#tv shows especially LMFAO
shaaaaaaar · 1 year
i’ve become especially aware of how bad my backlog is, because half the time i get super into a game and then get mildly distracted and end up not going back to the first game for months bc of that distraction. i fixate really hard on one game and can’t balance super well.
so i end up with a backlog of both games i need to start and games i’m partly through but got distracted and haven’t gotten back around to
like, i just picked up ffvii again on a whim (though in that game’s case i just didn’t realize what i had to do and was too stubborn to look it up). then i realized i was starting to hyperfixate on fire emblem stuff, and hey, i have a blue lions run i’m doing i should go back to that. but i’m actively stopping myself from going back so i can let myself have fun with ffvii for a bit. because its a great game and i can guarantee that if i get back into my blue lions run i’m gonna end up not going back to it for a while.
probably a better way to go about this all but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ no clue what that’d be
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sammygender · 1 year
i have this problem where i actually really like work that dwells on like. homophobia and transphobia or whatever. to a worrying extent. and always makes its gay characters face it. and makes them meet with tragedy. like of course i detest the fact that its often/was often the only thing that exists but me, personally, i sometimes LIKE it. i find it cathartic. and besides it feels realer and rawer to me than the 20th quirky bisexual on like sex education or heartbreak high or whatever new teen show there is. theres something so much realer about so much ‘problematic’ 2000s gay representation lmfao
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thebewilderer · 11 months
Y'all ever meet someone who also likes something you like, or shares an aspect of your identity, or pretends to have something you have
And they're so obnoxious and cunty about it and "oh heyyyy we match we're bestiessss" that you wish you fucking despised the thing or didn't have that as your identity or didn't have the disorder just because they're so fucking annoying about it??
Anyways shout-out to my coworkers making "tism" and "so OCD" jokes, and never shutting the fuck up about liking girls or some TV show! I can only hope I'm not put in that section of the store permanently because if I have to hear "haha it's the tism in me" one more time I'll push my entire body through the laminator just to escape the conversation
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seddair · 1 year
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akihikosanada · 2 years
finished the boys s3 last night and i have a lot of questions but not none of them are particularly good
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luvnoirs · 4 months
*slams card on table*
KK headcanons for a gf who just goes 😒 whenever KK gets in her goofy ahh mood, but that literally just makes KK even worse LMFAO
Especially if KK is on live?? Ohhh her girl will be in that camera one way or another.
(pls mi amor 🥺)
Goofy kk x fem!reader
warning(s): none ! (sfw)
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golden retriever gf and black cat gf vibes tbh
like you'll be trying to relax after a long day and watch your favorite tv show. then here comes kk wanting your attention and she starts doing random ass tiktok dances in front of the tv
you let out a groan. "kk, please don't start..."
she keeps going until you warn her using her full government name "kamorea"
don't even get me started on the amount of tiktoks she practically begs you to do with her. she doesn't even care if you don't know the dance she just wants you in the video fr
her phone gallery is full of photos of you in .5 mode too like she definitely has a whole album dedicated just for that
and when she's in one of her many goofy moods she never shuts up...
"did you know that calliou actually had cancer? like he never left the house and always had doctor appointments..." / "would you still love me if i was five feet tall?" and blah blah blah
dating kk means putting up with the very questionable tiktok lives she does every once in a while
you can never escape that camera she's gonna make sure everyone knows you're there
"y'all, look who it is!" she says excitedly and turns the camera towards your direction as you're in the middle of doing your hair in the bathroom mirror. you pause and look at the girl annoyed before attempting to shut the bathroom door, but kk's quick to open it again and she enters the bathroom to set the phone down on the counter. "so, my girlfriend is gonna give y'all a hair tutorial, right baby?"
kk knows she can be a lot but she also knows deep down that you still love her regardless of how many times you're telling her to "go away" or "be quiet"
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
I just got this crazy idea with Reader having a pet dog and cat and is always distracted or always talks about there Cat and Dog playing, resting, cuddling with Reader and Vox just being jealous at this point wanting some attention too 😂
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What A Jelly TV
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: Ah yes, the double edged sword- Vox is literally going to fight himself in this one since he himself is a pet owner. And yes, I'm mentioning Vark in this cuz about fucking time LMFAO- another slice of life chapter cuz I love writing these. That and we kind of get weird cuddles with the funny TV man, weird in the sense where it's literally a remote connection. Reader is kinda tired of Vox's shit but oh well HAHAHAHAH-
A/N: By the way, I just wanted to mention that timeline wise- this entire series happens AFTER Hazbin's Season 1. So I'll make references to certain things that happened but because I don't want to intermingle the story with canon lore too much- I made things happen after it all. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this installment- it was a little hard to write since I didn't have a prior vision to it but I think it turned out alright Hahahaha- and as always, Happy reading guys!
Vox would proudly admit he was a lot of things.
The king of the biggest technology empire in all of hell-
An oh so powerful overlord-
A conniving and esteemed businessman-
But this-
This was a new low.
Even for him.
Especially when the realization hit like a sack of bricks to the face.
Vox grew to like your presence in his daily routine-
Most of the time even bothering you out of boredom.
He found he liked your attention, not that he'd ever admit it.
He would rather die twice-
But when he figured out pretty soon that he had to share you-
That didn't really sit well.
"Dude, it's just a puppy. Stop being all pissy already-"
Vox just scoffed, you rolled your eyes at his antics.
You kind of expected it, remembering the incident you had with your initial desktop pet.
Glancing over to the open laptop screen nearby, the small digital Vox just waved at you.
Aha... yeah-
This was pretty expected.
"And they're not going to be here for much longer, just until [friend name] finishes moving into their new apartment."
It was only a little over a week ago when your friend called to ask for a favor.
You assured your overlord buddy that it wasn't anything you couldn't handle and Vox eventually just let it go.
Of course, that was until he found out what you had agreed to.
At the start, he didn't really mind.
Hell, he even showed you some pictures of Vark in return while you guys were talking about pets.
But as the days went on and you acted more and more affectionate towards your friend's pet-
It was starting to get under Vox's skin and not in a good way.
You'd coo and cuddle the little fur-ball so much that it was nearly all he saw whenever you guys were talking.
It also doesn't help that you would end up shifting the conversation towards [pet name] and how cute they were after a while.
Vox understood how it was like to fall in love with your pet, he had one of his own after all-
But he couldn't help the envy creeping in seeing the puppy just napping in your lap.
"It's been more than a week doll, just how much longer do you plan on keeping the puppy???"
You were shocked by the fact Vox had been counting days, you didn't really bother to take notice of it.
Not to mention he seemed a little... pouty even?
You just sighed.
"Look, I'll check with [friend name] how much longer they need. I give no promises. Why the heck are you so grumpy about it anyway? It's not like you're the one taking care of the puppy Vox."
The overlord buffered slightly, why was he...?
Honestly speaking, he didn't really know.
He didn't know why he was feeling the way he was.
Only what caused it.
The freaking puppy.
As Vox stared at the screen, he tried to find an excuse that won't make it seem like he got jealous of your freakin pet.
Well, it wasn't even technically yours.
But that isn't the point-
You just expectantly stared at up at the TV screen while the overlord opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish.
Your question was straightforward, no nonsense or beating around the bush-
And still he struggled with an answer?
Soon, a small yip from your lap snapped up your attention again.
You smiled down at the now awake pup and moved to pet it.
Okay that was fucking it-
Static white noise suddenly blared obnoxiously from the TV speakers and you had to cover your ears.
The poor frazzled puppy immediately jumped off your lap and ran off, leaving you and your digital companion alone.
"Ow?! The fuck was that for Vox?!"
He didn't respond to that, just nonchalantly looking off to the side like he didn't just try to destroy your eardrums.
You let out a frustrated sigh, what the hell was this guy's issue???
"Geez, what the hell is up with you today?!"
Vox cringed slightly at your harsh tone.
Okay, he might have gone overboard trying to scare the fur-ball away-
But he didn't think you'd be that upset with him.
Oh well, better to face the music than run.
"Well- maybe if you stopped only paying attention to that fucking fleabag then maybe I wouldn't have to scare it away!"
As soon as the words left his mouth, Vox instantly regretted saying them.
It was fucking pathetic.
Your confused expression didn't really help either, he was not going to elaborate-
"You- were you jealous of the fucking dog???"
You couldn't stop the amused grin on your face when you finally understood what was going on.
Not that you would've even noticed anything anyway-
"I- No?! Fuck you!"
This time you couldn't help but laugh at Vox's expense, the TV starting to fizzle and glitch while he uselessly tried to get you to stop.
It was a little...
What was the right word for it?
Not really-
Eh, whatever-
Point was, you felt a little fuzzy because Vox wanted your attention.
Like, he didn't know how to ask for it but the fact he still wanted you to just stay and interact with him made you feel funny.
That reminds you-
"Ah! Wait, let me just get something- I wanna see if it works with you-"
"Works? With me?? Doll, what kind of experiment do you want to launch me into this time???"
"Nothing too crazy I promise! Heck, maybe you'll like this one!"
Vox heard your voice call from out of view, the fact you had to run to another room to get it slightly concerned him.
He couldn't tell what you had planned this time, every single other instance he thought you couldn't get any crazier and you just did.
But instead you just came running back with a... pillow?
"Dollface, I think you have plenty of pillows already. What's up with that?"
You smiled cheekily at your flatscreen companion, sitting down on the couch before you plugged in your phone to the pillow.
It was a gift your friend got you months ago that they mentioned would help you sleep better.
The fact humanity managed to put tech in a pillow of all things was still surprising but in this case not unwelcome.
Vox was already surprised that the thing had to be plugged in, but he buffered when an odd warm sensation immediately spread throughout his entire body.
"Wh- What the hell did you just do??"
Your smile soon turned into a grin as you gently hugged the smart pillow, gauging Vox's reactions on the screen as he went from shocked to utterly confused.
It was like he could sort of feel being pressed?
Similarly to how you were hugging the pillow, he could feel himself gently being squeezed.
"So...? Any good?"
"If this is how you're trying to awkwardly hug me then I guess?"
"Ayyyy! It works! Okay, if I give you some cuddles would you stop being pissy at [puppy name] then?"
You knew you won when the screen suddenly tinged pink and Vox just stumbled over his words.
You bit back a snicker as you got comfortable on the couch, shifting slightly to better hug the pillow.
"I'll take that as a yes."
And to no one's surprise, the tech overlord had no complaints.
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m4ctavish · 2 years
König — General Headcanons.
Pairing : König/GN! Reader
Desc : Some general headcanons for everyone’s favorite mountain sized boy
A/N : könig my beloved :AGONY: (also, this was a collaborative effort between me and @callsignkonig because he is könig (real) )
König :
When he’s flustered/embarrassed, he’ll start mumbling in German. (his voice probably wavers a bit when he’s flustered and he avoids eye contact👁️👁️) Same thing happens when he gets excited, except he starts talking really fast
If and when he gets a partner, it’ll take him a bit to warm up to any sort of physical affection, meaning it’d take a bit to work up to holding hands and hugging but once you’re there, it’s his drug of choice (he loves cuddling or just being within proximity of his partner :SOB:)
Their presence alone is enough to comfort him when he gets overtly anxious and can’t sit still. Sometimes just rubbing shapes in to the back of his hand or pressing a hand against his face is enough to get him to relax
He doesn’t know his own strength sometimes and can unknowingly be a bit rough; he does he try to tone it down a bit, though, especially if you tell him. Can be surprisingly gentle and soft (he probably has super firm handshakes or super tight hugs to the point you’re just kind of like, “König, König! I can’t breathe-” he’s just excited to see u bro)
Fidgets a lot with his hands, especially when he’s flustered or nervous.
Will often play with his partners hands if they’re sitting next to him, either because of the reasons above or because he likes their hands
He is Not A Good Driver at all LMFAO (please do not let him within 2 feet of the steering wheel or you and him may spontaneously combust) Is he certified to drive a tank and other military equipment? Yes. Can he drive an actual car? No.
Would probably send full texts in German followed by a smiley face and a video or picture of a cat or any other animal (day made instantly)
Has a small field journal that fits in to one of his pockets that he uses to sketch scenery/the things around him. Helps take his mind off of everything when it gets just a bit too loud for him.
^ Alongside the headcanon above, he’d probably gift you a few sketches of various little things— could be an animal he saw, some scenery, or just one of you :)
Prefers staying inside and doing stuff w/ you rather than going out; it’s nicer when the two of you just have dinner together and either spend some time cuddling on the couch watching a movie/tv show or just talking about whatever comes to mind
His preferred nickname of choice for his partner is “Mein Liebling”— you could probably call him whatever you’d like as long as it’s endearing/adoring and not something demeaning
(if you don’t already know it) He’d teach you a few things in German and would love it if you taught him a few things in a different language as well (he just finds it interesting and maybe he just likes watching/listening to you talk 🤨)
HE’S JUST SO AAAA (i would die for him)
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marsoid · 6 months
Hi Mars! I really like your work and I especially love your comics ~ they each have the perfect amount of intense and gay af moments, which are important qualities that I look for in the webcomics that I read! 🤣☺️
Another thing that I love about Long Exposure and Ride or Die is how cinematic they are, and that particular aspect is truly a testament to your talents as an artist!
My question for you is have you ever thought about what either comic would be like if they were adapted for film or television, and would you want them to be live-action or animated?
if Long Exposure were live action, i'd want it to feel like this:
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very moody lol. think Chronicle, Short Term 12, King Jack (all of which were inspirations)
if Ride or Die were live action, i'd want it to feel like this:
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dramatic and dark (neon noir?) but with big moments and action highlighted by intense color. and a mix of practical effects and cgi for the horror elements. thinking like, Drive, Baby Driver, Watchmen (tv show), Bullet Train, and Candyman (2021).
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surprising no one lmfao i would love if ROD or LE looked anything like spiderverse!! it's a big style inspo for the ROD comic as well
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to add onto that, ENTERGALACTIC is another spiderverse-esque styled movie that i love the look of. if you like spiderverse i recommend it btw, esp if you're looking for something more adult oriented
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there aren't a ton of cgi animated movies/shows i like the looks of admittedly, so that list kind of ends with spiderverse and entergalactic. BUT!! in terms of 2D animation, captain laserhawk would probably be the first thing i point to for animation inspiration if ROD or LE were to be TV/movies. i'm a new big fan of bobbypills animation.
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for ROD specifically, i love the animation (esp the car animation) in Chiaki's Journey, a series by the Line Animation studio. it's BEAUTIFUL!!! i'd absolutely die happy if an animated ROD looked anything like it
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special bonus shout out to this love death and robots episode directed by Robert Valley (who's also behind Motorcity)... I don't know if a full LE/ROD series/movie would fit in this style, but i DO LOVE IT SO MUCH so i thought it was worth mentioning lol
anyway yeah dreamy sigh!!!
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junicult · 8 months
okay so i love to crochet and i was wondering how you think the bachelors would react to like a handmade crocheted gift? like can you imagine giving harvey like a knit sweater or something like 🥰🥰
omg as an AVID crochet lover myself, this is so cute. when i’m not writing i’m literally crocheting.
contains ; established relationship. fluff. gn!farmer, gender non-specified. drabble. this is lowkey sloppy but i haven’t posted in a few days & i wanted to post something lol. also i love crochet UGH this idea was so cute😭😭
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i just imagine the first time they come over to your little cottage, they’re just observing the place absentmindedly while talking with you. the large blanket dangling over the couch, the potted plant hanging from the ceiling, the mug rugs on the tables. some notice it more then others (harvey & elliott lmfao) but otherwise they’re leaning against your crochet pillow without a deeper thought.
it’s probably not until you’re relaxing together, around the second or third time hanging out at your house when he looks over and you’re sitting cross-legged beside him, hunched a bit, crocheting so effortlessly it almost looks like you aren’t even paying attention to it.
“you made this?” he asks, shocked at how quickly you’re able to.
“hm? yeah, you didn’t know?” you laugh, now a little more self-aware of how your hands move, looking up at him.
sam would be starstruck, and now all of a sudden he stops caring about what’s playing on the tv and he’s asking you all sorts of questions about the hobby.
seb and shane would find it interesting, for sure. seb might even wanna learn it, he has long fingers & it’d be so easy for him. and shane would act super impartial aside from his initial comments, but he’s constantly looking over and watching you silently LMFAO.
dare i say alex is familiar with it, being it was probably a common hobby of evelyn’s that he’d be used to using her projects for comfort. maybe even his mom used to crochet a bunch, and he’d just sit and watch, mesmerized as a little kid.
harvey and elliott, however, would be so enthusiastic about it. they’d think it was so cool, especially harvey considering he finally learns you have a hobby that keeps you in the safety of your own home and away from danger LMFAOO.
but they’re all interested in the same thing, “what do you know how to make?”
“a lot, to be honest. i’ve got a few sweaters in my closet, but they aren’t necessarily the most comfortable to wear when i’m working.” you chuckle, continuing on the large blanket currently draped over both you and your boyfriend’s lap.
it’s almost hypnotizing them, while you talk, they’re leaning closer and closer.
i know they’d all be excited when you send them home with one of your smaller projects, despite it being an indirect gift. they’re still looking at it with the knowledge that you handmade it all on your own.
so when it’s a few weeks or months later, they’re much-acquainted with this hobby of yours because they’re constantly drowning in those blankets every time they come over—when you ask them, “what size shirt do you normally wear?” it doesn’t register why you’d possibly be asking that in their mind.
that’s not until their individual birthdays show up, and you’re beaming with a perfectly wrapped box in your hand.
“you didn’t have to get me anything,” he smiles all cliche, taking the box in his hands.
“oh hush and just open it.”
it’s much to his pleasure to rip the wrapping paper off, opening the box to see the softest knit sweater laying perfectly folded right in front of his eyes.
“did you make this?”
“maybe,” you drawl. “do you like it?”
he lifts it up, watching it unfold to it’s full length. it was made with thicker yarn, definitely something intended for winter. it was almost instinct for him to press it against his chest, even more so when you reach to stretch the arms over his own to see if your measurements were right.
“i love it, it’s so soft. when did you make this?” he asks, because now that he thinks about it, he doesn’t even remember seeing this anywhere in your house.
“a couple weeks ago. i just kept it in my drawer. do you want to try it on?”
you don’t have to ask him twice; he’s throwing it over his t-shirt, a little more carefully then he’s ever put on any other item of clothing. before he turns to the mirror, he faces you with a little grin.
“you look handsome. i knew that color would like nice on you.” you smile, giving him exactly what he wanted to hear while looking him up and down.
when you gesture towards the mirror, he takes a look on his own. maybe it’s because you made it, and it was a gift from you, but suddenly—this is his new favorite sweater.
because someway somehow you got his perfect measurements, the sleeves cuffing right at his wrists, the hem perfectly braided right along where the waistband of his pants start, and, you were right. that color does look nice on him.
he spends the rest of that evening with it on, not even bothering to take it off because it feels just like his favorite blanket of yours.
it’s an even bigger plus when you slide your arms around his waist, pressing your cheek against the soft material as another excuse to give him a hug—probably the biggest advantage to his new favorite sweater.
and believe me, months will pass, even more sweaters will be gifted, yet; he’ll continue to show up at your door for another date night, cozily snug in his favorite present he’s ever received.
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forsworned · 2 months
If it's not a bother, it's totally okay to ignore or deleted but do you think hesh gets jealous of if his wife is friendly with Logan and like platonically cuddles him or is it a hey they adore my brother as well and doesn't mind that I drop everything to go help him no matter how naked we are.~ local pocket dragon wonders rubbing their greedy lil paws paws.
Oooo thats a good question,
I think that Hesh is definitely not the sharing type at all. He gets jealous pretty easily and he really can't help it, but I think with Logan it's much different. Like that's his flesh and blood, you know?
But it would absolutely make his blood boil if he saw any kind of cuddling going on between his brother and his wife. He's watched all kinds of tv shows and films where the husband finds out that his wife was having an affair with his own brother. It makes him sick to his stomach, so instead of verbalizing that, hell just insert himself between you guys. Like if you're sitting on the couch next to each other, Hesh will simply parkour over the couch and sandwich himself between his brother and wife.
Logan, of course, notices but doesn't say anything. There's just a small smile on his face as he's sipping on his Natty.
But I definitely would not go as far as Hesh coming out the cut naked if Logan needed something, I think he'd lowkey be pissed if he was in the middle of laying some good pipe on his wife and Logan interrupted 😭😭😭😭
Like that is just mad inappropriate please. Because not only would that just annoy tf out of him, he's more worried about how it would make his wifey feel and he doesn't want to prioritize him above his wife especially if it's not urgent or life threatening
And he's not even the type to get all fussy about it either, they'll just both be sitting on the couch in the morning and Hesh is all quiet and Logan knows that he's pissed. And Hesh is like messing with his dog tags, trying to get the latch in and he's like, "Just don't do that shit again, man. [name] got pissed."
LMFAO like saying it in a hushed tone so she can't hear because please she has the sharpest hearing. But no no no to answer your question, Hesh does not share not even with his brother. You are his and his only
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That's him if you touch his wife^
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smutbutoutofnowhere · 9 months
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he’s very intimate with you while sex he loves you so much like every single thing about you turns him on
he looks very soft but he’s actually very kinky inside and will show this side the more comfortable he feels around you
i feel like he enjoys sex a lot A LOT like it becomes very often
like i said in the beginning everything about you is a turn on to him like how you look when you wake up in the morning with your tank top and underwear or wearing an apron with your hair tied up showing your beautiful neck while cooking for him even when you’re wearing your glasses while you work tugging your hair behind your ear
he enjoys fucking you anywhere in the house in the kitchen on the counter or table, in the bathroom in front of the mirror, in the living room while you’re trying to watch tv etc
my man gets horny easily basically
gets you lingerie every time he goes out like while passing by the store seeing something and imagining you in it and literally drooling about the idea ending up getting too many stuff because he wants to see how you would look on each one before ripping them off you
a very big panty thief
if you’re away to visit your family or for work he would use your underwear to masturbate and gets them dirty with cum so when you come back you might face the issue of having less clean panties and wash a bunch because he sometimes forgets to clean them afterwards
expect to get your ass squeezed a lot like you guys are out on a walk with some tight shorts or while you’re making breakfast or dessert also hugs from behind is often too but doesn’t stay long before he gets hard and humps you
also he watches porn when you’re not around like again away for something like imagining blindfolding you and using toys on you while your hands are tied up or maybe spanking you until your ass is all red or dressing you up in kinky costumes such as nurse gets very into the role lmfao
has breeding kink and the idea of you carrying his child with your round belly and swollen breasts is sending him to the clouds if you do get pregnant get ready for some overstimulation (eating you out especially) and if you do start lactating he’s gonna suck them tiddies and squeeze them
on holidays get ready for sex like maybe two times a day around the house fully naked or if in a hotel maybe in the spa (if you guys are alone) he also likes risky sex probably because his dick wont stay still or at the beach in the sea making out away from people
also dont worry about any scars or etc on your body like i said before he worships your body as if you’re a god/goddess literally everything about you from head to toes is beautiful to him
if you’re younger than him he likes the college student teacher kinda shit or like your inexperience turns him on
he is insecure about himself actually because if you’re young there are many attractive people with better looking bodies but as soon as you reassure him that you love him as much as he does and giving kisses from his little belly to his happy trail to his aching dick (giving him a few kisses on there too especially on his pre leaking tip) he’s in heaven
that reminds me that he LOVES blowjobs like giving him head while he’s doing something on the computer or checking documents sucking his length and balls he swears he can see the stars he looks down with a sweaty face and pulls his shirt up to get a better view he smiles uncontrollably and holds your cheek then slowly tugs your hair and moves your head the way he desires and bucks his hips deeper into your throat while he shakes with his orgasm and seeing you swallow and swipe that one drop drooling from corner of your mouth with your finger and sucking it in is just incredible
lastly lazy morning sex is his thing before work he wakes up horny and then rubs himself to your back and wakes you up eventually before fucking you sleepy and hitting that one gold spot in you to give you amazing orgasm
also his dick is like average (don’t be fooled he can use it very good and fuck you dumb) and have blonde pubes shaves them but eventually forgets sometimes because of his work
i wrote this like it was my duty lmfao anyways thats all folks
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stardew-shitposterino · 11 months
Stardew Valley Bachelors watching a movie/show with you
-Is very excited
-will talk through the entire thing …
-…unless he falls asleep before you can finish it
-prefers action movies or animation , if you are watching that, then he’s all eyes and ears
-thinks movies with complex social commentary and little action are boring
-“I don’t get it, it’s 2 hours of them just talking ?! How is that enjoyable?”
-won’t complain if he can cuddle up to you and play with your hair though
-likes Sci-Fi movies, but isn’t too into watching movies in general
-won’t be too thrilled to watch a movie as he’d rather play video games than sit there and do nothing for 90 minutes
-will probably scroll on his phone and occasionally comment on something happening
-will end up very invested in the movie regardless, but don’t you think he’ll admit it
-hogs all the snacks, you’re not getting one of those salted pretzels
-LOVES romance movies
-especially historical ones like Jane Austen stories (he loves pride & prejudice)
-but watches almost anything with you
-If you’re watching a movie with bad writing in it, he will complain about it
- will SOB through every heartfelt moment
-will react a bit too intense when the scene gets heated
-yes, he will point out anything he sees as symbolism for something else, no, he doesn’t care that it’s annoying
- someone call a doctor, because he’s in love…with cinema that is
-he doesn’t have a preferred genre, he likes the classics and that can range from 1950s old Hollywood to “newer” adaptations of novels and dramas
-though he has a soft spot for romances , so he will become all mushy and fluttery when you watch one of those 2000s rom coms together
-will definitely sob when the couple has their happy ending, wishing it was him (forgetting you’re married lmfao)
-if you’re watching a movie he already knows, he will info dump on you the entire time
-“did you know that in order for them to film that scene, they had to…”
-if you want to see him scoff all over the place, watch a medical movie/to show with him. He won’t shut up about how bad it is
-by himself, he watches gridball on TV
-with others, he likes comedy movies and TV shows, even if they are very trashy…(especially if they are very trashy)
-if you watch some TV show like Love Island, he is all on board running his mouth at the stupidity of the contestants
-buuuut, no matter how much he likes what you’re watching…
-he’s a dad without having kids of his own, ok
-Shane will “rest his eyes” and is gone, take it or leave it
- will probably end up leaning against your shoulder, snoring (…is he…drooling ?!)
-mumbles some funny stuff in his sleep which makes you forget the movie/ show for a minute
-like Shane, he loves sports and comedy movies, but also action movies and baking shows
-he watches The Great British Bake-Off with Evelyn, don’t you ever tell that to anyone else
-when you watch a movie or show together, he will cuddle up against you and try his best to stay focused on the TV and not you
-you probably end up doing some Netflix and Chill as this man is extremely horny for you and will make sure it’s reciprocated by rubbing your thigh and kissing you all over
-if you don’t want to, it’s fine, but it will be hard to resist
-if you make it through the entire thing, he will probably have fallen asleep in the middle 🤷🏼‍♀️ he doesn’t strike me as the kind of person to ever finish a movie
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yawnzzznnn · 7 months
✂Sunoo Boyfriend Head Cannons┈༝༚༝༚♡゙
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♡゙Special Thanks Too: Sunoo, ENHYPEN
♡゙Note: not requested, also remember I have a 25 days till Christmas event going on right now, requests end on December 1st, sorry if some things don't make sense Ive barley slept and it's 3am.
♡゙TW: kissing : jealousy : crying : pain : sympathy pain : sassy Sunoo : rude comments : public realtionship : hate : Sunoo Lowkey bullying a hate commenter : sad sunoo : I briefly mentioned the comment Niki made on Sunoo : horror movies and TV shows : foxes :
♡゙Taglist: @mxlly143 (if you want to be added leave an ask DM me or comment on my Taglist page with the groups you want)
♡゙Sunoo, he's a very affectionate person, rather it be hugs, kisses doesn't matter he just has to have either eyes on you or feel you.
♡゙He's very emotional when it comes to you, like if you cry, he cry's, if your hurting physically, he gets sympathy pains.
♡゙Sunoo, absolutely loves playing with your hair, if you have hair that's long enough to style, he'll stay up late, on days he has off, and google/watch YouTube videos on cute hairstyles.
♡゙Skincare, It's Sunoo's main thing, if you don't do skincare he'll drag you out of bed and force you to let him do your skincare, now if you do skincare, when he stays over he'll share things with you.
♡゙Jealousy, when Sunoo is jealous he tends to be super pouty, but also super sassy, almost as if switching channels on a TV, When it comes to you Sunoo is pouty, when it's the other person, he's rude, making comments either on how dry the person's hair is, or how dirty there's skin is, definitely makes comments on the pours in the other person's face.
♡゙If your realtionship somehow got out publicly, Sunoo would drop everything, coming over, he'll turn both of your phones off and disconnect you from the internet, matching pajamas, face masks and, a movie marathon.
♡゙If he sees you get hate online, he'll either comment on the persons post or, if its live he'll roll his eyes, and make a disgusted face, calling the person out, Lowkey making fun of them.
♡゙Sunoo, expresses if he doesn't like your outfit, he has no shame lmfao, he will call it ugly then take you back to your closet, picking a new outfit for you.
♡゙Matching perfume! Sunoo loves when you smell the same, and wear matching outfits or, matching jewelry.
♡゙Sunoo shops for you, even in different countries, if he sees something he thinks you'll like, he'll buy it. No matter the price.
♡゙When it comes to cuddling Sunoo is always little spoon, he loves to be held by you, especially when everyone started pounding on the group for the comment Niki made on his weight.
♡゙When Sunoo gets in his feels, like a joke gone to far, he comes to you and just lays there, you may think he's asleep but he's not, he's just sad.
♡゙If you like horror, when watching one of your shows or movies, Sunoo will make a disgusted face, before getting scared and having to hide in your shoulder.
♡゙Sunoo randomly brings you up to the members, like Jay could be like "back in America there were these foxes-" and sunoo comes up like "Yn actually has a fox plushie on there bed named after me" (ok that one may be based off Sunoo the plushie next to me-)
♡゙He gets super shy if you comment how pretty he is, like if you comment on his chubby cheeks, or perfect nose, Sunoo will get shy and hide his face in your neck.
♡゙If you wear makeup Sunoo will learn how to do certain things, and do your makeup for you.
♡゙Sunoo as a boyfriend, is like having your own stylist, he knows how to do your hair, makeup, outfits, even the way you smell, Sunoo is the best boyfriend to have I swear.
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i-keepmyideals · 1 year
To those who need to hear it
Sure, they formed the Guili Assembly together...with a third god, actually. Guizhong was kind and highly intelligent. Morax was extremely powerful and basically a war god. Morax was also not fuckin' smart. Morax leading a nation on his own? Uh-uh, not gonna happen. Remember, like, ~2000 years after Guizhong died, Venti basically said Morax was a, "brutish, blundering bafoon." And that's millennia after she died. That's like asking a stereotypical jock from a 90's TV show to run student counsel. Shit's gonna crash and burn almost immediately.
Guizhong, like I said, was extremely intelligent. But she was not much of a fighter. Alone, she probably wouldn't have stood a chance against the monsters, demons and other gods of the time that would try to take her land. Forming an alliance with Morax was a big brain play. The brawn to her brains. If anything, she was out of his league lmao And then she died in a battle... 3700 years ago. She's been dead almost longer than Xiao has been alive, I believe. It will always hurt to lose a friend, especially when you live as long as Zhongli and remember practically everything that has happened in your extremely long life.
People seem to forget that men and women can be really close,,,,and just be,,,,,friends. Foreign concept, I know
I'm not saying to not ship them, obviously no one has the right to say that and everyone should have their fun. Just,,,remember it's not canon. No need to hate on Guizhong lmfao Besides, she's dead. Dead as hell. What shoes she got on in her coffin?
If anything, it was Guizhong and Madam Ping ffs
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autism-alley · 3 months
i don't know if you answer asks but you're one of the few blogs still consistently posting pjo tv crit and it's been such a relief. with the amount of praise it's gotten i feel so gaslit like am i just being a baseless hater?? but no there's a reason a lot of the people criticizing the show are writers. it's a poorly written show and the more i think about it the more problems i find
like i was thinking about the way the kids in the show just know everything and how boring it is to watch, especially the casino scene, and something hit me
the lotus casino functions perfectly as a metaphor for traits associated with adhd--the need for stimulation and time blindness. anyone would fall for the casino's lure, but especially adhd kids. the fact that the show takes that away is REALLY weird to me, to put it kindly
if i were being less kind? i would say there's grounds to argue that having these characters, who are children with adhd, be impervious to something that is designed to trap people exactly like them is, on some level, erasure of their disabilities. especially since the one character who does get affected by it is the one who doesn't have the same neurodivergencies as the two who don't. the explanation for why percy and annabeth didn't start to forget themselves was such a lazy cop out and i can't believe people ate it up
i don't know what that writers' room has against literal adhd children falling for traps that are designed to trap people, but it's embarrassing for them tbh
i’m so glad to hear it anon!! i’m a little surprised to hear it too tbh, i wasn’t sure if anyone else was still. interested in discussing it? it seems like the pjo/atla fanbase overlap means most people have moved onto to the live action atla show. and while i am an atla fan, i didn’t grow up with the show the same way i grew up with the pjo books, so based on what we’d already seen/heard of the natla show before it even released + my utter disappointment and heartbreak regarding the pjo show, i decided to spare myself the watch. i would rather keep my memories of the original show untainted; what i have seen of the show resonates with people’s criticisms of the writing (and as someone who has done costuming work. one look is all you need to understand THAT criticism lmfao).
but i’m honestly… surprised? the pjo show did not get the same level of criticism as the natla show? it’s not like pjo is not also very popular with that same generation, sure, atla being a show perhaps made it more appealing and accessible to more kids, etc etc, sure. but from the fan bases themselves, size aside? proportionately? the pjo fandom is FULL of show defenders just blatantly ignoring the show’s major foundational issues if not just outright parading them around as successes, meanwhile the critics are in the minority. compare that with what i’ve seen where the complete opposite is true of the atla fandom, it’s weird!! and especially jarring to me bc it seemed pretty clear to everyone in the atla fandom the show had Issues, meanwhile the pjo fandom heard the promise from rick riordan’s very own mouth this show is going to be faithful to the series’ spirit. it’s so weird to see the wildly different responses to what i think are prolly equally bad reboot shows, with a fandom of similar demographics (clearly not the SAME demographics or the response would prolly be more aligned but you get my point). so i agree anon, i do feel a little gaslit by the pjo fandom, and watching the atla fandom’s very reasonable response to the natla show is like. whiplash. another sign you and i are not losing it lmao
as for the lotus casino, this is an excellent point! i don’t even think it can be called unkind to point out how this episode is a symptom of the show’s overall disability erasure. i would say it’s unkind of the show to erase adhd and dyslexia representation. in fact, because of the explicit promise by its creator to see that representation, i would go as far as to call it cruel to then erase it. if anything, based on rick’s promises to add more representation, i was hoping for elements like autistic annabeth confirmation, since when pjo was first written, it was based off rick’s son and his friends who were all ND, and at the time it wasn’t thought to be possible to be AuDHD, but likely some of those kids probably were (and that then made its way into the books in characters like annabeth!). that would have been the perfect opportunity to add something with the foresight of modern times, but instead we got… absolutely no disability rep from the show aside from a few short lines of dialogue as a lame-ass bone-toss to the book fans.
the pjo show’s biggest crime is its lack of spirit of the original book series, and that book series cradled myself and every other ND child or child in an abusive situation who read it. it offered us a mother who never got angry with us when we showed “difficult” symptoms. it offered us camp half-blood, the idea of a place, a home, where people like us were not just accepted, but thrived. it offered us a new world. it offered us a friend in percy jackson. i do not feel the show truly offers anything substantial. it only takes.
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