#waaaahhh another one down
jacqcrisis · 1 year
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A dreamie I finally got recently~ A rogueish ice hissi to steal your gold and your girl. And your guy. And your dad?
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lamb-of-seven · 1 year
Obey Me Brothers HC
Head Cannons for the Demon Brothers
Prompt: When they walk in on you changing.
This is my first post and I hope to make more. Post is a not Lemon or Smut, but slightly suggestive. Minors and Ageless Do Not Interact.
Lucifer: He’s prideful, so I feel it is unlikely for him to suddenly walk into your room with out announcing his presence first.
Something urgent would have had to have gone down, from a major crisis to finding out you failed an exam. He would have rushed to your room, walking at a swift pace, cloak flowing, and he would knock on your door with three swift and urgent knocks, before announcing “MC, it’s me, we need to talk now!” and will open the door regardless of you stammering “Hold on…”
You were down to your underwear, when the door slammed open. “I said hold on a minute!” You screech and turn your back to him, trying to cover up as much as possible.
While you didn’t see it, it was one of those few moments that made the prideful demon blush with wide eyes. However he composes himself with a cough to clear his throat, adverts his gaze, and simply states “I expect you out here the moment you are done, or I’ll drag you out regardless of what you are wearing… or not wearing.” He would then leave your room, closing the door behind him.
However he made sure to stand outside your door waiting for you, while also making sure no one else could enter your room while you undressed.
Mammon: We know this demon doesn’t know for anything. He barges in all the time. So truly it is your fault for not locking your door at this point.
Mammon would rush in yammering about “Yo MC! You have to hear…” You had stripped out of your clothing, pants freshly kicked away from your ankles. You both screech out. He slams the door behind him while you rush to your bed and pick up the blankets to cover yourself.
You both were bright red. Mammon is the first to break the silence, with his gaze off to the side but often taking guilty glances at you. “What do you think your doing getting naked with your door completely unlocked! What if one of my brothers came in! Your lucky it was me!”
“You!” You snap back. “Why the hell are you barging into my room to begin with! And why are you still here! Get out!” You trying desperately to cover more skin, and Mammon’s blush deepens a bit.
“W..well, it’s…it’s not like I the great Mammon could be a…aroused by a human!” He promptly turns to walk out, clearly aroused and embarrassed. “Whatever just get dressed and tell me where your done!” He then leaves the room, shutting the door, impatiently pacing in the hall until you call him back in.
Leviathan: Another on of the brothers who wouldn’t knock despite you needing to recite an entire password to enter his room. He’s definitely a shy baby boy.
His entrance wouldn’t be as forceful as Mammon, but he would just barge in. “MC you have to play this new game with me! It’s so, WAAAAHHH!” The moment he sees you stripped down to your very revealing underwear his scream could be heard for miles and his hands are now plastered to his face covering his sight. You were more startled by his scream than anything else.
“I’m so sorry!” Levi would cry and spiral. If your thought his deprecation was bad you haven’t seen nothing yet. He would be groveling on the ground. “I’m so sorry MC, You must think I’m such a pervert! You must hate me! Who wouldn’t I’m a yucky shut in otaku! And I just walked in her and saw…I saw… I’m so sorry!” He was bright red and just a mess.
At first you initially went to cover up with your hands, but since he was just curled up on the floor, you just continued changing and only said anything once you were fully dressed. You would most likely feel a sense of pity and mischief over the groveling demon.
“Levi.” You calling his name made him flinch and grow quiet. “I’m done getting dressed. You can look now.” Levi would at first shake his head in protest. You sigh and squat down next to him. “Accidents happen and I probably should have locked my door. I’m not mad, just next time knock, ok?” Levi would sniffle a bit and compose himself again nodding. You offered to play the game but he declined and vanished to his room. It would be almost two weeks before you saw Levi even leave his room, his face turning bright red for a while any time the two of you made eye contact.
Satan: I find Satan tricky, because he’s equal parts gentleman as he is mischievous. He’s not one to often come to your room, but when he does he just quietly walks in with a simple greeting.
I could see Satan coming to your room with a new book he felt you would like to borrow, opening your door calmly saying “Good Afternoon MC, I just thought…” You had just finished taking off your uniform and the two of you make eye contact, until he couldn’t resist and glanced down. That when you lose it.
He just laughs as he enters your room a bit more to shut the door behind him, while you scoop up you discarded clothing and crouch behind the nearest bit of furniture which happens to be your bed. Your had piled whatever clothing you grabs to cover as much skin as possible.
Satan walks slowly to were your hiding, close enough now to see just the top of your head and knees almost tucked under your chin. “My we are shy aren’t we.” He would laugh, then try to coax you out of your hiding spot like he would a cat.
“What do you want!?” You asked, your voice tight and words rushed.
“You know, I completely forgot the moment I saw…”
“Don’t!” You interrupt him and he just laughs, and though he would love to continue to tease you with playful banter in hopes he could get another glimpse, he knew better.
“Alright alright!” With that he turned and headed to your door. “It’s not my fault you left your door unlocked. I’ll leave you be.” And with that he leaves your room. A big sly smile and blush paint his face as he heads back to his room.
Asmodeus: Like Mammon, he would just barge in, however being the Avatar of Lust, this demon is the least likely to get flustered.
Asmo would totally burst into your room the moment you were about to pull of your underwear to flaunt a new outfit he was wearing.
“MC! Don’t I just look absolutely amazing in this new outfit! Aren’t I just the cutest more precious sight you have ever behold!” You nearly jump out of your skin as the pretty demon burst in, and use your hands desperately to cover up.
“Asmodeus I’m changing!”
“Indeed you are darling!” He only gets closer to you, leaving the door wide open. “Ooh, look how nice your skin looks! Doesn’t that new bath soaps and salt just do wonders, my my, what do you have here!” He said reaching down to tug at your underwear.
“Asmodeus!” You screech and try to put some distance between you two.
“Oh don’t be so shy dear, your look flawless! Let me just take a quick peek!” Your blush only deepened as he giggles and tries to expose you more. At this rate there were only two options, jetting stern with Asmodeus or reach out for help. Option one will leave him walking out of your room like a wounded dog, while the other involves one of the brothers dragging him away from you.
Beelzebub: I love my sweet innocent baby boy. He will knock and wait for you to answer. Like lucifer only in an emergency would he ever barge into your room, the only other way I can think of would be if he mis heard you.
You were getting out of your uniform, ready for comfortable clothing, your pants and jacket thrown on the bed. You were now trying to pull your shirt over your head, too lazy to undo all the buttons. That’s where you heard a knock at the door. You called out saying “Hold on!” However the color of your shirt muffled your voice. The door opened right as your popped your shirt over your head, completely exposed in front of Beel.
Beel just stood there staring, his mouth open, hand holding food. “Oh.” Is all he muttered, his face turning red before he backed out of your room shutting the door behind him. I feel Beel would just stand outside your door, food uneaten in hand and completely still as stone. His brain would just shut down. If one of his brother passes him they would be concerned.
Belphegor: I feel like he would often sneak into your room to sleep, so lots of late night sneaking in. The first few times he would always ask to get into bed, but now he just randomly takes advantage of your kindness and soft sheets.
One night when you were up late studying, he snuck in just as your were changing into your PJ’s. You didn’t even notice him come in, and he didn’t make a sound as he walked in, quietly started as your naked form for a bit, some slight pink coloring his face, then he slipped into your bed and continued to watch in silence.
When you were dressed and turned to your bed, your nearly had a heart attack to see the lazy demon laying under the covers, his head propped up on one arm just looking at you with a smirk.
“Good evening.” He would say with a sly tone.
“What the Hell Belphie!” You shriek throwing your discarded clothing at him. He would just laugh a little as it hits him. “You can’t just come in here and watch me get changed it’s so…”
“Can’t I?” He interjects. “It’s no big deal MC. Lets go to bed.” Your jaw just drops at the demons comment. He pats the bed trying to get you to come to him, but the mischievous gleam in his eyes made you take a step back.
“Out.” You stammer.
“Why?” He questions. “Because I saw you in your under…”
“OUT.” You say sternly now, pointing to the door with a shaky hand and blushing face.
Belphie sighed deeply before crawling out of your bed. “What a bother.” He complained before leaving your room, not bothering to shut the door as he left.
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willowser · 7 months
willow!! u can write exclusively assistant reader fics and I would read every. single. one.
u can keyboard smash and I would be like yesss 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 they deserve whatever the Oscar equivalent is to writing 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
excited for all ur wips!!! I hope ur week just gets better and better 💖
WAAAAHHH tysm 🥺 what a blessing from you 🥺 i just love the angle, you know ?? bc it puts you directly in his path just about every single day. it's like. you're holding a piece of him together and it's not about whether he's allowing you to or wants you to; that's your job. and somewhere along the way 🥺 i think it could be easy for those lines to blur 🥺
another agency wants to talk with you about coverage and emergency patrol shifts, so you're going to have a sit-down meeting with them thursday. don't forget. you have late patrol that evening, so you'll have to come in a little early, unfortunately, i'm sorry. i'll have all the paperwork made up when you come in and we can go over there together. i'll bring water or tea. maybe we can get lunch afterwards, and then we can talk about the schedule for next week. how is your arm, by the way, from when you hurt it? do you need me to call the clinic and get you a refill on your pain meds? what about your inhaler or your heart med? are you feeling okay lately? your dad called about next tuesday but that's your only day off so maybe you should just rest. i don't mind coming in saturday to help you catch up with paperwork, it's no problem. don't stress about it, we'll get it done. you can walk me home if it makes you feel better.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 9 months
Hunter seeing his little wife wearing the pretty lingeries he gifted her. He can hardly hold himself when he went home and saw his little wife in the sexy lingerie he likes~
"Darling, you're wearing the lingerie I gave you?" Hunter asks, putting down his work bag.
"Yeah, all my other clothes seem to have disappeared," You reply, trying to cover yourself up.
Your clothes were hidden in Hunter's closet. Heath and Henry broke in while you were showering and hid everything away. They learned you were on a sex strike to protest Hunter, making you miss the latest sequel release to your favorite book.
"Well, would you like to wear mine?" Hunter suggests, unbuttoning his shirt. "You know, you look beautiful in that red lace."
"Absolutely not."
"I'm your husband!"
"And I got married to a weirdo jock at 18 in my first year of college!"
The room goes silent, and you turn over in the bed. You pull the covers over your body, hiding yourself from him. The bed creaks as Hunter climbs onto it and wraps his around your waist.
"Leave me alone!" You yell, tossing a pillow at him.
"Y/N, I know our marriage isn't the best, but could we please get along. If not for us, then for our little angel in the next room. Nobody wants to see their parents fighting," Hunter says, rubbing your back.
You hated it. You hated that word. Angel. It's what got you into this mess in the first place. If Heath and Henry hadn't seen you at the Halloween festival, perhaps you would've had a different life? Maybe you'd be with someone else? Someone kind, like Charles.
"Don't call her angel, please."
"Sorry. If it makes you feel better, they told me about the Halloween festival performance a month after we started dating. I never knew you were in it until then."
You turn to your husband and kiss him. His hands go to your head and rub your hair.
"You're the best wife a man could ask for," Hunter compliments, wrapping his legs around your waist. "God, you're so hot in that lingerie!"
"Why don't you take it off then?"
Hunter blinks, and then he laughs. Before you even realize it, he's removed your bottoms and stuck his index finger inside you. You bury your face in his chest, too embarrassed by the feeling of lust you've felt since dating Hunter.
"Oh, come on, baby~ You've had sex with me plenty of times since high school. You even gave birth to a whole baby, and you still can't have a single digit in you," Hunter teases, fingering you faster.
You moan with pleasure into his chest and gently ride his finger.
"You know, our sweet daughter said she wanted a sister. I promised her I'd give her one. Maybe I should knock out two birds with one stone and fuck so much your womb just accepts my sperm?"
"Well, I did want another child to keep me company for when I'm home and not working."
"In that case, I have no choice but to oblige."
Hunter unbuckles his pants and pulls out his cock. You put it inside of you and ride him. He grabs your hips and helps you bounce your ass on his cock.
"You feel so good!" You moan, your breasts clacking together.
"I know! That's why you stayed with me!" Hunter replies, speeding up the pace of your riding.
Before you could finish, he suddenly thrusts in you three times and paints your pussy white. Your back arches in pleasure, and you fall onto Hunter.
"You did good, darling," Hunter compliments, rubbing your back.
"Thank you," You say, relaxing at the sound of his heartbeat.
The baby monitor on the nightstand clicks to life.
"WAAAAHHH!" Your baby girl cries, giving Hunter and You a reason to get changed.
"I'll get our clothes," Hunter says, pulling out of you and getting out of bed.
"I'll clean up really quick," You reply, getting up and walking to the bathroom.
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prttydolls · 2 years
𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐘, 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐍𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑. — draco malfoy
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summary : draco did everything in his power to reach out to you, and confess everything during the war. but what happens when you already moved on?
warning(s) : none
authors note : credits to @planetaryrph for the divider <3 also, pls rb !! it helps alot <3
special tag : @miss-celestial-being
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draco knew this was wrong, very wrong. him ignoring you throughout the year, and focusing on the deatheater related stuff.
he knew, that it would risk him losing you. but he also knew that if he kept interacting with you the dark lord would eventually find out and use you as a weapon.
a weapon that would make him weak on the knees.
so, he didn't want you to be the weapon used against him. he just ignored you, stop caring about your birthday, the anniversary, and hell even the time where you passed the difficult potions test you've been talking about.
he all threw it away, in the process of making you safe.
and ofcourse, he regretted that.
he wished that he had just stuck with you, he wished he had ran away with you like you suggest once.
but, he didn't ofcourse. he had too much pride in leaving his wealth.
that pride all came down the drain, when you broke up with him.
he acted as if he didn't care which he did, alot.
you cut all ties with him, and ran off somewhere in the wizarding world. whilst draco followed what is parents ordered on what to do.
he got married to harley cunningham, of course he didnt love harley his heart belonged to you and only you.
now he's just one poor little soul, waiting and hoping for you to come back to him and have his happy ending again.
but alast, this wasn't a fairy tale this was reality.
hes forever stuck in a loveless marriage, with a son scorpius malfoy.
- • - • -
draco woke up to the noise of scorpius crying, “waaaahhh!” he groaned, he felt bad for the kid he didn't have very loving parents but draco did try his best.
draco slowly went to the nursery, lulling Scorpius back to bed.
the little malfoy yawned and went back to his slumber.
draco placed scorpius back onto his crib and went back to his bedroom.
it all seemed a normal night, but he heard a moan from harley’s room.
“mmhh! fuckk please... damian!”
that bitch had no shame fucking another man in his home, and ignoring the childs cry?!
well, the fact that harley is fucking another man is probably not shocking to him.
but this woman is really the worst one there is, she ignored her own child crying?
what a bitch.
- • - • -
draco cant take it anymore, he missed so dearly. he wants you back.
draco did everything in his power to contact you somehow, whether magic or not
he sighed heavily before dialing the number.
936 .. 558 ... 140
draco didn't expect this number to work, this was your old phone number.
but it rang.
holy shit- it rang?! so it means, the number still works.
draco anxiously tapped his foot on the ground, hoping you'd answer and mentally preparing himself also.
“hello ? ”
. . . .
draco’s ears melted and the sound through the telephone. he hadn't heard your voice in 3 years.
draco prepared himself,mentally and physically.
“hey y/n, its me draco.. i just need to come clean now. uhm- im sorry for everything that ive done to you, i knew during the war that i shouldn't push you away and just opened up to you but i didn't and i hate and i mean, physically cant stand myself for it. i miss you so much, i really cant live without you. ever since the war everything has just been difficult for me everything wasn't going as planned. my parents set me up in a marriage with some girl, and forced me to get her pregnant. but trust me, she doesn't love me and i dont love her. i only love you, and only you. my heart belongs to you forever, every single minute i think about you and you alone. i know you probably think very low of me now, but please please . take me back, i cant stand that we arent together making a family like we used to planned I'd do anything for you,please just take me back .”
. . . .
silence was all you could reply with.
draco was really scared, and rather excited for your response. would you take him back?
what felt like enternity, before you replied.
“uhm, im sorry you dialed the wrong number.”
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tag list!! : @dracoslittleangel @imabee-oralizard @f4iryluvy @lilytoyourjames @siriusblackstwin @thehalfbloodedwitch @hhesperidess @bigpoppajes @dr4cosimp @blackthunder137 @pottahishotasf @slytherin-princess247 @n0agranger
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 months
i just read the newest "a condition called love" volume (to prepare for for the saki & hotaru poly request i received from you <3) and i—
i'm so unnormal about the last cliffhanger! i know you're not there yet, but know i have two scenes that i can't wait to hear your reaction about!!! >.<
also, the chapters were so fitting to the request you sent, as it really doubled down on how much saki only focuses on one person in his life. but now i'm gonna write the poly headcanons and give him another partner and see how he handles that hehe <3
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Waaaahhh thats sound so cool and exciting!!! Waaaahhh I want to read moreeeee!!!
Haha, right now i think im finally like 15 chapters before catching up (or at least with the chapter available in the page I found! It has until chapter 49 I think)
Im currently after Hotaru met Saki's father and the festival were Yako helped Hotaru and even almost confesed waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh my heart almost stop at that moment!!!
I'll make sure to tell you whenever i found more exciting scenes !!!
Also, when Hotaru met Saki's ex was quite funny the warning she gave to her hahaha I was like but thats the normal silly Saki hahaha
Also, thanks for taking my request, hope you have fun writing it because i always love everything you write ❤️
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sweet-star-cookie · 7 months
hiya!!! i was wondering if i could possibly make fanfic about cassie and my main zodiac oc meeting? if that's alright with you? i think they're really similar in a lot of ways and it'd be fun if they met
if it is, i'd really appreciate it if you could answer some of the questions i have about cassie and your oc world in general?
1. What's Cassie's general personality? How would she react to being sucked out of her world and into a strange new one?
2. How do the zodiacs feel towards Cassie? How does Cassie feel towards them? (especially in the case of scorpio, because from what i've seen, they seem to have the strongest relationship?)
3. Is there a way to get from the Astral Plane to the mortal realm/earth? (specifics are needed)
4. What magical abilities does Cassie's sword have, if any?
5. Does Cassie have any hobbies? (besides being super cool obviously)
6. Is Cassie alive, dead, or some other third thing?
7. How old is Cassie?
8. What is Cassie's zodiac?
9. Does Cassie know about your Ophiuchus? If she does, how does she feel about him?
10. Does Cassie have any magical animal companions?
Waaaahhh omg!!!! I’ve never been asked this question before so it was quite a lovely surprise to see in my ask box today, thank you! ;u; The comic isn’t even out yet so I’m flattered that you’re interested enough in my characters to want to write fanfic already, so please do!!! I’ll do my best to answer these well for you, but if you have any further questions please feel free to reply or send another ask! I’ll include some art here too to hopefully give you a good idea of everything, though some of it needs updating tbh (I also apologize in advance for the length of this reply haha ^^' )
Firstly, here's a WIP of the lineup for Cassie and the zodiac so you can see all them at once! I'm only about halfway through updating their poses and/or designs so a bunch of this is going to be changed later, but I thought it would help anyway.
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Alright, onto the questions! 1. What's Cassie's general personality? How would she react to being sucked out of her world and into a strange new one?
Ah, my daughter :'D Cassie is easygoing and friendly, and seen as a bringer of light to any darkness. She is shaped like a friend, and tries to be one wherever she goes! I wanted to reflect this in her design, which is why she’s comprised of almost entirely round shapes. She can make new friends pretty easily, but has to deal with the various reactions others have to her star eye by default. She's eccentric enough to embrace the wonder of it, especially with people who appreciate the weirdness too, but the social profiling does get to her sometimes. She has a big soft spot for animals as a result, as they usually don't see her in this way and it's a nice break from having to explain her eye all the time.
Though she maintains her usual cheerful demeanour and kindness most of the time, there is a side of dry snark to Cassie that comes out every so often if she's fed up, tired, or if her kindness has been deliberately misused by others. She has this happen to her a few times throughout the story, so while she doesn't lose her kindness, she gets a bit better at figuring out who is worthy of it. Do not cross her unless you want to feel really bad about your life choices! If she's angry, you'll definitely know about it, but not in a way that is misplaced or that causes her to lose her temper. With her kindness being seen as naivety by some, that also comes with a perceived lack of fortitude, and thus Cassie is often underestimated in the face of the Astral Plane's dangers. She usually doesn't mind unless she is actively talked down to or spoken for, though.
She has her fair share of malicious compliance or on-the-spot reckless behaviour once things really start to go off the rails, and it doesn't always go well! But, Cassie owns up to her mistakes and always does her best to fix them, especially if it's to keep her friends and family safe, new and old. She has a big heart and wants to help in any way she can! Like one of her favourite video game characters, she is small, but mighty.
Considering she essentially gets teleported to the Astral Plane in her own story, her reaction would likely be pretty similar if she was taken to another one too, a mix of fear and curiosity I’d say! Fear from the unusual things she sees and the various dangerous things that attack her, but also curiosity for those things, as going to the Astral Plane in her story is the first time in 14 years that she gets anything close to information about her star eye and what it’s for, or what it does. 2. How do the zodiacs feel towards Cassie? How does Cassie feel towards them? (especially in the case of Scorpio, because from what I’ve seen, they seem to have the strongest relationship?)
Correct! Scorpio and Cassie’s relationship is one of the biggest ones story wise, so I’ll focus on that the most and do a more truncated version for the others, but if you’d like me to expand on any of them let me know!
Aries, Taurus & Capricorn - Aries and Capricorn are brothers, and though they are complete opposites otherwise, they share their doubt of the claim that Cassie is any kind of “saviour” of the Astral Plane, even though she never claimed to be one in the first place. When meeting her, Aries expects her to talk down to him given his small stature like most others do (including Capricorn), but is caught off guard when she doesn’t. As Cassie actually puts in the work to train with her sword and understand her part in all of this, they start to respect her more, though Capricorn is just here to see how this all plays out at the end of the day (he likes the drama). Though Taurus is often seen with Aries and Capricorn, her reaction to Cassie couldn’t be further from theirs, viewing her as a “little buddy” almost immediately. Though this is easy to do with most people, given Taurus's size! She doesn’t immediately notice Cassie’s star eye either, something Cassie actually appreciates considering how often people notice it before the rest of her.
Cancer & Sagittarius - While these two aren’t partners in an official capacity like Aquarius and Pisces, they essentially became the parents of some of the smaller and younger constellations, including Gemini and Leo. As such, each of them are naturally sympathetic towards Cassie and the dangers of her role as the Starglass, and a young one at that, albeit in different ways. Sagittarius is a lot more on the “pragmatic instruction” side when it comes to advice, whereas Cancer’s more laid-back personality makes her favour learning by experience, and this sometimes puts Cassie in less than ideal situations! Though both of them are willing and able to protect her, they view Cassie’s predicament as inevitable and thus support her endeavours to learn how to fend for herself on the Astral Plane as well.
Leo & Gemini (Solana & Luna) - These three are the youngest of the zodiac, and also weren’t around during all of the stuff that happened with Ophiuchus, so they’re generally not distracted by Cassie’s overall importance when it comes to bearing the Starglass like the adult zodiacs are. As such, they’re curious and excited about a newcomer like any child would be, and see her as an older sibling over time.
Virgo & Libra - The overseers of justice in an otherwise lawless land, and thus are constantly tested when things keep changing on the Astral Plane, mostly for the worse. Cassie is a part of this, of course, but Virgo’s reaction is the calmest out of all of them. She’s very much the “go with the flow” type, not in a lazy way but more in a wise, enlightened way. She understands the gravity of the situation, but sees no purpose in panicking, and her calming presence is refreshing for Cassie and others. As the keeper of balance, Libra is a lot more anxious, wanting things to be orderly as soon as possible, especially with how long they’ve all waited for Cassie’s arrival on the Astral Plane. She is protective of Cassie for a myriad of reasons, though some of them are simply because Cassie is an innocent child thrust into an impossible situation that even the adults can’t handle very well. She feels guilty for her part in it and wishes she could do more, but doesn't have all the answers yet. She is hostile towards Scorpio, viewing him as a danger to Cassie, but sees their interaction as unavoidable as they learn more about Void magic collectively. Most of the zodiac can tell that at least some of Libra’s anxiety comes from an unknown source, however. Despite being a librarian, it can be oddly difficult to get information from her, ironically.
Aquarius & Pisces - A married couple with adopted companions of their own already, they think Cassie's adorable and become surrogate aunts to her in a way, acting as confidants and assisting in her training with air and water magic. Both of them have history with Scorpio, and thus they have varying reactions to finding out that he is (eventually) Cassie’s guardian, for better or worse. Aquarius primarily helps Cassie with her sense of confidence, while Pisces reminds Cassie of how fun it can be to have abilities like theirs.
Scorpio - When Cassie is first transported to the Astral Plane, she wakes up in complete darkness. Scorpio is the first thing she sees, but he nearly kills her immediately on instinct, thinking she was something (or someone) else. He does let her go, but is sure to thoroughly scare her off while doing so.
Initially, he sees Cassie’s arrival as nothing more than a nuisance, as she seems to keep appearing near him whenever she is teleported to the Astral Plane, even in the Voidlands when he’s out hunting. Naturally, Cassie does everything she can to avoid this after their first meeting, but as circumstances keep bringing them together, she begins to realize that he’s not actually out to harm her. In fact, he does much to protect her, even if he is hostile while doing so.
Scorpio has the strongest connection to Void magic, and this has caused many problems and lost many lives in the past. And though he never wanted any of it to happen, he is still paying for the consequences regardless. He is looking for Ophiuchus like the rest of the zodiac, but has his own reasons for doing so. It is Scorpio’s instinct to ward off anyone who comes near him, but as Cassie learns more of his plight, the more she wants to help him. From her perspective, if something is bringing them together anyway, they might as well work together while they’re at it. As you might expect, Scorpio is initially resistant to this, but begins to warm up to her over time, thanks in part to Scutum (his companion) helping to bridge the initial gap between them.
As things escalate, Scorpio sees just how much Cassie is willing to stand by him, and knows he must do the same for her in return. She also does much to help him repair the relationships with the other zodiac members. Though it has been squandered by others in his past, one of Scorpio’s biggest strengths is his loyalty, even if it takes a while to earn it. Though he’d never admit it, he starts to worry for Cassie more and becomes increasingly protective as Cassie’s role in the grander narrative comes into sharper focus. He begins to understand how she is in a similarly unwinnable situation to his, and becomes desperate to save her from it. 3. Is there a way to get from the Astral Plane to the mortal realm/earth? (specifics are needed)
Yep! Cassie is first taken to the Astral Plane via this zodiac-shaped portal that reacts to the energy emitted by her star eye. Here’s some (very old) art of it to give you an idea. I plan on updating the design to make it look more glass-like, but hope it helps anyway! A large column of light appears from this circle and then dissipates.
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After Cassie returns to Earth again, she discovers that activating the portal also awoke the spirit inside of it. They don't seem to remember their name upon waking, so Cassie calls them Flicker!
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As you can see they are very small, very baby c: They are necessary to power the portal and keep the connection between the worlds open, and thus cannot follow Cassie to the Astral Plane itself. Though they only have a small amount of energy, Flicker is able to sense if Cassie is in danger via the portal, and can activate it at will if necessary. Once Cassie becomes more familiar with certain places on the Astral Plane, she can channel the portal's energy and her own to reach a specific area, but it's not always consistent. The less power available, the more likely she is to appear somewhere in the Voidlands below the Astral Plane instead. 4. What magical abilities does Cassie's sword have, if any?
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The Starglass is the main source of Cassie’s magical energy, and is the reason she can see and interact with the celestial spirits at all. In addition to the zodiac portal, it is necessary for travelling between both worlds as well. It was given to her by Lunaris, the Moon spirit, who has domain over two of the four elemental magics (water and air), thus giving Cassie some modicum of control over those like the zodiac signs under Lunaris do.
The sword is basically an extension of the Starglass’s power, and Cassie’s increasing control over that power allows her to channel more of it through the sword in the same way that she channels the energy through her body. Outside of detecting spirits, the first ability she gains is simply to summon the sword itself. It resides inside the eye within its own "inner realm" that Cassie is mentally taken to while passed out. Pulling the sword out for the first time awakens Lunaris and the elemental powers, though Cassie cannot control them immediately. The sword can harm other mortal beings, but not in the same way that a regular blade would. It does hurt, but feels more like it’s cutting your soul than your body. With training, Cassie can summon and manipulate the air and water elements in various ways, and eventually can do so on Earth as well, but it takes considerably more effort to do so. Any use of this magic is characterized by its distinct blue glow, and the more power that is present within the sword, the more it appears in the cut-out portion of the sword’s blade, as you can see in the art.
5. Does Cassie have any hobbies? (Besides being super cool obviously)
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POV you have told the child you think she's cool c': She likes video games, especially multiplayer ones she can play with friends and family, especially her older brother. She gets into more active stuff later on when she's training, and also likes ice skating, rollerblading and sometimes hockey! 6. Is Cassie alive, dead, or some other third thing?
Very much alive! Though she did think she was dead when she first arrived on the Astral Plane, as the spirits had never seen a mortal soul bear the Starglass or enter their world before (all they saw was Lunaris send the Starglass to Earth and assumed from there) so it took a little too long for them to 100% confirm that Cassie was still alive, considering the rest of them are spirits! 7. How old is Cassie?
She’s 13 at the very start of the main story (it starts in late August/early September) and then turns 14 on November 22nd that year. What timing for this ask too, tomorrow is her birthday! :D 8. What is Cassie’s zodiac?
Scorpio, though her birthdate is intentionally on the cusp between that and Sagittarius. The behind-the-scenes/lore reason for this is if Ophiuchus were officially added to the zodiac as the thirteenth sign, he would be in between Scorpio and Sagittarius in the sign order, so having Cassie be on that cusp is intended to be one of the parallels between her and Ophiuchus thematically. I also like the idea of Cassie and Scorpio being so different from each other, but having the same sign anyway. 9. Does Cassie know about your Ophiuchus? If she does, how does she feel about him?
Yes and no, as the only information she receives about him at first is through the other constellation spirits, so her own view of him is pretty fragmented until she meets him for the first time. The zodiac especially seems to have a pretty negative view of him overall, but the ones that were closest to him and thus would give the most information (Scorpio and Libra) don’t seem super keen on talking about it either, for various reasons.
For a bit of further context, Ophiuchus disappeared along with the sun spirit Solaris, and this leads to various beliefs on whether or not he’s truly gone. Some choose to live in ambivalence, some choose to actively seek him out (or what remains of him) to learn the whole truth, but it becomes increasingly dangerous to do so as time passes either way. When Cassie does finally meet Ophiuchus, she is understandably wary of him, but prefers to let him and his actions speak for themselves first, asking him questions to get his perspective. Leading up to this point, Cassie could tell that there was a lot of fear of repeated history when it comes to her in comparison to Ophiuchus, as he too bore the Starglass once. This put some doubts in her mind for sure, but she also sees it as a chance to find common ground as well. 10. Does Cassie have any magical animal companions?
She does indeed! Considering that a lot of the spirits that she rescues are animals, she is prone to befriending or adopting a few of them along the way, even if she didn’t set out to do so initially. They are inherently drawn to the magical energy of the Starglass, but some either stick around or are friendly towards her on the Astral Plane afterwards if they are grateful for their rescue.
One of them is Flicker, who I mentioned in question three! Though they cannot follow Cassie to the Astral Plane, they are determined to protect her (and by extension, the Starglass) while she’s searching for spirits on Earth. Though they can only speak in single words or fragmented sentences, the first thing they say upon meeting Cassie is “protect”. Despite how small they are compared to Cassie and the enemies she’s up against, what magic Flicker does have often comes out at critical moments. If cornered, they can create a blinding flash with some of their built up light energy, which helps Cassie escape on more than one occasion. When not inside the zodiac portal, Flicker resides on top of Cassie’s head (usually hidden inside her hair), on her shoulder, or inside her sweater pocket.
The other is Draco, who was originally one of the spirits that Cassie was tasked with rescuing, but he kept coming back to Earth for some reason.
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As the imbalance between Earth and the Astral Plane gets worse, one strange caveat is that, even though lost spirits are technically still corrupted when stranded on Earth, they embody more and more of their restored selves as time goes on, and this was the case for Draco. Though he started out as aggressive as the rest, eventually he started showing more of his friendly, quizzical and clumsy side. He can be imposing and troublesome, but is equally as loveable. Akin to a large dog, perhaps.
Eventually, Cassie finds out that he is normally a guardian of a golden apple tree on the Astral Plane, but after it was destroyed, his spirit fell to Earth and his instinct was to still search for it, hence why he keeps returning even after being rescued. Over time, he bonds with Cassie (and Flicker), and she becomes the “tree” he must protect instead.
He’ll fly her to places around her town to find spirits, and no matter where he is, he can always be summoned with an apple somehow (Golden Delicious are his favourite). He can usually be found hiding in trees, but as the weather gets colder, Cassie lets him sleep in her room instead. Unlike your typical western-style dragons, he does not possess a fire element to keep him warm, and like most plant life he does not do well against fire or ice. Though he's a bit of a tight fit for Cassie's room, he is able to ward off other spirits who may try to attack her while she’s sleeping, meaning she can actually get some sleep for once!
-EXHALES- Whew, there you go! I hope this helps, and once again thank you so much for asking! I really appreciate the interest :'D <333
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fragileizy · 8 months
discord is down waaaahhh
we've gone back to our roots uwu sending asks to one another hoping that they make it through tumblr's crappy service
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mjpink1357 · 1 year
Angry birds movie (Alternative with Weather) part 2
*Meanwhile in another part of the ocean, in another island called Bird island, but the island is more tropical and has no Crystal mountains, a island filled with birds, trees, huts and forests with a Eagle-shaped mountain made of stone
*In the Bird Island’s part of a jungle, a red bird named Red is running through the jungle in a rush while holding a egg-shaped-basket*
Red: *in a rush* Okay, come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Oh, boy. Come on. Let's go. Let's go, buddy. Come on. Come on. We got to move. We got to move.
*Red pants as he ran as fast as he could and ran into a log as he still carries the basket avoids one spider web with a spider then without looking he smashed through another spider web and then got out of the log and sees himself in the air and about to fall then threw the egg in the air and starts flapping his wings*
Red: Yes, yes, yes! *about to fall* No, no, no.
*Red starts falling to the ground and hits every branch on his way down and even grabs on the vine and pulls all the way down through the vine until there was no more as he looked down and continues trying to flap his wings then his feet grabbed on another vine and grabbed the basket with his wings*
Red: Got you. *suddenly swings with the vine while carrying the egg* woah, woah, woah, woah.
*Red kept hitting every branch on his face until there was a snake with him*
Red: Aaaahhh!!! I don't like it! I don't like it!
*Red has finally stopped swinging vines as his stomach hits a bigger branch and the basket flew into the air from Red’s wing and fell down another tree. Red climbed up another branch and puts his wings out to catch the basket but the egg missed his wings and the branch Red was on fell down as Red tried everything he could to stop falling but his body parts he called out hits every branch*
Red: *in pain* Beak. Wing, Tail. Ribs
*the last branch has hit ride under Red’s crotch*
Red: *painfully* Giblets
*Red has slide down at the tip of the branch as the basket landed safely and perfectly in Red’s wings and Red was about to leave until the branch launched him and the basket into the air and he flaps his wings with his feet carrying the basket like he’s flying*
Red: I'm flying! *starts falling again while flapping* No. Still can't fly.
*Red swung the basket into the air from his feet then he splashed into the water*
Red: *bubbly* Notta dodbly lees ("Not the top of my list.”)
*Red continues swimming through the water then he peeks his beak into the air*
Red: *out of water* Breathe. Breathe
*Red pulls his wings out of the water and catches the egg as he gets on land and ran as fast as he could and even had a fish trying to eat his bottom then Red pulls the fish and threw it in the air*
Red: Bottom feeder
*Red climbs up a pack of stairs to a house as he jumps over an egg in its nest*
Red: Up. and over.
*Red knocked the door as he catches his breath and holding the basket in his wings until he remembered and turns around while a little hatchling named Timothy open the door and Red present himself in a clown costume*
Red: Ta-da!
Timothy: *screams* Aaaahhh!!!
Red: No, no, no... Look, it's okay. I'm just a clown.
Timothy: *screams* Aaaaaahhhhh!!!
Red: *singing terribly* 🎶Happy Hatchday to you. Happy Hatchday dear-🎶*grabs a note and reading it* *singing and reading* 🎶"Timothy. Wheat allergy and doesn't like clowns-"🎶 Oh boy *scrunches the paper and continues singing while dancing and throwing confetti* 🎶Happy Hatchday, to you!🎶
Timothy: *screaming and crying* Waaaahhh!!!
Red: Hey. Someone's getting upest about getting older-
Timothy: *screams* Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!
Red: Oh boy. That's loud. You're loud. You're... very scared of me. *about to hug Timothy* Here, come here
*Timothy screams louder and waves his wings everywhere*
Red: No? Okay. No, never mind. *grabs the basket egg and about to hand it to Timothy* Uh. Happy Hatchday.
*a father bird of Timothy named Edward comes out at the door to Red and Timothy*
Edward: Oh. Hi, pal. You must be so disappointed in yourself for being this late.
Red: Oh, no. No. No, no, no. I'm not late. *pointing at the clock* Look at the time. See. The order said, "Before noon."
*the clock hand goes to 12pm and the alarm goes loud with "Cuckoo!"*
Edward: Okay. Now, you're late.
Red: What?
Edward: Where have you been?
Red: *his clown nose falls off* It's funny you ask. I was-
Edward: You missed the party. *sees the basket* What is
Red: Oh, that? Uh, yes. I fell on the box.
*Red opens the box and reveals a squirrel, who's face is on the cake and Edward picks it up*
Red: Oh, the squirrel? That's on us.
*Edward threw the squirrel away*
Red: You know, I tried to keep my body between the ground and the box, but, *shows a big scar on his butt* No, I think I got a little bruise. You see anything back there?
*Timothy felt terrified about what he saw on Red’s butt*
Edward: Hear that, honey? The clown we paid to be here an hour ago, fell on our son's hatchday cake. That's why our son's hatchday party is ruined.
Red: Oh.
Edward: And the next time you messed up. Don't tell me a story. Just take responsibility.
Red: Hey, man. It wasn't a story.
Edward: *mocking Red* "I'm a screw up that woke up late and fell on the thing you paid for!…”
Red: mm hmm. It wasn't a story, I almost drown.
Edward: Why don't we just settle this out and say the cake's on…
Timothy and Edward:…you.
*Edward points at Red on his chest as he was about to burst anger with a puffy face then calms down with a angry face*
Red: *slightly angry* I'm sorry. It's on me?
Edward: Well, who else will it be on?
Red: *chuckles then takes his clown costume off* Well, you know, I... I'm not sure you're going to like this. Um… but, since you asked. *takes the cake out of the basket* Rather than being on me as you suggested. This cake… *about to throw the cake* is on YOU!
*The Title "Angry Birds" smashed on the screen for a freeze moment then Red smashed the cake at Edward's face*
Red: So, you want to hear a story? *puts the clown costume on Edward* | run my butt off, literally, mind you. To get the "gluten free cake." What the heck is gluten? I mean, does gluten even exist?
Eva: *scared* Who are you?
Edward: Get out of here!
Red: Already? But, you're the only one that has cake. *grabs a piece of cake off of Edward's face and eats it* Mmmmm! Oh, that's good stuff. Mmm. *offer's Eva and Timothy a piece of cake from his wing* Anybody want to eat some cake off their dad or husband? Who needs plates when you got this guy's face, right? *eats the rest of the piece of cake and about to leave* Oh, oh, oh, mm. Oh, wait. I almost forgot. You know, I'm suppose to do a quick customers satisfaction survey before I... *whistles* split, okay. So, on a scale of 1 to 3 stars, what would you say about my performance? And don't forget, the squirrel was-
*in slow motion*
Red: *distorted* free!
*Red trips on the squirrel and falling backwards and he sees that he's about to hit the egg in the nest*
Red: *distorted* Sorry about this.
Edward: *about to run* *distorted* No!
Eva: * distorted gasp*
Red: *distorted* My bad.
*Red almost hits the egg but he stops once Edward, Eva and Timothy but Timothy legs go and eats a piece of cake on the floor*
Red: *muffled* congratulations.
Edward: Huh?
Eva: *gasp in shock*
*reveals that Red's head is in the egg upside down*
Red: muffled* It's a boy *puts his thumbs up*
End end
Red- Jason Sudeikis
Edward- Hannibal Buress
Timothy- Ava Acres
Eva- Kate McKinnon
Part 2 is finally here after a week. I decided to add the deleted scene of Red poorly singing the birthday song because I find it hilarious. The next scene will have Weather in it with Diamond island again. This is Mjpink, have a good day and I hope you enjoy my posts on Instagram and this will be animated soon
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amenomiko · 3 years
IkeSen Lords to their Son and their Daughter
Situation 1 : I want to get married.
Son: Father, I want to get married *blush blush*
Nobu: Hooh who could it be?
Son: With mother because she is beautiful >///w///<
Nobu: *Throws a piece of konpeito*
MC: H E Y.
Daughter: Papa, I want to get married!
Nobu: No.
Daughter: With you, when I grow up~~ *pouts*
Nobu: ....Not a bad deal 😏.
MC: .....*sighs*
Son: Father, I want to get married!
Hideyoshi: Hooh? Now, now are you really ready to take a bride? Don't take marriage as a play, dear son. I will be disappointed in you if you break any women's heart.
MC: Says the one who always bro-zoned someone :v.
Hideyoshi: *COUGH COUGH*
Daughter: Daddy! I want to get married--
MC: Oh wow he really asked the "5 Wives 1 Husband question" ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ.
Son: Pops! I want to get married! *Whispers* She got a nice booty 😏
Masamune: Approved 😏👌✨.
Daughter: Daddy! I want to get married!
Masamune: Oh? With who? Hahaha I'm curious who is this bold young man, proposing my daughter. Hahahaha.
MC: If you laugh from your heart, at least put that sword away (-"-;).
Son: Father! I want to get married.
Mitsuhide: Ah, the time has come it seems.
Son: And she looks beautiful like mother.
Mitsuhide: Are you sure that woman is not a spy who imitates your mother's beauty 😏?
Son: I've made a thorough investigation, Father. Rest assured.
Both: Hmhmhmhmhm 😏😏😏😏😏✨✨✨✨
MC: ಠ_ಠ.........
Daughter: Daddy! I want to get married!
Mitsuhide: ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)..... my. With who, may I ask? *Hands instantly reloaded gun powder into his Tanegashima*.
Daughter: Oh, it was Tenya from the clan in nearby hometown. Aaaah~ he is sooo handsome 💕💕💕💕💕
Mitsuhide: Thank you for the information, dearest daughter. Now MC, I suddenly received an important mission ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
MC: No one receives this "mission" and no one is going out today, not from this room, unless you need to shit, or pee, or eat, or drink, so SIT. DOWN ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ.
Son: Father, I want to get married.
Ieyasu: K.
Daughter: Daddy, I want to get married!
Ieyasu: *Clicks his tongue* Hhhhaaaa? Repeat that again?
Daughter: I- I want to get married?
Ieyasu: No.
Daughter: But he is the son of your fellow lords; it is Lord Mitsunari's Son..!
Ieyasu: ......What in the family tree of Wasabi that you choose a MINI BABY CARROT to be YOUR HUSBAND?????
Daughter: Waaaahhh Daddy you are evil 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!!!!
MC: Oh for the love of- *sighs*
Son: Father, I want to get married!
Mitsunari: Really?? I'm proud of you..! Now, tell me more about your soon-to-be bride
Daughter: Father, I want to get married!
Mitsunari: Eh- y-you want to get married..? I see. Well, as long as you are happy.
Daughter: Yay!! I love you!! *Kiss his cheek and walks out from the room happily* 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Mitsunari: ....MC... Our daughter has grown up it seems. Ahahaha I should feel happy but you see, she will always be my baby daughter.
Mitsunari: I see, I see, you are sad and happy too, right? There there :(´◦ω◦`):.
Son: Father, I want to get married.
Kenshin: Hn.
Daughter: Father, I want to get married..!
Kenshin: ..................*Pulls out his sword*
Daughter: He is the supplier of the best sake, and is a middleman for any alcoholic drink from the nanbans too,
Kenshin: *Pauses*
Shingen: He is considering.
Yukimura: He is considering indeed.
Yoshimoto: Deeply.
Sasuke: Could be the thinking of "How do I get the good sake but my daughter didn't have to marry him." Kind of thorough plan.
Son: Father, I want to get married. She is an angel, who has made its way to my heart, ever since the day I met her. Ah, such a love at first sight ✨✨✨✨✨.
Shingen: I'm proud of you. You have fallen in love like me, just how I've fallen in love with your mother, whom I think a Goddess that were descended from heaven, for someone like me ✨✨✨✨✨.
MC: ........If they were animated, there will be roses that grow out of nowhere 😑.
Daughter: Daddy, I want to get married!
Shingen: Oho? With me?
Daughter: Nope! With Kenta-kun from the nearby town! Hehehehe he is so cute~~~!
Shingen: *Breaks the dango stick in his hand, while his face has a menacing smile* I see. Cute, hm?
MC: It's only a childhood crush, Honey. Please.
Son: Father! I want to get married! W-well, I've made a decision since it can't be helped it you see? She is adorable, can be a dummy too. And I hate it if someone else have her. Hmh.
Yukimura: Adorable and a dummy? Looks like she can get along with your mother. Hahahaha!
MC: *Suddenly have all the strength in the world and lifts and aims Yukimura's spear to his head* 1... 2... OwO
Daughter: Daddy! I want to get married with Uncle Sasuke!
Yukimura: Eh-- why? I thought you always say you want to marry me? *Chuckles*
Daughter: Nah, I realize how a dummy you can be, Daddy. Not romantic and funny like Uncle Sasuke at all. Hmf..!
Yukimura: Wh- wha?? D-dummy??
Daughter: And lame too, if I could add another word 😒.
Yukimura: HNGH OAO--
Son: Father, I want to get married. It's Lord Ieyasu's daughter. She is adorable, a tsundere, she bang bang into the room of my heart, and I megusta whenever she called me "Baka" ✨✨✨✨✨
Sasuke: I am so proud of you, mini me. Though you are not mini anymore. *Wipes tears with his expressionless face*
Daughter: Papa! I want to get married!
Sasuke: Murphy's Law- Who could it be? Ah, I know. It is me, right? You always say that you wanted to get married with me ever since you were small-
Daughter: Nah, I realize that you resembles nobita from Doraemon so I will pass. Hehehe~~ anyway, It's Kenshin-sama's son..! Aaah, they really look alike..! So dazzling and handsome 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Sasuke: Double Triple XXXXXXXXXXXXL of Murphy's Law --
MC: *Has been laughing non-stop from her daughter's description to her father just now* 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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a-cat001 · 3 years
A Tailors Ambition
After a long week of exams, you were exhausted and ready to lay back for the weekend, especially since you would be going over to visit Tsathoggua, you had found yourself increasingly visiting Tsathoggua to retreat from the stress and relax. You make sure to tell Shiro where you’ll be before waving off to your friends and heading to Roppongi. Once there you manage to sneak into the casino without being spotted by the usual trio lest they try to foil your weekend relaxation, since they were all busy in a meeting except for Tsathoggua. Since the roppongi executives had made explicitly clear to  all workers that you were to be allowed access to the casino, you were able to quickly make it down the levels of the casino to Tsath’s room. As you walk up to the door you can hear what sounds like yelling coming from inside causing you to hesitate before you open the door, hoping that Hakumen didn’t decide to skip the meeting. Upon opening the door you instead see Tsath cowering in fear as Agyo waves a broom over his head menacingly  yelling about how Tsathoggua should keep his room tidy, which causes you to let out a rather loud laugh you were trying to suppress. At the noise Tsathoggua’s ears perk up and he turns to look in your direction before giving off a wide grin and practically jumping up and rushing over to you, “Oh my goodness!” is all you get to say before Tsath has lifted you up in his embrace and you are face to face with him. “I’m so glad you’re heeere” he says, peering over his shoulder you look down to see his little puffball tail wiggling with excitement, “Yep, definitely a happy sloth”. “Come, you can sit wherever you waaaant, I’ve got plenty of snaaaacks!” he says, upon mentioning snacks however Agyo points his broom directly at Tsathoggua  causing him to pull you in close like a lifeline as he pulls down his ears and cowers again, “There had better not be any crumbs left around after I just cleaned this place!” Agyo shouts. You smile and sigh as you pet Tsathoggua’s head to comfort him before Agyo resumes his cleaning spree, to which Tsathoggua carries you over to his gaming setup and sets you down. A few hours pass of nothing but games and relaxation, apart from one incident where Tsathoggua had ignored Agyo’s warning of leaving behind crumbs, earning him an overhead slam from behind with a broom causing him to bite down on his tongue that was sticking out like a cash register drawer. After just finishing an online battle royale with Tsathoggua the two of you cheer your victory before one of Tsathoggua’s minions taps his leg to get his attention and holds up an alarm clock causing Tsathoggua to sigh. “Oh yeah, I almooost forgot.” he says, you ask what he means and he explains that he had promised to help Arachne with something today and he was supposed to be meeting her soon. “Would you mind coming with meeeeee?” he asks, considering you didn’t want to get involved with anything this weekend you contemplated turning him down but any objections fell short when you turned to see him giving you three big puppy eyes “pleeeease?”. You were unable to resist and agreed to follow him as he led you to another level of the casino that Arachne was using as a workshop for her fashion projects with the door being pretty obvious as it had a large sign on it saying “Fashion in Progress”. Upon entering you find Arachne busy at work doing some stitching on some large clothes before she directs her attention at you two “Ah there you are Tsathoggua I’ve been needing you, and greetings to you as well MC” You and Tsathoggua say hello back before Arachne quickly starts back up. “Thank you for volunteering and don’t worry this hopefully won’t take too long and I have plenty of honey snacks for you while you wait.”, Tsathoggua opens his mouth to speak before silk threads suddenly shoot out and incircle his legs, tying them together and pulling them straight, “WAIT WHAAA-!!”, more threads shootout and wrap around his wrists and arms, pulling them outwards until Tsathoggua was pulled into a T-pose position looking like an insect caught in a spider’s web. Tsathoggua tugs at the silk ropes but they hold firm as more silk glues his feet in place, “What the heck!” you exclaim turning to Arachne, before she puts her hands up in defense “Don’t worry this way he won’t have to stand up on his own and will be able to relax while I do my work.”. You give her a puzzled look before she explains that she had planned to expand her fashion selection by including transients of different sizes considering the variety of sizes of transients that were present in Tokyo. In order to create new fashion designs for larger than average transients she had asked Tsathoggua to be a model for her, “Ok, but do these threads have to be so tiiiiight” Tsathoggua whines behind you, “Sorry I’ll loosen the the threads a bit to make this more comfortable but a model must be able to maintain their posture.” says Arachne. As the time passes you watch as Arachne weaves outfit after outfit to fit Tsathoggua’s frame while a column of Tsathoggua’s minions form a chain up to Tsathoggua’s level to feed him honey pudding, while you yourself sit back and enjoy some honey pudding. Everything is going smoothly until you hear a familiar voice shout “TSATHOGGUA, WHERE ARE YOU!”Tsathoggua's eyes blow wide open as he begins to struggle desperately to free himself but between the sticky silk holding his feet in place and tough silk ropes, he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. “He must have opened the clooooset!” Tsathoggua exclaims, “What's wrong with the closet?” you ask, Tsathoggua explains to you that he had been hiding his garbage when Agyo shows up by stuffing it all into his closet, to which you shake your head “yeah, that would definitely send Agyo on a rampage”. Suddenly the door swings open and Agyo steps inside, “There you are! I’ve got some serious complai- W-WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!?” you turn to look at Arachne who is eyeballing Agyo up and down while her back legs begin to twitch, a look you were all too familiar with. Suddenly she snaps from her daze and exclaims “Yes, you will make a perfect model for smaller transient sizes!” Agyo takes off in fear but doesn’t get far before a loop of thread flies out and lassos Agyo’s legs together causing him to fall over. Arachne then begins to pull in the thread with her back legs like a fisher reeling in their line, causing Agyo to scream in terror as he tries to free his legs “WAAAAHHH, STOP- MC PLEASE HEEEEELP!”, before he reaches Arachne you sever the thread with your sword and scoop up Agyo in your arms who clings to you while whimpering. “Maybe we can try a less aggressive approach!?”, “I apologize, it seems I lost control of myself again” she exclaims, offering some pudding to Agyo and asking if he may reconsider being a model some other day. Arachne continues on with her work as Agyo sits in your lap enjoying his pudding until Arachne is finished and unwinds the threads around Tsathoggua. Once released he stretched himself out before slumping over in his usual posture “I’m tiiiiired, let’s go back to my room, yeah?”. Being tired yourself, you're quick to agree, “come on you big fluffy sloth” you say as you boop his nose causing it to wiggle before a slight blush fills his cheeks. You then head out back to Tsath’s room with Agyo and Tsathoggua in tow, ready to get some rest.
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putschki1969 · 5 years
VOICE Tour Tokyo ~ Quick live report Part 1
Hello everyone!
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I have landed savely in Japan and last night I had the pleasure of attending Wakana’s Tokyo live. The last two days have been crazy as hell so I haven’t posted anything, sorry about that. I haven’t slept in what feels like forever so I am not sure how much sense I will be making but I wanna write a little report before all my memories fade away. After the Fukuoka live I might write another more detailed report but for now I wanna share my initial thoughts on the Tokyo concert. This is part 1 since I need to get to bed asap. Part 2 will follow at some point tomorrow.
Without further ado, let’s get to it 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
I met up with two friends at the venue around 11 am. That’s super early considering the merchandise sale wasn’t scheduled to start until 16:00. No one was there except for us. And literally, no one did arrive until much later (maybe 15:00 or so...). Anyways, it happened to be our lucky day. Since we had arrived so early, we got to meet Wakana. Can you believe it? Yup, we met her!! Still completely in shock. It all happened so quickly and at first I didn’t even register it was her. Shame on me. My friends were also star-struck. It was quite the awkward moment actually.  We ran into her while she was taking some pictures of the venue. She had just finished and headed back inside when she walked past our little group. She greeted us and thanked us for coming. I don’t even know how to describe it but she was so freaking cute. I was dying, I didn’t know what to do. She was heading up the stairs - jumping like a little bunny actually - all the while waving at us. We waved back like our lives depended on it, Out of respect we kept our distance of course, we declared our undying love for her, wished her lots of luck and showed her our little “Wakana/若奈” sign which has been handed down from fan to fan all across the country. Wakana seemed quite excited when she saw it. Here’s a picture of a bunch of us later in the day.
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Now it has become my duty to bring it to Fukuoka. I am really nervous about that. Anyways, here’s Wa-chan being cute in her little striped dress. I am so freaking glad we decided to turn up early. Best decision ever. Didn’t win the backstage tour but this was still a special moment. So happy!
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Once it was time to buy the live goods, I decided to get the pamphlet, the tote bag, a t-shirt, the Kinmokusei towel, the thermos bottle, the keyholder and the shark-sake set. I also got a bunch of little presents and snacks from some of the Kala-fans I met. A fellow fan was kind enough to give me one of the clearfiles he got during the Toki Wo Koeru Yoru ni release event. So happy about that. I will be buying the single and album at the upcoming Fukuoka live to get those freaking posters. I need those posters in my life XD
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Now let’s get to the live. Some general thoughts before I focus on each song (which will follow in part 2). I had a seat in the middle of the second row (!!) so Wakana was pretty much right in front of me. Waaaahhh! So lucky! These days I feel like they are giving out really good tickets to fan club members. That was never the case back in the Kalafina days. The venue was mostly filled up except for the top floor. I have mentioned it before but I will say it again, there were a ton of cameras and Wakana cofirmed during the live that we would get a release soon. So everyone, celebrate!! Our first Wakana home video release! BANZAI!! And what a great release it will be. Overall it was an amazing concert, a must-watch for every Wakana fan. Not a lot of action, for the most part Wakana was swaying gently on stage, once in a while she would walk from side to side and flap her skirt. There was a bit of action during Hard Rain, Kaze ni Naritai and Kimi Dake no Stage. The only time fans stood up was during Musunde Hiraku and even then a majority (myself included) remained seated. Just like her album, the concert was quite understated which is not a bad thing in my opinion but many of you might not like that.
Wakana did great, she was in good shape as far as I could tell, she didn’t struggle on the high notes (in fact, she sounded PERFECT during some of these high notes), she didn’t seem out of breath and she only started sweating a bit towards the end. Her microphone settings were a little off though, her voice was VERY loud at times. I guess it had to be that way because the band was super loud too. During certain songs it was more obvious than during others. The beginning of the concert (Yakusoku no Yoake) was particularly loud - bordering on too loud if you ask me but it got a lot better as the live continued. Bear in mind though that I was suffering from a lack of sleep at that point so I might have been a little too sensitive. At any rate, loudness is nothing that can’t be fixed with a bit of studio magic.
Since there were so many cameras Wakana was super nervous. I wanted to go up on stage and hug her. She struggled quite a bit during the MCs, there were some awkward pauses where she didn’t know what to say but hey, no one minded. Everyone was just like, “awwww, so cute!!” I wonder if they will keep all the MCs on the DVD/BD...? I hope they will, they made the live so much more intimate and real.
As for outfits, Wakana was wearing three different dresses. All of them screamed ”WAKANA” to me, undoubtedly they were chosen by her, they all looked like she would wear them on her off-days as well. Long, loose, crazy designs. Most people will probably dislike them because they were a little out there and not exactly flattering but hey, to each their own. Personally, I loved all three of them and I know Wakana feels comfy in dresses like that so that makes me super happy.
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The first one was salmon coloured/orange-y, it had a very loose cut and looked extra-comfy. It stopped around her ankles and she was wearing flat roman-style sandals. I think it’s the first time we are seeing her wear flats on stage. I am happy Wakana focuses more on comfort these days. As a result, her presence on stage feels different too. I don’t know how to explain it but her presence feels more “natural” I guess. The skirt had a fancy design with many colourful layers and whenever she walked around on stage she would flap that skirt like nobody’s business. It looked really pretty and colourful. At its base it was a shiny yellow and then it had all these different colours layered on top of it. The second dress had a very flattering cut compared to the first one and it showed off her collarbones (which is always nice). Some people might be thrown off by the many different patterns but I think it looked quite cool XD. The last dress is the one from her album cover-shoot. Super lovely. The sleeves were slightly altered though. The dress doesn’t have long sleeves anymore. She wore some hair-accessories that looked a lot like the ones from Kalafina’s 10th Anniversary Live encore, the vibe was similar, I think they might have actually re-used those accessories. Anyways, she looked like an angel (which was quite fitting for Hikari Furu I think).
Setlist (Hanamizuki and oblivious were not part of the original setlist) My personal highlights were: Hard Rain, Kioku no Hito, Kaze ni Naritai, Hotaru, Jidai, Mizu no Akashi, Toki wo Koeru Yoru ni, Kinmokusei, Hikari Furu, Ai no Hana, Ato Hitotsu. Yakusoku no Yoake was a little too loud for my taste but in general the performance was amazing and I guess it belongs in my little fave-line-up. The song was changed slightly for the live performance so that made it even better.
01.約束の夜明け | Yakusoku no Yoake 02.流れ星 | Nagareboshi MC 03.瑠璃色の空 | Ruriiro no Sora 04.Hard Rain MC 05.記憶の人 | Kioku no Hito 06.時の音 | Toki no Ne MC 07.風になりたい | Kaze ni Naritai ❇Cover (original by THE BOOM) 08.ホタル | Hotaru ❇Cover (original by Spitz) MC 09.時代 | Jidai ❇Cover (orignal by Miyuki Nakajima) 10.水の証 | Mizu no Akashi ~ Mizu no Akashi inst (dress change) 11.翼 | Tsubasa 12.君だけのステージ | Kimi Dake no Stage MC(band introduction) 13.むすんでひらく | Musunde Hiraku MC (Satoshi Takebe joins Wakana on stage) 14. ハナミズキ | Hanamizuki ❇Cover (original by Yō Hitoto) 15. oblivious MC 16.僕の心の時計 | Boku no Kokoro no Tokei 17.時を越える夜に | Toki wo Koeru Yoru ni MC 18.金木犀 | Kinmokusei
~EN ~ 19.ひかりふる | Hikari Furu MC 20.愛の花 | Ai no Hana MC 21.あとひとつ | Ato Hitotsu
Part 2 will follow soon.
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You Shine Brighter Than All the Flashing Lights
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Flashing lights. Pounding music. A swarm of movement on the dance floor; people getting lost in the sounds being pumped through the speakers.
I stood off to one side, sipping on a drink, enjoying the music. Dressed up in a pretty navy blue dress and heels, I took a sip of my drink and looked around, surveying the scene around me.
I noticed an incredibly handsome guy standing over in the corner. He was sporting a dark button-up shirt and black slacks, with his black hair swept off to one side. Taking a sip of his champagne, he cutely bobbed his head to the beat and glanced around the dark room lit up by brightly colored flashing lights; his wandering gaze cutting through the crowds of people lazily.
His eyes landed on me and I smiled, feeling my cheeks turn pink. He waved a greeting and sent me a heartstopping smile. Not able to hold his gaze for more than a couple seconds, I kept peeking glances back up at him and noticed he was still looking my way too. Trying to not to be too obvious, I looked down at the drink in my hands but I couldn’t help the smile creeping onto my face. When I looked back up, he had moved in my direction, but he was casually just standing there, sipping his drink and looking around nonchalantly like he didn’t just move 3 feet closer.
Suddenly, someone bumped into me and gave a slurred apology, distracting me for a brief moment. I took a step back to get out of their way and peeked sideways over at the cute guy who was now standing about 6 feet away, looking in the opposite direction but sneaking glances my way. When he thought I wasn’t looking, he snuck a couple steps closer until he was only about 3 feet away.
But I did notice and it was adorable. I giggled and met his gaze again. He’d been caught red handed. He grinned sheepishly and waved again; my heart fluttered wildly in my chest at his cuteness. I smiled and moved to stand beside him.
Boy he was tall. Looking up at him, I blushed and broke the ice with a simple, “Hi,” feeling rather flustered.
He said a cute hi back. Clearing his throat, he looked around and then spoke loudly over the music, “Annyeonghaseyo. Ji ireum -eun Hyungwon -imninda.” He gave me a big smile and bowed.
I knew what he said but I responded in English. “Nice to meet you. I’m Eden.”
“Oh, you are from America?” He asked in his adorable Korean accent.
I nodded shyly, taking another sip of my drink.
“Where from?” He shouted over the music, leaning in a bit closer so I could hear him.
“East coast. Near Florida.”
He nodded and finished off the little bit left in his glass.
“Do...you… like Kpop?” He asked shyly, setting his empty glass down on the table behind us.
“Sure! I like NCT. They’re da bomb! ...Cherry bomb.” I laughed at my own terrible joke and Hyungwon burst into giggles.
“Cute.” He grinned. “You are funny.”
That made my heart race and my face heated up for the millionth time during the evening.
Then he pointed to the stage and in adorable broken English said, “I perform. You stay?”
I blushed and nodded. Of course I would stay. He was adorable. And he had peaked my curiosity. Sure I wanted to see this amazing guy perform!
He grinned and walked towards the stage just as the MC was introducing him. “Everyone give it up for DJ H.One!” Cheering rose up from the crowds as he climbed the stairs and started his set. Watching him DJ was like watching art come to life. He shone brightly in the spotlight like it was home. Cutely biting his lip, he danced to the songs he played, running his hand thru his messy black hair and adjusting the headphones draped around his neck.
Catching my gaze, he blushed. Yes I was still here, watching him, admiring him, smiling like an idiot every time he did something cute. He threw a grin at the audience when the beat dropped and he looked back over at me. A sweet smile adorned his perfect face. Why was he so beautiful?
When his set was over, he came down off the platform and made his way back over to me, getting stopped along the way by a few adoring fans.
“You like?” He asked hopefully, referring to his skills as a DJ.
I nodded with a grin and gave him thumbs up. “Daebak!”
“Your Korean is good.” His dark brown eyes glittered in the flashing lights of the club.
I blushed. “Kamsahamnida.” Biting my lip, I added, “I like to mix too.” I giggled at his slightly confused face and added in my own horribly broken English, pointing to myself, “Me. DJ.”
A look of clarity passed over him and he made a surprised oh face. As the thundering beat continued to blare around us, he leaned in with interest to ask, “You DJ?”
I nodded, my head going fuzzy as his cologne overwhelmed me. He smelled wonderful. Like spearmint and vanilla. With a cute smile, he motioned for me to follow him. My heart fluttered wildly in my chest as I felt his hand on my arm, gently directing us through the crowds of people so we wouldn’t get seperated and down the hall to a door with a gold plaque that read VIP. He held the door open with a smile and waited for me to go inside.
Stepping in, my eyes blinked to adjust. It was brighter than in the dark club. Red leather couches lined the walls and a mini bar was off to one side. We could still hear the bass echoing through the walls but at least we could talk without shouting now. In the center of the room was a table with a DJ mixer setup.
He picked up the headphones and looked at me, holding them out to me. “You want?”
I giggled and nodded, taking them from his hand. I pulled out my ipod and held it up, wanting to plug some of my own songs into the laptop.
Hyungwon plugged my music in and I set to work setting cue points with the headphones in. He stood there watching me silently, a small smile on his face. I tried not to get embarrassed as he continued to study my movements, distracting myself with lining up the songs. When I was done, I looked up at him and pulled the headphones down around my neck.
“Ready?” He grinned; his eyes sparkling.
I nodded, hitting the play button on the first track, soon mixing in the second one and adding a few effects while trying to hide my blush behind the headphones. He was watching intently every move I made and it was making my heart shrivel and my hands shake a bit. But I got through the whole mix. At the end, I faded out and looked up at him biting my lip, waiting for his response.
“ Waaaahhh!” He gushed and then he smiled. “Daebak!”
My face turned pink again. “Jinja?!”
He nodded seriously but immediately broke out in a huge grin. Then he moved closer and put his hand on the jogwheel. “I like this part.” He played the clip that was his favorite. “Jal hae sseo yo! Good job!”
I grinned sideways at him. “Maybe you can teach me some DJ stuff.”
Running a hand through his hair again, he blushed and asked, “And you teach me English?”
“It would be my pleasure.” I giggled.
He took out his phone. “Do you Line?”
I was confused a moment. “Oh, you mean Kakao?”
He nodded, showing me the screen where his account was brought up.
“Yea, I have Kakao.”
He handed me his phone and I entered the number. My heart swirled with excitement as my phone buzzed with the notification and I added him to my friend list.
I was looking down at my phone when I got a kakao text from him. I like you, it read. I looked up at him. He was blushing, cheeks bright pink, eyes squinted shut, hand covering his face in total embarrassment.
I squeaked at his adorableness. “I like you too Hyungwon.” Then we were both blushing.
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les-brian · 5 years
You should like totally post a fic👀👀 I am deprived of ur amazing writing❤️❤️
WAAAAHHH THANK U,,,, im workin on so many all at once shsbdbfs UM heres a snip of one
He shouts down the path at Brian before exchanging hushed tones with his group, leaves Brian to stare after him, bloody and jaw slack again. He adds another bullet to the list- two, actually.
Number he’s lost track, but probably the most important in the moment: stop bleeding.
Number what he really wants to do: see that man again. Get his name, too, if he gets the chance.
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osakaso5 · 6 years
The Observant Celestial Pilgrim - Throne Of The Stellar
Chapter 10 - His Days With Curse
Chapter Index
Orion: Fang. Have we yet to reach Sirena?
Fang: You just asked me that, and  I told you it'll take another half a day.
Orion: What is wrong with this ship? One of our warships would only take a few hours to reach Sirena.
Orion: Does this thing not have a spatio-temporal travel function?
Fang: It does, but due to space law, its usage is regulated.
Orion: I know that much! What I'm telling you that this is that  much of an emergency! 
Coda: Either way, you can't really compare us to Laman war fleets. This is just a merchant ship...
Lazu: .........
Erin: Staaaare.
Lazu: ...........
Erin: Staaaaaaaaaare.
Lazu: ...Is something the matter, Lord Erin? It appears you've been concerned with me for a while now.
Erin: You sure don't talk much. Isn't it boring to just stand still all the time?
Lazu: I am here on my king's orders. I have no time to spare.
Erin: Huh. I just pretend I didn't hear whenever my king gives me orders I don't like.
Orion: ...Erin. I heard that.
Erin: The king's orders are absolute!
Orion: You cur...
Lazu: ........
Coda: Ha, hahaha...
Hope: .........
Fang: What is it, Hope? You're staring outside all by yourself.
Hope: Ah... yeah.
Fang: Were you thinking about Curse?
Hope: We couldn't find him on Lama, either. I don't have a clue where he could be...
Coda: Chin up. He might be on Sirena, y'know?
Hope: ...Yeah.
Erin: Curse? Who's that?
Orion: Most likely the person Hope was searching for before we left.
Hope: Yes.
Hope: ...I wonder where he is. I hope he's doing well...
Orion: Considering he hasn't contacted you, it's likely he's been involved in some sort of incident and trapped somewhere.
Erin: Your Highness. This isn't the time to be saying something like that.
Hope: Sniffle...
Erin: Look, you made him even more upset!
Orion: Hmph, it's nothing to lose your willpower over. If he really has run into trouble, then all you need to do is rescue him.
Orion: How will you achieve your goal, if you don't brace for  every plausible scenario?
Fang: King Orion is right. You need to start by cheering up, Hope!
Hope: ...You're right. Thank you, Your Highness, and Fang!
Hope: I'll make sure to find Curse!
Orion: Yes. That's the spirit.
Coda: ...Hey. What is Curse to you, anyway? You said he was like a father to you.
Coda: I just realized I never properly asked you about him.
Fang: He's not your real father, is he?
Hope: No. But as a child, I thought he was my real father.
Hope: He'd been with me  ever since I was small.
Coda: I see. 
Hope: So when he told me he wasn't really my dad, I was so shocked...
- - - -
Curse: ...Indeed, I am not your real father. I'm more akin to a distant relative.
Hope: ........!
Hope: Oh...
Curse: Is that the only thing you've always wanted to ask me?
Hope: The only thing..?
Hope: Ah...
Hope: Um... Yeah, that's right!
Hope: I thought you probably  weren't my real dad, so it’s a relief to hear it straight from you!
Curse: You've been thinking about this?
Hope: Well, of course I have!
Hope: I mean, all the other kids have dads who are way older than you! I thought it was a little weird...
Hope: I see! So you weren't my father, after all!
Hope: Ahaha...
Curse: Hope..?
Hope: ........
- - - -
Hope: ........
Curse: It's unusually cold tonight, Hope.
Curse: You'll get sick, you know.  Why don’t you hurry back inside?
Hope: Curse...
Curse: I heard from your master  that you've had many close calls at the smithy lately. 
Curse: Just today, you nearly put your hand inside a burning kiln...
Hope: Ah...
Curse: And it seems your daily good deeds haven't been going well, either.
Hope: I'm sorry...
Curse: I am not blaming you for anything.
Curse: I was just wondering why I haven't seen you laugh heartily in a while.
Hope: Have I not done that?
Curse: No, you haven't. You're normally very quick to show your  emotions..
Hope: I see... You see right through me, Curse.
Curse: That's not true.
Curse: I haven't got the slightest idea of what's weighing on your mind so much.
Hope: Huh..?
Curse: I've never lived with another person like this, so I don't quite understand.
Curse: How can I make you smile again..?
Hope: Curse...
Curse: I can't smile unless you're happy.
Hope: ...... Pfft.
Hope: Ahahaha!
Curse: ...Why do you laugh?
Hope: Because even though you know a lot of stuff, you have no idea about  things everyone else understands!
Hope: It's weird!
Curse: ...Is it, now?
Hope: Yeah, because it's a lot simpler than knowledge of medicinal herbs, or world history.
Curse: ........ I suppose it is as strange as you say.
Curse: The hearts of my fellow people have always been the greatest mystery to me. Perhaps it's because there has never been anyone quite as dear as you in my life.
Hope: ...You don't have a lot of friends, do you?
Hope: You know plenty of people, and you're nice to everyone, but you don't seem to like being around people. Even though you're popular with women.
Curse: Am I?
Hope: The girl running the food stall  is always giving you fruits! It must  be because she likes you!
Curse: Oh, I never noticed.
Hope: You're so thickheaded, Curse!
Curse: That's because I'd never had another person move my heart before I began living with you.
Hope: Really?
Curse: Yes. When you smile, my heart leaps with joy, and when you feel down, I have a hard time maintaining my composure.
Curse: And when you sometimes sulk and disobey me, it makes me want to destroy the world.
Hope: That's scary!
Curse: Haha.
Curse: You taught me how great it is to live for someone else's sake, Hope.
Hope: Huh?
Curse: It's fun to spend my days worrying over trivial matters. I suppose this must've been a whim of fate.
Hope: There you go again, talking about "whims of fate"!
Curse: Oh, they're very important. Whims of fate may lead to both good and bad things.
Curse: Whether they're good or bad depends entirely on the actions of the people involved in them.
Hope: Hmm... In that case, I must've done something right.
Curse: Why is that?
Hope: Because you became my family!
Curse: .........
Curse: Haha. Yes, I suppose you're right.
Curse: In that case, I must've done the right thing, as well.  
Hope: Ahaha! That's right!
Curse: We ought to appreciate the good encounters we've had. Without them, I would not be here, wishing for your happiness.
Hope: Sigh... I want to be an adult like you soon.
Curse: ...Why?
Hope: Because you've made me so happy, but I can't do anything for you.
Hope: If I was an adult and a proper blacksmith, I could earn more money and make you happy.
Curse: Hope... there's no need to rush. Just having you right here with me feels like a miracle...  
Curse: Besides, I'm already happy enough.
Curse: Thank you, Hope.
- - - -
Hope: The fact that he's not my real father doesn't change the fact that Curse is my family.
Hope: He's my family, and I'm his.
Hope: That's why I absolutely must find him.
Orion: As long as you have that unwavering determination, you'll surely find him.
Hope: Yes..!
Erin: Waaaahhh... What a nice story.
Coda: Huh, you're crying!?
Erin: It was so touching. I'll help find Curse, too! And it seems like Lazu will, too.
Lazu: I did not say anything.
Erin: That's because you're all quiet. I can speak for you.
Lazu: ...Please, do not burden yourself with such a task.
Orion: It appears he's found a new victim.
Erin: It's rough, being around so many people who can't speak their minds.
Lazu and Orion: ...........
Fang: Hahaha! So that means we all want to find Curse.
Fang: I'm sure we'll succeed in finding both Curse, and the Star Sphere fragments!
Hope: Thank you, everyone..!
Hope: If only the Star Sphere could become whole and start granting wishes again... 
To be continued...
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whatarubberchicken · 6 years
AU YEAH August - 2 - College
Based on a true story.
(Not that I’m saying y’all should try this, because the people involved were actually hurt, so please try to party responsibly.)
Warning: Language and mild anime-style groping.
Crash Course
“WHEEEEE!!!” Thump!!
“WOO HOOOOO!!” Thump!!
“COWABUNGA!!!” Thump!!
“Really, man??”
“Hey, don’t hate on the classics!”
“Whatever, you two! Just GO!!”
“Wait, I wasn’t ready—AAAHHHHH!!!” Thump!!
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING?” Alya seethed, as she and Marinette tried to get some sleep in their dorm room. Sleep… that was evading them with all the noise right outside their door. Even with pillows over their heads.
Marinette sighed and threw the pillow off. “Last I checked, they poured laundry detergent on the bathroom floor to make themselves a slip-and-slide.”
“And they can’t do that on their floor???” Alya hissed, as another thump! was followed by a round of laughter.
“They probably already got kicked off their floor. And Alex is with them, so she’d be the one who suggested our suite.”
Whoever designed these suites, with four dorm rooms all situated around a bathroom—with freaking already-slippery linoleum all around—well, they needed to be shot. Or she could just aim for Alix, who lived across from them, and had obviously invited a bunch of her guy-friends up for a little fun…
“They’re gonna break something,” Marinette groaned, covering her face again.
“I’m gonna break something!!” Alya growled, flinging herself out of bed and stomping over to the door. “HEY, YOU JERKS!! SOME OF US HAVE EIGHT AM CLASS—WHOA!!”
Marinette sat up just in time to see two guys fly through their now-open door, one of them taking out Alya, and the other… headed… straight for her bed!!
She screamed.
He screamed.
Marinette groaned as she heard distant voices. They were nowhere near close enough to belong to the large weight currently sprawled on top of her. Damn, he was really warm. Said heat source groaned and shifted on top of her.
She tensed as his shifting brought his hand down on her chest, and felt him freeze.
“I… umm… hi...?”
Oh, she was done being nice to this jerk.
“GET OFF ME!!” she screamed, ramming her knee as hard as she could to his private areas. (Which was sadly not very hard, as her sheets stopped her momentum.) He still let out a very-satisfying yelp and rolled off the bed.
Furious, Marinette sat up and grabbed her pillow, fully-intent on pummeling the douchebag who wasn’t letting her sleep, had crashed into her room, and just grabbed her boob!! She was gonna—
She gaped at the wide, green eyes staring up at her.
Oh fuck. I just racked Adrien Agreste.
“I am so sorry!!” he babbled, gasping for breath as he struggled to his feet while clutching his… well, yeah. “I didn’t expect us to go that fast, and then the door opened—”
“Aww, the Physics major didn’t take physics into account,” Alix snickered from the door.
“Oh, shut up, Alix,” Adrien snapped, still looking at Marinette anxiously.
“Ooo, pretty boy’s in a temper,” Alix teased. Then she saw what he was clutching. She howled in laughter. “You went right for the jewels, Mari?? That’s my girl!!”
“I was assaulted. On my bed,” Marinette seethed, now both angry and terrified that Gabriel Agreste, the Head of her department, would hear how she’d attacked his son. Even if it was completely justified.
“Believe me, complete accident!” Adrien said, holding up his hands and trying to reassure her.
“If you all don’t get out of my room right now, I will make your deaths LOOK LIKE AN ACCIDENT!!” Alya screamed, as she slowly stood and reached for the nearest weapon. It happened to be her desk chair. Alix and the two boys didn’t need any more encouragement, and they raced each other out of the room, with Adrien casting one more desperate glance at Marinette before the door closed.
Class the next morning was awkward. She was sleepy from worrying all night, it was hard to get out of her room without slipping (because of course the stupid group of boys hadn’t cleaned up after themselves, of course!), and she found she couldn’t look her favorite teacher in the eye (he may be a frigid bastard, but he was also brilliant when it came to fashion).
She’d never run out of the fashion building so fast in her life.
Unfortunately, she didn’t see the obstacle in her way.
“Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow, I’m so, so sorry, I wasn’t looking where—YOU!?!” Marinette gasped, scrambling off the blond she’d just landed on.
“Me. Again. And I guess I deserved that,” Adrien mumbled, just laying there on the ground.
“Yeah, well—! I… I.. umm… yeah! I… You… you....” Marinette sighed in defeat and stood up. “No, this one was my fault. I’m sorry,” she said, offering him a hand to help him up. He blinked at her in surprise, and smiled as he took her hand.
“I was actually coming over here to apologize to you,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “I was gonna bring you coffee or something, but I realized I didn’t know what you like… and Alya wouldn’t tell me…,”
Marinette smothered her smile with a hand. Alya was still boiling-mad about last night, and had been talking about going to the RA. Adrien? He was seriously cute, and obviously embarrassed about the whole debacle.
“…so I figured maybe I’d ask you out for a coffee instead?” he finished hopefully, flashing her a winning smile.
She raised an eyebrow. Normally, she’d take anything Lila Rossi said with more than a few grains of salt, but the girl had sworn up and down that Adrien Agreste was a typical pretty-boy player who couldn’t be trusted, and Adrien was looking at her like a cute smile and a cup of coffee could fix everything.
So, instead of swooning, she crossed her arms and shot him an unamused look.
“I’d much rather you go back to my room…” (Adrien looked surprised, but still interested.) “And clean up the mess you made,” she finished evenly. “The cleaning staff doesn’t get paid enough to clean up something like that.”
Sure enough, pretty boy’s smile faded.
“Ye-yeah, sure, of course,” he stammered, trying a sheepish smile instead. Marinette still wasn’t mollified. The boy was a model. He knew what his body-language looked like.
“Alya’s last class is done at six,” she said. “It should probably be done before then.”
Adrien gulped and hesitated. “Well, I have a pretty busy schedule today….”
Marinette rolled her eyes. Typical.
“But you had enough time to come over here and harass me?” she pointed out.
“I—I’m not harassing you!” Adrien exclaimed. “I’m trying to apologize! Please—just, don’t tell my father?”
“Oh, yeah, that’d work out great for me!” Marinette exclaimed. “I can’t think of a quicker way to get kicked out of my department than to tell the Head I assaulted his son! What are you, nuts?”
Adrien looked visibly relieved. “So, we’re good, then?” he asked hopefully.
“Not even close, Fabio,” she snarled, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards her dorm. “You’re gonna get started cleaning!”
“Fabio??” the blond sounded offended. “You really think I look like—Hey, wait! I have—class!!”
“So do I, pretty boy. But if you can skip to buy me a cup of coffee, you can skip to clean up your mess!!”
“And then, your mother dragged me back to her room and did wicked things to me,” Adrien finished, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.
“I got you a mop and bucket and taught you how to use them when it became clear you had no idea what you were doing,” Marinette corrected, flicking her husband on the nose.
“Like I said: wicked,” he nodded solemnly to their new son.
“Yup, and I plan on being just as evil to both of you for the rest of your lives. You will learn to cook, and clean, and fix broken doors….”
“Hey now, I wasn’t part of that one!” Adrien protested. “And I’m pretty sure Kim and Nino were drunk!”
“Didn’t stop you from encouraging Nino when he proposed to Alya to get her to stop screaming at him,” Marinette pointed out, taking her infant son from him and cradling him.
“I still think they’ll be a great couple,” Adrien shrugged, shifting so he was sitting a bit closer to his new family. “If they ever stop trying to kill each other.”
Marinette agreed. “We’re getting them a slip-n-slide for their wedding present.”
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