memories next to the old. Roots not full of rot, uncrowded by the same trauma, grow around the old and bring green sprouts back into old hurt. He’s sure you’d say something similar about him but right now he’s misty eyed and finding old memories new again. Rose tinted for sure, but with new color in the margins.
“Well, bartending. She knew the night manager, family friend or something, but she wanted to get into shows free so…”
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hbyrde36 · 8 months
STWG Drabble 9/30/23
Prompt: Drunk talk
It was 2am, and Steve was sitting on the kitchen floor huddled around the phone, gripping the handset like it was a lifeline. It only rang twice before Robin picked up. She'd begged her parents to install an extra phone line in her room after Starcourt, and they gave in quickly once they realized it was either that, or getting woken up regularly by middle of the night panicked phone calls from the boy their daughter swore she wasn’t dating. Her parents didn’t know what had really happened to the two kids, just that whatever it was had left them with a lot of trauma and a little bit of codependency, but they loved their daughter, so they did what they could to make her happy.
“Steve?” Robin yawned his name into the phone, a hint of concern coloring her voice even though she was only half awake.
“Robbi-” Steve choked out through a sob that was punctuated with a hiccup. “I thhhink I fuccked up.”
“Are you drunk?” She asked, sounding a little more awake.
Steve snapped his fingers, pointing as if she was in the room with him. “Guessed it’n one.” He slurred a little, sniffling as he tried to speak. It was a wonder she understood him at all.
“Jesus, how much did you have? Wait, weren’t you and Eddie supposed to be hanging out tonight?”
“Oh Eddie” Steve sighed dramatically. “Eddie, he wasss here, he..oh god.. Robin I fuuucked up so bad - e’s never going to tttalk to me again.”
“What happened?” She asked.
Steve cleared his throat and took a few deep breaths. Trying hard to sober himself up.
“We were drinking.” He managed the three words with much less slurring than before, he thought Robin should be impressed.
She wasn’t.
“Don’ be mean, i’m upset!” Steve groaned.
“Sorry, go on.”
“And I knew I shouldn’t have let myself drink so much but I did and god, Robin, he looked so hot!” Steve rambled on. “He had his hair up and a crop top on and I couldn’t help myself…. I all but sat on his lap when we decided to watch a movie.”
“I’m failing to see the issue here. You were flirting with him, so what? You like him, he likes you.”
“We don’t know that!” Steve hissed.
“We do know that! And I've been telling you to ask him out for weeks!.”
Steve hesitated, a little of his old panic rising in his chest. “I…i wasn’t ready.”
Robin’s tone softend. “That’s okay, you’re allowed to not be ready.”
“I think I am now, but…” He trailed off.
“Okay, so what’s the problem?”
“Eddie kissed me.” Steve said simply, as if that explained everything. In fairness to his booze soaked mind, it did.
“I’m gonna need you to elaborate, babe.”
“I freaked out, Robin! I freaked out and he thought I was freaking out because I didn't want him to kiss me, but really I was freaking out because I like him so much, and the kiss! Oh, the kiss was amazing. I had no idea that kissing could feel like that, but then I panicked because - what if I mess it up, Robin? What if I mess up with Eddie like I did with Nancy? I don’t know if I could survive that again.”
Robin was quiet for a long moment before she said anything.
“Shit, Steve. Do you…feel the same way about him as you did about Nance?”
“I think I do, Robs, I think I'm in love with him, but it doesn’t matter because I already ruined it.”
“Is that true?”
Steve’s heart sank as a deep voice sounded behind him.
He heard Robin suck in a breath on the other end of the line. He looked up, already knowing what he would find. Sure enough, Eddie was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, jacket on and keys still in hand. How long had he been standing there? Did he come back, or had he never left?
“Is that..?” Robin started to ask, but Steve cut her off. “Yeah, it is, um. I gotta go, I'll call you tomorrow.” He hung up before she could respond, never taking his eyes off the boy in the doorway.
Steve gulped audibly. “How much of that did you hear?”
Eddie shuffled his feet, looking nervous. It wasn’t something Steve was used to seeing on the other boy, he usually exuded confidence.
“I guess that depends.” Eddie replied.
“How much of it did you mean?”
“All of it.” Steve answered quickly, eager to fix the mess he’d made of things.
Eddie pressed his lips together in a thin line, thinking. “Are you sure it’s not just because you’re drunk and sad?” He said, finally.
“If you stay, I'll say it again in the morning.”
Eddie smiled and shook his head. He walked over and sat down on the floor next to Steve, taking his hand and entwining their fingers. “What a line, Stevie.”
Steve ducked his head. “I’m sorry I freaked out.”
Eddie raised their clasped hands to his mouth and pressed his lips to the back of Steve’s fingers.
“I’m sorry too. I left and didn’t give you the chance to explain. I got into my van and even started it, but I couldn't leave. I didn’t want to run anymore. I came back inside so we could talk about it. I hoped you would forgive me for kissing you and we could still be friends.”
“I don’t want to be just friends, Eddie. Can we try the kiss again?”
Eddie squeezed his hand and stood up, pulling Steve along with him.
“Let’s get you to bed, and if you feel the same way in the morning I would be happy to have a do-over.”
Steve pouted but allowed Eddie to lead him out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his bedroom.
“Don’t pout, baby. You’re really drunk, and it would feel too much like I was taking advantage of you. Let’s just go to sleep, I promise I'll still be here in the morning.”
“Will you sleep in here with me if I swear to keep my hands to myself?” Steve asked.
Eddie usually slept on the couch or the guest room when he stayed over. Steve had always hated it, but he had never been brave enough to ask Eddie to stay with him until now.
Eddie chuckled. “Yea, Stevie. I’ll stay with you.”
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 11 months
“We were pretty loud” with Jack
"Good morning, everyone." Jack walked into the kitchen to you, Urban and Clay sitting around the dining room table already eating breakfast. He placed a kiss into your hair before he sat down next to you, digging into his plate of pancakes.
Urban and Clay decided to crash at the house after coming off a late flight from Europe, and you got up early to make them breakfast.
"I don't know how you can eat after what you've done." Clay looked at his brother with disgust, putting down his fork when he realized he no longer had an appetite.
"What are you talking about?" Jack looked over at him, a mouthful of pancakes.
"I'm gonna need therapy to get the noises out of my head." Urban added, hanging his head in his hands.
"Ok, what are you guys talking about? What happened last night?" You looked between the three of them, confused.
"Like you don't know. I had no idea you were a screamer." Urban chuckled, returning to his plate of food.
You clamped your hand over your mouth when you realized that they had heard you and Jack having sex last night.
"Oh my god! Jack!" You looked over at him, but he just looked incredibly proud that he had made you orgasm so hard last night it could be heard through the house.
"We were pretty loud last night."
"I can't believe this is happening right now." Your face was bright red, and you could feel the hives beginning to form on your neck.
"Baby, its nothing to be ashamed of." He patted your thigh, not even trying to hide the big smile on his face.
"You're one to talk, Jack. I've never heard you beg so much. What was your safe word-?" Jack kicked Clay under the table, just missing his leg and hitting his own toe.
"Pretzel. You've ruined pretzels for me forever." Urban chimed in, avoiding eye contact with everyone.
You could see the color drain from Jack's face when he realized that his friend and brother knew he let you dominate him in the bedroom.
"Baby, its nothing to be ashamed of." You patted Jack's thigh in retaliation, mocking his earlier words.
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babyflorencee · 6 months
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Timothée Chalamet x fem!Reader
An unwanted, yet all so familiar scent filled the room as I tossed and turned in bed, waking up, but not being able to go back to sleep. I turned to my side, not really expecting, but rather hoping that I would see my husband, Timothée, but he wasn't there. I looked around the room until I saw a bare back sitting in the corner, hunched over a desk. Yesterday he talked about some paperwork he needed to do, so I'm assuming he's finishing that up.
He had a cigarette; or, as I liked to call it, a cancer in between his lips. As he inhales, moving it away for a moment, exhaling, as the smoke leaves his mouth in numerous, perfectly formed rings.
The room quickly starts to feel stuffy, as if the walls were caving in on me. I walked over to the window that was to the side of our bedroom, feeling as if I could suffocate at any given moment. I quickly opened the window, taking a long, deep breath as I bathed in the fresh air. Thinking to myself about how I will never take nature for granted anymore. I let the cold air slowly consume the room, sighing with relief as the cigarette smell already started to fade.
The winter breeze hits my exposed legs, as I just now realized I was only in my underwear and one of Timothée's old white button ups. "Morning," he mumbles, not glancing up from his paper, taking another breath of his fake air.
I start heading towards our bathroom, a cough escaping my mouth as I splash cold water in my face, hoping to help relive the throbbing pain in my upper head. But to my dismay, it only made it worse. My head starting to pound from the smoke. The throbbing sensation, now taking a hold of my entire face, as I let out a whimper, wondering to myself why he puts me through this kind of pain every morning.
I exited the bathroom, dizzily walking over to Tim's desk, "Could you either take that elsewhere or put it out already? It's fucking hard to breathe in here!" I said rather harshly. I never meant to sound rude, but using a tone was the only efficient way to make him listen. 
He takes a glance over at me for a second, shock written all over his face. But none the less he listened. He held up one hand in defence while the other put the cigarette out. "Sorry, love," he said with a sigh, running his hands through his brown-colored hair.
I rolled my eyes at him before walking over to the window once again. I heard him getting up from his seat, feeling his toned arms wrapping around my waist not even a second later, bringing instant warmth to my body. He bent down slightly so he could nuzzle his head into my neck, causing me to cringe at the coldness of his nose. He began planting small kisses from my shoulder, all the way to the top of my neck, causing me to shrug him off. "Are you ever gonna quit?" I asked slightly hesitantly, needing to confront him about his issue but at the same time not wanting him to be mad at me.
I could see his shocked face from the reflection of the window. "Stop what?" he asked, now putting on a confused face.
I let out a tired sigh, turning around to face him, "Oh, come on, Timothée Hal, don't be an idiot right now." I snapped at him, crossing my arms.
"Love, I have no idea what you're talking about," he calmly said, only making me more upset with him.
"Like you don't know. You always smell like cigarettes, and I'm tired of having to ruin my own lungs for your unhealthy habits." I said, not looking him in the eyes.
"Come on, it's not that bad," he said, obviously irritated that I brought the subject up.
"It is 6 in the damn morning, Timothée, and you've already smoked enough today to make this whole fucking room suffocate me!" I scoffed, tearing up slightly.
"How many have you had today? Three, five, six, nine!" I yelled. 
"I've had three, it's not that bad," he snapped, starting to walk away from me.
"Oh, it's not that bad? Well, my mistake for thinking having three cigarettes at six in the damn morning is concerning. I don't know why you're acting as if I'm some kind of idiot. I know that you always have at least two full packs on you at all times. But yeah, my fucking bad for worrying about my husband." I said, following close behind him as tears started to form in my eyes, clouding up my vision.
"Okay, I fucking get it!" He yelled, slamming his hands down on a table, causing me to gasp.
"But you don't! We have had this conversation countless other times and you give me the same answer every single fucking time! You say you'll try to quit and that you would do anything for me, but it doesn't mean shit right now, and quit frankly I'm fucking terrified that it won't ever! Why can't you see how much this is affecting me, affecting you?" I screamed back, my heart breaking at the sight of him tensing up as all signs of anger clears from his face.
"Listen, I get it. It's fun for now, but I can't sit back in silence anymore as I watch you slowly kill yourself. I love you way too much for that." I said, my voice breaking as tears were now fully rolling down my cheeks.
He reached his hand up to my face, lightly wiping the tears away, before pressing a kiss on both of my cheeks "I love you too, but it's not that easy to quit, you know," he said, both of his hands now cupping my face as he placed numerous kisses to the side of my head.
"I know baby, but have you even tried?"
"Yes." He mumbled, now looking down.
I rolled my eyes, "whatever then. I'm leaving until you get your problem sorted out." I said, pushing him off of me as I started to walk away, but before I could even take two steps, I feel him grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards him, into a hug.
"Please don't go, baby, I'm so sorry. I promise I'll stop. Just please don't go." He said, pressing sloppy kisses all around my face. 
"Don't make promises you can't keep."
"I will, y/n please, just don't go. I love you so much." He said, holding onto me as if he were about to fall to his death. 
I brought my hand up to his hair, slightly tugging on the roots of it, placing a small peck on his forehead. After a while, I loosened out of his grip, walking over to the jacket hook, where his cigarettes lied. "So you wouldn't care if I threw these away?" I questioned, holding up three packs of cigarettes, one almost empty but two of them not even opened yet.
He stared at me for a while, taking a deep breath, before taking the packs from my hand, quickly walking over to the restroom before emptying them into the toilet, flushing them quickly, and disregarding the packaging in the trash. Causing the biggest smile to form on my face.
"Give me one second, there's more," he said, walking over to his desk, opening the drawer up and pulling out one more pack, doing the same to that pack as he did to the last three.
He turned to face me, pulling me into another hug. "I love you so much," he said, kissing all over my face, causing me to laugh. 
"I know baby." I said, jokingly, laughing at his scrunched up face. 
"I can always buy more cigarettes." He said with a straight face, trying his best to hold in a laugh.
 "I love you too, Timothée Hal." I said, pushing his head down a little by his hair, forcing him to kiss me. 
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nagaparadise · 7 months
(1) Imagine this if you will, there is a rumor with people that there was a naga that was beloved by humans and this naga held a special power. The power was said to be hypnosis and was used to help make humans feel calm, relaxed, and for making them sleep. But this is nothing but a rumor, and that was a very long time ago... or so they thought. One day, it was raining hard in the rain forest and y/n was unfortunate enough to get caught in it. Luckily y/n found a ruined temple to stay in until the rain ends. As y/n stepped in the temple, they didn't realize how wet they were from the rain. Y/n started to strip themselves to their underwear, no one else was around and they were all by themselves so no one was gonna see them. As y/n thought about that, they had a small feeling that they were being watched. Y/n quickly dismissed that thought, that's ridiculous y/n there's no humans for miles. Y/n thought out loud, 'It's only going to be until the storm clears. There's no harm in that.' As they said this, a deep yet calming voice was heard in the dark. "Oh how rude of you. Coming into my home, without being invited in, little human~."
(2) As the voice called out, y/n quickly turn their head to see where the voice was coming from. Coming out of the shadow was a man- no a naga. It's upper human half was longer than a normal human, but it's snake tail is much longer than expected. It's snake tail was 12 feet long, or maybe longer to y/n. The tail was a deep blue color that seemed to blend in with naga's light grey skin. It's eye was dark blue with black sclera. The naga's expression had a level of calmness but had a level of tease in it, the naga's smirk helped gave it away. Y/n was in such amazement and excitement, they seemed to be in a trance. The naga had to clean his throat to snap y/n out of their wonder in front of them. The naga chuckled to himself then responded, 'You know it's very rude to stare and gawk at a person, when they are talking to you. My~. My~. Also taking your cloths off in ones home. Someone has to teach you some manners~.' Y/n felt their face heating up, and looking down in shame. The naga gave a quick laugh from the action. 'I see humans are still quick to react with comments. Now what's a small human doing in a dark temple?' With that, y/n explained their situation. Y/n: 'I'm sorry for coming in unannounced, but can I at least stay here until the storm passes?'
(3) The naga gave a small smile and said, 'Well it would be best for you to stay here for a while. I wouldn't like the idea for you to be out in the cold, wet, rain. Besides, it has been so long since I've seen a human. Especially a beautiful looking one~.' That last comment made y/n flushed, and looked down. As they looked down, they couldn't help but stare at the naga's tail. Y/n is in amazement at the tails size and length. The tail might just coil their whole body though. The tail might feel firm, cool, and comfortable... Y/n turn their head from that thought. But the naga could tell what's in y/n's mind. Naga: 'You kept eyeing my tail, human. Do you want to feel my tail? You want to know how it feels, against your skin~?' Y/n felt their face heat up even more from those questions, as that happened they fell on their knees to hide their faces. The naga slithered closer to y/n and sank down to meet their eyes. In a calm tone the naga said, 'Oh, no need to be embarrassed about it. You seemed to need to rest and relax~.' Soon y/n felt cool scales wrapped around their hips. Naga: 'Oh my, you feel awfully cold. Don't worry, I can keep you all warm~.' Y/n still felt their face warm but they're starting to feel more calm around the naga. Y/n just remembered another rumor about the naga. They felt their heart quicken and asked, 'I've heard this small rumor from others. I've heard that you can do hypnosis. It sounds silly I know, but I'm curious if it's true or just a silly story.'
(4) The naga gave a small chuckle, as if it was a little joke. The naga looked into y/n eyes. And with a smirk, he said, 'Oh little human~... If you really want to know, I want you to listen carefully.' He then gently cups their chin, as that happened his coils begin to move up to their mid drift. Naga: 'I want you to look deeply, into my eyes~.' With that command, a flash of blue appeared in the naga's eyes. Y/n gave a small gasp and quickly felt relaxed from trance. Y/n tried to say something about it but no words were coming out, the naga noticed this and gave a calm and soothing response, 'Ssshhh~. It's okay you don't have to say a word at all. All I need you to do is focus on my eyes, and let yourself fall into the trance~... Just get nice and relaxed and let my coils wrap you up all nice, and snug~.' The coils then moved up to y/n's chest and gave his coils a nice squeeze. Y/n gave a small moan in pleasure, and a small smile formed on their face. Naga: 'That's it~. Fall deeper and deeper into the trance~. Let all your worries slip away~. Let your thoughts melt away for now~.' Each word from the naga made y/n more and more relaxed. All that's in y/n mind right now was the beautiful colors in the naga's eyes, and how nice his coils are against their skin. Y/n eyes started to feel heavy, each time they tried to keep them open they felt heavier and heavier. The naga seemed to notice this too, and gave a small sigh of understanding. Naga: 'You seem so tired already. Hehe. You deserved some sleep. To be honest, I missed doing this. Doing hypnosis on humans and watching their faces as they get lost and mindless in my trance. Little human, I know you won't even remember any of this when you wake up, but you have no idea how much joy I'm having right now~. I just love seeing your little face, just being absolutely dazed and relaxed~.' The naga then noticed y/n already asleep already. Naga: 'Oh~ already asleep? You look so snug in there. Sleep well little human~.'
Awww, what a cute story! The naga sounds like a real sweetie ☺️
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stonesylove · 4 months
A night out in Berlin pt.4
Chapter 3 - Chapter 5
Alessandra was glad she got her alarm on when she woke up because she could never wake up on her own especially after a night out and even more when she had sex the night before, she looked over to the other side of the bed and he was there looking so hot even when he was asleep, Alessandra couldn��t believe what happened the night before but she didn’t have enough time to just sit down and daydream about the man sleeping next to her, so she got up put on her clothes getting mentally ready for the walk of shame to her home, it was truly a bad idea wearing a short shear dress in fall but as her best friend likes to say “A bitch never gets cold”. Alessandra took a cab and quickly texted him so Tom wouldn’t think that he was just a night stand or maybe she was the night stand but still it was worth taking the shot and inviting him for lunch, the Italian girl got to her flat around 8 am knowing she had to be at the studio at 8:30, at least it was close to her building.
The class went by as planned but Alessandra was completely sore from the night before, Tom was a big guy but she didn’t know a British man could do all those things, she thought that he was gonna be a fun vanilla man but she was so wrong, she knew she wouldn’t be giving her all and Giuliana was giving her funny looks through the mirror which made the situation more unserious, when the class ended Alessandra reached out for her phone in her bag to see a text from the British boy, and he was talking about his eyes but that message didn’t make sense to her until she realized she had posted a pic of her outfit and a little secret message for him, she loved that he take everything so lightheaded and didn’t make it serious.
Alessandra Di Maggio
well Tommy I know a couple blue eyed boys, so I had to shoot my shot and wait for someone to fall
My British boy (Tom)
Hmm I remember a short Italian girl kissing me outside of the club telling me that her favorite color was the color of my eyes 🤔
Alessandra Di Maggio
Such a hot girl move from that Italian girl
My British boy (Tom)
Yeah, she’s taking me out for lunch today
I need to talk about her riding techniques, I was impressed 
Alessandra Di Maggio
Hold your horses cowboy and reverse cowboy
My British boy (Tom)
That doesn’t make sense but I’ll give it to you😂😂😂
Alessandra Di Maggio
You just ruined the moment with that emoji grandpa
But I’m down if you wanna teach me some new stuff
My British boy (Tom)
You can’t call me grandpa and then ask me to fuck you in new ways
I guess that’s how ipad kids flirt
Alessandra Di Maggio
I can’t please you, you don’t like my cowboy jokes and you don’t like the grandpa jokes
My British boy (Tom)
Baby you please me in every way possible but you’re way too funny sometimes
But that’s okay, we can search for your funny bone tonight 
Alessandra Di Maggio
Maybe we can also search for your hair bald guy
My British boy (Tom)
I know the buzzcut turns you on funny girl
But I rather see you looking out for your clothes tomorrow morning
Alessandra Di Maggio
We will see, don’t be so desperate let me rest 
See you at 2 o’clock outside of your hotel British boy
Alessandra didn’t know how to feel about Tom yet, of course he really knew how to make her scream and she loved that but she didn’t want to get too caught up with him. Time passed by pretty fast to her liking and when she was brought back to reality she was waiting for the tall man outside of his hotel; she saw his figure walking out of the lobby and fuck he knew how to look like the hottest man alive. “Hi funny girl” Tom said hugging the short girl, “Hi daddy” Alessandra said making him laugh so loud.
“I like experimenting but I don’t think the “daddy thing” is something I like” Tom said catching his breathe, “You don’t like any of the nick names I gave you, literally such a boomer” she said trying to sound hurt but she loved to poke fun at him “Would you prefer if I call you tom nice balls?” She tried to be as serious as she could while saying that, to what Tom shrug his shoulders and said “okay nice tits”; the stupid conversation continued until they arrived to the café.
“So Tommy nice balls what’s your movie about” Alessandra said after ordering, “It’s the hunger games prequel” Tom said without wanting to give much detail because he knew he couldn’t so he tried to guide the conversation somewhere else; they talked about Alessandra’s work in the ballet company, she told Tom about the fall-winter schedule and maybe if he was in town he could go and see one show even tough she felt immediate regret because of Tom’s reaction talking about how he didn’t know what his schedule would be and that maybe he wouldn’t make it so he won’t make any promises, the Italian girl knew she wasn’t that important to him but she wanted to at least show him what she did for living. The lunch “date” was everything she could’ve wish for, they ate this croissant sandwich that he had to take some pictures of, they talked so much about life, what their dreams were, Alessandra told him about her plan of applying for the royal ballet in London or the American ballet theater in New York but she still had to finish the current season, at the end of the lunch, while Tom was being over dramatic about something that happened on set she saw how he phone screen lighted up and a text from someone saved as 
“Babe” appeared on the screen.
For the first time in a while Alessandra didn’t know to feel, of course they weren’t something serious not even a situationship but still she felt like a knot was forming in her stomach, saying something wasn’t an option she didn’t had any right to ask him about it so Alessandra decided to act like she didn’t see that and everything was perfect; after paying and walking out of the small café Tom tried to grab her hand but she made the excuse that it was freezing so putting her hands in her pockets were the only option, “so what do you want to do know” Tom said with a face she couldn’t describe, maybe he noticed something was off with her but she didn’t wanted to give it away, “To be honest I’m a little bit tired so if you want we can go back to my place and watch a movie or something, I know I’ll be home alone for the rest of the day” she said in a stupid impulse, he enjoyed his company and at the end she wanted to at least be friendly until she knew more about “Babe”. They walked to her place joking and talking, it felt like they’ve known each other for all their lives and she loved that both had a similar sense of humor, as they enter the small apartment Alessandra hanged her coat and asked tom for his, “Do you wanna watch the hunger games or billy the kid” she said making fun of him “I love that scene in billy the kid were everyone can see your ass” Tom was shocked but wouldn’t back down either “I’m really proud of my ass, I think the light reflected so beautiful on it” he said making the Italian girl laugh so hard she could felt how she was losing her breathe, they ended up watching this cute romcom she was obsessed with call “love,Rosie”, Tom had a lot of opinions bout how the main character was an asshole and they just needed to ask the other about how they felt ever and that made Alessandra think how his exact words were the same situation they were living.”Well I better get going tomorrow is going to be a long day in set” tom said to then kiss the short girl, took his stuff and got out the apartment. 
When Tom was gone Alessandra looked him up on instagram checking his comment section to see if she could found any comment that would lead her to “babe”, she knew that all she was doing was crazy but the curiosity was eating her alive but this was something she needed to do; Alessandra read all the comments on all his post but every women that commented was either a fan or a friend so she started to think that maybe she had read that wrong and maybe it didn’t said babe but she was sure of what she saw.
Tom Blyth posted a story 
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Alessandra Di maggio answered the story 
Oooh you went out with someone to eat croissants 
Tom Blyth 
Yes yes with a cute Italian girl but almost had to grab a high chair for her.
Alessandra Di maggio
You are such a funny guy 🙄
Alessandra decided to post some fun pic of her last couple of weeks also a great bikini pic that went with the aesthetic, specially a pic she took of Tom massaging her feet the night they watched films in her apartment and fuck his hands were HOT, also a pic she took in their night out of him dancing on a table.
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Liked by tomblyth, giuli_123 and 1,992 others
Alessssa REd BabE or something like that
Tomblyth great masseur you got there
   alessssa might book another session for this week
giuli_123 coke add?
  alessssa yes, and?
Username1 hottest girl alive
Username2 live your best life girl
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Liked by alessa, rachelzegler and 106,823 others
Tomblyth Dumb blonde out and about 
Username1 from who are those hands hun????
  Usename2 must be Rachel
     Username3 she doesn’t have long hair rn
Hunterschafer your almost a Berlin boy now
 (Tom liked the comment)
Username4 RUE WHEN WAS THIS????
alessssa fav natural blonde
   Tomblyth 100% natural, grow by me
     Username5 babe who’s this
       Username6 private profile??
         Username7 grow up, men can have friends
Joshandrerivera living your best life Tommy boy
    (Tom liked the comment)
Rachezegler that’s some nice red polish
    Username8 right?????
      Username9 those are your hands???
        Username10 MOTHER
After the date they had or well she didn’t know what to called what was that but she had an amazing time with Tom but she couldn’t get out of her head the thought of him having someone else in the States, she knew this wasn’t something serious but she didn’t want to be the other woman, that’s why she decided to text him get the conversation started and ask him about that.
Alessandra Di Maggio
So do you have a girl in every country you work in?
My British Boy (Tom)
That’s not funny Alessandra 🙄
Do you think I’m a fuck boy?
Alessandra Di Maggio 
Don’t call me Alessandra🙄🙄
I’m not judging
My british Boy (Tom)
That’s your name pretty girl
I won’t call you a Alessandra if you won’t call me fuck boy
Alessandra Di Maggio
I promise you I won’t call you a fuck boy
But being serious you don’t have a girl back home?
 (Delivered 2:22 am)
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nomoreusername · 1 month
Lipstick (Highschool AU)
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Pairing:Aris x female reader
Summary:Despite trying to keep your relationship a secret, one kiss may just ruin that plan.
It wasn't as if we were ashamed of each other. There also wasn't any fear of judgment or strict parents. There wasn't any real reason for keeping our relationship a secret other than it sounds kind of fun. Honestly, just sneaking around also made when we were together even more special. Besides, we were wondering how long our friends would take to figure it out.
Right now, the decided destination was under the bleachers during class. I had never really skipped before now, but it was just worth the risk. 
“Not gonna lie. I have no idea what's going on over there,”She remarked, referring to the football practice.
“Maybe I should try out,”I deadpanned. She rolled her eyes before cuddling up to my chest. Wrapping my arm over her shoulder, I pressed my lips to her temple.
“No you're not. You're my book nerd,”She sighed.
“I've got no clue what you're talking about,”I lied. Throwing me a look, she pointed to my bag that was in fact full of books.
“I may have an idea of what you're talking about.”
“You're such a dork,”She teased. 
“Ouch. What’d I do to deserve that?”
“Is it better if I say you're my dork?”
“Yes. Very much so,”I nodded. 
“Okay, fine. You're my dork,”She corrected. With a grin, I cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead again. The second my lips weren't on her skin the bell rang.
“I’ll see you during sixth period,”She sighed. Taking her hand, I helped her off the grass. 
“I’ll see you there,”I agreed as we snuck out. Once we were out in the open she risked kissing my cheek before walking to her next class. With my bag on my shoulder, I headed to lunch where I’d be interrogated on where I was last period. 
♡ - - - ♡
With my tray in my hand, I sat at our usual table outside. With Sonya on one side and Harriet on the other, I gave a small wave before going to eat. Just as I opened my sandwich Sonya straight up squealed, almost making me fall out of my seat.
“Why don't you be a bit louder? I don't think the south side of China heard you,”Minho remarked.
“Where did you go last period?”She asked.
“To the nurse,”I shrugged. When she raised an eyebrow I added that it was for a headache.
“Cut the act. Who’s the girl? What is she like? Do we know her? Does she go here? Are you going to introduce us?”She threw at me.
“What girl? I don't know what you're talking about,”I denied, doing my best not to fiddle with my sweatshirt strings. That would be a dead giveaway that I was fibbing.
“You have a lipstick mark on your cheek,”She informed me. Without realizing I was covering it with my hand as if I could just go through all of lunch like this. Not letting that slide, she pulled it away and took a photo before passing her phone around the group. The second they saw it they crowded around me like I was a new species.
“What are we looking at?”Gally asked, coming out of nowhere. With a wide smile, Teresa pointed at my cheek making my face flush.
“Aww. He's blushing. Who is it? Who?”Thomas repeated.
“Nobody,”I lied.
“Just tell us.”
“Who do we know that wears this color?”
“We won't say anything.”
“We just want to know.”
“How long have you two been together?”
“Where do you guys sneak off to when nobody's watching?”
“Stop asking questions,”I demanded. The second the words left my mouth they were silent. Still, they were staring into my soul as if they could read my mind. 
At that moment my phone buzzed. Staring at it, before I could check it Thomas snatched it up. Getting up so fast I almost lost my balance, I reached for it when Gally pulled me back. 
“It just says, “hello my boy. I’m getting picked up early so I wanted to tell you I love you.” It even has a heart,”He explained, ready to fangirl out.
“Who’s it from?”
“Love of my life. That's literally too cute. Look,”He urged, showing them. The second he did, their jaws dropped. 
“Thomas, you moron. Look at the lock screen,”Gally directed as I was ready to elbow him in the face. That was the only confirmation they would need. It's not like anyone else would be my background, but the picture was so sweet, so lovely, so genuine. She made me do facemasks with her, and I took it when she didn't have time to pose. It was just her being happy which was more beautiful than any staged photo. The point is that it's my favorite picture in the entire world so of course it was my phone's background. 
Turning it around, he was flipping out so hard he almost dropped it. With Gally finally releasing me I grabbed it from his hands. 
“Aris, how dare you not tell us. Where'd you meet her? When can we? Does she know we exist?”Sonya asked so fast I don't even think she was breathing.
“I have her first period. She's really nice,”Teresa spoke up.
“It is a crime that you would keep this from us,”Fry added. 
“Yeah. That seems bloody adorable,”Newt chipped in.
“I’m really just interested in the drama,”Brenda admitted.
“Can you guys just stop? There's not even any drama,”I promised.
“Then, why’d you hide her?”Harriet pointed out.
“Because it’s fun, or it was,”I answered.
“Tell us about her,”Sonya urged.
“You do not want me to do that,”I promised.
“But why?”Thomas groaned.
“Because I wouldn't stop talking, and I still wouldn't even be done with half of what I want to say.”
“Awww,”half of them gushed. 
That damn lipstick mark.
I mean I do get to talk about her now though, so it's definitely not all bad. Besides, I was getting sick of only holding her hand when we're alone.
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thechaoticdruid · 3 months
Okay so I've had this same Astarion x Tav idea floating around in my head for a while and I'm so surprised I legit have not seen anyone write about it! It's basically the classic meet the parents scenario! Yes I know we never see Astarion's parents and probably never will, they could be dead for all we know, but they are elves, a very long lived race so it's very possible they could actually be alive! So basically I'm gonna start a little fun writing challenge and tag three of my favorite Astarion romancers.
@spacebarbarianweird , @vixstarria , @marcynomercy
(If none of you are actually interested in this I'm so sorry 😭 I just wanted to do a thing.)
The challenge is to write up headcanons of your Tav meeting Astarion's parents and vice versa. Doesn't matter if your character's parents are dead or MIA this is strictly a what if scenario. And if you'd be so kind please tag some Astarion x Tav writers you think would be interested in this challenge!
Astarion meeting Winnie's parents.
It definitely was not planned, Winnie literally had no idea her parents were even alive.
Her Gran had told her a long time ago they went missing off on an adventure after leaving their village and that they were very likely dead.
About 20 years later after their disappearance Winnie returns back to the ruins of the village she grew up in with Astarion accompanying her.
Astarion had actually insisted on venturing here in hopes of finding a lead on the drow wizard that plagued his beloved's nightmares.
The one who orchestrated the massacre of her village before kidnapping and experimenting on her.
There's nothing left but basically an unmarked graveyard. The amount of death and dark magic that seeped into the area has even brought some of the dead back from beyond the grave.
It is a horrifying turn of events for Winnie, actually seeing some of the people from her childhood roaming the land as lifeless corpses and then actually having to kill them herself this time.
Once the two of them were safe they took shelter in one of the old huts which just so happened to be Winnie's childhood home.
Astarion had to hold and comfort her as all the memories of her village's slaughter came flooding back.
At some point as they rested they noticed something watching them.
It was a wolf, with dark brown fur, eyes shining pink in the moonlight. A very peculiar shade indeed.
Peculiar but not unfamiliar as Winnie's own fuschia colored eyes stared back.
She just had to follow after the wolf and eventually it led her back to a small hut surrounded by some kind of dome-like barrier.
The wolf ended up shifting into the form of a tall muscular human woman who was none other than Winnie's long lost mother!
A short pudgy man with a lute stepped out of the hut as soon as he heard the tall woman shout. This was Winnie's Father.
Winnie was overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions with the revelation that her parents had been alive all this time!
Molly and Harry were their names.
Despite welcoming Winnie with open arms they seemed rather on the fence about Astarion.
At first glance Molly was overjoyed that her daughter had a partner so handsome and immediately began to babble on about what beautiful babies they'd make much to Winnie's dismay and embarrassment.
Harry was polite and willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. He wasn't as baby-crazy as his wife.
Then came the realization that Astarion couldn't pass their magic barrier they'd created to keep out undead.
Winnie was quick to come to Astarion's defense however, but learning that your daughter's lover was a vampire would be unnerving for almost anyone.
At first Winnie's mother even asked if she was with him willingly, wanting to check and see if she was charmed. It was honestly a bit ridiculous.
Molly was checking her neck for bite marks and nearly losing her mind and screaming when she found them there.
Harry had to calm down his wife, wanting her to give the vampire spawn a chance.
Things were a bit iffy from there on our, but eventually they came to accept Winnie's undead love.
And Molly expected a dhampir baby or two within the next few years, which Winnie had to remind her frequently that she was not ready for that and might actually never be ready for it.
Winnie Meeting Astarion's Parents.
This was Winnie's idea all on her own.
Despite Astarion always telling her she was the only family he needed whenever she'd bring up the subject on if he thought his family was still around or not.
Yet the curiosity, the uncertainty just ate away at her.
His past was a mystery, not only to her, but to Astarion himself.
And they were elves for gods' sake. So it was very likely that they hadn't yet succumbed to old age.
What's two centuries to an elf?
But also she wanted her beloved to have someone other than herself to feel loved unconditionally by.
The human female had no idea how long she'd be able to run from her mortality.
With help from her tressym familiar Maddie to keep Astarion occupied, Winnie returned to Baldur's Gate in search of any old records of the Ancunin family.
Using her Hero of Baldur's Gate status to her advantage Winnie is able to get access to certain private documents no normal citizen would be able to.
She finds some old records on Magistrate Ancunin which immediately brings a grin to her lips.
Astarion's parents apparently left Baldur's Gate three years after his death.
From what little else she could find they moved to Evereska, but nothing told her if they were both actually still alive or not.
Winnie had her elven friends Vesperr and Arva do some investigating since they were constantly traveling nowadays and likely may be able to find out more than the human could.
She sent them a raven detailing her intentions and findings before returning home to her beloved vampire spawn.
He was a tad upset about her sneaking off for a few days and only leaving a note in her place, but Winnie was able to smooth things over with a little blood.
About a few weeks later a letter from Vesperr came back, telling Winnie that there were some Ancunins living in an estate just outside of Evereska. A couple in fact!
The human female could hardly contain her excitement, but she had to keep calm, especially when Astarion became curious about the letter she received.
He actually chased her around their home demanding to read it but Winnie wouldn't let him.
Soon after Winnie proposed that the two would go on a trip. A romantic getaway as she put it.
That was the cover she made up for going to meet his parents.
Luckily at this point the two had been able to locate the ring of the sunwalker so Astarion's days of running from the sun were a thing of the past.
The set off by carriage, taking Winnie's faithful tressym along with them.
Eventually at some point on the road Astarion ended up finding the letter from Vesperr Winnie had tucked away in her pack.
"A romantic getaway hm?"
The druid just smiled at her partner with a nervous chuckle.
Of course she apologized for lying and keeping secrets and said that she only wanted to make Astarion happy.
He forgave her and decided just to go and meet these people since the two of them had come too far to turn back now.
Astarion was getting more nervous the closer they got.
Perhaps this wasn't a good idea? What if they tried to stake him after what he's become?
Winnie would place her hand over his to comfort him after she noticed his stressed mood.
Winnie's tressym Maddie would also curl up in his lap and purr like a good little emotional support kitty.
Finally they would arrive at the estate where Astarion's apparent relatives were living.
They walked in, hand in hand before promptly being approached by who they assumed were the estate's security.
Winnie was quick to introduce Astarion, hoping to avoid any sort of confrontation.
Astarion's name had immediately made the guards freeze in place before then demanding he come with them inside.
They legit told Winnie she had to wait outside which Astarion was having none of.
If his lover was not allowed in then he would be leaving immediately.
The unfamiliar two elves muttered to each other in elvish as Winnie just watched in confusion. Every word coming out of their mouths sound like pure jibberish to the human female.
She then heard Astarion snarl back at them in elvish.
Winnie had a feeling they might have been talking about her due to her partner's very offended and frankly pissed off sounding tone.
The elven guards eventually agreed to let them both enter together.
Winnie was amazed by all the extravagant decor, almost getting distracted several times and having to be pulled along by Astarion who kept an arm linked around her waist.
Finally the time had come when they were face to face with his parents.
They were both insanely beautiful as Winnie assumed practically all high elves were, both adorned with fine silks and jewels Winnie had only ever dreamed to see.
Astarion appeared to have gotten his father's handsome facial features and his mother's luscious ivory curls.
Both his parents had different colored eyes his father's were golden while his mother's were green so the mystery of Astarion's eyes was still yet to be seen.
His mother looked over his face with pure shock before eventually bursting into tears.
She hugged him tight muttering something in elvish as she held him.
Astarion seemed to stiffen under her touch. Perhaps she was his mother, but at the same time she felt very much like a stranger.
His father eventually joined in on the hug as Winnie just stood there awkwardly.
It took them a few moments before the realization set in that their son was back from the dead.
His skin, cold to the touch, his eyes blood red and the fangs peaking out from behind his lips as he gave a nervous smile.
Immediately they jumped to a conclusion that the strange human woman Astarion was with was somehow the cause of this.
To which Winnie snarkily replied, "Do I look like a vampire lord to you?"
Astarion had to step in and explain what happened, he skipped all the unpleasant details to save himself a bit of pain.
While his parents seemed to become more accepting of his affliction rather fast, they barely batted an eye at Winnie.
And whenever they did look upon her it was with disgust.
Hells his father even assumed she was some kind of hired manservant! And tried to get her to carry Astarion's things in.
When Astarion said that Winnie was his lover, his mother gasped, acting as if she was going to faint.
It seemed theatrics ran in the family.
Things went rather poorly from there.
Astarion's father apparently tried to explain to him that bedding humans was not acceptable.
Winnie just stayed quiet and stood there awkwardly as she heard his mother claim that she probably used magic to tempt him into her bed.
It was then the pale elf snapped and told them off for not being there for him for over 200 years yet Winnie, a 'filthy human' had been there for him since the moment they met.
He made sure to let them know he wouldn't even have been here if it weren't for her wanting to reunite him with his 'family.'
Astarion eventually had enough and dragged Winnie out. He apologized to her very profusely afterwards.
He felt awful that she had gone through all this trouble only to be treated like trash by people she should have been welcomed by.
Winnie just smiled sadly and told him it was okay. It was worth trying.
The two hugged before leaving deciding to head back to Baldur's Gate and probably get drunk at the blushing mermaid.
Of course on their way out, one of the elven servants rushed after them with a letter.
It was from Astarion's father, apologizing for their behavior and begging Astarion to come back.
The vampire spawn simply rolled his eyes and tossed it out the window of the carriage.
Sometimes a real family was just a wild feral girl, a sassy vampire elf , and a winged cat.
What? Did you expect Astarion's parents to be nice people?
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midwestmade29 · 4 months
Collaboration 🤠
Part 3
The 3rd and final part of mine and @madhatterbri’s collab is here! Thanks for reading along…enjoy 🖤
• You can find @madhatterbri’s masterlist here • My masterlist can be found here
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Disclaimers: Cursing, intimidation, threats, unprotected sex, angst. Read at your own discretion.
GIF credit: @cowboyshit
Divider by: @saradika-graphics
Word count for part 3: 937
This is 100% pure fiction.
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All the color from your face drained when you grabbed your phone and pulled up the text messages Hangman was talking about. Your stomach was in knots as you read over Swerve’s words! “Y/N, talk to me sweetheart. What’s going on? Who sent you those messages?” Hangman asked, his voice full of concern. There was a battle going on internally between your head and your heart as you sat there trying to figure out if you should stay or if you should go. Your first thought was that you should leave and spare the cowboy the trouble of having to deal with you and your past. Leaving right now would break you, but you felt like it would be the best choice to protect him and get him off Swerve’s radar. It pained you to pull your hand away from him, but you did it anyway. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at the beautiful man in bed behind you as you stood up, your voice cracking as you uttered your goodbye, “I-I have to go. This whole thing was a mistake. I never should’ve let things get this far between us. I-I’m so sorry.” Panic started to set in as Hangman watched you pick up your discarded underwear and put it back on. Everything was happening so fast that it didn’t register in his brain to stop you before you walked out the bedroom door. “Shit!” he cursed under his breath as he jumped up, pulling the bedsheet with him. As he caught up with you down the hallway, he wrapped the sheet around his waist and tucked it in place, his voice echoing through the quiet as he called out for you, “Y/N! Stop, please! Stay and we can work through whatever is going on. Just talk to me, please don’t go!”
“Adam don’t make this any more difficult than what it already is. Things will be better and safer for you if I go. You have to let me go!” you pleaded as you pulled your shirt over your head. His rebuttal was straight and to the point, leaving you dumbfounded when all he said was “no.” “What do you mean, no?” you questioned. “No. I’m not going to let you go. I don’t know what kind of hold Swerve has on you, but I’m not going to let that dumbass ruin what we have together. I have no idea what is going on between you two, but it’s clear that you have history. I don’t give a shit about any of it! All I care about is you. Let me in, Y/N. Let me calm whatever storm is going on in that beautiful head of yours!” You were taken aback by the assertiveness in his voice, but it still had a tenderness to it at the same time. The longer he looked at you, the more his blue eyes broke through your defenses that you were using to shut him out.
He opened his arms to you, and it was like you were a moth to a flame as you ran right into them. Tears stained your cheeks as you stood in the hallway embracing each other tightly. Hangman placed his hand on your head, holding it in place against his chest as you released things you didn’t even realize you had inside of you. “Hey, it-it’s okay. I’ve got you sweetheart. Everything is gonna be okay,” he reassured you. “I’m such a mess!” you cried out, only to have the cowboy leave you stunned once again. “Maybe, but you’re my beautiful mess.”
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The rest of that night was spent in deep conversation about you and your past with Swerve. It was painful to rehash and explain the things he had done to you over the course of your relationship and how he still found ways to cause you distress. You showed Hangman the texts he had sent you previously, and explained how he continues to keep tabs on you. “So that would explain the night when we were in medical together. The asshole thought he could scare off the Hangman! Ha, it’s going to take a lot more than his empty words and imitation prince to keep me away from you!” his words were dry, but they still made you laugh! Hangman listened intently and never interrupted you as you opened your heart to him, and you found that it wasn’t so bad letting him in after all. Hangman turned out to be your safe place, your refuge from any storm. “No more worrying about him, sweetheart. I won’t let him hurt you anymore,” was his promise to you before you both drifted off to sleep.
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It took some time for karma to catch up with Swerve, but you were so grateful when it did. Hangman had presented several things to Tony Kahn that showcased just how toxic and dangerous Swerve truly was. He explained to Tony that he not only was a flight risk for the company, but also for anyone that encountered him. Once the internal investigation was complete, it was a no brainer to let Swerve go. Gone were the days of walking around your job on eggshells. Gone were the days full of constant worry and anguish where Swerve was concerned. You no longer feared him when the cowboy gave you strength and encouragement to get a restraining order against him. Hangman made you feel whole again and spent every day trying to erase the lies and bullshit that Swerve had filled your head with for so long. He was your cowboy and the keeper of your heart.
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taintedtort · 2 years
Hii I was wondering if I could get a crack fic where it’s Wanderer (blue scara if you still didn’t know) x fem!reader but the reader can eat a lot of spicy food but he can’t bc he pulled a factory reset on himself so he’s rlly shocked when reader eats spicy food bc he can’t even get past normal spice
prompt ✧ spicy!
character ✧ wanderer/scaramouche ??
warnings ✧ gn!reader cus i didn’t know how to make reader fem? , crack, use of scaras real name once (kuni), spicy food
a/n ✧ i’ve been meaning to write for wanderer version of scara but i just haven’t yet, BUT NOW I AM! thank you for this cute request, i love it
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scaramouche’s face morphed into confusion when he saw the stand you had suggested the two of you eat at. it was a joint with mostly spicy food, which he did not like, and he assumed you didn’t either.
“it’s all spicy food you know.” he replied, dismissing the idea and looking for somewhere else to eat. but his eyes snapped back to your form when you answered.
“i know, cmon!” you tugged on his hand that was intertwined with yours and led him towards the stand. he was making a sour face as you dragged him along.
“uhm… are you sure?” he asked, clearly trying to get you to change your mind. he refused to tell you he couldn’t handle anything spicy to save his life.
“of course, one of my favorite dishes is served here.” you were smiling, clearly eager and excited to get served the delicious food. scaramouche’s stomach dropped at your statement. you liked spicy food? since when?!
the dread still lingered strong in his stomach once the two of you got seated. he looked over every dish on the menu, but he deemed everything too hot for him. he knew if he ate anything from here he’d sputter and choke, being forced to down his glass of water. he’d never live it down if you found out how much he despises these types of foods.
“what are you gonna order, kuni?” when his eyes met yours, he saw the excitement inside them. he didn’t want to ruin your fun just because of his silly food preferences.
“how about i just pick off your plate? i’m not that hungry.” he shrugged, lazily gesturing his hand at you. of course, he had zero intentions of actually eating anything in this establishment.
your brows furrowed, “are you sure?” he nodded, easily convincing you that he wasn’t eating simply because he wasn’t hungry and not at all because he can’t bare to stomach these types of dishes. when your ordered food finally arrived at the table, he cringed. he could smell the spice from his seat across from you, it made his nose scrunch and eyes slightly water. but those watery eyes soon widened with shock as you easily dug into the borderline toxic food.
he sat and watched you eat without a single reaction or sip of water. how the hell? scaramouche’s eyes were trained on your face, searching for even a slight color difference to show that you weren’t as immune to this dish as you let on. yet… nothing, he saw nothing that indicated that your mouth was burning in discomfort.
once you realized he was just staring at you and not eating, you raised your eyes to look at him. his look of astonishment made you smile. you poked your fork into a piece of the dish before holding it out to him.
“here, have a bite.” your smile was gentle and made butterflies erupt in his stomach. how could he say no? it probably wasn’t that spicy, seeing your lack of reaction. he hesitantly opened his mouth to bite the food off your fork. however, as soon as he felt the bite hit his tongue, his mouth erupted with a burning sensation. on instinct, he opened his mouth and let the piece drop onto a napkin before grabbing his drink. his cheeks were tinted pink and his face was morphed into a pained expression.
you didn’t mean to laugh, really, but he just looked so funny having a coughing fit over a tiny bite. you certainly didn’t expect him to have such a low tolerance to spice, he really should’ve said something! a glare was shot your way as soon as your giggles met his ears.
“so… you don’t like spicy food i assume?” you teased, voice pleasantly amused. he scoffed in response, opting to keep the ice cube he had fished out from his cup pressed to his tongue. archons, he was so embarrassed.
“alright well let me finish this, then we can go get you some food you like.” you reasoned, trying to cheer him up. you got a sigh and a mumbled, “fine,” from him. while you finished off the dish, he watched you, silently wondering how someone could possibly eat that and like it. once you were done, you sent him a smile and a wink.
“let’s go. nothing spicy this time, i promise.”
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ebongawk · 11 months
40! 🫡
40. “One of us is clearly smarter than the other.”
"What are you doing?"
Eddie was crouched down next to the cabinet under the kitchen sink. The Walkman in his ears was blasting delicious guitar licks – thank you so much Kirk Hammett for being a fucking god on the strings – and it was loud enough that he hadn't heard the front door open.
But Chrissy's cheerleader screech was enough to interrupt the beautiful guitar solo in Battery.
Chrissy was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, her eyes wide and terrified as she looked down at the bottles in his hands.
Fuck. She wasn't supposed to be home yet! She ruined her own fucking surprise!
Like, okay. So he and Chrissy had been dating for all of, like, two months when her mother found out. And living in the Cunningham home post-major freakout had been a soul-sucking ordeal for his tiny, badass little girlfriend. When it became clear that, no matter what that walking hemorrhoid of a woman had to say, Laura Cunningham could not convince Chrissy to break up with Eddie, she'd kicked her out.
She'd literally kicked her own daughter out for her dating life.
What an absolute cunt. (And Eddie did not use that term lightly.)
Of course she was gonna move into the trailer. Neither Eddie nor Wayne would have allowed her to get put up somewhere that wasn't gonna take care of her. They weren't insane.
The only problem being that their beautiful Forest Hills home had been housing two half-feral bachelors for the past twelve years. It wasn't, as realtors might say, move-in ready.
Too fucking bad that Eddie didn't realize the actual state of their unintentional and overlooked squalor until beautiful, squeaky clean and shiny Chrissy was sitting in the '70s-style bungalow living room.
Okay. Okay. Benefit of the doubt, he and Wayne were tidy. Like, whatever, there were a few stray food wrappers littering the floor and the trash was about three days overdue for a haul to the dumpster and maybe his bedroom was more beer cans and cigarette butts than it was fresh linens. But, whatever. It looked clean.
And then Eddie really looked. He really saw the rust and mildew stains in the tub and stains on the carpet that gave it kind of a grimy feel and the walls he and Wayne had kind of dyed yellow due to indoor cigarette smoke.
So, after waiting three weeks for Chrissy to actually make all-day plans with someone that wasn't him, Eddie decided to take advantage of the empty house and fucking clean.
Based purely on hazy memories of what to use from when his mother was alive, of course.
However, Chrissy's abject terror and screamed exclamation at his actions had him second-guessing his existence for a second there.
"Uh," he said, using one rubber glove-clad hand to yank the headphones from his ears. "Cleaning?"
Chrissy blinked. "Cleaning?" The pure disbelief in her tone stung a little. Like. Okay. So he wasn't the most kempt boy in town. No need to be fucking rude about it, sunshine.
"Yeah?" He looked down at the plastic bucket he'd unearthed from under a pile of Wayne's Nam blues. Who fucking knew how long it'd been hiding back there. "That alright with you?"
"You're gonna clean with that?" she verified, pointing at the open bottle in his hand. The one he was about to dump intoaforementioned bucket.
"Eddie. Is there something already in the bucket?"
Clear liquid winked up at him, little specs of dust floating around in it. Because he'd rinsed the bucket, of-fucking-course, but, like, not all that well.
"I don't see what that has to do with the conversation," he replied after a second, feeling somehow like a kid who'd been caught about to stick a fork in a live socket.
"Is there bleach in that bucket?"
She looked pointedly down at the already opened gallon of bleach next to the bucket.
"Mmmmaybe?" he squeaked, looking down beneath his knees. "I was going to clean the floors. I thought it'd be okay to put bleach on the tile since, y'know, I have no idea what color they're supposed to be, anyway."
Chrissy hummed. "And, um, were you going to mix that in with the bleach?" She gestured again to the bottle in his hand. Eddie looked down at it, still taken aback.
"I mean." He shrugged. "I, uh, remember my mom using vinegar a lot when she cleaned."
At that, her eyes softened. She let out a little huff of laughter before crouching down next to him, gently easing the vinegar from his grasp. He let it go willingly, still so, so confused.
"Eddie," she sighed, tangling their fingers together and bringing his knuckles up to brush her lips against. "What do you get when you mix bleach and vinegar?"
"A very powerful cleaning ingredient." Though his confidence was definitely waning at this point.
She let out an adorable little giggle.
"Chlorine, Eddie. You get chlorine."
Well. That would've been objectively hilarious, actually.
"So I'm right," he verified, eyebrows raised. "It's a very powerful cleaning ingredient."
"Oh my God."
"Y'know," he continued, gesturing between them with his occupied hand. “One of us is clearly smarter than the other.” He winked, pointing at himself and mouthing 'me' at her.
She laughed, rolling her eyes and standing. Pulling him to his feet by their clasped hands, she took in his ratty old t-shirt and sweatpants with interest.
"What's with the sudden cleaning bug, anyway?"
Bashful, Eddie gave another little shrug, half-turning away under the guise of surveying the trailer around them.
"I just, uh. Just–– y'know, wanted you to, like, want to be here and shit. And if getting my hands a little dirty to make you feel more comfortable is what it takes, then––"
"Did I do something that made you think I don't want to be here?" she asked, her voice soft and timid all of the sudden. Taking on that expression that meant she was about three-point-seven seconds away from a thought spiral.
"No, sweetness, no," Eddie assured her, taking her free hand in his and pulling her close. "I just wanted to, like, do something nice. Make this place feel more like a home and not, uh. A tobacco-infused pig sty."
Chrissy relaxed against him, her ear at the perfect height to hear the gentle thumping of his heart in his chest.
The one that beat just for her.
"You don't have to do that for me."
"I want to," he stressed, maneuvering her until he could press his lips to her forehead. "And I was waiting for you to be gone to do it."
"Nancy and Robin are outside. I just forgot my wallet."
"Skedaddle then!" He let go of her hands, grabbing her wallet off the counter and shoving it into her arms. She let out a bewildered squeak as he shuffled her toward the door. "Out with ye! I've got a witch's brew to make! A solvent to make the walls shine!"
"Don't––" She gasped in delight when he swooped down for another goodbye kiss. Then another. And a third as he struggled to unlatch the door. "Don't mix bleach and vinegar!"
Door opened, a quick wave to Robin and Nancy as he said, "No promises!"
"Love you, sweetness! Have fun!"
"If I come home and you're dead I'm gonna kill you!"
ask meme
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stilespeters · 1 year
Hi! Please, can I request an angst for Kit Walker x female reader inside the asylum where Kit takes the fault for something she did and is severely punished in her place and then afterwards she goes check on him and comforts him and all but also confronts him why he did it and tells him she doesn't want him getting hurt on her behalf but Kit insists that it's okay and that he'd rather be hurt himself than letting someone hurt her, and then they end up like making an agreement where they both meet half way? I hope that all made sense haha... Anyway, tysm!
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A proposition
pairing: kit walker x reader
a/n: i am sleepy
word count: 2484
summary: After Kit takes the blame for something you did, you and him make an agreement for the following night.
warnings: sister Jude being sister Jude
To say you were in trouble would be an understatement.
You were absolutely fucked.
You see, an hour ago you thought it was a good idea to steal the keys from a guard, but a little detail you forgot was that the guard wasn't gonna let that slide.
And now all the other patients including you were standing in a line while sister Jude was pointing accusing fingers at everyone.
“I do not care how long we're going to wait here,” she began and her voice was dangerously laced with venom. “One of you has taken it upon themselves to steal the keys that unlock your rooms. Now I don't know what the motives are, but the thief better confess now, or there will be foul consequences.”
She walked along the line, making eye contact with every patient and when she stood in front of you, it looked like she made eye contact a little too long. Longer than anyone else. It was subtle, but it was very noticeable for you.
She had taken a dislike to you ever since you had arrived because you couldn't keep your mouth shut and you were very unpredictable. She hated that you were stubborn as well, and ever since you had stepped foot inside of Briarcliff, you always managed to leave a trail of trouble.
“Now?!” she yelled and the patients looked at her in anticipation. “Anyone have anything to say?!”
It was quiet before you raised your hand and everyone turned their head to look at you. Jude had a pained expression on her face as she watched you and her lips were pressed to a thin line, but she waited for whatever you had to say nevertheless.
“Maybe it says more about the guards than the patients,” you retorted. “Maybe they lost the key somewhere and are now trying to put the blame on us for their stupidity.” Jude came face to face with you and it was as if she was staring at your soul. It made you uncomfortable but you tried not to show it as you crossed your arms.
“Listen to me, miss Y/n L/n,” she mocked. “You've only been here for about two weeks. But just because you're new doesn't mean you're an exception to punishment.”
Everyone was quiet and looked at the scene in front of them. No one talked back to sister Jude, and you began to realize there was a reason why. You somehow just vomited words and it would one day become your doom. Which is probably today.
In the meantime, you had the keys clutched behind your back in your hand.
It may not have been the smartest thing to attract attention but your mouth already opened before you even thought about what the consequences might be.
She saw that your hands were behind your back and she narrowed her eyes at you. “Search her.”
The color on your face faded as your heart sank, and a lump formed in your throat as two guards walked up to you.
This was it. They are gonna find the keys in your hands and they are going to punish you severely. You could already see the glint of satisfaction in sister Jude’s eyes as she’ll have you bend over her desk. If she chose to be cruel, she’d lock you up in solitary or worse, and your whole plan would be ruined.
You closed your eyes and as the two men grabbed your shoulders, a voice spoke up.
“It's me, I got the keys.”
You opened one eye before opening the other, and you looked at your side to see a man standing next to you. You had seen him before but you had never really talked to him. He seemed pretty normal compared to the others, but you knew everyone had a reason for being stuck in this hellhole, so you didn't let a cover judge the book.
“What?” both you and Jude say in unison.
You suddenly felt a hand creep up to yours behind your back, and before you could protest, the man had grabbed the keys out of your hand smoothly.
“I uh, he dropped them on the ground and I picked it up.”
“Why didn't you return them?” Jude inquired.
He shrugged and he looked at you while you narrowed your eyes at him. Why was he trying to help you?
Jude walked over to the man and clicked her tongue. “Well, it seems like we found the thief. Mr Walker, come with me.”
An hour later everything was back to what here is called ‘normal’. The usual French song Dominique was playing on the radio in a loop, and it quite frankly made you feel like you were losing your mind. How fittingly.
You sat near one of the windows and you supported your head on your palm as you had a cigarette between your lips.
You had always hated the taste of cigarettes, but the way it burned your throat was intoxicating and it made your head lighter, and so you carried on with smoking.
While you inhaled deeply, you wondered what was happening in sister Jude’s room right now, but part of you knew it couldn't be any good. Sister Jude wasn't an idiot, she knew that a guard wouldn't just drop their keys on the ground. She knew the tendencies of patients trying to escape or whatnot. And so you were terrified for the man in her office. He would probably not be able to sit for a whole week, but hey, it’s sister Jude who is giving the punishment. She is unpredictable too, so who knows.
It looked like you were about to get your answer once the doors opened in the common room and the same man who saved your ass stepped foot inside the room.
A few heads turned to look at him, but eventually they shrugged it off and went on to continue doing what they were doing. You however looked at him as he made his way over to the couch. You saw that he had a funny walk, and you grimaced at the thought that an innocent man took the blame for you. He didn't even know you.
But that was about to change.
You threw the cigarette somewhere, got off your seat and made your way to the couch where the mystery man was sitting. He had an unreadable expression on his face and as you got closer, he noticed you. He gave a weak smile trying to reassure you and as you sat down next to him, it was quiet for a while.
“Thank you,” You began. “For earlier, you quite literally saved my ass.”
He let out a chuckle and he scratched the back of his neck. “It’s nothing.”
When he said that, you frowned. He made it sound like getting caned by Jude was nothing. But you knew better, because as you scanned his face, you looked him in the eyes and you saw it was pure pain. He had been through hell and back, you could read that only by looking at his eyes, and you felt sorry for the man. He genuinely didn't deserve the punishment that was given him.
All because you stole the guard’s keys.
“It’s not nothing, it’s everything,” you rubbed your eyes. “You didn't have to do that.”
“I know, but I wanted to.”
“You wanted to get caned by Jude?” you ask and your eyebrows knitted together. He quickly shook his head and cleared his throat.
“No, it’s not that it’s just…” he bit his lip and fiddled with his fingers on his lap. “I’m not an atheist, but I’ve lost faith lately in the god that watches us from above. I’m tired of watching good people suffer the most excruciating pain, when they deserve the best things possible to ever exist. It makes me question if there is really someone up there who looks out for us.”
You saw the conflict in his eyes as he continued, and you felt your heart break for a stranger who carried so much weight on his shoulders.
“It’s just not fair how some people are treated. I figured that if I could help someone, to help make their day a bit less miserable, that I would make the world a bit of a better place. When I saw your face from next to me, I saw how much you had suffered and I wanted to take some of the pain for you.”
“I don't want you to do that,”
“I don't want you to get hurt on my behalf, you didn't deserve the physical inflictions that were actually meant for me.” You placed your hand on his shoulder and although he first stiffened to your touch, he gave in quickly and he let out a shaky breath.
“I’d rather get hurt than see someone else get hurt. Especially a good person like you. I’ve seen the way you treat the others here. You're always kind to everyone. You treat them like they are not human waste, you don’t dehumanize them. You treat them like any functional person would.”
“I treat them like my equals because I am one of them.” He gave you a knowing look.
“You and I both know that is not true. Now I don't know the exact reason why you’re here, but you do not belong here.”
“So do you,” The man looked at his feet and you gave him a comforting smile. “I've seen crazy, and you're not it. You have a good heart. I owe you,” he shook his head. “It was my decision to take the blame, I’m okay.”
His lips curled upwards and he looked down again.
“You’re a Giver,” you say and he looked up at you with his eyebrows raised. “You give and give and give out of the goodness of your heart. And that is something you need to keep close to you, as close as possible, because not many people are like that these days. But you do need to realize that if you give more than what you have, it’ll crush you slowly. Too much baggage from other people, too much weight from other people’s problems, is not something that is your responsibility. It’s the best trait a person can have that you want to help everyone, but you sometimes need to put yourself first, and make sure you’re okay, to be able to be fully there for others. You can't help people when your back is broken from all of their shit.”
He let your words sink in, and his mouth hung slightly agape. Part of him knew you were right, but another part of him was conflicted, because he’d rather put himself in front of others because he deeply cared. He cared a bit too much, that was always his problem. He felt too much, and he knew that if he didn't protect himself, the world could eat him alive. Yet even with that knowledge, he let it happen.
“Hey,” he dozed off but he snapped his head back up at you and you saw that he was battling with himself. “I’m here for you, just promise me that you’ll be more kind to yourself, okay?”
“Okay I’ll try,” that answer was enough for you and you smiled once again, even though you could still see hesitation in his eyes. “Can you tell me why you stole the keys? I’m kinda curious about that because it was only the keys to unlock our rooms, not the main doors in the institution. Were you planning an escape? You really think the guards are that stupid?”
“To answer your last question, yes, I believe that they are stupid,” you say and the man snorted. “Well, stupid enough to leave their keys hanging on their pants, but I guess I didn't foresee that they would notice that their keys were gone,” you buried your face in your hands and this time the man rubbed soothingly over your back as you hunched forward. “And to answer your other question; no I didn't plan on escaping. I just wanted to see the lights tonight. From my cell room I don't have a good view. I figured that if I stole the keys and sneaked my way out to the common area, I’d be able to see the lights better.”
“The lights?” he questioned and you nodded. “The lanterns that are being released into the sky. I used to watch it every year with my mother. It should be tonight.” you sighed dreamily as you pictured the beautiful view in front of you, and you felt nostalgic. “It’s the only thing that makes me feel normal again, it's the only thing that makes me feel sane. Just thinking about it takes me back to the better days. I have to see it, but I don't have the keys anymore, and the guards will probably be more alerted.”
“Only Frank, Joe and Jude have the keys to our rooms as far as I know,” he eyed the closed door of the common area. “The keys you stole were Joe’s, he is like a hawk. Frank however sleeps 24/7, he wouldn't notice that his keys are gone.”
“What are you implying?” you ask while narrowing your eyes and he shrugged. “Maybe we could help each other out.” You tilted your head at that and snorted.
“I’m not giving you a blowj-”
“-No! That’s not what I meant.” You chuckled and nudged his shoulder as he turned red. “I’m just messing with you.”
He shrugged it off but you could see he was trying not to make eye contact with you. “What I meant was that maybe we could help each other out by me helping you take Frank’s keys so you can sneak out and watch the lanterns, and you helping me move around. Everything hurts, Jude was relentless and I think I won't be able to walk for a week or so.”
You didn't have to think long and hard about the proposition, because you already knew you set your mind to watching the lanterns. The mystery man was a bonus.
“Are you tagging along to see the lanterns with me?”
He thought about what you had said to him before. He was very self aware about how giving he could be, and your words had really affected him. He had always been the person to follow the rules and listen to what people told him, but as he looked at you, something in him told him that this was genuine. Something told him to say yes, and so he answered without hesitation.
“Yeah, If you want.”
“What’s your name?” you asked him.
“Kit, Kit Walker.”
“Well mr. Walker,” you smiled while holding out your hand. “You got yourself a deal.”
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