#ty again!!! :]]
catgirlhell · 6 months
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sometimes you just wanna see a catgirl hanging out
commission for @crystalblisters!
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togepies · 3 months
5 songs, 3 4 outfits
Rules: post 5 songs associated with your OC, followed by 3 outfits they would wear.
tagged by @tarmac-rat, thank youuuu!! I did do this already and tagged a bunch of people, so I'll tag a few more :3 Tagging with zero pressure as always: @kharonion, @dustymagpie, @wraithsoutlaws, @vvanessaives, and @fereldanwench
(already done for Elith, so we'll go with Wren this time!!)
For Wren:
Numb Little Bug - Em Beihold
Here Comes the Sun - The Beatles
Smile - Vitamin C
Sunroof - Nicky Youre, dazy
Dancing in the Moonlight - Toploader
(sensing a theme here)
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crushedsweets · 11 months
Honestly, I didn't quite understand. But the creator of X-Virus has posted an update of it in 2023 and in 2020.
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OHHHHH OK THIS MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE I was wondering why I kept seeing the name Liam but nobody on tumblr calling him Liam. Also Wait he’s kinda cute w the lil braid .. THANK U BTW u guys always have all the screenshots for me I appreciate it LMDAOOO
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white-noizez · 11 months
Randomly found your animatic on youtube and just had to follow you here. Shaking and frothing at the mouth as I comb over all your artwork <3 <3 <3
Oh thank you so much :D!!! and erm.. i think you may need to get that checked out if you're frothing /lhj
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aseuki · 6 months
happy birthday!!!
ahhhh ty Capri!!
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hythlodaes · 9 months
5, 7, 13, 24, 30, 33 for emilien 🥰
ty beloved!! <3
5. what is their love language?
acts of service comes first for both of them just based on who they are, but quality time is probably more important to them, especially in the beginning.
7. who is more sentimental?
i think emile wins out but only by a little. neither of them are particularly sentimental but it comes out in small ways—estinien saves all of emile's letters from when they're apart, emile frames a drawing of the two of them from alphinaud. i think it's def something that grows over time though.
13. which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?
estinien admittedly never brings extra clothes anywhere, so having a partner that's roughly the same size as him solves that problem entirely sdfsdfs besides his armor he's pretty much always wearing something that belongs emile, but emile will never complain, he thinks it's cute :')
24. which of the two is the most competitive?
estinien. emile can be competitive but that's mostly because estinien brings out that side of him, whereas he's usually like. let's just have fun everyone :)
30. what is their favorite place to kiss the other?
emile loves to kiss the back of his neck, the tips of his ears, his hands. estinien loves kissing emile's nose, the place where his neck meets his shoulder, and the top of his head when emile lays on his chest.
33. who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
they both deal with nightmares regularly but estinien's come more often. emile usually feels out where he's at after, sometimes estinien wants a distraction, and they'll take a walk or put on the orchestration and talk the rest of the night. sometimes he just wants to be quiet, and emile will hold him close and rub his back or run his hands through his hair. either way it's that simple reassurance that he's there for him ;-;
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If you have a Curse of New Royston taglist, could you add me, please?
Now, onto the ask: How Tall would someone like Bill Gates or Jeffrey Bezos be in this city? Who's the Tallest person who's ever stepped foot in the city?
I did not have a TCoNR taglist...until now!!! Also, sidenote: would you like to be tagged just for snippets, or also for other things that have to do with the WIP, like moodboards, intros, memes, etc?
So! Onto the question! That is a difficult question to answer. New Royston's curse is understudied due to the efforts of its elite to keep science out of it. A potent mixture of Calvinist Christian theology, small town mentality, and pretty much being treated like an experiment or an oddity by greater society has left the residents of New Royston in a fugue of 'we don't owe you anything and we don't want you here unless you're paying us'. Plus, with varying factors like inflation and the various economic standards, it's been theorized that the curse has some kind of stabilizing force separate from the raw mathematics of net worth.
So, of course, you'd figure that rich guys looking for a bit of fun would pay good money to step into the curse's (oh ahem excuse me the blessing, as the Grove calls it) border and play around as a giant. But right now, the tallest character that I have, Cameron, is 30 feet tall, and with the square cube law, he weighs around 18,000 pounds, a couple thousand pounds larger than the largest elephants. Needless to say that gravity's pretty rough on him, and would be rougher on the ultra-ultra-rich.
That's exacerbated by the fact that in the time period where The Curse of New Royston takes place, the richest person, Bill Gates, had about $50 billion to his name, and he was leagues wealthier than everyone else. Nowadays, he has about $118 billion, and the richest person, Elon Musk, has about $249 billion. The differences in wealth are so vast that the square cube law would probably make gravity crunch up your average billionaire like a soda can, regardless of the physics hand-waving that I incorporate into the curse to get to have such big and small characters.
So the short answer is: idk. The tallest person that ever actually entered was probably about 35-50 feet (considering that the Grove's residents consist of the likes of fictional Waltons and fictional Rockefellers), and if modern-day Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos came to visit New Royston, he'd have to have a lot of assistance even getting in town and he'd be confined to the water unless he wanted to get Squished by Physics. But I could see them easily stretching over 100 feet tall, considering that the richest person now has five times the net worth of the richest person then.
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scalpelsister · 1 year
For the dnd character questions: 13, 49 and 67 for morana? And 21, 37, and 66 for leo!!
tysm!! <3 sorry this took me. a hot second lol. also some of these answers might be a bit abstract oops.
13. If they were a body of water, what would they be?
absolutely without a doubt a pond- somewhere still, slightly off the beaten path. both for backstory reasons but also just for her personality- somewhere quiet, muted color palette, lots of animals, etc.
49. Do they talk to themselves?
yes! she absolutely mutters to herself when shes alone. she would struggle to do so in front of strangers, but it still happens from time to time. (bonus: she also mutters to others about various goings on- to any animals present and to her goddess. formal prayer? out. rambling about your to do list? in!)
67. Selflessness or Self-Preservation?
selflessness- not that she can't practice self preservation from time to time, but her paladin nature is too strong for her to ever go full tilt that direction. besides- she is of the belief that she will be reincarnated if she dies, so whats the worry? shes more easily expendable than her party members- who may not have such an easy ticket to Coming Back.
21. If they were a potion, what would it look like? (Color, glass shape, smell, etc.)
ooh ok. the potion would be liquid gold- similar to those videos of tea with edible glitter in them- in a relatively simple / classic square bottle. the bottle would have a leather strap detailing on it around the top with a little sun shaped charm hanging from it. it would smell like.... cinnamon. as for affect / what it does... fantasy antidepressant? some kind of emboldening / courage / borderline recklessness potion? who knows!
37. What are some ways your character acts silly?
she has never been serious a day in her life, so, all of them lol. but specifically shes very passionate about pranks (her skills in slight of hand and stealth are for prank based shenanigans NOT rampant theft). she will tie your shoelaces together when you arent looking. otherwise shes a chronic silly face in serious situations puller, as well as being prone to suggesting / backing whatever the craziest plan that can be brainstormed.
66. Outward Passion or Quiet Rebellion?
shes done both at various stages of her life, but mostly outward passion! once she caught on that quiet rebellion was not getting her the results (or the attention) she wanted, she switched tactics pretty fast. shes not interested in playing the long subtle game- she'd rather be direct. this applies both to interpersonal disputes with her family, but also with her political views.
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vaugarde · 1 year
hello! same anon that was asking moonscape about pmmm stuff. i've been looking through your pmmm-related posts a bit after i saw your reply and i love the way you talk about the characters and really seem to understand them! do you maybe have some more headcanons or general thoughts you'd want to share? i can never get enough of hearing fan's cool thoughts about the show
AHHH thank you!! im really flattered omg i'll put some general thoughts and rambles under the cut so my mutual who hasnt seen it yet wont see
-i know you said you saw my reply already but just gonna repeat it so its on my blog: homura was a foster child who lost her parents when she was young, and because of her heart condition she was passed around to several different (usually christian) families that usually didn't care much for her, only about the check. this led to her initial meek and self deprecating personality. the reason she latched onto madoka is because she's the first person to ever show her true kindness. when she changes her hair style, she cuts off from her current foster family entirely and lives on her own (and may have stolen the foster checks and other cash to do so)
-on top of that she struggles with her feelings with madoka and feeling like she's cruel and selfish for loving her because of her christian upbringing and going to catholic school. families likely didn't take well to her being gay
-hitomi is a closeted lesbian
-kyosuke gives me egg vibes so.
-im basic i like madohomu best but like polyam holy quintet is so real also
-people who say madohomu is one sided are so wrong. how do u explain any of madoka's actions towards homura when walpurgisnacht happens
-some of my favorite moments in the show relate to homura stuff bc GOD all of her scenes are just. enhanced by the plot twist
-wait ive mentioned this but people who think homura doesn't care about the other girls are so??? literally yes she does care about them, she loves madoka the most of course but she cares about sayaka's life when she goes to retrieve her soul gem and her telling sayaka she'll kill her to spare madoka the pain is clearly just her doing the worst thing she can to force sayaka to act. she's kinda distant from everything she's done at this point and is willing to act cruel to get what she wants.
-i kinda love that canonically mami is the strongest magical girl. mami is underrated tbh, i know she's a main character but her spinoff manga was SO good and she's such a tragic character in her own right. she's a deeply lonely person and even if i didn't care for magia record season 1, i really like the approach they went with her character there, where in this universe she's the one who convinced madoka and sayaka to contract, and when she learns the truth, she becomes ridden with guilt and joins the magias to save them because she feels responsible for their fates now. it's such a good place to take her character (and im kinda sad they eventually go "oh no it was brainwashing nvm")
-i absolutely adore this show's brand of horror. the entire thing is just Off in a lot of ways but it's in ways you struggle to place, and the whole thing is thanks to shaft's editing. there's a youtube vid i watched where like the tilting shots up to where the girls look down on the "camera" or random close ups on objects with quiet sounds adds to the feeling that something is wrong even when the show hasn't taken it's dark turn yet. i think focusing a lot of the actual horror elements on the terror of everyone's situation and gradually revealing how much worse everything is is so perfect, it's all paced perfectly to be as hard hitting as possible. and the actual violent moments are done well, none of them are really THAT bad but they're blunt and shocking enough to hit where it hurts. idk if im describing it right but augh its so good
-on that topic the theory that pmmm is framed as a stage show is also so good. i gotta find the post i reblogged about that bc man it adds to the show
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risingblackmoon · 2 years
Lovely artwork <33
Aww thank you!!!! Your art is super awesome too!!! Like, AAA I'd say more but my brain is empty at the moment!!! But I really like your work too!!!! Aaalso it seems like you enjoyed my friend @simply-spade's stuff!!! They make such cool art and concepts
They are deranged and rabid though!!!
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astaerion · 2 years
WAIT I READ THE MEME WRONG WAIT. i'll do stranger things asdfgh
honestly that's so valid of you sjdhhdf thank you for sending this in, it was harder to decide than i thought it would be
favorite male character: steve! but i love will too so i’d say both of them
favorite female character: joyce!!! i love her SO MUCH she’s the literal best
least favorite character: used to be billy but that bitch is dead lol so i’d say brenner
prettiest character: oh god that’s so hard!! let’s say joyce bc i adore winona ryder she’s an absolute milf
funniest character: dustin definitely. especially him and steve together
favorite season: it’s been so long since i’ve seen earlier seasons so it’s probably recency bias but i really liked season 4!
favorite episode: season 4 episode 4 dear billy was SO GOOD so maybe that one
favorite romantic ship: joyce and hopper! they’re my parents <3 AND lucas and max!!
favorite family ship: the byers family is everything to me, along with hopper and eleven
favorite friendship: dustin and steve OR steve and robin, they’re both top tier
worst ship: there are no ships i hate but i don’t really care for mike and eleven
send me a tv show/movie!
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aurorae-system · 8 months
omg ty for sending these!
🦈 speaking
✨- Does anyone have a pet? we, collectively speaking ig, have a cat! she's my baby <3. although some of the others don't really see her as being their cat and don't feel much connection to her
🪐- Most chaotic group? hmm... although maybe not considered a "group", just a duo, i'd say 🐟 and 🦊. they very much enable each other's mischievousness lol
🌸- How do you keep track of your system? (Members, switches, etc) when it comes to keeping track of members, we have a google doc that lists everyone w/ any basic info we have on them. we also use the simplyplural app for convenience when on our phone, since it's hard to format stuff on google docs on mobile lol. plus the chat and poll features are pretty nice too! we don't really keep track of switches and stuff. but we do have a system journal that can sorta indirectly track switching ...if we even remember to write in it
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ghost-bxrd · 1 month
Jason (maybe on a dare, maybe because he’s loopy etc.) calls Bruce (or any of the Bats, really) to tell him he loves him.
Bruce is convinced Jason is either dying or about to.
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ahogedetective · 11 months
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, KAY!!! 💜✨ I really hope you had a super awesome day!
HEHE AHHHH, THANK YOU, NOVAAAA!!! 💙✨I DID, I DID!!! I had a blast!!! And then you being such sweethearts and leaving me so many wonderful birthday wishes, made it so much bettter!! ily buddy and I hope you're having an awesome day, yourself~! *BIG HUG!!* ❤💖
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monstermonger · 6 months
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I recently bought an art book on Caspar David Friedrich, whose emotional work stuck with me since I first saw it in a museum years ago. Over the course of a few weeks, I read about his life and at the same time did studies/interpretations of many pieces. It was a really enjoyable and fulfilling project; here's a good lot of them together :)
I was happy to see many people enjoyed Friedrich's work+my interpretations while posting them individually. It took way too long, but I FINALLY set up a print shop for some of these + some other pieces for those who expressed interest. Thank you so much!
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metalst · 1 year
You have such a cool name!!!
MY URL? Thank youuuu !! I don’t remember how I came up with it I think I just wanted something that sounded mechanical when I was working on this blog but I like it a lot !!!!
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