#voyages of imagination
trillscienceofficer · 5 months
Dark Passions Susan Wright Book 1 - January 2001 (232pp) Book 2 - January 2001 (200pp) Before Kira and Bashir stumbled upon the mirror universe, there was plenty of intrigue going on. Agent Annika Hansen of the Obsidian Order has been ordered to to eliminate the new Overseer of the Alliance, Kira. Even assassins don't appear immune to her considerable wiles, however. Familiar characters play evil and manipulative to the hilt. When Kira obtains an Iconian transportal device, no one is safe from her wrath. Susan [Wright] said, “I'm fascinated with parallel universes. ‘Mirror, Mirror’ was my favorite TOS episode, and I enjoyed the DS9 mirror universe episodes. So when my editor at Pocket Books, John Ordover, said he wanted me to write a ‘bad girls’ of Trek, I was up for it. I created the story for one book, and afterwards it was expanded to two books. I made Seven of Nine and Intendent [sic] Kira the two main characters, and put them into a relationship. I thought it was great that Paramount allowed the interaction. I loved writing characters that were familiar yet fundamentally different. For example, Seven was trained as a Cardassian assassin since there is no Borg in the mirror universe.”
From “Voyages of Imagination: The Star Trek Fiction Companion” by Jeff Ayers (2006)
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stra-tek · 2 months
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Paula Block, speaking on Gene Roddenberry's view of Star Trek canon. From Voyages of Imagination: The Star Trek Fiction Companion (Jeff Ayers, 2006)
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crackingthetbrpile · 1 year
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Sometimes I think it would be a good idea to make Star Trek tie-in novel video essays, if only so I could tear into Devil World on a deeper level…
This is the same interview where he admits that he didn’t really watch Star Trek and pretty much only did the novels for the paycheck. I can respect the hustle, but I can’t respect how bad he was at it.
(Quote taken from Jeff Ayer’s Voyages of Imagination, 2006)
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grissomesque · 7 months
I made this for my kid to show her why soundtracks are a Big Deal but uh if anyone has any requests I will happily cut your unhinged song into a Trek clip.
Music Matters: 1/?
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ovenproofowl · 2 years
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It took exhaustive research, sifting through teraquads of data, separating fact from rumour... but eventually, I arrived at the truth.
Happy Birthday.
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cyberball · 9 months
cair paraval
caspian x reader / no pronouns used / not rq
warnings: a couple swears, physical touch (as in not 18+ but still), mention of the word 'dress' but you can interpret that as any type of dress really
summary: you decide to reminisce on a select few memories of the beach at cair paraval in your room, one morning.
genre: yes it is fluffy but there's some slow burn/yearning thing going on, allusion to a modern!au in narnia, although u can assume it’s the same
notes: cyberball comeback! *crickets* anyway this is my highest word count thus far. ben barnes is actually fatal cuz now I'm obsessed with a character from my CHILDHOOD who I completely forgot even existed. alas, here we are, because caspian is a very very close second to Leo valdez, and I'm head over heels for that man. all this is to say, this will probably not be the last caspian fic and who knows, maybe I'll figure sth out for peter n ed as well!!! anyway enjoy i hope u like it
11:03 | 2896 words
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11:45 AM
The spring breeze brushes against your face, and your eyes close in appreciation. From your balcony, the beach of Cair Paraval looks stunning; clear blue waters and a high tide to match. You let your thoughts linger on all the nights you’ve spent on said beach with a certain king of Narnia. You almost get up to try to find him, but you sit back down, realizing he must be busy. Your memories will have to sustain you for now.
4:23 AM – 1 month ago
Caspian’s hand came up to brush his hair out of his face for what seemed like the hundredth time that night – the sea breeze was relentless. You silently laughed at his efforts, as he leaned back into you, having given up on trying to tame his hair. His tall frame had somehow managed to sit snugly in between your legs, Caspian’s head resting on your chest. You were leaning against an enormous oak tree, the leaves swaying in tandem with the wind.
“Get up, you big goof,” you said, rolling your nightshirt’s sleeves up, determined to help him with his hair. He looked back at you for just a second before obeying your command. You loved his hair either way but you could tell it was annoying him right about now.
“What, you don’t like the unruly look my hair has taken on?” He asked, sitting up properly. You shook your head in amusement and looked away under his glance, pretending to look around for the clip you always kept on you, in case a predicament like this arose.
You gathered a little of his hair and tied it in place with the clip, letting a few pieces in the front fall out. The half-up-half-down look was his and your favorite.
He rested his head back onto your shoulder, looking ahead, the two of you still sitting. You had a ritual wherein you took one night each week to watch the sunrise. Now, even as the sun slowly woke up, the Narnian night sky glittered with tens of stars, and you wished you could look into his eyes. The black always reflected the light perfectly.
You two had been dating for about 2 weeks now. Caspian was your best friend and the person you trusted the most. Back when all you could think of on nights like these was your imagination of what it would feel like to have his lips against yours, looking into his eyes was a gesture far too intimate for two friends to share.
But now that it was a reality, you moved him off your shoulder and moved forward, so now you were facing him. On instinct, he picked you up by your thighs and placed you on his lap. Giggling, you took his stubble-covered face in your hands. After staring into your eyes for a length of time most people would find uncomfortable, he looked up at the sky. And there it was; the sky condensed into his eyes. He looked back up at you, and you couldn’t help but kiss him. You wondered how you ever lived without knowing the taste of his lips.
5:09 PM – 3 months ago
The sun filtered through your hair as you managed to push through it. It was setting, and the horizon looked particularly capturing today; pink and orange clouds shielding its light. Speaking of the sun, unbeknownst to you, yours had come up behind the spot you had claimed on the sand. Placing a kiss on your head – and consequently making butterflies fly around in your stomach – Caspian took the place next to you, as he often did.
More often, he’d only made rare appearances in your solitude, as the mantle of being king had taken its toll on his free time. You had found yourself reminiscing on the time when every other free second you both had, you would spend with each other. You would train together as well, and while that hadn’t necessarily stopped, he had significantly less time to do so. So you missed it, and you missed the close contact, where you could pass off the hitched breaths and stuttering glances as something other than what they were.
Caspian was your best friend. Nothing more, although you found yourself coveting the same. You don’t quite remember when it changed; when the way you looked at him turned from friendly appreciation to lingering on his smile. You felt that maybe he felt the same when he’d make you laugh and then drink in your reaction; when you showed him a new dress and his gaze lingered on you for far more time than was needed to look at the dress; when, a few days ago, you were playing with his hair, as you often did, and he unabashedly stared at your lips; and even now, when he kissed your head and instinctually rested his hand on yours. His thumb caressed your palm, and you had to physically restrain yourself from melting onto the beach.
At least then you could be washed away with the sea. You could feel his gaze on you. “What, idiot?” You asked him, not turning to look at him, a playful smile playing on your lips. “That’s no way to address your king,” he replied smoothly with a smirk of his own. You wanted to wipe it right off his stupid, pretty face.
As happy as you were with his presence next to you, you didn’t forget how your getaways to the beach were much frequent just you now instead of you both. “Sorry, Your Majesty,” you muttered sarcastically. You winced as his face fell at your tone, immediately regretting your words, knowing how he literally had no time for anything other than his duties. You couldn’t be mad at him for that. He beat you to the apology, “I am sorry. I know I have seen you less and less these past few weeks, and it’s not an excuse, merely a reason, but my work as king has taken up most if not all my time. Regardless, I could have made time for you. Aslan knows you’re much more important to me than anything else,” he spoke the last words under his breath, but you caught them.
You both had talked about this before – how much you meant to each other – but every time he brought it up, your heart beat just a little bit faster. “Cas, don’t be sorry. I know you’re busy and it’s selfish of me to be mad at you for that. I’m sorry,” you replied, looking away. “You’re not being selfish. You’re the least selfish person I know. You’ve done nothing wrong here,” he said softly, pushing your hair behind your ears. A hue of red dusted your cheeks at the gesture and you smiled up at him, “It’s okay, Cas,” you assured him and noticed his eyes crinkling at the nickname, “Just promise to meet me whenever you can,” you said, playing with his fingers. “Yes, I know, I will use all my free time on you. You don’t have to tell me twice,” he says, a glint in his eyes. You laughed amusedly, “You’re a good king, you know,” and he searched your eyes for any sign of a lie. He didn’t find it, even behind your teasing tone. “Just because I dedicated my free time to you?” he questioned and you pretended to think, “Hmm… yes.” Laughing
, you rested your head on his shoulder. You were happy to have him, even if your affections could only be as intimate as best friends.
2:58 AM – 2 months ago
You had just made a particularly hilarious joke, and Caspian had been laughing about it for what seemed like ages. “My god, calm down,” you managed to say through your own laughter, and he silently brought his forehead down to your shoulder, his own shoulders shaking from laughter.
After finally calming down, he said, “Never do that again,” a smile still brilliant on his face, despite the dim moonlight filtering through the clouds. “What, never make you laugh again?” you grinned, sucking your teeth, “sounds like a challenge to me. I’m too funny,” you joked, running your hand through your hair. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Caspian roll his eyes at you, and you wordlessly shoved him for it.
“That cloud looks like your hair in the morning,” you pointed out, gesturing to a cloud by the sea line. Caspian looked at you with an unamused face, “Ha-ha. Very funny,” he replied deadpan, but a grin eventually broke out on his face.
A long, comfortable silence stretched out between the two of you. You carefully rested your head on his shoulder and tried to take this for what it was: two friends enjoying each other’s company, and not letting your thoughts wander to a hope where maybe, someday, you could be more than that. Because it could never be. Caspian did a great job of reminding you of the fact when he piped up, “Today was sort of terrible,” and in response, you looked up at him through your lashes, beckoning him to continue. “The court is back at it with the marriage proposals and potential alliances,” he explained, and your heart dropped.
Oh. “Any of the potential matches interest you?” you questioned, silently hoping the answer was no. Regardless, you braced yourself for the impact, but he replied, very softly, might one add, “No,” and ran a hand through his hair. “Really?” you asked in an unamused tone, “none of them?” you were a tad bit eager to know his true feelings. So he pointed it out, “Desperate, are we? Why do you want to see me married off so quickly?” he asked, a smirk playing on his annoyingly pretty face. There was a sort of desperation in his eyes that you didn’t quite catch, however.
“Of course not, Your Highness,” you teased, “Curse me for wanting to see my king happy,” and rolled your eyes. “And anyway, it’s quite the opposite,” you muttered under your breath, sure that he wouldn’t hear it, but he did.
Fuck. He understood what you meant by it as well; he always did, and now he looked at you with something newfound in his eyes. Shit.
Silence. Why wasn’t he saying anything?
“That is the last thing that would make me happy,” he finally spoke, and you silently sent up a prayer to whichever god let him ignore whatever you had said.
“And what would?” you asked, a teasing tone in your voice, but you both knew you genuinely wanted to know. Were you a possibility?
He didn’t reply. You chuckled softly and slightly shoved him, “What? I asked you something,” you said, still giggling. Your laughter had brought a smile to his face and you wanted to evaporate.
He took one of your hands and started absentmindedly playing with your fingers, as he often did. “I just… it’s a little funny to me how many times I’ve asked you that same question and you’ve not responded,” he confessed, black eyes staring you down, and then moving away when you hesitated in responding. “We tell each other everything,” a pause, “Right?” he asked, and hundreds of unsaid feelings poured into the small gap between you two, which he was slowly but surely closing. All the while his hands were still on yours, and you wondered if this was it. The day you finally get to call him yours, or the day you part ways.
“Caspian…” was all you managed, a little choked. Had his face always been so close to yours? You swore you could feel the beat of his eyelashes on your face, which was no doubt painted deep red right about now. It didn’t matter, because so was his.
You never knew eyes could speak like this – albeit, Caspian’s had always been able to, but never to this degree – begging, desperation, and hope, all in just two pupils. You literally were choked now; words had left you. You always told him, in matters of romance, you would never be able to make the first move. He had always laughed at that, the irony of you being such a bold and fearless person, yet being afraid of showing vulnerability like this. Although he himself could never chide you about that; both of you knew his stubbornness, especially in affairs of the heart.
He was not a daft man. A little oblivious, sure, but he knew the way you looked at him. You hadn’t tried to hide it either; in some masochistic way, even though you had your doubts about his feelings, you still wore yours on your face. You regretted it sometimes, when if he ended up listening to his court one day, then you would feel like a fool for putting your heart out on the line.
But so had he. Later on, you would realize that you were much more oblivious than him. He had half the decency to never completely assume that you were interested in him romantically, but he knew you. And you knew him.
So it made sense now to you. His lingering glances, especially those on your lips; the forehead kisses, which he had started a long time ago before you thought of him this way – however, they had grown much more frequent and much less chaste; and, oh. The words he said to you just a couple of days ago, lounging in his bed, your head in his lap, when you had joked about him being in love with you, “I’m not going to deny it.” You knew when he was joking. This was not such an instance, even though, immediately after, he tried to play it off as such. You knew it. Why hadn’t you said something?
Your name fell from his lips now, once more, a silent plea.
His lips ghosted over yours once more. You closed your eyes briefly, as you did when in a predicament, and exhaled hard.
Caspian sent up a prayer to whichever god would take it and made to connect your lips. You met him halfway.
You remember the first kiss like the back of your hand. You just about whimpered when his taste reached your tongue; the taste of the chocolate you both had snuck just a few minutes earlier was fresh on his lips. His rather large hands steadied you by your waist, and you still felt like crumbling by his touch.
A few seconds later, you pulled away reluctantly, out of breath. His eyes slowly fluttered open and his face was redder than you had ever seen it. You grinned and pecked his lips once more, and he felt your smile on him. It wasn’t a feeling he thought he’d ever experience.
Giddy, he mirrored your smile and kissed you harder than the last time.
“I knew you had a thing for me,” you said, right after he pulled away, breathless and smiling. “I’m not going to deny it,” he gloated, and you rested your forehead on his shoulder, laughing.
You were going to deal with the court some other day. It was just you and him right now.
11:56 AM – Present time
“Enjoying the weather, my love?” Caspian’s voice sounds out as his arms wrap around your torso. You slightly crane your head to look at him, shamelessly staring at his frame; simple white button-up, black pants. A rather handsome look on him.
“Your pick-up lines have always been terrible,” you remark, turning your head back around, a smirk on your face.
“And yet you were just checking me out,” he shoots back, resting his chin on the top of your head. You roll your eyes in response. “Checkmate?” he teases.
“Whatever. You can hardly blame me when you look this good,” you respond smoothly, turning around to face him while raising a hand to play with the ends of his hair.
“Have you seen yourself?” he says comfortably. His hands are resting easy on your hips and his gaze is on you, focused like you hung the stars in the sky. He always looks at you like this.
You shake your head, silently laughing, and crane your head to look out at the waters. It’s true that no one loves the sea quite like Caspian does, but that’s the very reason you appreciate it. His eyes light up when he talks of his adventures and voyages. Interestingly enough, there have only been two instances when the joie de vivre shines in his eyes; once when he thinks of the sea, and twice when he thinks of you. You’ve noticed it. The thought gets you giddy each time.
There’s a comfortable silence between the two of you. He places a kiss on your head and leans down to kiss your lips. Every time he does, it feels like the first time. Your eyes flutter close, and you notice something more in the way his lips move against yours. A message.
And then you realize.
Three words.
He pulls away, exhaling softly. A pause.
“I love you,” he says, your name on his lips like it always belonged there.
You waste no time. “I love you too, Caspian,” and he grins.
You mean it. And Aslan knows he means it too.
tagging: @noorie101 @padfootagain (one of my fav cas writers <3) — if u wanna be tagged please send in an ask!
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bumblingbabooshka · 10 months
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Hey, Star Trek Writers... -taps the glass-
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aquamonstra · 6 months
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pissfaggit · 7 months
He's always fucking finding repressed pathetic little men that want to kill him and then having homoerotic mind melds with them
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trek-tracks · 4 months
I came from the Cat of Amontillado post why is your blog full of salamanders
I guess I'd just say that to fully enjoy my Star Trek blog with occasional cat posts, you need to get past a certain...
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trillscienceofficer · 5 months
The Best and the Brightest (Star Trek: The Next Generation) Susan Wright February 1998 (277pp) The story of six cadets attending Starfleet Academy and their trials and tribulations during their four-year term. Set during the time period just after the events of Wolf 359, the characters include a newly joined Trill; a human who finds herself hopelessly in love with the Trill; a cat-like alien raised by humans, and a Bajoran Vedek who wishes to distance himself from his native planet. This novel was groundbreaking, not only in terms of having brand new characters. Susan [Wright] said, “I always wanted to create a gay relationship in a Trek novel because I felt that the promise of a future without discrimination and bigotry had not been fulfilled. So when John Ordover asked me to create a whole new cast of characters who were attending Starfleet Academy, I wanted to include gay characters. The Best and the Brightest was the first Star Trek novel with main characters who were gay. Paramount agreed to my story proposal, but they insisted that the word “gay” should not be included. They said that in the Trek universe sexual orientation was not even noticed. I've always wanted to bring these characters back in a DS9 novel, because Moll Enor and Jayme Miranda were posted there at the end of The Best and the Brightest. It was fun because at times I used all six of the characters like Forest [sic] Gump, placing them in key Trek moments such as the crash of the Enterprise-D.”
From “Voyages of Imagination: The Star Trek Fiction Companion” by Jeff Ayers (2006)
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elystelleven · 6 months
*sigh* "I guess there's no other choice..."
Reuploaded because the WIP version kinda sucked, but here the big three in the most ambitious crossover since smash bros and endgame (joke)
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(Based on that one art trend on Twitter)
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tea-earl-grey · 5 months
the more i think about it, the more i like the fact that in Prodigy (and prospectively in shows set beyond then) the galaxy in Star Trek is much more connected, known, and easy to traverse than in the tng era shows. it makes sense that the legacy of ds9's forays into the Gamma Quadrant and particularly Voyager's journey through the Delta Quadrant would result in way fewer unknown parts of the galaxy and Starfleet's position shouldn't be about exploring but rather about forging connections with each other; trying to understand and learn rather than mindlessly spread outwards. (there's also something to be said about trying to alter the imperialist foundations of Star Trek and whether that can be done but that's another post.)
and from the point of view of technological development, it does make sense that a post-Voyager trek would have to deal with all this new tech Voyager came up with to speed up its 70 year journey. like yeah, of course Janeway would have a slip-stream drive installed on the Dauntless (one that is hopefully less likely to throw your ship into an ice planet). of course members of Voyager's crew (like Chakotay) would join the Protostar project to keep exploring faster than warp travel after 7 years of doing just that. of course there would be abandoned parts of the Borg transwarp networks still around and usable (as we see in Picard s1) after the network was fractured in Endgame. and as much as we joke and meme about Tom breaking the Warp 10 barrier like. that is still a significant scientific breakthrough that would have consequences. and it would certainly be in Starfleet's interest to try to maintain the relationships Voyager forged in the Delta Quadrant.
idk i would love to see Prodigy (and any other post-Voyager trek) actively dig into that idea a little bit more. like yes we boldly went or whatever but how are those people on those "strange new worlds"? do we still talk to them? do they like us? what sort of trade do we engage in with them? is it ethical trading? how are Federation diplomatic envoys dealing with like a million new states and cultures to negotiate with? how common is faster than warp travel now? what about outside of the Federation? how many people have been stranded 50 years from home after their engine died? what innovations have there been in communication systems? and most importantly – is Neelix still ambassador to the Delta Quadrant?
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trekkie-polls · 4 months
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thedawntreaders · 2 years
i know the pevensies had it bad for being treated as children all over again after growing into adults in narnia but i'm starting to realize that eustace also got the short end of the stick after his trip; like imagine becoming a dragon and battling it out with a sea serpent only to be fucking bullied at school again. eustace is a stronger man than me because that would have become my villain origin story
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miminmimikyu · 3 months
I’m not really into shipping, but as someone who casually likes both JC and J7 and dislikes the Voyager writers pairing up Seven and Chakotay in out of nowhere Voyager, I will accept C7 in one (1) situation and that’s a situation that includes decision-making otherwise only observed in high school romance manga: two characters start dating each other to make their crushes jealous.
Except here, unbeknownst to each other the love interest is the same person (Janeway). Somehow all’s well until Voyager reaches the Alpha Quadrant and Janeway’s no longer married to her job. Then all the bets and gloves are off.
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