#vietnamese beginners
typicalsimswhore · 1 month
For anyone looking to learn Vietnamese, here is what I personally use:
* Duolingo (yes, I said it. It's a good foundation.) Free -includes premium
* Drops (use topics that correlate with what you are already learning, good for retaining memory. Like flashcards but fun.) Free -includes premium
* Learn Vietnamese Speak, Listen (yes, that is the name of the app 😭. Really good for speaking/listening especially if you don't have anyone to practice with. Learn content that correlates with your Duo/Drops lessons.) Free -includes premium
* Lonely Planet Vietnamese Dictionary (self explanatory, good for reference. Any dictionary works.) $$$ pricey / may be found in public library ✅
* Reading and Writing Vietnamese: A Workbook for Self-Study (found on Amazon here, covers basically everything needed for beginners) $$$ pricey
* Tieng Viet Oi- Vietnamese Lessons (here)
* What the Pho (here)
* Vietglish Fun (here)
* Learn Vietnamese with Annie (here)
* Learn Vietnamese With SVFF (Southern Vietnamese. here)
Individual Video Recs:
*The Vietnamese Alphabet
*Vowel Pronunciation
* Vietnamese Tones
* Counting 1-10
* Travel Basics
* Accent Discrimination
Hope this helps. Vietnamese is hard, but I believe in you!!! 🇻🇳💖
Q: What helps you learn? Let me know!!
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polyglot-thought · 2 years
So I just found out there is purple soup. Name of purple soup color coded translation. Canh Khoai Mỡ - Purple Yam Soup
Tumblr media
Canh Khoai Mỡ
Purple Yam Soup
Please correct me if I made a mistake
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interstellarstorms · 2 years
Why does Tumblr keep recommending like, Portuguese (?) memes? I don’t know Portuguese.
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writerbuddha · 7 months
Hi! I love your blog. It's very interesting and highly informative, and I was wondering if I may ask about resources for learning about Buddhism? I've always held an interest but have been hesitant to dive deep into it because I'm unsure of the validity of most websites' information on it, I don't want to be misinformed.
Hi! I'm really glad you love my blog! :) I think, at first it's the best to look for information coming from Buddhist monastics or someone who was trained as a Buddhist monk. Buddhism doesn't require the monastic lifestyle to reach enlightenment, but in a very real sense, monasteries are the power-houses and “laboratories” of Buddhism. They’re the centers where the teachings are studied, preserved, put into practice and tested, and from the results are shared. Buddhist monks and nuns are full-time practitioners, who prioritize and dedicate all time and energy to lifelong meditative, intellectual, emotional, and psychological development.
Buddhism for Beginners written by Thubten Chödrön might be the best place to start! It's a clear and easy-to-read guide to get familiar with the basics. Approaching the Buddhist Path, that she co-wrote with the XIV. Dalai Lama is also an excellent book to introduce the core of Buddhism. They also penned Buddhism - One Teacher, Many Traditions, with the intention to offer a cohesive introduction of the traditional paths of practicing Buddhism, it's a very reliable guide. I can also recommend you "Study Buddhism," that's a website offering quality knowledge on Tibetan Buddhism.
Now, these are offered by predominantly Tibetan Buddhist teachers, who follow the path of practice laid down in the Vajrayana tradition, which is a form of the Mahayana path of practice. Mahayana includes many other traditional ways of practicing Buddhism, such as Zen and its Vietnamese form, Thiền. Shunryu Suzuki (Zen) and Thich Nhat Hanh (Thiền) were both great teachers, and they both made effort to bring Buddhism to non-Buddhist countries, communities, cultures, so their works are very easily processable for non-Buddhists. For Chinese Buddhism, you may find Orthodox Chinese Buddhism by Sheng Yen very informative. The other main path of practice is the Theravada tradition. I think you should check out Jack Kornfield's website. He is a clinical psychologist and was trained as a Buddhist monk by Ajahn Chah, who made a great effort to bring Theravada Buddhism to the West. Kornfield's book, The Wise Heart: A Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology is pointing out how Buddhist psychology can benefit everyone.
These are reliable sources for Buddhist teachings! :)
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nexturlsart · 3 days
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Currently this short fan comic is Vietnamese only due to my lack of English knowledge, but if you're interested, you can read it here!
Basically it's Aurelius goes back to the past to save Credence from the abuse.
It's truly a weird couple. Might be OOC. You can click back if you feel uncomfortable with it.
I'm just a beginner in this field, there are a lot of mistakes. I'll try my best to improve.
Also, sorry for the unique Aurelius wand pose 😭 I forgot it.
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squeakygeeky · 13 days
600 hours/1 year of Thai
It's just under a year actually and I hit my goal for the year. I've been learning Thai will the 'ALG method' which is all about immersion. I mostly use this channel and I also take 1-2hrs of listening webinars a week. I'm currently on intermediate content. The transition from beginner was okay, but my comprehension levels feel on the lower side and they don't feel like they're improving that noticeably. It could just be that I'm pretty bored of lessons at this point.
I recently tried re-watching Lovely Writer and then He's Coming to Me without subtitles. I'm not sure why, but Lovely Writer felt easier. Maybe because there aren't any voiceovers and the non-romance vocabulary was centered on writing and film, which I'm more familiar with than heart conditions and funerary practices. I guess Lovely Writer also stuck in my head more, even though I had only watched each series one time. There were only a few points where I wished I actually understood, because I couldn't remember exactly what had been said in the scene. With He's Coming to Me I was more lost. Also it had more traffic noise picked up with the dialogue. I do think I will continue re-watching shows for a lot of my input. Even if my comprehension isn't that high, I'm wayyyy more engaged so it's worth it. I do think watching a whole series without subtitles is a ways off and I'd be too confused to get drawn in at all. I do watch a Thai game show with talented kids called Super 10 sometimes and I recommend it to anyone at an intermediate or higher Thai level. It's pretty easy to understand.
I still do watch shows with subtitles and it's with that where I really feel the progress I'm making because sometimes I forget for a minute to put subtitles on until the dialogue gets past basic phrases. However I'm still not logging that as part of my learning hours so the 600 number is really 600+.
I think part of the struggle now is that I don't feel like I'm picking up a lot of new words. Instead I think I'm getting grammar and cadence and the different ways that words I recognized are actually used. The way people talked to each other in terms of pronouns and particles was something I was already interested in and had explicitly learned a bit about, but now it's really obvious and one of my favorite things to pay attention to. The way Gene and Sib talk to each other feels absolutely wild now.
I was going to work on learning the alphabet more, but right now all I can really do is sound something out to see if the word is what I think it is. I may start learning to read more seriously even though it's not recommended by the ALG method to start yet (for accent reasons, which don't really matter given my lack of anyone Thai to talk to lol). I am really curious how I would fare in conversation if I actually tried. I do think I could talk about more than fruit.
There's a part of me that wonders if I should actually just stop, or cut back a lot. I don't need to know Thai, and this was partly an experiment on myself, which I think I can call a success. Meanwhile I actually need and use Spanish and I haven't been making much progress there, and a part of me still wants to learn Vietnamese (or one of about 2-5 other languages depending on my mood). But also, I like Thai and in another year I think I could watch shows without subtitles comfortably, and at that level I could stop trying to learn at all and would probably still improve.
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 2 months
How many languages do you speak?
One fluently- English
Semi lit in Italian
Beginner ish in Japanese
And Auslan sign language but I can’t do that over the phone so
But I know random bits in Spanish and Korean as well as some Vietnamese:
feel free to send asks in those languages but I can’t promise the same language back as I don’t know all the words for stuff but if it’s something simple I can :D
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ambitious-zombie · 2 months
2024 Language Check-in
Today I was staring at my language bookshelf and realized I haven't intentionally studied anything in a long time! I mean, I study languages by myself for my own enrichment, not because I'm any good at them so... it happens. I want to organize this aimless meandering, but first a little recap of what I've studied and what I'd like to improve on.
Let's go 🥁
From highschool to now I still can't speak it 😔 I think that's because I struggle to connect with it tbh. I mean it's a practical choice for me and all, but I haven't found something that I'm addicted to that's in Spanish. I have found some books that might be interesting, so... there's that? So just reading books 📚
If you're reading this and know of some cool things in Spanish, then please let me know! Honestly, I'd love to study and immerse in Spanish more. I'll try anything once as long as it isn't too expensive
My beloved 😍 One day I will speak it with some sort of coherence! Until then I will babble at my favs online lol. Korean is simply a beautiful language and figuring out how it works is fascinating to me.
Goal-wise I'd like to work through the Ewha textbooks that I have and maybe review that one grammar book? I also have a good selection of novels, and other books to immerse in. I do have that bad habit of doing things above my level until I'm too overwhelmed and then not doing anything else for awhile, so... I want to work on that. Have a back up plan of webtoons or something. Definitely the language I am currently enjoying the most
I used to study German alongside Korean, but I ended up losing touch with it. I bought a Deutsch als Fremdsprache book awhile ago for review and gap filling, so I'd like to work through that and maybe read one of the children's books I have.
Czech, French, Portuguese, and Swedish are languages that I have dabbled in, but never got too far with. For sure I'd love to learn Czech someday. As well as Japanese, Thai, and so many more. In fact I just ordered some beginner textbooks for Japanese, which started this whole thing. Now that I'm thinking of it, I have textbooks for French, Thai, and Vietnamese as well as the others I previously mentioned. So many languages, so little time!
If you know or are interested in the languages I mentioned here then please reach out. I'd love to talk about languages and language learning with others! I might start making weekly updates or something, idk. I guess we'll all see what I end up doing
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evalanguages · 2 years
introducing myself
hello everyone! i came from langtwt so i’m new on langblr!! i guess i’ll also introduce myself on here 🐸 i’ve noticed posts are way longer here so i’ll sum everything up in the first paragraph but elaborate a little bit after that ☀️
— my name’s eva (she/her), i’m 22
— i’m from spain
— uni student
— i speak spanish, english and catalan 🇪🇸🇬🇧
— i’m learning french, mandarin, thai, korean and italian 🇫🇷🇨🇳🇹🇭🇰🇷🇮🇹
about me
as i said, my name’s eva and i’m a 22-year-old college student from spain :) i’m majoring in translation and interpreting so i study languages both as my degree/career and my hobby! i’ve started and stopped learning a lot of languages just for fun but i’m gonna stick with these five for a while!! that doesn’t mean i won’t put on pause/retake some of these languages depending on my situation, it just means i won’t take up new languages in the near future 🫡
note before starting: both my life and my career goals have been changing drastically lately, which means my language journey is about to change a lot too. however as i have yet to figure it out, i’m just gonna talk about how i’ve been studying languages for the last few months and update when i finally figure out my new language plan :)
having said that:
🌳 spanish— native language
🌳 english— advanced
🌳 catalan (valencià to be specific)— i used to be advanced but i stopped using it and now it’s pretty rusty 😭
now, on to the languages i’m learning
🌿 french— probably intermediate/rusty upper intermediate
🌿 chinese (mandarin)— my golden child. probably around hsk3/4 (i’d say upper beginner though) but i can’t tell exactly. working on that
🌱 thai— beginner
🌱 korean— very beginner
🌱 italian— beginner
there’s a lot of languages i’d love to learn in the future (japanese, tagalog, swahili, vietnamese among others) but i’ve decided to focus and play around with these five languages until i reach my goals in all of them before starting any others
other socials
— twitter
— instagram
i love chatting!! i’m always happy to meet new people but it does take me a while to see messages sometimes! corrections are welcome, my dms are open, if you need help with spanish let me know! and i think that’s all 🫂🤍
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
What centipede species do you recommend a beginner ?
if you’ve never kept arachnids or snakes before, I’d advise you to start with a different predatory terrarium pet first unless you really want a centipede or are interested in breeding them. centipedes are almost always wild caught, which is bad because centipede collection without breeding hurts wild populations and wild caught centipedes are likely to be parasitized, diseased, or injured and die even with expert care. (this is true of all animals)
Rhysida longipes was the first centipede I kept, and I think they’re pretty decent pets. about as burrow-heavy as centipedes get, so you don’t really see much of them, but nervous, thrashy, and very very fast when you do. good training for bigger meaner things. not a big issue conservation-wise, since they’re invasive in most places they exist.
I often hear Scolopendra polymorpha recommended as a beginner in the US, but I don’t much like this since they’re often wild caught and never captive bred. desert species & like R. longipes, a pet hole. Vietnamese S. dehaani are one of the most commonly sold exotics here. big, nasty, venom hurts like hell. not good for a beginner experience except for the price and fairly easy care. also pet dirt, but big pet dirt. adults almost always WC, and have a tendency to be in poor shape.
if you don’t live in the US, you might have access to species like S. morsitans or others that are also good beginners. generally speaking, smaller species that are easier to contain and won’t put you on the floor in agony for more than one day are good for the inexperienced.
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turtlesandfrogs · 5 months
Hello! I love reading your posts. I wonder if there are any food plants you can grow in a dorm room? Esp as a beginner. Like even herbs or something. Everything I grow dies 😥 I read that coriander is sturdy and even that died lol.
You can definitely grow some herbs- if you have enough light, and people tend to under estimate how much light these plants need to be healthy. Consider that they're getting several hours of direct sunlight outside during the summer, and then consider that they're indoors during the winter, when even outdoor light is far less intense. (of course this all depends on climate) A south facing window *might* be enough, but some kind of LED or compact florescent light is often a good idea. Look for a color temperature of 5000k or higher, but they don't have to be the super expensive ones. I would recommend starting with something that you can propagate after eating most of it, because people often find starting from seed intimidating or difficult. I really do think green onions are a great place to start, just cut off the root end with between half an inch and an inch of the base, put in soil, give as much light as possible, and keep evenly moist. Basil, Perilla, and Vietnamese coriander are also great- if you've got enough warmth and light for them. Try coriander from seed again once you've gotten some practice at keeping the others alive.
Hope that helps!
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king-hunty · 10 months
Resource Recommendation!!
For any of my readers that are, well, readers (lol) have I got the app/website for you!
The app is called Langi, found at langi.app, and is like a Du Chinese or Chairman's Bao for Vietnamese (specifically the southern accent). Hopefully, some of my fellow polyglots know or are familiar with those apps, but for those who aren't, that's okay. They're apps that work as graded readers, categorized accordingly based on vocab and grammar difficulty. That's what Langi does, and it currently goes to B2 Vietnamese, which is considered upper-intermediate.
The pros and cons:
aesthetic & modern UI
multiple learning methods incorporated together (reading, listening, SRS flashcards, sentence forming, and dictation tests)
interesting stories (even for low beginners)
in the southern accent!!!
still in fairly early development (bugs expected)
SRS system still needs work (could use a habit tracker + notif system)
the listening practice is done by AI, so you don't always get the most authentic experience :/ but great for beginners.
Final Verdict:
It's a great resource, especially for a language and dialect that is quite lacking in material. I can't wait to see how it grows!
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starsbegantofall · 2 months
One of my 2024 goals is to get back into learning languages, but my last few attempts had always failed because I genuinely, no joke, need to be attending real life class like university to remember anything successfully and even then, if you don't use it, you lose it... Obviously I don't have the discipline to self-study due to the adhd, and also I feel like I grasp information better via osmosis in the live physical presence of someone who knows the material more than I do lol. My mind would wander in virtual or distance learning classes.
Years ago I paid for a Rosetta Stone account which is a one time purchase that gives you access to dozens of languages, a far superior bargain to any other language learning program. But I don't feel the Rosetta Stone style helps me that much, although it's probably not worse than the average free or subscription app. Currently I'm learning Vietnamese, the only language my parents use to speak to me and my brother. Of course the beginner lessons I'm zipping through because I know all that stuff as a child, the only difference is that the speakers have different pronunciation and a handful of different vocabulary words than my mom who left Vietnam 40 years ago.
Yet if you asked me something basic in Vietnamese right now, I'd be like... I remember nothing. Khong biet!
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hopeswriting · 1 year
Fic Writer Interview
[Plain text: “Fic Writer Interview” in big text. /End PT]
i saw this tag game on my dash and thought it’d be fun to do, so here we go!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
[Plain text: “1. How many works do you have on AO3?“ in bold. /End PT]
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
[Plain text: “2. What’s your total AO3 word count?“ in bold. /End PT]
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
[Plain text: “3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?“ in bold. /End PT]
1. Whose Murderous Toddlers are These?? (822 kudos - khr)
2. i love you (you never say it back, but that's not the point) (698 kudos - khr)
3. Take your Hands off our Cloud (662 kudos - khr)
4. Local Immortal Meal Near You (531 kudos - khr)
5. this can't be happening (it is) (520 kudos - khr)
(i have always been and still am surprised of how well Take your Hands off our Cloud and Local Immortal Meal Near You do. i mean, top 5?? damn, thanks so much guys. 🙏🏽💖)
(Whose Murderous Toddlers are These?? also tbh, but in a different way where i can see exactly why it does so well at the same time.)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
[Plain text: “4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?“ in bold. /End PT]
yeah i do, always and to all of them!! i’m always super grateful for them and to people taking the time to leave me one, so i feel like the least i can do to show that gratefulness is taking the time myself to acknowledge them by answering them!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
[Plain text: “5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?“ in bold. /End PT]
When does a Saint Become a Monster? hands down. and tho the fic was always gonna be angsty, it wasn’t planned at all to make it that angsty, but then that’s just where the fic ended up taking me haha. anyway, i still am and will forever be incredibly proud of this tragedy in three acts.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
[Plain text: “6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?“ in bold. /End PT]
it’s gotta be this can't be happening (it is), i think. like generally speaking all my fluff stories have happy endings, and i wrote many of those, but i think tcbh just really takes the cake by being the superior good arco timeline/skull being showered in love fic i’ve written so far.
7. Do you write crossovers?
[Plain text: “7. Do you write crossovers?“ in bold. /End PT]
i do! i wrote two of them so far, a khr x tua one and a khr x hp one. i’d also like to try my hands at a khr x atla crossover one of these days, but i don’t think crossovers will ever become something i’ll do on a regular basis at all.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
[Plain text: “8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?“ in bold. /End PT]
thankfully no, i haven’t.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
[Plain text: “9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?“ in bold. /End PT]
just the once, yeah! as such i have no idea what kind it was because i’m a complete beginner at them lol. but idk, i guess it was the average kind? the kind with average smuttiness in it. the vanilla kind, maybe? anyway, you get it lol.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
[Plain text: “10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?“ in bold. /End PT]
not that i’m aware of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
[Plain text: “11. Have you ever had a fic translated?“ in bold. /End PT]
yeah, twice!! Please, be (one of) my fake partner has been translated both in Vietnamese and Spanish!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
[Plain text: “12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?“ in bold. /End PT]
nope, tho i think it’d be a real fun thing to do. and if one day i ever feel comfortable enough and ready to try it, i’d love to!
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
[Plain text: “13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?“ in bold. /End PT]
hmm, i don’t think i have one? i kind of, well, not exactly move on from them because they’ll always pull at my heartstrings and i’ll always hold them close to my heart, but i shipped different ships at different times of my life i could have called my all-time favorite ships (did that just make sense lol?). so right now i’d say colonnello/skull (khr) is my all-time favorite ship!
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
[Plain text: “14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?“ in bold. /End PT]
honestly, none of them. like genuinely, both the wips i already published and the ones i have yet to alike, i fully intend to finish them eventually and really don’t feel at all like i’ll never succeed in doing so. now some of them will take time to finish, for sure, will take years and maybe even decades to finish, but as of now i’m confident i’ll be able to finish all of them anyway!
15. What are your writing strengths?
[Plain text: “15. What are your writing strengths?“ in bold. /End PT]
characterization, i think! i like to write the characters the same way they were written and that made me fall in love with them as much as possible, and i seem to be quite successful at it haha. or at least, so far no one thought i failed badly at it enough to let me know about it.
i’m really good at showing feelings/emotions too, at really diving into them and into how it affects the characters and why and how they came to feel that way to begin with. it’s also one of my absolute favorite thing to do when it comes to writing, so i guess it’s fortunate i happen to be good at it too lol.
on that note i think i’m not too bad at writing and portraying dynamics between the characters either. so basically i guess i feel quite confident with things that come to characters? i’m definitely a character-driven stories type of writer for sure!
oh wait, humor also! and it never fails to surprise and delight me whenever i’m told it hit the mark because i’d definitely wouldn’t call myself a funny person. outside writing, that is, apparently, and maybe i’m a little proud of it haha.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
[Plain text: “16. What are your writing weaknesses?“ in bold. /End PT]
description was the first thing that came to mind lol. and, well, as much as i don’t think i necessarily fail at them, they’re for sure nothing worth talking about, that’s for sure lol.
dialogues too, tho i came a long way from being reluctant to write them and from not being confident i managed to write them well. as of now i’m actually comfortable writing them and even like writing them, but they still sometimes make me pause and wrestle with them lol, and i know i have a long way to go still when it comes to them.
pacing is also probably one of my writing weaknesses. or i guess more like transitions? but either way sometimes i’m very aware the pacing/transitions of my stories are wonky, and yet i can’t manage to make them any better lol.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
[Plain text: “17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?“ in bold. /End PT]
i don’t mind at all. personally i think it’s a nice touch to immerse you more in the story and put you more in the shoes of the characters.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
[Plain text: “18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?“ in bold. /End PT]
i can’t say for sure, but either naruto or bleach! i’m pretty sure it’s naruto tho, and then i switched to naruto x bleach crossover fics. i wrote fics with an oc-si as the main protagonist, who was heavily based on ryuzaki sakuno (pot) before evolving into a proper oc, so i guess technically pot is also among the first fandoms i wrote for lol.
(i still have and hold that oc close to my heart btw! she’s just for my daydreams before i fall asleep tho, so i strongly doubt i’ll ever publish anything about her. she feels way too personal for that haha.)
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
[Plain text: “19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?“ in bold. /End PT]
i have this one fic for saiki kusuo no psi nan i plan to write eventually, and i even have some vague outline for it, but i can’t think of anything else otherwise.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
[Plain text: “20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?“ in bold. /End PT]
ahhh, this is such a hard question! i think... hand in hand (blood in between), maybe. i reread it so many times after i first published it, and i was honestly a little obsessed with it at the time haha (still am actually tbh).
Love is... did quite badly, but it’s also among the fics i couldn’t help but reread a lot after i first published it and was a little obsessed with (also still am tbh lol). i really love it a lot and i’m super proud of it, and tho i think it’s the second pov that puts people off from giving it a try, i’d really say it’s that same second pov that really makes the story.
most recently i wrote let someone else stay (oh, please, let him leave too, let him leave too) and, you guessed it, i also reread it a bunch of time after i first published it and was a little obsessed with it haha. love this one a lot too!
tagging all my writer friends: @chierry @mortysanchez @masterdisastre @echtach-messy-place @cloudspark @loneliestmuffin @ravensilversea @sorugao-bandgeek @rupko @byakuwan @juudaimes-true-form and anyone else who wants to (yes even you, and yes tag me so i can read your answers!)! but no pressure to do it of course!
list of the questions under the cut!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
7. Do you write crossovers?
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
15. What are your writing strengths?
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
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the-jellydex · 10 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
// Hooh, this was sent to me almost a month ago ;w;! Thanks for asking and,,, so sorry, for being late. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to respond now ;w; 👉👈
Cassiopea sp. (Seriously, the more you find out about these guys, the crazier they get. Trust me on this)
Holding hands with moon jellyfish ^-^! It's so fun. I suggest anyone who has the fortune of visiting a jellyfish touch tank to try this.
Lisa-Ann Gershwin. Whenever she talks about jellyfish, you know it's gonna be something good (Also, she recently published a new book this year ^-^! I'm going crazy, I want to read it so bad... It's incredibly jellyfish-beginner friendly BUT I STILL WANT TO READ ITTTT)
Goi Sua (Vietnamese Jellyfish Salad). Really, you can't beat jellyfish, pickled veggies, and fish sauce :>.
Jellyfish gifs ^-^! I think they're sort of underrated, tbh. If you think about it: different species actually swim in vastly different ways. We should really appreciate the different adaptations that allow jellies to move the way they do :>
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aro-langblr · 2 years
put a language in my inbox and I’ll tell you what I like about it
lovely. I like that I'm able to recognize spoken and written vietnamese due to the time I spent studying it, and the grammar is decently straightforward (at least at beginner levels). another thing I like about it is that dialects differ vastly, and much understanding can get lost between two speakers of vietnamese with different dialects... I think of vietnamese very fondly
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