#warehouse webtoon
sublimeblazetiger · 4 months
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rirren · 2 years
Hey! Do you think you’ll ever write more for warehouse or do you have any ideas you never uploaded? There’s so few fics in the tag..
Not sure! Life has been making it hard for me to write lately, not just Warehouse but anything. I had a look through my Warehouse docs and I found two fics I'd half-started and never finished.
One is an amnesia fic where Sungho gets hit protecting Dohyun from Yongsu in chapter 40 something, and loses his memory. Dohyun was gonna end up at Sungho's house out of desperation and amnesiac!Sungho tries to romance him which freaks Dohyun out.
Another is a precanon fic where Dohyun does a bit of sex work sometimes and Sungho sees him. It was gonna lead to a kind of sugar daddy thing where Sungho was planning on revenge but ends up falling for Dohyun.
They're pretty short and I'm not sure I'll ever complete them so I'll upload them here!
Amnesia fic
Sungho's life began on a cold floor, staring up at a cement ceiling. He blinked at it—each slight movement of his eyelids sending a shard of pain slicing through his head.
He wondered where he was.
He tried to sit up, and immediately groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. He felt out his head with a slow groping hand, and fingers touched sticky warmth. He breathed silently for a couple of heartbeats, riding out the wave of nausea.
There was the sound of shuffling and he opened his eyes. He saw movement in the corner of his vision—feet padded softly towards him and then someone was standing over him.
It was a young man—barefoot, with silky black hair and purple bruising around his neck. His skin was so pale it was almost green. He stared at Sungho with a vacant distance in his eyes, like he wasn't all there.
"You're still alive," he said.
Sungho managed the tiniest nod, then drew his hand away from his head. His fingertips gleamed with bright red blood.
"What—" His voice came out cracked and weak.
"Some guys tried to brain me," said the man, his voice sounded more alive the more he talked. "You jumped in front."
"Oh," said Sungho. He had no memory of that or of this man but he felt a deep relief that he'd saved him. He swallowed. "Who are you?"
The man stared at him for so long Sungho started to wonder if he had been speaking a foreign language without realising it.
"I don't remember … I don't know—do you know me?"
The man's eyes widened.
"You're Sungho … You don't remember?"
"No. I don't remember anything."
The man's eyes tracked over Sungho's body, his expression changing to something unidentifiable. An illogical fear that the man would leave him crept over Sungho. He tried to roll over, a strangled groan leaving him.
For a moment the man did nothing. Then he dropped to his knees, reached out a hand, steadied Sungho, and helped him sit up. Sungho panted, eyes shut against dizziness and nausea. When the roaring in his ears faded he heard the man muttering.
"—up … take you to the hospital."
Arms threaded under his and then he was being lifted. He could feel the man shaking under the strain and he tried his best to support his own weight.
Hooker fic
Dohyun has the latest guy pressed up against the wall (the best way to stop them from fucking his throat, except then he has to make eyes at them and pretend he's enjoying it) when he sees a man watching them. It's a little too dark to see him properly, and the guy pulls his hair when he stares too long.
He makes a sound in the back of his throat like he loves getting his hair almost ripped out at the roots, and redoubles his effort to make the man come and give him his money. He takes the guy's cock all the way down his throat, and between that and the hand in his hair he can feel his eyes starting to tear up. The guy's breath hitches.
It doesn't take too long after that – moaning, and all the tongue action he can muster – before the guy is coming into the condom, holding him still by his hair.
Dohyun coughs as quietly as possible afterwards, and wipes off the drool from his chin. He stands up, his knees aching, and leans against the wall, giving the guy what he hopes is a charming smile.
"Was it good?" he asks in a raspy voice.
The man wipes sweat off his face and then digs in his pocket for his wallet. He looks like he's in his 40s, socially inept and working a boring office job. Probably has a boring wife and kids he's trying to escape since he keeps coming here.
"I-It was good … thanks." He gives Dohyun the cash they agreed on and then holds Dohyun's hand in his own sweaty one, lifts it to his lips, and presses a kiss to it, greasy gaze taking him in. "You'll … I'll see you here tomorrow? I can get us a hotel…"
Dohyun's stomach twists at the implication. Blowjobs and handjobs out on the street are the furthest he's gone. That's where he'd drawn the line when he started this. Just a little something to supplement his crappy income when he's short on rent, not his actual job; he has more pride than that.
The guy leaves and Dohyun counts up the money he's made. He's still short by almost 20,000 so either he needs to find someone else tonight, or look through his belongings again to find something worth selling. Maybe the landlord will let him extend the deadline if he shows he has most of the money. He bites his lips, trying to work out all the calculations, and then he remembers the creep who had been watching him and looks up.
Sure enough, there's someone skulking in the entrance to the alleyway. Shadows darken the guy's face but he can feel his eyes on him.
"Enjoy the show?" he calls out. "You can get more if you're willing to actually pay for it."
He waits but there's no reply. He's starting to feel less annoyed and more uneasy. He glances around the alley but there's still only one way out and the guy is standing right next to it. He rolls his shoulders, affects an unconcerned pose, and starts to walk off confidently, though inside he's knotted with tension.
When the guy makes a sudden lunge he's ready, jumping back, but the guy is too quick and grabs Dohyun's arm to stop him running off. Dohyun tries to wrench free but he's gripped tight between the man's hands, forced to face him.
He's young, about Dohyun's age, an unnerving light in his eyes, and a huge scar across his face. His face is tight as his eyes scan over Dohyun's face and body.
"Don't touch me!" Dohyun's heart is beating so fast it feels like it'll almost punch out of his chest. He tries to pull out of the man's grip.
"You … you let men do this to you … for money?"
"Yeah, and you don't get to touch for free. Fuck it, get off!"
He pulls free a second later, the man's grip suddenly loosening. He steps back warily. The man just stares at him, looking lost.
"…Why?" he asks.
If it was anyone else Dohyun would have made a dash for it the second he was free. But for some reason (maybe it's the strangely child-like tone in the guy's voice, maybe it's the way he looks like his world has just ended) he doesn't. He just stands there, trying to conceal his shaking and dry mouth from the rush of adrenaline.
"For the money, why else?"
The man's hands drop. His forehead creases. Dohyun wonders if he's mentally challenged, if he just walked by the alley and saw something he didn't understand.
"How much?"
Dohyun's jaw drops.
"I don't deal with guys like you."
He turns and the guy cries out,
"I'll pay you 100,000!"
Dohyun's steps falter. The guy misinterprets.
"150 … 200!"
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rush-mp3 · 8 months
i'm so glad i dropped my suha bc why is everything i hear about this story after periodically checking in worse than the last? 😭
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strwbgirls · 1 year
Random Jason Todd headcanons that are now canon because I said so
~ As we know Jason Todd is big ass shit canonically being 6′0 and 225lbs I believe he is 6′3 but his boots defiantly add height so just imagine this 6′7 225lb man towering over whispering the dirtiest shit ever in your ear I'm combusting
~ I also heavily believe Jason smokes he's not a chain smoker he only does it when he gets in a shit mood or just needs to relax. it is very attractive watching him smoke
~ That being said when is in a shitty mood he finds comfort in your presence so just be there don't say relax with him, he appreciates more than you'll know
~ He has mommy and daddy issues so he definitely babies you but wants you to baby him back. he's the little spoon
~ He definitely looks out for the kids around Gotham. Bringing them groceries, and new clothes, getting them away from drugs, getting their parents into rehabs,  and letting them spend a couple nights at his warehouse.
~ I always used to headcanon that Jason was Latino but when I started reading Red Hood: Outlaws the webtoon  his shoulder tattoo reminded me of a Polynesian Tribal tattoo so now I believe he is defiantly mixed(latino&poly)
~ He is a feminist through and through. He actually believes women are the shit and is into powerful women. likes being dominated sometimes. 
~ He is into WOC I don't make the rules. He would wholeheartedly embrace your culture, any food, and special events. If you had curly hair he would learn how to take care of it and ask to help out with it sometimes. He would take time to research your culture. Definitely either cuss out racist or just kicks their ass really depends on his mood.
~ He is the world's biggest literature NERD. Reads people like William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, George Orwell, Alexandre Dumas, and Sir Conan Arthur Doyle. He would quote certain lines to you.
~ He loves it when you play nurse patching him up after patrol even if your medical knowledge is limited he would walk you through. Even better if you both heroes and you're just patch each other up trying making to make each other as comfortable as possible. 
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sneebnationalism · 1 year
"why cant chae yul have his happy ending??"
(or: why the ending of lero's secret alliance was perfect)
part 1 of 2
spoilers for the webtoon secret alliance, i'd 100% recommend reading it!! it's not too long and absolutely worth the read :)
this is also going to be an. obscenely long post
i constantly see people complain about how secret alliance ended, and how yul deserved better. this is complete horse shit and here's why.
1: his happy ending should be that sian did not press charges on him. this is. literally mentioned in the comic. she had every right to put him in jail.
2: he did get his happy ending. he wouldn't have been able to grow or get better as a person if he had stayed in a relationship with sian or continued to do his crazy shit
how do you read this and still think that his ending wasn't happy
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him going away from her and getting a job and being a functional person was his happy ending. he's fucking miserable, but it allows him to actually become a happy person.
also people who defend yul's actions because they relate to him make me want to explode JUST BECAUSE YOURE ALSO NUTS DOESNT MEAN HE ISNT.
like most of the fandom are just like "oh i think sian and yul are cute" the whole plot of the story is that she is horrified of men, him specifically, and he's so fucking delusional and unstable that he chooses to crossdress and befriend her as a woman to be with her again.
they're a nightmare. sian can't even convince herself that she likes him, and the only reason they ever appeared to be friendly at most is because sian is a people pleaser and yul is clingy and determined.
the whole point of the damn comic is that yul is batshit crazy and needs help. he is absolutely mentally ill, but this doesn't excuse his actions. the fact that he is mentally ill also contributes to why sian cut him so much slack.
also. if you want a man to be in love with and that's the reason you like yul and want him with sian,
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he is literally the most perfect man in the fucking universe and y'all are head over heels for the dude who bashed him over the head with a fucking pipe.
anyways. back on topic.
he didn't deserve a good ending. he should have gone to jail. but he was literally just given another chance and told to get his shit together. he got the best ending he possibly could have without jeopardizing sian's happy ending.
i don't remember what blog i got these screenshots from, but a lot of this rant was just me responding to one long post from a blog that tried to explain why yul deserved better. if i find them, i'll edit this post.
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1: never at any point in the comic does it state that yul was physically abusive. he was fucking deranged and absolutely mentally and emotionally abusive (unintentionally), but he didn't hit her. the closest he got was saying he'd stab her so that they could frame her shitty mom. how did you come to that conclusion??
2: HOW ARE YOU GOING TO HATE THE PROTAGONIST?? she's also not plain in the damn slightest. she's boring and plain at the start, but that's because she's fully controlled by fear and her mom. as she gets over her fears and works through her issues, her personality is so amazing and cool!
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that doesn't make up for anything?????
he tried to take her away from her mom in order for them to get closer. he told people at the school to bully her more so that he could act like the knight in shining armor and help her. she said she was going to leave him so he locked them both in a shed at the school overnight when he knows she is horrifically scared of men.
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he tried to take her away from her mom in order for them to get closer. he told people at the school to bully her more so that he could act like the knight in shining armor and help her. she said she was going to leave him so he locked them both in a shed at the school overnight when he knows she is horrifically scared of men.
he was abusive the whole time. keeping someone locked overnight in a warehouse with you against their will is abusive.
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her condition got worse because the first man she actually trusted ended up being an obsessive stalker. it is incredibly straightforward. it wasn't about how badly he abused her, it's the fact that he completely betrayed her trust.
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it doesn't make sense because that's not the parallel. the connection between yul and sian's mom is that both of them had an idealized image of sian in their heads that they loved, but they both ignored what sian actually wanted or needed. sian's mother blamed her for "attracting dirty men" and basically kept her holed up in an apartment to avoid ever facing that fear because she thought sian was the problem. yul saw sian as a perfect specimen that was being tainted whenever she interacted with people he deemed unworthy of her. they are absolutely parallels.
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thatokaygromblin · 2 years
Jason's death day is April 27.
Whenever April 27 comes, every year, the batfam (but mostly Bruce, Dick, and Alfred) routinely check on Jason to see if he is doing alright. Even if Jason makes it seem like it doesn't bother him, he can still remember the ghost hits of a crowbar, laughter, and flinches at every scraping metals.
small headcannon, mostly from Wayne Family Adventures webtoon:
I believe that Jason shuts down, and becomes catatonic just a little bit. He drags his feet, and makes himself seem smaller; hunched shoulders, humped over posture. He's more quiet, but tries to make it seem that everything's okay, even though the family can see its not. Jason is more snappy and tuned out, he is goes to the more lit up places of the manor, and cuddles himself with soft things to make himself be sure that he isn't in the cold, dark warehouse. But Jason's mind always brings him back there, to that same spot to the same warehouse trapped with the Joker, getting beating with a crowbar and blown up while hearing laughter.
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usamamoweek2024 · 1 year
Meet the Creators - Mochibuni
What username(s) and platform(s) can folx find you on? (Please include links!)
I'm on most platforms as @mochibuni/mochibuniart. These are the ones I'm most active on:
Twitter, Twitch, Deviantart, AO3
(Fun Fact) What is your favorite kind of potato?
Purple! They spike my blood sugar normally and it was hilarious surprising everyone with purple mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving.
How long have you been creating works in fandom spaces? How long have you been active in the SM fandom?
Sailor Moon is my first fandom and I've been active in it since around 1995/96. I've probably been sharing fanart and fic for just as long, much to my dismay when moving fic from ff.net to AO3.
What type(s) of creative works do you usually make? (fanfics, digital art, cosplay)
Digital art with the very occasional fic.
What do you enjoy about creating for the SM fandom?
Everyone gets the in jokes, I don't have to explain why I draw green jackets on screencaps (hi I'm @mamorusgreenjacket).
Are you strictly UsaMamo or do you create for other pairings as well?
I'm actually not a shipper (though I have preferences), the majority of my pairing pieces are gifts or project work.
What inspires you to create works for Usagi and Mamoru?
They best fit the concept of what has inspired me or someone asked for it.
Do you tend to work on multiple projects (WIPs) simultaneously or try to finish one at a time?
First rule about WIPs, we do not discuss how may WIPs! Second rule about WIPs, no really I have to use a management program for my projects and ideas I don't want to forget. ;-;
Do you prefer large projects (chaptered fics, webtoons/zines, highly detailed art) or small projects (one-shots or simple art)?
Simple art and one shots, but I'm pushing myself to do more intricate drawings with backgrounds. I've had this multi-chapter UsaMamo yakuza fic outlined in my drafts for years.
Are there any common themes, situations, tropes, or mediums in your work?
SPARKLES. Also a lot of orange and pink circle backgrounds because I hate drawing backgrounds. :< For fic it's usually comedy and angst centered around a singular idea.
Is there anything you haven’t explored artistically and would like to try?
There are so many traditional arts and craft work I would love to do, but then my home would turn into a craft warehouse.
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chiwitss · 6 months
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just some tidbits on jason, specific to my portrayal. * tw : drugs, overdose
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FULL NAME. Jason Peter Todd (renamed from Jason Thanavong) AGE. 19-24. DATE OF BIRTH.  August 16th. TITLE. The Redhood, formerly the second Robin. ISTP. The Virtuoso. MORAL ALIGNMENT. Chaotic Good.  GENDER + SEXUALITY. Transmasc nonbinary, Lesbian. (He/Him)  ETHNICITY. Lao-American (1st generation immigrant.)
JASON WAS BORN TO WILLIS AND CATHERINE THANAVONG.  He never knew his father who ended up in prison when he was an infant (and never returned after serving his sentence), and he lived alone with his drug addicted mother he took care of by boosting and selling car parts in Crime Alley. His mother eventually died of an overdose, and he continued his criminal s activities as a teenager to support himself until he got caught in the middle of trying to steal the Batmobile’s tires. Though impressed by the youth’s audacity, Batman enrolled Jason into an all boy’s school for troubled youth. The school ended up being corrupt within, manufacturing and grooming the next generation of petty criminals; when Jason ran away from the school, he and Batman worked together to expose and bring down the operation. From there, Bruce Wayne took Jason under his wing and trained him to be Dick Grayson’s successor as Robin.   
JASON, WORKING AS ROBIN, eventually discovered the truth behind his father’s disappearance and pursued Two-Face for vengeance; at the last moment, he tempered his rage, and allowed the latter to be arrested. This wouldn’t be the last time he charged headfirst into jobs, however, and Bruce had concerns for Jason using excessive force and  lethal justice. Felipe Garzonasa, a serial rapist, was his first confirmed kill.  
LEADING UP TO A DEATH IN THE FAMILY,  Jason’s past wore down on his psyche, and Bruce’s plans in having him use the Robin role as an outlet failed. Using Bruce’s resources, he found out that his birth mother was actually alive, and he, after his dismissal from his duties, left the country to find her in Ethiopia. Though overjoyed to meet her,  Sheila sold him out to the Joker who brutally beat him in a warehouse and trapped both mother and son within with a time bomb.  Batman rushed to save them, but arrive too late as the bomb detonated. He recovered Jason and Sheila’s bodies in the rubble and sent them back to Gotham for burial.
SIX MONTHS AFTER HIS BURIAL,  Talia al Ghul retrieved Jason’s body from his coffin and resurrected him in the Lazarus Pit, though he went into violent shock immediately after waking up and escaped. Five years later, he returned to Gotham under the moniker of The Red Hood to take revenge on both the Black Mask and the Joker, though his plan failed. He escaped and remained in hiding for some time, though had several other vigilante ventures that somewhat mended his relationship with the Batfamily and Bruce.
NOTE:  Due to many contradictions of comic events / characterizations, I’ve decided to simplify his origins just a bit, drawing inspiration primarily from Jason’s Post-Crisis Robin run, the Outlaws issues, the Under the Red Hood comic and films, and the Wayne Family Adventures webtoon. Please don’t bite me, comic books are a a mess.
APPEARANCE. JASON IS TALL AND MUSCULAR with tan skin and brown eyes. He has black hair with a small streak of white hair that curls over his forehead that developed after his resurrection. Pre-resurrection, his hair was all black. 
He often dresses in masculine red and black clothing; his Red Hood outfit commonly consists of a red helmet, black chest armor with a red bat over his chest (symbolizing his alignment with the Batfamily) that also has a built in taser function, black pants, boots, gloves, and a brown leather jacket. 
He often opts for comfortable athleisure when off-duty with hoodies, sweatpants, and sneakers though other times, his fashion can be best described as ‘edgy’ or ‘punk’, with jeans, leather jackets, and boots; he lightly accessorizes with piercings and bracelets.
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Watch "Project Intake and Prioritization (1 of 5 in series)" on YouTube
Statistical analysis always do it in recurring income and Revenue and impact of the category you want to keep the warehouses and Manufacturing a lot you may not want it you may not want to press that product but you got to create the fandom and if you can supply that and let it be a market test see within local regions and certain people subscribe to certain categories and fandoms
And in the multi layer of movies games and swept jeans with stories web books web education to education using the characters from the webtoons and the movies they like to transfer into the education side for them to actively be moving while they're pushing buttons picking the right answers at the same time and getting rewards and making their characters stronger
And then look at the gross cycle to see how it motivates them to be certain characters and certain ml prone to you and certain positions of work and the great supporting roles around that and at a base layer for a stepping stone
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allesproductions · 1 year
The first two parts of Showdown at the Warehouse are up! Check them out on WebToon!
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sublimeblazetiger · 6 months
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askrockandfriends · 1 year
Raisuke and Ken's Rockin' Adventure - Raisuke vs. Ken - Showdown at the Warehouse, Part 2 | WEBTOON
{{Rock and friends have a Webtoon series! Check out their adventures there!}}
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rush-mp3 · 1 year
catching up on the side stories of Roses and Champagne, very slowly but surely.
one thing i hate that they do in R&C, and something i hate in these kinds of webtoons in general, is when they have the MC acknowledge how shitty & toxic their relationship with the ML is.
like it's less frustrating and mind-numbing for me of they just ignored it and acted stupidly in love, but it fr pisses me off when they have a character acknowledge it because i KNOW nothing is going to be done about it.
leewon acts all tough and huffy about his situationship with caesar, but not a damn thing is going to be done about it 💀 but i suppose in the case of R&C, leewon obviously can't leave this "relationship" as easily as he wants to—or maybe he could—idek if this counts as stockholm syndrome/typical behavior of trauma or if leewon is just annoying and stupid.
tbh, i don't even fully blame leewon. like obviously this wasn't mesnt to be a soft & uwu story, but damn, you can be toxic but less frustrating & more interesting. one of my "problematic/toxic" faves is Warehouse and that shit is an emotional rollercoaster that leaves you feeling empty and emotionally exhausted by the end, but it's so fucking good. i love it.
i feel kinda bad always being so harsh on leewon when i also lowkey feel so soft for caesar, who's the real asshole in all of this 😭 but ig that just goes to show how they successfully pulled off a "trgic backstory" on me even though i'm usually impervious to those kinds of things, specifically with characters like caesar.
every time i see caesar, i judt think of him as my baby boy. they really got me good 😔
anyways, i'm only on ep.57, so maybe–just maybe–by the time i catch up, i won't be bitching about this series anymore lmao
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rirren · 2 years
Hello! Do you know how I can access the full version of the translated Warehouse comic? I can only access the YA version on NetComics and the Twitter link from Whale's profile doesn't seem to be working :(
Hey! I had a look at Netcomics and the site is down for me. Not sure when it'll come back on but I think for R-18 comics they usually require you to be logged in before they let you see them.
Lezhin and Tappytoons have the mature English version though (make sure to log in)
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hello there~
I haven't been on this blog for a while,and once i finally logged in,i found out that i got many asks....am sorry for not replying :/ but just in case you still havent gotten the answer,and since most of the asks were about Warehouse,i will try to summarize the answers in this post and hopefully you see it :)
the Warehouse webtoon is completed in korean,it ends at chapter 67 and has two extra stories (two chapters for Yangsu and long haired dude/ three chapters for Dohyun and Sungho) , and an Q&A.
the chapters are currently being officially translated and posted on both Lezhin and netcomics,it is still not completed,but it is published weekly...links: 
netcomics: https://www.netcomics.com/comic/thewarehouse
Lezhin: https://www.lezhin.com/en/comic/thewarehouse
as for the fan translations,from what i understand,they don’t have Korean translators,so they have been on hiatus,that is all i know.
the raws can be found on Bomtoon (link:https://www.bomtoon.com/comic/ep_list/incarc_WH)
the site is in Korean,and it needs age verification and a Korean phone number to verify your age and read mature content.but there is a way for international readers,and i have already explained it in this ask,please check it out (link: https://killingstalking-warehouse.tumblr.com/post/182843022430/hi-thanks-for-sharing-tips-on-how-to-buy-coins-on# )
there is no colored version for warehouse lol,the colored edits you see here are done by me xD there is only one version available.
I don’t speak Korean guys xD so please don’t ask me for translations lol.
i think that’s about it :/ hope it helped for whoever is interested :) 
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m0rg4 · 4 years
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