#version without text on insta
co5oo · 1 year
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close your eyes, keep your mouth shut in this, our world!!
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tachyon-omlette · 5 months
so I hit 100 followers recently - which may not be much, but it's enough for me to feel like people like my stuff <3 <3 love all of y'all
so to celebrate I'm hosting a dtiys
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(version without overlaid text will be under the cut w extra closeups)
> you know the drill: draw this in your style. tfa Eda ref is here & Tachyon ref is here but you can do any iteration, not just tfa (Eda's refs r in his tag... if you look). you can change up the pose or the perspective or whatever you want as long as Eda & Tachyon r both there
> post ur entry to trunglr (here) or insta & tag me when you do (insta is tachyon0mlette), I'll be reblogging & filing all of these under #tachyon100dtiys (put your post under this tag if you post on insta). still counts as one entry even if you post it in more than one place
> goes without saying but don't trace or use ai for the love of god
last day/deadline will be March 10th - ik starting this at the start/restart of school sux so I might extend the deadline later but I'll leave it at 2months for rn
> 1st place: colored/shaded halfbody
> 2nd place: lined halfbody
> 3rd place: silly doodle of your choice
have fun & don't stress
full image & closeups:
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~5ft tall tricycle minicon vs ~700ft tall heir of destruction
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hufflepuffxmrdrs · 9 months
Modern Marauders Headcanons (boys version)
needs glasses for reading (won't admit it tho)
phone in dark mode
extremely interested in politics
never goes anywhere without his phone
goes to climate demos with Lily
gives online study sessions
the type to text HAHAHAHA when sitting there like •_•
wears contact lenses for important occasions
phone in light mode
always wears a watch
spams the groupchat with Sirius and Marlene
refuses to get tiktok but watches insta reels
secretly loves disney movies
makes playlists for Lily
collects patterned socks and wears them unirconically
phone in dark mode
lives at concerts/festivals (always drags the others along)
phone is always at 1%
no license, drives anyway
listens to artic monkeys
loves playing lasertag
communicates in memes
can't resist challenging Regulus in Mario kart even though he always loses
is tiktok famous for always trying the newest food trends
never let's his phone battery drop under 20%
phone in light mode
always forgets where he put it tho
volunteers at the the local animal shelter
spends too much time on powerpoints
uses duolingo to learn the most random language
wins online chess against the ai
makes Alice watch cute romance movies with him
let's his hair air dry after a shower
loves texting this face every chance he gets :D
was the first to have a driver's license out of the friendgroup and involuntarily became a personal chauffeur
phone in light mode
secretly a swiftie
prefers to walk most places if they're close enough
always carries sunscreen around
phone in dark mode
probably joint a cult at some time because he got asked on the street and couldn't say no
has a locked folder in his notes app that is actually a journal, no one knows about it
drinks energy drinks like water
actually really tidy handwriting (uses goodnotes for studying)
writes poetry and posts it on tumblr
plays electric guitar
has his own cinema room in his parents basement (they watch movies together there a lot)
is in therapy for anger issues
listens to punk
phone in dark mode
competes in undergound boxing as a hobby
junk food addict
calls everyone "bro" no matter who he's talking to
tatoo artist
has to wear braces
is a natural dark-blonde but bleaches his hair to make it even lighter
the only one to know about Regs Journal
only uses over ear headphones because the others hurt his ears
creates digital art on his ipad and carries it around everywhere
phone in light mode
is secretly into skincare
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aaqlah · 1 year
Not so Berry 3.0 | Exotic Fruits Version
By: insta/twitter: @bellafranli | Twitch: aaqlah
The Not so Berry 3.0 challenge is based on the original Not so Berry challenge created by @lilsimsie. This challenge features exotic fruits as the names of its generations. It is important to note that NSB 3.0 does not follow all the colors of versions 1.0 and 2.0, nor their stories, and includes a bonus generation, meaning that there will be 11 generations in the legacy for this challenge.
This updated challenge for 2023 aims to cover a different gameplay from previous challenges, using more expansions and game packs for an even more enjoyable legacy. However, this does not mean that it cannot be played by those who do not have the expansion or game packs for the generation, it can be adapted during any generation for the packs you own in the coolest way for you and that fits best in the presented story.
During the challenge, you will notice that we will use items from the new update (Feb/2023), including legacies with hearing-impaired and trans individuals. The intention is not to interfere with gameplay but to create a more inclusive NSB challenge where everyone can feel seen. Therefore, we will follow the same basic rules already known by the simmer community, updated for 2023.
I would like to thank @Quel and the quelmunity for supporting me in creating a fun challenge for all of us. Special thanks to Endymnx who organized this tumblr for me. You guys are the most incredible people in the world who welcomed me when I needed it most. Thank you!
I would also like to add that this challenge was originally created in portuguese because I am brazilian. So big thanks to Claramrlx for helping translate this gigantic text to english haha 😂
Not so Berry 3.0 | Exotic Fruits Version
Basic Rules:
Each heir represents the color of the generation (hair, clothing, makeup…), but it is not necessary to apply this to skin color. This is totally optional, but it is a big part of the fun.
The colors of the spouses are not important. Unless otherwise stated, you can do whatever you want with them.
Money cheats can be used, but not excessively. Suggestion: use freerealestate to buy your first house, then continue the game without cheats.
You can live in any world, unless there is a rule about it in a certain generation.
All generations must complete career and aspiration goals, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Keep the normal lifespan.
Infant and toddler traits can be freely chosen by the player.
Child and teen aspirations can be freely chosen by the player, unless specified in the generation.
All heirs must be firstborns, unless explicitly specified in the generation.
Have fun <3
Generation 1: White Strawberry | Color: White
Requires: StrangerVille Game Pack
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You have always been extremely curious and had a investigative soul. But above all, helping other sims constantly motivated your heart. And so, when you heard about a mysterious town with sims acting strange, you knew that was your place. Moving to StrangerVille was definitely the best decision of your life. That was your destiny and you would fulfill it.
Traits: Genius, Good, Paranoid Aspiration: StrangerVille Mystery | Location Career: Secret Agent | Branch: Diamond Agent
Complete the StrangerVille Mystery aspiration;
Complete the Logic and Programming skills;
Reach at least level 6 of the Charisma skill;
Be good friends with 4 infected sims in StrangerVille;
Marry a sim that you saved from contamination;
Live your entire life in StrangerVille.
Generation 2: Kiwi | Color: Green
Requires:Get Famous Expansion Pack
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Growing up with a well-known relative can be tough, especially when that relative is your mother… Despite the constant exposure, you always felt proud to be the daughter of the hero of StrangeVille. It's understandable that other Sims are grateful to someone who saved an entire town from devastation. But growing up with the weight of having to do something even bigger was not easy. Your dream is to one day become even more famous and break the stigmas imposed by society for being hearing-impaired.
Traits: Ambitious, Self-absorbed, Extroverted Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity | Popularity Career: Any career, as long as you meet the requirement of being a 5-star celebrity at the end. Example of careers that give you fame: Painting, Writing, Entertainment, Music, Acting…
Complete the World-Famous Celebrity aspiration;
Complete the chosen career;
Complete the Charisma skill, as well as the skill connected to the chosen profession, which can be: Painting, Writing, Comedy, Acting or any instrument…
Win an award in your career;
Buy your dream home as an adult;
Have a single daughter from a tumultuous relationship.
Generation 3: Yellow Watermelon | Color: Yellow
Requires: Cats & Dogs expansion pack and Cottage Living expansion pack (The latter only due to the Animal Lover trait, which can easily be replaced with Cat or Dog Lover).
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You had the best education your parents could afford, with everything top-notch. However, you grew up in a complicated and uncommunicative family. Therefore, your dream was a simpler life away from the spotlight and the chaos of being a celebrity. Just thinking about famous sims made your stomach churn, in fact, just thinking about any sim made you nervous… But, there was one exception: your beloved grandma, who is your rock and best friend. Not being popular was never a problem because you always preferred animals anyway. The affection of kittens and puppies was always the purest and all you needed to have.
Traits: Animal Lover, Loner, Loyal Aspiration: Friend of the Animals | Animal Career: Veterinarian
Be best friends with your grandma;
Buy a veterinary clinic;
Complete the Friend of the Animals aspiration;
Complete the Veterinarian career;
Complete the Veterinary and Animal Training skills;
Always have at least two animals in your household throughout your life;
Have your first child only at the end of your young adult phase or only in the adult phase, the choice is yours. Your daughter should be a science baby.
Generation 4: Lychee | Color: Red
Requires: City Living Expansion Pack and High School Expansion Pack (If you don't have it, complete any other aspiration during your teenage years that is not the same as your adult phase).
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Your mother is your main reference of an independent sim, she raised you very well on her own, in the best way she could. But being alone was never your thing, you grew up wanting to explore the world. Every moment, the desire to visit new places in different cities, to meet new sims and maybe flirt... a lot. You wanted that very much too, because hook up with only one sim is not your style.
Traits: Romantic, Noncommittal, Lazy Aspiration: Teen: Drama Queen Adult: Serial Romantic | Love Note: If you finish the teenage aspiration early, you can start the adult aspiration in this phase. Career: Critic | Branch: Chosen by you
Complete both teenage and adult aspirations;
Have at least 10 romantic relationships in your life;
Get married and divorced twice with different sims (you can take money from your spouses if you wish);
Have 3 children from different relationships (Note: we'll do it differently here, among the 3 children, you can choose who will inherit your legacy. It can be your firstborn or your favorite child… let's agree that every mother/father has one 😂).
Reach at least level 5 in the Critic career. As our generation is lazy, you don't have to complete the career if you don't want to.
Die as an elderly sim while woohooing.
Generation 5: Physalis | Color: Orange
Requires: Snowy Escape Expansion Pack and My First Pet Stuff Pack
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Your family was large and chaotic, but despite the differences in preferences and dislikes, you all manage to get along very well. This makes these relationships quite miraculous. Unlike your siblings, your life was all about adventure and the unexpected. The butterflies in your stomach that you felt during these adventures were the best feeling in the world for you and all you wanted was to be an athlete. Despite always putting your career first, you love your children and strive to be a good mother, even though you know you weren't born for it.
Traits: Active, Adventurous, Foodie Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast | Athletic Career: Athlete
Complete the Extreme Sports Enthusiast aspiration;
Reach at least level 7 in the Athlete career;
Complete the Gymnastics and Climbing skills;
Choose between Skiing or Snowboarding to complete;
Find your soulmate during one of your adventures;
Your romantic partner must have the Active or Adventurous trait like you;
Only have twin children: 1 girl and 1 boy (you can use cheats and/or lot traits for this);
Have a hamster as a family pet.
Generation 6: Grapefruit | Color: Peach
Requires: Base Game
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Your mother put her career first, and you grew up feeling neglected. You felt the effort, yet she couldn't meet your expectations, much less your feelings. You carried the hurt in your heart, especially because you always suspected that she loved your brother more than you. And your brother…ugh, you can't even think about him because you hate him so much. Your only weakness is your father and the family hamster. Otherwise, the world is your playground.
Traits: Self-Assured, Evil, Perfectionist Aspiration: Public Enemy | Deviance Career: Criminal | Branch: Chosen by you
Complete the Public Enemy aspiration;
Complete the Criminal career;
Complete the Mischief skill + if you choose the Boss branch, also complete the Mechanic skill. If you choose the Oracle branch, complete the Programming skill instead;
You have to hate your brother, be known by your mother, and be a good friend to your father;
Have a daughter with a fellow criminal;
As an adult, seek forgiveness from your brother and mother. Become good friends with both.
Generation 7: Dragon Fruit | Color: Pink
Requires: City Living expansion pack and Spa Day game pack
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You grew up surrounded by crime. Both of your parents were top-notch criminals and you witnessed everything up close as a child and teenager. Despite all the bad things they did, you knew you were protected by them. You struggled with yourself, but loved them with all your heart and hated yourself for it. It was a true internal conflict, after all, you don't choose your parents. But one thing you can choose: your actions. That's why you were going to make up for all the bad things they did and give twice as much good to the world. You would show everyone that a criminal's daughter could do good and change her own destiny.
Traits: Cheerful, Outgoing, Goofball Aspiration: Zen Master | Wellness Career: Politics | Branch: Charity Organizer
Leave home during adolescence and take no money from your parents;
You will start life with 24,000 simoleons given by your grandmother (you can use cheats for this);
Find your soulmate as a teenager;
Complete the Zen Master aspiration;
Complete the political career in the indicated branch;
Complete the wellness and charisma skills;
Random number of children: Using any random number generator, ask for the number of children you should have. The numbers must be from 1 to 5;
The heir to the legacy will be a trans woman.
Generation 8: Figo | Color: Lilac
Requires: Life in the Countryside Expansion and University Life Expansion
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Your mother is the best sim in the world to you. How can someone be a well of kindness, philanthropy, and altruism? Well… You don't know the answer, nor the story behind it because your mother never told you, but you know she is much more than just an inspiration, she is a way of life. That's why you chose to follow in her footsteps, but listening to your own heart since your dream was to be an educator and lead a simple and happy life alongside the sims you love.
Traits: Lactose Intolerant, Bookworm, Childish Aspiration: Country Caretaker | Nature Career: Educator | Branch: Your choice
Complete the Country Caretaker aspiration;
Complete the Educator career;
Complete the Research and Debate skill + If you choose the administrator branch, complete Charisma. If you choose the teacher branch, complete Logic;
Marry your soulmate, who must have the Family trait and already have children;
Have two children, one of them must be adopted. Add your spouse's children to the family.
Generation 9: Blueberry | Color: Blue
Requires: Get to Work Expansion Pack, University Life Expansion Pack, and High School Life Expansion Pack (this last one due to the "Overachiever" trait, which can be replaced for any other trait if you dont have this expansion pack).
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Your mother was a great educator and you grew up inspired by the desire to learn. Going to college became a dream, and it was there that you discovered you wanted to be a detective. But not just any detective, you want to reach the top. As no one is perfect, you have a secret: you are a collector of objects. You can't see something new and beautiful without wanting to buy it, can you? Luckily, you will work hard to buy everything you want, just never let anyone into your basement.
Traits: Materialistic, Neat, Overachiever Aspiration: Academic | Knowledge Career: Detective
Go to college and study psychology;
Complete the Academic aspiration during your time in university;
After completing the Academic aspiration, you may choose another aspiration to complete throughout the generation, if you wish;
Complete the Research and Debate skill;
Complete the Detective career;
Live on a lot worth 90,000 simoleons during adulthood, due to the materialistic trait;
Have a basement full of knick-knacks, due to the same trait.
Generation 10: Cassis | Color: Black
Requires: City Living Expansion Pack, Get Together Expansion Pack, and High School Expansion Pack
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To say that you're popular is an understatement considering how well-liked you are. You are loved, admired, and everyone wants to be your friend. It's almost as if you exude a hypnotic aura. As a result, you have every sim in the palm of your hand, and you like it that way. If anyone ever dislikes you, it will sound like an insult, and you will do everything to resolve the situation and get all the appreciation you deserve.
Traits: Outgoing, Creative, Hates Children Aspiration: Teen: Admirable Icon
Adult: Friend of the World | Popularity Career: Social Media | Branch: Public Relations Rules:
Complete the Friend of the World aspiration;
Complete the Social Media career in the indicated branch;
Complete the Charisma and Writing skills;
Have a summer fling - Fall in love with a supernatural sim: werewolf, vampire, alien, spellcaster, or mermaid.
Have a child by accident as a young adult with your supernatural summer fling;
Do not marry the father of your child.
Generation 11: Guaraná | Two-toned hair + Heterochromia
Requires: Parenthood Game Pack, Dream Home Decorator Stuff Pack
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You're a mixture of the mundane and the supernatural. You're not sure who you are, nor even what you like. Nothing you do seems to work out, and indecision is a constant in your life. Additionally, you and your father don't see eye to eye and have a difficult relationship.
Traits: Clumsy, Geek, Erratic Aspiration: Super Parent | Family Career: Interior Decorator
Complete the Super Parent aspiration;
Complete the Interior Decorator career;
Complete the Parenting, Handiness, and Charisma skills;
Have a love triangle: Fall in love with your best friend and a sim with gray hair;
Have a child with one of them;
Not know who the father of your child is until they become a toddler;
Live in 3 different worlds.
Ps: If you find any translation errors, please contact me via twitter or twitch so I can fix it. Thank yoooou <3
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redundant2 · 1 year
Thursday must be tea day
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From SecondhandCoke on Reddit who allegedly has a relative who is connected to Netflix:
"Okay I have some tea. This is all gossip, but it makes other rumors make sense, AND it feeds into something that everyone is pretty sure is Meghan is trying to make happen.
So allegedly, Meghan is not invited and will not be attending the coronation. I still hear mixed reports about Harry.
Remember the reconciliation meetings with the Royal Family that were rumored? That was Sussex Spin on the fact that PaPaChuck3 has called for an audience with Harry. It's NOT, though, as they'd like us to think, some kind of reconciliation and apology. Meghan is not invited. If she comes she will not be given audience. The children will always be given audience, but she will never be given the honor of another personal audience with the King ever again in her life.
Anyway, Chuck summoned Harry to talk about whether or not Harry would have a role in the coronation and the fact that obviously his ceremonial role to swear fealty to the crown has been undermined by the book, the Netflix show, the book tour interviews, et al. I heard from my source in LA (because Meghan is a fucking sieve and keeps nothing private), that the King has said that the Royal Family will not be apologizing for anything, not now, not ever, and certainly not publicly. On the contrary Harry would have to publicly apologize and recant the litany of irrefutable lies to play the small ducal role played by the peerage in the coronation ceremony....
Now here's the thing: my source texted this to me today....
Source: Check IMDB about the coronation. Then check MM unforgiven.
Me: What in the fuck is this?
........Here is the condensed version of what the fuck a lot of people think this is. Again this is rumor, but it's compelling rumor:
Charles has refused to apologize for anything. On the contrary he has demanded that Harry publicly recant and apologize. He isn't even asking for Meghan to because she won't and even if she did, she'd never have access to the family again anyway.
This is the provocation for Meghan's latest tell-all "Unforgiven." It's a documentary short telling "Meghan's story..." again... probably a new one. To my knowledge, a network hasn't picked it up yet.
On the actual Coronation IMDB, only Archie and Lily are listed. This makes me wonder three things:
Are Merchie and Lilibucks on there just because Meghan added them herself? Seems like the palace would keep their IMBD locked down so Boaty McBoatface doesn't end up on there (and Boaty SHOULD be on there.) Sinners who've been watching IMDB, have the Marklets always been listed? Have Ginge and Cringe ever been listed and taken down? Anyway maybe the Sussexlets have been added without any proper permission.
Why is Prince Harry neither on the Coronation nor Unforgiven? Is he on the verge on apology to his family? Is that why his children are listed on IMDB but not him. He hasn't decided?
Unforgiven is said to be coming out on January 23 (or in January of 2023). That's fast. Is that what she's been doing? No network looks poised to air it. What's she going to do, upload it to Insta or YouTube? Will it tell new lies about palace racism, like that Meghan was forced to dress as a maid? MOST importantly, why is this coming out so fast? Is it because Harry is going to apologize and she wants to get out on front, say he is being coerced and that the mistreatment has made his abuse and addiction issues "almost unsurvivable" and so she is announcing their DIVORCE? Is it coming out so fast because she wants to drop a load of mud about the palace because they are getting ready to drop their dossier on her?
I don't know, but I know this: narcissists are like toddlers and when toddlers are quiet, they are getting ready to create a huge mess. Meghan's a narc who's been too quiet for too long. What kind of mess can we next expect?"
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houseofbrat · 1 year
https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/ comments/10gf8ma/could_this_all_be_preemptive/ j52q7fj/
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More importantly, this is some of the gossip roaming around Hollywood:
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Okay I have some tea.  This is all gossip, but it makes other rumors make sense, AND it feeds into something that everyone is pretty sure is Meghan is trying to make happen.
So allegedly, Meghan is not invited and will not be attending the coronation. I still hear mixed reports about Harry.
Remember the reconciliation meetings with the Royal Family that were rumored? That was Sussex Spin on the fact that PaPaChuck3 has called for an audience with Harry. It's NOT, though, as they'd like us to think, some kind of reconciliation and apology. Meghan is not invited. If she comes she will not be given audience. The children will always be given audience, but she will never be given the honor of another personal audience with the King ever again in her life.
Anyway, Chuck summoned Harry to talk about whether or not Harry would have a role in the coronation and the fact that obviously his ceremonial role to swear fealty to the crown has been undermined by the book, the Netflix show, the book tour interviews, et al.  I heard from my source in LA (because Meghan is a fucking sieve and keeps nothing private), that the King has said that the Royal Family will not be apologizing for anything, not now, not ever, and certainly not publicly. On the contrary Harry would have to publicly apologize and recant the litany of irrefutable lies to play the small ducal role played by the peerage in the coronation ceremony....
Now here's the thing: my source texted this to me today....
Source: Check IMDB about the coronation. Then check MM unforgiven.
Me:  What in the fuck is this?
........Here is the condensed version of what the fuck a lot of people think this is. Again this is rumor, but it's compelling rumor:
Charles has refused to apologize for anything. On the contrary he has demanded that Harry publicly recant and apologize. He isn't even asking for Meghan to because she won't and even if she did, she'd never have access to the family again anyway.
This is the provocation for Meghan's latest tell-all "Unforgiven." It's a documentary short telling "Meghan's story..." again... probably a new one. To my knowledge, a network hasn't picked it up yet.
On the actual Coronation IMDB, only Archie and Lily are listed. This makes me wonder three things:
Are Merchie and Lilibucks on there just because Meghan added them herself? Seems like the palace would keep their IMBD locked down so Boaty McBoatface doesn't end up on there (and Boaty SHOULD be on there.) Sinners who've been watching IMDB, have the Marklets always been listed? Have Ginge and Cringe ever been listed and taken down? Anyway maybe the Sussexlets have been added without any proper permission.
Why is Prince Harry neither on the Coronation nor Unforgiven? Is he on the verge on apology to his family? Is that why his children are listed on IMDB but not him.  He hasn't decided?
Unforgiven is said to be coming out on January 23 (or in January of 2023).  That's fast. Is that what she's been doing? No network looks poised to air it. What's she going to do, upload it to Insta or YouTube? Will it tell new lies about palace racism, like that Meghan was forced to dress as a maid? MOST importantly, why is this coming out so fast? Is it because Harry is going to apologize and she wants to get out on front, say he is being coerced and that the mistreatment has made his abuse and addiction issues "almost unsurvivable" and so she is announcing their DIVORCE?  Is it coming out so fast because she wants to drop a load of mud about the palace because they are getting ready to drop their dossier on her?
I don't know, but I know this: narcissists are like toddlers and when toddlers are quiet, they are getting ready to create a huge mess. Meghan's a narc who's been too quiet for too long. What kind of mess can we next expect?
Gee, perhaps Meghan IS getting ready to announce she’s divorcing Harry. 
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Noceda House Layout Huh?
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Guess I'll have to do it myself.
Well- My sister @bluefireblaze (she's not active on tumblr go to Insta to check out her awesome art) helped a lot with this
This is gonna be a long post, but in the very beginning I'll show the concluded House Plan's. I'll go in depth about areas me and my sis are still confused about and why some areas we decided are certain ways.
I hope this helps at least SOME fanfiction writers and/or fanartists. Rip to me and other's that wrote the layout differently in their head (presumably if this layout is correct)
I'll also be providing a ton of screenshots so, reference.
If you have anything to add I'm welcome to discussion! Obviously I'm not the creator nor ever worked on the owl house so take everything here with at least a little grain of salt. But I am about 90% confident I got at least the majority of the house correct.
Link to part 2, it's also reblogged, 2nd floor and basement.
Blue = Windows
Black = Usually the doors, Bathroom has a sliding door and is brown along the wall for that reason.
Orange (or any varation) = Defining walls
Shaded Brown = Going upstairs or down stairs that wouldn't remain on the same level
Red = Rough idea of furniture, Photos
Outside of the house= different greens and designs for a big tree at the side and bushes around the house
Question Marks = Unclear about specifics of that area from the screenshots I've found Edit: ...forgot to upload the version with the question marks... Oh well.
A lot of these areas have more guess than straight fact about wall placement btw
Think that's it
2nd Floor
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Main Floor
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Without text & furniture:
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(also, yes I did just realize that Camila's bed has furniture at both sides shh I know I'm just not gonna go back and edit)
Ready for some explanations and reference in one place? Heck yeah.
If you only came for the floor plan then you don't really need to see the rest unless you want explanation.
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Note: The window at the back I'm chalking up to error in placement since the kitchen doesn't have any windows on that side and that window better fits in the living room. The chimney is somewhat awkwardly placed but not too much
Another Note: The way the door opens changed last time it was seen in season 1 so I'm gonna chose to believe they got a new door, in universe.
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Kitchen toward the back and a door at the back. Notice: the wall for the door doesn't align with the kitchen's back wall. This makes me think the door isn't just to the outside and leads into a small hallway, likely to the basement
Bathroom isn't in view for three of these
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Note: The latter screenshot proves that the living room is at the front of the house
Living room:
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I at first thought there was a break in the north wall that led to the kitchen but upon further inspection it is probably just a regular wall that juts out.
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Keep in mind the door behind Willow, Amity, and Luz, Off to the side. It's the area I understand the least.
Me and Blue are guessing it leads to a pantry like area? Maybe has some stuff to do with the chimney. But that is what some of the question marks are about on the floor plan.
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Note: Sliding door. Right across the hallway.
Only thirty images allowed per post on tumblr so I'll reblog for the Second floor and Basement after this. This includes the door at the end of the hallway that I could only conclude led to stairs descending into the Basement
Here's the Link to that post
Only gets less clear from here.
Btw I got a handful of these screenshots from fancaps.net since those episodes aren't available like season 3 is. At least, not in a way that is easy to find consistently.
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tdmtdmtd · 8 months
yes, you read that right, that one website you used to use during school has an ARG in progress. I only found this out yesterday thanks to a TikTok by six1four7
so naturally I went to the cmg website to see if it was true and sure enough
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The website has cracked and clicking on it takes you to this webpage
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There is a chance you click it and go to the URL /where-am-i where the page name is changed and a title is added
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Decoding the Morse and the Polybius give the same phrase: IMLOST.
Decoding the binary you get
Hello? Can you hear me?
I'm looking for someone.
I hear strange noises.
Please, help me.
So without knowing what to do, I think of FNaF and check the code of the page to find nothing. So I go back to TikTok and look for the CoolMath Games ARG. Only finding three other videos, and one of them had an idea
Nat here decided to check the CMG Instagram, which is the only place that covers what's happening to the website. So, checking the Instagram, turns out this started October 17th with a post about finding an old folder in the office next to them. I can't show it because I used my video on the TikTok from earlier, but I have screenshots from the files within the video.
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The rest are printed out emails I didn't feel like trying to get screenshots of, so if you want to, go for it.
From these documents, we find that CMG was working on a project #675,
"It's a fun, classic game players would love", "The main character would be... in a world of black and white."
They wanted to give the game some color, but had trouble lighting it up. They wanted to add a monster to the game, that would take place in a forest, with a child protagonist. The game planned to have balloons and puzzles related. The game was in fact finished, however the developer didn't want to take out something the team wanted to get rid of, so the team scrapped the project and moved onto another developer.
After the list of emails, there are some screenshots of the game.
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However, I want to focus on the page with the text "can not proceed", if you don't recognize the face in there, that is the monster from the CMG version of hangman. Now I've been trying to connect the dots of this game to hangman for you, but if you don't see the similarities, don't worry, we'll get to that later. Because the next day, we got another update.
And the next day
And the next day...
And then some time goes by with nothing. And by some time I mean three days. Then we get a crack
Hell, even earlier today there was another update. The prototype is still there in the dropbox.
Got all that? Great! Now I wanna show you the connections from this to CMG Hangman.
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In CMG Hangman, you play as a child in a black and white forest with faded balloons. It is labeled as a classic where you solve the puzzle
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And when you start the game, you encounter not just a monster, but the same monster from earlier.
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My prediction is that the game in the ARG is an "earlier" version of Hangman. But I didn't have much else to solve or do, so bored, I decided to play the game pinned on the insta, not thinking of anything.
Everyone meet Coolmath Games: The Game (spoiler warning, good game go play!)
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The story goes as follows. You, an intern, are arriving at your first day in the CMG office. After giving everyone smoothies brought to you from the Hangman kid something goes wrong and the game the team was planning to launch later explodes with game fragments going everywhere. It's up to you to grab at least 3 fragments and put together a game of your own. The way you do that is by doing puzzles around the office. One of those puzzles is somewhat 3D and well, it looks like this:
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what's interesting is that this puzzle is right in completed right next to Vicky, the one controlling social media for CMG
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Does that face look familiar, it's Maddy, the one who found the prototype. But hey maybe it's nothing I mean you are allowed to use a cartoon version of yourself as your profile picture sure, and maybe they weren't allowed to use real names in the game. Sure. But then we go to the story of the game over on Cleo's computer, and when you ask for the name of the game, you get this.
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And since it's a text game, I'm just gonna type out the important part of the game out on here instead of using screenshots.
You find yourself in a small, dark cabin. A pervasive smell of pine and mud fills your nostrils, and a sharp, cold wind crashes against the rickety windows. Behind you is a hallway, on your right is a hatch leading to the basement, and in front, the main entrance. (main entrance > start walking > head left > Camp out here. It's better than that creepy cabin) You set Camp - leaning up against a sturdy oak, your legs pulled up into your jacket. You slowly allow yourself to fall asleep, only to awaken in a familiar place... [you're back at the cabin]
The second page of the first Instagram post says as follows:
"The developer decided it would be fun to 'punish' the player for not exploring the different routes. If the player decides to always take the middle routes, they will get no puzzles."
To me the fact that these two things are so close together feel important, and, but maybe the game is unrelated, but this is where I am now. Sitting in my bedroom at 2:48am, finally finishing this long text post about the Coolmath Games ARG, asking for help solving it. If there's another update later today, I'll update my post, most likely by reblogging it or making a new post and linking this. Who knows.
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aghhtdraws · 25 days
Are you still in the jade armor fandom? :0/gen
Hello! Sorry for replying to this so late!
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Basically, the "fandom" as such or fanbase has been so small online, that to me I was not sure it existed even xD But yes! I am still a Jade fan :D Jade Armor is the best cartoon! It's not even that old to me, I just started watching it in the spring of 2023, when it started airing here again. So I've been a fan for just a year or so since march!
I'm curious where this question comes from!
Would be nice if there were more fans online, but honestly, I have always thought that maybe that's a monkey's paw wish - and that really, it's a bit nice exchange of fate in a way - that it seems that while the online fandom is small, perhaps the show has many offline fans, people actually watching it across multiple channels! (since it's available both on big channels like RTL, but also online in their online versions, maybe it just has many viewers from there)
and it's a fun show with a very cool style and premise, so I'm happy if it has fans at all, whether I actually see them online or not. So I haven't been very active in fandom spaces myself, mostly posting fanart online, because I just don't have time + energy as much for some fandom stuff anymore I guess xD
bc there's so few fancontent online, I really appreciate that the official jade armor insta has so much info and posts about it.
I've seen a lot of shows go under after it's been decided they're not profitable, or similarly, many fandoms sorta dwindle and become smaller after the show has been cancelled, so... it's nice to know that, if a 2nd season really has been put into production (as we've seen announced online), that the shareholders behind the show are willing to fund the studio to make another season. I'm really curious to see where they could be going with the story and characters, since the world and relationships they've shown feel really well-built, like they're real and there's history there. So I'm just happy to see if it will really be aired and that the team has put as much care and effort in as in the first season. I really like the show!
I might put up more fanart, since I've been doing sketches recently, but have been thinking of posting more fanfic too. The show should have at least one fanfic on AO3 (by me), but havent had time to finish more. I'm curious to see more but not really as sad about it since the fandom itself is still very new!
One thing I'd maybe like to personally change is like, make a small wikipedia for it? not on the current main fanwiki site, but just a small one for reference? and another thing is... the tvtropes page? TVtropes in general has so much misinfo sometimes since no one is obligated to keep refs and it's based on "fandom memory" haha... but it's so weird to me how much of the text there is ppl comparing Jade Armor to Miraculous, even tho they are such different shows after the first glance xD Seriously! you can make normal comparisons without letting ppl know how much you hate the other show xD
it's a similar situation to earlier fanbases like ppl comparing Winx vs WITCH, Jake Long vs Juniper Lee, The Book of Life vs Coco... it's as if online cartoon fans apparently just have nothing better to do than make their shows fight xD
lol sorry for the wall of text i've just been thinking abt this show a lot already and this is my way of answering your question I guess xD
Fingers crossed that the show has a build-up of fans, both offline and online!
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manicpixxiedreambitch · 2 months
So I’m kind of pissed off. If you haven’t seen, I got rejected by a guy who was all over me at prom because he showed his parents a picture we took together and they said I looked old, like 30 or 40 years old. (We’re calling him Matty) (also not that it’s particularly relevant but he is a trans boy) And he just ended up blocking me on insta without saying a word. I found out why he blocked me from a mutual friend (We’re calling her Chloe). I ended up crying about it a couple days later. I’ve never really had any insecurities. I don’t think it ever really occurred to me to believe there was anything ugly or unattractive or wrong about my body. I thought I was lucky enough to skip the whole insecurity thing until just last week when I found out why I got blocked. And for the first time, I felt old in a way that’s ugly. I couldn’t look in the mirror without seeing a 40 year old version of myself. I ended up texting Matty (even though he blocked me) how I felt. I said that I found out why he blocked me, and that I didn’t deserve that. That I am beautiful and it was my prom night, and I felt beautiful that night, and the way he acted was immature, rude, and outright disrespectful. It was hurtful, and he had no right to disrespect me like that. I mentioned how Chloe had said Matty was looking for something serious, but that must’ve been a lie if he was willing to outright BLOCK someone over something as superficial as their looks based on someone else’s opinion, especially when he was all over me at prom. I said that it was low, and scumbag behavior. And I told him that I didn’t care whether he apologized or not, but just to do better for the next girl.
And I sent the text, and I followed it by saying that I wasn’t trying to be crazy or anything, and that Matty was within their right to reject me. But rejecting me based on how someone else said I looked? Fuck that, I didn’t deserve that.
And I asked Chloe to tell Matty to unblock me so he could see that message. She said he did, but he never responded, nor was there ever any indication that he read it, and he blocked me again.
After all that, I felt better and the insecurity went away.
Today I was talking to another girl I like (we’re calling her Ava). And she asked me why some people were calling me crazy. And I was confused. Apparently, Matty AND Chloe are both calling me crazy. I can only assume it’s about this. But I’m pissed. Ava says she doesn’t think I am, and even if I was, she wouldn’t mind because that just adds personality.
I’m starting to wonder though if I am crazy for sending that message to Matty.
On one hand: I feel like I had every right to say all that and that it was reasonable for me to have gotten upset at Matty like that. How dare he make me feel insecure like that? Especially when I’ve never been insecure about how I looked before. He acted like a scum bag and he needed to be told off. I’m also kind of mad at Chloe right now, too because she was calling me crazy behind my back.
On the other hand: I feel like maybe I was a little crazy for that. Maybe I bothered him at the prom or something and it’s more than what his family said. Though if that were the case, I wish he’d told me. But maybe I shouldn’t have pushed it and just let it go?
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yaminerua · 10 months
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I’d never switched to it before my laptop died ages ago bc I hadn’t had a chance to add in the text of my art account name at the time
but I forgot I’d already sent myself a version of it back then finished without text to test how the colours looked on my phone and I found it in my emails today when I was looking for something else I’d sent myself forever ago;;
so after a long time I finally decided to change my art page icons on Twitter and insta bc it’s been the same icon since like 2018 and it’s super out of date bc I don’t even have long hair anymore lmao
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alexlacquemanne · 11 months
Chapitre VIII : Mon jardin secret
 «Je parle moins maintenant. Je terrasse plus mes ennemis par l’éloquence. Plus je vieillis, plus je ferme ma gueule. Aujourd’hui ce qu’il me faudrait c’est le médaillon d'Harpocrate, avec le doigt sur la bouche […] Je suis, désolé, de jamais être revenu vous voir.»
Dans ce texte, je vais dire des choses que je ne devrais sûrement pas dire, mais j’ai déjà dit pas mal de choses ici et je ne veux pas qu’il y est de limites, c’est le seul endroit où j’ai envie de tout dire, ne rien cacher. Et puis c’est ma journée aujourd’hui, alors je fais ce que je veux, okay.
Tout repose sur un principe à ton sujet depuis un certain temps maintenant, se taire, ne rien dire, c’est une chose que j’ai appris, contre mon gré, comme tu m’a laissé, j’ai continué à penser à toi, mais en silence, encore aujourd’hui je ne te parle pas à chaque fois que je le voudrais, je me contrôle, donc, se taire, quoi qu’il arrive, en voyant une de tes photos de profile, trouver que ta nouvelle coupe et la couleur de cheveux te rend encore plus belle et sexy que par le passé, mais ne rien dire, en sachant que cela ne me concerne pas, et ne pas prendre le risque de t’ennuyer ou de parler de choses dont je ne devrais pas, garder le silence, ne pas te parler à chaque fois que j’en ai envie, de peur de te gêner ou pire de ne pas recevoir de réponse, voilà pourquoi j’écris ici. Quand la faiblesse me prend je t’envoie une chanson, pour te rappeler que j’existe. Toutes ces choses que je ne peux pas dire, ces choses qui me manquent, ta voix, ton odeur, ton goût, ta chaleur, ne plus passer autant de temps que l'on a passé ensemble dans le passé me manque, beaucoup. Ne plus voir de messages de toi en me réveillant le matin, c'est pas arrivé si souvent que ça, mais ça me plaisait bien. Je ne veux pas trop m'attarder sur le côté charnel, je ne veux pas que tu crois qu’il n’y a que ça, comme je le disais dans le texte sur mon père, il a tellement plus. Mais le fait est que tu reste une sorte de fantasme, et j’aime ça.
Cela fait maintenant plus d’un an que j’ai quitté Twitter, la plus longue période depuis 2011 je crois, et je pense pas que j’y retourner un jour, mais je ne regrette pas d’y avoir était, sinon je ne t’aurais jamais rencontré, les moments où l’on partagé des choses à l'attention de l’autre mais sans le mentionner me manque, bien sûr. Et avec les changements récents, je ne peux même plus voir ton compte sans être inscrit, donc. Si on s’était croisé dans la vraie vie, tu n’aurais pas fait attention à moi, comme tout le monde, et moi je t’aurai sûrement regardé mais en me retourant ou pas dans les yeux, j’en suis incapable, tu aurais continué ton chemin et voilà. En fait, je n’aime pas la personne que je suis quand je suis influencé par Twitter, et les réseaux en général. Je n’en ai quasiment plus, à part insta, mais mes jours y sont comptés, et il y a ici, Tumblr, que je ne considère pas vraiment comme un réseau social, mais plus comme un moyen d’expression ou un blog. S’il te plaît respect cet endroit je n’ai pas envie de le supprimer, viens en paix ou sinon ne vient pas, j’aime ce que nous avons ici, même si ce n’est pas grand-chose.
« Since you've gone
I've been lost without a trace
I dream at night
I can only see your face
I look around
But it's you I can't replace
I feel so cold
And I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby please »
Il m’arrive encore de me réveiller certaines nuits, réveiller par toi, enfin la version de toi que je me suis créé en fait, celle qui est avec moi depuis toute ces années, je l’aime beaucoup, ne te méprends pas, j’aime aussi la vraie toi, peut importe ta version, pour être honnête. Mais la version de toi qui m’accompagne est très sympa, pour quelqu’un comme moi qui suis très attaché au sommeil, il faut vraiment que ce soit quelqu’un de spéciale pour l’interrompre, j’aime cette version de toi, elle est douce, compréhensive, mais elle n’est pas passive, elle a son petit caractère, c’est à cela que je sais que c’est bien toi, mais bon c’est sûrement des divagations de mon cerveau malade. 
«Ross : Moi l'avenir je le voyais comme ça, ma future femme et moi dans le lit avec mon fils qui débarquerait et qui aimerait bien monter sur le lit et on lirait le journal. On se bagarrait au sujet d'un article scientifique
Joey : Oui c’est une jolie image, et tu peux peut-être encore l'avoir.
Ross : Non ! Non ! Non, c'est fichu, tu vois bien, Rachel est partie avec ce mec. Et mon bébé est avec elle. Non je dis plus rien c'est utopique, cette image n'arrête pas de s'éloigner de moi.
Joey : Hé, je peux te poser une question ? Dans cette, dans cette projection de toi avec ta femme, est-ce que ta femme c'est Rachel ?
Ross : Ça l'a été à une époque. Aujourd'hui, j'avoue qu'elle n'a plus vraiment de visage. Mais elle est toujours très bien roulée.
Joey : Bien vu. Mais, le visage que tu vois, son visage c'est celui de Rachel ?
Ross : Non mais justement! Ça serait tellement plus facile si ça devait être le sien.»
Tu veux que je te parle de choses qui m’ont blessé, allons-y, ce fameux week-end du Puy du Fou, enfin, je devrais dire cette humiliation, il n'y a pas d’autres mots, vous avez dû bien vous marrez après m'avoir lourdé, le poids mort que j’étais pour vous, je crois que je ne vous pardonnerez jamais vraiment, à tous, de m’avoir fait endurer cela. Le plus pénible à vivre c’était de voir que tu te comportais avec ce connard comme si vous étiez petits amis, amants et vous l’étiez peut-être déjà après tout, je sais bien que nous deux on était déjà plus rien à ce moment là, si tenté que l'on est était quelque chose, mais de vous voir ensemble comme ça, intime, toi qui portais son pull, peut être le truc le plus intime possible, ça m’a tuer de l’intérieur, sérieusement, pour prendre une image, c’était comme regarder son ex s’envoyait en l’air avec un autre devant soi. Pour couronner le tout, ce connard m’a fait la morale, avant que je parte et avant de me virer, et personne n’a rien dit, vous étiez tous complices de ça, je sais que j’ai des défauts, mais personne n’a rien fait, ça vous arranger bien. Après être rentré, après de longues heures de route, je me connecte sur Twitter, je vois que tout le monde rigole, tu envoies une photo de toi dans ton bain, l’humiliation ultime (possible que ça, c'était après le premier rassemblement, je confond de plus en plus avec le temps), j’aurai dû tout supprimer à ce moment-là. Ces moments ont longtemps été marqué au fer rouge dans ma mémoire, alors quand ce même connard m’a fait un sms en janvier 2021, pour s’excuser, pour dire que j’ai était plus qu’un ami pour lui, j’ai savouré ce moment, parce que je méritait ça, je méritais des excuses, pour tout le temps que j’ai consacré à ce groupe, dont j’ai était le cofondateur, pour toutes ces réunions durant des nuits et des nuits, je suis sûrement celui qui c’était impliqué le plus dans cette histoire, tout ça pour se faire viré comme un malpropre. J’ai aussi pris ton retour comme une récompense, je méritait cela aussi, je sais que j’ai merdé, mais je ne méritait pas d’être traité comme un pestiféré. Bref, et puis le temps à fait son œuvre, et récemment d’apprendre que vous aviez souffert aussi m’a -je doit bien l’avouer- aidé, m’a soulagé.
Ces textes sont très importants, vraiment, surtout quand je vois tes retours, ça fait chaud au cœur, littéralement, j’ai l’impression d’être en phase avec toi, même si c’est sûrement qu’une illusion. Je me sens exister.
Il faut peut-être que je t’explique la façon dont j’écris, dès que je publie un chapitre, j’ai souvent l’idée pour le chapitre suivant, dès qu’une idée me vient je l’écris, peut importe où je suis et ce que je fait, j’ai des brouillons papiers et numériques, quand j’ai la chance d’avoir une réponse de toi cela booste mon imagination. Peut-être que tu te rappelles que quand on se parlait, je te disais qu’il fallait que je marche, c’est toujours le cas, je réfléchis mieux en marchant, certains moments de ces écrits sont issus de la marche, beaucoup de ces moments d'ailleurs. Il me faut toujours deux ou trois jours pour comprendre que tu n’es plus là, enfin que tu es repartie, là-bas ailleurs, j’aimerais que tu m’y emmènes, je suis sûr que ça serait instructif. Mais c’est sûrement un de ces endroits où on ne va que seul, j’en ai moi aussi, je comprends, promet moi juste une chose, reviens moi, toujours.
Je t’avais dit dans un texte précédent que je te raconterai le moment où j’ai compris que je ne te laisserai pas tombé, c’était dans une chambre d’hôtel, à une époque qui semble à la fois loin est proche, on dormait l’un contre l’autre après que j’avais foiré un moment cruciale, c’est ma spécialité ça. Quand je dis, on dormait, je dirai plutôt, tu dormais, moi, je t’ai écouté, je voulais ressentir ta présence près de moi, sans même savoir que ce serait l'une des dernières fois, tu dormais, mais tu bougeais, ton sommeil était troublé, tu tremblais, je me rappelle avoir pris ta main et l’espace de quelques secondes tu t’es arrêtée, comme apaisée, c’est peut-être ridicule, mais c’est là que j’ai compris, que je me suis senti utile. Ce n’était sûrement pas dû à la présence de ma main dans la tienne, mais bon, tu te rappelles certainement pas de ça, essaye de me faire confiance. Je remarque en le disant que notre relation passée était très liée au mains, j'aime ça. Tout comme pour le moment dans le chapitre V, je pense qu'il y a quelque part dans un univers de poche, un endroit où ce moment n'a jamais pris fin, des versions de nous sont toujours là-bas, la main dans la main. Ce sont ces moments que j’ai préféré avec toi, peut être parce que j’ai foiré le reste, mais je pense pas, j’ai eu l’impression de t’avoir amené une sorte de sérénité et de calme, ce n’était peut être qu’une illusion, mais j’aimerais essayer de te donner ça, je pense que tu as besoin de calme, même si ce n’est certainement pas ce que tu veux.
Nous avons jamais vraiment eu une relation normale, tous les deux, et je crois que je ne voudrais pas d’une relation normale avec toi, ce que l’on partage ici me va bien, même si j’aimerais passer plus de temps avec toi, c’est sûr. Ce que j’ai compris aussi, c’est que notre relation à toujours était secrète, et je crois c’est ce dont elle a besoin pour perdurer, les rares fois ou quelqu’un à essayer de s’immiscer, ça n’a jamais était très bon. Ça ne regarde que nous. Je n’ai quasiment jamais parlé de toi à personne, personne n'aurait jamais compris ce que tu représentes de toute façon, tu es mon jardin secret, et j’aime ça. On s’est toujours retrouvé en quelque sorte en secret, tard le soir, la nuit, où personne d’autres n’écoute, ce qui rend nos moments uniquement pour nous. Des instants volés.. Nous n’avons jamais vraiment été dans ce monde, nous sommes dans un monde à nous, enfin je l’espère, un espace-temps, comme tu le dis si bien, j’aime ce monde là, j’en ai besoin, j’ai besoin qu’il existe, j’espère que toi aussi. Personnellement j’ai perdu trop de temps, loin de toi, sérieusement.
Mais, je sais aussi qu’un jour, il y aura quelqu’un d’autre, et que je passerai au second plan voir même pire, comme par le passé, t’inquiète je le sais, essaye juste de pas prendre un connard cette fois.
Je finirais en te disant ce que je t’ai déjà dit par messages, tu es ici chez toi, tout ce que je partage peut te concerner, de manière directe ou indirecte, je n’ai pas grand-chose à te cacher, et ce que je n’ose pas te montrer n’est pas ici. Je sais que je radote, souvent, mais ce qui revient souvent est la vérité, je répète pour pas que tu oublies, c’est important. Je ne veux pas que tu te dises que tu ne me fasses pas de messages parce que ça fait trop longtemps ou quoi que ce soit d’autre, pas de ça entre nous. Tu fais un message quand tu le veux, pas quand tu crois que c’est le bon moment, ça l’est toujours.
Mais bon, je sais que si un jour tu voudras repartir, peut importe ce que je dirais ça ne changera rien, je resterai là, le temps que je te serais utile, et puis tu me jetteras comme tu l’as toujours fait, j’aimerais que ce soit différent cette fois, mais je crois que profondément je sais comment tout cela finira. J’aurais beau te dire de rester 120 fois et autant de fois que j’ai besoin de toi, ça ne changera pas grand-chose, tout a changé maintenant, et puis un puceau de 28 ans ça pèse pas lourd dans la balance. J'espère juste avoir une place importante en toi.
Il paraît qu’il faut dire aux gens que l’on tient le temps qu’on peut le faire, et bien je le fais, je tiens à toi, tellement plus que ça, j’espère que tu le sais maintenant, garde ça quelque part en toi, et je veux que quand tu te sentes seule, mais pas quand tu le choisis, quand ça te fait mal, pense à moi, je ne t’ai jamais laissé tombé, et je ne le ferais jamais, tu peux parier, si on était face à face je te montrerai ma main, un peu comme Monica le fait, elle ne tremble pas. 
Tu dis que tu es perdu dans mes mots, c’est sûrement vrai, peut-être que tu as besoin de te faire une mis à jour, je ne dis pas que c’est la toi d’avant qui est ici, je n’en suis pas sûr, ce qui est sûr c’est que c’est une version à moi, elle est pas parfaite mais je l’aime beaucoup, c’est pour ça qu’elle est rester avec moi, si l’envie te prends de te faire une mise à jour de toi même, prends cette version de toi, elle est très bien, passionnée, séduisante et tellement plus encore. Tu es vivante ici, tu l’as toujours été, tu peux rester le temps que tu souhaites. Des fois, je me dis que je n’aurai pas dû brûler ta lettre, parce que c’était un morceau de la toi d’avant, une preuve tangible, mais je me dit qu’en écrivant sur une version de toi qui me rappelle celle que tu étais avant, un peu, cela fait une preuve en soit, un point d’attache, ça l’a fait exister.
Voilà, ce chapitre est terminé, j’ai adoré l’écrire, sache le, je sais déjà de quoi je parlerai dans le prochain, je l’ai déjà commencer et j'aime la tournure qu'il prend, je vais essayer d’expliquer pourquoi j’écris ici, en fait, c’est important, et je vais sûrement te faire des excuses sur des choses du passé, ça aussi c’est important.
A la prochaine A, j’ai déjà hâte. J’aimerais que le silence entre nous te pèse, et que tu te dises, il faut que je lui fasse un message. Mais je sais aussi que ça n’arrivera pas, il n’y a que moi qui ressent ça.
Écoute ces quelques chansons, si tu en a le temps.
Mads Langer – Fact-Fiction
Benjamin Biolay – Vendredi 12 
Stéphane – Je dis pas non
The Rolling Stones - Hate To See You Go
Jack Johnson - Better Together
Dido - Don't leave home
Juliette Armanet - Qu'importe
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albert-whiskerss · 1 year
DISCLAIMER: I consider this theory null and void now as LOVE is technically how emotionally distant you are. This implies Frisk starts put with some level of emotional feeling and has to kill to become more distant, disproving my theory.
Ok so I was talking with a friend about Undertale and psychopathy and decided to write this out. I would like to highlight this is my own opinion and you are entiteled to your own. Now there are a few things to note before I start this wall of text has a few assumptions. 1st that in Undertale Frisk is fully capable of all routes and not that each version of frisk has a different backstory and psychology. 2 it assumes that the insta-kill strikes on bosses genocide frisk does are not frisk but Chara jumping in (as hate is what makes attacks more powerful).
With that said here’s why I consider Frisk to be a psychopath.
1: The largest of which is that they are capable of both committing mass genocide as well as befriending all the monsters and freeing them despite the difficulty. Additionally they can canonically become best friends with everyone and then go back to a previous save and murder them all with no apparent guilt or hesitation. And while there is the argument that maybe frisk is hesitating they never appear to actually hold back or stumble ever if they are hesitating it’s minuscule and in their own head which we cannot observe.
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2: In the pacifist route they aren’t necessarily being nice or empathetic all the time. Pacifist frisk is quite frankly a machine. They’re only saying what they need to to get on with their goal
3: On another point frisk just runs headlong into any situation without any form of fear or trepidation. They literally fell into a cavern surrounded by monsters and thought nothing of it. Even if humans knew about the monsters the panic of being trapped down there would shock any normal child (I think idk how a normal child thinks ok). In genocide they can kill several hundred monsters or even the entire underground in the span of a single day.
4 (which is kinda like 3 extended): Additionally they always keep the same blank stare regardless of the situation. It NEVER changes. Not when meeting new people, not when going down into the labs, not when meeting omega Flowey, and not when hugging Asriel. (Yes they do change their faces when using the act button sometimes but that’s more of to manipulate people to show mercy).
And yes this same logic can apply to a fair number of open world games as well and in fact I would consider a fair number of them psychopathic as well. Again this is my own opinion everyone is free to have their own. Sorry for the wall of text :/
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end-lyrics · 1 year
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In today's modern age social media and social media applications have a major role in our life like Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram. Instapro mod apk is a modified version of the Original Instagram. InstaPro APK Download v10.50 (Unlocked All pro features) App NameInstaProVersion10.50Size40MBDownload10,000,000+Rate4.0insta pro mod apk Details This apk is Allowing various features that the original Instagram is not providing like downloading stories, Reels, Posts, and carousals in the insta pro mod apk. and if You download instapro apk latest version in 2023 you will get some mind-blowing special features - - Disable stories - Remove liked posts from the feed - Disable Sponsored Ads - Remove Suggested posts - Carousel posts to first media - Remove Carousel Posts - Remove Video Posts(Reduce Net usage) - Remove Seen Posts - Load Lowest Photo Quality(Reduce Net usage) - Load Lowest Video Quality(Reduce Net usage) - Recommended friends - Disable shopping items in the search
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Instagram has become a preferred social media platform for users worldwide where sharing images, stories, and reel videos is made simpler. Despite its widespread use, the app has its limitations including the inability to download content such as photos, reels, and stories directly through it . Therefore, in order for users to download content, some resort to utilizing third-party apps or websites or taking screenshots but these methods prove to be time-consuming and possibly unsafe due to intrusive ads. Developers have created Insta Pro APK Download which is considered an exceptional Instagram mod catering to these limitations by providing additional features with boosted performance levels. The current version of Insta Pro stems from the Playstore base giving consumers an alternative option among different versions available while keeping in mind that they are not authorized nor supported by Instagram. Third-party mods come with their own risks hence caution should always be exercised when opting for such apps.
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Special features of Instapro It is a mind-blowing feature of instapro mod apk you can totally change the experience of using Instagram. with this, you can disable All Sponsered Posts and other Ads, Remove Liked posts from your Profile Feed, and Save Data by loading the Lowest Photo and Video Quality. Download Everything Every Instagram user wants these features. As we know officially Instagram not providing any downloading features. then we are clicking screenshots and cropping them and sharing with our friends it is a very time-consuming process. But in insta pro mod apk you can download everything like stories, posts, reels, IGTV videos. Just you need to click on the three-dot menu button and select Download Option to download anything in instapro
Download Insta Pro Mod Apk Latest Version 2023
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How to download install instapro mod apk
- Download “InstaPro MOD APK”. (latest version) - Install the Downloaded Apk without using the internet/wifi connection or turning off mobile data. - Open the Installer, and complete your process of installing. - Let it Install Completely In Your Android Device. - Open the MOD APK App and Enjoy the features of insta pro.
It is essential to note that we are not affiliated with Instagram Inc., Facebook Inc., or Meta Inc. in any capacity. This website serves as a third-party platform aimed at sharing information and education about the Insta Pro App, developed by an independent developer. All the content present on this site is readily available in the public domain, ensuring accessibility and ease of use for our readers. Get latest Song lyrics DMCA: InstaPro.me complies with 17 U.S.C. * 512 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). If your copyrighted material has been posted on the site and you want this material removed, Contact us.
Instapro apk download FAQ's
What is InstaPro Mod APK and how does it work?InstaPro Mod APK is a modified version of the popular social media platform Instagram. It offers additional features and functionalities that are not available in the official Instagram app. This modified version is created by third-party developers and is not endorsed by Instagram itself. InstaPro Mod APK works by modifying the original Instagram app's code to add new features and customize the user experience.What are the features of InstaPro Mod APK?Important features of InstaPro Mod APK: Downloading photos and videos from Instagram. Viewing full-sized profile pictures. Enabling dark mode and customizing the app's appearanceIs InstaPro Mod APK safe to use?The safety of InstaPro Mod APK is a subject of debate. Since it is a modified version of the official Instagram app, it is not endorsed or supported by Instagram. Using third-party apps like InstaPro Mod APK can pose certain risks to your device and personal information. These modified apps are not subject to the same security measures and guidelines as official apps, making them potentially vulnerable to malware or data breaches.Can I get banned from Instagram for using InstaPro Mod APK?Using InstaPro Mod APK or any other modified version of Instagram goes against Instagram's terms of service. Instagram actively discourages users from utilizing such apps, and there is a risk of getting banned or having your account temporarily suspended if you are caught using them. Instagram has sophisticated algorithms and detection systems in place to identify unauthorized modifications to their appWhere can I download InstaPro Mod APK?Since InstaPro Mod APK is not an official app, it is not available for download from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. To obtain the APK file for InstaPro Mod, you will need to search for reliable third-party sources on the internet. However, it is important to note that downloading APK files from unofficial sources can be risky. These sources may provide modified apps with malicious code or malware that can harm your device Read the full article
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VSDC Free Video Editor - Free Video Editor for Beginners įor a long past, VSDC has maintained the first rank in the list of best free video editors available online. This article will help you collect information about the top 5 free video editing software with no watermark available in the market in the exported video clip.
The great news is that we do find that a few advanced editing software with high-quality features are even available for free these days (But if you want to experience some advanced editing features in some professional video editing software, you may need to pay as well ), so anyone can start using them to impress audience online.
Top 5 Best Free Video Editing Software with No Watermarks on Windows/Mac in 2021īesides the built-in video editing software Windows Movie Maker in Windows 7, the Windows Photos App in Windows 10, and iMovie or QuickTime for basic editing in macOS, there are some video editing software without a watermark in the output video.
To improve your video editing and create a more stunning video, you can use the package Filmora & Filmstock video templates”, click the image below to see how to make your storytelling more engaging.īonus: If your video footage is shot by phones or action cameras in MOV, MP4, or MTS formats with the same resolution, frame rate, etc., you can use the free Instant Cutter Tool to trim, split, cut, and merge videos in Filmora, and there will be no watermark at export. Here is the pricing plan for all products of Wondershare Filmora. And if you’re a student or a teacher, you can purchase Filmora at a discount. Though there will be a watermark when you export videos in the Filmora free trial version, it allows you to experience all features. There are also built-in music and sound effects library, title & text templates, and filter, transition, overlay, elements and presets for compositing a video in a faster way. Besides, you can use the Chroma Keying/Green Screen features to make creative videos.
It supports almost all the popular formats including MP4, AVI, MOV, AVCHD, MKV, and more, you can burn your edited video to DVD or upload to YouTube, or transfer to any popular portable devices such as iPhone, Android device, or Apple TV, or save it on the computer in MP4, MOV, MKV, AVI, or FLV format.Ĭheck the ultimate guide about how to edit videos in Filmora.įilmora Video Editor covers all the basic video editing, color grading, and audio editing features, so there will be no need to switch to several editing tools when making videos. is perfect for helping beginners and intermediate users create stylish videos by providing an intuitive user interface and built-in effects. If you are new to the video editing world, an easy-to-use video editor can make your editing process quick and interesting. Wondershare Filmora - An Easy-to-Use & Powerful Video Editor
FAQs about Video Editors without Watermark.
Top 5 Best Free Video Editing Software without Watermarks.
Wondershare Filmora - An Easy-to-Use & Powerful Video Editor.
So, we've picked some of the best video editors which are totally free to use and no need to remove watermark after exporting and featuring powerful video editing tools as well to make videos professional. Although the market is loaded with a wide range of video editing software, some of them are claimed to be free, there will be a big watermark in the exported video clips and which makes it is not free to use at all. Ordinary users need to share with friends about what is happening on platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Vimeo.Īll these can be done easily if you have a good quality video editing program. Marketing professionals in today’s competitive platform are making efforts to attract audiences towards their products and services by transforming their raw footage into stunning videos. With the raising of video-sharing platforms, everyone needs to create and edit videos.
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