#tw: fighitng
cluethegirl · 1 year
TW: thoughts on film practices in relation to m*inors, woman's liberation in regards to s3xual assault and f0rced mvrriage.
the manner in which teenagers were employed in european films from the 1970s is disgusting! I queue'd this very beautiful and regal image of this woman Ornella Muti, and when i looked her up on wikipedia i found out that she stared in a film with very heavy themes of s3xual violence at the age of fourteen! I will say that I haven't seen the movie, and in consideration of the wikipedia description of the film, it potrays the story of a young girl fighitng for her atonomy against a very evil practice of stealing and abusing woman to force marriage onto her. The story of Franca Viola is a tale of both unfathonable horror and strength, and is one of many in woman's history that makes me shake with anger until my teeth hurt. Her story does deserve to be told, remembered, and taken into account for our actions in the world as humans, but what is the use of casting a girl so young for this role? I understand wanting to guarantee the level of disgust which should be automatic for audiences, which may have not been then, and that r*pe is a reality for all ages, but I do not think it wise to put such a young girl on screen potraying these cirumstances.
I am in dispair than even when attempts are made to share the stories that liberate woman, we are again taken advantage of and exploited.
also pls check out the wikipedia article on Franca Viola, I am shaking in anger but I have decided along time ago even if It would put me in such a state I would always push myself to open my eyes to the injustices of woman.
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felswritingfire · 3 years
April Brain Rot #8
89. Volcanic
36. "Need a ride?"
16. “I’m overreacting? Sweetheart, if anything I’m going easy on you.”
Divus Crewel x Professor!Reader
Summery: Divus gets a little ahead of himself and you two get into a whole ass fight.
TW: Fighting; Yelling; Cursing; Accusations of cheating
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Word count: 1,208
A note from Fel: Idk how well this turned out? I'm never sure about how well I can depict fights- so hopefully, it works tho. My gf said I did a good job so like, I'm living tbh- anyway. Enjoy!
“I should have never fucking said yes to dating you.”
You’re going to regret saying that to him later but, right now, red was threatening to cloud your vision the longer you stared at Divus.
He crossed his arms, raising a dark, perfect brow at you. “Really?” He drawls. “Maybe I regret asking out someone as… overdramatic as you.”
You knew he didn’t mean it, but it still stoked the coals that were already red hot in your stomach. “I’m overdramatic? You’re the one who’s overreacting about me and Sam-”
“I’m overreacting? Sweetheart, if anything I’m going easy on you.”
“‘Going easy on me’?” Lord help you- you were about to beat a man. “What in the fuck does that mean, Divus.”
“It just means that I should be acting a little- well, how do I put it?” He leans against the table behind him, crossing one leg over the other and tapping his chin with one of his fingers. You cross your arms, the coals steadily becoming a roaring flame. “Ah! I should be reacting a little worse when there’s a threat that my lovely partner is cheating on me with one of our coworkers.”
You feel something in you snap and suddenly you’re preciously loud- borderline on yelling- voice comes to an eerily calm tone. “Cheating? You think I’m cheating?”
“You tell me.”
The two of you stare at each other, until an ugly feeling mixes in with the anger. “You really think that? You think-” your voice warbles as you spit out your words- “that I’m that I’d do something like that?”
He pushed himself from the table, his mouth frowning in discomfort, but he didn’t say anything.
You sigh, digging through your coat pocket and pulling out a black box, throwing it at him with a bitter glare.
He fumbled with it (the most uncoordinated you had ever seen him) and stared at it. He looked at you with wide eyes. “What’s this?” He asked, a tremble in his words.
“Happy fucking birthday, asshole.” You turn on your heel and walk out the front door.
Divus winces at the deafening slam and suddenly everything was silent. He realized, somewhere in the back of his mind that he had never felt so alone. He shook his head forcing the frown back on his lips as he looked down at the black box. It’s probably nothing spectacular. He thinks, knowing he doesn’t mean it even in his mind. Probably wouldn’t even fit in my aesthetics- they never had an eye for fashion-
He feels his eyes sting as soon as he sees the little earrings: twin silver 1967 Chevy Camaros, in the center of the tiny rims of the tires sits even smaller diamonds. He shuts the box before running a hand through his hair; he knows he just messed up his hair- feels it in the way that the strands don’t sit right anymore on his head- but he can’t seem to care. The only thought racing in his head is you and how much of an ass he was (as loathe as he was to admit it).
Divus rushed to the bowl that held his car keys (you had gotten it for him when you saw the sheer amount of them strewned out on his countertops), grabbing a random one before almost tripping over his own feet to get to the garage.
“Stupid Divus. Stupid weather-” you hiss as another sharp drop of rain pelted your head, pulling your coat closer to you to try warm yourself up despite it already being drenched with cold water.
You should have just told Divus what you were up to: that you were getting a present for him with the help of Sam (who, mind you, milked you for your paycheck, the little shit).
But you wanted him to be completely surprised, a stubborn part of you pipes up and you can’t help the flare of rage that continues to fan itself in the back of your mind. I wanted to get those stupid limited edition earings that he was looking at and if anyone had some it was Sam. Not my fault Divus doesn’t trust me.
You winced, shivering into your coat as the rain changed directions. You felt tired and cold- hurt, if you wanted to be frank. “Maybe I should just crash at the school- not like my boys are going to be going to classes tomorrow- it’s the weekend.” You smiled weakly at the thought of your trouble makers: Ace and Deuce- though, they were always sweet to you.
A familiar car rolls up next to you and you scowl, turning your head away. You hear the sound of a window rolling down. “Need a ride?” Divus asks.
“From you? No.”
“Darling, you look like a sopping wet dog, please come in?”
You turn your glare on him, coming to a stop on the sidewalk. “Woof. Woof.” You drawled out before you continue walking. Where? You have no idea. But you didn’t want to look at him.
He sits dumbfounded for a moment before shaking his head and continuing to inch along in his car to match your pace. “Darling- I- you know I don’t see you like that-”
“Than what? What do you see me as?” You stomp up to the car and lean down to scowl at him through the window. “Because obviously it’s not a trusted partner, Crewel.”
He winces at the use of his last name. “You are, I just-” he squeezed the steering wheel, catching his smooth lips between his teeth. You wait for an answer, somewhere in your mind swirls a wonder at how he hesitates with his words. “I recognize…” He takes a deep breath as he looks you in the eyes. “I recognize that Sam is an attractive man: charming, easy on the eyes, charismatic… He’s-” he gulps glancing away for a brief moment- “he’s not high maintenance like me.” You blink in surprise. “And I am also painfully aware of how long the two of you have known each other. He knows things about you that you have yet to share with me- if you will. It’s up to you, but still-”
“I’ve never thought you were high maintenance.” You look just as surprised as him when the words come out.
“You… don’t?”
You snort. “No, why would I be dating you if I thought that?”
He looks away but you can still see the way the tips of his ears warm to a soft pink. “Just get in. Please.”
You debate with yourself if you’re going to actually climb in when you decide against it. “Do you have a towel?”
“A towel, silly man. I don’t want to ruin your seats- I’m sopping wet.”
“Doesn’t matter, I’m more worried about you getting a cold, Darling.”
You sigh before opening the door and sitting on the grey leather, you wince at the way your clothes stick to your skin.
Divus turns on the heat before he reaches over to hold your trembling hands. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too.”
You feel like, maybe you should say more, but the way he shakes his head and squeezes your hand makes you feel like everything’s alright.
<The Next Chosen Character>
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Thank you for reading!
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Can I request MC being overwhelmed by the brothers fighitng and slowly trying to sink under the table when Solomon comes in like a prince to whisk them away, effectively pissing off the brothers as well
Shure thing!  
TW: Panic attack.
GN reader/MC.
A/N The Mc doesn't have pacts with the bros yet.  Also a little different from your request, sorry.
It was too loud, all voices bounced around the meeting hall echoing and a defining anthem of accusations, frustration, and threats effectively gluing you to your seat.  Diavolo had to step out for just a moment to retrieve some papers left in his office and when that door closed all hell broke loose.
"I still don't see why I have' ta be some damn baby sitter!"  Mammon slammed his hands on the table.  "If you want the human protected so bad why don't you just do it your self!"  He pointed his finger at Lucifer who was somehow still keeping his cool but his aura was suffocating.
"I'm far to busy helping Diavolo to be bothered to watch them, that's why it's your job."  Lucifer seethed crossing his arms and shooting a glare at Mammon.   Of course, they're talking about you as if you're not present, as if your bother that was shoved onto them.  Well, now that you think about it that's not too far off.  You're a magicless human in a world full of demons that could kill you in seconds, of course, no one wants to deal with that kind of burden.
"Levi is a shut-in that can't take care of himself!  The human would die in his care!  Asmo is a party animal that only thinks of getting his dick wet!"
Mammon snarled "If its a job then why ain't I gettin paid!"
"I'm your brother, I don't need to pay you." Lucifer hissed.  But, Mammon still persisted.
"Why not Levi or Asmo!"  he screamed, "How about Satan, what about Beel?  Fuck if Belphie was here I'd even ask him!"  It was at this point Lucifer lost his temper and shifted to demon form.  His hands slamed on the table as he stood, the flare of his wings knocking you to the side. If the eldest noticed he didn't show it.  You scooted away from the raging demon and whimpered, looking for a place to hide, anywhere that would make you feel safe.
"I know I'm a shut-in but you don't need to scream about how pathetic and gross I am!  Levi had now shifted, his tail thrashing wildly knocking chairs over.  Luckily you evaded the flying chair and made it under the table.
"How rude!  Are you trying to slut-shame me Lucifer!"  Asmo now shifted his nails digging into the table "I'll have you know my lifestyle is none of your business!"
"YOU TWO BE SILENT!" Lucifer roared.  You covered your ears and whimpered, where was Diavolo?
"Satan would end up losing his temper and killing them!" The fourth brother cut in his tail unraveled from his leg.
-Meanwhile with Solomon-  
Solomon was halfway back to purgatory dorm when he felt Asmo's pact flare-up.  There were a few things that made the seal light up, one he was horny, two Asmo was horny, he was giving Asmo power or Asmo was pissed.  With a sigh, he looked at the pact expecting to see that Asmo was in the mood but was shocked when he saw the pact.  The mark was a bloody pink and glowed with a fury Asmo was pissed about something and if it was bad enough for his demon form to come out it must be pretty bad.  Solomon let out a sigh and continued to walk to his dorm, already giving up his night to lessen to the demon vent about it later tonight unless he vents to Mc.  He smirked at the thought, poor Mc, stuck listening to a blubbering angry Asmo poor, poor Mc.  Where is Mc any way?  They normally walk this way so he normally sees them except when they have student council meet- Solomon's stomach dropped and he froze in place.  Asmo's on the student council, and if he pissed then that means- "Oh fuck." Solomon dropped his back and sprinted back towards RAD.
-Back to Mc-    
"Your one to talk about losing your temper!"  You heard the crash of a chair being smashed to pieces.  Your breathing started to pick up when Beel knelt down and was trying to get you out from under the table.  The only one still in human form.  You just curled up in a tighter ball, seeing that you wouldn't move on your own Beel reached out and grabbed you pulling you up.  You let out a small screech and Beel mumbled quick apologizes even in the mists of chaos still trying to be kind.
"Beel would eat them if he had the chance!"  You flinched at Lucifer's words but Beel didn't seem fazed he only shook his head at you letting you know he wouldn't.  Beel started to drag you to the door you couldn't hear what Lucifer screamed out about the final brother but that seemed to bring Beel to his boiling point.  He let go of your arm and shifted you started to back up agest the wall slowly sinking down.
"You know I could just eat you instead and be done with this!"  Beel bellowed his wings on full display in a challenging position.  Lucifer seethed even more approaching Beel with a growl.  
You couldn't hear what they were saying, Levi and Mammon were yelling and holding Beel back.  Asmo was trying to calm Lucifer down but was failing miserably and Satan was trying to pull Mammon and Levi off Beel so he could attack Lucifer.  You were sobbing violently at this point you wanted to go home, you wanted to get away from these demons, this was all too much!  You jumped when you felt someone grab your arm and screamed and started hitting them until you saw it was Solomon panting, red in the face his RAD jacket gone, and hair a mess.  You reached out for him and he pulled you close.
Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours and the brothers raged on until the council door slammed open.  Diavolo flanked by Barbados walked in both wearing a look of utter disappointment.  The brothers froze and fell silent, the only thing heard in the room was your sobbing and breathing.  Diavolo walked slowly towards you both but was stopped by the barrier.  "Solomon could you take this down please."  Diavolo's normally echoing voice was a whisper.
"Can you make them stop?!" You wailed.  Solomon tucked your head under his chin and shook his head.
"I only have a Pact with Asmo if I try to stop him now things could get worse between Lucifer and Beel."  You sobbed harder and he pulled you closer and put up a defensive barrier.  He wanted to do more but he couldn't carry you out, he'd just spritted the whole way here.  There was no way he could walk you out with the way objects are being thrown, it's a medical none of them hit you.  This was all he could do, hold you, and keep a barrier up and speak words of comfort.
Solomon shook his head.   "Not till they switch back."  Solomon's voice was firm and unyielding.  Diavolo waited for a second then snapped.
"What are you seven waiting for you heard him."  His voice was level but he was close to losing control of himself.  The brothers shifted back and Solomon dropped the barrier, your sobs could be heard at full force.  Solomon took to rubbing your back and sushing you trying to get your breathing steady.  "Solomon," he looked at Diavolo, "Take Mc to purgatory dorm and notify Simeon on what has happened.  They will be in your care until further notice."  Solomon nodded and helped you to your shakey legs and started to walk you out of the destroyed room, Barbados following close behind.  Before you, both left Solomon looked over his shoulder and saw that Diavolo had shifted and was breathing quickly.  His own rage rolling off him in waves.
"It's best if you both get to dorm quickly,"  Solomon looked at Barbados, "My lord is trying very hard to hold back his rage until your both out of RAD, his yells can cause humans to lose their hearing.  So, Solomon, I give you this before you go."  Barbados's pact lit up and Solomon felt power flow into him all his strength and energy returned.  "Do hurry now, My Lord is about to blow."  With that Barbados shut and locked the door and, with Solomon's newly replenished energy and strength he quickly carried you out of RAD and to Purgatory dorm.
He passed Simeon and Luke and took you to his room and set you on the bed.  He really wasn't sure what to do, its been a long time since he's comforted, someone.   He looked so lost, you opened your arms and looked at him, hoping to get your message across.  With a small smile, he climbed in bed and held you till you fell asleep.  With you nuzzled up to his chest he made a promise to protect you and with a kiss to your forehead he sealed that promise.        
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gunmetalgrxy · 7 years
╳ (oops my hand slipped on the 'cause us both pain' button)
SEND ╳ FOR MY MUSE TO TAKE A BULLET FOR YOU! (accepting)for @hiistiger​ | v; oh my darling (sister)
    “ For once in my life, let me get what I want.”
(this got long and rambly…)
Mother always wanted them to know the classics. Her idea of good playing was something at least one hundred and fifty years old, so of course the youngest Moran completely ignored her. Her fingers had been struggling to reach across the chord for a while now, and she swore loudly as she was lost in her concentration.
This was rare for Alex, to be fully absorbed in something that wasn’t her own self-destruction. She had been deaf to the commotion downstairs, the raised voices that sounded gruff and frustrated. No doubt they had forgotten she was in the house, it was easy to do when she hated being here in the first place. The cold floorboards and rooms with high ceilings felt as far from home as possible, this was a house built for bigger people with bigger ambitions.
Her room was littered with record picked out from charity shops, the mop-top and overly romantic British band being her favourites by far. The Smiths had a way of putting things she couldn’t, stealing their melody and their notes to try and irritate her parents felt right. Until the racket got the better of her.
She made a point of being quiet as she stepped into the hall, her socks masking her footsteps. Not that the voices would notice, they were eclipsing all other noise in the house. She could just about make out the figure of her father, peering from behind the cabinet at the top of the stairs. And… Sebastian? 
Her fathers back hit the wall hard. Alex had to cover her mouth with her hands to stop her gasp from being audible. It didn’t make sense, none of this could really be happening. She hadn’t seen Sebastian, and of course her parents wouldn’t explain why but now that he seemed to be assaulting her father in their home she felt all the more confused.
    “ I’d rather starve to death than have to call you for help. I’ve had enough of it.” 
Her brother was moving away from the door before she could think, and she sprinted back to the window of her bedroom to watch him move up the drive. He didn’t even look back.
   “ Lord know’s it’d be the first time.”
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
She tossed him the gun, pulling her own knife from the still body at her feet. Throwing wasn’t her preferred method, but it was handy enough when they were low on ammunition. Alex wiped some of the blood off on the stolen t-shirt that wasn’t really hers. Most of it came out anyway. Working with Sebastian after a year or so had become wordless now, they had an understanding. She moved first, she was faster and a better attacking force. He was there to cover her back, comfortable behind a trigger in a way she couldn’t be. She placed the handle of the knife between her teeth, rummaging through the mans pockets to see if there was anything that would come in handy – more for her own benefit that the mission. The wrist watch on his arm caught her eye, and she slipped it into her pocket before winking at her brother.
Teasing him was half the fun, even if in this case it was harmless. A little light in the darkness of the job they both seemed to have fallen into. He claimed to love it, Alex wasn’t so sure yet. But she wouldn’t dare to push it, she needed to have someone that she could call at 3AM when it got too much. She couldn’t be out in the cold on her own, lord know’s how he did it for all those years.
They had one more corridor between them and the exit, to getting home and clean. The idea of a shower sounded like heaven right now, and half of her mind was outside of the job. The movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention, a mirror with just the perfect angle to show four more around the last corner, that was it, home and dry.
She held her fingers up to show Seb the count, but didn’t wait for conformation. She had full faith that he would have it handled, no doubt she would be a good initial distraction.
She knew that click. He was out and there was one more – one more armed. How could she had misjudged this? The knife left her hand, and even as it did she knew her aim was off. It hadn’t felt right.
Without thought and without hesitation, she moved between the bullet and her brother. Her mouth was already bloody from the knocks taken earlier, her smile stained red as the echo of the fired gun bounced around the walls of the room. It was her knees that fell first, her body crumpling on itself to the floor with a sickening thud. 
No mess. No fuss. No broken and ragged breaths, just one stupid moment of needing to protect the one person that had always mattered. She was wrapped in his ridiculously oversized jacket, the ghost of a grin still on her face even if her eyes were glassy. It was ironic, for the girl so scared of being a coward and so petrified of death that she gave her life up with such little thought.
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tw: spiraling
you think that you’re gettting better, you are eating, you are showering, your grades are gettning better, your family is happy around you, your room is clean, etc.and you take it all for granted.
you can’t get out of bed, youre oversleeping, you’re overeating, you’re not doing your homework, your room is a mess, you’re constantly fighitng with your dad, you don’t want to talk to your friends but you miss the hell out of them. i have to open my window to remind myself that i am somewhat alive. 
i can’t breathe, i make stupid playlists out of spite and pettiness, i scroll on tik tok wishing i could be half as pretty as these girls, wishing someone could love me and that it wasn’t impossible to imagine myself being loved. i wish people could look at me and want to be with me, want to be around me and to better themselves with me as a support system. 
i want to love and i want to be loved and i feel so gross and big and hideous and unlovable. it feels like when someone looks at me, there is nothing but repulsion. i hate feeling like this all of the time. 
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