#tw er
isaacthedruid · 2 years
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gillion in a dress my beloved <3333
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bongripz4satin · 7 months
I have to go to the ER. For a rape kit and to make sure I'm okay. I'm terrified.
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hhhhhngngngn genuinely kinda proud of myself I managed to fast for about 24 hours(??) Which is pretty good for me lol, altho I've just been drinking with friends and it was on an empty stomach so I got super drunk and aincant even get home and at least this means my only calories today will be from alcohol : )
Won't be able to weigh myself in the morning which sucks but ah well, hopefully I can mostly avoid eating tomorrow since I have no money. Hopefully J won't feel like shit tomorrow and can lose some weight.
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sleepygamerotaku · 2 years
oh btw if you're wondering why i haven't been online all day and am not at school and haven't responded to anything on discord-
i fell and my fingers are swollen and sprained so i had to go to the emergency room
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have to keep my hand like this ^ for a couple of days which means i probably will miss even more school 😭😭 I've been to school on last Monday and Friday and that's it-
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tears-exe · 1 year
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A sweet Message from the Kind Uncrustable I had during my last ER trip ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
There are so many simple things full of joy and kindness in the world!
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wonderland-irwin · 2 years
Becca, are you okay? I read about ER and stitches.
Hey Carmo! Thanks for checking in 🥺🥰
I got a pretty bad cut at work and ended up going to the ER because it would not stop bleeding. I was really hoping I wouldn’t need stitches but the doctor said it was pretty bad and kept weeping, so I got three stitches in my ankle.
Feeling okay, just really dumb because it was an accident and self-inflicted. It’s been a bit of a crazy morning, but it’s all okay now!! 🥰🥰🥰❤️
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ohworm-writes · 2 years
I know I don’t necessarily owe anyone an explanation as to why I haven’t been uploading as of late (even though I’ve been writing and have almost finished 3 separate works), but to those who are curious, here’s what’s been happening:
Something’s up with my heart!
I can’t exactly say for sure if I have SVT (ie. a condition where your heart suddenly beats much faster than normal), though my mom does have it. It may be a hereditary thing, but I can’t even say for sure if I have it right now.
I’ve been having these problems for about 2 weeks or so. It usually happens in the morning before I eat breakfast and after lunch, but my heart spikes somewhere above 120 BPM.
Now, the usual resting heartrate for people is between 60 and 100 BPM, but mine seems to normally rest at 90-110. On very few occasions has my heart rate spikes above 170 BPM, but it has happened.
While I don’t have a set medication to take for it, as the doctors aren’t even sure what’s happening (could be acid reflux or SVT), I’m taking some medication that a doctor prescribed yesterday when I went to the ER.
I’m okay tho! I’m not going to have a heart attack or anything like that, but it’s still scary to deal with. I can’t say if this will make me upload more or less in all honesty, but I do have a work scheduled to post sometime tomorrow, so I am alive!
I know it’s kind of in poor taste, but this whole thing is a little funny to m (writing wise). You know those author’s notes on AO3 and Wattpad that are just- insane tp read? This feels like that.
But again, I’m okay and I’ll be okay, I promise. Your favorite worm still has some things they want to accomplish in this lifetime, and I have no intent on skipping those things.
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wilder-and-lighter · 5 months
swag in the ER
i have mad fluid in my lungs
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watercolourferns · 6 months
This is 2 years old, but I finally found someone who said outloud what I've been thinking. I don't understand why nobody has called him out more... he makes me fear going into the ER again...
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taiscerayne2426 · 10 months
I'm not asking for money, just need to get some things off my chest
So back in October of 2022, I started having extreme heart palpitations, randomly and seemingly without any provocation. I could be sitting, walking, laughing, eating, even sleeping and my heart would just pound upwards of 130 bpm for 10, 20 minutes at a time. I'd struggle to breathe, fight passing out, and try to stay upright.
As these episodes got more and more frequent and severe, my partner insisted I go into the ER. I didn't have a primary Dr at the time, so I didn't have anyone else to go to. The ER ran a bunch of tests, found nothing at all wrong, and sent me home with a heart monitor.
I met with a cardiologist, and I'll be honest he was by far one of the worst doctors I've ever seen. He dismissed everything I said, belittled my experience, diagnosed me with POTTS, then sent me home on what he said was a beta-blocker to slow down my heart. Fine. Not great, but fine. Until I get to the pharmacy and they say "This isn't a beta-blocker, this is an anti-depressant. I wonder why he told you that?" Never saw that cardiologist again.
Fast-forward to December 2022. My job has let me go because I'm barely able to hold myself upright and can pass out at any time so I'm not medically cleared to drive. My partner is burning both ends of the candle trying to keep me safe and manage his college classes. We're struggling to survive off one income in the city.
My episodes get rapidly worse, then slowly start tapering off until they're only happening once a day. Then it's once a week, but the worst it'd been thus far. Then, for no discernable reason, they stop in February 2023.
I was overjoyed. Finally, FINALLY I could get back to life. We moved to a new town, a smaller quieter place with cheaper rent and less violence. I got a new job nannying two amazing kids and babysitting a third once a week. My partner and I both continued college. Everything was going so, so well.
They came back. About 4 weeks ago, beginning of June 2023. It was slow at first but it's getting worse and worse.
And it's fucking scary, dude. I find myself physically incapable of taking a breath for so long that I sob when it finally comes. It's like everything in my body just. freezes. goes stiff. I can't feel anything, I can't move anything. I can barely signal my partner so he notices. We can't find anything that helps.
I'm not able to drive anymore. I can barely support myself to move from the bed to my desk. I pass out if I stand in the kitchen too long pondering what to eat. I'm on a cane now, for the first time. It helps a bit, makes me feel a bit less useless.
I'm barely eating. Don't have an appetite. I've lost more weight in the last few weeks than I want to admit, and I was already dangerously underweight.
The scariest part, though, is that I can feel myself fighting to hold on every time I have an attack. I fight so fucking hard to stay, because I can FEEL that if I lose consciousness, I'm gone. And it's getting harder and harder to fight. Don't misunderstand, I have no desire to die. I'm fighting for a reason after all. I'm just getting weaker, and it's getting more and more difficult.
I let my PCP know that bit today. She won't see it til she's in the office next, but until this new heart monitor comes off on Monday they won't be able to give me any answers anyway. 2 more weeks. Just 2 more weeks til I hopefully get some results. Because if I don't, I'm... gods. I'm fucking scared.
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raccoonzinspace · 1 year
Story Time: Why I'd like to Shave Off A Few Pounds
There is a specific reason why I want to get my weight down to 180. It is because of my left kneecap and something that happened with it.
It started back in September of 2015 when I was a sophomore in high school. I was about done using the restroom when I stood up and felt a "pop" followed by the worst pain I have ever felt so far. My left kneecap dislocated and was pointed all the way to the left.
I couldn't stand up at all, so I just sat there for 10-15 minutes crying out for help. Thankfully, a teacher was in the adjacent stall and she got the school nurse. I had to leave school early because my mom had to pick me up, though I had to suffer through the pain for a couple hours because we went to 2-3 doctors before we went to the pediatric ER. After the doctors put my knee back into place, I had to sit the rest of the week out with a knee immobilizer because the cartilidge had been stretched. Eventually, I moved on to the hinged brace and some physical therapy.
Fast forward to 2020. This time, I was in the middle of doing a review for a pre-calculus algebra test when I got up and walked through the kitchen. My left knee dislocated again. Thankfully, my mother and older cousin were in the living room and I was able to get help faster. It still hurt like a motherf*cker, but riding in the ambulance and gripping a squishy toy helped mediate it. Knee got popped back in, knee immobilizer was used, physical therapy was done, all that stuff. This time however, I was told that if my knee popped out again, I would have to get surgery.
So yeah. That is exactly why I want to lose a bit of weight. It along with knee exercises could reduce the chance of this happening again. Honestly, these instances of patellar dislocations might have actually traumatized me a bit because I get quite nervous when I walk without sole supports or bang my left knee on something.
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Sometimes you have a normal week. And other times you have the first allergic reaction in your life at 1 in the morning and have to go to the er
What the hell man
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the-er-system · 1 year
Living up to our system name!! We’ve been to the ER three (3) times in the last week with no help or answers each time. At least today we got a doctor who listened and tried to get us admitted to hospital. But the hospital wouldn’t fucking admit us because “they didn’t feel it was necessary.” Even though I’m experiencing things like significant breathing issues, a spike in chronic fatigue, and now problems with my vision that are odd and upsetting. But wait there’s more! That I don’t want to get into because it’s almost 2:00am, I just got home, and I need to shower.
It has been four fucking years of this. Of going to doctors with health concerns that stop me from living my day-to-day life only for them to shrug and send me on my way. Because my case is odd and complicated and uncommon (possible rare idk). And they don’t want to deal with that. They want something easy to diagnose and treat that won’t take too much time and effort. So I’m just left on my own, struggling to get by and begging for any help from anyone. But even fucking trauma therapists have started being like “Your case is too complicated I can’t help you.”
I’m so thankful for my friends who have been supporting me through this. But also how the fuck am I supposed to live my life and keep attending college if all the professionals take one look at me and decide I’m not worth their time? When Disability Services is a fucking joke that sits on their hands? When I don’t even have a wheelchair that doesn’t actively do harm to me? I’m trying my best to just suck it up and figure out how to cope. But there’s only so much I can do and it feels like I’m far past my limit. But there’s also nothing else for me to do but keep punching a brick wall hoping somebody will decide to be gracious enough to lend me a key through the steel door. Instead of walking by and being like “look at how successful you’ve been so far! Figure it out so you don’t throw it away! Don’t use your disability as an excuse!”
I dunno man, I’m just tired. Not quite relapsing into the “I don’t want to live anymore” tired. Just “it’s been 19 years of me having to try and survive trauma after trauma on my own with rapidly declining health, while being expected to be The Best at everything anyways. Can I please catch a break?”
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theflagscene · 1 year
Omg why were you at the er today!? Also sorry you were awkwardly hit on by an old man >_<
Lol! He hit on me, yeah, but at least he wasn’t pushy and was respectful when I mentioned my sexuality. Younger guys aren’t always that nice about it 🫣
Anyway! As for why I was at the ER, as anyone who’s been around my Tumblr for the last month knows I’ve had C*vid. My at home test finally came back negative which is good, because I needed to go into the ER for emergency chest X-rays on my lungs and heart, I needed blood work and an ekg and a couple other things. I have brachycardia, which means my heart doesn’t beat fast enough sometimes, which can mimic heart attack symptoms. And with all the coughing, which is a common symptom of heart failure, they were worried that something more than just the left over cough/soreness from C*vid might have been happening. I’m glad to say that I’m fine, my heart is not failing and that the chest pains and cough are in fact from the big C! My brachycardia is acting up a little bit, but not enough to admit me into the hospital. Which is like: Whew! Cause I would much rather convalesce at home on the sofa with my dog and my rabbit and my guinea pig lol.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 3 months
I was driving home from the ER with my dad and he decided to take the back route, which was very dark and in a forest. We kept bumping into creepypastas like first it was Slenderman, then it was the rake, then smile dog. It was a normal inconvenience. Slenderman also sold us human meat for a great deal before we could continue driving home.
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eeyesemoji · 2 years
I’m mostly writing this for myself but anyway. Massive TW
Recently, or at least over the past 6 months or so, I’ve developed what me and my doctor suspect is IBS. We aren’t absolutely sure that’s the case yet but the symptoms line up so well that I’m pretty sure that’s what it is. There’s room for me to be wrong about that but that’s beside the point.
The point is that the symptoms have been pretty awful to deal with. Foods that I once loved cause me bloating, diarrhea, constipation, even vomiting in a few cases. I was in the ER a few months ago, it got that bad. It’s been rough.
In this past 6 months I’ve developed ways of coping. Ways that are maybe kinda unorthodox, but it does help. It started with me watching fart videos to see if that would help me release gas. The more I watched them the more I found myself getting turned on. My first thought was “wtf, why am I such a freak?” It is kind of an extension of my love of ass because I'm often not interested in the farts unless I see an ass, but until recently I’ve never been into farts along with that. Ever.
My second thought was “wow, a lot of people like farts. Maybe this isn’t as weird as I thought.” I was kind of blown away at the amount of content there is. It does lessen the stigma for me. It’s okay to have gas, it’s part of life, and the fact that there’s a community that’s into that… idk. It kinda softens the blow of me potentially having a chronic illness.
Anyway, that’s my dumbass story.
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