#not kansas anymore
(041) Die drei ??? und das Volk der Winde
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Der Wissenschaftler Arnold Brewster ruft die drei Detektive zu Hilfe, denn durch eine Intrige ist er in ein Altersheim abgeschoben worden. Justus, Bob und Peter versuchen, ihm zu helfen. Sie kommen dabei einem geheimnisvollen Geschehen auf die Spur, bei dem es um Indianer, Gold und einen rätselhaften "Tanzenden Saurier" geht. Tödliche Gefahren lauern auf die drei ??? …
Veröffentlichungshistorie Buch (Random House): Find Your Fate 002, 1985, Rose Estes, The Case of the Dancing Dinosaur Buch (Kosmos): 040, 1987, Leonore Puschert (aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen) Hörspiel (Europa): 041, 1987
⁉️ Allgemein
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews
Arnold Brewster, Professor für Völkerkunde
Clifford Brewster, Neffe von Arnold Brewster, Wirtschaftsprüfer
Alfred Zindler, Anwalt (😈)
Marie Brewster, Nichte von Arnold Brewster
Martin Ishniak, Assistent von Arnold Brewster an der Uni, Enkelsohn von Pamir
Pamir "Old Tom", Sprecher der Winde, Hüter der Erde und Beschützer einer Welt, Großvater von Martin Ishniak
🏖 Rocky Beach Universum
Comina, Stadt
Golden House, Altersheim
Tanzende Wasser Bar & Grill, Hotel/Restaurant
Volk der Winde, Stamm amerikanischer Ureinwohner, haben Handel mit Weißen getrieben und mit Gold gezahlt
Die tanzenden Wasser, Wasserfall
Der tanzende Saurier, eine 60cm hohe und 10cm dicke Steinplatte mit Goldeinschlüssen und einem eingeschlossenen kleinen Dinosaurierskelett
🛼 Sonstiges
Lustige Dialoge
Bob: "Nun müssen wir nur noch sehen, wie wir da rankommen. Wahrscheinlich lässt sich irgendwas verschieben oder reindrücken." Peter: "Oder drehen."
Justus: "Den klaut schon keiner." [eine Szene später] Peter: "Der Saurier ist weg!" Bob: "Hä?" Justus: "Was? Was ist los?" Peter: "Das hörst du doch: Der Saurier ist weg. Ich habe die Platte auf diesen Tisch gelegt und… und jetzt ist sie nicht mehr da."
Justus: "Ausgezeichnet, Kollege. Logisch und exakt gedacht." Bob: "Hmm." Justus: "So muss ein guter Detektiv an einen Fall herangehen." Bob: "Ja." Justus: "Diese Äußerung hätte von mir sein können."
Bob: "Jedenfalls sieht der ‚tanzende Saurier' irre gut aus."
Bob: "Ist scheinbar auch nicht richtig hier. Himmel, ah, stechen die Dornen. Oh, das tut verdammt weh, oh." Justus: "Was ist denn das? Der Busch wächst ja gar nicht aus dem Boden: Er ist nur zwischen diesen Steinbrocken festgeklemmt." Bob: "Just, das spielt für mich keine Rolle. Ich sitze fest. Hilf mir doch!" Justus: "Ein wirksames Abschreckungsmanöver. Seht euch das an: Wenn wir die Zweige mit einem Stock zur Seite drücken… ja, dann kommen wir durch." Bob: "Juuust ..." Justus: "Achso. Ja, geht ja schon los, Bob. So, gut so. Du bist frei."
Peter: "Ich begreife nur nicht, warum Marie Clifford eins über den Schädel gezogen hat." Marie: "Was? Ich? Ich soll das gewesen sein?" Peter: "Okay. Wir wissen inzwischen, dass Marie es nicht war."
Aufgelegt! Der Anrufer legt einfach auf und das wir kommentiert!"
🏳️‍🌈 Queer/diversity read
Shippy moments
Diversity, Political Correctness and Feminism
Justus: "Und der Mann? Sieht aus wie ein Indianer."
Bob: "Zu spät. Er ist schon im Auto." Justus: "Er oder sie, Kollege. Warum neigt man eigentlich immer dazu, zunächst einmal anzunehmen, dass es ein Mann war?"
Peter: "Mais, Tomaten, Kartoffeln, Bohnen, Kohl und Melonen. Also dieser Garten ist doch viel zu groß für einen einzelnen Indianer."
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celestialtitania · 3 months
at least now we know that the very first movie percy and annabeth watch together is gonna be the wizard of oz
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ohanny · 2 months
so remember how i said i'd been having ideas about a pack orgy? well.
those ideas now under the cut:
(nothing graphic but subject matter by default is somewhat nsfw)
it all starts when jeff realizes his heat is coming and is miserable about it because a) he is jeff and b) it is a miserable experience. so to soothe his instincts thus also his stupid hormones and cramps, he orders alan to build them a big “nest” in the living room (covering the floor with mattresses, and pretty much every single pillow and blanket in the house) and invites over the entire pack so they can put on some studio ghibli movies, huddle close and jeff can feel comforted by the closeness of everyone he holds dear.
except jeff might have miscalculated his cycle and underestimated the effect having his entire pack so close might have on him. so barely two movies it becomes clear his heat is a lot less pre- and a lot more actually happening right now.
everyone is like “so uh, we should probably leave you two to it” but jeff who is pretty gone already, whines like a sad puppy. he needs his pack so why is his pack trying to abandon him? sensing his distress, alan is like “no, stay” and it’s not exactly an order but also kind of is because no one is allowed to make jeff sad. and it's not a big deal. because it’s pack. when your packmate is going through their heat or rut, you help out in whatever capacity you can. that’s just how it is.
so everyone is chill about the whole heat pheromone soup and whatever bodily reactions it might cause. they are fine more or less pretending to watch the movie while alan fucks and knots jeff right there in the middle of the nest. once jeff is stuffed full and calmed down, the fussing starts. as another omega, north would curl up as close to jeff as he could. kim would worry about water and snacks and “alan, you big oaf, don’t squeeze him so tight.” jeff would be high off the feeling of it, happily purring in alan’s arms and everyone would mirror his happiness.
well. not everyone. kenta - who babe invited and kim dragged over to “socialize” - is very much not okay. kenta is freaking out.
kenta’s experiences with pack dynamics have previously been limited to “do what father says to the best of your ability or else.” in tony’s mansion going through your cycles was seen as a huge inconvenience at best and something shameful at worst. pack was a matter of forced proximity versus genuine bonding and if you got close to someone, it would be used against you. he might have tried his best with the children to offer them some kind of security but after pete left all those years ago, no one bothered to do the same for him.
also, much to his horror kenta is hard. and he’s disgusted with himself because he's in a room full of people, it's because of the pack leader’s omega and on top of all that, jeff is someone he considers to be his brother. one of those things would be enough but all three? he is totally spiraling into shame and self-hatred, inching back until he’s about to fall off the mattress, stiff and scared.
in short, he is totally bringing the vibes down, the stench of his panic spiking when he makes accidental eye contact with alan who has been looking at him. alan sighs and kenta is pretty sure this is going to be it, tensing up even more in preparation of what's to come. instead of casting him out, alan utters out a very pointed “kim” shooting a significant look in kenta’s direction and kim looks over his shoulder and goes “oh shit, on it” and means it quite literally.
because he turns around, grabs and physically pulls kenta back in and then crawls on top of him, murmuring “it’s okay, feel that?” and takes kenta’s hand, guiding it between his own legs where he is also achingly hard. “see? me too. you’re good,” he tells kenta and noses around his neck, breathing him in, “you’re really good. just relax and let me take care of you, okay?” and how could kenta say no to that? being caged in like this by kim’s everything is turning his brain to mush. when kim presses down, he arches up and oh, fuck.
for a split second he forgets where he is but then babe - who is totally being the little spoon, all wrapped up in charlie as if he was the one in heat here because of course - stretches out a hand so he can scratch the top of kenta’s head and say he’s being silly, “this is pack.”
and north will take a brief break from jeff to ninja roll to rub his cheek on kenta’s shoulder, scent marking him, and then sonic will snort and just chomp on kenta’s bicep because he totally looks like a biter and kim will playfully growl at him in a “hey, no biting what’s mine” and swat sonic’s head to which sonic will respond by snapping his teeth at kim’s fingers. north would kick sonic’s shin and tell him to “stop biting other people’s people” and sonic would fling himself at north, the two of them getting tangled up and alan’s reflexes being the only thing saving jeff from accidentally getting elbowed in the face.
that will obviously jostle the knot still connecting them and jeff will whine, grinding back in a renewed surge of sheer need and alan lives to please. and let's not pretend gremlin charlie would not take advantage of all the fertile omega pheromones mixing with babe’s own scent to go full “is mama that desperate to be bred?” on babe. and if the whole mess of kenta, kim, north and sonic gets even messier and more tangled up as the night progresses, oh well. kim is horny and kenta clearly needs way more babying than jeff does. pack is pack after all.
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bumblingbabooshka · 5 months
There's a lot of Voy Crew & DS9 Crew crossovers for good reason but what about Voy Crew meets the TNG Crew so they can confuse and alarm them at every turn? Most Normal Crew Ever vs Most Fucked Up Weirdos Ever - let's go!
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thoughts-ofawriter · 2 years
me, to the OCs I created: this is what you will do in this situation. i say so because I created you.
the OC in question: are you sure?
me, sweating: not really.
OC: *does something completely different instead*
me: this is totally what I had in mind for you. yes. definitely.
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Moiraine / Suian | Navy Blue
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smashstappen · 8 months
Toto went from writing love letters to Max in the media to acting like one of those teenage bullies with their crush, insult their crush every opportunity they get to show their love, then wonder why their crush is ignoring them or doesn’t like them.
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tomoleary · 1 month
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Craig Flessel “Sandman in the Land of Oz” Original painted cover art to the Kansas City Comic-Con program plus a hand-colored print by Mr. Flessel with published Con flyer (1993) Source
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nose-coffee · 1 year
i like the idea of Alecto speaking Like That in the NtN epilogue bc that's. that's just how she speaks. I like the idea that whatever conversation they had going in the John chapters was filtered thru Harrow into a language we as modern readers could understand, and the way that Alecto and John actually spoke to each other was like. just feeling each other's feelings via soul sharing and parsing out meaning from that - apart from John like naming the schools he went to and contellations and all that. I like the idea of John teaching Alecto how to speak with her mouth and use human languages by reading Shakespeare plays n stuff to her, and that's why he knows so many quotes just off the top of his head. Alecto speaks like the Bard's Cleopatra and Beatrice and Lady Macbeth, Elizabethan English style iambic pentameter, the odd rhyming couplet, and so on. the idea of it. i dunno. just delights me, i guess.
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(035) Die drei ??? und der Höhlenmensch
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Das Skelett eines Urzeitmenschen lockt Justus, Bob und Peter in den kleinen Ort Citrus Grove. Kaum sind sie dort, als es auch schon zu rätselhaften Zwischenfällen kommt. Erwacht der Urmensch zu geheimnisvollem Leben? Und wieso legen sich plötzlich alle Bewohner von Citrus Grove zum Schlafen in den Park … ?
Buch (Random House): 034, 1982, M. V. Carey, The Mystery of the Wandering Caveman Buch (Kosmos): 034, 1984, Leonore Puschert (aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen) Hörspiel (Europa): 035, 1984
⁉️ Allgemein
Citrus Grove
Spuk, Betrug
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews
Dr. Birkensteen, arbeitet in der Spicer-Stiftung
Eleonor Hess, pflegt Tiere im Spicer-Stiftung
Dr. Teriano/Tereano, arbeitet in der Spicer-Stiftung
Mr. Wolfe, LKW-Fahrer
Ned McGhee, Onkel von Eleonor
Dr. Brandon, arbeitet in der Spicer-Stiftung
Frank DiStefano, Gehilfe von Dr. Brandon (😈)
Dr. Elwood Hoffer, arbeitet in der Spicer-Stiftung (😈)
Thalia McGee, Frau von Ned McGhee
🏖 Rocky Beach Universum
Harbor View Lane, scheint in der Nähe vom Schrottplatz zu sein
Sunset Boulevard
Gebrauchtwarencenter T. Jonas
Spicer-Stiftung, liegt in Citrus Grove
Citrus Grove, kleine Gemeine im kalifornischem Bergland in der Nähe von San Diego
Dr. Childers, Narkosearzt, wohnt in der Harbour View Lane und kannte Dr. Birkensteen
🛼 Sonstiges
Lustige Dialoge
DiStefano: "Oppladi-opplada McGee, sie hören das Geld schon im Kasten klingeln, wie?"
DiStefano: "Oppladi-opplada, die drei Freunde sind da."
DiStefano: "Na und? Dabbeldiding-dabbeldidang, der Tag ist noch lang. Wir sehen uns."
DiStefano: "Tritratrum, die Detektive gehen um."
Justus: "Straftaten sind unser Hobby!"
Fat shaming Justus wird beleidigt
🏳️‍🌈 Queer/diversity read
Shippy moments
Peter: "Unverschämter Lümmel!" Bob: "Ein Faulpelz obendrein!" DiStefano: "Wir sehen uns noch." Peter: "Fährt während der Arbeitszeit einfach an den Strand."
Diversity, Political Correctness and Feminism
Z*geuner-John ...
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wonderlandsakura · 5 months
I think I just gotta start writing the thing, so I'm gonna try to write a bit a day and we'll see how it goes:
Alice wakes up and looks out the window, and... That's weird, it's so much emptier.
Where's the port town facing the sea with their little red roofs and white walls that she can usually see in the distance?
Where are the smoking chimneys of big cargo boats out in the port, made small by the distance?
Where are the cranes, seemingly still ever time she looks, but somehow always hard at work, loading and unloading?
Where is the touch of modernisation?
Out in the distance, all she sees are trees that should not be there and rolling green hills with no roads with people and cars and trucks cutting through them, ever busy.
She opens the window, and the breeze blows in, but it's crisper, fresher, not carrying the smoky tang of vehicles and boats alike, something she never thought of, never noticed until now.
It's quieter too.
There isn't the sound of people and cars and boats in the distance, only the call of birds and the rustling of leaves, so much closer than before.
The door startles her and she turns to see Marcus there, panting, anxious, his mouth gaping open, mouthing words he cannot find or voice.
She knows before he speaks what he's going to say.
They aren't in their world anymore.
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nobodys-saviour · 3 months
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legowerewolf · 2 months
Let's drop Danny in the Warframe universe.
Let's put him on earth. No real reason to put him elsewhere, he wouldn't've been on another planet.
To those listening to the rumor-mill, a kid with strange powers stuck on Earth sounds like a Tenno lost without equipment.
The avaricious and stupid think he's easy pickings. The smarter ones wait to see what happens. Those sent to catch or eliminate this wayward Tenno don't come back.
Once the Lotus catches wind, she deploys other Tenno to S&R this lost sibling. While initially hostile towards their Warframes, he calms down when he sees their real faces.
Despite the clear show of powers, this kid does not have the song of the Void echoing around him. He is not of them, but he is still a lost kid, so they give him a ride to a major population center, Cetus, and sponsor his integration into society there.
He meets the Quills. Their enigmatic outlook on life and Time is familiar and comforting.
They are less comforted by him, but the Unum is pleased by his presence. He joins the Quills.
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zorosdimples · 3 months
i keep seeing colorful inhuman creatures and smooth-faced 3d men on the dash. what’s happening?
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atangledfate · 10 months
Funny how a few months ago traveling the multi-verse was near impossible! But one green kitty makes a splash in your life, and the world changes. Not that the technology was perfect, it certainly had flaws but if they could establish a connection to Avalice! She could finally bother Carol on a Daily basis! The little device that tails came up with was nothing more then a little golden ring. She was always amazed when she used it and got wooshed off to another place! It made her little adventures all the more astounding!
But she wasn't suppose to be using them without tails supervision! but she wanted her other world adventure! and she was so bored waiting for him to do all those test! She had other ideas, and other plans as she gripped the little ring she swiped from the lab! Hehe for all his security Tails didn't notice her doing it either! this was perfect! all she had to do was think of Carol and she'd get wooshed off to Avalice!
Gripping the little ring she closed her eyes, like she had so many times in the lab. Thought of her friend, super hard like Tails had told her to do! the little ring began to light up with Chaos energy. the energy flowing around Tangle before she tossed it up in the air! The ring spinning in place before righting itself and spinning! slowly growing in size and a portal of green energy forming inside the ring! big enough that she could walk through it!
Without any hesitation Tangle straightened out her vest and strolled through the portal! with a flash of light, she felt herself hurtling through time and space! a sensation she couldn't describe, it was like moving but not moving? a sensation of rushing down a tunnel yet getting no where fast! It took an eternity! or was it the blink of her eyes? Like being trapped in a white room for a life time! yet it passed in an instant!
Just like that she stumbled out the other side, into a field of green grass, and a sky she didn't recognize. The little ring fell onto the grass, crackling with energy twice before that glow faded away. She picked the ring up only to wince as it was hot! juggling it in her hands back and forth before it was cool enough to stick back in her pocket! She turned to see where she'd ended up and yet--- Something about this place felt off. This wasn't Shang Tu or Shang Mu, and she found her hands on her hips in soft confusion.
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" Maybe... its just a different town? oh boy what have ya got yerself into this time Tangle..."
She sighed hands on her hips as she gazed around trying to figure out just where she was, and if she was in any danger.
" guess i should look around... figure the rest out later... "
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onlybe-satanonce · 2 months
“zoinks scoob i don’t think we’re in kansas anymore” shaggy says as he steps foot into his local ikea
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