#tyrion is a small man but a big lion
asoiafalbum · 18 days
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You come now. Back to your cage, little bird. I’ll take you there. Keep you safe for the king. — ACOK, SANSA II
The Hound was right, she thought, I am only a little bird, repeating the words they taught me. — AGOT, SANSA VI
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crazysleepydreams · 2 years
Ok I'm late for the party but I want to party too so I shall post the promps for the next week let's thank @albinokittens300 for the fantastic idea!
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REUNION: part 1, The Lannisters.
When Tyrion Lannister the third was born his mother felt despair for him: what broke Joanna’s heart wasn’t her son's achondroplasia, it was his soulmark. Normally any mother would be happy to have birthed a child with a soulmark: they were destined for greatness by the seven, they were wise as this hadn’t been their first life and there was someone out there that would die for them. But not for her baby boy it was too small for her to make sense of, if he grew they might learn who he might have been once or who his soulmate was, but its smokey color told her all she had to know… It was unrequited love: his soulmate had rejected him in their last life. How could anyone grow up happy knowing that the one the gods had chosen for them had foregone them?
Tywin wasn’t sure how he felt about his youngest: his soulmark told him and the world that the babe was destined for greatness, but also that his life shall be marked by tragedy. He had never been an overtly religious man, but after the birth of Tyrion he cursed the gods both the seven, the old, the drowned one and R'hollor: if they wanted to punish him they could, but they should leave his sons out of it. After brooding for a while the Lord Paramount of the West returned to his wife's bedside and found her crying in despair.
“Please Joanna, don’t cry.” He begged his beloved. 
“Why Tywin? Why? Who could be so cruel as to disavow their other half?” The man knew that there was no answer to what she asked him so he pulled her close carefully as he looked at their son in the crib.
“Don’t despair my love: he shall be loved. He is ours, he is a Lannister and we will teach him that the mark on his skin doesn’t decide everything in his life. Yes he is destined to be great, yes by being marked he shall be the next Lord Lannister, yes there is someone that the gods believed to be his that wasn’t, but we weren’t marked by them do you think I love you any less because of it?” He asked his wife who shook her head.
“Of course not! I love you as you love me: I don’t need any mark to tell me it!” Joanna said passionately, causing her usual stoic husband to smile at her.
“Let us show him that a mark isn’t final.” Tywin whispered to his wife who nodded and he held her until she fell asleep.
He stood up and gently lifted his son from the crib where he laid asleep and took him into his arms. “You are my son: you shall be great, you are a lion, a Lannister: a mark won’t have the final say in your life. You will have it: let the world hear you roar.” He whispered to the baby as he caressed his sandy blond locks with some gold, silver and even black peppered through the tuft of hair, and then Tyrion yawned in his fathers arms before accommodating himself and signing contently. “We shall work on your roar little one.”
Jamie at 11 knew that his baby brother would be special from the moment his parents told him he would be a big brother. He was surprised when his parents took him aside to give him the news, but he was happy he would protect the baby from anyone who would try to harm him! Just like the knights of old! He would even work extra hard with his teacher so that he could read the baby bedtime stories and when the baby was older Jamie would show them the best games and the best places to hide: they would be best friends!
He was very excited to share the news with his cousins and aunts and uncles! His parents allowed him to tell the rest of the family: while his parents congratulated his parents he went to his cousins to talk to them and tell them how happy he was. His cousins congratulated him well; those his age, Gerion, Tyrek, Cinthia and Tyrish didn’t really understand what was happening, only that there would be a new baby. He was happily speaking with Lancel, Tion and Martyn about becoming a big brother when Cersei, his favorite cousin, interrupted them.
“You can’t be seriously happy can you Jamie?” She asked him with a sneer.
“Why not? I’ll be the best big brother there is in all of Westeros! We’ll be the happiest family ever!” Exclaimed Jamie, confused at his favorite cousin's anger.
“You are really naive if you believe that for even one second Jamie, that or you are still a baby yourself!” Screamed the blonde.
“What? Why?” Asked the boy with tears in his green eyes.
“Because it’s obvious that the baby is an accident! I haven't heard the adults talk about Uncle Tywin and Aunt Joanna wanting another baby!”
“Cersei!” Exclaimed Kevan, embarrassed by the scene his daughter was causing. He saw his brother clenching his fists and jaw in anger, but he relaxed under Joanna’s touch.
“Kevan, Tygett, Genna I believe it’s best if you leave for now. I can see that some of the children are getting cranky due to lack of sleep. And Cersei: just because we never spoke about our desire for another child doesn’t mean we didn’t desire one. It’s very arrogant to assume you know what me and your aunt want and it's bad manners to listen to the conversations between your elders.” Declared Tywin with a voice colder than any winter in the true north. “Jamie, come with us son, you may choose our deserts.” he added in a gentle manner. Jamie just nodded while he cleaned any tears with his shirt before running towards his mothers arms.
After that dinner Cersei apologized, but Jamie felt it to be false and he never forgot what she said even if he forgave. Half a year after telling the family about the baby Jamie was 12 and he was staying with his aunt Genna because his parents were at the hospital waiting for his siblings birth. He was anxious, his parents had told him that they would stay at the hospital a few days with the baby after it was born and that he had to be good to his aunt Genna wile he stayed over and help her with Tion and Cinthia, his father would call him once the baby was born and the next day his father would come to take him to meet the baby. Jamie jumped up from where he was playing mario kart with Tion when his phone rang and the ID called said dad.
“Dad!” Exclaimed the boy happily.
“Hello son, how are you?” Asked his father, he sounded tired.
“I’m good! You? How are mom and my sibling? Do I have a baby brother or a baby sister?” Asked the 12 year old boy.
“Hold your horses son. I’m good, thank you. Your mother and Tyrion are healthy, you have a brother as you must know due to his name.” He heard his father’s answer before he started celebrating jumping up and down while his aunt looked amused at the scene and Tion jumped up and down with his older cousin.
“Jamie! Jamie! Jamie!” Came from the phone.
“Sorry dad…” Apologized Jamie feeling embarrassed.
“Don’t worry son, can you pass me your aunt? I need to talk about some things with her.”
“Sure! Bye dad, love you and mom and Tyrion.” Said Jamie before giving his mobile phone to his aunt who gave him a smile and a kiss on his forehead accepting the phone.
The next day Jamie saw his father, he looked tired but that didn’t bother the boy much his aunt had explained that babies were loud and needed much attention and Tion had complained about how Cinthia would keep him awake when she was little, he didn’t realize how the serious conversation his father and aunt where having stopped abruptly. Once Jamie was in the car with his father, his father started explaining him about Tyrion: how he would never be as tall as other children or adults, how he was born special he had a soulmark and all that came with it Tywin also explained how this meant that the next Lord Lannister would be his baby brother (which was fine by him he didn’t want the castle nor the responsibilities that came with being lord it was bad enough that dad wanted him to be the next head of LannisCorps) he was told the his brothers other half had rejected him in their last life and how it would probably happen again in this so he made Jamie promise to help his mother and him and show Tyrion that the mark didn’t show if he was worthy of love or not.
When Joanna showed little Tyrion to Jamie the older brother couldn’t understand how anyone could decide that he wasn’t worthy to be loved and he vowed by the seven that he would be Tyrion's best friend and protector and he’ll show him how worthy of love he was!
Jamie celebrated every single milestone of his brother even more so than his parents! He was Tyrion's first word: well the word had been Jay, but it's still counted. The rest of the family was very happy with his baby brother, except Cersei who told him that Tyrion was a monster and how couldn’t he see it? The baby had already usurped his place as lord of the rock: what did it matter to her that Jamie never wanted to be lord of the rock nor that Tyrion was the rightful heir by the laws of the seven… Trouble with Cersei aside, Jamie was proud of his baby brother: Tyrion was smart and clever and it seemed as if being smaller than normal didn’t bother him. Until his fifth birthday Tyrion was a happy boy ,even if when he was smaller he claimed to have dragon dreams, extremely smart for his age, but after his fifth birthday Tyrion changed not much, but Jamie noticed and their parents too. Jamie suspected what might be happening: Tyrion was dreaming of his last life and shortly his suspicions turned true… one sunday morning Tyrion came into the living room crying and asked him and their parents why they loved a monster like him. Once Tyrion was calmed by their mother he told them what was wrong, in his dreams his father and siblings hated him because he had killed his mother when he was born: their parents explained to him that his last (?) family were wrong, sometimes a mother dies giving birth and that it wasn’t the fault of the baby and whoever believed so was stupid.
As the years went by Jamie noticed slight changes in his brother: he slept only the necessary, he was smarter by the day, he knew things he shouldn’t at his age  and his manners were impeccable, but even if Tyrion would always smile and joke and be his happy self it looked as if something weighed him down. Their parents told him that it was normal: Tyrion could remember another life and from the things they had been told his last life had been long ago, before the north became part of the seven again!, and in those times children were not children for long, not even nobles.
Tyrion had known his whole life he was different: he was cursed by a mark that showed the world, if he ever decided to leave his wristband off that is, that he wasn’t worthy of love or at least not true romantical love. His family, this one, had shown him nothing but love and they praised his work and efforts, even his father. 
But he knew better due to his dreams he knew what he was capable of and that scared him. The soulmark alone he could live with even if it taunted him, not even the one the seven had chosen for him was able to love him, but the dreams they haunted him. He knew that he wasn’t the same Tyrion as the one from his dreams yet he was ...and much of with they had done was due to external pressure and the social norms of that time: his parents made sure to sit him down and explain nature vs nurture to him in detail once they realized how much he struggled with his dreams.
When he was twelve name days no years old he decided that he would take the reins of his destiny: he would use what he learned from his dreams and use it in his favor. None told him what to do, except his parents and maybe Jaime. But even after he took that decision and swore that he would never look for his soulmate his mark wouldn’t stop burning: most of the time pleasantly and others it hurt… Even if he wanted to deny it he wouldn’t go looking for his soulmate because she would reject him or she had done so already in their last life, but because he loved her he could never make out what she looked like, but she was beautiful ethereal and deserved much more than a dwarf.
Next part are the Starks! This was supposed to be a one shot, but I got carried away and it shall become a triology, lol. No Beta.
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Abandon Them Like You Abandoned Me
Jaime was lord of Casterly Rock for two years now. His confusion on why he was lord and not imprisoned by King Bran had settled a few months ago. Jaime mostly spend his days listening to petty squabbles between common folk, enjoying wine and feeling like shit for being alive. That was until he saw her, Brienne of Tarth, holding a small boy. She greeted the king with a smile so innocent, Jaime could feel himself melt from so far away. She easily walked with her father to their seat near other Stormland lords. They had a very nice view of the field. “Who is that child with lady Brienne?” Jaime asked the man sitting next to him. Tyrion nonchalantly shrugged at his brother. “Tyrion, I only saw a glimpse, but he looks golden.” “Hush, I am unsure what Lady Brienne has done during the two years of peace. It’s the first time since the war I have seen her on the mainland.” Jaime looked over at Brienne. She was lovely. Her hair still straw colored, her shoulders broad and those big hands holding the small boy, taking him from her lap and onto his…. “Who is that?!” Jaime whispered sharply.” “Ah, except that time she went with her lord husband to the wall.” “Husband?” “Peace helps people heal”
Brienne foolishly gets pregnant by Jaime after. Wanting her child not to be a bastard she agrees to marry someone and goes back home with her husband. Jaime does not KNOW.
Skip two years.
Jaime pov
Jaime is at a tourney waiting for the box to fill with all the invited nobles when he spotts Brienne walking in with her Tarth contingent. Jaime focuses on Brienne who was wearing breeches. She greets King Bran, notices the small golden lion that looks like a younger Tywin, because of paintings and when Genna makes mention of the child being lion like in whispers Tyrion tells them to shut up rudely. Jaime with new found desire for Brienne tries to think up a way to talk to her without making it obvious and giving attention to the child. Tyrion says Tormund is ginger maybe it’s his kid and Jaime scoffs then asked what she married that brute . Jaime finds a moment to talk to Brienne when she is alone coming from the privy and questions the child and she gets annoyed says I have no reason to talk about my child with a stranger or someone who is not family. He says he has rights to his son in a whispers which pisses her off more and she leaves. Mind you I will find a way to have them argue and kiss because they king of cuckolding is Jaime. I am obsessed with Tragedy too. Anyway the first day ends well. In this story lords stay in tents on the grounds during tourneys. Jaime is pacing and angry at everything then sulks that he wants to hold the kid. He never gets to hold his children and it sucks. Tyrion shrugged nonchalantly and uncaring, while Genna insult and gasses Jaime up. There is another talk between Jaime and Brienne which ends bad and she says do not speak to me in private lest tongues wag. Jaime tries to get Sansa to talk but she is also extremely nonchalant like Tyrion, both besties in gaslighting.
Jaime pov
The next day Brienne joined the melee and wins making everyone amazed and Jaime gets hard. He and Tyrion talk in whispers about how great she is. Jaime and Tyrion. Sansa comes to sit with them and gaslights the fuck out of them and mentions how good a mother Brienne is and Tormund is a great father. Which pisses Jaime and he goes to talk with Brienne in the tent that does go good. Jaime is bad with words and was a loser for two years. Brienne tells him you abandoned me not once, but twice. You left me for Cersei then refused to find any information about me. I would have taken you back as foolish as I am I would have, but not now. Leave me. Leave Galladon. She goes away and sits with Tormund who tells her something. A servant comes to tell her something which makes Brienne freak out and Tormund follows with Galladon in his hand. A group of stormland nobles sitting behind Jaime start talking about Brienne. “Ah, her last pregnancy was horrible I heard. Thank the lords, lord Tormund was there with her. He went all the way to the free world for a midwife. Such a good father.” “I am so jealous. If only my husband was as kind.” “Neither of her children look like the good lady.” Jaime ears perked up, then he asked Tyrion. “She bore the beast children?” “Twins I heard.” Jaime groaned. How the fuck was he supposed to win her over when she is mother of two children.
He catches her again and they talk and she is like then WHY DID YOU NOT CONTACT ME DURING THE TWO YEARS?! Gods, Brienne, how was I supposed? Say hey sorry for abandoning you, want to marry me? My sister dead, marry me? I Did look for you, but heard from Sansa you were in Tarth and doing good, nothing more. I thought about sailing to tarth, but again what was I supposed to say? I was crippled, sad, berated and had to pay my dues during the war. That is all my fault...
Okay so rereading on the seventh on Aug I think the starks scheming to get Brinne and Jaime together is bad writing, so that is completely dropped. I will just write it as luck and Sansa being mean, petty and Bran being petty to Jaime. Tyrion wanted to be annoying to Jaime for letting such a good women go, but regrets it when he sees the young child. Hears how  Galladon looks like a really young Tywin with sapphire eyes. It's baffling to Genna and she wants Jaime to find away to get their heir back. 
It's peace time so you'll hear no drama, war talk or some nonsense about angry nobles. I might talk about grains, spring however I never experience four season. 
Jaime pov
Day three: Tormund and Brienne are absent from the tourney. Jaime heard from ser Podrick how one of the twins is sick. Sansa says she didn’t know they had children and that Brienne and Tormund barely talked about their private life. They only came here because after this they would head to Winterfell . To Tormund’s childhood home. She asks Jaime do you still like or love Brienne and he doesn’t reply. He thinks then says yes he does love her. Maybe taking that approach would get him back in her head. Sansa says well stay away from her, Brienne looks happy.
Brienne pov day one. 
She greets King Bran and shows him Galladon who eagerly tells him he always wanted to meet a king. Selwyn is older with eagerness. Maybe I should remove Selwyn from the story. Tormund greets him with a bow and very kind nobly words. She says Galladon is weirdly wordy refuses to keep his mouth shut. She takes her seat with the nobles and tells Tormund how boring Tourney’s are when you do not compete yourself. Later she excuses herself meets Jaime and shares her desire that sparked when they argued. She sits with Tormund and listened to the next group. They gossip, mostly her telling him who is who and him adding a catty remark that gets an equally mean reply.
Brienne pov day two
Brienne and Tormund talk at night in the tent about Jaime and how someone saw them arguing. Brienne’s reaction to her daughter getting sick, an old sickness comes back and she wants to leave. Tormund says take the horse and he will follow later with Galladon. It’s only right he tells the king then leaves.
Brienne pov day three 
Brienne is worried about her daughter sickness getting worse. The journey to the mainland she was fine, but a little weak, but she survived the journey, She tells Tormund they should have stayed. He says we should have brought Ygritte with us, but curse her and her stupid.. Tormund, it is her wedding month, let her be. He sighs saying he knows, but he got her here incase he or the kids got sick, so she should stay a single sphincter. Brienne laughs at his words and frowns. The maester ensures everything will be fine and it is just a mild cold from the heat. Keep her hydrated, so Brienne does. Brienne waits until the maester is gone to tell Tormund, I always thought Talysanne would get sick first or often, as she does latch on my breast. Tormund shrugs and sits next to her. He takes her hand and says most of the children in this one village never latched they drank horse milk and were very healthy. I am sorry I can't do much. Brienne lowers her head. You did more for me than anyone during the two years. Because you refuse help. He joked kissed her and hand and they get up to care for Talysanne. Do you believe names have curses? Tormund asked suddenly. No, I pray no.
I literally fell asleep writing. Got so tired from the heat.
Jaime pov
figuring out how to see and hold Galladon, so he walks around their wings sometimes, the yards and throne room, when he finally gets the change it is by seeing a Galladon holding a wooden sword and fighting against a tree. Tormund is with him showing him which moves he can use. Jaime comments that the child is adorable to which Tormund replied he agrees. Tyrion appears and comes to watch the kid who then stops and smiles. Tormund tells them if you wanna touch him you can. Jaime gladly touches the kid, rubs his hair and asks if he can pick him up. They talk about children and how they should be raised and Tormund surprises them he has no kids, wanted to raise Galladon like a wildling, but Brienne doesn’t.
Brienne pov
She is caring for her sick daughter with the maester. She had sent Galladon away with Tormund. She knew she should have not brought the twins at barely one years old. She sighs and weeps when suddenly her other baby cries and the servant quickly soothes her. Brienne goes to her daughter and asks what is wrong. She tells the servants to care for the sick one and leaves with her daughter then meets Genna outside by the stairs. She asks if she can walk with her. She agrees reluctantly and they talk about her daughter and asks how it came to be she has twins in a sly way which Brienne says are a husband and wife not supposed to fuck. Genna laughs walks after her and says I just thought he had the decency to know about his child. Why keep it a secret? Why have another set of children when you could be lady of the rock and live happy. Brienne turns and says hurt why does everyone assume I am unhappy in my marriage? Brienne walked up when she saw Jaime holding Galladon in the air. They looked a like and panic soured to her. Galladon was truly a fierce lion reborn. Slowly more familiar faces came into view and Brienne felt awful. This could have been Jaime’s life, him as a father, but here I am no good as Cersei depriving my love of his child. His only heir. Genna and Brienne stepped into the circle. Brienne walked to Tormund side and gave him a nasty look which got a wide eye response from him. “Mama, hold me mama.” Galladon says and Brienne gave little Tarianne to Tormund and took Galladon from a sulking Jaime. “Does Galladon not like me?” Jaime teased the child. “I like being in mama’s arms, people must look up to me when I am in my mama’s arms, like the little lord I am.” That made everyone laugh and Genna whispered to Jaime “just like Tywin.” “When was he born?” “August 6th.” Tormund answered. “Oh my, my brother was born in august.” Genna replied delighted. “He should have been named Tywin.” There came some laughter, little awkward. Tarianne fussed and giggled, she pulled her fathers beard and giggled louder. Tormund asked if she was sleeping earlier? No, her nanny was playing with her. Tormund leaned closer and Brienne listened ignoring the others for a moment then smiled. I agree, you can. King Bran said “His name day will be in a 3 months. Will you celebrate big and invite us?” “Of course, we’ll be north by that time, your majesty.” Tormund said. “It’s been planned since the twins birth.” Brienne nodded. “Only if Talysanne feels better will we travel. For now we can only wait.” “She is a strong girl, she’ll be fine.” Sansa reassured. “I trust the maesters will help as best they can.” “Tsk, a wildling can cure children illnesses better.” “Not again.” Brienne replied. “Later we can argue all you want.” “Tsk tsk tsk, it’s not arguing when my advice can have our girl healed quickly.” Brienne looked away. “The maesters won’t fail us, Tormund.” “Indeed, I have the best maesters in the castle right now. All of them are looking over your daughter now.”
The group goes to eat their last meal of the day together. Brienne and Tormund head to bed and talk about their day then daughter. She gives him a smile then leaves for her chambers. Tormund goes to his. Brienne lies awake for an hour Pickering about her daughter then sits by her bed and ask servants to watch her well.
Jaime pov
Okay so Jaime thinks up ways to see Brienne alone and the perfect opportunity arrives when Tormund is busy with hears of Arya sailing here. Tormund leaves with Sansa to the harbour. Jaime, Tyrion and Brienne talk about the peace and being lords. Galladon is playing with a sword. He calls his mother to look at him often. Podrick joins them too and they start reminiscing about the past fondly. The past and future were good. Podrick is like I am glad you got to fulfill your wish. Jaime agrees and reaches for her hand and says he never meant to hurt her. Galladon shouts and walks up the group and berates them for not watching him beat his opponent. Brienne pulls her hand away. Jaime asked if Galladon if he saw his mother fight often and he says she doesn’t beat anyone. To which Jaime says I beat her many times. Galladon says proof it. Brienne smiles says I stopped holding back since Galladons birth. Tyrion comments with laughter and Podrick says you were a strong force before! They spar and sparks fly. Jaime is sure she still likes him and asks for just one conversation in private. Brienne refuses, takes Galladon and excuses herself. The twins need her. Brienne’s heart races. The journey was a bad idea. She checks on the twins, sits with them for hours then goes to eat supper. She hears Tormund’s voice booming and meets the Starks. They exchange pleasantries. Arya says she wants to see the babies. She can’t believe they never said anything about babies. The women go to her room and meet the children. They ask her point blank why she hasn’t even invited them for the twins, why the secrets and Brienne blushed says I forgot. Tormund wanted to say something but left it to me and I just forgot. Raising children is heard, even with help! Later that night Tormund sits on her bed and they talk about how big Arya became and he starts commenting about Galladon future, saying he won’t mind where the child goes and suddenly says if you wanna divorce me I won’t mind. This makes Brienne’s smile falter and she remains quiet. Tormund says Brienne? Again, again, then stops asking. He gets up and bids her goodnight and leaves. The next day Brienne breaks her fast with Galladon says little Tarianne is still sick and she does not get why. She never dealt with sickness like this. Usually it takes a few days to break. Sansa comforts her. When Tormund walks in she stiffens looks away, but he just comes to her side greets everyone nicely and takes a happy Galladon shrieking for his father. He says the boy should finish his meal with his father. Sansa says he is making things up to spend more time with Galladon and Brienne says you should him at home with Galladon. A spoiled brat of a father. Jaime strolls in with a fuming Genna and they see Galladon. Genna greets the boy quickly while Jaime greets everyone then Brienne, Sansa, Tormund and Galladon. He asks about the sick girl and they both say it’s not going as well as they hope.
Why is Genna angry? Genna invites Brienne to teatime with Sansa, and Arya in the garden at ten am. Brienne agrees against better judgement. The teatime goes. Jaime watches from a far for a moment trying to listen but gives up and goes to look for Tyrion and asked what he thinks of everything happening right now. The child that should be his heir and future lord of the house. Tyrion says he knew she had a child, but no one but people on Tarth saw him. They called him the sun's son, but that was all. They boy was not his to claim and you, Jaime were so sad about your love's death,  your children's death, the broken heart from leaving Brienne, I could not go and talk to you about rumours. I could not go barge into Tarth demand to see the child, hidden away from everyone, even King Bran, Queen Sansa and Jon snow. What rights did I have? What rights do I have now when he has a father. Jaime groans. He should be calling me papa, Tyrion, He should come to me for sword advice, be in my arms and demand the lords bow to him, make stupid idioms of lions being brave. I have nothing now. Tyrion laughs. You choice nothing, Jaime. You choose nothing for two years. Jaime groaned he had no choice in choosing. It was the baby in Cersei or the woman he loved who could have been killed. Could have could have been. There was a different presence now. 
Brienne pov
Genna jumps Brienne with the why's and how she deprived the small child of a very amazing title, he would be the future lord of casterly rock. Brienne scoffs, so I should have carried the tittle Kingslayers whore and bastard mother for two years?  Genna says not what I meant. You could have told Sansa or me about the pregnancy and I would have definitely gotten you out of the war, brought you to casterly rock and a lady, Jaime's fiance. For so long we waited for Jaime's marriage. I can see how your eyes drift to him. You still love him, so why do you torture yourself and your son. Brienne does not reply. Sansa said I heard rumours your marriage with Tormund was bad, but seeing you two interact I see something differnet. Brienne are you truly happy? Brienne looked over to the flowers and still remains quiet. Genna scoffs. You will age horribly if you keep all your emotions pent up inside you. At least share with me why you are stealing Galladon's future? Brienne looks back. I am stealing nothing. Nothing was offered duting my pregnancy. I want for nothing. although Tartth is not rich, it has done well for nearly three years, Galladon is the future evenstar, lord of Tarth and ship guide for every ship that sails. He is happy and I am happy. Tormund is trying. He adapted and I should not talk about my husband behind his back. What can you or Jaime offer that I do not already have? Nothing, lady Genna. Lady Sansa, forgive me for not keeping you updated as I promised, but I was scared someone would intercept the letters and tell Tyrion of Galladon's birth, of when he was born. I have grown so accustomed to privacy I forgot sharing news of my twins. Tormund wanted to travel to winterfell earlier, but I hesitated, until the summons for a tourney. We will visit your wonderful kingdom later this year. Genna frowns is there nothing that will make you change your mind? Brienne shakes her head and remained quiet.
Later that night Brienne pressed onto her fingers onto hard flesh, rubbed a line down till she touched his upper elbow. "In your culture this is erotic, is it not?"
Tormund nods. "It is, my lady. Mayhaps, you should not touch unless you are wanting a match?"
"You've never won against me, my lord." Brienne replied. 
They talk about their day and she confesses that Jaime is a problem in her heart and Tormund again offers a divorce, but say I will say no the first time. I don't want to letyou go, but I want you happy. Brienne gets annoyed, she can't pretend to be asleep and says I will not abandon our family like Jaime abandoned me. To which Tormund whispers brokenly It is only me, the twins I can visit, can I not?
Brienne gets out of bed. Checks the twins and stays there. Tormund groaned and keeps his eyes shut.
Jaime pov 
Jaime says it would be nice if there were no other kids and she could easily divorce the her husband, then with no problem I could make her my wife. Tyrion agrees it would be nice, the young boy is too much as a lion to be growing up under a brute Northman. Jaime is not classist, he's just jealous. When he hears the child is still sick he wonders if it is his negativre thoughts that manifested the sickness so he shuts up.
It's been nine days since the tourney. The child is still somewhat sick, therefore Jaime rarely sees Brienne with Galladon. He was sitting wiith Tyrion on a balcony overlooking the western garden when he saw Brienne walking out of the building holding a baby. A baby. Tyrion says ah, that must be Tarianne  She stands in the sun with the child. Galladon walking behind holding her dress and speaking. They stand for a long time soaking the sun. Jaime says she might never give this up for me.  Tyrion thinks the humans are strange and will do anything for love, maybe like you she can break their marriage oath, what is a man who worships the old gods?
He meets Brienne by chance in the hallway, she is staning by a window, taking in the view and sighing. Jaime comes by her side and asks if they can talk, so they do. Jaime walks with Brienne to her room and they talk about sword styles, fighitng, his hand and how it is to be a lord. She suddenly smiles proudly that tarth is doing great. He goes in, she continues talking when the door closes and Jaime and Brienne look at each other in shock. "Ah, it is not what I wanted, Entering your chambers without permission is not what I wanted."
They kiss by sheer attraction, fiercely and Jaime sees how she becomes red, tells him to go and Tarianne is still sick. Jaime goes, hoping no one saw him. The attractoin is there, so it might work. They might fight against their feelings, but attraction, desire and pure human emotions can't keep them apart.
Brienne pov
She tells Tormund about how Jaime and her kissed and he looked at her completely taken back and then he laughs saying ain't nothing he did not expect and Brienne is offended. He says he was wondering why his room and hers were seperated. It was not like other stormland nobles had seperate rooms, some shared one chamber and them knowing they were married should have given them the same room and he wonders if maybe someone is hoping she goes back to Jaime. If she wants Jaime then he is fine with her, it might be the insecurity talking but Brienne I don't mind much, I want you happy and Brienne gets so angry at him. She says stop trying to save me, Tormund. Stop assuming I still need savng from my emotions, from the craven me I was two years ago. I won't do anything to horrible to Galladon, to our twins or you. Tormund stands holds her hand and says I am not saving you, I am offering you a choice, one that was not given to you two years ago./ I assume he regrets it. I assume by the looks that he throws your way that he regrets everything, that it is eating him up and I know hi-
And me, Tormund? Where do I falll in your speech of  choice?
I am getting there. I know his name is still on your lips as you say your prayers to the seven. Brienne, Gods my lovely Brienne, all I desire is your happiness, your true happiness and I think i can only achieve seeing you happy with Jaime. He would raise the twins as his own, just like I would. You could always send them my way.
You and him are both fucking selfish bastards. Sleep in your own bed, Tormund, I want you far away.
Tormund said he doesn't want to, but he will. He leaves.
Brienne angrily cries and is sure everything is this stupid castle fault. She chekcs on her kids sees them still sleeping and goes too bed. 
There comes good news the maeter says the girl is doing good and the sun has done her good, some color in her skin. Brienne is glad, she enjoys silence in the gardens with the three kds and the nanny, when sansa strolls up with Tyruin and they talk.  Arya is sparring with some knights in the yard and beating them. Tyrion and Sansa say they can take Galladon to watch but she says no. Do not take my son anywhere. Sansa is taken back the vicicousness and asks if she is okay and Brienne is like sorry, Galladon do you want to go see them spar? She takes his hand and carries her daughter to the yeards where they watch in the shade. She sees Jaime sparring too and it brings fond memories back. God, never deprive yourself of a person when they feelings were hatred, you will focus to much on it and when you see them again it is love. Jaime stops walks over and greets Galladon with smiles and asks if he wants to fight too. Brienne says stop asking him to fight. 
Galladon agrees and plays with Jaime and Brienne grows annoyed by everything. how stupid, make it obvious I carried a bastard and pawned him off to another man. She turns to the septa and whispers for her to take the twins. THe septa does and she calls Galladon back. Offers him a toy and leaves, Jaime follows and says he will be leaving two days later, escorting Genna back and he needs to do some lordship things. When are you leacing? When mt daughter feels good. I think when the weather is good.
Jaime nods and leaves her be talks to Tyrion. 
Jaime pov
Jaime prepares for his leave, escorts Genna halfway, meets his advisor and tells him his words, signs a letter and goes back to the castle with high hopes. Foolishly high hopes.
When he arrives it is Sansa and Tyrion waiting for him. They bring him somewhere quiet and tell him the child Tarianne passed away, so he must keep his words less and watch what he says./ Brienne is mourning and Tormund is in a foul mood terrorizing the squires in the yard. They are waiting for John. They go back to the gates and see John approaching. He hugs everyone and they tell him what happened. Jaime asked if Tyrion did anything or someone poisoned the kid, but no none of that. Children fall ill then grow sick fairly quickly. Brienne and Tormund are arguing in their room when they knock and he hears them talking about how the funeral should proceed. Sansa says Brienne wants the burned in Tarth, while Tormund wants her buried in the north with his ancestors. Sansa knocked and they crowded in. Tormund leaned against the wall near the window and Brienne was standing holding a necklace in her hand, she rubbed the bead of the necklace and asked what they wanted. 
They noticed Bran in the room with a solemn smile. He said he came with an option for them, but they are arguing so much he barely had time to say his piece. something like that. 
They give their condolences. Bran whispered to John they agreed to let me adopt Tarianne as my daughter and have her buried here, but are fighting for no other reason than throwing the blame at someone. 
Brienne pov 
The funeral happens and Brienne is crying in Tormund's embrace and he has tears tolling down his face. Galladon is talking to Bran. Talysanne is asleep i her septa's hands. 
Okay where should I go with this story now? Hhmm maybe a sweet moment of Brienne crying to Jaime and telling him how much she missed him in a moment of weakness.
how she would have dropped everything for him. She tells him she hated leaving Galladon alone, hated leaving him with Tormund too, it was when he was sick and cared for him, brought Ygritte a witch that helped remove the slime out of his throat that she felt she could trust Tormund.   here Jaime is giving me sweet words, telling me of a future that could have been. Everything could have been, Jaime. You could have died many times, been a father many times, I am sure you would, but no, you aren't because of choices. I am a mother of three. All three were unplanned, but I kept them because I wanted to be a mother, I wanted to give them a chance and see myself happy as a mother, show my dad  his heir. Did you ever see me as your wife, Jaime?
I did I saw you as my wife many times, beofre I knew of the baby and I hated how I left you alone, i was a coward, thinking hightly of myself, thinking there was only one way to protect you. Clearly there were more ways, options, but I was a fool. gods, Brienne how can I rectify my mistake? How can I get you and your children back in my life?  I don’t know, Jaime. I don’t know.  she gets up from her seat next to him, wipes her tears and leaves. 
John pov. 
John is with Tormund sitting on the balcony overlooking the city. He sighs and holds Talysanne carefully and looked over at John sulking.  “will you stop being so sad, John?”
”I can’t help it. The first time I hear and meet my niece is when she is being buried. I am sorry, I was insensitive.”
”no, I understand. I get… my god I should have never waited to tell you or any stark. Even my brothers do not know about my children.”
”I saw the fear in her eyes during Galladon’s growth. BRIENNE was paranoid, someone was out to get Galladon, yank him away from her and it was a fear coming from Jaime demanding the son he did not know about. You think she will leave me?”
”no. Should BRIENNE?”
”God, no. I ask, because I told her two times she can.”
”Gods, I am unsure. I see her sad eyes and just want to see them turn bright once more. I am in love, John. So foolishly in love I would let my love choose hers, just so I can see her happiness. She called me selfish. A pig and fool.”
I really think killing Tormund is weak so prepare for a separation so cruel you will hate me for it. 
Brienne pov
Brienne smiled at her reflection in the mirror, she was practicing for when she met the others. It's the second day after the funeral. She was sitting in her room, tear stained. Big muscular hands wrapped around her shoulders and she felt a kiss on her cheek. Tormund's beard tickled her and she made a comment of it. "How are you feeling, my lady? Don't answer. I wanted us to eat supper on the beach, but when I went to see what the beach is like here I was agash by the filthy smell, so no beach for us. I told the staff to prepare supper on a boat. But that would take to long and we'd grow hingry."
"How sweet of you, Tormund. I pray you have not let our food become cold by planning."
"I have!" He turned her towards him, kissed her on the lips, then said. "I hope you don't mind it's just the two of us."
"Who will care for our children? Surely you can't expect to leave them alone?"
"I asked John if he'd not mind."
Tormund brought Brienne to the gardens where they would eat their supper. It was lovely and he stood while she sat, kissed her hand, said how he loves her, enjoys her, wants her to be happy and more. He makes mention that Galladon and Talysanne will become fine nobles, because of his teaching.  
Brienne squezes his hand and says you are leaving me. I know you are, so say it, instead of talking about love!
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indomitum · 3 years
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fandom-puff · 3 years
A Lion’s Feast
Pairing: tywin lannister x younger!wife!reader
Requested by: anon ‘Could you write a modern au for tywin lannister x younger wife reader. Maybe they have a Lannister family dinner and its all just chaotic.’
Notes: I didn’t end up doing this as a modern AU, because I found it easier to work with everything in like... Westerosi time frame, but I hope this is okay.
Warnings: older man/younger woman, political/arranged marriage, Joffrey, use of words like slut/whore etc (cheers, Cers), reference to Jaime and Cersei’s incest, awkward family dinner
Gif creds to owner
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“We will be dining in the Queen’s chambers tonight,”
You tensed up, staring straight ahead as you walked through the gardens of the Red Keep with your lord husband. “Am I… in trouble?” You asked softly. You were new to King’s Landing, shipped over from the Vale to marry the Lord of Casterly Rock, and you weren’t quite used to the way King Joffrey’s court worked.
“No. I’ve arranged for us to dine together as a family. You have not properly met my children and grandchildren. You are a Lannister by marriage, you are their mother-in-law, whether they like it or not, and it’s high time we acted like it,” his voice had a bitter edge to it; it hadn’t taken long for Queen Cersei to make her distaste clear. While no one in court would dare insult Tywin Lannister, the girl from the Vale was an easy target for gossip. You had been called every name under the sun, but the Queen’s favourite jibe was ‘whore’.
“Alright,” you murmured, lowering your eyes. You knew there would be no point in arguing. You had quickly learnt that when your husband put his mind to something, there was no turning back. As a few men of the court crossed your path, you felt Tywin’s hand come to rest on the small of your back, and it did not move until you were in the tower of the Hand. You smiled softly as you caught sight of the steaming tub of hot water, scented with sweet oils as you entered your bedroom. “You’ve had this all planned out, haven’t you, my Lord?” You asked, a small smirk gracing your lips. “You should’ve just told my handmaidens to do it in my chambers, to save the walk up all of those stairs,”
Tywin smiled ever-so-slightly. “You’re hardly ever in your own chambers downstairs, wife,” he reminded you.
“Only because you’re the only person I really know in this godforsaken keep, and even then I don’t know you that well. Besides, if I stayed in my own chambers, I’d get lost and end up in the maze of dragon skulls below the keep,”
Tywin smirked, giving you a little push by the small of your back. “Bathe. Wear red, and preferably rubies and gold,” he said sternly. You sighed, knowing Tywin wanted you to dress the part, to look like the Lady of Casterly Rock. You bathed and dried, perfuming your skin and hair before pulling on your smallclothes, calling in your handmaiden to tighten your bodice, then help lace up your dress. It was a deep red, with golden embroidery on the bodice and cuffs that glimmered when you moved, just covering your shoulders and showing the swell of your breasts, and you fastened a pendant around your neck- a golden lion with tiny rubies for its eyes, tongue and claws. You braided back the front of your hair, but let the rest fall down over your shoulders.
You emerged from the room into Tywin’s main office, your hands folded in front of you. He surveyed you briefly before nodding, offering his arm.
You sat in silence as you ate, eyes fixed on your plate. Tywin was sat to your left, Jaime to your right. Cersei and Joffrey occupied the heads of the table, and Tyrion sat across from you, in between Myrcella and Tommen.
“More wine, my Lady?” Tyrion said out of the blue, holding up the jug. He gave you a slight smile, knowing how you must feel to be the outcast, like a stranger with the people you were meant to call family.
“I... yes, please. Thank you, my Lord,” you said.
Tyrion smiled as he poured, before filling his own glass. “Just Tyrion will suffice. Let us leave formality at the door,” you smiled slightly and nodded.
“I agree,” said Jaime, earning himself a sharp look from Cersei, who was used to her twin almost always siding with her. “Wasn’t the whole point of this evening to introduce you to us? As a family,” Cersei scoffed into her goblet. “We won’t get very far with ‘my lords’ and ‘my ladies’, will we?”
Tywin nodded his approval at his sons’ attitude and you smiled, beginning to relax a little, though the presence of Cersei and Joffrey kept you on edge. “Tell me, Lady YN, how is the Vale at this time? Have the northerners got their grubby claws on it yet?” Joffrey suddenly asked.
You froze slightly. You were here to talk, yes, but not talk politics. “The Vale... your grace, is not quite like the Reach, or the Riverlands, or even like Winterfell or Casterly Rock,” you said carefully, fully aware of all of the eyes on you. You looked at Tywin, and when he gave you an approving nod, you turned back to the king and continued. “The majority of the Vale is mountain, with the valley you desire buried between them. Even Robb Stark’s best men couldn’t seize it. No one could. To take the Vale, one must take the Eyrie. To take the Eyrie... well... you just couldn’t,” you were happy sharing this fact, as it was known across Westeros that the Eyrie was impenetrable.
“There are other ways to the Eyrie, though. Marriage,” Cersei said. It was the first time she had spoken, and she had a conniving gleam in her eye.
“There is only one heir to the Vale. Jon Arryn was murd-died before he could have any more children. Only little Robert Arryn is the Lord of the Vale, and he’s just past his sixth name day I believe. Besides, his mother is... very protective of her boy. As I’m sure you can understand, your grace, as a mother yourself,” you said cooly. You didn’t know what possessed you to speak that way to the Queen, but something about speaking of your home, your true home filled you with confidence.
“Indeed. There is nothing quite like a mother’s love,” she responded, fixing you with a cold stare.
“I’m unfamiliar, having lost my mother when I was seven,” you said.
“Does the Eyrie really have a trap door that leads nowhere?” Tommen Baratheon suddenly asked, breaking the silence between you and his mother.
You smiled softly at the little boy. How could someone so innocent come from the loins of a beast like Cersei. You supposed some of the good nature came from his father- his true father, that is, Jaime Lannister. “Yes,” you said. “They call it the Moon Door. It’s a big trap door that opens into the sky. If the Lord of the Vale commands, prisoners can be thrown from it,” you stopped, realising quickly how gruesome that must sound to a little boy.
Tommen simply shrugged. “I suppose that must be less messy,” he said, returning his focus to his food. Soon Tommen and Myrcella were bundled off to bed, and Myrcella told you rather sweetly that she liked the way you did your hair.
Once the children were gone, it left only you and Tywin, his three children and the King. Tywin suggested you move away from the dining table to sit and drink wine. Joffrey excused himself, utterly disinterested with continuing on with the evening. You felt a little lighter after he left, although you could feel Cersei staring daggers at you.
“It must feel strange,” Jaime said. “Coming down here from the Vale. I imagine it’s all rather confusing, and daunting,”
“You can say that again,” you said. “I thought I’d just get bundled off to Casterly Rock, never seen or spoken to,”
Tywin laughed slightly. “Come now, wife, we do have some level of decency in this family,” he said. You smiled shyly, looking at your lap. He was often a little more... relaxed after a few glasses of wine.
“Ha!” Cersei said, having also drunk a fair bit. She had been holding her tongue all night, and it seemed now it had loosened. “Once he puts an heir in your belly, you’ll be shipped off to Casterly Rock. And if it’s a girl, you’ll be spared a visit or two, until you give us a son. That’s all you’re here for, that’s all you’re good for,”
You sat up a little straighter, responding before Tywin could. “I am aware of the general concept of political marriages. Your father gets a wife and an heir, my family gets money, or protection or something of the sort. The Seven know, you Lannisters have gold pouring out of your ears,”
“I believe the phrase is that we ‘shit gold,’” Tyrion supplied with a smirk, making you chuckle.
“You think this is a game,” Cersei hissed. “I’ve seen you, prancing around court, dressed in red and gold, following father around like a lost dog! Fluttering about like a common slut,”
“Cersei-” Jaime said lowly.
“No! No! Can’t you see, she has her claws in father the same way Margaery has her claws in Joffrey! And you want me to accept that whore as my mother,”
It was silent. Cersei panted, now standing up. Jaime and Tyrion looked between her and Tywin. Tywin remained stoic, although his eyes revealed the way he seethed. But it was you who spoke first.
“I don’t expect you to accept me as your mother. I am not your mother. Nor will I ever try to be, or call myself that,” you said quietly, contrasting the Queen’s outburst. “I will, however, do my best to serve my husband, to provide him with the heir that is expected of me, the same way you provided King Robert with his heirs,”
Cersei snorted. “I’m sure you do a fine job of serving, you brazen little who-”
“Enough, Cersei!” Tywin finally said, standing up. “Whether you like it or not, I have married YN. She will give me an heir, or two, or more. And she will remain the lady of Casterly rock, no matter how much you protest,”
“She’s not fit to be lady of Casterly rock. She can barely curtsey,” she spat. “You have heirs, father,” she said, almost pleasing. “What need have you for a little whore,”
“I have a son who swore an oath, another who has more interest in wine and whoring, and a daughter who is not nearly as clever and tactical as she thinks she is. Casterly rock will not be left to either of you when I’m gone. It will be left to mine and YN’s son,”
“It could be! It could be left to one of my children,” Cersei hissed.
“One of your children? I wouldn’t put a bastard on the seat of Casterly Rock,” Tywin said cooly. Cersei opened her mouth to argue but Tywin held up his hand. “Give it up, Cersei. You told me yourself, my legacy is a lie. You have had your chance to build the Lannister name. Now it is time for YN and I to rebuild what you have trampled into the ground with your lies and your... acts,” he said with disgust. “And if I so much as hear the words whore or slut to describe my wife, I will resign as hand, withdraw my knights and my gold, as well as that of the Vale and leave you to pick up the pieces of this kingdom that I have been holding together. Perhaps you could learn a thing or two from the Tyrells. Come YN,” he said, turning away from his daughter and resting his hand on your waist, guiding you out of the Queens chambers and back to the tower of the hand, not giving you a chance to curtsey to the Queen.
As the door slammed shut, Tyrion drained the rest of his wine and clapped his hands as he stood. “Well. That went well,”
Tags: @sociallyawkward-princess @lazyotakujen
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istumpysk · 3 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
AGOT: Tyrion V (Chapter 38)
For a small man, he had been cursed with a dangerously big mouth
Cursed with a dangerously big mouth, or do you simply have rich powerful daddy privilege? Your siblings aren’t any different.
From below it looked like a small white honeycomb. - Catelyn VI, AGOT
He was a bee in a stone honeycomb, and someone had torn off his wings.
The sky cells on the lower levels made the castle look something like a honeycomb from below. A honeycomb made of ice, Alayne thought - Alayne II, AFFC
Okay George! I get it. Now tell me what it means.
It was cold in the cell, the wind screamed night and day, and worst of all, the floor sloped. Ever so slightly, yet it was enough. He was afraid to close his eyes, afraid that he might roll over in his sleep and wake in sudden terror as he went sliding off the edge. Small wonder the sky cells drove men mad.
Gods save me, some previous tenant had written on the wall in something that looked suspiciously like blood, the blue is calling.
Before you start to feel any sympathy for him, try to remember it’s insinuated Tyrion knows Jaime and/or Cersei pushed Bran off the tower, and he’s deliberately covering up that crime.
You can rot there, pal.
"This is Tyrion the Imp, of House Lannister, who murdered your father." She raised her voice so it carried down the length of High Hall of the Eyrie, ringing off the milk-white walls and the slender pillars, so every man could hear it. "He slew the Hand of the King!"    
"Oh, did I kill him too?" Tyrion had said, like a fool.
Catelyn, I think it’s time to abandon ship.
"The Eyrie is impregnable," Lysa Arryn declared calmly. She drew her son close, holding him safe in the circle of her plump white arms. "The Imp is trying to frighten us, sweet baby. The Lannisters are all liars. No one will hurt my sweet boy."    
The hell of it was, she was no doubt right. Having seen what it took to get here, Tyrion could well imagine how it would be for a knight trying to fight his way up in armor, while stones and arrows poured down from above and enemies contested with him for every step. Nightmare did not begin to describe it. Small wonder the Eyrie had never been taken.
I have finalized my thoughts on The Irony of The Impregnable Eyrie:
Like many of you pointed out, it’s negated by everyone in the castle having to leave the fortress in winter.
For all the safety it provides, it won’t protect you or your son from the killer you invite through its doors.
Those silly dragons, and the bullies that ride them.
It serves as comical Sansa symbolism, and we love that.
In contrast, sending some oaf with a stolen knife after Brandon Stark struck him as unbelievably clumsy. And wasn't that peculiar, come to think on it …
Tyrion shivered. Now there was a nasty suspicion. Perhaps the direwolf and the lion were not the only beasts in the woods, and if that was true, someone was using him as a catspaw. Tyrion Lannister hated being used.
Joffrey, the lion, sent the assassin. Jaime, the lion, put Bran in the bed.
If you’re being used as a scapegoat, it’s by your own family. Littlefinger is just an opportunist.
"Oh, much gold," Tyrion assured him. "The purse is just a taste, my friend. My brother wears armor of solid gold plate." In truth, Jaime's armor was gilded steel    
What a perfect analogy for Jaime Lannister.
In the rear of the hall, Bronn lounged beneath a pillar. The freerider's black eyes were fixed on Tyrion, and his hand lay lightly on the pommel of his sword. Tyrion gave him a long look, wondering …    
Tyrion receives loads of credit for his cunning in this chapter, though anyone paying attention can see he inadvertently landed on a favourable outcome.
Bronn is signalling to Tyrion that he’ll fight for him, but Tyrion is slow to pick up on it.
"If you are tried and found to be guilty of the crimes for which you stand accused, then by the king's own laws, you must pay with your life's blood. We keep no headsman in the Eyrie, my lord of Lannister. Open the Moon Door."    
No headsman in the Eyrie?
Does that mean Jon Arryn would push people out the Moon Door?
✨ The man who passes the sentence should shove off the mountain. ✨
"Lysa, I think this unwise," Catelyn Stark said as the black wind swirled around the hall.    
We passed unwise several chapters ago, Catelyn.
"If it is all the same to you, I'd sooner find one to kill for me." Tyrion looked over the long hall. No one moved. For a long moment he wondered if it had all been a colossal blunder.
Then there was a stirring in the rear of the chamber. "I'll stand for the dwarf," Bronn called out.
Tyrion Lannister, playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.
Final thoughts:
Stuff happened in this chapter, yet nothing happened in this chapter.
5 down, 34 to go. :(
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agentrouka-blog · 3 years
The way Tyrion remembering Tysha continuously could be more about latching on past then feeling actual guilt. When he was with Tysha, he was still naive and good despite being maltreated by others. When he found out that Tysha didn't actually love him and with all their rapes, he started hating the world and becoming more like Tywin. After knowing that Tysha did love him, it's more about hatred for his father and him being wrong and dream which he lost.
Hi anon!
If I am reading this right, then you are saying that even now Tyrion is not actually exhibiting any sense of guilt over what happened to Tysha.
And I would agree with that. By ADWD, he shows vague hints of understanding that what happened to her was horrible, but he is not letting himself examine the thought closely. Her feelings about anything don't really concern him. He doesn't actually try to consider where she could have gone. He doesn't care about her as a person. Tysha is not a person to him. Tysha is a concept, a betrayal by his father and brother, a prize that was stolen, anything but an actual person who has brutalized at the hands of his family.
He has practice in not focusing on that. At no point before Jaime's revelation does the horror of what was inflicted on this young girl even enter his thoughts. It is his sad story, not hers. She is a cautionary tale for him, but the suffering of this supposed 14-year-old prostitute is non-existent to him. She doesn't register as a human being with a dignity that could be violated.
When Jaime reveals that she was not a prostitute, Tyrion is devastated, but his literal next move is to strangle Shae. Another young prostitute in an impossible situation. The staggering incapability of making the leap that if Tysha was a human being who suffered, so was Shae... well, it is rooted in the fact that the only thing that made Tysha carry value was that she made Tyrion feel good about himself by loving him. It's not about her, it's about him. His lost dream, as you say.
He has no concern for women themselves, their inner lives, their motivations. They only exist insofar as they affect his sense of self-worth. That was true before Tysha and it was true after Tysha. She merely serves to illustrate this about Tyrion.
His thoughts turned to Tysha, who had so briefly been his lady wife. It was Jaime, he thought, despairing. He was my own blood, my big strong brother. When I was small he brought me toys, barrel hoops and blocks and a carved wooden lion. He gave me my first pony and taught me how to ride him. When he said that he had bought you for me, I never doubted him. Why would I? He was Jaime, and you were just some girl who'd played a part. I had feared it from the start, from the moment you first smiled at me and let me touch your hand. My own father could not love me. Why would you if not for gold? (ADWD, Tyrion V)
Just some girl. He had feared it from the start. For all that he "loved" her, he was playing a part, too. He never trusted her, he was always ready to disbelieve her. And the moment he did, she ceased to matter as a person. It's all about how bad it made Tyrion feel to have been duped, to have not been loved, to have been forced into the punishment that affected her and further spoiled the memory of his fantasy marriage.
His thoughts of her are a vehicle for self-pity, before and after the revelation.
I can sympathize with a thirteen-year-old for being insecure and traumatized, but I cannot forgive a grown man nearing thirty for never growing beyond that dehumanizing relationship with women. At some point, it's just the mark of a villain.
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
The Lady Lion - Tywin x Wife!Reader
Summary: Tywin domestic fluff part 2 electric boogaloo!! Just purely self-indulgent on my part sorry fam. He has been married to reader for a while now and they have a son. also starring: Typical Lannister Family Drama
this was requested long ago ... some say the anon still wanders the Tywin tags, speaking their request into the void.....    if you’ve got chrome, use this coolass extension to have your name appear in the fic :)
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Fifty, she counted. There were fifty portraits hung beautifully on the walls, all dusted and kept to perfection, even if they were older than she could imagine. Some were faded from age, a small few had damage that was carefully repaired. She looked longingly at all of them, studying the brush strokes, the composition. The faces, and their similarities and differences.
It was a little foolish to imagine what the subjects of the portraits were like, how they felt as they sat, but sometimes her mind wandered. Maybe she’d become bored of this hall, but it had been some years, and she still wandered back here now and again. It was a novelty, a marvel, really. Portraits were highly unusual in the North, they preferred their crypts and stone likenesses. Of all the Southern frivolous, Lady Y/N liked family portraits the best. 
She stopped at the most recent one, one of the largest paintings in the hall, and with the most beautiful golden frame. Lions were running across the top, and going down the sides were small rubies. It was so gauche, yet Y/N’s eyes were drawn to it, and not just for the frame. She stared at the subjects until she heard the door open, and familiar toddling footsteps entered. Just the sound of those little patters made her heart swell, and she turned to smile at her son as he walked toward her.
“Oh, you’re with Uncle Kevan today?” She asked her son, lifting him in her arms. They were an unusual pair, but she liked that the man doted on the boy. He was a good influence, and truthfully, Tywin wasn’t the most affectionate. It was good her son also had Kevan and Tyrion.
Tybalt didn’t respond, merely holding onto her while Ser Kevan spoke. “Good afternoon, Lady Lannister. He was wanting to escape the wetnurse, it seemed, so I took him around the garden.”
She liked that he used that title so often, even if she told him he didn’t have to. Ser Kevan minded titles and showed respect where it was due, and there was no lady more worthy of respect than his brother’s wife. The Westerlands court ought to take note.
“I thank you for that, Ser Kevan,” She said, returning the courtesy to him. “I hope Tybalt wasn’t any trouble.”
“Not at all, he reminds me of my boys. They were just the same at his age.” 
Her son’s big, green eyes took her far away from the portraits. He touched her diamond and gold necklace, like he often did, enchanted by the sparkling gemstones and shiny chain. Then he looked up, and seemed startled, just noticing the shininess of the grand frame. Y/N noticed Tybalt was very interested in it, so she took some steps back to let him take it in, even if it was just the rubies reflecting by light. 
Tybalt held his hand out, reaching for something. His little hand made a fist, then released it and wiggled his fingers. Y/N didn’t hide her amusement. She kissed his brow, and his face scrunched up, not expecting her to do that. “Do you see someone you like?”
Ser Kevan was just as endeared. The large, solemn portrait before him was always an imposing thing, but in just a minute his nephew had made it seem almost pleasant. Kevan hadn’t thought much of portraits, but he avoided this one, anxious by the way his brother’s eyes seemed to stare out of it.
Tybalt only saw his father. All the others in the painting - Joanna and her twins - were irrelevant. Unlike the adults, he wasn’t haunted by the late Lady’s solemnity.
“You’re fond of the portrait hall, aren’t you?” Ser Kevan asked Y/N, wanting to keep his mind away from how intimidating Tywin looked, even when painted, and how he disliked to see Joanna after years of never speaking of her.
“In the North, it’s a rare thing to see paintings so lovely. If this hall were twice the size, I’d still walk the length of it.”
The old knight beamed, as though he were the artist of all this. He was a simple man to please, especially since she was already in his good graces, which made him far easier to deal with than her step-children. Y/N rather liked this likeness of Tywin, how handsome and almost kingly he looked, but always with that stern expression, always. Joanna was upright and elegant, just as a queen should be, and the twins beside them were like a darling pair. 
Y/N wouldn’t use the word “darling” to describe them now, but it was a fine painting, even if it didn’t reflect reality. But perhaps things were finer back then, and kinder. Y/N had no way of knowing. She sighed contentedly as Tybalt rested his head on her shoulder. His hair and complexion was her’s, but those eyes were pure Lannister, and she had a feeling his features would grow to match his father’s. 
“Mama,” Tybalt gently tugged at her necklace. She was totally under his spell, and thank the gods he was was a reasonable child, at least so far. 
“Yes, sweetling?”
“I want to see the ocean.”
Ser Kevan laughed at that, and Y/N had almost forgotten he was there. She wished he wasn’t, wanting time with her son, but apparently he had actual business to discuss with her. There was some matter of a guest list for the upcoming gala, and as usual, he wanted her input. 
As they walked to the vast great hall of Casterly Rock, Ser Kevan side-stepped from the talk of the gala for just a moment. “My lady, do you… ?”
He so rarely hesitated, it took Y/N’s attention as she waited for him to finish. After a few moments of thought he asked, “Have you spoken to Lord Tywin about it? About the paintings?”
“If you mean how often I visit, I’m sure he’s aware,” Y/N tilted her head at the odd question. Tywin didn’t track her comings and goings in Casterly Rock, she was a grown woman, and he a busy man. Besides, the keep was nearly half her’s, with how enamored the staff was with their lady. Once she had her son, there was no further question on her authority.
“No, I was referring more to... I wondered if he’d commission a new one.”
She didn’t let her expression falter, nor did she answer right away. Y/N turned to the main hall of Casterly Rock, round with great towering pillars and windows several storeys high. It made the keep seem like it was floating on top of the sea. She walked to one of the windows, but instead of looking at the beautiful sunset, she watched how it glittered in her son’s eyes. He loved seeing the water.
“I’m a second wife, Ser Kevan.” Y/N said finally. “Our lord doesn’t need to bother with such things for me.”
The knight wasn’t entirely pleased with the answer, but he nodded, again deferring to the Lady of his house. Y/N was pleased with the obedience, but still had no interest in discussing a guest list. She just wanted stay with Tybalt for a while longer. “We’ll continue the matter of the gala after supper, if you please, Ser Kevan. That will give me time to think on arrangements.”
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Why am I humoring him again? Y/N thought for the third time as she smoothed the dress that clung to her body. It was beautiful on her, almost provocative in how snug it was on her hips and thighs, although the collar was tasteful and only showed two inches of shoulder at most. The fabric had a lovely gold embroidery that was almost subtle, she’d grant him that, although she changed out the jewels he suggested for something better suited to the dress. 
She didn’t need help figuring out what to wear, and it had been a long while since Tywin urged her to wear something specific. This dress was so confounding, though. He must have had it made recently, she didn’t remember having it in her wardrobe, but it was more for a formal occasion, which today wasn’t.
Well, it was a lovely gift, and if it pleased him to watch her saunter around in Casterly Rock in it, fine. All she could do was saunter, and the lack of mobility was annoying. Usually her husband wasn’t so impractical. 
Perhaps I’ll take it off before supper. It really is too much to wear every day, especially with my jewels. I don’t have time to lounge and be a pretty setpiece. 
She had just made some last touches to her hair when a servant entered. “Lord Tywin wishes to see you in the east parlor, milady.”
Y/N looked out the window, trying to gauge the time. “I have this to attend to, and after that, time with my son.” She said, not exactly lecturing the woman, but she wasn’t happy, either. “My lord is aware of this?”
“I-I was just told to bring you right away, milady.”
There was nothing to do but find out what her husband was up to. Y/N sighed and stood, smoothing out the gown yet again before walking toward the designated parlor. It was an unusual choice, not the one she frequented, and Tywin preferred his office. Perhaps something’s happened with one of his bannermen? The last time, we nearly had a rebellion on our hands … He might think this is a safe place to discuss the matter.
That worrying thought spurred Y/N to hurry, restrictive as her gown was. A guard posted outside the parlor nodded to her and opened the door. 
Tybalt perched on his father’s leg and happily drooling on a wooden horse was not what Y/N expected to see. Her confusion only lasted a moment before adoration took over, she couldn’t help it when Tywin was holding their son so carefully. She stepped inside the parlor, not seeing the maester or the castellan. No rebellion, then. 
“My, is this who summoned us?” 
Tywin didn’t glance up right away, which gave Y/N time to notice the fine clothes he was wearing. He normally dressed well, befitting his station, but just like her own dress, this was too impractical to wear around the Rock. Off to the side, she noticed a fine velvet cloak that was lined in ermine. Y/N stared, recognizing it at once. She’d seen it before, but painted.
Her husband set Tybalt down beside him. The boy fussed for just a moment, then noticed his mother. Those green eyes lit up and he reached for her. Y/N couldn’t resist scooping him up, even if she had to bend awkwardly, praying she didn’t rip a seam. 
Tywin finally spoke. “We’ll be sitting for a portrait for the next fortnight.”
The tight bodice made it hard for her to suck in a breath and release it, but she did. “A … portrait?”
It was just then she heard the shuffling of someone else in the room - how had she not seen the man? He was leaning over a table, mixing paints on a thin slab. There was a stretch of canvas beside him, hoisted up on a thick easel whose wood was covered in paint. The scrawny man looked up from the paints and instantly bowed his head. “Lady Lannister.”
“A portrait,” She repeated, watching his little brush spin in the paint. There were splotches of red, of brown and yellow, pink and orange. Y/N turned back to her husband, not noticing how Tybalt was trying to grasp her hanging necklace. “Oh, Tywin…”
“Come sit,” Tywin said. He glanced toward the spot next to him, and Y/N felt like she was sitting on a cloud, living in a fanciful dream. Tybalt fussed again, unhappy that his mother wasn’t smiling and cooing at him. That broke her from her reverie, and she patted the boy’s hair. 
Tywin’s cool facade was beginning to slip. He couldn’t hide how pleased he was, how proud it made him to stir such a reaction from his normally collected wife. He couldn’t recall a time when she was at such a loss for words. Y/N set Tybalt down and looked at the empty canvas, or nearly empty - there were faint sketches and outlines across it already.
She leaned into Tywin and kissed him. Normally they limited the affection they showed in public, but it was just one man, and he was muttering something as he shifted through two dozen bottles of brightly colored paints.
And thank the gods for his distraction, because she hadn’t expected her husband to deepen the kiss as much as he did, and when they parted, she had to catch her breath again. He was teasing, he was in an excellent mood. Y/N knew if the artist and Tybalt weren’t here, she’d be pushed down and taken on this overstuffed settee. 
“I’m happy,” She said, swiping her tongue over her lower lip, wanting a deeper kiss but knowing it would smear her lip color. Before Tywin could retort or steal her breath again, her son impatiently asked, “Mama, what are we doing?”
She finally sat down and placed Tybalt on her lap, where he settled comfortably, still holding the painted horse. “Sitting, sweetling. Be still and play with your toy.” Y/N said. The painter settled in his own seat and cleared his throat to grab their attention.
“I am ready to begin when you are, my lord, my lady.”
Y/N was still buzzing, almost not believing what was happening, even as Tywin nodded to the painter. She heard the man’s sketching, watched his arm moving, and it finally began to sink in. She leaned into Tywin and risked another kiss, but just on his jaw.
“I’m happy,” She said again, the excitement and lightness in her chest not letting her be any more eloquent. She couldn’t see the sparkling in her eyes, but her husband did. Tywin brushed some of her hair aside and returned to his original position, gesturing for her to do the same. Tybalt stayed in Y/N’s lap, focused on making his toy horse galloping across her arm.
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It had been a hectic past two weeks planning for an impromptu visit. Tyrion always thought his older sister’s whims would pass once she became queen, but clearly, that was wishful thinking. His stepmother took it in stride, making arrangements for the visit with her usual grace. He knew she was just as annoyed as his father at the visit, but one couldn’t refuse the Queen of Westeros… and it wouldn’t be just her. All the smaller houses that already ate out of Tywin’s hand would be positively flocking to court, hoping to curry favor with him or the Queen.
Tyrion was always the best at reading Cersei’s darkening moods before anyone, but tonight anyone could feel the undercurrent of tension. He hadn’t the slightest idea of why she brought her son all the way to Casterly Rock, he seemed too young to travel, and his presence was only adding to the uneasiness of the dinner. Everything seemed to irritate the boy. Tyrion didn’t blame Joffrey for disliking being in a new place, having to eat new food and see new people. He probably didn’t even remember his grandfather, so why was he here?
Tyrion had been waiting for Cersei to console Joffrey when he went from sniffling to fussing. All-out crying would begin soon. She didn’t move, so Tyrion poured another glass of wine.
It was the second day of her visit, so only the Lannisters and a handful of guests attended the dinner. The rest of the Westerland houses would arrive tomorrow. Tyrion hoped, as more came to visit, Joffrey wouldn’t be at the dais as if he were an adult. Cersei was seated at the place of honor, but Y/N was still right next to Tywin, and he knew it angered his sister. Tybalt was not usually on the dais with them, but he was beside Joffrey, and Tyrion wondered who decided that. 
At least Tybalt was quiet, he seemed too interested in looking at all the new guests and knights below them. The only thing my ‘little brother’ likes more than a knight is a knight on a horse. What a strange thing, to be the older one... 
“Father, when will you return to the Red Keep?” Cersei asked, breaking Tyrion’s attempts to pay attention to something other than her. He instantly knew the tree she was barking up, and it was a waste of breath.
Tywin answered as expected. “I won’t.” 
“Jon Arryn is a fool and lets Robert run about as he pleases,” She pressed,  trying to come off as cool and logical, but her irritation was clear. “You can’t imagine the things he lets Robert do. He treats him like a child.”
It was going to be an interesting evening. Tyrion moved his cup to the side. “Sister, you’ll find that in most of history, it is the council, the Hand and the wife that keep the king’s bearings.”
“Lord Arryn and the council know how best to serve him, I am sure.” Y/N said. Tyrion noticed that she often sided with him. She’d been here for several years now, and he still didn’t know what to make of it. He couldn’t help but be wary of that kindness, even against his father. 
Cersei’s green eyes flashed and she turned on Y/N. “They know little of ‘what is best’, and how would you know anything of the court -”
Joffrey began to wail. There was no telling what displeased him, but he raised his arm and a fork went flying off the dais. It narrowly missed an old lord.
"Take him to bed.” Tywin said to a servant.
“He isn’t tired, he’s hungry,” Cersei’s golden hair flew across her shoulders as she directed her attention to her father. Tyrion wondered how much self control it took to simmer the anger she held just moments ago. “Tell the kitchens to cook him something proper. He doesn’t like this.”
“Even a prince will eat what he’s served in his family’s home, and he’ll sleep when it’s time.” Tywin said curtly. He gestured to one of the servants standing by, and they hurried to take Joffrey from his chair and escort him to his room. Tyrion winced as the wailing bounced off the halls and carried into the feast hall.
“He’ll eat in his room the rest of the visit.” Tywin said. “You shouldn’t have brought him. He’s too young for travel, and the heir to the realm, besides.”
Just like a girl being scolded, Cersei didn’t respond right away. After a pause, she hissed, “That boy is still here.”
“Your brother is quiet.”
Tyrion had to risk a glance to Y/N. Her face was impassive, her body relaxed, not taking in any of the tension nor caring for it. She was cutting her food. Tybalt was doing much the same, almost looking calmer now that Joffrey was out of the room. He asked Kevan for his bread, and Kevan obliged, handing it over to the boy after breaking it in two. Tywin returned to his meal as well. The guests at the long tables resumed their milling and chatter, and the dais was peacefully quiet.
Except for Cersei, nearly shaking in her anger. Tyrion could feel it radiating off her, and he washed down his anxiety with wine. No one seemed to know just how cruel she could be, especially now that she was queen. She was their father’s daughter, after all. 
When Y/N reached over and took a sip from Tywin’s glass, and no one batted an eye, Cersei stood up quickly and excused herself. 
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You could hear the distant ocean while walking the long halls of Casterly Rock, and at night, it was beautifully haunting. As a boy, Tyrion used to be afraid of the darkness and the sound of waves, but now it was relaxing, almost like company as he made his way to his room. He was considering stopping by the library, or even his father’s personal one, and staying up to read. Sleeping in meant seeing less of Cersei and the insufferable entourage that would follow her.
He wondered if it was foolish to check on Tybalt in the night. What did he expect, a snake in the bed? Perhaps he was overreacting. Y/N was not worried, but she didn’t know Cersei. His father … Well, he ought to worry more about his children, but that was long spilled milk. He never saw what he didn’t want to see.
Tyrion stopped and pressed himself against a wall when he heard noise. It was footsteps that were making no attempt to be quiet. Then he heard the sound of a long dress dragging against stone, and jewels rustling. When he saw the silhouette, Tyrion made himself known.
Cersei’s hand flew to her chest and she nearly dropped the goblet she held in the other. “What in the gods’ name are you doing?!”
“Going for a walk, dear sister.” Tyrion said. He remained cool. “It’s a fine evening.”
She scoffed. She wasn’t standing completely upright. Before Tyrion could ask what she was doing and where she’d been drinking, Cersei said, “You should have done something by now.”
Her voice was a harsh whisper, only slightly slurred, but Tyrion understood. Why did he always expect differently of his family? Why did he expect better?
 “Why, I was at a loss of how to do it. Should I use a pillow, poison ... some eastern assassin that leaves no trace - do you have any recommendations, sister?”
“Shut your mouth!” She gritted her teeth. “You fool, you should have done it when he was a babe! Don’t you care? He’s going to take everything! A whore’s son will not have Casterly Rock!”
Tyrion could have pointed out the prestigious house that Y/N descended from, and the power it brought to the Lannisters. He could have mentioned that their father would never give him Casterly Rock, even if he wouldn’t say it, and he absolutely wouldn’t give it to Cersei, no matter what her delusions told her. 
“You should rest, sister. You’ve been drinking.”
“I am the Queen. You do not dismiss me, and nor does she!” 
He held up his hands, not wanting to fight with her. He was already tired of her charming company, and she would still be here for another week. Tyrion was about to ask if she needed help getting to her bedroom, then he realized where they were.
Her room was nowhere near this wing. She had been given one of the finest guest bedrooms, reserved for visiting royalty, not her old bedroom. She certainly wasn’t getting sentimental for it - Tybalt was in this wing, of course, but she wasn’t stupid enough to try anything, and Tyrion doubted she even knew where exactly his room was. What else was here …?
“Have you been snooping around, sister?” Tyrion asked once it came to him. “Saw something you didn’t like?”
The way her face turned purple with anger and embarrassment, he knew he had hit the mark. Tyrion added, “Father never liked you in there.”
“When that whore takes everything from us, you’ll wish you weren’t such a coward.” Cersei snarled, but her venom was less potent now that she had been caught. She gathered her long dress best as she could and turned on her heels, storming angrily down the dark hall.
Tyrion was tired, but he pushed himself to enter his father’s study. The door was left ajar, and only a few candles were burning. They cast frightening shadows around the room, but this had always been an ominous place. The image of his father writing at his desk, looking up only to glare at which child was intruding on him... Tyrion would always remember that.
He didn’t need to enter any further to know the first thing Cersei had seen, and why it made her so angry. The offending thing was intentionally placed so anyone walking in would see it, their eyes drawn to it. And how could they not be? Even with the dark shadows, it was a striking portrait. The artist did well, Tyrion thought wryly. Lady Y/N looked like the Maiden come to earth, her child a precious cherub, and his father almost human.
He’s going to take everything.
And it was true. Tybalt would inherit Casterly Rock, since Tywin seemed to have finally accepted that Jaime could not - would not - leave the Kingsguard. It should have been Tyrion’s, yes, in an ideal world. A better one. 
Tyrion felt tired, debating between having another drink or just going to sleep. Both would work. He blew out the remaining candles and closed the study door. Maybe if Tyrion knew Tybalt had more of Y/N than his father, he would be at peace. Maybe the anxiety and anger biting at him would cease.
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Y/N tilted her lips when she noticed the low candles. So many times she said he ought to allow the servants in to replenish them, but Tywin only trusted his wife in the study. That didn’t keep people out - specifically, Cersei. Y/N sighed, rubbing at the stress headache that was building up in her temple. Only two more days until the queen left, just two more. She could do it.
What was I coming here for? Y/N tiredly glanced around, trying to remember. Right, the desk. She walked over to the imposing thing, custom made and built who knows how long ago, made of a fine rosewood and decorated with beautifully carved lions - naturally, they were gilded in gold and had rubies for eyes. Always the rubies, sapphires and gold.
She made sure the drawers were still locked. Of all people, Tyrion had told her that Cersei had a habit of coming around here, even when she was a young girl and had no business snooping at that age. Maybe it was silly to check the desk, this was the Queen of Westeros... but Y/N trusted that look in Tyrion’s odd eyes. He was someone she could trust, and he’d known his sister for far longer.
Assured that everything was in order, Y/N glanced through the bookcases, then in a small box under the floor. She looked through this one carefully, putting its contents back and securing the loose floorboard. A fine Essosi carpet covered it. She doubted this lockbox was here when Tywin’s children were young, but it didn’t hurt to look.
With her task done, she was ready to finally get to sleep. As she was leaving, Y/N’s eyes were drawn to the portrait, because they always were. The way it was placed between two impressive bookcases and above an overstuffed settee meant you had to look. Y/N stepped closer, trying to keep her giddy smile down, but she was alone, so couldn’t she enjoy this? She loved looking at the details, the lighting, the softness of the fabric and skin. She thought she could reach out, touch it, and feel the warmth of the subjects. Do I really look like this? Is this how he sees me?
Per her request, the artist was well compensated. Y/N didn’t even care where it was hung, nor did she mind how small it was. It felt more personal, more intimate, and she beamed at the thought of Tywin keeping it so close. Had it been a more official portrait, it would be on the other side of Casterly Rock, hung up on the very end of that long hall. Prestigious, but alone. This warm, cozy study was a much better place for it.
Y/N gasped from the presence behind her, but relaxed once she recognized the scent and felt familiar arms wrap around her waist. Tywin pulled her against his chest, and she leaned against him. The warmth of that simple contact made her shiver.
He only asked her if she liked it once, but he took obvious pleasure in how much Y/N stopped by to see. She had a feeling he’d never tire of her admiring it. In that way, he was like other men - proud of how happy he made his love. He was a proud man to begin with, but his green eyes gleamed differently when it came to this. She cherished it every time she saw that look.
“When Tybalt is older, we’ll have a proper one commissioned,” Tywin said, pressing his lips against her exposed neck. “To hang with the others.”
“That sounds wonderful.” Y/N said, and meant it. She ran her fingers along the arms that were keeping her close and held one of his hands. “I’d like that.”
It would not be an expected move, having an expensive portrait of the second wife, but it would be typical for the heir of Casterly Rock. It was for their son, too. 
She shivered when he kissed her neck again. “My lord, are you ready to retire for the evening?”
Tywin was slow to pull away from her, wanting to keep her close, but knowing it was better if they left. He took her arm, feeling the softness of her hand as he entwined their fingers. “After you, my love.”
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butterflies-dragons · 3 years
A list of Targaryen Imagery around Sansa Stark in A Song of Ice and Fire
Fire and Blood
Black and Red
Silver and Purple
Dragon's Tail
Dragon Wings
Dragon Eggs
Dragon Skulls
Golden Dragons
Dragon Knights
Valyrian Steel
Dance of the Dragons
Maegor the Cruel
Baelor the Blessed
Aegon the Unworthy
Prince Aemon the Dragonknight
Aerys the Mad King
Rhaegar the ast dragon
Bonus: Fiery Hair
Sansa slid off her mare, but she was too slow. Arya swung with both hands. There was a loud crack as the wood split against the back of the prince's head, and then everything happened at once before Sansa's horrified eyes. Joffrey staggered and whirled around, roaring curses. Mycah ran for the trees as fast as his legs would take him. Arya swung at the prince again, but this time Joffrey caught the blow on Lion's Tooth and sent her broken stick flying from her hands. The back of his head was all bloody and his eyes were on fire.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa I
The point of Ser Gregor's lance had snapped off in his neck, and his life's blood flowed out in slow pulses, each weaker than the one before. His armor was shiny new; a bright streak of fire ran down his outstretched arm, as the steel caught the light. Then the sun went behind a cloud, and it was gone. His cloak was blue, the color of the sky on a clear summer's day, trimmed with a border of crescent moons, but as his blood seeped into it, the cloth darkened and the moons turned red, one by one.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa II
The blood orange had left a blotchy red stain on the silk. "I hate her!" she screamed. She balled up the dress and flung it into the cold hearth, on top of the ashes of last night's fire. When she saw that the stain had bled through onto her underskirt, she began to sob despite herself. She ripped off the rest of her clothes wildly, threw herself into bed, and cried herself back to sleep.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa III
When the king's herald moved forward, Sansa realized the moment was almost at hand. She smoothed down the cloth of her skirt nervously. She was dressed in mourning, as a sign of respect for the dead king, but she had taken special care to make herself beautiful. Her gown was the ivory silk that the queen had given her, the one Arya had ruined, but she'd had them dye it black and you couldn't see the stain at all. She had fretted over her jewelry for hours and finally decided upon the elegant simplicity of a plain silver chain.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa V
Then she realized that the blood had soaked through the sheet into the featherbed, so she bundled that up as well, but it was big and cumbersome, hard to move. Sansa could get only half of it into the fire. She was on her knees, struggling to shove the mattress into the flames as thick grey smoke eddied around her and filled the room, when the door burst open and she heard her maid gasp.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa IV
When she crawled out of bed, long moments later, she was alone. She found his cloak on the floor, twisted up tight, the white wool stained by blood and fire.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa VII
"The dwarf's wife did the murder with him," swore an archer in Lord Rowan's livery. "Afterward, she vanished from the hall in a puff of brimstone, and a ghostly direwolf was seen prowling the Red Keep, blood dripping from his jaws."
—A Storm of Swords - Jaime VII
As the boy's lips touched her own she found herself thinking of another kiss. She could still remember how it felt, when his cruel mouth pressed down on her own. He had come to Sansa in the darkness as green fire filled the sky. He took a song and a kiss, and left me nothing but a bloody cloak.
—A Feast for Crows - Alayne II
The queen wore a high-collared black silk gown, with a hundred dark red rubies sewn into her bodice, covering her from neck to bosom. They were cut in the shape of teardrops, as if the queen were weeping blood.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa IV
Tyrion wore a doublet of black velvet covered with golden scrollwork, thigh-high boots that added three inches to his height, a chain of rubies and lions’ heads. But the gash across his face was raw and red, and his nose was a hideous scab. “You are very beautiful, Sansa,” he told her.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa III
Sansa closed the shutters and turned sharply away from the window. "You look very lovely today, my lady," Ser Arys said.
"Thank you, ser." Knowing that Joffrey would require her to attend the tourney in his honor, Sansa had taken special care with her face and clothes. She wore a gown of pale purple silk and a moonstone hair net that had been a gift from Joffrey. The gown had long sleeves to hide the bruises on her arms. Those were Joffrey's gifts as well. When they told him that Robb had been proclaimed King in the North, his rage had been a fearsome thing, and he had sent Ser Boros to beat her.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa I
"You've waited so long, be patient awhile longer. Here, I have something for you." Ser Dontos fumbled in his pouch and drew out a silvery spiderweb, dangling it between his thick fingers.
It was a hair net of fine-spun silver, the strands so thin and delicate the net seemed to weigh no more than a breath of air when Sansa took it in her fingers. Small gems were set wherever two strands crossed, so dark they drank the moonlight. "What stones are these?"
"Black amethysts from Asshai. The rarest kind, a deep true purple by daylight."
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa VIII
Sansa wore a gown of silvery satin trimmed in vair, with dagged sleeves that almost touched the floor, lined in soft purple felt. Shae had arranged her hair artfully in a delicate silver net winking with dark purple gemstones. Tyrion had never seen her look more lovely, yet she wore sorrow on those long satin sleeves. "Lady Sansa," he told her, "you shall be the most beautiful woman in the hall tonight."
—A Storm of Swords - Tyrion VIII
Tyrion scarce touched his food, Sansa noticed, though he drank several cups of the wine. For herself, she tried a little of the Dornish eggs, but the peppers burned her mouth. Otherwise she only nibbled at the fruit and fish and honeycakes. Every time Joffrey looked at her, her tummy got so fluttery that she felt as though she'd swallowed a bat.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa IV
"What wife?"
"I forgot, you've been hiding under a rock. The northern girl. Winterfell's daughter. We heard she killed the king with a spell, and afterward changed into a wolf with big leather wings like a bat, and flew out a tower window. But she left the dwarf behind and Cersei means to have his head."
—A Storm of Swords - Arya XIII
Butterbumps arrived before the food, dressed in a jester’s suit of green and yellow feathers with a floppy coxcomb. An immense round fat man, as big as three Moon Boys, he came cartwheeling into the hall, vaulted onto the table, and laid a gigantic egg right in front of Sansa. “Break it, my lady,” he commanded. When she did, a dozen yellow chicks escaped and began running in all directions. “Catch them!” Butterbumps exclaimed. Little Lady Bulwer snagged one and handed it to him, whereby he tilted back his head, popped it into his huge rubbery mouth, and seemed to swallow it whole. When he belched, tiny yellow feathers flew out his nose. Lady Bulwer began to wail in distress, but her tears turned into a sudden squeal of delight when the chick came squirming out of the sleeve of her gown and ran down her arm.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa I
In the Queen's Ballroom they broke their fast on honeycakes baked with blackberries and nuts, gammon steaks, bacon, fingerfish crisped in breadcrumbs, autumn pears, and a Dornish dish of onions, cheese, and chopped eggs cooked up with fiery peppers.
[…] Tyrion scarce touched his food, Sansa noticed, though he drank several cups of the wine. For herself, she tried a little of the Dornish eggs, but the peppers burned her mouth.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa IV
The morning of King Joffrey's name day dawned bright and windy, with the long tail of the great comet visible through the high scuttling clouds. Sansa was watching it from her tower window when Ser Arys Oakheart arrived to escort her down to the tourney grounds. "What do you think it means?" she asked him.
"Glory to your betrothed," Ser Arys answered at once. "See how it flames across the sky today on His Grace's name day, as if the gods themselves had raised a banner in his honor. The smallfolk have named it King Joffrey's Comet."
Doubtless that was what they told Joffrey; Sansa was not so sure. "I've heard servants calling it the Dragon's Tail."
"King Joffrey sits where Aegon the Dragon once sat, in the castle built by his son," Ser Arys said. "He is the dragon's heir—and crimson is the color of House Lannister, another sign. This comet is sent to herald Joffrey's ascent to the throne, I have no doubt. It means that he will triumph over his enemies."
Is it true? she wondered. Would the gods be so cruel? Her mother was one of Joffrey's enemies now, her brother Robb another. Her father had died by the king's command. Must Robb and her lady mother die next? The comet was red, but Joffrey was Baratheon as much as Lannister, and their sigil was a black stag on a golden field. Shouldn't the gods have sent Joff a golden comet?
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa I
Within, the dragon skulls were waiting, and so was Shae. “I thought m’lord had forgotten me.” Her dress was draped over a black tooth near as tall as she was, and she stood within the dragon’s jaws, nude. Balerion, he thought. Or was it Vhagar? One dragon skull looked much like another.
[...] After, as they lay entwined amongst the dragon skulls, he rested his head against her, inhaling the smooth clean smell of her hair. “We should go back,” he said reluctantly. “It must be near dawn. Sansa will be waking.
[...] The Others can take my guilt, he thought as he slipped his tunic over his head. Why should I be guilty? My wife wants no part of me, and most especially not the part that seems to want her. Perhaps he ought to tell her about Shae. It was not as though he was the first man ever to keep a concubine. Sansa’s own oh-so-honorable father had given her a bastard brother. For all he knew, his wife might be thrilled to learn that he was fucking Shae, so long as it spared her his unwelcome touch.
—A Storm of Swords - Tyrion VII
"The queen raised her voice. "A hundred golden dragons to the man who brings me its skin!”
“A costly pelt,” Robert grumbled. “I want no part of this, woman. You can damn well buy your furs with Lannister gold.”
[...] Shortly, Jory brought him Ice.
When it was over, he said, “Choose four men and have them take the body north. Bury her at Winterfell.”
“All that way?” Jory said, astonished.
“All that way,” Ned affirmed. “The Lannister woman shall never have this skin.”
—A Game of Thrones - Eddard III
"Petyr Baelish put a hand on the rail. "But first you’ll want your payment. Ten thousand dragons, was it?”
“Ten thousand.” Dontos rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand. “As you promised, my lord.”
[...] “But he saved me.”
“He sold you for a promise of ten thousand dragons.
[...]“Sansa felt sick. "He said he was my Florian.”
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa V
“Your sister’s had no difficulty finding witnesses to your guilt.” Ser Kevan rolled up the parchment. “Ser Addam has men hunting for your wife. Varys has offered a hundred stags for word of her whereabouts, and a hundred dragons for the girl herself. If the girl can be found she will be found, and I shall bring her to you. I see no harm in husband and wife sharing the same cell and giving comfort to one another.”
—A Storm of Swords - Tyrion IX
Someplace no stag ever found … though a dragon might.
—A Feast for Crows - Brienne III
"A good melee is all a hedge knight can hope for, unless he stumbles on a bag of dragons. And that's not likely, is it?"
—The Winds of Winter - Alayne I
She shouted for Ser Dontos, for her brothers, for her dead father and her dead wolf, for gallant Ser Loras who had given her a red rose once, but none of them came. She called for the heroes from the songs, for Florian and Ser Ryam Redwyne and Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, but no one heard.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa IV
"True knights would never harm women and children." The words rang hollow in her ears even as she said them.
"True knights." The queen seemed to find that wonderfully amusing. "No doubt you're right. So why don't you just eat your broth like a good girl and wait for Symeon Star-Eyes and Prince Aemon the Dragonknight to come rescue you, sweetling. I'm sure it won't be very long now."
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa V
They continued down the serpentine and across a small sunken courtyard. Ser Dontos shoved open a heavy door and lit a taper. They were inside a long gallery. Along the walls stood empty suits of armor, dark and dusty, their helms crested with rows of scales that continued down their backs. As they hurried past, the taper's light made the shadows of each scale stretch and twist. The hollow knights are turning into dragons, she thought.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa V
Lord Tywin waited until last to present the king with his own gift: a longsword. Its scabbard was made of cherrywood, gold, and oiled red leather, studded with golden lions' heads. The lions had ruby eyes, she saw. The ballroom fell silent as Joffrey unsheathed the blade and thrust the sword above his head. Red and black ripples in the steel shimmered in the morning light.
[…] "A great sword must have a great name, my lords! What shall I call it?"
[…] The guests were shouting out names for the new blade. Joff dismissed a dozen before he heard one he liked. "Widow's Wail!" he cried.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa IV
But she had another longsword hidden in her bedroll. She sat on the bed and took it out. Gold glimmered yellow in the candlelight and rubies smoldered red. When she slid Oathkeeper from the ornate scabbard, Brienne's breath caught in her throat. Black and red the ripples ran, deep within the steel. Valyrian steel, spell-forged. It was a sword fit for a hero. When she was small, her nurse had filled her ears with tales of valor, regaling her with the noble exploits of Ser Galladon of Morne, Florian the Fool, Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, and other champions. Each man bore a famous sword, and surely Oathkeeper belonged in their company, even if she herself did not. "You'll be defending Ned Stark's daughter with Ned Stark's own steel," Jaime had promised.
—A Feast for Crows - Brienne I
Later, while Sansa was off listening to a troupe of singers perform the complex round of interwoven ballads called the "Dance of the Dragons," Ned inspected the bruise himself. "I hope Forel is not being too hard on you," he said.
—A Game of Thrones - Eddard VII
He sang of the Dance of the Dragons, of fair Jonquil and her fool, of Jenny of Oldstones and the Prince of Dragonflies. He sang of betrayals, and murders most foul, of hanged men and bloody vengeance. He sang of grief and sadness.
—A Feast for Crows - Sansa I
The room where Sansa had been confined was at the top of the highest tower of Maegor's Holdfast.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa IV
In the tower room at the heart of Maegor's Holdfast, Sansa gave herself to the darkness.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa VI
"Baelor starved himself to death, fasting," said Tyrion. "His uncle served him loyally as Hand, as he had served the Young Dragon before him. Viserys might only have reigned a year, but he ruled for fifteen, while Daeron warred and Baelor prayed." He made a sour face. "And if he did remove his nephew, can you blame him? Someone had to save the realm from Baelor's follies."
Sansa was shocked. "But Baelor the Blessed was a great king. He walked the Boneway barefoot to make peace with Dorne, and rescued the Dragonknight from a snakepit. The vipers refused to strike him because he was so pure and holy."
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa IV
Aegon the Unworthy had never harmed Queen Naerys, perhaps for fear of their brother the Dragonknight . . . but when another of his Kingsguard fell in love with one of his mistresses, the king had taken both their heads.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa II
"A king can have other women. Whores. My father did. One of the Aegons did too. The third one, or the fourth. He had lots of whores and lots of bastards." As they whirled to the music, Joff gave her a moist kiss. "My uncle will bring you to my bed whenever I command it."
Sansa shook her head. "He won't."
"He will, or I'll have his head. That King Aegon, he had any woman he wanted, whether they were married or no."
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa III
He took her by the arm and led her away from the wheelhouse, and Sansa's spirits took flight. A whole day with her prince! She gazed at Joffrey worshipfully. He was so gallant, she thought. The way he had rescued her from Ser Ilyn and the Hound, why, it was almost like the songs, like the time Serwyn of the Mirror Shield saved the Princess Daeryssa from the giants, or Prince Aemon the Dragonknight championing Queen Naerys's honor against evil Ser Morgil's slanders.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa I
"Father, I only just now remembered, I can't go away, I'm to marry Prince Joffrey." She tried to smile bravely for him. "I love him, Father, I truly truly do, I love him as much as Queen Naerys loved Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, as much as Jonquil loved Ser Florian. I want to be his queen and have his babies."
"Sweet one," her father said gently, "listen to me. When you're old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who's worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong. This match with Joffrey was a terrible mistake. That boy is no Prince Aemon, you must believe me."
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa III
She pulled a chair close to the hearth, took down one of her favorite books, and lost herself in the stories of Florian and Jonquil, of Lady Shella and the Rainbow Knight, of valiant Prince Aemon and his doomed love for his brother's queen.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa IV
For those who remained, a singer was brought forth to fill the hall with the sweet music of the high harp. He sang of Jonquil and Florian, of Prince Aemon the Dragonknight and his love for his brother's queen, of Nymeria's ten thousand ships. They were beautiful songs, but terribly sad. Several of the women began to weep, and Sansa felt her own eyes growing moist.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa VI
"Ser Ilyn has not been feeling talkative these past fourteen years," Lord Renly commented with a sly smile.
Joffrey gave his uncle a look of pure loathing, then took Sansa's hands in his own. "Aerys Targaryen had his tongue ripped out with hot pincers."
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa I
"The battleground is right up ahead, where the river bends. That was where my father killed Rhaegar Targaryen, you know. He smashed in his chest, crunch, right through the armor." Joffrey swung an imaginary warhammer to show her how it was done. "Then my uncle Jaime killed old Aerys, and my father was king."
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa I
"You can't talk to me that way. The king can do as he likes."
"Aerys Targaryen did as he liked. Has your mother ever told you what happened to him?"
Ser Boros Blount harrumphed. "No man threatens His Grace in the presence of the Kingsguard."
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa III
"The battleground is right up ahead, where the river bends. That was where my father killed Rhaegar Targaryen, you know. He smashed in his chest, crunch, right through the armor." Joffrey swung an imaginary warhammer to show her how it was done.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa I
"My father told everyone my bedding had caught fire, and our maester gave me ointments. Ointments! Gregor got his ointments too. Four years later, they anointed him with the seven oils and he recited his knightly vows and Rhaegar Targaryen tapped him on the shoulder and said, 'Arise, Ser Gregor.'"
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa II
Robb and Sansa and Bran and even little Rickon all took after the Tullys, with easy smiles and fire in their hair.
—A Game of Thrones - Arya I
"You will be the most beautiful woman in the hall tonight, as lovely as your lady mother at your age. I cannot seat you on the dais, but you'll have a place of honor above the salt and underneath a wall sconce. The fire will be shining in your hair, so everyone will see how fair of face you are. Keep a good long spoon on hand to beat the squires off, sweetling. You will not want green boys underfoot when the knights come round to beg you for your favor."
—The Winds of Winter - Alayne I
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dany-is-my-queen · 4 years
Born To Be Yours | Part X
Sansa Stark x Fem! Baratheon! Reader (Daenerys Targaryen x Fem! Baratheon! Reader eventually)
Season 1-8
Word Count: 3,387
Note: This is the end of S2! Thank you for reading <3
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
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“Are you out of your mind?” Cersei peevishly protested. You heavily sighed. “You just want to prove yourself, and impress that northerner friend of yours-“ You cut her off.
“I don’t need to prove anything.” She rolled her eyes.
“So what do you want to earn from it? You’ll stay in the Red Keep with the other highborn ladies. End of this conversation.” You pressed your lips, not pushing harder cause the result would be the same. If you are in the same place Sansa is when this starts then you can keep an eye on her in case things go sideways for your brother’s army.
You stormed out of her chambers. Cersei might not hold the same affection she does for your brothers and sister but she doesn’t want you to die, in her own strange way she cares, not that she knows how to show it.
The bells rang, the troops were ready, Joffrey had the stupid idea of attacking the Starks now that they were distracted. He came to his senses thanks to you, he finally kind of admitted you are were right. And that that wasn’t a prudent decision.
Truth be told, you were afraid, afraid for your family safety, this is war, nothing less, you were always so self-confident, you believed the good would persevere, the strongest and largest forces would win, the smartest. You can be so wrong about that fact... Tonight a lot of people will die fighting for his own King, and just because your brother is a bastard. You might as well be one too, but you are not, you are Y/N Baratheon.
The Throne Room was lit by great flaming braziers. “I see you changed your mind.” Tyrion asserted.
“My mother is very convincing.” You jested. “Actually, I pondered it through, Sansa needs me, she’d be devastated if some plucky soldier manages to drive an ax through my heart.”
“You can’t die before confessing your feelings to your lady.” He playfully remarked. She and Shae arrived, they slightly bowed.
“Lady Sansa and Sheila.” He said in purpose.
“Shae.” She corrected him.
“Shae, yes.”
“What are you doing here?” You questioned half surprised, you didn’t expect to see her until you were on the Keep.
“King Joffrey sent me to see him off, my Princess, my Lord. And you? I thought-“
“I’m not going anywhere.” She smiled broadly, acknowledging you will stay by her side.
“Sansa, come here.” Joffrey called for her. Shae and your uncle discreetly said goodbye to one another.
“Be safe. You are my favorite uncle.”
“I know.” He winked.
“Some of those boys will never come back.” Sansa didn’t take her eyes off the group of men heading outside.
“Joffrey will. The worst always live.” She emotionless said. Shae frowned, a bit worried you’d be angry about that, you couldn’t care less.
At the Meagor’s holdfast you sat next to little Tommen. You took a few seconds to stare at him, what a fine, decent, and handsome prince he was, unlike Joffrey, he deserves to live, he deserves the very best of the world and more. Across the room, Sansa and Shae were talking to each other. Occasionally you glanced at her.
“I don’t want us to die, Y/N.” Your baby brother said.
“We are not. I promise you, my little lion. Your big sister is here to protect you.” You squeezed his hand.
“I’m glad Myrcella is not here.”
“So am I.” Though you missed her every single day since she left King’s Landing, you knew she was safe, you were grateful that uncle Tyrion sent her away in time.
Suddenly you heard your mother’s voice calling for the Stark girl. She shyly stood in front of her. Perhaps Sansa was scared that Cersei would be angry to see her show devotion for you, she thought she might get scolded for staring at her daughter in a lingering way.
“I was wondering where our little dove has flown. You look pale, child. Is your red flower still blooming?”
“Fitting, isn’t it? The men will bleed out there and you will bleed here. Pour Lady Sansa some wine.”
“I’m not thirsty, your grace.”
“So? I didn’t offer you water. Pour my daughter wine too.” The handmaid gave you the cups, you didn’t want to drink to be honest, just gave it a small sip, Sansa repeated your act. “I’m glad you didn’t insist on nonsense, my dear. War is no place for someone like you.” You scowled.
“That’s not the reason I’m not there.” Sansa saw you tensing, she changed the subject once you took another gulp of wine.
“What is he doing here?” Referring to the man that beheaded her father.
“Ser Ilyn? He’s here to defend us. When the axes smashes down those doors, you might be glad to have him.”
“I have my sword right here.” You grasped the cold weapon, resting in the armchair.
“After all that Jaime and Robert taught you you’ll be able to protect us all.” She scoffed. You waved off her comment.
“The lads caught a groom and two maids trying to sneak away with a stolen horse and some gold cups.” Ser Mandon Moore informed.
“The battle’s first traitors. Have Ser Ilyn see to them. Put their heads on spikes outside the stables as a warning.” She commanded him. “The only way to keep the small folk loyal is to make certain they fear you more than they do the enemy. Remember that if you ever hope to become a queen.”
“That’s a wrong understatement. Make them love you, not despise you.” You stated, not doubting of your words.
“You would definitively be a weak queen, my love.”
Everyone could already notice the Queen Regent was tipsy, maybe even drunk. She didn’t bring to care. Tommen fell asleep an hour ago, you didn’t want to let your guard down, in case you needed to run.
“Come, darling. Step closer. I know I’ve been hard on you. Lately it seems like you want to die. I can be a pain on your neck, but I can’t lose you, Y/N, I can’t.” She kinda sought to appease.
“It’s alright, mom. I’m still in one piece.”
“I have never been an example for you to follow.” You couldn’t get to the light all the faults she has had since you were a toddler, however, it wasn’t the time, nor was she in a position to talk about it.
“You can always start over.” It’s all you said back.
“She is very pretty, isn’t she?” You fixed your eyes on Sansa, she was holding hands with the other ladies, sitting in a circle on the floor. Some would say it was too obvious, your mother being one of them. You didn’t get to answer cause she was calling her once again.
“What are you doing?” Cersei asked, well knowing.
“Praying.” She plainly said.
“You’re perfect, aren’t you? Praying, what are you praying for?”
“For the gods to have mercy on us all.”
“Oh, on us all?”
“Yes, your grace.”
“Even me?”
“Of course, your grace.” You just listened to their conversation.
“Even Joffrey?”
“Joffrey is my-“
“Oh, shut up, you little fool. Praying for the gods to have mercy on us all. The gods have no mercy. That’s why they are gods. My father told me that when he caught me praying. My mother had just died. I didn’t really understand the concept of death, the finality of it. I thought that if I prayed hard enough the gods would return her to me. I was four.”
“Your father doesn’t believe in the gods?”
“He believes in them, he just doesn’t likes them very much. Y/N prays as well. But it’s okay as long as she knows who the real saviors are. Here.” She threw her a small pillow. “Another for her.”
“She doesn’t want to keep drinking, mother.” You spoke.
“Is that true, little dove?”
“I-I-“ Cersei was harassing her, the stutter gave her away, and you were growing weary of your mother’s behavior.
“You are just as frightened as this flock of hens. I should have been born a man. I rather face a thousand swords than to be shut up inside.”
“That was my intent too.” You objected.
“My daughter is gorgeous, don’t you think so? And she desires to spoil that face of hers out there.”
“Yes, your grace, she looks a lot like you.”
“Not the hair. These women. It was expected of me to ask them here. As it will be of you if you ever become Joffrey’s queen. If my wretched brother should somehow prevail, these hens will return to their cocks and crow of how my courage inspired them, lifted their spirits.”
“And if the city should fall?”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? The Keep should hold for a time, if it were anyone else outside those gates I might hope for a private audience, but this is Stannis Baratheon. I’d have a better chance seducing his horse.” Sansa remained quiet. “Have I shocked you, little dove? Tears aren’t a woman’s only weapon. The best one’s between your legs. Learn how to use it. Do you have any notion of what happens when a city is sacked? No, you wouldn’t. If the city falls, these fine women should be in for a bit of a rape. Half of them will have bastards in their bellies come the morning. You’ll be glad of your red flower then. When a man’s blood is up, anything with tits looks good. A precious thing like you will look very, very good. A slice of cake just waiting to be eaten.” Cersei was tormenting Sansa because she wanted to bother you, upset you, and she achieved it, the uncomfortable look on the redhead's face was evident. She drank deeply from her glass.
“No one is going to rape Lady Sansa.” You promised, you wouldn’t let them get near her.
“Her hero will protect her. Yes. You, my sweet, sweet, silly daughter.” Cersei mocked, and Sansa flushed.
Cersei continued to tell Sansa stories about Jaime and her when they were children, you tried to distract yourself with your baby brother, you prayed for your uncle to succeed, for this to be over soon. You did not keep drinking, you were getting fond of wine, even ale. Now was not the moment to fill your veins with alcohol.
The Queen Regent apparently got curious about the foreign handmaiden, she didn’t act nervous, not even a bit, she asked her to tell a story, when Shae was about to begin Lancel burst in shouting at Cersei. He reported Tyrion’s destruction of the fleet and the landing of Stannis’s troops. She ordered him to fetch Joffrey inside.
“Your grace, what? The King’s presence is good for the morale.” He quibbled.
“Bring him back to his chambers now.”
“Not here?”
“With the women and children? Do you want him to be mocked as a coward for the rest of his life?”
“He is a coward.” You said out loud. She gave you a withering stare.
“Silence, Y/N.”
“Now, Ser Lancel.” He left, unconvinced. “Little dove, the real reason Ser Ilyn is here is for us. Stannis may take the city and the throne but he will not take us alive.”
The Lannister boy returned, he told the gold cloaks lost all heart when they saw Joffrey leaving. Cersei took both Tommen’s and your hand and rushed you off to the exit. Sansa tried to follow your gaze.
“What are you doing?” You baffling questioned.
“Buying us some time.”
“You can’t leave, these ladies-“
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” You got out of her grip.
“Are you coming back with her?” Your silence was the answer.
“Y/N, don’t go. I’m scared and if you are not with me-“ Tommen pleaded.
“My brave little lion. You are going to be just fine. You are very strong, just like father. I’ll be with you soon I promise.” You kissed his forehead. You didn’t look up to meet Cersei’s infuriated glare, you ran to Sansa’s room, where she must likely be.
You could never leave her behind. She was all that matters, Tommen will be safe with Cersei, she will defend him till her last breath. Something inside you told you uncle Stannis won’t be sitting on the throne tonight.
“...you won’t hurt me.” Sandor got there first, it was very odd, he seemed untroubled, under the circumstances of the battle. Sansa was relieved to see you.
“Of course he won’t.”
“No, princess, I won’t hurt her.” Sansa was holding the doll Ned gave her when they first arrived at King’s Landing.
“Why are you here?”
“Your big brother is a cunt. I won’t spend any other second of my life protecting a cunt. I wish you both good fortune, you might survive.” He walked out, leaving you alone with the northerner.
“Y/N... you came back. You must go with the Queen and the Prince.” You shook your head, taking her hand.
“No. My place is with you. I shall protect you and keep you from any harm. Remember, I’m not going anywhere.” She buried her face in your neck, the embrace was full of warmth. You laid in her bed, she gently placed her head on your chest. You were certain she could hear your shaky heartbeat, not for the war, nor for the fear but because of having her this close, you might as well confess your love right now, you don’t even know for sure if there is going to be a tomorrow.
She lifted her face, her eyes were dark, yours were too, there was only one thing you were dying to do. You softly caressed her cheek, your breaths became heavier, she closed her eyes and leaned closer, you sealed the kiss, her lips were oh so very thin, they were also edgy, a brief seconds later that changed, she deepened into it, melting your heart and body. Her hands resting in the back of your head and yours on her waist.
You smiled before the kiss ended, it felt like hours. You hope this is your last first kiss, with the woman you love. The bells rang again, you knew it was a sound of victory, you could tell the difference. Uncle Tyrion prevailed, you won.
“I love you. I’ve always loved you. Since the first day you came into my life.” You mumbled in Sansa’s ear.
“I can’t even put into words all the things you make me feel with just being around. You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known, and even that is an understatement.” She stuck her arm around you.
“You intoxicate my soul with your precious blue eyes, my lady.” You said in a playful, sweet tone.
“Is that a good thing?” You giggled.
“Yes, yes it is.” You stayed in the cozy bed for another while. This felt so good that a part of you didn’t believe it was actually happening.
A couple of days passed since the victory. Uncle Tyrion was unconscious. You hoped he’d wake up soon. Now you were all gathered on the Throne Room, you stood next to Lord Varys.
Joffrey proclaimed your grandfather, Tywin Lannister, the new Hand of the King, and the savior of the city. He also awarded Lord Baelish with the Castle of Harrenhal for brokering the alliance between House Lannister and House Tyrell.
Loras was called to step forward, he knelt before the throne. It was so good to see him again.
“If your family would ask anything of me, ask it, and it shall be yours.” Joffrey stated.
“Your grace, my sister Margaery, her husband was taken from us before. She remains innocent.” You could notice he was still grieving for Renly, you knew him too well. “I would ask you to find it in your heart to do us the great honor of joining our houses.” You weren’t utterly surprised by this request, Margaery has always dreamt of being Queen. Still, you found Sansa’s unreadable expression from atop de gallery. This was swelling news.
“...For the good of the realm, your councilors beg you to set Sansa Stark aside.” Your mother finished saying.
“I would like to heed your wishes and the wishes of my people, but I took a holy vow.”
“I have consulted with the High Septon and he assures me that the crimes of the Starks against the realm free you from any promise you have made to them in the sight of the gods.” Maester Pycelll concluded.
“The gods are good. I am free to heed my heart. Ser Loras, I will gladly wed your sweet sister. You will be my queen and I will love you from this day until my last day.” You were beyond happy for this but also you couldn’t help feel bad for Margaery, she was one of your best friends, you cared for her and now she is the one who will live hell with your brother. That is what she really wants, she’ll know how to handle it, you hope, maybe he’ll truly love her, in his odd own way. Your northerner lady was finally free from that horrendous engagement.
“Thank you for coming. You saved us, Loras. I’ll be forever in your debt.” You gave Loras a big hug, he reciprocated.
“You are like my little sister. If I can help I’ll always will.”
“I’m sorry about Renly.” He ducked his head.
“He was your uncle, Y/N. I am sorry too.”
“Y/N! It feels like it’s been ages, right? Always a pleasure to see you.” Margaery approached you and her brother.
“I can say the same. Congratulations on your betrothal to Joffrey, my lady.” She grinned widely.
“I don’t know him very well but if he is anything like you then I’ll be very happy.” You returned the polite smile. You better warn her, not today though.
“I’ve missed you so much. One of these days we should assemble and chat.”
“Absolutely.” You excused yourself, leaving Loras and Margaery a bit confused for your sudden departure. They shared a complicit gaze.
“Lady Sansa.” Littlefinger bowed and turned around. You don’t like him being near her, you waited until he disappeared into the crowd before addressing the Stark girl.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look with that southern hairstyle? It suits you perfectly.” She blushed.
“Have I told you you are the cutest girl in the Seven Kingdoms and beyond?” You chuckled. She smiled, it was an unburden one that you haven’t seen in a while. “Things will get better or worse from now on?”
“Don’t stress about the future, my lady. Live in the present and make the most of it.” You tenderly said.
“With you.”
“Yes, if it is with someone else I’ll get jealous.” You winked at her.
Only Varys, Podrick the squire, and Shae came to visit Tyrion. You of course went to check on him too, he did all the hard work, he defended the city when Joffrey fled the battlefield. Still, he didn’t even mention him.
“...The histories won’t mention you, but we will not forget.” Lord Varys assured your uncle.
“How are you feeling?” You entered the room.
“A Kingsguard almost split me in two. I am now the monster the world has always said I am.”
“No. You were amazing. You didn’t back down. You fought bravely to defend the ones you love. I won’t forget either.”
“Thanks, my dear Y/N. I wouldn’t let those bastards get to you. Is your lady okay?”
“She is. We will have to catch up, but that will be at another time. You need to rest to fully recover. Let’s don’t keep your lady waiting.” You alluded to Shae. At least he has various people who love him just the way he is.
In the next couple of weeks your relationship with Sansa evolved, you became closer, letting your feeling flow out without any shame, you love her in secret from Cersei and Joffrey, and the others who wouldn’t accept it, who would do anything to tear you apart. Things had changed, but for the better.
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jamiedc-they-them · 4 years
Who you used to (and can no longer) be (Platonic)
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Requested Imagine: Dany x Brother reader, maybe reader was caught by Cersei and is reunited with Dany. idk its a stretch but it came to mind. it can be angsty or nah whatever u want, B
  It had been a while since you’d seen anything but the small reflection of light from a torch on the cell door. It had been a while since you had heard anything but the rats in the cell that you were thrown into months ago or the creaks of the door or the rustles of your chains.
You got a new sound, that being of the door opening. You also got a bit lighter, for a moment that was. The door was then slammed closed, and a voice that was anything but new spoke.
“Still awake? Hm, I have to give you the fact that you’ve lasted longer than I thought you would,” The taunting voice of Cersei Lannister spat as she approached you, goblet of wine in her hand as always, “Then again, you were always the odd one out, weren’t you? The little Targaryen runt? I do have to wonder though, what your whore of a sister will do to get you back?”
She came even closer to you, now towering over you, “See, the families all live up to their sigils, don’t they? Lannister’s as lions who tear their enemies apart; the Starks, the lucky wolves in a pack who can survive the winter; then there’s the Targaryen’s,” She poured the wine onto you, aggravating your wounds.
“As the feisty, fiery dragons, with so many scars. What’s one more though? Although, I’m sure to your sister, it would make all the difference between you being worth saving and you being left behind to rot. But we’ll see.”  
 It had been a while since Danny had been able to sleep. It had been a while since she had been able to think straight and not have her mind on something other than the fact that her brother was still missing.
It had gotten to the point where she had accidentally called Jorah, Y/N. The man hadn’t minded, of course, he politely corrected her and moved on. Still, it showed. It showed how much of her mind was chipping away at a plan to get you back and safe.
“My Queen,” Daenerys turned to Tyrion, the one who had called her name, “Maybe we should make preparations for when we get Lord Y/N….Make preparations for as to how to proceed.” He suggested, struggling to find a correct way to phrase it without triggering and setting her off.
“What do you mean?” She questioned, blunt and with a bit of fear and tremble in her voice.
He looked to the others for a moment before proceeding, “I just mean, that Lord Y/N will not fully be the same Y/N we knew before his capture…We’ll need to tread lightly. He will be traumatized.”
“But he’s still my brother.” Danny said without hesitation, firmly.
“He doesn’t mean it in offence, your grace,” Missandei said, trying to clear things up, “What he – we mean, is that Y/N will be different, and we need to be aware of that.”
Danny nodded, “We will, but I know Y/N, and I will do what is best for him.”
They didn’t meet eyes, but the others could tell that it wasn’t exactly true. She’d work on a phantom form of you.
One that didn’t exist anymore.
 “Your grace!” A soldier said as he entered the throne room, holding a folded piece of paper, “I have….” He took a moment to catch his breath, have you seen how many steps their were to get to the throne room?
“.I have news on Y/N, Cersei Lannister has him! She wants to meet!” He yelled, giving a brief synopsis of the letter.
Wow, this really wasn’t royal at all, was it?
Then again, the soldier seemed to know that, when it came to you and your safety, royalty was thrown out the window.
Daenerys stared at the soldier in shock. It seemed that the plan that she had devised on her own was also out the window.
 “It’s obviously a trap, if anyone knows my sister well enough to know one of her devious schemes, it’s me.” Tyrion made his thoughts on it known. Don’t go.
“Of course, it is,” Grey worm then turned to Danny, “You shouldn’t go, my Queen. Or, if you do, at least bring some guards with you. I’ll find you my best men –”
“No,” Her words stunned all the room, “Cersei asks for me, she gets me alone. I’m not risking Y/N: I’m not losing the only family I have left.”
She knew it was risky. She knew that this could just be something that would end up with the two last Targaryen’s                 being killed. But she also knew that she couldn’t just leave you.
She had to bring you home, to make you feel safe once again.
 It was the dead of night but hearing Tyrion gasp and knock chairs over made everyone rush to the meeting room. There, it held everyone bar one.
“She left.” He announced in a solemn tone.
There was no stopping her now.
Being the youngest made Daenerys’ motherly side show itself so much more than it ever had. Or, unfortunately, more than she ever got the chance to show it. Losing her child was hard, don’t get her wrong; to lose a life she would never know and that would be her own by blood and fix the mistakes.
Now, you were that. You were the thing she had to protect, no matter what. It had started with your brother, his abuse that went more to you as a way to punish her; two birds and all that.
Her maternal instincts made her help comfort you; it helped her help treat your wounds; it helped her be more empathetic; it helped her get through it, putting her mind of helping her younger sibling through the pain kind of helped her through her own.
 She had to admit, the small crew she had brought for the boat did a good job. Was it the most royal of arrivals? No, but she couldn’t play the trump card of the dragons yet. She had to get you back with as little hassle as possible.
Power play’s from her could wait. It could wait until she had you to help council her on it. You were always a smart one smarter than her and always willing to listen to others while arguing your own view.
She was losing it, she had to admit. Hell, she’d sailed all the way with barely any protection, so that wasn’t nothing. Still, if this was it, she didn’t want to make it worse for you.
If this was it, at least you’d be together in the end. The Targaryen siblings vs the world; the world might win, but it wouldn’t win without you both giving it one last chilling smile of acceptance.
“You’re hear to see Queen Cersei?” The guardsman asked. If he had any other right to speak, he probably would’ve mentioned the lack of guards. Still, part of Daenerys appreciated the fact that he didn’t, that he simply let it go and led her up at her nod.
Yes, she was here to see the queen. No, she was not there to burn it all down.
At least, not yet, anyway.
 The stones were sharper here. In Dragonstone, it had a smoothness to them that made it feel like you were almost gliding on them. It definitely helped make it not feel as big as it did, steps wise.
These were different, these were jagged and edgy; small bits pointing out that dug in a few instances. Definitely not well kept.  
Still, that was put aside when she reached the top. In reaching it, she saw you on the floor. She finally got a good look at you. In the dreams (and nightmares) she’d have of finding you, it’d always be you either looking normal or you being too bloodied to recognise.
This was a mix but leaning a lot more towards the dreams than the nightmares (which, unfortunately, came more often than the dreams did). You were bloody, just in your nose and a cut on your lips; your eyes weren’t too bad, if not a little fucked up from punching.
Over than that though, you were breathing and alive. When you met eyes, you looked scared more than relived. Then again, she was riding a high of relief at just seeing that you were ok.
Now came the part where she kept you and herself that way.
 “I must admit, I didn’t expect you to arrive,” Cersei said as she sipped her wine, “Then again, when one of your flock are hurt, the others huddle around them, don’t they?” She taunted.
However, the fire in her eyes died a little when she saw that it was just Danny, “Came alone, did you? It could’ve been a trap.”
Still could be, “It may have been, but I wasn’t going to just abandon my brother. Just as I’m sure you wouldn’t.” She knew it was borderline flattery. But she had to not piss her off.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Danny asked, fire completely gone from her eyes and a soft gaze replaced it; one filled with love and familial concern. She was dead certain that these types of looks (ones of comfort and respect and love) were something that you had been sorely missing.
There was silence at her answer. You looked as if you hadn’t even heard her question. She, however, didn’t lose hope. You were still in there somewhere.
“Boy,” You looked to Cersei with a shaking body, “Answer your sister.” She commanded.
You looked at Danny, eyes fearful and slightly unfocused. You only nodded, all-be-it slowly.
“Verbally.” Cersei said, not in a snap, but a calm voice.
“I’m alive.” You croaked out.
“I’m ok.” Your words finally reached Danny, and she could hear just how unused your voice had been. It was raw, and it had cracked.
She could see that you clearly weren’t. But she could deal with that later.
  “Why did you ask for me if it wasn’t a trap?” Daenerys asked.
Cersei paused, her face showing that it was a valid question, “Because, I wanted you to see what a broken Targaryen looks like. The mess that they can be. The pain that they can be in. You see, when you do fully come here, to try and take what you believe is yours, maybe you’ll remember this.”
 “He hit me.” You were shaken, still shaking as you sat on your bed and your older sister knelt in front of you.
She took your shaking hands in her own, “He did, yes.” She said, regretfully.
“Why? What did I do to make him hate me.” Your question broke her heart a little.
“You did nothing, dear brother. Nothing. It’s all his ego,” She comforted. She knew, sadly, that the damage had been done. But she knew one thing, she wasn’t going to let it destroy you.
Not you.
 “You can have him,” Danny looked at Cersei in shock, “Take it as a warning. As a precautionary tale.”
 Danny didn’t waste any time in coming to you and picking you up. She didn’t look at Cersei, only you. She then hugged you. You stiffened but didn’t hug back. She didn’t seem to mind much though. She just held you tightly.
She had you, and you were back with those you belonged with.
Now she just had to return home.
The ride back, you sat in your room. Well, you laid in your bed, more like. You only ate when she would bring you food. She wanted to be the one to do it, she knew that you wouldn’t respond to anyone else.
She didn’t try and get you to speak. She knew that you wouldn’t want to and trying to force you to would only lead to more problems.
Still, at least she didn’t have to order the crew not to bother you: they seemed to just know from the get-go.
 “I have no choice in this.” She told you, trying to not allow her voice to tremble and show you the fear she felt. She had to be strong for you.
“I can’t just lose you.” You said in quiet voice. Your fear ruled you. Whenever you had been hurt, she had been there to help you; to help you rise back up when you fell.
Now, that would be gone.
She glided to you, kneeling once more to your level. She put her fingers under your chin and lifted it up, “Whatever happens, we go together. I’m never leaving you, little brother. Never. I’ll protect you as much as I can.” She promised you and pulled you into her arms.
You hugged her back, fearfully.
 The boat arrived, and there stood four or so angry advisors. Well, angry and relieved. Danny walked slowly, holding your hand and arm, and helping you walk down the ramp. She had almost not done this, as you had flinched and pulled your arm away when she went to touch.
However, after a moment, you had allowed it. She led you down, fully concentrated on your wellbeing. She didn’t take any notice of her friends. She only said one thing to you.
“We’re home.”
 The tent was big, but that didn’t matter to you. It was lonely. You were lonely. However, you didn’t tell her; you knew she had enough on her plate, and your issues would only add to that.
“Hey,” You looked up at her soft eyes that seemed to notice your turmoil, “We’ll be fine. We’ll make it through this to the other side, together. I promise, you’ll be fine.”
 “I kept it the same. I didn’t want to touch anything just in case you wanted to make any changes yourself.” You nodded mutely as you entered your room. In the past, it would be a place of comfort, a place where you could feel almost free. This was not that. This place felt foreign and the warmth was something you were used to, just in a torturous way.
The first thing you did was close the curtains.
“You used to love that in the morning.” Your sister didn’t know why she said those words; but she still had.
“Maybe, but not anymore.” You used to be quiet, but this was the quietest she’d heard you.
 She remembered the first time she had been forced to have sex with Drogo. The way he was in charge and she whimpered. She had still been holding out some sort of hope that she could get away from his.
She knew she wouldn’t be able to. She knew she had to adapt.
So, she did. She gave into it. She gave into him. Deep down, she was still the scared little girl who had been dealing with her own trauma. But that girl was repressed more and more.
In the name of survival.
 She had woken on a brand-new day. She woke up with some vigour this time, just happy to have everything back to normal in a way.
She got up and ready for the day, taking in the view from her room.
She then left to fetch you. She felt like a walk would maybe help you a little. They had in the past after all.
However, when she knocked on your door, she received no answer.
“Y/N, it’s me.” She said softly, hoping that announcing that would help you.
Still, the door did not open.
When she went to knock again, she stopped herself when she put her ear to the door only to hear nothing inside.
She put her hand on the handle, turning it. It went all the way; the door was unlocked.
She opened it fully, and her eyes widened, and her breath quickened at what she saw, an empty room.
 She didn’t think she could run this fast, yet here she was. She was yelling orders, “Find Y/N!” Was the main one she was able to track.
You were missing again, but this time it was voluntary.
Now, she just figure out where you had gone. Where you had taken yourself to.
She stopped, letting oxygen fill her lungs. As she took deep gulps, she pressed her back against a wall and took a moment to think; to actually think.
 “Come on!” You cried out in excitement as you led your sister by the hand to your destination.
“Slow down, Y/N.” She tried to be serious, but your happiness made her have a smile of her own at your enthusiasm. You had always been a more pessimistic one, but these moments that could last for a while and bursts of happiness made herself happy.
“Here.” You said, stopping and lowering your hands, pulling her towards you.
Ahead of you laid a lake. It wasn’t the largest, or the deepest. But, still, a small lake was a small lake.
The sun seemed to catch the water just right and it shimmered.
“Oh, Y/N, it’s beautiful.” She said, softly. She took the view in. This beat anything from her window for sure.
 That was the day before you were taken. It was a memory that she both played over and over again, but also wanted nothing to do with it.
Now it was the key.
She knew where you were now. Only thing was, the context of your visit had changed. Just like you had had.
She was right, you were there. You were sat down instead of stood. She watched you for a moment. Actually, saw you for who you were now. Yes, you were still her brother, but you had changed.
She approached you, taking a seat next to you. For once, she didn’t try to force anything. Instead, she just looked at the view, taking in the head and the peacefulness of the place. It was nice.
“I started to have visions while I was there,” She was the now the one looking up at you. However, she didn’t talk, “I couldn’t tell you when I started to do that. It just kind of….happened. Moments where I would see things that a rational part of me knew wasn’t there, but that part was destroyed by the part that wanted it to be real.”
“Who did you see?”
“A mix of you and the others. To be honest, mostly you,” You looked at her as you continued, “You’ve always been the one to look after me. And I appreciate it, so much. But, since I got back, it’s….it’s just been too much. You’re acting as if I’ll snap right back to who I was, but I won’t. I can’t.” You confessed.
“I know….I know,” She let her voice shake this time. She wasn’t going to hide her emotions anymore. You were old enough and knew enough about to world to know the feelings she had, the fear, the pain, and the loss.
“I’m sorry that I did that.”
“We’ll get there. We’ll get there.” You assured; but it seemed it was more so for yourself.
“What can I do right now?” She asked.
“Just….just stay.”
“Of course.” She assured.
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yeniayofnymeria · 4 years
A Song of Ice and Fire "Champions" (Theory)
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Hello everone, i want to share my own theory about long night and it's champions. It’s about Arya and Dany.
First, I'm sorry for my poor English, i helped from google translate, hope you can understand what i mean.
The legend of the Long Night and AA has been discussed many times, but I want to approach it from a different topic. As you know, there are two fundamental forces in the universe of asoiaf, and we are reading the war of these two forces; ice and fire.
Power representing the ice side; It's called the Great Other. He is the god of death, of terror, of night. The Spirit of Ice.
Power representing the fire side; It's called R'hllor. He is the god of light, of life, of fire.
"...The war has been waged since time began, and before it is done, all men must choose where they will stand. On one side is R'hllor, the Lord of Light, the Heart of Fire, the God of Flame and Shadow. Against him stands the Great Other whose name may not be spoken, the Lord of Darkness, the Soul of Ice, the God of Night and Terror. Ours is not a choice between Baratheon and Lannister, between Greyjoy and Stark. It is death we choose, or life. Darkness, or light." Melisandre
And this...
"The way the world is made. The truth is all around you, plain to behold. The night is dark and full of terrors, the day bright and beautiful and full of hope. One is black, the other white. There is ice and there is fire. Hate and love. Bitter and sweet. Male and female. Pain and pleasure. Winter and summer. Evil and good." She took a step toward him. "Death and life. Everywhere, opposites. Everywhere, the war." Melisandre 
Of cource from Melisandre's perspective "Great Other... dead... is pure evil" But if we could ask it to ice side, they will said same thing for fire side, yeah? So do not mind the words of good and evil. Just focus the sides... I always say "the war between ice and fire" is like same as Stark and Lannister war. We saw both sides did bad things(Arya POVs), and both sides had good reason for battle. Who can say Starks are pure good but Lannisters are pure evil? I'm a Stark fan and i cannot say this.
So let's return our battle. Ice side wants eternal winter and fire side wants eternal summer. Well, i can say both of this are not good something, this is not a balance. Imagine living in the heat of desert or cold waether of north pole. Just one season, nothing more. Wildings live in north and they doesn't want to live there because life is so hard in there.
And I know, AA sound like a hero but who knows this? Really, we should trust the prophecises? I do not think so.
GRRM: " Prophecies are, you know, a double edge sword. You have to handle them very carefully; I mean, they can add depth and interest to a book, but you don’t want to be too literal or too easy... "
and Marwyn
"Born amidst salt and smoke, beneath a bleeding star. I know the prophecy." Marwyn turned his head and spat a gob of red phlegm onto the floor. "Not that I would trust it. Gorghan of Old Ghis once wrote that a prophecy is like a treacherous woman. She takes your member in her mouth, and you moan with the pleasure of it and think, how sweet, how fine, how good this is . . . and then her teeth snap shut and your moans turn to screams. That is the nature of prophecy, said Gorghan. Prophecy will bite your prick off every time." He chewed a bit. "Still . . ."
and Tyrion
"Prophecy is like a half-trained mule," he complained to Jorah Mormont. "It looks as though it might be useful, but the moment you trust in it, it kicks you in the head."
So guys, do not trust prophecy so much. :)
It doesn't mean AA is evil, forget evil word or good, ok? Both sides want to win this war this why they need a campion, and this champions are hero for their sides, that's all. Yeah but not for everyone, special not for common folk. You know, always common folk gets hurt in somebody's war.
Also AA prophecy comes from Asshai, a hero, a savior... That place so close to Yi Ti, Dawn Empire. Who caused the Long Night? Blood Stone Emperor. The Long Night was a punishmed for them(Dawn people and their emperor)which it was sent by Night's Lion. Some kind of revenge(ice is revenge). Who was Night's Lion? God of Night, God of Dead! So this why AA is against to ice, Great Other(Night's Lion).
But at Westeros, there is no AA or savior, a hero against Great Other... Yeah, there is a Last Hero, true but his story and mission are little different from aa's story.
According to Asshai, AA finished the Long Night but according to North, Last Hero found Childiren of Forest and get put together them and Night's Watch and First Men and fought against Others and won somehow.
The Champions
Actually, I want to focus on this word. R’hllor's warrior is also known as the “champion"
In the ASOIAF universe, in battles, sometimes there are champions both sides. They fight each other for win, In this way, sometimes armies do not have to fight... You need a champion if you want a trial by combat at Westeros. Of course, the other side has a champion too. Of your champion wins, you survive.
In summary, if there is a champion, it has to be valid for both sides.
Champions of Ice and Fire
Is there champion of ice? Well at least, we know Melisandre think so.
But beyond the Wall, the enemy grows stronger, and should he win the dawn will never come again. She wondered if it had been his face that she had seen, staring out at her from the flames. No. Surely not. His visage would be more frightening than that, cold and black and too terrible for any man to gaze upon and live. The wooden man she had glimpsed, though, and the boy with the wolf's face … they were his servants, surely … his champions, as Stannis was hers.
We might think that the ice side will have a champion. Like fire side.
Well we assume fire side's champion is Dany. Yeah, some people thinks Jon is AA but AA must be full fire but he is ice and fire by his parents. Dany suits more than him and looks she fulfilled the prophecy.
Also i belive Jon is a balance; he is ice and fire; dark and light; dead and life. First Dawn Emperor was son of Maiden of Light(fire) and Night's Lion(ice) and in his reign there was wealth and peace. Why? Because he was half ice, half fire; half light, half night; half dead, hald life... He was balance. If you realize Jon also dead now and when he comes back he will literally be dead and life, a ghost, neither literally dead nor alive, but both. There is a darkness inside him (especially after resurrection) and also there is light. I belive you got it. :)
So ok, Jon is balance... Dany is AA... then who is Ice's champion?
R'hllor's champion was full fire. Great Other's champion must be full ice? A Stark. A First Men, Daughter of North. Someone who smells death. Someone serving the god of death. Arya Stark.
She says the names of the people she wants to die in her prayer. Death accepts it. Why is that? Because she is messenger of dead, champion of Great Other.
Women are in a strong position in this book. Usually we are used to seeing men in the foreground in everything. That's why we're waiting for the hero or anything like that to turn out to be men. But not in this book. 5000 years ago, The Others's leader(or something like that) was a women; Night's Queen. We do not know what was it but she had a plan and used for this a NW member, Lord Commander, probably a Stark. Night's King.
If AA ise Dany, then it makes sense that Great Other's champion is a woman. It would be fun to watch two women's war. Dragon Queen and Wolf Queen, ice and fire. Also Arya's skills for what? Just for kill her list? No! He is one of the big five of GRRM. Like the other four, she should have a big impact on this war.
“If a twelve-year old has to conquer the world, then so be it.”
I believe FM is connected Great Other. God of Dead is Great Other. And Arya with them. Jaqen was around Arya and lead her to FM. Why? Too young to be FM. The Kind Man said her training would take years. But she's only been there for a few months, but she took a face. They taught her. They know exactly what she wants, but they keep her with them. They're giving her an accelerated course.
Ghost of High Heart saw what was inside her and her future
The dwarf woman studied her with dim red eyes. "I see you," she whispered. "I see you, wolf child. Blood child. I thought it was the lord who smelled of death . . ." She began to sob, her little body shaking. "You are cruel to come to my hill, cruel. I gorged on grief at Summerhall, I need none of yours. Begone from here, dark heart. Begone!"
Arya hears some whisper. Sounds like someone's talking to him.
Calm as still water, a small voice whispered in her ear. Arya was so startled she almost dropped her bundle. She looked around wildly, but there was no one in the stable but her, and the horses, and the dead men. Quiet as a shadow, she heard. Was it her own voice, or Syrio's? She could not tell, yet somehow it calmed her fears.
And this.
"But there is no pack," she whispered to the weirwood. Bran and Rickon were dead, the Lannisters had Sansa, Jon had gone to the Wall. "I'm not even me now, I'm Nan." "You are Arya of Winterfell, daughter of the north. You told me you could be strong. You have the wolf blood in you." “Wolf blood,” Arya now remembered.
So what do you think?
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gotpineapple · 5 years
Blessed with youth Tywin Lannister x Tyrell!Reader Part 2
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(gif not mine, but dang do I love it)
THIS IS LONG,(2,4K words), and it has nsfw content, I will mark it with ***
“My, my, I never would’ve guessed that, you my girl, would succeed to this extent”, Olenna said proudly looking at her son’s oldest daughter. She took a sip of her wine giving a small laugh while doing so.
Y/n was sitting in the gardens with both of her siblings and her grandmother. Her father was not allowed into the conversation as Olenna knew, her son would create problems with his simple style of viewing the world.
“If I recall correctly, I have not succeeded in anything, for I was not planning to even get to this point”, Y/N says quite frantically. She was very confused after the conversation with the Hand of the King. She was leaning against her hand which was perched on the armrest.
Everything felt very confusing. She was going to marry a man, who is the age of her grandmother. Yet something about him made her feel surprisingly content. His dominance was really attractive to her kind heart. The stability and security that she was seeking for was there, even if it would be for a fleeting moment.
“Do not belittle yourself sister. You two truly have been doing a great job. Margaery seduced the powerful puppet and Y/N seduced the puppeteer. Now I don’t need to seduce the beast that gave birth to the puppet”, Loras smirks with his usual boyish charm.
Y/N and Margaery giggle at the beast part, but Olenna doesn’t give a reaction. Her face is very serious as she looks at her grandchildren.
“I must say I’ve never been as surprised as yesterday when the great Tywin Lannister came to change our plans at marrying you to Jaime. I was glad. He is not a good man, but he will at least have respect for you. That is more than many could ask for from an arranged marriage”, she tells wisely. Her own story was a lucky one. She knew this was not going to be the case with her oldest granddaughter, but she at least she wouldn’t be in immediate danger because of Cersei’s jealousy.
“Mutual respect is a stable base for an uneven marriage”, Y/N says smiling at the cup in her lap. In all honesty she was afraid of her future seat of power. One thing was for sure, she was safer with Tywin than with any other lord from a great house. Lannister soldiers were too afraid of their Lord to rebel against him and get rid of his wife. 
“My child, Tywin will be a committed husband, if you can play your way to the back of his head. The Lion is mighty and frightening, but his skin is not impervious”, Olenna says taking Y/n’s hand. Margaery finishes her grandmother’s thoughts. 
“Lord Tywin ruled the seven kingdoms but Lady Joanna ruled Tywin. You, dear sister, cannot just stay content with a stable base”
Somehow those words did not calm Y/N’s frantic mind. 
— — — 
“I see you are not content with my decision”, Tywin says rolling his eyes as he listens to his daughter.
“First you plan to marry my son to that barely-dressed harlot and now you want a piece of that other doe eyed whore? Our family will be a laughi-” the Queen’s rant was interrupted by a sharp scoff from her father. Jaime and Tyrion were listening with interest feeling much like children. Now it was Cersei’s turn to feel like an impudent child. 
“You are my daughter and you WILL LISTEN. My decision is far from the disgrace you have managed to create with your brother. The vile rumors, the both of you acting like impulsive brats towards Ned Stark and lastly letting that impulsive brat of yours do whatever he WANTS” Tywin was now standing up and looking at his daughter. Cersei’s eyes were downcast to her lap and she took the lecture as she had done often. The bitter voice in her head told her to scream to him that she was the queen, but she knew it would be in vain. Her father would always have a few steps ahead of her. 
“And how ironically only one of you who can control the brat is a dwarf”, Tywin finished with a humorless scoff. Even though it was also a slight towards him, Tyrion couldn’t help but smirk. He was the least favorite child, yet he was the only one who even got half a praise. Hell, he’d take a quarter praise for smacking that kid and it’d make him happy. 
“I will not be marrying anyone, will I father?”, Jaime dares to pipe in. Tywin looks at him like he is about to roar. Instead he leans to look at Jaime and takes a snide mocking voice, “No, my son. So you better not lie about your skills”
Tyrion is beyond amused at this point. Oh how he enjoyed the looks on his siblings’ faces as they had to submit to the lecture. About time they were not the ones picking the flaws of the less fortunate. 
“Father, may I ask, when shall the wedding take place?”, he dared to speak. The formal way of words did not match his smug tone. 
“In a week”, answers the great lion. The casual tone makes Cersei fume. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a betrothed to please”, Tywin says and strides out. 
And oh the smirk on his face spoke very much of accomplishment. 
Y/n was strolling through the gardens arm-in-arm as they chattered away. 
“Do you ever wish that the marriage could actually lead to something?”, Y/N spoke timidly. She had been thinking a lot about it. Her gentle soul was very interested in the concept of love. Unfortunately, her husband was probably drained of all the romantic feelings he could provide. 
Margaery smiles and leans to her sister a little bit more. “Oh you little romantic, sometimes I wish you were a lowborn and could marry a poet”, she giggles. “But I think about it too, you know. Not in your sense, but I do not want a completely cold marriage either. Being the Queen will fill the empty void, if it should come to that”
That was the big difference in the sisters. Y/n desired no power. She wanted to have a quiet life, but also a life where she could use the smarts she had. Tywin was a good option. If she would be able to get under his skin. Thought of getting the affection did not make her sad either.
“I cannot have the cold marriage if I want any gain from the union. Would he not care for me at all nor trust me, he will not tell me anything nor will I be able to influence him. And that crosses out my romantic thoughts at the same time. I have to succeed to the point of trust at least”, Y/n points out dryly. 
“I’d be quiet if I were you”, Margaery whispers quickly. I turn around hurriedly towards her gaze and see my future husband approaching. 
“Lady Margaery, Lady Y/N”, he nods as he reaches the women. “I would like to borrow lady Y/n”, He says offering his arm. 
“Of course my lord Hand”, Margaery says pleasantly and Y/n grasps Tywin’s arm. 
There were no words to describe how tiny Y/n felt on the arm of Tywin. The Great lion oozed nothing but authority and judgement. Her heart was pounding so loud she could feel the pulsing in her ears. 
“Do you like the capitol?”, asks the baritone on her left. She jumps from her thoughts and speaks evenly “Would you rather I try to please the history of this city or tell the plain truth?”
Tywin smirks. This woman was able to keep her cool, even under pressure. “Yes this city is foul as ever. Once we are married, I can send you to visit Casterly Rock with my brother. It is a beautiful place, I’d say it rivals Highgarden. But as you understand, you cannot stay there without me for long. My men are loyal, but loyalty can only cost so much” He explains. He was leading her to the Tower of the Hand. It was going to be her chamber too soon enough, so it would only be wise to accommodate her with the concept. The Lion walks with slow yet graceful steps, alarmingly confident steps. 
Y/n walks with much more timid and feminine steps. It makes her feel even more small. She doesn’t not mind it though. It makes her feel like a woman. Only the thought being in his mercy makes her flush. 
“I thought the Rains of Castamere was more than decent rival for money”, she says knowingly. Tywin looks at her from the corner of his eye. He would lie if he said that it did not inflate his ego, that he could rise such a flush to a woman’s neck and face by not even trying. 
“You’d to well to remember that song, when you lie in the same bed with a lion”, he speaks lowly. And her reaction does not disappoint his ego. 
She looks at him with her eyes wide and mouth gaping. The reaction for such words rivaled the reaction she had for the rowdiest of books, she and Margaery had found. 
They walked in silence till they reached his chambers. The guards open the doors for the soon to be couple. Tywin steps behind Y/n and holds her upper arms. “This is your future chamber. You will get used to it. My wife will not sleep in another bed, nor will she be undressed by maids. If I cannot get my wife free of her clothes, you can sleep with them on”, he says confidently.
Y/n bites her lip and turns to look at the man behind her. They are so close that Tywin can only focus on her wide blown eyes and the flush on her cheeks. 
He smirks and takes a hold of her chin “It seems that I do not have to be blessed with youth, to get your blood flowing”, he whispers and presses his forehead to hers. Y/n feels like one of her romance book characters. She almost faints as the lion rubs his nose with hers and pulls her to his chest. “It feels like your clothing is bothering you, my lady. Would you like some aid?”, he rasps. 
Y/n lets out a small whimper as she holds onto the labels of Tywin’s jacket desperately. Tywin. It was all she could feel. All she could think about. Slowly the lion starts kissing the sensitive neck of the flushed woman in his arms. He can feel the tremors as he showers her neck with affection. Responsive little thing. Tywin muses. Innocent little thing. 
The Lord’s hand moves to her breast and starts fondling the mound with gentle movements. He did not intent to frighten the girl. The desperate whine and the way the girl presses against him makes his loins stir. He presses against her even more and she gasps. The innocent desperate face that she looks at him with tells more than a thousand words. “Ty-Tywin, d-drowning”, her head was spinning. Tywin could see the little desperate tears waiting to run down those beautifully flushed cheeks. She was submitting to him. Completely and utterly under his mercy. 
Tywin engages her mouth with a slow passionate kiss. His other arm going around her back to tangle his hand into her hair and the other finding it’s way to the hem of her skirt. He starts lifting the material till he has the full access. His cock was as hard as he could get with no skin to skin contact, but he was content where he was. Kissing this young woman, drowning her with pleasure. If he were a young  and not experienced, he could’ve spent into his pants just by looking at the erotic desperation on her face. 
Slowly his fingers find her undergarments. As he puts a little pressure to her flower through the fabric, Y/N’s hand snaps to his wrist with a whimper. “I-no-I don’t know”, she whines in haze. Tywin moves his hand and cups her face. “I will not let you drown, I have you. Your body and your mind. The way you look at me, the little noises you make, are all mine to see and hear. Let the pleasure wash over you, for I have you now”, he soothes. Then his eyes harden. “The lion still has claws, and mine are long and sharp my lord, as long and sharp as yours” he sings. Y/n presses her hand on the back of his neck and kisses him with all she has. 
He was her rock. For now. She had never felt like this. Like she was burning, the place between her legs was feeling so sensitive that she couldn’t press her thighs together without jolting. Everything felt so sensitive. 
“OH” she gasps against his lips as Tywin’s fingers find her flower again. Slowly he strokes her through her underwear. The garment is wet and her hips are jumping. She had of course touched herself before, but having someone else doing this, felt so overwhelming.
“Ah, T-tywin, oh-h my”, she whimpers and tears start sliding down her cheeks. Tywin circles his finger around the sensitive little nub and she wounds up and starts trembling. As she starts trembling more violently Tywin presses his lips against the spot behind her ear and sucks. “I-NO”and there she falls apart, standing in the middle of his chambers. Scared of the overwhelming pleasure, trembling like a leaf. 
She is sobbing with pleasure as Tywin guides her through it. Slowly she comes back to the real world, holding onto the man pressed against him, still shaking. “I-I apologize, my lord. I-”, she says and bursts into tears. 
Tywin sighs. He doesn’t handle emotional people well. But he cannot bring himself to be curt, the woman must be feeling very vulnerable and raw, there in his arms, just fallen apart. So he picks her up and lays her onto his bed gently, not minding his throbbing erection as he sits next to her as strokes her hair and holds her hand. 
“As I said, I have you, Y/N. Under any circumstances I have you”, he says as gentle as he can. Y/n sighs. “I was so frightened”, she says feeling very hollow. He hums and gives a something that resembles a smile. “You submitted to pleasure, to me” He says moving his hand against her brow. 
“Might we try again?”, she asks timidly. And Tywin cannot resist the flush on her cheeks. He smirks. Oh he did not need youth, 
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minetteskvareninova · 5 years
How the GoT ends for to me
(Because I refuse to admit anything after 8x03 is cannon the same way many people refuse to acknowledge The Cursed Child.)
- Tyrion and all the other smart people (maybe Varys Davos and Sansa?) cook up the plan of the final attack
- First few weeks noone does anything, while Cersei plans the destruction of Targaryen forces. Daenerys takes a vacation to Essos, allegedly to deal with some made-up trouble, and Varys makes sure Cersei knows about that.
- Yara captures the Iron Islands, and Euron goes there to deal with her. Cersei lets him go, since she thinks she has time. Dornish attack him from back and Yara kills him herself.
- Bronn still comes North to murder Jaime and Tyrion, and they also offer him The Reach. However, they also ask him for something else - to go kill Cersei. Bronn obviously doesn’t want to risk his life for them, especially not by going against The Mountain, so The Hound offers himself to protect him, “to die for greater good when this c***t doesn’t want to”.
- Notherners pretend Bronn has been successful and maybe even have a fake funeral for Jaime and Tyrion. Bronn comes to King’s Landing as a Cersei’s man and meets up with her, bringing masked Sandor with him, claiming he’s the sort of man she might need. Cersei, desperate for some reliable lackeys, meets up with both of them, and they off both her and The Mountain.
- Ellaria Sand, as well as other prisoners, are given freedom, but Ellaria completely lost her mind in the meantime, which pisses off Daenerys, but people responsible for that are already dead, so there’s nothing she can do. Something happens to Quiburn, I don’t know what because I don’t give a shit about Quiburn. Maybe he survives and later tries with Dany to hatch eggs Drogon later lays? That would be cool. Golden Company just kind of fucks off? There’s noone to pay them and nothing to do, so I can’t imagine what they would do.
- Jon and Daenerys decide to get married after Sansa (of course, Jon still tells her) threatens to spill the beans, but their relationship has been soured ever since, so it’s just a political match, at least at first. Jon becomes Jon Aegon Targaryen, but everyone calls him just King Jon. Daenerys eventually has to return to Essos temporarily and will probably swing between continents for the rest of her life. In the meantime, Westeros is in the hands of Jon&co.
- I don’t know whether Jon would get over the incest thing, let alone whether this relationship would work in the long run. I guess so - these two just have a lot in common. At any rate, this would be a boring marriage, because Jon is overall a boring guy. Also, Daenerys has a baby. It’s a girl named Visenya (for Viserion). Yes, only one, because only one of her dragons has died. Maybe she decides to sacrifice one of her dragons for an heir? There’s a lot of story potential here, along with the future of dragons! At any rate, Ghost lives in capital with Jon, but if he wasn’t doing well down south, Sansa would take care of him as her new direwolf.
- At any rate, Jon is officially a Targaryen, but loves his Stark relatives and still calls them brother and sisters.
- Westeros is a complete mess after all those wars, anarchy and thugs everywhere. So the criminality has to be dealt with and it’s gonna be a lot of work.
- Stormlands are being ripped apart by power-hungry local lords, because their liege lord was long gone and Cersei had other things to worry about. Gendry is thus legitimised by Jon and given the title of lord of the Stormlands. Because he knows nothing about ruling, Jon sends Davos to mentor him and take care of the lords and various outlaws.
- The North is ruled by Sansa, obviously. She later fall in love with and marries Tyrion, but they only spend together a part of year, because he is in the Small Council and helps Jon rule. Jon seeks her advice a lot and when Daenerys returns, she has to admit Sansa is pretty good when it comes to administrative and court politics (especially since Daenerys considers the normal administrative stuff boring and focuses on big things). The two have kind of a frenemy relationship and work together for the good of the realm as The Queen In The North (a nickname, not an offical title) and The Dragon Queen, with King Jon as a peacemaker in case of a conflict. The North isn’t independent, but gets more authonomy than other lands, because they were the ones who had to fight the white walkers. Sansa and Tyrion have many children, who officially take their father’s name, but are so thoroughly northern people start to call them Lannistarks, which eventually sticks so much it becomes the official family name. They get a new sigil, probably something with a direwolf and lion.
- Arya Stark dates Gendry for several months, but when he is made the lord of Stormlands and asks her to come there with him, with the obvious implication of getting married there, she gets cold feet and with embarks on a journey with a few other people (Yara? They’d surely be besties. Tormund and wildlings? Maybe.) to the lands beyond former Wall, where they would explore whether Lands Of Always Winter are still there, what is the climate and wildlife situation there and most importantly, whether there is anything new to learn about the white walkers, since Jon is haunted by a possibility they might not be completely gone (since they are so mysterious and all). Bran helps them with all that exploration, warging into animals and going into past. In the end, she returns and decides she’s quite ready to settle, having seen and experienced in twenty years more than other people do in life, and marries Gendry, but doesn’t become a typical lady and still fights, helping her husband deal with outlaws and being sent by Jon on all sorts of secret missions.
- Jaime and Brienne get married and he becomes a stay-home dad, also taking care of the administrative in Westerlands and Tarth, while she is off being a knight. (I think Jaime’s old enough for retirement. Give him a break.)
- Varys stays Varys and is very smart and very useful as a spymaster, do you hear me D&D?! After he dies, his considerable wealth is given to the poor, probably trough some kind of charity organization.
- Missandei and Grey Worm stay in Essos and rule the cities in Daenerys’ absence. Missandei eventually earns considerable respect after dealing with all sorts of trouble and is treated as a second queen. She decides to not retire, unless Grey Worm dies (and maybe not even after that, because her queen needs her? IDK), since if she returned to Naath, she would have to leave him. You see, you can’t stay on Naath for long, because foreigners tend to get this illness called butterfly fever, and since Grey Worm isn’t from Naath... She visits the island several times, tho.
- The Unsullied generally serve untill they reach a certain age, then they are given lands and pension. Some of their training techniques are incorporated into a training regime for a new, elite unit, but most of them are deemed too brutal to be continued and so they just quietly die off.
- Dothraki divide into two groups - one returns to Essos, the other stays with their Khaleesi in Westeros and live of horse herding and breeding the way others might of cattle. They settle mostly in the Reach, because grass.
- It turns out Daenerys “breaking the wheel” meant breaking the cycle of the civil war by weakening the power of great houses and returning stability to Westeros (also end of hereditary monarchy and succession of the most worthy, like choosing your heir trough a testament or something never lead to civil war; that didn’t work anyway). One way was to modify administrative system, so that it’s more in control of chosen civil servants not belonging to any fraction. It’s not a democracy, but it’s a honest attempt to do better. Of course, after a few generations, civil war broke out again anyway, because some things never change, but the new system is still more egalitarian and generally an improvement.
- At any rate, the ending is happy for everyone involved and not bittersweet at all, but only in comparison with what they’ve already come trough; otherwise rebuilding the ruined nation is a difficult and somewhere down the line, they can always fail...
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annes-andromeda · 4 years
GOT Virtues AU: Not Enough to Understand
N/: So, I’ve finally written a chapter for Tyrion. I’m mostly gonna go by his arc in ADWD, but take out things like Young Griff and Jon Connington. As much as I believe those characters to be very vital to the books, this AU goes mostly by showverse with hints of the books and my own additions. However, some characters from ASOIAF will be incorporated here, just maybe not the same as the books. Tyrion has never really been my favorite character, but he’s definitely an interesting one. It sucks that the show turned him into a Dany cultist that licked her boots and kissed her ass. So, hopefully I’m writing Tyrion and Varys correctly. Also, please don’t think that I’m trying to villainize Tyrion (even if that may be the route GRRM is taking. But I’m not him sooo...), I’m just trying to show that he’s currently in a dark state of mind.
Somehow for Tyrion, the soils of Essos were more frustrating than the pile of shit that was the Seven Kingdoms. Ever since he strangled his lover with his bare hands and shot his father with a crossbow, somehow he’s never been the same. And yet somehow, the minute his brother opened his mouth and spoke of his first wife, of Tysha... somehow that hurt more than any slurs Tywin Lannister could ever reprise.
I trusted him, Tyrion thought hatefully. My big brother who was my protector, was no more than a liar.
The walls of Pentos where Varys had sneaked him away were beautiful no less. A perfect grave for a drunken lion. To drink himself to death seemed far sweeter than returning to Westeros where Cersei would surely want his head. But the Spider gave him another alternative.
“You have a choice, my friend” Varys had said, “You can stay here at Ilyrio’s palace and drink yourself to death, or you can ride with me to Meereen, meet Daenerys Targaryen, and decide if the world is worth fighting for”
The Dragon Queen. Tyrion had heard stories of her. How she liberated the city of Meereen and its slaves, ending the practice for good. But he had heard other stories as well. How she crucified the masters and burned men alive with her dragons. Common folk told of the Queen Across the Sea, a woman who walked with fire and left nothing but ruin wherever she trailed.
Tyrion didn’t know what to believe. So many tales, so many rumors. The people of Kings Landing spread whatever words they spoke to entertain themselves from the early graves that awaited some of them. Such as naming Tyrion the Demon Monkey. Or Sansa the Traitors Daughter. He hoped she was safe. Wherever his lady wife had gone to escape her fate. And to escape him.
But the one he thought of most was his oldest companion: Cira. His dear lioness that mewled sadly as she was taken away from his cell the day of his trial. She had been left in the Red Keep, wandering alone. Tyrion no longer seemed to care of hope, but he prayed to all the Gods that she was safe. That neither Cersei or anyone else had gotten hold of her. If he were to ever find out of her death or much worse... may the Gods help them.
Once leaving Pentos, Tyrion and Varys began their journey to the so called free city of Meereen. Before doing so, they had to go through the streets of Volantis, as Varys stated that the road to Meereen was in Volantis. Bored of the confinement their carriage brought, Tyrion decided to take a walk. If anyone were to ask his name, he’d be no more than Hugor Hill, a bastard of the Westerlands who wished to see the known world alongside his companion Rugen, a former servant of the Red Keep. Nothing more, nothing less.
The Long Bridge was filled with many people. Builders, merchants, and many, many whores. All were marked by their masters, their cheek defining who they were.
“Strange that the Mother of Dragons hasn’t stepped foot in this city, as many have claimed she is a liberator” Tyrion acknowledged
“Meereen has had its run of slavery since the beginning of its construction” Varys began “If Daenerys were to leave the city as it is, the masters would simply take it back, sending the slaves into their chains once again”
“Hasn’t Astapor already done the same?” The dwarf noted “From what my ears have heard, the city is in ruin while children are sold like cattle and slavery runs rampant. I would’ve been certain the dragon queen would ensure the freedom of the people she liberates. Wouldn’t you agree?”
The Spider simply remained silent, and Tyrion gave a look as if he’d won a great victory. As they walked the pavement, they heard the booming voice of a woman who spoke to the slaves almost as if she had cast a spell upon them. A red priestess of R’hllor, whose cheek was branded with the mark of a former whore, preached her teachings to the lowly slaves of Volantis.
“Lord, cast your light upon us” she spoke in Valyrian, as the crowd followed “For the night is dark and full of terrors”
Tyrion didn’t hear what Varys had said to him, as he’d moved closer to see and hear the Priestess’s words “I was once as you are now” she said “Bought and sold. Scourged and branded” She pointed to the mark on her cheek, the mark of a slave. A former slave now.
“The only red priest we had in King’s Landing was Thoros of Myr. This one’s much better looking...” Tyrion boasted. He had heard that Stannis’s red priestess was beautiful, with blood red hair and eyes that glowed like the ruby around her neck. Granted, he’d seen and heard of many beautiful women in his days: the Mother of Dragons was said to have flowing silver hair and eyes of amethyst, whilst he remembered Shae’s curves and her full lips that kissed him once. But yet, they were not the most beautiful of women. For Tyrion gave that achievement to a maid with sunset in her hair and whose gaze held the waters.
“The Lord of Light hears your voice. He hears the king as he hears the slave; he hears the Stone Men in their misery...” The red priestess continued
Tyrion could only scoff “Stone Men. Good luck stopping this spread of grayscale with prayer. You’d have better luck dancing away the plague” Varys shushed him before he could say anything else.
“He has sent you a savior!” The red priestess proclaimed “From the fire she was reborn to remake the world! The Dragon Queen!”
Tyrion looked over to Varys, putting on a false smile “We’re going to meet the savior! You should have told me. Who doesn’t want to meet the savior?” His voice reeked of sarcasm, and the Spider was not impressed by it. As he spoke, he could feel eyes looking directly at him, shooting daggers from their post. The red priestess had turned to gaze at Tyrion, and the dwarf hid his face from her.
“Let’s go” He warned, as he and Varys left the gathering. The atmosphere had turned casual once again, with only the chatter of the slaves being heard. Tyrion turned to look up at Varys “Tell me, Varys” he began “Do you believe in the prophecy of The Prince That Was Promised?”
Varys cocked an eyebrow at him “It’s a legend derived from the red priests of R’hllor, of how a great hero shall be born of salt and smoke to save the world from a terrible threat. Mere superstition created by fanatics who haven’t a mind of their own”
“And I suppose these ‘fanatics’, as you call them, believe that Daenerys Targaryen is this prophesied savior, yes?” He saw Varys nod his head, but then cock it back once he spoke again “Seems rather curious, does it not? I thought Stannis was this great hero the Lord of Light had gifted upon us. In the words of the priests, I mean”
“If every fanatic claimed that every person in the world were this great prince, then the whole world would be engulfed in flames of proclaimed freedom” Varys stated “Who is to trust the words of druid priests that worship a god who only ever wishes upon the sacrifices of his kin?”
“Apparently the kneelers gladly hold their faith in the hands of merciless gods and these ‘druid priests’” Tyrion insisted, his mind wandering to the different tales that lied across the Narrow Sea “It just seems rather interesting. I myself have read of the legends of Westeros so many times that they’ve grown rather boring and repetitive. Aegon the Conqueror, Bran the Builder, even my own house’s ancestor, Lann the Clever; their stories have be so overheard that even their graves must hear them”
Varys let out a chuckle of mockery and agreement. His own experience with sorcery and religious views have left him skeptical of such practices, along with the hatred of all that used magic. Tyrion wondered if the former Master of Whisperers ever despised the great houses due to their holding of the mysterious Virtues, whose power traced back to even the ages of the Children.
As the two walked through the streets of Volantis, Tyrion’s mind wandered to a brothel where Varys and him could not be noticed by any wandering eyes. But he couldn’t bring himself to say the words. He could only think of his wife. Of Tysha. Somehow, Tyrion’s first thought wasn’t Shae, as she was a true whore compared to his first wife. A brothel wouldn’t ease his pain, no matter how many women he brought upon his bed.
Perhaps a mere book with a glass of wine will calm my suffering, Tyrion thought. Question was, where was he going to find a library in the mists of such a large city? The Temple of the Lord of Light could hold some scrolls for him to read through, but they’d mostly be filled with the teachings of the priests. And as if Varys would ever agree to going to such a place.
“You wouldn’t happen to know if there’s an inn in these parts, would you?” Tyrion asked, looking up to Varys
The man raised his eyebrows “I figured you’d rather be more interested in the confinements of a brothel?”
“No” Tyrion said abruptly “After everything that has happened, I’ve made the conscious decision to stay out of the whore house for a time”
“Well then, we can continue down this trail to a nearby atheneum where we’ll be able to blend in with the small folk”
“Perhaps I can indulge myself in some wine there”
“I thought you said you no longer wanted to take part in fornication. ‘For a time’, as you said”
“I never said I’d give up drinking”
Once reaching the atheneum Varys had mentioned, Tyrion could hardly believe his eyes. He had heard that the library of the Citadel were home to many knowledge and tales, so he didn’t expect much from the atheneum in Volantis, which only held two stories yet books upon thousands of shelves.
Entering the establishment, Tyrion and Varys took their seats all the way in the back where no one would disturb them. The only people that walked trough there were the workers sorting the books into shelves or customers looking for a more interesting read. Either way, no one would ask them of their reasons to coming into the place, as they did not speak the common tongue.
Tyrion flipped through the pages of a dusty old book that read ‘The Blood Betrayal: Fall of the Great Empire’ in High Valyrian. He didn’t know much of the language, but enough to understand what some of the sentences said.
He turned to Varys, who scoured through the rippling parchments and scrolls that smelled like old leather “It says here that according to the people of Yi Ti, the Blood Emperor slewed his older sister, the Amethyst Empress, and his rule ushered in the Long Night. Apparently he slept with a tiger woman, feasted upon human flesh, and enslaved his people. And I thought the myths of Westeros were too theatrical”
“The YiTish also speak of the Maiden-Made-Of-Light, who turned her back upon the world whilst her husband, the Lion of Night, punished the wickedness of men” Varys added. Tyrion wasn’t really surprised of his response, as the man had grown up in Essos himself “The Essosi paint their gods in the forms of animals and great beasts, as they’ve never seen the deities with their own eyes. Perhaps their gods forms gives them some sort of pride in their religion”
Tyrion simply shrugged, and before he could come up with a witty remark, he noticed a librarian sorting some used books that were left by previous visitors. He raised his hand to get the attention of the man. Thankfully he noticed him or else he’d have to resort to introducing himself In Valyrian, which was not his strong suit.
Getting the attention of Varys so as to translate for him, Tyrion began “Hello” he said, as his companion repeated the greeting in the local tongue “I was wondering, if you could tell me what this creature is?” He pointed down to the page he’d stopped on, which held an illustration of a winged creature. Its wings looked as if they were burning, and it was emerging from a pit of flames.
“I can speak some of common tongue, if you’d wish” the librarian said
Tyrion raised his eyebrows and sighed “Well... that’s a relief. I don’t think my companion here would’ve been able to handle doing all of the work for me” Though he didn’t clearly see it, he could tell that Varys was rolling his eyes and quietly scoffing.
The librarian carefully took the book from Tyrion’s hands, almost as if he grabbed it forcefully, the whole thing would fall apart. He examined the drawing, and his face crinkled “Their presence lost to history, I’m afraid. But people of Essos spoke of them as ‘The Devils Daughters’”
“How come?” Tyrion asked
“Essosi believe that daughters were born in home of evil spirits” The man said, his voice frail and his common language quite broken, but still understandable “They thrived in times of dragons, some even believe that two were foes who battled for fires hearth”
Varys leaned towards Tyrion “Many strayed far from the Fourteen Flames because it is believed that The Devils Daughters made their homes within the pits of the volcanoes. It was also thought that the creatures cursed the pits if their common enemy were to ever return”
As much as Tyrion wished to speak on more vital matters, such as whether this Dragon Queen truly was worth his troubles, he couldn’t help but be intrigued “Where did the daughters come from?” He asked the librarian
The old man sat down and fidgeted in his place to get comfortable “The oldest legend is that seamstress from Yi Ti sewed gold string for Opal Emperor in days of the Great Empire. According to scrolls and writing, the monarch adorned silks with golden string, and payed seamstress for more. So seamstress worked days on needle, so much so that the string shined in sunlight and her talent spoken of across all Yi Ti ”
“Sounds a bit exaggerated” Tyrion muttered to himself
“However, Opal Emperor wanted more than gold. He was so impressed of seamstress’s work that he gave her the challenge of creating embroidery and turning it into jewels”
Varys looked as if he didn’t want to listen to the mans story. Tyrion could only guess that it was either he had heard it a thousand times or of the great distances himself kept from religious practices and fables.
“Now, seamstress argued that what the Emperor proposed was impossible, but Opal Emperor granted her a seat in his court if she were to complete his task. So, she stayed in her shop for days, and the days turned into weeks. Finally, the seamstress stepped into Emperors palace, where she presented embroidery to him and his council. Seamstress had created a bird, whose wings shined with not golden, but silver string and encrusted with what many believed to be sundrops and starlight. The Opal Emperor, impressed he was. Yet, he asked more of seamstress. He ordered her to take embroidery on the fourteenth day of her time within the palace and burn it in a pyre of all the spices her expenses could buy. On the day of burning, seamstress took embroidery upon fire and...”
He paused for a moment, his face showing an expression of wonderment and perhaps, even pure bliss. The old man looked to the ceiling as if he’d been envisioning the story while he spoke.
“And?” Varys cut the silence, stopping Tyrion from shaking the man out of his delusion.
“When the seamstress placed her creation upon pyre, the embroidery burst into flames, leaving nothing but ashes and cinders. But then, without tamper, a great miracle happened. Embroidery of creature, had become real. Embroidery, became Devils Daughter. No larger than her teat, the baby was frail, yet soon would be powerful. Upon third setting of sun and second rising of moon, Daughter had disappeared from seamstress’s shop. Never seen again, until Old Valyria found dragon”
The man got up from his seat, continuing with his previous action of sorting books upon shelves. Varys had little to no reaction, clearly thinking of the fable as nothing more than that.
Tyrion furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding why the man had decided to end the story so abruptly, with hardly any payoff “You wouldn’t happen to know the creatures diets, by any chance?” He joked “Whether they ate, just out of curiosity: lions? Preferably lionesses, on my end”
The image of his sister being devoured by this creature, every inch of her destroyed by its jaws as she joins their father in a place where their every sin haunts them, was something Tyrion gladly wished to see.
“I’m afraid not, good sir” The librarian answered, his voice hinting at slight annoyance. Almost as if he knew what Tyrion was truly asking “Lions we’re not perceived as good by Yi Ti because of Lion of Night. They saw beasts as omens of misfortune, and even death”
“Well” Tyrion exasperated “That’s rather disappointing” His eyed widened in delight when he saw that Varys had called for a serving girl to bring them two glasses along with some red wine. Pouring the drink into his glass, Tyrion took a sip, savoring the rich, sweet taste it produced inside his mouth.
Varys joined him in the pleasurable drink, taking a long sip from his cup “With the Daughters gone, the dragons are the rulers of fire. However, it seems that not even the flames wished to stay in their grasp. The Doom definitely is an example of that”
Tyrion looked at him in somber silence “You truly believe that the Mother of Dragons is the one to bring upon a new age of Westeros?” He asked
“Are the freed slaves not enough proof for you?”
“Neither of us were there when she liberated those cities, so how can you expect me to just join her cause and serve her blindly instead of believing that she chose to break chains for another reason?” Tyrion took another drink of his wine “From what’s been heard about Meereen, she nailed men to wooden posts where they roasted about the heated sun. I distinctly remember someone else doing something similar with the corpses of their enemies. And that someone just happened to be my father. Tell me, does House Reyne not ring any bells to you?”
“All leaders must inspire a level of fear upon their enemies. If not, it’ll make them appear weak. Too much kindness does not bode well in a world as cruel as this one” Varys circled his glass, making his wine move about the cup.
Tyrion raised an eyebrow at him “Come now, my friend, we both know you’re not that naive. What monarch who has inflicted pain to everything they touch has had their following last?”
“Would you rather have stayed in Pentos to drink yourself away?” Varys raised his voice “Would you have liked it if I’d denied your brothers request to set you free?”
“Don’t talk about Jaime” Tyrion sneered, his eyes darkening. Despite his outburst, Varys was not fazed.
“You may not like it, my friend,” Varys began “But the truth is that your brother is the reason you’re still living. Even after he had lied to you, think of why he did it. We both know you cannot truly spite him. Not after everything you’ve been through. And certainly not after all the people who are much more deserving of your hatred”
Tyrion didn’t speak. I want to hate Jaime, he thought. I have to hate him
“What’s the point of love and trust if the people closest to you just end up hurting you?” He got up from his seat to pour more wine, until the cup was filled to the brim “Love is pointless. It’s a disease that spreads more pain that any sword or poison in the known world. And to trust is to be willfully blind to the truth, all while everyone breaks a chunk off of you until your left with only the remaining pieces of your heart. I’ve loved and trusted for too long, and I’ve lost too much of my heart already. I’ll not loose my mind to foolishness such as love nor trust any longer”
Varys could only stare emotionless at him, then averted his gaze to his cup “So what will you do know? Replace love and trust with hate and deceit?”
“I’d settle for knowledge and revenge” Tyrion said simply “After all, it has a better ring to it”
“The Dragon Queen will not accept those who will hatch plots and schemes under her nose” Varys warned “Do you truly think that what you’re doing is wise?”
Tyrion turned to him, his stance wobbly due to the increase of alcohol consumption “Tell me Varys: you said that Daenerys Targaryen has three dragons under her control, yes?”
“Those are what my little birds and I report” His companion replied
“Dragons have scorn for their enemies. Raw and untamed scorn. The largest of them had teeth the size of swords. While a lion may not control the skies, it is the king of all beasts, who commands respect and fear upon its subjects. After all, ‘In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws’. Imagine Cersei’s terror when there comes a dragon and lion knocking at her door”
“Are you implying that your allegiance to the Dragon Queen is purely to spite your sister?” Varys asked
I never meant to imply it, is what Tyrion wished to say, but instead, his mind changed to another response “If that’s what you wish to think, go right ahead”
He put down his wine glass, which nearly tipped over and spilled “Now then” Tyrion began “I believe we should find an inn to stay. All this drinking has left my head reeling and my body tipsy” Varys seemed to want to argue, but he pursed his lips tightly that they seemed to disappear.
He didn’t even speak a word when Tyrion grabbed the book he was reading (among others) and sneak them into his tunic for future use.
On the road to the inn, Tyrion spoke more about the Devils Daughters, and if they were real, he wondered what horrors he’d inflict on his Cersei and even his father if he were still alive. He could see that Varys was growing mildly concerned, but Tyrion assumed that he had heard worse.
What neither could have predicted, was that the halfman would be stolen away as a gift for the Dragon Queen herself.
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kallypsowrites · 5 years
A Compilation of all 8x02 Braime Moments
I know I’ve already made a million posts about Braime in this episode, but Imma just make a list of all the little Braime MOMENTS in this episode, scene by scene, cause I’m trash and I want to put all of my gushy, shippy thoughts in one place.
First of all, a little background: I started watching this show all the way back before season three and season three was the first I watched lived. I was in high school then, and naturally, I started shipping Braime pretty hard. It has been six years since then, and this relationship really is one of my favorites in anything I’ve ever read. It’s important to me. And this episode is validation for so many things I’ve been saying for years.
So let’s dive the fuck in.
1. Brienne defends Jaime
- Jaime looks at Brienne as he quotes her because he wants her to know that he listened and he is here because of her
- Brienne stands in front of him, putting herself between him and Dany, like he put himself in between her and the Bolton men and her and the bear.
- When defending him, Brienne points out that the two things most important about him to her: is that he protected her from being raped (and lost a hand because of it) and kept his oath to Catelyn Stark.
- Jaime keeps his eyes down cast because he feels unworthy of her defense.
- When Brienne says she would fight next to him, he glances at her in something like awe. It’s the most pathetic puppy eyed expression I’ve ever seen
- When everyone is leaving, he immediately looks for her as she leaves the room. She looks at him but walks away, not knowing what to say. This is a difficult relationship to start up again
2. Jaime and Tyrion on the battlements
- Jaime and Tyrion talk about Cersei and leaving behind their family at length in this scene. But in the middle of Tyrion talking about Cersei, Jaime is distracted by Brienne and walks straight away from the conversation to just fucking stare at her. As if to say that he is more concerned with admiring Brienne than discussing Cersei.
- Tyrion follows and notices Jaime staring. It’s fucking adorable.
3. Jaime and Brienne in the courtyard
- They call each other ‘ser Jaime’ and ‘lady Brienne’ both names that they refused each other at the beginning of their relationship which they now embrace
- Jaime compliments Brienne’s work with Podrick as well as her strategic abilities. He’s being genuine and wants to communicate that he respects her
- Brienne distrusts Jaime’s lack of insults but he refuses to delve into insults. He is very much changed.
- The awkward shifting from foot to foot because he just doesn’t know how to express his feelings
- The long fucking pause after ‘I came to Winterfell because...’ He should have just dropped an I love you right there.
- The cut to her face as she stares at him, waiting for the answer
- Jaime not only asks to fight beside Brienne but UNDER her, which shows how much he respects her. He is willing to humble himself before her just to let her know that he cares
- She speechlessly agrees because she has never had any man want to FOLLOW her command, especially not this man who she loves.
- Brienne’s ‘I better get back’ because this is too much for her and Jaime looking after her for like five solid seconds. So many long lingering camera shots.
4. The strategy meeting
- Brienne and Jaime are right next to each other the whole time and often framed together
- Brienne continues to look vaguely disgusted by Tormund’s advances
5. Drinking buddies
- Jaime says his ‘golden lion days are over’ as if saying that he is never going back to his old life with Cersei. He is moving forward
- Jaime and Tyrion cheers to ‘self betterment’ and Brienne walks in RIGHT AFTERWARD because SHE IS JAIME’S SELF BETTERMENT
- Jaime fucking JUMPS to his feet when he notices her, stuttering out ‘my lady’ which I’m pretty sure is the first time he has called her ‘my lady’ as opposed to ‘lady Brienne’ or anything else.
- Tyrion’s FACE. Tyrion goddamn KNOWS. He sees his brother’s smitten face and is like, oh damn, he’s got a crush on someone who isn’t Cersei. Fucking incredible.
- Jaime pulls her up a chair!! And insists she stay!!
- It’s after Jaime offers that she smiles just a bit and accepts because she clearly wants to be around him
- He stays behind the chair until she sits THEN takes his seat
- Tyrion gives Brienne a drink with a very happy look on his face like ‘hey, you my brother’s new girlfriend? I like you. I like how you’re so not Cersei. We’re going to be friends.’
- When Tormund arrives, he IMMEDIATELY identifies Jaime as a potential rival for Brienne’s affections
- Jaime looks at Brienne for most of Tormund’s weird story, as if wondering ‘do I have competition? Is she into it? Oh good, I don’t think she’s into it’.
- Really, Tormund is principally used as a prop to advance Jaime and Brienne’s relationship and I’m truly glad. Tormund’s admiration of Brienne can be creepy at times, cute at others, but it’s not prioritized over the real relationship
6. A Knight of the Seven Goddamn Kingdoms
I got a big old list for this one cause holy shit
- The admiring look Jaime gives Brienne when she says ‘at least we’ll die with honor’.
- Jaime watching Brienne during the ‘women can’t be knights’ conversation, not quite realizing the power he has to knight her but still respecting the hell out of her
- Jaime realizing, once Tormund mentions that he would knight her if ‘he was a king’ that HE’S a knight and HE can do it
- “Oh, you would knight her if you could? Well I CAN fucking knight her. Hold my wine”
- The loud ‘clack’ as he just slams his mug down like ‘I’m DOING this bitches. I’m going to knight my wife’.
- Jaime strolling confidently over and drawing his sword and telling Brienne to kneel with maximum confidence. That was fucking hot.
- Brienne’s bitter smile because she doesn’t think he’s serious and thinks he must be joking because this would be too good to be true and she’s settled for never being truly respected for what she is.
- The way Jaime’s voice softens when he asks her to kneel the second time to let her know that he is serious.
- The way Brienne looks to Podrick first, then Jaime for reassurance and they both give her an encouraging nod. They are both important to her but Jaime is the last person to give her the nod that drives her to stand
- The way she slowly rises, never taking her eyes off Jaime, hesitating because she’s still expecting it to be a joke. They linger so long on this shot and you FEEL it.
- Jaime fidgeting with his sword because he’s actually really nervous about getting this right because he respects her so much and he knows that she deserves the best and he doesn’t feel worthy to bestow this honor upon her. Also, notice that Brienne looks down at his hand right before that shot so she notice’s it.
- The gentle way he speaks the ceremony and the soft expression on both of their faces and the tears in Brienne’s eyes and the way he focuses the most on the ‘defend the innocent’ part because that’s what Brienne has always been best at.
- “Arise, Brienne of Tarth. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”
- He’s so proud when he speaks those words. So fucking proud.
- And she stands with tears in her eyes and she gives the softest little smile and he stares at her like she’s a goddamn angel
- The others start applauding but they keep staring at each other for about three seconds before Jaime startles out of his haze like ‘oh...other people are here. Right’. For a moment they were the only two people in the world.
- This really seems to be the moment that they both realize they love each other. Brienne has known for awhile but has been fighting it. And Jaime has been in denial. But now, Brienne seems to stop fighting it and Jaime comes to the realization and god its so beautiful
- Tyrion congratulating Brienne with a toast because he already loves his brother’s new girlfriend so much
- Brienne looking back at Jaime again, even more tears and even more smiling, because she’s so thankful
- That little nod Jaime gives her as if to say ‘no worries. it was nothing’ when it was EVERYTHING
- That big smile on Brienne’s face. God she’s so perfect and wonderful. Such an angel. I love her.
7. Jenny’s Song
- During Podrick’s song, the camera pans from Brienne to Jaime as it says ‘and the one who had loved her the most’ and I melt.
I know this is a long list and a lot of it is about small details but this comes from the tremendous subtlety in the writing and acting. Nik and Gwen are stunning and their chemistry off the charts. I don’t know how ANYONE can watch these scenes and not see how in love with each other they are.
Anyway, I love them, so I hope you enjoyed me obsessing. And if you didn’t and you don’t ship them, I don’t know how you got this far reading this post lol. Braime forever!
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