#use modern understandings of sexuality with him hello!!!
drinkthemlock · 4 months
just showed the first small draft of my br regency story to my teacher and he said: “well i think you need to reforce how problematic slavery is more often”. hello???? one would think the reader knows that slavery and sexism and racism and ableism are bad without the author having to tell them again and again! omg
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is it over now? (was it over then?)
part five
part six: with the wilt of the rose
With the success of Eddie's Steve single as his bandmates had started to call it, the label had basically told Corroded Coffin in no uncertain terms to channel that energy into the rest of their album. It wasn't that Eddie didn't like the attention his song was getting and Steve absolutely deserved it, the lying piece of shit, but it was like getting permission to write angsty music about Steve took all the fun out of it. He was fully out of inspiration of the angst variety and had taken a hard left turn into moping, feeling sorry for himself, and being one thousand percent convinced that he was going to be single for the rest of his life and die alone.
Eddie was reclining in his giant beanbag chair (his nest as Steve used to joke with him), occasionally humming lines, strumming on his guitar, and writing more and more pathetically dramatic lyrics for most of the day until he reached his limit and pulled out his phone. It wasn't like Eddie was purposefully keeping track of people in Steve's life but over the time they were together his little gaggle of gremlins wormed his way into Eddie's life too. Unfortunately when he opened his phone it was to tweets of Dustin going low key feral over Steve's new role in some indie biopic but at the same time being crazy upset that Steve would be incommunicado as Dustin so helpfully added in his tweet. The kid was such a dweeb. Eddie flicked out of twitter and opened instagram hoping that his feed would be mostly possum memes. He scrolled idly for a while seeing new tattoo ideas and of course many cute furry animals doing many silly things until suddenly he was reminded of a particular face Steve made and Eddie (although he would never admit this) searched for Steve's public profile only a little disappointed that he hadn't posted anything more recent than when the two were together.
Because Eddie may or may not be a massive masochist and can't leave well enough alone, he decides to tab over to Steve's tagged pictures to see if there is anything recent. In between several tags of Steve being unfairly good looking in whatever movie he was currently filming, Eddie was taken aback by a post that was just of Robin and Nancy. They looked a little closer than just gal pals or whatever it was the tabloids called them while speculating how they could be friends while "fighting" over Steve. So much for modern feminism.
Before Eddie got distracted enough to go through a full rant that might include a fairly long section about how Ronnie was treated differently than the rest of his bandmates, Eddie focused back on the issue at hand. Why was Nancy who he highly suspected of stealing his fucking boyfriend posing like she was getting engaged to Steve's best friend. And why did they fucking tag him it it? Robin was snarky sure but she didn't seem like that level of bitch. Eddie took a deep breath and opened the fairly lengthy caption to see:
nancywheeler Hello World! It's been a long time coming but I am so excited to publicly announce that me and Robin (@buckster) are going steady. I know I don't post a whole lot about my person life on here (seriously, the rest of the world is so much more exciting) but you've always been so supportive of my coming out and sexuality related posts as well as understanding when I needed to set a boundary between my personal life and my online persona. I've been unable to share my most recent relationship for a really long time because of the public pressure of coming out and being a "marketable asset." Steve (@sharrington) could not have been a better support during this time and took a lot of public flak to keep Robin and I safe and comfortable until we were ready to be out publicly. He always offered up his home while I was visiting and kept me company while Robin was working. I guess us bi guys have to stick together, huh? Anyways, that's all for now. And no, we aren't engaged (yet 😈)
Eddie was floored. He had spent all his time since leaving Steve's apartment feeling very holier than thou and smug about everything that happened with Steve and the success his band was experience because of it. Although if one Miss Nancy Wheeler was telling the truth (which like as a journalist Eddie thinks she has to), Steve was actually helping his platonic soulmate find love with his exgirlfriend. If Eddie hadn't already felt kind of shitty for assuming the worst about Steve, this had to take the fucking cake. Eddie was truly done for. Put a fork in him. He's the worst person ever. Fuck. He needed reinforcements.
devilededs: uhm hi friends, i think maybe i am the asshole in the whole steve situation can u come to mine?
ronnie: you saw it? i can finally give you shit about being a total drama queen?
devilededs: what do you mean? why would you not tell me if you knew it existed.
ronnie: precisely because of this vibe right now.
devilededs: okay, everyone but ronnie pls come over i need snacks and maybe some really b grade horror but you have to indulge me in my sadness.
garbear: already on the way with your emotional support jeff and frank. we'll pick up snacks.
ronnie: if you let me problem solve for you can i come for snacks? i don't think i can handle moping eddie without trying to show you its very fixable.
devilededs: YES! FIX! ME! HOW! GET OVER HERE!
Eddie flopped back into the beanbag chair and let his notebook flop out of his lap. Thankfully his friends all had keys so he could continue to rot in place until Ronnie forcibly withdrew him from his hovel.
part seven
@lololol-1234 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @zombiethingy @grtwdsmwhr @dreamercec @anne-bennett-cosplayer @strawberryyyenthusiast @mensch-anthropos-human @kal-ology @ttyrussss @kristmkris @starman-jpg @wonderland-girl143-blog @child-of-cthulhu @legalmenace87 @adealwithher @practicallybegging @lunaraquaenby @stripey82 @lexyvey @goodolefashionedloverboi @mothmamhasyourlocation @mugloversonly (if you wanna be tagged in future parts feel free to comment! happy to add people)
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readychilledwine · 4 months
✨️Kink Education with Elizabeth✨️
Quick authors note- It feels a little ironic to be using Rhys and Feyre for this kink since one of my favorite Eris lines comes from when he's chasing Feyre and Lucien.
“Right. Rumor has it you two have run off together, cuckolding Tamlin.” His grin widened. “I didn’t think you had it in you, little brother.”
Anyways! Traditionally, a cuckold is a husband or boyfriend of a person who has sex with other people (be it cheating, sex work, separated). In modern kink terms, cuckold, or a cuck for short, is when a man gets sexual arousal through watching his partner have sex with someone else. There is a female equivalent, cuckquean, but I made the choice to focus on poor Rhysie being left out.
This type of play falls into the voyeurism and exhibitionist category but has become a type of play that is having an increase in popularity (and hurt feelings from insecure partners). Part of the appeal of cucking is mental degradation and humiliation, another is competitive drive.
This type of play requires security on both ends and understanding from the third party involved. This typically isn't a type of play you'd want to engage in with a stranger you do not trust, nor someone who is too close to the couple. While all parties are consenting, the first time around this kink can be interesting and cause some potentially bad results if not handled with tack. Open communication and safe words are a must in this type of play regardless of if restraints or anything else gets brought in. The last thing anyone would ever want is a relationship ending over something that was supposed to be fun 💜
💕Peep the Valentines Day List Here💕
💙 Peep Bound by Fate if you haven't since Kaylee makes a brief appearance 💙
As always, NSFW below the cut
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Feysand x Helion
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Warnings - voyeurism, dirty talk, unprotected sex, surprise third party, Helion's thighs mentioned, post pregnancy body insecurities, restraints
A/N - There's a brief Kaylee appearance. Nesta would have been too jealous, Elain would have gotten shy, Kaylee is just confused on why she's getting to see Helion's thighs on a random Tuesday.
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“I would have never taken you for this kind of male, Rhysand.” Helion glanced out the window, overlooking the beautiful snow capped valley Rhysand had hidden for years.
Rhys sighed. “She needs it and I am not against it. She has not felt as confident as she once was in her body, and having not one but two high lords worshiping her may be the answer.”
A single perfect brow went up as Helion shot Rhysand a questioning look. “Did the little heir?”
“Stretch mark scarring, she's a little less toned. I think she looks twice as delicious as before, but she does not believe me.”
Helion nodded, eyes sympathetic and soft. “Motherhood is hard. She's exhausted, she's losing her sense of self, her hands probably do not even feel like her own anymore. It is understandable she feels less appealing to you lately.”
A soft knock on the door had Rhys standing, moving to it with a smile. “Hi, honeybee.”
“Rhysie!” Kaylee paused, eyes locked on Helion. “What are Helion and his thighs doing here?” Helion snorted, looking to the youngest sister with a smirk as she crossed the room.
“Mother above, Kaylee.” Azriel entered behind her. Kaylee had already gone to the bassinet, picking up her cooing nephew. “How long are we taking him for?”
Rhys and Helion shrugged, causing Azriel to pause before grabbing Kaylee. “What's wrong, shadowsinger? Don't want her to get ideas?”
“From you? Absolutely not. Let's go, baby.” Azriel took her and Nyx away before Kaylee could question the impromptu date night and the appearance of the Day Lord. “She's still adorably innocent,” Helion looked to Rhys. “You must convince her to play next.”
Rhys shook his head, eyes wide in fear. “Not Kaylee you'd have to convince.”
Surprising Feyre had been easy. She arrived home to Helion sitting in Rhysand's spot at the table. “Hello beautiful.”
The smile that graced her face was capable of moving mountains. “Helion! What are you doing here?”
He motioned towards the table. “Your mate got a little tied up, asked me to come have dinner with you.”
“Let me go grab Nyx-”
“No need to do that, Feyre. He's with that sweet little sister and her brooding mate.”
Feyre paused, “What is Rhys tied up with then?”
“Currently?” Helion set down his glass of wine, shifting in his seat and uncrossing his legs. “Spidersilk based ropes. We can change that if you would like, though.” It was then that soft tug came, calming her and letting her know that everything was okay. “He's quite pretty when he's bound up. Would you like to see?”
The answer she gave was breathless, eyes fluttered shut. “Yes.”
He stood, taking her hand in his and leading her to her own bedroom. Rhysand glared at Helion from the chair he was tied down to before smirking at his wife. “Hello, Feyre Darling.” He tried to pull at the ropes again before rolling his eyes. “When you told me to ask Azriel to tie me down, I had imagined other places, Helion.”
The lord of day shrugged, hands lingering on Feyre's upper arms as he stood behind her. “You said you watched to watch me fuck your wife,” those hands slid down bringing one of her own to his lips. “You also said you did not know if you could handle it. Restraints seemed to be the perfect solution.”
Rhys leaned his head back, smiling towards the ceiling. “Go ahead then,” he motioned between them the best he could. “Fuck her if she'll have you.”
Soft lips came to Feyre's ear as she stared at Rhys with a questioning look. “You have control, beautiful. If you want me to leave, I will leave. If you want me in your bed, I will be in your bed.”
Feyre released a breath, all thoughts leaving her mind. “My body-”
“Is wonderful, magic, and stunning,” Helion kissed the tip of her pointed ear, relishing in the way she shivered. “You created life, selflessly for the male sitting in that chair.”
Rhysand's eyes had darkened, the scent of his arousal already filling the air as he watched Helion's hands move to the bed of Feyre's dress and soft kisses continued on her ear. “I know you want to, darling.”
“My body-” Helion looked to Rhys and put a hand to Feyre's mouth silencing her before forcing her to walk to the mirror in their room.
“Look at you. Look at every beautiful blessed inch of you.” The command went straight through her, settling in her core as it did. His hands found the ties of her dress. He searched her face for any sign of true resistance and hesitation before pulling and watching the fabric fall. “You are sensational, Feyre. Your new curves fit so beautifully.” Her eyes fluttered shut, body leaning against his for the heat. “Let me show you, exactly how beautiful I find you?”
She nodded, turning in his arms. The first kiss was testing, slow and gentle to see if there'd be more than a soft groan coming from her mate. She pulled apart in time for Helion to lift her, carrying her to the bed and laying her down so her head would hang over the edge, staring directly at Rhysand as he squirmed against the restraints.
He wasted no time, kissing down her neck, smirking at the soft noises he so easily was pulling from her. “So sensitive,” he nipped gently at her pulse point, eyes looking to where Rhys was already struggling. “I'd love to worship you, Feyre, but your mate is already struggling from how badly he'd like to join.”
“Fuck him,” she whispered softly.
Helion couldn't help the feline like smirk gracing his face as Rhys glared. “We will. Later.” He flipped her below him, fingers going to the waist of her panties before bringing them down her muscled legs.
His skilled fingers found her core, running up and down before pushing in. Feyre whined loudly, eyes rolling before snuggling into the bed and pushing her hips back. Helion set a rhythm, pumping those digits into her to open her up , curling them as he needed to and saw fit to turn her into a mess.
He heard Rhys whimper, eyes rolling as his head went back and he knew. He knew Feyre was sending every drop of pleasure she felt down the bond, ensuring Rhysand felt it to. Her own moans began to increase as her hips met every movement of his fingers. “Look at your mate,” Helion commanded. “Look at your mate as you cum on my fingers.”
She fell apart easily, body and mind so ready and wanting for attention. She screamed his name, whimpering softly as she rode a wave of bliss. He worked her through the high through every second of her walls clenching around those fingers. When he finally pulled them out, he brought them to her lips, cock twitching as he got the smallest preview of what the High Lady could do.
Rhysand hadn't taken his eyes off of them. His cock was aching and leaking as he watched Helion remove his pleaded clothing before forcing Feyre onto her hands and knees. She sent him every single second of pleasure as Helion's cock pushed into her, stretching her wider than his did. “Fuck,” Rhys muttered under his breath, pulling and moving to try to free himself and at least work his cock.
She looked so pretty, mouth hung open as she moaned loudly, eyes squeezed shut in bliss. Helion's eyes met his and Rhys nodded, hoping the desperation of needing to watch Feyre be fucked and cum for another male wasn't etched into his beautiful features.
Helion gave her a teasing thrust, cock twitching at the whine that came back from it. “How do you want it?”
“Hard.” The need in her tone made his hands grip the plush skin of her hips tighter.
“As the High lady commands.”
Lightning shot through Feyre and Rhys as soon as Helion began that punishing pace. He was hitting every single one of her nerves, heavy cock stretching her wider than she'd ever been. She looked down, lost in enjoying her pleasure only to have him tangle a large hand into her hair, pulling her head back up. “Look at him. Look at how much power you have over him, at how damn desperate he is.”
Rhys was moving constantly in the chair now, growling occasionally with Feyre's moans of Helion's name. He longed to be under her, licking and sucking her clit as Helion rode her, fucking her into a mindless state of bliss.
As if sensing what Rhysand wanted, Heliha's free hand moved to her core, circling her bundle of nerves with gentle fingers. “Oh gods, yes!” Feyre was so close already all three of them could taste it. Her orgasm was humming in the air, crackling like electricity and fire. “Fuck! Keep going, please!”
Helion looked to Rhys again, seeing the male squirm, back arching off the chair as his jaw arched. A damp spot stained his dark slacks, growing by the second as he watched, as he felt. He began pounding into Feyre harder, feeling her walls begin twitching more and more.
It was as if time slowed when they both came. Mountains shaking, the sky switching from a sunset to full blown night. She was screaming his name while Rhys roared hers.
Helion fell over the ledge seconds later, pulling Feyre close to him as he did so Rhys had to watch as he made a mess of her. He allowed Feyre to lower down to the bed as his high closed.
He allowed her a few moments to breathe before pulling both arms behind her back and forcing her up. He walked her to Rhys before putting her on her knees. “Take his pants off and clean your mate. It's time we cash in on that threesome he said we could have.”
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho
@mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr
Valentines Day Taglist:
@sfhsgrad-blog @amara-moonlight @eternallyelvish @novaksangel @teenageeggscissorslawyer @thisblogisaboutabook @amygdtjhddzvb
@justasillylittlegoofyguy @avajustreads
@littlestw01f @azriels-shadowsinger @acourtofladydeath
Rhys taglist:
@tothestarsandwhateverend @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avajustreads
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katyswrites · 1 year
don't call me 'baby'
Pairing: Steve Harrington/fem!reader
Warnings: Sugardaddy!Steve, swearing, sexual harassment/men being gross, alcohol use, smoking, age gap
Wordcount: 4k
A sugar daddy modern AU, a whirlwind summer romance in Italy, and two people from completely different walks of life, somehow finding each other in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. But, what will happen when summer ends?
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PART 1 | in the same room, at the same time
This wasn’t supposed to happen. That’s what you would tell yourself, later. But, life is funny that way - nothing ever really goes the way you’d expect it. And, when you had taken the last-minute shift at Enoteca Bruni, the fine-dining restaurant where you worked as a cocktail waitress, you could have never predicted where the night would take you.
It had started with a large reservation that had come in around 8pm, four businessmen in suits and watches that you imagined cost more than your entire month’s rent. You were used to that type - considering the prices on the wine list, nearly everyone you served here lived at least three tax brackets above you. It wasn’t a job meant for everyone - a lot of these types of customers were dismissive, rude, and expected those who serve them to disappear in the background, not to interrupt whatever they were doing, which was obviously oh-so-important. But, the tips were phenomenal, and the late night hours worked perfectly with your daytime shifts at the cafe in the city’s center.
Still, the most intriguing thing about them was that they weren’t Italian, like you had gotten used to - nor were they speaking Spanish, French, German, or any of the other languages you had learned to recognize over the last few years. No, they were American. It wasn’t often that you heard your native tongue and accent nowadays - no, it was actually jarring. But, you welcomed it. The oldest man at the table, a gray-haired, thin man with a sharp face and tailored three-piece suit, smiled when you greeted them with a hello.
“How wonderful,” he had exclaimed. “Someone from our side of the world.”
“Finally,” a younger man with a smattering of freckles on the other side of the table had said, exasperated. “We’ve got someone who actually speaks English around here.”
“Well,” you said, “To be fair, you are in Rome. I suppose you could say we are the odd-ones-out.”
He rolled his eyes, and shrugged. “Yeah, well, I guess I’m just trying to say it’s nice to actually understand who I’m talking to for once, you know? Not that I’m looking for her to talk back.”
Unfortunately, that didn’t even crack the top ten worst things a customer had said to you in your time working here. So instead, you just plastered on a cheerful smile.
“Of course. In that case, what drinks can I get started for you gentlemen?”
As the hours wore on though, it was becoming harder and harder to feign kindness. With each wave of dismissal, or snap of their fingers, you wanted to take the drinks you were serving and throw them in their faces. The worst of the bunch were probably the first older man you had spoken to, who had such a vile demeanor about him that you couldn’t quite put your finger on it; and perhaps worse than him were two of the younger men, the dark-haired one with freckles, and a sandy-haired guy with what you could only describe as a mullet.
1982 called, it wants its hairstyle back, you thought to yourself. 
It was those two who you could see undressing you with their eyes, who called you over for nonsense requests, asking you to bend over the table to get things that you knew they were perfectly capable of reaching themselves. And, you weren’t deaf; you heard the comments they made as you walked away to fetch more wine and scotch.
Look at that ass go, one of them said. I’d definitely hit it.
As if you could pull that, the other said. Besides, you’ve already got two bitches on the side Billy; leave some for the rest of us.
Don’t look at me, the sandy-haired man who was apparently named Billy retorted. If anyone around here needs to get laid, it’s Harrington.
With your back turned, you rolled your eyes, and wondered if they’d notice if you spit in their drink - that was, until no-first-name Harrington replied.
Guys, lay off - just let the girl do her job, yeah? 
You took a deep breath, and recomposed yourself - it was the bare minimum, but it was something - someone who saw you as a person, maybe.
You carried the tray over with a wide smile plastered on your face, handing out drinks as you surveyed the table. You glanced at Harrington, the quietest one in the group - you had hardly heard a word from him all night, until right now. He was handsome, on the younger side of the group, but you’d estimate still about a decade your senior; he had a thick, slightly wild head of chestnut hair, and more of a boyish look about him. And with the exception of his perfectly-tailored suit and ostentatious Rolex, he didn’t look to have much else in common with his colleagues at first glance. While they sat at ease, laughing and conversing over their drinks, he sat up straight, stoically swirling his wine.
You pulled the post-dinner cigars they had asked you to bring out of the box, slicing the end with the guillotine cutter and handing the first one to the oldest man, striking a match and lighting it for him until he drew smoke. It felt humiliating sometimes, to light the Suits’ cigars for them as if they couldn’t do it themselves, but that came with the territory in a place like this, you had learned. 
You reached Harrington last, only for him to shake his head.
“Oh, none for me - thank you though.”
Thank you - he was probably the first one from the table to say that all evening. 
“Can I get you gentleman anything else?” you asked stiffly.
“That’ll be all, for now,” the gray-haired man said, waving you off. 
You nodded, and at the bar, decided it was high time for your smoke break. You glanced at your watch - your shift was over in less than an hour, and your high heels were killing you. You signaled to the manager behind the bar that you were taking fifteen, and shouldered your way out the door.
The first few minutes outside were peaceful, and relatively quiet - at least, as quiet as Rome could be at this hour. There was still the distant sound of traffic, the bustle of people on the sidewalk, many drunkenly stumbling and laughing, in the midst of making merry on a Friday night. You took a drag from your cigarette and inhaled deeply - even just a few moments off of your feet, and sitting out here on this bench in the fresh air, was starting to take the edge off. Still, you couldn’t shake that table of men - your manager had warned you that it was a very high-profile client, explaining that the dinner was likely a pretense for some multi-million dollar deal to be discussed. Still, you found yourself muttering under your breath, practicing the retorts and profanities you had wanted to throw at them. The shield you had built for dealing with customers was only so strong, and if your job wasn’t on the line, you probably would have told them to fuck off hours ago.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you don’t hear someone approaching, not until they’re right next to you, clearing their throat.
“Oh! Jesus, hi,” you say, clutching your chest with your hand. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.”
Harrington was standing above you, hands in his pockets and his tie loosened.
“It’s fine - I promise, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
His smile was friendly, and a bit apologetic. He looked different in the dim light, a bit younger, and not at all like someone who spends his days in an office doing… whatever those men inside did.
“You mind if I sit?” he asked, gesturing to the empty spot next to you on the bench. You just shook your head, a bit wary of him still.
He smiled, and started fishing around in his pockets until he pulled out a small baggie of tobacco and a pack of rolling papers. You raised your eyebrows, and smirked.
“You roll your own cigarettes?” you asked.
He nodded, not quite looking at you, focused intently on the task and hand.
“Yep. It’s so much better than that crap you smoke, trust me.”
You scoffed, despite the fact that this man was technically your customer, and your shift wasn’t quite over yet.
“Yeah, well, I’m doing just fine with what I’ve got. Thanks though…” you trailed off, looking at him expectantly. He caught on and turned to face you, grinning.
“Steve. Steve Harrington.”
He extended a hand towards you. You hesitated for a moment, caught off-guard by the simplicity of the gesture from someone like him, but you took it, telling him your own name. His much bigger hand was warm and calloused, shaking yours firmly before pulling away.
You stared at him intently, desperately trying to figure him out as you placed your cigarette between your lips and inhaled. It was hard to figure out what exactly his deal was - but, he was talking to you like you were an actual person, so that was at least a step above most of the people you’d waited on here.
When he finished rolling, he stuck the cigarette between his lips, then sighed. 
“Shit - d’you have a light?”
You nodded, reaching into your handbag and pulling out your small blue lighter. He leaned in close, close enough that you could faintly smell his cologne, feel the heat radiating off of him in the cool May evening. It took a moment for the flame to catch, then he was leaning back and he took a drag, letting his eyes flutter shut.
You looked away quickly, staring at the street ahead. Your black cocktail dress didn’t offer much coverage, causing you to shiver slightly as a breeze picked up. It was Steve who broke the silence, after a few moments.
“I want to apologize, by the way - my, uh, colleagues… they’re assholes.”
You nearly choked at his words, whipping around to face him.
“I’m sorry… what?”
“I - I don’t know how much you heard in there, but -”
“I heard enough,” you said quickly.
His face fell, then hardened. He looked… angry? Or, perhaps disappointed.
“I really am sorry. I know I probably should have said something, but…Brenner’s my boss. And, there’s a lot of people who would kill to work for him. So, you have to understand… I mean, Tommy and Billy, they’re real jerks. I can’t stand them, most of the time. So, just know that if you want to punch them in the face, I’d understand.”
You laughed at that, shaking your head. 
“Well, just between you and me, I do want to punch them. But… I would really like to keep my job, and actually get a good tip at the end of the night. So, if I can make it through the next -” you glanced at your watch, “- half an hour or so, I’ll be alright. I’m kind of used to it anyway, working here.”
You felt his eyes on you, but didn’t turn to meet his gaze. Then, he said more softly, “I’m sorry to hear that. Really.”
You shrugged. 
“It’s fine. But, thank you - most people don’t take the time to say that, I guess.”
A moment of semi-awkward silence fell between you and him, before you added, “But, it’s good to know that I apparently have a nice ass.”
He laughed at that, choking on the smoke he was inhaling.
“Oh God - Billy and Tommy really are the worst. Did you hear that they actually were trying to make a bet about you in there?”
You raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued.
“What kind of bet?”
He suddenly broke eye contact, staring straight ahead as he shook his head vigorously.
“You know what - nevermind, you’d be disgusted -”
“Well now you have to tell me,” you conceded, inching closer. “C’mon, it can’t be that bad -”
“They said if I manage to get you to go home with me tonight, they’d agree on this huge deal with HNL that they’ve been trying to close with our European counterpart for months - they said it because they knew it wouldn’t happen, of course, I don’t really -”
“What would you get?” you asked bluntly.
“If they thought you won the bet, like, would that be good for your job?”
He scoffs, nodding fervently.
“Um, yes - my yearly bonus would probably quadruple -”
“Then let’s do it,” you said.
His mouth fell open, and he was staring at you like you had three heads.
“Do what, exactly?”
He suddenly looked flushed, frozen in place as he stared at you. You felt a devilish grin spread on your face as you looked back at him, stubbing out the cigarette with the toe of your shoe.
“Here’s what we’re going to do, Harrington.”
You had made sure he arrived back at the table only moments before you. The group of cajoling men were louder now, Tommy slurring his words and Billy in a heated debate with Brenner. Steve flashed a smile at the group, then started sipping his drink as if he had never left.
“What I’m saying is, if we offer them 14 percent -”
“Well, at that rate, we may as well sell them the whole goddamn company -”
“We’re going to have to budge at least a little if we want to make headway, otherwise Upside Tech might outbid us -”
“Harrington!” Tommy cried over the other two men. “Where th’hell ‘ave you been? You left me stranded with these two, they’re actually trying to work right now -”
Then, he spotted you, suddenly flashing a grin that was too wide for your liking.
“Mademoiselle - might I say, I think you’ve only gotten hotter since I last saw you -”
“That was only about twenty minutes ago,” Steve said firmly, cutting Tommy off. “Also, we’re in Italy, not France.”
Tommy waved him off, leaning closer across the table, towards where you stood. 
“May I ask, how’re you getting home tonight, little lady?”
You just smiled.
“I’m actually so happy you brought that up - while I appreciate your concern and all, I’ve got that covered.”
You then turned to Steve, who froze in place.
“Ready to go, Steve?” you asked innocently.
All conversation stopped, then, the other men around the table stopped to gape at him. A smug smirk appeared on Steve’s face, and he stood up slowly, smoothing out his suit.
“Of course, sweetheart.”
Despite yourself, your heart fluttered at the pet name, as ridiculous as it felt. 
“What?” Billy said, his jaw nearly on the floor.
But before they could ask any more questions, Steve was holding out his bent arm, which you graciously hooked yourself through. You pressed yourself into his side, flashing another grin back at the group.
“I’ve left your bill on the table - thank you gentlemen for a wonderful evening, and we hope to see you soon!”
Then Steve surveyed the table, adding, “I suspect you’ll be in touch about negotiation meetings shortly? Since that was the deal and all. I’ll see you at the office on Monday.”
Then, you and Steve turned a corner and headed out the door, to where a car was already waiting for you.
Steve gestured for you to go in ahead of him, opening the backseat door. You slid across, greeting the driver quickly and Steve followed, shutting the door behind you. The second it was closed, you both looked at each other, and burst into uncontrollable laughter.
“Oh my God - did you see their faces?”
“I’m going to live on that for years,” he added, fighting to breathe. You threw your head back, practically cackling at the memory of their dumbfounded expressions.
“That was amazing,” Steve said, regaining his composure. “Seriously, thank you.”
“Don’t mention it - I think I got off of it more than you.”
“I doubt that.”
You met his gaze, and your breath stopped for a moment. He really was handsome, his honey-brown eyes staring into yours with such sincerity that it was actually overwhelming. You looked away quickly, staring straight ahead.
“Well, if anything, it made my shift more interesting, so thanks,” you said, fiddling with your hands in your lap.
“Yeah, and you just made me my yearly bonus, so thank you.”
After a moment, he cleared his throat. 
“So, uh, where do you live? So I can get you home.”
“Oh! Right,” you said. “Um, do you have any ID or anything?”
Steve furrowed his brow, confused.
“Why are you asking?”
“Look, don’t take this personally - I’ve watched way too much Criminal Minds in my life. And, while I’m sure you’re nice and all, I’m not exactly gonna tell a strange man I’ve never met where I live without some precautions. So, I’m going to take a picture of your ID and send it to my roommate, so she knows who to turn in if I end up on the news, yeah?”
Steve just smirked, and pulled out his wallet.
“So, you think I’m strange?”
You shrugged, fighting a smile.
“Obviously, yes.”
Steve chuckled softly, fishing his license out of his wallet.
“Fair enough - as long as you’re not trying to steal my identity or anything.”
“Oh, definitely,” you said sarcastically. “I was actually going to buy a mansion in your name, if that’s alright.”
He laughed, handing you the card as you took a photo. The address was in Indiana - interesting. He was also 30, judging from his birthday - nearly ten years older than you. Also interesting. You handed it back, shooting a quick text to Robin:
I’ll explain later, but in case I get murdered!
You attached the photo and pressed send. 
Satisfied, you leaned forward, telling your address to the driver, who nodded and pulled onto the busy city street.
You leaned back in your seat, staring out the window. You passed dimly-lit alleyways and bustling restaurants, groups smoking on the sidewalk and couples kissing on benches as the evening started winding down. The silence in the car is comfortable enough, considering that you met the man beside you a few hours ago. It’s him who breaks the lull in conversation, once again.
“So, why did you do it?” he asked quietly.
“The bet? Well, kind of - at least, why did you make it look like I - like we -”
You shrugged, shifting to face him.
He nodded, gaze fixed on you.
“Well - a few reasons, I guess. I knew it would get those jerks off of my back. And, I knew it would help you, with your bonus and all.”
“And why did you want to help me, though? You know nothing about me.”
“Not true,” you said firmly. “I know one thing.”
“And what’s that?”
“You’re kind.”
It was simple, but true - for the type of clientele you usually served, he was a rare breed. Maybe it wasn’t much, but it was something.
“I mean, you were nice to me, and actually treated me like a person. I can’t say that for a lot of people, not in that place.”
“Oh,” he said softly. 
A beat. Two. Then, he added, “Oh no - I didn’t even ask, did you have a car, back at the restaurant? Because we can go back and get it -”
“No, don’t worry about it - I don’t have one. I usually take the bus.”
“Oh - alright.”
You tried to stop yourself from rolling your eyes - Steve probably wouldn’t be caught dead on a bus. Or any public transport, for that matter. But, you kept it within yourself, and turned out towards the window again - the sights were getting more familiar, the buildings a little more run-down - closer to home.
You noticed your phone light up in your lap, and glanced down - a response from Robin.
Um… congrats???? Getting laid???? You’d better tell me EVERYTHING!!!!
You laughed under your breath, and saw Steve move to look at you out of the corner of your eye, curious. Before you could respond to her message, the car came to a halt right outside of your apartment building. You sighed, and turned to face the man beside you.
“Well, this is me. Thank you. For the ride home, I mean - you didn’t really have to do that.”
“Of course I did,” Steve said, waving a hand. “Had to make sure you got home safely and all, it was the least I could do.”
You both looked at each other for a moment, faces soft. You shot him another appreciative smile, and popped open the car door.
“Goodnight, Steve Harrington. Until we meet again!”
You knew the chances of seeing him ever again were slim at best, but it felt like the right thing to say, given the hilarity of the situation. After slamming the door shut, you rooted through your bag for your keys, taking the steps up to your door two at a time. Before heading inside, you turned and waved to the car one more time - Steve wasn’t visible through the tinted windows, but you liked to imagine that he was waving back, maybe even smiling fondly. 
Two days later, an envelope was pushed through the mail slot in your door. It was Robin who brought it in, plopping it down on the kitchen table as you sipped your coffee.
“What’s that?” you asked.
She shrugged, carding through the other envelopes and flyers.
“Don’t know. But, it’s made out to you. The envelope looks fancy though - I mean, who the Hell puts a wax seal on letters anymore?”
You felt your heart skip a beat, and snatched it up, turning it over in your hands - it was thick, the nice kind of stationary that you had to go out of your way to buy. There was a return address, but it seemed like it was for an office building of some kind, with no name associated. And, right on the center, a red wax seal with an H. You felt your face grow hot, your stomach doing somersaults as you practically tore the thing open.
Inside was a simple piece of paper with a note scrawled on it. After writing out your name, it read:
Thank you again, for the other night. You have no idea how much that helped me out. Plus, it was probably the best time I’ve had at a work event… well, ever. But, since you provided such great service… you really should be tipped appropriately. I also made sure to leave a glowing review with your manager the next day. Buy yourself something nice.
You glanced back in the envelope, and gasped - loudly enough that Robin stopped what she was doing, and joined you in her awe.
“Is that -”
“Yeah,” you whispered. “It’s a shit ton of money.”
He had sent a stack of €100 notes - you hadn’t counted yet, but it had to be over €1,000, at least. 
“Dude, that’s like, at least two months’ rent right there, right?” Robin asks, flabbergasted.
“I - yeah.”
“Okay, be honest - are you a drug dealer? Is that, like, a side gig you’ve got going?”
You shook your head incredulously, gripping the money - the most cash you had ever held at one time in your life.
“No,” you admitted. “That would be a lot easier to explain.” Steve Harrington, you thought to yourself, what’s your deal?
Notes: a brand new fic! A ton of credit goes to my friend Em, who indulges my fantasies and headcanons with plenty of ideas of her own. Also, I've never been to Rome, so bear with me here. Also, please always read content warnings before reading each part!
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I was curious about your head cannons of asl/ the Strawhat crew's sexualities for your modern au, because I noticed that Ace definitely isn't straight :) (and pronouns if you have any hcs)
Hello! Sure i can tell ya ab that!
In my mind, all one piece characters are AroAce until proven otherwise in my mind. Just because thats how i have understand the world that Oda has presented to me.
Luffy- AroAce, i genuinely think he doesnt give a shit which pronouns you use for him.
Zoro- demiromantic/homosexual, he/him
Nami- lesbian in every sense of the word. She/her
Usopp- Demi romantic/sexual, he/him
Sanji- demiromantic/ pansexual (begrudgingly), he/him
Chopper- AroAce, he/they
Robin- demiromantic / heterosexual, i also he her as a trans woman (she/her)
Franky- demiromantic / pansexual, he is a trans man in my eyes. (He/him)
Brook- i have no clue. Absolutely none. He doesnt care what pronouns you use but he goes by he/him
Jinbei- AroAce, he/him
That’s all the straw hats, but besides them from which people I’ve drawn character sheets for:
Vivi- panromantic / asexual, she/her
Carrot- pan romantic/sexual with a preference towards women, she/her
Law- AroAce, he/him
Yamato- pan romantic/sexual, trans man who uses he/him
Perona- lesbian. She/her
Kid- demiromantic/homosexual, he/ they
Killer- demi romantic/sexual, he/him
Koala- lesbian, She/her
Sabo- AroAce, he/him
Ace- Aromantic / pansexual, he/him. (I like the idea that he’s trans but I’ve never committed to it in my modern au. Idk why, i think i may be just a coward)
(Havent done a character sheet for them, but i headcanon Bartolommeo as nonbinary, idk what sexuality he would have tho)
Oops! All queers~
Thanks for the ask!
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Modern ZoLu AU where Zoro and Sanji are initially closer friends with Ace & Sabo cos they are closer in age and don’t have much to do with their younger sister Luffy except that Sanji one called her cute for which Zoro called him a creep bc of age difference (Luffy still a minor).
Now Zoro was gone for two years to train sword fighting with Mihawk and reconnects with old friends when he’s back. He goes to a party at Ace’s place and meets a cute boy with messy hair and an energetic personality. Zoro’s automatically flirting with him. At first Zoro had no idea who he was but he had known Zoro and dragged him into conversations and around the party.
Sanji comes in later. Within the last two years he had a lot of realisations about himself and isn’t as straight as he used to be. (How much he changed is up to you)
Anyway, now he greets Zoro by calling him a creep in return. Zoro doesn’t understand why and Sanji has to explain to him that the boy he’s chatting up is Ace & Sabo’s now little brother Luffy who went from girl to boy by cutting his hair short, getting top surgery and somehow gain a scar under his left eye.
Zoro instantly panics about what Ace and Sabo are gonna do to him. But can’t find the self control not to flirt with Luffy. He’s irresistible. At least Luffy isn’t a minor anymore.
Help 😭 What do you mean age difference? It's only two years- But yeah, Zoro would use any opportunity to call Sanji a creep so I believe that would happen somehow.
No matter the universe, Zoro is down bad for Luffy. But I honestly think Luffy would be the one to approach him first because he finds Zoro interesting and he remembers him from when he used to come over two years ago. So they start talking but Luffy doesn't mention that they know each other already, and Zoro is instantly captivated by this guy's stupidity because that's what happens in every AU with these two. They're just equally dumb and in love. Soulmate type of thing. They're flirting or, you know, doing their version of flirting. In which 'Do you want to see my swords?' isn't a sexual innuendo but like, genuinely, Zoro is talking about swords the whole time and Luffy loves it.
Zoro doesn't find out that's Sabo and Ace's brother until Sanji tells him. Sanji won't stop laughing and saying he's completely fucked because his older brothers go feral whenever somebody tries to touch Luffy, but Zoro doesn't pay much attention to it. I think he wouldn't care, tbh. Luffy is independent and he can make his own decisions.
I personally think it'd be hilarious if Luffy and Zoro started dating or having something romantic going on and the only reason why Ace and Sabo don't like it is not because they're overprotective (they are not, actually, those are just rumors and actually the only one who acts kind of protective is Sabo) but because Zoro? Really? Zoro? He's such a gym-bro in every universe and he won't shut up about swords. The only thing he's good at is maths and he won't stop falling asleep everywhere. The guys love their friend, but Zoro???? Besides, Sabo is just worried this relationship might distract Luffy from studying (<- Older brother who raised Luffy like he was his own really doesn't want Luffy to stop studying like Ace did. There's a whole drama about it because Luffy doesn't want to study either but it's different with Ace and-- Yeah. You can tell where this is going).
I think Zoro wouldn't be scared at first, and when he is a bit concerned for his safety is only because Sabo has that "Hello :) What were you two doing so late at night together? :)" type of mom creepy energy.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
A, D, E for jimothy please? 🥺💕
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Prompts from this dirty ask game, and since I am not able to make a story canonically accurate to time period or the location of The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond (plus I grew up in the South *gag* and don't want to relive it), this is for the Common Education, a modern AU, where Jimmy is finally taking advantage of his scholarship to NYU (not Ole Miss b/c *more gagging* sorry).
These asks do contain explicit description, so MINORS DNI.
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A - Alone Time
I don't even care if this is a spoiler, but you catch him masturbating once, before you two ever even admit feelings for each other.
Jimmy's roommate, Steve, is an art history major taking several of your classes. Since Steve is sickly, you were kind enough to set up a video feed of your lectures, and Steve often plays them whenever he's feeling up to studying/reviewing. Jimmy is very used to hearing your voice come from the adjoining room of his dorm suite.
What he doesn't realize, as he's daydreaming about you laid out on one of those flimsy tables on the lecture hall platform, is you are actually visiting your student to see how Steve is doing. Jimmy isn't listening to the exact conversation; he's just thinking about you muttering quietly as he runs his hands over you.
And then Jimmy 'imagines' you saying his name, chanting it really, loudly because his touch feels so good, and he reaches his end with an "'m coming' out loud.
Which made you--who was actually knocking to say a quick hello to your former student--think it's okay to open the door, and he scrambles to cover himself in bed, mid-orgasm.
🥴 so get excited for that tale...
At the general store he took over from his drunk father back home, he only needed a computer that could calculate finances and contact suppliers, do some inventory tracking, etc. He didn't need a fancy laptop and he didn't need it at home, so Jimmy has never bothered much with porn. He had some casual girlfriends over the years, and Jimmy is...pretty good-looking. He never hurt for company.
Working 16 hour days regularly also left very little time to care about anything other than sleep.
D - Dominance
Jimmy might not be forward, but, yes, he is dominant. The largest population in his hometown was farm animals, and his own parents were a terrible example of a relationship. We are lucky he knows not to just mount someone he likes and stuff his dick in.
Jimmy was one of those men who didn't understand female pleasure until a knock-down, drag-out, drunk screaming fight with his ex at a bar. To be fair, how would he know he hadn't made her come if she faked it every time?
Anyway, he's dominant in the way that he's pretty raunchy in bed. He praises and coaches you as much as he orchestrates your position. He also does all this with respectful vocabulary but in an extremely dirty voice.
It's, uh... It's good. It's real good.
E - Extra Info
He has smoked for so long he has an oral fixation. Enjoys using his mouth on you very much. If he weren't quite vanilla in his sexual tastes, he'd probably realize there's a reason he loves you in a choker necklace. Just saying. Oh! And Jimmy go nuts over dainty, feminine things you wear. Lace panties are kinda his pinnacle of 'needs to fuck now' if he sees you wearing them.
He's never admitted to another living soul that he's had a fantasy about being cockwarmed while he stands behind the store cash register. Also, last but not least, Jimmy gets way more aggressively naughty during sex the fancier/nicer yours/his clothes are. I don't have an explanation for that, but I know it's a fact. So there. 😁
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Dirty Asks Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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peaceisadirtyword · 1 year
Pull the Trigger VI (Modern!Ivar/Reader)
A/N: Hello! This was one of the hardest chapters I’ve ever written because of a personal experience that still haunts me until today. It has conditioned my way of socialising and it has prevented me from doing many things, and it’s something I’ll carry for the rest of my life. Unfortunately this is way more common than we’d ever think, and sometimes it’s very obvious but it can also go unnoticed. It’s not my intention by any means to romanticise this kind of situations, as it’s a nightmare I wish no one had to live. Most of the times we don’t have someone to protect us like they do in this fic, it’s a shame but it’s also a reality and I think we as a society don’t do enough to stop these kind of situations from happening. We need to let the victims speak, empathise with them and punish the perpetrators. And learn that no means no, and that when there’s not a yes it’s also no, and when the other person tries to escape it’s also no, and that it’s also a no when they’re under the influence of alcohol, drugs or under compulsion. In one word: consent. 
This said, even if it’s just a very small part of what I have to say, I hope you like this chapter. Thank you so much for reading and for all of the nice comments♥️ You guys rock. 
Warnings: +18! this chapter contains a scene that includes sexual assault, alcohol consumption, drugging and non-consent, please do not read if this is a triggering subject for you, I tried to make it as short and undetailed as possible, but it’s still a very sensitive topic. As a victim of SA myself I completely understand if it’s too much. Please take care and be safe. In case you suffer an attack like this please  go to the hospital as soon as possible, I won’t tell you whether you should talk about it or not because that’s very personal and no one should tell you what to do when you’re a victim. You are not alone and it’s not your fault♥️ please be safe and take care of your loved ones🫶🏼
Words: 3639
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“I can’t believe you are leaving me alone for a man again” you pouted while stepping out of the shower, Thora smiled softly at you through the bathroom mirror. She had a pair of tweezers on her hands and scrutinised her own reflection, looking for the little hairs under her eyebrow that had escaped.
“You’ll be fine, Ingrid is going with you” she chuckled “Do you want to borrow my silver purse? It goes very well with the blue dress”
Your eyes lightened up at that. You loved that purse.
“You’re trying to bribe me with a purse?”
“I’m not trying, I’m bribing you with a purse” she smirked “Besides, I’m in a very good mood today”
You started drying your hair with the towel, glancing at her curiously.
“How so?“
Thora’s face lightened up with a smile when she looked at you, almost like she had been waiting to tell you for days.
“Hvitserk is cooking dinner for me”
You rolled your eyes.
“So he’s doing the bare minimum, good for him, what does he want in exchange?”
“I’m going to ignore that because I’m in a very good mood” she repeated “He’s cooking for me at his house, he says we need to talk”
You widened your eyes.
“I think he might want to be exclusive” Thora continued, giggling.
“What? He probably does that with every single girl he meets, Thora!“ you groaned, and her smile faltered “Look, I want you to be happy, but do you think you can be happy with someone that is always on the magazine covers because he fucks every single person he can?”
Thora sighed, grabbing her makeup and turning to the mirror again.
“I know what you think of him, Y/N, but you don’t know him like I do” she pressed her lips together “And if Hvitserk asks me to be his girlfriend tonight I will say yes, because I really like him, and if he turns up to be a fucking idiot that is only playing with me, then I will come to you so you can tell me ‘I told you’ with a condescending tone and I will let you take care of me, because I know you will because you’re my best friend”
You bit your lip, suddenly feeling guilty for having yelled at her. You had tried your best to try and like the Lothbroks, for her sake, but the mere thought of those privileged, cocky, handsome bastards, especially the one with those piercing blue eyes that wouldn’t leave your mind, made your blood boil. You hated that every single person just succumbed to their charms, ignoring the obvious red flags of their family.
“Okay” you sighed, making Thora smile a bit “But if he breaks your heart I will follow him until the end of the world, I will kill him and I will feed him to stray dogs”
Thora laughed then, shaking her head as she moved to hug you tightly.
“And I will join you in your anti-Lothbrok campaign” she promised with a giggle.
“Anyway” you finally stepped back “I better get dressed or I’ll be late”
Thora watched you grab your makeup bag and open the door to leave the bathroom.
“Hey” she said just when you were stepping out, making you look back with a small smile “If anything happens when you’re at Erik’s place… Please call me, okay? I know Ingrid will be there but please if you need something call me”
“Don’t tell me you believe the rumours, Thora” you groaned “Why do you listen to them more than to me?”
“No, just… Just call me, okay?”
You sighed, nodding.
“Fine, I will”
Erik's place was not far from your own, a two-storey house he shared with another guy. It was already full of people when you arrived with an excited Ingrid following you, talking about how nice it was that both of her best friends had nice boyfriends that always invited her to places. You recognized some people from university, but most of the guys that were there you had no idea of who they were. Some of them had a weird vibe around them that immediately threw you off. The worst part was finding Erik with a bunch of them, drinking and laughing loudly while they played pool.
“It's nice to see you, beautiful" Erik leant in again to kiss you but you put your cheek instead with a forced smile. You had been a bit uneasy about this party since you got invited, and for some reason seeing the company he had there only made you turn around and leave.
Besides, Thora's news about Hvitserk maybe wanting to make it official only put a weird weight on your stomach.
“Hi" you greeted him, trying to move away from him as Erik kept his arms around you, finding your rejection amusing. Ingrid bit her lip and looked around, visibly uncomfortable, and grabbed your arm as soon as you were free from his grip.
“I thought you'd never come, would you like some drinks, ladies?" he smirked at the both of you and you nodded slowly, knowing you needed alcohol to deal with all of that. Ingrid looked around trying to find a familiar face, and sighed in relief when she spotted two girls she knew.
“I'll be right back" Erik winked at you, and Ingrid quickly reassured him that she didn't need a drink, for she had found two friends and would go say hello on her way to grab a less strong drink. Her last phrase was said with her eyes fixed on the glass Erik had on his hand, which was pure alcohol.
As soon as the two of them left, you looked around again, feeling more and more uneasy with every single look people casted your way. The group of guys Erik was talking to looked older. One of them, the tallest one, was blonde and had a weird tattoo on his cheek, his hair was long and greasy and his beard was badly maintained, with it having bald patches. His clothes were in a better shape, though you hoped he washed it more than he did himself. Around him, his gang was no better- all of them had ugly tattoos and looked as mean and cruel as him. It nearly made you shiver when he looked you up and down, and you almost groaned in relief when Erik came back with a full glass of alcohol for you.
“Don't mind them" he chuckled, shaking his head “They're old friends of my dad, they're like family to me but they were leaving already" he shook his head. Almost like they had heard him, the blonde man stood up and walked towards the exit, not before casting a last look at Erik. Waving them goodbye, he let his arm fall on your shoulders as soon as you had grabbed your own glass.
“They don't exactly look like someone people would like to party with" you muttered. Erik laughed.
“You're right, I guess!" he was maybe too cheerful, and that made you raise an eyebrow before thinking it could be the alcohol “Aren't you going to try your drink? It's one of my father's best whiskeys... But don't tell anyone, I'm afraid I don't have enough whiskey for all of them"
You sniffed the liquid before wrinkling your nose.
“A bit strong, isn't it?"
“Yeah, that's what makes it good" he chuckled again.
Finally gaining enough courage to take a sip, you started coughing almost immediately. Maybe you didn't know how to appreciate a good glass of whiskey, but that was probably the worst drink you had ever tried.
“Come on, I thought you were a girl that could handle her alcohol!" Erik seemed very amused by your struggling, and you had to try your best to avoid glaring at him or emptying the cup on his face.
But, on second thoughts, strong alcohol was exactly what you needed if you were to stand his repulsive behaviour for the entire night.
Taking a bigger sip, you ignored Erik's laughs and looked around the room for Ingrid, who was nowhere to be found, and cursed when you realised you didn't know anyone close to you that could give you a break from Erik's insistence.
Almost an hour and a few more sips later, your head started feeling a bit more light. Closing your eyes and rubbing them carefully not to ruin your makeup, you realised Erik had stopped laughing, and his hands were now roaming down your body.
“Hey" you slapped his hand away when he was approaching your ass, pressing your lips together “Who said you have permission to touch?"
He giggled, not really impressed by what you thought was a scolding tone.
“Where's your friend?" he kissed your cheek “The one so close to the Lothbroks? I thought you'd bring her, did she ditch you to go and fuck Hvitserk again?"
“Thora?" you frowned, a bit confused because it was the first time Erik had shown any interest in her “I don't know" you lied “She just said she couldn't come, I didn't really ask, she's old enough to do so... Hey, can you stop that? We're in the middle of a room with other people here, it's not polite to just start... Touching people in public like that"
Again, he looked amused, but you were about to reach the point of slapping him across his face.
“We can go somewhere more private, if you'd prefer..."
“No, I just need some air" you said softly, feeling a bit more light-headed every minute that passed.
“Sure" he smiled softly at you “I know somewhere we can get some air, come on"
Before you could react, he pushed you towards the stairs, grabbing your hand to pull you upstairs, away from the noise, the heat and the people. A bit confused, you followed him not really knowing where he intended to go. Something inside you was screaming to run back downstairs, find Ingrid and leave that house that made you so uneasy, but you were feeling a bit more tired than you would usually be having drank only half a glass of alcohol, and you thought a bit of air would do you good.
“Wouldn’t it be better if we went outside?” you muttered, looking back down the stairs. Your mouth felt weird, almost like you couldn’t pronounce the words properly “To get air”
“No, there will be too many people at the door” he chuckled “Come on, don’t you trust me?”
You didn’t reply, frowning when your head started feeling lighter. You definitely hadn’t drank enough to feel like that.
Erik opened a door and pushed you in. A bit confused, you looked around, but before you could say anything you heard him closing the door.
It was a bedroom. At that moment, you couldn’t really tell whether it was Erik’s bedroom or not nor you noticed any detail that could give you a clue of why he had brought you there.
“This is not a balcony” you managed to mumble before trying to open the door again. Erik laughed again, stopping you and pushing you back almost making you lose your balance.
“Come on” he grabbed your wrists, making sure you were completely still before kissing you. Shocked, you couldn’t register what was happening as your brain seemed to be way slower. It was almost like you had a fog on your eyes, but you could feel his lips against yours and his hands roaming up and down your body. You didn’t like it. You didn’t want him touching you. You didn’t give him permission to touch you like that.
He took advantage of your hesitation to push you towards the bed. You made a couple of weak attempts to free yourself from his grip, but every time you tried to move any part of your body it felt like you had a cement block attached to it. You remembered one of your first university parties, when you got so wasted you and Ingrid slept in the campus turf because you couldn’t even walk.
But that time you had drunk for hours straight.
“Wait” you managed to say, closing your eyes tightly. The light of the room hurt your eyes “Stop”
Erik didn’t reply, or if he did you didn’t hear it. He kept kissing down your neck, grabbing your dress to put it up. The moment his cold hand touched your leg under the dress you whimpered in discomfort, and wiggled your body to make him stop touching you.
“Stop” you repeated. Erik only tightened his grip around your wrists when you tried to push him away again “No” you almost begged when his hand reached between your legs.
You stayed still, trying to clear your mind from that stupid fog that clouded everything, but only when he let one of your arms go to unbuckle his trousers did you push him aside. Erik lost his balance and fell, cursing out loud. You stood up as quickly as you could, barely escaping his arms when he tried to catch you. You found the door, opening it with the last bit of strength you had. And ran down the hallway towards the stairs.
Thora looked around, amazed. The entire Lothbrok’s living room had changed, only one corner of the table was set, but there were candles, flowers and the smell of food and wine made her mouth water. Hvitserk looked very sexy in an apron, much more than she had ever thought. The only downside? Hvitserk’s brothers hanging out in the kitchen and eating part of the dinner.
Her smile didn’t falter, though, Hvitserk looked pretty nervous and their presence calmed him down, even though he acted like he was very annoyed.
Her phone vibrated, and she looked away from Ubbe, who was telling a story from the office, to check her screen. Her frown was what grabbed the boy’s attention.
“Everything okay?” Hvitserk’s hand on her lower back made her smile again instantly.
“Yes, I think so” after glancing back at the screen again, she locked the phone and left it on the counter, picking up her wine glass again “It’s just Ingrid, apparently Y/N doesn’t reply to her messages and she just sent one on the group chat. She does that sometimes, reads the messages and forgets to reply so we have to send her multiple messages so she sees the notifications and replies” she explained quickly “They’re at a party together, but she’s probably talking to someone and didn’t check her phone”
“Talking? Probably spreading hate towards us” Ivar opened his mouth for the first time since he arrived. Thora pressed her lips together. She felt the need to defend her friend, but Ivar still intimidated her.
“Not us, brother, probably just you” Hvitserk giggled.
“Alfred told me you made her upset the other day in class” Ubbe glanced at his youngest brother with a stern face.  
“Yes, well, she insulted me” he scoffed “He insulted Hvitserk and our family, she’s been doing that for a while now and someone had to make her stop”
Thora opened her mouth. Ivar’s eyes fixed on her, almost defying her to say something.
“I like her, to be honest” Hvitserk shrugged, refilling his wine glass “She’s not afraid of you, she’s not lining up to lick our ass like half of this damned city, she has some courage”.
“Y/N is very… Passionate, she has strong principles” Thora smiled at him “She doesn’t actually hate any of you, she’s just taking care of me, she’s very protective and loyal, she’s an amazing friend and if you give her a chance you’ll see it”.
“If she gives us a chance, you mean” Ivar rolled his eyes “She thinks she knows us after reading four articles in magazines, she’s done nothing but judge us”
Sigurd chuckled then, shaking his head.
“She might not be so wrong about you, brother”
Ivar hummed, and the glare he threw his brother's way made Thora shiver.
“I guess we’ll see in the future, brother”
Hvitserk rolled his eyes and put his arm around her shoulders.
“In any case, I’d love to start again with her, why don’t you tell her to drop by for a couple of drinks after dinner? Tell Ingrid to come too, if she wants”
“Oh, I’d love to” Thora smiled “But they’re at Erik’s place, he was throwing a party and invited Y/N… After practically assaulting her in public, but in any case…”
“Wait, she went to that asshole’s party?” Ivar clenched his jaw, and Thora was startled when he left his glass on the counter very abruptly “Wow, she is stupid”
“Ivar…” Ubbe scolded him again “Leave her alone”
“Maybe Erik actually likes her” Hvitserk raised an eyebrow “He didn’t hurt her yet, did he?”
“Yet?” Thora widened her eyes.
“He doesn’t like her, he just wants to fuck her and she’s stupid enough to fall into his trap…”
“Enough, Ivar” Hvitserk interrupted him, sighing “If they are bored at that lame party tell them to come here, I’m sure Ivar would love it if he could have someone to argue with tonight”.
Ivar rolled his eyes again, and Thora smiled softly, just before her phone vibrated again.
Ingrid was calling. Immediately, her heart started beating faster. She would never call her knowing she was on a date, not unless something had happened.
She excused herself quickly, walking a few steps away from the brothers before picking up.
“Thora” her friend gasped, almost like she just did a great effort “I need help”
“What?” she raised her voice softly, which made the boys look at her “What’s happening?”
“It’s Y/N… Look, I went upstairs looking for her because I couldn’t find her. and I didn’t see Erik either, so I went there to look for them because I had a bad feeling and… I think someone put something in her drink, she’s… Dizzy and when I found her she was leaving Erik’s bedroom, he was inside but he’s perfectly fine… I don’t know what to do, should I take her to the hospital?”
Thora froze. She left the glass on the counter as softly as she could and rubbed her eyes, probably ruining her makeup. She turned to look at Hvitserk and the panic in her eyes made him approach her with a worried frown, if she had looked at Ivar she would have seen him sitting up and looking at her with a frown.
“Y/N… She’s been drinking… Probably a spiked drink, she’s not okay I need to go there with Ingrid and take her to the hospital”
“Fuck” Hvitserk groaned “That fucking son of a bitch”
“Ingrid, I’ll be there as soon as I can, don’t leave her alone” Thora quickly locked her phone again and reached for her purse, still not knowing what to do.
“I knew it” Ivar looked furious, and then punched the wood under the counter that crackled under his fist “I’m gonna kill that fucking clown, I’m gonna…”
“Ivar” Ubbe grabbed his arm before he put whatever he had inside the pocket of his jacket out “Don’t fool around, go with Thora and Hvitserk if you want, I’ll wait here for you and I’ll call Helga, just bring her here, don’t start anything with Erik in his own house and with more people around, is that clear?”
Thora wasn’t sure Ivar had even heard him, as he was busy grabbing his crutch and taking his phone out to make a call.
“I… I can go alone, you guys don’t have to…”
“Are you kidding?” Hvitserk smiled softly at her “I wouldn’t leave my girl alone in a moment like this, now let’s go, we’ll go in my car”
Thora froze again, her face blushed and she bit her lip to hold back a smile.
“Did you just call me…?”
“Are you coming or what?” Ivar roared from the door, which startled her but also reminded her of the seriousness of the situation.
Ivar was already entering the car when they made their way outside. Hvitserk kissed Thora's temple before she climbed into one of the backseats as he made his way to the driver's seat. She could only hear Ivar's growls and heavy breathing for a few seconds, and she stared at him in shock. It was true that she always suspected Ivar having a crush on you, maybe being a bit jealous of Erik and enjoying his banter with you because you were the only one willing to throw some insults his way, but the way he had spoken to you during class -and how upset you were after it, according to Alfred- had made her think his crush wasn't that serious and that you had really gotten on his nerves. But his reaction in the kitchen when she had said what happened to you wasn't the reaction of someone who couldn't care less about what happened to you.
“Do... Do you know where Erik lives?" she asked, realising she hadn't even asked Ingrid when she had called.
“Yes, don't worry gorgeous" Hvitserk smiled at her through the rearview mirror “We've been there a couple of times"
“Okay" she took a deep breath, letting her head rest against the headrest.
It wasn't that far from the Lothbrok's house. They had been only ten minutes in the car when Hvitserk finally stopped the car in front of a house full of people, with multiple windows opened and music coming from the inside. The front door was opened and some people stood on the entrance smoking and drinking. It was only when she stepped out of the car when she spotted Ingrid.
Tags: @istorkyou @barnes-lothbrok @naaladareia @youbloodymadgenius @southernbe @yummycastiel @nothingtolosebutweight @noway4u @cdauni @heavenly1927 @ivarhoegh @biancathecool @helleiaiwritting @marvelsangels @ironynoticony​ @kenyadakblalock​ @mymindfuckery​ @alexa4040
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
hello its the Asmodeus anon from other fandoms me and a couple of friends were talking about Asmodeus and I brought up what you said about the children of the princes of hell, now if i found out my father was a demon and my mother a human was tricked... and I was also thinking of how the Obey me fandom treats Asmodeus.
I think a lot of people put Asmodeus down his character and his design, and Obey me does not do him enough justice.
Now if obey me wasnt a otome game I would like to see what Asmodeus we would have gotten, it is said that Asmodeus is the demon of lust and is therefore responsible for twisting people's sexual desires. It is said in Asmodeus Or, The Devil on Two Sticks that people who fall to Asmodeus' ways will be sentenced to an eternity in the second level of hell.
Asmodeus governs seventy two legions of inferior spirits. Now in D&D he is refered to a somewhat God. In Obey me he can charm people, like a trance like status, in C.C world he is an asshole, a demon powerful just under Lucifer and Samael.
in the book of tobit, Asmodeus is attracted to Sarah (i think in obey me case, Helene) and he slays her several husbands on their weddig night. But Raphael binds Asmodeus before he tried to kill another.
Asmodeus fled from Solomon's wrath and was forced to do his bidding in the book of Solomon and in the Talmud.
Some Catholic theologians compared him with Abaddon. Yet other authors considered Asmodeus a prince of revenge. (Which I think was quite ironic as I always thought Mammon would be a prince of revenge.
Hello again, anon!
I still don't really understand why Asmodeus is the least popular of the Obey Me characters. He's precious and I love him, so I don't know what that's about.
Asmodeus outside of Obey Me certainly has many different versions. They could have gone in all kinds of directions for him. And the interesting thing is that all of these different modern medias are taking the information about Asmodeus from the same ancient sources. I'm sure some of them use different information and I think in some cases the only thing they're using is the name itself, but there is a certain amount of history that's associated even with just the name.
Asmo in Obey Me especially seems to have just the name and the lust connection, but everything else about him seems to be completely unique to the game. If they weren't trying to make him a love interest, they definitely could have tapped into some of the more... well, demonic... stuff that he's done. Such as killing people and what not else.
I also think that there's a lot of room for fan interpretation of the demons' past. All of them have been alive for a long time, so we can easily fill in quite a bit of stuff if we want to. Like it's certainly possible that after becoming a demon, Asmo often went to the human world and ended up with a human/demon hybrid baby. I just imagine any children Asmo has as being incredibly cute.
But all of that would be headcanon territory since they don't give us all that history in the game. I don't think they could even if they wanted to lol. There's just too much of it.
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ivarlover · 2 years
Alex + Female Reader + Modern Ivar
This was supposed to be just a one-shot but the story has come alive for me (& for my friend) and the need to write more can't be ignored. Chapter one is below this one if you just scroll down. Chapter 3 is above this one if you just scroll up. Hope you enjoy this fuck fest! 🔥
Summary: You'd been busy between the responsibilities of work and school. When your classmate and friend, Alex, invited you for drinks with him and his friend, Ivar, you couldn't turn him down. You were a very sexual young lady afterall, so why not explore the possibilities? And now, it had turned into, what looked like was going to be, an entire weekend of "fun" you'd never even dreamed of.
Honestly, this is just smut with somewhat of a plot, inspired by a naughty conversation with a friend of mine. 😍 (You know who you are).
Warnings: Totally NSFW (Unprotected) Threesome, anal (male and female receiving), male to male contact and maybe more, strap-on use, just smutty, smut, smut and all that entails. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!
Words: yes, there are words, many 🤣
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The ride in the elevator to your floor, which was all the way on the sixth, was intense. There were a couple of other people in the elevator with the three of you and you weren't sure if you felt relieved by this fact or annoyed.
Alex had his hand on the small of your back and had managed to get his fingers just under your top and the gentle touches and circles he was making on your skin had given you goosebumps. When you'd give him the look like he was going to be in trouble if he didn't stop, he just smiled like he was ready for the challenge.
Ivar, you found, was much more daring. Every time the guy in front of you guys would turn around because an unrecognizable sound had escaped from your lips, he'd lean over to you and lay a kiss on you or plant his hand over your breast. You elbowed him to stop and he just laughed an evil laugh at you.
The last time the guy turned around to look at you guys, Ivar licked your cheek from your jawline to nearly your eye, the whole time, staring back at the guy. The guy looked shocked and Ivar said, "Sorry, man. I would give you a taste, too, but I'm not one to share... Well, not unless it's with Alex here," and he motioned towards Alex, who was beginning to put his hand down the front of your pants. Alex knodded his direction as if saying hello and went back to giving all of his attention to you. "But, you're more than welcome to continue watching if you'd like. I've found I actually enjoy being watched. Trust me, I understand, she is delicious." And he leaned in, yanked your head to him by grabbing a fist full of hair, and kissed you again before you could say a word.
The guy turned pale and gulped. He hurried off of the elevator at the next stop.
"Hell, I bet that wasn't even his floor," Ivar laughed.
You slapped his chest, scolding him. "Ivar! You should be ashamed of yourself! I have to live here. What if I see that guy again?"
"He'll probably be scared to say anything to you. Don't worry," he laughed, "Or he'll proposition you." And he looked you up and down and licked his lips.
You had barely gotten your apartment door open before Alex was rushing you. He slammed you up against the wall, pressing his body into yours, kissing up your neck to your lips. He breathed you in before landing his mouth on yours. He began kissing you slowly at first and then more rushed as his hands were all over you, everywhere at once.
You heard the door close and your keys drop on the table by the door. As Ivar walked passed the two of you, he slapped Alex on the ass and said in such a sexy voice, "Why in such a rush, man? We've got all night." Alex's hips jolted forward into you.
You smiled and he pulled back from you. "What?" he asked, staring into your eyes with his hands now on your ass.
"Nothing. I just.. Well, Ivar's right. We've got all night, weekend if the two of you want." Ivar did not miss your words as he looked back at you from the sofa, shooting you that devilish smile of his again. "And ummm, I need a shower." As Alex backed off of you, you walked to the kitchen and grabbed some glasses and a bottle of wine. "Here, guys. Make yourselves at home while I go shower. When I'm finished, if either of you want to shower, too, you're more than welcomed to." And you headed towards your room.
"You got anything stronger than wine, love? Like maybe some vodka or whiskey?" Ivar asked from the sofa.
"There in the cabinet beside the refrigerator," you pointed as you walked by, "Help yourself to whatever you want."
He looked at Alex, "Let's check it out." The two of them headed to the kitchen. Alex reached for the cabinet door at the same time that Ivar did. Ivar's hand landed gently on Alex's and Alex felt a tightening in his throat as he swallowed. Ivar looked at Alex for a moment and didn't move his hand. Alex smiled warmly at him and nervously blinked. "Oh um," Ivar cleared his throat and removed his hand just as nervously, "Let's see what she's got."
Alex gulped and tried to ignore the flutter he felt in his stomach. He opened the cabinet. They decided on some cherry flavored liquor. Ivar poured their glasses and they went to your room to wait for you, being sure to bring the bottle with them. Alex flopped down on the bed after placing his glass on the nightstand. "This is much more comfortable than that damn desk!" he laughed.
"I didn't hear you complaining when we were on it," Ivar teased him and Alex blushed.
"No, it was really, umm,"Alex began to studder.
"Hot as fuck!" Ivar finished his sentence, staring at him directly in the eyes.
Alex blinked away from him. He stood and began stripping his clothes off, dropping everything in the floor. Ivar's eyes widened at him and he felt his heart skip a few beats and his dick twitch in his jeans. He watched Alex's muscles appear as he pulled his shirt off. He had a washboard chest and the thought of running his hands across it entered his mind. He felt the heat creeping up to his face from his neck and he knew it was growing from his cock. What he didn't know was why seeing Alex's very defined muscles on his body was having this kind of effect on him. They were best friends for fuck's sake.
Alex was now completely naked and Ivar shifted his body on the edge of the bed where he sat. Alex turned toward him and Ivar thought he was going to pass out from holding his breath. He was scared to breathe.
Alex kept walking passed Ivar and to the bathroom door. Ivar let out a sigh of relief, or was that relief? "Alex, wha, umm what are you doing?"
"I'm joining (Y/N) in the shower. I can't get enough of her and she's right. We do need showers. You should ummm join us, too," and he opened the bathroom door and went in.
Ivar sat there for a moment more, completely stunned. He tried explaining his reaction to Alex to himself but came to no conclusion. He decided to just drop it.
He'd mentioned earlier how he enjoyed being watched, and he hadn't been lieing, but he was also a watcher. In fact, the thought of watching you and Alex in the shower made him moan out loud to himself. He stood and undressed himself, too, and made his way to the bathroom.
The sweet aroma of your soaps filled his nostrils and he smiled. He knew he was still into you. He wasn't sure what it had been about a few minutes ago with Alex. He propped himself against the sink and as his hand found his throbing member of manhood, he began to slowly stroke himself up and down. He watched as Alex surprised you in the shower.
You had soap in your eyes and as you were trying to wash it away, you felt Alex grab your hips from behind and pull you into his chest. "What the fuck!" You couldn't help it. He caught you completely off guard.
Alex completely dropped his hands from you and took a small step backwards. "I'm, ummm, I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I'd just decided I wanted a shower, too, and didn't want to take one alone."
You heard a devious laugh from the bathroom and as you finally got the soap out of your eyes, you turned and saw Ivar standing there, dick in hand. "Of course you're here, too." You laughed. "I'm sorry, Alex. It's fine that you're in here with me. You just scared the shit out of me."
His hands were immediately back on you. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. I promise." He leaned forward and kissed you on the side of your neck and down your shoulder, smiling widely.
"You getting in, too, Ivar?" you asked him.
"No, I'm good right here watching the two of you. I love your choice of clear shower curtains, though. It works out perfectly for me." He gave a genuine smile. You'd chosen a clear shower curtain because you lived alone. Maybe you'd seen too many horror movies but the thought of you coming home and someone hiding in your shower, unbeknownst to you, and coming out when you least expected, was just too much for you to think of so you'd found the solution. Looks like Ivar was definitely benefitting from your silly fear.
Alex tilted you forward so that your ass was in the air. He slowly kneeled down behind you, water hitting him in the face, and began kissing the small of your back and then trailed kisses lower. You felt chills all over your body. He slapped one ass cheek and kissed the other. You smiled in delight.
He was finally on his knees behind you. As he leaned into your ass, you squirmed at the warmth you felt from his breath. As he put his face into your slit and licked his long tongue through your folds, you let out a groan and your hands slammed onto the tile in front of you to try to hold yourself steady.
Ivar licked his lips and sucked his bottom one into his mouth as he watched Alex lick you as if you were going to be his last meal. His hand was at a steady pace, pumping up and down on himself as he looked on. His other hand had a tight grip on the sink he was leaning against. "There you go, babe. Fuck her with your tongue. Yes, just like that. Make her scream for me. Scream my name, (Y/N). Show Alex you love his tongue."
His words must have had the same effect on Alex as they did you. He licked you harder, faster and you could barely catch your breath. You heard Ivar continuing to tell you to scream his name as Alex's mouth found your clit and he swirled his tongue around it as he slipped two fingers inside you. As the heat spread throughout your body, you couldn't help yourself. You screamed out, "IVAR!" You managed to look over at him only to see him staring at you like he could devour you right there. That stare was so fierce, it gave you chills.
"That's it, (Y/N). Scream my name," he said again. He looked to Alex, "Thats it, babe. Make her cum screaming my name." Babe. He used this name for Alex. You were very curious if Alex noticed, too, if this was his pet name for him or if it had been uddered out in the heat of the moment. Somehow the thought made you squirm even more.
Alex moved his mouth away from you, ignoring your protesting whines. His fingers pulled out of you and replaced his tongue on your clit as he got to his feet and stood behind you.
He glanced over at Ivar, who winked at him, still stroking his cock. He grabbed your head and bent you further forward and asked, breathlessly, "Is this still ok, (Y/N)? You want me inside you?"
"Very much," you moaned in response. And with that, Alex lined his swollen, hard dick up to your waiting opening. He held onto your hips and with one, hard thrust of his hips, he slammed himself into you. Your mouth gaped open, as did your eyes, at the feeling of him. He was so thick. "Oh fuck!" You yelled out.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes!" you could barely find the words. "Fuck me, Alex! Fuck me! While Ivar watches us. Fuck me!"
That was all the encouragement Alex needed. He pulled back from you and slammed into you again. Hard.
Ivar reminded you, "Scream my name,(Y/N)!" Alex looked over at him and watched as his strokes on his dick sped up. His thrusts into you sped up at the same time and he licked his lips. Ivar didn't miss it or his hungry stare. He watched Alex as he turned to you and found a steady, hard rhythm. "That's it, Alex. Fuck our girl. Fuck her hard. Make her cum. I want to see you make her cum for me." His breathing became more like panting as he watched Alex fucking you. Fucking you just like he'd commanded.
Ivar's words were so provocative. You weren't sure who he was affecting more, you or Alex. The more Ivar gave his demands, the harder Alex pounded his thick dick into you, making you scream out Ivar's name. And Alex's, and a string of obscenities. Ivar had this way about him that you couldn't quite give a name to. He seemed ruthless and devilish and cold as if he could kill you but for whatever reason, it was one of the sexiest things you'd ever seen.
You felt your climax building as you enjoyed Alex fucking into you and Ivar watching you and commanding you. He was gripping the sink so hard, you wouldn't be surprised if part of it broke off into his hand.
Alex's grip on your hips became tighter, much like Ivar's hold on the sink, his nails pressing into you, as you could only hope he'd draw a little blood. A high pitched moan escaped from your lips as one of Alex's hands reached around you and found your clit again. This bringing his face closer to you, he began slowly licking up your spine, toward your neck. His fingers vigorously circled around your clit and when Ivar's eyes locked with yours, you couldn't hold back any longer.
"Cum for me, (Y/N)!" Alex slapped you on your ass and groaned out loud with the slap.
One more hard snap of his hips and you bursted all over him without warning. And the aftershocks were just as good.
With another slam into to you, Alex filled you up with his cum. He stiffened behind you and breathed heavily as his movements slowed to a stop. The two of you stood there for a moment, trying to catch your breath, until you heard Ivar's groans that nearly sounded as if he was growling.
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Ivar's head was leaning backwards with his long hair falling down his back, and his face all contorted into a snarl. His hand was moving relentlessly up and down on himself. The sight was truly majestic.
Alex slipped out of you and you turned to kiss him before stepping out of the shower. You didn't bother to dry off with a towel but headed over to Ivar. When you placed your hands on his chest and rubbed across his muscular abs, he yanked his head forward, eyes springing open and landing on you.
When your eyes met, the strained look on his face disappeared and was quickly replaced with eyes full of lust. "Well, hey, love," he said softly. His devilish smile, that you now realized is just how he smiles at you, spread across his face. He placed his hand on the back of your neck and pulled you into him. His lips met yours and he began slowly kissing you as if he was savoring the taste of your mouth.
You pulled away from him, sucking his bottom lip and letting it out of your mouth with a pop as he pouted. You began trailing kisses down his chin and to his neck. He placed both of his hands on your ass cheeks and squeezed, moaning as your kisses reached his chest and you bit his nipple.
Alex was suddenly standing behind you and he rubbed his hands over your body, sending chills down your spine.
You continued your kisses lower down Ivar's chest, leaving him and Alex facing eachother as you kneeled to your knees in front of Ivar. He grabbed himself again. Alex raised his hand and hesitating, he placed it on Ivar's cheek and rubbed it with his thumb. Ivar's eyes grew wide and he felt extreme anger take over. His first instinct was to smack Alex's hand away. As he raised his hand to do just that, he felt his stomach flop and his anger evaporate at the look Alex was giving him. He felt strangely warm. He, instead, placed his hand on top of Alex's and squeezed it a little, his eyes never leaving his. He was confused but didn't question Alex.
You looked above you and saw this sweet moment and smiled. It did something to you that you couldn't really quite put into words and it looked like they probably felt the same way. "I'm sorry to interrupt you guys," they both dropped their hands immediately, snapping out of whatever trance this seemed to be, "but Ivar, I need you to move your hand from your dick so I can have my way with it."
Ivar smiled at you and did as you requested, "Sure, love, he's all yours." He placed both of his hands on the sink and leaned back.
You grabbed him at the base of his dick and held it tightly. You stuck your tongue out and teased the tip while looking up to he and Alex both watching you with pure lust in their eyes. As you grabbed his balls with your other hand, he jerked forward and you heard him moan in appreciation. Agonizingly slow, you sucked him into your mouth and swirled your tongue around his thickness. His dick twitched in your mouth as you began to bob your head up and down on his throbing, hard shaft. You heard him panting heavily and you smiled knowing you were doing it just like he liked it.
Alex stood behind you, still, completely naked, and placed one of his hands on the top of your head, tangling it in your hair. As he pulled gently, watching your expertise with Ivar's dick, you shivered at the sensation. "Fuck yeah!" Ivar exclaimed. "Do that again!"
Alex answered, "I..umm think that was my fault," he smiled.
Ivar's eyes sprung open and landed on Alex staring at him intently. Alex pulled your hair again, never turning away from Ivar's gaze, and again, you shivered and hummed at the feeling, making Ivar yell out, "Y/N! Fuck! I.. oh fuck! That feels good!"
Alex smiled at Ivar and he stumbled some. Alex released your hair and grabbed Ivar by the hips, steadying him. Ivar's eyes grew wide and his face flushed at the touch. As Alex began to remove his hands, Ivar grabbed them, holding them in place on his hips. They scorched his skin and it felt so unbelievably amazing. He was shocked at his realization and dropped his hands to the sink again.
Continuing bravely, Alex slowly moved one hand up and away from Ivar's hip and to his chest. He hesitated at first, waiting for Ivar's response. When Ivar only moaned in appreciative sounds, Alex rubbed his hand gently across Ivar's chest and smiled at the pleasant feel of his hard body. He felt Ivar's heart pounding and watched his face as he squirmed along to your sensual movements on his cock.
Alex returned his hand to Ivar's face and caressed his cheek. Ivar instantly raised his head to look Alex in the eyes again. There was an eerie silence between them, a knowing that neither of them had ever addressed before now, but still, confusion settled within Ivar as he wasn't sure what to do with what he was feeling. Alex seemed to be acting on impulse only and not yet letting himself think at all.
Both of their heart rates began to race at the emotion in their gaze. As you released your grip on Ivar's cock and swirled your tongue around the tip of it, he gasped and his lips parted, panting. Alex swiftly moved his hand to the back of Ivar's neck and yanked him forward. He took one last look into Ivar's uncertain eyes as his lips landed on his. He kissed him slowly at first and then more frantically, as his hands were all over Ivar, everywhere at once. Hearts pounding, chests heaving, hands roaming, Alex deepened the kiss as Ivar began kissing him back. All thoughts and hesitation leaving his mind. The two were locked in a moment of such heated passion, sweat pouring from them both.
Ivar stumbled backwards into the sink more and as if the cold stone awakened him, he opened his eyes in mid kiss. He yanked his head backwards from Alex and shoved him away from him. "What the fuck are you doing?!" he yelled. With that, he swung his fist forward, almost instinctively, and punched Alex in the stomach. Hard.
As Alex stammered backwards and doubled over a little, catching his stomach and breath, he began, "Fuck! I'm so sorry. I..I don't know, man. I, umm we're both straight, man. I know. You're my best friend. I don't know what came over me. But damn, what a sucker punch!" He held himself in shock, pain and humiliation covering him.
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You held Ivar's dick only in your hand now, not knowing what to do, as you just watched.
The anger Ivar felt slowly disappeared again as he watched Alex in pain. He'd been ready to fight him, hell, to kill him even but now he felt guilt sweep through his entire body. He reached his hand up to his own mouth and touched his lips, still feeling the lingering of where Alex's plump lips had just been. He didn't know what he was doing. So he didn't think but followed his impulses. He raised his hand to Alex's shoulder and Alex jerked back in response as he looked up to Ivar, unsure of what was coming next. Alex began, "Seriously, man. I'm so sor..." and he was suddenly interrupted by Ivar's mouth landing on his. Ivar rushed forward, crashing his lips into Alex's, holding his face between both of his hands, making Alex stumble into the wall behind him. Ivar pressed into him, their chests slightly touching.
You were pleased with this new development and decided to pick up where you'd left off. You scooted back between them, what little space there was, and sucked Ivar back into your mouth, determined to finish what you started. He was still hard as a rock and he gulped into Alex at the warmth of your mouth.
Ivar's and Alex's kiss intensified as they got lost in eachother. Panting, Alex's tongue wrapped around Ivar's. He snaked his arms tightly around Ivar's back, pulling him in a bit closer, feeling as if he couldn't get close enough.
Alex pulled slightly away to catch his breath and to see Ivar as he was completely astonished. Ivar opened his eyes and looked deeply into Alex's. "I don't know, man," was all Ivar said.
Ivar knew this desire he felt, recognized it from deep within but this was the first time he'd ever felt this with a man. But this wasn't just any man. This was Alex, his best friend, the man who knew everything about him and still remained his friend. The man who knew every part of his body, already, just as well as every deep, dark secret of his. This was the man who had been there for him in his darkest hours and in his finest moments. They shared everything together. There was an odd comfort in this that he hadn't felt with anyone else before. Maybe something he'd been missing? He decided to listen to himself and his desires and stop questioning everything. How could it be wrong if it felt this right?
Ivar remained staring into Alex's eyes, waiting for some kind of acceptance, something to let him know Alex felt the same. Alex raised his hand to Ivar's head and buried his hand in his hair, combing through it before grabbing a handful and a small tug to urge him on.
That's all Ivar needed. With that, he began kissing Alex again, frantically, as if the clock would strike midnight and all would be lost. Heat rose from within as his heart pounded and threatened to beat out of his chest. His hands slid down to Alex's chest where he could feel the pounding of his heart against him, too, and how the two of them seemed to be in sync.
Barely catching their breath between kisses, they were lost in this moment, this deepening of their friendship. Everything else faded away, unimportant. Alex yanked Ivar's head away from him with the grip he still had in his hair and began to kiss his chin and jawline up to his neck, just below his ear. He gently licked and then took a small bite, sending chills down Ivar's spine. Ivar's eyes rolled into the back of his head and his head fell back as Alex began to softly suck and lightly kiss his neck. Ivar was usually the one in control but he knew there was no need to fight this because he'd clearly lost all control some time ago.
You continued your assault on his throbing dick as he twitched inside your mouth. You gathered some of your spit, that was dripping from him, into your hand and moved it around to his ass. You gently caressed his ass and wiped the wetness from your hand onto him. He tensed but quickly relaxed as you rubbed him softly, just ghosting over his tight entrance. You gently pressed the very tip of your finger into him and he jolted forward into your mouth where you sucked even harder on him.
At the same time, Alex had taken Ivar's mouth back into his and his tongue swirled around Ivar's while Alex's grip in his hair held him in place. Ivar's hands rested on Alex's hips, squeezing tightly as if it was the only thing holding him up. And he felt almost certain, it was.
You let your right hand find Alex's cock, which was now demanding attention as well, and began to squeeze and pump him up and down as he moaned into Ivar's mouth. You sucked Ivar with a fierceness that he'd never known before and the tip of your finger on your other hand gently pumped in and out of him, not wanting to hurt him as you knew this was a first.
Alex bit Ivar's bottom lip and sucked it into his mouth as he then deepened their kiss yet again. Ivar grunted and moaned as Alex tightened his grip in his hair, his other hand planted firmly on the small of Ivar's back, holding him tightly against him. Panting and sweating, they were interlocked in eachother. Ivar placed a hand on the wall behind Alex to steady himself with the other still on Alex's hip. His body tensed and stiffened as your magic tongue traced the veins on his cock and then sucked hard on the tip of him just as you simultaneously plunged the tip of your finger a little futher into his tight ass. He grunted a provocative sound and he stammered forward into Alex even futher as their kiss broke and Alex began sucking and kissing his neck again. With that, Ivar began to tremble all over, his body in a seizure of extasy, and he came in your mouth with one hard thrust forward. Streams of his cum hit the back of your throat as you sucked up and swallowed every bit, thinking he was surely empty by now. You still pumped Alex with your hand as he moaned and groaned into Ivar's neck.
Once Ivar's movements slowed to a stop and you were sure you'd milked him dry, you released his cock from your mouth and gently removed your finger from him. He jerked against Alex at the sensation.
You turned to Alex and replaced your hand with your mouth. His eyes widened with a gulp. Ivar turned and smiled and kissed him on the neck, still leaning against him, and then whispered, "I know. She's amazing, isn't she?" Alex's head fell back, he couldn't answer Ivar, not now. He moaned and Ivar smiled at him again, knowingly. Ivar raised his head and gave small kisses, just ghosting over Alex's mouth, leaving Alex to lean his head forward, chasing the kiss he so desperately wanted.
You sucked Alex hard and fast as your hands cupped his balls and gently rubbed them. Ivar finally began passionately kissing him and he squirmed beneath him, panting and moaning. When you grabbed him at the base of his dick and focused on pumping in unison with your mouth and swirling tongue, he lost it. His hand clawed at Ivar's back while the other yanked his hair. He kissed Ivar haphazardly and Ivar placed his hand just around his neck and gently squeezed just tight enough for Alex to gasp for air before releasing his hold. Much to his own surprise, Alex enjoyed the sensation the light choking gave him and his entire body jerked in pure extasy.
With one last luxurious tug from your lips, Alex hit his climax, completely loosing all sense of everything around him. He shot his load, filling you as you swallowed and milked him dry as well.
He nearly collapsed to the floor but Ivar held him in his arms and practically dragged him to your bed, even though he was barely in much better shape himself.
When they reached the bed, as if they'd read eachother's minds, they both looked back at you, still sitting in the floor just inside the door of the bathroom. "Well, what are you waiting for, love? C'mon, it's your turn, now." They both slid up your bed, laying back, side by side, waiting for you.
@istorkyou @vero-maris-zamo @lonewolf471 @ivarhoegh @chapada010101010
#ivartheboneless #ivarsmut #alexsmut #alexhoghandersen #ivarlothbrock #ivarragnarson #alexhoeghandersen #ivarthreesome #threesome #ivar #ragnarsons #ruthless #hogh #hoegh #alexhøghandersen
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lorata · 2 years
Okay this might be a little too spicy to ask, so feel free to ignore, but do you have any THG fanfic/fandom characterization/headcanon pet peeves? Aside from I assume one-note Careers. Mine is the way people erase the mentorship bond! I see so much Finnick stuff especially where he tells the writer’s chosen lover for him that they’re the “only one who sees the real him,” and I’m always like, hello, MAGS???
oh hard agree, plus I'm not a super fan of that even without the mentor thing. like don't get me wrong I love a good, codependent fictional relationship that would be absolutely destructive in real life (delicious) but everyone should have more than one person. there can be MULTIPLE codependent relationships! codependent fractal! a weird group of people with a weird shared experience that nobody else can hope to understand. FEED ME THAT LIKE SKITTLES.
(don't come for me about my fictional preferences. leave me and the fellowship ALONE)
on a similar note I also used to get tired of how everyone made all the mentors sexually and/or romantically involved with their victors (like Beetee/Wiress, Brutus/Enobaria or Finnick/Annie where he's her mentor, whoever.) like no shade to people who read or write it BUT I feel like there was a weird period where no one could envision ANY close relationship without writing it into a pairing. Maybe it's my aroace coming to the surface but I got a bit grumpy. So I wrote an endless permutation of complicated, intense relationships with absolutely no sex or romance aspect. what are ya gonna do about it!
one of my less controversial peeves is "peeta starts out dating glimmer who is vapid and promiscuous and cheats on him so he can get together with katniss who is perfect" like an early taylor swift song. it was E V E R Y W H E R E for a while. if there was a modern AU, Peeta was dating Mean Bitch Glimmer and she'd get her comeuppance around the end of Act I. why. please. one of Katniss' actual, literal, canon character arcs is realizing Glimmer was a person who was forced to act the way she was (her interview dress chosen by her adult stylist was SEE-THROUGH) and she died, alone, for an audience who immediately forgot she existed. and you're gonna "not like other girls" her for your wish-fulfillment barista AU. cool.
on the other end of the scale -- and this is a very personal trigger, so I don't blame anyone for liking it -- the District 5 repro girls / thin girls fanon that was rampant in 2012-2014 fanfic. a bunch of people incorporated it into their stuff but it is such a violent, visceral nope for me that if a story uses it I close the tab immediately.
characterization-wise, there is a fic i still see floating around where rue makes me scream. listen. rue is the oldest of 6 kids AND her father died when she was even younger than katniss. she has been working full time to support her family in a job where you are literally murdered for mistakes since she was nine years old. rue is calculating and intelligent, she tells katniss that peeta is "okay" when she knows he's bleeding to death because if katniss realizes he's dying she'll leave. PLEASE. respect the hustle, the girl is not naive.
ok you did say spicy so i will give you ONE (1) hot take. it drives me bananas when fanfic uses Cato Hadley and Clove Kentwell. they first appeared on wattpad in 2010, when fandom tossed a few names around for a while and hadley and kentwell were the ones that stuck. but IT'S NOT THEIR REAL LAST NAMES STOP ADDING THEM TO THE WIKIS AND TELLING PEOPLE IT'S CANON AAAAAAAAA.
there's my one petty hunger games post, lol. i am pretty live and let live, generally if I don't like something I scroll past or filter it out. the annoyance happens when it's stuff like, trying to read fic about Careers and the first page of results is just them background tagged in an ensemble fic about the main characters -- but that's a minor character in juggernaut fandom problem, that's EVERYWHERE. i do the "search within results summary: name" trick to solve that
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applcrumbl · 2 years
Prompt List
incase you want a little inspo...
“For fuck’s sake, guys! We’re NOT dating”
“You’re still the same person I fell in love with″
“Why would you prank me with something like that?!””
“I’m not gonna lie, I’m really turned on by that”
“You knew how important this was for me!”
“What did you do?”
“Oh shut the fuck up”
“Forget it, you’re not even worth it”
“Say that one more time and you’re done”
“Why? Why did you leave?”
“How could you hide something like that from me!”
“Now you wanna talk? Well fuck you”
“Just one drink”
“Hello? We’re in the middle of something”
“Oh how cute! You actually think I give a fuck”
“This means nothing”
“Don’t do it, please”
“This is so stupid” “and yet, you’re still here”
“So this was all a lie?”
“Hold up, you what?”
“I can do whatever I want, we’re not dating, remember?”
“You moved on, so did I”
“I can’t keep doing this
“Just be honest with me!”
“I’m not gonna sit pretty and wait until they break your heart”
“Just one more night, please baby”
“I wanna go home”
“Keep talking all you want but you can’t deny that you want me as much as I want you”
“You broke my nose!”
“You’re not an angel either, angel”
“Let’s face it! I’m just one of your many booty calls!”
“You’re nothing like them
“Why are you helping me?”
“You have to leave right now”
“You’re in love with her/him/them”
“You’re never letting that go, are you?”
“Love is overrated”
“I’ve missed this”
“How long has it been since you’ve slept?
“It’s too cold! Come back!”
“I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention”
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
“You’ve thought about this, haven’t you?”
“To be honest, I’m choosing not to listen”
“Don’t look at me. I’m a mess”
“I like you a lot. I just thought you should know”
“Can I tell you a secret? I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“I’m scared. What if someone finds out about us?”
Tthe last person who should be behind a wheel is you.”
“I don’t want to discuss my sexuality with you.”
“Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.”
“It’s okay. I understand. You can leave. They all do.”
“I love you.” “Why?”
“I remember practising how to ask you out in the mirror”
“I can’t believe I got the first date, let alone a year.
“You don’t mean that”
“Will you marry me?”
“They said what to you?? I’ll kill ‘em”
“I’ll pick up the check,” “we have a joint bank account?” “you’re welcome”
“say it again”
“I still remember the way you taste”
“are you really taking his side right now?”
“I’m not going to get sick baby, just let me hold you,”
“I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you!”
“I need a place to stay”
“Shut up and just kiss me already”
“Are you kidding me right now?”
“She/He/They’re a keeper”
“Don’t listen to them, okay?”
“Please don’t leave me”
“How could you?”
“Are you cold?”
“Are you checking me out?”
“Eyes up here pal”
“You’re beautiful”
“I can’t help it”
“I’m gonna hit ‘em with my car”
“Don’t follow me”
“You’re killing me”
“Let me go”
“Kiss it better?”
“Don’t shut me out”
“Is that my shirt?”
“Warm me up?”
“If you don’t stop, we’re gonna have a problem”
“Okay this is ridiculous”
“Dance with me, darling?”
“Can you even drive?”
“Your lips are soft”
“Are you high?”
"Why did you buy that?!"
Friends to Lovers
Enemies to Lovers
NSFW Alphabet
Only One Bed
Mutual Pining
You’re the sibling of their Best Friend
Near-Death Scenario
Established Relationship
Firsts (kiss, sex, argument)
Games (spin the bottle, would you rather etc.)
How you Met
Drunken Confessions / Accidental Confessions
Fake Relationship
Types of Sex (car, phone, public etc.)
Love Triangle
aaand, of course you can make up something of your own!
happy writing, and happy reading!
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yieldfruit · 1 year
Hello 🌷 What is your opinion on taking a man's last name vs hyphenating upon getting married? The Bible doesn't seem to touch on this topic specifically.
You're right, there are a lot of modern day things the Bible doesn't specifically address but we can understand things from a Biblical perspective all the same. I am a proponent of a women taking the last name of her husband upon marriage. Biblically-speaking when it came to genealogies and such it was from the man's line (although women were also mentioned at times), men are the head of the home and the spiritual head of the home (or at least they should be- men that abuse this are doing the opposite of what they are called to do which is love, serve, protect, and provide for their wife and children if children are had). Wives submit to their husbands (note: the Bible never says women submit to men in general- only their husbands). For me, as an act of submission, I would take my husband's last name. It doesn't make me less than, I suppose you could view it as a formality with a spiritual significance- it shows I am submitting myself to his headship. And headship is a Biblical outline. I would have zero desire to rebel against my husband- it doesn't mean I don't have opinions, prayerfully my husband will take confidence in me and trust my wisdom, judgment, and insight- we will complement each other, be the best each other can be for the glory of God because of each other. A true love and partnership. I do believe a wife should not submit to her husband when he is going against God's Word though- we are Christians first and cannot sin against God because another creature tells us to. I.E. your husband wants to watch porn with you, watch a show that contains porn (Game of Thrones, etc.)- at that point he is sinning against God and you by trying to lead you into sin and you have to say no, we have to obey God first. I would not join him in that, express why (because of love for God), and I would pray for him.
Men that have a kink (or women for that matter, too!) about submission and sexual submission have made something beautiful into something shameful. They will be held accountable to God for twisting Scripture for their perverted, selfish desires. We are not to deprive one another sexually, but this does not mean lording over someone or forcing someone into something. That is wrong and an abuse of being the stronger sex physically. Men will be held accountable for their abuse of God's Word and abuse of women, they cannot hide behind their kinks when it comes to being before God. No excuses.
Sorry to go into a bit of a rabbit trail there- but I feel this question and answer can get misconstrued and I wanted to expound on healthy husband-headship and wife-submission. Ultimately it's about love, respect, protection, provision, and mutual submission as honoring one another better than ourselves (Romans 12:10, Ephesians 5:21).
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bitchkay · 1 year
Dance all night♡
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~Zev Avari
CW: Modern AU, suggestive, club setting–I've never actually been to a club, alcohol consumption, sexual themes, non explicit smut language, self indulgent asf, written with myself in mind but no gender specific pronouns used or explicit descriptors, implied fem alignment but.. only cus of a more fem presentation but otherwise fuck it here *slap* sexy dress
Word count: 1706
Rating: Mature
Note: there are multiple YouTube links throughout for the songs playing in the background or when music is mentioned yk to set the vibe, anyway I'm gonna make a Zev playlist eventually
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Was it a good idea to sneak off without permission? Maybe not but you needed a break. Surely everyone would understand, right?
Making it past security you're met with the scene you haven't been in quite a while. It wasn't incredibly crowded, which you were grateful for, but the amount of people sent a rush through your body. You were ready to have some fun tonight.
Partying alone, again probably wasn't a good idea, nor was drinking alone, it was probably depressing from the outside looking in and dangerous considering your alone, but this wasn't the first stupid idea you've ever had.
As you made your way to the bar another figure entered the club. Blond hair swept across his forehead, his ends tipped with red, the man walked with confidence weaving through the crowd.
You ordered a drink letting the tension in your shoulders fall. Loosening up you allowed yourself to relax, forgetting about everyone that's stressed you out up until this point.
He saw you from across the room, intrigued by you. That dress did you well he'll admit, but he couldn't help but think how it would- no, stop, he doesn't know you, let him say hello first before he thinks of undressing you.
You finished your drink feeling the alcohol loosen you up in time with the start of the next song, making your way to the floor. A pair of bright red eyes followed you into the crowd, dancing by yourself. It seems like you like this song. You swayed and moved your hips to the music having a grand ole time. Your pretty little ass moved like water.
Letting loose you felt the music in your bones, dancing to your heart's content. You danced like nobody's watching, not a thing could bring you down from this high.
Your secret admirer began his approach with little thought. Without thinking he made his way to you, weaving his way through the crowd until you're right before him.
"What's a pretty thing like you doing all by themself?"
"Oh god-! You know you shouldn't sneak up on people," you said startled, holding your hand to your chest. 
"I'm sorry, where are my manners, Zev," he said, holding out a practiced hand for you.
You hesitated before giving your name, putting your hand in his, immediately thrown in a loop as he twirled you around pulling you to his chest.
"That's a pretty name, looking for a dance partner perhaps?" Zev said with a firm grip on your waist.
"Bold approach I see? … well maybe for a little bit."
"That's all I need."
A dance turned into two, then into a few more drinks, and now the two of you well into the night were seen in the middle of the floor bumping and grinding as you passed flirtatious remarks back and forth.
"I like the way you move~" Zev spoke close to your ear as you leaned your back against his chest.
"You're not so bad a dancer yourself," you said, reaching your hand back around his neck.
"That's not what I'm talking about."
Zev wrapped his arms around you pulling your ass against his front. He ducked his head to the side of your face til his lips brushed the lobe of your ear.
"You been shaking your ass on me all night… making it hard to remain a gentleman ya know." Spinning you around he snaked his arms around your waist, his hands moving down grabbing fistfuls of your ass.
His breath next to your ear sent shivers up your spine despite your lightly sweat coated skin.
“Nobodys asking you to be a gentleman.. Zev,” you purred his name. “Plus I'm not sure your behavior thus far would be considered gentlemanly.” a new song filled the air as you gently moved his hands up from your butt to your waist.
“You haven't rejected me yet. How’s a man supposed to hold back anyway~?” he cooed.
Onlookers would think you're dating by the way you've been attached at the hip relentlessly flirting the whole night. Dancing on each other like your trying to fuck through your clothes you really did look like a pair of lovers.
It was frustratingly hot in here, stuck like a bead of sweat, Zev held you close, it was an intimate hold like one might hold a partner. Your breaths smelled of liquor –shots you took together– Zev looked at you intently with a certain glint in his eyes and he eyed you under dim lighting, strobe lights luminating parts of your face allowing him a little bit of a better look.
“You're so sexy you know that?”
“So I've been told.”
“Mmh~ fuck.”
The thump of your back hitting the door echoed through the surprisingly scarce bathroom.
One strap of your dress hung off your shoulder, the first few buttons of Zevs shirt undone. You made out sloppily, disheveled as the faint sounds of music from the club bounced off the walls. Your fingers tangled in the blond strands of hair as one leg wrapped around his waist; the kiss hot and heavy as a dribble of drool rolled down your chin.
The sound of the door locking rang through your ears.
“I wanna fuck you.”
Simple and straightforward sure did the trick.
Did either of you expect the night to go this way? No but who's complaining?
With one hand up the bottom of your dress, Zev trailed your neck with his lips mumbling praises as his hand creeped up your thigh.
“You were teasing me weren't you? You wanted me to approach you, hm?” he said, nibbling on your ear.
You let out a breathy sigh as you arch into him, the hand on your thigh creeping upward still. Zevs nics and kisses moved down toward your exposed collar bone kissing your soft skin holding your body against him.
"God…" you breathed, reaching to undo the rest of his buttons.
"I think you were trying to seduce me, with your pretty face and sexy dance~" Zev closed in on your face, the grip on your thigh tightening.
"And what would you do if I was~?" You went for his belt buckle as Zev went to hike up your dress leaning into your lips.
"Well that just makes things better.." Zev kissed you as his fingers traced the hem of your underwear tickling the seams.
You had his pants unbuckled just as Zev reached for your other leg lifting you in his arms, back pressed against the door, legs around his waist.
"Tell me.. do you want me to fuck right against this door?"
Just as Zevs nimble fingers inched under the fabric of your underwear an obnoxious ringing noise sounded through the bathroom.
You both froze feeling almost as if you've been caught.
"Is that.. your phone?" You asked.
Zev ducking his head into your neck responded, "Ignore it."
"What if it's important?" you said though you were also tempted to ignore it in favor of whatever you're about to get yourself up to in this bathroom.
"It's not."
"And how do you know?"
"What can be more important than this?"
You stared at him blankly and after a beat he set you on your feet reaching into his pants, answering the phone without looking at the caller id.
"Yes?... oh it's you I- …yes,, that's exactly where I am but-... no- Guy!... I'm kinda busy right now… Guyy… this is embarrassing… alright… ok later"
You off to the side fixing your makeup in the mirror noticed Zev approach you from behind.
".. did you just say Guy a moment ago?"
It can't be the root of your stresses can it?
"Yea why?" He said, slithering his hands around your waist from behind.
"Nothing… What's your last name?" You turned around to face him leaning on the counter.
Zev blinked before answering, making a connection in his head.
 You studied his face, noting the sharpness of his eyes. It was much easier to see in this lightning, and what a handsome man Zev was. You disregarded the similarities you found in your head in turn for admiring his features; you never really got to do that on the dancefloor, nor in your heated passion against the door. He really was beautiful. You pecked his lips without thinking, also noting their softness.
Zev watched you curiously, you started studying his face before your expressions softened and and your hands went up to his shoulders, pressing your thumb to the base of neck and following leading lines down his still open shirt. You didn't even try to hide that you were ogling him.
He stepped closer to you, crowding you against the counter before leaning towards your face.
"You wouldn't mind if I took you home with me would you? Treat you to better than a dirty bathroom, in a nice big soft bed?" Zev wrapped his arms around your waist from behind.
"You make a very tempting offer. What is it? Your big brother's waiting for you at home?" you teased wrapping your arms around his neck.
Zev averted his eyes embarrassed to have to admit this. "Listen… I very much want to finish what we started. There's no way I'm leaving you here for some random ass incel to pick you up. Even if I never see you again, I want to feel your skin for as long as you'll allow it."
His hands caressed your sides, straightening out your dress. You look up at him through the mirror, a small smile on your lips.
"That sounded pretty romantic, Zev. What would you do if I said no? Not that that's something I'm going to say any way," you said leaning back on his chest.
"The devilish seductress to have caught my eye this night denying me of my pleasures, well that would be embarrassing. So if it's okay with you, I'm either taking care of you in the back of an uber or I'm fucking you in my bed. Just know either option gets me your number."
"Oh you're getting more than just my number, pretty boy."
Maybe it was a good idea to sneak off without permission after all… at least for now at least.
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Me: the end corny as fuck *rewrites*
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What I have found in response to Ursula Le Guin’s book The Word for World is Forest is that it is utterly impossible to write a succinct response without relating my thoughts and writing to all the various questions and prompts included in our brief. While I tried to choose one direction relating to my own print work and thought process around various topics in the book, it is all so interrelated. I found that really challenging to narrow down. It’s like the excitement of unraveling a spider web Venn diagram that is ecology, nature, society, anthropology, literary work, war, words, spirituality, toxic masculinity, colonialism, human development, sexuality, a hundred other things all leading to our place here within this planet, this reality, this existence. I understand that all sounds very dramatic and probably too wordy. I agree. However, this is the simplified venn diagram that is my response to this book. Let me try to explain a little further.
Carol P. Hovanec writes in her article Visions of Nature in The Word for World is Forest: A Mirror of American Consciousness, ‘Science fiction, which Ursula Le Guin calls “the mythology of the modern world,” does not attempt to define nature as much as warn of ecological catastrophe…’ (Hovanec, 1989, p. 84)
This small, introductory sentence immediately reminded me of our class lecture introducing Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring. I visualized Carson’s words, carefully and starkly written to make an impact on each agrarian reader, farmer, fisher, worker, “eater” alike, regarding the damage of the methods using DDT and pesticides. Carson could See what direction was beginning to unfold. (We might even say was a translator of our time.) With the birds silencing, the fish developing strange diseases, mutations until death, Carson wrote her own warning. Ursula Le Guin also used her words to warn of our ecological catastrophe. As Le Guin’s character, Davidson tramples along the edges of the forest, burning it up, felled acre by felled acre, it relates not only to our methods of deforestation today, but resource use and even the pesticide choices to “protect” our crops from harvest setbacks. ( hello! small wave to another theme of this book: capitalism.) Davidson is afraid to enter the woods. Farmers (back to the roots: Money) are afraid to explore a natural method of agriculture. Davidson is afraid of the dark, the silent and thick wild energy deep inside and he is disoriented and vulnerable which makes him the epitome of toxic masculinity and it’s need to dominate in order to feel in charge once more.
This is where I start to feel like I am explaining Inception, trying to clearly state two pieces:
Firstly: Silent Spring. Rachel Carson (due to toxic masculinity at its root) has to be very tactful in the way that she promotes and stages her book. She chooses non threatening marketing, illustrators, and overall visuals for it. Farmers, unthreatened, will read it and be shocked. It destroys their methods, their way of doing things, their way of ruling over nature. Simply put, it erupts the status quo. She is then categorized as a threat or “other.” And further discredited, as we discussed in class, by being called “a fanatic defender of the Cult of the Balance of Nature.”
Secondly: the Word for World is Forest. Ursula Le Guin uses Davidson in this same toxic dominant energy that destroys out of need for control. His character is the leading force of destruction and harm to New Tahiti. Just as our chosen ignorance towards our way of living and using planet earth will lead to complete depletion and lifeless soil. Hovenac also reiterates Le Guin’s point in her article review regarding the Word for World is Forest and a Mirror of American Consciousness stating, ‘The puritans quickly moved to subdue this hostile environment, which was one of their strongest symbols of evil and displacement; for they felt “by the command of God man had been made master of the whole visible creation.”’ (Hovenac, 1989, p. 86)
So this introduces the questions: Who really owns this planet? And why the human/nature divide?
I chose these questions to consider while working on my process prints with Paul. Growing up so engulfed in nature, it has always been the more powerful force to me than man. By far. Even in the Word for World is Forest, man uses fire to dominate the land and the people closest to it’s gentle, nurturing, life-giving existence. He dominates to feel safety and superiority and control, until he steps just a little too far and ultimately is killed by it. As a human race, carving into our environment just like Turner’s painting: Rain, Steam and Speed, the Great Western Railway we think of ourselves separate from nature. We only use it. We aren’t It. I continued looking for hints of this divide theme in artist’s work as I researched etching techniques and etching artists. The two most inspiring artists I stole inspiration from were Berni Wrightson’s dark and stunning illustrated portfolio of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Franklin Booth. In my own work I wanted to show just how wild and ignorant that thought of this stark divide truly is. I drew nature as I pictured the trees in Le Guin’s book; giant and beautifully foreboding but built up of a hundred softer, fleshy, living, green, natural things. Across a literal etching metal plate divide, I wove humans, some resting, listening, held gently in the roots and soil. Others scrabbling and clawing up to maintain power while holding a lit torch of control. I drew them all naked: some safe and unashamed, others simply made vulnerable and straining. And the torch in one’s hand has the power to burn everything there. So who really owns this planet?
Is there as big a divide as we pretend? Or is it just a myth of our consciousness?
Le Guin, U. K. (1972). The word for world is forest. [New York], Berkley Pub. Corp. : distributed by Putnam.
Hovanec, C.P. (1989) ‘Visions of Nature in The Word for World is Forest: A Mirror of the American Consciousness’, Extrapolation, 30(1), pp. 84–92. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3828/extr.1989.30.1.84
Carson, R.L., (2002) Silent spring, London: Penguin.
Turner, J. M. W. (1844) Rain, Steam, and Speed - the Great Western Railway [oil on canvas] National Gallery, London. Available at: https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/joseph-mallord-william-turner-rain-steam-and-speed-the-great-western-railway
Wrightson, B. (1983) Frankenstein. Available at: https://www.berniewrightson.com/galleries/frankenstein/
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drewsaturday · 2 years
finished reading evelyn h*go and i have mixed feelings so i'm just going to dump them here. not gonna be super positive so don't read if you're like, against people criticizing the things you like lmao.
i wanted to love it but i genuinely did not understand the appeal of celia; what evelyn saw in her, what she saw in evelyn, beyond just the general attraction that was described, is a mystery to me. i feel like we did not get a sense of celia as a character so i honestly did not care when she died
a lot of characters felt two-dimensional because we are hearing about them through evelyn's lens, but also i think the writing just isn't good lol
i DID cry when harry died tho. they had my favorite type of relationship honestly, just an overall A++ qpr. i wanted to know so much more about him.
i also cried when connor died
i just... don't understand why i cared more about like, little things like connor's dynamic with celia's brother than the Ultra Showstopping F/F Romance of the Century
i like that evelyn is awful and kind of "corrupted" monique by teaching her to get what she wants in life
i liked the twist okay about why she chose monique, monique's dad and everything. i honestly didn't care much for monique; i feel like, although i do appreciate the format of the book, monique didn't need to be there almost. her presence provides an interesting look into the casualties of evelyn's life and another layer of interpreting evelyn instead of knowing evelyn at her core, which is the whole issue evelyn faces with her own presence. but i also... didn't care a ton about her.
the writing was light which i always appreciate as someone who struggles with reading, but it was also just... really TOO simple? super super cliche similes and metaphors, sometimes sentences like "i love the smell of shampoo" that... i don't need to know that? what does that even mean ajl;dsljfldjfk. idk, it's honestly fine i guess, but it does make me wonder why this book is heralded as such a masterpiece when... you can totally like it and still acknowledge it's not Great
more on celia, she was genuinely so fucking stupid. i feel like a lot of her issues stem from wanting to be with evelyn fully without evelyn having to be with men on the side, more so than wanting to be out and proud with her /in the fucking FIFTIES/. but also! she! really pushed for that! oh my god! you and ev are both superstars holy shit. i know WELL down the line she admitted relief to the measures evelyn took to protect them, but... "we should go protest with the stonewall riots :D" BESTIE NO YOU ARE A CLOSETED SUPERSTAR ABOUT TO PUT YOUR WHOLE BEARD POLYCULE AT RISK
AND THEN FINALLY SHE'S THE ONE WHO HAS ACTUAL SENSE WHEN EVELYN COMES AROUND IN THE 80S TO WANTING TO BE OPENLY WITH HER. "hey evelyn they'll take your daughter away, you know that right?" and evelyn's just like "i'm done caring" LIKE?????? HELLO????? if i actually understood the appeal of celia maybe i would be able to understand that approach, or if evelyn had been shown to be a distant mother rather than captivated by her kid, i could understand it. ultimately i'm sure she didn't... totally MEAN it beyond in that moment... but EVELYN why does celia have to be the one to tell you the risks now
their attitudes about being outed just felt unrealistic at times, basically. i know they are rich and feel on top of the world but... you'd think they would understand the legal and social ramifications better
i also wanted more historical immersion honestly like... it's something i have to look more into, but i feel like there should have been more euphemisms and such for terms like lesbian used more often than the word lesbian itself
on the flipside of that, some aspects felt too modern with how sexuality was spoken about and handled but i don't rly wanna get into that too much. evelyn's clarity on labels makes sense for being someone obsessed with the truth but sometimes things felt... out of place. idk.
lastly i think a lot of the emotional pull that was done well was how we span evelyn's entire life and we get this great contrast of everyone being alive and having fun and on top of the world, only to get smacked in the face with their tombstones or the emptiness of their absence. that was good. like this line somewhere about connor sitting at the table with evelyn as an adult, and its the same table they'd sit at when she was a baby with harry celia and john.
anyway not a bad book it just does not live up to the hype. it's a kinda trashy YA romance read and that's fine, it doesn't have to be a masterpiece. it excels at being what it is. it just... isn't a queer romance of the century literary masterpiece, which is what i expected based on how people spoke about it.
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