fefuckability · 22 days
ROUND 1: Oof. Sorry buddy.
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For April Fools' 2017, a new game called "Fire Emblem: Battle of Revolution" (Japanese: ファイアーエムブレム 維新大乱) was announced, for the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS. It prominently featured Valbar, Kamui, and Leon. It takes place in the Edo period of Japan. Some text on the website is in traditional vertical writing, and all character and location names were written in kanji with the katakana names as furigana. DLC featuring Marth was also announced for "Battle of Revolution". There would also be scrolls as a limited bonus. It was stated to be released on April 20, 2017, the same date as Shadows of Valentia. There was also Marth DLC
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a-day-in-the-life-feh · 3 months
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Installment 101: When in Hoshido featuring Sakura, Oboro, Valbar, Arden, Flame Emepror, Ryoma
Artist: Hayase Reku
Released: October 13 2021
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frickingnerd · 8 months
valbar crushing on a dense reader
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pairing: valbar x gn!reader
tags: fluff, oblivious reader
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valbar is a very friendly guy, someone who gets along with pretty much everyone around him
but because he's so kind to everyone, it's hard to know when he's just being nice and when he's being flirty
he isn't the type for pick up lines or anything of the sorts and instead tries to be direct with you
yet when he asks you out for a drink and you suggest that he brings kamui and leon along, he can't help but awkwardly laugh
the next time he asks you out, you once again suggest the same thing. and then the time after that you ask for leon and kamui to come along too
valbar can't help but think that asking you out won't be enough to get you to realize he likes you
so he tries to confess to you directly, telling you he loves you! 
at first, he's happy when you confess that you love him too, but when you add "you're my best friend after all!" he can't help but once again laugh awkwardly
it seems that whatever he tells you, he just can't get you to understand his feelings, but maybe he'll figure out a way eventually…
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marshmalleaux-queen · 6 months
You know, for years, scientists have wondered, can you make grown men and women weep tears of joy by summoning Altena? And the answer is yes, you can, as long as she is preceded by THREE VALBARS.
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fecipherfullart · 2 years
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Artist: Azusa
Source: Cipher Artbook 11
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fayesdiary · 2 years
10, 17, 21
10) A character you find underrated?
I really like Valbar! He's a really wholesome man despite his initial motivation being revenge, is absolutely busted if you reclass him, is definitely the second dad of Celica's Pligrimage along with Saber and the implication he might have been the third lord alongside Alm and Celica in some early draft of Gaiden makes me really curious about what his role would have been👀
17) How did you get into Fire Emblem?
Ok, this is a long story.
While the first time I saw an FE character was Marth and Ike in SSBB, I didn't pay much attention to them.
My first actual experience with Fire Emblem was watching this italian Let's Play of Path of Radiance by Letal, back when I was in middle school, and boy I had a blast.
I became obsessed with the game, the story, the world of Tellius, the charcters (especially because the let's play gave characters funny comments while they were in battle and other small funny edits, like Makalov having this theme from Punch-Out Wii whenever he entered a fight because he gave him a Russian accent)
Needless to say, I wanted more.
So eventually I got a totally legit copy of Radiant Dawn and played it on my definitely not modified Wii, and while it took a long time to finish I was even more hooked.
Some really fond memories I have are losing my shit over how much the battle animations had improved, internally screaming when the Greil Mercenaries showed up and getting torn apart in the latter half of Part 3!
Don't remember much of what happened after, but eventually I wound up on the Fire Emblem subreddit, some time after Fates was released.
I wouldn't play the 3DS games until last year, but I still lurked on the place, looked at the fanart and listened at what people had to say.
...which most of the time in hindsight was constant nitpicking, arguing over which era of FE is the best, and of course, the "Fates bad" circlejerk that never really stopped but was at its peak in this era. (And while I kinda passively joined the circlejerk at the time, at the same time the game and the world couldn't stop grabbing my curiosity and I'd constantly read and see more about it)
I did play FE8 and FE7(i think?) during this period though. Didn't hook me as much as the Tellius games did, though. In general, my interest in the series was fading a bit.
But then, Heroes came out and I started playing it, and that rekindled my love for the series, not to mention introduce me to a lot of characters I had no idea they existed! (and yes, I was on the FEH subreddit too, but 99% lurking)
It sparked my curiosity enough to even get me to play FE4, especially since it was one of the games most praised by the community!
Oh, and then a certain game came out on the 3DS. I actually wound up playing it some months after it released because my friend let me borrow her 3DS, and it became my biggest FE obsession surpassing even Tellius!
The game's title, of course, was Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, and it's still my favorite FE game and one of my favorite games in general.
Eventually I'd quit Heroes forever, at first because I needed the time to prepare for my high school finals and that game was really starting to take too much of it and then permanently when I realized just how little fun the game was getting for me.
Likewise, I ended up quitting the FE subreddits too. At first it was just because Three Houses was coming out and I didn't want to get spoiled, but then eventually that too became a permanent leave, mostly because as I said before, the main FE subreddit was getting a bit too obnoxious for my taste and I hadn't played FEH in a long time.
Heck, eventually I wound up deleting my Reddit account outright because I realized I was going there just to deliberately get angry to avoid getting bored.
And then... there are the last few years.
While I already was on Tumblr for a few years on my main blog (again, passively), was following a few FE blogs and even contributed to one of them by writing some supports... one day, I had the idea for this blog. And eventually, I decided to go for it and it became a thing.
Originally it was just meant to be a place where I discussed FE and posted my theories, analysis and writings, but then it turned into.. whatever this is😅 Don't regret a thing, though. This is the best place I made for myself as an online community in general, let alone FE! It's like my own well-decorated corner of a wall!
In this past year, now that I had a 3DS I totally didn't modify as well, I finally played Awakening and Fates for myself!
...And Shadow Dragon too, I guess.
I still have a lot of games left I want to play (and that's just from the mainline series, don't even get me started on the Kaga emblemlikes, hacks or other fangames), so this story is far from over!
21) Any rarepairs/crack ships you have?
The main two involve Faye, and are Faye/Celica and Faye/Rinea!
I love both pairings a very normal amount *lying* Even wrote a fic for the latter!
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Is in Heroes!
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rainbowdonkee · 1 year
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Rika Suzuki drawing this trio is LEGENDARY!
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rosecelebi · 8 months
Posting my favorite FEH Meet the Heroes art every day
Valbar and Leon
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fefuckability · 30 days
Qualifier 3: Shadows of Valentia
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Feel free to rb and comment with your reasons!
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nowis-scales · 10 months
Was poking around the Instagram page I have where I talk about games and stuff, and realized I made this little collection that could be fun to cross post here. So without further a do…
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This is a “supports I would have liked to see in Echoes” list!
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Clair & Tobin
While I love the hilarity of Gray and Tobin competing for Clair’s attention as it becomes increasingly clear that Tobin… probably isn’t as into girls as he thinks he is, it does kind of seem odd that this relationship between the two of them is established without him having any real interaction with Clair. I mean, he even scolds Gray for the way he’s thinking about Clair before they even rescue her. So why not give Clair and Tobin an opportunity to interact? It would make more sense for their proposed relationship, and I think even if they don’t end up with any sort of romantic ending, it would be nice to see them forming some sort of meaningful relationship to supplement the canon Gray/Clair endings or the fan-beloved Gray/Tobin endings.
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Faye & Celica
If you don’t recruit Faye and Kliff as Alm, you can actually return to Ram Village and recruit them as Celica. What’s especially sweet about it is that, in spite of Faye’s affection for Alm and apparent jealousy at the beginning of the game when everyone is young, Faye is actually delighted to see Celica again after all these years. Since so many of Faye’s existing supports are Alm-centric, I would love to see a support conversation where she deals with her conflicting emotions surrounding Alm and Celica. She still clearly cares about Celica as her friend, but as Celica also loves Alm, she would be forced to confront what matters most to her. Can she have both? If so, how? I feel as if it would humanize Faye a lot more, and give her something a little bit more to work with as a character.
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Genny & Mae, Celica, and Boey
Not just Mae — Celica or Boey will do, too! It hurts me that Genny is the one character from this little foursome that has no additional support conversations with them. Why should she be left out?! She’s so sweet, too! I hope that she never felt left out when all of them were hanging out together over the years… So I’d really have loved for her to have a support or two where we got to see the nuances of her connection with everyone, how things came to be for her and them, and what she was doing when she found them. I’d love to see her gentle side match up alongside Celica’s, or maybe her shyness paired against Mae’s bounce, or maybe how she admires Boey’s steadfastness. Any of these would add a lot more power to the relationship between the group, and would be really strong!
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Valbar & Kamui
So we know why Leon hangs around Valbar, right? I may not have gotten to that point in their supports yet, but I can’t help but wonder why we don’t really get to hear why Kamui follows Valbar. What’s their relationship like? Why have they decided to travel together? They should be an important part of each other’s lives in some way, and even if their dynamic does include Leon, it’s nice to see how the two of them are informed of it otherwise. Even if the two aren’t particularly close, I would love to see them taking the time to learn new things about each other, and starting to recognize the other more for the man that he is. I just think it’d be really interesting to have the whole trio in on things, you know?
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Clair & Mathilda
That’s her sister-in-law!! How are they going to be canonically in-laws and have no supports? The fact that this is even a thing upsets me greatly. Considering the age gap between Clair and Clive, and the fact that they can’t support either, you could argue that the two of them just aren’t close. As a result, Clair and Mathilda don’t really know each other that well or haven’t had the opportunity… but at the same time, why wouldn’t they want to? They’re both family now, and according to Silque’s words in her support with Faye, there aren’t too many women fighting in the Deliverance. Wouldn’t Mathilda be a strong figure for Clair to look up to, especially with the way Clive talks about her? And wouldn’t Clair be someone that Mathilda would want to look out for, as another young woman in the war? I just feel like not giving these two a support is SUCH a missed opportunity.
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The Pegasus Sisters & Literally Anyone Other Than Each Other
Don’t get me wrong. The Pegasus Sisters all have supports with each other is really important — nothing bothers me more than when clear family supports are missed — but I’d have liked to see how the Pegasus sisters have their personalities measured up against any of the other characters in Celica’s army. Do Est and Mae connect over their cheerful demeanour? Celica and Catria over their feelings of love and longing? Palla and Conrad over the protective role they share over their younger sisters? Again, I feel like it would just be something that really enriches their characters, and so I’d have really liked to see one between them and some of the other units.
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Genny & Saber
I often hear and see it joked about that if Lukas is the babysitter to Alm and friends, then Saber is that to Celica and friends. And I agree, but I would love to see that in so much more of its entirety, because you can tell that he progressively grows to give a damn about what happens to these crazy kids. He’s always got Celica’s back when she needs it, and all she’s done initially is pay him. That’s why I think it would be really funny for him to have a support with Genny, because she’s one of the crew and she has a really sweet demeanour. She’s not afraid of a fight, and I think Saber would like that about her, and I could see the two of them having a sort of playful, uncle-niece relationship where he teaches her the right way to get in trouble. It would just be really silly and cute, and that’s why I’d like to see it. Pretty simple for this one!
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Alm & Lukas
Alm’s a very impulsive person, and Lukas seems much more chill in comparison. However, Lukas can and does express a more cut throat attitude, and I think it’s quite interesting to think about how it would be measured up against someone like Alm. He mentions seeing himself as sort of a teacher to Alm and friends, so it would be intriguing for the game to consider what kind of an influence Lukas has on them. How does his calm nature influence things, and how does his willingness to fight back do the same? What does this teach Alm? And in the reverse, is he learning anything from Alm? It could be an interesting confrontation of each man’s morality, which can always be fun to explore in a Fire Emblem game. That’s why I think it’d be really great to see what these two could have to say to one another.
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laguz · 1 year
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deez nuts
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flamerunn3r · 1 year
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april fools outfits
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childofaura · 1 year
What do you think of Kyle Herbert (hope I spelled his last name correctly)? He played my top fav Awakening husbando Frederick and Barte in FEH.
Actually speaking of Frederick, I’m salty that he didn’t receive an alt for so many years and that the recent Bridal banner should’ve been an opportunity to include him as the Best Man.
I like his work! He’s also Fat Gum in MHA (one of my friend’s favorite characters) Kiba from Naruto, Ryu from Street Fighter, etc. Poor Frederick has been unfairly shunned, we got ONE good alt for him (back when FEH actually balanced the gender ratio fairly for seasonal banners and actually gave us some decently hunky men) and that was it. He needs to be on a Harmonic Duo with Jakob or Dedue.
But anyways, Kyle plays Frederick, Valbar, and Bartre. A nice good selection of dudes to really play with the range.
I think he does a great performance for all three of the characters, though I must be obliged to say his performance as Frederick in Awakening obviously beats the Heroes performance; that confession line of his is definitely one of the more heartfelt ones (though nothing will ever beat Priam’s confession; THAT one is the best hands-down in all aspects). But his Heroes performance is great too. As Bartre, he’s VERY loud and VERY boisterous, lots of energy in that one and it’s very sweet that Bartre got an Easter alt with Fir. Valbar’s less hyper, but still just as deep and manly; his softer line deliveries are great. Really makes you understand why Leon fell in love with him (Give Leon and Valbar alts, IS! At least give them some interaction! A Forging Bonds, ANYTHING!).
I think he definitely fits, Kyle’s a well seasoned actor so there’s no issues.
Kyle’s got good range! It’s fairly obvious that he leans more towards burly masculine characters, but Frederick’s refined dignity is also way different from Bartre and Valbar’s enthusiasm.
I think I can safely put Kyle at a 9.99999/10. I’d put 10/10 but the problem is that most of his characters barely get one alt and we really don’t get to see his voice acting in a lot of action. Buuuut… that’s not really HIS fault either so I’ll fluctuate from 9/10 to 10/10.
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ragnar0c · 10 months
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