#vince crabbe
lilbeanz · 23 days
The madness continues ...
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greenerteacups · 1 month
Hello GTC,
I was re-reading Lionheart yet again and realized Draco first met Theodore on the boat to Hogwarts. Does that mean Draco didn't have any friends growing up?
What's a kid with no friends even do in that manor all by himself, except for his mum and a house elf?
I can't help but think of sad things when I try to imagine how his childhood was. What do you make of it?
That's an interesting inference to draw — you could read it that way. On the other hand, Draco knows both Crabbe and Goyle from previous interactions, and there are a few references throughout the early books to interactions with Vince and Greg that happen before the start of the fic. Of course, you still can't really call them friends, based on their train interaction — the vibes are more "playdate vets whose moms made us hang out, deciding now if we want to be friends on our own terms at school" — but as his sole parent in the pureblood sphere, Narcissa would have been the pilot of Draco's social life until Hogwarts. Meeting Theo on the boats tells you Narcissa elected not to introduce Draco to the Notts (nor the Greengrasses nor the Parkinsons, as we see later).
Her judgment here is worth a mention — Crabbe and Goyle Senior were both Death Eaters, so it's clearly not a matter of principle. But Narcissa also speaks with extreme derision about the Crabbes and the Goyles, and when she speaks of the Notts and Greengrasses (and to a lesser extent, the Parkinsons, once she's met Pansy) she treats them with much more dignity and respect. (She welcomes Theo and Pansy with her on vacation!) In general, you get the idea that Narcissa isn't threatened by the Crabbes and Goyles, neither of whom are S28, and so is comfortable using them as playmates for Draco, because she knows she holds all the power in that relationship. That can't be said for the Notts or the Greengrasses.
That said, you're right that the aristocratic life is a pretty lonely one for kids compared to, say, Hermione's or Ron's. Draco's summers are mostly spent reading, flying, and practicing whatever magic he can without a wand, which gives you some idea of what he might've been doing before he had schoolfriends to write to and visit. Daphne references "parties in London" as the main way she got to socialize with others, which is not something Narcissa would've done, considering she basically puts them into seclusion from Society as soon as Lucius dies (a political move that isn't quite the same as going full Hermit; it's basically withdrawing from major social events during the season and refusing to expose Draco as a player in the pureblood world until he's of school-age).
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misguidedasgardian · 3 months
The Lifeaters (I.2)
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II. Slytherin
Chapter Summary: You arrive at Hogwarts and meet your new family 
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, magic!, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3.8 k
Notes: Alright, here we go! The description of the Slytherin common room was given after I watched a very lengthy youtube video of a player walking through the Slytherin Common room in hogwarts legacy the game. ANYWAYS, reader may refer to her aunt as “my mother” or “parent”
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“Remember love, once you are in your dorms, you have to…”, you tuned out the sound of your aunt’s voice, too excited to hear, for the tenth time, all the things you had to remember. She, as your parents, all had been sorted to Slytherin, so all the tricks and passageways had been taught to you since you were born. 
You ran towards Draco as you saw him in the platform 9 ¾ as soon as you ran by the portal, your aunt would have chided you, but when she saw Lucius and Narcissa she kept her mouth quiet 
Your poor owl rattled in her cage, anxious to get out as you ran with her in the cart.
“There you are!”, he said, “I thought you were going to be late”
“Never, have you met my aunt?”, you mocked
You said goodbye to your parents, amongst hugs and kisses, as they both sent you packages of food and treats. And you went up in the train after giving your luggage, you wasted no time and walked to the back of the train, where the most spacious wagons were. 
You could tell who were the seniors, and who were the first years, you really looked like tourists, looking at everything wide eyed, and in marvel, you found a cart just for the two of you, but then you were joined by Goyle and Crabb.
You did not like to hang out with them, but Draco did, and besides they were like a package deal, and with Draco too. The train started its journey, and after you waved your aunt goodbye from the platform, you sat with an excited sigh, as you looked outside the window, leaving central London, you could see muggles from here, and you always found them fascinating
As you were looking the beautiful streets of London, the door opened again, you look back to find a kid, he had big beautiful dark eyes, thick eyelashes, and a head full of dark chocolate curls
“Can I sit here?”, he asked, looking directly at Draco, he smiled, he knew him
“Of course Matthew”, he said, making Gregory and Vincent move, so he sat by your side and he got to sit in front of him
“Basilik, this is Matthew Gaunt, a pureblood from the Gaunt family”, he said, unlike you, Draco payed attention to that sort of thing, like, who was pure-blooded and who wasn’t
“Hey”, you greeted softly, he greeted Gregory and Vince too
“Basilik, right? your family is from France”, he said lightly, you smiled
“Yeah, actually”
“I heard that Harry Potter is on this train!”, said Draco, looking at your reactions, you were amused at the interruption 
“Really?”, you asked, diverting your eyes from Matthew to him
“We should befriend him”, he concluded
“Why?”, asked Vincent
“Because if he really is who they say he is, he is going to be a great wizard, obviously going to be placed in Slytherin, and descendant from the Potter family”, he explained and to you, it made sense, “the boy who lived and all that, like a celebrity of some sorts”
“Who cares about that?”, asked Matthew, “I bet he is a tosser, and he has been raised by muggles”, he said contemptuously
“Really?”, you asked, truly surprised, “So sad”, you muttered 
The journey continued as Gregory and Goyle spoke among themselves, you felt watched by the boy next to you, Matthew you looked back at him and smiled, and then you looked back outside, at the beautiful sights
Draco finally caught your eye, as something was bothering you, you leaned in and whispered in his ear
“What if I’m the one not sorted into Slytherin?”, you asked, he frowned, squinting his gray eyes doubt in your voice.
“Of course you will”, Draco said, frowning, you were a second of believing he was going to call you a name for even thinking such a thing but he didn’t, “they have to”, he said, and this time, he seemed more scared than something else. You wanted to believe it. You wanted to be in Slytherin, “and if not, we can still hang out”
No, it wouldn’t be the same
You couldn’t doubt, if you did, they certainly were not going to Slytherin, people that were sorted in Slytherin did not doubt… they were cunning and resourceful, and determined 
“They will”, you said surely, regaining your confidence, a Slytherin wouldn’t doubt it, and that seems to cheer him back up again 
The journey continued without a hitch, you entertained yourself by looking outside the window to the beautiful scenery, and then eating fudge brownies Narcissa had sent you in Draco’s special box filled with treats. Draco loathed them but she knew they were your favorites. 
The boy Matthew talked and laughed with the others, taking treats as well from Draco’s box, you felt his gaze on you, and you didn’t know why you became nervous.
“Is the Basilik family into the sacred 28?”, he asked randomly, you felt a bit nervous
“No, because it's not English”, Draco said defensively, “It’s a pure-blooded family from France”
“Oiu”, you muttered with a shy smile,  France did have a directory for pureblood families, but they were many, and it was still very debatable, many self-proclaimed pure-blooded family had muggles or half bloods married into them, but they did not want to accept it
The four of you looked at the door, where a boy came in the cart, gasping, he had clearly been running, he had dark hair but clear eyes
“Hello, have you seen my toad?”, he asked, “I’m Neville by the way”, you were going to answer him with a smile and present yourself
“How dare you speak to us?”, interrupted Draco with a disgusted face, the boy curled his lips and looked down, and then he closed the door and left, Matthew giggled 
“That was Neville Longbottom”, mocked Draco
“I don’t know who he is”, you said simply, he seemed nice 
“A pure blood, but a blood traitor”, and the issue was settled. Soon you had to change into your robes, “let’s go find Potter”, you heard Draco mutter to Vince and Greg, but you preferred to ignore him, changing into your robes instead. Matthew stayed in the wagon with you.
The train finally came to a stop one hour later, when it was already dark outside, when you got out of the train, to a platform in the middle of a wood, you were met by a huge man, he was a giant!
“My name is Rubeus Hagrid”, he presented. He seemed nice, “first years follow me!”, you followed gingerly, grabbing Draco’s arm leading him too. Hagrid took you to a small dock, where boats were ready for you all. You climbed on one with Draco, Grabb, Goyle and another girl, and the small boats rowed themselves 
The sun was hiding on the horizon, giving a beautiful sunset over the lake, it must been the Black Lake, your aunt beseech you to be careful when you are near it, because it said to have creatures on the bottom, like, mythical creatures such as monsters and mermaids
But that was kind of silly wasn’t it?
Soon the night had fallen over the lake, and you looked all around the dark woods, and then...
You all gasped in surprise when you saw the view of the lake and the castle over a dark hill, at night, with all its lights lighted up, it was breathtaking, you had never seen anything like it. IT WAS HUGE! bigger than the Malfoy Manor, bigger than your family home, maybe ten times as both houses put together 
It was so beautiful
All the boats made port on a small dock, where you were received by another teacher in the Boathouse, without a word she led you up the stairs, and you all followed closely. There were a lot of stairs, and when you got to the top, you were all visibly gasping, but there was no time for that, you kept waking until you reached the huge gates of the main part of Hogwarts.
You entered a huge hall, big stairs, you went up those stairs to find your luggage arranged on one side, but you kept going, until another professor stopped you. 
“Welcome to Hogwarts!”, she greeted, she seemed severe, “Now in a few moments you will go rough this doors and join your classmates”, she said, pointing behind her, “but before you can take your seats you will be sorted into your houses, they are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin”, she said the last name with severity, looking right at malfoy, “now while you are here, your house will be like your family”, you shared smiles with Draco, “your triumphs will earn you points, any rule breaking you will lose points, at the end of the year, the house with the most points will win the house cup”
“TREVOR!”, the boy who was looking for his toad on the train jumped in front of the professor to grab his animal, and she didn’t appreciate the interruption, but she continued nonetheless
“The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily”, she said and she left you. You wasted no time in turn to Draco and began giggling and whispering about how excited you are 
“Blaise, Theodore”, greeted Draco to another two kids who came close to him to talk. You were waiting to be introduced but then you saw something coming your way that made you grab onto Draco and whimper
Kids began to scream and point, as twenty ghosts came from a hallway and floated all over you all
“I heard each House has a ghost”, muttered Draco
“New Students!”, said one that looked like an old monk, “hope to see you in Hufflepuff!”, there was so many of them, one particularly frightening looking one flied near you
“I can see some familiar faces”, he said with a deep voice, and to your horror, when you raised your face off of Draco, he was staring right back at you 
“Ah!”, you screamed
“Alright go along!”, demanded the professor, and they all left 
“We are ready for you now”, said McGonaggall
You followed into the magnificent Hall where all the older students were seated, it was glorious, majestic even, the tall ceilings looked like a night sky
“Now we will be sorted into Slytherin”, he whispered
“Did you manage to talk to Harry Potter?”, you asked, being so nervous you wanted to speak about anything else
“He is a complete tosser”, he whispered back and you giggled, “it's the boy we met at Madame Malkin”
“No!”, you giggled
You all stopped in front of the sorting hat, it looked old and strange, but nervousness started to take a grip on you.
“When I call your name, you shall come forth, I will place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses”, she said, and as she raised the parchments with your names on it, you felt incredibly nervous 
She started chanting names, by alphabetical order, the hat came alive atop of a girl’s head, and he started sorting, and because of your last name, you were extremely nervous when she called in a boy with “az” as the first letters of his last name
“You are probably next”, Draco whispered, you nodded, as he was sorted into Ravenclaw
“Basilik!”, she called
“Draco don’t hate me if I’m nor sorted into Slytherin”, you mumbled, as you released his hand you didn’t even know you were holding, and 
Everything seemed to quiet down and stand still as you started walking wobbly the three steps, the professor smiled at you, and you smiled back, and then you took a sit on the stool, you finally got to see all the students seating in the great hall, all eyes on you, and you felt nervous, but a need to prove yourself seated deep inside you. The hat was strangely light when she put it in your head
“Mmmmm strange, another one of you”, he purred and you didn’t know what it meant, “I see bravery, yes, it will serve you right at Gryffindor, but also… a need to prove yourself, yes, I see that is more to you…”, the only thing you knew for sure is that you didn’t want to be at Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, you weren’t that nice or that smart anyways, “And I also see this resourcefulness, yes, just like your parents…. I know what to do with you!”, you closed your eyes in expectation and, “SLYTHERIN!”, when you opened your eyes again you were smiling, and your new house was cheering for you. Your smile was wide as you jumped to stand on your two, now secure, feet. You were the first one being sorted into your House! 
 You almost ran towards the table, and took a seat by an older boy’s side that when he smiled at you, he had all his teeth crooked, but he seemed nice, as they kept cheering on! you were so happy, relieved, but also, deep down you always knew where you belonged. 
“Basilik eh?”, asked the boy, “I’m Marcus Flint, chaser of our Quidditch team”
“Hullo”, you murmured with a shy smile, “I’m so happy”
“You are a legacy?”, he asked, and you barely nodded
You looked back at Draco who was smiling back at you, and another girl was sorted, Milicent Bullstrode which sat in front of you.
To no one’s surprise, Crabbe was also sorted into Slytherin, and Matthew too. 
Minutes went by, long one, until Then it was the time for your friend Draco
“Of course Malfoy will be placed in Slytherin”, you heard boys speak by your side, you only smiled excitedly when Mcgonaggal didn’t even need to place the hat on Draco’s head to shout… “Slytherin!”
He ran to you, he pushed Crabbed out of your side and took his place
“I knew it, all pure bloods are in Slytherin”, he said, more happy 
As you looked at the table and saw your new family a warm feeling was placed in your chest, especially when Draco hugged you against his side. You knew how much he wanted this, and you knew how much he wanted you to be in Slytherin too, just like his family. You have succeeded. 
The girl Parkinson, and Blaise, Theodore Nott, and other girls that you had seen in the Malfoy Manor also followed you, all somehow familiar faces. 
The headmaster greeted you all, presenting the professors and the new ones for this year, and then, a huge feast appeared in front of you, amazingly, it had all your favorites! How did they know?
You enjoyed the feast, as you talked with Draco, Goyle, and others seated with you, the other older students barely even looked at you, but you paid them no mind. You didn’t know if it was because you were so excited and happy, but the feast ended as soon as it began, everything happened so quickly. 
Soon an older boy stood up from the table, and stopped right beside you were the first years were seated 
“I’m Felix Brunt, I’m the Slytherin prefect”, he introduced himself rather quickly, and he seemed truly bored, “follow me, I will take you to our dormitories” 
The entire first year group followed the prefect religiously, he kept coming down stairs from the main hall in the main building, until you reached something you will guess it was the basements and the dungeons, but it was greater than the rest of the construction, the style in the floor looked like golden scales, it you made so many turns and twists, you didn’t see anybody there but you. 
You stopped in front of a empty wall, a blank space in the stones between two beautiful carved pillars
“Pure Blood”, Felix said loud and clear. a scaly line on the floor came to life, a metal snake slithered over the wall, and on its wake, a door appeared
You all gasped, looking into what was the coolest of magicks
The door opened to you, and it revealed a small hall, beautifully decorated, and a set of spiral stairs coming down. He was almost running down, and you followed, the stairs were stone on the right side, but on the left side, it had pillars that let you see a beautiful waterfall falling down, it took you three floors to reach the end.
The small waterfall fell into a small pond, and your eyes feasted with lilies, and other water plants, carved in the stone there was a figure like a dragon, and as you looked on you saw all kinds of wonders, statues, paintings, decorations. 
You walked beyond the hall, and it led to even a greater one. It led into a huge hall, to the right, there was a huge living room with huge windows, through them, you saw what it looked like to be water, but it couldn’t be, could it? Where are you underground?
“What you can see over there are the depths of the Black lake!”, said Felix, “no matter what the mermaids say, just, don’t listen to them”, you could see all kinds of creatures swimming through the beautiful glass panels 
The living room had a huge vault like ceiling, with a glass dome that lighten up the entire room
it was breathtaking
The room was very comfortable, with tables, chairs and sofas to relax or study in, a globe was placed in one corner, and a couple of chess games, there were also many statues and skeletons of diverse animals, and bookcases filled with books
“This is the Slytherin common room!”, showed Felix, the prefect, “here you can chat, study, hang around, you are going to live here for the next seven years, this is your new home”, he showed, and while you all looked around in wonder, he seemed rather bored. 
You almost trotted back to the main hall, which also had many armchairs, and more study material
He led you to the other part of the hall, where you saw huge stairs, with a statue of who you guessed was Salazar Slytherin right in the middle, the stairs separated into, one set to the left, and the other one to the right.
“Up there are the rooms of the last years!”, he said, “you are forbidden to go up there, unless invited!”, he said, bored, “but here”, he pointed to two door on each side, “left for the boys, and right for the girls”, he said quickly, “your things must be already inside, good luck”
You shared looks with Draco as you separated, and you led the group of the girls through the huge door. It opened to reveal a huge tunnel-like construction, with a metal railing leading to what you guessed were the different rooms, all in a same circular hallway connected to all of them. The pillars amongst the huge corridor were beautifully carved, and as you looked up you saw domes of colorful glass. One door was open, you took it as a sign and you walked inside, you saw Umbra in her cage in a corner, so here was where you were going to sleep.
It had five beds, placed in a circular manner. And you were five girls, so you all were going to be sleeping here. 
The entire room was a circle, it had a huge fireplace on the other side facing the door.
“I’m here as well”, said a girl you discovered was Daphne Greengrass
“Me too”, you weren’t that excited about having to share with Pansy, but it could be worse, you believed. you all three looked at the girl who introduced herself as MIllicent Bulltrode, and another girl followed, Tracy Davies
Now Pansy was the only one you knew, you had seen it constantly in Malfoy Manor parties, she always tried to get Draco’s attention, and that got you very competitive, sharing with her was going to be a challenge, specially since she tented to frown a lot, she had an unfortunate face and you always giggled at her, she didn’t like you either. 
“Well, we are going to be roomies for the next 7 years so… I can share my things with you, but you need first to ask me”, you suggested first, you were standing all in a circle, they nodded 
“Agreed”, Pansy said, surprising you, you all looked at each other, and nodded, like coming to an silent agreement
“Us witches must remain united, as Slytherins, and as girls”, said Daphne, she was pretty, blonde hair, light blue, piercing eyes and a small nose. 
“Agree”, you said with a smile, Pansy smiled too, as did Millicent and Tracy
“Just, keep everything tidy and clean”, said Tracy, looking around, you looked around as well
You went straight for your bed, it was a big bed, with a green canopy and carved wood. Each bed was placed under a beautifully decorated arch, each with a night stand on each side, and behind it on the wall, a beautiful painting. At the foot of the bed, was your trunk, with your cape and other parts of your uniform placed on top of it. 
You were going to be happy here, you decided. 
Umbra hooted in her cage, looking at you with those fiery eyes, and you knew you were right. 
“She is gorgeous”, muttered Pansy, that was next to you, she too had an owl, but a Barn owl, which looked back at you with those black eyes
“Yours too”, you said with a smile 
You will never see the other common rooms, but you believed this was definitely the coolest and greatest of them all. You looked up to find a round skylight, through which you also could see the beautiful shapes of water drawn on the floor and all over the room.
All the girls were putting her things in place, on their night stands, Pansy was even placing a mirror on the wall 
You had your differences with Pansy, your aunt said you were jealous of her, you thought that was a childish statement, and you told her so, but… you decided she could have a clean slate, she was a part of your family now, and Daphne was right, you as Slytherin witches need to stick together, you were not only roommates, but family
You went to sleep with a big smile on your face, feeling like you felt at home, comfortable, safe, happy and contented 
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lostdrarryfics · 5 months
Hello! I have a really vague ask that I'm hoping you can help with: an AO3 fic where it's mentioned that Goyle is slapped(?) by Crabbe's mom at Vince's funeral. I think everyone is living together at Grimmauld, but it's *not* "The Claiming of Grimmauld Place" or "The Moon Looks Lovely Tonight". I did an AO3 search, can't find it and it's making me crazy because I LOVED the story, but that bit is all I can remember. It's long, with a high kudo count (I think?). Thanks, and sorry it's so vague!
We believe you are looking for Waiting By An Open Door by Femme and noeon (29k, E)
Don’t forget to bookmark, leave kudos and comments!
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saintsenara · 3 months
Vernon Dursley/Dolores Umbridge, Dudley Dursley/Vincent Crabbe/Gregory Goyle, Petunia Dursley/Percy Weasley 😊
thank you very much for the ask, anon! i've decided, after careful review, that i back all of these.
vernon dursley/dolores umbridge
vernon would be immediately sympathetic to her trying to have harry expelled from hogwarts and thrown in prison, would be impressed by her commitment to challenging the wastefulness and excess of wizarding life [and that wizards are unnecessarily flamboyant and incapable of decorum is definitely an opinion umbridge shares], and would find her interest in causing schoolchildren permanent harm to be fascinating and sensible. he regards decorating as a woman's job, so he learns to live with the cat plates and so on, and he's thrilled into proposing marriage when umbridge tracks down dedalus diggle and has him arrested on spurious charges.
it crashes and burns - badly - when he discovers she was the one who set the dementors on dudley. he could forgive her trying to murder harry, but not his boy.
umbridge hooks up with marge in revenge.
vincent crabbe/dudley dursley/gregory goyle
this starts as a joke, which continues far longer than it should do because the three convince themselves that both harry and draco are really pressed and upset by it [this is untrue - harry thinks all three died in the war; draco has a weird eye condition which means he can only see twinks].
but the main recipe for a long-lasting relationship is fundamentally enjoying each other's company. nobody is claiming that vince, big-d, and greg are sophisticated men, but a mutual love of having a cheeky nando's, watching love island while cuddled up on the sofa, getting drunk at the footie, and thinking each other's jokes are class means that this is - by a country mile - one of the healthiest relationships the harry potter universe ever manages to produce.
petunia dursley/percy weasley
they are raking it in producing "hot housewife spanks me for leaving mud on her kitchen floor" content on onlyfans.
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dhr-ao3 · 3 months
Crimson Seeds
Crimson Seeds https://ift.tt/71K3hG0 by Rose_tortora16 Nel 2003 Lord Voldemort vince la guerra contro l'Ordine della Fenice, distruggendone quello che ne restava. Diciassette anni dopo, Draco Malfoy è un alcolizzato che vive da solo in un fatiscente Malfoy Manor con nient'altro a tenergli compagnia se non la sua solitudine. Tutto cambia quando una strega a lungo ritenuta morta viene trascinata ad Azkaban e per salvarla da un futuro peggiore della morte, Draco deve portarla con sé. Estratto dal capitolo 1: Quando i suoi occhi grigi la trovarono, sentì lo stomaco contorcersi nel suo corpo. La sua piccola figura era seduta nell'angolo più remoto della cella, con le braccia avvolte attorno alle gambe che aveva piegato per coprire la sua nudità. Una cascata di riccioli scuri e aggrovigliati circondava il suo viso ovale. Il suo mento era appoggiato sullo spazio limitato tra le ginocchia. La sua mascella era serrata. I suoi polsi e le sue caviglie erano coperti da manette da cui partivano le catene che terminavano sui muri. Era così immobile che avrebbe potuto anche essere sotto un incantesimo pietrificante ma, qualunque cosa le avessero fatto, non erano riusciti a spegnere il fuoco nei suoi occhi. Words: 3, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Italiano Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, Pansy Parkinson, Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Voldemort (Harry Potter), Theodore Nott, Luna Lovegood (Nott), Amycus Carrow, Original Nott Family Characters (Harry Potter), Original Malfoy Characters (Harry Potter), Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Neville Longbottom Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood/Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Work In Progress via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/Q7SO1hZ March 02, 2024 at 01:05PM
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slytheryn-babe · 10 months
Here’s a sneak peak from the upcoming chapter 27 of In the Viper’s Nest
He begins singing, chanting in a low, musical tone, right as the sun breaks free of the horizon. It shines from between the stones of the easternmost arch. The downpour continues over Vince; the runes keep circling him clockwise. The patch of earth right outside the stone circle swells like boiling water. Domes of earth constrict and expand, growing larger then smaller, prying at the surface, undulating, like something below is trying to break free. There must be at least a dozen of them. They swarm the surface of the earth, grassy knots, grassy bubbles, swelling—swelling, then bursting. And from each burst bubble, the earth reaches up in a vibrant, green, mossy figure.
They’re headless, humanoid figures with crumbling soil, stocky legs, and arms like waterfalls of earth. Like geysers, their bodies constantly crumble away, constantly draw new soil from the ground. Their torsos are cloaked in vegetation: clover, vine, moss. They circle counter-clockwise outside Stonehenge as Lucius sings, as the white runes swirl around Vince, as the wave continues its downpour.
The white runes begin glowing, first it’s soft like moonlight, then as Lucius’s chanting continues, they burn brighter like the sun. They burst into red flames, cherry red flames, blazing so hot that Draco can feel their warmth against his skin.
“Draco,” he hears beside him. The silencing charm on her must have faltered with Lucius’s concentration on the ritual. She’s on her hands and knees on the grass. Draco drops down next to her.
“I’m sorry,” he gasps. “I’m so sorry–so sorry.”
“Shh, Draco,” she whispers, glancing at Crabbe, then Lucius. They’re not paying attention, they’re both too enraptured by the ritual. “It’s okay. You did what you could.”
“No, I–I could have—I’m so sorry—”
“Draco, there’s no time for that. He’s going to–to kill me. I need you to tell my daughter that I love her, okay? Tell her I didn’t choose to leave. Can you do that, please?”
“I–yes, yes I can tell her.”
“Good, tell her that I’m sorry, that I—I wish I could have been better. Tell her—”
“Draco!” Lucius has stopped chanting—he’s in front of him now.
The earth spirits are weaving through the stone monoliths, converging on Vince. They circle him counter-clockwise, held back by the flaming, red runes.
Lucius grabs her chain and then thrusts a white knife into Draco’s hands.
Posting the full chapter later this week on ao3
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dragoncorde · 1 year
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» INTRODUCING... vincent crabbe.
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full name: vincent atreus crabbe
gender identity & pronouns: cismale & he/him
age & d.o.b: twenty-five & july 1st
place of birth: bristol, england
sexual orientation: pansexual / demi-romantic
traits: adventurous, sociable, abrasive, and foolish
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height: 5′10
hair & eye color: brown, dyed blonde & hazel brown
glasses & contacts: no
scars: long, deep scar on left shin, several minor scars on hand, several circular scars littered about the body
piercings: ears, right eyebrow piercing, left nose piercing
tattoos: link tba
clothing style: link tba
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zodiac: cancer sun / scorpio moon / aries rising
vices: gluttony, envy
virtues: charity, patience 
personality type: enfp
dominant hand: right
character parallels: josh washington (until dawn), elphaba (wicked), dukat (star trek: deep space 9)
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specialization: dragonology
year: fifth
house: slytherin
student activities: quidditch league, exploding snap extreme
blood status: pureblood
wand: 13″ Blackthorn, Dragon heart-string, flexible 
patronus: n/a
amortentia: n/a
boggart: his father or siblings reenacting the worst day in vincent’s childhood 
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mother had vincent when she was in her teens. or at least that’s what he heard. because she was so young and she was poorer compared to the family of his father, vincent was kept secret. so when he was born, she dropped him off at the orphanage for gifted (magical) children. vincent grew alongside the cruel children of the orphanage and was often at the hands of their torment. 
at the age of ten, to his disbelief, his mother came back, now a much wealthier woman and respected by the old money of the crabbe family, to retrieve him. vincent was elated, a childhood dream come true, but that didn’t last very long. the crabbe’s were a prestigious family, his father having many lovers before and after vincent’s mother. the household was like a menagerie with the collection of vincent and his four half brothers and sisters, another due in his mother’s belly. although he was far from the orphanage, vincent once again found himself at the mercy of cruelty from his siblings and their torture which fueled his resentment toward his family (TW ABUSE/ANIMAL ABUSE somewhere in the fields behind their manor, a place he went to escape the blows his father and older siblings dealt him while his mother turned the other cheek, he could not believe his eyes. the shimmering dragons egg lying there. for weeks, vincent visited the spot and did his best to keep it warm, to make sure it’ll be ready when it hatches. when one of his younger step siblings, adora, had asked him where he was going off, he was reluctant to rely on her, but revealed to her the dragon’s egg by taking her to the spot, making her swear not to tell any of their siblings. adora swore, but it was a few days later when vincent was at the spot in the fields, he heard the hoots and hollers of his cruel siblings. while vincent was held back, wailing with tears, his siblings smashed the dragon’s egg to pieces. adora begged for vincent’s forgiveness, but it only hardened the shell he began to build around him. his guard has been up ever since END TW).
attending thiudreiks gave vincent the opportunity to start over. he made it his mission to no longer be at the hands of bullies, and so he became a bully himself, the cruelty of his siblings fueling his cruelty toward his classmates. vincent was often a disturbance, a trouble maker, a class clown. and somehow, he made it through. 
now, at aurelius, specializing in dragonology to fulfill a childhood dream, vincent is still hard-headed, blunt, and wary of others who are not already in his social circle.
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exes ;  can’t imagine vince ever being able to keep a real relationship down and withdraws whenever a real connection comes up !
friends with benefits ; bc why the heck not
rivals with benefits ; do they hate each other? yea. do they want to f*ck each other? hell yea.
childhood friends ; & old schoolmates, perhaps?  (gregory goyle, blaise zabini)
best friends ; from either thiudreiks or aurelius
unlikely friends ; the oddest of matches pls (taken: luna lovegood)
enemies ; no doubt with vincent’s attitude he accumulated a couple of enemies!
the one that got away ; an ex that had such a connection, vincent still thinks about them....has a soft spot for them....would lowkey die for them (taken)
confidant ; vincent isn’t one to open up, but this person makes it feel as easy as breathing (taken: hermione granger) 
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wixenhq · 13 days
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✧・゚: oh, it's so good to see your faces ! please welcome KATIE BELL and VINCENT CRABBE as played by BOO ! please check your dms for the link to the server, where you’ll find more information on how to get started. we’re so happy to have you with us at WIXEN and we can't wait to write with you !
౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆ ( sabina mura, twenty-eight, cisfemale, she/her ) ⸻ ( REVIVED ) have you had a chance to meet ( KATIE BELL ), yet? you would definitely remember ( whistling  winds  rushing  through  hair  while  crowds  roar  your  name  and  the  sound  of  the  ding   ,   marking  a  beautiful  end  to  a  won  match   ;   untethered  whispers  under  a  sky  filled  with  stars   ,   completely  free  of  concerns  and  thoughts  that  would  unless  break  you  apart   ;   the  gentle  breezes  of  a  warm  afternoon  with  the  golden  glow  of  the  sunset�� kissing  your  honey  like  skin   ;   the  gentle  waves  of  the  ocean  washing  against  your  sandy  skin  at  the  end  of  a  pleasant  afternoon   ;   the  tarnished  memory  of  screams  and  intense  pain  washing  over  the  pleasant  emotions  of  a  forgotten  dream   ;   the  persistent  question  of  why  and  when  the  next  big  event  will  unravel  before  them   ,   and  the  fear  that  tangles  along  with  it   ;   the  web  of  lies   ,   thoughts   ,   fears  and  dread  of  the  future  one  keeps  hidden  under  a  smile  and  sweet  disposition   ,   attempting  nothing  more  than  just  to  live  life ) if you did. it’s been rumoured that they’re ( CHEERFUL & LOYAL ) but i’ve heard that they’re actually quite ( POSSESSIVE & HOT - HEADED ). you’ll normally find ( her ) at ( THE BEACH ) when they aren’t working as ( APPLEBY  HARROWS  BEATER ). it’s been a tough few years for all of us, and now every time that I think about ( KATIE ) I can hear ( EHXALE by SABRINA CARPENTER ) playing in the back of my mind ⸻ ( boo, twenty-six, gmt+1, she/they, cancer )
  ౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆ ( rome flynn, twenty-five, cismale, he/him ) ⸻ ( REVIVED ) have you had a chance to meet ( VINCENT CRABBE ), yet? you would definitely remember ( darkened  rooms  haunted  with  the  whisper  of  deadly  silence  and  shivering  tension  rushing  down  one’s  body   ;   the  roughed  mark  of  nails  against  closed  doors   ,   muffled  screams  covered  neatly  by  loud  classical  music   ,   during  formal  dinner  parties  and  gatherings   ,   guests  unaware  of  the  tortured  soul   ;   the  continuous  scold  of  an  unloving  parent   ,   and  the  silence  of  an  agreeable  wife   ;   the  quick  interest  in  small   ,   cryptid  fairytales  and  darkness  upon  fluttering  of  gaze   ;   the  continuous  strain  of  harbored  feelings  and  thoughts   ,   and  the  silence  following  disastrous  events   ;   the  unique  sound  of  dripping  blood  on  marble  floors   ,   quiet   ,   pathing  breaths  and  quivering  chest   ;   the  exhilarating  feeling  of  creating  chaos   ,   and  raising  havoc   ,   amongst  peaceful   ,   innocent  crowds   ;   the  first  white  snow  tethering  down  over  a  darkened  castle   ,   warning him  of  the  vicious  pain  and  misery  he  was  about  to  endure ) if you did. it’s been rumoured that they’re ( INSIGHTFUL & OBSERVANT ) but i’ve heard that they’re actually quite ( CALLOUS & VICIOUS ). you’ll normally find ( him ) at ( AN  ANCIENT  BOOKSHOP ) when they aren’t working as ( UNSPEAKBLE  AT  THE  DEPARTMENT  OF  MYSTERIES   ,   DEATH  ROOM ). it’s been a tough few years for all of us, and now every time that I think about ( VINCE ) I can hear ( JUST PRETEND by BAD OMENS ) playing in the back of my mind ⸻ ( boo, twenty-six, gmt+1, she/they, cancer )
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contrarywiseizybel · 2 years
Kinktober 2022
Day 18: Barty Crouch Jr./Albus Severus Potter + Tom Riddle Jr. (Brothel)
For long as he could remember, Al’s pa had warned him to stay away from Tom Riddle Jr.
Course his old man had reason to say that, what with being their town’s sheriff and with Riddle having his finger in every bit of crime in the area. Not that Harry Potter could prove it, just like his mentor Albus Dumbledore hadn’t been able to prove it. But Dumbledore had died suspecting Tom Riddle Jr. of all manner of wrongdoing so Sheriff Potter had taken up the mission and seemed to think his own son would follow in the steps of his name sake.
Al would sooner die.
Which, considering the rumors about Mr. Riddle, may be the case.
So he waited until his pa left for the Weasley family farm with his ma and little Lily. Waited until he was trusted to stay put and keep an eye on his older brother James, who was always causing trouble and couldn’t be trusted on his own despite being years older. Waited until the moon was high in the sky before slipping out the front door and heading straight to Tom Riddle Jr.’s saloon.
Everyone knew about the services offered at the Viper’s Pit. The first floor had whiskey so strong it’d burn for weeks after and a cactus wine known to make folks see spirits and saints. There were tables for gambling, poker and high-low and faro played for coin or ammo or bits of ore mined south of town. A band made up of former cowboys and criminals would play all night, their music swaying the saloon girls who would charm customers into paying marked up prices on watered down whiskey.
But then there was the second floor.
It was up polished stairs where Riddle’s favorites lived in their own fully furnished rooms. But to get up there took getting approval from Riddle himself. No one was allowed up those stairs without Riddle at their side, though many had tried. Two giants guarded those steps, Greg Goyle, having previously been a circus strong man and Vince Crabbe, having worked building railroads since he was old enough to swing a hammer.
Ain’t no one getting up those stairs uninvited.
And from the balcony Riddle’s favorites would survey their master’s kingdom. His girls would exchange gossip from behind their fans, hips canting to show off long legs under velvet skirts. His boys would strut like a panther watching pray, throwing sharp grins at the patrons who would looked at them like Eve to the apple.
His ma scoffed at those lost souls, wondering just where their own parents had gone wrong that they would run to a man like Riddle and wondering what wickedness ran through their veins.
The one time Al had been in the saloon, running an errand for Mr. Malfoy in exchange for a nickle, he had looked up at those favorites and had seen angels looking down at the sinners. Angels who knew no fear, for their god protected them from earthly suffering and provided them with all manner of earthly delight. And when Scorpius became one of those angels, when his father was smugly pleased instead of shamed, when he strutted through the town throwing saucy winks and smirks at his old friend, Al knew he had been right.
Mr. Riddle may have been the devil, but he wasn’t asking his favorites to become demons for him. He would never take Al out to his gran’s farm and force him to learn how to work a six shooter. He would never give Al a shovel to finish off an injured garden snake that had only been trying to flee. He would never nurse a whiskey at the dinner table while telling his wife how he didn’t know what was wrong with Al.
No, Al would take the devil over his pa.
Mr. Malfoy accompanied him to the saloon, so he wouldn’t be waylaid by those who held a grudge against old man Potter. He said it was just a favor to his son’s first friend, but Al liked to think Mr. Malfoy worried about him. Or at least he worried about him enough that before they entered the saloon he warned Al just what he price he would be paying to reach his paradise.
Hardly seemed like much of a price.
Mr. Riddle met them at the stairs, his guards relaxing from their post at Riddle’s smirk. “Evening Draco. And you must be...Albus Severus, wasn’t it?”
Once more Al cursed his sentimental father who had given their grandfather’s perfectly good name to his jerk of an older brother, leaving him with the names of Harry’s ghosts. A former sheriff who had grown smug off his legacy and a bastard pharmacist who’s love for Al’s grandma had apparently made up for the cruelty he had delivered onto their town.
“Just Al is fine, sir.” He offered, accepting Riddle’s hand into his own. It was bigger than his, much bigger, but soft from fine living. “Thank you for allowing me to meet with you.”
Say what you want about the Potter brood, but they weren’t born crass. They just tended to chose it over the alternative. But Al wore his manners proudly, offering a sweet but deferential smile at his potential employer.
It seemed to work, as Riddle smirk turned sharper, like the viper his business was named after.
“Come along, we’ll have your...interview...upstairs.”
He offered his elbow, Al graciously taking it with a small wave to Mr. Malfoy. Up in the balcony, past the landing where Riddle’s favorites congregated, he could see another silvery blond, who seemed to be making a point to not look down at his own father. Instead Scorpius met Al’s eye, winking cheerily.
Riddle showed him to a bedroom, complete with its own wash room and a stove for warmth. It was decorated in shades of green, from the thick comforter on the bed to the tasseled lampshade.
“Do you like it?” Riddle asked, ushering Al further into the room.
“I love it.”
Riddle chuckled, a deep rumbling sound that he wanted to catch with both hands. “Good. I thought it would compliment your beautiful eyes. Now, has Draco told you what’s expected tonight?”
Al nodded, face flushing and heart racing. “Yes sir.”
“And if you pass this little...test...you will be happy to stay here and work? The contract is for life. Even when you tire of this position I will expect you to take whatever opportunity I find for you within my organization.”
He nodded, thinking of older girls who had been sent back East by Riddle when they tired of the saloon work. He didn’t know any of them personally, but his cousins had shared gossip that they had been given respectable jobs or Riddle had helped them find husbands who complimented them. Scorpius had told him rumors about the boys who Riddle would send North, paying for their schooling until they were ready to join his workforce as accountants or bookies.
But the rumors he cared the most about were the favorites who were given paints or instruments. Who were taught to capture the world in their art, or were taught to move the soul with song. He thought about the gorgeous mural he had seen behind the bar and the rumor that it had been made by Barty Crouch Jr., one of Riddle’s first favorites.
And he thought of his father, who only saw Al’s future as an extension of his own. Another bullet in the gun of justice, only focused on the greater good.
“I want to work for you, sir.” Al said, worrying at his lower lip. A bad habit he could never shake. “My pa...he would never allow me to be...what I am…”
“And what are you, my dear?”
“I...I mean I’m not it yet but someday...someday I want to make art. I want to create, not destroy.”
Riddle’s grin was the grin of a wolf about to catch a deer, sharp and pleased but not cocky enough to assume the chase was done. But it was. Al was tired of being a deer. Let him be reborn at Riddle’s maw.
“You will please one of my men tonight. If you’re satisfactory, or even show just that you have potential, I will keep you in this emerald birdcage. And if not, I’m sure we can use an errand boy somewhere.” He leaned closer, towering over Al and leering, “Between you and me, I don’t see you flying off, little bird. Now, go get ready.”
Al hurried to the washroom where he was delighted to find a covered barrel of warmed water and a basin to wash in. He cleaned quickly, despite his desire to fill the basin and soak in the warmth. With his body clean he took time to tie his mess of curls to one side. His ma had been after him for ages to cut it and he was once again glad he had rebelled. A sheer green robe covered his dark skin and complimented his darker hair, making him feel downright pretty. Maybe next time, if there was a next time, he’d have time to line his eyes with the golden makeup beside the mirror.
Noise alerted him to Riddle’s return, and he shyly peeked out the door. His future employer had taken a seat in an expensive looking chair, reclining in it as though it were a throne. Another man stood by the bed, slight and possibly around his pa’s age, but surprisingly pretty. He had neatly trimmed mustache that sat over his boyish grin, and it took only a moment before his watery blue eyes caught Al’s movement.
“Are you ready, my dear?” Riddle asked, eyes raking over Al greedily as he stepped into the room. “Ah, wasn’t I right about the green?”
The newcomer answered, gaze lingering on Al’s collarbone as the shoulder of the too big robe slipped aside. “Absolutely gorgeous in green. You must be Al. My name is Barty Crouch Jr., but you can just call me Barty. A pleasure to meet you.”
Al startled, completely missing the offered hand. “You’re Barty?”
Both men laughed and Al would be grateful they weren’t mad if he wasn’t so mortified. Luckily it seemed as though Riddle had intuited why Al would be so shocked. “Our little bird must know about your art, Barty. Perhaps later you can show him your workshop.”
“A workshop? Just for your paintings?” Al asked, breathless and starstruck.
Barty just grinned, looking far younger than even Al would have suspected he was. “For making paints too. How about tomorrow? Tom won’t have you working until sundown, so we’d have time.”
His heart felt like it was swelling, so full he would lift off the ground and float away towards the horizon. But he grounded himself, remembering that he had an interview to do, had to prove to these men that he was worth this beautiful room and worth the chance to create something beautiful with his own hands.
“I’d appreciate that very much, Mr. Barty. Can I show you how much?”
He felt silly even as he said it but Barty’s grin turned sharp and Riddle seemed delighted at his attempt at seduction.
“Very well, little bird. Come show me.”
He only reached Barty’s chin, but with a hold on his thin shoulders Al was able to lift on his toes, softly pressing his lips to Barty’s. His mustache tickled, and he almost fell before Barty wrapped an arm around his waist. But after a moment Barty opened for him, allowing Al to shyly lick and nibble at Barty’s mouth. Everything he knew about sex was from eavesdropping on his older cousins, but Barty didn’t seem irritated at his hesitant advances.
Riddle on the other hand seemed bored. “Have you ever sucked a man’s prick, little bird?”
Al almost buried his face in Barty’s shoulder, face on fire from the question. But he shook his head, meeting Riddle’s eyes with as much bravado as he could.
“Well, now’s the time.”
Barty chuckled, all good spirits and gentle touches. His fingers ran through Al’s hair, soothing and sweet. Maybe it was left over from his own time as one of Riddle’s favorites, but Al rather appreciated it. Mimicking the gentle touch Al pushed Barty to the bed, dropping to the floor so quickly his knees rattled.
“You okay, kid?” Barty asked.
“Not a kid.” Al shot back immediately, glancing at Riddle to make sure he wasn’t overstepping. But Riddle just seemed amused at the display. Figuring that he was okay to continue Al rested his cheek on Barty’s knee. His fingers fiddled with the edge of Barty’s trousers, teasing them down while he gazed up through his ink black lashes. “You can keep calling me little bird. I liked that.”
The blond man started to laugh though it rapidly became a groan when Al caught his prize. Summoning every memory he had of James and Teddy’s disgusting bragging and of his cousins’ gossip, Al took a cock into his mouth for the first time.
It didn’t taste like much, despite his cousin Victoire’s repeated complaints. Just skin, salty and slightly bitter. He was so focused on his teeth that he didn’t even notice he was about to gag himself until it was too late.
“Not so fast, little bird.” Barty took himself in hand, feeding his length into Al slowly. With one hand twisted in Al’s hair he controlled their movements, allowing Al to get used to the weight on his tongue. A little at a time, easing Al into the sensation of cock tapping at the back of his throat. Drool collected quickly, falling out Al’s mouth in a way that felt disgusting but seemed to please his new boss. At least if the groans from across the room meant anything.
Trying to control his spit Al swallowed deeply, earning a startled gasp from above him. He tried again, chasing that same noise. At Barty’s prompting he swirled his tongue around the tip. He found himself preening under the groans that he was creating. He glowed when Barty bent over him, clinging to his mess of hair. He could have gloated as he watched from the corner of his eye as Riddle begun palming his own cock through his expensive trousers.
And it was with a pleased hum from Al that Barty exploded, flooding Al’s mouth with his bitter release. Al struggled to swallow it, not wanting to make more of a mess than he already had. And even as he gasped for breath Barty chuckled, warm and delighted.
“Oh, aren’t you a treasure?” He teased, thumb gathering the seed off Al’s lip. He lifted it to his own, licking himself away, returning it to the garden of his body. Despite the taste still lingering in his mouth Al found himself wanting to chase after that thieving thumb.
And so he did.
His lips caught Barty’s again, kissing roughly now that he knew neither he nor Barty would fall under a little pressure. His own cock, hard and aching, rubbed against Barty’s thigh, painful and delicious against the starched fabric. He wanted, oh he wanted…
And suddenly large hands grabbed him, pulling Al against the solid chest of his new employer. Trapped by one hand, the other grasped his dick, twisting and pulling deliciously.
“Selfish little thing, aren’t you?” Riddle teased, wolf teeth snapping beside Al’s eat, ready to gobble him up until his sun bleached bones were all that remained. And Al could only preen, could only imagine what those bones would rearrange into. What he would rearrange into.
“So, my selfish little raven, shall we see how you enjoy being fucked?”
Oh, Al thought, his ink black wings expanding to escape the corpse of the deer he had been. What a good idea this was.
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lilbeanz · 14 days
hello beanz, hope you're doing well! do you have any useless worldbuilding headcanons or jodt facts which are utterly useless or very mildly useful to the plot?
Hello lovely💗 I'm doing well, and I hope the same for you!
And gah! This is such a good ask! Definitely a thinker, too 🤭
The Useful Headcanons:
• The Wizarding World is called the Wixen World because fuck the patriarchy. (And yes, I realise both "wizard" and "witch" can be perceived as gender neutral, but typically, wizards are male, and witches are female (ugh👎))
• There are more magical schools than just eLEvEn, because as a wise man once said:
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Take it from Hermione and Draco in GS,ch4:
“There’s around fifty in all of Europe,” Hermione began.
“Another fifty in Asia,” Draco carried on.
“Several in the Americas.”
“A handful of smaller schools scattered across the Pacific Islands.”
“And near a hundred in Africa.”
• Generally, wix are not homophobic, transphobic, or racist. Their prejudice problems revolve around blood and magical creatures.
Historically speaking, the Victorian era really fucked up Muggle society. And, yes, there was homophobic/racist ideology pre-Victorian era (1600s - 1700s), but by then, the magic and muggle world was already at odds with each other (Statute of Secrecy was eatablished in 1692) -- why would purebloods concern themselves with such trivial Muggle bigotry?
• Which leads me to my next worldbuilding point; Paganism. Traditional witchcraft and its influences on both the Wixen and Muggle worlds. Pureblood families are known to celebrate the Wheel of the Year -- equinoxes and solstices etc... Paganism existed before the statute and still exists into the Muggle world of course, which is how Muggles have wicca and the craft. Why Wiccan Muggles gather at Stone Henge for the summer solstice and all sorts. It just makes sense 🤌✨️
• Wolfstar. That's it. That's the whole bullet point. Just. Wolfstar.
• In Pureblood society, there is an unspoken hierarchy. The Malfoys' circle consisted of the Goyles, the Crabbes, and the Notts (and other notable Death Eater names), as well as the Parkinsons, the Greengrasses, and many other blood purist sympathisers.
Draco grew up with Greg, Vince, Pansy, Daphne, and Theo. The coming war will surely test the strength of childhood bonds...
• The divide between Draco and his father means Draco is becoming his own person as opposed to following in his father's footsteps. Draco finds himself striving to be a little more like his mother, and a lot more like himself.
The fire of rebellion flourishes inside him, but how far can he go before the flames grow out of his control?
The Not So Useful & Sort of Silly Headcanons:
• Crabbe and Goyle are not as thick as some people (*cough* Harry *cough*) perceive. Vince is a Transfiguration whizz-kid & Greg enjoys art.
• Pansy Parkinson falls in love very easily, but also very quickly moves onto her next meal -- ah, her next fixation.
• Mad-Eye Moody enjoyed a very relaxed year of his retirement from 1994 to 1995, with absolutely no home intrusions or attacks from dark wix.
• Lucius Malfoy has an unhealthy obsession with white peacocks. Especially his prized darling, Bartholomew Armand Malfoy the Third.
• Dobby has a cupboard specifically for storing all of his socks at Hogwarts.
• Professor Burbage had a groovy flower-power phase in the 70s.
• Harry sometimes finds himself talking to Draco's embroidered portrait on the Black family tapestry at Grimmauld Place.
• Erik, Nikolaj, and Katrina embark on a journey across America after graduating from Durmstrang. In their travels, they may discover many things...
I'm sure there's more! But here's what I can think of off the top of my head! 🥰💕
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nuri148 · 2 years
FILK: Crabbe and Goyle
Sing to the tune of The Sound of Music's Edelweiss
[After tucking Vince and Greg in their beds, Draco flutters around the dormitory, singing his praises to them]
Crabbe and Goyle, Crabbe and Goyle Every morning escort me Through halls and corridors Hitting other kids for me.
Following me wherever I roam, Grunting like a bear, Crabbe and Goyle, Crabbe and Goyle They're a most helpful pair.
[Draco gets into bed. Before he nox the lights, we see the blissful expressions of Greg and Vince as they're snore already]
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misguidedasgardian · 2 months
The Lifeaters (II.7)
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VII. Cupid
Chapter Summary: It was already Valentine’s day 
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, classism, charms and curses, this chapter contains a little scene of minors drinking alcohol (they stole some eggnog), might miss some warnings 
Wordcount: 2,4 k
Notes: Just get swimming, just keep swimming
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“I told you yesterday I didn’t know who it was!”, said Draco frowning he then looked at the one he thought was his best friend, “for a second I thought it was Basilik”
“Basilik? really?”, asked Crabbe
“Yes but she doesn’t have the nerve to do this, she won’t admit it to me, but she doesn’t care about muggle borns in that way”
“What do you mean?”, asked Goyle
“She cares too much for people and animals and things, she wouldn’t be capable of doing something like this”, he said with a small smile
Your likeness entered the room with a confused look on her face, looking around
“There you are!”, Draco said, “I came back looking for you, couldn’t find you”, he said frowning
“Sorry”, she mumbled
“You sound strange”, he muttered 
“What are you talking about?”, she asked 
“About who the heir of Slytherin is”, Draco tried to communicate with her with only his eyes, referring to the conversation they had late at night 
“Oh”, she said simply
“And I don’t know who that is”
“But you must have some idea”, she tried, Draco frowned
“I told you last night I didn’t!”, he said, already losing his short patience, “what’s the matter with everyone today?”
“My money is on Matthew”, whispered Giyle
“No he isn’t!”, called Draco, “he would have told me”, he said frowning, he then looked at his best friend, “but my father told me this, last time the chamber was opened, a mudblood died…”
As Draco turned to gaze at something in one of the tables, “Crabbe”, “Goyle” and “Basilik” looked at each other with wide-eyed expressions
The boys took too long finding the common room, and Hermione took to long finding you, so they started turning back pretty quickly
When they realized it, they bolted out of Slytherin’s common room
“where were you?”, Ron asked Hermione
“I couldn’t find her, and then I got lost I couldn’t find the common room”
You were running, scared out of your life away from the bathroom, turning a corner you slammed into Granger, both falling to the floor scandalously
“What are you doing down here?”. you asked angrily, the only room around was the common room, they all looked at you alarmed
“Why do you care?”, muttered Weasley. You looked behind them in the direction of the bathroom, but didn’t say anything
They all run off like scared little rats
You trotted back to the common room, running down the stairs and almost tripping, buy your adrenaline was still through the roof 
“Draco!”, you called desperately, as you entered the common room, there he was, sitting comfortably on one of the sofas, when he looked at you, he frowned
“Where did you run off to?”, he asked
“Draco! the weirdest thing happened!”, you cried, “I was in the bathroom, and I… I think I fainted or something… when I woke up…”
“What are you talking about?”, he asked, “you were just here!”, he said, “you ran off with Vince and Greg”
“No I wasn’t!”, you claimed, “I woke up on the bathroom floor!”, you cried
“What?”, asked Matthew, coming back from his own room
“I was in the bathroom, I fainted, I woke up on the floor!”, you explain, “and then I heard this weird sound, there was something outside of the bathroom and…”, by the look on their faces, they may not even believe you 
You didn’t even knew what you saw
“Are you alright?”, Draco asked then, seeing you so confused and scared
“Yes”, you relented
“Hey, I stole some eggnog from the teacher’s table”, muttered Matthew, giving you a goblet
“Thanks”, you stole a sip and almost spittied out, it tasted sweet but had a sharp edge to it.
But it did make you relax, you cuddled against Draco on the couch as they kept talking, joking, Greg and Goyle appeared shortly after you, claiming they woke up in a broom closet
The difference is that Draco paid them no mind because they… were not very smart, they got very confused at times and they weren’t the brightest, so, Draco just dismissed them and say they ate too much they just fell asleep
You also ate too much, but you didn’t just fall asleep, you couldn’t just fall asleep while on your feet, could you?
What if you dreamt it all? for your own sake, and the one of your friends, you decided to wipe it all under the rug
Even though you couldn’t shake the feeling that Potter, Weasley and Granger where behind it
What were they doing down there? it seemed so suspicious, you knew you didn't fall asleep, something happened to you, but you didn’t want to give Draco more reasons to hate the trio, and even if they did something, nobody saw them in your common room, so…
They didn’t do anything, anything that you could prove
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Classes resumed soon, and you have had fun weeks with your friends, but it was even more fun when they came back, Pansy, Daphne, MIlicent and Tracy
You had enjoyed the castle at is most quiet, and it was a bit overwhelming when they all came back, one day to the next
Class resumed but you could see teachers were nervous, even though Lockheart would tell to anyone in ear’s reach that he was the reason the attacks had stopped, that he was closing in on the culprit and that is why they decided to stop
But all students were no longer afraid of you, Slytherins, but they were afraid of Potter, they saw him and they almost ran on the opposite direction, scared that he would petrified them
He was near you when you heard that huge thing on the first floor bathrooms… made sense, didn’t it?
But the part that didn’t make sense to you, was why would he attack muggleborns? He seemed to like them, one of his best friends was one.
But you didn’t want to spend any minute of your day thinking about Potter, Flint, Adrian and the others had returned, which meant that you were called in for practice
There was still snow on the ground, sometimes even falling front he skies, Flint got you all some cool goggles so the snow, wind and rains wouldn’t get in your eyes
Even though it was a muddy mess and nobody could save you from that
A match with Hufflepuff was coming, and you were very much looking forward to it.
“We are not scoring 150 points to cover your ass Malfoy so you better get to it”, theatrened Flint as you walked into the pitch.
You looked up and you found Matthew, Greg and Goyle watching, Milicent and Pansy, they waved at you and you waved back.
You concentrated on Draco in this training, as you were one of the fastest, you both competed for the snitch
You had to give it to him, that little thing is too small and quick, and it's hard to even see it, let alone catch it
Draco beat you to it, but it was fun
You preferred being chaser though, and that made you even happier
January flew by and now it was February. There haven't been any more attacks, and you were almost relieved, was this the end of it?
You hoped so.
Lockheart, in his ramblings about him being the reason the attacks stopped… wanted to boost morale no matter what he had to do to do it. Rumor was it that the mandrakes were almost ready to be chopped up to cure those who had been petrified
And you felt kinda bad, meaning, they were like little people, and then you were thankful you didn’t have to be the one to shop them up and stew them 
It wasn’t until the 14th of february that you knew what Lockheart meant by “boosting up morale”, it was Valentine's day, and when you and your girlfriends entered the great hall at breakfast, you giggled in amazement 
The walls were covered in huge pink flowers, and now instead of snow, there was little hearts shaped confetti falling from the ceiling, the sun was shining on the ceiling, the sky was clear 
“Iu!”, mocked Matthew, Draco giggled, with a disgusted face, but they all laughed when they saw Gilderoy wearing hot pink robes, it was hilarious 
None of the other teachers were as amused as him, they were rather serious, sitting on the high table 
Specially Snape, he looked like he had something bitter to eat 
“Happy Valentine's day!”, cheered Lockheart, talking loudly, putting his wand on his own neck, “and thank you for the 46 people that sent me cards! Yes, I have taken the liberty of arranging this little surprise for you all and it doesn’t end here!”, Pansy and Milicent giggled right next to you, and you laughed
“You didn’t send that clown Valentine's day cards, did you?”. you asked, giggling
Gilderoy clapped his hands and through the doors, entered a dozen dwarfs, they were wearing golden wings and harps in their hands, but their faces didn’t look festive at all. 
“My friendly, card-carrying cupids! They are here to deliver your valentine’s day cards! And the fun doesn’t stop here! I’m sure my colleagues will want to enter into the spirit of the occasion! Why not ask Professor Snape to show you how to whip up a Love Potion! And while you’re at it, Professor Flitwick knows more about Entrancing Enchantments than any wizard I’ve ever met, the sly old dog!’
But Professor Snape looked like he would poison you if you ever asked him for a love potion
What was a love potion anyway?
It was a fun day, the dwarfs kept delivering Valentines while you were in classes, and the entire environment was sweet and nice.
You were surprised when you received a Valentine’s card, it was from Matthew no less, you didn't know how to feel, but you felt butterflies in your belly, but it was quickly replaced by some sort of disgust, as he had sent valentines to all the girls in your house in your year, at least those who were of the sacred 28, and he was laughing at you all alongside Greg and Vince.
It was only a very boring card with misshapen hand drawn hearts that exploded in pink smaller hearts, yours was a bit more elaborate than Pansy’s or Milicent’s, not that you cared to compare. You stuffed it into your charm’s book not wanting to see it again.
But the highlight of the day was when you crossed into the Gryffindors on the east tower stairs, a dwarf grabbed onto Potter, so strongly he snapped his bag after kicking him on the shin, it was very entertaining 
“Right,” he said, sitting on Harry’s ankles, “here is your singing Valentine: 
‘His eyes are as green as afresh pickled toad, His hair is as dark as a blackboard. I wish he was mine, he’s really divine, The hero who conquered the Dark Lord.’
Not even the oldest Weasley, the prefect, could stop the laughter that followed, the situation itself was so funny your stomach hurt from laughing that much
It was the littlest Weasley, Ginny, who had given him that Valentine’s. And Potter was petrified 
“Seems like Potter didn't like your gift!”, mocked Malfoy, snickering, you had to admit you felt bad for her, but still, it was pretty funny
The bell rang and yet, all of the second years, and some first years were laughing, just standing in the hallway 
“Off you go, off you go, the bell rang five minutes ago, off to class, now”, Percy Weasley commanded, he said, “And you Malfoy, Basilik”, of course you were laughing the hardest 
Draco grabbed something from the floor, a old looking diary, it had fallen from Potter’s bag, you frowned when you saw the name of the cover, it wasn’t Potter’s
Draco showed it to Matthew, making fun thinking it was Potter’s diary, but Matthew had a surprised look on his face, then killing Potter with his gaze 
“Give that back,” said Harry quietly.
“Wonder what Potter’s written in this?”, he chuckled 
Potter actually threw an Expelliarmmus at Draco, stealing back the diary, Percy even took 5 points from him, but he didn’t seem to care as he ran away from you. 
You wondered what this was about, but one of the dwarfs found you too
“oh no please”, you begged, but he only shook his head
“Don’t worry, yours doesn't come with a song”, he said, giving you a small box with a card
“Thank you”, you said back, receiving the small envelope, you opened quickly, it was a beautiful card, but it wasn’t signed
“Did you know who sent this?”, you asked him
“Sorry, can’t say”, and he left pretty quickly
The small box contained a chocolate frog, with the small leg already broken, so the spell that made them move was broken as well, to your relief, that was very thoughtful, maybe someone who knew you very well
The small card was beautiful, and it had a little poem written on it
“Your eyes shine like the stars on the ceiling of the big hall, your smile is as beautiful as a sunset”, it didn’t rhyme, it wasn’t that eloquent, but it was nice
“It’s ridiculous”, mocked Draco, grabbing the card, you snatched it of his hands
“I think it is sweet”, you defended, for a second you thought it was from him, it was one of the few people who knew about the chocolate frog thing, but anyways. 
Draco frowned at you, demanding to know who it was from, when you told him you didn’t know, in that same afternoon, he bought you a 10 piece package of chocolate frogs himself, snapping the legs of all of them.
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You were getting ready for the match, Gryffindor against Ravenclaw, you were going for three reasons, one, to spy on their plays, two… because… Quidditch was Quidditch, and three… Potter (even though he catches the snitch) always falls of his broom, its hilarious 
You were already in the boxes, when Mc Gonnaggal herself shouted with wand in neck, that the match was canceled, as all the matches afterwards
You thought things had quieted down, but apparently not, has there been another attack?
It was only a few hours until you knew for sure
It was Granger. 
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ao3feed-snape · 2 years
The Mudblood
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/fPKzIst
by ravnclxws
Originally written by Kirsten Krueger on Wattpad.
"Wha-How-how did you do that?" Malfoy questioned furiously. I gave him a cocky smirk. "Just a few simple jinxes. Guess I'm not that much of a Mudblood after all, hm?" His brow furrowed. "No-you're still a Mudblood. Do you not know what Mudblood means?"
Her Muggle brothers never thought anything odd of Lainey Fitzroy until finding out that she's a witch at age eleven. Determined to learn and succeed, Lainey goes to Hogwarts, where she meets an array of life changing people, like the famous Harry Potter, the notorious Draco Malfoy, and the ever-faithful Ginny Weasley. Lainey has a few secrets, though, some she doesn't even know about, along with a plethora of decisions to make as her years pass at Hogwarts.
I do not own anything in the Harry Potter world. All rights to J.K. Rowling.
Words: 3785, Chapters: 1/131, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Lainey Fitzroy, Astoria Greengrass, Ashley Pucey, Adrian Pucey, Melody Flemming, Harmony Flemming, Ryan Harper, Vince Anderson, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, George Weasley, Fred Weasley, Percy Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Bill Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Cho Chang, Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Severus Snape, Rubeus Hagrid, Dobby (Harry Potter), Minerva McGonagall, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Dolores Umbridge, Nymphadora Tonks, Fleur Delacour, Nagini (Harry Potter), Argus Filch, Dean Thomas, Viktor Krum, Peeves (Harry Potter), Seamus Finnigan, Oliver Wood, Gilderoy Lockhart, Lavender Brown, Millicent Bulstrode, Colin Creevey, Dennis Creevey, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, Cormac McLaggen, Graham Montague, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil, Moaning Myrtle, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, Buckbeak the Hippogriff (Harry Potter)
Relationships: Lainey Fitzroy/DracoMalfoy, Lainey Fitzroy/Cedric Diggory, Lainey Fitzroy/Fred Weasley, Lainey Fitzroy/Brian Urquhart, Draco Malfoy/Original Female Character(s), Cedric Diggory/Original Female Character(s), Fred Weasley/Original Female Character(s), Melody Flemming/Ryan Harper, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/fPKzIst
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justsportsgalore · 5 years
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dragoncorde · 9 months
task four: time waits for no one
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HOW have the new ministry happenings and the attacks during the time jump affected your character? 
VC: Vincent has waited with bated breath for something to happen, like a pin waiting to drop. The happenings and attacks came as no surprise to them, though the danger pricks at his skin. As if all of Vince's defenses haven't been up this whole time anyway.
MB: Ever since the body was found at the bottom of the lake, Mandy has been on edge. The Wix world appears to be getting more dangerous with each passing moment. Mandy hopes this school year they will learn ways to defend themselves.
DID any of the disappearances or attacks involve someone your character knew? 
VC: Pansy Parkinson and Vincent go way back. They run in the same circles and mostly have the same friends. Learning about Pansy's attack was a shock to Vincent's system. Knowing how headstrong Pansy is, Vincent fears that future attacks could happen to anyone.
MB: No. Mandy only knew them in passing and barely spoke to them in school. However, Mandy does feel for them and sends their regards.
HOW did your muse react to the news that their classmates ( aster, cormac, flora, hestia, mori, and pansy ) were attacked? were they concerned to learn of aster’s coma? did they go to visit aster or cormac in st. mungos during the months they were there?
VC: Vincent wasn't close with Flora and Hestia, though they often ran in the same circles. Their passing though came as a surprise to him. They did briefly visit Aster and Cormac in St. Mungos once while visiting Pansy.
MB: Mandy was shocked to hear the news and wore their concern on their sleeve despite not being close to any of them. While she didn't visit them in the hospital, she did send out flower arrangements.
DID your muse have any connection to the carrow sisters? what was their reaction to flora and hestia’s tragic passing?
VC: Vincent wasn't very close with the Carrow sisters, but they did have similar circles of friends. Their deaths came as a shock to him, though Vincent appears to be unfazed by it.
MB: While Mandy had no connection to the Carrow sisters, they were shocked and distraught by their passing.
WHAT are some notable things that your character did over the time jump? any big events? did they have a birthday?
VC: Vincent spent most of the winter holiday backpacking through Britain to avoid going home for the holidays despite the warnings of his friends. He stayed with multiple friends, hopping from place to place to avoid sleeping on the streets. Their birthday came and went in July where Vincent had spent the summer in Romania. While spending a visit in Australia, Vincent adopted a bearded dragon, smitten with the lizard's name, and named them Luther after spending the summer listening to the muggle artist, Luther Vandross.
MB: Mandy spent the winter holiday at Aurelius in the quiet of their dormitory or the library. They celebrated their birthday in March, the day after the announcement of Dumbledore's death. They spent the day overthinking over mugs of tea in Hogsmeade, trying to read books but finding themself too distracted, mind wandering, and having to re-read the same passages over and over again. The summer holiday was regretfully and painfully spent with her mother, swallowing words they wished they had the courage to say.
WHAT did your muse do over the summer? 
VC: Vincent spent the summer in Romania as part of an apprenticeship for his Dragonology major. Desperate to have something to do over the summer besides returning home to the Crabbe family cottage, the cruelty of his father and siblings, and the indifference of his mother, the opportunity to study in Romania appeared to him right before the end of term. It was grueling work, and he acquired superficial injuries and burns from handling the young dragons, as well as a deep tan from the sunburn to his skin, but to Vincent, it was all worth it.
MB: Mandy visited her mother in Glasglow in an attempt to avoid returning home to their father and the childhood home in Edinburgh where Mandy's older sister Sam had died years ago in a fire. Much to their disappointment though, their visit to their mothers wasn't what Mandy had expected. She came with the expectation that she would reconcile with her mother and move past the resentment that Mandy still harbors over the fact that her mother had abandoned her children for another man. Despite Mandy's mother's warmth and excitement that her daughter would be spending the summer with her, Mandy still holds onto guilt and their grudge.
WHAT’S your character’s stance on werewolves now, after all of the happenings and attacks over the past year?
VC: Given that Vincent's best friend is a werewolf, it doesn't faze him. He's skeptical, sure, but since he is already close with a werewolf, he is more concerned about the stigma that they will face after the news of these attacks.
MB: Mandy is shook. They aren't sure what this means for the werewolf community, but they are most definitely wary of being in harm's way.
WHAT was your character’s reaction to the news that dumbledore was missing? what about when it was revealed that he died?
VC: Dumbledore was old--everyone knew that. Maybe the werewolf attacks are unrelated, who really knows? Vincent is aware that a powerful wizard has fallen, but death eventually catches up with everyone. He is curious to see what will happen to the school now that Dumbledore is gone.
MB: They wonder what this means for Aurelius, how it will affect the school, and who will take his place.
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