#ultra recon squad oc
emofaggotry · 3 months
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OC stuff out of context.
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cosmiccompanion · 1 year
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After seeing the pokemon sleep trailer I joked with my bf “i cant wait for professor Neroli to also get an assistant who’s a URS member” (in reference to Willow and Rhi) and then I made it not a joke (more info about him under read more)
This is Noddom, he was way more high strung and a total workaholic until traveling dimensions to visit Neroli.  His mission was to learn about how to soothe pokemon in pain and how to help them sleep better (totally not related to anything from his home no) and turns out there was a lot more too it than he expected so he’s just stuck around. 
The sleepiness has def rubbed off on him (which, good) and he’s realizing that “hm... maybe my sleep schedule wasn’t healthy.  Perhaps I need to “chill out” a bit" and he does. 
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oobemu · 3 months
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Xen is allergic to fairy pokemon, to fairy dust specifically and Dulse decides to help her a little 🥹
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melonthesprigatito · 5 months
Before Legends Arceus came out (so, two years ago whoops) I started coming up with my own Hisuian Ancestor and I spent a lot of time brainstorming (cough, cough daydreaming) about a hypothetical scenario of what their encounter would be like in the actual game. I tried to make it realistic as possible by making it seem like an actual event that could happen in the game, and the one thing I have to say is that it serves as the obligatory "Spooky Encounter" that's been in pretty much every Pokémon game since the Old Chateau.
I'm not going to tell you which character is the descendant of this ancestor just yet, because the story is better if you don't immediately know what's going on. All I can say is that this ancestor is the ancestor of a Gen 7 character.
The quest is intended to be more of a post game thing because it eventually leads into an Ultra Beast catching quest involving the space time distortions (which isn't the main focus, more of a bonus quest really). Think of it as a second update story quest like the Daybreak Update. I'm just going to call this entire thing the Nightfall Update I guess.
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To start the story quest you have to buy a special charm called the Otherworldly Charm from Lucille in Jubilife Village. Item description: ("A Mysterious charm made of an unknown material, discovered in Obsidian Fieldlands. It bears an inscription of a six pointed star.  Perhaps something will happen if you keep it around.") Why does she have this? Oh, she just found it lying out there in the field and thought it looked neat. Someone must have dropped it.
After you complete your expedition for the day, a short cutscene will occur. A random merchant from the Ginkgo Guild is making his way though the forest when he suddenly hears a noise behind him. He looks around, but it's completely silent. 
All of a sudden the merchant gets ambushed by the Miss Fortune Sisters. Unable to defend himself, he has no choice but to drop his goods and run. The bandits laugh among themselves at the successful robbery. They're still pissed that their scheme to steal the Origin Ore went up in smoke and they're just SOOO frustrated that the Player (in my case Akari) keeps absolutely destroying them in battle so this ambush was a morale boost for them.
Suddenly they hear a noise. Clover suspects it's another poor defenceless merchant unfortunate enough to cross paths with them, about to be robbed blind. A mysterious hooded, deathly pale figure with glowing eyes watches them from the treeline. The bandits are unnerved but launch into their motto anyway, because they're idiots, but become highly offended when the figure doesn't respond or show any sign of emotion at all. How dare they not acknowledge their perfectly rehearsed intro that strikes fear into people's hearts?! Coin says "Forget this, let's just rob them!" and lunges at the ghostly figure and she instantly gets hit with a blast of lightning coming from the figure's hand. 
The screen goes black and it cuts to the beginning of the quest.
Quest [Insert Number Here Because I Forgot How Many Quests Are In This Game]: The Witch of the Woods 
The sidequest continues when you talk to Ginter from the Ginkgo Guild. He is upset because some of the guild's merchants have been suffering from an increased number of attacks from bandits and supplies in the village have started mysteriously vanishing. At the same time, people have spotted a mysterious pale figure sneaking about Jubilife Village in the dead of night, stealing items such as food and clothing and rumours have started to spread around that it might be the evil witch that supposedly lives in a dark cave, deep in the woods at the edge of the Obsidian Fields which has gotten everyone in a panic because they're afraid that the witch might go after their children next.
Ginter doesn't believe in witches so he suspects that this supposed witch might be behind the thefts of the Ginkgo Guild stock, so he wants the player to look into the rumours and put a stop to them. At this point Zisu approaches them because she's heard ALL about this wicked witch and is really eager to join the investigation. As the Captain of the Security Corps, she feels that it's her duty to defend Jubilife Village from any threat so she wants to look into the rumours about this supposed witch so she can come up with a plan to defend the village from them if she needs to.
Current objective: Investigate the rumours in Jubilife Village (I'm using these quest objectives as a way to break up the giant wall of text. I can't remeember if the quest objective does update as you progress because I haven't played in months but whatever)
So Zisu tags along with the player and they start asking around Jubilife Village about the witch to gain more insight into the rumours. Several people recount different bits of information, but the most damning evidence is a tale from one farmer in particular who tells them a story about how one night when he was working in the fields, a big hole opened up in the sky, and what came out of it was this inhumanly pale woman with glowing eyes that spoke in a language he didn't understand. The farmer had the everloving crap scared out of him because he was convinced that this woman was an evil being that emerged from the underworld (a kid friendly way of saying that he thought it was a demon from hell) so he gathered some of the other villagers and they chased the witch off into Necro Forest.
Zisu is excited because "Sweet! Now we have enough evidence! Let's go investigate that forest then!"
Current objective: Head to the Necro Forest, north of the Obsidian Fieldands
What happens next is an escort mission where the player has to take Zisu across the Obsidian Fieldlands by fending off any wild Pokémon to a new area unlocked exclusively by this quest called the Necro Forest (Eterna Forest in the modern day) which is filled with Ghost Types. The background music is the Night Time Field theme no matter what time of day it is, or maybe a remix of the Old Chateau theme.
Later the Miss Fortune Bandits are encountered in the Necro Forest and they're running for their lives as they crash into Akari Barry Style (Charm dragging a paralysed Coin behind her). Charm is immediately aggressive but resists the temptation to battle Akari, especially because she's accompanied by the head of the Security Corps. Zisu asks what happened to Coin, and Clover freaks out about a witch in the woods that casted a lightning spell on Coin.
Akari wants to help Coin but the other two bandits are vehemently opposed to accepting help from some "Galaxy grunts." So Zisu purposefully drops a Cheri Berry on the ground and is like "Oh noooo, I dropped my berry! It would be a shame if it got stolen by bandits!" and Clover begrudgingly "steals" it, and the flee the scene, saying that you'd have to be stupid to go after the witch.
Eventually the Player and Zisu reach the cave which is supposedly the witch's home and at first Zisu doesn't want to go in because she's been pretty spooked the whole time in the forest, then she tries to play it off like she's not scared at all "What? I'm not f-f-frightened or anything! Let's just go!" then she dashes into the cave.
Current objective: Explore the Necro Cavern!
There is no cave in modern day Eterna Forest. The idea is that the land was dug into and smoothed out in order to build the Old Chateau on top of it. Its a small cave with a suspicious lack of Pokémon inside. The music is the cave theme that only appeared in the cave with the torches that you pass though with Ingo. I dunno, I just think that theme should have played in more than one location.
At the end of the cave, they discover an open chamber filled with signs that it's been lived in, such as scraps of food and clothing lying everywhere as well as a makeshift bed on the floor. Zisu finds the stolen merchandise in the far end of the chamber and runs towards it, while the player notices some weird looking metal things lying in the corner. Zisu comes screaming in the opposite direction "IT'S HER! IT'S THE WITCH!" and immediately uses the player as a human shield. The player turns to see a pair of glowing eyes in the darkness, orange pupils with silvery blue irises. As well as the eyes, she has weirdly pale blue skin and she's wearing a stolen dark green torn cloak over some sort of dirty grey and blue futuristic clothing. Her hair is an absolute mess, riddled with sticks and leaves and she has sun burns all over her face.
All in all, she does look like some sort of evil forest witch, and she's started to freak out about the intruders, showing a particularly negative reaction to Zisu in particular and Akari gets dragged into a Pokémon battle. The witch sends out a Poipole aka a Pokémon that no-one in Hisui has ever seen before, and honestly if the player has any Psychic or Ground Types it gets defeated very easily.
After the battle, the witch is still freaking out, but now she just seems more terrified and upset. She quickly grabs a stick and starts brandishing it at Zisu, trying to scare her off. Zisu squeals like a little girl because she thinks the witch is waving some sort of magic wand at them but Akari puts herself between her and the witch and tries to diffuse the situation.
Nothing seems to be working until Akari has the idea to show her the Otherworldly Charm in case it belongs to her because the charm resembles the other strange metallic objects in the cave.
Akari holds the charm out as a peace offering and the woman recognising the charm, hurriedly snatches it out of the Akari's hands and backs away again. It finally hits Zisu that she's not a witch at all, just a really strange looking desperate woman.
The witch calms down a little because now she knows they're not a threat since they're not attacking her and the Player was kind enough to give her the charm back, but she's still really uneasy.
Zisu tries to ask her who she is and what she's doing here, but she doesn't understand a single thing she's saying. The woman shakes her head and tries to respond and it becomes very clear that the woman doesn't speak the Hisuian language at all and Zisu doesn't recognize the language she speaks either.
Zisu is perplexed at how they're supposed to help her when there's a language barrier, but she decides that at least they should tell her their names and try to get across that they want to help her in some way.
Zisu points at herself and says "Zisu", then she points at the player and says "Akari" (or whatever name you picked for your player) and the woman is confused at first, but then she catches on to what she's trying to say, so she points at herself and says "Hijiki."
Hijiki frowns for a moment until she suddenly decides to do charades to try to communicate with them. She mimes writing in a notepad and Zisu grabs a pen and a notepad from her bag and hands it to her.
Hijiki finds it way easier to communicate with drawings so after a while she flips the notepad over again to show them.
The first drawing is an image of a sad face and some strange device that has smoke coming out of it. Zisu is confused and Hijiki gets frustrated and points at the pile of metal objects. She walks over and grabs a small device from the pile and Zisu acknowledges that it even though she has no idea what it is, it looks very broken.
The second image is a crude drawing of several Pokémon: Luxray, Raichu, Electabuzz and Jolteon, surrounded by lightning bolts.
The third image is of lightning striking the device, making it look shiny and new, with a picture of a smiley face beside it.
Zisu is still confused but she deduces that Hijiki needs the Pokémon in the image to fix whatever her strange device is. The idea is that she needs electricity to charge her device again and it's up to the player to go out and catch these Pokémon and bring them back to her. Zisu decides to stay with Hijiki DEFINITELY not because she doesn't want to go back into the forest again, no sirree, she has to protect Hijiki and although Hijiki doesn't want her to stay with her, it's not like she can speak up and object so she just stays silent and anxious.
Current Objective: Catch the Pokémon from Hijiki's drawings and bring them back to her.
One catching quest later, the Player gives Hijiki the Pokémon and she starts tinkering on her device with whatever tools she has on her. The Pokémon strike her device with lightning and when she's finished, she attaches the device to her belt and has a distinctly relieved look on her face.
The device gets switched on and immediately Hijiki starts to speak English (well, the text is English, but in universe she's speaking whatever language the Hisuians speak), much to Zisu's shock. The device she fixed was a universal translator and she's so glad that she can finally explain herself she doesn't have to keep producing those terrible drawings with her embarrassing lack of art skills.
And with that, the truth finally comes out and the mystery is solved. Hijiki explains that she's from another dimension called Ultra Megalopolis and she and her Poipole fell into this dimension through an Ultra Wormhole. She lost most of her memories and woke up scared and alone in the Obsidian Fields, having no idea where she was. When she spotted civilisation, she tried to get help but because of her appearance and the language barrier, she got chased off and fled for her life into the Necro Forest. Because of how badly the first contact went, she assumed that the inhabitants of this world were extremely hostile, (hence why she attacked them on site) so she created a shelter for herself inside a cave to hide from them.
She then explains that there is no natural light in her world, so it was impossible for her to travel outside of the cave during the day because she got blinded and burned by the harsh sunlight. All she has is the clothes on her back and a few gadgets and tools that were in her backpack, so in order to survive she had no choice but to ambush passing merchants venture into Jubilife Village at night when it was dark and where no one could see her so she could steal supplies for herself.
She's very sorry that she had to steal from the Ginkgo Guild because stealing is a crime in her world as well. She didn't mean to scare anyone and she really wishes she didn't have to live in the wild anymore but she's too afraid of being attacked by the villagers again to try to ask for help.
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Zisu is very shocked and saddened by Hijiki's story, and after a few moments be asks her if she wants her to escort her back to Jubilife Village. Hijiki doesn't want to because she'll get attacked, but then Zisu says "No you won't! I'm the Captain of the Security Corps. Everyone trusts me to keep the village safe, so if I say that something is not a threat, they'll listen to what o have to say, so I'll clear up the misunderstanding for you!"
Hijiki is still sceptical. She finds it hard to believe that the villagers will accept her just like that, so Zisu sighs and says "Maybe we should report to Commander Kamado about the situation, and give the village a heads up first?" 
Hijiki thinks that's fair enough. She's willing to wait in her cave for the Akari and Zisu to come back for her.
Current objective: Report back to Captain Kamado!
Zisu and Akari have a meeting with Ginter, and Commander Kamado to discuss their findings. Firstly Zisu reassures Kamado that there's no threat to the village. The witch of the woods was really a faller from another world like Akari and Warden Ingo and one of the Pearl Clan's Wardens. She was driven to stealing for survival after the villagers attacked her and drove her away even though she was lost and confused, and most likely in pain from the suburns.
Kamado is incredulous when Zisu tries to argue that they should take her in. Kamado is against inviting Hijiki to stay in the village. Akari is already on thin ice about being allowed to stay and the villagers only tolerate her because she's been busy quelling the frenzied nobles and slowly earning their trust. To invite someone who's KNOWN TO BE A WITCH would be disastrous. Zisu insists that Hijiki isn't magical, she just has some gizmos from her world that haven't been invented in this world so they only seem like magic. She tries bringing up the Pokéball, it looks like magic too but it's really just an ordinary object.
But Kamado is firm in his decision, even if Hijiki does have technology that seems like magic, what if she were to use her technology against the village? And some of the most superstitious villagers wouldn't accept that she's not dangerous and would still consider her to be a bad omen. Letting Hijiki stay would be too much of a risk.
Zisu is worried and disappointed. Even though she was one of the people who was terrified of the forest witch, now that she's discovered that she's actually an innocent person who's suffering hard, she feels absolutely horrible that they can't do anything help her. Zisu decides that they should at least head back to Hijiki's shelter and tell her what Kamado said. Maybe they could formulate a different plan, maybe the Diamond Clan or Pearl Clan could take her in instead?
Akari and Zisu return to the shelter to find it completely ransacked and Hijiki is nowhere to be found. Zisu finds a ransom note among the rocks. Turns out that the Miss Fortune Sisters had been spying on them ever since they bumped into them. After they found out that Hijiki wasn't really a witch, they wanted to take revenge on her for attacking Coin, so they kidnapped her and stole all her technology. Seeing an opportunity to spite Akari as well, they wrote on the ransom note that they took Hijiki further north to the Alabaster Icelands. If she wants to get Hijiki back she has to go the ice caverns in the Bonechill Wastes.
Zisu is outraged, but warns Akari that it's most definitely a trap. The Miss Fortune Sisters are most likely using Hijiki as bait to lure her into an ambush far away from where she can get help, and they're probably intending to leave her to die in the frozen wastes. But Akari wants to go save Hijiki anyway so Zisu decides to head back to the village to rally some of the Security Corps as backup and tells Akari that she'll meet her in the Icelands.
Current objective: Chase after the Miss Fortune Sisters!
Meanwhile, Hijiki has been thrown into the the ice pit in the Bonechill Wastes and the Miss Fortune Sisters are currently occupied. Clover is whining about how cold it is as Charm and Coin go through Hijiki's belongings.
She had things like her taser, an aura scanner, a GPS, an Ultra Smartphone etc but they can't figure out how any of them work or what they're used for. Clover is whining about all the effort they put in ended up being for nothing because everything "the witch" has is useless junk, but Charm snaps at her. At least they might be able to sell this overworldly technology on the black market after all. Coin isn't convinced. Who would buy useless garbage that don't work?
Coin starts threatening Hijiki into telling them how to use her gadgets, or else she'll sicc Toxicroak on her, but there's just a slight hiccup. Hijiki is unable to understand what they're saying because they took her translator away so all she does is stare blankly at them. All three of them are oblivious to the fact that Hijiki can't speak Hisuian at all, and that they all sound like nothing but enraged gibberish to her.
All this really does is piss them off. Clover starts yelling at her again, just completely exasperated and baffled. She's literally being held captive by bandits and tossed into an ice pit, probably freezing to death. How could she possibly feel so blasé about it????? Does she not realise the situation she's in right now??? Coin has had enough and decides to let Toxicroak attack Hijiki anyway. If they can't get any use out of her things, at least she'll be able to get payback for the "lightning strike"
At that moment, Akari shows up just in time. The Miss Fortune Sisters do their motto and start evil motive-ing about how THIS TIME for sure they'll win against Akari and leave her to perish in the ice forever. This time they're going to attack her with all three of their Pokémon at once instead of one at a time like the last few fights and overwhelm her with numbers.
Charm and Clover release their Pokémon and instead of joining in, Coin decides to sit it out. She tells the other two that she's still going to attack the witch with Toxicroak and that they could stall Akari long enough to let Toxicroak get enough hits in. Charm and Clover start arguing with her because that was NOT the plan, but Coin just tells them to shut up.
Charm and Clover go 3 Vs 1 as Toxicroak attacks Hijiki, with Charm substituting Toxicroak with her Rhydon. Akari beats them because of Main Character Plot Armour and Charm goes full villainous breakdown and just decides to attack Akari herself, but then out of nowhere, Hijiki's Poipole breaks out of it's Pokéball and glues the Bandits to a rock. Akari jumps down the ice pit to save Hijiki and you end up battling Toxicroak with Poipole instead of your Pokémon.
With the bandits finally defeated for good, the Security Corps show up to apprehend them. Akari stays with Hijiki who's in a really rough shape. She tried to avoid Toxicroak for as long as she could, but it eventually weared her down, and now she's lying unconscious at the bottom of the pit. Zisu immediately orders the two Medical Corps people to take Hijiki back to the village to get her medical attention. The medics are like "You want us to WHAT-" because that would involve taking THE WITCH TO THE VILLAGE, but Zisu yells at them again and they have no choice but to do what she says.
A day later
Scene transition to a day later and Akari is waiting in Kamado's office. There was quite a uproar in the village when the Security Corps returned with the famous Miss Fortune Sisters somehow stuck to a rock and near mass panic occured when the Med Corps rushed the rumoured witch of the woods to the hospital room in the Galactic Building. Professor Laventon runs in, very upset. He can't get any work done with the noise of that many people crowded around the entrance trying to catch a glimpse of the witch to see if she's really as terrifying as people say she is. Kamado informs him that he already sent Cyllene to get them to leave.
Pesselle arrives from the hospital room to give them an update on Hijiki's condition. They're currently treating her for Toxic poisoning, as well as suburns and eye damage. Pesselle is clearly shaken and explains that she's never seen anyone like Hijiki in her life, she's not even sure that she's human. For starters, her eyes are extremely unnatural looking and she's so deathly pale that her skin looks pale blue. Not to mention that she appears to have bioluminescent eyes and freckles.
She's willing to take Zisu's word that Hijiki is still a normal human from another world, but she wonders what kind of world would have people who are so obviously weakened by sunlight. Kamado thanks her for her help and Pesselle returns to her duties, not before telling her to bring this supposed witch to his office once she's recovered enough.
Professor Laventon talks to Akari about the strange purple Pokémon that was following Hijiki around because he's having trouble identifying what it is. Rei speculates that if the witch is from another world, then maybe the purple Pokémon is too. Laventon nearly explodes with excitement because they have the chance to document a Pokémon from another world! Maybe he could ask the witch if he could have a look at it, which is something he immediately goes to do. Rei runs after him in a panic.
Zisu enters with Ginter. Ginter confirms that they managed to get back some of the things Hijiki stole from the Ginkgo Guild, though obviously things like food couldn't be recovered. Zisu asks if he wants to press any charges, and Ginter considers for a moment before ultimately deciding not to. From the sound of things, Hijiki went through a lot and he would feel terrible if he added to her suffering. Zisu regretfully tells them that the Miss Fortune Sisters got away. After they were freed from the glue, they used a smoke bomb and escaped in the confusion, though she thinks that hopefully the bandits would think twice about confronting Akari again.
A while later, Pesselle brings Hijiki up to Kamado's office and the poor woman is shaking like a leaf, half from because she's still weak and the other half because she's obviously terrified of Kamado. In a scene echoing Akari's first meeting with Kamado, he stares Hijiki down and she loses her nerve instantly, backing away and hiding behind Akari. Pesselle scolds Kamado because this is clearly no way to treat a patient, but he reminds her that this is an outsider he's dealing with, and he must test her by having her face him in combat like he did with Akari.
Hijiki stammers and tries to say that she has no idea how to do that "creature combat thing" that Akari and the bandits did and Kamado clarifies by saying he meant PHYSICAL combat, not a Pokémon battle. Hijiki freaks out because she'd just die if she did that. Kamado retaliates by saying that surely someone who is capable of survived in the wilds and ambushing Ginkgo merchants MUST be able to fight, and if she wants to prove herself, she has to.
Hijiki takes a deep breath and just edges close to him, hesitating to even touch him AAAAAND Kamado throws her. Cut to black with a CRASH! text box and fade back in to see Hijiki flat out unconscious on the floor again. Cue Pesselle totally ripping him a new one, yelling at him about how that was totally unnecessary, why does he always have to do this, has he no shame, as text box after text box hits the screen going by too fast for the player to read.
Zisu helps Hijiki to her feet but she's distressed because Kamado managed to dislodge her translator from her belt so she doesn't understand him when he says that someone so cowardly and unwilling to fight clearly isn't a threat to anyone. Hijiki quickly retrieves her device and turns back to Kamado, saying
Hijiki: "I'm very sorry, my translator fell off. I don't speak in whatever language this is so I couldn't understand any of that. Could you please repeat what you said, sir?"
Zisu: "He said that someone so cowardly and unwilling to fight clearly isn't a threat to anyone."
Hijiki: "Oh…"
Kamado then says that if she wants to stay in Jubilife Village she has to be able to contribute to society, so what skills does she have? Hijiki thinks for a moment because she can't remember much but she does have a vague idea of what her old job. She remembers that she was probably a Poipole handler which is why she has one with her, and she was one of the people tasked with taking care of them as they were typically adopted as companions or to help with construction because of their glue (kinda a Zookeeper/animal shelter worker kind of deal)
Pesselle speaks up and says that it kind of reminds her of the people who look after the Pokémon in the village's pastures. Kamado turns away, thinking about it. He would half to discuss it with Zisu because that falls under the Security Corps jurisdiction. Zisu barges in like "DID SOMEONE SAY SECURITY CORPS?" at that moment and startles everyone. She's 100% on board with letting Hijiki help at the pastures.
Hijiki interrupts, unfortunately she can't work during the day because the sun is straight up harmful to her so she doesn't know how useful she could be. Zisu turns to her and proposes that she'll give her a lodge in exchange for her services at the pasture on the night shift. They're needing more people who can stay up all anyway.
Hijiki is stunned. They wouldn't really do that for her, would they? One encouraging grin from Zisu is all she needs to accept the offer and become a full fledged member of the Security Corps.
Catching Poipole
Hijiki thanks the player for everything, and as a reward for completing the sidequest, she gives the player her Poipole because she feels that the player would be better at taking care of it in this new world…. If she can catch it that is.
Catching Poipole plays out like a Legendary Pokémon battle like how you catch Enamourus. As in, it flies around attacking you with poison blasts and you have to stun it before you can throw a Pokémon to battle it.
After this, Hijiki just becomes an ordinary NPC that you can talk to near the pastures (though she can only be encountered at night.) Her appearance changes, as she's now in the Security Corps uniform instead of her Ultra Space/ cloak get up.
As a little easter egg, you can have a rematch with her and she battles you with the Pokémon you gave her in the sidequest. She excitedly explains that Zisu taught her how to partake in "creature combat".
Her dialogue is mostly showing amazement at how cool everything is in Hisui and how she really wishes she could go out and investigate everything like the Ultra Recon Squad. She realises that Akari wouldn't know who the Ultra Recon Squad is and she explains that they're basically her world's equivalent of the Galaxy Team.
She's heard of the legends about Hisui from Rei and is just as intrigued by them as he is. Though her main complaint is that Hisui is a little… behind, technological wise. Though she expresses interest in the player's Arc Phone as it seems a little out of place in this world…
Since the quest is available during the post game, she talks about how scared she was when "the sky turned red and green" (aka that part of the game when the Player is banished from the village and the sky distorts. She remarks that thought that the Blinding One had escaped from the Tower and drained Hisui of it's light, but apparently it was something else. She figures she shouldn't worry about it since it's not this century's problem anyway. The Tower isn't predicted to break down for another two hundred years anyway (Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Necrozma foreshadowing!)
Ultimately she doesn't affect the story in any way and her sidequest is completely optional, but it is required if you want to be able to catch Ultra Beasts.
Sidequest: ??? The Beasts from Beyond
To trigger the next quest, you have to enter a Space-time Distortion. The next day, Melli barges in to the Galaxy Team headquarters demanding to speak to someone, ANYONE. He claims that he was minding his business, in the Coronet Highlands when all of a sudden a pile of bricks just up and attacked him! They completely ruined his day and scared Lord Electrode and he demands that someone does something about it! Nobody takes him seriously and Rei just thinks he's gone nuts.
But the next day, Warden Palina shows up, looking really worried. A strange pure white Tentacruel creature showed up in the Coastlands and has been behaving aggressively towards anything that approaches it, and even the Alphas won't go near it. Cyllene calls Akari into her office because she's been getting continuous reports of strange monsters being sighted across all of Hisui that apparently emerged from the space-time distortions.
Hijiki runs in, and quickly excuses herself for interrupting. She's really panicked because she heard from the villagers that Hisui is being invaded by monsters that sound suspiciously Ultra Beasts. She volunteers to help because they're creatures from her homeworld so at the very least she's familiar with them and knows what to expect if Akari goes out and attempts to catch them.
To learn about where to catch the Ultra Beasts, you have to talk to Hijiki. She's heard rumours of monsters and such from the people who visit the pastures to see the Pokémon and she thinks she knows exactly what the monsters really are. She has dialogue talking about each Ultra Beast and a hint as to where it's found.
"There's a ghostly figure floating around the Deadwood Haunt. I don't know much about spirits but it sounds an awful lot like Nihilego. It would float around like a ghost, I think." (Deadwood Haunt, Cobalt Coastlands)
"I heard from someone in the Pearl Clan that an insect with huge muscles is challenging an Alpha Machamp to a flexing contest…. I don't understand, do Buzzwole normally behave like that…?" (Arena's Approach, Alabaster Icelands)
"There's a Pheromosa going wild in the bog. What terrible luck to fall into a wormhole and end up in a place so muddy. It hates getting dirty." (Scarlet Bog, Crimson Mirelands)
"That rude man can't catch a break. Apparently his Electrode is being bothered by a Xurkitree that's trying to eat it's electricity… " (Moonview Arena, Coronet Highlands)
"I've heard that a Celesteela has taken root near the Floaro Gardens. The soil there must be very fertile. It's a giant creature that blasts off like a rocket and- Wait, have rockets been invented here yet? Never mind." (Floaro Gardens, Obsidian Fieldlands)
"I've heard that a sharp creature that looks like paper has been cutting down trees in the Heartwoods. It's Kartana, I'm certain. That Lord Kleavor must be jealous of it's cutting edge sword techniques…" (The Heartwood, Obsidian Fieldlands)
"Oh, this is absolutely terrible! A huge monster is eating giant lumps of ice and snow in that tundra! Sounds very uncomfortable, chewing ice hurts my teeth… Oh wait, what was I saying? Yes! Guzzlord! You must stop it before it consumes everything in sight!" (Avalugg's Legacy, Alabaster Icelands)
"The creature that's that looks like a pile of bricks in must be Stakataka, I'm certain. Where did that unpleasant man say he encountered it? Must have been near some ruins?" (Celestica Ruins, Coronet Highlands)
"Um… What's a volcano anyway? I've never heard of such a thing… Apparently there's been the sounds of explosions coming from the volcano that's making people worried. I don't think the explosions are coming from the volcano itself, sounds more like a Blacephalon is causing them." (Firespit Island, Cobalt Coastlands)
To get Naganadel, talk to Hijiki. She'll explain that Poipole have been selectively bred to be unable to evolve by themselves. They must be taught a special move that lets them evolve that only experienced handlers know how to teach, because it's stronger form is too wild and dangerous for the average civilian to handle. She's seen Zisu teach Akari's Pokémon new moves and tells Akari that she needs to get Zisu to teach Poipole the move Dragon Pulse.
Other stuff
And that's everything I've got about Hijiki. If you haven't worked it out already, she's the ancestor of Zossie from the Ultra Recon Squad. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are kinda my favourite 3DS Pokémon games and there was a time when I was absolutely obsessed with the Ultra Recon Squad and I was so sure that they'd come back as an explanation for being able to catch Ultra Beasts in the post game of future Pokémon games that I felt ROBBED when they never showed up in the Crown Tundra.
So with the dawn of the idea of Hisuian Ancestors, I thought "Wouldn't it be cool if the ancestor of one of the Ultra Recon Squad fell into Hisui and got mistaken for a supernatural creature because the locals thought their technology was magic?" Because of how massively technologically advanced Ultra Megalopolis is, I figured that even if it was 200 years ago, it'd still be way more advanced than Hisui so anyone who fell through a wormhole would be in for a sort of time traveller-esque fish out of water scenario but without the time travel.
Hijiki is Zossie's great great great great great great great great (however many greats that can fit in 200 years) aunt. She can't be Zossie's great great grandmother because the grandmother has to stay in Ultra Megalopolis for Zossie to even exist at all.
The name of Necro Forest has a double meaning. As soon as you walk into it you think "Oh, Necro = Death because of the Ghost Types" but it's also the first foreshadowing that the ancestor is from Ultra Megalopolis. Who stole the light from Ultra Megalopolis? Necrozma.
If you're one of the 47 people who played USUM, you'd remember that the Ultra Recon Squad had to wear full protection against the sun, which Hijiki lacks, hence the sun burns.
Hijiki is scared of Zisu because she's been stealing from the Ginkgo Guild and she recognises that she's part of the village's law enforcement so she was afraid that she came to catch her and punish her for the thefts.
About the whole glowy eyes thing, that's a headcanon I have about how the inhabitants of Ultra Megalopolis have bioluminescent eyes. It's based off official art of the Ultra Recon Squad where Dulse's eyes appear to be glowing in the dark. What is canon is the whole thing where the Ultra Recon Squad has silver irises and pupils that match their hair colour. If you zoom into their concept art you can see it.
I picked the name Hijiki because it has the same seaweed theme naming that the individual members of the Ultra Recon Squad have. The seaweed she's named after has been part of the Japanese diet for centuries. (At least according to Wikipedia.)
But what was that "lightning magic?* It was just an ordinary taser. Hijiki just nonchalantly tased Coin. You can find the taser among Hijiki's other gadgets in the cave
Bonus: my thought process while reading over part of this:
"Ok, so Hijiki jumps Gingko merchants in the woods and mugs robs them. Wait... wasn't Volo a Ginkgo merchant---"
The result:
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This post took me two years of procrastination to make-
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soulslayer2020 · 2 months
Nori - Starry-Eyed Stranger
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"I want to be someone my friends can rely on...to not be a burden..." Name: Nori Age: 23 Height: 5'5" (165cm) Eye Colour: Light Blue with Light Red Pupils Hair Colour: Indigo Hometown: Ultra Megalopolis Region: Ultra Space Trainer Class: Ultra Recon Squad Member of: Ultra Recon Squad Rank: Rookie Likes: Stars, Learning About New Things, Pokémon, Music Dislikes: Bright Light, Necrozma, Feeling Like A Burden, Getting Lost Close Friends: Dulse, Zossie, Phyco, Soliera, Rhi, Moon, Zahra Themes: Starry-Eyed Stranger - Nori's Theme (Side Order) Lost/Nori Meets Moon (Lapis' Tower) Battle! Vs Ultra Recon Squad Nori (Ultra Recon Squad) Battle! URS Nori vs URS Dulse (#48 her) Team:
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Rookie member of Ultra Recon Squad, Nori is a bright-eyed and optimistic yet clumsy soul who's curious about anything and everything. Recruited into the recon squad after her older sibling Rhi vouched for her, Nori has always given it her all when working for the squad, even if she can be a bit klutzy and absent-minded at times. In spite of this, her dedication allowed her to join Dulse and Zossie on their mission to Alola. Due to her position as a rookie as well as her timid nature, Nori mostly follows Dulse's lead and rarely speaks up unless she has information relative to the situation. Despite this, she seems to have a friendly relationship with Dulse and Zossie, as well as the rest of her squad (though Zossie won't stop teasing her about her crush on a certain purple-haired squad member).
During one of their outings in the region, Nori found herself separated from Dulse and Zossie. While wandering around, panicking on what to do, she stumbled across Moon who helped her search for them and even helped her catch a Pokémon of her own: a shiny Eevee. She teamed up with Moon later on to help infiltrate Team Skull's hideout. There she met Zahra who lent Nori her 'normie clothes' saying her uniform made her "stick out more than Team Skull, and that's sayin' somethin'". Nori also picked up a love of music from Zahra and even taught her to remix a track (yes, mid-infiltration of Team Skull. Moon's still not over that).
Recently, Nori is beginning to have doubts about the Ultra Recon Squad's association with the Aether Foundation but struggles with voicing her opinion. I mean, it'll be fine. Dulse knows what he's doing...right?
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 1 year
[Ultrastationshipping: Emmet is teaching his kids June and Tay how to be a menace to society.]
Emmet, giving his kids a Skit-kat bar each.: Okay, watch me.
{he unwraps his chocolate bar, the twins copy him, Tay is about to break his Emmet stops him.]
Emmet: No no, Don’t break it, you eat it like this! 
{Emmet takes a big bite out of his bar, and the twins watch him for a few seconds and happily do the same, Emmet chuckles.}
Emmet: Great job you two, you’re doing daddy proud!
{Emmet looks over his shoulder and smirks.]
Ingo, who was watching in horror: (To Fraise) Save those innocent Deerlings from that monster before he corrupts them even further!
Fraise, confused: I don’t understand, is that not how a Skit-kat is meant to be eaten?
{Emmet cackles maniacally as Ingo looks at her in despair.]
Ingo: Oh no, it’s already too late for you.
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tunasama13 · 1 year
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ananinidraws · 1 year
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Some concepts for a pokesona of sorts. For context, me and some Discord friends talked about the fun challange of making new trainer classes for ourselves, and i came up with the Ultra Beast Tamer class. It’s exactly what it implies, a full team of UBs lol
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bymyblackhand · 1 year
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I am cringe, but I am free.
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opal-sparks · 2 months
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A friend of mine requested art of Xerosic walking in on my OC Esther taking a bath when he was about to take her on a date. If you look at Xerosic's eyes in each one, you'll notice that one of them follows the headcanon that he is the same as the Ultra Recon Squad people.
This is for an AU where Esther suffers amnesia and actually becomes a loving mother to her daughter Opal, and when Xerosic meets her again post-amnesia, he cannot bring himself to remind Esther of her past because he was deeply moved by Esther being kind to him despite his...unique appearance, and ends up falling in love with Esther. Xerosic also decides that he wants to become a better man for her.
Esther doesn't really care about appearances, and doesn't know of Xerosic's dark past, and falls in love with him through various romantic gestures on Xerosic's end.
This ship was born from an entirely different AU that's based on the Mirror World from the XY anime, where neither Xerosic and Esther were evil. The ship was entirely unplanned, and happened quite naturally and turned out to be very wholesome. Even though Xerosic is ugly as sin, I really do love this ship.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Hello! My name is R, and welcome to:
The Legendverse
The Legendverse is a Pokemon au featuring my ocs that follows the concept of Legendary Pokemon being slightly more involved with the main events of the pokemon games than they lead on. Before getting into the specifics of that, let's get into-
The Timeline
The Legendverse follows a semi linear timeline of events, and it's ever expanding with the new Pokemon games that are coming out. Here's what the timeline looks so far:
PLA: 1868 -1872
FRLG/Emerald: 2005
HGSS/Platinum: 2008
BW: 2012
B2W2: 2014
XY: 2015
SM: 2016
USUM: 2018
SWSH: 2020
SV: 2025
Some things to note: USUM is treated as a sequel in this au. I don't really have a clear idea of what the plot is going to be but it is going to involve the Ultra Recon Squad and Ultra Necrozma. Secondly, PLA and the time between SM and SWSH are connected. As in Ingo and an oc of mine gets isekaied to Hisui during SM and come back sometime after the main plot of SWSH. 4 years in Hisui years, 4 years in modern times. Finally, SV will be added, but given how the games haven't been released yet,I cannot make a fair judgment onto where in the timeline this takes place. For personal reasons I hope it would make sense for it to be some time after SwSh, but we will see. 
With the timeline explained, now we can get into the meat of the Legendverse:
Legendaries and The Chosens
This will be a bit difficult to explain so let's start with the pure basics. In this au, Legendary Pokemon are essentially able to Choose a person as their Chosen, which more often than not, are my protagonists for this au. They are given the smallest fraction of the Legendaries power and are tasked to, from the Chosens understanding, protect the world from disaster,  which usually mean defeating the evil teams. However, uh, the Chosens may not even know this. This is where things get messy. When it comes to the protagonists of this au, the common theme is that they are, well, the protagonist: young and off the mixed up in a thing that kids their age shouldn't be getting mixed into. Theres also a sense of fate involved: most Chosen where Chosen either at birth or at a young age. But, for some reason, it doesn't apply to all. What's more is that being Chosen is kinda permanent until the Legendary decided otherwise, so these protagonists are effectively growing up superpowered- okay, it's not as obvious as that. See when I said this is messy? It can get confusing really quickly, especially as the why it's all happening. Legendaries are fickle beings after all. Either you will get some vague answer, or none at all. Or the Legendary doesn't even know themself, which adds more confusion and frustration for any Chosen involved. 
Now, amongst this mess, there's still some structure. For one, man made pokemon of any kind cannot Choose a Chosen. Arceus cannot as well, but purely for the fact that it is Arceus. Even the smallest fraction of power from them would not only be too much power from them, but too much power for the user to even comprehend. Bascically, it can overwhelming really fast and can end badly, really fast. So no Chosen One for Arceus. 
There's also seem to be some sort of….. hierarchy. Arceus, of course, is the one at the top, being the Creator, followed by the Lake Trio and Creation Trio. If I were to get into it here, this post will be far too long, especially as I am still working it out as we speak. But please know there's something going on here and yes, some Legendaries do know each other. 
Now we spoke a lot about the Legendaries and The Chosen Ones. But who exactly are the Chosen Ones? Well…..
The Protagonist Ocs
Truthfully, you should have seen this coming. Unless your new to this blog, then hi, names R, I like making pokemon ocs. Especially protagonist ocs. I have too many and I am going to make it your problem now. 
Real talk,in former interactions of this I would simply have the names of the ocs and have them linked to what is their bio, but given my greatest enemy is myself, I tend to be very behind on that. And given my need to gush about them, it really harms and potential conversation I could have about them if you guys don't know about them. So here's the solution! Short descriptions. The long bio's will come at a later time, I assure you, but for you all to get some idea of who the people are that live in my head rent free, you will get short bios. Some context here: all the ages presented are how of they are by SwSh. The ages they were during their individual game event will be in the larger bios. Also there's a main a secondary ( and the mysterious third) protagonist. Okay? Okay. So without further ado~
Name: Sakura Ume
Age: Somewhere in her 20’s
Gender and pronouns: Nonbinary and she/her. Maybe he/him.
Chosen One of: No one.
Bio: Sakura is simply one of a kind. In an attempt to bridge the gap between humans and pokemon a bit faster, Arceus has the genius idea to create a human being for that role. However, Volo’s and Giratina’s tempering caused her to fall to Hisui, with no knowledge of who she is, only a single goal to her name ‘ catch all pokemon’. Despite this, Sakura is a kind and energetic soul, who’s always willing to help and put those before herself.
Fun Fact: She’s Kiran’s ancestor! They look nothing alike.
Name: Zero Yamamoto
Age: Somewhere is his  20’s
Gender and pronouns: Nonbinary and He/Him They/Them
Chosen One of: No one ( but is the cause for someone else down the line)
Bio: I will admit that Zero’s backstory needs some work, but here’s what I got so far:  formerly was from lost The Platinum Clan, the clan that defected against the Celestica all those ages ago. He is one of the few surviving members. His knowledge comes from his parents who came from their parents and ect. They are all gone, and with nowhere else to turn, Zero found himself under the care of The Galaxy Team- Professor Laventon specifically. Despite his past, Zero is a mild mannered young man, simply wanting to help and not scare off people.
Fun fact: Zero has sharp teeth, which tend to put people off. To counter this, he always wears a red scarf. Also he’s a good cook and makes wonderful tea.
Name: Jin Amachi
Age: 27( swsh) 32( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Nonbinary and They/Them
Chosen One of: Rayquaza
Bio: One of the older protagonists, Jin has changed a lot from when they were a kid. From a rebellious and angry pre-teen to a much more calmer and confident adult. They're still angry, but for different reasons. They are very good at hiding it, however. 
Fun fact: They have two hands and it's for Amber and Wally 
Name: Kohaku Amber Birch
Age: 27 ( swsh) 32 ( SV )
Gender and Pronouns: Female and She/Her
Chosen One of: Undecided!
Bio:Jin's old rival and now girlfriend! She could have very easily became Champion but she was already set on being a Pokemon professor. Even then she is a strong trainers and a great rival to both Jin and Wally. 
Fun fact: The ultimate clutz. How has she survived so long is a mystery.
HGSS/ Crystal
Name: Kenji Hino
Age: 22 ( swsh) 27 ( SV )
Gender and Pronouns: (Trans) Male and He/Him
Chosen One of: Ho-Oh
Bio: Once a boy with a golden heart, growing under the pressure of his own self doubts and fears. He still tries his best and almost never fails to give a smile to those who need it.
Fun fact: Kenji is a bit of an artist! Drawing helps him destress.
Name: Aiko Elm
Age: 22( swsh) 27( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Female and She/Her
Chosen One of: Lugia
Bio: An energetic girl who grew to love martial arts and waving her staff around. She’s Kenji’s childhood friend and considers herself his ultimate rival, though that might just be to annoy Silver. She doesn’t follow the same path as her dad, Prof. Elm, and while he is supportive, she can’t help but wonder what she’s doing with her life.
Fun fact: Aiko trained under both the Kimono girls and her Uncle Chuck! She will kick you ass.
Name: Beryl Jewel
Gender and pronouns: nonbinary and they/she
Age: 25 ( swsh) 30 ( SV )
Chosen one of: Suicune
Bio: A generally chill person, Beryl is a an aspiring pokemon professor and focuses their work on pokemon rescue and rehabilitation. Her family is generally supportive, despite all the drama that had come before. Beryl is very worried for their friends well being.
Name: Danica Yamamoto
Age: 23 ( swsh) 28 ( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Female and she/her
Chosen one of: Giratina 
Bio: An eerily quite and kinda creepy girl with a knack for kinda just…..appearing. All she wishes is for her to have good battles, protect Sinnoh, and be with her friends, family and pokemon. Recent years have challenged that however.
Fun Fact: She's a baker and aims to own her own bakery. 
Name: Kiran Plum
Age: 24 ( swsh) 29 ( SV )
Gender and Pronouns: Demi-boy/non-binary and He/They
Chosen One of: No one. Right now. I think. 
Bio: This man has been through so much. To keep it short, he was Professor Rowans assistant, who then became obsessed with Arceus after a chance encounter, to which caused Arceus to send them back in time, where they spend 4 years of his life until he comes back home. He is a incredibly tired, sarcastic professor who desperately needs a nap. 
Fun Fact: He has a crush on Barry and is trying so hard not to have one. He's failing. 
Black and White and B2W2 
Name: Alexis Jones
Age: 22 27
Gender and Pronouns: Male and he/him
Chosen on of: Zekrom 
Bio: Another incredibly tired man who have both lost pokemon and an arm during his journey. Nowadays he's much more reclusive, avoiding any discussion of what has happened to both him and those around him. Despite this, he has a hero's heart….even if he doesn't believe it. 
Fun Fact: He works( worked?) at a daycare and is incredibly good with baby pokemon.
Name: Elliot Jones
Age: 22( swsh) 27 ( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Female and she/her
Chosen One of: Reshiram 
Bio: Alexis' brash and loud younger twin sister, Elliot has not lost pokemon like her brother did when they were kids. But she was there to see the affects of it. Not to mention losing a leg as her brother an arm. She wants to talk about it with her brother, but he makes it difficult. So what does one do? Drag him to Galar for an admittedly impromptu vacation.
Fun Fact: She works at the Gear Station and formed a close uncle- niece bond with the Submas Twins.
Name: Evangeline " Eva" Ortiz
Gender and Pronouns: Female( trans) and She/Her
Age: 21 ( swsh ) 26 ( SV)
Bio: Once a plucky kid aiming to be the very best that no one ever was, is now the champion ( co-champion??? Still working on it) of Unova.  She's sporty, fashionable, and is constantly doing something. She tries her best to be there for people, but has a hard time letting people be there for her. Especially when it comes to the cold. 
Fun Fact: She's a bit of a tinkerer! Er, engineer. She loves breaking down and building cool tech. It's common for people to not want her and Volkner to meet, less a gaint Mecha robot is to be built. Oh. Also she and Elliot are dating. 
Name: Wayne Kukui
Age: 20 ( swsh ) 25 ( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Male( trans) and he/him 
Bio: A former team plasma grunt later to be adopted by Clay, Wayne is the more….awkward one of the Unova gang. He genuinely cares about the well being of Pokemon,and while he is a trainer- a decent one at that- he doesn't do it often. He's a bit naive at times, mostly a side affect of being sheltered by Team Plasma, but he has a good heart and wants the best for everyone! 
Fun Fact: He acts as a delivery boy for Clay. Really, Clay just wanted Wayne to interact with people more, but Wayne saw this as some sort of way to repay for his time at Team Plasma, and couldn't be stopped. 
Pokemon XY
Jude Bellrose
Age: 22 ( swsh ) 27 ( sv )
Gender and Pronouns: Genderfluid and they/she/he
Chosen One of: Yveltal
Bio: Another nuzlocke protagonist. Jude can be harsh, their words can be cold and they can act like they don't care. However, his journey deeply affected him, causing him to reflect on themself and what they really want. She's getting better. 
Fun Fact: They are multilingual! Also has heavy romantic tension with Dante. They need to work on themselves first, though. 
Name: Dante LaCroix
Age: 22 ( swsh ) 27 ( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Male and he/him
Chosen One of: Xerneas
Bio: Jude's rival, and son of two veteran trainers. Prided himself in being a good trainer despite his parents, but Jude's talent and attitude caused a severe rivalry between then two. Said rivalry clouded Dante's judgement and made him to be manipulated by Lysandre, though he turned himself around when he realized what Lysandre's goals truly were. 
Fun Fact: He works as an assistant detective to Emma!
Pokemon SM / Pokemon USUM
Name: Amsonia Mahina
Age: 15 ( swsh ) 20 ( SV )
Gender and Pronouns: Demigirl and she/they
Chosen One of: Lunala 
Bio: Her and her mother moved to Alola -her mother's home region- after finally getting away from her abusive father. She's closed off and selectively mute, so she's not the most cheery of people. However, the more she stays in Alola, the more she begins to heal and begins living her life.
Fun fact: She's Kenji's half sister. They both share the same shitty dad.
Age: 15 ( swsh ) 20 ( SV)
Name: Ray
Gender and Pronouns: Nonbinary and he/him. 
Chosen One of:  Most likely Solgeleo
Bio: Is under works! At most he's associated with team skull and acts as the protagonist of USUM, not Amsonia ( which acts pretty different in this au) but I still need to figure things out. 
Fun fact: Also in the works!
Pokemon SwSh
Name: Naomi Einar 
Age: 15 ( swsh ) 20 ( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Female (trans) and she/her
Chosen One of: Zacian
Bio:( oh boy there's a lot going on so I'm keeping this short). A shy country girl who promised her best friend Hop to go on the gym challenge with him. She fully believes she will fail easily and just slow him down, but can't say no to his face. Has…..foggy memory. Can't seem to remember much, even if it's right in front of her. 
Fun fact: Alexis and Elliot are her cousins! She also loves dancing.
Name: Carol Fitzroy
Age: 16 ( Swsh ) 21 ( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Agender and they/them
Chosen One of: Calyrex 
Bio: A troubled teen that came from a not so great situation. Formerly a city kid in Wyndon, they moved to Wedgehurst with their mother, and made fast friends with Naomi and Hop, immediately becoming best friends. They would do anything to keep them safe. Have a deep hatred for their father, Chairman Rose ( they only found out recently).
Fun fact: Loves hugs, especially from Hop and Naomi.
The Johto Exclusive Elite 4!
Luca Valero
Age: 13-14
Gender and pronouns: genderqueer and he/any.
Chosen one of: Terapogos????? Maybe?????
Bio: An energetic boy that has a deep hidden trauma of the darkest day. He tries his best to be a help to anyone and everyone in his life in fear of becoming a burden. He tends to be too stubborn, not knowing when to take a no , but overall is a beacon of light to those around him.
Fun fact: Is a lover of anything pink!
Ramona Beatriz Luna
Age: 16
Gender and pronouns: female ( trans) and she/her.
Chosen one of: None.
Bio: A closed off girl who has been labeled as a bully and "The Calamity" due to her reputations in her old schools. No one knows of the harsh bullying and abuse that she has went through to gain such a closed heart, and because of that she has pretty much gave up on herself, Naranja Uva academy being her last hope. Despite her rough exterior she is pretty chill and level headed, and cares much more than she lets on.
Fun fact: She's childhood friends with Arven. It didn't end well.
And that's it! That's all of them! Well, that's a lie. These are just the protagonist/Chosen ocs I have. Truth be told, there's actually a lot of Pokemon ocs I have haha. But I won't be getting into them here, or else this will be way too long for comfort. But before this post is complete, I wanted to mention some miscellaneous things( at the top of my head)
The Indigo league go through a "split". One E4 and champion for Johto and one for Kanto
This is done by Kenji, who felt like Johto was often undermined by Kanto and other regions ( mostly Kanto). He wanted Johto to get a chance to shine on their own. 
Still called the Indigo League all together,as a sign of peace and companionship
Kalos kinda sucks and Jude's trying to fix it. 
When you have stores that deny people entry based on how " stylish" they are, you know there's a problem.
Especially when the mad man who tried to commit genocide wanted to preserve "beauty" ( which comes in the form of rich people with elist and socialist views).
And the stigma against " evil" types. 
So yeah. There's a problem that needs fixing. 
Canon characters!
Silver is Chosen by Celebi. An odd duo I know, but think of the comedic potential, okay. 
N is vibing with a non Chosen/Protagonist oc and honestly he deserves it. 
Ingo and Emmet do reunite don't worry. 
Hugh's sister, Hana, ends up becoming the new dark type Elite 4 member in replacement of Grimsley. No I am not kidding. 
Red and Blue are the ultimate slow burn. They are getting married, don't worry.
Also Green's here too! She's Blue's sister in this au
Lear's here and Cheren's bf. Dunno how but he is. 
There's so much more, a lot I probably haven't thought about yet. 
Her name is Ruth! No that's not my real name. Please don't address me as that, just call me R. 
She's a demi-god that just wanna chill with her Eevee but ends up getting roped into shenanigans. Please help her, she just wanna chill-
Okay! Now that's it! I'm probably gonna add more as time goes on, but yeah! You can ask about anything regarding the legendverse( my ocs, canon characters, Ruth), or just general pokemon stuff! I really don't mind, and would ramble about anything pokemon related lol. And……yeah. I hope you all have a good day/night!
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oobemu · 1 month
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Some expressions and possible pokemon for Anthur, my oc/canon kid :)
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melonthesprigatito · 5 months
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Hijiki learned two things that night:
Getting your ass kicked by a Pokémon qualifies as a level up method for them
Apparently the brown fluffy fox thing can surround itself with a tornado and turn into a plant to deter predators somehow
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soulslayer2020 · 2 months
SPOILERS for Legends Nori
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Zahra - The Beast Who Devours The Sun
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"I don't care who you are! You ain't laying a claw on our world!" Name: Zahra Kāne Zāra Kāne (Jap) Solgaleo Age: 27 Height: 5'6" (170cm) (Human, Avatar), 11'2" (340cm) (Solgaleo), 12'6" (380cm) (Dusk Mane Necrozma) Eye Colour: Blue (Human) Dark Blue, Blue & White (Avatar, Solgaleo), Light Blue (Dusk Mane Necrozma) Hair Colour: Blonde & Orange (Human, Avatar) White, Gold, Orange & Black (Solgaleo), Light Yellow & Gold (Dusk Mane Necrozma) Hometown: Nimbasa City (formerly), Po Town Region: Unova (Formerly), Alola Trainer Class: Team Skull Admin, Avatar of Solgaleo Member of: Team Skull Rank: Admin Themes: Nebby & Zahra Transform (Calling Upon A Legendary) Nebby vs Necrozma/Zahra's Sacrifice (Enter Necrozma) Battle! Vs Dusk Mane Zahra/Necrozma (Vs Necrozma) Battle! Vs Avatar of Solgaleo Zahra (Vs Solgaleo/Lunala)
Ever since she was young, Zahra always knew there was something odd about herself. Be it her strange ability to see in the dark, ability to glimpse into the future, or the fact she can make objects glow faintly by touching them. After doing a bit of research, she quickly found out she was an avatar of a creature known as 'the Beast Who Devours The Sun'. Unsure as to how she could unlock her full abilities, Zahra moved to Alola in hopes of finding more information on the creature. Upon Lilly and Moon playing the Sun and Moon flutes, Zahra was able to transform into Solgaleo. But before she could fully enjoy her new powers, Necrozma invaded. In an attempt to save Nebby - who had evolved into Lunala - Zahra was possessed by Necrozma, becoming Dusk Mane Necrozma, and was used to steal the light from the world.
She very much dislikes that her Avatar attire is a dress.
Nori - The Dark Before The Dawn
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"You already stole the light from my home. I won't let you steal anyone else's!" Name: Nori Shadow Lugia Age: 23 Height: 5'5" (165cm) (Human, Avatar), 17'1" (520cm) (Shadow Lugia) Eye Colour: Light Blue & Light Red Pupils (Human), Red & Light Red (Avatar, Shadow Lugia) Hair Colour: Indigo (Human, Avatar), Indigo & Light Blue (Shadow Lugia) Hometown: Ultra Megalopolis Region: Ultra Space Trainer Class: Ultra Recon Squad, Avatar of Shadow Lugia Member of: Ultra Recon Squad Rank: Rookie Themes: Battle! Avatar Nori vs Ultra Necrozma/Ebb & Flow - Ultra Remix (Spectrum Obligato) The Light Returns (Lazarus Drug) Welcome Home (Into The Light) Battle! Avatar of Shadow Lugia Nori (Lugia's Song Remix) Look Into The Light (ft. Nori & Zahra) (Into The Light Remix)
A strange dream plagues Nori when she sleeps. She's underwater, standing before a dark cave. A pair of glowing red eyes stare at her from within the cave as a muffled voice echoes from within. Suddenly a wave of shadow pours out from the cave as she wakes up. She can't make sense of the dream...but strangely enough, she doesn't get an ominous feeling from it. Is someone or something trying to talk to her? Only time will tell...
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 1 year
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My Pokémon oc Fraise and her newly caught Shiny Elgyem. This was waaay back when she first joined up with the International police’s Distortion Rescue Squad. Fraise couldn’t get the hang of living in Alola or get along with her coworkers very well, until Captain Phyco suggested she try catching a partner Pokémon to better understand her new home’s ways and customs...
All it did was confuse Fraise more as she now had this overly clingy psychic bean following her everywhere. She gets used to things eventually and bonds with her Elgyem who becomes Fraise’s main partner. 
{I was originally going to draw Fraise sitting/riding on her Stakataka... But apparently drawing a pile of bricks is harder than it looks!)
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NAME: Monti Cornis AGE: 222 OCCUPATION: Ultra Recon Squad Field Admin - Historical and Cultural Specialist ASSIGNED PARTNER: Avona UB RESEMBLANCE: UB01-Parasite
(art done by @emmetrain)
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Monti (pictured, right) is a scientist of Ultra Megalopolis who has risen to 'Field Leader Admin' status within the Ultra Recon Squad, and is now verified to explore Ultra Space and the other world. He specializes in uncovering the lost history of Ultra Space and its many fallen civilizations. He works closely with his partner, nicknamed Avon, who is an Ultra Beast Specialist. (Avon is NOT my oc and belongs to Grace aka the mun of @dragonsought)
A more in-depth bio of him will be made on the Carrd soon.
His IC tag will be: history in the remaking ;; monti
ps. yes his glasses are lacking actual glass. he wears them for the fashion:tm: (since Ultra Humans don't actually need glasses of any kind since they have the technology to fix/perfect their eyesight which is a process that is done when they are infants)
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