#volks rose
turtlejen · 1 month
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made a cardigan with new girl in mind, but i think Lillia might keep it for now. xD
new girl made it to my distribution center today, so she should be here monday. ^^ i'm so excited !!
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anna-neko · 1 year
Dontcha just love how all digital recording devices have timestamps of some kind (specifically tehre to call me out)
My camera - first photo taken at 11:44am, last photo taken at 4:50pm. The files naming convention lets it show that 413 shots were taken
full day for what.... a doll in some roses and my knees full of gravel
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FRELLIN WORTH IT a++ cannot wait to do again
At some point you find yourself: sittin on the cold grass, legs splayed out, back bent at bizarre angle while attempting to steady self with elbow diggin into something, the very shiny metal doll-stand base balanced on your foot used as a make-shift reflector.... Yawp, hobbies were a mistake
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adolescenceknight · 11 months
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look at how utterly gorgeous she is. it's impossible to take a bad picture of her
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(041) Die drei ??? und das Volk der Winde
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Der Wissenschaftler Arnold Brewster ruft die drei Detektive zu Hilfe, denn durch eine Intrige ist er in ein Altersheim abgeschoben worden. Justus, Bob und Peter versuchen, ihm zu helfen. Sie kommen dabei einem geheimnisvollen Geschehen auf die Spur, bei dem es um Indianer, Gold und einen rätselhaften "Tanzenden Saurier" geht. Tödliche Gefahren lauern auf die drei ??? …
Veröffentlichungshistorie Buch (Random House): Find Your Fate 002, 1985, Rose Estes, The Case of the Dancing Dinosaur Buch (Kosmos): 040, 1987, Leonore Puschert (aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen) Hörspiel (Europa): 041, 1987
⁉️ Allgemein
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews
Arnold Brewster, Professor für Völkerkunde
Clifford Brewster, Neffe von Arnold Brewster, Wirtschaftsprüfer
Alfred Zindler, Anwalt (😈)
Marie Brewster, Nichte von Arnold Brewster
Martin Ishniak, Assistent von Arnold Brewster an der Uni, Enkelsohn von Pamir
Pamir "Old Tom", Sprecher der Winde, Hüter der Erde und Beschützer einer Welt, Großvater von Martin Ishniak
🏖 Rocky Beach Universum
Comina, Stadt
Golden House, Altersheim
Tanzende Wasser Bar & Grill, Hotel/Restaurant
Volk der Winde, Stamm amerikanischer Ureinwohner, haben Handel mit Weißen getrieben und mit Gold gezahlt
Die tanzenden Wasser, Wasserfall
Der tanzende Saurier, eine 60cm hohe und 10cm dicke Steinplatte mit Goldeinschlüssen und einem eingeschlossenen kleinen Dinosaurierskelett
🛼 Sonstiges
Lustige Dialoge
Bob: "Nun müssen wir nur noch sehen, wie wir da rankommen. Wahrscheinlich lässt sich irgendwas verschieben oder reindrücken." Peter: "Oder drehen."
Justus: "Den klaut schon keiner." [eine Szene später] Peter: "Der Saurier ist weg!" Bob: "Hä?" Justus: "Was? Was ist los?" Peter: "Das hörst du doch: Der Saurier ist weg. Ich habe die Platte auf diesen Tisch gelegt und… und jetzt ist sie nicht mehr da."
Justus: "Ausgezeichnet, Kollege. Logisch und exakt gedacht." Bob: "Hmm." Justus: "So muss ein guter Detektiv an einen Fall herangehen." Bob: "Ja." Justus: "Diese Äußerung hätte von mir sein können."
Bob: "Jedenfalls sieht der ‚tanzende Saurier' irre gut aus."
Bob: "Ist scheinbar auch nicht richtig hier. Himmel, ah, stechen die Dornen. Oh, das tut verdammt weh, oh." Justus: "Was ist denn das? Der Busch wächst ja gar nicht aus dem Boden: Er ist nur zwischen diesen Steinbrocken festgeklemmt." Bob: "Just, das spielt für mich keine Rolle. Ich sitze fest. Hilf mir doch!" Justus: "Ein wirksames Abschreckungsmanöver. Seht euch das an: Wenn wir die Zweige mit einem Stock zur Seite drücken… ja, dann kommen wir durch." Bob: "Juuust ..." Justus: "Achso. Ja, geht ja schon los, Bob. So, gut so. Du bist frei."
Peter: "Ich begreife nur nicht, warum Marie Clifford eins über den Schädel gezogen hat." Marie: "Was? Ich? Ich soll das gewesen sein?" Peter: "Okay. Wir wissen inzwischen, dass Marie es nicht war."
Aufgelegt! Der Anrufer legt einfach auf und das wir kommentiert!"
🏳️‍🌈 Queer/diversity read
Shippy moments
Diversity, Political Correctness and Feminism
Justus: "Und der Mann? Sieht aus wie ein Indianer."
Bob: "Zu spät. Er ist schon im Auto." Justus: "Er oder sie, Kollege. Warum neigt man eigentlich immer dazu, zunächst einmal anzunehmen, dass es ein Mann war?"
Peter: "Mais, Tomaten, Kartoffeln, Bohnen, Kohl und Melonen. Also dieser Garten ist doch viel zu groß für einen einzelnen Indianer."
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[Grade 1] A large sofa with enough space to sit ten people, but it's immense comfort is mostly just used as a means for Canaan to slack off. -- "I needed a change of pace so I'm on my fifth break of the day."
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[Grade 1O] Adel has an idea. He thinks that if we make the sofa more elegant then Canaan won't slack off on it so casually. To that end, he replaced the covers and cushions with a top of the line design
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[Grade 30] Adel finally realized… That people's personalities cannot be changed as easily as sofa cushions. As usual, Canaan is lounging on the luxurious settee.
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[Grade 1] Sometimes, it is not enough to simply choose luxury. For example, in other countries, it is said that one can only sense true emotion in something desolate. This is a table designed for those who seek such an essence.
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[Grade 1O] The center of the table now houses a vase filled with flowers offered as tribute to Merry Rose by one the many people enchanted by him. "You really have no taste, do you?" He says, looking at the flowers with a mix of kindness and hatred reflected in his eyes…
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[Grade 30] Thanks in equal parts to the talented meisters and their hardworking guildkeeper, Dream Weaver is now a place where everyone can gather around dreamy candles and healing flowers, to talk and laugh and spend their time in true luxury.
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[Grade 1] The soft sunlight, the calming sound of gently flowing water… This alone is already a superb view. And yet we are not satisfied. For we… Are royalty.
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[Grade 1O] Hand crafted designer curtains and carefully cultivated, auspicious plants bring further life and elegance to the terrance. And yet we are still not satisifed. For we… Are royalty.
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[Grade 30] While being particular in our attempts to accentuate the terrace, the flowers bloomed all on their own. Well… Nature's touch is nice, too.
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berryevilpoptart · 2 years
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
me, watching period dramas: what is with her hair? and that dress is 30 years too early! god, did they research nothing?!
me, looking at the Volks "Rose of Versailles" doll outfits: I desire this carnally
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nuzzle · 2 months
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today i'm welcoming home my first BJD, "lieselotte!" i would like to occasionally post more doll content (especially lolita related) on my blog from now on.. so you may be seeing her often!! ♡
lolita collaborations sparked my interest in ball jointed dolls quite a while ago, but i've only recently started researching them and have come to love all of the similarities these hobbies share. i was very lucky to be able to find my discontinued dream doll completely unopened from a secondhand sale despite this specific model being made and distributed almost 15 years ago. it gives the same feeling as a very well preserved time capsule of sorts.
to give more information on her--she is a 2010 limited release model volks super dollfie x baby, the stars shine bright collaboration from the storyline "harajuku memories"
she is absolutely everything i wanted in a doll and a perfect fit for me as a lolita and avid fan of btssb. i prefer the older faceups of her rather than the more modern ones. i intend on matching coords with her-- so far, i own the same gingham rose OP, her default dress, and the honey cross shoes and socks.. though i want to hunt down the same christina hat she wears. i plan to take her outside with me once the weather gets a bit nicer, as her storyline mentions that being her wish!
i'm quite new to the hobby and still have a lot to learn, so feel free to share any resources or tips ^_^
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mxsuperclear · 9 months
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say hello to my newest girl! she’s a volks sdcute kaede (sweet dreams version) and i bought her from a lovely collector at resin rose. :) i’m still brainstorming name ideas for her so for now she’s just going by her sculpt name. i can’t get over how precious and delicate she is! 🤎
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Die Maulwürfe oder Euer Wille geschehe
I Als sie, krank von den letzten Kriegen, tief in die Erde hinunterstiegen, in die Kellerstädte, die drunten liegen, war noch keinem der Völker klar, daß es ein Abschied für immer war.
Sie stauten sich vor den Türen der Schächte mit Nähmaschinen und Akten und Vieh, daß man sie endlich nach unten brächte, hinab in die künstlichen Tage und Nächte. Und sie erbrachen, wenn einer schrie.
Ach, sie erschraken vor jeder Wolke! War´s Hexerei oder war´s noch Natur? Brachte sie Regen für Flüsse und Flur? Oder hing Gift überm wartenden Volke, das verstört in die Tiefe fuhr.
Sie flohen aus Gottes guter Stube. Sie ließen die Wiesen, die Häuser, das Wehr, den Hügelwind und den Wald und das Meer. Sie fuhren mit Fahrstühlen in die Grube. Und die Erde ward wüst und leer.
II Drunten in den versunkenen Städten, versunken, wie einst Vineta versank, lebten sie weiter, hörten Motetten, teilten Atome, lasen Gazetten, lagen in Betten und hielten die Bank.
Ihre Neue Welt glich gekachelten Träumen. Der Horizont war aus blauem Glas. Die Angst schlief ein. Und die Menschheit vergaß. Nur manchmal erzählten die Mütter von Bäumen und die Märchen vom Veilchen, vom Mond und vom Gras.
Himmel und Erde wurden zur Fabel. Das Gewesene klang wie ein altes Gedicht. Man wußte nichts mehr vom Turmbau zu Babel. man wußte nichts mehr von Kain und Abel. Und auf die Gräber schien Neonlicht.
Fachleute saßen an blanken, bequemen Geräten und trieben Spiegelmagie. An Periskopen hantierten sie und gaben acht, ob die anderen kämen. Aber die anderen kamen nie.
III Droben zerfielen inzwischen die Städte. Brücken und Bahnhöfe stürzten ein. Die Fabriken sahn aus wie verrenkte Skelette. Die Menschheit hatte die große Wette verloren, und Pan war wieder allein.
Der Wald rückte näher, überfiel die Ruinen, stieg durch die Fenster, zertrat die Maschinen, steckte sich Türme ins grüne Haar, griff Lokomotiven, spielte mit ihnen und holte Christus vom Hochaltar.
Nun galten wieder die ewigen Regeln. Die Gesetzestafeln zerbrach keiner mehr. Es gehorchten die Rose, der Schnee und der Bär. Der Himmel gehörte wieder den Vögeln und den kleinen und großen Fischen das Meer.
Nur einmal, im Frühling, durchquerten das Schweigen rollende Panzer, als ging´s in die Schlacht. Sie kehrten, beladen mit Kirschblütenzweigen, zurück, um sie drunten den Kindern zu zeigen. Dann schlossen sich wieder die Türen zum Schacht.
--Erich Kästner
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reccyls · 8 months
Tidbits from the Yumekuro artbook:
Cuit has been visiting Tsukiwatari's guild home a lot lately. He and Gran try to teach Itsuki how to cook. Godspeed to them
Both Cuit and Riche list "Kuchen's chocolate" as one of their favorite foods. Riche additionally also lists "Cuit's cooking"
Elma hates any spiders, isopods, basically any animal that has lots and lots of legs.
Searle dislikes people who bully fish
Adel's weakness is Merry Rose, Canaan's weakness is Volks. What is going on in Yume Tsumugi, haha
You've got Lykos and his dream of making a world where children can grow up peacefully, and Alex and his dream of becoming a true hero. Then there is Urbano (I want to take over the world) and Len (I want to become rich)
Shiharu's likes: People who pursue their dreams. Also people's tears
(Not so?) coincidentally, Alma's dislikes include Shiharu's punishments, and Daste's weakness includes Shiharu
The fairies' profile has a bit that describes how they show they trust you and imagining all of that is like imagining a group of stray cats, haha. Caprice will stare at you, Plow will actually keep his mouth shut and listen to you when you're talking, Navi shows he trusts you by pranking you, and then there is Mateo who will show you he trusts you by giving you a cute smile 🥹
The fairies all have a policy, or a point of view about life that they believe in. Fidel's is "There's no cure for stupid" haha
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turtlejen · 1 month
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turned the rest of the skein into a small blanket. xD
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anna-neko · 1 year
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oooooh lordy, Volks! SuperDollfies aren't even my lane, but Lady Oscar and Marie Antoinette make me wanna sell a kidney! (and then probly someone else's organs to afford a grandiose display case worthy of their splendor to place them in)
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blushblushbear · 1 year
Hi, good to have you back!
Okay so hear me out- Double proposals. Their going to propose to their wonderful S/O when they find out we had the same thing in mind. Like we both get on one knee and both end up whipping out rings? What's their reaction?
A headcanon with anyone you think would have most reaction to it
Nimh: He is so so flustered. He was actually low key mentally preparing for you to say no so the fact that YOU were already planning on asking HIM??? He's gonna need to sit down, the room is spinning and his heart is fluttery
Also I picture him asking on a picnic date.
Volks: He's stunned. Like actually just staring at you in disbelief. He'd SAY he knew you were gonna say yes (you had to at this point, ya know?) but part of him was really worried that you didn't actually want to. Or if you DID want to, you didn't want it as much as him, and he hates being the one who cares more (make him feel too vulnerable) (also I feel like he'd ask you at a waterfall???)
He plays it cool (if a bit stammery and flustered) while around you but rest assured when he's in bed later that night he is so excited and giddy and relieved-- he couldn't stop smiling AND NO ONE CAN KNOW
Kelby: He's shocked but like one of those drunk people who got showed some dope street magic. He's so pumped but also can't believe cause NO WAY! OH NO WAY! YOU WERE GONNA PROPOSE?? /HE/ WAS GONNA PROPOSE!!! HAHAHA OH MAN NO WAY!!! later he says that he wished in that moment that he'd told you 'jinx, you owe me a soda' (he asks you at your guys' favorite park, but he waits till sundown to make it extra romantic)
Eli: So this old school romantic fucker made it super obvious he was gonna propose. He showed up that evening on a horse dressed like a prince. And didn't even bat an eye that you were also dressed like royalty. He whisks you away for an evening of cheesy romance but just before he pops the question he actually looks deep into your eyes and gets all poetically sincere. When you smirk and pull out your ring and say "you were gonna ask the same thing" he smirks back with "had a feeling you were going to-- I love you, but I couldn't be beaten to the punch, darling! You understand! NOW PUT A RING ON IT BEYONCE AND GIVE YOUR FIANCEE A SMOOCH!" He jokes and smarms and cheeses but honestly he's really super grateful to have you.
Anon: He actually plays it super casual but the whole time leading up to it he's crazy nervous. He asks in a really low key way-- I think you're just playing video games at his place and he asks if you'd wanna maybe move in and also maybe make it forever and also maybe marry him. He legit plays it like it's a spur of the moment thing that he just blurts out but when you laugh he says he's serious and pulls a ring out of his pocket. He stares at you waiting for his answer and when you stammer he thinks for a moment that he's going to be rejected. But before that sinking feeling can make it all the way to his stomach you pulled out a ring and said you had been trying to think of the right way to ask. He lived and breathed off that high he felt in that moment for about 3 weeks.
Garret: Fully taken by surprise. He cries and scoops you up into his arms. He super can not believe you were planning on proposing too. says he wishes he had waited to ask now so you could ask first and he could give you the same happy feeling you're giving him right now! But he tells you "Don't worry, Garret will find many ways to give you that feeling for the rest of our lives!"
I'm thinking-- maybe apple picking date?? Or a fair date??
Dmitri: Candle lit dinner over looking the sea at a private table at one of the finest restaurants he could find. Rose petals EVERYWHERE, heart shaped EVERYTHING, he is in a tux with his shirt slightly open, HE RENTED A BAND. A string quartet to be precise. He makes the evening as classically romantic as he possibly could. He read you a poem that he wrote with the band playing in the bg. Then at the end of his poem, he gets down on one knee and asks you to be his forever. As you excitedly pull out your own ring he stares at it awestruck. He's silent and unmoving for a moment before his other knee drops down and he's now crying at your feet. He tells you how happy you make him, how lucky he feels, and holds out his hand for you to put the ring on it. He slips your ring on you and then dips you dramatically, telling you "Now kiss me under the stars, my darling"
Ichiban: He streams his proposal. He makes it seem like one of those things were it's like "oh ho ho my S/O doesn't know I'm about to propose to them-- what this~~! >:3" but then you throw him a curve ball and actually pull out your ring and ask him first. He was so sucker punched by the whole thing he ends up crying on stream. The clip of him getting a proposal jump scare goes viral.
William: He actually tries to keep it low key and sweet. Well-- tries to. He's definitely a fumbly nervous mess the whole night. Dinner, dancing and then a boat ride. He brings a boom box out onto the lake. He hits play and then does the whole down on one knee thing and starts his proposal speech, but part way through he realizes that this is the wrong track and asks for just a moment to switch it. He wrestles with the boombox for a bit before fumbling it into the lake. As he watches it sink down in the water, he sighs and feels so defeated, but when you call his name and he turns to you with a kicked puppy look only to see a ring in your hand he legit cannot believe his eyes. He is in stunned shock as you take his hand and give him YOUR proposal speech. The first thing out of his mouth is "REALLY?!" when you laugh and say yes as you slip the ring on his finger, he's still processing it and after a moment of staring at the ring on his finger, mouth agape, he repeats "REALLY?!"
He asks you if your sure or if this is real about a 100 times on the way home that night.
Myx: He got his band to give you a private show to "preview their new set", at the end of which he shouts a declaration of love into the mic and says "and I have just one question for you babe--" and the lights behind him light up with the words 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?'
and as you walk up on stage, drop to your knee and pull out a ring, he can't stop smiling. He kisses you and then WHOOs /SO LOUD/. To say he's over the moon would be an understatement.
Stirling: He takes you out onto a private lake that he owns and has specially flattened so he can skate on it without ruining his skates. He walks you through a graceful yet simple couples routine and then once you've got it down he hits some lights (were those always there?) and you two perform it in full. At the end he surprises you with one final move that was not in the choreography he had shown you-- he slides toward you on one knee, pulling a ring from his shirt and holding it out to you. You look surprised and tell him to wait one second, and then start awkwardly skating out to the end towards your bag. He sits there silently in that proposal pose feeling himself sweat for a second before you come sliding back towards him with your own ring in hand. He stares at it in shock for a moment before smiling sweetly and simply saying "even now, you're still full of surprises.
Scale: He left you a map. Well-- it was more like a puzzle or a riddle. You're own national treasure style hunt towards a 'big surprise' that he refused to tell you. You ran through busy streets, jumps across rooftops, went through a jungle, through a secret entrance behind a waterfall and climbed a secret stairway all the way to the top of a mountain-- all the while feeling like there was someone following you. When you finally got to the top of the mountain it seemed like no one was there-- until a dagger was flung in your direction and embedded itself in the tree behind you. A note was attached to the dagger that read 'turn around'. When you turned, you found a hooded figure looming behind you. "you probably are wondering why I brought you here..." It ripped off it's cloak to reveal Scale in a tux, "I have an important question to ask you." He walked towards you, dropped down on one knee and before he could take out his ring or even begin to ask you pulled out a ring of your own. He looked at it in shock with a blush on his face before leaping to his feet and saying "Wh--WAIT NO FAIR I WAS GONNA ASK FIRST!"
Sven: He had invited you over for a traditional home cooked meal but when you got there you found him in the kitchen, apron still on, oven mitts still on his hands as he was on the floor crying over what looked like it was a souffle but it was so burnt you couldn't be sure. When he noticed you there he started to bawl even harder "NO! NO NO! THIS IS NOT HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO!!" he curled onto the ground whimpering as he held back more tears and muttered "there was something I wanted to ask you... but I can't do it like this..." you knelt down beside him, petting his hair trying to console him. "I... actually had something I wanted to ask you too." you said. And then you pulled out a ring and his eyes went wide. "Sven-- would you" before you can even finish you are off the ground being spun around in Sven's arms as he beams "YES! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!"
Cole: Cole planned to play it low key. He couldn't let his hand show too early. Tonight he was going to make you his, and you weren't gonna see it coming. He had booked a dinner at a nice restaurant. Not so nice that it would draw suspicion but definitely a step above your usual place. He was gonna wait till the end of dinner and spring it on you out of nowhere. It was the perfect plan. After the plates were cleared and it was just you, him, and two glasses of wine, he reached his hand over, taking your hand in his and bringing it to his lips to kiss with a sly smile. "Have I ever told you you look breathtaking in the moonlit? I'm sure I have, but it never hurts to be repeated." He reaches into his pocket to pull out the ring "In fact, I think it would be better if you go those sorts of compliments more often. Perhaps, everyday... an easy feat for me to do once your m--" he froze dead in his tracks as he opened his eyes to a ring box in front of you on the table. He let out a nervous laugh, "heh... w-what's this dearest?" Why was his palms suddenly so sweaty??? why was all of him suddenly so sweaty??? No matter, it's fine, it's nothing, he can remain calm. You open the box, holding it up for him, and asking you to marry him.
....YOU.... were asking HIM.... YOU..... were asking.... HIM???????? YOU--- YOU WERE OFFERING YOUR HAND TO HIM???? YOU WERE ASKING HIM???? YOU WANTED TO MARRY HIM???? YOU WERE PROPOSING????? he could feel his pulse racing YOU-- AND HIM--- YOU HAD A RING??????? YOU--- WERE ASKING---- HIM?????????
"Cole?" your voice cut through his sudden panic like knife. ...A soft and gentle knife.... he looked up at your eyes and you were looking at him with concern-- had he lost his cool???? oh, he guesses he HAS been just staring at the ring wide eyed and unblinking for a full minute now HA HA ha... he clears his throat, trying desperate to cover up any traces of swooning or being flustered "ahem-- YES, sorry, I uh--" he pulls out his ring and opens the box towards you, "I guess you beat me to the punch"
Poe: He takes you out into a field, with a picnic and many candles to help you both see. He reads you a book of poems that remind him of you, and then ends it with a poem of his own. He didn't flinch at any of the other sappy love poems he read that evening but as he drew to the end of his own, he was starting to sweat, knowing what comes next. He finishes off his poem and closes his notebook with a sigh. He reaches into his pocket but before he can pull out the ring you stop him and say that you have a poem you wrote that you wish to read him now. He could never pass up a poem from you. He listened to you with wrapped attention, your voice was like a lullaby. He let his eyes flutter close as he smiled and let your words wash over him. When you finished, he opened his eyes to a brilliant night sky, feeling the ring in his pocket. As he pulled it out and looked towards you, he was meet with a ring meant to be a mate to his. He was shocked, though aside from a blush it barely showed. He simply smiled softly and as he slipped the ring on your finger, said, "to the next chapter of our story..."
Cashew: The two of you had spent library dates quietly passing notes back and forth to each other, so that's how he decided he was going to propose. As he sat next to you sweating bullets in a library, he pretended like nothing was different, and this was a totally normal library date with totally normal notes and he totally didn't have a ring in his pocket or a rose in his backpack. Then the time came. You had slid your shared notebook over to him and he held up finger to indicate he was going to write something long and to give him a moment. When you nodded and turned your attention back to your book he covered the notebook a little a wrote 'will you marry me?' on it, he quietly pulled the ring out of his pocket and the rose out of his backpack and placed them both on the notebook, covering it up just enough so that you don't see yet. then he felt a tap on his shoulder and he nearly jumped out of his skin. He glanced over at you and saw a folded up prewritten note that had been sealed with a heart sticker (you were so cute), and as he took it, you glanced at him, pointing to note, indicating that you wanted him to read it. His aniexty flared up and he began to sweat even harder as he thought 'HA w-what if this is a break up note and I'm getting dumped right now? HAHA' with shakey hands he opened the note and a ring fell out pinged onto the table. reading the words on the paper 'will you marry me? Y/N' froze him in a moment. He was sitting there, staring at the ring on the table, clutching the note and vibrating with excitement.
Someone in the next isle shooshed him.
"HOLY SHIT-- I mean---" he lowered his voice, "holy shit!!!!! Y-yes! I---"
he slid the notebook your way, "YES!"
Seth: His was somewhat spur of the moment. He had gotten a ring but still hadn't figured out the right way to ask you. After about 3 weeks of racking his brain for the perfect proposal he finally just said fuck it. One night while you two were lying in bed he looked you square in the eyes and said "marry me?" at first you laughed it off but as he reached out and pulled the ring out of the draw, turned back to you, took your hand and looking at you once more replied, "I'm serious. Marry me." You looked at the ring in shock and surprise for a moment, "L-look, I know this isn't the romantic way to ask you, but I've been thinking about it for forever now and I figured it was time I just--" you rolled over to your side of the bed, digging through your clothes. For a second he thought you were about to get up and storm out on him but when you rolled back over with a ring of your own in your hand, he grew a crazy smile
"Hell yeah!"
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MERRY : Volks, Volks! Hey, have you got a sec, I need help… VOLKS : Rose? You look pale. What's wrong? MERRY : It’s my greenhouse! VOLKS : What happened to the greenhouse.....? MERRY : Theres a big fucking bee buzzing around and I can’t get it out, I can't, I'm scared! Do something about it! VOLKS : Okay, I’ll take care of it. MERRY : Oh!? How unusually kind of you... VOLKS : Speaking of which, we received a new request addressed to you, personally. It's a bit of a complicated case. MERRY : That’s fine, absolutely fine! Anything to get me away from that bee! VOLKS : You know, if you grow plants for a living, it’s only natural that you’ll have to deal with bees from time to time. Best get used to it. MERRY : It's impossible, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!! I’ll never get used to those evil little things!!
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darthvadersinhaler · 1 year
The Godly parents of the Rosewood Chronicles characters (Percy Jackson AU)
Nobody is going to see this lmao but I've been thinking about it for a while, so I might as well get all my thoughts out. This is what happens when my two hyperfixations come together into one :)
Lottie Pumpkin: Demeter. I feel like since Lottie is such a nurturing character, she would do well in Demeter cabin where they grow plants and stuff like that. Also, in the books Lottie is said to have a connection to the Rose Wood forest as well. I feel like that’s very on brand for a child of Demeter to have a connection to the surrounding nature. Lottie would love helping grow different flowers and fruits at Camp Half Blood and would prefer to not go on quests. If Lottie were to go on a quest, she'd use a bow and arrow.
Ellie Wolf: Zeus. I don’t know if it’s just because Ellie gives total Thalia Grace vibes (they literally are the same person in different fonts) but I feel like Ellie would be a daughter of Zeus. Ellie would understand the pressure of being a child of one of the Big Three as well as daughter of the king of the gods. Also imagining Ellie with lightning powers is so cool. Like, every time Ellie loses her temper, she would start to summon sparks of lightning and stuff. Ellie would love the freedom and adventure that comes with going on quests, she’d even go as far to tag along on quests that weren’t for her. Would take capture the flag WAY too seriously. Ellie would also be a really good swordsman.
Jamie Volk: Hades. I have to admit, I didn’t really know who to put for Jamie, but I decided on Hades. I feel like it makes since for Jamie to be a child of the Big Three since he’s the heir to the throne of Maradova in the books, so he would have a lot of power. I also feel like since Jamie’s backstory is a big deal for him in the books, once he found out about his true parentage, he’d try to summon the ghost of his mother Hirana the way Nico did with Bianca. If Jamie went to Camp Jupiter, he’d definitely be a Praetor. Jamie wouldn’t like going on quests that much, but recognizes it as his duty. After a while of serving the gods, getting nearly killed a million times while on quests for the gods, he’d start to turn against the gods. Would always beat other campers in capture the flag/war games. Most of the time, Jamie would just summon the dead in a fight, but he's also really good with all weapons, since he's Praetor.
Anastacia Alcroft: Aphrodite. Listen, Ani would charmspeak the fuck out of people to get whatever she wants. In the books, she’s stated to be extremely beautiful and she cares a lot about appearance (her hair), so I think Aphrodite fits her. Anastacia would be known around Camp Half Blood for also being a really good swordsman. She doesn’t really like going on quests, since she’s not a big fan of serving the gods.
Saskia San Martin: Ares. My thoughts around this are mostly because I thought it would be cute if she was a daughter of Ares and Ani was the daughter of Aphrodite. Saskia would have heightened battle instincts and would easily beat anyone in a fight, camper or monster. She would like quests in the sense that she gets to get rid of the monsters that keep trying to kill her, but she would HATE going on quests that benefit the gods. She hates feeling like she'd just a tool of the gods, and would eventually betray Camp Half Blood to try to take down the gods. Eventually, she would be brought back to the good side, and she would rekindle her relationship with Anastacia, then they would spend the rest of their lives together at Camp Jupiter in New Rome.
Binah Fae: Athena. If you thought Binah was going to be anything other than a child of Athena, you’ve sadly mistaken. Binah loves knowledge; it makes sense for her to be the daughter of the goddess of wisdom. Binah would love helping campers out with quests and other general demigod stuff. She'd definitely be camp counselor, even if she's not the oldest one in Athena cabin. She’d weirdly be on good terms with most (if not all) of the gods. Binah would be able to guess who a camper’s godly parent is before they even get claimed. It’d be like a little game for her. Even Binah's siblings would be amazed at how much knowledge she has. Would be an amazing strategist, and would always win in capture the flag. She doesn’t mind being put on quest, since she likes helping other demigods. She’s also just really reliable to the gods. If on a quest, Binah would mostly use her wits and battle strategy to outsmart any monster she comes across, but will use a knife as a last resort (I feel like she would like the precision a knife would bring in a fight).
Raphael Wilcox: Dionysus. Dionysus is literally the god of theater. End of story. I thought about making Raph the son of Apollo, and honestly, I'm still on the fence with the decison to make Raph a son of Dionysus. Imagining Raphael at Camp Half Blood and him interacting with Mr. D is just too ridiculous of an image-
Either way, Raphael would not like going on quests. He definitely does not want to get killed by a monster. Raphael would also be a very good archer. He'd spend a lot of his time at Camp Half Blood in the amphitheater, putting on plays for the whole camp to watch, with his friends from Apollo cabin, and his own siblings. He'd be closer friends with Rio (child of Dionysus), and Miko (daughter of Apollo). He'd also like to play very romantic, comedic characters in the plays, trying to get the attention of one Ollie Moreno. . .
Ollie Moreno: Hebe. I couldn't really think of anything else for Ollie. Hebe is the goddess of youth I believe, and I feel like that's perfect for Ollie. Throughout the Rosewood Chronicles, Ollie is the character that reminds Lottie of childhood, and is always described as having a baby face. Also, Ollie just have a very youthful vibe, yk? Like he's always making jokes and being super sweet and stuff.
Percy Butter: Hypnos. Idk. He just kinda gives me a sleepy vibe. I think that this boy deserves to rest.
Lola and Micky Tompkins: Hebe. Lola and Micky remind me of two little children. They just have such a wholesome, child-like vibe, so I think they would both fit into Hebe cabin.
Sayuri Chiba: Bellona. Maybe I'm just saying this because Sayuri is literally a copy-and-paste of Reyna from HoO, but I'm gonna go with Bellona, Roman goddess of war. Sayuri would also def. become a Praetor. Like Jamie, Sayuri is a natural leader and inspires unity within the legion. Jamie and Sayuri would have a similar bond to Reyna and Jason, but without the romantic aspect (can you tell how much I wish we got to have more sayuri and jamie interactions in the books? I like to think that they became closer friends after PEA, when jamie and haru got together. they like to talk about how ridiculous everybody else is. they have gossip sessions together. i love them <3). I think that Sayuri would enjoy quests in the sense that it makes her feel like she's making a difference/impact on the lives of her fellow demigods. Sayuri would fight monster off with a club (like the baseball bat she uses as the pink demon), but she'd also be able to fight really well with a sword.
Haru Hinamori: Aphrodite. I ALMOST put Haru in Hermes cabin, but I think I was just thinking that because Haru lowkey gives me Luke Castellan vibes (unfortunately). . . . Anyways! I decided on Aphrodite cabin, since everyone fell for Haru's charms so easily in the books. Haru would also be able to charmspeak people into doing his bidding during his time when he was fighting against the gods. If we're going with the idea that Jamie and Sayuri go to Camp Jupiter, Haru would meet Jamie since he's childhood friends with Sayuri, and he met Jamie when Jamie and Sayuri first became Praetors together.
Emelia Malouf: Nemesis. Nemesis is the goddess of revenge, and I think that's very fitting for Emelia. She spends most of the RWCH fighting to get revenge on Claude for destroying her life, and that kinda drive would be perfect as a child of Nemesis. I feel like, once Emelia has gotten revenge on whoever has made her life a living hell, she'd join the Hunters of Artemis, and help hunt monsters. I don't think that Emelia would like the setting of Camp Half Blood much, so she'd enjoy being able to get away from CHB with the rest of the Hunters and goddess Artemis.
-I'm just gonna add these last three on, because I don't really have much to say about them:
Wei Li: Athena.
Rio Santos: Dionysus.
Miko Hanajima: Apollo.
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