poupeesdecirque · 5 months
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Little Red doodle aaaaand we reached chapter 100! 149 panels left :') (well kinda, ... it's 146 as i didn't stop with the 100).
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metro-nix · 2 months
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You know the drill. :shakes out box of doodles onto this post:
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rudimentor0x0 · 2 years
D.Gray-man x Egyptian mythology
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sneebnationalism · 1 year
"why cant chae yul have his happy ending??"
(or: why the ending of lero's secret alliance was perfect)
part 1 of 2
spoilers for the webtoon secret alliance, i'd 100% recommend reading it!! it's not too long and absolutely worth the read :)
this is also going to be an. obscenely long post
i constantly see people complain about how secret alliance ended, and how yul deserved better. this is complete horse shit and here's why.
1: his happy ending should be that sian did not press charges on him. this is. literally mentioned in the comic. she had every right to put him in jail.
2: he did get his happy ending. he wouldn't have been able to grow or get better as a person if he had stayed in a relationship with sian or continued to do his crazy shit
how do you read this and still think that his ending wasn't happy
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him going away from her and getting a job and being a functional person was his happy ending. he's fucking miserable, but it allows him to actually become a happy person.
also people who defend yul's actions because they relate to him make me want to explode JUST BECAUSE YOURE ALSO NUTS DOESNT MEAN HE ISNT.
like most of the fandom are just like "oh i think sian and yul are cute" the whole plot of the story is that she is horrified of men, him specifically, and he's so fucking delusional and unstable that he chooses to crossdress and befriend her as a woman to be with her again.
they're a nightmare. sian can't even convince herself that she likes him, and the only reason they ever appeared to be friendly at most is because sian is a people pleaser and yul is clingy and determined.
the whole point of the damn comic is that yul is batshit crazy and needs help. he is absolutely mentally ill, but this doesn't excuse his actions. the fact that he is mentally ill also contributes to why sian cut him so much slack.
also. if you want a man to be in love with and that's the reason you like yul and want him with sian,
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he is literally the most perfect man in the fucking universe and y'all are head over heels for the dude who bashed him over the head with a fucking pipe.
anyways. back on topic.
he didn't deserve a good ending. he should have gone to jail. but he was literally just given another chance and told to get his shit together. he got the best ending he possibly could have without jeopardizing sian's happy ending.
i don't remember what blog i got these screenshots from, but a lot of this rant was just me responding to one long post from a blog that tried to explain why yul deserved better. if i find them, i'll edit this post.
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1: never at any point in the comic does it state that yul was physically abusive. he was fucking deranged and absolutely mentally and emotionally abusive (unintentionally), but he didn't hit her. the closest he got was saying he'd stab her so that they could frame her shitty mom. how did you come to that conclusion??
2: HOW ARE YOU GOING TO HATE THE PROTAGONIST?? she's also not plain in the damn slightest. she's boring and plain at the start, but that's because she's fully controlled by fear and her mom. as she gets over her fears and works through her issues, her personality is so amazing and cool!
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that doesn't make up for anything?????
he tried to take her away from her mom in order for them to get closer. he told people at the school to bully her more so that he could act like the knight in shining armor and help her. she said she was going to leave him so he locked them both in a shed at the school overnight when he knows she is horrifically scared of men.
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he tried to take her away from her mom in order for them to get closer. he told people at the school to bully her more so that he could act like the knight in shining armor and help her. she said she was going to leave him so he locked them both in a shed at the school overnight when he knows she is horrifically scared of men.
he was abusive the whole time. keeping someone locked overnight in a warehouse with you against their will is abusive.
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her condition got worse because the first man she actually trusted ended up being an obsessive stalker. it is incredibly straightforward. it wasn't about how badly he abused her, it's the fact that he completely betrayed her trust.
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it doesn't make sense because that's not the parallel. the connection between yul and sian's mom is that both of them had an idealized image of sian in their heads that they loved, but they both ignored what sian actually wanted or needed. sian's mother blamed her for "attracting dirty men" and basically kept her holed up in an apartment to avoid ever facing that fear because she thought sian was the problem. yul saw sian as a perfect specimen that was being tainted whenever she interacted with people he deemed unworthy of her. they are absolutely parallels.
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nancyboy1997 · 8 months
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ink-vax · 2 years
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A re-draw of an older drawing and honestly I like this one a lot more. 
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mikey180 · 11 months
Match Eleven-
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aokuro-san · 1 year
Well, since I am feeling a little better mentally, I would like to recommend a few things that I have loved and helped me to be better (apart from family support). First, TIPPING THE VELVET by Sarah Waters, a lesbian-themed book that gives a thousand turns to anyone who has read about the genre (or, at least, that has been my case). The author has an enviable pen and she could almost compare her to Sade, since this book not only has a portrait of relationships and vices, but of society and/or humanity itself. 
Better book than this year? Probably for me. Don’t miss the opportunity to read it, please.
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On the other hand, there is SECRET ALLIANCE by Lero. An online manwha that you can read in no time and is about a... love triangle? Between a girl with masculine features who is afraid of men, a womanizer who receives Cupid's arrow for the first time and a boy who dresses as a girl to conquer the woman he loves. Sounds very cliché, right? Well, even though it is, the way it is done is what I like: it does not glorify any of the characters and shows them as they are, with their lights, their shadows... Like the obsession of one and the overprotection of another destroys the self-esteem of the protagonist, like harassment is not something "kawaii" as some authors want us to see (perhaps unintentionally) and destroys people's safety, as well as wanting to take control of your life and be what you want to be... Maybe I wouldn't recommend this to everyone and it goes a little too fast for my liking, but if you want to give it a try: go ahead! I discovered it by chance and I have not regretted a thing. In fact, it's making me want to read it again, haha.
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radiogianoph · 1 year
LEROS (GRECIA) – ROMA Luciano Alberghini Maltoni dialoga con Nikos Kafentzis in occasione dell’ottantesino anniversario della battaglia di Leros. Luciano Alberghini Maltoni, romano classe 1952, tra i primi ad occuparsi delle vicende del Dodecaneso Italiano, ha progettato e realizzato nel 1997, l’unico sito tematico italiano sull’argomento www.dodecaneso.org. Ha pubblicato il libro “Prima del Radar” (Ascolta il podcast) sulle tecniche della difesa antiaerea italiana e “Rodi sogno infranto” sulla storia dell’isola durante l’occupazione italiana. Nel 2016 ha diretto e finanziato nell’isola di Leros, il restauro conservativo di un manufatto militare italiano della II.a G.M. chiamato “Muro d’Ascolto”. Nikos Kafentzis 35 years old. I have studied Engineering and I work as a load control coordinator in an international airline. Leros is the birthplace of my mother and since I was a little kid, I remember myself walking around the hills of the island and exploring abandoned Italian military fortifications. All that passion never stopped and accompanies me on the research and the process of preservation of Leros modern military history since then.Furthermore, I collect WW2 militaria, documents and photos related to Leros and Dodecanese and I manage the Facebook group “The Battle of Leros 1943”, where news and updates, regarding the Battle of Leros and the Italian occupation of the island, are posted on a regular base. https://www.facebook.com/groups/leros1943 Mi chiamo Nikos Kafentzis. Ho 35 anni. Ho studiato Ingegneria e lavoro come coordinatore del controllo del carico in una compagnia aerea internazionale. Leros è il luogo di nascita di mia madre e fin da bambino ricordo di me stesso che passeggiavo per le colline dell’isola ed esploravo le fortificazioni militari italiane abbandonate. Tutta quella passione non si è mai fermata e da allora mi accompagna nella ricerca e nel processo di conservazione della storia militare moderna di Leros. Inoltre, raccolgo militaria, documenti e foto della Seconda guerra mondiale relativi a Leros e al Dodecaneso e gestisco il gruppo Facebook “La battaglia di Leros 1943”, dove vengono pubblicate notizie e aggiornamenti, riguardanti la battaglia di Leros e l’occupazione italiana dell’isola, su una base regolare. La battaglia di Leros (ottobre-novembre 1943) vide gli italiani combattere al fianco degli ex nemici inglesi ma ora alleati, per la difesa dell’ultima isola del Dodecaneso Italiano contro i tedeschi che avevano già occupato, dopo l’armistizio dell’8 settembre, quasi tutte le isole dell’Egeo. Per due mesi centinaia di aerei della Luftwaffe bombardarono l’isola senza tregua sino all’assalto finale delle truppe scelte tedesche sia dal mare sia paracadutate dal cielo il 12 novembre 1943. Dopo 4 giorni di aspri combattimenti la guarnigione italo britannica si arrese avendo subito gravi perdite. Perché un isola di appena 54 kmq (senza neppure un aeroporto ma con una grande base navale) fu contesa con tale accanimento tra i due schieramenti? La risposta va cercata sulla sponda opposta del Mar Egeo ovvero in Turchia, nazione che manteneva un ambigua neutralità strizzando un occhiolino ora alla Germania ora agli Alleati, Churchill voleva gli aeroporti turchi per bombardare i pozzi di petrolio della Romania (unico rifornimento della Germania) e avanzare nei Balcani per bloccare la penetrazione russa. A questo fine era necessario che la Turchia scendesse in campo con gli Alleati. Dopo aver perso Rodi e Kos tra il settembre e l’ottobre del 1943, Churchill doveva dimostrare alla Turchia che gli Alleati erano più forti e perciò aveva spedito a Leros (ultima roccaforte rimasta) un forte contingente di truppe e mezzi. Per la stessa ma opposta ragione, la Germania, ormai quasi padrona delle isole del Dodecaneso non poteva rinunciare alla conquista dell’ultima roccaforte presidiata dagli italo britannici. Il Comando strategico germanico OKW non lesinò truppe e materiali per vincere a Leros, centinaia di preziosi velivoli della Luftwaffe furono sottratti dal traballante fronte russo e inviati in Grecia mentre la Wehrmacht spedì le sue migliori truppe d’assalto, i veterani del disciolto Africakorps e l’elite ovvero i paracadutisti, per conquistare a tutti i costi l’isola. Il risultato fu raggiunto nonostante le pesanti perdite subite dai paracadutisti, la superiorità aerea della Luftwaffe che martellava senza sosta le batterie contraeree gestite dai marinai italiani e la base navale fu l’elemento chiave per la vittoria. La Germania nazista vinse a Leros ma questa fu l’ultima vittoria del III.o Reich ed emblematicamente questo fu l’ultimo bollettino di guerra emesso dallo Stato Maggiore germanico. Sfugge a gran parte della storiografia moderna il fatto che in quella piccola isola del Mar Egeo si decisero le sorti finali della II.a Guerra Mondiale, dopo la conquista di Leros la Turchia non entrò in guerra a fianco degli Alleati (lo fece solo nel 1945 quando ormai la Germania era agonizzante), il petrolio dei pozzi di Ploesti continuò per un bel pezzo a rifornire la Wehrmacht, gli Alleati non poterono avanzare dalla Romania verso i Balcani e quindi bloccare l’avanzata dell’Armata Rossa verso Occidente, anche questa volta il formidabile intuito strategico di Churchill aveva visto giusto mentre in campo alleato molti avevano giudicato la strenua difesa di quell’isoletta “ a Churchill’s folly” ossia una follia di Churchill. A Radio Giano raccontiamo, in occasione dell’ 80.o anniversario, questa battaglia quasi dimenticata che avrebbe potuto cambiare il finale della guerra. Musiche con licenza d’uso Epidemic Sound GIANO PUBLIC HISTORY APS afferente al Centro interuniversitario per la ricerca e lo sviluppo della Public History Sostienici con il 5×1000 : CF 97901110581
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paulbernardmusic · 1 year
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Vi leker ikke musikk, bortsett fra at vi leker musikk #lekestue Mange prosjekter på gang. @silverendchris @docdeem . . #paulbernard #lero #drdeem #piano #pianist #musicproducer #musikkprodusent #artist #askøy #bergen #flygel #popmusic #popmusikk #musikk #music #recording #akg #c414 #ableton #abletonlive #musiker #musician #pianoman (ved Bergen, Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0lW1MMha-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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poupeesdecirque · 4 months
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My final DGM Art from 2023 along with the last redraws from that year, yeah, I'm a bit delayed in posting here but I have been busy with arts & crafts.
This was a fun week to draw I have to say, can't believe it's already in the 130, over the half of chapter panel redraws is done T_T;;
And regarding the artwork I was inspired by doll variants, the Clown one is planned and in the works, then a battle version and small Allen needed to go there too. I watched the One Piece Live Action series while coloring, that one is really nice to watch.
An the cover for the final (main) Story Arc of Warmth. I'm not sure if I will make the Aftermath Chapters with big or small covers, they are huge chunks... they would deserve big covers.
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metro-nix · 1 year
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Turns out I had a few Leros stashed away.
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party-lemon · 1 year
Frank Iero really said that everyone knew Mikey and that he had a creepy, hermit older brother, this is the funniest fuckin thing I've ever heard
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ilhama-emo · 1 year
Todos sabemos que romances intensos acabam em musicas tristes
Haylley Wolf
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torosdottir · 2 months
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emoopossumz · 2 months
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He happy :33
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