#tw: discussion of child grooming
A slightly unhinged ramble-rant on Chairman Rose and how people are missing the entire point of SWSH.
Like, I keep seeing it pop up--like a fucking rank smell you only detect if you’re in a certain place when the wind is blowing in the certain direction--but man does it not bewilder me. Like, these guys who post tags like ‘Chairman Rose is a bad guy but is not a BAD guy’ or ‘I kind of agreed with Chairman Rose’ are just. Are you high?? Did you entirely miss the point of his character?? Did you completely miss the main plot of SWSH?
I’m going to be talking about some heavy shit (including non-sexual child grooming and non-sexual child predation), so I’m gonna put the rest under a read more, let me just say that the theme of SWSH is the relationship between adults and children on their Pokemon journeys, the responsibilities adults have towards children, and what happens when that relationship is abused.
First off, before I get some know-it-all coming at me about how there’s no evidence that Rose is a child predator or a groomer, let me just say there is. Is he a Chris Hansen ‘take a seat for me’ groomer?? No, he’s not, because child grooming is not purely a sexual thing.
Per a very informative article:
“Grooming can be sexual, romantic, financial or for criminal or terrorism purposes, and can target both children and adults. The common aspect is that a perpetrator manipulates a victim by building trust and rapport. The key to grooming is a power dynamic within the relationship: age, gender, physical strength, economic status or another factor.”
Now, with that out of the way, I’m not going to go into shit that’s super obvious to anyone with eyes, but Rose is a serial child groomer. Like, his most obvious victim is Leon, and it’s really wild that people can’t see it?? Like, Leon obviously comes from a fucked-up home situation with a mother who’s absent and neglectful at best (and the people who don’t seem to realize this REALLY confuse me). Like, he has canonically raised his little brother in a house with three adults that could have done the job for him, and the anime literally stated that he was so busy raising Hop and taking care of household chores that he could barely interact with other kids. He was endorsed by Chairman Rose at an age that is implied to be at least two years younger than the average Gym Challenger, and--per the sub of the PokeAni--Rose literally raised him from the moment he became Champion.
(Where was Leon and Hop’s mother during this, you ask? Obviously being terrible at home, since despite Leon being run ragged for all of his life and rarely being home, he still somehow raised his little brother. Let that sink in.)
So Leon has spent his entire life being moulded into Rose’s delusion of the Hero of Galar for the sole purpose of sacrificing himself to defeat Eternatus to stave off an energy crisis that will happen in a millennium and probably would be averted with solar power. THE SUB IN THE POKEANI LITEARLLY HAS ROSE TELLING LEON THAT HE HAS GROOMED HIM FOR THE EXACT PURPOSE OF TAMING ETERNATUS. I’M NOT MAKING THIS UP. I WILL PROVIDE SCREENSHOTS IF ASKED.
Does he know Leon may likely fucking die in the attempt? He sure does, because he’s already started to work on grooming Leon’s replacements! In the game, Bede is a trainer who came from a neglectful home situation who was noticed by the Chairman and given his endorsement for the Gym Challenge wait hold on that sounds really familiar.
Really, REALLY familiar.
Rose’s ploy with taking away Bede’s gym challenger endorsement after Bede literally did what he asked him to was a clear manipulation tactic, and if it hadn’t been for Opal intervening (and she ABSOLUTELY has Rose’s number and you can’t convince me otherwise), the tactic likely would have worked, because Bede would have done anything to get his endorsement back.
(Also Oleana is absolutely the fall girl set up to look like an obstructive villain while Rose can maintain his veneer of innocence. That’s a topic for another day tho.)
AND THEN. in the anime, he flat out tries to do this with Ash. AND IN THE GAME, HE TRIES TO DO THIS WITH THE MC, LIKE BEDE IS HIS PLAN B AND THE PC IS HIS PLAN C. However, the only child Rose has regular chances to interact with who DOES NOT get the manipulation treatment is Hop. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the Chairman always tries to pull shit with you when Hop isn’t around, and the two times he DOES interact with Hop are at the very end of the game where Leon’s been forced into trying to stop the apocalypse and after the Opening Ceremony.
What’s different about the Opening Ceremony, though? LEON IS STANDING RIGHT OVER ROSE’S SHOULDER SMILING STEPFORDLY. Which brings me to my next point: why Rose pulls his end game bullshit.
Leon is now in his early 20s, so he has obviously started to ask for his own agency and say no to things. He has also obviously realized that he does NOT want Rose around his brother, which is why he is fucking looming over Rose’s shoulder when he meets Hop and why Rose almost seems to deliberately avoid Hop for the rest of the game. Rose knows that if he so much as messes with Hop, Leon is going to absolutely turn on him, and he’s already become obstinate enough to be a problem. Rose is losing control of Leon, which is why he’s grooming his potential replacements.
It’s also why Rose LITERALLY HOLDS LEON HOSTAGE IN A TOWER. Like, I am amazed that people haven’t seemed to realize that Hop and the MC were ABSOLUTELY rescuing Leon from a hostage situation. Leon had been on top of the tower with Rose for HOURS at that point, and given Oleana’s personal fucking army and how much Leon clearly did not want to be up there, it’s obvious that there wasn’t a way he could easily extricate himself from the situation. What you do hear from his meeting with Rose sounds a lot like a guy trying to say no while also trying to de-escalate a volatile situation: almost like a victim to their abuser oh wait.
(Oleana also says that the reason she wants to defeat you and Hop is to break Leon’s spirit so he won’t have the strength to say no to the Chairman anymore. Like, that’s literally in game. It’s dialogue.)
So yeah. You’re rescuing a prince from a tower who’s being held hostage by an evil king trying to use the prince’s special power for nefarious purposes. This game is full of fairy tale metaphors. Like, a ton.
When you and Hop show up, you basically force Rose to let Leon go so as to not look like a complete fucking monster or cause a scandal, and Leon basically very politely tells Rose to ‘fuck off’ when he leaves.
So Rose--this narcissistic, megalomaniacal child groomer, who’s basically been shut down by the lynch pin of his plan--does the absolute most rational thing and RELEASES THE APOCALYPSE DEMON OUT OF SPITE. He literally says on a screen in front of Galar that oh no, his releasing Eternatus and causing the Second Darkest Day is actually all LEON’S fault for being so unreasonable and unrealistic. It’s manipulation. It’s emotional abuse. It’s Rose punishing his victim for saying no. It’s Rose throwing a tantrum because Leon told him to wait another week before doing something about something that would happen in a millennium.
Bede made a fool of Rose doing exactly what Rose and Oleana wanted him to do, so he punished him. Leon said no, so he punished him, and punished all of Galar while he was at it. He’s not doing shit for the good of Galar. He’s doing it for himself.
See, the game’s story exists to debate the relationship between adults and children in the Pokemon world. For generation after generation of games, children as young as ten have gone out in the big wide world with nothing but their starter and a Pokedex, and the adults they have met have never had any poor intentions towards them specifically. Yes, there’s all the evil teams and blah blah blah, but they weren’t targeting you, the child MC. You were just caught up in their messes. SWSH is the first game to show that no, there are adults who will try to take advantage of you because you are a child, and there are good adults who will try to protect you.
Opal protects Bede. Leon protects you and Hop. Leon has obviously gotten old enough to realize that what Rose did to him was wrong, and he tries so fucking hard through the whole game to protect you and his little brother from his boss’s machinations and all the bad shit happening in the world. I know people bitch about being ‘railroaded’ and not allowed to participate in the ‘plot’ until the end, but that’s the point. The good adults are trying to protect the children from the bad adults trying to harm them, and the children intervene only when the adults die trying to save them. Children should be allowed to adventures and have fun, but they should also be protected and shielded from shit that can harm them and shit they’re not old enough to understand, and this game--for better or for worse--is trying to strike that balance.
One last, very important thing. Leon’s life had been micromanaged and controlled from the moment he became Champion by Chairman Rose. He had to become all things to Galar--its fucking policeman, it’s regional hero, it’s unbeatable symbol of perfection, it’s hero, and--almost--its messiah--and when the MC becomes a Champion? He doesn’t hesitate to become Chairman, and he tells you--the new Champion--that your job is to explore and have fun. He doesn’t ask you to do sponsorship deals. He lets you do matches and tournaments at your own leisure. He calls you politely to ask if you want to do the Galarian Star Tournament. He doesn’t even know your PHONE NUMBER and I think about that a lot.
The game is about the responsibilities adults have towards children. It’s about how you don’t have to be the main character to be the hero. It’s about how you can’t and shouldn’t do everything alone. It’s about how child predation and abuse don’t have to be obvious or ‘traditional’ to be real and a threat. Finally, as Leon demonstrates so poignantly, it’s about breaking the cycle of abuse.
And THAT’S why SWSH is one of the best stories--if not THE best--that the Pokegames have ever told, regardless of its faults and the National Dex and a berry tree looking a little weird.
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☕️ + Mohg
(Oh boy. I had a feeling this was coming.)
TW/CW: Discussion of kidnapping; discussion of non-consensual touching; discussion of non-consensual body modification; discussion of child grooming; discussion of trauma.
Miquella's smile was tight and his golden eyes darkened under the weight of decades of torment. A fine tremor seized his hands, and he was quick to grab his skirts to still them, although he soon grew white-knuckled from the strength of his grip. His chest stilled, then stuttered, and then he took a quick, little breath as the need for air involuntarily came upon him.
" I pity him." Miquella muttered, his voice flat and hollow even to his own ears. " I do, truly, despite the revulsion that seizes me whenever I hear his name or smell the metallic tang of blood. I cannot..." He stuttered, licked his suddenly dry lips, and pressed on. " I clearly cannot hide that I remain greatly affected by his actions to this day, and yet...things such as abuse can be cyclical, can they not? Abandoned by Mother in the sewers just for being born, Mohg was alone and uneducated, and the Formless Mother--sensing an opportunity for an unwitting pawn--offered him love and sunk her honeyed talons into his heart. If his beloved 'mother' so formed him into her image, and no one and nothing has shown him the error of such an act, then it is reasonable that he would not see the violation of doing the same to me."
" You do not have to forgive him." Malenia said. While Miquella was doing his best to blunt his reaction, Malenia let her rage and sorrow play freely on her face, with flaring nostrils and lips gone white from being pressed so tightly together. The cords of her neck were snapped as taught as sail rigging, and yet the hand with which she stroked Miquella's hand contained nothing but gentleness and love. " You may understand what led him to commit his atrocity against you, but that does not mean you have to forgive it. You have no obligation to grant mercy."
" I know, Malenia. You have told me such many times before, and I see the logic behind your words." Despite Malenia's attempt to sound cross, the way he melted into her touch belied his true sentiment, and he subconsciously shifted himself until he was pressed against her side. " Yet I cannot help how I feel, and you know my heart, sister; it is hard for me to hold onto anger when it comes to anything but you. Do I feel disgust towards him? Yes. Am I repulsed by the mere mention of his name? Also yes. Yet I...he makes me tired, Malenia. All I feel is pity, disgust, and fatigue."
" And fear." Malenia whispered, voice wavering almost imperceptibly. Miquella shook his head, and--despite being in front of an audience--moved to lay his head in her lap. Some things never changed, even though he now had the body and brain of one in their mid to late tens.
" No. No fear, sister." Miquella muttered, lifting his head up and allowing Malenia to slide her prosthetic arm beneath it as a pillow. The stiff weight was strangely comforting, as was the flesh and blood hand rhythmically stroking his hair, and the God of Abundance--despite the lingering heaviness in his gaze--couldn't help but smile at her familiar ministrations. " Not so long as you are at my side."
The breath stuttered in Malenia's chest, but she made no move to reply, simply kissing Miquella on his exposed temple as his eyelids fluttered shut, the emotional exhaustion of discussing Mohg taking its toll. Sensing his fatigue, the younger twin simply hummed and stroked his hair, waiting until the elder twin was well and truly asleep before speaking again.
" Miquella was supposed to be safe here." Malenia whispered, and even though her eyes were sealed shut by rot scars, it was impossible to not hear the tears clinging to the edges of her voice. " The deepest part of the Haligtree, our hidden sanctuary, our home--the one place in the world aside from Caria Manor where we felt safe. He was supposed to be safe here. It was the only reason I felt comfortable enough to march to Caelid, and while I was gone, that fetid, foul little rat...that spineless, simpering little coward...he took my brother away. He stole his godhood, his body, his very security. He violated him--violated our home!"
Malenia had to abruptly stop and swallow the impending scream of rage before it could escape. Her left hand trembled as it stroked Miquella's cheek.
" Dear Miquella has horrible night terrors on nights where he is too tired to explore the dreams of others." The goddess rasped. " He dreams of being bathed in blood--so much blood that he chokes on it in his sleep. He dreams of that fetid little rat cooing words in his ears and melting himself into his...into his very body. His very blood. All while Miquella was unable to voice his objection or escape. Mohg claimed to love my brother, but all he loved was the idea of him--the fantasy of having a pretty, perfect, golden god that he could raise to be the perfect spouse! I do not care how our mother wronged him as a child. I do not care that he was victimized by the Formless Mother the same way he victimized Miquella. I care that my brother cries in the night, and picks his skin, and scrambles away in panic when a stranger so much as innocently touches his shoulder to get his attention! I..."
Another pause. Another swallow. Another deep breath. Miquella shifted in his sleep, muttering something intelligible, and Malenia quickly soothed him back into stillness.
"...yet I am glad Miquella insisted I let him live." Malenia admitted, and the expression on her face was almost sadistic, cruel little smile and all. " For death is too easy an escape for such a mealworm. One day, when Miquella has ascended to full godhood, he will banish all the Outer Gods from the Lands Between...including Mohg's precious Formless Mother. With her will go his power, his authority, his position, and everything upon which he has built his life and identity. His whole sense of self will come tumbling down like a house of cards. I can think of no more horrifying punishment for one like Luminary Mohg. May he wither and rot.”
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i always think about like, i'm white native, and i don't want to center myself when talking abt the violence native women face. but its interesting how the statistics fit my family. i think the trauma we've inherited and passed down has made us perhaps more vulnerable, even if my sister and i aren't targeted because of our race the way for example my granny and so many of our relations are
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hor3nee · 3 months
• Union •
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Gojo and his arranged marriage with Reader.
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CW/TW: Fem! Reader, Arranged marriage, BREIF Suggestive stuff, Corny Gojo, Reader & Gojo ages implied to be very young (18-23), Gojo typical flirting, SFW (Lmk if I should add anything else!)
Characters: Gojo x Reader
AN: Gojo is bitchless in this fic bc I say so. Pt 2 here.
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Weddings aren't supposed to be this boring. In fairness, boring is better than a bad wedding. Could have a roadhouse-type fight between in-laws, an ex breaking through the doors proclaiming their undying love or a runaway bride. Or a runaway groom. Maybe he should've been a runaway groom? Internally, Gojo's sure it'd be more exciting than sitting in a room full of family and 'friends' who are discussing his marriage more than he's even caring to think of it.
"Congratulations to The Strongest and his bride." Another blanked-out random voice says giving polite blessings to him and the lady dressed in bridal wear beside him, you.
Satoru Gojo, the strongest, they call him, well he calls himself, and yes, he is, he without a doubt is the strongest. Born with the Six Eyes technique after ages of the Gojo clan, while relevant in the Jujutsu world, unable to have a child with such technique for so long, Gojo was instantly hailed heir, no questions asked.
And with all of that, comes responsibilities, that, as immature as the man acts, he does take care of. Responsibilities include many things other than killing curses though, responsibilities include managing the clan, doing his part in Jujutsu society, mentoring the students and keeping peace with the other clans. Just to list the few, less action-based responsibilities. Marriage is an obvious one as well.
And you're the bride.
He knew it was coming. It wasn't specifically because he was the strongest he was gonna be strung into a marriage as quickly as possible, though that played a role in it. He saw it with his parents, relatives, and the other clans, Zenin especially who practiced it most rigidly perhaps, marriage was a necessary part of holding a certain status, it's simply expected. Arranged are ideal.
It's not that he was forced into it either, everyone knows this is Satoru Gojo, he does whatever he wants. He gets whatever he wants, he's spoiled, both by the hands of Jujutsu society that almost worships him for his abilities and his own self, the ego he holds very proudly and very loudly that he shamelessly keeps up. If he wants something, he takes it, if he doesn't, he'll leave. He holds that sort of irrefutable power.
So he's okay with this, with marriage. With an arranged marriage, to you, whatever his reasons are that much is clear.
"You gonna eat that?" He's not asking really, he's already got his freakishly long arm drawled out on the table grabbing the plate out of yours. Fingers wriggling comically and he doesn't even make eye contact, looking at the slice of cake with a deeper passion than he bothered to look at you with. Not that you're expecting it, but.. you are the bride, he is on board.
"..Uh guess not." Is all you can reply, slightly awkwardly as he snatches the slice and gobbles it, humming like an overgrown toddler. Was he feeling as awkward too? He didn't look it, he looked fine, bored out of his over-active mind but not mad or anything. Much less mad at you, nor nervous. You're sat close, right by his side, being the main events the two of you of course, Gojo more so because he's the main event in everything in his life.
"This shit's good." He's moaning now, at cake. Almost makes you cringe but with that huge grin of overabundant confidence he has, he somehow makes it seem less cringe.
"Wedding cake's always good-" He gulps down another piece as he speaks. "Best part of any wedding."
Was that?.. Was that an insult? Felt like it, you're sat there all prettied up prim and proper to marry him, and you know he accepted this marriage and he's calling the cake the best part of the wedding? No, you can't even blame him. If anything you probably agree, save for the overly expensive gifts of cold hard cash the other clans and guests were leaving those were also good parts. Because this is, arranged.
You two, are, for the most part, strangers to each other. Together yes, married actually since you and him signed the legal documents no less than 10 minutes earlier into the wedding.
Still, it's awkward.
Soon the cake is gone, mostly by Gojo's abyss of a stomach, and the guests leave. Caterers clean up and family members give some last tidings before leaving. As well as you, and Gojo.
"So, do you think I'm hot?" He perks, sprawled on the couch with his formal wear lazily pulled off scattering around the floor from when he took it off the instant he was inside the residence. His residence, of course. A grin showing no signs of the tense awkwardness one would expect a young man freshly married to a wife he's only married to through arrangements would be. But no, he's Satoru Gojo, if there's one thing he has, it's an overwhelming amount of self-assurance.
"Do I- Do I think you're hot?" You reply, standing a bit awkwardly in front of him, still trying to process the fact you're sleeping here tonight, no for the rest of your life you'll be sleeping in this house. Home, you should call it, it is your home now. Might take time to properly digest that but it is.
"Yeah, am I hot?" The question is, by his expression, obviously self-explained. He IS attractive, with pretty big blue eyes, tall and decently built, and gorgeous lips too, he knows it, he knows he's hot. Gojo just likes to tease, he's a little shit. 
"I mean, am I attractive to YOU?" He asks again, putting more emphasis. For all the slightly passive-aggressive things he's said the evening and immature behaviour, the question is poised genuinely. He's smirking, humming almost as he asks but the way he looks at you it's also clear that he is asking you, seriously.
His gaze never breaks with yours, and though you only take a second to respond, it feels like an hour with the heavy weight of the situation in your brain and the almost stinging feeling of his wide baby blue bright eyes piercing through yours waiting for your response.
"You... Yes, you are attractive." He is, he knows that already though and that wasn't what he was asking. But you know that wasn't what he asking. His expression doesn't falter though, but there's an obvious disappointment, boredom more specifically in it at your lack of response. You're talking but the words are white paper plain, even you can taste it on your tongue, how chaste you sound. 
"I think you're attractive, too." His reply is more genuine than yours as well, maybe not genuine but a lot more emotion in it. Maybe he's just more confident, which he is no doubt. 
"Like, seriously." He whistles, christ that's jarring. "seriously hot." 
He's up off the couch before you can give another disingenuous 'thanks' and standing right in front of you, eyeing you down with little to no attempt to act ceremoniously, which he was showing at least the faintest ounce of at the wedding earlier. That gawky tension of whatever the hell the two of you have going on is back, but not for Gojo. He doesn't even have a semblance of humility in him to feel that tension that's burning inside of you right now.
"We're supposed to like each other, you know." He adds, keeping his eyes trained on your body shamelessly.
It feels like his hands are folded around you but they aren't, they're hanging loosely by his side all dangly as his limbs are, the man is a giant. It's more a feeling, suffocating, as though you've been cornered when you aren't. It's the middle of a decently spaced living room and the front door is unlocked. And Gojo, as devious as his smirk is, would never hold you by the binds of a pressured marriage. If anything, you were almost under the assumption he didn't care for you, or this marriage.
"I guess, yeah." You start. "You like me then?" You finish, a bit bolder now, he's seamlessly talking and you are married now, till death do you part as they say. Might as well match his energy.
"You bet I do, sweetheart." Petnames? Okay maybe too much, he might need to dial it down. But Gojo is Gojo, the strongest, an eccentric man. He doesn't 'dial it down' for anything, or anyone. You're his wife, and he likes what he sees. Smiling as he speaks, genuine and concise in his words, he means what he says. As confusing as this situation is, he is young, he's accepted it, and not begrudgingly at all. "I got me a pretty wife- you, you're my wife, so I like you." 
"Thanks Gojo." Ah, there it is, not disingenuous. Though minimal he picks up on it, you also mean it. Maybe not in the way he means it, maybe more than he means it, who knows, not him. Confident as he says he is with the ladies, he's never actually been with one before, this whole relationship shtick, marriage shtick, is new.
Marriage is built off of love, his elders told him, he saw in shitty rom-coms and pop songs blasting the radio. He'd like that, love, as much immaturity and disregard he’s shown at the wedding, the engagement, the arrangements when he first heard they'd picked a partner for him, it has appeal. And he wants it, and this woman, you, you're going to be the one to give it to him, love. Not today, not tonight. Maybe not in a month or a year, but it'll grow, and fester over time. He's sure, as he is in everything, this marriage will last.
"I'm tired as hell from all that wedding crap," Gojo says, his feet ever so minimally backing off so he isn't smothering you with his presence and wide sapphire-like eyes boring into your understandably unsure eyes. "There's a guest room, I'll sleep there and you can take the main bedroom-"
"I can sleep with you." You cut him off.
"In the guest bedroom??" He questions with a blink, okay so he's a bit stupid. That's okay though.
"No, with you, in our bedroom." You correct him, feeling more assured now, eased by Gojo's, thankfully.
"Right." The cheeky grin is back. Actually, it isn't very annoying anymore, it's kinda attractive. He is attractive that much is sure, but he's starting to be attractive to you. "Let's go sleep in OUR bed then, how's that sound?" 
"Sounds good."
It's oddly domestic, the walk to the bedroom he previously had all to himself, showing you the way, and showing you the bed you're gonna be sleeping in for the rest of your days. The way his slender fingers, which you were almost sure would poke out your eyes, gracefully helped you dissemble the layers of jewelry and fabrics you were dolled up in. His touch was feather-light, in stark contrast to his smug demeanour, making it clear, the boy has never undressed a lady.
Nothing goes further than that though, he doesn't push for anything more, and considering how new and confusing everything still is, you don't either. Instead choosing to lay back, and shut your eyes beside Gojo, letting exhaustion overtake you both and just sleep for the night.
Sleep beside your husband.
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h0r0gur4mu · 8 months
everyone who writes and supports miles smut can block me, that includes 42 btw.
TW: BELOW THE CUT IS DISCUSSION OF P//DO, UNDERAGE CONTENT. (I don’t go too far into detail but I know some people have been affected by it).
elaboration on why aging up (for sexual purposes) is bad
miles is canonically 15 and dont even pull that “he’s aged up” shit with me cause you know damn well on aged up fanfics they use pictures of CANON MILES. so its pretty obvious u have the teen in your mind. and you know what the ones that are around his age are annoying too but it doesnt put nearly of a bad taste in my mouth as the GROWN ASS ADULTS who make that shit.
and btw dont go and say “oh, it’s hormones and plus miles has hormones” and to that i have to say:
1. if you are a child who likes miles like that, fine, deal with that shit in private tho. you posting s*xual content of a minor is catering to creepy adults online
2. if you’re an adult saying that shit then i can say nothing less that you have the mindset of a groomer. You’re not very far from the mfs who say that “teenage girls are at their ripe age at 16.” you as an adult SHOULD NOT be using teenagers having hormones to your advantage and excuse. That’s disgusting.
“they’re just a fictional character” 😟 can you get a grip? go outside. Miles is a fictional character who is BUILT and DESIGNED to look like a teenager. And astv aint that unrealistic that you can say he’s ambiguous. He’s not. And even if he was he does activities that I do as a teen—I go to high school, I’m nervous about my future—miles is literally a relatable teen, as he was designed to be.
“Then stop looking for the smut posts.” I DONT NEED TO! It infiltrates my ASTV tag and at times the Hobie Brown tags too. You act like your tags aren’t public. If someone wanted to read a Miles fic that was normal fluff they would have to scroll through some smut too!
anyway thats all and dont even both coming up in my comments and reposts throwing a hissy fit you niggas r weird asf and can block me. maybe then id see less weird shit on my tag page. do us all a favor and log off.
+ Update: His ages from any other media isn’t a valid excuse. If you were clearly writing for canon adult miles you wouldn’t have astv miles as the icons and astv as the tag.
+ Update: Miles is CANONICALLY 15 in the first movie, and somewhere in the last movie he was YOUNGER. As mentioned above, mentioning other media as an excuse is bs when in the movies your writing for (itsv, atsv) he’s clearly a minor.
+ The thing that pisses me off the most is how ya’ll act like the people who are uncomfortable are weird. Are you not writing s*xual content about a 15 year old on a daily basis? please.
+ Fiction DOES affect reality. Why do you think people have nightmares after horror? Why does a sad film make people cry? Why does a deep movie change perspective?
+ In the scene where Miles argues with his parents, he says something along the lines of “I’m 15!!!” So if you think he’s not underage, you either didn’t pay attention or don’t have google. Plus what 18 year old discusses college that late? (without any other discussions prior?)
+ if you like little boys stop tryna hide that you like little boys it makes you even more manipulative and gross. no but in all seriousness telling minors that behavior is okay has gotta be SOME form of grooming on a more subtle scale. sorry if that’s too bold for ya’ll but as someone who’s been tricked into thinking content like this was okay when I was younger, I can confirm that this isn’t okay.
+ If to prove character that’s canonically a minor isn’t one you have to pull up seven different source materials that barely correlate to the one you write for, that character is still a fucking minor! It’s giving “she’s actually 3000!!!” when she looks 8.
yeah. kay bye!!!
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yikessmicah · 2 months
heres some bloodweave brainrot copy pasted directly from my priv twitter bc i was going insane at like 3am last night
// tw mention/brief discussion of astarion and gale's trauma, including sexual trauma. ill highlight it red so you can read the rest if youd like while avoiding the triggering part.
also obvious spoilers for part of astarion and gale's personal stories/quests.
AND DISCLAIMER this is my opinion and straight up brainrot u can ship whoever u want in bg3 idc <3
sorry im having bloodweave brainrot because out of everyone in the camp i think gale Would be the objectively best match for astarion to be in a successful relationship with.
he wouldn't push him to do anything (tho i dont think any of the companions would, but ykwim) and since gale has his own form of relationship and sexual trauma (the fact mytsra groomed him since he was Literally a child and was only ever intimate with him on the astral plane therefore he's never had real physical human touch and intimacy) it would be overwhelming for him too!!
hed WANT to take it slow, he'd WANT to be as accomodating and like. he also has something on his body that represents his trauma the same way astarion does!! astarion has his scars and gale has the orb tattoo on his chest. i also think just. astarion's whole life as a spawn was only surrounded by people he Hated talking to. people who would spit insults and berate him, treat him like he was pathetic and disgusting - but gale? gale of waterdeep who never fucking shuts up?
gale of waterdeep who would gladly wake up and immediately shower him with compliments using words astarion had never even heard before? gale who would would describe astarion's features for him re: him not being able to see his reflection in such words and with such ease that eventually astarion starts to *like* the fact he doesnt have a reflection?
gale of waterdeep who would spend every waking moment of his day - that he wasnt spending talking to or being with astarion - working on a way to cure astarion of his vampirism or at Least a way for him to walk in the sun?
GALE OF WATERDEEP . who would gladly and without fucking question give up touching astarion ever again if he told him to?
gale of waterdeep who would answer every question astarion had? who would comfort his every dark thought?
gale of fucking waterdeep who would CARE for astarion so fucking well that he would genuinely start believing and KNOWING !!! he was worthy of love.
gale of FUCKING !! WATEDEEP !! who would vow to never shut up again if thats what helped astarion deal with the memories of sitting alone in a dungeon for months or YEARS at a time at the hands of cazador (not that that would be particularly hard with how me he talks already /pos).
gale who would gladly give up ever seeing the sun again and completely flipping his sleep schedule if it meant being able to walk the streets with astarion safely.
gale who would truly and wholly give nothing but his honest and real self. bare and beaten but NOT broken. show that astarion was the same. not broken. not something to be "fixed". simply something - SOMEONE - that needed to be guided a little. simply someone that needed safety.
gale of waterdeep who would do anything for his blood to taste sweet for astarion again. so he wouldnt have to fear where his next meal was going to come from. so astarion would never have to sink his teeth into a beast - let alone a sewer rat - ever again. never again would he let him have to hunt criminals in the night through the streets Alone. EVER AGAIN!!!
gale of waterdeep who would give up sleep to be by astarion's side as much as he could (since hes human and astarion is an elf). i just. he would do anything for him. Truly Anything.
gale of waterdeep who would wait weeks, months, YEARS - CENTURIES. if that's how much time it took for astarion to say i love you back. gale would say it 300 times a day and not once would it ring with the exigency of needing him to say it back.
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fracturediron · 3 months
Something I do like about the character writing for DFF is that 1) The characters really do feel like messy teenagers 2) The characters do shitty things, hurt each other or do harmful things to themselves that - frustrating and painful as it is to watch - make sense for the character and their circumstances. The characters don't often make the smart or best decision, but for the most part, it makes sense in context.
Tw for discussion of sexual abuse
Like am I mentally yelling at Non to forget about the movie, ditch these shitty 'friends', be honest with Phee, report Kru Keng and to move to Phee's school? Yes, I am. Do I understand why he doesn't do any of those things? Yes, I do.
He's a teenager who's mentally ill, isolated, with low self esteem and coming from a place of poverty.
As a kid, I was also part of a group of 'friends' who were actually bullies. Although things never went nearly as far as they do in DFF, I can get where Non's coming from. When you're that desperate for acceptance and to be a part of a group (however shitty it may be), and when perhaps they're not even always shitty, just enough so to make you consider staying around, you'll stay around in the hope things get better.
Non's family are poor - to the point of taking out loans for New - and he's already brought trouble to their door due to the money laundering scheme, as well as to his parents' relationship. In contrast to New - who's implied to be the golden child - Non likely feels like he's brought nothing but trouble and misery to his family.
As someone who's mentally ill and on medication, I wouldn't be surprised if he felt ashamed of his mental illness as well, and felt like that already made him a 'burden' to his family. Disclaimer that I don't know how mental illness is treated in Thailand specifically, but as someone from an East/Southeast Asian background, I do feel like in general, mental illness is something that still has a more of a stigma to it in Asia than it does in the West (not that there isn't stigma here too). Like, I would never tell my mum I'm in therapy because I feel like she wouldn't truly understand, and might even blame herself for me going. From her point of view, only 'crazy' people, someone with something seriously wrong with them or someone suffering from severely traumatic event would go to therapy.
When Non got taken in by the police, Phee talked to his dad to get him released, putting himself in potential trouble with his dad and potential future trouble with the police if this comes under any further scrutiny.
Non says time and time again he doesn't want to be a burden to anyone, and he already feels like he's been a burden to his family and Phee. He knows his family can't afford the debt, and he doesn't want to trouble Phee further. So when Kru Keng offers him money in exchange for sex, even though he knows what Kru Keng's doing is wrong, even though he doesn't want to lie and 'cheat' on Phee (and don't tell me it's 'cheating'; again, this is an adult in a position of power grooming a vulnerable youngster), he believes he'd be bringing his troubles to his loved ones and doesn't want to be even more of a 'burden.' So he has sex with Kru Keng.
And then Phee's reaction to finding out. Does he react badly and then say something really awful to Non by telling him to get lost and die? Yes. Do I understand why he reacted like that? Yes! Again, he's a teenager, and probably one in his first serious relationship, and reacting out of anger and hurt, without full details of the situation or understanding of why what Kru Keng's doing is incredibly wrong (even if Non seems to be 'consenting').
Unfortunately, in cases of real life teacher-student grooming, it's not uncommon for the reaction of students (especially teenagers) to not be one of 'oh, that's fucked up, the teacher's a monster, poor student [x]' but for the victim to be ridiculed or slut-shamed by some quarters, especially if it's seen as 'consensual.'
Jin's reaction too. Is it shitty he videoed Non and then (almost?) posted it on social media? Yes. Is it because of him taking that video that it somehow got disseminated to the rest of the school? Yes. Do I understand why he reacted this way? Yes. People are messy and human, and doesn't always react in the best ways in the face of hurt, anger and immaturity
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titikawai · 1 year
They need to address Bo’s trauma
Alright so this is going to be a super long essay about Bo’s trauma as I have been doing some research for the next chapters of my fic Mind Games. I went through her background and thought I would share with you my headcanons surrounding that. I especially realized that with her deaging came quite heavy consequences and thought we could discuss them. 
There are of course going to be HUGE TRIGGER WARNINGS : Grief, Grooming, SA, anxiety, depression, s*ic*de. DISCLAIMER I am no therapist so this is just me drawing from some of my how experiences with trauma and doing some researches online. 
Please know your limits and do not attempt to read this if you feel uneasy around those topics, I wouldn’t want to trigger anyone. Same goes with the potential comments that will be left under this post
So first, I’ll start with the implications of deaging Bo-Katan as they did. When we watch Clone Wars, we are led to understand that she is Satine’s younger sister but there are no indications on her age. If we think about it logically, there would probably be around an age gap of maximum 5 years between them. However, as many already pointed out, it would mean that she’d be around 60 years old in the third season of the Mandalorian. I watched a few of Katee Sackhof’s interview where she was saying that Bo-Katan was way younger that many thought she was. Indeed, with her being cast for Bo and Rosario Dawson for Ahsoka, I figured that it probably that the two were probably around the same age in CW, hence them becoming “friends” starting 7th season. It thus means that she probably was in her late teens or early twenties. However, the directors’ decision to deage her has quite huge implications : 
 Headcanons : 
* First of all, it means that there was quite a huge age gap between Satine and her sister: 15 to 20 years approximately
· We figured from the first episodes of season 3 that Bo-Katan has known her Dad and that he fought and died in the Great Mandalorian civil war. There was no mention of her mom so I just assume she died in childbirth of during the civil war as well. 
·  When her dad died, Satine became duchess of Mandalore and probably didn’t have time to personally take care of such a young sister, especially considering that she went under Qui-Gon and Obi Wan’s protection. The latter never met her so it means that she probably stayed on Mandalore with her nannies or relatives, witnessing the horros of the Civil war. She probably felt abandoned by her sister. She probably wished the war to end as soon as possible (some have theorized that her dad probably taught her how to fight so she probably wasn’t scared of using violence to defend her planet), explaining why she never understood why her sister was a pacifist.
· I am a strong believer in Satine being Korkie’s mom (I mean there is no third sister). So it means that Bo-Katan was probably a child when her big sister got pregnant with Obi-Wan. Probably, she witnessed her sister going into hidding to have her baby to try and not become a pariah. I figure this would explain Bo-Katan’s resentment against Jedis and particularly Obi-Wan as he didn’t reach out to her sister nor stepped up for her nephew (with whom there isn’t such a big age gap)
·       So, I have seen this theory going around the internet and read it in some fanfics. It makes sense to me and would explain many things in Bo-Katan’s behaviour. THIS IS WHERE THE TW BEGINS (Grooming) : I figured that Bo-Katan probably met Pre Vizsla after the civil war as he was part of the clan of the enemy. He probably quickly became her mentor, an authority figure that she felt like could replace her dad (she definitely has daddy issues). He probably made her feel understood and special, filling the whole of her parents and Satine’s absence. I honestly believe in the grooming theory saying that he manipulated her into a relationship and death watch to take over the throne of Mandalore taking advantage of her status as the duchess’ sister (as he knew it would humiliate the latter). 
·        TW (SA) Bo probably became very secretive and broke contact with her sister, probably experiencing quite a lot of anxiety : as groomed individuals cannot give consent she was victim of SA. One proof of that would be that “imfamous” butt slap she gave Ahsoka upon meeting her (which is also SA). This sexualized behaviour is not appropriate for a teen or young adult. 
*        Her exposure to this type of trauma probably made her feel like she felt invicible to danger and that is when she developed a violent, criminal behaviour (let’s not forget she participated in the burning of a village and the enslavement of its inhabitants). 
·        Then Pre Vizsla died by the hands of Darth Maul and she started feeling  grief but also probably self doubt, being hit with what she had done and went back to her sister.  She did horrible things while in DW and probably enjoyed them back then through her broken perception of things.
·        Then Satine died and she felt guilty for her death because obviously she she betrayed her. This changed her deeply as she was bombarded with her overwhelming feelings of blame, regret, guilt and confusion, probably struggling with TW drug or alcohol abuse, self harm or suicidal thoughts. 
·        She ended up leading her people, most of them probably hating her for what happened to their planet, Pre Vizsla and her sister, for Maul and of course later, the Purge… She was not her sister and I don’t think that she had ever thought through becoming the duchess of Mandalore. She definitely wanted the power but probably was not ready for that responsibility. Her people respected her because she was royalty, nothing more. They did not have love for her, nor respect : hence why they all left her once she didn’t have the darksaber anymore.
·        All those events had a huge impact on her adult life considering she had lost the majority of people she cared for and struggled to build strong and healthy relationships
She definitely struggles to be vulnerable around others tie that scene with Grogu where she asks him what he is looking at in episode 2) 
·        When it comes to romantic relationships, I picture her having an avoidant attachment style used her sex appeal as a tool to manipulate men AND women (we stan a bisexual queen), to feel in control. I feel like if she started feeling someone catching feelings for her, she would flee (that’s probably what happened with Axe as many of us assume that he was in love with her and was her ex FWB because of his bitterness and her reluctance when talking about him). 
 ·        When it comes to her relationship with Din (sorry I’m a Dinbo shipper) I feel like when she met him he struck her as really different to the other guys she met : 
-first because she had been forced to reflect on her past and draw lessons from it while she was alone on Sundary for two years
-then because he wore a helmet : so she did not see his face and struggled to sexualize him which forced her to focus on who he is inside and really bond with him on an intimate level (here I speak of real emotional intimacy and not sex)
- because he, himself, did not consider her as a piece of meat (I picture Din as asexual or demi-sexual) and he quickly showed her he cared about her and not her title, showing true loyalty to her for the first time in forever (except from her relationship with Ursa Wren and Ahsoka, I assume she didn’t have very deep friendships, most of them probably being shallow)
-because of Grogu, Din is starting to shift from an avoidant attachment style to a secure one and is way less guarded than in the first season
-so I guess she is intriged by this new form of intimacy with him, the way she feels at ease with him and not feel like she need to be hypervigilant (the scene in the cave where they sit super close shows that). Both of them lost their parents quite young and I feel like it could be a shared experience they could bond over or already have unconsciously. 
When it comes to her relationship with Ahsoka : 
PLS WRITTERS I BEG OF YOU show me a real healthy female relationship without toxicity and where they support each other no matter what. 
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the-thirteenth-prime · 9 months
In which Pokemon Masters Ex jumps the Galarian shark.
Is it stupid to be disappointed in a gatcha game? Yeah. Am I really disappointed in the Galar arc now that both parts have been posted on Youtube? Absolutely.
(spoilers for unreleased content under the cut)
Look, I get that DeNA were in a pickle when they had to bring Rose into the Villain Arc, because homeboy's in jail probably forever for being willing to commit genocide over a power crisis a thousand years in the future. So the only other reasonable option (other than breaking him out of jail) was to have another Rose from an alternative universe come in. However, in doing so, they wrote themselves into a corner they really couldn't get out of.
Let me explain.
First off, for those of you wanting Rose to be confronted by literally anyone about his abuse of Leon and Bede and his willingly sacrificing Leon to Eternatus: I am really sorry to disappoint you, but it doesn't happen. Not only does no one really bring it up, but Bede isn't even in either part of the Villain Arc. And before anyone says it's stupid to expect a gatcha game to handle (child) abuse: they did it with N. They blatantly did it with N and Ghestis. They CAN do it. For whatever reason, however, they just...chose not to with Rose. Even if they didn't want to get into the Leon weeds, Bede is literally right there in the game, but he doesn't even get a name drop. It's fucking ridiculous.
However, I can see why--even if they wanted to bring it up--they couldn't really do it, because the only ending they could write with the scenario they established was a milquetoast 'reconciliation' with Rose. Bringing up what 'canon' Rose did to Leon and Bede would utterly tank this, because this is a version of Rose from the past, meaning that he is still actively abusing Leon and Bede in his own world. Bringing up the big A would inevitably lead to questions about the OTHER Bede and Leon back in Rose's home timeline/universe. As much as I hate it, I can see why the writers of a gatcha game wouldn't want to open this can of worms.
At the same time, they could have just...broken Rose out of jail to take revenge on Leon for leading Galar into destruction or whatever.
Not only that, but it's canon (see PokeAni) that Rose has been grooming Leon from childhood to defeat Eternatus. Meaning that Eternatus is still chilling in its egg in the power plant in Rose's home universe. Are we...not going to warn the other Leon and Raihan about what's going on in the Hammerlocke Power Plant, or at least mention possibly warning them???
I just. It's disappointing, because DeNA showed they weren't afraid to discuss child abuse when it came to N and Ghestis, but they completely dropped the ball with the Galar Arc, even though there are many reasons why they did so. What smarts the most, though, is that these poor writing decisions lead to an entire arc of Leon trying to placate his abuser and groomer into not starting the apocalypse or creating a civil war on Pasio pretty, pretty please.
The fact that the arc ends with Rose leading an exhibition match with Leon and Gloria knowing what Rose fucking did to Leon?? What he's still doing to his own Leon???? And he's probably going to be working together with Rose in future events??? His abuser and the man who tried to kill him???
As dramatic as it sounds, Leon deserved better. Bede deserved better. Galar deserved better.
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xxxtoony-brosxxx · 5 months
Tw grooming/unalive/self harm mentions
Here to discuss two of my groomers from the past
Aka MiloIsHere on discord idk what their user is here on Tumblr and Unicornlilac
Yes these are old things
But still I'm going to talk abt
Yes I heard Unicornlilac had unalived themselves idk how long ago
Ppl also tend to forget nsfw rps with minors is low-key grooming if they didn't consent to it, or can lead the adult to bride the minor to do nsfw rps Abt themselves, which unicornlilac did at one point to me
Info under the cut
Idc if I get attacked by my currently alive groomer or his pals, either I'll argue with or ignore yall
Also if u want, y'all can reblog and share
But for unicornlilac:
They were in their 20s, I think like 22 maybe
I was 16, they sexualized my OCs, one basically a child, the ogs know my boy Strawco, yes, him and Gearshift did a ton of the deed bc it's what they pressured to do, especially Ezy when I first made him, Ezy was also sexualized by them, with several Bendy clones at once
There's also them asking me out, I was 15 just turned 16, they kept implying to date, low-key even mentioning having sex and meeting up irl
Ofc I turned that down, but they did make jokes abt how we would do it bc as most of u know, I'm trans, so they were trying to talk abt how we'd do it and pointing out how I didn't have a dick
They even mentioned to me how they dated someone who would have been my age at the time (16) but they broke up 2 years prior
Making that person 14 years old, idk their story tho or how long unicornlilac was with them, just might be before they turned 14 for all I know, I can't provide evidence for this bc unicorn deleted everything and I had blocked them prior to that
For Milo (who I have evidence for):
Tons of NSFW rp from them, didn't really talk much outside of the NSFW rp, they never asked if I was ok with the rp, just went ahead and did it, I only went with it bc I was a ppl pleasing traumatized wreck that broke my own boundaries for it, (y'all would know I wasnt fond of my characters being referred to suggestively if y'all remember when I was upset with ppl calling Ezy a man whore, stuff like "hot" or "handsome/pretty" was fine tho), remember ppl, if they don't say yes, that doesn't mean it's not a no, it's a no until they say yes, I was 16 at the time, they were 17 going to be 18, and continued when they turned 18, i believe Milo is abt 19/20 now
Sexualized Ezy (only time they rped was for sexual rps between him and Don), had a drowning kink, I only figure out bc they did a water demon rp with their bendy and mine on a non NSFW channels in a server, only stopping when I said my boy doesn't need to breathe and is Aroace so if that's a turn off so they stopped so fast, weird if that's just a reg rp
Plus I've heard they did this type of rp many ppl, not just me, even ones that included choking and cutting
Lied about their age in different servers and dms to do nsfw rp
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So if he claimed to be 18+ before/around the time of May, 2021
U were lied to
Many adults were lied to abt their age just to do nsfw rps
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Got upset when someone didn't include their bendy in a work with different Bendys and my Ezy, which was a surprise gift we didn't know abt
And got upset when they weren't in it and seem to take pride in being messed up in the image above, didn't feel guilty until I pointed out that's not something to be proud of
I know they contacted the artist abt it, idk how they did but for all I know it probably came off as pretty rude
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Only apologized to me to keep shipping, if I hadn't mentioned what I did, they probably would have continued abt the shipping rather than a really apology I low-key eventually pressured but still didn't seem sincere tbh and took a "I mess everything up" approach
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This was stuff on my old phone I got from Google photos, when they took a joke too seriously there and started to guilt me for it, yes I did spiral so I know I over apologized but they didn't say they forgave me until this last message and told me to not make it into a self blame thing on my own server that everyone knew was a joke, and when asked not to make that joke I apologize and we dropped it, the only one that escalated was Milo
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Doesn't ask if I'm up to rp, expects me to comply
When ignored
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Tries again
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The way they questioned the ban from my server seems pretty passive aggressive, probably nothing big but included anyways
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Also this is old from my old discord acc
He asked what bbc was, I made something up tbh I didn't know what it meant back then
Don't know why he turned it on me
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Um why???
When exposed for all this one someone else's server he started angrily (or so I'm told) questioning who did it and had threatened to self harm over it, I heard from ppl it was a way they guilted ppl to listen to them
I wasn't the only one he groomed but I'll leave it up to the ppl who were victims to step up if they see this post
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candyrushsweetest · 6 months
The saddest part is I still love Yandere Simulator’s characters...
TW; Talk of CSAM/CSEM, Manipulation, Predatory behavior (adult [35] taking advantage of a minor [16-17])
Alex Mahan/YandereDev DISGUSTS ME! How could you even begin to support this man?
When I read his WordPress blog posts, I couldn’t believe it! He was using incredibly manipulative and abusive language that would point out that he was a predator. He clearly has zero brains when it comes to being a “public figure”, so maybe this is for the best—he should get offline FOREVER.
The fact that he thought it was fine and dandy to talk SEXUALLY to a 16-17 year old is BEYOND ME! After all of his contraversies, I’m surprised if anyone continues to play this game on YouTube..! Just thinking about what YanDev has done makes my BLOOD BOIL..! He took advantage of a MINOR and GAVE PERMISSION TO THE MINOR TO SEND HIM EXPLICIT PICTURES AND “KEEP IT A SECRET”.
You all supporting him are FUCKING STUPID!
I understand that the game was something he’s known for, but I also wish people would pay more attention to the victims of YandereDev rather than his sexual depictions of fictional schoolgirls that don’t exist. WHERE HAS THE VICTIM GONE?
All I see is people blaming others for enjoying a game about a yandere character (a COMMON anime trope) and how “the characters are in high school.”
Where did the VICTIM go???? Did you all FORGET??? You seem to give more shits about the “development” of his game rather than how horribly he has treated this girl who he is years ahead of!! Before you open your mouth about this situation, give condolences to the victim and support them.
I don’t care how you view fictional media, but—in situations like this—it is INCREDIBLY INAPPROPRIATE to discuss! It takes attention away from what happened! People just think “Oh shit, another YandereDev controversy” rather than “Oh shit, YandereDev GROOMED SOMEONE????!!!”
This doesn’t even INVOLVE the game anymore. This is a REAL PERSON, a REAL CHILD. GROW UP!
Sorry, I’m just disappointed in people...
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serialmilipede · 2 months
WWX reincarnates as LWJ's son
tw grooming! inc*st, underage, sexual assault, dark!LWJ
In a universe where Wei Wuxian is never resurrected, Nie Huaisang still finds a way to expose Jin Guangyao's crimes. And with Lan Xichen in indefinite seclusion, the Lan elders force Lan Wangji to marry. There’s whispers. Fear of a sect without heirs, fear of a sect leader decaying in his own bed. 
So Lan Wangji marries a pretty disciple, only five years his junior, named Lan Meifang. On their wedding night he can’t get it up. He lies about having erectile dysfunction, but maybe in a way that’s what being a cutsleeve to the extent of being sexually repulsed by women is. They figure it out together, eventually. He needs to be totally blindfolded and at maximum arousal prior to her getting anywhere near him. It’s weird. So weird. Lan Meifang definitely knows other couples are not having sex like this. 
But it’s fine. This is a practical relationship and they both know it. All business. They just need two or three kids out of it and it can all be over. Then, the only thing worse than Wei Wuxian coming back to life happens. He reincarnates as Lan Wangji’s first son. 
In isolation none of the things that led Lan Wangji to believe his son is Wei Wuxian are particularly striking. A beauty mark on his chin. Piercing grey eyes that neither of his parents have. (Lan Meifang says her grandfather used to have them.) Laughter like a tinkling bell. Wild black hair that cannot be tamed. The way Lan Wangji’s uncle looks at him when they name the boy “Lan Ying” is so repulsed it’s almost funny. Regular, ordinary coincidences. Not to worry over. 
By ten months the boy is on his feet, waddling around yelling “Baba! Baba!”. He shows Lan Wangji everything. A ladybug he found, a leaf he thinks is interesting, a stray chive in his congee that he refuses to eat. It’s impossibly endearing and Lan Wangji becomes pliable in his little boy’s hands. Anything Lan Ying wants, Lan Ying gets. He’s the only person Lan Wangji spares a glance or smiles at. Lan Sizhui silently watches himself get sidelined in favour of the real son. Lan Wangji’s blood. 
As Lan Ying grows it becomes increasingly obvious that the closeness between them will not abate. The child really is the splitting image of Wei Wuxian, down to the way his eyelashes curl and his hair grows lighter at the edges. Although the boy is eight now Lan Wangji still lets him sit on his lap, spoon-feeds him, waits on him hand and foot, baths him. Lan Ying is a chatterbox, and cannot adhere to the prescribed Lan silence. Another coincidence. Very normal and regular. The elders worry he’ll never grow a backbone and it enrages Lan Wangji so much he blindfolds and straps himself to the bed, telling Lan Meifang not to stop until he’s cum successfully. 
It bears fruit, another boy. Lan Wangji never grows close to him. However, the plan works and the elders stop pestering Lan Wangji about Lan Ying so much. With age Lan Ying grows rowdier, more and more like Wei Ying. At the first discussion conference they take him to Jiang Wanyin freezes and has to take a double take at the new heir to the Lan sect. Briefly, Lan Wangji and Jiang Wanyin make eye contact. With horror, they both realise the other definitely knows. 
Of course, Lan Ying doesn’t suspect a thing and continues causing trouble, to the point that he has to be sent to his room for misbehaving and embarrassing the sect. He never attends another because the staring from the Jiang sect leader makes the entire Lan delegation uncomfortable. Lan Meifang and Lan Wangji give Lan Ying the courtesy name “Fenghong” meaning great phoenix. It is an incredibly thinly veiled reference to Lan Wangji’s belief in Wei Ying’s reincarnation. 
When he receives his blade at twelve the sword he’s given is crafted of fine silver, and engraved beautifully. Lan Wangji stops pretending to care for anyone but his child. With age the child grows… prettier. Soft, curvy features. Gorgeous eyes, pink lips and a wicked smirk. Lan Wangji never pushes him to train more than he needs to, read more than he wants. The boy spends most of his time reading pornography, which Lan Wangji happily supplies upon his son’s request. Lan Ying requests help with homework, help with folding his clothes, help with making his bed, and where anyone else tries to provide it, or scold him for being incompetent, Lan Wangji is there to guard the task of keeping his child well-kept and safe. No rules apply to Lan Ying. There’s a joke amongst the teenagers that the Lan sect would allow murder if the victim was killed by Lan Ying. 
As he enters his teenage years his father’s coddling gives way to bullying from his peers. Lan Ying is teased relentlessly for being unable to perform basic tasks, for being too pretty, “like a girl,” and for clinging to his father. His cultivation is lower than expected, especially with his parentage in mind and Lan Qiren advises his nephew to enrol his son in some kind of private training with a stronger disciple - like Lan Sizhui. Lan Wangji reassures his uncle that he’ll resolve the issue himself but Lan Ying cries so bitterly at having to train that he makes little progress. The physical inferiority of the Lan Sect’s first heir is made apparent in duels, and Lan Ying is moved down a class to avoid further humiliation. It also allows the bullies more authority over him, causing their altercations to become physical. 
When Lan Ying shows up to the Jingshi with a black eye Lan Wangji instantly abuses his position as head disciplinarian to enact revenge for his son. He prescribes one hundred lashes for each boy named, ten in total, and a year of copying the Lan Sect rules. The parents protest on the basis of unfair bias, and Lan Xichen comes out of seclusion in an attempt to desperately remedy the situation. Lan Wangji is quietly stripped of his title, and their punishments are lessened - 30 lashes each, 50 for the one who punched him. A standard month of copying the rules. 
When he passes the boys in the Cloud Recesses Hanguang-Jun seethes with barely concealed rage. Lan Xichen briefly considers addressing his brother’s possessive attitude towards his son but… feels it’s none of his business. He comments on it to Lan Meifang, but she shrugs it off as him being overly concerned. Fatherhood changes people. Lan Xichen wouldn’t know… After the incident, Lan Wangji convinces his son, makes him promise, never to keep anything from him ever again. Lan Ying can and must tell his father everything. 
So he does. Bullying, studying, his thoughts and feelings, crushes. Lan Wangji does a double take when Lan Ying brings up a girl he thinks is cute. He has her carefully removed from the cultivation pathway and transferred to a medical one. 
The same year Lan Wangji leaves the Cloud Recesses to attend an annual discussion conference. While there, a servant informs him that Lan Ying is unwell. Rather than enquire further about the severity of the illness Lan Wangji rushes back. He snatches his son from his mother’s quarters, where the boy is resting, and takes him back to the Jingshi. Laying him on his bed, Lan Wangji takes his temperature, brings him cold towels, feeds him, brings him medicine from the physicians, circulates spiritual energy through his body, and sleeps on the floor next to him until the boy is well again. He refuses to return to the conference, leave Lan Ying’s bedside, or let anyone see Lan Ying. 
Perhaps Lan Wangji is becoming delusional but Lan Ying’s spiritual energy mixing with his feels so right, it feels… like Wei Ying. Lan Wangji tries to swallow the thought. If this is Wei Ying’s reincarnation… he deserves as cushy and pampered a life as possible. As long as Lan Wangji doesn’t reveal his suspicions he can give Wei Ying the life he should have had the first time. (Privately, the physicians inform Lan Xichen it was nothing but a mild cold. Lan Wangji’s constant pampering is likely contributing to the severity of his fever, as Lan Ying’s immune system is poorly adjusted and kept weak). 
The next year, Lan Ying somehow gets sick again, this time when Lan Wangji is at attendance for a meeting about the Lotus Pier rebuilding effort. Despite being almost fully finished, the Sect is requesting material aid for some of the more symbolic or sentimental parts that were left unbuilt until stability was achieved. Wangji is supposed to survey the necessity of these areas, and whether or not the Lan Sect can provide sufficient materials. 
Lan Qiren orders servants not to inform any of the delegation in Lotus Pier of Lan Ying’s condition. Of course, he still gets well. It starts to look like the incident will blow over. A lie of omission, yes, but it’s very important that Lan Wangji doesn’t sabotage relations between the Lan and Jiang sect by prioritising his son’s mild case of illness. 
But of course… Lan Ying tells him. He promised his baba, and he won’t break it! Unable to take revenge for this lie, Lan Wangji silently rages. There’s a noticeable shift in how he regards the other members of his Sect. When the next conference comes around there is a great conundrum as the Lan Sect heir reappears in the public eye. 
The hair on everyone’s necks stands on end as a young boy, fifteen at most, skips into the hall in front of Lan Wangji, whistling and twirling his ponytail. Rumours begin to spread that a soul summoning ritual must have been performed. Something is not right - there’s no way the Lan heir and Wei Wuxian are coincidentally that similar! Lan Qiren almost spits blood at this new, frightening potential for diplomatic incident. He looks more and more like Wei Ying and it’s driving everyone, most of all his own father, entirely mad!
Lan Ying’s first night hunt without Lan Wangji is where it all goes wrong. Despite lagging behind his peers in his studies, at an entry level at sixteen, Lan Wangji insists the boy can manage. Lan Sizhui is leading. He has grown into an outstanding member of the sect, well on his way to either ascension or starting his own sect. Knowing Hanguang-Jun’s… close relationship with his son, Lan Sizhui pays careful attention to ensure his safety, but Lan Ying is simply too far behind for the task. 
He gets slashed across the thighs by a monster, and has to be carried back to the Cloud Recesses on a stretcher made of Lan Sizhui’s own robes, moaning and groaning desperately, crying out for his baba. As expected, Hanguang-Jun is absolutely hysterical. No one, not even Lan Ying’s bullies, have ever seen him look so terrifying. He stays by Lan Ying’s bedside looking positively manic as the physicians make light work of the wounds. After his wounds are tended to, Lan Wangji once again whisks Lan Ying away to the Jingshi and nurses him back to health. 
When the injury heals, Lan Ying stays. A second bed is installed, in the same room as Lan Wangji’s. Life goes on as normal. Except it doesn’t. It becomes impossible to suppress Lan Wangji’s notice of the similarities between Lan and Wei Ying. Having him in his room becomes hard to bear, but Lan Wangji refuses to let anyone else have him. On the nights Lan Ying crawls into his father’s bed with him Lan Wangji can only close his eyes with a grimace and try to still his stuttering heart. 
Lan Wangji becomes increasingly reclusive. Lan Ying frequently calls in sick to class. He doesn’t attend more often than he does. Instead, he spends his days lounging around the Jingshi, waiting for his dad to come home so he can talk to him about what he’s reading, painting, or thinking about in the hours he’s not with him. They hone their boardgames skills, and practise calligraphy together, Lan Ying perched in Lan Wangji’s lap as the elder’s hand guides his through strokes. Lan Wangji teaches the boy to brew the perfect teas, cook congee, clean different stubborn materials, plant flowers. He takes him to the field of bunnies often and Lan Ying likes that most of all. 
Lan Ying grows paler and prettier. More spindly with his lack of exercise. On days where he doesn’t leave the Jingshi he wears only his inner robe, scampering around scantily. It makes Lan Wangji wonder… growing into a young man, especially one so sickly, can’t be easy. Lan Wangji remembers it being impossibly difficult, and he was one of the strongest of his generation. While Lan Ying would definitely win in a looks competition, he had little stimulation outside of their walks in the evening, or visits to the library or rabbits. Once or twice a week, class time, but Lan Wangji knew he hated that. 
They eat dinner with the rest of the Sect, but all other meals are served directly to the Jingshi. Lan Meifang visits the Jingshi every few weeks, but she’s busy bringing up her other two children (who she slept with for the third one Lan Wangji may never know. He doesn’t really care). The whispers of townspeople insist that they’re far more confident than the sickly first master Lan. 
Lan Wangji frets over everything to do with his son. His eating, sleeping, drinking, feelings. As he nears seventeen Lan Wangji frets for Lan Ying’s sexual health, as he remembers this being around the time his own sexuality developed. It starts innocently enough. They already tell each other everything, so Lan Wangji asks him simple questions about his interests. Boys or girls. Has he kissed anyone? Read porn? Touched himself. Lan Ying answers truthfully. Lan Wangji asks him if he’s touched himself in this room and gets so worked up by the embarrassed “yes” that not even the cold pond can calm his hard on. 
He jerks off on the bank before curling up in the water in shame. A brief scream under the water relieves him of any guilt. Something’s wrong with him, he feels like he’s going crazy. Why is his own son so… seductive?! His son… who is the reincarnation of the only man you’ve ever loved, his brain supplies helpfully. Lan Wangji groans into his hands. 
For his seventeenth birthday Lan Wangji takes Lan Ying to the market in Caiyi, where he selects a wooden dizi and a new set of grey robes for purchase. They eat rich food, and Lan Ying drinks wine. Late at night, Lan Wangji inconspicuously walks through the wards of the Cloud Recesses, carrying a (deniably) intoxicated Lan Ying back to the Jingshi. Lan Wangji slips three porn novels into the pile of new purchases. Dutifully, Lan Ying practises the dizi every day and Lan Wangji thrills at the nightly sessions where Lan Ying shows off what he’s learnt. It suits him so well. 
Lan Wangji also notices the spring books moving around shelf. Rearranged. Unmoved if you don’t look close enough, but it’s clear Lan Ying has been making… use of them. It makes Lan Wangji glad. He secretly jerks off in the bath tub. Life continues at this weird, jagged pace. 
Lan Xichen asks his brother if it is perhaps time for Lan Ying to rejoin his classmates in the dorms, but Lan Wangji insists the boy is far too unwell, and traumatised by his experience to reintegrate into cultivation like normal boys. After a brief, lying-by-omission style conversation with Lan Ying, the mantle of Sect Leader is finally given to his younger brother. The boy is ten by now, and a strong cultivator for his age. Ripe for the position, and malleable. Now Lan Wangji… truly has his Lan Ying all to himself. 
A few weeks later he finds Lan Ying masturbating. It’s an accident. He’s relieved of his duties around lunchtime as he finds himself without his advanced class, comprised of three students who are taking their guqin cultivation further, due to a small flu going around. Giddy, he almost skips back to the Jingshi. Any excuse to spend more time with his son is a plus. Not thinking to knock (they never do), he enters the room and locks eyes with Lan Ying, sitting on Lan Wangji’s bed with his hand round his dick and Lan Wangji’s pillow hugged to his chest. They freeze. 
One… two… three seconds. Lan Ying frantically springs into action, roughly pulling his pants back up and apologising profusely, but Lan Wangji raises a hand to stop him. He shuts the door. Locks it. Turns and approaches the bed. The mattress dips as he sits next to Lan Ying. It’s silent for a few moments more. 
“Why were you holding my pillow?” he asks, finally. Lan Ying turns even redder, almost purple.
“It’s… easier with your uh. Smell,” he says, covering his face with his hands. “I’m sorry Ba…” 
Lan Wangji shushes him gently, before patting his lap. 
“Sit,” Lan Wangji instructs. Lan Ying hesitates, but obeys. “Good boy.” 
Gently, Lan Wangji peels the boys pants down. Lan Ying inhales sharply. He’s only half hard now, but Lan Wangji remedies this with a few pumps - gently down, twisting on the upstroke. Lan Ying whimpers pitifully, melting into the touch.
“Here,” Lan Wangji says, tapping Lan Ying’s chin until the boy’s nose is settled in the crook of his father’s neck. “For the smell.” 
“Baba,” Lan Ying whines, writhing. 
Lan Wangji continues stroking his dick and Lan Ying’s breathing becomes increasingly erratic. He presses his face into his dad’s collarbones and neck and begins messily suckling at it. Drool spills from the sides of his mouth and his leg muscles twitch, backside pressing against Lan Wangji's hardening dick. Lan Ying cums with a soft cry, muffled in Lan Wangji’s shoulder. Silently, Lan Wangji cleans the boy up, putting his clothes in a separate bucket to be washed by Lan Wangji’s hands. No one can know Lan Ying like he does. 
After that it becomes horribly easier. Lan Ying doesn’t attend class. Lan Wangji says he’s sick. He makes Lan Ying promise not to tell anyone. Everything they do together is so Lan Ying can learn how to please his future partners. It’s all in the interest of education. Every night he touches him. When Lan Ying offers to reciprocate he’s tragically bad at it. He cries when Lan Wangji suggests he finish himself off, so the boy ends up kneeling on the floor with his mouth open while Lan Wangji jerks off into it. 
It escalates. Of course it does. They make rapid progress. Lan Wangji teaches Lan Ying how to use his mouth, his thighs, his feet, his hands, his ass. He gets to share everything, all these special things with his beautiful boy… they still eat meals with the rest of the Sect. It’s weird for everyone else but the two of them are only too content with each other’s presence. Lan Ying clings to his father like some kind of concubine. The righteous Hanguang-Jun hand-feeds him, and Lan Ying nuzzles his neck contentedly. He even stays in the room while his father makes brief conversation during the tea break between senior sect members, after the disciples have finished.
There’s a new joke going around. About Lan er-gongzi’s second wife. It’s vulgar, and Lan Qiren makes efforts to silence the whispers but Lan Wangji can’t find it in himself to get defensive. That would mean denying what he has with A-Ying… and he realises, with a strange mix of giddiness and horror, that he doesn’t want to hide it, deny that he loves his Lan Ying, his Wei Ying, more than anyone. Not even blood can keep them from each other. 
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many-but-one · 1 month
This is a poem written by Dorian nearly couple years ago now. He never ended up posting it because he intended to post the audio with it but we never finished captioning the audio. Going through our drafts, we found it. Since we’re on a poetry sharing kick tonight, I’ll post it now. This poem should probably be updated eventually since Dori knows more now, but we will keep it as-is for now.
Written by Dori:
I want to note that this poem is HEAVILY inspired by a slam poem by Patrick Roche. He came up with the idea of moving backwards in the timeline, which I felt was just...genius. Especially in the realm of DID, where if you know at the first age you have DID, you know it will only get progressively worse. And in my case, things do get worse, but then you get to see the real things that were believed back then. I discussed this poem with several parts in our system, not only asking for their help, but also asking if it was okay for me to share.
Lastly, here are the trigger warnings. This poem is HEAVY. It is graphic, it alludes and blatantly states some very disturbing things. I am tired of being silent.
TW: Alcohol, CSA, adulthood/teen SA, intense religious imagery, blasphemy, unalive attempt, drugs/pills, medical/hospital/doctors, self harm, domestic violence, parents, violence in general, car crashes, AFAB menstruation, neglect, death of a family member, a lot of cursing, BIG mentions of grooming from the POV of the child, brief mentions of abortions.
Haha. The gods really put every single TW they could think of in my life huh. Realizing that my entire life is essentially a trigger warning is 😅 Oof.
Anyway, here is the poem. Read with caution.
24 years and counting.
24, going on 25. I wake up each morning not knowing who I am and this is normal now. I have realized that this will be my normal forever, or at least until I process the layers upon layers of trauma, hidden underneath layers and layers of amnesia that I slowly peel back like onion skins, each layer getting more and more terrifying, more and more worrisome. The deeper I dig into this hole of unknown the harder my heart beats, and I realize my heart beats like a war drum. I have always been at war, with myself, with this body of mine. Of ours. 
Mid 24, I come to terms with a diagnosis called DID. I start to learn more about the different versions of myself, where they all intersect, where it melds together and where it stands apart. I think I know everything but 24 going on 25 version of me laughs at how naive I am. Perhaps 25 year old me will laugh at 24 going on 25 me. Maybe I’ll realize the depths of the hell I crawled out of called childhood was worse than I know even now. I don’t look forward to it. 
Early 24, I got married this year, my wife married three of me, three of me love her dearly. Things feel right and good again, I feel like I am on a happy path. My brain makes about as much sense at it always has, but at least I somewhat understand the pieces of the puzzle I’ve been given. Or at least, so I thought. 
23, this year is a blur, the only thing that stands out is that I quit my job I’ve had for five years. I loved that job. I quit that job because one of my past abusers walked in with no warning, and the sirens in my head went off like there was a nuclear bomb incoming. I still tell myself he didn’t see me but I know I’m lying to myself. I quit that very day and I realized that he still has control over me to this very day, 17 years after the trauma ended.
22, Two months before I am set to graduate college with my degree I get the diagnosis that changes my life. Not that my life is any different afterwards, at least not yet, so I try to continue forward regardless. How badly I wish to return to this moment and take my own face in my hands and look myself deep in the eyes and tell the 22 year old me that they have a storm coming. I think I already know, despite not really knowing, because I find myself getting drunk after work almost every night. I hide the bottles from my fiancée. I don’t want her to think I am my father.
21, I am old enough to drink! I barely drink. Every time I drink and it tastes too much like alcohol I am reminded of my father’s breath. I...don't know why. I stick to fruity drinks that taste good so that I can stop feeling things. Maybe I really am my father’s daughter. 
20, I finally start making friends in college, which is strange. Some people talk to me and I’ve never met them before, but they act like we’ve been friends since forever. Sometimes I attend lectures and I don’t remember what they are about. Sometimes I ask questions and I can hear my voice speaking and feel my mouth moving and I don’t know what I am saying. This is normal. The competent version of me sometimes does stuff when I get overwhelmed, that’s normal. That’s always happened! Everyone does that, right?
19, I wake up on the floor of my mother’s bathroom one afternoon, I smell my own stench I have been rotting in, I peek my eyes open and see pill bottles all around me, but no pills to be seen. The burn of bile on my throat and in my mouth makes me gag. I look in the toilet and see the pills. I won’t remember this moment until I am 24. I will learn it was not me that tried to kill themselves. I will also learn it was not me that saved me.
18, I have my first of many mental hospital stays. The doctors watch me stare at the other kids in the ward, nearly catatonic. They said they’d never seen a patient that never smiled. “Most kids get out of here within a couple of days!” They assured my mother and I. Two weeks later and I am still rotting on the plastic bedsheets. I lie and tell them I’m okay but I am not okay, I just want to live a life that involves shoelaces and doesn’t have nurses yelling at me to brush my teeth. I go back to school like nothing happened and almost all of my friends are gone. They never really cared.
18, pre-mental hospital, I am dating a boy that I don’t love. I am dating him because that’s what girls do even though I am not a girl. He is my best friend and it just seemed right. I really only dated him because sometimes I felt like I really loved him, but most of the time his lips on mine and his hands on my waist felt wrong. Something in my head feels like it’s buzzing like a beehive every time I go to his apartment. It’s almost like a spidey sense, except I ignore it and when I find myself back home, I don’t remember anything that happened at his house, nor how I ended up back home. I don’t think about it too hard. 
17, My dad punched a wall again. He screamed until I cried again. I can’t do this anymore, I can’t do this anymore. I hurt myself with sharp objects because it feels like that’s what I’m supposed to do. I never feel the pain, I only ever clean up the mess. I try to make myself as ugly as possible. To me(?) it makes sense. Obviously, if I am hideous, people will leave me alone. They won’t hurt me anymore, right? ...right? 
17, suddenly an angry version of myself appears and I realize I am SICK and TIRED of mistreatment. I fight back, I fight back with teeth and claws and words that are even sharper than both of those combined. I don’t remember these times very well. I certainly don’t remember the time this angry version of me YANKED the largest knife out of the butcher block and threatened the very man who ruined my life with it. I LOVE this version of myself. She’s intensity, with veins full of gasoline, ready and waiting for someone to ignite her. She bares her teeth in a grin and laughs, she says “I dare you, set me aflame, I will burn you with me.” Thanks, Alice. 
16, I nearly crash my car while I’m zoned out. Haha! I always zone out. Sometimes I zone out so hard that I forget big chunks of time, but everyone does that! 
15, my friend shows me his self harm scars and is trying to gain sympathy but I have none to give. I wonder if maybe doing the same will help me learn to have sympathy. Thus starts an addiction to pain that lasts for nearly a decade. 
14, I don’t remember this year very well but someone does. 
13, I started my period and I was told that I’m just a late bloomer. Everyone always said I was a late bloomer since forever. I didn’t hit my growth spurt until I was 14 either, and I didn’t stop wetting the bed until I was 9. Weird, but I didn’t put that much thought into it.
12, I wrote a detailed story that I no longer have a single copy of that talks about the structure of my inner world. Traces of the DID that I can actually remember. I don’t remember most of this year because I wasn’t the one who lived it.
11, My dad is neglecting me to party with his girlfriend. The one who lives some of next year lives this year too. Too much going on for fragile little me, someone stronger has to deal with this mess. She does. 
10, My brother died this year and this is the exact moment I stopped caring about God. Everything he ever gave to me he took away. I won’t understand the heaviness of such a statement for another decade and a half. This is when my depression started and when I lost my faith in humanity. I thought I gained it back for a while but I never did. I also stopped crying. Nobody heard me anyway. Someone in my head did it for me.
9, I don’t remember this year and I don’t want to.
8, I don’t remember this year and I don’t want to.
7, I am remembering this year and I don’t want to.
7, I am remembering this year and I don’t want to. 
7, I am remembering this year and I don’t want to.
7, I am remembering this year and it is the year that I well and truly shattered, the year I learned of the depravity of men, the year I learned that I was just holes to fuck, an actress in a sick film, a faerie, a demon, a screaming little cunt, and that’s all I would ever be seen as. This is the year I learned why I liked demons more than angels, and why God was my enemy. This is the year I realized for real that I was alone in this cruel fucking world and no amount of crying or talking or begging will ever make them hear me. They smile and laugh. They smile and laugh. They smile and laugh. :) 
6, late stages, My Sunday school teacher is so nice to me! He has a fun secret that only him and I share! I love him, he takes good care of me. He makes me feel good and special inside. I think deep down…I know it’s not okay. But I can’t help it. Actually, I am really scared because I see the way he looks at me and I feel queasy. I know this is wrong but I am scared he’ll hurt me if I say no. He said that God will tell him if I tell anyone what he does, and if God knows I am bad then I will go to hell. I don’t want to go to hell!! I’ll do whatever you say! I promise. I’m a good little girl. I’m an angel! 
6, early stages, my mommy and daddy broke up. They are fighting in court for me, and I don’t really know what that means. Mommy said the church is helping dad pay for good lawyers so she probably won’t get custody of me. I don’t know what that means. Mommy says daddy is bad and evil. Daddy says mommy is bad and evil. I don’t know who is telling the truth. Or maybe they both are. Or maybe I am the bad and evil one?
5, My dad visits me every night and calls me his little angel. :) I am his sweet angel! His breath smells funny though. And his fingers hurt me a lot, and I don’t like the way he tastes. But he said since I am a good angel it’s okay, so he must be right. 
4, Daddy and mommy fight a lot, my daddy has bottles in his hands a lot. He breaks them a lot. He hits mommy a lot. I am scared so I go hide. I am a being of terror. 
3, I am a toddler but there’s a version of me that remembers that he started existing at this age. He did everything he could to protect me. Even though he didn’t really know why. Thank you, Deimos.
0. I am just a twinkle in my mother’s eye, she’s just a teen and she’s scared out of her mind. This baby is saving her life, though. She didn’t want to keep going but now she has to. If only she knew that 25 years from now this baby would be a shattered and broken mess of themself, because of things desperately out of their control. They were just a baby. You failed them. They all failed them. They all failed US. Too bad you were a Christian. Maybe instead we could have been aborted. Or, rather, maybe we wouldn’t have step foot in that fucking church in the first place.
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percygranate · 1 year
TW: CSA, Grooming, Pedophilia, CSA Erotica apologist, PTSD
If you are following this individual (@/mrsblackruby) please unfollow me. I have been harassed by them for hours now and am tired of it.
I called out a 13 y/o child that writes CSA Erotica and interacts with pedophiles grooming them and this person decided to not stop tagging and addressing me in their fights with other people.
After I told them to stop tagging me over and over again in things I have nothing to do with and had to listen to them telling me all the things I should've done differently; how I should not call out the child since their CSA EROTICA FICS are okay and nothing bad; and how I should expose the predators instead like I am Chris Henson, I blocked them.
Now they changed the way they tagged me and things they wrote to “No hate, just wanting them to see this and get my point across” and fucking changing the narrative that way. People go to them to fucking apologize to them for what they went through here.
I feel triggered and disgusted. They treated this like they enjoyed the discussion and kept going, never asking for and going like we were in high school again.
Please block me and never interact with me again if you support this person. Please leave me alone!
Please don't send them hate, either. I just want this to be over and have the way things went down written out in case more of the narrative changes.
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↓All of our interactions under the “read more” as I feel triggered and like I should justify myself.↓
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Their post after I told them that I felt harassed by them and that they should stop tagging me in their fights as I, a fellow CSA victim, felt triggered & only meant well by limiting this minor's communication with predators:
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Update after I blocked them:
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Update: This was sent to me by a fellow blogger as I blocked this person for my mental health.
This person still plays the victim in this situation. They harassed me and made me feel uncomfortable. When I told them to leave me alone, they handled this like it was a game to them.
They were out here attacking people left and right and repeatedly for 2-3 harassing me and enjoying this “drama” and now they feel bad about themselves.
⚠️Don't send them ANY form of hate, please. I just want this documented as I feel very unwell about this person's behavior and the way they change the narrative.⚠️
I only meant well when posting about ickybatz, and this person started fighting a battle about environmentalism nobody asked them for.
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the-rainbow-lesbian · 10 months
tw for rape and csa
I was watching episode 8 of the last of us and that’s where a preacher attempts to groom and sexually assault ellie and I watched the aftermath to see if her actress commented about how she felt filming that scene and if she received any psychological help to support her through it and honestly it really annoyed me how the men talked about what happened.
first they say they didn’t want joel to save ellie and I get they’re going for ellie is a girlboss she can save herself uwu but like this is not a fantasy situation where a female warrior/soldier/whatever gets disempowered for the male character’s development ellie is literally a teenager fighting off against two adult men, needing to be saved is not weak or damsel in distress cliche, to me it was about how SA victims don’t get saved by someone else because their attackers isolate them, this wasn’t a strong female character moment it was more than that, and I am glad they acknowledge that this deeply traumatized her.
and secondly in the same way they applaud her for saving herself they have to demonize her, david tried to manipulate ellie by saying she scares him and that’s why he has to lock her up, and how ellie is violent just like him, and the writers/producers seem to agree??? that ellie is a little bit violent and “even if we love her we are little bit scared by her” like????
ellie is a sweet girl who loves puns and reading comic books, she is still a child and that’s proven by how she tried to help sam in a way that a child would, she is only violent when she needs to defend herself or others, this girl is afraid, she fought off david because he was being creepy to her and was gonna eat her or rape her, but david is violent to assert control and benefit himself.
and then I realized we are not used to seeing women and girls in movies fight off their attackers and rapists we are used to seeing the cameras zoom in their pained faces in a way that’s supposed to be erotic, and in real life women who fight off their rapists and manage to injure or kill him are seen with scrutiny because it makes people uncomfortable when women don’t just take it, and then we get into discussions of how it was mutually abusive/violent and no one knows what happened, so like it’s a whole thing, but it really made me uncomfortable when they called her violent comparative to david.
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demonicintegrity · 2 years
The Will Wood Drama - an explanation and breakdown for those who need it TW: Allegations of grooming and manipulation, talks of unhealthy/toxic relationships, and talks of relapsing into self harm
So yesterday (7/31/22) a user posted a twitter thread saying he was groomed by Will Wood, and it has been archived by someone else* with og screenshots being found and showing the account that wasn’t in the og thread.** But I will be recapping and then giving my insight. It gets long.
TL:DR: Op has a deeply unhealthy relationship with Will where sexual intimacy is on and off in cycles. Both parties are negatively effected by it. I believe Op that it happened and that it caused serious harm but I cannot find the specific behaviors of grooming/manipulation/emotional abuse in the thread Op makes.
Notice: Do not harass and give death threats to Op. I don’t care what you think or believe in this situation, it is never okay to deliver death threats. Nor does it excuse being insensitive pricks. He’s been mobbed enough by stans who cannot give the situation delicacy and nuance. He’s still a person who was hurt and is still hurting. There is no intent of maliciousness from him, do not assume that.
*The archive has censored nudes of Will. Which is completely uncalled for and wrong to do. Nudes were exchanged with consent under the explicit agreement that it stay private. I understand that Op was being mobbed for proof that this was Will, posted, and the quickly deleted it. The archive has no right to keep the images nor do I think it was a necessary addition of proof that the exchange happened. I also hear a rumor through the grapevine that these photos allegedly don’t look like him and/or were doctored but I am in no place to confirm/deny because I don’t know what Will looks like either than a white man.
**Another rumor is that the insta account wasn’t manage by Will and thus could’ve been someone impersonating him? I don’t buy that because the later text messages do reference the insta ones. But I also don’t follow Will’s social medias so idk who manages what and where and what he types like. Again not my call to make.
Edit: As new information comes to light it will be in the replies. New links have been added already. In one of the links we see more people come forward with further problematic behavior from Will in the past. If you have further information, read what’s already in there and then explain your own. The asks on my blog regarding this are more broader discussion than actual evidence gathering/analysis, that will stay in the replies for convenience.
At age 18 in 2018 op becomes facebook friends with Will and they had a casual friendly relationship. Time passes, they meet at a concert in 2019 and talk, more time passes and they moved to snapchat and again, was friendly. They talk and Will finds out Op is selling nsfw content of themselves and expresses some interest even with guilt. Because there is an age gap and he is aware Op is a fan. There are screenshots of that and him mentioning it would be “cancel city” if people saw he bought nudes from an 18yo fan. (worth noting that op does state that they were talking on snap but the screenshots are of an insta convo here, but benefit of the doubt that it’s a slip.) Pictures are paid for, Op feels “starstruck” but fine with this even tho Will expresses some residual guilt.
(Note: I am not jumping at Will’s guilt and unease here as proof of bad behavior. People feel guilt for sexual desires esp when it’s taboo, even when it’s 100% fine. Just as I’m giving Op grace, I will give Will grace too, I know nothing about either them as people. But I do know feeling guilt over sexual attraction because it something you can’t control, and I do know famous people are esp prone to judgement and anxiety that can be internalize. Yes there is an age gap, but they met as adults and he has never personally known them as a child. The experience difference from age can be a valid concern in any relationship, but in the context of just buying pictures I don’t think that’s relevant.)
The night afterwards Will brings up sexting for money but pulled out, being personally uncomfortable with it and then wanting the sexual undertone of their relationship to be removed. Op says thats fine and that’s that. 
The next part is Op expresses some self-conscious issues regarding being in college classes and a certain incident not elaborated on. We get a screenshot of Will comforting Op citing they are mature and smart. Here Op says that it sounds like the “youre so mature for your age” sentiment perverts use to get close to kids, and although they want to believe Will is just being nice they now think it creepy because it coupled with Will’s earlier worry of being “cancelled” for buying pics of an 18 yo.
Now the full sentence is “You’re smart and mature and you have a good head on your shoulders.” I personally don’t think this is creepy or being used in the same way as a pervert would. If my friend was insecure about being in college that is something I would probably would say to them too. In context, I feel this is fairly innocent and doesn’t prove anything wrong of Will.
After that they’re talking just as casual friends for a bit. Eventually Will makes a sexual advance again and it is reciprocated. Free of charge they would exchange pictures occasionally. It is here Op openly admits to feeling completely dependent on his praise and feeling as if he didn’t, Will would leave.
Now there are no screenshots of conversation to be further proof of Op’s word that Will would stop being friends if they weren’t sexting. Giving Op the benefit of the doubt, those feelings were genuinely felt. But I genuinely don’t know if Op felt that because Will had made some comment to suggest it or Op’s codependency was feeding that anxious feeling. I simply do not know. As someone who has been codependent in an intimate relationships before and still has anxious issues, I can tell you that even though these fears are genuine and have mental and physical effects, sometimes they really aren’t founded. It doesn’t mean theyre invalid fears, but it’s just not very applicable to the current situation.
Again, I cannot be 100% sure whether that worry here is founded or not. Considering Will had been able to keep a friendship with Op before and after the introduction of sexual pictures, I can see where the nagging thought would be there but that also shows he was capable of being friends without it. idk. So while I’m keeping it in mind that op has this fear + codependency because it will color their side of future interactions, I am also giving Will the benefit of the doubt that he’s unaware of this complex. After all, they’d been friends with healthy communication for a time.
It is now that Op says these next messages and timeline specifically come from insta. Op describes this as a cycle. They would sext. Will would then feel weird about it. They would stop. He would get “bored” and then it would start again. And this cycle would continue until march 2020. (Now i dont know what Op means by “stop” whether it would stop only the sexting or communication altogether. I’m leaning towards the former and assume that going forward.)
Now, is this healthy? Absolutely not. It sounds like Op and Will are in an unhealthy cycle of being attracted to and wanting each other’s attention. But being unable to properly expressed and place and enforce boundaries down of what attraction this is and how that relationship should be. It a definite issue, but something they both need to communicate in order to find a solution. When it comes to what a relationship is, it requires both people to work together to find a way to make it work to decide if it’s not worth it anymore.
Op does not elaborate further on this cycle. Which is fine, I wouldn’t want to think a lot about it if I were in that place either. What memories mightve felt fine and good in the moment definitely can feel tainted and fuzzy later due to new associations to the event/someone in the event. I get it.
If Will had intentionally encouraged Op to be codependent, lead Op on, that would 100% be on Will and be a terrible terrible thing. That would qualify as grooming and manipulating them. Worth every bit of condemnation. However, this thread doesn’t elaborate if that happened. And at the point Op doesn’t claim that, just that it was a cycle. A clearly unhealthy one. We have no idea what it looked like beyond the sexting starting and stopping.
I do want to clarify because I saw some people saying this: You can be groomed at any age. Kids are not the only ones groomed. It’s just that an adult/child dynamic is the easiest to leverage and most recognizable. You can also be groomed regardless of occupation. I understand Op was selling nsfw content, that doesn’t mean he’s suddenly immune from grooming. All grooming requires is using pressure to force you to take on a certain role. This pressure could be from emotional or physical abuse, leveraging authority, leveraging status, basically anything. In this specific case, the implication is that Will would’ve leverage his status to get Op to do things. The fact that there is an age gap would imply that because Op is younger, Op would have less experience and knowledge that could play into Will’s advantage here.
That is entirely possible, but at this point in the thread, Op doesn’t claim that happening. And there are no screenshots here, so there is no dialogue to see contribute to that reasoning. Not saying it couldn’t exist, but it’s not presented. So while I’m believing Op that something unhealthy was happening between them, I’m not placing a word as to what type of unhealthy relationship it is without more context.
Op goes to Will’s last show before the lockdown, talks to the bass player more than Will and then gets home to see sexual messages from Will. I have no idea where in that cycle this incident would be in. Just that this happened during the cycles.
After that show, lockdown starts. Op’s home life gets really traumatizing during this. This additional trauma is relevant because Op would turn to Will during these times. Citing him being a friend and having relevant experience regarding the traumatic development. This is also during the cycle of have a sexual relationship with Will, in their own words saying they were a “sexual object” to him. Again, no dialogue to be seen so I don’t know where exactly Op is getting this, but if he felt like an object, he felt like an object. I cannot dissuade that. No one has a right to make calls on what someone else is feeling. I can only wonder where it came from and what contributed to that feeling. The most I can confidently say it’s that this unhealthy cycle was causing it, but not what specifically about it. We’re not provided further elaboration and I’m not gonna demand that of Op.
One night of this traumatizing development at home around 2/3am Op is on a spiral at genuine risk to relapsing into self harm and turns to Will. Will stays up with them until 6am to help them through it. Op is calmed down and goes to sleep safe and unharmed. Op describes the next few days of him being extremely grateful that Will did this, while Will is being standoffish with one word replies. Eventually Op confronts Will and asks if he had done something wrong.
This is the correct course of action. If Will was upset at smth Op said he should’ve said something instead of being vague and standoffish. That is on Will, but that’s poor communication, not necessarily manipulation.
Op then quotes but doesn’t provide screenshots that Will says Op was being manipulative, only coming to Will for sexual purposes, and made him out to be an “emotional dumping ground.” Breaking that down, there is no cause to assume Op was being manipulative. There is no cause to believe Op only wanted sexual attention from Will, in fact Op already stated it was the attention from a local star that drove a lot of this attachment. Op seems willing and okay with sexual intimacy at this point, but I don’t think Op wanted only sex. It is the “emotional dumping ground” aspect that likely has some genuine weight to it.
Op is already dependent on Will for emotional support and going through a lot of trauma. And as someone who’s been there, it’s so easy to dump on the person you’ve formed a codependency on. Both appropriately vent and inappropriately dumb baggage on them. It’s not fair to the other person, even when they do want to help. I’ve been on both sides of that, it’s awful. I don’t think Op was intentional in harming Will if they were dumping trauma on him often during this time, but it doesn’t mean it still couldn’t have caused harm. It’s already established that Op and Will’s relationship had serious communication and boundary issues at this point. I am not surprised that Will would’ve felt like an emotional dumping ground in this situation.
Op goes on to say he’s mortified that “someone that [he] revered as a god-like figure, [told him he] was being manipulative for asking for help.” And no, asking for help is not inherently a manipulative thing, in fact the “asking” part is what gives the other person a healthy chance to not help. Telling someone they’re manipulative for asking for help is a huge dick move. On the other hand, asking someone to talk you down from relapse is tall order. Now I don’t know if Op specifically told Will a relapse felt oncoming when first asking for help, or it was revealed through prompting and conversation later on. Regardless, it was made apparent to Will, hence why he stayed up with them. I don’t know how those hours went down and I would never ask Op to try and remember how it did.
But asking someone to help you through a mental health crisis is a tall order. Especially at 3am to a person you have an on and off inconsistent relationship with. There is a reason you go to someone trained in a mental health crisis, they are prepared and know how to help and handle your situation. If you ever find yourself in Op’s position, call/text a mental health service line. The one I’m familiar with is 741741, double check for what is in your area/country. No matter what that is going to be a key and/or turning point in a relationship. I am not saying don’t go to friends/family/partner when youre struggling, but you also have to understand they’re not always going to know what to do. And if this is happening over text, which is what happened between Will and Op, there’s even less they can do now coupled with knowing they can’t do much if things take a turn. It’s an intense emotional labor that yes, some people are more than willing to do for someone they love, but that doesn’t mean it’s still not a difficult thing to ask.
I feel for Op, I really really do. And Will is wrong to call that manipulative, because I genuinely don’t think Op was intentional trying to harm, but I can 100% see and find it valid as to why he would be uncomfortable with that incident. It’s not an excuse to be standoffish for days but yeah, maybe it takes time to figure out how to address that.
What raises a big red flag for me is that Op openly admits to revering Will in a god-like manner. Under no circumstances should you be revering anyone like that. I knew Op was dependent to the point of codependency (I should clarify that codependency is my interpretation of this, not Op’s.) but holy shit is that so much worse. That is such an unhealthy mindset to have towards someone and it sets up any relationship to be unhealthy and poor. And the thing is, Op doesn’t elaborate where it came from.
If this is indeed grooming, Will would have had to encourage and enable and endorse this god-like image. For starters, I have no idea if Will knew or figured out Op had this mindset. The only thing seemed to have been made explicit is the trauma Op’s enduring through lockdown and as such the codependency would’ve been made obvious. And if I recall correctly, Will has stated he doesn’t like to be idolized by his fans. Most people don’t and I do know that celebs are the ones that have to be explicit in saying they don’t like idolization because it happens so much. 
What I make of this revering is that unfortunately Op had set themselves up for tragedy. Having such bad idolization and dependency from the beginning he seemingly couldn’t get away from. Even if you enter a healthy relationship, that is how it gets severely damaged if you don’t keep it in check. I can say that with full confidence because I have damaged a good relationship with codependency before. It’s unfortunate, it’s a tragedy, but that’s how the cookies crumbles.
Now, if Will intentionally put that mentality onto, enabled, or intentionally capitalize on that, he would 100% be a manipulative person in this. Deserving to be condemned and held accountable for taking advantage of a vulnerable person. But at no point does Op say he knew or enabled this. I’m assuming Will has caught onto the dependency, but only because the traumatic environment Op was in had him cling to Will. And I can see being sympathetic to the situation and thus not addressing the dependency right away because it could ease up once the trauma isn’t actively happening. I don’t know if he was aware of it before lockdown and certainly don’t expect him to have thought he was being revered in a godly manner at any point.
All Op elaborates is he still struggling to ask for help because of this. And I do not blame Op for that, I feel for him because I have the exact same struggle because of previous relationships. And that Op and Will barely talk for months after this confrontation. At this point Op is heartbroken and feels like he ruined everything.
Then Op’s feelings about the situation evolves after speaking to friends about it. Now the feeling is that Op was “groomed by a man with insane power over [him.]”
I don’t want to bash on Op’s friends. I don’t know what they were told and the context or any of that. I am sure they only want what’s best for Op and have his best interest in mind. I will never fault someone for genuinely believing something bad happened and pointing it out. However, I still don’t know at what point this relationship became grooming. It was definitely unhealthy, and probably toxic at some point, but I do not see where Will intentionally leveraged power to make Op do something. It’s not in any dialogue exchange shown. Maybe the screenshots have been lost, which I wouldn’t fault Op for. All I can gather from the relationship is that it’s unhealthy and clearly brought distraught to both sides. I believe Op that something unhealthy went down and fucked him up, I can see that. And if Op’s friends, who likely have more details, believe something wrong went down I am inclined to believe.
I’m just scouring and rereading and I can’t find the grooming behavior.
Sometime after Op’s evolved feelings, Will reaches out to apologize to Op. The screenshots provided are of an apple text exchange. Will apologizes for acting hot and cold, and for making Op feel like he didn’t care. He says it’s not a reflection on Op and it was on him and his own issues. He says he recognizes he did something wrong, he is working on it, and that it is “too little too late” in Op’s case, but he is sorry and wishes him better. It is a solid apology. I do not see faults in it and so long as he keeps to his word that he tries to improve, he’s done his part. Sounds like he’s made his peace with his part in the relationship.
Op accepts the apology and then tells Will he’s done some thinking and thinks it was extremely inappropriate it even happened. (I’m assuming this refers to the sexual intimacy part of the relationship.) He goes on to tell Will he should’ve been more mindful to who he speaks to and what he means to them. Op’s specifically points out their age gap and the fact that he idolized him. That there was a lot of power there. Will apologizes for taking a lot of time to respond, he’s collecting his thoughts, and then Op states he’s realized he’s “not entirely blameless” which I’m interpreting as he understands his idolization of Will is something he went into the relationship with, which isn’t Will’s fault at all. It also could be that Will didn’t grasp the full extent of the idolization and dependency, which again wouldn’t have been his fault either.
While Will absolutely should have addressed idolizing and then the dependency that became apparent, he is not a mind reader and had no way to know how deep it went with Op. It’s also entirely possible he’s human and just didn’t know how to navigate a relationship with the power tipped to one side. On that point, I’m not sure if there are resources for that besides couple’s therapy. And I can’t even say if they labelled themselves as a proper couple because Op never states what it was called. Certain relationships come with certain expectations.
(Personally I am of the believe if if you’re going into any intimate relationship, platonic, romantic, or sexual, what kind of relationship you’re looking for and are willing to be in should be an explicit conversation up front. It should also be a continuing conversation as it develops. But I also understand most people don’t enter relationships like that or take the time to think about doing that. And if it does works out find without that, I can’t find fault in that.)
Will doesn’t respond for a week and Op blocks him so he can stop focusing on it and move on. Good on Op, good for him. He then states that weeks after My Body Your Temple comes out, he reads the lyrics to it. This causes a spiral because the lyrics remind him of what happen, stating that it’s a lot of the language and sentiment Will used with him. This spiral is what prompts Op to write the thread.
I have no doubt in my mind it would’ve been triggering for Op. The first time thinking about Will after this and it’s a song discussing vulnerability and intimacy with sexual language. Again, I feel for Op. I don’t think it was Will’s intention to use language similar to that relationship. The song was written for a podcast called Camp Here & There. I’m not familiar with the podcasts but genius.com says it’s about The Elephant Man. Whatever character that is. I heard the song without knowing it was apart of the podcast, and his songs have like 100 different interpretations sometimes anyways.
Op said he felt free from the relationship after writing it all out, which I am happy for. Sometimes it takes writing and dumping it all out there to process and feel better and I want Op to feel better because he is clearly hurting bad. I do think this relationship was very unhealthy and has lasting effects I hope he recovers from.
I’m just confused at where the apparent manipulation and sexual grooming is. I reread over and over. I don’t know where is the behavior of Will intentionally capitalizing on Op. I don’t know where’s this behavior of Will forcing and pressuring Op. It’s possible that it’s there and just not in the few screenshots provided and just wasn’t properly elaborated on in the description of this relationship. But I see everything that says “unhealthy” but I don’t see grooming, manipulation, or emotional abuse like he said this was.
I believe Op 100% that something bad and unhealthy happened. Everything here really does strike a chord someone deeply hurt. And I genuinely feel sorry that it happened and I wish them peace and recovery and better things. But I’ve reread the thread over and over at different points in time. I cannot find what I can use to specifically label this unhealthy relationship as being groomed or abused. I don’t know where it came from.
And I’m not pointing that out to victim blame or make accusations against Op, I do not want more harm and harassment on him. I’m pointing it out because I think everyone would do good learn the difference between an unhealthy relationship and an abusive one. One that’s unhealthy by chance and circumstances vs unhealthy by deliberate actions and intentions. One’s a tragedy and the other a crime.
Op wouldn’t have made these things up. Everyone knows if you accuse anyone, let alone a celebrity, there are going to be people coming out of the woodworks to play devil’s advocate and tear into your life. Making up drama is not worth that. He also has the expressed interest of helping other people avoid what happened to him. And that is noble and good, especially when you’re doing that by opening up about something that has hurt you so deeply.
It’s just that, the lesson and warning I get isn’t “Will is a predator” it’s “Don’t place people on such a pedestal and then get into an intimate relationship with them without stepping away from that. Be wary of becoming codependent.” Both still valid warnings, even if it’s not quite what Op is going for. With or without Will’s name or age gap on the relationship, those are the two conclusions I see with how the relationship has been laid out.
(Another thing is that this whole thing was seemingly wrapped up with the apology. Op doesn’t accuse Will of these things in that exchange. Something understandable because its a weighty accusation to make to someone directly. Even the best of people will want a further confrontation from that, and Op was not benefiting from focusing on Will and that relationship at that point to begin with. It seemed like that was going to be that, and they both were going to be done with the relationship for good. But then Op’s spiral with the new song prompted the thread.)
Op later tweets he doesn’t care if people listen to his music, it’s not about Will’s career it’s Will as a person he wants people to be safe from. And he makes the valid point of hardly anyone knows him outside of the face of the artist, of course he’d be a bit different off stage. It’s also in that tweet where he says Will he made Op need “to keep going back to him validation.” Which again, I don’t know where that’s coming from, but I do believe Op when he says he felt that way. I have no reason not to believe him.
Obviously I’m not gonna blame anyone who doesn’t want to listen to Will Wood after this, even if just for a little bit because of how this development sours things. It is your choice to continue or not continue engaging with his content and how. I do think most people can give a little bit more tact to the sensitive situation. Be nice and civil to Op at least. Better yet, leave him alone. He’s been through enough mobbing.
I believe there was a call for anyone else who had an experience with Will to step forward if they feel comfortable doing so. If a legitimate pattern of behavior is revealed, obviously then accountability needs to be held. But until then this really does feel like a unhealthy relationship that was wrapped up and both parties were processing and moving on until the spiral happen. An unhealthy relationship that maybe we didn’t need to know about? I don’t know. But if for a moment, writing the thread gave Op relief and I’d never deny him or anyone else that.
I feel for Op so so much. This just doesn’t tell me enough about Will to make a definite conclusion on him. I cannot in good conscious alleged abuse because I cannot point to a specifically abusive behavior in the thread. Maybe in due time more will be revealed to shed more light on the situation. And if more evidence is revealed, it will inform my conclusions then. But as it is right now, it’s just a deeply unhealthy relationship worsen by circumstances and fumbling on both parties. And I feel bad, it seems tragic to me. And it doesn’t mean Op deserved any of this angst by any means, but what else could be said about it?
It’s 4am and I’m p sure I started this post around 10:30/11pm. I’m without internet rn so ig ill post this when I wake up from sleep. And at 11am this has been reviewed and ready for posting. I don’t typically feel the urge to comment on discourse, esp one of this nature, but I’ve seen some bad faith takes as well as some confusion and questions. And this is something I feel can help people get a better grasp on the situation.
Obviously, make your own conclusions. Believe the victim that something bad happened; but also when you give someone you don’t know grace about something serious, you should also give the other person in the relationship grace when applicable. You don’t know either of them. Also understand that relationships can come with some nuance to it, which is applicable here. Maybe the cards were always set up for failure. Maybe Will genuinely mishandled the relationship. Maybe Op’s revering and codependency is something Will couldn’t have handled well at that time. I cannot say anything for certain because I don’t know enough about how the relationship carried to make that call. All I can say with certainty is that it was a deeply unhealthy relationship for them both and that they both contributed to that unhealthy aspect.
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